Yet another waybar script for controlling HYPRLAND work-spaces but this time nice with icons
(The first bar is the defual the second bar is the one you will have if you use my config)
git clone
cd PrettyWaybarWorkspaces
yay -S ttf-jetbrains-mono-git
Add this to the waybar config file(this creates the bar object)
"format": "{}",
"interval": 1,
"on-scroll-up": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e+1",
"on-scroll-down": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e-1",
"exec": "python3 ~/.config/waybar/scripts/ -m 0", //with a number of a your monitors for me it staarts at 0 hyprctl -j clients and looking for the "monitors" string
Add dont forget to add it to the bar to!!!
"modules-left": ["custom/betterbar"],
I recommend making two waybar config files and adding "output": "HDMI-A-1" to each file and replacing the monitor name in the scrtipt argument
- ✅ Work
- ✅ Easy setup
- ✅ Support for multi monitors
- ✅ Importing config / configfile
- ✅ Adding a config script