In this class I would have the option to choose what kind of workouts the user wants to do, wether it be cardio or weight lifting. The third option would be a signup/newsletterpage.
This class would be an option from the WorkoutIndex where there would be a variety of workouts regarding cardio. The user could then add the workouts they want to save to the fifth SavedWorkouts class.
This class would be the one that has the most work done since it highlights every muscle in the body for the user to see. Depending on where the user clicks, it would show the workouts and also give the option to save to the SavedWorkouts class.
Found in the WorkoutIndex, this page will have a form submission for newsletters as well as daily fitness panels on the page.
This class will copy all the selected objects from the other classes and display them to the user and they will also be able to delete items from this page.
The CardioWorkout and WeightLifting classes would have the most data storage, since workouts can range to over 10 per muscle.
It should be considered to include modularity in order to create other classes, such as Yoga. changes were made