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365 lines (296 loc) · 14.4 KB

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365 lines (296 loc) · 14.4 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1.2.0] - 2024-07-05


  • Fix CI issues with Lucky v1.2


  • Upgrade GitHub actions
  • Move all after_commit database operations to after_save

[1.1.2] - 2024-02-10


  • Simplify EndOauthGrantGracefully operation

[1.1.1] - 2023-12-19


  • Send 403 status code if email confirmation token verification failed
  • Send 403 status code if password reset token verification failed

[1.1.0] - 2023-12-18


  • Add support for Lucky v1.1
  • Add OauthGrantType.authorization_code constructor
  • Add OauthGrantType.client_credentials constructor
  • Add OauthGrantType.refresh_token constructor
  • Add UserQuery#email method
  • Add BearerLoginQuery#name(String) method
  • Add OauthClientQuery#name(String) method


  • Query all email addresses case-insensitively

[1.0.2] - 2023-09-22


  • I18n: Rename operation.error.oauth_access_token_notify_required key to operation.error.oauth.access_token_notify_required

[1.0.1] - 2023-06-02


  • Fix compile error with Shield::ValidatePassword mixin in basic operations

[1.0.0] - 2023-06-01


  • Add EmailConfirmationCredentials.url class method
  • Add PasswordResetCredentials.url class method
  • Add PageUrlSession.safe_method? class method


  • Upgrade GrottoPress/lucille shard to v1.0
  • Do not skip default validations in operations outside Shield


  • Remove include MailHelpers from actions and operations
  • Remove all deprecated code

[0.21.0] - 2023-05-02


  • Upgrade GrottoPress/lucille shard to v0.11

[0.20.0] - 2023-03-13


  • Add support for CockroachDB


  • Upgrade to support Lucky v1.0

[0.19.0] - 2023-01-06


  • Add : HTTP::Server::Context) overload
  • Add : HTTP::Server::Context) overload
  • Add : HTTP::Server::Context) overload
  • Add : HTTP::Server::Context) overload
  • Add : HTTP::Server::Context) overload
  • Add : HTTP::Server::Context) overload
  • Add : HTTP::Server::Context) overload
  • Add : HTTP::Server::Context) overload
  • Add : HTTP::Server::Context) overload
  • Add : HTTP::Server::Context) overload


  • Do not delete secrets by default, after fetching from session.
  • Drop create_user parameter from Shield::HttpClient auth methods
  • Delete email confirmation session after delete email confirmation
  • Delete login session after delete login
  • Delete password reset session after delete password reset
  • I18n: Rename action.pipe.oauth.auth_code_invalid key to action.pipe.oauth.code_invalid
  • I18n: Rename operation.error.oauth_client_id_required key to operation.error.oauth.client_id_required
  • I18n: Rename operation.error.oauth_client_inactive key to operation.error.oauth.client_inactive
  • I18n: Rename operation.error.oauth_client_not_authorized key to operation.error.oauth.client_not_authorized
  • I18n: Rename operation.error.oauth_client_not_found key to operation.error.oauth.client_not_found
  • I18n: Rename operation.error.oauth_client_public key to operation.error.oauth.client_public
  • I18n: Rename operation.error.oauth_code_required key to operation.error.oauth.code_required
  • I18n: Rename operation.error.oauth_grant_inactive key to operation.error.oauth.grant_inactive
  • I18n: Rename operation.error.oauth_grant_type_invalid key to operation.error.grant_type_invalid

[0.18.0] - 2022-11-21


  • Add overload
  • Add overload


  • Upgrade to support Crystal v1.6
  • Rename CreateOauthAccessTokenFromClient#refresh_token to #credentials
  • Rename CreateOauthAccessTokenFromGrant#refresh_token to #credentials
  • Rename RotateOauthGrant#refresh_token to #credentials


  • Remove Shield::Hash#initialize
  • Remove ApiAction and BrowserAction from presets

[0.17.0] - 2022-10-15


  • Add support for OAuth refresh token revocation
  • Add Shield::Api::CurrentUser::OauthPermissions::Delete action
  • Add Shield::Api::CurrentUser::OauthPermissions::Destroy action
  • Add Shield::Api::Users::OauthPermissions::Delete action
  • Add Shield::Api::Users::OauthPermissions::Destroy action
  • Add Shield::Api::Logins::Token::Verify action
  • Add Shield::CurrentUser::OauthPermissions::Delete action
  • Add Shield::CurrentUser::OauthPermissions::Destroy action
  • Add Shield::Users::OauthPermissions::Delete action
  • Add Shield::Users::OauthPermissions::Destroy action
  • Add iss claim to OAuth token introspection response
  • Require scope at OAuth token endpoint for Client Credentials grants
  • Accept scope at OAuth token endpoint for Refresh Token grants
  • Validate scope at OAuth token endpoint


  • Fix authentication bypass in #oauth_maybe_require_logged_in pipe


  • Upgrade to support Lucky v1.0.0-rc1
  • Change successful token revocation response to {"active": false}
  • Rename Shield::Api::BearerLogins::Verify to Shield::Api::BearerLogins::Token::Verify
  • Rename Shield::Api::EmailConfirmations::Verify to Shield::Api::EmailConfirmations::Token::Verify
  • Rename Shield::Api::PasswordResets::Verify to Shield::Api::PasswordResets::Token::Verify
  • Allow OauthClient#redirect_uri column to be updated
  • Accept unnested params for Api::Oauth::Authorization::Create
  • Do not include Shield::Api::BearerLoginPipes in ApiAction by default
  • Allow setting multiple redirect URIs for OAuth clients


  • Remove Shield::Api::OauthPermissions::Delete action
  • Remove Shield::Api::OauthPermissions::Destroy action
  • Remove Shield::OauthPermissions::Delete action
  • Remove Shield::OauthPermissions::Destroy action
  • Remove operation.error.token_not_access_token translation key

[0.16.0] - 2022-09-22


  • Add OAuth 2.0 server
  • Add Shield::Api::BearerLogins::Verify action
  • Add Shield::Api::Logins::Show action
  • Add Shield::BearerLogins::Token::Show action
  • Add Shield::EmailConfirmations::Token::Show action
  • Add Shield::Logins::Show action
  • Add Shield::PasswordResets::Token::Show action
  • Add .bearer_login_scopes_allowed setting
  • Add BearerLoginCredentials utility
  • Add BearerLoginParams utility
  • Add EmailConfirmationCredentials utility
  • Add LoginCredentials utility
  • Add PasswordResetCredentials utility
  • Add support for all database primary key types (not just Int64)
  • Set Pragma: no-cache response header in Shield::LoginPipes#disable_cache
  • Add UpdateEmailConfirmationUser#credentials getter


  • Remove showing bearer token from Shield::BearerLogins::Show action
  • Change Shield::Api::EmailConfirmations::Show to accept ID as path param
  • Change Shield::Api::PasswordResets::Show to accept ID as path param
  • Change Shield::EmailConfirmations::Show to show email confirmation by ID
  • Change Shield::PasswordResets::Show to show password reset by ID
  • Restrict bearer login names to alphanumeric words, hyphens, underscores and parentheses.
  • Send WWW-Authenticate response header for invalid login tokens in APIs
  • Omit error from WWW-Authenticate response header if request lacks token
  • Rename Shield::LoginIdleTimeoutSession#expired? to #login_expired?
  • Increase cryptographic token sizes from 24 to 32 bytes
  • Treat a valid bearer login with invalid scopes as logged out


  • Ensure admins cannot view bearer tokens of others


  • Remove EmailConfirmationUrl utility
  • Remove PasswordResetUrl utility
  • Remove Shield::VerificationUrl utility mixin
  • Remove BearerToken utility
  • Remove Shield::Session utility mixin
  • Remove UpdateEmailConfirmationUser#email_confirmation getter
  • Remove UpdateEmailConfirmationUser#start_email_confirmation getter

[0.15.0] - 2022-06-28


  • Add support for Lucky v0.30
  • Add Shield::Api::BearerLogins::Show action
  • Add Shield::Api::BearerLogins::Update action
  • Add Shield::BearerLogins::Edit action
  • Add Shield::BearerLogins::Update action
  • Add Shield::UpdateBearerLogin operation


  • Ensure a bearer login has no duplicate scopes
  • Validate bearer login name format

[0.14.0] - 2022-03-17


  • Ensure support for Crystal v1.3
  • Add Shield::EndUserLogins operation
  • Add Shield::DeleteUserLogins operation
  • Add Shield::Api::CurrentUser::BearerLogins::* actions
  • Add Shield::Api::CurrentUser::EmailConfirmations::* actions
  • Add Shield::Api::CurrentUser::Logins::* actions for user logins on all devices
  • Add Shield::Api::CurrentUser::PasswordResets::* actions
  • Add Shield::Api::Users::BearerLogins::* actions
  • Add Shield::Api::Users::EmailConfirmations::* actions
  • Add Shield::Api::Users::Logins::* actions for user logins on all devices
  • Add Shield::Api::Users::PasswordResets::* actions
  • Add Shield::CurrentUser::BearerLogins::* actions
  • Add Shield::CurrentUser::EmailConfirmations::* actions
  • Add Shield::CurrentUser::Logins::* actions for user logins on all devices
  • Add Shield::CurrentUser::PasswordResets::* actions
  • Add Shield::Users::BearerLogins::* actions
  • Add Shield::Users::EmailConfirmations::* actions
  • Add Shield::Users::Logins::* actions for user logins on all devices
  • Add Shield::Users::PasswordResets::* actions
  • Add BearerToken#authenticate methods
  • Add Shield::Api::EmailConfirmations::Delete action
  • Add Shield::Api::EmailConfirmations::Destroy action
  • Add Shield::Api::EmailConfirmations::Index action
  • Add Shield::Api::EmailConfirmations::Show action
  • Add Shield::Api::EmailConfirmations::Verify action
  • Add Shield::Api::PasswordResets::Delete action
  • Add Shield::Api::PasswordResets::Destroy action
  • Add Shield::Api::PasswordResets::Index action
  • Add Shield::Api::PasswordResets::Show action
  • Add Shield::Api::PasswordResets::Verify action
  • Add Shield::BearerLogins::Show action
  • Add Shield::EmailConfirmations::Delete action
  • Add Shield::EmailConfirmations::Destroy action
  • Add Shield::EmailConfirmations::Index action
  • Add Shield::PasswordResets::Delete action
  • Add Shield::PasswordResets::Destroy action
  • Add Shield::PasswordResets::Index action
  • Add UpdatePassword operation
  • Add success : Bool column to password resets
  • Add success : Bool column to email confirmations


  • Use saved status to determine status of create operations
  • Respond with HTTP status code 400 in actions if operation failed
  • Rename Shield::LogOutEverywhere operation mixin to EndUserLoginsOnPasswordChange
  • Rename Shield::DeleteLoginsOnPasswordChange operation mixin to DeleteUserLoginsOnPasswordChange
  • Repurpose Shield::Api::Logins::Index to return all active logins for all users
  • Repurpose Shield::Logins::Index to return all active logins for all users
  • Rename API action's #current_bearer_user to #current_bearer
  • Rename API action's #current_or_bearer_user to #current_user_or_bearer
  • Make Shield::LoginHelpers available in pages and components
  • Rename Shield::Api::EmailConfirmations::Edit to Shield::Api::EmailConfirmations::Update
  • Rename Shield::EmailConfirmations::Edit to Shield::EmailConfirmations::Update
  • Rename Shield::LogUserIn operation mixin to Shield::StartLogin
  • Rename Shield::LogUserOut operation mixin to Shield::EndLogin
  • Convert ResetPassword from a User::SaveOperation to a PasswordReset::SaveOperation
  • Convert UpdateConfirmedEmail from a User::SaveOperation to a EmailConfirmation::SaveOperation
  • Replace NamedTuple responses in APIs entirely with serializers


  • Prevent bearer users from deleting themselves
  • Allow API logins with email and password without setting up bearer logins


  • Remove Shield::VerificationUrl#route
  • Remove BearerToken#to_header
  • Remove Shield::BearerLogin::Create action
  • Remove Shield::BearerLogin::New action

[0.13.1] - 2022-01-04


  • Redirect back if log out fails


  • Don't allow access to password in translations

[0.13.0] - 2022-01-03


  • Add support for Lucky v0.29
  • Set up i18n with Rex


  • Remove Lucky::Env module in favour of LuckyEnv
  • Restrict login verification error to password attribute only
  • Convert UserSettings to a struct
  • Extract bearer login validations into Shield::ValidateBearerLogin
  • Extract email confirmation validations into Shield::ValidateEmailConfirmation
  • Extract login validations into Shield::ValidateLogin
  • Extract password reset validations into Shield::ValidatePasswordReset
  • Extract user validations into Shield::ValidateUser
  • Allow setting bearer_login_expiry to nil to disable expiry
  • Allow setting login_expiry to nil to disable expiry
  • Allow setting login_idle_timeout to nil to disable timeout


  • Drop support for Lucky v0.28
  • Remove Shield::NeverExpires operation mixin

[0.12.0] - 2021-11-22


  • Add support for Crystal v1.2
  • Allow including Shield::ValidatePassword in Avram::Operation operations


  • Use descending order for queries in index actions
  • Integrate with Lucille


  • Revert avoiding queries in validations if operation already invalid

[0.11.0] - 2021-08-24


  • Add support for Lucky v0.28
  • Add Shield::SetUserIdFromUser#user! method
  • Add UserSettings column to User, as an alternative to UserOptions.


  • Rename bang counterparts of nilable methods to their non-bang equivalents
  • Append ? to names of methods with nilable return values
  • Prefer lazy loading for model associations


  • Avoid making queries in validations if operation already invalid


  • Drop support for Lucky v0.27

[0.10.0] - 2021-06-17


  • Allow setting custom time for Shield::Activate and Shield::Deactivate
  • Add Shield::StatusQuery#is_active_at


  • Fix wrong pagination for active records in Index actions.