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TabBarController Tutorial

The TabBarController combines the TabBar widget and an AnimationController to automatically show a view when a tab is selected.


View the live demo here


Getting started

To use TabBarController in your project, install famous-flex using npm or bower:

npm install famous-flex

bower install famous-flex

To create a TabBarController, use:

var TabBarController = require('famous-flex/widgets/TabBarController');

var tabBarController = new TabBarController({
    tabBarSize: 60,
    tabBarPosition: TabBarController.Position.TOP
    {tabItem: 'Image', view: new FullImageView()},
    {tabItem: 'Profile', view: new ProfileView()},
    {tabItem: 'NavBar', view: new NavBarView()},
    {tabItem: 'Map', view: new LocationView()}
this.add(animationController); // add to render-tree

Size & position of the TabBar

To configure the size & position of the TabBar use the constructor or setOptions:

tabBarController = new TabBarController({
    tabBarPosition: TabBarController.Position.BOTTOM, // tab-bar position: `LEFT/RIGHT/BOTTOM/TOP` (default: `BOTTOM`)
    tabBarSize: 100 // height (or width) of the tab-bar (default: 50)
    tabBarZIndex: // Z-index the tab-bar is moved in front (default: 10)

Getting and setting tab-items

To set the tabs use setItems:

var tabBarController = new TabBarController();
    {tabItem: 'one', view: new View()},
    {tabItem: 'two', view: new View()},
    {tabItem: 'three', view: new View()}

And getItems to get the items:

var items = tabBarController.getItems();
// the result is the exact same array as was set usign `setItems`
// items: [
//   {tabItem: 'one', view: View},
//   {tabItem: 'trhee', view: View},
//   ...
// ]

Getting and setting the selected tab

To get and set the selected tab, use getSelectedItemIndex and setSelectedItemIndex:

var tabBarController = new TabBarController();
    {tabItem: 'one', view: new View()},
    {tabItem: 'two', view: new View()},
    {tabItem: 'three', view: new View()}

// Get and set the selected tab
tabBarController.setSelectedItemIndex(2); // select
var index = tabBarController.getSelectedItemIndex();

Handling tab-changes

When the user clicks on a tab, it becomes selected and a tabchange event is emitted:

tabBarController.on('tabchange', function(event) {
    console.log('selected tab: ' + event.index);

The following properties are passed along as event-data:

    target: TabBarController, // TabBar instance that emitted the event
    index: Number,            // index of the newly selected tab
    oldIndex: Number          // index of the previously selected tab
    item: Object,             // tab-item that was selected
    oldItem: Object           // previous tab-item that was selected

Configuring the underlying TabBar

To configure the underlying TabBar, either use the constructor or setOptions:

tabBarController = new tabBarController({
    tabBar: {
        classes: ['mytabbar'],
        createRenderables: {
            background: true,
            selectedItemOverlay: true

For a full overview of all the options, see the TabBar documentation:

Configuring the show & hide animations

Whenever a tab switches, the internal AnimationController will show the new view and hide the old one. To configure the AnimationController, either use the constructor or setOptions:

tabBarController = new tabBarController({
    animationController: {
        transition: {duration: 600, curve: Easing.inOutQuad},
        animation: AnimationController.Animation.FadedZoom,
        transfer: {
            zIndez: 1000,
            items: {
                'image': 'image,

For a full overview of all the options, see the AnimationController documentation:

© 2015 IjzerenHein