- Assignment 1
- 100 points +5 EC points
- Assigned: 4/4
- Initial work complete: 4/9 11:59 pm
- 50% for running pipeline with passing unit test
- 50% for working website
- Code Reviews Due by: 4/11 11:59 pm
- Review in class: 4/13 2:00 pm
- Final turn in: 4/13 11:59 pm
- Assignment 2
- 100 points +5 EC points
- Assigned: 4/13
- Initial work complete: 4/23 11:59 pm
- 50% for running pipeline with passing unit test
- 50% for working website
- Code Reviews Due by: 4/25 11:59 pm
- Review in class: 4/27 2:00 pm
- Final turn in: 4/27 11:59 pm
- Assignment 3
- 100 points +5 EC points
- Assigned: 4/27
- Initial work complete: 5/7 11:59 pm
- 50% for running pipeline with passing unit test
- 50% for working website
- Code Reviews Due by: 5/9 11:59 pm
- Review in class: 5/11 2:00 pm
- Final turn in: 5/11 11:59 pm
- Assignment 4
- 100 points +5 EC points
- Assigned: 5/11
- Initial work complete: 5/21 11:59 pm
- 50% for running pipeline with passing unit test
- 50% for working website
- Code Reviews Due by: 5/23 11:59 pm
- Review in class: 5/25 2:00 pm
- Final turn in: 5/25 11:59 pm
- Assignment 5
- 100 points +5 EC points
- Assigned: 5/25
- Initial work complete: 6/4 11:59 pm
- 50% for running pipeline with passing unit test
- 50% for working website
- Code Reviews Due by: 6/6 11:59 pm
- Review in class: 6/8 2:00 pm
- Final turn in: 6/8 11:59 pm
- Final Project
- 50 points +50 EC points
- Assigned: 4/4
- In class hackathon 6/8
- Final project presentations finals week
If you are having trouble viwing the below graph, copy the code and paste it in this editor
title Assignments Timeline
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section Assignment1
Assigned :A1, 2023-04-04, 2023-04-09
Code Review :A1-CR, 2023-04-09, 2023-04-11
Final Changes :A1-FC, 2023-04-11, 2023-04-13
section Assignment2
Assigned :A2, 2023-04-13, 2023-04-23
Code Review :A2-CR, 2023-04-23, 2023-04-25
Final Changes :A2-FC, 2023-04-25, 2023-04-27
section Assignment3
Assigned :A3, 2023-04-27, 2023-05-07
Code Review :A3-CR, 2023-05-07, 2023-05-09
Final Changes :A3-FC, 2023-05-09, 2023-05-11
section Assignment4
Assigned :A4, 2023-05-11, 2023-05-21
Code Review :A4-CR, 2023-05-21, 2023-05-23
Final Changes :A4-FC, 2023-05-23, 2023-05-25
section Assignment5
Assigned :A5, 2023-05-25, 2023-06-04
Code Review :A5-CR, 2023-06-04, 2023-06-06
Final Changes :A5-FC, 2023-06-06, 2023-06-08
section Final
Final Project :F, 2023-06-08, 2023-06-15
- Only make changes relevant to the homework.
- Do not merge in additional/custom changes that are unrelated to the homework.
- Create a PR from your asssignment in YOUR repo branch to the assignment branch in the class repo (as you typically would)
- On the PR against the class repo, be sure to add the following information to the description:
- A link to your deployed website & API page
- Your git diff should only show changes relevant to the assignment criteria, any changes outside of that will cause you to lose points for messy code
- Branch from your own main and only make homework changes in that branch
- If you want to make other changes, make them in main and merge them into your assignment branch before submitting your PR
- When you are ready to make your initial PR, create a pull request against YOUR main branch in YOUR repo
- After creating your PR in YOUR repo... Submit a pull request from your assignment branch into the class repo (as you typically would)
- On the PR against the class repo, be sure to add the following information to the description:
- A message saying you want your PR reviewed in YOUR repo
- A link to the PR in YOUR repo
- A link to your deployed website & API page
- Your git diff in YOUR pr in YOUR repo (not the PR against the class repo) should only show changes relevant to the assignment criteria, any changes outside of that will cause you to lose points for messy code
- We know the repo against the class will be messy, that code will not be reviewed. The PR in your repo is the one that will be reviewed
- Here is an example! #70
You will review PRs like normal, the only difference is if you are reviewing a PR that was created in someone elses repo... you will do the review in their repo, and just add a comment on the PR the class repo with a link to your review
The below is subject to change.
0-64 F
65-66 D
67-69 D+
70-72 C-
73-76 C
77-79 C+
80-82 B-
83-86 B
87-89 B+
90-94 A-
95+ A
Each assignment is a total of 100 points. Assignments may contain up to 10 points of extra credit. Assignments will also include an additional 10 points that can be awarded to one team per assignment for the best submission.
- Code is clean (up to 5 points)
- Follows best practices.
- The simplicity first approach is followed.
- The code is formatted well with out large amounts of whitespace or indenting issues
- The PR git diff is clean and easy to read (no extra, unrelated files, or messy PR diffs)
- 100% deduction if submission is late (for initial turn in date + final turn in date)
- 50% deduction for broken pipeline with failing unit test by initial turn in date
- 50% deduction for broken website by initial turn in date
- Points are distributed among each bulleted assignment instruction with partial credit being possible for all parts of the assignment.
- All code review comments addressed
- The review should leave helpful inline comments on the code
- Look for a PR with no reviews first
- It is likely each PR will have more than 1 review, so you are also welcome to leave comments ontop of another students review either elaborating further or disagreeing with the review.
- Make sure you review the assignment for each assignment instruction, commenting inline for each portion of the assignment.
- 10 points for pairing for the assignment.
- These points are given out at the instructor's discretion.
- These may not be given out if the assignment is not completed to a satisfactory level.
- Extra credit is not guaranteed to be avalible on all assignments.