By configuration it is possible to specify which download schemes and commands are enabled.
The configuration must be done in the gerrit.config
of the Gerrit
command = branch
command = checkout
command = cherry_pick
command = pull
command = format_patch
command = reset
scheme = ssh
scheme = http
scheme = anon_http
scheme = anon_git
scheme = repo
hide = ssh
recurseSubmodules = true
The download section configures the allowed download methods.
download.command : Commands that should be offered to download changes.
Multiple commands are supported:
* `branch`: Command to fetch and create a new branch from the patch set.
* `checkout`: Command to fetch and checkout the patch set.
* `cherry_pick`: Command to fetch the patch set and cherry-pick
it onto the current commit.
* `pull`: Command to pull the patch set.
* `format_patch`: Command to fetch the patch set and feed it
into the `format-patch` command.
* `reset`: Command to fetch the patch set and reset the current branch
(or HEAD) to it.
If `download.command` is not specified, all download commands are
download.scheme : Schemes that should be used to download changes.
Multiple schemes are supported:
* `http`: Authenticated HTTP download is allowed.
* `ssh`: Authenticated SSH download is allowed.
* `anon_http`: Anonymous HTTP download is allowed.
* `anon_git`: Anonymous Git download is allowed. This is not
default, it is also necessary to set [gerrit.canonicalGitUrl]
* `repo`: Gerrit advertises patch set downloads with the `repo download`
command, assuming that all projects managed by this instance are generally
worked on with the
[repo multi-repository tool](
tool. This is not default, as not all instances will deploy repo.
If `download.scheme` is not specified, SSH, HTTP and Anonymous HTTP
downloads are allowed.
download.hide : Schemes that can be used to download changes, but will not be advertised in the UI. This can be any scheme that can be configured in <<download.scheme>>.
This is mostly useful in a deprecation scenario during a time where using
a scheme is discouraged, but has to be supported until all clients have
migrated to use a different scheme.
By default, no scheme will be hidden in the UI.
Add --recurse-submodules
to the checkout
command to update submodules
while checking out change.
Note: recursive checkout can issue multiple parallel fetch requests increasing
the load on the server.
By default, set to `false`.
: Whether the download commands should be adapted when the change refs are hidden.
Git has a configuration option to hide refs from the initial
advertisement (`uploadpack.hideRefs`). This option can be used to
hide the change refs from the client. As consequence fetching
changes by change ref does not work anymore. However by setting
`uploadpack.allowTipSHA1InWant` to `true` fetching changes by
commit ID is possible. If `download.checkForHiddenChangeRefs` is
set to `true` the git download commands use the commit ID instead
of the change ref when a project is configured like this.
Example git configuration on a project:
hideRefs = refs/changes/
hideRefs = refs/cache-automerge/
allowTipSHA1InWant = true
By default `false`.
installCommitMsgHookCommand = command
installCommitExtraCommand = command
Optional command to install the commit-msg hook. Typically of the form:
fetch-cmd some://url/to/commit-msg .git/hooks/commit-msg ; chmod +x .git/hooks/commit-msg
By default unset; falls back to using scp from the canonical SSH host,
or curl from the canonical HTTP URL for the server. Only necessary
if a proxy or other server/network configuration prevents clients
from fetching from the default location.
Optional command to complete the commit-msg hook. For example:
git submodule update --init --recursive && git review -s
would initialize the submodules and setup git review.
[plugin "@PLUGIN@"]
sshdAdvertisedPrimaryAddress = host:port
sshIncludeUserName = true
plugin.@[email protected] Specifies the address where clients can reach a Gerrit primary instance via ssh protocol.
This may differ from sshd.listenAddress if fetch is served from another address. An example is a setup where upload-pack requests are served by a Gerrit replica and receive-pack by a Gerrit primary. Since ssh cannot be load balanced on layer 7 the addresses of the primary and replica need to be different.
The following forms may be used to specify an address. In any
form, :'port'
may be omitted to use the default SSH port of 22.
(for example10.0.0.1:29418
(for example[ff02::1]:29418
By default unset.
plugin.@[email protected]
Whether the SSH scheme's download commands should include the current user's username
or not. By default true