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271 lines (175 loc) · 16 KB

File metadata and controls

271 lines (175 loc) · 16 KB


After autogen, use make to build and run test suit. make build-nocheck — no test-suit. make builds sw module, supposedly without tests. make sw builds the module, supposedly with tests.

Every option --with-system-PACKAGE (which means "use the system PACKAGE") has the opposite --without-system-PACKAGE. If you use something not "system-only", make sure --disable-fetch-external is not present.

After it is built, it can be ran as instdir/program/soffice



The blog doesn't enlighten on filter writing*(11.09.2017)*, except of an article about RTF filter. However RTF filter is at writerfilter/source/, though most of them (html one including) is at sw/source/filter.

This don't have a video.


How to add a new Writer feature?

Properties are at css1kywd.cxx.

File loading digaram:

librevenge::RVNGInputStream data type is an input data. The definition is at librevenge-stream lib, RVNGStream.h file. Supports trivial operations, like read(), seek(). No write though, it's a constant stream.

Filters implement a css::lang::XServiceInfo, so that cppu::supportsService() could call the getSupportedServiceNames() to compare against an rtl::OUString arg.

OdtGenerator &rGenerator that parse() of AbiWordImportFilter accepts is declared in parse() declaration as librevenge::RVNGTextInterface *documentInterface

UNO aka libreoffice macros


Every "object" in it (at least in Python backend) is an abstract entity, that can have properties and methods magically appear and disappear. Well, there're types, services, but I haven't found knowing that useful. Except maybe, if you gonna ask IRC or a forum "how do I do X" or report a bug, it may be useful to include type of the object.

Best way to find out what you can do with a given object is connecting to LO from an interactive python session, then typing object name and a dot, like row1., and pressing TAB twice to force python to show possible completions.

See also this question.

About MRI: given the way above with python, I find MRI and co pretty useless. They show you info on a given object, which you can see in python interactive shell anyway. But python shell is clearly more flexible.

Python trick: if you have a collection of UNO objects, and want to see their contents, then instead of writing a loop (which is a multiline expression, and these are not very convenient inside python shell) use set-builder notation, e.g.: [s.Name for s in pilotTable.DataPilotFields].


  • there're useful methods in dispatch commands. Copy/paste in particular is there. Example of duplicating a slide: dispatcher.executeDispatch(currFrame, ".uno:DuplicatePage", "", 0, ()).
  • "Controller" is an entity in UNO that stores currently active elements (e.g. current selection, current slide, etc).
  • PivotTable inside UNO API is shown as a DataPilotTables (note the "pilot") property of sheets. See also here for some human-readable docs.
  • given pilotTable and existing filters aka Page Fields, to change rows under the filters use pilotTable.DataPilotFields.getByIndex(9).Items.getByIndex(3).IsHidden


Filter — the code to import/export a file format.

export filter — saves SwDoc to a stream.

import filter — opens the stream, and populates SwDoc.

css selector — object for the property to be applied.

document model


Model-View-Controller pattern. One open document is SwDoc. Basic building block: paragraph (SwNode). Code is under sw/source/core. Page styles is SwPageDesc, and a document may have lots of other collections.

"First page header": SwPageDesc::aFirst

Literal quote, not sure of meaning: No separate node for text runs, SwpHints instead. SwTxtAttr inside for each property: start/end/what


  • Basic building block: paragraphs
  • XML dump:
    • SW_DEBUG=1 ./soffice.bin --writer
    • Shift+F12 creates nodes.xml
  • GDB:
    • print pDoc->GetNodes()
  • UNO
    • Iterating over ThisComponent→paragraphs
    • Iterating over paragraphs→runs

Example in UNO:

enum = ThisComponent.Txt.CreateEnumeration
para = enum.NextElement
para = enum.NextElement
xray para

Existing filters highlights


Acc. to 2013y slides is a good example. Some highlights:

  • ODF semantics are very close to Writer document model, e.g. UNO properties ≅ XML attributes.
  • most of the implementation is an UNO filter.
  • Code under xmloff/, writerfilter, and sw/source/filter/xml/


Export filter is internal, core is shared with DOC/DOCX. Import filter is UNO, domain mapper is shared with DOCX.


Tokenizer and domain mapper is not separated.

Import and export are both internal filters and somewhat shared.


Most of the code is under sw/source/filter/html/.

A random snip from the middle of stracktrace to give general overview of its execution:

#0  0x00007fffcbc49c1b in ParseCSS1_font_family(CSS1Expression const*, SfxItemSet&, SvxCSS1PropertyInfo&, SvxCSS1Parser const&)
#1  0x00007fffcbc4befb in ParseCSS1_font(CSS1Expression const*, SfxItemSet&, SvxCSS1PropertyInfo&, SvxCSS1Parser const&)
#2  0x00007fffcbc4f2ba in SvxCSS1Parser::ParseProperty(rtl::OUString const&, CSS1Expression const*)
#3  0x00007fffcbc483f7 in SvxCSS1Parser::DeclarationParsed(rtl::OUString const&, CSS1Expression const*)
#4  0x00007fffcbc456b4 in CSS1Parser::ParseRule()
#5  0x00007fffcbc4535b in CSS1Parser::ParseStyleSheet()
#6  0x00007fffcbc4629f in CSS1Parser::ParseStyleSheet(rtl::OUString const&)
#7  0x00007fffcbc490db in SvxCSS1Parser::ParseStyleSheet(rtl::OUString const&)
#8  0x00007fffcbbd65c5 in SwCSS1Parser::ParseStyleSheet(rtl::OUString const&)
#9  0x00007fffcbbd64cb in SwHTMLParser::InsertLink()
#10 0x00007fffcbc57feb in SwHTMLParser::NextToken(HtmlTokenId)
#11 0x00007fffef7bdd51 in HTMLParser::Continue(HtmlTokenId)
#12 0x00007fffcbc558f2 in SwHTMLParser::Continue(HtmlTokenId)
#13 0x00007fffef7bdca7 in HTMLParser::CallParser()
#14 0x00007fffcbc553ff in SwHTMLParser::CallParser()
#15 0x00007fffcbc52e41 in HTMLReader::Read(SwDoc&, rtl::OUString const&, SwPaM&, rtl::OUString const&)
#16 0x00007fffcbbaa354 in SwReader::Read(Reader const&)
#17 0x00007fffcbce7311 in SwDocShell::ConvertFrom(SfxMedium&)
#18 0x00007ffff23f5d9b in SfxObjectShell::DoLoad(SfxMedium*)
#19 0x00007ffff242ff16 in SfxBaseModel::load(com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> const&)
#20 0x00007ffff24fcc1b in (anonymous namespace)::SfxFrameLoader_Impl::load(com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::frame::XFrame> const&)
#21 0x00007fffcea88baa in framework::LoadEnv::impl_loadContent()
#22 0x00007fffcea84fb3 in framework::LoadEnv::startLoading()
#23 0x00007fffcea180b7 in framework::LoadDispatcher::impl_dispatch(com::sun::star::util::URL const&, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::frame::XDispatchResultListener> const&)
#24 0x00007fffcea17cb5 in framework::LoadDispatcher::dispatch(com::sun::star::util::URL const&, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> const&)
#25 0x00007ffff23d3363 in (anonymous namespace)::IFrameObject::load(com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::frame::XFrame> const&)
#26 0x00007fffb11b523c in DocumentHolder::LoadDocToFrame(bool)
#27 0x00007fffb11b2441 in DocumentHolder::ShowInplace()

CSS1Parser parses the content of a style element or a style option and preprocesses it. The example from the code:

* H1, H2 { font-weight: bold; text-align: right }
*  |  |                    |                  |
*  |  |                    |                  DeclP( 'text-align', 'right' )
*  |  |                    DeclP( 'font-weight', 'bold' )
*  |  SelP( 'H2', false )
*  SelP( 'H1', true )

SvxCSS1Parser is a child of CSS1Parser. Processes the CSS1Parser output by converting the CSS1 properties into SvxItem(Set).

CSS1Parser::ParseDeclaration() accepts CSS property (at ParseRule()), and parses the value. Tho for some reason its loop doesn't stop on comma (i.e. the start of next property). It saves the(??) property as 1-st arg, and returns its value. They're both acted upon in CSS1Parser::DeclarationParsed().

CSS1Parser::DeclarationParsed() through ParseProperty() searches the function in the big table of property strings with functions to get called (insert the name), and calls one. E.g. for font-family it's ParseCSS1_font_family().

Whole CSS1Parser extensively uses global variables. GetNextToken() saves next token to aToken and its type to nToken.

CSS1Parser have list of CSS1Expressions pointed by pRoot and pLast. But for some odd reason it doesn't have any information on what descriptor it is. I.e. it only saves the value and the css-type of value (being CSS1_STRING).

Delegation of args to higher the stack happens through SfxItemSet::Put(). Example, given rItemSet is SfxItemSet:

SvxFontItem aFont( FAMILY_DONTKNOW, aName, OUString(), PITCH_DONTKNOW,
                   eEnc, aItemIds.nFont );
rItemSet.Put( aFont );

IDENT, i.e. CSS1_IDENT, includes (but not limited to) stuff like element IDENT, id selector :#IDENT, class :IDENT.

enum CSS1SelectorType
    CSS1_SELTYPE_ELEMENT, // "elem {…"; aToken is "elem"
    CSS1_SELTYPE_ELEM_CLASS, // "elem.class {…"; aToken is "elem.class"
    CSS1_SELTYPE_PAGE // Feature: PrintExt

The only place where color property is used is at OutCSS1_SvxColor() of css1atr.cxx. But OutCSS1_SvxColor() is only used (directly) at struct of type SwAttrFnTab which is used in few places at sw/source/filter.

ParseCSS1_font_family() makes me insane. I am not very familiar with the code, but it looks like (aside of unused variables and unnecessary comparisons) it does a bunch of jugglery by searching and creating strings whereas a simple enum should be enough. Anyway, this is where "font-family" of CSS happens — I checked with gdb, aName is the font name.

Might be interesting: swhtml.cxx has a code starting with // now remove the last useless paragraph. If very shortly, it gets the last node, does some setup, then deletes the node.

At the end of ParseCSS1_background_color() of svxcss1.cxx there is seting of background color.

SvxCSS1Parser class converts CSS properties into SvxItem(Set).

ParseSelector() is bailing out on CSS1_COLON == nToken to default:


Shared code is under svx/source/dialog and cui. Writer specific code is under sw/source/ui.

filter writing

Multiple ways of writing a filter (from

  1. xslt: way only fits to such mapping that don't require high-level language (i.e. loop through the data, modify, etc)
  2. XFilter framework: requires writing a xml with filter description, and then the actual C++ code implementing certain interfaces (depends on the functionality). Judging by final paragraph of the article, it is the UNO way.


Checklist before kickstarter:

  1. Write a "hello world" input filter printing the input to stdout. — ✓ using read() function of the RVNGInputStream allows to print content of the file.
  2. Check whether working with "boxes" is supported through librevenge interface.
  3. Find out where latex packages stored, and whether the format is simple tex, so I can parse it with primivies. — it's .def and .sty files, which looks like, and acc. to a are, latex or tex.
  4. Write support for most common primitives, so I could show off a demo on kickstarter.

the hello world

I've choosen to modify writerperfect/source/writer/AbiWordImportFilter.cxx. For some reason .abw matches some other filter — you have to choose AbiWord manually in the opening menu.

cout at doImportDocument() does work.


aCSS1PropFnTab should be constexpr-sorted.

Unused variable bFound at ParseCSS1_font_family. A run with gcc warn-set could be useful.

html todo


Wire up content property support. Support for counters is pointless otherwise.

ParseSelector()does some parsing, but its only influence to outside world is through the returned value, which in turn, higher the stack, gets into m_Selectors. Interestingly, there are two SelectorParsed()'s, and gets called not the one that doesn't do anything with args. The real one can only be seen in debugger.

SwCSS1Parser::StyleParsed() is where selectors and their styles meet each other. They're stored through InsertClass() into a std::map m_Classes for further processing.

SwCSS1Parser::ParseStyleSheet() calls SvxCSS1Parser::ParseStyleSheet() which does the parsing. FTR: with a simple CSS test about yellow background for a class, after the ParseStyleSheet() all those "page" codes below getting skipped through ifs.

  1. add css1_double_semicolon (for starters make it working with a single one)
  2. at ParseSelector() reuse the parsing of CSS1_IDENT+CSS1_DOT_W_WS. To eType assign a new element of CSS1SelectorType.
  • Look at how aColor is assigned. Possibly content has to be added there. ✓ yes, it's done. Some properties set in pItemSet.
  • How does SfxItemSet know what class/element it belongs to ? class is accessed at SwCSS1Parser::GetTextFormatColl() (htmlcss1.cxx), the last else block in the end. The function sets the current style and its attributes, and is called from NewHeading() at swhtml.cxx
  • Consider asking #libreoffice-dev of better implementation: I could manually cycle throuh nodes and the text, or is there an established property I have to set?


Missing INS tag when opening an html document

It's useful to compare with italic tag aka "emphasis" which works. It is in function SwCSS1Parser::GetChrFormat(): there is RES_POOLCHR_HTML_EMPHASIS for italic, but no similar element for ins tag.

Then pCFormat = m_pDoc->FindCharFormatByName( sCName ) assigns nullptr for ins tag. A few lines further a pCFormat = m_pDoc->MakeCharFormat( sCName, m_pDoc->GetDfltCharFormat() ); seems to assign plain text format to ins tag.

Per my understanding, none of the styles at switch( nToken2 ) that assign to sName are implemented.

Down the pCFormat = GetCharFormatFromPool( nPoolId ); the code juggling the id is (then it goes creating a format):

            if (nId >= RES_POOLCHR_HTML_BEGIN && nId < RES_POOLCHR_HTML_END)
            else if (nId >= RES_POOLCHR_NORMAL_BEGIN && nId < RES_POOLCHR_NORMAL_END)
                pRCId = STR_POOLCHR_ARY[nId - RES_POOLCHR_BEGIN];

Also turns out: it can be made to work if either CSS with underline property is added against ins tag or ins is replaced with u. Solution should be creating default style against INS, which may then be changed by a CSS (if there's one).