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Melissa Anez edited this page Oct 19, 2016 · 12 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Danny Lamb
  • Diego Pino
  • Ed Fugikawa
  • Jared Whiklo
  • Melissa Anez 🌟
  • Nat Keeran
  • Marcus Barnes
  • Kim Pham
  • Amanda Lehman
  • Don Richards
  • Jordan Fields


  1. Issue #281
  2. Issue #265
  3. Can someone please merge this?
  4. Issue #396
  5. Issue #398


1 & 2 - #281 - leftover from older sprint. The stack has moved out from under the CLAW lessons, so this should wait until things stabilize again. The Fedora 4 topics will probably stay relevant. Can reference this again later on. Will close for now. Don suggests exploring GitBooks as a resource for the docs in the future. ReadtheDocs is also under consideration, from Kim's research. Tagging raises maintenance issues - will need good pre-planning. This may help as well.

Kim suggests putting docs in a separate repo. Give every repo its own readme and automate linking between them. Jared wonders if this could be a useful case for submodules.

Don notes that itself may have some scripts to grab all markdown from a GitHub org and pull it together, which could be a good starting point.

Danny suggests we try a 'mock release' to test out how the interlinking will work and try to find a way that submodules can be useful. Work/discussion will continue on #265.

3 - #399 - Danny made a simple change to lock down Drupal version in the install. Would like to get it in so he can take it further. Would like to be at 8.2. Jared has tested. Nat will also try it out.

4 - #396 - Use case from @rosiel concerning multisites. Danny is not sure how to do this without unbalancing the tree. Diego is thinking of the API-X method of doing selector-based sync. Using any RDF property to serve as the defining property of which side will get the sync. The big difference from Fedora 3 is that we are not filtering; we are doing the sync. Jared notes that for multisites who are billing for hosting, knowing how much space each site is using would be a necessary tool. Diego notes that even the other way would just measure RDF resources, not binary resources. Very difficult use case to solve. Fedora doesn't have a native way to get usage percentage.

Danny notes the new Modeshape does not need a pear tree (pair tree? How many partridges are involved?). There is a lot we don't know about what happens on the large scale. Jared suggests we ask Nick to do some testing with his performance & scaling infrastructure.

There are fundamental questions (arising from permissions conversation) about what we store in Fedora versus Drupal. The idea of being able to rebuild the Drupal site from Fedora is nice; can we do it with things like permissions? WebAC is less granular than Drupal. Do we back up all website things in Fedora, or just the binaries for our repository objects? This will not be simple.

Maybe we need our own pid minter. Workspaces we an idea in Fedora 4 development, but no one picked up the work so it didn't happen.

Final consensus: We have ideas, but we don't know the best way to do this. Tabled for now.

5 - #398 - ran out of time. Will discuss next week.

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