is used to abbreviateNABU NetSim
in this document.
This is an Emulator for the NABU network adapter for use with real NABU PCs and Emulators (Marduk, MAME), and can host multiple instances of either. Making it possible to host a whole NABU Network from one adaptor. It supports the Classic NABU protocol as well as NHACP and RetroNet, and can be extended to support your own custom protocols via JavaScript.
This is a work in progress, and may contain bugs, issues, poor code, etc.
Supports multiple NABU adaptors, serial and TCP. You can use multiple serial adaptors and listen for clients on multiple ports at the same time if you so choose.
Supports NAPA packages, so you can drop in content updates, without a restart
Supports local file system NABU files and cycles, with the classic cycles included
Supports feeds from and
Supports NHACP and Retronet, so it can run IshkurCPM and Cloud CPM.
A Fancy NABU Launcher, which can launch programs right from your NABU!
Supports RetroNET headless too
Deeply integrated offline caching of remote files/programs.
Web UI for configuration, with news from
Extensible protocol support, you can add your own protocol handlers in Python or Javascript.
Stability improvements in the NABU Launcher
NHACP bug fixes
Settings editor in the web ui
RetroNET Headless Support
Precaching Support
macOS ARM64 (Apple Silicon) builds were not signed, for the moment, please use the X64 build.
While using the X64 build on macOS, the serial port may not work.
JavaScript support is experimental.
I'm 100% sure there are more.
- OS: Windows, macOS, or Linux
- CPU: Average x64, arm, or arm64 CPU. (I've tested on a Raspberry Pi 3,4 and it works well.)
- Memory: 100MB base, 10MB per emulated adaptor, it uses less in my tests.
- Memory: 300MB minimum, 512MB-1GB recommended.
Realistically, a Pi 3 can serve a dozen or so adaptors, and a Pi 4 can handle 20+ A PC can potentially serve hundreds.
Download the latest release from Github, and extract it to a folder. Run the executable, and open your browser to http://localhost:5000
Preliminary Docker support is available, but is not extensively tested. It #WorksOnMyMachine.
docker build -f "./Nabu.NetSimWeb/Dockerfile" --force-rm -t nnswui:dev .
docker run -d \
-p 5000:80 \
-p 5816:5816 \
-v /path/to/NABUs:/app/NABUs \ # for NABU files
-v /path/to/Files:/app/Files \ # for NHACP/Retronet files
-v /path/to/logs:/app/logs \ # Optional - for Logs, you can still view them in the container.
-v /path/to/cache:/app/cache \ # Optional - for remote file caching.
-v /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0 \ # Optional - for serial port(s)
--name fabulous-falconer \
--restart unless-stopped \
NABU PC can be emulated with MAME, and the standalone NABU emulator Marduk
Leo Binkowski : for preserving all that sweet hardware and software.
DKGrizzley: for his PICO emulator to fill in the parts I couldn't figure out
York University: for their recreation efforts, they are both numerous and awesome
BriJohn: NABU Mame
GTAMP: NABU MAME Windows Builds
The great folks at the NABU Discord
And many many more
The NABU Community is already coming together, join us!