Releases: GrafiteInc/Builder
Improved Cryptography utilities
Cryptography utilities are now improved
Added new file for easier tracking
New Semantic UI support and CRUD updates
CRUD now supports schema definitions
New CRUD generation from existing tables
New semantic command to build the views with semantic-ui as the css framework
CRUD builder now supports semantic UI
Adds Account Service to Billing
If you opt in to use the billing structure that Laracogs can put together for you then you'll now have access to the AccountService which will provide a set of methods to handle limitations in your application based on subscriptions. It includes a simple method for building a credit system as well should your app require it.
Minor fixes to custom app namespaces
Minor fixes to custom app namespaces
Laracogs config now handles custom app namespaces
Updates to the CRUD templates for custom app namespaces
Now supports custom app namespace
Now if you start a Laravel app with a custom App namespace, the starter, billing, bootstrap, notifications, socialite, and other commands all support it.
New Notifications
New Notifications generator command
Code cleanup all around in views and commands
Added request validations for some starter kit parts
New unit tests
Now with Socialite Integration
Now includes a command to generate an example of socialite integration with github. You could use any other Oauth 2 based integration with minimal modifications. But for Twitter with Oauth 1 you will have to modify further.
New Blade directives, Helpers and Relationships
We've added in various blade directives as well as basic helpers for the various methods.
A few internal improvements on FormMaker as well as InputMaker
New relationship support for the FormMaker means you can list out relationships as select and select multiple input types.
Bootstrap structure updates
Starter kit updates
Readme updates
Latest documentation is available at:
Now with APIs
Laracogs now comes with an API starter kit using JWT from Tymon:
You can use the starter kit to set up your application. Then run the API to build on the API layer. Then using the amazing CRUD builder with the new --api option you can auto generate your APIs as well as your full GUI for a CRUD in your application.
Please read up on the changes you will need to do to your application to handle JWT.
Accounts are now User Meta
Transformed the basics of the starter tool from accounts to user meta (don't worry - there are no changes to the form builder, crud, or crypto parts). After some discussion we realized that Accounts is too presumptive - maybe you want to keep accounts for a billing component or something else. Therefore we switched to UserMeta this is clear and even more simple. Ultimately your User remains unchanged from the core of Laravel, and you simply add more information to their 'profile' or user meta.
Also includes some minor updates to UI elements, billing improvements, and more.