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File metadata and controls

117 lines (80 loc) · 6.08 KB



microutil was developed in the Hekstra Lab to enable large scale processing of timelapse timelapse microscopy datasets. Many of the functions here wrap scikit-image functions to map them over each image in the dataset in parallel.


We like to

import microutil as mu.

Microutil typically operates on xarray datasets and data arrays. The standard use case is for 6D data with the following naming convention:

  • S : Position number
  • T : Time
  • C : Channel
  • Z : Z stack slices
  • Y : First image dimension
  • X : Second image dimension

For the later parts of the pipeline, microutil will expect an xarray dataset with the same dimension names as above and the following conventions for naming the variables in your dataset:

  • images : Data array containing your raw images
  • masks : Binary mask indicating which pixels are cells (1) and which are background (0)
  • labels : Integer mask where each cell has a unique integer value and the background is still 0.



Loading microsocpy images into python was one of the first tasks we tackled with microutil. Especially if you use micromanager to acquire data, then the following will get you set up to start with microutil:

data = mu.load_mm_frames("/path/to/micromanager/data/")

This will lazily load your images and assemble them into a data array with the right dimensions and coordinates as determined by the metadata.

Semantic Segmentation

Semantic segmentation is the process of determining which pixels are cells and which pixels are background. For semantic segmentation you can

  • Use thresholding based on Otsu's method. We have sped up and parallelized this method in mu.segmentation.calc_thresholds.
  • Use a neural network. If you happen to be working on yeast, you use the Unet from from YeaZ by downloading the appropriate weights and calling

predictions = mu.segmentation.apply_unet(images, "path/to/unet/weights.h5")

Instance Segmentation

At this point you will need to start using a dataset rather than a data array. This change can be as simple as ds = xr.Dataset({"images":your_data_array, "mask":your_semantic_seg_results}).

Once you have determined the pixels that correspond to cells vs. background, you can break them up into individual cells with mu.individualize(ds). It is probably worth reading the docstring on this one since there are a few variations accessible from this one function, though all fundamentally use the watershed algorithm. This will create a variable in ds called labels that contains the labelled regions.


Once the cells are invidivudally labelled, we can track individuals through time with the Hungarian algorithm. Our implementation uses the fairly high performance scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment to solve the matching problem. We compute the cost matrix by comparing the centers of mass of cells at successive time points as well as their areas and they extent to which they overlap with one another.

Note: We currently do not support the case where cells disappear from the field of view. This implies that the number of cells at time t+1 must be greater than or equal to the number cells at time t. We have made a convenient napari wrapper mu.correct_decreasing_cell_frames which will show you problematic frames and allow you to interactively correct them.


The submodule mu.single_cell computes some relevant quantities (such as center of mass and area) for each labelled region in each image. These functions return an array with the same leading dimensions as your labels (typically (S and T) and then an addition dimension for each cell which is called CellID by default and is padded with nans to keep an array format when there are different numbers of cells at each position and time.

Related projects

microutil is like philosophy in that whenever any part of it becomes particularly useful, that part spins out and becomes it's own project. Typically we leave the original versions here for backwards compatibility but any new users should prefer the newer standalone versions. Below are some such newer versions.

  • mu.load_mm_frames -> AICSImagio TiffGlobReader

    TiffGlobReader implements a more general logic for reading multi-file tiff datasets. It also has a handy static method that trivially handles micromanager images. It also is part of a AICSImageio which is trying to offer a unified API for microscopy datasets in python.

  • mu.single_cell -> dask_regionprops

    Scikit-imgae regionprops can compute many generic properties of labelled regions. It also ended up being more natural to store these properties in a dataframe where each row is a single region from a single image than in a padded array. As the name suggests, dask_regionprops uses dask to compute these properties in parallel and supports lazily computing them for larger than memory datasets.

  • mu.apply_unet, mu.individualize -> yeast_mrcnn

    Modern neural architectures, especially Mask-RCNN, can perform instance segmentation of many different classes without and intermediate semantic segmentation step. yeast_mrcnn uses pytorch and pre-trained models from torchvision to do this for yeast microscopy images. It also implements an efficient storage scheme for the labelled images.


We greatly welcome issues and pull requests if you find this library useful and want to help improve it.