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Kristian Karl edited this page Oct 4, 2019 · 29 revisions


GraphWalker is an Model-Based testing tool. It reads models in the shape of directed graphs, and generates [test] paths from these graphs.

A model can look like the one in the following image. The model is collection of arrows and nodes and together they create a graph.

  • An arrow represents an action.
  • A node represents a verification.

What GraphWalker does

Given a model and a generator rule, GraphWalker by mathematical algorithms generates a path which corresponds to your test idea. This image illustrates such a result.


Then this path would be provided to the tool of your choice to execute the test.
In other words, GraphWalker is a test generation tool.

Have a look at what features GraphWalker offers.

Download it

Either download the standalone jar file, or include GraphWalker in your Java project. Use the latest version 4.0.1.

In your Maven project, add this to your pom.xml file:


See more in Include Graphwalker in your maven project

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