- Testing Exercises
- Assignment
Using Slack application on desktop and mobile:
- Describe at least 2 shared testing activities for desktop and mobile versions
Given RealWorld example application on web (React/Redux) and on mobile (NativeScript (Angular))
- Describe shared testing activities for web and mobile
- Describe unique testing activities per platform (web and mobile)
- Come up with two possible suggestions to improve the quality of the application
At the end of this week you need to deliver upon the following:
- Create a Markdown document under Week1 inclduing the description for shared and unique testing activities for RealWorld web and mobile apps (you may have create a list or a table). To deliver this, fork the main repo and create PR with your changes.
- For the suggestions to improve the quality of the application, add a card to "Backlog" in this trello board
Deadline WEDNESDAY 23.59 CET