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SIP Number: 001

Title: Burn Election

Author: Jude Nelson [email protected], Aaron Blankstein [email protected]

Consideration: Technical

Type: Consensus

Status: Ratified

Created: 19 December 2018

License: BSD 2-Clause

Sign-off: Jude Nelson [email protected], Technical Steering Committee Chair



This proposal describes a mechanism for single-leader election using proof-of-burn (PoB). Proof of burn is a mechanism for bootstrapping a new blockchain on top of an existing blockchain by rendering the tokens unspendable (i.e. "burning" them).

Proof of burn is concerned with deciding which Stacks block miner (called leader in this text) is elected for producing the next block, as well as deciding how to resolve conflicting transaction histories. The protocol assigns a score to each leader based on the fraction of tokens it burned, which is used to (1) probabilistically select the next leader proportional to its normalized score and to (2) rank conflicting transaction histories by their total number of epochs to decide which one is the canonical transaction history.

License and Copyright

This SIP is made available under the terms of the BSD-2-Clause license, available at This SIP's copyright is held by the Stacks Open Internet Foundation.


Blockstack's first-generation blockchain operates in such a way that each transaction is in 1-to-1 correspondence with a Bitcoin transaction. The reason for doing this is to ensure that the difficulty of reorganizing Blockstack's blockchain is just as hard as reorganizing Bitcoin's blockchain -- a lesson learned from when the system was originally built on Namecoin.

This SIP describes the proof-of-burn consensus algorithm in Blockstack's second-generation blockchain (the Stacks blockchain). The Stacks blockchain makes the following improvements over the first-generation blockchain:

1. High validation throughput

The number of Stacks transactions processed is decoupled from the transaction processing rate of the underlying burn chain (Bitcoin). Before, each Stacks transaction was coupled to a single Bitcoin transaction. In the Stacks blockchain, an entire block of Blockstack transactions corresponds to a Bitcoin transaction. This significantly improves cost/byte ratio for processing Blockstack transactions, thereby effectively increasing its throughput.

2. Low-latency block inclusion

Users of the first version of the Stacks blockchain encounter high latencies for on-chain transactions -- in particular, they must wait for an equivalent transaction on the burn chain to be included in a block. This can take minutes to hours.

The Stacks blockchain adopts a block streaming model whereby each leader can adaptively select and package transactions into their block as they arrive in the mempool. This ensures users learn when a transaction is included in a block on the order of seconds.

3. An open leadership set

The Stacks blockchain uses proof of burn to decide who appends the next block. The protocol (described in this SIP) ensures that anyone can become a leader, and no coordination amongst leaders is required to produce a block. This preserves the open-leadership property from the existing blockchain (where Blockstack blockchain miners were also Bitcoin miners), but realizes it through an entirely different mechanism that enables the properties listed here.

4. Participation without mining hardware

Producing a block in the Stacks blockchain takes negligeable energy on top of the burn blockchain. Would-be miners append blocks by burning an existing cryptocurrency by rendering it unspendable. The rate at which the cryptocurrency is destroyed is what drives block production in the Stacks blockchain. As such, anyone who can acquire the burn cryptocurrency (e.g. Bitcoin) can participate in mining, even if they can only afford a minimal amount.

5. Fair mining pools

Related to the point above, it is difficult to participate in block mining in a proof-of-work blockchain. This is because a would-be miner needs to lock up a huge initial amount of capital in dedicated mining hardware, and a miner receives few or no rewards for blocks that are not incorporated into the main chain. Joining a mining pool is a risky alternative, because the pool operator can simply abscond with the block reward or dole out block rewards in an unfair way.

The Stacks blockchain addresses this problem by providing a provably-fair way to mine blocks in a pool. To implement mining pools, users aggregate their individually-small burns to produce a large burn, which in turn gives them all a non-negligeable chance to mine a block. The leader election protocol is aware of these burns, and rewards users proportional to their contributions without the need for a pool operator. This both lowers the barrier to entry in participating in mining, and removes the risk of operating in traditional mining pools.

In addition to helping lots of small burners mine blocks, fair mining pools are also used to give different block leaders a way to hedge their bets on their chain tips: they can burn some cryptocurrency to competing chain tips and receive some of the reward if their preferred chain tip loses. This is important because it gives frequent leaders a way to reduce the variance of their block rewards.

6. Ability to migrate to a separate burn chain in the future

A key lesson learned in the design of the first-generation Stacks blockchain is that the network must be portable, in order to survive systemic failures such as peer network collapse, 51% attacks, and merge miners dominating the hash power. The proof of burn mining system will preserve this feature, so the underlying burn chain can be "swapped out" at a later date if need be and ultimately be replaced by a dedicated set of Stacks leaders.


Given the design goals, the Stacks leader election protocol makes the following assumptions:

  • Deep forks in the burn chain are exponentially rarer as a function of their length.

  • Deep forks in the burn chain occur for reasons unrelated to the Stacks protocol execution. That is, miners do not attempt to manipulate the execution of the Stacks protocol by reorganizing the burn chain (but to be clear, burn chain miners may participate in the Stacks chain as well).

  • Burn chain miners do not censor all Stacks transactions (i.e. liveness is possible), but may censor some of them. In particular, Stacks transactions on the burn chain will be mined if they pay a sufficiently high transaction fee.

  • At least 2/3 of the Stacks leader candidates, measured by burn weight, are correct and honest. If there is a selfish mining coalition, then we assume that 3/4 of the Stacks leader candidates are honest (measured again by burn weight) and that honestly-produced Stacks blocks propagate to the honest coalition at least as quickly as burn blocks (i.e. all honest peers receive the latest honest Stacks block data within one epoch of it being produced).


Like existing blockchains, the Stacks blockchain encodes a cryptocurrency and rules for spending its tokens. Like existing cryptocurrencies, the Stacks blockchain introduces new tokens into circulation each time a new block is produced (a block reward). This encourages peers to participate in gathering transactions and creating new blocks. Peers that do so so called leaders of the blocks that they produce (analogous to "miners" in existing cryptocurrencies).

Blocks are made of one or more transactions, which encode valid state transitions in each correct peer. Users create and broadcast transactions to the peer network in order to (among other things) spend the tokens they own. The current leader packages transactions into a single block during its epoch -- in this way, a block represents all transactions processed during one epoch in the Stacks chain.

Like existing cryptocurrencies, users compete with one another for space in the underlying blockchain's peers for storing their transactions. This competition is realized through transaction fees -- users include an extra Stacks token payment in their transactions to encourage leaders to incorporate their transactions first. Leaders receive the transaction fees of the transactions they package into their blocks in addition to the tokens minted by producing them.

Blocks are produced in the Stacks blockchain in cadence with the underlying burn chain. Each time the burn chain network produces a block, at most one Stacks block will be produced. In doing so, the burn chain acts as a decentralized rate-limiter for creating Stacks blocks, thereby preventing denial-of-service attacks on its peer network. Each block discovery on the burn chain triggers a new epoch in the Stacks blockchain, whereby a new leader is elected to produce the next Stacks block.

With the exception of a designated genesis block, each block in the Stacks blockchain has exactly one "parent" block. This parent relationship is a partial ordering of blocks, where concurrent blocks (and their descendants) are forks.

If the leader produces a block, it must have an already-accepted block as its parent. A block is "accepted" if it has been successfully processed by all correct peers and exists in at least one Stacks blockchain fork. The genesis block is accepted on all forks.

Unlike most existing blockchains, Stacks blocks are not produced atomically. Instead, when a leader is elected, the leader may dynamically package transactions into a sequence of microblocks as they are received from users. Logically speaking, the leader produces one block; it just does not need to commit to all the data it will broadcast when its tenure begins. This strategy was first described in the Bitcoin-NG system, and is used in the Stacks blockchain with some modifications -- in particular, a leader may commit to some transactions that must be broadcast during its tenure, and may opportunistically stream additional transactions in microblocks.

Novel properties enabled by Proof of Burn

Each Stacks block is anchored to the burn chain by way of a cryptographic hash. That is, the burn chain's canonical transaction history contains the hashes of all Stacks blocks ever produced -- even ones that were not incorporated into any fork of the Stacks blockchain. Moreover, extra metadata about the block, such as parent/child linkages, are written to the burn chain. This gives the Stacks blockchain three properties that existing blockchains do not possess:

  • Global knowledge of time -- Stacks blockchain peers each perceive the passage of time consistently by measuring the growth of the underlying burn chain. In particular, all correct Stacks peers that have same view of the burn chain can determine the same total order of Stacks blocks and leader epochs. Existing blockchains do not have this, and their peers do not necessarily agree on the times when blocks were produced.

  • Global knowledge of blocks -- Each correct Stacks peer with the same view of the burn chain will also have the same view of the set of Stacks blocks that exist. Existing blockchains do not have this, but instead rely on a well-connected peer network to gossip all blocks.

  • Global knowledge of cumulative work -- Each correct Stacks peer with the same view of the burn chain will know how much cumulative cryptocurrency was destroyed and how long each competing fork is. Existing blockchains do not have this -- a private fork can coexist with all public forks and be released at its creators' discretion (often with harmful effects on the peer network).

The Stacks blockchain leverages these properties to implement three key features:

  • Mitigate block-withholding attacks: Like all single-leader blockchains, the Stacks blockchain allows the existence of multiple blockchain forks. These can arise whenever a leader is selected but does not produce a block, or produces a block that is concurrent with another block. The design of the Stacks blockchain leverages the fact that all attempts to produce a block are known to all leaders in advance in order to detect and mitigate block-withholding attacks, including selfish mining. It does not prevent these attacks, but it makes them easier to detect and offers peers more tools to deal with them than are available in existing systems.

  • Ancilliary proofs enhance chain quality: In the Stacks blockchain, peers can enhance their preferred fork's chain quality by contributing burnt tokens to their preferred chain tip. This in turn helps ensure chain liveness -- small-time participants (e.g. typical users) can help honest leaders that commit to the "best" chain tip get elected, and punish dishonest leaders that withhold blocks or build off of other chain tips. Users leverage this property to construct fair mining pools, where users can collectively generate a proof to select a chain tip to build off of and receive a proportional share of the block reward without needing to rely on any trusted middlemen to do so.

  • Ancilliary proofs to hedge bets: Because anyone can produce a proof of burn in favor of any chain tip, leaders can hedge their bets on their preferred chain tips by distributing their proofs across all competing chain tips. Both fair mining pools and generating proofs over a distribution of chain tips are possible only because all peers have knowledge of all existing chain tips and the proofs behind them.

Leader Election

The Stacks blockchain makes progress by selecting successive leaders to produce blocks. It does so by having would-be leaders submit their candidacies by burning an existing cryptocurrency. A leader is selected to produce a block based on two things:

  • the amount of cryptocurrency burned and energy expended relative to the other candidates
  • an unbiased source of randomness

A new leader is selected whenever the burn chain produces a new block -- the arrival of a burn chain block triggers a leader election, and terminates the current leader's tenure.

The basic structure for leader election through proof of burn is that for some Stacks block N, the leader is selected via some function of that leader's total cryptocurrency burnt in a previous block N' on the underlying burn chain. In such a system, if a candidate Alice wishes to be a leader of a Stacks block, she issues a burn transaction in the underlying burn chain which both destroys some cryptocurrency. The network then uses cryptographic sortition to choose a leader in a verifiably random process, weighted by the sums of the burn amounts. The block in which this burn transaction is broadcasted is known as the "election block" for Stacks block N.

Anyone can submit their candidacy as a leader by issuing a burn transaction on the underlying burn chain, and have a non-zero chance of being selected by the network as the leader of a future block.

Committing to a chain tip

The existence of multiple chain tips is a direct consequence of the single-leader design of the Stacks blockchain. Because anyone can become a leader, this means that even misbehaving leaders can be selected. If a leader crashes before it can propagate its block data, or if it produces an invalid block, then no block will be appended to the leader's selected chain tip during its epoch. Also, if a leader is operating off of stale data, then the leader may produce a block whose parent is not the latest block on the "best" fork, in which case the "best" fork does not grow during its epoch. These kinds of failures must be tolerated by the Stacks blockchain.

A consequence of tolerating these failures is that the Stacks blockchain may have multiple competing forks; one of which is considered the canonical fork with the "best" chain tip. However, a well-designed blockchain encourages leaders to identify the "best" fork and append blocks to it by requiring them to irrevocably commit to the chain tip they will build on for their epoch. This commitment must be tied to an expenditure of some non-free resource, like energy, storage, bandwidth, or (in this blockchain's case) an existing cryptocurrency. The intuition is that if the leader does not build on the "best" fork, then it commits to and loses that resource at a loss.

Committing to a chain tip, but not necessarily new data, is used to encourage both safety and liveness in other blockchains today. For example, in Bitcoin, miners search for the inverse of a hash that contains the current chain tip. If they fail to win that block, they have wasted that energy. As they must attempt deeper and deeper forks to initiate a double-spend attacks, producing a competing fork becomes an exponentially-increasing energy expenditure. The only way for the leader to recoup their losses is for the fork they work on to be considered by the rest of the network as the "best" fork (i.e. the one where the tokens they minted are spendable). While this does not guarantee liveness or safety, penalizing leaders that do not append blocks to the "best" chain tip while rewarding leaders that do so provides a strong economic incentive for leaders to build and append new blocks to the "best" fork (liveness) and to not attempt to build an alternative fork that reverts previously-committed blocks (safety).

It is important that the Stacks blockchain offers the same encouragement. In particular, the ability for leaders to intentionally orphan blocks in order to initiate double-spend attacks at a profit is an undesirable safety violation, and leaders that do so must be penalized. This property is enforced by making a leader announce their chain tip commitment before they know if their blocks are included -- they can only receive Stacks tokens if the block for which they submitted a proof of burn is accepted into the "best" fork.

Election Protocol

To encourage safety and liveness when appending to the blockchain, the leader election protocol requires leader candidates to burn cryptocurrency and spend energy before they know whether or not they will be selected. To achieve this, the protocol for electing a leader runs in three steps. Each leader candidate submits two transactions to the burn chain -- one to register their public key used for the election, and one to commit to their token burn and chain tip. Once these transactions confirm, a leader is selected and the leader can append and propagate block data.

Block selection is driven by a verifiable random function (VRF). Leaders submit transactions to register their VRF proving keys, and later attempt to append a block by generating a VRF proof over their preferred chain tip's seed -- an unbiased random string the leader learns after their tip's proof is committed. The resulting VRF proof is used to select the next block through cryptographic sortition, as well as the next seed.

The protocol is designed such that a leader can observe only the burn-chain data and determine the set of all Stacks blockchain forks that can plausibly exist. The on-burn-chain data gives all peers enough data to identify all plausible chain tips, and to reconstruct the proposed block parent relationships and block VRF seeds. The on-burn-chain data does not indicate whether or not a block or a seed is valid, however.

Step 1: Register key

In the first step of the protocol, each leader candidate registers itself for a future election by sending a key transaction. In this transaction, the leader commits to the public proving key that will be used by the leader candidate to generate the next seed for the chain tip they will build off of.

The key transactions must be sufficiently confirmed on the burn chain before the leader can commit to a chain tip in the next step. For example, the leader may need to wait for 10 epochs before it can begin committing to a chain tip. The exact number will be protocol-defined.

The key transaction can be used at any time to commit to a chain tip, once confirmed. This is because the selection of the next block cannot be determined in advance. However, a key can only be used once.

Step 2: Burn & Commit

Once a leader candidate's key transaction is confirmed, the candidate will be eligible for election for a subsequent burn block in which it must send a commitment transaction. This transaction burns the leader candidate's cryptocurrency (proof of burn) and registers the leader candidate's preferred chain tip and new VRF seed for selection in the cryptographic sortition.

This transaction commits to the following information:

  • the amount of cryptocurrency burned to produce the block
  • the chain tip that the block will be appended to
  • the proving key that will have been used to generate the block's seed
  • the new VRF seed if this leader candidate is chosen
  • a digest of all transaction data that the leader candidate promises to include in their block (see "Operation as a leader").

The seed value is the cryptographic hash of the chain tip's seed (which is available on the burn chain) and this block's VRF proof generated with the leader candidate's proving key. The VRF proof itself is stored in the Stacks block header off-chain, but its hash -- the seed for the next sortition -- is committed to on-chain.

The burn chain block that contains the candidates' commitment transaction serves as the election block for the leader's block (i.e. N), and is used to determine which block commitment "wins."

Step 3: Sortition

In each election block, there is one election across all candidate leaders (across all chain tips). The next block is determined with the following algorithm:

# inputs:
#   * BLOCK_HEADER -- the burn chain block header, which contains the PoW nonce
#   * BURNS -- a mapping from public keys to proof of burn scores and block hashes,
#              generated from the valid set of commit & burn transaction pairs.
#   * PROOFS -- a mapping from public keys to their verified VRF proofs from
#               their election transactions.  The domains of BURNS and PROOFS
#               are identical.
#   * SEED -- the seed from the previous winning leader
# outputs:
#   * PUBKEY -- the winning leader public key
#   * BLOCK_HASH -- the winning block hash 
#   * NEW_SEED -- the new public seed

def make_distribution(BURNS, BLOCK_HEADER):
   BURN_ORDER = dict([(hash(PUBKEY + BLOCK_HEADER.nonce), 
                       (PUBKEY, BURN_AMOUNT, BLOCK_HASH))
                      for (PUBKEY, (BURN_AMOUNT, BLOCK_HASH)) in BURNS.items()])
   for (_, (PUBKEY, BURN_AMOUNT, BLOCK_HASH)) in sorted(BURN_ORDER.items()):

def select_block(SEED, BURNS, PROOFS, BURN_BLOCK_HEADER.nonce):
   if len(BURNS) == 0:
      return (None, None, hash(BURN_BLOCK_HEADER.nonce+ SEED))

   DISTRIBUTION = make_distribution(BURNS)
         return (PUBKEY, BLOCK_HASH, hash(PROOFS[PUBKEY]))

Only one leader will win an election. It is not guaranteed that the block the leader produces is valid or builds off of the best Stacks fork. However, once a leader is elected, all peers will know enough information about the leader's decisions that the block data can be submitted and relayed by any other peer in the network. Crucially, the winner of the sortition will be apparent to any peer without each candidate needing to submit their blocks beforehand.

The distribution is sampled using the previous VRF seed and the current block PoW solution. This ensures that no one -- not even the burn chain miner -- knows which public key in the proof of burn score distribution will be selected with the PoW seed.

Leaders can make their burn chain transactions and construct their blocks however they want. So long as the burn chain transactions and block are broadcast in the right order, the leader has a chance of winning the election. This enables the implementation of many different leaders, such as high-security leaders where all private keys are kept on air-gapped computers and signed blocks and transactions are generated offline.

On the use of a VRF

When generating the chain tip commitment transaction, a correct leader will need to obtain the previous election's seed to produce its proof output. This seed, which is an unbiased public random value known to all peers (i.e. the hash of the previous leader's VRF proof), is inputted to each leader candidate's VRF using the private key it committed to in its registration transaction. The new seed for the next election is generated from the winning leader's VRF output when run on the parent block's seed (which itself is an unbiased random value). The VRF proof attests that only the leader's private key could have generated the output value, and that the value was deterministically generated from the key.

The use of a VRF ensures that leader election happens in an unbiased way. Since the input seed is an unbiased random value that is not known to leaders before they commit to their public keys, the leaders cannot bias the outcome of the election by adaptively selecting proving keys. Since the output value of the VRF is determined only from the previous seed and is pseudo-random, and since the leader already committed to the key used to generate it, the leader cannot bias the new seed value once they learn the current seed.

Because there is at most one election per burn chain block, there is at most one valid seed per epoch (and it may be a seed from a non-canonical fork's chain tip). However as long as the winning leader produces a valid block, a new, unbiased seed will be generated.

In the event that an election does not occur in an epoch, or the leader does not produce a valid block, the next seed will be generated from the hash of the current seed and the epoch's burn chain block header hash. The reason this is reasonably safe in practice is because the resulting seed is still unpredictable and impractical (but not infeasible) to bias. This is because the burn chain miners are racing each other to find a hash collision using a random nonce, and miners who want to attempt to bias the seed by continuing to search for nonces that both bias the seed favorably and solve the burn chain block risk losing the mining race against miners who do not. For example, a burn chain miner would need to wait an expected two epochs to produce two nonces and have a choice between two seeds. At the same time, it is unlikely that there will be epochs without a valid block being produced, because (1) attempting to produce a block is costly and (2) users can easily form burning pools to advance the state of the Stacks chain even if the "usual" leaders go offline.

As an added security measure, the distribution into which the previous epoch's VRF seed will index will be randomly structured using the VRF seed and the PoW nonce. This dissuades PoW miners from omitting or including burn transactions in order to influence where the VRF seed will index into the weight distribution. Since the PoW miner is not expected to be able to generate more than one PoW nonce per epoch, the burn chain miners won't know in advance which leader will be elected.

Operation as a leader

The Stacks blockchain uses a hybrid approach for generating block data: it can "batch" transactions and it can "stream" them. Batched transactions are anchored to the commitment transaction, meaning that the leader issues a leading commitment to these transactions. The leader can only receive the block reward if all the transactions committed to in the commitment transaction are propagated during its tenure. The downside of batching transactions, however, is that it significantly increases latency for the user -- the user will not know that their committed transactions have been accepted until the next epoch begins.

In addition to sending batched transaction data, a Stacks leader can "stream" a block over the course of its tenure by selecting transactions from the mempool as they arrive and packaging them into microblocks. These microblocks contain small batches of transactions, which are organized into a hash chain to encode the order in which they were processed. If a leader produces microblocks, then the new chain tip the next leader builds off of will be the last microblock the new leader has seen.

The advantage of the streaming approach is that a leader's transaction can be included in a block during the current epoch, reducing latency. However, unlike the batch model, the streaming approach implements a trailing commitment scheme. When the next leader's tenure begins, it must select either one of the current leader's microblocks as the chain tip (it can select any of them), or the current leader's on-chain transaction batch. In doing so, an epoch change triggers a "micro-fork" where the last few microblocks of the current leader may be orphaned, and the transactions they contain remain in the mempool. The Stacks protocol incentivizes leaders to build off of the last microblock they have seen (see below).

The user chooses which commitment scheme a leader should apply for her transactions. A transaction can be tagged as "batch only," "stream only," or "try both." An informed user selects which scheme based on whether or not they value low-latency more than the associated risks.

To commit to a chain tip, each correct leader candidate first selects the transactions they will commit to include their blocks as a batch, constructs a Merkle tree from them, and then commits the Merkle tree root of the batch and their preferred chain tip (encoded as the hash of the last leader's microblock header) within the commitment transaction in the election protocol. Once the transactions are appended to the burn chain, the leaders execute the third round of the election protocol, and the sortition algorithm will be run to select which of the candidate leaders will be able to append to the Stacks blockchain. Once selected, the new leader broadcasts their transaction batch and then proceeds to stream microblocks.

Building off the latest block

Like existing blockchains, the leader can select any prior block as its preferred chain tip. In the Stacks blockchain, this allows leaders to tolerate block loss by building off of the latest-built ancestor block's parent.

To encourage leaders to propagate their batched transactions if they are selected, a commitment to a block on the burn chain is only considered valid if the peer network has (1) the transaction batch, and (2) the microblocks the leader sent up to the next leader's chain tip commitment on the same fork. A leader will not receive any compensation from their block if any block data is missing -- they eventually must propagate the block data in order for their rewards to materialize (even though this enables selfish mining; see below).

The streaming approach requires some additional incentives to encourage leaders to build off of the latest known chain tip (i.e. the latest microblock sent by the last leader). In particular, the streaming model enables the following two safety risks that are not present in the batching approach:

  • A leader who gets elected twice in a row can adaptively orphan its previous microblocks by building off of its first tenures' chain tip, thereby double-spending transactions the user may believe are already included.

  • A leader can be bribed during their tenure to omit transactions that are candidates for streaming. The price of this bribe is much smaller than the cost to bribe a leader to not send a block, since the leader only stands to lose the transaction fees for the targeted transaction and all subsequently-mined transactions instead of the entire block reward. Similarly, a leader can be bribed to mine off of an earlier microblock chain tip than the last one it has seen for less than the cost of the block reward.

To help discourage both self-orphaning and "micro-bribes" to double-spend or omit specific transactions or trigger longer-than-necessary micro-forks, leaders are rewarded only 40% of their transaction fees in their block reward (including those that were batched). They receive 60% of the previous leader's transaction fees. This result was shown in the Bitcoin-NG paper to be necessary to ensure that honest behavior is the most profitable behavior in the streaming model.

The presence of a batching approach is meant to raise the stakes for a briber. Users who are worried that the next leader could orphan their transactions if they were in a microblock would instead submit their transactions to be batched. Then, if a leader selects them into its tenure's batch, the leader would forfeit the entire block reward if even one of the batched transactions was missing. This significantly increases the bribe cost to leaders, at the penalty of higher latency to users. However, for users who need to send transactions under these circumstances, the wait would be worth it.

Users are encouraged to use the batching model for "high-value" transactions and use the streaming model for "low-value" transactions. In both cases, the use of a high transaction fee makes their transactions more likely to be included in the next batch or streamed first, which additionally raises the bribe price for omitting transactions.

Leader volume limits

A leader propagates blocks irrespective of the underlying burn chain's capacity. This poses a denial-of-service vulnerability to the network: a high-transaction-volume leader may swamp the peer network with so many transactions and microblocks that the rest of the nodes cannot keep up. When the next epoch begins and a new leader is chosen, it would likely orphan many of the high-volume leader's microblocks simply because its view of the chain tip is far behind the high-volume leader's view. This hurts the network, because it increases the confirmation time of transactions and may invalidate previously-confirmed transactions.

To mitigate this, the Stack chain places a limit on the volume of data a leader can send during its epoch (this places a de facto limit on the number of transactions in a Stack block). This cap is enforced by the consensus rules. If a leader exceeds this cap, the block is invalid.

Batch transaction latency

The fact that leaders execute a leading commitment to batched transactions means that it takes at least one epoch for a user to know if their transaction was incorporated into the Stacks blockchain. To get around this, leaders are encouraged to to supply a public API endpoint that allows a user to query whether or not their transaction is included in the burn (i.e. the leader's service would supply a Merkle path to it). A user can use a set of leader services to deduce which block(s) included their transaction, and calculate the probability that their transaction will be accepted in the next epoch. Leaders can announce their API endpoints via the Blockstack Naming Service.

The specification for this transaction confirmation API service is the subject of a future SIP. Users who need low-latency confirmations today and are willing to risk micro-forks and intentional orphaning can submit their transactions for streaming.

Burning pools

Proof-of-burn mining is not only concerned with electing leaders, but also concerned with enhancing chain quality. For this reason, the Stacks chain not only rewards leaders who build on the "best" fork, but also each peer who supported the "best" fork by burning cryptocurrency in support of the winning leader. The leader that commits to the winning chain tip and the peers who also burn for that leader collectively share in the block's reward, proportional to how much each one burned.

Encouraging honest leaders

The reason for allowing users to support leader candidates at all is to help maintain the chain's liveness in the presence of leaders who follow the protocol correctly, but not honestly. These include leaders who delay the propagation of blocks and leaders who refuse to mine certain transactions. By giving users a very low barrier to entry to becoming a leader, and by giving other users a way to help a known-good leader candidate get selected, the Stacks blockchain gives users a first-class stake in deciding which transactions to process as well as incentivizes them to maintain chain liveness in the face of bad leaders. In other words, leaders stand to make more make money with the consent of the users.

Users support their preferred leader by submitting a burn transaction that contains a proof of burn and references its leader candidate's chain tip commitment. These user-submitted burns count towards the leader's total score for the election, thereby increasing the chance that they will be selected (i.e. users submit their transactions alongside the leader's block commitment). Users who submit proofs for a leader that wins the election will receive some Stacks tokens alongside the leader (but users whose leaders are not elected receive no reward). Users are rewarded alongside leaders by granting them a share of the block's coinbase.

Allowing users to vote in support of leaders they prefer gives users and leaders an incentive to cooperate. Leaders can woo users to submit proofs for them by committing to honest behavior, and users can help prevent dishonest (but more profitable) leaders from getting elected. Moreover, leaders cannot defraud users who submit proofs in their support, since users are rewarded by the election protocol itself.

Fair mining

Because all peers see the same sequence of burns in the Stacks blockchain, users can easily set up distributed mining pools where each user receives a fair share of the block rewards for all blocks the pool produces. The selection of a leader within the pool is arbitrary -- as long as some user issues a key transaction and a commitment transaction, the other users in the pool can throw their proofs of burn behind a chain tip. Since users who submitted proofs for the winning block are rewarded by the protocol, there is no need for a pool operator to distribute rewards. Since all users have global visibility into all outstanding proofs, there is no need for a pool operator to direct users to work on a particular block -- users can see for themselves which block(s) are available by inspecting the on-chain state.

Users only need to have a way to query what's going into a block when one of the pool members issues a commitment transaction. This can be done easily for batched transactions -- the transaction sender can prove that their transaction is included by submitting a Merkle path from the root to their transaction. For streamed transactions, leaders have a variety of options for promising users that they will stream a transaction, but these techniques are beyond the scope of this SIP.

Minimizing reward variance

Leaders compete to elect the next block by burning more cryptocurrency and/or spending more energy. However, if they lose the election, they lose the cryptocurrency they burned. This makes for a "high variance" pay-out proposition that puts leaders in a position where they need to maintain a comfortable cryptocurrency buffer to stay solvent.

To reduce the need for such a buffer, making proofs of burn to support competing chain tips enables leaders to hedge their bets by generating proofs to support all plausible competing chain tips. Leaders have the option of submitting proofs in support for a distribution of competing chain tips at a lower cost than committing to many different chain tips as leaders. This gives them the ability to receive some reward no matter who wins. This also reduces the barrier to entry for becoming a leader in the first place.

Leader support mechanism

There are a couple important considerations for the mechanism by which peers submit proofs for their preferred chain tips.

  • Users and runner-up leaders are rewarded strictly fewer tokens for committing to a chain tip that does not get selected. This is important because leaders and users are indistinguishable on-chain. Leaders should not be able to increase their expected reward by sock-puppeting, and neither leaders nor users should get an out-sized reward for voting for invalid blocks or blocks that will never be appended to the canonical fork.

  • It must be cheaper for a leader to submit a single expensive commitment than it is to submit a cheap commitment and a lot of user-submitted proofs. This is important because it should not be possible for a leader to profit more from adaptively increasing their proof submissions in response to other leaders'.

The first property is enforced by the reward distribution rules (see below), whereby a proof commitment only receives a reward if its block successfully extended the "canonical" fork. The second property is given "for free" because the underlying burn chain assesses each participant a burn chain transaction fee. Users and leaders incur an ever-increasing cost of trying to adaptively out-vote other leaders by submitting more and more transactions. Further, peers who want to support a leader candidate must send their burn transactions in the same burn chain block as the commitment transaction. This limits the degree to which peers can adaptively out-bid each other to include their commitments.

Reward distribution

New Stacks tokens come into existence on a fork in an epoch where a leader is selected, and are granted to the leader if the leader produces a valid block. However, the Stacks blockchain pools all tokens created and all transaction fees received and does not distribute them until a large number of epochs (a lockup period) has passed. The tokens cannot be spent until the period passes.

Sharing the rewards among winners

Block rewards (coinbases and transaction fees) are not granted immediately, but are delayed for a lock-up period. Once the lock-up period passes, the exact reward distribution is as follows:

  • Coinbases: The coinbase (newly-minted tokens) for a block is rewarded to the leader who mined the block, as well as to all individuals who submitted proofs-of-burn in support of it. Each participant (leaders and supporting users) receives a portion of the coinbase proportional to the fraction of total tokens destroyed.

  • Batched transactions: The transaction fees for batched transactions are distributed exclusively to the leader who produced the block, provided that the block has enough transactions.

  • Streamed transactions: the transaction fees for streamed transactions are distributed according to a 60/40 split -- the leader that validated the transactions is awarded 60% of the transaction fees, and the leader that builds on top of them is awarded 40%. This ensures that leaders are rewarded for processing and validating transactions correctly while also incentivizing the subsequent leader to include them in their block, instead of orphaning them.

Recovery from data loss

Stacks block data can get lost after a leader commits to it. However, the burn chain will record the chain tip, the batched transactions' hash, and the leader's public key. This means that all existing forks will be known to the Stacks peers that share the same view of the burn chain (including forks made of invalid blocks, and forks that include blocks whose data was lost forever).

What this means is that regardless of how the leader operates, its chain tip commitment strategy needs a way to orphan a fork of any length. In correct operation, the network recovers from data loss by building an alternative fork that will eventually become the "best" fork, thereby recovering from data loss and ensuring that the system continues to make progress. Even in the absence of malice, the need for this family of strategies follows directly from a single-leader model, where a peer can crash before producing a block or fail to propagate a block during its tenure.

However, there is a downside to this approach: it enables selfish mining. A minority coalition of leaders can statistically gain more Stacks tokens than they are due from their burns by attempting to build a hidden fork of blocks, and releasing it once the honest majority comes within one block height difference of the hidden fork. This orphans the majority fork, causing them to lose their Stacks tokens and re-build on top of the minority fork.

Selfish mining mitigation strategies

Fortunately, all peers in the Stacks blockchain have global knowledge of state, time, and block-commit transactions. Intuitively, this gives the Stacks blockchain some novel tools for dealing with selfish leaders:

  • Since all nodes know about all blocks that have been committed, a selfish leader coalition cannot hide its attack forks. The honest leader coalition can see the attack coming, and evidence of the attack will be preserved in the burn chain for subsequent analysis. This property allows honest leaders to prepare for and mitigate a pending attack by burning more cryptocurrency, thereby reducing the fraction of votes the selfish leaders wield below the point where selfish mining is profitable (subject to network conditions).

  • Since all nodes have global knowledge of the passage of time, honest leaders can agree on a total ordering of all chain tip commits. In certain kinds of selfish mining attacks, this gives honest leaders the ability to identify and reject an attack fork with over 50% confidence. In particular, honest leaders who have been online long enough to measure the expected block propagation time would not build on top of a chain tip whose last A > 1 blocks arrived late, even if that chain tip represents the "best" fork, since this would be the expected behavior of a selfish miner.

  • Since all nodes know about all block commitment transactions, the long tail of small-time participants (i.e. users who support leaders) can collectively throw their resources behind known-honest leaders' transactions. This increases the chance that honest leaders will be elected, thereby increasing the fraction of honest voting power and making it harder for a selfish leader to get elected.

  • All Stacks nodes relay all blocks that correspond to on-chain commitments, even if they suspect that they came from the attacker. If an honest leader finds two chain tips of equal length, it selects at random which chain tip to build off of. This ensures that the fraction of honest voting that builds on top of the attack fork versus the honest fork is statistically capped at 50% when they are the same length.

None of these points prevent selfish mining, but they give honest users and honest leaders the tools to make selfish mining more difficult to pull off than in PoW chains. Depending on user activity, they also make economically-motivated leaders less likely to participate in a selfish miner cartel -- doing so always produces evidence, which honest leaders and users can act on to reduce or eliminate their expected rewards.

Nevertheless, these arguments are only intuitions at this time. A more rigorous analysis is needed to see exactly how these points affect the profitibility of selfish mining. Because the Stacks blockchain represents a clean slate blockchain design, we have an opportunity to consider the past several years of research into attacks and defenses against block-hiding attacks. This section will be updated as our understanding evolves.

Fork Selection

Fork selection in the Stacks blockchain requires a metric to determine which chain, between two candidates, is the "best" chain. For Stacks, the fork with the most blocks is the best fork. That is, the Stacks blockchain measures the quality of block N's fork by the total amount of blocks which confirm block N.

Using chain length as the fork choice rule makes it time-consuming for alternative forks to overtake the "canonical" fork, no matter how many burn tokens the alternative-fork miners have at their disposal. In order to carry out a deep fork of K blocks, the majority coalition of participants needs to spend at least K epochs working on the new fork. We consider this acceptable because it also has the effect of keeping the chain history relatively stable, and makes it so every participant can observe (and prepare for) any upcoming forks that would overtake the canonical history. However, a minority coalition of dishonest leaders can create short-lived forks by continuously building forks (i.e. in order to selfishly mine), driving up the confirmation time for transactions in the honest fork.

This fork choice rule implies a time-based transaction security measurement. A transaction K blocks in the past will take at least K epochs to reverse. The expected cost of doing so can be calculated given the total amount of burned tokens put into producing blocks, and the expected fraction of the totals controlled by the attacker. Note that the attacker is only guaranteed to reverse a transaction K blocks back if they consistently control over 50% of the total amount of tokens burned.

Bitcoin Wire Formats

The election process described in this SIP will be implemented for the Stacks blockchain on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. There are three associated operations, with the following wire formats:

Leader Block Commit

Leader block commits require at least two Bitcoin outputs. The first output is an OP_RETURN with the following data:

            0      2  3            35               67     71     73    77   79     80
             magic  op   block hash     new seed     parent parent key   key   burn parent
                                                     block  txoff  block txoff   modulus

Where op = [ and:

  • block_hash is the header block hash of the Stacks anchored block.
  • new_seed is the next value for the VRF seed
  • parent_block is the burn block height of this block's parent.
  • parent_txoff is the vtxindex for this block's parent's block commit.
  • key_block is the burn block height of the miner's VRF key registration
  • key_txoff is the vtxindex for this miner's VRF key registration
  • burn_parent_modulus is the burn block height at which this leader block commit was created modulo BURN_COMMITMENT_WINDOW (=6). That is, if the block commit is included in the intended burn block then this value should be equal to: (commit_burn_height - 1) % 6. This field is used to link burn commitments from the same miner together even if a commitment was included in a late burn block.

The second output is the burn commitment. It must send funds to the canonical burn address.

The first input of this Bitcoin operation must have the same address as the second output of the VRF key registration.

Leader VRF Key Registrations

Leader VRF key registrations require at least two Bitcoin outputs. The first output is an OP_RETURN with the following data:

        0      2  3              23                       55                          80
         magic  op consensus hash    proving public key               memo

Where op = ^ and:

  • consensus_hash is the current consensus hash for the burnchain state of the Stacks blockchain
  • proving_public_key is the 32-byte public key used in the miner's VRF proof
  • memo is a field for including a miner memo

The second output is the address that must be used as an input in any of the miner's block commits.

User Support Burns

User support burns require at least two Bitcoin outputs. The first output is an OP_RETURN with the following data:

            0      2  3              22                       54                 74       78        80
             magic  op consensus hash    proving public key       block hash 160   key blk  key
                       (truncated by 1)                                                     vtxindex

Where op = _ and:

  • consensus_hash is the current consensus hash for the burnchain state of the Stacks blockchain
  • proving_public_key is the 32-byte public key used in the miner's VRF proof
  • block_hash_160 is the hash_160 of the Stacks anchored block
  • key_blk is the burn block height of the VRF key used in the miner's VRF proof
  • key_vtxindex is the vtxindex of the VRF key used in the miner's VRF proof

The second output is the burn commitment. It must send funds to the canonical burn address.


Burn chain: the blockchain whose cryptocurrency is destroyed in burn-mining.

Burn transaction: a transaction on the burn chain that a Stacks miner issues in order to become a candidate for producing a future block. The transaction includes the chain tip to append to, and the proof that cryptocurrency was destroyed.

Chain tip: the location in the blockchain where a new block can be appended. Every valid block is a valid chain tip, but only one chain tip will correspond to the canonical transaction history in the blockchain. Miners are encouraged to append to the canonical transaction history's chain tip when possible.

Cryptographic sortition is the act of selecting the next leader to produce a block on a blockchain in an unbiased way. The Stacks blockchain uses a verifiable random function to carry this out.

Election block: the block in the burn chain at which point a leader is chosen. Each Stacks block corresponds to exactly one election block on the burn chain.

Epoch: a discrete configuration of the leader and leader candidate state in the Stacks blockchain. A new epoch begins when a leader is chosen, or the leader's tenure expires (these are often, but not always, the same event).

Fork: one of a set of divergent transaction histories, one of which is considered by the blockchain network to be the canonical history with the "best" chain tip.

Fork choice rule: the programmatic rules for deciding how to rank forks to select the canonical transaction history. All correct peers that process the same transactions with the same fork choice rule will agree on the same fork ranks.

Leader: the principal selected to produce the next block in the Stacks blockchain. The principal is called the block's leader.

Reorg (full: reorganization): the act of a blockchain network switching from one fork to another fork as its collective choice of the canonical transaction history. From the perspective of an external observer, such as a wallet, the blockchain appears to have reorganized its transactions.

Related Work

Blockchains are not a new type of distributed system. The first blockchain, Bitcoin, is based on a rich body of distributed systems research [4].

We believe that mining blocks in a blockchain by destroying a cryptocurrency on another blockchain is novel. However, it builds on a few attempts to leverage the relative resilience of a popular blockchain to bootstrap a new blockchain.

Prior work on merged-mining [5] attempts to solve this problem by having the popular blockchain's miners also mine blocks on the bootstrapping blockchain. However, this has proven to be risky in practice [1], because not all miners are obliged to participate.

Proof-of-burn in this SIP should not be confused with the identically-named concept of mining a blockchain by destroying its own tokens [6]. We do not believe that this approach is secure, because it creates a "nothing-at-stake" problem where miners can produce many different forks at negligeable cost. Proof-of-burn in this SIP destroys another blockchain's tokens because the act of creating many forks becomes the act of destroying more tokens on one fork of the existing blockchain. This, in turn, makes creating forks at least as expensive as mining blocks.

Destroying one cryptocurrency to produce another was pioneered by Counterparty [7]. Unlike systems like Counterparty, the Stacks blockchain uses continued destruction of cryptocurrency to mine new blocks on an entirely separate blockchain.

The design of the Stacks blockchain borrows its use of a VRF to select leaders from Algorand [3]. Unlike Algorand, the Stacks blockchain permits forks and executes as a single-leader blockchain.

The Stacks blockchain borrows the concept of streamed microblocks from Bitcoin-NG [2]. Unlike Bitcoin-NG, transactions may either be mined in a single batch or within a microblock stream -- the transaction signer makes the choice.

[1] Ali, Nelson, Shea, and Freedman. Blockstack: A Global Naming and Storage System Secured by Blockchains

[2] Eyal, Gencer, Sirer, and van Renesse. Bitcoin-NG: A Scalable Blockchain Protocol

[3] Gilad, Hemo, Micali, Vlachos, and Zeldovich. Algorand: Scaling Byzantine Agreements for Cryptocurrencies

[4] Narayanan. Bitcoin's Academic Pedigree

[5] Merged Mining Specification

[6] Slimcoin

[7] Why Proof-of-Burn

Backwards Compatibility

Shortly before the system launches, all state from Stacks 1.0 will be snapshotted and used to instantiate the genesis block of Stacks 2.0. All name ownership and token balances in Stacks 1.0 will be represented in Stacks 2.0 when it launches. The snapshot will take place at Bitcoin block height 665750.


At least 20 miners must register a name in the .miner namespace in Stacks 1.0. Once the 20th miner has registered, the state of Stacks 1.0 will be snapshotted. 300 Bitcoin blocks later, the Stacks 2.0 blockchain will launch.

The Stacks blockchain does not need to be fully-implemented to activate this SIP. The implementation of user burn support transactions (i.e. on-chain decentralized mining pools) and the second-price fee auction may be deferred to a subsequent network upgrade. A subsequent SIP will be written to describe their activation.

Reference Implementations

The frst reference implementation can be found at