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                        **A warm welcome to DNS**

Note: this page is part of the 'hello-dns' documentation effort.

Authoritative servers

The basics of DNS Authoritative operation have already been described in the Basic DNS document. In this file, we delve deeper into zone transfers and notifications.

This document covers RFCs 1982, 1995, 1996 (all three related to zone transfers), 4592 (Wildcards), 5936 (again zone transfers) and 7766 (TCP).

Incoming queries

An authoritative server ignores the value of the Recursion Desired (RD) bit in the DNS header. On any responses it generates, the Recursion Available bit is set to zero.

Take special care not to send responses to what is already a DNS response. This leads to tight loops and denial of service attacks. In other words, QR must be 0 on incoming packets.


As noted in the basic DNS document, finding the answer to a query may mean consulting multiple zones: the root zone, the org zone, the zone, for example.

The process of traversing such a zone-cut is called a delegation. A delegation is signified by the presence of NS records outside of the zone apex (aka the name of the zone).

  •                                                                                           *
  •                                    .---. SOA                                              *
  •                         +---------+ org +--------+                                        *
  •                        /           '-+-' NS       \                                       *
  •                       /              |             \                                      *
  •                    .-+-.           .-+-.          .-+-.                                   *

*---ZONE CUT--- + ietf+ NS | ietg+ NS | ... + ---ZONE CUT--- *

  •                    '-+-'           '-+-'          '---'                                   *
  •                     / \              |                                                    *
  •                    /   \             |                                                    *
  •                .--+.    +---.      .-+-.                                                  *
  • EMPTY --> + ord | | fra + | ... + *
    *NON-TERMINAL '-+-' '-+-' '---' *
  •                  |        |                                                               *
  •                .-+-.    .-+-.                                                             *                   
  • GLUE --> A + ns1 | | ns2 + A <-- GLUE *
  •          AAAA  '-+-'    '---'  AAAA                                                       *                   
  •                                                                                           *

Sending answers

Fundamentally, the following answers are possible (this omits CNAME and wildcard processing, more about which below).

  1. No applicable zone is loaded. Send REFUSED answer.
  2. From best zone, there was an exact match for the qname and qtype, send RRSET, set NO ERROR
  3. From best zone, the name queried exists, but no matching qtype and no NS type present (send NO DATA)
  4. From best zone, the name may exist, but there is a node or a parent has an NS record. Send delegation

The algorithm

Section 4.3.2 of RFC 1034 explains this process well, except that it also discusses what to do when operating as a resolver, which confuses matters.

Here is the RFC 1034 algorithm cleaned of outdated instructions and items that are only applicable to resolvers, with new instructions in bold.

  1. Removed
  2. Search the available zones for the zone which is the nearest
    ancestor to QNAME. If such a zone is found, go to step 3,
    otherwise set RCODE to REFUSED and go to step 7.
  3. Start matching down, label by label, in the zone. The
    matching process can terminate several ways:
    1. If the whole of QNAME is matched, we have found the
      If the data at the node is a CNAME, and QTYPE doesn't
      match CNAME, copy the CNAME RR into the answer section
      of the response, change QNAME to the canonical name in
      the CNAME RR, and go back to step 1.
      Otherwise, copy all RRs which match QTYPE into the
      answer section and go to step 6.
    2. If a match would take us out of the authoritative data,
      we have a referral. This happens when we encounter a
      node with NS RRs marking cuts along the bottom of a
      Copy the NS RRs for the subzone into the authority
      section of the reply. Put whatever addresses are
      available into the additional section, using glue RRs
      if the addresses are not available from authoritative
      data or the cache. Go to step 4.
    3. If at some label, a match is impossible (i.e., the
      corresponding label does not exist), look to see if the * label exists. If the * label does not exist, check whether the name
      we are looking for is the original QNAME in the query
      or a name we have followed due to a CNAME. If the name
      is original, set an authoritative name error in the
      response and exit. Otherwise just exit.
      If the * label does exist, match RRs at that node
      against QTYPE. If any match, copy them into the answer
      section, but set the owner of the RR to be QNAME, and
      not the node with the * label. Go to step 6.
  4. Removed
  5. Removed
  6. Using local data only, attempt to add other RRs which may be
    useful to the additional section of the query.
  7. Exit.

This description is valid, but its 'node' language may be confusing. An alternate way to describe the process is as follows:

  1. If the query name is, check the store for a zone. If not found, try, that is not found try
    org, otherwise try the root zone. If no zones were found, send out
  2. Within the first zone that matched (say, org), search for www.ietf. If that was not found, search for ietf etc etc

This is effectively the same thing but implemented on a regular key/value lookup engine.


The algorithm as described in the previous section does mention wildcards, but not in great detail, and not coherently. RFC 4592 by comparison discusses wildcards in exhaustive detail.

4592 specifically notes that is still matched by * It also specifies that one.* is a valid DNS name, but that it will only match itself, and not

4592 attempts to clarify every possible misunderstanding relating to wildcards (including interactions with DNSSEC), but because of its overwhelming detail may itself be a confusing document to read. It is recommended to refer to 4592 to resolve difficult wildcard questions, but if possible to stay well clear of difficult wildcard situations in the first place.

Specifically, this means not using wildcards for NS records or in other exciting places.

SOA Records

There is only one SOA that is guaranteed to exist on the internet and that is the one for the root zone (called .). As of 2018, it looks like this:

.   86400   IN   SOA 2018032802 1800 900 604800 86400

This says: the authoritative server for the root zone is called This name is however only used for diagnostics. Secondly, [email protected] is the email address of the zone maintainer. Note that the @ is replaced by a dot. Specifically, if the email address had been [email protected], this would have been stored as nstld\ This name would then still be 3 labels long, but the first one has a dot in it.

The following field, 2018032802, is a serial number. Quite often, but by all means not always, this is a date in proper order (YYYYMMDD), followed by two digits indicating updates over the day. This serial number is used for replication purposes, as are the following 3 numbers.

Zones are hosted on 'masters`. Meanwhile, 'slave' servers poll the master for updates, and pull down a new zone if they see new contents, as noted by an increase in serial number.

The numbers 1800 and 900 describe how often a zone should be checked for updates (twice an hour), and that if an update check fails it should be repeated after 900 seconds. Finally, 604800 says that if a master server was unreachable for over a week, the zone should be deleted from the slave. This is not a popular feature.

The final number, 86400, denotes that if a response says a name or RRSET does not exist, it will continue to not exist for the next day, and that this knowledge may be cached.


An authoritative server can serve the entire contents of a zone over TCP and this is called a zone transfer or AXFR. A "slave server" can request such an AXFR and then also serve the contents of the zone.

Master servers typically restrict AXFR access to specific IP addresses. A slave need not necessarily be known to the master as a slave - as long as it has AXFR access, it can retrieve the zone.

Zone transfers proceed over TCP, and every zone transfer consists of one or more DNS messages. Much as TCP has no datagram functionality to denote the begin and end of a message, neither does DNS over TCP. So individual messages are prefixed with a 16 bit network endian length field. The stream of messages comprising a zone transfer in turn is terminated by the receipt of a second copy of the SOA record of a zone.

1034 and 1035 speak about zone transfers, but not in sufficient detail. Instead, consult RFC 5936 and disregard anything found in 1034, 1035 and even 2181 about AXFR.

Note that RFC 1982 describes in exhaustive detail how serial numbers should be compared. The SOA serial number is an indication on if one zone is newer than the other. RFC 1982 describes how to deal with 32-bit wraps.


As outlined above in the description of the SOA record, slave servers periodically check the master server to find out if there have been any updates that need to be retrieved.

Since this periodic check may be far in the future, optionally master servers can send out notifications when they load new zone data.

Notification was not in 1034/1035 and is described well in RFC 1996.

In short, a notification is a regular DNS message, sent out as a query, but then with OPCODE=5. Notifications are repeated until acknowledged by the slave server.


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