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Troubleshooting go-global-update

This document describes known problems that can occur while trying to update globally-installed binaries using go-global-update.

E001 - binaries built from source

go-global-update can only update binaries in GOBIN installed using go install [path URL]@latest. go-global-update cannot update binaries which were built from source (inside of the source repository of the binary) using either:

  • go install (without arguments)
  • go build (either without arguments or pointing to a specific Go file)

This is because the version of the installed binary is discarded and will appear as (devel) in go version -m [binary-name]. Moreover, for binaries built using go build, the path URL is also discarded and replaced with command-line-arguments, which makes it impossible to know what is the path URL for the binary. The path URL is required when updating the binary.

$ git clone [email protected]:StevenACoffman/toolbox.git
$ go build -o bin/jp cmd/jira-pull/jp.go
$ cd bin
$ go version -m jp
jp: go1.17.5
	path	command-line-arguments
	mod	(devel)
	dep	v1.12.0	h1:QAUIPSaCu4G+POclxeqb3F+WPpdKqFGlw36+yOzGlrg=
	dep	v1.5.0	h1:Q5ViNfGF8zFgyJWPqYwA7qGFoMTEiBmdlkcfRmpIMa4=
	dep	v5.0.0	h1:7NQHvd9FVid8VL4qVUMm8XifBK+2xCoZ2lSk0agRrHM=
  # the rest of the output ...

Additionally, if you are using a binary built from source instead of some publicly available version, this can mean that you introduced some modifications to it and expect them to be retained. Updating to the latest version could remove those modification, which could quickly become annoying.

E002 - module found but does not contain package

Sometimes repository maintainers decide to extract the CLI binary of some module to a separate module in a separate repository or a different directory in the same repository. Regardless, the path URL to the directory with the binary module changes. It means updating the previous path URL will not work, because it will not have a CLI binary there.

$ go-global-update
Upgrading cobra to v1.4.0 ... ❌
    Could not upgrade package
go: downloading v1.4.0
go install:
  module found (v1.4.0),
  but does not contain package

In that case, you have to find the new path for the CLI, remove the old binary, and install the new one once:

cd $(which cobra)/..
rm cobra
go install

Next runs of go-global-update will correctly keep cobra-cli up-to-date.

Known extracted binaries:

E003 - module declares its path as ... but was required as ...

Similarly to E002, the whole repository containing the binary may be moved to a different name or to a different organization. This would manifest itself in the error:

$ go-global-update
Upgrading gnostic to v0.6.6 ... ❌
  Could not upgrade package
go install:[email protected]: parsing go.mod:
  module declares its path as:
          but was required as:

This happens because GitHub automatically redirects the old URL to the new URL of the repository, but the go.mod only lists the new path to the repository, which go does not like.

To mitigate the problem, remove the old binary and install it once using the new path URL:

cd $(which gnostic)/..
rm gnostic
go install

Next runs of go-global-update will correctly keep gnostic up-to-date.

Known moved repositories:

E004 - go.mod contains replace directives

Some binaries contain go.mod files which contain replace directives. go install does not handle such directives and exits with an error when trying to install or update such a binary.

$ go-global-update
Upgrading dive to v0.10.0 ... ❌
  Could not upgrade package
go: downloading v0.10.0
go install: (in[email protected]):
    The go.mod file for the module providing named packages contains one or
    more replace directives. It must not contain directives that would cause
    it to be interpreted differently than if it were the main module.

There are 2 ways to solve this problem:

  1. Ask the module maintainer to remove the replace directive. This way go install will be able to correctly install it.

  2. Clone the repository locally and run go install on it.

    This will install the binary into your GOBIN. Future runs of go-global-update will not update such a binary, because it was built from source and will trigger E001.