0.6.0 (2024-09-14)
- (Hyde power [save|unset]): Added some general options. (e360ad6)
- (Hyde show bookmarks): Remember the top 5 recent selection (c566bbb)
- airplane: adds airplane mode (b0adcb1)
- bookmarks: adds rofi bookmarks selector (2a717c9)
- bookmarks: some additions (57ffdc2)
- completion will be exposed to ./bin/ (1ee024b)
- completion will be exposed to ./bin/ (e2ede9a)
- Hyde --dev convert_cursor /path/to/xcursor (f9ef1bf)
- Hyde cursor []; HyDE cursor Settings (33ff2a3)
- Hyde run airplane_mode: Toggles wifi (87387d8)
- Hyde show --rasi ~/path/to/rasi : Supports some Rofi utility to use user theme.rasi (bf49305)
- Hyde show bookmark: librewolf bookmarks ) (19a083e)
- Hyde show bookmarks (parse flatpak firefox,etc) (230582a)
- Hyde show: Remove dependency check on run time to avoid slow downs (cc56928)
- Hyde theme import: Added option to select wallpapers wehn importing a single theme (a107b98)
- Pastebin improvements (228e6c7)
- screenshot: upload screenshot (1b486bb)
- sddm theme setter (f3a0854)
- sddm theme setter (ec35f22)
- sddm theme setter (41c1530)
- search: add rofi search feature (125fd52)
- search: add rofi search feature (864d3d0)
- Separate themepatcher implementation but with legacy support (45d2b77)
- Separate themepatcher implementation but with legacy support (8926241)
- Test release (a5f8c86)
- Tries to have a local version of hyde (915ae0d)
- Tries to have a local version of hyde (b383cd0)
- Tries to have a local version of hyde (d1f64f5)
- Tries to have a local version of hyde (f2ef174)
- Using jpg only for preview for lesser space (a1cf82e)
- version.txt (87acf74)
- (Hyde show bookmarks): usage (4314c66)
- 0.5.2 > version.txt (d6fe8cb)
- 0.5.2 > version.txt (e0c4630)
- added <PATH> for completion (7784a9d)
- Added NOTIFY function to have async notif (4989ea6)
- give error message when no kde_setting is detected (a89dc96)
- Hyde man: cache the man page to avoid slow down (34882b5)
- Hyde run screencap: avoid killin whole session on --stop (8d987b4)
- Hyde sddm fixes (4d1c5b5)
- Hyde sddm set: Set only inside a Terminal dumb and unset terminal will be skipped (732d045)
- Hyde show screencap: fix preview links (2e8ce2f)
- Hyde show bookmark: removes lz4json dep ) (a8edc0d)
- Hyde show bookmarks: have --no-custom (e981439)
- Hyde show: Use (e155b2f)
- Hyde theme import: Change the directory to Owner.branch.Theme\ Name (bf4aefb)
- Hyde theme import: preview: fix typo (0ef44f1)
- Hyde theme import: regenerate list using json (534649c)
- Hyde theme patch: typo target dir (43d8883)
- Hyde-install (533f568)
- make selections icons consistent (647dc2d)
- man: use cat by default (378771f)
- man: use cat by default (d7ae6fb)
- Metadata not created (5202a1e)
- minor (dbd3033)
- package req: socat for hypr-events (ac30e84)
- Patch-Theme (96b2515)
- Patch-Theme (55ff0f8)
- Patch-Theme corrected the args (217ef11)
- Patch-Theme corrected the args (a710516)
- qalc package (45a522f)
- remove usage.md and add faq (5fc539c)
- rename check to enable (21ac35e)
- revert and make version.txt separate (63709d5)
- SDDM create /etc/sddm.conf.d (f53fe2e)
- sddm info: added list of sddm themes (3df95a5)
- sddm set: Use echo for / actions (adaea25)
- sddm test: fix sddm test wrong var (054af4f)
- Setting meta dat borke please update (a2590af)
- shellcheck: make some parts shellcheck compliant (42a9b59)
- shrink image size without quality loss (79e6f73)
- spell issues (a890ce7)
- spell issues (e35d8d7)
- theme patch: some hypr.theme parsing (98e30ea)
- Tries to have a local version of hyde (94f67a0)
- Tries to have a local version of hyde (37be716)
- Tries to have a local version of hyde (609a999)
- Tries to have a local version of hyde (772d839)
- Tries to have a local version of hyde (ec9a4c2)
- Tries to have a local version of hyde (b95d043)
- Tries to have a local version of hyde (097921b)
- try: async the update (737ac2d)
- Usage page (89544bc)
- use eza instead of lsd only after merge upstream (279c03a)