Available endpoints for this API:
- Get Available Partners
- New Game
- Get Game Details
- Get Next Scenario
- Start Battle
- Get Battle Info
- Decide Turn
- Attack
- Surrender
GET: /partners
This endpoint is used for fetching available monster partner. Player need to choose from one of these monsters when starting new game.
Example Request:
GET /partners
Success Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"ok": true,
"data": {
"partners": [
"id": "b1c87c5c-2ac3-471d-9880-4812552ee15d",
"name": "Bluebub",
"battle_stats": {
"health": 100,
"max_health": 100,
"attack": 25,
"defense": 5,
"speed": 10,
"avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/025.png"
"ts": 1644934528
POST: /games
This endpoint is used for starting new game.
Body Fields:
, String => name of the playerpartner_id
, String => id of monster partner
Example Request:
POST /games
Content-Type: application/json
"player_name": "Riandy R.N",
"partner_id": "b1c87c5c-2ac3-471d-9880-4812552ee15d"
Success Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"ok": true,
"data": {
"id": "640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949",
"player_name": "Riandy R.N",
"partner": {
"id": "b1c87c5c-2ac3-471d-9880-4812552ee15d",
"name": "Bluebub",
"battle_stats": {
"health": 100,
"max_health": 100,
"attack": 25,
"defense": 5,
"speed": 10,
"avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/025.png"
"ts": 1644934528
Specific Errors:
Partner Not Found (
)HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_PARTNER_NOT_FOUND", "msg": "given `partner_id` is not found", "ts": 1644934528 }
This error will be received by client when given
is not found.
GET: /games/{game_id}
This endpoint is used for getting game details.
Example Request:
GET /games/640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949
Success Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"ok": true,
"data": {
"id": "640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949",
"player_name": "Riandy R.N",
"partner": {
"id": "b1c87c5c-2ac3-471d-9880-4812552ee15d",
"name": "Bluebub",
"battle_stats": {
"health": 100,
"max_health": 100,
"attack": 25,
"defense": 5,
"speed": 10,
"avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/025.png"
"created_at": 1644934528,
"battle_won": 0,
"scenario": "BATTLE_1"
"ts": 1644934528
Specific Errors:
Game Not Found (
)HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_GAME_NOT_FOUND", "msg": "game is not found", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when game is not found.
GET: /games/{game_id}/scenario
This endpoint is used for determining what scenario should be executed by client. It should be called after every battle is done.
Possible scenarios:
=> player need to beat the first battleBATTLE_2
=> player need to beat second battleBATTLE_3
=> player need to beat third battleEND_GAME
=> player has won all 3 battles offered in the game, client should show ending scene
Example Request:
GET /games/640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949/scenario
Success Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"ok": true,
"data": {
"scenario": "BATTLE_1"
"ts": 1644934528
Specific Errors:
Game Not Found (
)HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_GAME_NOT_FOUND", "msg": "game is not found", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when game is not found.
PUT: /games/{game_id}/battle
This endpoint is used for initializing new battle for given game. The enemy that will be faced by player will be randomized by the system.
Everytime player finish from battle, health point for monster partner will be set back to full.
Example Request:
PUT /games/640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949/battle
Success Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"ok": true,
"data": {
"game_id": "640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949",
"state": "DECIDE_TURN",
"partner": {
"id": "b1c87c5c-2ac3-471d-9880-4812552ee15d",
"name": "Bluebub",
"battle_stats": {
"health": 100,
"max_health": 100,
"attack": 25,
"defense": 5,
"speed": 10,
"avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/025.png"
"enemy": {
"id": "28933dde-b04c-46cc-9be7-5e785c62adfa",
"name": "Charmander",
"battle_stats": {
"health": 100,
"max_health": 100,
"attack": 30,
"defense": 4,
"speed": 10,
"avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/004.png"
"last_damage": {
"partner": 0,
"enemy": 0
"ts": 1644934528
Specific Errors:
Game Not Found (
)HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_GAME_NOT_FOUND", "msg": "game is not found", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when game is not found.
Invalid Battle State (
)HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_INVALID_BATTLE_STATE", "msg": "invalid battle state", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when battle state when client executing action is invalid.
GET: /games/{game_id}/battle
This endpoint is used for getting battle info for specified battle id. It is useful for display current battle info.
In the response, there is a field called state
. It is represents what action should be taken by the client in the battle.
Available values for the state
are following:
=> client should call Decide Turn endpointPARTNER_TURN
=> client should call either Attack or SurrenderWIN
=> player won the battle, client should clear the battle sceneLOSE
=> enemy won the battle, client should clear the battle scene
Example Request:
GET /games/640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949/battles/0f4d64d4-fd2d-4da6-bb6c-488fb4e60c2a
Success Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"ok": true,
"data": {
"game_id": "640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949",
"state": "LOSE",
"partner": {
"id": "b1c87c5c-2ac3-471d-9880-4812552ee15d",
"name": "Bluebub",
"battle_stats": {
"health": 100,
"max_health": 0,
"attack": 25,
"defense": 5,
"speed": 10,
"avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/025.png"
"enemy": {
"id": "28933dde-b04c-46cc-9be7-5e785c62adfa",
"name": "Charmander",
"battle_stats": {
"health": 100,
"max_health": 20,
"attack": 30,
"defense": 4,
"speed": 10,
"avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/004.png"
"last_damage": {
"partner": 100,
"enemy": 0
"ts": 1644934528
Specific Errors:
Battle Not Found (
)HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_BATTLE_NOT_FOUND", "msg": "battle is not found", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when ongoing battle is not found for given game id.
Game Not Found (
)HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_GAME_NOT_FOUND", "msg": "game is not found", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when game is not found.
PUT: /games/{game_id}/battle/turn
This endpoint is used for deciding whether it is player or enemy turn to attack. If it is enemy turn, the monster partner will take some damage from enemy.
Turn is being randomized based on speed stats from both monster partner & enemy.
Example Request:
PUT /games/640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949/battle/turn
Success Responses:
Enemy Attack:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "ok": true, "data": { "game_id": "640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949", "state": "DECIDE_TURN", "partner": { "id": "b1c87c5c-2ac3-471d-9880-4812552ee15d", "name": "Bluebub", "battle_stats": { "health": 80, "max_health": 100, "attack": 25, "defense": 5, "speed": 10, }, "avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/025.png" }, "enemy": { "id": "28933dde-b04c-46cc-9be7-5e785c62adfa", "name": "Charmander", "battle_stats": { "health": 100, "max_health": 100, "attack": 30, "defense": 4, "speed": 10, }, "avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/004.png" }, "last_damage": { "partner": 20, "enemy": 0 } }, "ts": 1644934528 }
Player Turn:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "ok": true, "data": { "game_id": "640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949", "state": "PARTNER_TURN", "partner": { "id": "b1c87c5c-2ac3-471d-9880-4812552ee15d", "name": "Bluebub", "battle_stats": { "health": 100, "max_health": 100, "attack": 25, "defense": 5, "speed": 10, }, "avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/025.png" }, "enemy": { "id": "28933dde-b04c-46cc-9be7-5e785c62adfa", "name": "Charmander", "battle_stats": { "health": 100, "max_health": 100, "attack": 30, "defense": 4, "speed": 10, }, "avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/004.png" }, "last_damage": { "partner": 0, "enemy": 0 } }, "ts": 1644934528 }
Specific Errors:
Battle Not Found (
)HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_BATTLE_NOT_FOUND", "msg": "battle is not found", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when ongoing battle is not found for given game id.
Game Not Found (
)HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_GAME_NOT_FOUND", "msg": "game is not found", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when game is not found.
Invalid Battle State (
)HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_INVALID_BATTLE_STATE", "msg": "invalid battle state", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when battle state when client executing action is invalid.
PUT: /games/{game_id}/battle/attack
This endpoint is used for inflicting damage to enemy. The resulted state
of this action is WIN
Example Request:
PUT /games/640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949/battle/attack
Success Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"ok": true,
"data": {
"game_id": "640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949",
"state": "DECIDE_TURN",
"partner": {
"id": "b1c87c5c-2ac3-471d-9880-4812552ee15d",
"name": "Bluebub",
"battle_stats": {
"health": 100,
"max_health": 100,
"attack": 25,
"defense": 5,
"speed": 10,
"avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/025.png"
"enemy": {
"id": "28933dde-b04c-46cc-9be7-5e785c62adfa",
"name": "Charmander",
"battle_stats": {
"health": 84,
"max_health": 100,
"attack": 30,
"defense": 4,
"speed": 10,
"avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/004.png"
"last_damage": {
"partner": 0,
"enemy": 16
"ts": 1644934528
Specific Errors:
Battle Not Found (
)HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_BATTLE_NOT_FOUND", "msg": "battle is not found", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when ongoing battle is not found for given game id.
Game Not Found (
)HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_GAME_NOT_FOUND", "msg": "game is not found", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when game is not found.
Invalid Battle State (
)HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_INVALID_BATTLE_STATE", "msg": "invalid battle state", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when battle state when client executing action is invalid.
PUT: /games/{game_id}/battle/surrender
This endpoint is used by player to surrender current battle. The resulted state
for this action is LOSE
Example Request:
PUT /games/640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949/battle/surrender
Success Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"ok": true,
"data": {
"game_id": "640dd7ef-be61-437d-a8ea-f12383185949",
"state": "LOSE",
"partner": {
"id": "b1c87c5c-2ac3-471d-9880-4812552ee15d",
"name": "Bluebub",
"battle_stats": {
"health": 100,
"max_health": 100,
"attack": 25,
"defense": 5,
"speed": 10,
"avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/025.png"
"enemy": {
"id": "28933dde-b04c-46cc-9be7-5e785c62adfa",
"name": "Charmander",
"battle_stats": {
"health": 84,
"max_health": 100,
"attack": 30,
"defense": 4,
"speed": 10,
"avatar_url": "https://assets.monster.com/assets/004.png"
"last_damage": {
"partner": 0,
"enemy": 0
"ts": 1644934528
Specific Errors:
Battle Not Found (
)HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_BATTLE_NOT_FOUND", "msg": "battle is not found", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when ongoing battle is not found for given game id.
Game Not Found (
)HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_GAME_NOT_FOUND", "msg": "game is not found", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when game is not found.
Invalid Battle State (
)HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict Content-Type: application/json { "ok": false, "err": "ERR_INVALID_BATTLE_STATE", "msg": "invalid battle state", "ts": 1644934528 }
Client receive this error when battle state when client executing action is invalid.