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Releases: GetLuna/Luna

Luna 1.0.6 · Build 4339

24 May 20:47
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Luna 1.0.6 is a minor software update to fix a bug in the Backstages permissions and to update the Luna brand to its May 2015 revision.


  • #1284 Moderators are no longer able to see and change all settingsi n the Backstage.


  • #1288 The Luna brand has been update to its May 2015 revision with a lighter color.

Luna 1.1 Preview 1 · Build 4679

24 May 20:51
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This minor update to Luna 1.1 Preview 1 fixes a security issue in the Backstage that allowed moderators to change settings they didn't had permission to. Further, this update includes a minor brand update and Improved language files.



User Experience

  • #1246 Night mode: a new setting for users to make Luna switch to a more eye-friendly night version of themes.


  • #1289 Brand update: the color scheme and logos for Luna have been updated to reflect the recent brand changes.


  • #1286 Missing strings: some strings where missing in the new translation files and have now been added.

Luna 1.1 Preview 1 · Build 4664

23 May 20:11
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Today we like to bring you the very first Preview of Luna 1.1 "Bittersweet Shimmer". This release is the first step to modernizing the way Luna works and it's a very nice one at that. Preview 1 doesn't include all features that are coming to Luna in Bittersweet Shimmer, so stay tuned for more in Preview 2.




  • #1232 Contact links: links to Twitter, Facebook and your Microsoft account in the profile now have a clickeable button.

User Experience

  • #1246 Night mode: a new setting for users to make Luna switch to a more eye-friendly night version of themes.
  • #1265 Error enhancements: some errors make issues out of nothing, no reason for that, so we changed the behavior of these errors to actualy help you.
  • #1282 AJAX notifications: notifications are now handled by AJAX.
  • #1283 AJAX notification improvements: multiple improvements to the AJAX implementation for notifications and the notification functionality.


  • #1245 Backstage accent: after this feature got removed in Aero, we'll be bringing back the abbility to change the Backstage's color in your profile.
  • #1261 Default color accent: you can now chnage the default color accent of the mainstage, in case the default doesn't match your board.
  • #1274 Announcement options: you can now give titles to announcements and change their style, for the default Sunrise, Sunset and Random themes, which support warning, success, info and danger.


  • #1238 Better color scheme system: the color scheme system for styles has been updated.
  • #1240 #1272 Gettext translations: translations are now based on gettext.
  • #1270 #1271 Notifications API: there is now an API for notifications.


  • #1228 The number of views no longer gets cut of when the thread title is to long.
  • #1267 Fixes undefined variable body_classes.

Luna 1.0.5 "Aero" · Build 4332

17 May 19:00
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Another minor update this week, yes I think it's too much too, but we have to. This one fixes another issue that appears in Luna 1.0.3 and 1.0.4.


  • 558e263 Add icons to the delete and soft delete interface for consistency.

Bug fixes

  • fe717da Fix issues when posting a new topic.

Luna 1.0.4 "Aero" · Build 4329

15 May 14:52
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Luna 1.0.4 is a small update that updates jQuery to a more recent version and applies to a legal claim we received.


  • #1278 jQuery has been updated from version 2.1.3 to 2.1.4.

Other changes

  • #1277 The "Black" color scheme has been renamed "Dark grey".

Luna 1.0.3 "Aero" · Build 4324

14 May 15:32
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Luna 1.0.3 is our third minor update to Luna Aero and comes with bug fixes and small improvements.


  • f3354ae When you're using the Slow Ring and the branch is labeled as end of life, you now get a warning that this is the case and that you should check for updates in the Normal branch.
  • 83eda41 Some icons have been added to the Backstage interface for more consistency.

Bug fixes

  • #1273 When canceling a quote, you're now send back to the correct topic.
  • 7cb75af You no longer get redirected to login.php after trying to login for a second time.
  • fb420da A small placement bug with a button in the settings has been fixed.

Luna 1.0.2 "Aero" · Build 4318

24 Apr 21:23
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Luna 1.0.2 is our second minor update to Luna Aero and comes with bug fixes and small improvements.


  • #1258 When showing posts, the results will now link to the specific post instead of the topic.
  • #1260 When you write a new message in Inbox, the "Send to" field will now have focus by default.
  • #1262 When an user receives a new Inbox message, they will now get a mail (with content) to notify them about it.
  • #1268 The installer will no longer add o_smilies
  • e2dc33e The (soft) delete and reset interface has been given a small visual update.
  • b82b944 Visual improvements for the dropdown menu when in mobile mode.
  • e6e6880 Visual improvements for secondary navbars with collapsable navigation when in mobile mode.


  • #1259 Fixes undefined index message in Inbox.
  • #1266 Updating will no longer reset the theme to Luna.

Luna 1.0.1 "Aero" · Build 4297

16 Apr 11:21
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Luna 1.0.1 is our first minor update to Luna. This release fixes some of the issues that didn't make it into the official release and where discovered after its availablility.


  • #1229 Luna now uses tooltips for emoticons in the editor.
  • #1251 Lunicons 0.0.0 has been added and replaces the fa-moon-o icon.
  • #1255 $cur_index is no longer hardcoded, improves focus.
  • 2a4a859 Remove a query from the update script that isn't used anymore.


  • #1244 Fixes an issue that causes external files not to load when SSL is enabled.
  • #1252 Update index behavior to show the most recent topics instead of the most recently updated 30 newest topics.
  • #1254 Fix confirm_referrer issue with double //.
  • #1257 Disabling First Run will no longer cause a HTTP_REFERRER error.
  • e613b5f Fixes a design flaw in the editor interface.
  • 895859a Remove the beta tag from the About page in Backstage.
  • aab49a3 Fixes a visual glitch when the extension menu appears in the Backstage.

Luna 1.0 "Aero" · Build 4275

13 Apr 11:18
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It has been great, our first generation forum software (ModernBB 1.6, 1.7) and second generation (ModernBB 2.x, 3.x) have grown to contain new features, improved capabilities and so much more. But now, it's time for the third generation to let it do its job, and in the form of Luna 1.0. This is our shiplist to the next major revision of our forum software. And it is going to be huge! A new Backstage, a new Mainstage, a new installation, a new code base. And of course, a bunch of new features!



The Mainstage (our brand new name to replace "front-end") will be build op from scratch - of course - and won't be like anything you've ever seen. With Luna, we want to reimagen board software, and for now, we're doing a prety good job.


  • #901 Redirect sections: redirect sections are no longer available.
  • #953 First Run enhancements: the First Run experience has been improved with better design and new abilities.
  • #1000 Subforum support: Luna includes support for subforums.


  • #869 New editor: the new editor in Luna will be much like the editor in ModernBB, through we want to give it a slimmer design and some new functionality.
  • #885 BBCode handling: the new editor in Luna should act smarter then the one in ModernBB.
  • #893 Use emojis: Luna will use the UTF-8 emojis in the used OS instead of image based icons.
    • #1069 Default emoji size: the default size for emojis has been changed from 14px to 16px.
    • #1220 Space: before and after an emoticon, Luna will now add some space.
  • #963 Code Highlighter: we will use PrismJS to give your code a fancy color.
  • #1065 Smilies: you can now choose to use emoticons or emojis.
  • #1102 Emoticon redesign: Luna contains newly designed emoticons.
  • #1210 Accessability: Sticky topic and Muted edit now have a tooltip.


  • #870 Profile revamp: the Profile has been revamped completely to be more to-the-point, and contain all new features with awesomeness.
  • #904 User search: the new user search feature on the user list is now simpeler, easier and smaller.
  • #961 Luna Inbox: the private messaging system Luna Inbox has been added.
  • #985 Change email: the "Change email" interface has been drasticaly improved.
  • #989 Clear description: we made the "Post" and "Topic" setting in the profile more clear.
  • #1028 Profile settings revamp: the profile settings have been redesigned completely and all settings are now brought together in one single page, all ready to be saved at once.
  • #1080 Improve Inbox: make it part of the profile, remove some features we don't need.

Login + registration

  • #910 Rules: rules will no longer have their own page, instead, they will be available on the help page.
  • #930 Login everywhere: Luna now shows the login form on top of the open page instead of loading a new page.
  • #937 Language at registration: the user's language can no longer be set on registration.
  • #977 Stronger passwords: Luna now generates longer passwords.
  • #1039 Backstage login: the Backstage will get it's own login form in case something happens to the Mainstage login form.


  • #1009 Soft delete: you can now delete a post from user's view without actually deleting it.


  • #954 Notifications: add support for notifications. They should be triggered at some events.
  • #1036 Fly-out option: admins can now disable the fly-out to boost performance.
  • #1037 Notification events: certain events now trigger notifications.
  • #1040 Profile split-off: the notifications page is no longer part of the profile file.
  • #1140 Notification behavior: the behavior of the page has been altered to show your notifications when no id is set in the url.

Other features

  • #951 Profile color: users can now set a color for their profile if the theme supports it.
  • #965 Backstage in user menu: the Backstage item has been removed from the main menu in favor of it being relocated into the user menu.
  • #1011 Back to top: the footer now has a "Top" link to put you back to the top of the page.
  • #1012 Search from everywhere: you can now search from every page.
  • #1032 Improved heading: the heading has been improved with some additions.


The Backstage will feature an all-new design, with more focus on management of your board. It will, of course, also contain all new features introduced in Luna 1.0.


  • #884 Create new Backstage interface: the new Backstage interface should be clean and simple, might look a little bit like the current ModernBB version...
    • #903 Backstage Accents: the Backstage Accent colors will be gone for this release. Maybe that we will add them again later on.
    • #919 Interface style guidelines: we now are following some interface style guidelines in Backstage.
    • #974 Touch it: the navigation bars now handle touch better on non-small touchscreens (phablets, tablets, desktops).
    • #1006 Small screens: the support for small screens in the Backstage has been improved.


  • #898 New Backstage index: the Backstage index has been improved with a better formation.
    • #895 System info: the "Server statistics" have been replaced with the more extended "System info".
    • #899 Admin notes: the Backstage now has an "Admin notes" section which can be edited by all admins.
    • #1164 Default note: Luna will no longer add a note to Admin notes by itself.
  • #999 First Run: the Backstage now shows a "First Run" panel upon opening the Backstage area for the first time until the message is dismissed.
  • #1005 Release notes: the release notes of Luna are now included in the Backstage.
  • #1008 Writeable config warning: if the config file is writeable, the Backstage will warn for that issue.
  • #1092 Check for updates: the Check for update system has been removed, it should make its return now.
  • #1104 Branch options: it's now possible to check for which branch you want to receive updates.


  • #962 Moderation tools: the moderation tools, that used to be part of the Mainstage, are now placed into the Backstage.


  • #1021 User tools: a new page, "Tools" has been added and includes feature you can use on your users.


  • #865 Revamp menu system: a revamp to the menu system should make the thing more user-friendly in general.
  • #915 BBCode disabling: it is no longer possible to disable the usage of BBCode anywhere on the forum, disabling img-tag usage is still possible, through.
  • #918 Ranks management: ranks can be saved all at once, instead of one by one.
  • #967 Inbox options: the Inbox settings should be placed under Features and Permission instead of having it's own page. We don't want a bunch of pages with 3 options.
  • #1022 Copyright options: you can alter the copyright notice on your forum with some small options.
  • #1024 Emoji settings: you can change the size of emojis from the Backstage.
  • #1025 Back to top: enable or disable "Back to top" on the board.
  • #1035 Disable search: you can now disable the search bar in the navbar.
  • #1038 Footer statistics: you can now disable the footer statistics.
  • #1073 Theme improvements: the Theme settings page has been improved with altered features.


  • #1090 Maintenance split off: Maintenance is now a separate menu option in the Backstage.
  • #1091 Notifications Prune: you can now clean up Notifications from the Backstage interface.


Installation and upgrade

  • #887 Object oriented coding: the installer is now more focused on object oriented coding to improve readability of the code, and of source, make it smaller.
  • #914 Update warning: when updating Luna, it will warn you to not update a ModernBB installation in a productive environment.


  • #1068 Translation improvements: make it possible to translate all strings again.
  • #1093 Language strings: some language strings didn't appear where they should.


With the new themes engine, Random and its variantions will have to go (we might rebuild them in the future, just for fun). Here you can find all tickets about the default theme "Sunrise", and the new theme engine.


  • #902 Section color: the section settings now display a field to add a color to the section, optionaly used by themes.
  • #905 Logic and markup split: step 1 in the new engine: moving logic and markup away from each other. This is one of the more important tickets in the whole Luna 1.0 milestone.
  • #908 Theme settings revamp: the settings page in the Backstage is revamped with a bunch of new features and more.
  • #909 Settings cleanup: settings that now belong to themes themselves have been removed from the Core.
  • #1076 Theme parents: themes can now have a parent of which they take all pages and styles unless defined otherwise.
  • #1078 General improvements: this is the ticket where we store all Theme engine related commits.
  • #1094 Rename themes folder: to prevent issues, we'll give the style folder the name "themes".
  • #1219 Responsive screenshots: theme screenshots are now responsive.

Luna (theme)

  • #900 Default theme: our new default theme, Luna, will replace Random, target is to be modern, light and simple.
    • #862 Revamp index: the index can be made much more usefull, instead of listing all sections, it will also display the recent active threads. This will render a "section view" useless.
    • #912 Thread interface: the new thread interface brings more focus to the content.
    • #950 Profile interface: the new profile interface brings an improved design to the user.
    • #1097 Pagination divider: there is now a clear pagination divider.
    • #1101 Minor theme improvements: we've improved the default design on a couple...
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Luna 1.0 Release Canidate 2 · Build 4238

08 Apr 10:48
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Here is our second Release Candidate for Luna. Just like with RC1, we've another (long) list of fixed bugs for RC2. Unlike RC1, there are less non-bug changes. RC2 is realy close to what's going to be our final product that will be released on April 13, 2015.

Some tickets are labeled with an asteriks (*), when a bug has this symbol, it means that the ticket isn't closed yet because the issue got only resolved partially.

Non-bugs improvements

Some of these non-bug improvements are related to a reported bug, but made a change in behavior that is large enough to be enlisted here, thus doesn't just prevent an error.

  • #1210 Sticky topic and Muted edit now have a tooltip.
  • The scrollbar is now always shown in Firefox, Chrome and Opera to resolve an issue.
  • Users can now disable Inbox if they want.
  • You can now disable Inbox on a per-group base.
  • When enabled in settings, users will have an email field on their profile again.
  • New design for the Send mail form.

Bug fixes

  • #1141 Quoting a message in Inbox didn't quote that message.
  • #1150 Fix issues that appear when starting a back-up.
  • #1158 Fix bug in parser with emoticons/emojis.
  • #1161 Fix undefined index last_session_request.
  • #1173 Fix set moderator access.
  • #1174 Fix issues when guests use the post form.
  • #1175 Fix forgotten password link form_sent.
  • #1176 Fix incorrect focus and tab order.
  • #1177 Fix missing -tag for topic view.
  • #1178 Fix blank page when sending an email.
  • #1179 Fix admin note escape.
  • #1180 Fix loading Backstage menu twice in settings.
  • #1181 Fix missing color field for forums when updating.
  • #1182 Fix undefined index errors in Inbox.
  • #1183 Fix undefined index.
  • #1184 Fix inability to fetch forum information.
  • #1185 Do not grand members the permission to manage soft deleted posts.
  • #1186 Fix language error.
  • #1187 Fix issue when accessing the login form directly.
  • #1188 Fix undefined variable cur_index.
  • #1189 Fix undefined index o_admin_note.
  • #1190 More consistent font stacks for Backstage and Mainstage.
  • #1191 Fix loading twice when adding an empty rank.
  • #1192 Fix undefined index redirect_url in First Run.
  • #1193 Fix inability to add a new group.
  • #1194 Fix escape menu item name.
  • #1195 Fix undefined varibales smilies.
  • #1196 Fix bug that causes threads from locked forums to show up anyway.
  • #1197 Do not allow video tags in signatures.
  • #1198 Do not show Inbox in profile menu when Inbox is disabled.
  • #1199 Fix untranslatable string.
  • #1200 No access to email form.
  • #1201 Fix preview mode removing message from editor.
  • #1203 It's no longer possible to create empty entries in Censoring.
  • #1204 It's no longer possible to create empty entries in Categories.
  • #1205 Fix a missing "to".
  • #1206 Fix escape menu name and url.
  • #1207 Do not allow empty menu items.
  • #1208 Fix missing closing tag.
  • #1209 Do not show the post button to people without permission.
  • #1212 Fix wrong description for rules option.
  • #1213 Fix smilies option still available in Backstage.
  • #1214 Fix maintenance mode undefined variable.
  • And 13 other unreported bugs.