Date: 2023-08-31 Frontend:
- Move ICRC fields in DREF forms and exports to a separate section
- Change IFRC label in the DREF forms and exports to Secretariat
- Include word DREF in operational update export title
- Include word DREF in final report export title
- Convert ops update change question errors to warnings
- Update Risk IPC chart to include 2023 "current" values
Date: 2023-08-22 Frontend:
- Hide in progress features
Date: 2023-08-16 Frontend:
- Add Main donors field in Final Report form and export
Date: 2023-08-14 Frontend:
- Fix country editing link to Admin page
- Add financial report link in DREF Final Report export
Date: 2023-08-02 Frontend:
- Fix financial preview text not being properly shown
Date: 2023-07-28
- Fix condition for Financial Preview in Final Report Export
Date: 2023-07-27
- Add an option to download the final report pdf export from dref listing
- Add operation report section to the final report export
- Add obsolete payload modal to final report
Date: 2023-07-10
Date: 2023-07-10
- Add missing translation in field report
- Implement sentry for error tracking
- Remove redux logger
- Add user content translation
- Add warning banners for translated content
- Remove covid tracking from create report dropdown
- Remove validation on loan type dref
- Catalogue of Surge Services: HR
- Fix status in completed dref
- Revamp DREF listing in account page
- New surge data for ERU IT
- Fix user search select in DREF account page
- Fix map footer for meteoswiss data in risk pages
- Remove separation in contact field
- Fix GDACS map visualization
- Add GWIS chart in country risk page
Date: 2023-07-04
- Final Report Export fix for special types
Date: 2023-06-23
- HR role profiles to Catalogue of Surge Services
Date: 2023-06-20
- New data to Catalogue of Surge Services
Date: 2023-06-06
- Remove unnecessary spaces from Contact info
Date: 2023-06-05
- Add gaps in assesment section in DREF PDF export
Date: 2023-05-17
- Avoid crash when users detail is empty in dref
Date: 2023-05-16
- Fix DREF applications name listing
Date: 2023-05-15
- Fix FieldReport creation search for Emergencies
Date: 2023-05-12
- Improve UI for input components in various pages
- Add more columns to AppealDoc listing
- Add new sectors temporary copy from backend
- Make districts field optional for Response Activity
- in 3W maps use whole country, when no districts are selected
- Add wildfire events for PDC events in Risk pages
- Fix title width and text overlap issue in the DREF pdf export
- Add DREF loan type to DREF application and DREF Operational Update
- New Role Profile to CoS Health
- Top Tags to be visible on 3W page
- Change in Tableau PPP map
Date: 2023-04-28
- New URL on Resource page for Data Playbook
Date: 2023-04-21
- New Role Profile to CoS Livelihoods and Basic Needs
Date: 2023-04-13
- Change referred URL in Operational Toolbox
Date: 2023-04-11
- New Role Profile to CoS Health
Date: 2023-04-04
- Fix for secondary_sectors_display (plural)
Date: 2023-04-04
- Changed URL of Tableau-based PPP map
Date: 2023-04-03
- Add new Search Page
- Implement type of DREF
- Add WFP ADAM as new source for Risk Watch
- Revamp Highlighted Operations
- Add Sentry for error tracking
- Various fixes in DREF, Ops. Update pdf export
Date: 2023-03-17
- Fix Ops. Update export not working when map file was missing
- Remove the box characters from the export
Date: 2023-03-16
- Fix code comment appearing in the field report form
Date: 2023-03-10
- Fix DREF export for missing lesson learned section
Date: 2023-03-03
- Fix DREF export for empty strings in some fields
Date: 2023-02-09
- DREF improvements
- RiskModule improvements
- Map disclaimer to display with proper links
- Fixes on the Arabic Field Report form
- API pagination issue fix
- GitHub Actions - add issue to Backlog project
- GO Workplan yearly update
- Security technical competency framework PDF doc adding
- Using the same country dropdown in PER as in DREF
- Surge Alerts list with 30 days limit. Excluding closed ones
- Map layers improvements
Date: 2023-01-18
- Fix final report issues mentioned in #2556
- Change default tab to "Seasonal" in regional risk
Date: 2023-01-13
- Add final report for DREF
- Revamp seasonal risk for Regions page, add risk score calculation
Date: 2022-10-06
- Fix the
value being wrongly populated in ops update export - Add progress toward outcome in ops update export
Date: 2022-10-06
- Fix the page being unresponsive while exporting the DREF
Date: 2022-10-03
- Fix wrapping and overlapping of texts in DREF export
Date: 2022-09-27
- Fix overlapping of texts in DREF export
Date: 2022-09-16
Minor changes:
- Improve DREF export
Date: 2022-09-16
Major changes:
- Release of DREF Application feature
- Release of DREF Operational Update feature
Date: 2022-08-05
Major changes:
- Release of Flash Updates feature
- Integration of Rich Text Editor into text fields on field report
- Support for NS-level permissions in ElasticSearch queries
- Fixes for slow responses for personnel and emergency-project endpoints
- Add table of anticipatory action and links to Resilience Dashboard in the Country Risk page
Assorted improvements:
- Export option for Emergency Response activities
- Cleanup language translation file
- 3w enhancements
- Update data sources and improve UI in Risk Module
Date: 2022-05-19
- Hide Flash Update
Date: 2022-04-05
- Add Risk Module to Country Page
- Add Risk Module to Region Page
Date: 2022-03-28
- Remove restriction for country selection in 3W form (Response Activity) (Previously country was limited to the countries in emergency)
- Only show Activities tab if there is at least one Response Activity in Emergency page
- Remove validation for country to one of the country in emergency for the 3W form (Response Activity)
- Add
to support the conditional visibility of "Activities" tab
Date: 2022-03-25
- Adds 3w forms and frontend for Disaster Response / Emergencies: #2233
- Adds auto-prefixing to title for Field Reports: #2112
- Fix shown visibility levels in field report: #2203
- Unreleased changes to Risk Module and Flash Update implementations
- Backend to support new Disaster Response 3w
- API CHANGE: Changes CSV format for Personnel Deployments CSV endpoint: IFRCGo/go-api#1358
- Add
field to track inactive deployments - Adds model, API endpoint and import script for Admin2 entities
Date: 2022-03-15
Fix filter for Reporting NS in 3w form to include IFRC + ICRC
Date: 2022-03-04
Fix infinite loop on resend validation page
Date: 2022-03-01
Hotfix release for #2261
Date: 2022-03-01
Hotfix release to fix Today Line on Deployments table.
Date: 2022-03-01
This release includes several improvements to the backend deployments process, as well as several bugfixes. It includes large code changes and updates preparing for upcoming releases of several new features: Risk Module, DREF and Flash Updates.
- Code for Risk Module frontend (hidden)
- Code for DREF forms (hidden)
- Code for Flash Updates (hidden)
- Implementation for Pretty URLs for emergencies
- Backend implementation for new Flash Updates feature: models, APIs, tests.
- Configuration to manage Documents and uploads better
- Adding poetry as Python package manager
- Enable buildx for docker build
- Enable docker layer caching in Circle-CI
- Update for poetry
- Add migration check to Circle-CI
- Provide empty default value for docker-compose env vars to disable warnings
- Enable editable slugs for Pretty URLs for emergencies
- Better reporting for erroneous CronJob runs
- Fix to handle rapid response deployments for multi-country emergencies
Date: 2022-02-01
- Permanent URLs for Catalogue of Services: #2125
- Show deployments for multi-country emergencies correctly
- Fix Edit Event links on frontend
- Fix Map Export issue: #2172
- User Registration Changes:
- New links on resources page: IFRCGo/go-api#1243
- Fix bug of Surge tab showing on emergency page when there are no surge activities
- Safelink Outlook link checking caused double run - fixed
- TriggeringAmount – better triggering appeal change
- Fixing appeal-docs ingesting (urllib3)
- New registration method (without 2 gate-keepers)
- Deployments/personnel country_to (to model, test and API endpoints)
- Filling the country_to field with related event first country
- Timezone into end_date comparison (personnel_by_event)
- Using https before resource_uri
- Bump up the necessary packages to use python 3.8 due to Pillow must-upgrade:
- Pillow 9.0.0, boto3==1.20.38, ipython==8.0.0, pandas==1.3.5, psycopg2==2.8.6 (!),
- python-Levenshtein==0.12.1, requests==2.27.1, urllib3==1.26.8
- Adding ordering (by id) to events KeyFigures
- Fixing moved snapshot tests
Date: 2021-12-01
- Show No Data message on Deployments table if no deployments
- Fix overlapping Pie chart on 3w
- Handle sorting for stand-downs on Surge frontend
- Code for DREF form (functionality hidden)
- Enhancements in surge alert notifications
- New content-visibility level (IFRC_NS: FR, Proj, event)
- Longer date interval for appeal doc scraper
- Bump up elasticsearch to 6.3.0, urllib3 to 1.26.7
- Fixing .dockerignore, bump up pip to 21.1
- Search parameter for most of /docs endpoints
- Handle Stand-Downs on Surge page
- GeneralDocument for general document upload
- Local development env change: psql 9.6 to 11
- Molnix_id as read only field
- Use molnix_id instead of pk while marking deployments inactive
Date: 2021-10-20
- Adds Surge Catalog of Services to Deployments Page
- Code to add Operational Toolbox on Deployments Page (currently hidden)
- Create tabs on Deployments page for new content
- Fix bug where map would not zoom correctly on emergency pages for small islands: #2075
Date: 2021-10-04
- Use new layers and maps from Mapbox: #1889
- Various fixes to text on Surge / Deployments page: #2057
- Update permission model for Surge / Deployments page.
- Several dependency upgrades:
- Various broken URL fixes for new site.
- Eliminate all Javascript linter and TypeScript warnings on the console
- Update permission model for Surge + Deployments, only keeping Deployment names private / accessible to logged in users.
- Update Surge alert email notifications
- Fixes for snapshot tests
- Fixes for Appeals ingest process.
- More: IFRCGo/go-api#1216
Hotfix for ERUs not showing on the map.
Date: 2021-09-07
- Re-write Deployments map: #2012
- Add new chart for Deployments over the Past Year: #2018
- Update Key Figures on Deployments page: #2011
- Add Key Figures to Surge tab on Emergency page: #2011
- Miscellaneous updates to Surge page and tables as per #1965
- Various improvements to 3w as per #1970
- Backend changes for 3w as per #1970
- Upgrade xml2dict library
- For Surge Alert API, by default return all Alerts, not only Active
- Fix aggregation count for Events by Deployment endpoint
- Fix link to GO User Library: #1999
- Fix Organization Dropdown in User Registration form: #1936
- Show Country associated with Surge Alert, not event: #1988
- Do not show Surge Alerts table to non-logged in users: #2003
- Fix surge molnix tags missing
- Fix display of Duration in Surge Alerts table
- Truncate Position only for Alerts coming from Molnix
- Truncate Position in Deployments table
- Make Molnix integration live
- Add 3 new aggregation endpoints for Personnel Deployments: IFRCGo/go-api#1135
- Fix various issues with Molnix import and sync process: IFRCGo/go-api#1140
- Minor fixes to Geospatial data import pipeline: IFRCGo/go-api#1139
- Implement updated table for Surge Alerts: #1965
- Fix popup display on Personnel Deployments table
- Show more items on Personnel Deployments table
- Make form validation errors consistent across PER forms: #1926
- Improve display of generic data display errors: #1924
- Improve error messaging for unsupported browsers: #1925
- Fixes the mailto: values for emails on the About page to reflect the correct emails.
- Fix the positive integer condition in form (Restrict users to enter decimals in numbers)
- Fix the "Dcoument" typo
- Release Date: 2021-07-05
- Various 3w improvements: #1819
- PNS, Global views: #1823
- Improve Country 3w
- Add separate pages for 3W list, details and edit (We can now have a URL for individual 3W project)
- Refactor and re-use 3W form everywhere
- Make disaster type optional in 3W form when the operation type is 'Programme'
- Make filters clearable in Regional 3W page
- Emergency page changes to support new Covid page: #1950:
- Add links section in the
Emergency Details
tab - Add featured documents in the
tab - Only show response document category when it has published document
- Add links section in the
- Fix placement of "Today" line in Personnel Deployment charts: #1837
- Add a mechanism to copy detailed error message in the Alerts
- Add option to copy error details in Field Report form and 3W form
- Upgrade Mapboxgl
- Add historical query support to Appeals endpoint.
- Changes for 3w:
- Add a feature to notify project creator through email when project status is about to auto update from 'ongoing' to 'completed' (IFRCGo/go-api#1061)
- Fix date format in 3w bulk upload
- Fix 3w CSV exports: IFRCGo/go-api#768
- Changes to support new Covid pages:
- Add Links to Emergencies
- Add Featured Documents to Emergencies
- Minor fixes to geospatial data import scripts
- Implements a fix where users with non-english locales in their system / browser configuration were sometimes facing errors when submitting Field Reports
- Implements a hotfix for the field report title to be a required field
This release includes important refactors on the frontend, better error handling, and historical data querying for the Appeals API.
- Complete overhaul / refactor of Field Report form code, adding stability going forward, and improving architecture for forms: #1898
- Refactors to request handling code on the frontend, to support improved loading behaviour and error handling: #1897
- Improve UI for error messaging: #1556
- Add new ERU types to the frontend: IFRCGo/go-api#1085
- 3w: Unify user roles to match rest of GO: #1312
- Allow appeals to filter out to be managed in the Admin: IFRCGo/go-api#1034
- Add back country ISO codes to Districts API: IFRCGo/go-api#1072
Bonus: A bug that was affecting map interactions for some users on Chrome seems to have been fixed by an upstream fix in Chrome: #1868
This release includes various important bug-fixes and improvements:
- Fix CSV exports by paginating on the frontend: #1412 #1349
- Upgrade React-Select to fix issues with Emergency search: #1895 #1881
- Fix Line Graphs to show all months: #1398
- Deal correctly with Yes / No fields left unfilled in Field Report: #1060
- Improvements to Translation Dashboard: #1830
- 3w Improvements: #1148 #1181
- Fix bug with deployment counts on Surge page: #1836
- Handle
values for boolean fields on field report: #1060 - Fix Deployments CSV export to remove extra columns: IFRCGo/go-api#903
- Add permissions for translation management: #1052
- Improve translation string export: #1051
- Backend changes for 3w improvements: #1148 #1181
- Implements a hotfix for filters on the map not causing points to disappear
(Version bump to keep up with backend versioning)
- Fix country and NS drop-downs through-out site to filter countries correctly: #1845
- Point Admin links to more consistent URL: #1360
- Allow PER Assessment numbers to be editable.
- Design changes to home-page map
- Fixes aggregation bug on Surge page
- Adds db model for GEC codes
- Adds filtering logic for Elastic Search to search countries by in_search
- Hotfix for #1831
Map Styling Updates: #1202
- Updates map styles on home, emergencies and deployment pages with new map design.
- Modified popup styling as per designs
- Adjust colours, styling and circle radius of points on map
- Allows country polygons on map to be clickable
- Fix issue with rendering of Arabic map labels: #1765
Geo-data imports: #1643
- Made ISO codes consistent in the database
- ...
PER Refactor: #1667
- Remove all hard-coded questions from frontend into the database
- Create schema to manage questions in the backend
- Modify existing schema and hierarchy to make forms part of Overviews
- Re-write frontend to use common components and follow new design
- Implement forms as tabs on PER form pages
- Implement export functionality for new PER data structure
PER Dashboards: #1669
- Modified Preparedness page to follow tab structure as per design
- Include iframe'd dashboards on Preparedness page
Molnix Integration / Updates to Surge: #1638
- Implemented schema changes to support new data-points from Molnix to GO
- Implemented management command to fetch and sync data from Molnix API to GO
- Implemented logging to Cronjob Admin with status of job and details of warnings / errors.
- Implemented new end-point to fetch Events with counts of Deployed Personnel
- Added Surge tab to Emergency pages
- Show new Deployments table on Emergency pages with GANTT chart
- Renamed Deployments page to Surge
- Moved Surge Alerts table from Home to Surge page
- Created new table on Surge page to list Emergencies along-with Deployment counts
- Updated designs and titles of Surge and Rapid Response tables.
Emergency Page Redesign: #1243
- Fix 'Show More' behaviour on Summary field
- Re-organize tabs and data as per new design
- Move key figures along-side map
- Re-organize Contacts section as per design
- Re-design Response Documents section and implement client-side search
- Handle always hiding tabs that have no data in them
- Update Footer styles: #1706
- Fix "missing months" bug on region page charts: #1398
- Add option to hide map on emergency page: #1397
- Change wording of check-box on Emergency page Admin: IFRCGo/go-api#820
- Add link on Resources page: #1723
- Remove Inform Score from country page title
- Re-organize region page as per #1621
- Allow embeddable Iframes in Additional Links
- Ingest country FDRS codes into database: #1523
- Admin changes to add additional snippets to Region
- Allow Region additional tab name to be renamable in Admin
- Allow Country additional tab name to be renamable in Admin
- Add fields to Country in the Admin for NS Indicators and WASH indicators
- Schema changes to Surge Alerts and Deployments to support Molnix integration.
- Fix validations of admin emails to be case insensitive: #1645
- Implement multilingual map labels: #1652
- Fix issue with countries spanning the date line: #1629
- Includes hotfix to change header to point to GO survey
- Add iso and iso3 to the recently modified Field Reports and Emergencies CSV outputs
- Make searches look for all languages on the Django Admin's list pages
- Fix mapping of WAF to SN instead of SG and removed its duplicate. Restricted the Appeals ingestion to look for record_type: 1 aka 'Country' typed records when trying to match GEC_code with iso
Use default language en
while editing a field report, fixes #1625
Fixes a couple of critical issues:
- National Society dropdowns not working on register page: #1627
- Issues with editing content in multiple languages in the Admin: #1622
Safar / Safari : A journey / expedition.
Release 4.4.0, codename Safari
, has been a journey across languages, cultures and continents. Major updates in this release include translations of the platform into the 4 official languages of the IFRC. The release also includes a major overhaul of our handling of geo data, making spatial data a core part of the GO API.
Details about API changes in this release can be found here:
- Validation fixes on Field Report form: #1189
- Fix Source issue on Field Report form: #987
- Link URLs in field report submission: #1108
- Clear Districts dropdown when Country dropdown is cleared in Field Report form:
- Prefetch data and add an initial loading screen: #1386
- Move all geospatial strings to come from API: #1534
- Implement translations of all static strings on frontend: #1238
- Create UI to manage translations: #1240
- Fix visibility of field reports for IFRC admins: #1501
- Remove old EPI fields from backend - #1161
- Add Rich Text Editor support to Admin fields - IFRCGo/go-api#670
- Fix encoding issue with Rich Text Editor fields - IFRCGo/go-api#837
- Implement end-points for Tableau Web Data Connector - IFRCGo/go-api#743
- Management command to import geo-data from shape-field - #938
- Addition of centroid and bbox fields to geospatial elements in the API - #938
- Translation of static strings in the backend - IFRCGo/go-api#774
- Translations for all model text fields in the backend - IFRCGo/go-api#719
- Setup
to handle async translation job-flows - IFRCGo/go-api#819 - Add
boolean to users end-point in the API - IFRCGo/go-api#845 - Refactor views to use APIViews - IFRCGo/go-api#840
- Implement resending verification email - IFRCGo/go-api#737
- Fix Azure Storage class to help tests + local development - IFRCGo/go-api#825
- Change FDRS auth to use API key - IFRCGo/go-api#851
- Add labels to Region model in the backend - IFRCGo/go-api#858
- Change ElasticSearch configuration settings to improve stability - #1353
- Fix PDF scraper errors and added more information about errors to logs - IFRCGo/go-api#863
- Fix ingest_databank error - IFRCGo/go-api#856
- Removed child Emergencies from appearing in dropdowns - #1487
- Added 'Activate users' action and 'User is active' column to Pending Users page - IFRCGo/go-api#766
- Simplify CSV export on Emergencies end-point - IFRCGo/go-api#708
Hotfix release: Fix undefined string for Potentially Affected in Field Report frontend
This release includes a lot of code changes to support future translations support, as well as significant changes toward implementing updated site designs.
- Replace all strings on the frontend with translatable strings: #1239
- Use new grid framework for styling, to support RTL languages: #1382
- Update styles across the site to match new designs:
- Improvements to Signup Workflow: #1233
- Fix Create a Report dropdown on mobile: #1363
- Rename Subscribe / Unsubscribe to Follow / Unfollow on Emergency page: #1370
- Update Docker base image for deploy, to support future Geospatial work: IFRCGo/go-api#807
- Optimize queries / improve performance of Events API endpoint: IFRCGo/go-api#763
- Optimize queries / improve performance of Appeals endpoint: IFRCGo/go-api#828
- Fix typo in cronjob: IFRCGo/go-api#826
- Add User Profile to User Admin page: #956 (comment)
Hotfix release to add links to KoBo forms in Dropdown: #1363
- 3w: Make fields not required if reporting society is ICRC: #1334
- 3w: Project completed changes budget field to actual expenditure: #1319
- Fix display of country, region in field report listing on Emergency pages: #1122
- Fix redirect of Add Report button to go to Emergency page in Admin: #1116
- Remove status=completed and reached_total is defined validation from 3W (This is handled on the frontend now) -
- Added the previous email sending method back (python's smtplib) as a backup if sending emails with the API fails - IFRCGo/go-api#737
- Fix some of the logs failing because of missing recordtypes
- Retaining Django (cronjob) logs with a new volume added to the docker container - MSM ticket
Hotfix Release (only an API release): Fix regression in CSV exports where ENUM fields were showing verbose labels instead of db values: IFRCGo/go-api#794
Hotfix release: fixes broken breadcrumbs on tabular views without filters - i.e. All Emergencies, All Operations, etc.
- 3W: Change Supporting NS to Reporting NS in country 3w table #1297
- 3W: "Add" 3w activity -button to 3w regional page #1296
- 3W: Country page: grey screen in Edge #1314
- Implement Breadcrumbs #770
- Ensure title is mandatory for Field Reports #1141
- PER: Add more year options to selector #1230
- Fixed error message when trying to submit a new - but with errors - Field Report - #1077
- Adjusted Elasticsearch timeouts so it won't make multiple requests at once - #989
- Fix page titles: #1125
- Django updated from 2.2.10 to 2.2.13
- Fixed case-insensitive check for password/username recovery - #1300
- Related Elasticsearch records are now deleted when GO records are deleted - #989
- Added 'visibility' handling for notification emails of Field Reports - #1308
- Fixed 'scrape_pdf' error -
- Added 'record_type' to Country serializer - IFRCGo/go-api#759
- Added 'Notification GUID' to the backend which serves as a log of the sent out emails - IFRCGo/go-api#737
- Changed 'Snippets' into Rich Text Editor fields - IFRCGo/go-api#670
- Added 'is_covid_report' to FieldReportFilter as a query param - #1326
- Added 'record_type' to CountryFilter as a query param - IFRCGo/go-api#759
- Removed redundant notifications sent alongside the Weekly Digest - #1328
- Code changes required for translation framework
- Fix language in field report form: #1226
- Fix validation of email addresses on registration: #1265
- Remove Additional Graphics text on extra tabs: #1232
- Add COVID-19 Sankey Diagram for 3W activities: #1284
- Add Global National Society Activities API (#1284)
- Add Project Filter to exclude where country and RNS are same (above ticket)
- Removed multi-upload for Situation Report and PER documents (#1117)
- Field Report endpoint to return the proper list of Field Reports based on visibility (#1286)
- Use webpack instead of gulp for the build process: #1199
- 3W: Add disaster type to country 3W table, import and export: #1149
- 3W: Add multi-region support in 3W projects: #1145
- 3W: Replace Health (public) and Health (clinical) with Health in the sectors: #1218
- 3W: Add RCCE tag in the 3W project: #1227
- Restructure display of Epidemic data on Emergency page: #1161
- Show more emergencies on Country pages: #1132
- Don't require login to view public field reports: #1118
- Fix PER mismatches between frontend and backend: #1137
- PER: Enable years beyond 2018-2020: #1230
- Removed 'Information Bulletin Published', 'Delegates' 'Number of RCRC Movement Personnel', 'Probable/Suspected/Confirmed Cases' for COVID-19 type Field Reports: (part of) #1161
- Switch Is Covid Report toggle to Radio buttons: #1247
- Add COVID-19 Sankey Diagram for 3W activities: #1284
- Change how EPI field report source data is stored
- Fix issue of parent_emergency not always showing for superusers
- The Domain Whitelist is a database table now and can be adjusted through the Django Admin, instead of being a static list maintained on both ends: IFRCGo/go-api#669
- Add new tag "RCCE" for the projects (#1227)
- Add new option "RCCE" for the secondary sectors in projects (#1227)
Minor hotfix release, adds a video to the Resources page.
- Add COVID-19 specific options for Field Report - #1160
- Implement redesign of About / Resources page - #1094
- Refactor / fix issues with ElasticSearch indexing
- Add is_disabled option to Actions to allow deprecation of actions: #1101
- Add 3w tab to Country page (#641)
- Create a 3w view with a map, some basic overview charts and the projects table
- Add basic filters to the view
- Add ability to add / edit 3w project for logged in user
- Add ability to export the all the 3w data
- Add 3w project form (#640)
- Create a form to add a 3w project
- Create dynamic fields according to the values of
Operation type
andProgramme type
. The fieldsCurrent IFRC Operation
,Current Emergency Operation
andDisaster type
will be conditionally displayed accordingly. - Create dynamic schema and required conditions for different field (eg: People reached > Total is required only if project is marked as Completed)
- Add a separate tag for COVID-19 specifc project / activity
- Add 3w tab to Region page (#1019)
- Create the view with 3w overview, movement activities and national society activities for all the countries in the region
- Add map to show the movement activities in the countries of the selected region
- Add ability to view projects within the countries of selected region
- Add sankey diagram to view the national society activities
- Add ability to add the 3w project from Emergency page (#1066)
- Add
for easy usage of icons - Add
for a lot of utils - Add
to implement dynamic forms - Add some faram compatible wrapped inputs (
) with existing input elements - Add some components that use Hooks. Custom hooks are added to
directory - Add selectors for common selection approach for the redux. Selectors are added to
directory - Refactor map download code (break down into components and remove unnecessary codes).
- Fetch FTS HPC Data using google sheet.
- Add visibility support for project. (Public, Login required, IFRC Only)
- New Programme Type
- Add Bulk Project Import in Admin Panel.
- Enable history for Project changes.
- Add Sector/SectorTag
Health (private)
. - Add API for Project for region.
- Add Multiselect filters for Project API enumfields.
- Change Sector/SectorTag
toHealth (public)
- Improve field report frontend page: #1144
- Fix bug of loading default tab on country page: #1143
- Fix description text on field report form: #1140
- Add global header banner for COVID-19: #1139
- Fix bug of duplicated actions: #1136
- Add case count, etc. to Emergency Pages: IFRCGo/go-api#680
- Fix timeout error while fetching Field Report CSV: IFRCGo/go-api#681
- Included EPI data for Field Report in the notifications #1119
- Add missing domains to whitelist:
- Visual fix for Parent Events on Admin: #1128
- Fix PER bug with component order: #1137
- Hotfix release to fix broken snippets on country and region pages: #1114
- Fix links on Country pages: #922
- Remove
Save and Continue
button from Field Report: #1056 - Improved staging deployment process and styling: #888
- Implement Response Document additional categories and "pinning": #1008
- Implement "Merge Emergencies" feature: #1010
- Fix display styling for existing Rich Text Editor fields: #1011
- Fix surge alerts not showing on Emergency Page when navigated to directly: #1081
- Implement Epidemic Field Report: #1004
- Improve Field Report API Response: #1072
- Change IFRC Logo: #972
- Allow user to organize snippets into tabs and rename tabs: #1071
- Audit Trail Implementation: IFRCGo/go-api#572
- tag added to notification mails, reducing their spam score for the API:
- New field for link of Countries: #922
- New field (parent_event) for "merging" Emergencies for superusers, with redirect on the frontend: #1010
- Added German Red Cross domain to whitelist:
- Error handling for Create Field Report: #1077
- A bug with that Rapid Response calculation (would error if one of the types was missing): #1029
- Showing Disaster Type correctly on Country page: #920
- Show data for last 30 days on Emergency page to fix discrepancy in numbers: #1032
This release primarily deals with a refactor of the handling of PER forms: #893 .
It also includes some fixes to the existing PER functionality:
- Fix bug where all national society names did not display in dropdown: #918
- Fix bug(s) where incomplete data was causing preparedness pages not to render in some circumstances: #954 #950
- Fix text issues in forms: #947
- Show PER Phase instead of PER forms in Preparedness frontend: #844
- Fix few bugs that were causing page crashes on PER: #946 #943
- Fix styling of email address in PER: #834
Some fixes to the Field Report page and forms:
- Fix saving of Actions correctly: #984
- Fix display of fields on Field Report frontend: #985
Assorted Fixes:
- Display change in Rapid Response calculations: #965
- Feature Operations Card, display
instead of0
: #970 - Add additional countries: #983
- Fixes to some debugging errors in Javascript console: #815