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🚀 End-to-End Gen AI App Starter Pack 🚀

From Prototype to Production in Minutes.

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1-Minute Video Overview Preview Video
20-Minute Video Walkthrough Preview Video

This repository provides a template starter pack for building a Generative AI application on Google Cloud.

We provide a comprehensive set of resources to guide you through the entire development process, from prototype to production.

This is a suggested approach, and you can adapt it to fit your specific needs and preferences. There are multiple ways to build Gen AI applications on Google Cloud, and this template serves as a starting point and example.

High-Level Architecture

This starter pack covers all aspects of Generative AI app development, from prototyping and evaluation to deployment and monitoring.

High Level Architecture

What's in this Starter Pack?

A prod-ready FastAPI server
Description Visualization
The starter pack includes a production-ready FastAPI server with a real-time chat interface, event streaming, and auto-generated docs. It is designed for scalability and easy integration with monitoring tools. FastAPI docs
Ready-to-use AI patterns
Description Visualization
Start with a variety of common patterns: this repository offers examples including a basic conversational chain, a production-ready RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) chain developed with Python, and a LangGraph agent implementation. Use them in the application by changing one line of code. See the Readme for more details. patterns available
Integration with Vertex AI Evaluation and Experiments
Description Visualization
The repository showcases how to evaluate Generative AI applications using tools like Vertex AI rapid eval SDK and Vertex AI Experiments. Vertex AI Rapid Eval
Unlock Insights with Google Cloud Native Tracing & Logging
Description Visualization
Seamlessly integrate with OpenTelemetry, Cloud Trace, Cloud Logging, and BigQuery for comprehensive data collection, and log every step of your Gen AI application to unlock powerful insights. Tracing Preview
Monitor Responses from the application
Description Visualization
Monitor your Generative AI application's performance. We provide a Looker Studio dashboard to monitor application conversation statistics and user feedback. Dashboard1
We can also drill down to individual conversations and view the messages exchanged. Dashboard2
CICD and Terraform
Description Visualization
Streamline your deployments with Cloud Build. Enhance reliability through automated testing. The template includes implementation of unit, integration, and load tests, and a set of Terraform resources for you to set up your own Google Cloud project in a matter of minutes. cicd
A comprehensive UI Playground
Description Visualization
Experiment with your Generative AI application in a feature-rich playground, including chat curation, user feedback collection, multimodal input, and more! Streamlit View

Getting Started


  • Python >=3.10,<3.13
  • Google Cloud SDK installed and configured
  • Poetry for dependency management
  • A development environment (e.g. your local IDE or, when running remotely on Google Cloud, Cloud Shell or Cloud Workstations).

Download the starter pack

gsutil cp gs://e2e-gen-ai-app-starter-pack/ . && unzip && cd app-starter-pack

Use the downloaded folder as a starting point for your own Generative AI application.


Install required packages using Poetry:

poetry install --with streamlit,jupyter


Set your default Google Cloud project and region:

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project $PROJECT_ID


Command Description
make playground Start the backend and frontend for local playground execution
make test Run unit and integration tests
make load_test Execute load tests (see tests/load_test/ for details)
poetry run jupyter Launch Jupyter notebook

For full command options and usage, refer to the Makefile.


  1. Prototype Your Chain: Build your Generative AI application using different methodologies and frameworks. Use Vertex AI Evaluation for assessing the performance of your application and its chain of steps. See notebooks/getting_started.ipynb for a tutorial to get started building and evaluating your chain.
  2. Integrate into the App: Import your chain into the app. Edit the app/ file to add your chain.
  3. Playground Testing: Explore your chain's functionality using the Streamlit playground. Take advantage of the comprehensive playground features, such as chat history management, user feedback mechanisms, support for various input types, and additional capabilities. You can run the playground locally with the make playground command.
  4. Deploy with CI/CD: Configure and trigger the CI/CD pipelines. Edit tests if needed. See the deployment section below for more details.
  5. Monitor in Production: Track performance and gather insights using Cloud Logging, Tracing, and the Looker Studio dashboard. Use the gathered data to iterate on your Generative AI application.


Dev Environment

You can test deployment towards a Dev Environment using the following command:

gcloud run deploy genai-app-sample --source . --project YOUR_DEV_PROJECT_ID

The repository includes a Terraform configuration for the setup of the Dev Google Cloud project. See deployment/ for instructions.

Production Deployment with Terraform

Deployment Workflow

Quick Start:

  1. Enable required APIs in the CI/CD project.

    gcloud config set project YOUR_CI_CD_PROJECT_ID
    gcloud services enable
  2. Create a Git repository (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket).

  3. Connect to Cloud Build following Cloud Build Repository Setup.

  4. Configure deployment/terraform/vars/env.tfvars with your project details.

  5. Deploy infrastructure:

    cd deployment/terraform
    terraform init
    terraform apply --var-file vars/env.tfvars
  6. Perform a commit and push to the repository to see the CI/CD pipelines in action!

For detailed deployment instructions, refer to deployment/


Contributions are welcome! See the Contributing Guide.


We value your input! Your feedback helps us improve this starter pack and make it more useful for the community.

Getting Help

If you encounter any issues or have specific suggestions, please first consider raising an issue on our GitHub repository.

Share Your Experience

For other types of feedback, or if you'd like to share a positive experience or success story using this starter pack, we'd love to hear from you! You can reach out to us at [email protected].

Thank you for your contributions!


This repository is for demonstrative purposes only and is not an officially supported Google product.