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Database structure

The following is a complete list of all Luna database tables and their structures. Foreign keys are in italics.

Type conventions

  • Artificial primary keys are of type int(10).
  • Boolean values are of type tinyint(1), with the value 1 representing true and 0 representing false.

List of tables

  • bans
  • categories
  • censoring
  • comments
  • config
  • forums
  • forum_perms
  • forum_subscriptions
  • groups
  • menu
  • messages
  • notifications
  • online
  • ranks
  • reports
  • search_cache
  • search_matches
  • search_words
  • threads
  • thread_subscriptions
  • users

Please note: The below descriptions are based off the database structure when using MySQL(i). In other supported RDBMS the field type and default values may vary slightly.


The bans table is used to hold details of all current bans. It is important to note that bans work on usernames, IP addresses or email addresses - not specific user accounts.

Field Type Default Description
id int(10) The auto-incrementing primary key for this table.
username varchar(200) NULL The username this ban applies to, or NULL for none.
ip varchar(255) NULL The IP address(es) this ban applies to, or NULL for none.
email varchar(80) NULL The email address this ban applies to, or NULL for none.
message varchar(255) NULL A message to be displayed to the banned user.
expire int(10) NULL A UNIX timestamp representing the time the ban should expire.
ban_creator int(10) 0 The ID of the user who created the ban.


Field Type Default Description
id int(10) The auto-incrementing primary key for this table.
cat_name varchar(80) "New Category" The name of the category.
disp_position int(10) 0 The position of this category in relation to the others.


Field Type Default Description
id int(10) The auto-incrementing primary key for this table.
search_for varchar(60) "" The term to search for.
replace_with varchar(60) "" The term to replace with.


The config table holds key, value pairs for all the main configuration options. For performance reasons Luna caches these values and will only refresh the cache when they are updated via the admin panel.

For more information about the actual contents of the config table, see the $luna_config global variable.

Field Type Default Description
conf_name varchar(255) "" The name of the configuration variable. General configuration options start with the prefix o_ and general permission options start with the prefix p_.
conf_value text NULL The value of the configuration variable.


Field Type Default Description
id int(10) The auto-incrementing primary key for this table.
forum_name varchar(80) "New forum" The name of the forum.
forum_desc text NULL A description of the forum (may contain HTML).
moderators text NULL A serialized associative PHP array with moderator names ⇒ user IDs.
num_threads mediumint(8) 0 The number of threads the forum contains.
num_comments mediumint(8) 0 The number of comments the forum contains.
last_comment int(10) NULL A UNIX timestamp representing the time the last comment was made in the forum.
last_comment_id int(10) NULL The ID of the last comment that was made in the forum.
last_commenter_id int(10) NULL The ID of the last user that commented.
sort_by tinyint(1) 0 How the comments in the forum should be sorted. 0 = By last comment time, 1 = By thread start time.
disp_position int(10) 0 The position of this forum in relation to the others.
cat_id int(10) 0 The ID of the category in which this forum resides.
color varchar(25) #0d4382 The color of the forum.
parent_id int(11) 0 The ID of the parent forum.


Field Type Default Description
group_id int(10) 0 The ID of the group this permission set applies to.
forum_id int(10) 0 The ID of the forum this permission set applies to.
read_forum tinyint(1) 1 Allow members of the group to view this forum?
comment_replies tinyint(1) 1 Allow members of the group to comment replies in this forum?
comment_threads tinyint(1) 1 Allow members of the group to start new threads in this forum?


Field Type Default Description
user_id int(10) 0 The ID of the user which this subscription belongs to.
forum_id int(10) 0 The ID of the forum which this subscription belongs to.


All fields in the groups table are prefixed with g_. This is to allow them to be easily combined with all the fields from the users table without any conflicting field names.

Field Type Default Description
g_id int(10) The auto-incrementing primary key for this table.
g_title varchar(50) "" The name of this group.
g_user_title varchar(50) NULL The user title to be used for members of this group.
g_moderator tinyint(1) 0 Does this group have moderator privileges?
g_mod_edit_users tinyint(1) 0 If g_moderator, can members of this group edit users profiles?
g_mod_rename_users tinyint(1) 0 If g_moderator, can members of this group rename users?
g_mod_change_passwords tinyint(1) 0 If g_moderator, can members of this group change users passwords?
g_mod_ban_users tinyint(1) 0 If g_moderator, can members of this group ban users?
g_read_board tinyint(1) 1 Can members of this group view boards? If this is 0 the group basically has no access to the forums.
g_view_users tinyint(1) 1 Can members of this group view the user list?
g_comment_replies tinyint(1) 1 Can members of this group comment replies?
g_comment_threads tinyint(1) 1 Can members of this group start new threads?
g_edit_comments tinyint(1) 1 Can members of this group edit their own comments?
g_delete_comments tinyint(1) 1 Can members of this group delete their own comments?
g_delete_threads tinyint(1) 1 Can members of this group delete their own threads (including all replies)?
g_set_title tinyint(1) 1 Can members of this group set their own user title?
g_search tinyint(1) 1 Can members of this group use the search features?
g_search_users tinyint(1) 1 Can members of this group search the user list?
g_send_email tinyint(1) 1 Can members of this group send emails to users?
g_comment_flood smallint(6) 30 How many seconds members of this group must wait between making comments.
g_search_flood smallint(6) 30 How many seconds members of this group must wait between making search requests.
g_email_flood smallint(6) 60 How many seconds members of this group must wait between sending emails.
g_pm tinyint(1) 1 Wheter or not the user is allowed to use Inbox.
g_pm_limit int(11) 20 The maximum amount of Inbox items an user can store.
g_report_flood smallint(6) 60 Amount of seconds that have to pass between reports.
g_soft_delete_view tinyint(1) 1 Allow the group to view soft deleted items.
g_soft_delete_comments tinyint(1) 1 Allow the group to soft delete comments.
g_soft_delete_threads tinyint(1) 1 Allow the group to soft delete threads.


Field Type Default Description
id int(10) NULL The ID of the menu item.
url varchar(200) NULL The URL to which the menu item should point.
name varchar(200) NULL The title of the menu item.
disp_position int(10) 0 The order in which the item should be displayed.
visible int(10) NULL Disable or enable the menu item.
sys_entry int(10) NULL Check wheter or not this is pre-installed item that can't be removed.


Field Type Default Description
id int(10) NULL The ID of the message.
shared_id int(10) 0  
last_shared_id int(10) 0  
last_comment int(10) 0 The latest comment in the message.
last_comment_id int(10) 0 The ID of the latest comment.
last_commenter varchar(255) 0 The name of the last commenter.
owner int(11) 0 The ID of the owner of the message.
subject varchar(255) NULL The subject of the message.
message mediumtext NULL The content of the message.
hide_smilies tinyint(1) 0 Show or hide emoticons and emojis.
show_message tinyiny(1) 0  
sender varchar(200) NULL Person who has send the message.
receiver varchar(200) NULL Person who has received the message.
sender_id int(10) 0 ID of the sender.
receiver_id varchar(255) 0 ID of the receivers.
sender_ip varchar(39) NULL The IP of the sender.
commented int(10) NULL  
showed tinyint(1) 0 Is the message showed or not.


Field Type Default Description
id int(10) NULL The ID of the notificiation.
user_id int(10) 0 The ID of the user to which to notification has been send.
message varchar(255) 0 The content of the message within the notification.
icon varchar(255) 0 The Font Awesome icon used by the message.
link varchar(255) 0 The link to which the notification should point.
time int(11) 0 The time when to notifcation was received.
viewed tinyint(1) 0 Wheter or not the notification has been seen.


Field Type Default Description
user_id int(10) 1 The ID of the user (or 1 if the user is a guest).
ident varchar(200) "" Identification string for the user (Username for logged in users, IP address for guests).
logged int(10) 0 A UNIX timestamp representing the time of the users last activity.
idle tinyint(1) 0 If the user is idle or not (i.e. their last visit was more than o_timeout_online seconds ago, but less than o_timeout_visit seconds ago - see the $luna_config global variable).
last_comment int(10) NULL A UNIX timestamp representing the time the user last made a comment.
last_search int(10) NULL A UNIX timestamp representing the time the user last performed a search.


Field Type Default Description
id int(10) The auto-incrementing primary key for this table.
commenter varchar(200) "" The username of the user who created this comment.
commenter_id int(10) 1 The ID of the user who created this comment.
commenter_ip varchar(39) NULL The IP address of the user who created this comment.
commenter_email varchar(80) NULL If the comment was created by a guest, their email address. If it was created by a logged in user, then NULL.
message mediumtext NULL The contents of the comment.
hide_smilies tinyint(1) 0 Should smilies be hidden in this comment?
commented int(10) 0 A UNIX timestamp representing the time this comment was created.
edited int(10) NULL A UNIX timestamp representing the time this comment was last edited, or NULL if it hasn't been edited.
edited_by varchar(200) NULL The username of the user who last edited this comment, or NULL if it hasn't been edited.
thread_id int(10) 0 The ID of the parent thread for this comment.
marked tinyint(1) 0 If the message is reported, this will be 1.
soft tinyint(1) 0 If the message has been soft deleted, this will be 1.


Field Type Default Description
id int(10) The auto-incrementing primary key for this table.
rank varchar(50) "" The rank title.
min_comments mediumint(8) 0 The number of comments a user must attain in order to reach the rank.


Field Type Default Description
id int(10) The auto-incrementing primary key for this table.
comment_id int(10) 0 The ID of the reported comment.
thread_id int(10) 0 The ID of thread in which the reported comment is contained.
forum_id int(10) 0 The ID of the forum in which the reported comment is contained.
reported_by int(10) 0 The ID of the user who created the report.
created int(10) 0 A UNIX timestamp representing the time this report was created.
message text NULL The report message entered by the user.
zapped int(10) NULL A UNIX timestamp representing the time this report was zapped (marked as read).
zapped_by int(10) NULL The ID of the user who zapped (marked as read) this report.


Field Type Default Description
id int(10) The auto-incrementing primary key for this table.
ident varchar(200) "" An identifier for the user who initiated the search. For a guest their IP address is used, for a logged in user, their username.
search_data mediumtext NULL A serialized array containing search results.


Field Type Default Description
comment_id int(10) 0 The ID of the comment which this word can be found.
word_id int(10) 0 The ID of the word which can be found there.
subject_match tinyint(1) 0 0 = The word is in the comment body, 1 = the word is in a thread subject.


Field Type Default Description
id int(10) 0 The auto-incrementing primary key for this table.
_word`_ varchar(20) "" The word to be indexed.


Field Type Default Description
id int(10) The auto-incrementing primary key for this table.
commenter varchar(200) "" The username of the user who commented this thread.
subject varchar(255) "" The subject of the thread.
commented int(10) 0 A UNIX timestamp representing the time this thread was commented.
first_comment_id int(10) 0 The ID of the first comment in this thread.
last_comment int(10) 0 A UNIX timestamp representing the time the last comment was made to this thread.
last_comment_id int(10) 0 The ID of the last comment in this thread.
last_commenter varchar(200) NULL The username of the user who commented the last reply to this thread.
last_commenter_id int(10) NULL The ID of the user who commented the last reply to this thread.
num_views mediumint(8) 0 The number of times this thread has been viewed.
num_replies mediumint(8) 0 The number of replies this thread has.
closed tinyint(1) 0 Is this thread closed?
sticky tinyint(1) 0 Is this thread a sticky?
moved_to int(10) NULL If the thread has been moved, the ID of the new thread (this one now solely acts as a redirect).
forum_id int(10) 0 The ID of the forum this thread is within.
soft tinyint(1) 0 Wheter or not this thread has been soft deleted.


Field Type Default Description
user_id int(10) 0 The ID of the user which this subscription belongs to.
thread_id int(10) 0 The ID of the thread which this subscription belongs to.


Field Type Default Description
id int(10) The auto-incrementing primary key for this table.
group_id int(10) 3 The ID of the group to which this user belongs. The default is LUNA_MemBER.
username varchar(200) "" The users username.
password varchar(40) "" The users password hash.
email varchar(80) "" The users email address.
title varchar(50) NULL The user title. If this field is empty, the title from the user's usetgroup will be used.
realname varchar(40) NULL The real name of the user.
url varchar(100) NULL The website of the user.
facebook varchar(50) NULL The Facebook address of the user.
twitter varchar(50) NULL The Twitter address of the user.
msn varchar(80) NULL The Microsoft Account address of the user.
google varchar(50) NULL The Google+ address of the user.
location varchar(30) NULL The location of the user. This can be a country, city or something else.
signature text NULL The contents of the users signature.
disp_threads tinyint(3) NULL The number of threads to display per page, or the forum default o_disp_threads_default (see $luna_config) if NULL.
disp_comments tinyint(3) NULL The number of comments to display per page, or the forum default o_disp_comments_default (see $luna_config) if NULL.
email_setting tinyint(1) 1 The level of privacy for the users email address. 0 = Show email address to other users, 1 = Hide email address but allow others users to send emails via the forums, 2 = Hide email address and don't allow other users to send emails.
notify_with_comment tinyint(1) 0 Should a plain-text version of the comment be included in subscription emails to the user?
auto_notify tinyint(1) 0 Should the user automatically be subscribed to their own comments?
show_smilies tinyint(1) 1 Should smilies in comments be shown to the user?
show_img tinyint(1) 1 Should images in comments be shown to the user?
show_img_sig tinyint(1) 1 Should images in signatures be shown to the user?
show_avatars tinyint(1) 1 Should avatars be shown to the user?
show_sig tinyint(1) 1 Should signatures to shown to the user?
timezone float 0 The users timezone.
dst tinyint(1) 0 Is the user currently observing daylight saving time?
time_format tinyint(1) 0 The time format that the user uses.
date_format tinyint(1) 0 The date format that the user uses.
language varchar(25) "English" The language that should be used for this user.
style varchar(25) "Luna" The name of the style that should be used for this user.
num_comments int(10) 0 The number of comments the user has made. Note: This is the number made, not the number that currently exist (i.e. when a comment is deleted this isn't decremented).
last_comment int(10) NULL A UNIX timestamp representing the time the user last made a comment.
last_search int(10) NULL A UNIX timestamp representing the time the user last performed a search.
last_email_sent int(10) NULL A UNIX timestamp representing the time the user last sent an email via the forums.
last_report_sent int(10) NULL A UNIX timestamp representing the time the user last sent a report via the forums.
registered int(10) 0 A UNIX timestamp representing the time the user registered.
registration_ip varchar(39) "" The IP address used by the user when registering.
last_visit int(10) 0 A UNIX timestamp representing the time of the users last visit.
admin_note varchar(30) NULL A note that the administrator has entered.
activate_string varchar(80) NULL A temporary storage string for new passwords and new e-mail addresses.
activate_key varchar(8) NULL A temporary storage string for new password and new e-mail address activation keys.
use_pm tinyiny(1) 1 Allow the user to use Inbox.
notify_pm tinyiny(1) 1 Notify the user for now received Inbox items.
notify_pm_full tinyiny(1) 0 Notify the user for new received Inbox items (full).
num_pms int(10) 0 The amount of Inbox items for this user.
first_run tinyiny(1) 0 Show the First Run experience.
color_scheme int(25) 3 The color used by the theme for this user.