Linux Serial Transfer Library adapted from PowerBrokers SerialTransfer as mirror library.
The Syntax is nearly identical to the arduino version, with a few exceptions:
The initial constructor is
typedef void (*functionPtr)()
SerialTransfer::SerialTransfer(const char *device, int baudRate, functionPtr _callbacks = NULL, uint8_t _callbacksLen = 0)
With device usually being some version of /dev/ttyeACM0 on linux and accepted
baudrates being : 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200
example: SerialTransfer::SerialTransfer myTransfer("/dev/ttyACM0", 19200, callbacks, callbacksLen);
Also consideration needed when transfering objects as packing differs from 8bit to 32bit,
struct myobj{ uint8_t num; int num;} The above sent from an arduino is 5 bytes, while sent from a 32 bit machine is 8 bytes.