diff --git a/lang/ca.json b/lang/ca.json
index 7023c9de42..ff79705c6c 100644
--- a/lang/ca.json
+++ b/lang/ca.json
@@ -383,6 +383,18 @@
"label.eligible_networks_for_matching": "Xarxes aptes per a la concordança QF",
"label.email": "correu electrònic",
"label.email_address": "Adreça electrònica",
+ "label.email_verified": "Correu electrònic verificat",
+ "label.email_verify": "Verifica el correu electrònic",
+ "label.email_already_verified": "El teu correu electrònic ha estat verificat. Ara pots desar la informació del teu perfil.",
+ "label.email_used": "Aquesta adreça de correu electrònic s'utilitzarà per enviar-te comunicacions importants.",
+ "label.email_used_another": "Aquest correu electrònic ja ha estat verificat en un altre perfil!",
+ "label.email_sent_to": "Codi de verificació enviat a {email}",
+ "label.email_please_verify": "Si us plau, verifica el teu correu electrònic. Introdueix el codi de confirmació enviat al teu correu.",
+ "label.email_get_resend": "No has rebut el correu? Revisa la teva carpeta de correu brossa o ",
+ "label.email_confirm_code": "Confirma el codi",
+ "label.email_verify_banner": "Obté l'accés complet als teus comptes i projectes. Verifica la teva adreça de correu electrònic! ",
+ "label.email_actions_text": "Verifica el teu correu electrònic per gestionar els teus projectes!",
+ "label.email_error_verify": "Error de verificació del correu electrònic",
"label.enable_change": "Habilita el canvi",
"label.enable_recurring_donations": "Habilitar Donacions Recurrents",
"label.ends_on": "acaba el",
@@ -610,7 +622,7 @@
"label.loading": "Carregant",
"label.loading_data": "Carregant Dades",
"label.location": "Ubicació",
- "label.location_optional": "ubicació (opcional)",
+ "label.location_optional": "Ubicació (opcional)",
"label.locekd_giv": "GIV Bloquejat",
"label.locked_for": "Bloquejat per",
"label.locked_giv_details": "Detalls del GIV bloquejat",
@@ -1204,7 +1216,7 @@
"label.wallet": "CARTERA",
"label.wallet_connect": "Connexió de la cartera",
"label.want_to_use_another_wallet": "Vols usar una altra cartera?",
- "label.website_or_url": "lloc web o URL",
+ "label.website_or_url": "Lloc web o URL",
"label.week": "setmana",
"label.welcome_giver": "Benvingut, Giver",
"label.welcome_to_the": "Benvingut a",
diff --git a/lang/en.json b/lang/en.json
index 552db6df57..13e9659b3a 100644
--- a/lang/en.json
+++ b/lang/en.json
@@ -381,8 +381,20 @@
"label.elevate_projects": "Elevate Projects",
"label.eligible_for_matching": "Eligible for Matching",
"label.eligible_networks_for_matching": "Eligible networks for QF matching",
- "label.email": "email",
+ "label.email": "Email",
"label.email_address": "Email Address",
+ "label.email_verified": "Email Verified",
+ "label.email_verify": "Verify Email",
+ "label.email_already_verified": "Your email has been verified. You can now save your profile information.",
+ "label.email_used": "This email address will be used to send you important communications.",
+ "label.email_used_another": "This email that has already been verified on another profile!",
+ "label.email_sent_to": "Verification code sent to {email}",
+ "label.email_please_verify": "Please Verify your email. Enter the confirmation code sent to your email.",
+ "label.email_get_resend": "Didn't get the email? Check your spam folder or ",
+ "label.email_confirm_code": "Confirm Code",
+ "label.email_verify_banner": "Get the full access to your accounts and projects. Verify your email address! ",
+ "label.email_actions_text": "Verify your email to manage your projects!",
+ "label.email_error_verify": "Error verification email",
"label.enable_change": "Enable Change",
"label.enable_recurring_donations": "Enable Recurring Donations",
"label.ends_on": "ends on",
@@ -610,7 +622,7 @@
"label.loading": "Loading",
"label.loading_data": "Loading Data",
"label.location": "Location",
- "label.location_optional": "location (optional)",
+ "label.location_optional": "Location (optional)",
"label.locekd_giv": "Locked GIV",
"label.locked_for": "Locked for",
"label.locked_giv_details": "Locked GIV Details",
@@ -1204,7 +1216,7 @@
"label.wallet": "WALLET",
"label.wallet_connect": "Wallet Connect",
"label.want_to_use_another_wallet": "Want to use another wallet?",
- "label.website_or_url": "website or url",
+ "label.website_or_url": "Website or url",
"label.week": "week",
"label.welcome_giver": "Welcome, Giver",
"label.welcome_to_the": "Welcome to the",
diff --git a/lang/es.json b/lang/es.json
index 410ca22183..fc3a0c5389 100644
--- a/lang/es.json
+++ b/lang/es.json
@@ -383,6 +383,18 @@
"label.eligible_networks_for_matching": "Redes elegibles para la asignación de QF",
"label.email": "Email",
"label.email_address": "Dirección de Email",
+ "label.email_verified": "Correo electrónico verificado",
+ "label.email_verify": "Verificar correo electrónico",
+ "label.email_already_verified": "Tu correo electrónico ha sido verificado. Ahora puedes guardar la información de tu perfil.",
+ "label.email_used": "Esta dirección de correo electrónico se utilizará para enviarte comunicaciones importantes.",
+ "label.email_used_another": "¡Este correo electrónico ya ha sido verificado en otro perfil!",
+ "label.email_sent_to": "Código de verificación enviado a {email}",
+ "label.email_please_verify": "Por favor, verifica tu correo electrónico. Ingresa el código de confirmación enviado a tu correo.",
+ "label.email_get_resend": "¿No recibiste el correo? Revisa tu carpeta de spam o ",
+ "label.email_confirm_code": "Confirmar código",
+ "label.email_verify_banner": "Obtén acceso completo a tus cuentas y proyectos. ¡Verifica tu dirección de correo electrónico! ",
+ "label.email_actions_text": "¡Verifica tu correo electrónico para gestionar tus proyectos!",
+ "label.email_error_verify": "Error de verificación del correo electrónico",
"label.enable_change": "Ayuda al Cambio",
"label.enable_recurring_donations": "Habilitar Donaciones Recurrentes",
"label.ends_on": "termina el",
diff --git a/pages/account.tsx b/pages/account.tsx
index 1d13e12c95..4714c88d4f 100644
--- a/pages/account.tsx
+++ b/pages/account.tsx
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import WalletNotConnected from '@/components/WalletNotConnected';
import UserNotSignedIn from '@/components/UserNotSignedIn';
import UserProfileView from '@/components/views/userProfile/UserProfile.view';
import { ProfileProvider } from '@/context/profile.context';
+import VerifyEmailBanner from '@/components/views/userProfile/VerifyEmailBanner';
const AccountRoute = () => {
const { isSignedIn, isEnabled, userData, isLoading } = useAppSelector(
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ const AccountRoute = () => {