Welcome to Machine Learning Games, a repository containing set of games and simulations designed to experiment with QLearning, Neuroevolution, and PoseNet.
Here are the games and simulations available in this repository:
Ball_Q-Learning: A simulation of a ball learning how to reach a target with Q-Learning.
Flappy_Bird_PoseNet: Flappy Bird controlled with PoseNet.
Stickman_PoseNet: A sample jumping game with PoseNet.
Drone_Q-Learning: A Unity simulation of a drone learning how to fly with Q-Learning.
Wolf3d_PoseNet: Wolf3d controlled PoseNet and pose classification.
Worm-Q-Learning: A simulation of a worm learning how to jump with Q-Learning.
Worm_Neuroevolution: A simulation of a worm learning how to jump with Neuroevolution.
Please refer to the individual directories for each game for more details.