The gh_issue
plugin provides aliases and functions for the command gh issue
of github cli
To use it, add gh
and gh_issue
to plugins array in your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
export SF_PLUGINS=(... gh gh_issue)
Alias | Command |
ghi | gh issue |
ghicl | gh issue close |
ghicm | gh issue comment |
ghicme | gh issue comment --editor |
ghicml | gh issue comment --edit-last |
ghicmw | gh issue comment --web |
ghicr | gh issue create |
ghicra | gh issue create --assignee |
ghicrl | gh issue create --label |
ghicrm | gh issue create --milestone |
ghicrp | gh issue create --project |
ghicrw | gh issue create --web |
ghid | gh issue delete |
ghidc | gh issue delete --confirm |
ghie | gh issue edit |
ghil | gh issue list |
ghila | gh issue list --assignee |
ghilA | gh issue list --author |
ghilj | gh issue list --json |
ghill | gh issue list --label |
ghilL | gh issue list --limit |
ghilM | gh issue list --mention |
ghilm | gh issue list --milestone |
ghilS | gh issue list --search |
ghils | gh issue list --state |
ghilw | gh issue list --web |
ghip | gh issue pin |
ghir | gh issue reopen |
ghis | gh issue status |
ghisj | gh issue status --json |
ghit | gh issue transfer |
ghiu | gh issue unpin |
ghiv | gh issue view |
ghivc | gh issue view --comments |
ghivw | gh issue view --web |
: Show all aliases ofgh_issue