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Releases: GetLuna/Luna

Luna 1.0 Release Canidate 1 · Build 4154

03 Apr 20:34
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It is that time to release our first Release Candidate for Luna. We still have some bugs to fix (6 at this point) but we are certain we can fix them all by RC2 next week. Anyhow, RC1 comes with an aweful lot of bug fixes, a wooping 63 bugs got fixed. But while this is an RC, it's not all about fixes bugs.

Some tickets are labeled with an asteriks (*), when a bug has this symbol, it means that the ticket isn't closed yet because the issue got only resolved partially.

Non-bugs improvements

Some of these non-bug improvements are related to a reported bug, but made a change in behavior that is large enough to be enlisted here, thus doesn't just prevent an error.

  • #1005 “About” has been cleaned up and no longer shows Preview/Beta-information like Preview/Beta-updates.
  • #1005 The logo in “About” has been updated.
  • #1117 When you log in, you won’t be redirected to the Index anymore, but to the page you loged in from.
  • #1122 The back-up system has been updated to support Luna.
  • #1122 Back-ups are now named “luna-” instead of “modernbb-”.
  • #1138 When removing posts from Inbox, you’ll now get to see a modal instead of another page that asks for confirmation.
  • #1140 We’ve made small changes to the way the notification page identifies you.
  • #1159 We’ve removed the (not working) options to edit or delete posts from conversations in Inbox.
  • #1164 New installations will no longer add a note to the “Admin note” section.
  • #1165 When requesting your password with a wrong email address, you’ll now get an error instead of nothing.
  • We’ve made some minor changes to our language files. So translators: be sure to check them out.

Bug fixes

  • #1110 Search no longer shows all posts to be from closed topics.
  • #1112 Fix multiple issues with translations.
  • #1113 Check for correct permissions when showing delete and soft delete.
  • #1114 Fixes a bug when registrating with rules enabled.
  • #1115 Fix undefined index in Inbox.
  • #1116 Fix undefined index in Notifications.
  • #1117 Fix undefined redirect_url.
  • #1118 Fix advanced search issues.
  • #1119 Fix issue with Database tools.
  • #1121 Remove outdated link to maintenance mode.
  • #1123 Fix issues with IP stats.
  • #1124 Fix bug in Ban page that loads nav twice and defines current page twice.
  • #1125 Fix issue that caused deleted users not to be deleted.
  • #1126 Fix undefined variable in search.
  • #1127 Fix undefined redirect_url variable.
  • #1128 Fix unindentified index level.
  • #1129 Fix undefined variable lang in search.
  • #1130 Fix missing variables when posting a new post.
  • #1131 Fix issues with the moderation tools.
  • #1132 Fix issues with the moderation tools when closing topics.
  • #1133 Fix undefined variable when creating a new post.
  • #1134 Fix undefined message variable when editing a post.
  • #1135 Fix undefined index in Inbox.
  • #1136 Fix issue when deleting post from Inbox.
  • #1137 Fix wrong link for dates in Inbox.
  • #1138 Fix abbility to delete items from Inbox.
  • #1139 Fix issue with login redirect url.
  • #1142 An issue on the ban page has been fixed.
  • #1143 Fix undefined index Database.
  • #1144 Fix undefined variable item_status.
  • #1145 Fix undefined index visible.
  • #1146 Put space between attributes.
  • #1147 Fix errors when trying to restore a back-up without choosing a file.
  • #1148 The moderator links in forum views have been fixed.
  • #1149 Fix issues when pruning the board.
  • #1150 Fix issues that appear when starting a back-up. *
  • #1151 Added missing "=" in link.
  • #1152 Remove variable that isn't used from forum.
  • #1153 Fix undefined index when posting new item.
  • #1154 Fix undefined variable in Inbox.
  • #1155 Fix another undefined varibale in Inbox.
  • #1156 Fix issue when moderating a topic.
  • #1157 Fix when opening, closing, etc. a topic from post.
  • #1159 Don't provide option to edit posts in PM.
  • #1160 Custom copyright text is now escaped.
  • #1162 Fix undefined idnex redirect_url.
  • #1165 Request password now has error handling.
  • #1166 Pruning post no longer displays results above html-tag.
  • #1167 Fix undefined variable url.
  • #1168 Fix 404 not found error when splitting topics.
  • #1169 Fix loading twice when deleting posts.
  • #1170 Fix undefined variable redirecct_url.
  • #1171 Fix loading twice when searching IP address without IP address.
  • #1172 Fix undefined variable forum_name.
  • And 9 other unreported bugs.

Luna 1.0 Beta 3 · Build 4069

31 Mar 16:59
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The third and final Beta is here. Beta 3 brings along small improvements. We're at the edge of releasing Luna 1.0. Beta 3 fixes bugs and makes more small improvements all over the place. This is near-finished code. We're ready for the RC stage! April 13th can't come fast enough.

Note that all tickets that are listened below are tickets that have been worked on, as this is an early alpha release, that means that these tickets might not have been closed and thus, the functionality, enhancement or whatever the ticket is about, might not have been completed.



The Backstage will feature an all-new design, with more focus on management of your board. It will, of course, also contain all new features introduced in Luna 1.0.


  • #1005 Release notes: the release notes of Luna are now included in the Backstage.



With the new themes engine, Random and its variantions will have to go (we might rebuild them in the future, just for fun). Here you can find all tickets about the default theme "Sunrise", and the new theme engine.

Other themes

  • #1071 Random theme: Random is our classic ModernBB theme, that will return once again in Luna.
  • #1075 Sunrise theme: Sunrise is a variation upon Luna with a more classic structure. It's a child theme for Luna.


  • #1095 An issue with new posts is fixed.

Luna 1.0 Beta 2 · Build 4049

28 Mar 09:13
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The second Beta is here. Beta 2 brings along some major language improvements, as Luna now can be translated from the beginning to the end. We've, of course, included other things like improvements to Random, bugfixes and more little changes.

Note that all tickets that are listened below are tickets that have been worked on, as this is an early alpha release, that means that these tickets might not have been closed and thus, the functionality, enhancement or whatever the ticket is about, might not have been completed.



The Backstage will feature an all-new design, with more focus on management of your board. It will, of course, also contain all new features introduced in Luna 1.0.


  • #1005 Release notes: the release notes of Luna are now included in the Backstage.



  • #1068 Translation improvements: make it possible to translate all strings again.


With the new themes engine, Random and its variantions will have to go (we might rebuild them in the future, just for fun). Here you can find all tickets about the default theme "Sunrise", and the new theme engine.


  • #900 Default theme: our new default theme, Luna, will replace Random, target is to be modern, light and simple.

Other themes

  • #1071 Random theme: Random is our classic ModernBB theme, that will return once again in Luna.
  • #1075 Sunrise theme: Sunrise is a variation upon Luna with a more classic structure. It's a child theme for Luna.


  • Language-less codeboxes are now readable again
  • A bug in Random has been solved with icons
  • Multiple small issues through the code have been solved.

Luna 1.0 Beta 1 · Build 4008

25 Mar 18:55
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Here we are, the very first beta of Luna is ready. Unlike our Preview versions, this one is getting prety stable at this point. So if you're running a Preview 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 build (and I hope only the later), it's time to update! It's not such a big update, but you shouldn't be expecting that either. Anyway, we're working on adding the new translation strings, which will be available in the next beta, but you can start translating the current language file (we will put all new strings on the end to prevent any confusion).

Note that all tickets that are listened below are tickets that have been worked on, as this is an early alpha release, that means that these tickets might not have been closed and thus, the functionality, enhancement or whatever the ticket is about, might not have been completed.



The Backstage will feature an all-new design, with more focus on management of your board. It will, of course, also contain all new features introduced in Luna 1.0.


  • #1005 Release notes: the release notes of Luna are now included in the Backstage.



  • #1068 Translation improvements: make it possible to translate all strings again.


With the new themes engine, Random and its variantions will have to go (we might rebuild them in the future, just for fun). Here you can find all tickets about the default theme "Sunrise", and the new theme engine.


  • #900 Default theme: our new default theme, Luna, will replace Random, target is to be modern, light and simple.

Other themes

  • #1071 Random theme: Random is our classic ModernBB theme, that will return once again in Luna.
  • #1075 Sunrise theme: Sunrise is a variation upon Luna with a more classic structure. It's a child theme for Luna.

Luna 1.0 Preview 4 · Build 3999

21 Mar 10:31
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The second and final update to Preview 4 is here: Preview 4 Update 2. Perhaps even more important: the fifteenth and final Preview release for Luna 1.0. The next update will be a beta! Either way, Preview 4 Update 2 comes again with the usual feature improvements and fixes.

Note that all tickets that are listened below are tickets that have been worked on, as this is an early alpha release, that means that these tickets might not have been closed and thus, the functionality, enhancement or whatever the ticket is about, might not have been completed.



The Backstage will feature an all-new design, with more focus on management of your board. It will, of course, also contain all new features introduced in Luna 1.0.


  • #1005 Release notes: the release notes of Luna are now included in the Backstage.



  • #1068 Translation improvements: make it possible to translate all strings again.


With the new themes engine, Random and its variantions will have to go (we might rebuild them in the future, just for fun). Here you can find all tickets about the default theme "Sunrise", and the new theme engine.


  • #900 Default theme: our new default theme, Luna, will replace Random, target is to be modern, light and simple.

Other themes

  • #1071 Random theme: Random is our classic ModernBB theme, that will return once again in Luna.
  • #1075 Sunrise theme: Sunrise is a variation upon Luna with a more classic structure. It's a child theme for Luna.

Frameworks + components

Luna makes use of a couple of frameworks and components, Bootstrap, Font Awesome and jQuery to name some of them.

  • #1105 Bootstrap 3.3.4: Bootstrap 3.3.2 has been updated to Bootstrap 3.3.4.


  • #1060 Thread.php no longer loads without permission.
  • #1072 A bug in the userlist with long names has been fixed.
  • #1106 A bug with misaligned icons in the navbar has been fixed.
  • #1107 A bug with unreadable messages in the footer has been fixed.
  • #1108 The markup on the users page has been fixed.
  • #1109 The code above the HTML-tag in Settings have been relocated.
  • A very long list of another 52 bugfixes.

Luna 1.0 Preview 4 · Build 3935

15 Mar 19:40
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Here it is, after a week of development, we've got Preview 4 Update 1 available for you guys now. Keep in mind that we also spend a lot of time on writing the documentation.

Note that all tickets that are listened below are tickets that have been worked on, as this is an early alpha release, that means that these tickets might not have been closed and thus, the functionality, enhancement or whatever the ticket is about, might not have been completed.



The Backstage will feature an all-new design, with more focus on management of your board. It will, of course, also contain all new features introduced in Luna 1.0.


  • #1005 Release notes: the release notes of Luna are now included in the Backstage.
  • #1104 Branch options: it's now possible to check for which branch you want to receive updates.



  • #1068 Translation improvements: make it possible to translate all strings again.


With the new themes engine, Random and its variantions will have to go (we might rebuild them in the future, just for fun). Here you can find all tickets about the default theme "Sunrise", and the new theme engine.


  • #900 Default theme: our new default theme, Luna, will replace Random, target is to be modern, light and simple.

Other themes

  • #1071 Random theme: Random is our classic ModernBB theme, that will return once again in Luna.
  • #1075 Sunrise theme: Sunrise is a variation upon Luna with a more classic structure. It's a child theme for Luna.


  • #1072 A bug in the userlist with long names has been fixed.

Luna 1.0 Preview 4 · Build 3900

07 Mar 23:12
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We're up for our final branch of alpha releases for Luna 1.0. Preview 4, which will get 3 updates - one every week - will add the final feature set of Luna, with a feature freeze when we hit Luna 1.0 Preview 5. This is a glorious moment. We're ready.

Note that all tickets that are listened below are tickets that have been worked on, as this is an early alpha release, that means that these tickets might not have been closed and thus, the functionality, enhancement or whatever the ticket is about, might not have been completed. We've not included all non-ticket related changes in the changelog below (as this one would contain quiet a lot).



The Mainstage (our brand new name to replace "front-end") will be build op from scratch - of course - and won't be like anything you've ever seen. With Luna, we want to reimagen board software, and for now, we're doing a prety good job.


  • #1102 Emoticon redesign: Luna contains newly designed emoticons.


The Backstage will feature an all-new design, with more focus on management of your board. It will, of course, also contain all new features introduced in Luna 1.0.


  • #1005 Release notes: the release notes of Luna are now included in the Backstage.



  • #1068 Translation improvements: make it possible to translate all strings again.


With the new themes engine, Random and its variantions will have to go (we might rebuild them in the future, just for fun). Here you can find all tickets about the default theme "Sunrise", and the new theme engine.


  • #905 Logic and markup split: step 1 in the new engine: moving logic and markup away from each other. This is one of the more important tickets in the whole Luna 1.0 milestone.
  • #1078 General improvements: this is the ticket where we store all Theme engine related commits.


  • #900 Default theme: our new default theme, Luna, will replace Random, target is to be modern, light and simple.
    • #1101 Minor theme improvements: we've improved the default design on a couple of points.

Other themes

  • #1071 Random theme: Random is our classic ModernBB theme, that will return once again in Luna.
  • #1075 Sunrise theme: Sunrise is a variation upon Luna with a more classic structure. It's a child theme for Luna.


  • #1081 CDN usage: with the end of previews coming near, it's time to move back to CDNs.


  • #1096 Announcements now work correclty again.

Luna 1.0 Preview 3 · Build 3827

28 Feb 18:22
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Here is the second update to Preview 3, which we call Luna 1.0 Preview 3 Update 2. Either way, todays update comes with a couple of new improvements and bug fixes for you to enjoy.

Note that all tickets that are listened below are tickets that have been worked on, as this is an early alpha release, that means that these tickets might not have been closed and thus, the functionality, enhancement or whatever the ticket is about, might not have been completed.



The Mainstage (our brand new name to replace "front-end") will be build op from scratch - of course - and won't be like anything you've ever seen. With Luna, we want to reimagen board software, and for now, we're doing a prety good job.


  • #1065 Smilies: You can now choose to use emoticons or emojis.


  • #1080 Improve Inbox: make it part of the profile, remove some features we don't need.


  • #1009 Soft delete: you can now delete a post from user's view without actually deleting it.


The Backstage will feature an all-new design, with more focus on management of your board. It will, of course, also contain all new features introduced in Luna 1.0.


  • #884 Create new Backstage interface: the new Backstage interface should be clean and simple, might look a little bit like the current ModernBB version...
    • #919 Interface style guidelines: we now are following some interface style guidelines in Backstage.


  • #1005 Release notes: the release notes of Luna are now included in the Backstage.
  • #1092 Check for updates: the Check for update system has been removed, it should make its return now.


  • #962 Moderation tools: the moderation tools, that used to be part of the Mainstage, are now placed into the Backstage.


  • #1091 Notifications Prune: you can now clean up Notifications from the Backstage interface.



With the new themes engine, Random and its variantions will have to go (we might rebuild them in the future, just for fun). Here you can find all tickets about the default theme "Sunrise", and the new theme engine.


  • #905 Logic and markup split: step 1 in the new engine: moving logic and markup away from each other. This is one of the more important tickets in the whole Luna 1.0 milestone.
  • #1078 General improvements: this is the ticket where we store all Theme engine related commits.
  • #1094 Rename themes folder: to prevent issues, we'll give the style folder the name "themes".


  • #900 Default theme: our new default theme, Sunrise, will replace Random, target is to be modern, light and simple.


  • #916 Coding conventions: with Luna 1.0, we're going to put some focus on coding conventions.
  • #960 Icon usage: Luna uses more icons in both Backstage and Mainstage for visual appeal.


Other stuff we have to get done but isn't related to the Luna Core.

  • #867 Write documentation: with new software comes a new documentation.


Notable changes that do not have a ticket are listened below.


  • aa24eaf Fix for the revamped prune page.

Luna 1.0 Preview 3 · Build 3802

20 Feb 14:45
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Here is the first update to Preview 3, which we call Luna 1.0 Preview 3 Update 1 (as it is the first of twoo, perhaps three). Either way, todays update comes with a couple of new improvements and bug fixes for you to enjoy.

Note that all tickets that are listened below are tickets that have been worked on, as this is an early alpha release, that means that these tickets might not have been closed and thus, the functionality, enhancement or whatever the ticket is about, might not have been completed.



The Mainstage (our brand new name to replace "front-end") will be build op from scratch - of course - and won't be like anything you've ever seen. With Luna, we want to reimagen board software, and for now, we're doing a prety good job.


  • #1080 Improve Inbox: make it part of the profile, remove some features we don't need.


  • #1009 Soft delete: you can now delete a post from user's view without actually deleting it.


  • #954 Notifications: add support for notifications. They should be triggered at some events.


The Backstage will feature an all-new design, with more focus on management of your board. It will, of course, also contain all new features introduced in Luna 1.0.


  • #1005 Release notes: the release notes of Luna are now included in the Backstage.


  • #1090 Maintenance split off: Maintenance is now a separate menu option in the Backstage.
  • #1091 Notifications Prune: you can now clean up Notifications from the Backstage interface.



  • #1068 Translation improvements: make it possible to translate all strings again.
  • #1093 Language strings: some language strings didn't appear where they should.


With the new themes engine, Random and its variantions will have to go (we might rebuild them in the future, just for fun). Here you can find all tickets about the default theme "Sunrise", and the new theme engine.


  • #905 Logic and markup split: step 1 in the new engine: moving logic and markup away from each other. This is one of the more important tickets in the whole Luna 1.0 milestone.
  • #1078 General improvements: this is the ticket where we store all Theme engine related commits.


  • #900 Default theme: our new default theme, Sunrise, will replace Random, target is to be modern, light and simple.

Other themes

  • #1075 Sunset theme: Sunset is a variation upon Sunrise with a more classic structure. It's a child theme for Sunrise.


  • #916 Coding conventions: with Luna 1.0, we're going to put some focus on coding conventions.
  • #956 Database enhancements: the database now works much more efficient on some points.
  • #960 Icon usage: Luna uses more icons in both Backstage and Mainstage for visual appeal.



  • #1062 Remove install: Luna will ask the admin to remove the install file after the installation has been finished.


Notable changes that do not have a ticket are listened below.



  • c9c4439 We've made small changes to the menus in the Backstage.



  • 804b9b6 The obsolete post_responsive setting has been removed.


  • 4ef80b9 Notification now can be managed again.
  • d46ff2b Guest can now see content again.

Luna 1.0 Preview 3 · Build 3754

09 Feb 21:45
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Ha, Preview 3. It's worth a note that this probably isn't the Preview you expected it to be. Instead, we'll be releasing new Previews more often and so build up to what Preview 3 was first planned to be (next up is Preview 3 Update 1, etc). Either way, it's once again a step closer to Luna 1.0.

Note that all tickets that are listened below are tickets that have been worked on, as this is an early alpha release, that means that these tickets might not have been closed and thus, the functionality, enhancement or whatever the ticket is about, might not have been completed.



The Mainstage (our brand new name to replace "front-end") will be build op from scratch - of course - and won't be like anything you've ever seen. With Luna, we want to reimagen board software, and for now, we're doing a prety good job.


  • #893 Use emojis: Luna will use the UTF-8 emojis in the used OS instead of image based icons.
    • #1069 Default emoji size: the default size for emojis has been changed from 14px to 16px.


  • #1080 Improve Inbox: make it part of the profile, remove some features we don't need.

Login + registration

  • #1039 Backstage login: the Backstage will get it's own login form in case something happens to the Mainstage login form.


  • #1009 Soft delete: you can now delete a post from user's view without actually deleting it.


  • #1037 Notification events: certain events now trigger notifications.


The Backstage will feature an all-new design, with more focus on management of your board. It will, of course, also contain all new features introduced in Luna 1.0.


  • #1005 Release notes: the release notes of Luna are now included in the Backstage.
  • #1008 Writeable config warning: if the config file is writeable, the Backstage will warn for that issue.


  • #1073 Theme improvements: the Theme settings page has been improved with altered features.



With the new themes engine, Random and its variantions will have to go (we might rebuild them in the future, just for fun). Here you can find all tickets about the default theme "Sunrise", and the new theme engine.


  • #905 Logic and markup split: step 1 in the new engine: moving logic and markup away from each other. This is one of the more important tickets in the whole Luna 1.0 milestone.
  • #908 Theme settings revamp: the settings page in the Backstage is revamped with a bunch of new features and more.
  • #1076 Theme parents: themes can now have a parent of which they take all pages and styles unless defined otherwise.
  • #1078 General improvements: this is the ticket where we store all Theme engine related commits.


  • #900 Default theme: our new default theme, Sunrise, will replace Random, target is to be modern, light and simple.
    • #862 Revamp index: the index can be made much more usefull, instead of listing all sections, it will also display the recent active threads. This will render a "section view" useless.
  • #1056 Responsive design: with the main design finished, we should make it responsive and mobile ready too.


  • #1075 Sunset theme: Sunset is a variation upon Sunrise with a more classic structure. It's a child theme for Sunrise.

Frameworks + components

Luna makes use of a couple of frameworks and components, Bootstrap, Font Awesome and jQuery to name some of them.

  • #1067 Bootstrap 3.3.2: Bootstrap 3.3.1 has been updated to Bootstrap 3.3.2.
  • #1074 Font Awesome 4.3: Font Awesome 4.2 has been updated to Font Awesome 4.3.


  • #916 Coding conventions: with Luna 1.0, we're going to put some focus on coding conventions.
  • #1034 Image optimalisation: images are optimized to take as less space as possible.



  • #1062 Remove install: Luna will ask the admin to remove the install file after the installation has been finished.


  • #1063 Security vulnerability in install.php.


  • #1066 A duplicated search id has been removed in help.php.
  • #1070 A wrong link in the Backstage has been fixed.
  • #1079 We now link to me.php everywhere, instead of profile.php.


Notable changes that do not have a ticket are listened below.


General enhancements

  • 631b804 "moved_to" entries are no longer shown on the index page when no id is set.

Installation and upgrade

  • e2df0ce New db_update.php design, matching login.php for Backstage.


  • c778631 Improved design for edit.php, based on post.php.


  • c274003 Exclude second part when topic is moved.
  • 6cbeecf The styling of the search bar in the navbar has been fixed.
  • 42a4535 Fixes editor buttons not working properly.