You must comment the all source code except trace-replay
based on Doxygen
And commit message must follow the conventional commit style.
Before you do the pull request, you must format all source codes by using black and check the source codes with bandit, PyLint.
Basically, pre-commit
does the automatic format and check.
However, this doesn't work correctly then do following.
pip3 install pre-commit
pre-commit install
Before you do the pull request, you must follow the below sequences.
- After executes the
sudo scons test
, you have to remove the all errors that appeared in the output. - You must check the memory leakage by using command
sudo valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all ./build/(debug|release)/<PROGRAM>
- When you write down the comparison, follow the form of
if (constant == variable)
You can install clang-format by using sudo pip3 install clang-format
And install cppcheck, flawfinder from
sudo apt install cppcheck
, sudo pip3 install flawfinder