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Typescript Chat Messaging app

This is a bare minimum Chat application using Stream Chat SDK built using Native CLI platform without any customization.

How to run the app

Make sure you have the Native CLI development setup ready in your system. Please follow this guide for the same.

Clone the project

git clone

Install dependencies

  1. In the root install the dependencies:
yarn install
  1. Move to the package directory and install the dependencies:
cd package && yarn install
  1. Move to the native-package directory and install the dependencies:
cd native-package && yarn install
  1. Finally, Move to the app directory and install the dependencies:
cd ../../examples/TypeScriptMessaging && yarn install

Install Pods for iOS

cd ios && pod install


To run the application for different platforms, use the following commands:

yarn start
  • For iOS
yarn ios
  • For android
yarn android