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214 lines (159 loc) · 7.83 KB

File metadata and controls

214 lines (159 loc) · 7.83 KB

Welcome to my neovim config without any plugins! ( NeoVIM >= 0.10 )

Table of contents

Configuration presentations

  • A symbol outline in nested view

    • Opened by OpenSymbolOutlineNested command.
    • When firstly opened, match the symbol under the cursor in the source file, with the symbol in symbol-outline if it could.
    • When cursor in then symbol-outline win, press r to refresh the symbol-outline.
    • When cursor in then symbol-outline win, press <CR> to locate the symbol under the cursor in the source file.

  • A symbol outline in sorted view

    • Opened by OpenSymbolOutlineSorted command
    • Others same as the symbol-outline sorted view.

  • Autocomplete with the build-in omnifunc

    • Use the <TAB>, <S-TAB> or <UP> and <DOWN> to select a complementary item.

  • Folding according to after the pattern match

    • Toggled by <SPACE>z.

  • Focus on the cur word after the pattern match

  • A fuzzy file search without gitignore

    • Opened by Fs command.
    • Or use Fg to search with gitignore.
    • Powered by ripgrep.
    • Case insensitive search.
    • When cursor in the file search result win, press j or k to quickly preview the contents, <CR> to jump to the file.
    • <SPACE>q to quit it anywhere.

  • A fuzzy word search with gitignore

    • Opened by Wg command.
    • Or use Ws to search without gitignore.
    • Powered by ripgrep.
    • Case insensitive search.
    • When cursor in the file search result win, press j or k to quickly preview the contents, <CR> to jump to the file.
    • <SPACE>q to quit it anywhere.

  • A simple buffer switching that lists all buffers

    • Opened by <SPACE>l.
    • When cursor in the file search result win, press j or k to quickly preview the contents, <CR> to jump to the file.
    • <SPACE>q to quit it anywhere.

  • Keep netrw state

    • When quit the netrw and reopen it, its states will lose, so I wrote a script to keep its state, make it to hide on the right side instead of closing it, toggled by <SPACE>e

  • LSP config

  • If you have better ideas on my config without any plugins, please let me know! I think we can discuss happily!


Nvim With LSP

To use neovim config with lsp, you can download files to your customized path or run the following one-line command:

curl -sL | sh

Nvim Without LSP

To use neovim config without lsp but with self-contained auto completion of neovim, you can download files to your customized path or run the following one-line command:

curl -sL | sh

Vim Without LSP

To use vim config without lsp but with self-contained auto completion of vim, you can download files to your customized path or run the following one-line command:

curl -sL | sh

WARNING : Please carefully notice the content of, this will damage the content of ~/.config/nvim/ !!!!!!


To install latest nodejs in China, you can run the following one-line command, but before running the command I strongly recommand switching to a non-root user firstly:

curl -sL | bash

In ubuntu docker

To quickly config your neovim develop environment in docker ubuntu, after enter the bash shell of docker ubuntu, you can try these commands:

apt update;\
    apt upgrade -y;\
    apt install neovim xz-utils curl sudo git apt-transport-https ca-certificates ripgrep -y;\
    useradd -m devenv;\
    usermod -s /bin/bash devenv;\
    sudo sh -c 'echo "devenv ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers';\
    sudo chown devenv /home/devenv/;\
    sudo chgrp devenv /home/devenv/;\
    su devenv

Quickly edit config

To edit nvim config easily, you can:

echo "alias iv = 'nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias v = 'nvim" >> ~/.bashrc


To install miniconda of docker ubuntu in China, you must 'su devenv' first!!! Then exec follows:

curl -o ~/;\
    sh ~/ -b;\
    rm ~/;\
    ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash;\
    sed -n '/# >>> conda initialize >>>/,/# <<< conda initialize <<</p' ~/.bashrc >> ~/.condainit;\
    sed -i '/# >>> conda initialize >>>/,/# <<< conda initialize <<</d' ~/.bashrc;\
    echo 'alias cab="source ~/.condainit"' >> ~/.bashrc;\
    . ~/.bashrc

Then you can activate the conda env using 'cab' ( alias of 'conda activate base' )


To use fcitx input methed in GUI programes of the container, you can run commands below:

sudo sh -c 'echo "\nexport GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx\nexport QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx\nexport XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx\n" >> /etc/bash.bashrc';\
    . /etc/bash.bashrc

However, fcitx may still not work in QT programes of the container. I had met this problem in xfce4 host environment, anyone has solutions can commit an issue, thanks.


Here are configs of my host .bashrc:

PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '

alias p='export ALL_PROXY=socks5://'
alias np='unset ALL_PROXY'
alias l='curl "" ; echo'
alias v='nvim'
alias iv='nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim'
alias devenv='xhost + >> /dev/null;\
    podman start devenv;\
    podman exec -it \
        -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
        devenv /bin/bash -c \
        "cd /home/devenv/; su devenv;"'
alias u='sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y;'