- Recording Links
- This is an MS Teams link and everyone in the class should have access. If not, please contact an instructor.
- Syllabus & expectations
- Wordle Requirements
- Set up front end and build out basic application.
- Initial look at
- Vue
- Vuetify
- Basic unit testing with Jest
- Complete application
- Build deployment for front-end in Azure.
- Azure DevOps
- Azure AppService
- Vue Build
- Why Vue? What problem does is solve?
- What is Vue for and how does it work? Stop messing with the DOM
- {{ Interpolation }}
- Data Binding and Observables: https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/template-syntax.html
- Proxies
- Attributes
- Class and Style https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/class-and-style.html
- Functions
- Conditional Rendering: https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/conditional.html
- Lists (For loops): https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/list.html
- Events: https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/event-handling.html
- Input: https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/forms.html
- Computed properties https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/computed.html
- Pages
- Component Basics
- Routing https://vuejs.org/guide/scaling-up/routing.html
- Lifecycle: https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/lifecycle.html
- Why CSS is the devil
- Grid System
- Display and sizing
- Icons
- Theming
- Elevation
- Height and width (h- & w-"
- Spacing (padding and margins) (CSS Box Model)
- Components: Containment
- Buttons
- Cards
- Chips
- Lists
- Components: Tables
- Components: Form Inputs
- Selects
- Switches
- Text: Fields and Areas
- Combos
- Components: https://vuejs.org/guide/components/registration.html
- Watchers: https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/watchers.html
- Transitions: https://vuejs.org/guide/built-ins/transition.html
- Starting an ASP.NET API Project
- Creating a simple API
- Unit Testing the API
- Program.cs
- Controllers
- Services (DI)
- Creating a context
- Creating models
- Migrations
- Deployment (Site and Database)
- More ASP.NET and EF and homework 3 material
- Initial EF Context
- Word object
- Word migration
- Word Controller that returns a word
- Word Service
- Service Dependency Injection
- API Post
- DTOs
- EF Migration Deltas to a table
- Basic EF Querying
- Axios using Post
- API unit testing: database, services, integration.
- App Refactor:
- Add game features like end and restart
- Add solver and componentize
- Handle the word API not responding
- API configuration: Swagger in production
- Action updates, versioning, file names, warnings
- Sizing of letters/buttons with useDisplay
- Unit testing letters with DI on useDisplay
- New App bar and UI cleanup
- New starting page and default route
- Theme update and add of 'Unknown' color
- Split LetterResult from LetterButton
- Move AddWordTest to about page
- Custom icon and favicon
- Google Search Console and
- Troubleshooting Azure
- Vue services
- EF Parent-Child relationships
- Querying with Includes
- EF unit testing
- Model builder cascade deletes
- Adding of DateWord and Migration
- Classes in C#/Java and TS/JS
- Redirecting root on API to the Wordle site
- Word of the day controller and tests
- Handling multi-threading issues with creating the word of the day.
- Unique indexes
- Reusing a view for multiple routes
- Parsing query parameters to determine game type
- Get method query parameters on API endpoints
- Load Word of the day in App
- Integration testing
- EF multiple table queries (Getting Word of the Day stats)
- Using GroupBy, Sort
- Questions from the homework
- Lots of other stuff pertaining to homework
- Database rollback and Migration consolidate
- Full page images with themes
- CSS deep dive
- Navigation when query changes
- v-model
- CSS animations using transition
- Creating revealing letters
- The problem of security and how to handle it
- ASP.NET Identity Intro
- ASP.NET Identity
- Setup up EF Identity in an existing project
- JWT creation and verification
- Authorization attributes for roles and policies
- Setup of Swaqgger to take a bearer token
- Front end bearer tokens
- Auth Service
- Route Guarding
- Identity in a web project (not just API)
- Scaffolding EF
- Adding Identity to the API
- Scaffolding EF
- Cookies
- JWTs, validation, claims (UserId, Name)
- Create login component
- Managing state around logins, existing GUID, etc.
- Managing auth flow and various login cases
- Remembering login
- Refreshing the token
- Authorizing specific API calls
- API testing with service mocks and interfaces
- Graceful error handling when API is missing
- Work on Final project
- Work on Assignment 4
Other Topics
- Vuetify
- Flex
- Float
- Dialogs
- Menus
- Tooltips
- Finish covering EF
- Unit Testing with EF
- Homework #3
- Review Homework #2 due tonight
- Complete the Leaderboard API without spilling the beans on Homework #3
- ASP.NET Unit Testing
- Unit testing the LeaderBoardService
- Unit testing LeaderboardController
- Creating a mock for ILeaderBoardService
- Integration testing the LeaderBoard API endpoints
- Building a Statistics Controller
- Setting up EF
- Adding a Context and Statistics class
- Migrations
- Deploying to Azure with an Azure SQL database
- Set up Azure SQL Database
- Set up Connection Strings
- Creating an API project in C# with .NET 6
- Introduction to APIs and program.cs
- Controllers and Routing (get and post)
- Creating an Azure Web App
- Setting up a CI/CD for the Web App from GitHub
- Adjusting CI/CD with
- Creating an API for the leaderboard
- Ajusting the action with on: paths: - 'Wordle.api/**' and workflow_dispatch:
- npm run lintfix & it's importance
- Assignment 2 overview
- Vuetify Components Continued
- v-dialog
- v-menu
- Vuetify themes
- router-link
- created/mounted functions
- Keeping Git Fork in sync with class repo
- Vuetify components
- v-card
- v-row
- v-col
- v-btn
- Building your own components
- slots
- passing properties
- interacting with your TS within your vue code
- TypeScript continued
- Jest Unit Testing
- Introduction to vuetify (More on this in the 4/14 lecture)
- Clarify homework and how to do deployments.
- GitHub Actions/Workflows
- Secrets in GitHub
- Deployment Tokens in Azure Static Web Apps
- Why use tokens
- Authentication and authorization
- Introduction to Vue
- Intro to TypeScript
- Introduction/Homework
- Create a front end Nuxt app and deploy it to azure
- Nuxt
- Github Actions/YAML files
- Azure static web app
- TypeScript: Classes and Testing with Jest (4/7)
- Vue: Components, Events, Properties, Reactivity (4/12)
- Vuetify: Creating user interfaces, Component usage, UI/UX considerations, icons, animation, responsive design, etc. (4/14, 4/19)*
- UI Wrap up (4/21)
- ASP.Net Core API endpoint, Deploying and using the API endpoint (4/26)
- Entity Framework (2/28)*
- Creating an API backed with EF (5/3)
- Authentication (5/5)
- SignalR (5/10-5/12)
- Metrics using Application Insights (5/17)