diff --git a/.github/workflows/saw-core-coq-check-coq-files.yml b/.github/workflows/saw-core-coq-check-coq-files.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a7756eed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/saw-core-coq-check-coq-files.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+name: Type-check handwritten and generated Coq files
+ push:
+ branches: [master]
+ pull_request:
+ branches: [master]
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ branches: [master]
+ build:
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: false
+ matrix:
+ # coq-bits does not support coq >= 8.13 yet
+ coq: [8.12.2, 8.11.2, 8.10.2]
+ os: [ubuntu-latest]
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ name: saw-core-coq - ${{ matrix.os }} - coq-${{ matrix.coq }}
+ env:
+ COQ_VERSION: ${{ matrix.coq }}
+ # coq-bits claims to support < 4.10 only
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Cache ~/.opam
+ uses: actions/cache@v2
+ with:
+ path: ~/.opam
+ key: opam-${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.OCAML_VERSION }}-${{ env.COQ_VERSION }}-${{ env.COQBITS_VERSION }}
+ # NOTE: this action is marked as experimental by their author, but it is
+ # much faster than avsm@setup-ocaml@v1. However, if this one ever becomes
+ # problematic, it should suffice to switch back to that version.
+ - name: Set up ocaml and opam
+ uses: actions-ml/setup-ocaml@df8c831c6c1e49804621d6e09c4ab9235da31fb5
+ with:
+ ocaml-version: ${{ env.OCAML_VERSION }}
+ - name: Install coq
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ opam pin add coq ${{ env.COQ_VERSION }}
+ opam install --unlock-base -y coq
+ - name: Install coq-bits
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ opam repo add coq-released https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released
+ opam install --unlock-base -y "coq-bits=$COQBITS_VERSION"
+ - name: Build saw-core-coq/coq
+ shell: bash
+ working-directory: saw-core-coq/coq
+ run: |
+ eval $(opam env)
+ coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile.coq
+ make -j2
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 8fcd35aed1..c0547eb793 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -22,9 +22,6 @@
[submodule "deps/parameterized-utils"]
path = deps/parameterized-utils
url = https://github.com/GaloisInc/parameterized-utils.git
-[submodule "deps/saw-core"]
- path = deps/saw-core
- url = https://github.com/GaloisInc/saw-core.git
[submodule "deps/flexdis86"]
path = deps/flexdis86
url = https://github.com/GaloisInc/flexdis86.git
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0ce5a1b4d9..d8478c9635 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ downloaded dependencies include:
* `deps/abcBridge/`: [Haskell bindings for ABC](https://github.com/GaloisInc/abcBridge)
* `deps/crucible/`: [Crucible symbolic execution engine](https://github.com/GaloisInc/crucible)
* `deps/cryptol/`: [Cryptol](https://github.com/GaloisInc/cryptol)
-* `deps/saw-core/`: [SAWCore intermediate language](https://github.com/GaloisInc/saw-core), used by CSS, JSS, and SAWScript
## For SAW developers
diff --git a/cabal.project b/cabal.project
index 136bb65ed1..49f92332a1 100644
--- a/cabal.project
+++ b/cabal.project
@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@ packages:
+ cryptol-saw-core
+ rme
+ saw-core
+ saw-core-aig
+ saw-core-sbv
+ saw-core-what4
+ saw-core-coq
- deps/saw-core/cryptol-saw-core
- deps/saw-core/rme
- deps/saw-core/saw-core
- deps/saw-core/saw-core-aig
- deps/saw-core/saw-core-sbv
- deps/saw-core/saw-core-what4
- deps/saw-core/saw-core-coq
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/LICENSE b/cryptol-saw-core/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a695b0c38b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Copyright (c) 2014, Galois, Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+ with the distribution.
+ * Neither the names of the authors nor the names of other
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/README.md b/cryptol-saw-core/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a792224cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This repository contains the code for the Cryptol Symbolic Simulator
+(CSS). It is currently used primarily as a library from SAWScript, but
+also produces a stand-alone executable, `css`. This executable has
+only limited functionality: it can translate a single Cryptol function
+to an And-Inverter Graph (AIG).
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/Setup.hs b/cryptol-saw-core/Setup.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a994af677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/Setup.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+import Distribution.Simple
+main = defaultMain
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/cryptol-saw-core.cabal b/cryptol-saw-core/cryptol-saw-core.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6094d15b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/cryptol-saw-core.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+Name: cryptol-saw-core
+Version: 0.1
+Author: Galois, Inc.
+License: BSD3
+License-file: LICENSE
+Maintainer: huffman@galois.com
+Copyright: (c) 2014 Galois Inc.
+Build-type: Simple
+cabal-version: >= 1.10
+Category: Formal Methods
+Synopsis: Representing Cryptol in SAWCore
+ Translate Cryptol syntax into SAWCore terms, which can then
+ be analysed by various backend proof systems.
+ saw/Cryptol.sawcore
+flag build-css
+ description: Build the css executable
+ default: True
+ build-depends:
+ aig,
+ array,
+ base,
+ base-compat,
+ bytestring,
+ containers,
+ cryptol >= 2.3.0,
+ data-inttrie >= 0.1.4,
+ integer-gmp,
+ modern-uri,
+ panic,
+ saw-core,
+ saw-core-aig,
+ saw-core-sbv,
+ saw-core-what4,
+ what4,
+ sbv,
+ vector,
+ text,
+ executable-path,
+ filepath
+ hs-source-dirs: src
+ exposed-modules:
+ Verifier.SAW.Cryptol
+ Verifier.SAW.Cryptol.Panic
+ Verifier.SAW.Cryptol.Prelude
+ Verifier.SAW.Cryptol.Simpset
+ Verifier.SAW.CryptolEnv
+ Verifier.SAW.TypedTerm
+ GHC-options: -Wall -Werror
+executable css
+ if !flag(build-css)
+ buildable: False
+ other-modules:
+ Paths_cryptol_saw_core
+ build-depends:
+ array,
+ abcBridge,
+ base,
+ bytestring,
+ containers,
+ cryptol,
+ saw-core,
+ saw-core-aig,
+ text,
+ cryptol-saw-core
+ hs-source-dirs : css
+ main-is : Main.hs
+ GHC-options: -Wall -O2 -rtsopts -pgmlc++
+ extra-libraries: stdc++
+test-suite cryptol-saw-core-tc-test
+ type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ hs-source-dirs: test
+ main-is: CryptolVerifierTC.hs
+ build-depends:
+ base,
+ bytestring,
+ containers,
+ cryptol,
+ cryptol-saw-core,
+ heredoc >= 0.2,
+ saw-core
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/css/Main.hs b/cryptol-saw-core/css/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7dec5cc44d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/css/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+module Main where
+import System.Environment( getArgs )
+import System.Exit( exitFailure )
+import System.Console.GetOpt
+import System.IO
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import Data.Text ( pack )
+import Data.Version
+import qualified Cryptol.Eval as E
+import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
+import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem as CM
+import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env as CME
+import qualified Cryptol.Parser as P
+import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.SMT as SMT
+import Cryptol.Utils.PP
+import Cryptol.Utils.Logger (quietLogger)
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Cryptol as C
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Cryptol.Prelude as C
+import Verifier.SAW.CryptolEnv (schemaNoUser)
+import qualified Data.ABC as ABC
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast as BBSim
+import qualified Paths_cryptol_saw_core as Paths
+data CSS = CSS
+ { output :: FilePath
+ , cssMode :: CmdMode
+ } deriving (Show)
+data CmdMode
+ = NormalMode
+ | HelpMode
+ | VersionMode
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+emptyCSS :: CSS
+emptyCSS =
+ { output = ""
+ , cssMode = NormalMode
+ }
+options :: [OptDescr (CSS -> CSS)]
+options =
+ [ Option ['o'] ["output"]
+ (ReqArg (\x css -> css{ output = x }) "FILE")
+ "output file"
+ , Option ['h'] ["help"]
+ (NoArg (\css -> css{ cssMode = HelpMode }))
+ "display help"
+ , Option ['v'] ["version"]
+ (NoArg (\css -> css{ cssMode = VersionMode }))
+ "version"
+ ]
+version_string :: String
+version_string = unlines
+ [ "Cryptol Symbolic Simulator (css) version "++showVersion Paths.version
+ , "Copyright 2014 Galois, Inc. All rights reserved."
+ ]
+header :: String
+header = "css [options] "
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ args <- getArgs
+ case getOpt RequireOrder options args of
+ (flags,optArgs,[]) -> cssMain (foldr ($) emptyCSS flags) optArgs
+ (_,_,errs) -> do
+ hPutStr stderr (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options)
+ exitFailure
+defaultEvalOpts :: E.EvalOpts
+defaultEvalOpts = E.EvalOpts quietLogger E.defaultPPOpts
+cssMain :: CSS -> [String] -> IO ()
+cssMain css [inputModule,name] | cssMode css == NormalMode = do
+ let out = if null (output css)
+ then name++".aig"
+ else (output css)
+ modEnv <- CM.initialModuleEnv
+ let minp = CM.ModuleInput True (pure defaultEvalOpts) BS.readFile modEnv
+ (e,warn) <-
+ SMT.withSolver (CME.meSolverConfig modEnv) $ \s ->
+ CM.loadModuleByPath inputModule (minp s)
+ mapM_ (print . pp) warn
+ case e of
+ Left msg -> print msg >> exitFailure
+ Right (_,menv) -> processModule menv out name
+cssMain css _ | cssMode css == VersionMode = do
+ hPutStr stdout version_string
+cssMain css _ | cssMode css == HelpMode = do
+ hPutStr stdout (usageInfo header options)
+cssMain _ _ = do
+ hPutStr stdout (usageInfo header options)
+ exitFailure
+processModule :: CM.ModuleEnv -> FilePath -> String -> IO ()
+processModule menv fout funcName = do
+ sc <- mkSharedContext
+ C.scLoadPreludeModule sc
+ C.scLoadCryptolModule sc
+ tm <- extractCryptol sc menv funcName
+ writeAIG sc fout tm
+writeAIG :: SharedContext -> FilePath -> Term -> IO ()
+writeAIG sc f t = do
+ BBSim.withBitBlastedTerm ABC.giaNetwork sc mempty t $ \be ls -> do
+ ABC.writeAiger f (ABC.Network be (ABC.bvToList ls))
+extractCryptol :: SharedContext -> CM.ModuleEnv -> String -> IO Term
+extractCryptol sc modEnv input = do
+ let declGroups = concatMap T.mDecls (CME.loadedModules modEnv)
+ env <- C.importDeclGroups sc C.emptyEnv declGroups
+ pexpr <-
+ case P.parseExpr (pack input) of
+ Left err -> fail (show (P.ppError err))
+ Right x -> return x
+ let minp = CM.ModuleInput True (pure defaultEvalOpts) BS.readFile modEnv
+ (exprResult, exprWarnings) <-
+ SMT.withSolver (CME.meSolverConfig modEnv) $ \s ->
+ CM.checkExpr pexpr (minp s)
+ mapM_ (print . pp) exprWarnings
+ ((_, expr, schema), _modEnv') <-
+ case exprResult of
+ Left err -> fail (show (pp err))
+ Right x -> return x
+ putStrLn $ "Extracting expression of type " ++ show (pp (schemaNoUser schema))
+ C.importExpr sc env expr
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/saw/Cryptol.sawcore b/cryptol-saw-core/saw/Cryptol.sawcore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a1487d8c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/saw/Cryptol.sawcore
@@ -0,0 +1,1661 @@
+-- Cryptol primitives for SAWCore
+module Cryptol where
+import Prelude;
+-- Additional operations on Prelude types
+const : (a b : sort 0) -> a -> b -> a;
+const a b x y = x;
+compose : (a b c : sort 0) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c);
+compose _ _ _ f g x = f (g x);
+bvExp : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+bvExp n x y = foldr Bool (Vec n Bool) n
+ (\ (b : Bool) -> \ (a : Vec n Bool) ->
+ ite (Vec n Bool) b (bvMul n x (bvMul n a a)) (bvMul n a a))
+ (bvNat n 1)
+ (reverse n Bool y);
+updFst : (a b : sort 0) -> (a -> a) -> (a * b) -> (a * b);
+updFst a b f x = (f x.(1), x.(2));
+updSnd : (a b : sort 0) -> (b -> b) -> (a * b) -> (a * b);
+updSnd a b f x = (x.(1), f x.(2));
+-- Extended natural numbers
+data Num : sort 0 where {
+ TCNum : Nat -> Num;
+ TCInf : Num;
+ }
+Num_rec : (p: Num -> sort 1) -> ((n:Nat) -> p (TCNum n)) -> p TCInf ->
+ (n:Num) -> p n;
+Num_rec p f1 f2 n = Num#rec p f1 f2 n;
+-- Helper function: take a Num that we expect to be finite, and extract its Nat,
+-- raising an error if that Num is not finite
+getFinNat : (n:Num) -> Nat;
+getFinNat n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> Nat) (\ (n:Nat) -> n)
+ (error Nat "Unexpected Fin constraint violation!") n;
+-- Helper function: destruct a Num that we expect to be finite
+finNumRec : (p: Num -> sort 1) -> ((n:Nat) -> p (TCNum n)) ->
+ (n:Num) -> p n;
+finNumRec p f n =
+ Num#rec p f (error (p TCInf) "Unexpected Fin constraint violation!") n;
+-- Helper function: destruct two Nums that we expect to be finite
+finNumRec2 : (p: Num -> Num -> sort 1) ->
+ ((m n:Nat) -> p (TCNum m) (TCNum n)) ->
+ (m n:Num) -> p m n;
+finNumRec2 p f =
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (m:Num) -> (n:Num) -> p m n)
+ (\ (m:Nat) -> finNumRec (p (TCNum m)) (f m));
+-- Build a binary function on Nums by lifting a binary function on Nats (the
+-- first argument) and using additional cases for: when the first argument is a
+-- Nat and the second is infinite; when the second is a Nat and the first is
+-- infinite; and when both are infinite
+binaryNumFun : (Nat -> Nat -> Nat) -> (Nat -> Num) -> (Nat -> Num) -> Num ->
+ Num -> Num -> Num;
+binaryNumFun f1 f2 f3 f4 num1 num2 =
+ Num#rec (\ (num1':Num) -> Num)
+ (\ (n1:Nat) ->
+ Num#rec (\ (num2':Num) -> Num)
+ (\ (n2:Nat) -> TCNum (f1 n1 n2))
+ (f2 n1) num2)
+ (Num#rec (\ (num2':Num) -> Num) f3 f4 num2)
+ num1;
+-- Build a ternary function on Nums by lifting a ternary function on Nats, with
+-- a single default case if any of the Nums is infinite
+ternaryNumFun : (Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat) -> Num ->
+ Num -> Num -> Num -> Num;
+ternaryNumFun f1 f2 num1 num2 num3 =
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (num1':Num) -> Num)
+ (\ (n1:Nat) ->
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (num2':Num) -> Num)
+ (\ (n2:Nat) ->
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (num3':Num) -> Num)
+ (\ (n3:Nat) -> TCNum (f1 n1 n2 n3))
+ f2 num3)
+ f2 num2)
+ f2 num1;
+tcWidth : Num -> Num;
+tcWidth n = Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> Num)
+ (\ (x:Nat) -> TCNum (widthNat x)) TCInf n;
+tcAdd : Num -> Num -> Num;
+tcAdd =
+ binaryNumFun addNat (\ (x:Nat) -> TCInf) (\ (y:Nat) -> TCInf) TCInf;
+tcSub : Num -> Num -> Num;
+tcSub =
+ binaryNumFun subNat
+ -- x - infinity = 0
+ (\ (x:Nat) -> TCNum 0)
+ -- infinity - y = infinity
+ (\ (y:Nat) -> TCInf)
+ -- infinity - infinity = 0
+ (TCNum 0);
+tcMul : Num -> Num -> Num;
+tcMul =
+ binaryNumFun mulNat
+ (\ (x:Nat) -> if0Nat Num x (TCNum 0) TCInf)
+ (\ (y:Nat) -> if0Nat Num y (TCNum 0) TCInf)
+ TCInf;
+tcDiv : Num -> Num -> Num;
+tcDiv =
+ binaryNumFun (\ (x:Nat) -> \ (y:Nat) -> divNat x y)
+ (\ (x:Nat) -> TCNum 0)
+ (\ (y:Nat) -> TCInf)
+ -- infinity / infinity = 1
+ (TCNum 1);
+tcMod : Num -> Num -> Num;
+tcMod =
+ binaryNumFun (\ (x:Nat) -> \ (y:Nat) -> modNat x y)
+ (\ (x:Nat) -> TCNum 0)
+ -- infinity % y = 0, since y*infinity + 0 = infinity
+ (\ (y:Nat) -> TCNum 0)
+ -- infinity % infinity = 0
+ (TCNum 0);
+tcExp : Num -> Num -> Num;
+tcExp =
+ binaryNumFun expNat
+ (\ (x:Nat) ->
+ natCase
+ (\ (_:Nat) -> Num) (TCNum 0)
+ (\ (x_minus_1:Nat) ->
+ if0Nat Num x_minus_1 (TCNum 1) TCInf)
+ x)
+ (\ (y:Nat) -> if0Nat Num y (TCNum 1) TCInf)
+ TCInf;
+tcMin : Num -> Num -> Num;
+tcMin =
+ binaryNumFun minNat (\ (x:Nat) -> TCNum x) (\ (y:Nat) -> TCNum y) TCInf;
+tcMax : Num -> Num -> Num;
+tcMax =
+ binaryNumFun maxNat (\ (x:Nat) -> TCInf) (\ (y:Nat) -> TCInf) TCInf;
+ceilDivNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+ceilDivNat x y = divNat (addNat x (subNat y 1)) y;
+ceilModNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+ceilModNat x y = subNat (mulNat (ceilDivNat x y) y) x;
+tcCeilDiv : Num -> Num -> Num;
+tcCeilDiv =
+ binaryNumFun ceilDivNat (\ (x:Nat) -> TCNum 0) (\ (y:Nat) -> TCInf) TCInf;
+tcCeilMod : Num -> Num -> Num;
+tcCeilMod =
+ binaryNumFun ceilModNat (\ (x:Nat) -> TCNum 0) (\ (y:Nat) -> TCInf) TCInf;
+tcLenFromThenTo_Nat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+tcLenFromThenTo_Nat x y z =
+ ite Nat (ltNat x y)
+ (ite Nat (ltNat z x) 0
+ (addNat (divNat (subNat z x) (subNat y x)) 1)) -- increasing
+ (ite Nat (ltNat x z) 0
+ (addNat (divNat (subNat x z) (subNat x y)) 1)); -- decreasing
+tcLenFromThenTo : Num -> Num -> Num -> Num;
+tcLenFromThenTo = ternaryNumFun tcLenFromThenTo_Nat TCInf;
+-- Possibly infinite sequences
+seq : Num -> sort 0 -> sort 0;
+seq num a =
+ Num#rec (\ (num:Num) -> sort 0) (\ (n:Nat) -> Vec n a) (Stream a) num;
+-- FIXME: this rule should be derived by scDefRewriteRules
+seq_TCNum : (n:Nat) -> (a:sort 0) -> Eq (sort 0) (seq (TCNum n) a) (Vec n a);
+seq_TCNum n a = Refl (sort 0) (Vec n a);
+seq_TCInf : (a:sort 0) -> Eq (sort 0) (seq TCInf a) (Stream a);
+seq_TCInf a = Refl (sort 0) (Stream a);
+seqMap : (a b : sort 0) -> (n : Num) -> (a -> b) -> seq n a -> seq n b;
+seqMap a b num f =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> seq n a -> seq n b) (map a b f) (streamMap a b f) num;
+seqConst : (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> a -> seq n a;
+seqConst n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> a -> seq n a) replicate streamConst n;
+-- Integers mod n
+IntModNum : (num : Num) -> sort 0;
+IntModNum num =
+ Num#rec (\ (n : Num) -> sort 0) IntMod Integer num;
+-- Rationals (TODO)
+Rational : sort 0;
+Rational = #();
+ecRatio : Integer -> Integer -> Rational;
+ecRatio x y = ();
+eqRational : Rational -> Rational -> Bool;
+eqRational x y = error Bool "Unimplemented: (==) Rational";
+ltRational : Rational -> Rational -> Bool;
+ltRational x y = error Bool "Unimplemented: (<) Rational";
+addRational : Rational -> Rational -> Rational;
+addRational x y = error Rational "Unimplemented: (+) Rational";
+subRational : Rational -> Rational -> Rational;
+subRational x y = error Rational "Unimplemented: (-) Rational";
+mulRational : Rational -> Rational -> Rational;
+mulRational x y = error Rational "Unimplemented: (*) Rational";
+negRational : Rational -> Rational;
+negRational x = error Rational "Unimplemented: negate Rational";
+integerToRational : Integer -> Rational;
+integerToRational x = error Rational "Unimplemented: fromInteger Rational";
+-- Type coercions
+seq_cong : (m : Num) -> (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> (b : sort 0) ->
+ Eq Num m n -> Eq (sort 0) a b -> Eq (sort 0) (seq m a) (seq n b);
+seq_cong m n a b eq_mn eq_ab =
+ trans
+ (sort 0) (seq m a) (seq n a) (seq n b)
+ (eq_cong Num m n eq_mn (sort 0) (\ (x:Num) -> seq x a))
+ (eq_cong (sort 0) a b eq_ab (sort 0) (\ (x:sort 0) -> seq n x));
+seq_cong1 : (m : Num) -> (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) ->
+ Eq Num m n -> Eq (sort 0) (seq m a) (seq n a);
+seq_cong1 m n a eq_mn =
+ eq_cong Num m n eq_mn (sort 0) (\ (x:Num) -> seq x a);
+IntModNum_cong :
+ (m : Num) -> (n : Num) -> Eq Num m n -> Eq (sort 0) (IntModNum m) (IntModNum n);
+IntModNum_cong m n eq_mn =
+ eq_cong Num m n eq_mn (sort 0) IntModNum;
+fun_cong : (a : sort 0) -> (b : sort 0) -> (c : sort 0) -> (d : sort 0) ->
+ Eq (sort 0) a b -> Eq (sort 0) c d -> Eq (sort 0) (a -> c) (b -> d);
+fun_cong a b c d eq_ab eq_cd =
+ trans
+ (sort 0) (a -> c) (b -> c) (b -> d)
+ (eq_cong (sort 0) a b eq_ab (sort 0) (\ (x:sort 0) -> (x -> c)))
+ (eq_cong (sort 0) c d eq_cd (sort 0) (\ (x:sort 0) -> (b -> x)));
+pair_cong : (a : sort 0) -> (a' : sort 0) -> (b : sort 0) -> (b' : sort 0) ->
+ Eq (sort 0) a a' -> Eq (sort 0) b b' -> Eq (sort 0) (a * b) (a' * b');
+pair_cong a a' b b' eq_a eq_b =
+ trans
+ (sort 0) (a * b) (a' * b) (a' * b')
+ (eq_cong (sort 0) a a' eq_a (sort 0) (\ (x:sort 0) -> (x * b)))
+ (eq_cong (sort 0) b b' eq_b (sort 0) (\ (x:sort 0) -> (a' * x)));
+pair_cong1 : (a : sort 0) -> (a' : sort 0) -> (b : sort 0) ->
+ Eq (sort 0) a a' -> Eq (sort 0) (a * b) (a' * b);
+pair_cong1 a a' b eq_a =
+ (eq_cong (sort 0) a a' eq_a (sort 0) (\ (x:sort 0) -> (x * b)));
+pair_cong2 : (a : sort 0) -> (b : sort 0) -> (b' : sort 0) ->
+ Eq (sort 0) b b' -> Eq (sort 0) (a * b) (a * b');
+pair_cong2 a b b' eq_b =
+ (eq_cong (sort 0) b b' eq_b (sort 0) (\ (x:sort 0) -> (a * x)));
+axiom unsafeAssert_same_Num :
+ (n : Num) -> Eq (Eq Num n n) (unsafeAssert Num n n) (Refl Num n);
+-- Auxiliary functions
+eListSel : (a : sort 0) -> (n : Num) -> seq n a -> Nat -> a;
+eListSel a n =
+ Num#rec (\ (num:Num) -> seq num a -> Nat -> a)
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> at n a) (streamGet a) n;
+-- List comprehensions
+from : (a b : sort 0) -> (m n : Num) -> seq m a -> (a -> seq n b) ->
+ seq (tcMul m n) (a * b);
+from a b m n =
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (m:Num) -> seq m a -> (a -> seq n b) -> seq (tcMul m n) (a * b))
+ (\ (m:Nat) ->
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> Vec m a -> (a -> seq n b) ->
+ seq (tcMul (TCNum m) n) (a * b))
+ -- Case 1: (TCNum m, TCNum n)
+ (\ (n:Nat) ->
+ \ (xs : Vec m a) ->
+ \ (k : a -> Vec n b) ->
+ join m n (a * b)
+ (map a (Vec n (a * b))
+ (\ (x : a) ->
+ map b (a * b) (\ (y : b) -> (x, y)) n (k x))
+ m xs))
+ -- Case 2: n = (TCNum m, TCInf)
+ (natCase
+ (\ (m':Nat) -> (Vec m' a -> (a -> Stream b) ->
+ seq (if0Nat Num m' (TCNum 0) TCInf) (a * b)))
+ (\ (xs : Vec 0 a) ->
+ \ (k : a -> Stream b) -> EmptyVec (a * b))
+ (\ (m' : Nat) ->
+ \ (xs : Vec (Succ m') a) ->
+ \ (k : a -> Stream b) ->
+ (\ (x : a) -> streamMap b (a * b) (\ (y:b) -> (x, y)) (k x))
+ (at (Succ m') a xs 0))
+ m)
+ n)
+ (Num#rec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> Stream a -> (a -> seq n b) -> seq (tcMul TCInf n) (a * b))
+ -- Case 3: (TCInf, TCNum n)
+ (\ (n:Nat) ->
+ natCase
+ (\ (n':Nat) -> (Stream a -> (a -> Vec n' b) ->
+ seq (if0Nat Num n' (TCNum 0) TCInf) (a * b)))
+ (\ (xs : Stream a) ->
+ \ (k : a -> Vec 0 b) -> EmptyVec (a * b))
+ (\ (n' : Nat) ->
+ \ (xs : Stream a) ->
+ \ (k : a -> Vec (Succ n') b) ->
+ streamJoin
+ (a * b) n'
+ (streamMap
+ a (Vec (Succ n') (a * b))
+ (\ (x:a) ->
+ map b (a * b) (\ (y:b) -> (x, y)) (Succ n') (k x))
+ xs))
+ n)
+ -- Case 4: (TCInf, TCInf)
+ (\ (xs : Stream a) ->
+ \ (k : a -> Stream b) ->
+ (\ (x : a) -> streamMap b (a * b) (\ (y : b) -> (x, y)) (k x))
+ (streamGet a xs 0))
+ n)
+ m;
+mlet : (a b : sort 0) -> (n : Num) -> a -> (a -> seq n b) -> seq n (a * b);
+mlet a b n =
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> a -> (a -> seq n b) -> seq n (a * b))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (x:a) -> \ (f:a -> Vec n b) ->
+ map b (a * b) (\ (y : b) -> (x, y)) n (f x))
+ (\ (x:a) -> \ (f:a -> Stream b) ->
+ streamMap b (a * b) (\ (y : b) -> (x, y)) (f x))
+ n;
+seqZip : (a b : sort 0) -> (m n : Num) -> seq m a -> seq n b ->
+ seq (tcMin m n) (a * b);
+seqZip a b m n =
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (m:Num) -> seq m a -> seq n b -> seq (tcMin m n) (a * b))
+ (\ (m : Nat) ->
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> Vec m a -> seq n b -> seq (tcMin (TCNum m) n) (a * b))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> zip a b m n)
+ (\ (xs:Vec m a) -> \ (ys:Stream b) ->
+ gen m (a * b) (\ (i : Nat) -> (at m a xs i, streamGet b ys i)))
+ n)
+ (Num#rec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> Stream a -> seq n b -> seq (tcMin TCInf n) (a * b))
+ (\ (n:Nat) ->
+ \ (xs:Stream a) -> \ (ys:Vec n b) ->
+ gen n (a * b) (\ (i : Nat) -> (streamGet a xs i, at n b ys i)))
+ (streamMap2 a b (a * b) (\ (x:a) -> \ (y:b) -> (x, y)))
+ n)
+ m;
+-- Ring and Logic functions
+seqBinary : (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> (a -> a -> a) ->
+ seq n a -> seq n a -> seq n a;
+seqBinary num a f =
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> seq n a -> seq n a -> seq n a)
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> zipWith a a a f n)
+ (streamMap2 a a a f)
+ num;
+unitUnary : #() -> #();
+unitUnary _ = ();
+unitBinary : #() -> #() -> #();
+unitBinary _ _ = ();
+pairUnary : (a b : sort 0) -> (a -> a) -> (b -> b) -> (a * b) -> (a * b);
+pairUnary a b f g xy = (f (fst a b xy), g (snd a b xy));
+pairBinary : (a b : sort 0) -> (a -> a -> a) -> (b -> b -> b)
+ -> (a * b) -> (a * b) -> (a * b);
+pairBinary a b f g x12 y12 = (f (fst a b x12) (fst a b y12),
+ g (snd a b x12) (snd a b y12));
+funBinary : (a b : sort 0) -> (b -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b);
+funBinary a b op f g x = op (f x) (g x);
+errorUnary : (s : String) -> (a : sort 0) -> a -> a;
+errorUnary s a _ = error a s;
+errorBinary : (s : String) -> (a : sort 0) -> a -> a -> a;
+errorBinary s a _ _ = error a s;
+-- Comparisons
+boolCmp : Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+boolCmp x y k = ite Bool x (and y k) (or y k);
+integerCmp : Integer -> Integer -> Bool -> Bool;
+integerCmp x y k = or (intLt x y) (and (intEq x y) k);
+rationalCmp : Rational -> Rational -> Bool -> Bool;
+rationalCmp x y k = or (ltRational x y) (and (eqRational x y) k);
+bvCmp : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+bvCmp n x y k = or (bvult n x y) (and (bvEq n x y) k);
+bvSCmp : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+bvSCmp n x y k = or (bvslt n x y) (and (bvEq n x y) k);
+vecCmp : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> (a -> a -> Bool -> Bool)
+ -> (Vec n a -> Vec n a -> Bool -> Bool);
+vecCmp n a f xs ys k =
+ foldr (Bool -> Bool) Bool n (\ (f : Bool -> Bool) -> f) k
+ (zipWith a a (Bool -> Bool) f n xs ys);
+unitCmp : #() -> #() -> Bool -> Bool;
+unitCmp _ _ _ = False;
+pairCmp : (a b : sort 0) -> (a -> a -> Bool -> Bool) -> (b -> b -> Bool -> Bool)
+ -> a * b -> a * b -> Bool -> Bool;
+pairCmp a b f g x12 y12 k =
+ f (fst a b x12) (fst a b y12) (g (snd a b x12) (snd a b y12) k);
+-- Dictionaries and overloading
+-- Eq class
+PEq : sort 0 -> sort 1;
+PEq a = #{ eq : a -> a -> Bool };
+PEqBit : PEq Bool;
+PEqBit = { eq = boolEq };
+PEqInteger : PEq Integer;
+PEqInteger = { eq = intEq };
+PEqRational : PEq Rational;
+PEqRational = { eq = eqRational };
+PEqIntMod : (n : Nat) -> PEq (IntMod n);
+PEqIntMod n = { eq = intModEq n };
+PEqIntModNum : (num : Num) -> PEq (IntModNum num);
+PEqIntModNum num =
+ Num#rec (\ (n : Num) -> PEq (IntModNum n)) PEqIntMod PEqInteger num;
+PEqVec : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> PEq a -> PEq (Vec n a);
+PEqVec n a pa = { eq = vecEq n a pa.eq };
+PEqSeq : (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PEq a -> PEq (seq n a);
+PEqSeq n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PEq a -> PEq (seq n a))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> PEqVec n)
+ (\ (a:sort 0) (pa : PEq a) -> error (PEq (Stream a)) "invalid Eq instance")
+ n;
+PEqWord : (n : Nat) -> PEq (Vec n Bool);
+PEqWord n = { eq = bvEq n };
+PEqSeqBool : (n : Num) -> PEq (seq n Bool);
+PEqSeqBool n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n : Num) -> PEq (seq n Bool))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> PEqWord n)
+ (error (PEq (Stream Bool)) "invalid Eq instance")
+ n;
+PEqUnit : PEq #();
+PEqUnit = { eq = \ (x y : #()) -> True };
+PEqPair : (a b : sort 0) -> PEq a -> PEq b -> PEq (a * b);
+PEqPair a b pa pb = { eq = pairEq a b pa.eq pb.eq };
+-- Cmp class
+PCmp : sort 0 -> sort 1;
+PCmp a =
+ #{ cmpEq : PEq a
+ , cmp : a -> a -> Bool -> Bool
+ };
+PCmpBit : PCmp Bool;
+PCmpBit = { cmpEq = PEqBit, cmp = boolCmp };
+PCmpInteger : PCmp Integer;
+PCmpInteger = { cmpEq = PEqInteger, cmp = integerCmp };
+PCmpRational : PCmp Rational;
+PCmpRational = { cmpEq = PEqRational, cmp = rationalCmp };
+PCmpVec : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> PCmp a -> PCmp (Vec n a);
+PCmpVec n a pa = { cmpEq = PEqVec n a pa.cmpEq, cmp = vecCmp n a pa.cmp };
+PCmpSeq : (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PCmp a -> PCmp (seq n a);
+PCmpSeq n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PCmp a -> PCmp (seq n a))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> PCmpVec n)
+ (\ (a:sort 0) (pa : PCmp a) -> error (PCmp (Stream a)) "invalid Cmp instance")
+ n;
+PCmpWord : (n : Nat) -> PCmp (Vec n Bool);
+PCmpWord n = { cmpEq = PEqWord n, cmp = bvCmp n };
+PCmpSeqBool : (n : Num) -> PCmp (seq n Bool);
+PCmpSeqBool n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n : Num) -> PCmp (seq n Bool))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> PCmpWord n)
+ (error (PCmp (Stream Bool)) "invalid Cmp instance")
+ n;
+PCmpUnit : PCmp #();
+PCmpUnit = { cmpEq = PEqUnit, cmp = unitCmp };
+PCmpPair : (a b : sort 0) -> PCmp a -> PCmp b -> PCmp (a * b);
+PCmpPair a b pa pb =
+ { cmpEq = PEqPair a b pa.cmpEq pb.cmpEq
+ , cmp = pairCmp a b pa.cmp pb.cmp
+ };
+-- SignedCmp class
+PSignedCmp : sort 0 -> sort 1;
+PSignedCmp a =
+ #{ signedCmpEq : PEq a
+ , scmp : a -> a -> Bool -> Bool
+ };
+PSignedCmpVec : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> PSignedCmp a -> PSignedCmp (Vec n a);
+PSignedCmpVec n a pa =
+ { signedCmpEq = PEqVec n a pa.signedCmpEq
+ , scmp = vecCmp n a pa.scmp
+ };
+PSignedCmpSeq : (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PSignedCmp a -> PSignedCmp (seq n a);
+PSignedCmpSeq n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PSignedCmp a -> PSignedCmp (seq n a))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> PSignedCmpVec n)
+ (\ (a:sort 0) (pa : PSignedCmp a) -> error (PSignedCmp (Stream a)) "invalid SignedCmp instance")
+ n;
+PSignedCmpWord : (n : Nat) -> PSignedCmp (Vec n Bool);
+PSignedCmpWord n = { signedCmpEq = PEqWord n, scmp = bvSCmp n };
+PSignedCmpSeqBool : (n : Num) -> PSignedCmp (seq n Bool);
+PSignedCmpSeqBool n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n : Num) -> PSignedCmp (seq n Bool))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> PSignedCmpWord n)
+ (error (PSignedCmp (Stream Bool)) "invalid SignedCmp instance")
+ n;
+PSignedCmpUnit : PSignedCmp #();
+PSignedCmpUnit = { signedCmpEq = PEqUnit, scmp = unitCmp };
+PSignedCmpPair : (a b : sort 0) -> PSignedCmp a -> PSignedCmp b -> PSignedCmp (a * b);
+PSignedCmpPair a b pa pb =
+ { signedCmpEq = PEqPair a b pa.signedCmpEq pb.signedCmpEq
+ , scmp = pairCmp a b pa.scmp pb.scmp
+ };
+-- Zero class
+PZero : sort 0 -> sort 0;
+PZero a = a;
+PZeroBit : PZero Bool;
+PZeroBit = False;
+PZeroInteger : PZero Integer;
+PZeroInteger = natToInt 0;
+PZeroIntMod : (n : Nat) -> PZero (IntMod n);
+PZeroIntMod n = toIntMod n (natToInt 0);
+PZeroRational : PZero Rational;
+PZeroRational = integerToRational (natToInt 0);
+PZeroIntModNum : (num : Num) -> PZero (IntModNum num);
+PZeroIntModNum num = Num#rec (\ (n : Num) -> PZero (IntModNum n)) PZeroIntMod PZeroInteger num;
+PZeroSeq : (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PZero a -> PZero (seq n a);
+PZeroSeq n a pa = seqConst n a pa;
+PZeroSeqBool : (n : Num) -> PZero (seq n Bool);
+PZeroSeqBool n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> PZero (seq n Bool))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> bvNat n 0)
+ (streamConst Bool False)
+ n;
+PZeroFun : (a b : sort 0) -> PZero b -> PZero (a -> b);
+PZeroFun a b pb = (\(_ : a) -> pb);
+-- Logic class
+PLogic : sort 0 -> sort 1;
+PLogic a =
+ #{ logicZero : PZero a
+ , and : a -> a -> a
+ , or : a -> a -> a
+ , xor : a -> a -> a
+ , not : a -> a
+ };
+PLogicBit : PLogic Bool;
+PLogicBit =
+ { logicZero = PZeroBit
+ , and = and
+ , or = or
+ , xor = xor
+ , not = not
+ };
+PLogicVec : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> PLogic a -> PLogic (Vec n a);
+PLogicVec n a pa =
+ { logicZero = replicate n a pa.logicZero
+ , and = zipWith a a a pa.and n
+ , or = zipWith a a a pa.or n
+ , xor = zipWith a a a pa.xor n
+ , not = map a a pa.not n
+ };
+PLogicStream : (a : sort 0) -> PLogic a -> PLogic (Stream a);
+PLogicStream a pa =
+ { logicZero = streamConst a pa.logicZero
+ , and = streamMap2 a a a pa.and
+ , or = streamMap2 a a a pa.or
+ , xor = streamMap2 a a a pa.xor
+ , not = streamMap a a pa.not
+ };
+PLogicSeq : (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PLogic a -> PLogic (seq n a);
+PLogicSeq n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> (a:sort 0) -> PLogic a -> PLogic (seq n a))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> PLogicVec n) PLogicStream n;
+PLogicWord : (n : Nat) -> PLogic (Vec n Bool);
+PLogicWord n =
+ { logicZero = bvNat n 0
+ , and = bvAnd n
+ , or = bvOr n
+ , xor = bvXor n
+ , not = bvNot n
+ };
+PLogicSeqBool : (n : Num) -> PLogic (seq n Bool);
+PLogicSeqBool n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> PLogic (seq n Bool))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> PLogicWord n) (PLogicStream Bool PLogicBit) n;
+PLogicFun : (a b : sort 0) -> PLogic b -> PLogic (a -> b);
+PLogicFun a b pb =
+ { logicZero = PZeroFun a b pb.logicZero
+ , and = funBinary a b pb.and
+ , or = funBinary a b pb.or
+ , xor = funBinary a b pb.xor
+ , not = compose a b b pb.not
+ };
+PLogicUnit : PLogic #();
+PLogicUnit =
+ { logicZero = ()
+ , and = unitBinary
+ , or = unitBinary
+ , xor = unitBinary
+ , not = unitUnary
+ };
+PLogicPair : (a b : sort 0) -> PLogic a -> PLogic b -> PLogic (a * b);
+PLogicPair a b pa pb =
+ { logicZero = (pa.logicZero, pb.logicZero)
+ , and = pairBinary a b pa.and pb.and
+ , or = pairBinary a b pa.or pb.or
+ , xor = pairBinary a b pa.xor pb.xor
+ , not = pairUnary a b pa.not pb.not
+ };
+-- Ring class
+PRing : sort 0 -> sort 1;
+PRing a =
+ #{ ringZero : PZero a
+ , add : a -> a -> a
+ , sub : a -> a -> a
+ , mul : a -> a -> a
+ , neg : a -> a
+ , int : Integer -> a
+ };
+PRingInteger : PRing Integer;
+PRingInteger =
+ { ringZero = PZeroInteger
+ , add = intAdd
+ , sub = intSub
+ , mul = intMul
+ , neg = intNeg
+ , int = \ (i : Integer) -> i
+ };
+PRingIntMod : (n : Nat) -> PRing (IntMod n);
+PRingIntMod n =
+ { ringZero = PZeroIntMod n
+ , add = intModAdd n
+ , sub = intModSub n
+ , mul = intModMul n
+ , neg = intModNeg n
+ , int = toIntMod n
+ };
+PRingIntModNum : (num : Num) -> PRing (IntModNum num);
+PRingIntModNum num =
+ Num#rec (\ (n : Num) -> PRing (IntModNum n)) PRingIntMod PRingInteger num;
+PRingRational : PRing Rational;
+PRingRational =
+ { ringZero = PZeroRational
+ , add = addRational
+ , sub = subRational
+ , mul = mulRational
+ , neg = negRational
+ , int = integerToRational
+ };
+PRingVec : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> PRing a -> PRing (Vec n a);
+PRingVec n a pa =
+ { ringZero = replicate n a pa.ringZero
+ , add = zipWith a a a pa.add n
+ , sub = zipWith a a a pa.sub n
+ , mul = zipWith a a a pa.mul n
+ , neg = map a a pa.neg n
+ , int = \ (i : Integer) -> replicate n a (pa.int i)
+ };
+PRingStream : (a : sort 0) -> PRing a -> PRing (Stream a);
+PRingStream a pa =
+ { ringZero = streamConst a pa.ringZero
+ , add = streamMap2 a a a pa.add
+ , sub = streamMap2 a a a pa.sub
+ , mul = streamMap2 a a a pa.mul
+ , neg = streamMap a a pa.neg
+ , int = \ (i : Integer) -> streamConst a (pa.int i)
+ };
+PRingSeq : (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PRing a -> PRing (seq n a);
+PRingSeq n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PRing a -> PRing (seq n a))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> PRingVec n)
+ PRingStream
+ n;
+PRingWord : (n : Nat) -> PRing (Vec n Bool);
+PRingWord n =
+ { ringZero = bvNat n 0
+ , add = bvAdd n
+ , sub = bvSub n
+ , mul = bvMul n
+ , neg = bvNeg n
+ , int = intToBv n
+ };
+PRingSeqBool : (n : Num) -> PRing (seq n Bool);
+PRingSeqBool n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> PRing (seq n Bool))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> PRingWord n)
+ (error (PRing (Stream Bool)) "PRingSeqBool: no instance for streams")
+ n;
+PRingFun : (a b : sort 0) -> PRing b -> PRing (a -> b);
+PRingFun a b pb =
+ { ringZero = PZeroFun a b pb.ringZero
+ , add = funBinary a b pb.add
+ , sub = funBinary a b pb.sub
+ , mul = funBinary a b pb.mul
+ , neg = compose a b b pb.neg
+ , int = \ (i : Integer) -> \ (_ : a) -> pb.int i
+ };
+PRingUnit : PRing #();
+PRingUnit =
+ { ringZero = ()
+ , add = unitBinary
+ , sub = unitBinary
+ , mul = unitBinary
+ , neg = unitUnary
+ , int = \ (i : Integer) -> ()
+ };
+PRingPair : (a b : sort 0) -> PRing a -> PRing b -> PRing (a * b);
+PRingPair a b pa pb =
+ { ringZero = (pa.ringZero, pb.ringZero)
+ , add = pairBinary a b pa.add pb.add
+ , sub = pairBinary a b pa.sub pb.sub
+ , mul = pairBinary a b pa.mul pb.mul
+ , neg = pairUnary a b pa.neg pb.neg
+ , int = \ (i : Integer) -> (pa.int i, pb.int i)
+ };
+-- Integral class
+PIntegral : sort 0 -> sort 1;
+PIntegral a =
+ #{ integralRing : PRing a
+ , div : a -> a -> a
+ , mod : a -> a -> a
+ , toInt : a -> Integer
+ , posNegCases :
+ (r : sort 0) ->
+ (Nat -> r) ->
+ (Nat -> r) ->
+ a -> r
+ };
+PIntegralInteger : PIntegral Integer;
+PIntegralInteger =
+ { integralRing = PRingInteger
+ , div = intDiv
+ , mod = intMod
+ , toInt = \(i:Integer) -> i
+ , posNegCases = \ (r:sort 0) -> \ (pos neg:Nat -> r) -> \ (i:Integer) ->
+ ite r (intLe (natToInt 0) i) (pos (intToNat i)) (neg (intToNat (intNeg i)))
+ };
+PIntegralWord : (n : Nat) -> PIntegral (Vec n Bool);
+PIntegralWord n =
+ { integralRing = PRingWord n
+ , div = bvUDiv n
+ , mod = bvURem n
+ , toInt = bvToInt n
+ -- words are always considered non-negative
+ , posNegCases = \ (r:sort 0) -> \ (pos neg:Nat -> r) -> \(i:Vec n Bool) -> pos (bvToNat n i)
+ };
+PIntegralSeqBool : (n : Num) -> PIntegral (seq n Bool);
+PIntegralSeqBool n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> PIntegral (seq n Bool))
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> PIntegralWord n)
+ (error (PIntegral (Stream Bool)) "PIntegralSeqBool: no instance for streams")
+ n;
+-- Field class
+PField : sort 0 -> sort 1;
+PField a =
+ #{ fieldRing : PRing a
+ , recip : a -> a
+ , fieldDiv : a -> a -> a
+ };
+PFieldRational : PField Rational;
+PFieldRational =
+ { fieldRing = PRingRational
+ , recip = \(x : Rational) -> error Rational "Unimplemented: recip Rational"
+ , fieldDiv = \(x y : Rational) -> error Rational "Unimplemented: (/.) Rational"
+ };
+PFieldIntMod : (n : Nat) -> PField (IntMod n);
+PFieldIntMod n =
+ { fieldRing = PRingIntMod n
+ , recip = \(x : IntMod n) -> error (IntMod n) "Unimplemented: recip IntMod"
+ , fieldDiv = \(x y : IntMod n) -> error (IntMod n) "Unimplemented: (/.) IntMod"
+ };
+PFieldIntModNum : (n : Num) -> PField (IntModNum n);
+PFieldIntModNum num =
+ Num#rec (\ (n : Num) -> PField (IntModNum n))
+ PFieldIntMod
+ (error (PField (IntModNum TCInf)) "PFieldIntModNum: no instance for inf")
+ num;
+-- Round class
+PRound : sort 0 -> sort 1;
+PRound a =
+ #{ roundField : PField a
+ , roundCmp : PCmp a
+ , floor : a -> Integer
+ , ceiling : a -> Integer
+ , trunc : a -> Integer
+ , roundAway : a -> Integer
+ , roundToEven : a -> Integer
+ };
+PRoundRational : PRound Rational;
+PRoundRational =
+ { roundField = PFieldRational
+ , roundCmp = PCmpRational
+ , floor = \(x : Rational) -> error Integer "Unimplemented: floor Rational"
+ , ceiling = \(x : Rational) -> error Integer "Unimplemented: ceiling Rational"
+ , trunc = \(x : Rational) -> error Integer "Unimplemented: trunc Rational"
+ , roundAway = \(x : Rational) -> error Integer "Unimplemented: roundAway Rational"
+ , roundToEven = \(x : Rational) -> error Integer "Unimplemented: roundToEven Rational"
+ };
+-- Literal class
+-- Compared to Cryptol class 'Literal val a', we omit the 'val' parameter here.
+-- As 'PLiteral' and 'PLiteralLessThan' are definitionally equal in saw-core,
+-- the same dictionary constructors do double duty for both type classes.
+PLiteral : (a : sort 0) -> sort 0;
+PLiteral a = Nat -> a;
+PLiteralLessThan : (a : sort 0) -> sort 0;
+PLiteralLessThan a = Nat -> a;
+PLiteralSeqBool : (n : Num) -> PLiteral (seq n Bool);
+PLiteralSeqBool n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n : Num) -> PLiteral (seq n Bool)) bvNat
+ (error (PLiteral (Stream Bool)) "PLiteralSeqBool: no instance for streams") n;
+PLiteralBit : PLiteral Bool;
+PLiteralBit = Nat_cases Bool False (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (b:Bool) -> True);
+PLiteralInteger : PLiteral Integer;
+PLiteralInteger = natToInt;
+PLiteralIntMod : (n : Nat) -> PLiteral (IntMod n);
+PLiteralIntMod n = \ (x : Nat) -> toIntMod n (natToInt x);
+PLiteralIntModNum : (num : Num) -> PLiteral (IntModNum num);
+PLiteralIntModNum num =
+ Num#rec (\ (n : Num) -> PLiteral (IntModNum n)) PLiteralIntMod PLiteralInteger num;
+PLiteralRational : PLiteral Rational;
+PLiteralRational = \ (x : Nat) -> error Rational "Unimplemented: Literal Rational";
+-- TODO: FLiteral class
+-- Primitive Cryptol functions
+ecNumber : (val : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PLiteral a -> a;
+ecNumber val a pa =
+ Num#rec (\ (_ : Num) -> a) pa (pa 0) val;
+ -- Dummy case: treat `inf as `0 (this never happens anyway)
+ecFromZ : (n : Num) -> IntModNum n -> Integer;
+ecFromZ n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n : Num) -> IntModNum n -> Integer)
+ fromIntMod
+ (\ (x : Integer) -> x)
+ n;
+-- Ring
+ecFromInteger : (a : sort 0) -> PRing a -> Integer -> a;
+ecFromInteger a pa = pa.int;
+ecPlus : (a : sort 0) -> PRing a -> a -> a -> a;
+ecPlus a pa = pa.add;
+ecMinus : (a : sort 0) -> PRing a -> a -> a -> a;
+ecMinus a pa = pa.sub;
+ecMul : (a : sort 0) -> PRing a -> a -> a -> a;
+ecMul a pa = pa.mul;
+ecNeg : (a : sort 0) -> PRing a -> a -> a;
+ecNeg a pa = pa.neg;
+-- Integral
+ecToInteger : (a : sort 0) -> PIntegral a -> a -> Integer;
+ecToInteger a pa = pa.toInt;
+ecDiv : (a : sort 0) -> PIntegral a -> a -> a -> a;
+ecDiv a pi = pi.div;
+ecMod : (a : sort 0) -> PIntegral a -> a -> a -> a;
+ecMod a pi = pi.mod;
+ecExp : (a b: sort 0) -> PRing a -> PIntegral b -> a -> b -> a;
+ecExp a b pa pi x =
+ pi.posNegCases a
+ (expByNat a (pa.int (natToInt 1)) pa.mul x)
+ (\ (_:Nat) -> pa.int (natToInt 1));
+ -- (error (Nat -> a) "ecExp : negative exponent");
+-- Field
+ecRecip : (a: sort 0) -> PField a -> a -> a;
+ecRecip a pf = pf.recip;
+ecFieldDiv : (a: sort 0) -> PField a -> a -> a -> a;
+ecFieldDiv a pf = pf.fieldDiv;
+-- Round
+ecCeiling : (a: sort 0) -> PRound a -> a -> Integer;
+ecCeiling a pr = pr.ceiling;
+ecFloor : (a: sort 0) -> PRound a -> a -> Integer;
+ecFloor a pr = pr.floor;
+ecTruncate : (a: sort 0) -> PRound a -> a -> Integer;
+ecTruncate a pr = pr.trunc;
+ecRoundAway : (a: sort 0) -> PRound a -> a -> Integer;
+ecRoundAway a pr = pr.roundAway;
+ecRoundToEven : (a: sort 0) -> PRound a -> a -> Integer;
+ecRoundToEven a pr = pr.roundToEven;
+-- Bitvector ops
+ecLg2 : (n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool;
+ecLg2 n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool)
+ bvLg2
+ (error (Stream Bool -> Stream Bool) "ecLg2: expected finite word")
+ n;
+ecSDiv : (n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool;
+ecSDiv n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool)
+ (Nat__rec (\ (n:Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool)
+ (error (Vec 0 Bool -> Vec 0 Bool -> Vec 0 Bool) "ecSDiv: illegal 0-width word")
+ (\ (n':Nat) -> \ (_:Vec n' Bool -> Vec n' Bool -> Vec n' Bool) -> bvSDiv n'))
+ (error (Stream Bool -> Stream Bool -> Stream Bool) "ecSDiv: expected finite word")
+ n;
+ecSMod : (n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool;
+ecSMod n =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool)
+ (Nat__rec (\ (n:Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool)
+ (error (Vec 0 Bool -> Vec 0 Bool -> Vec 0 Bool) "ecSMod: illegal 0-width word")
+ (\ (n':Nat) -> \ (_:Vec n' Bool -> Vec n' Bool -> Vec n' Bool) -> bvSRem n'))
+ (error (Stream Bool -> Stream Bool -> Stream Bool) "ecSMod: expected finite word")
+ n;
+-- Eq
+ecEq : (a : sort 0) -> PEq a -> a -> a -> Bool;
+ecEq a pa = pa.eq;
+ecNotEq : (a : sort 0) -> PEq a -> a -> a -> Bool;
+ecNotEq a pa x y = not (ecEq a pa x y);
+-- Cmp
+ecLt : (a : sort 0) -> PCmp a -> a -> a -> Bool;
+ecLt a pa x y = pa.cmp x y False;
+ecGt : (a : sort 0) -> PCmp a -> a -> a -> Bool;
+ecGt a pa x y = ecLt a pa y x;
+ecLtEq : (a : sort 0) -> PCmp a -> a -> a -> Bool;
+ecLtEq a pa x y = not (ecLt a pa y x);
+ecGtEq : (a : sort 0) -> PCmp a -> a -> a -> Bool;
+ecGtEq a pa x y = not (ecLt a pa x y);
+-- SignedCmp
+ecSLt : (a : sort 0) -> PSignedCmp a -> a -> a -> Bool;
+ecSLt a pa x y = pa.scmp x y False;
+-- Logic
+ecAnd : (a : sort 0) -> PLogic a -> a -> a -> a;
+ecAnd a pa = pa.and;
+ecOr : (a : sort 0) -> PLogic a -> a -> a -> a;
+ecOr a pa = pa.or;
+ecXor : (a : sort 0) -> PLogic a -> a -> a -> a;
+ecXor a pa = pa.xor;
+ecCompl : (a : sort 0) -> PLogic a -> a -> a;
+ecCompl a pa = pa.not;
+ecZero : (a : sort 0) -> PZero a -> a;
+ecZero a pa = pa;
+-- FLiteral
+ecFraction : (a : sort 0) -> a;
+ecFraction a = error a "Unimplemented: fraction";
+-- Sequences
+ecShiftL : (m : Num) -> (ix a : sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> PZero a ->
+ seq m a -> ix -> seq m a;
+ecShiftL m =
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (m:Num) -> (ix a : sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> PZero a -> seq m a -> ix -> seq m a)
+ -- Case for (TCNum m)
+ (\ (m:Nat) -> \ (ix:sort 0) -> \ (a:sort 0) -> \ (pix : PIntegral ix) -> \ (pz:PZero a) -> \ (xs:Vec m a) ->
+ pix.posNegCases (Vec m a)
+ (shiftL m a (ecZero a pz) xs)
+ (shiftR m a (ecZero a pz) xs))
+ -- Case for (infinity)
+ (\ (ix:sort 0) -> \ (a:sort 0) -> \ (pix : PIntegral ix) -> \ (pz:PZero a) ->
+ \ (xs:Stream a) ->
+ pix.posNegCases (Stream a)
+ (streamShiftL a xs)
+ (streamShiftR a pz xs))
+ m;
+ecShiftR : (m : Num) -> (ix a : sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> PZero a ->
+ seq m a -> ix -> seq m a;
+ecShiftR m =
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (m : Num) -> (ix a : sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> PZero a -> seq m a -> ix -> seq m a)
+ -- Case for (TCNum m)
+ (\ (m:Nat) -> \ (ix:sort 0) -> \ (a:sort 0) -> \ (pix : PIntegral ix) -> \ (pz:PZero a) -> \ (xs:Vec m a) ->
+ pix.posNegCases (Vec m a)
+ (shiftR m a (ecZero a pz) xs)
+ (shiftL m a (ecZero a pz) xs))
+ -- Case for (infinity)
+ (\ (ix:sort 0) -> \ (a:sort 0) -> \ (pix : PIntegral ix) -> \ (pz:PZero a) -> \ (xs:Stream a) ->
+ pix.posNegCases (Stream a)
+ (streamShiftR a pz xs)
+ (streamShiftL a xs))
+ m;
+ecSShiftR : (n : Num) -> (ix : sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> seq n Bool -> ix -> seq n Bool;
+ecSShiftR =
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> (ix : sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> seq n Bool -> ix -> seq n Bool)
+ (\ (n:Nat) ->
+ (\ (ix : sort 0) -> \ (pix : PIntegral ix) ->
+ natCase
+ (\ (w : Nat) -> Vec w Bool -> ix -> Vec w Bool)
+ (\ (xs : Vec 0 Bool) -> \ (_ : ix) -> xs)
+ (\ (w : Nat) -> \ (xs : Vec (Succ w) Bool) ->
+ pix.posNegCases (Vec (Succ w) Bool)
+ (bvSShr w xs)
+ (bvShl (Succ w) xs))
+ n));
+ecRotL : (m : Num) -> (ix a : sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> seq m a -> ix -> seq m a;
+ecRotL =
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (m:Num) -> (ix a : sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> seq m a -> ix -> seq m a)
+ (\ (m:Nat) -> \ (ix:sort 0) -> \ (a:sort 0) -> \ (pix:PIntegral ix) -> \ (xs:Vec m a) ->
+ pix.posNegCases (Vec m a)
+ (rotateL m a xs)
+ (rotateR m a xs));
+ecRotR : (m : Num) -> (ix a : sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> seq m a -> ix -> seq m a;
+ecRotR =
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (m:Num) -> (ix a : sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> seq m a -> ix -> seq m a)
+ (\ (m:Nat) -> \ (ix:sort 0) -> \ (a:sort 0) -> \ (pix:PIntegral ix) -> \ (xs:Vec m a) ->
+ pix.posNegCases (Vec m a)
+ (rotateR m a xs)
+ (rotateL m a xs));
+ecCat : (m n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> seq m a -> seq n a -> seq (tcAdd m n) a;
+ecCat =
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (m:Num) -> (n:Num) -> (a:sort 0) -> seq m a -> seq n a ->
+ seq (tcAdd m n) a)
+ (\ (m:Nat) ->
+ Num_rec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> (a:sort 0) -> Vec m a -> seq n a ->
+ seq (tcAdd (TCNum m) n) a)
+ -- Case for (TCNum m, TCNum n)
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (a:sort 0) -> append m n a)
+ -- Case for (TCNum m, TCInf)
+ (\ (a:sort 0) -> streamAppend a m));
+ecSplitAt : (m n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> seq (tcAdd m n) a ->
+ #(seq m a, seq n a);
+ecSplitAt =
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (m:Num) -> (n:Num) -> (a:sort 0) -> seq (tcAdd m n) a ->
+ #(seq m a, seq n a))
+ (\ (m:Nat) ->
+ Num_rec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> (a:sort 0) -> seq (tcAdd (TCNum m) n) a ->
+ #(Vec m a, seq n a))
+ -- The case (TCNum n, TCNum m)
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (a:sort 0) -> \ (xs: Vec (addNat m n) a) ->
+ (take a m n xs, drop a m n xs))
+ -- The case (TCNum m, infinity)
+ (\ (a:sort 0) -> \ (xs: Stream a) ->
+ (streamTake a m xs, streamDrop a m xs)));
+ecJoin : (m n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> seq m (seq n a) -> seq (tcMul m n) a;
+ecJoin m =
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (m:Num) -> (n:Num) -> (a:sort 0) -> seq m (seq n a) ->
+ seq (tcMul m n) a)
+ (\ (m:Nat) ->
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> (a:sort 0) -> Vec m (seq n a) ->
+ seq (tcMul (TCNum m) n) a)
+ -- Case for (TCNum m, TCNum n)
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (a:sort 0) -> join m n a)
+ -- No case for (TCNum m, TCInf)
+ )
+ (finNumRec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> (a:sort 0) -> Stream (seq n a) ->
+ seq (tcMul TCInf n) a)
+ -- Case for (TCInf, TCNum n)
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (a:sort 0) ->
+ natCase
+ (\ (n':Nat) -> Stream (Vec n' a) ->
+ seq (if0Nat Num n' (TCNum 0) TCInf) a)
+ (\ (s:Stream (Vec 0 a)) -> EmptyVec a)
+ (\ (n':Nat) -> \ (s:Stream (Vec (Succ n') a)) ->
+ streamJoin a n' s)
+ n)
+ -- No case for (TCInf, TCInf)
+ )
+ m;
+ecSplit : (m n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> seq (tcMul m n) a ->
+ seq m (seq n a);
+ecSplit m =
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (m:Num) -> (n:Num) -> (a:sort 0) -> seq (tcMul m n) a ->
+ seq m (seq n a))
+ (\ (m:Nat) ->
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> (a:sort 0) -> seq (tcMul (TCNum m) n) a ->
+ Vec m (seq n a))
+ -- Case for (TCNum m, TCNum n)
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (a:sort 0) -> split m n a)
+ -- No case for (TCNum m, TCInf)
+ )
+ (finNumRec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> (a:sort 0) -> seq (tcMul TCInf n) a -> Stream (seq n a))
+ -- Case for (TCInf, TCNum n)
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (a:sort 0) ->
+ natCase
+ (\ (n':Nat) ->
+ seq (if0Nat Num n' (TCNum 0) TCInf) a ->
+ Stream (Vec n' a))
+ (streamConst (Vec 0 a))
+ (\ (n':Nat) -> streamSplit a (Succ n'))
+ n))
+ m;
+ecReverse : (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> seq n a -> seq n a;
+ecReverse =
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> (a:sort 0) -> seq n a -> seq n a) reverse;
+ecTranspose : (m n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> seq m (seq n a) ->
+ seq n (seq m a);
+ecTranspose m n a =
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (m : Num) -> seq m (seq n a) -> seq n (seq m a))
+ (\ (m : Nat) ->
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (n : Num) -> Vec m (seq n a) -> seq n (Vec m a))
+ (\ (n : Nat) -> transpose m n a)
+ (\ (xss : Vec m (Stream a)) ->
+ MkStream (Vec m a) (\ (i : Nat) ->
+ gen m a (\ (j : Nat) ->
+ streamGet a (at m (Stream a) xss j) i)))
+ n
+ )
+ ( Num#rec
+ (\ (n : Num) -> Stream (seq n a) -> seq n (Stream a))
+ (\ (n : Nat) -> \ (xss : Stream (Vec n a)) ->
+ gen n (Stream a) (\ (i : Nat) ->
+ MkStream a (\ (j : Nat) ->
+ at n a (streamGet (Vec n a) xss j) i)))
+ (\ (xss : Stream (Stream a)) ->
+ MkStream (Stream a) (\ (i : Nat) ->
+ MkStream a (\ (j : Nat) ->
+ streamGet a (streamGet (Stream a) xss j) i)))
+ n
+ )
+ m;
+ecAt : (n : Num) -> (a ix: sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> seq n a -> ix -> a;
+ecAt n =
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> (a ix: sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> seq n a -> ix -> a)
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (a:sort 0) -> \ (ix:sort 0) -> \ (pix:PIntegral ix) -> \ (xs:Vec n a) ->
+ pix.posNegCases a
+ (at n a xs)
+ (\ (_:Nat) -> at n a xs 0))
+ -- (error (Nat -> a) "ecAt : negative index"))
+ (\ (a:sort 0) -> \ (ix:sort 0) -> \ (pix:PIntegral ix) -> \ (xs:Stream a) ->
+ pix.posNegCases a
+ (streamGet a xs)
+ (\ (_:Nat) -> streamGet a xs 0))
+-- (error (Nat -> a) "ecAt : negative index"))
+ n;
+ecAtBack : (n : Num) -> (a ix : sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> seq n a -> ix -> a;
+ecAtBack n a ix pix xs = ecAt n a ix pix (ecReverse n a xs);
+ecFromTo : (first last : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PLiteral a -> PLiteral a ->
+ seq (tcAdd (TCNum 1) (tcSub last first)) a;
+ecFromTo =
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (first:Num) -> (last:Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PLiteral a -> PLiteral a ->
+ seq (tcAdd (TCNum 1) (tcSub last first)) a)
+ (\ (first:Nat) ->
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (last:Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PLiteral a -> PLiteral a ->
+ seq (tcAdd (TCNum 1) (tcSub last (TCNum first))) a)
+ (\ (last:Nat) -> \ (a : sort 0) -> \ (pa : PLiteral a) -> \ (_ : PLiteral a) ->
+ gen (addNat 1 (subNat last first)) a
+ (\ (i : Nat) -> pa (addNat i first))));
+ecFromToLessThan :
+ (first bound : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> PLiteralLessThan a -> seq (tcSub bound first) a;
+ecFromToLessThan first bound a =
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (first:Num) -> PLiteralLessThan a ->
+ seq (tcSub bound first) a)
+ (\ (first:Nat) ->
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (bound:Num) -> PLiteralLessThan a ->
+ seq (tcSub bound (TCNum first)) a)
+ (\ (bound:Nat) -> \ (pa : PLiteralLessThan a) ->
+ gen (subNat bound first) a
+ (\ (i : Nat) -> pa (addNat i first)))
+ (\ (pa : PLiteralLessThan a) ->
+ MkStream a (\ (i : Nat) -> pa (addNat i first)))
+ bound)
+ first;
+ecFromThenTo :
+ (first next last : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> (len : Num) ->
+ PLiteral a -> PLiteral a -> PLiteral a -> seq len a;
+ecFromThenTo first next _ a =
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (len:Num) -> PLiteral a -> PLiteral a -> PLiteral a -> seq len a)
+ (\ (len:Nat) -> \ (pa : PLiteral a) -> \ (_ : PLiteral a) -> \ (_ : PLiteral a) ->
+ gen len a
+ (\ (i : Nat) ->
+ pa (subNat (addNat (getFinNat first)
+ (mulNat i (getFinNat next)))
+ (mulNat i (getFinNat first)))));
+-- Infinite word sequences
+ecInfFrom : (a : sort 0) -> PIntegral a -> a -> seq TCInf a;
+ecInfFrom a pa x =
+ MkStream a (\ (i : Nat) -> pa.integralRing.add x (pa.integralRing.int (natToInt i)));
+ecInfFromThen : (a : sort 0) -> PIntegral a -> a -> a -> seq TCInf a;
+ecInfFromThen a pa x y =
+ MkStream a (\ (i : Nat) ->
+ pa.integralRing.add x (pa.integralRing.mul (pa.integralRing.sub y x) (pa.integralRing.int (natToInt i))));
+-- Run-time error
+ecError : (a : sort 0) -> (len : Num) -> seq len (Vec 8 Bool) -> a;
+ecError a len msg = error a "encountered call to the Cryptol 'error' function"; -- FIXME: don't throw away message
+primitive cryError : (a : sort 0) -> (n : Nat) -> Vec n (Vec 8 Bool) -> a;
+ecError : (a : sort 0) -> (len : Num) -> seq len (Vec 8 Bool) -> a;
+ecError a =
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (len:Num) -> seq len (Vec 8 Bool) -> a)
+ (\ (len:Nat) -> cryError a len);
+-- Random values
+ecRandom : (a : sort 0) -> Vec 32 Bool -> a;
+ecRandom a _ = error a "Cryptol.random";
+-- Trace function; simply return the final argument
+ecTrace : (n : Num) -> (a b : sort 0) -> seq n (Vec 8 Bool) -> a -> b -> b;
+ecTrace _ _ _ _ _ x = x;
+-- Strict evaluation primitives (Experimental)
+-- These are implemented here as ordinary functions without special evaluation
+-- behavior: parmap is ordinary map, and foldl' is ordinary foldl.
+-- deepseq : {a, b} (Eq a) => a -> b -> b
+ecDeepseq : (a : sort 0) -> (b : sort 0) -> PEq a -> a -> b -> b;
+ecDeepseq a b pa x y = y;
+-- parmap : {a, b, n} (Eq b, fin n) => (a -> b) -> [n]a -> [n]b
+ecParmap : (a:sort 0) -> (b:sort 0) -> (n: Num) -> PEq b -> (a -> b) -> seq n a -> seq n b;
+ecParmap a b n pb =
+ Num#rec (\ (n:Num) -> (a -> b) -> seq n a -> seq n b)
+ ( \ (n:Nat) -> \ (f: a -> b) -> \ (xs: Vec n a) -> map a b f n xs )
+ ( \ (f: a -> b) -> \ (xs:Stream a) -> error (Stream b) "Unexpected infinite stream in parmap" )
+ n;
+-- foldl : {n, a, b} (fin n) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [n]b -> a
+ecFoldl : (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> (b : sort 0) -> (a -> b -> a) -> a -> seq n b -> a;
+ecFoldl n a b f z =
+ Num#rec (\ (n : Num) -> seq n b -> a)
+ (\ (n : Nat) -> \ (xs : Vec n b) -> foldr b a n (\ (y : b) -> \ (x : a) -> f x y) z (reverse n b xs))
+ (\ (xs : Stream b) -> error a "Unexpected infinite stream in foldl" )
+ n;
+-- foldl' : {n, a, b} (fin n, Eq a) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [n]b -> a
+ecFoldlPrime :
+ (n : Num) -> (a : sort 0) -> (b : sort 0) -> PEq a -> (a -> b -> a) -> a -> seq n b -> a;
+ecFoldlPrime n a b pa = ecFoldl n a b;
+-- Floating point primitives (TODO)
+TCFloat : Num -> Num -> sort 0;
+TCFloat _ _ = #();
+PEqFloat : (e p : Num) -> PEq (TCFloat e p);
+PEqFloat e p = { eq = \(x y : TCFloat e p) -> error Bool "Unimplemented: (==) Float" };
+PCmpFloat : (e p : Num) -> PCmp (TCFloat e p);
+PCmpFloat e p =
+ { cmpEq = PEqFloat e p
+ , cmp = \(x y : TCFloat e p) (k : Bool) -> error Bool "Unimplemented: Cmp Float"
+ };
+PZeroFloat : (e p : Num) -> PZero (TCFloat e p);
+PZeroFloat e p = error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: Zero Float";
+PRingFloat : (e p : Num) -> PRing (TCFloat e p);
+PRingFloat e p =
+ { ringZero = PZeroFloat e p
+ , add = \(x y : TCFloat e p) -> error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: (+) Float"
+ , sub = \(x y : TCFloat e p) -> error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: (-) Float"
+ , mul = \(x y : TCFloat e p) -> error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: (*) Float"
+ , neg = \(x : TCFloat e p) -> error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: neg Float"
+ , int = \ (i : Integer) -> error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: toInteger Float"
+ };
+PFieldFloat : (e p : Num) -> PField (TCFloat e p);
+PFieldFloat e p =
+ { fieldRing = PRingFloat e p
+ , recip = \(x : TCFloat e p) -> error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: recip Float"
+ , fieldDiv = \(x y : TCFloat e p) -> error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: (/.) Float"
+ };
+PRoundFloat : (e p : Num) -> PRound (TCFloat e p);
+PRoundFloat e p =
+ { roundField = PFieldFloat e p
+ , roundCmp = PCmpFloat e p
+ , floor = \(x : TCFloat e p) -> error Integer "Unimplemented: floor Float"
+ , ceiling = \(x : TCFloat e p) -> error Integer "Unimplemented: ceiling Float"
+ , trunc = \(x : TCFloat e p) -> error Integer "Unimplemented: trunc Float"
+ , roundAway = \(x : TCFloat e p) -> error Integer "Unimplemented: roundAway Float"
+ , roundToEven = \(x : TCFloat e p) -> error Integer "Unimplemented: roundToEven Float"
+ };
+PLiteralFloat : (e p : Num) -> PLiteral (TCFloat e p);
+PLiteralFloat e p = \ (x : Nat) -> error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: Literal Float";
+ecFpNaN : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> TCFloat e p;
+ecFpNaN e p = error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpNaN";
+ecFpPosInf : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> TCFloat e p;
+ecFpPosInf e p = error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpPosInf";
+ecFpFromBits : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> seq (tcAdd e p) Bool -> TCFloat e p;
+ecFpFromBits e p _ = error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpFromBits";
+ecFpToBits : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> TCFloat e p -> seq (tcAdd e p) Bool;
+ecFpToBits e p _ = error (seq (tcAdd e p) Bool) "Unimplemented: fpToBits";
+ecFpEq : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p -> Bool;
+ecFpEq e p _ _ = error Bool "Unimplemented: =.=";
+ecFpAdd : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> Vec 3 Bool -> TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p;
+ecFpAdd e p _ _ _ = error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpAdd";
+ecFpSub : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> Vec 3 Bool -> TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p;
+ecFpSub e p _ _ _ = error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpSub";
+ecFpMul : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> Vec 3 Bool -> TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p;
+ecFpMul e p _ _ _ = error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpMul";
+ecFpDiv : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> Vec 3 Bool -> TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p;
+ecFpDiv e p _ _ _ = error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpDiv";
+ecFpToRational : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> TCFloat e p -> Rational;
+ecFpToRational e p _ = error Rational "Unimplemented: fpToRational";
+ecFpFromRational : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> Vec 3 Bool -> Rational -> TCFloat e p;
+ecFpFromRational e p _ _ = error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpFromRational";
+fpIsNaN : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> TCFloat e p -> Bool;
+fpIsNaN e p x = error Bool "Unimplemented: fpIsNaN";
+fpIsInf : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> TCFloat e p -> Bool;
+fpIsInf e p x = error Bool "Unimplemented: fpIsInf";
+fpIsZero : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> TCFloat e p -> Bool;
+fpIsZero e p x = error Bool "Unimplemented: fpIsZero";
+fpIsNeg : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> TCFloat e p -> Bool;
+fpIsNeg e p x = error Bool "Unimplemented: fpIsNeg";
+fpIsNormal : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> TCFloat e p -> Bool;
+fpIsNormal e p x = error Bool "Unimplemented: fpIsNormal";
+fpIsSubnormal : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> TCFloat e p -> Bool;
+fpIsSubnormal e p x = error Bool "Unimplemented: fpIsSubnormal";
+fpFMA :
+ (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> Vec 3 Bool ->
+ TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p;
+fpFMA e p r x y z = error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpFMA";
+fpAbs : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p;
+fpAbs e p x = error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpAbs";
+fpSqrt : (e : Num) -> (p : Num) -> Vec 3 Bool -> TCFloat e p -> TCFloat e p;
+fpSqrt e p r x = error (TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpSqrt";
+-- Extra primitives
+-- Array update
+ecUpdate : (n : Num) -> (a ix: sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> seq n a -> ix -> a -> seq n a;
+ecUpdate n =
+ Num#rec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> (a ix : sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> seq n a -> ix -> a -> seq n a)
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (a:sort 0) -> \ (ix : sort 0) -> \ (pix:PIntegral ix) -> \ (xs : Vec n a) ->
+ -- Case for (TCNum n, TCNum w)
+ pix.posNegCases (a -> Vec n a)
+ (upd n a xs)
+ (\ (_:Nat) -> \ (_:a) -> xs))
+ -- (error (Nat -> a -> Vec n a) "ecUpdate: negative index"))
+ (\ (a:sort 0) -> \ (ix:sort 0) -> \ (pix:PIntegral ix) -> \ (xs : Stream a) ->
+ pix.posNegCases (a -> Stream a)
+ (streamUpd a xs)
+ (\ (_:Nat) -> \ (_:a) -> xs))
+ --(error (Nat -> a -> Stream a) "ecUpdate: negative index"))
+ n;
+ecUpdateEnd : (n : Num) -> (a ix: sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> seq n a -> ix -> a -> seq n a;
+ecUpdateEnd =
+ finNumRec
+ (\ (n:Num) -> (a ix: sort 0) -> PIntegral ix -> seq n a -> ix -> a -> seq n a)
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (a:sort 0) -> \ (ix:sort 0) -> \ (pix:PIntegral ix) -> \ (xs:Vec n a) ->
+ pix.posNegCases (a -> Vec n a)
+ (\ (i:Nat) -> upd n a xs (subNat (subNat n 1) i))
+ (\ (_:Nat) -> \ (_:a) -> xs));
+ -- (error (Nat -> a -> Vec n a) "ecUpdateEnd: negative index"));
+-- Bitvector truncation
+ecTrunc : (m n : Num) -> seq (tcAdd m n) Bool -> seq n Bool;
+ecTrunc =
+ finNumRec2
+ (\ (m:Num) -> \ (n:Num) -> seq (tcAdd m n) Bool -> seq n Bool)
+ bvTrunc;
+-- Zero extension
+ecUExt : (m n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq (tcAdd m n) Bool;
+ecUExt =
+ finNumRec2 (\ (m:Num) -> \ (n:Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq (tcAdd m n) Bool)
+ bvUExt;
+ecSExt : (m n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq (tcAdd m n) Bool;
+ecSExt =
+ finNumRec2
+ (\ (m n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq (tcAdd m n) Bool)
+ (\ (m n : Nat) ->
+ natCase
+ (\ (n' : Nat) -> Vec n' Bool -> Vec (addNat m n') Bool)
+ (\ (_ : Vec 0 Bool) -> bvNat (addNat m 0) 0)
+ (bvSExt m)
+ n);
+-- Signed greater-than
+ecSgt : (n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool -> Bool;
+ecSgt =
+ finNumRec (\ (n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool -> Bool) bvsgt;
+-- Signed greater-or-equal
+ecSge : (n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool -> Bool;
+ecSge =
+ finNumRec (\ (n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool -> Bool) bvsge;
+-- Signed less-than
+ecSlt : (n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool -> Bool;
+ecSlt =
+ finNumRec (\ (n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool -> Bool) bvslt;
+-- Signed less-or-equal
+ecSle : (n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool -> Bool;
+ecSle =
+ finNumRec (\ (n : Num) -> seq n Bool -> seq n Bool -> Bool) bvsle;
+-- Array operations
+ecArrayConstant : (a b : sort 0) -> b -> Array a b;
+ecArrayConstant = arrayConstant;
+ecArrayLookup : (a b : sort 0) -> (Array a b) -> a -> b;
+ecArrayLookup = arrayLookup;
+ecArrayUpdate : (a b : sort 0) -> (Array a b) -> a -> b -> (Array a b);
+ecArrayUpdate = arrayUpdate;
+-- Rewrite rules
+axiom replicate_False : (n : Nat) -> Eq (Vec n Bool) (replicate n Bool False) (bvNat n 0);
+axiom subNat_0 : (n : Nat) -> Eq Nat (subNat n 0) n;
+axiom demote_add_distr
+ : (w : Nat)
+ -> (x y : Num)
+ -> Eq (Vec w Bool)
+ (ecNumber (tcAdd x y) (TCNum w))
+ (bvAdd w (ecNumber x (TCNum w)) (ecNumber y (TCNum w)));
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol.hs b/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e293779c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1770 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Cryptol
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Cryptol where
+import Control.Monad (foldM, join, unless)
+import Data.Bifunctor (first)
+import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
+import Data.List
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import qualified Data.IntTrie as IntTrie
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
+import Prelude ()
+import Prelude.Compat
+import Text.URI
+import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Type as TV
+import qualified Cryptol.Backend.Monad as V
+import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Value as V
+import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Concrete as V
+import Cryptol.Eval.Type (evalValType)
+import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as C
+import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst as C (Subst, apSubst, listSubst, singleTParamSubst)
+import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name as C
+ (asPrim, nameUnique, nameIdent, nameInfo, NameInfo(..))
+import qualified Cryptol.Utils.Ident as C
+ ( Ident, PrimIdent(..), mkIdent, prelPrim, floatPrim, arrayPrim
+ , ModName, modNameToText, identText, interactiveName
+ )
+import qualified Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap as C
+import Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeOf (fastTypeOf, fastSchemaOf)
+import Cryptol.Utils.PP (pretty)
+import Verifier.SAW.Cryptol.Panic
+import Verifier.SAW.Conversion
+import Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue (FirstOrderType(..), FirstOrderValue(..))
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete as SC
+import Verifier.SAW.Prim (BitVector(..))
+import Verifier.SAW.Rewriter
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.MonadLazy (force)
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST (mkSort, mkModuleName, FieldName, LocalName)
+import GHC.Stack
+-- Type Environments
+-- | SharedTerms are paired with a deferred shift amount for loose variables
+data Env = Env
+ { envT :: Map Int (Term, Int) -- ^ Type variables are referenced by unique id
+ , envE :: Map C.Name (Term, Int) -- ^ Term variables are referenced by name
+ , envP :: Map C.Prop (Term, [FieldName], Int)
+ -- ^ Bound propositions are referenced implicitly by their types
+ -- The actual class dictionary we need is obtained by applying the
+ -- given field selectors (in reverse order!) to the term.
+ , envC :: Map C.Name C.Schema -- ^ Cryptol type environment
+ , envS :: [Term] -- ^ SAW-Core bound variable environment (for type checking)
+ , envRefPrims :: Map C.PrimIdent C.Expr
+ }
+emptyEnv :: Env
+emptyEnv = Env Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty [] Map.empty
+liftTerm :: (Term, Int) -> (Term, Int)
+liftTerm (t, j) = (t, j + 1)
+liftProp :: (Term, [FieldName], Int) -> (Term, [FieldName], Int)
+liftProp (t, fns, j) = (t, fns, j + 1)
+-- | Increment dangling bound variables of all types in environment.
+liftEnv :: Env -> Env
+liftEnv env =
+ Env { envT = fmap liftTerm (envT env)
+ , envE = fmap liftTerm (envE env)
+ , envP = fmap liftProp (envP env)
+ , envC = envC env
+ , envS = envS env
+ , envRefPrims = envRefPrims env
+ }
+bindTParam :: SharedContext -> C.TParam -> Env -> IO Env
+bindTParam sc tp env = do
+ let env' = liftEnv env
+ v <- scLocalVar sc 0
+ k <- importKind sc (C.tpKind tp)
+ return $ env' { envT = Map.insert (C.tpUnique tp) (v, 0) (envT env')
+ , envS = k : envS env }
+bindName :: SharedContext -> C.Name -> C.Schema -> Env -> IO Env
+bindName sc name schema env = do
+ let env' = liftEnv env
+ v <- scLocalVar sc 0
+ t <- importSchema sc env schema
+ return $ env' { envE = Map.insert name (v, 0) (envE env')
+ , envC = Map.insert name schema (envC env')
+ , envS = t : envS env' }
+bindProp :: SharedContext -> C.Prop -> Env -> IO Env
+bindProp sc prop env = do
+ let env' = liftEnv env
+ v <- scLocalVar sc 0
+ k <- scSort sc (mkSort 0)
+ return $ env' { envP = insertSupers prop [] v (envP env')
+ , envS = k : envS env'
+ }
+-- | When we insert a nonerasable prop into the environment, make
+-- sure to also insert all its superclasses. We arrange it so
+-- that every class dictionary contains the implementation of its
+-- superclass dictionaries, which can be extracted via field projections.
+insertSupers ::
+ C.Prop ->
+ [FieldName] {- Field names to project the associated class (in reverse order) -} ->
+ Term ->
+ Map C.Prop (Term, [FieldName], Int) ->
+ Map C.Prop (Term, [FieldName], Int)
+insertSupers prop fs v m
+ -- If the prop is already in the map, stop
+ | Just _ <- Map.lookup prop m = m
+ -- Insert the prop and check if it has any superclasses that also need to be added
+ | otherwise = Map.insert (normalizeProp prop) (v, fs, 0) $ go prop
+ where
+ super p f t = insertSupers (C.TCon (C.PC p) [t]) (f:fs) v
+ go (C.TCon (C.PC p) [t]) =
+ case p of
+ C.PRing -> super C.PZero "ringZero" t m
+ C.PLogic -> super C.PZero "logicZero" t m
+ C.PField -> super C.PRing "fieldRing" t m
+ C.PIntegral -> super C.PRing "integralRing" t m
+ C.PRound -> super C.PField "roundField" t . super C.PCmp "roundCmp" t $ m
+ C.PCmp -> super C.PEq "cmpEq" t m
+ C.PSignedCmp -> super C.PEq "signedCmpEq" t m
+ _ -> m
+ go _ = m
+-- | We normalize the first argument of 'Literal' class constraints
+-- arbitrarily to 'inf', so that we can ignore that parameter when
+-- matching dictionaries.
+normalizeProp :: C.Prop -> C.Prop
+normalizeProp prop
+ | Just (_, a) <- C.pIsLiteral prop = C.pLiteral C.tInf a
+ | Just (_, a) <- C.pIsLiteralLessThan prop = C.pLiteralLessThan C.tInf a
+ | otherwise = prop
+importKind :: SharedContext -> C.Kind -> IO Term
+importKind sc kind =
+ case kind of
+ C.KType -> scSort sc (mkSort 0)
+ C.KNum -> scDataTypeApp sc "Cryptol.Num" []
+ C.KProp -> scSort sc (mkSort 0)
+ (C.:->) k1 k2 -> join $ scFun sc <$> importKind sc k1 <*> importKind sc k2
+importTFun :: SharedContext -> C.TFun -> IO Term
+importTFun sc tf =
+ case tf of
+ C.TCWidth -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.tcWidth"
+ C.TCAdd -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.tcAdd"
+ C.TCSub -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.tcSub"
+ C.TCMul -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.tcMul"
+ C.TCDiv -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.tcDiv"
+ C.TCMod -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.tcMod"
+ C.TCExp -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.tcExp"
+ C.TCMin -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.tcMin"
+ C.TCMax -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.tcMax"
+ C.TCCeilDiv -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.tcCeilDiv"
+ C.TCCeilMod -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.tcCeilMod"
+ C.TCLenFromThenTo -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.tcLenFromThenTo"
+-- | Precondition: @not ('isErasedProp' pc)@.
+importPC :: SharedContext -> C.PC -> IO Term
+importPC sc pc =
+ case pc of
+ C.PEqual -> panic "importPC PEqual" []
+ C.PNeq -> panic "importPC PNeq" []
+ C.PGeq -> panic "importPC PGeq" []
+ C.PFin -> panic "importPC PFin" []
+ C.PHas _ -> panic "importPC PHas" []
+ C.PPrime -> panic "importPC PPrime" []
+ C.PZero -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.PZero"
+ C.PLogic -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.PLogic"
+ C.PRing -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.PRing"
+ C.PIntegral -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.PIntegral"
+ C.PField -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.PField"
+ C.PRound -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.PRound"
+ C.PEq -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.PEq"
+ C.PCmp -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.PCmp"
+ C.PSignedCmp -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.PSignedCmp"
+ C.PLiteral -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.PLiteral"
+ C.PLiteralLessThan -> scGlobalDef sc "Cryptol.PLiteralLessThan"
+ C.PAnd -> panic "importPC PAnd" []
+ C.PTrue -> panic "importPC PTrue" []
+ C.PFLiteral -> panic "importPC PFLiteral" []
+ C.PValidFloat -> panic "importPC PValidFloat" []
+-- | Translate size types to SAW values of type Num, value types to SAW types of sort 0.
+importType :: SharedContext -> Env -> C.Type -> IO Term
+importType sc env ty =
+ case ty of
+ C.TVar tvar ->
+ case tvar of
+ C.TVFree{} {- Int Kind (Set TVar) Doc -} -> unimplemented "TVFree"
+ C.TVBound v -> case Map.lookup (C.tpUnique v) (envT env) of
+ Just (t, j) -> incVars sc 0 j t
+ Nothing -> panic "importType TVBound" []
+ C.TUser _ _ t -> go t
+ C.TRec fm ->
+ importType sc env (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields fm)))
+ C.TNewtype nt ts ->
+ do let s = C.listSubst (zip (map C.TVBound (C.ntParams nt)) ts)
+ let t = plainSubst s (C.TRec (C.ntFields nt))
+ go t
+ C.TCon tcon tyargs ->
+ case tcon of
+ C.TC tc ->
+ case tc of
+ C.TCNum n -> scCtorApp sc "Cryptol.TCNum" =<< sequence [scNat sc (fromInteger n)]
+ C.TCInf -> scCtorApp sc "Cryptol.TCInf" []
+ C.TCBit -> scBoolType sc
+ C.TCInteger -> scIntegerType sc
+ C.TCIntMod -> scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.IntModNum" =<< traverse go tyargs
+ C.TCFloat -> scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.TCFloat" =<< traverse go tyargs
+ C.TCArray -> do a <- go (tyargs !! 0)
+ b <- go (tyargs !! 1)
+ scArrayType sc a b
+ C.TCRational -> scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.Rational" []
+ C.TCSeq -> scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.seq" =<< traverse go tyargs
+ C.TCFun -> do a <- go (tyargs !! 0)
+ b <- go (tyargs !! 1)
+ scFun sc a b
+ C.TCTuple _n -> scTupleType sc =<< traverse go tyargs
+ C.TCAbstract{} -> panic "importType TODO: abstract type" []
+ C.PC pc ->
+ case pc of
+ C.PLiteral -> -- we omit first argument to class Literal
+ do a <- go (tyargs !! 1)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteral" [a]
+ C.PLiteralLessThan -> -- we omit first argument to class LiteralLessThan
+ do a <- go (tyargs !! 1)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteralLessThan" [a]
+ _ ->
+ do pc' <- importPC sc pc
+ tyargs' <- traverse go tyargs
+ scApplyAll sc pc' tyargs'
+ C.TF tf ->
+ do tf' <- importTFun sc tf
+ tyargs' <- traverse go tyargs
+ scApplyAll sc tf' tyargs'
+ C.TError _k ->
+ panic "importType TError" []
+ where
+ go = importType sc env
+isErasedProp :: C.Prop -> Bool
+isErasedProp prop =
+ case prop of
+ C.TCon (C.PC C.PZero ) _ -> False
+ C.TCon (C.PC C.PLogic ) _ -> False
+ C.TCon (C.PC C.PRing ) _ -> False
+ C.TCon (C.PC C.PIntegral ) _ -> False
+ C.TCon (C.PC C.PField ) _ -> False
+ C.TCon (C.PC C.PRound ) _ -> False
+ C.TCon (C.PC C.PEq ) _ -> False
+ C.TCon (C.PC C.PCmp ) _ -> False
+ C.TCon (C.PC C.PSignedCmp ) _ -> False
+ C.TCon (C.PC C.PLiteral ) _ -> False
+ C.TCon (C.PC C.PLiteralLessThan) _ -> False
+ _ -> True
+importPropsType :: SharedContext -> Env -> [C.Prop] -> C.Type -> IO Term
+importPropsType sc env [] ty = importType sc env ty
+importPropsType sc env (prop : props) ty
+ | isErasedProp prop = importPropsType sc env props ty
+ | otherwise =
+ do p <- importType sc env prop
+ t <- importPropsType sc env props ty
+ scFun sc p t
+nameToLocalName :: C.Name -> LocalName
+nameToLocalName = C.identText . C.nameIdent
+nameToFieldName :: C.Name -> FieldName
+nameToFieldName = C.identText . C.nameIdent
+tparamToLocalName :: C.TParam -> LocalName
+tparamToLocalName tp = maybe (Text.pack ("u" ++ show (C.tpUnique tp))) nameToLocalName (C.tpName tp)
+importPolyType :: SharedContext -> Env -> [C.TParam] -> [C.Prop] -> C.Type -> IO Term
+importPolyType sc env [] props ty = importPropsType sc env props ty
+importPolyType sc env (tp : tps) props ty =
+ do k <- importKind sc (C.tpKind tp)
+ env' <- bindTParam sc tp env
+ t <- importPolyType sc env' tps props ty
+ scPi sc (tparamToLocalName tp) k t
+importSchema :: SharedContext -> Env -> C.Schema -> IO Term
+importSchema sc env (C.Forall tparams props ty) = importPolyType sc env tparams props ty
+proveProp :: HasCallStack => SharedContext -> Env -> C.Prop -> IO Term
+proveProp sc env prop =
+ case Map.lookup (normalizeProp prop) (envP env) of
+ -- Class dictionary was provided as an argument
+ Just (prf, fs, j) ->
+ do -- shift deBruijn indicies by j
+ v <- incVars sc 0 j prf
+ -- apply field projections as necessary to compute superclasses
+ -- NB: reverse the order of the fields
+ foldM (scRecordSelect sc) v (reverse fs)
+ -- Class dictionary not provided, compute it from the structure of types
+ Nothing ->
+ case prop of
+ -- instance Zero Bit
+ (C.pIsZero -> Just (C.tIsBit -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PZeroBit" []
+ -- instance Zero Integer
+ (C.pIsZero -> Just (C.tIsInteger -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PZeroInteger" []
+ -- instance Zero (Z n)
+ (C.pIsZero -> Just (C.tIsIntMod -> Just n))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PZeroIntModNum" [n']
+ -- instance Zero Rational
+ (C.pIsZero -> Just (C.tIsRational -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PZeroRational" []
+ -- instance Zero [n]
+ (C.pIsZero -> Just (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, C.tIsBit -> True)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PZeroSeqBool" [n']
+ -- instance ValidFloat e p => Zero (Float e p)
+ (C.pIsZero -> Just (C.tIsFloat -> Just (e, p)))
+ -> do e' <- importType sc env e
+ p' <- importType sc env p
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PZeroFloat" [e', p']
+ -- instance (Zero a) => Zero [n]a
+ (C.pIsZero -> Just (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, a)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ a' <- importType sc env a
+ pa <- proveProp sc env (C.pZero a)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PZeroSeq" [n', a', pa]
+ -- instance (Zero b) => Zero (a -> b)
+ (C.pIsZero -> Just (C.tIsFun -> Just (a, b)))
+ -> do a' <- importType sc env a
+ b' <- importType sc env b
+ pb <- proveProp sc env (C.pZero b)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PZeroFun" [a', b', pb]
+ -- instance (Zero a, Zero b, ...) => Zero (a, b, ...)
+ (C.pIsZero -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just ts))
+ -> do ps <- traverse (proveProp sc env . C.pZero) ts
+ scTuple sc ps
+ -- instance (Zero a, Zero b, ...) => Zero { x : a, y : b, ... }
+ (C.pIsZero -> Just (C.tIsRec -> Just fm))
+ -> do proveProp sc env (C.pZero (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields fm))))
+ -- instance Logic Bit
+ (C.pIsLogic -> Just (C.tIsBit -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLogicBit" []
+ -- instance Logic [n]
+ (C.pIsLogic -> Just (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, C.tIsBit -> True)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLogicSeqBool" [n']
+ -- instance (Logic a) => Logic [n]a
+ (C.pIsLogic -> Just (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, a)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ a' <- importType sc env a
+ pa <- proveProp sc env (C.pLogic a)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLogicSeq" [n', a', pa]
+ -- instance (Logic b) => Logic (a -> b)
+ (C.pIsLogic -> Just (C.tIsFun -> Just (a, b)))
+ -> do a' <- importType sc env a
+ b' <- importType sc env b
+ pb <- proveProp sc env (C.pLogic b)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLogicFun" [a', b', pb]
+ -- instance Logic ()
+ (C.pIsLogic -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just []))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLogicUnit" []
+ -- instance (Logic a, Logic b) => Logic (a, b)
+ (C.pIsLogic -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just [t]))
+ -> do proveProp sc env (C.pLogic t)
+ (C.pIsLogic -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just (t : ts)))
+ -> do a <- importType sc env t
+ b <- importType sc env (C.tTuple ts)
+ pa <- proveProp sc env (C.pLogic t)
+ pb <- proveProp sc env (C.pLogic (C.tTuple ts))
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLogicPair" [a, b, pa, pb]
+ -- instance (Logic a, Logic b, ...) => instance Logic { x : a, y : b, ... }
+ (C.pIsLogic -> Just (C.tIsRec -> Just fm))
+ -> do proveProp sc env (C.pLogic (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields fm))))
+ -- instance Ring Integer
+ (C.pIsRing -> Just (C.tIsInteger -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PRingInteger" []
+ -- instance Ring (Z n)
+ (C.pIsRing -> Just (C.tIsIntMod -> Just n))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PRingIntModNum" [n']
+ -- instance Ring Rational
+ (C.pIsRing -> Just (C.tIsRational -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PRingRational" []
+ -- instance (fin n) => Ring [n]
+ (C.pIsRing -> Just (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, C.tIsBit -> True)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PRingSeqBool" [n']
+ -- instance ValidFloat e p => Ring (Float e p)
+ (C.pIsRing -> Just (C.tIsFloat -> Just (e, p)))
+ -> do e' <- importType sc env e
+ p' <- importType sc env p
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PRingFloat" [e', p']
+ -- instance (Ring a) => Ring [n]a
+ (C.pIsRing -> Just (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, a)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ a' <- importType sc env a
+ pa <- proveProp sc env (C.pRing a)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PRingSeq" [n', a', pa]
+ -- instance (Ring b) => Ring (a -> b)
+ (C.pIsRing -> Just (C.tIsFun -> Just (a, b)))
+ -> do a' <- importType sc env a
+ b' <- importType sc env b
+ pb <- proveProp sc env (C.pRing b)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PRingFun" [a', b', pb]
+ -- instance Ring ()
+ (C.pIsRing -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just []))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PRingUnit" []
+ -- instance (Ring a, Ring b) => Ring (a, b)
+ (C.pIsRing -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just [t]))
+ -> do proveProp sc env (C.pRing t)
+ (C.pIsRing -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just (t : ts)))
+ -> do a <- importType sc env t
+ b <- importType sc env (C.tTuple ts)
+ pa <- proveProp sc env (C.pRing t)
+ pb <- proveProp sc env (C.pRing (C.tTuple ts))
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PRingPair" [a, b, pa, pb]
+ -- instance (Ring a, Ring b, ...) => instance Ring { x : a, y : b, ... }
+ (C.pIsRing -> Just (C.tIsRec -> Just fm))
+ -> do proveProp sc env (C.pRing (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields fm))))
+ -- instance Integral Integer
+ (C.pIsIntegral -> Just (C.tIsInteger -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PIntegralInteger" []
+ -- instance Integral [n]
+ (C.pIsIntegral -> Just (C.tIsSeq -> (Just (n, C.tIsBit -> True))))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PIntegralSeqBool" [n']
+ -- instance Field Rational
+ (C.pIsField -> Just (C.tIsRational -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PFieldRational" []
+ -- instance (prime p) => Field (Z p)
+ (C.pIsField -> Just (C.tIsIntMod -> Just n))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PFieldIntModNum" [n']
+ -- instance (ValidFloat e p) => Field (Float e p)
+ (C.pIsField -> Just (C.tIsFloat -> Just (e, p)))
+ -> do e' <- importType sc env e
+ p' <- importType sc env p
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PFieldFloat" [e', p']
+ -- instance Round Rational
+ (C.pIsRound -> Just (C.tIsRational -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PRoundRational" []
+ -- instance (ValidFloat e p) => Round (Float e p)
+ (C.pIsRound -> Just (C.tIsFloat -> Just (e, p)))
+ -> do e' <- importType sc env e
+ p' <- importType sc env p
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PRoundFloat" [e', p']
+ -- instance Eq Bit
+ (C.pIsEq -> Just (C.tIsBit -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PEqBit" []
+ -- instance Eq Integer
+ (C.pIsEq -> Just (C.tIsInteger -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PEqInteger" []
+ -- instance Eq (Z n)
+ (C.pIsEq -> Just (C.tIsIntMod -> Just n))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PEqIntModNum" [n']
+ -- instance Eq Rational
+ (C.pIsEq -> Just (C.tIsRational -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PEqRational" []
+ -- instance Eq (Float e p)
+ (C.pIsEq -> Just (C.tIsFloat -> Just (e, p)))
+ -> do e' <- importType sc env e
+ p' <- importType sc env p
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PEqFloat" [e', p']
+ -- instance (fin n) => Eq [n]
+ (C.pIsEq -> Just (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, C.tIsBit -> True)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PEqSeqBool" [n']
+ -- instance (fin n, Eq a) => Eq [n]a
+ (C.pIsEq -> Just (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, a)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ a' <- importType sc env a
+ pa <- proveProp sc env (C.pEq a)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PEqSeq" [n', a', pa]
+ -- instance Eq ()
+ (C.pIsEq -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just []))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PEqUnit" []
+ -- instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (a, b)
+ (C.pIsEq -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just [t]))
+ -> do proveProp sc env (C.pEq t)
+ (C.pIsEq -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just (t : ts)))
+ -> do a <- importType sc env t
+ b <- importType sc env (C.tTuple ts)
+ pa <- proveProp sc env (C.pEq t)
+ pb <- proveProp sc env (C.pEq (C.tTuple ts))
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PEqPair" [a, b, pa, pb]
+ -- instance (Eq a, Eq b, ...) => instance Eq { x : a, y : b, ... }
+ (C.pIsEq -> Just (C.tIsRec -> Just fm))
+ -> do proveProp sc env (C.pEq (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields fm))))
+ -- instance Cmp Bit
+ (C.pIsCmp -> Just (C.tIsBit -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PCmpBit" []
+ -- instance Cmp Integer
+ (C.pIsCmp -> Just (C.tIsInteger -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PCmpInteger" []
+ -- instance Cmp Rational
+ (C.pIsCmp -> Just (C.tIsRational -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PCmpRational" []
+ -- instance Cmp (Float e p)
+ (C.pIsCmp -> Just (C.tIsFloat -> Just (e, p)))
+ -> do e' <- importType sc env e
+ p' <- importType sc env p
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PCmpFloat" [e', p']
+ -- instance (fin n) => Cmp [n]
+ (C.pIsCmp -> Just (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, C.tIsBit -> True)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PCmpSeqBool" [n']
+ -- instance (fin n, Cmp a) => Cmp [n]a
+ (C.pIsCmp -> Just (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, a)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ a' <- importType sc env a
+ pa <- proveProp sc env (C.pCmp a)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PCmpSeq" [n', a', pa]
+ -- instance Cmp ()
+ (C.pIsCmp -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just []))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PCmpUnit" []
+ -- instance (Cmp a, Cmp b) => Cmp (a, b)
+ (C.pIsCmp -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just [t]))
+ -> do proveProp sc env (C.pCmp t)
+ (C.pIsCmp -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just (t : ts)))
+ -> do a <- importType sc env t
+ b <- importType sc env (C.tTuple ts)
+ pa <- proveProp sc env (C.pCmp t)
+ pb <- proveProp sc env (C.pCmp (C.tTuple ts))
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PCmpPair" [a, b, pa, pb]
+ -- instance (Cmp a, Cmp b, ...) => instance Cmp { x : a, y : b, ... }
+ (C.pIsCmp -> Just (C.tIsRec -> Just fm))
+ -> do proveProp sc env (C.pCmp (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields fm))))
+ -- instance (fin n) => SignedCmp [n]
+ (C.pIsSignedCmp -> Just (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, C.tIsBit -> True)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PSignedCmpSeqBool" [n']
+ -- instance (fin n, SignedCmp a) => SignedCmp [n]a
+ (C.pIsSignedCmp -> Just (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, a)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ a' <- importType sc env a
+ pa <- proveProp sc env (C.pSignedCmp a)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PSignedCmpSeq" [n', a', pa]
+ -- instance SignedCmp ()
+ (C.pIsSignedCmp -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just []))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PSignedCmpUnit" []
+ -- instance (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => SignedCmp (a, b)
+ (C.pIsSignedCmp -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just [t]))
+ -> do proveProp sc env (C.pSignedCmp t)
+ (C.pIsSignedCmp -> Just (C.tIsTuple -> Just (t : ts)))
+ -> do a <- importType sc env t
+ b <- importType sc env (C.tTuple ts)
+ pa <- proveProp sc env (C.pSignedCmp t)
+ pb <- proveProp sc env (C.pSignedCmp (C.tTuple ts))
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PSignedCmpPair" [a, b, pa, pb]
+ -- instance (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b, ...) => instance SignedCmp { x : a, y : b, ... }
+ (C.pIsSignedCmp -> Just (C.tIsRec -> Just fm))
+ -> do proveProp sc env (C.pSignedCmp (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields fm))))
+ -- instance Literal val Bit
+ (C.pIsLiteral -> Just (_, C.tIsBit -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteralBit" []
+ -- instance Literal val Integer
+ (C.pIsLiteral -> Just (_, C.tIsInteger -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteralInteger" []
+ -- instance Literal val (Z n)
+ (C.pIsLiteral -> Just (_, C.tIsIntMod -> Just n))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteralIntModNum" [n']
+ -- instance Literal val Rational
+ (C.pIsLiteral -> Just (_, C.tIsRational -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteralRational" []
+ -- instance (fin n, n >= width val) => Literal val [n]
+ (C.pIsLiteral -> Just (_, C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, C.tIsBit -> True)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteralSeqBool" [n']
+ -- instance ValidFloat e p => Literal val (Float e p) (with extra constraints)
+ (C.pIsLiteral -> Just (_, C.tIsFloat -> Just (e, p)))
+ -> do e' <- importType sc env e
+ p' <- importType sc env p
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteralFloat" [e', p']
+ -- instance (2 >= val) => LiteralLessThan val Bit
+ (C.pIsLiteralLessThan -> Just (_, C.tIsBit -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteralBit" []
+ -- instance LiteralLessThan val Integer
+ (C.pIsLiteralLessThan -> Just (_, C.tIsInteger -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteralInteger" []
+ -- instance (fin n, n >= 1, n >= val) LiteralLessThan val (Z n)
+ (C.pIsLiteralLessThan -> Just (_, C.tIsIntMod -> Just n))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteralIntModNum" [n']
+ -- instance Literal val Rational
+ (C.pIsLiteralLessThan -> Just (_, C.tIsRational -> True))
+ -> do scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteralRational" []
+ -- instance (fin n, n >= lg2 val) => Literal val [n]
+ (C.pIsLiteralLessThan -> Just (_, C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, C.tIsBit -> True)))
+ -> do n' <- importType sc env n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteralSeqBool" [n']
+ -- instance ValidFloat e p => Literal val (Float e p) (with extra constraints)
+ (C.pIsLiteralLessThan -> Just (_, C.tIsFloat -> Just (e, p)))
+ -> do e' <- importType sc env e
+ p' <- importType sc env p
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.PLiteralFloat" [e', p']
+ _ -> do panic "proveProp" [pretty prop]
+importPrimitive :: SharedContext -> Env -> C.Name -> C.Schema -> IO Term
+importPrimitive sc env n sch
+ | Just nm <- C.asPrim n, Just term <- Map.lookup nm (prelPrims <> arrayPrims <> floatPrims) = term sc
+ | Just nm <- C.asPrim n, Just expr <- Map.lookup nm (envRefPrims env) =
+ do t <- importSchema sc env sch
+ e <- importExpr sc env expr
+ nmi <- importName n
+ scConstant' sc nmi e t
+ | Just nm <- C.asPrim n = panic "Unknown Cryptol primitive name" [show nm]
+ | otherwise = panic "Improper Cryptol primitive name" [show n]
+prelPrims :: Map C.PrimIdent (SharedContext -> IO Term)
+prelPrims =
+ Map.fromList $
+ first C.prelPrim <$>
+ [ ("True", flip scBool True)
+ , ("False", flip scBool False)
+ , ("number", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecNumber") -- Converts a numeric type into its corresponding value.
+ -- -- {val, a} (Literal val a) => a
+ , ("fromZ", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFromZ") -- {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => Z n -> Integer
+ -- -- Zero
+ , ("zero", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecZero") -- {a} (Zero a) => a
+ -- -- Logic
+ , ("&&", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecAnd") -- {a} (Logic a) => a -> a -> a
+ , ("||", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecOr") -- {a} (Logic a) => a -> a -> a
+ , ("^", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecXor") -- {a} (Logic a) => a -> a -> a
+ , ("complement", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecCompl") -- {a} (Logic a) => a -> a
+ -- -- Ring
+ , ("fromInteger", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFromInteger") -- {a} (Ring a) => Integer -> a
+ , ("+", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecPlus") -- {a} (Ring a) => a -> a -> a
+ , ("-", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecMinus") -- {a} (Ring a) => a -> a -> a
+ , ("*", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecMul") -- {a} (Ring a) => a -> a -> a
+ , ("negate", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecNeg") -- {a} (Ring a) => a -> a
+ -- -- Integral
+ , ("toInteger", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecToInteger") -- {a} (Integral a) => a -> Integer
+ , ("/", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecDiv") -- {a} (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
+ , ("%", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecMod") -- {a} (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
+ , ("^^", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecExp") -- {a} (Ring a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
+ , ("infFrom", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecInfFrom") -- {a} (Integral a) => a -> [inf]a
+ , ("infFromThen", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecInfFromThen") -- {a} (Integral a) => a -> a -> [inf]a
+ -- -- Field
+ , ("recip", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecRecip") -- {a} (Field a) => a -> a
+ , ("/.", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFieldDiv") -- {a} (Field a) => a -> a -> a
+ -- -- Round
+ , ("ceiling", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecCeiling") -- {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
+ , ("floor", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFloor") -- {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
+ , ("trunc", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecTruncate") -- {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
+ , ("roundAway", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecRoundAway") -- {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
+ , ("roundToEven", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecRoundToEven") -- {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
+ -- -- Eq
+ , ("==", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecEq") -- {a} (Eq a) => a -> a -> Bit
+ , ("!=", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecNotEq") -- {a} (Eq a) => a -> a -> Bit
+ -- -- Cmp
+ , ("<", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecLt") -- {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
+ , (">", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecGt") -- {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
+ , ("<=", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecLtEq") -- {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
+ , (">=", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecGtEq") -- {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
+ -- -- SignedCmp
+ , ("<$", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecSLt") -- {a} (SignedCmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
+ -- -- Bitvector primitives
+ , ("/$", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecSDiv") -- {n} (fin n, n>=1) => [n] -> [n] -> [n]
+ , ("%$", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecSMod") -- {n} (fin n, n>=1) => [n] -> [n] -> [n]
+ , ("lg2", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecLg2") -- {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n]
+ , (">>$", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecSShiftR") -- {n, ix} (fin n, n >= 1, Integral ix) => [n] -> ix -> [n]
+ -- -- Rational primitives
+ , ("ratio", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecRatio") -- Integer -> Integer -> Rational
+ -- -- FLiteral
+ , ("fraction", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFraction") -- {m, n, r, a} FLiteral m n r a => a
+ -- -- Shifts/rotates
+ , ("<<", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecShiftL") -- {n, ix, a} (Integral ix, Zero a) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
+ , (">>", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecShiftR") -- {n, ix, a} (Integral ix, Zero a) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
+ , ("<<<", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecRotL") -- {n, ix, a} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
+ , (">>>", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecRotR") -- {n, ix, a} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
+ -- -- Sequences primitives
+ , ("#", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecCat") -- {a,b,d} (fin a) => [a] d -> [b] d -> [a + b] d
+ , ("splitAt", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecSplitAt") -- {a,b,c} (fin a) => [a+b] c -> ([a]c,[b]c)
+ , ("join", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecJoin") -- {a,b,c} (fin b) => [a][b]c -> [a * b]c
+ , ("split", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecSplit") -- {a,b,c} (fin b) => [a * b] c -> [a][b] c
+ , ("reverse", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecReverse") -- {a,b} (fin a) => [a] b -> [a] b
+ , ("transpose", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecTranspose") -- {a,b,c} [a][b]c -> [b][a]c
+ , ("@", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecAt") -- {n, a, ix} (Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a
+ , ("!", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecAtBack") -- {n, a, ix} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a
+ , ("update", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecUpdate") -- {n, a, ix} (Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a -> [n]a
+ , ("updateEnd", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecUpdateEnd") -- {n, a, ix} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a -> [n]a
+ -- -- Enumerations
+ , ("fromTo", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFromTo")
+ -- -- fromTo : {first, last, bits, a}
+ -- -- ( fin last, fin bits, last >== first,
+ -- -- Literal first a, Literal last a)
+ -- -- => [1 + (last - first)]a
+ , ("fromToLessThan", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFromToLessThan")
+ -- -- fromToLessThan : {first, bound, a}
+ -- -- ( fin first, bound >= first,
+ -- -- LiteralLessThan bound a)
+ -- -- => [bound - first]a
+ , ("fromThenTo", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFromThenTo")
+ -- -- fromThenTo : {first, next, last, a, len}
+ -- -- ( fin first, fin next, fin last
+ -- -- , Literal first a, Literal next a, Literal last a
+ -- -- , first != next
+ -- -- , lengthFromThenTo first next last == len) => [len]a
+ -- Evaluation primitives: deepseq, parmap
+ , ("deepseq", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecDeepseq") -- {a, b} (Eq b) => a -> b -> b
+ , ("parmap", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecParmap") -- {a, b, n} (Eq b, fin n) => (a -> b) -> [n]a -> [n]b
+ , ("foldl", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFoldl") -- {n, a, b} (fin n) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [n]b -> a
+ , ("foldl'", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFoldlPrime") -- {n, a, b} (fin n, Eq a) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [n]b -> a
+ , ("error", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecError") -- {at,len} (fin len) => [len][8] -> at -- Run-time error
+ , ("random", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecRandom") -- {a} => [32] -> a -- Random values
+ , ("trace", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecTrace") -- {n,a,b} [n][8] -> a -> b -> b
+ ]
+arrayPrims :: Map C.PrimIdent (SharedContext -> IO Term)
+arrayPrims =
+ Map.fromList $
+ first C.arrayPrim <$>
+ [ ("arrayConstant", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecArrayConstant") -- {a,b} b -> Array a b
+ , ("arrayLookup", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecArrayLookup") -- {a,b} Array a b -> a -> b
+ , ("arrayUpdate", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecArrayUpdate") -- {a,b} Array a b -> a -> b -> Array a b
+ ]
+floatPrims :: Map C.PrimIdent (SharedContext -> IO Term)
+floatPrims =
+ Map.fromList $
+ first C.floatPrim <$>
+ [ ("fpNaN", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFpNaN")
+ , ("fpPosInf", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFpPosInf")
+ , ("fpFromBits", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFpFromBits")
+ , ("fpToBits", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFpToBits")
+ , ("=.=", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFpEq")
+ , ("fpAdd", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFpAdd")
+ , ("fpSub", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFpSub")
+ , ("fpMul", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFpMul")
+ , ("fpDiv", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFpDiv")
+ , ("fpToRational", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFpToRational")
+ , ("fpFromRational", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.ecFpFromRational")
+ , ("fpIsNaN", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.fpIsNaN")
+ , ("fpIsInf", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.fpIsInf")
+ , ("fpIsZero", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.fpIsZero")
+ , ("fpIsNeg", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.fpIsNeg")
+ , ("fpIsNormal", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.fpIsNormal")
+ , ("fpIsSubnormal", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.fpIsSubnormal")
+ , ("fpFMA", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.fpFMA")
+ , ("fpAbs", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.fpAbs")
+ , ("fpSqrt", flip scGlobalDef "Cryptol.fpSqrt")
+ ]
+-- | Convert a Cryptol expression to a SAW-Core term. Calling
+-- 'scTypeOf' on the result of @'importExpr' sc env expr@ must yield a
+-- type that is equivalent (i.e. convertible) with the one returned by
+-- @'importSchema' sc env ('fastTypeOf' ('envC' env) expr)@.
+importExpr :: SharedContext -> Env -> C.Expr -> IO Term
+importExpr sc env expr =
+ case expr of
+ C.EList es t ->
+ do t' <- importType sc env t
+ es' <- traverse (importExpr' sc env (C.tMono t)) es
+ scVector sc t' es'
+ C.ETuple es ->
+ do es' <- traverse (importExpr sc env) es
+ scTuple sc es'
+ C.ERec fm ->
+ do es' <- traverse (importExpr sc env . snd) (C.canonicalFields fm)
+ scTuple sc es'
+ C.ESel e sel ->
+ -- Elimination for tuple/record/list
+ case sel of
+ C.TupleSel i _maybeLen ->
+ do e' <- importExpr sc env e
+ let t = fastTypeOf (envC env) e
+ case C.tIsTuple t of
+ Just ts ->
+ do scTupleSelector sc e' (i+1) (length ts)
+ Nothing ->
+ do f <- mapTupleSelector sc env i t
+ scApply sc f e'
+ C.RecordSel x _ ->
+ do e' <- importExpr sc env e
+ let t = fastTypeOf (envC env) e
+ case C.tIsRec t of
+ Just fm ->
+ do i <- the (elemIndex x (map fst (C.canonicalFields fm)))
+ scTupleSelector sc e' (i+1) (length (C.canonicalFields fm))
+ Nothing ->
+ do f <- mapRecordSelector sc env x t
+ scApply sc f e'
+ C.ListSel i _maybeLen ->
+ do let t = fastTypeOf (envC env) e
+ (n, a) <-
+ case C.tIsSeq t of
+ Just (n, a) -> return (n, a)
+ Nothing -> panic "importExpr" ["ListSel: not a list type"]
+ a' <- importType sc env a
+ n' <- importType sc env n
+ e' <- importExpr sc env e
+ i' <- scNat sc (fromIntegral i)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.eListSel" [a', n', e', i']
+ C.ESet _ e1 sel e2 ->
+ case sel of
+ C.TupleSel i _maybeLen ->
+ do e1' <- importExpr sc env e1
+ e2' <- importExpr sc env e2
+ let t1 = fastTypeOf (envC env) e1
+ case C.tIsTuple t1 of
+ Nothing -> panic "importExpr" ["ESet/TupleSel: not a tuple type"]
+ Just ts ->
+ do ts' <- traverse (importType sc env) ts
+ let t2' = ts' !! i
+ f <- scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.const" [t2', t2', e2']
+ g <- tupleUpdate sc f i ts'
+ scApply sc g e1'
+ C.RecordSel x _ ->
+ do e1' <- importExpr sc env e1
+ e2' <- importExpr sc env e2
+ let t1 = fastTypeOf (envC env) e1
+ case C.tIsRec t1 of
+ Nothing -> panic "importExpr" ["ESet/TupleSel: not a tuple type"]
+ Just tm ->
+ do i <- the (elemIndex x (map fst (C.canonicalFields tm)))
+ ts' <- traverse (importType sc env . snd) (C.canonicalFields tm)
+ let t2' = ts' !! i
+ f <- scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.const" [t2', t2', e2']
+ g <- tupleUpdate sc f i ts'
+ scApply sc g e1'
+ C.ListSel _i _maybeLen ->
+ panic "importExpr" ["ESet/ListSel: unsupported"]
+ C.EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
+ do let ty = fastTypeOf (envC env) e2
+ ty' <- importType sc env ty
+ e1' <- importExpr sc env e1
+ e2' <- importExpr sc env e2
+ e3' <- importExpr' sc env (C.tMono ty) e3
+ scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.ite" [ty', e1', e2', e3']
+ C.EComp len eltty e mss ->
+ importComp sc env len eltty e mss
+ C.EVar qname ->
+ case Map.lookup qname (envE env) of
+ Just (e', j) -> incVars sc 0 j e'
+ Nothing -> panic "importExpr" ["unknown variable: " ++ show qname]
+ C.ETAbs tp e ->
+ do env' <- bindTParam sc tp env
+ k <- importKind sc (C.tpKind tp)
+ e' <- importExpr sc env' e
+ scLambda sc (tparamToLocalName tp) k e'
+ C.ETApp e t ->
+ do e' <- importExpr sc env e
+ t' <- importType sc env t
+ scApply sc e' t'
+ C.EApp e1 e2 ->
+ do e1' <- importExpr sc env e1
+ let t1 = fastTypeOf (envC env) e1
+ t1a <-
+ case C.tIsFun t1 of
+ Just (a, _) -> return a
+ Nothing -> panic "importExpr" ["expected function type"]
+ e2' <- importExpr' sc env (C.tMono t1a) e2
+ scApply sc e1' e2'
+ C.EAbs x t e ->
+ do t' <- importType sc env t
+ env' <- bindName sc x (C.tMono t) env
+ e' <- importExpr sc env' e
+ scLambda sc (nameToLocalName x) t' e'
+ C.EProofAbs prop e
+ | isErasedProp prop -> importExpr sc env e
+ | otherwise ->
+ do p' <- importType sc env prop
+ env' <- bindProp sc prop env
+ e' <- importExpr sc env' e
+ scLambda sc "_P" p' e'
+ C.EProofApp e ->
+ case fastSchemaOf (envC env) e of
+ C.Forall [] (p : _ps) _ty
+ | isErasedProp p -> importExpr sc env e
+ | otherwise ->
+ do e' <- importExpr sc env e
+ prf <- proveProp sc env p
+ scApply sc e' prf
+ s -> panic "importExpr" ["EProofApp: invalid type: " ++ show (e, s)]
+ C.EWhere e dgs ->
+ do env' <- importDeclGroups sc env dgs
+ importExpr sc env' e
+ C.ELocated _ e ->
+ importExpr sc env e
+ where
+ the :: Maybe a -> IO a
+ the = maybe (panic "importExpr" ["internal type error"]) return
+-- | Convert a Cryptol expression with the given type schema to a
+-- SAW-Core term. Calling 'scTypeOf' on the result of @'importExpr''
+-- sc env schema expr@ must yield a type that is equivalent (i.e.
+-- convertible) with the one returned by @'importSchema' sc env
+-- schema@.
+importExpr' :: SharedContext -> Env -> C.Schema -> C.Expr -> IO Term
+importExpr' sc env schema expr =
+ case expr of
+ C.ETuple es ->
+ do ty <- the (C.isMono schema)
+ ts <- the (C.tIsTuple ty)
+ es' <- sequence (zipWith go ts es)
+ scTuple sc es'
+ C.ERec fm ->
+ do ty <- the (C.isMono schema)
+ tm <- the (C.tIsRec ty)
+ es' <- sequence (zipWith go (map snd (C.canonicalFields tm)) (map snd (C.canonicalFields fm)))
+ scTuple sc es'
+ C.EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
+ do ty <- the (C.isMono schema)
+ ty' <- importType sc env ty
+ e1' <- importExpr sc env e1
+ e2' <- importExpr' sc env schema e2
+ e3' <- importExpr' sc env schema e3
+ scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.ite" [ty', e1', e2', e3']
+ C.ETAbs tp e ->
+ do schema' <-
+ case schema of
+ C.Forall (tp1 : tparams) props ty ->
+ let s = C.singleTParamSubst tp1 (C.TVar (C.TVBound tp))
+ in return (C.Forall tparams (map (plainSubst s) props) (plainSubst s ty))
+ C.Forall [] _ _ -> panic "importExpr'" ["internal error: unexpected type abstraction"]
+ env' <- bindTParam sc tp env
+ k <- importKind sc (C.tpKind tp)
+ e' <- importExpr' sc env' schema' e
+ scLambda sc (tparamToLocalName tp) k e'
+ C.EAbs x _ e ->
+ do ty <- the (C.isMono schema)
+ (a, b) <- the (C.tIsFun ty)
+ a' <- importType sc env a
+ env' <- bindName sc x (C.tMono a) env
+ e' <- importExpr' sc env' (C.tMono b) e
+ scLambda sc (nameToLocalName x) a' e'
+ C.EProofAbs _ e ->
+ do (prop, schema') <-
+ case schema of
+ C.Forall [] (p : ps) ty -> return (p, C.Forall [] ps ty)
+ C.Forall _ _ _ -> panic "importExpr" ["internal type error"]
+ if isErasedProp prop
+ then importExpr' sc env schema' e
+ else do p' <- importType sc env prop
+ env' <- bindProp sc prop env
+ e' <- importExpr' sc env' schema' e
+ scLambda sc "_P" p' e'
+ C.EWhere e dgs ->
+ do env' <- importDeclGroups sc env dgs
+ importExpr' sc env' schema e
+ C.ELocated _ e ->
+ importExpr' sc env schema e
+ C.EList {} -> fallback
+ C.ESel {} -> fallback
+ C.ESet {} -> fallback
+ C.EComp {} -> fallback
+ C.EVar {} -> fallback
+ C.EApp {} -> fallback
+ C.ETApp {} -> fallback
+ C.EProofApp {} -> fallback
+ where
+ go :: C.Type -> C.Expr -> IO Term
+ go t = importExpr' sc env (C.tMono t)
+ the :: Maybe a -> IO a
+ the = maybe (panic "importExpr" ["internal type error"]) return
+ fallback :: IO Term
+ fallback =
+ do let t1 = fastTypeOf (envC env) expr
+ t2 <- the (C.isMono schema)
+ expr' <- importExpr sc env expr
+ coerceTerm sc env t1 t2 expr'
+mapTupleSelector :: SharedContext -> Env -> Int -> C.Type -> IO Term
+mapTupleSelector sc env i = fmap fst . go
+ where
+ go :: C.Type -> IO (Term, C.Type)
+ go t =
+ case C.tNoUser t of
+ (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, a)) -> do
+ (f, b) <- go a
+ a' <- importType sc env a
+ b' <- importType sc env b
+ n' <- importType sc env n
+ g <- scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.seqMap" [a', b', n', f]
+ return (g, C.tSeq n b)
+ (C.tIsFun -> Just (n, a)) -> do
+ (f, b) <- go a
+ a' <- importType sc env a
+ b' <- importType sc env b
+ n' <- importType sc env n
+ g <- scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.compose" [n', a', b', f]
+ return (g, C.tFun n b)
+ (C.tIsTuple -> Just ts) -> do
+ x <- scLocalVar sc 0
+ y <- scTupleSelector sc x (i+1) (length ts)
+ t' <- importType sc env t
+ f <- scLambda sc "x" t' y
+ return (f, ts !! i)
+ _ -> panic "importExpr" ["invalid tuple selector", show i, show t]
+mapRecordSelector :: SharedContext -> Env -> C.Ident -> C.Type -> IO Term
+mapRecordSelector sc env i = fmap fst . go
+ where
+ go :: C.Type -> IO (Term, C.Type)
+ go t =
+ case C.tNoUser t of
+ (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n, a)) ->
+ do (f, b) <- go a
+ a' <- importType sc env a
+ b' <- importType sc env b
+ n' <- importType sc env n
+ g <- scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.seqMap" [a', b', n', f]
+ return (g, C.tSeq n b)
+ (C.tIsFun -> Just (n, a)) ->
+ do (f, b) <- go a
+ a' <- importType sc env a
+ b' <- importType sc env b
+ n' <- importType sc env n
+ g <- scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.compose" [n', a', b', f]
+ return (g, C.tFun n b)
+ (C.tIsRec -> Just tm) | Just k <- elemIndex i (map fst (C.canonicalFields tm)) ->
+ do x <- scLocalVar sc 0
+ y <- scTupleSelector sc x (k+1) (length (C.canonicalFields tm))
+ t' <- importType sc env t
+ f <- scLambda sc "x" t' y
+ return (f, snd (C.canonicalFields tm !! k))
+ _ -> panic "importExpr" ["invalid record selector", show i, show t]
+tupleUpdate :: SharedContext -> Term -> Int -> [Term] -> IO Term
+tupleUpdate _ f 0 [_] = return f
+tupleUpdate sc f 0 (a : ts) =
+ do b <- scTupleType sc ts
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.updFst" [a, b, f]
+tupleUpdate sc f n (a : ts) =
+ do g <- tupleUpdate sc f (n - 1) ts
+ b <- scTupleType sc ts
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.updSnd" [a, b, g]
+tupleUpdate _ _ _ [] = panic "tupleUpdate" ["empty tuple"]
+-- | Apply a substitution to a type *without* simplifying
+-- constraints like @Ring [n]a@ to @Ring a@. (This is in contrast to
+-- 'apSubst', which performs simplifications wherever possible.)
+plainSubst :: C.Subst -> C.Type -> C.Type
+plainSubst s ty =
+ case ty of
+ C.TCon tc ts -> C.TCon tc (map (plainSubst s) ts)
+ C.TUser f ts t -> C.TUser f (map (plainSubst s) ts) (plainSubst s t)
+ C.TRec fs -> C.TRec (fmap (plainSubst s) fs)
+ C.TVar x -> C.apSubst s (C.TVar x)
+ C.TNewtype nt ts -> C.TNewtype nt (fmap (plainSubst s) ts)
+-- | Generate a URI representing a cryptol name from a sequence of
+-- name parts representing the fully-qualified name. If a \"unique\"
+-- value is given, this represents a dynamically bound name in
+-- the \"\\" pseudo-module, and the unique value will
+-- be incorporated into the name as a fragment identifier.
+-- At least one name component must be supplied.
+-- Some examples:
+-- * @Cryptol::foldl@ ---> @cryptol:\/Cryptol\/foldl@
+-- * @MyModule::SubModule::name@ ---> @cryptol:\/MyModule\/SubModule\/name@
+-- * @\::f@ ---> @cryptol:f#1234@
+-- In the above example, 1234 is the unique integer value provided with the name.
+cryptolURI ::
+ [Text] {- ^ Name components -} ->
+ Maybe Int {- ^ unique integer for dynamic names -} ->
+cryptolURI [] _ = panic "cryptolURI" ["Could not make URI from empty path"]
+cryptolURI (p:ps) Nothing =
+ fromMaybe (panic "cryptolURI" ["Could not make URI from the given path", show (p:ps)]) $
+ do sch <- mkScheme "cryptol"
+ path' <- mapM mkPathPiece (p:|ps)
+ pure URI
+ { uriScheme = Just sch
+ , uriAuthority = Left True -- absolute path
+ , uriPath = Just (False, path')
+ , uriQuery = []
+ , uriFragment = Nothing
+ }
+cryptolURI (p:ps) (Just uniq) =
+ fromMaybe (panic "cryptolURI" ["Could not make URI from the given path", show (p:ps), show uniq]) $
+ do sch <- mkScheme "cryptol"
+ path' <- mapM mkPathPiece (p:|ps)
+ frag <- mkFragment (Text.pack (show uniq))
+ pure URI
+ { uriScheme = Just sch
+ , uriAuthority = Left False -- relative path
+ , uriPath = Just (False, path')
+ , uriQuery = []
+ , uriFragment = Just frag
+ }
+-- | Tests if the given 'NameInfo' represents a name imported
+-- from the given Cryptol module name. If so, it returns
+-- the identifier within that module. Note, this does
+-- not match dynamic identifiers from the \"\\"
+-- pseudo-module.
+isCryptolModuleName :: C.ModName -> NameInfo -> Maybe Text
+isCryptolModuleName modNm (ImportedName uri _)
+ | Just sch <- uriScheme uri
+ , unRText sch == "cryptol"
+ , Left True <- uriAuthority uri
+ , Just (False, x :| xs) <- uriPath uri
+ , [] <- uriQuery uri
+ , Nothing <- uriFragment uri
+ = checkModName (x:xs) (Text.splitOn "::" (C.modNameToText modNm))
+ where
+ checkModName [i] [] = Just (unRText i)
+ checkModName (x:xs) (m:ms) | unRText x == m = checkModName xs ms
+ checkModName _ _ = Nothing
+isCryptolModuleName _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Tests if the given `NameInfo` represents a name
+-- from the special \ cryptol module.
+-- If so, returns the base identifier name.
+isCryptolInteractiveName :: NameInfo -> Maybe Text
+isCryptolInteractiveName (ImportedName uri _)
+ | Just sch <- uriScheme uri
+ , unRText sch == "cryptol"
+ , Left False <- uriAuthority uri
+ , Just (False, i :| []) <- uriPath uri
+ , [] <- uriQuery uri
+ , Just _ <- uriFragment uri
+ = Just (unRText i)
+isCryptolInteractiveName _ = Nothing
+importName :: C.Name -> IO NameInfo
+importName cnm =
+ case C.nameInfo cnm of
+ C.Parameter -> fail ("Cannot import non-top-level name: " ++ show cnm)
+ C.Declared modNm _
+ | modNm == C.interactiveName ->
+ let shortNm = C.identText (C.nameIdent cnm)
+ aliases = [shortNm]
+ uri = cryptolURI [shortNm] (Just (C.nameUnique cnm))
+ in pure (ImportedName uri aliases)
+ | otherwise ->
+ let modNmTxt = C.modNameToText modNm
+ modNms = Text.splitOn "::" modNmTxt
+ shortNm = C.identText (C.nameIdent cnm)
+ aliases = [shortNm, modNmTxt <> "::" <> shortNm]
+ uri = cryptolURI (modNms ++ [shortNm]) Nothing
+ in pure (ImportedName uri aliases)
+-- | Currently this imports declaration groups by inlining all the
+-- definitions. (With subterm sharing, this is not as bad as it might
+-- seem.) We might want to think about generating let or where
+-- expressions instead.
+importDeclGroup :: Bool -> SharedContext -> Env -> C.DeclGroup -> IO Env
+importDeclGroup isTopLevel sc env (C.Recursive [decl]) =
+ case C.dDefinition decl of
+ C.DPrim ->
+ panic "importDeclGroup" ["Primitive declarations cannot be recursive:", show (C.dName decl)]
+ C.DExpr expr ->
+ do env1 <- bindName sc (C.dName decl) (C.dSignature decl) env
+ t' <- importSchema sc env (C.dSignature decl)
+ e' <- importExpr' sc env1 (C.dSignature decl) expr
+ let x = nameToLocalName (C.dName decl)
+ f' <- scLambda sc x t' e'
+ rhs <- scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.fix" [t', f']
+ rhs' <- if isTopLevel then
+ do nmi <- importName (C.dName decl)
+ scConstant' sc nmi rhs t'
+ else
+ return rhs
+ let env' = env { envE = Map.insert (C.dName decl) (rhs', 0) (envE env)
+ , envC = Map.insert (C.dName decl) (C.dSignature decl) (envC env) }
+ return env'
+-- - A group of mutually-recursive declarations -
+-- We handle this by "tupling up" all the declarations using a record and
+-- taking the fixpoint at this record type. The desired declarations are then
+-- achieved by projecting the field names from this record.
+importDeclGroup isTopLevel sc env (C.Recursive decls) =
+ do -- build the environment for the declaration bodies
+ let dm = Map.fromList [ (C.dName d, d) | d <- decls ]
+ -- grab a reference to the outermost variable; this will be the record in the body
+ -- of the lambda we build later
+ v0 <- scLocalVar sc 0
+ -- build a list of projections from a record variable
+ vm <- traverse (scRecordSelect sc v0 . nameToFieldName . C.dName) dm
+ -- the types of the declarations
+ tm <- traverse (importSchema sc env . C.dSignature) dm
+ -- the type of the recursive record
+ rect <- scRecordType sc (Map.assocs $ Map.mapKeys nameToFieldName tm)
+ let env1 = liftEnv env
+ let env2 = env1 { envE = Map.union (fmap (\v -> (v, 0)) vm) (envE env1)
+ , envC = Map.union (fmap C.dSignature dm) (envC env1)
+ , envS = rect : envS env1 }
+ let extractDeclExpr decl =
+ case C.dDefinition decl of
+ C.DExpr expr -> importExpr' sc env2 (C.dSignature decl) expr
+ C.DPrim ->
+ panic "importDeclGroup"
+ [ "Primitive declarations cannot be recursive:"
+ , show (C.dName decl)
+ ]
+ -- the raw imported bodies of the declarations
+ em <- traverse extractDeclExpr dm
+ -- the body of the recursive record
+ recv <- scRecord sc (Map.mapKeys nameToFieldName em)
+ -- build a lambda from the record body...
+ f <- scLambda sc "fixRecord" rect recv
+ -- and take its fixpoint
+ rhs <- scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.fix" [rect, f]
+ -- finally, build projections from the fixed record to shove into the environment
+ -- if toplevel, then wrap each binding with a Constant constructor
+ let mkRhs d t =
+ do let s = nameToFieldName (C.dName d)
+ r <- scRecordSelect sc rhs s
+ if isTopLevel then
+ do nmi <- importName (C.dName d)
+ scConstant' sc nmi r t
+ else
+ return r
+ rhss <- sequence (Map.intersectionWith mkRhs dm tm)
+ let env' = env { envE = Map.union (fmap (\v -> (v, 0)) rhss) (envE env)
+ , envC = Map.union (fmap C.dSignature dm) (envC env)
+ }
+ return env'
+importDeclGroup isTopLevel sc env (C.NonRecursive decl) =
+ case C.dDefinition decl of
+ C.DPrim
+ | isTopLevel -> do
+ rhs <- importPrimitive sc env (C.dName decl) (C.dSignature decl)
+ let env' = env { envE = Map.insert (C.dName decl) (rhs, 0) (envE env)
+ , envC = Map.insert (C.dName decl) (C.dSignature decl) (envC env) }
+ return env'
+ | otherwise -> do
+ panic "importDeclGroup" ["Primitive declarations only allowed at top-level:", show (C.dName decl)]
+ C.DExpr expr -> do
+ rhs <- importExpr' sc env (C.dSignature decl) expr
+ rhs' <- if not isTopLevel then return rhs else do
+ nmi <- importName (C.dName decl)
+ t <- importSchema sc env (C.dSignature decl)
+ scConstant' sc nmi rhs t
+ let env' = env { envE = Map.insert (C.dName decl) (rhs', 0) (envE env)
+ , envC = Map.insert (C.dName decl) (C.dSignature decl) (envC env) }
+ return env'
+importDeclGroups :: SharedContext -> Env -> [C.DeclGroup] -> IO Env
+importDeclGroups sc = foldM (importDeclGroup False sc)
+importTopLevelDeclGroups :: SharedContext -> Env -> [C.DeclGroup] -> IO Env
+importTopLevelDeclGroups sc = foldM (importDeclGroup True sc)
+coerceTerm :: SharedContext -> Env -> C.Type -> C.Type -> Term -> IO Term
+coerceTerm sc env t1 t2 e
+ | t1 == t2 = do return e
+ | otherwise =
+ do t1' <- importType sc env t1
+ t2' <- importType sc env t2
+ q <- proveEq sc env t1 t2
+ scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.coerce" [t1', t2', q, e]
+proveEq :: SharedContext -> Env -> C.Type -> C.Type -> IO Term
+proveEq sc env t1 t2
+ | t1 == t2 =
+ do s <- scSort sc (mkSort 0)
+ t' <- importType sc env t1
+ scCtorApp sc "Prelude.Refl" [s, t']
+ | otherwise =
+ case (C.tNoUser t1, C.tNoUser t2) of
+ (C.tIsSeq -> Just (n1, a1), C.tIsSeq -> Just (n2, a2)) ->
+ do n1' <- importType sc env n1
+ n2' <- importType sc env n2
+ a1' <- importType sc env a1
+ a2' <- importType sc env a2
+ num <- scDataTypeApp sc "Cryptol.Num" []
+ nEq <- if n1 == n2
+ then scCtorApp sc "Prelude.Refl" [num, n1']
+ else scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.unsafeAssert" [num, n1', n2']
+ aEq <- proveEq sc env a1 a2
+ if a1 == a2
+ then scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.seq_cong1" [n1', n2', a1', nEq]
+ else scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.seq_cong" [n1', n2', a1', a2', nEq, aEq]
+ (C.tIsIntMod -> Just n1, C.tIsIntMod -> Just n2) ->
+ do n1' <- importType sc env n1
+ n2' <- importType sc env n2
+ num <- scDataTypeApp sc "Cryptol.Num" []
+ nEq <- if n1 == n2
+ then scCtorApp sc "Prelude.Refl" [num, n1']
+ else scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.unsafeAssert" [num, n1', n2']
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.IntModNum_cong" [n1', n2', nEq]
+ (C.tIsFun -> Just (a1, b1), C.tIsFun -> Just (a2, b2)) ->
+ do a1' <- importType sc env a1
+ a2' <- importType sc env a2
+ b1' <- importType sc env b1
+ b2' <- importType sc env b2
+ aEq <- proveEq sc env a1 a2
+ bEq <- proveEq sc env b1 b2
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.fun_cong" [a1', a2', b1', b2', aEq, bEq]
+ (C.tIsTuple -> Just (a1 : ts1), C.tIsTuple -> Just (a2 : ts2))
+ | length ts1 == length ts2 ->
+ do let b1 = C.tTuple ts1
+ b2 = C.tTuple ts2
+ a1' <- importType sc env a1
+ a2' <- importType sc env a2
+ b1' <- importType sc env b1
+ b2' <- importType sc env b2
+ aEq <- proveEq sc env a1 a2
+ bEq <- proveEq sc env b1 b2
+ if b1 == b2
+ then scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.pair_cong1" [a1', a2', b1', aEq]
+ else if a1 == a2
+ then scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.pair_cong2" [a1', b1', b2', bEq]
+ else scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.pair_cong" [a1', a2', b1', b2', aEq, bEq]
+ (C.tIsRec -> Just tm1, C.tIsRec -> Just tm2)
+ | map fst (C.canonicalFields tm1) == map fst (C.canonicalFields tm2) ->
+ proveEq sc env (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields tm1))) (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields tm2)))
+ (_, _) ->
+ panic "proveEq" ["Internal type error:", pretty t1, pretty t2]
+-- List comprehensions
+importComp :: SharedContext -> Env -> C.Type -> C.Type -> C.Expr -> [[C.Match]] -> IO Term
+importComp sc env lenT elemT expr mss =
+ do let zipAll [] = panic "importComp" ["zero-branch list comprehension"]
+ zipAll [branch] =
+ do (xs, len, ty, args) <- importMatches sc env branch
+ m <- importType sc env len
+ a <- importType sc env ty
+ return (xs, m, a, [args], len)
+ zipAll (branch : branches) =
+ do (xs, len, ty, args) <- importMatches sc env branch
+ m <- importType sc env len
+ a <- importType sc env ty
+ (ys, n, b, argss, len') <- zipAll branches
+ zs <- scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.seqZip" [a, b, m, n, xs, ys]
+ mn <- scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.tcMin" [m, n]
+ ab <- scTupleType sc [a, b]
+ return (zs, mn, ab, args : argss, C.tMin len len')
+ (xs, n, a, argss, lenT') <- zipAll mss
+ f <- lambdaTuples sc env elemT expr argss
+ b <- importType sc env elemT
+ ys <- scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.seqMap" [a, b, n, f, xs]
+ -- The resulting type might not match the annotation, so we coerce
+ coerceTerm sc env (C.tSeq lenT' elemT) (C.tSeq lenT elemT) ys
+lambdaTuples :: SharedContext -> Env -> C.Type -> C.Expr -> [[(C.Name, C.Type)]] -> IO Term
+lambdaTuples sc env _ty expr [] = importExpr sc env expr
+lambdaTuples sc env ty expr (args : argss) =
+ do f <- lambdaTuple sc env ty expr argss args
+ if null args || null argss
+ then return f
+ else do a <- importType sc env (tNestedTuple (map snd args))
+ b <- importType sc env (tNestedTuple (map (tNestedTuple . map snd) argss))
+ c <- importType sc env ty
+ scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.uncurry" [a, b, c, f]
+lambdaTuple :: SharedContext -> Env -> C.Type -> C.Expr -> [[(C.Name, C.Type)]] -> [(C.Name, C.Type)] -> IO Term
+lambdaTuple sc env ty expr argss [] = lambdaTuples sc env ty expr argss
+lambdaTuple sc env ty expr argss ((x, t) : args) =
+ do a <- importType sc env t
+ env' <- bindName sc x (C.Forall [] [] t) env
+ e <- lambdaTuple sc env' ty expr argss args
+ f <- scLambda sc (nameToLocalName x) a e
+ if null args
+ then return f
+ else do b <- importType sc env (tNestedTuple (map snd args))
+ let tuple = tNestedTuple (map (tNestedTuple . map snd) argss)
+ c <- importType sc env (if null argss then ty else C.tFun tuple ty)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.uncurry" [a, b, c, f]
+tNestedTuple :: [C.Type] -> C.Type
+tNestedTuple [] = C.tTuple []
+tNestedTuple [t] = t
+tNestedTuple (t : ts) = C.tTuple [t, tNestedTuple ts]
+-- | Returns the shared term, length type, element tuple type, bound
+-- variables.
+importMatches :: SharedContext -> Env -> [C.Match]
+ -> IO (Term, C.Type, C.Type, [(C.Name, C.Type)])
+importMatches _sc _env [] = panic "importMatches" ["importMatches: empty comprehension branch"]
+importMatches sc env [C.From name _len _eltty expr] = do
+ (len, ty) <- case C.tIsSeq (fastTypeOf (envC env) expr) of
+ Just x -> return x
+ Nothing -> panic "importMatches" ["type mismatch from: " ++ show (fastTypeOf (envC env) expr)]
+ xs <- importExpr sc env expr
+ return (xs, len, ty, [(name, ty)])
+importMatches sc env (C.From name _len _eltty expr : matches) = do
+ (len1, ty1) <- case C.tIsSeq (fastTypeOf (envC env) expr) of
+ Just x -> return x
+ Nothing -> panic "importMatches" ["type mismatch from: " ++ show (fastTypeOf (envC env) expr)]
+ m <- importType sc env len1
+ a <- importType sc env ty1
+ xs <- importExpr sc env expr
+ env' <- bindName sc name (C.Forall [] [] ty1) env
+ (body, len2, ty2, args) <- importMatches sc env' matches
+ n <- importType sc env len2
+ b <- importType sc env ty2
+ f <- scLambda sc (nameToLocalName name) a body
+ result <- scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.from" [a, b, m, n, xs, f]
+ return (result, C.tMul len1 len2, C.tTuple [ty1, ty2], (name, ty1) : args)
+importMatches sc env [C.Let decl]
+ | C.DPrim <- C.dDefinition decl = do
+ panic "importMatches" ["Primitive declarations not allowed in 'let':", show (C.dName decl)]
+ | C.DExpr expr <- C.dDefinition decl = do
+ e <- importExpr sc env expr
+ ty1 <- case C.dSignature decl of
+ C.Forall [] [] ty1 -> return ty1
+ _ -> unimplemented "polymorphic Let"
+ a <- importType sc env ty1
+ result <- scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.single" [a, e]
+ return (result, C.tOne, ty1, [(C.dName decl, ty1)])
+importMatches sc env (C.Let decl : matches) =
+ case C.dDefinition decl of
+ C.DPrim -> do
+ panic "importMatches" ["Primitive declarations not allowed in 'let':", show (C.dName decl)]
+ C.DExpr expr -> do
+ e <- importExpr sc env expr
+ ty1 <- case C.dSignature decl of
+ C.Forall [] [] ty1 -> return ty1
+ _ -> unimplemented "polymorphic Let"
+ a <- importType sc env ty1
+ env' <- bindName sc (C.dName decl) (C.dSignature decl) env
+ (body, len, ty2, args) <- importMatches sc env' matches
+ n <- importType sc env len
+ b <- importType sc env ty2
+ f <- scLambda sc (nameToLocalName (C.dName decl)) a body
+ result <- scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.mlet" [a, b, n, e, f]
+ return (result, len, C.tTuple [ty1, ty2], (C.dName decl, ty1) : args)
+pIsNeq :: C.Type -> Maybe (C.Type, C.Type)
+pIsNeq ty = case C.tNoUser ty of
+ C.TCon (C.PC C.PNeq) [t1, t2] -> Just (t1, t2)
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- Utilities
+asCryptolTypeValue :: SC.TValue SC.Concrete -> Maybe C.Type
+asCryptolTypeValue v =
+ case v of
+ SC.VBoolType -> return C.tBit
+ SC.VIntType -> return C.tInteger
+ SC.VIntModType n -> return (C.tIntMod (C.tNum n))
+ SC.VArrayType v1 v2 -> do
+ t1 <- asCryptolTypeValue v1
+ t2 <- asCryptolTypeValue v2
+ return $ C.tArray t1 t2
+ SC.VVecType n v2 -> do
+ t2 <- asCryptolTypeValue v2
+ return (C.tSeq (C.tNum n) t2)
+ SC.VDataType "Prelude.Stream" [v1] ->
+ case v1 of
+ SC.TValue tv -> C.tSeq C.tInf <$> asCryptolTypeValue tv
+ _ -> Nothing
+ SC.VUnitType -> return (C.tTuple [])
+ SC.VPairType v1 v2 -> do
+ t1 <- asCryptolTypeValue v1
+ t2 <- asCryptolTypeValue v2
+ case C.tIsTuple t2 of
+ Just ts -> return (C.tTuple (t1 : ts))
+ Nothing -> return (C.tTuple [t1, t2])
+ SC.VPiType v1 f -> do
+ case v1 of
+ -- if we see that the parameter is a Cryptol.Num, it's a
+ -- pretty good guess that it originally was a
+ -- polymorphic number type.
+ SC.VDataType "Cryptol.Num" [] ->
+ let msg= unwords ["asCryptolTypeValue: can't infer a polymorphic Cryptol"
+ ,"type. Please, make sure all numeric types are"
+ ,"specialized before constructing a typed term."
+ ]
+ in error msg
+ -- otherwise we issue a generic error about dependent type inference
+ _ -> do
+ let msg = unwords ["asCryptolTypeValue: can't infer a Cryptol type"
+ ,"for a dependent SAW-Core type."
+ ]
+ let v2 = SC.runIdentity (f (error msg))
+ t1 <- asCryptolTypeValue v1
+ t2 <- asCryptolTypeValue v2
+ return (C.tFun t1 t2)
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- | Deprecated.
+scCryptolType :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO C.Type
+scCryptolType sc t =
+ do modmap <- scGetModuleMap sc
+ case SC.evalSharedTerm modmap Map.empty Map.empty t of
+ SC.TValue (asCryptolTypeValue -> Just ty) -> return ty
+ _ -> panic "scCryptolType" ["scCryptolType: unsupported type " ++ showTerm t]
+-- | Deprecated.
+scCryptolEq :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scCryptolEq sc x y =
+ do rules <- concat <$> traverse defRewrites defs
+ let ss = addConvs natConversions (addRules rules emptySimpset)
+ tx <- scTypeOf sc x >>= rewriteSharedTerm sc ss >>= scCryptolType sc
+ ty <- scTypeOf sc y >>= rewriteSharedTerm sc ss >>= scCryptolType sc
+ unless (tx == ty) $
+ panic "scCryptolEq"
+ [ "scCryptolEq: type mismatch between"
+ , pretty tx
+ , "and"
+ , pretty ty
+ ]
+ -- Actually apply the equality function, along with the Eq class dictionary
+ t <- scTypeOf sc x
+ c <- scCryptolType sc t
+ k <- importType sc emptyEnv c
+ eqPrf <- proveProp sc emptyEnv (C.pEq c)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.ecEq" [k, eqPrf, x, y]
+ where
+ defs = map (mkIdent (mkModuleName ["Cryptol"])) ["seq", "ty"]
+ defRewrites ident =
+ do maybe_def <- scFindDef sc ident
+ case maybe_def of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just def -> scDefRewriteRules sc def
+-- | Convert from SAWCore's Value type to Cryptol's, guided by the
+-- Cryptol type schema.
+exportValueWithSchema :: C.Schema -> SC.CValue -> V.Value
+exportValueWithSchema (C.Forall [] [] ty) v = exportValue (evalValType mempty ty) v
+exportValueWithSchema _ _ = V.VPoly mempty (error "exportValueWithSchema")
+-- TODO: proper support for polymorphic values
+exportValue :: TV.TValue -> SC.CValue -> V.Value
+exportValue ty v = case ty of
+ TV.TVBit ->
+ V.VBit (SC.toBool v)
+ TV.TVInteger ->
+ V.VInteger (case v of SC.VInt x -> x; _ -> error "exportValue: expected integer")
+ TV.TVIntMod _modulus ->
+ V.VInteger (case v of SC.VIntMod _ x -> x; _ -> error "exportValue: expected intmod")
+ TV.TVArray{} -> error $ "exportValue: (on array type " ++ show ty ++ ")"
+ TV.TVRational -> error "exportValue: Not yet implemented: Rational"
+ TV.TVFloat _ _ -> panic "exportValue: Not yet implemented: Float" []
+ TV.TVSeq _ e ->
+ case v of
+ SC.VWord w -> V.word V.Concrete (toInteger (width w)) (unsigned w)
+ SC.VVector xs
+ | TV.isTBit e -> V.VWord (toInteger (Vector.length xs)) (V.ready (V.LargeBitsVal (fromIntegral (Vector.length xs))
+ (V.finiteSeqMap . map (V.ready . V.VBit . SC.toBool . SC.runIdentity . force) $ Fold.toList xs)))
+ | otherwise -> V.VSeq (toInteger (Vector.length xs)) $ V.finiteSeqMap $
+ map (V.ready . exportValue e . SC.runIdentity . force) $ Vector.toList xs
+ _ -> error $ "exportValue (on seq type " ++ show ty ++ ")"
+ -- infinite streams
+ TV.TVStream e ->
+ case v of
+ SC.VExtra (SC.CStream trie) -> V.VStream (V.IndexSeqMap $ \i -> V.ready $ exportValue e (IntTrie.apply trie i))
+ _ -> error $ "exportValue (on seq type " ++ show ty ++ ")"
+ -- tuples
+ TV.TVTuple etys -> V.VTuple (exportTupleValue etys v)
+ -- records
+ TV.TVRec fields ->
+ V.VRecord (C.recordFromFieldsWithDisplay (C.displayOrder fields) $ exportRecordValue (C.canonicalFields fields) v)
+ -- functions
+ TV.TVFun _aty _bty ->
+ V.VFun mempty (error "exportValue: TODO functions")
+ -- abstract types
+ TV.TVAbstract{} ->
+ error "exportValue: TODO abstract types"
+ -- newtypes
+ TV.TVNewtype _ _ fields ->
+ exportValue (TV.TVRec fields) v
+exportTupleValue :: [TV.TValue] -> SC.CValue -> [V.Eval V.Value]
+exportTupleValue tys v =
+ case (tys, v) of
+ ([] , SC.VUnit ) -> []
+ ([t] , _ ) -> [V.ready $ exportValue t v]
+ (t : ts, SC.VPair x y) -> (V.ready $ exportValue t (run x)) : exportTupleValue ts (run y)
+ _ -> error $ "exportValue: expected tuple"
+ where
+ run = SC.runIdentity . force
+exportRecordValue :: [(C.Ident, TV.TValue)] -> SC.CValue -> [(C.Ident, V.Eval V.Value)]
+exportRecordValue fields v =
+ case (fields, v) of
+ ([] , SC.VUnit ) -> []
+ ([(n, t)] , _ ) -> [(n, V.ready $ exportValue t v)]
+ ((n, t) : ts, SC.VPair x y) ->
+ (n, V.ready $ exportValue t (run x)) : exportRecordValue ts (run y)
+ (_, SC.VRecordValue (alistAllFields
+ (map (C.identText . fst) fields) -> Just ths)) ->
+ zipWith (\(n,t) x -> (n, V.ready $ exportValue t (run x))) fields ths
+ _ -> error $ "exportValue: expected record"
+ where
+ run = SC.runIdentity . force
+fvAsBool :: FirstOrderValue -> Bool
+fvAsBool (FOVBit b) = b
+fvAsBool _ = error "fvAsBool: expected FOVBit value"
+exportFirstOrderValue :: FirstOrderValue -> V.Value
+exportFirstOrderValue fv =
+ case fv of
+ FOVBit b -> V.VBit b
+ FOVInt i -> V.VInteger i
+ FOVIntMod _ i -> V.VInteger i
+ FOVWord w x -> V.word V.Concrete (toInteger w) x
+ FOVVec t vs
+ | t == FOTBit -> V.VWord len (V.ready (V.LargeBitsVal len (V.finiteSeqMap . map (V.ready . V.VBit . fvAsBool) $ vs)))
+ | otherwise -> V.VSeq len (V.finiteSeqMap (map (V.ready . exportFirstOrderValue) vs))
+ where len = toInteger (length vs)
+ FOVArray{} -> error $ "exportFirstOrderValue: unsupported FOT Array"
+ FOVTuple vs -> V.VTuple (map (V.ready . exportFirstOrderValue) vs)
+ FOVRec vm -> V.VRecord $ C.recordFromFields [ (C.mkIdent n, V.ready $ exportFirstOrderValue v) | (n, v) <- Map.assocs vm ]
+importFirstOrderValue :: FirstOrderType -> V.Value -> IO FirstOrderValue
+importFirstOrderValue t0 v0 = V.runEval mempty (go t0 v0)
+ where
+ go :: FirstOrderType -> V.Value -> V.Eval FirstOrderValue
+ go t v = case (t,v) of
+ (FOTBit , V.VBit b) -> return (FOVBit b)
+ (FOTInt , V.VInteger i) -> return (FOVInt i)
+ (FOTVec _ FOTBit, V.VWord w wv) -> FOVWord (fromIntegral w) . V.bvVal <$> (V.asWordVal V.Concrete =<< wv)
+ (FOTVec _ ty , V.VSeq len xs) -> FOVVec ty <$> traverse (go ty =<<) (V.enumerateSeqMap len xs)
+ (FOTTuple tys , V.VTuple xs) -> FOVTuple <$> traverse (\(ty, x) -> go ty =<< x) (zip tys xs)
+ (FOTRec fs , V.VRecord xs) ->
+ do xs' <- Map.fromList <$> mapM importField (C.canonicalFields xs)
+ let missing = Set.difference (Map.keysSet fs) (Set.fromList (map C.identText (C.displayOrder xs)))
+ unless (Set.null missing)
+ (panic "importFirstOrderValue" $
+ ["Missing fields while importing finite value:"] ++ (map show (Set.toList missing)))
+ return $ FOVRec $ xs'
+ where
+ importField :: (C.Ident, V.Eval V.Value) -> V.Eval (FieldName, FirstOrderValue)
+ importField (C.identText -> nm, x)
+ | Just ty <- Map.lookup nm fs = do
+ x' <- go ty =<< x
+ return (nm, x')
+ | otherwise = panic "importFirstOrderValue" ["Unexpected field name while importing finite value:", show nm]
+ _ -> panic "importFirstOrderValue"
+ ["Expected finite value of type:", show t, "but got", show v]
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol/Panic.hs b/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol/Panic.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdea8c0079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol/Panic.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+module Verifier.SAW.Cryptol.Panic
+ ( panic, unimplemented )
+ where
+import Panic hiding (panic)
+import qualified Panic as Panic
+data CryptolSawCore = CryptolSawCore
+panic :: HasCallStack => String -> [String] -> a
+panic = Panic.panic CryptolSawCore
+instance PanicComponent CryptolSawCore where
+ panicComponentName _ = "cryptol-saw-core"
+ panicComponentIssues _ = "https://github.com/GaloisInc/saw-script/issues"
+ {-# Noinline panicComponentRevision #-}
+ panicComponentRevision = $useGitRevision
+unimplemented :: HasCallStack => String -> a
+unimplemented name = panic "unimplemented" [name]
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol/Prelude.hs b/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol/Prelude.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ddb2ff3b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol/Prelude.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Cryptol.Prelude
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Cryptol.Prelude
+ ( Module
+ , module Verifier.SAW.Cryptol.Prelude
+ , scLoadPreludeModule
+ ) where
+import Verifier.SAW.Prelude
+import Verifier.SAW.ParserUtils
+ "cryptolModule" "scLoadCryptolModule" "saw/Cryptol.sawcore")
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol/Simpset.hs b/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol/Simpset.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6a03265d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol/Simpset.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Cryptol.Simpset
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2018
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Verifier.SAW.Cryptol.Simpset
+ ( mkCryptolSimpset
+ ) where
+import Verifier.SAW.Module
+import Verifier.SAW.Rewriter
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+mkCryptolSimpset :: SharedContext -> IO Simpset
+mkCryptolSimpset sc =
+ do m <- scFindModule sc cryptolModuleName
+ scSimpset sc (cryptolDefs m) [] []
+ where
+ cryptolDefs m = filter (not . excluded) $ moduleDefs m
+ excluded d = defIdent d `elem` excludedNames
+cryptolModuleName :: ModuleName
+cryptolModuleName = mkModuleName ["Cryptol"]
+excludedNames :: [Ident]
+excludedNames =
+ map (mkIdent cryptolModuleName)
+ [ "fix"
+ , "pair_cong"
+ , "seq_cong"
+ , "pair_cong1"
+ , "pair_cong2"
+ , "seq_cong1"
+ , "fun_cong"
+ , "seq_TCNum"
+ , "seq_TCInf"
+ , "PLiteral"
+ , "PLogic"
+ , "PRing"
+ , "PIntegral"
+ , "PField"
+ , "PRound"
+ , "PEq"
+ , "PCmp"
+ , "PSignedCmp"
+ , "ecEq"
+ ]
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/CryptolEnv.hs b/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/CryptolEnv.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d640ce7e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/CryptolEnv.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+{- |
+Module : SAWScript.CryptolEnv
+Description : Context for interpreting Cryptol within SAW-Script.
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman
+Stability : provisional
+{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Verifier.SAW.CryptolEnv
+ ( ImportVisibility(..)
+ , CryptolEnv(..)
+ , initCryptolEnv
+ , loadCryptolModule
+ , bindCryptolModule
+ , lookupCryptolModule
+ , importModule
+ , bindTypedTerm
+ , bindType
+ , bindInteger
+ , parseTypedTerm
+ , parseDecls
+ , parseSchema
+ , declareName
+ , typeNoUser
+ , schemaNoUser
+ , translateExpr
+ , getNamingEnv
+ , getAllIfaceDecls
+ , InputText(..)
+ , lookupIn
+ , resolveIdentifier
+ )
+ where
+--import qualified Control.Exception as X
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Text (Text, pack, splitOn)
+import Control.Monad(when)
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Traversable
+import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
+import System.Environment.Executable (splitExecutablePath)
+import System.FilePath ((>), normalise, joinPath, splitPath, splitSearchPath)
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm (SharedContext, Term, incVars)
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Cryptol as C
+import qualified Cryptol.Eval as E
+import qualified Cryptol.Parser as P
+import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
+import qualified Cryptol.Parser.Position as P
+import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck as T
+import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
+import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Error as TE
+import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Infer as TI
+import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Kind as TK
+import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad as TM
+import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.SMT as SMT
+--import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP as TP
+import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem as M
+import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Base as MB
+import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env as ME
+import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Exports as MEx
+import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface as MI
+import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Monad as MM
+import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv as MN
+import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name as MN
+import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer as MR
+import qualified Cryptol.Utils.Ident as C
+import Cryptol.Utils.PP
+import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident, preludeName, preludeReferenceName
+ , packIdent, interactiveName, identText
+ , packModName, textToModName, modNameChunks
+ , prelPrim)
+import Cryptol.Utils.Logger (quietLogger)
+--import SAWScript.REPL.Monad (REPLException(..))
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedTerm
+-- import SAWScript.Utils (Pos(..))
+-- import SAWScript.AST (Located(getVal, locatedPos), Import(..))
+-- | Parse input, together with information about where it came from.
+data InputText = InputText
+ { inpText :: String -- ^ Parse this
+ , inpFile :: String -- ^ It came from this file (or thing)
+ , inpLine :: Int -- ^ On this line number
+ , inpCol :: Int -- ^ On this column number
+ }
+-- | Should a given import result in all symbols being visible (as they
+-- are for focused modules in the Cryptol REPL) or only public symbols?
+-- Making all symbols visible is useful for verification and code
+-- generation.
+data ImportVisibility
+ = OnlyPublic
+ | PublicAndPrivate
+data CryptolEnv = CryptolEnv
+ { eImports :: [(ImportVisibility, P.Import)] -- ^ Declarations of imported Cryptol modules
+ , eModuleEnv :: ME.ModuleEnv -- ^ Imported modules, and state for the ModuleM monad
+ , eExtraNames :: MR.NamingEnv -- ^ Context for the Cryptol renamer
+ , eExtraTypes :: Map T.Name T.Schema -- ^ Cryptol types for extra names in scope
+ , eExtraTSyns :: Map T.Name T.TySyn -- ^ Extra Cryptol type synonyms in scope
+ , eTermEnv :: Map T.Name Term -- ^ SAWCore terms for *all* names in scope
+ }
+-- Finding things --------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Lookup a name in a map containg Cryptol names.
+-- The string corresponds to the Cryptol name we are looking for.
+-- If it is unqualifed, then we return any entry associated with the given
+-- name. If the string is qualified (i.e., has @::@), then we only consider
+-- entries from the module in the qualified.
+-- The result is either the corresponding value, or a list of the
+lookupIn :: String -> Map T.Name b -> Either [T.Name] b
+lookupIn nm mp =
+ case [ x | x <- Map.toList mp, matches (fst x) ] of
+ [ (_,v) ] -> Right v
+ opts -> Left (map fst opts)
+ where
+ matches = nameMatcher nm
+-- | Parse a string into a function that will match names.
+-- If the string is unqualified (i.e., no `::`), then we match all
+-- names with the given identifier. Otherwise, we only match the
+-- ones in the module specified by the qualifier.
+nameMatcher :: String -> T.Name -> Bool
+nameMatcher xs =
+ case modNameChunks (textToModName (pack xs)) of
+ [] -> const False
+ [x] -> (packIdent x ==) . MN.nameIdent
+ cs -> let m = MN.Declared (packModName (map pack (init cs))) MN.UserName
+ i = packIdent (last cs)
+ in \n -> MN.nameIdent n == i && MN.nameInfo n == m
+-- Initialize ------------------------------------------------------------------
+initCryptolEnv ::
+ (?fileReader :: FilePath -> IO ByteString) =>
+ SharedContext -> IO CryptolEnv
+initCryptolEnv sc = do
+ modEnv0 <- M.initialModuleEnv
+ -- Set the Cryptol include path (TODO: we may want to do this differently)
+ (binDir, _) <- splitExecutablePath
+ let instDir = normalise . joinPath . init . splitPath $ binDir
+ mCryptolPath <- lookupEnv "CRYPTOLPATH"
+ let cryptolPaths =
+ case mCryptolPath of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just path ->
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__)
+ -- Windows paths search from end to beginning
+ reverse (splitSearchPath path)
+ splitSearchPath path
+ let modEnv1 = modEnv0 { ME.meSearchPath = cryptolPaths ++
+ (instDir > "lib") : ME.meSearchPath modEnv0 }
+ -- Load Cryptol prelude
+ (_, modEnv2) <-
+ liftModuleM modEnv1 $
+ MB.loadModuleFrom False (MM.FromModule preludeName)
+ -- Load Cryptol reference implementations
+ ((_,refMod), modEnv) <-
+ liftModuleM modEnv2 $
+ MB.loadModuleFrom False (MM.FromModule preludeReferenceName)
+ -- Set up reference implementation redirections
+ let refDecls = T.mDecls refMod
+ let nms = fst <$> Map.toList (M.ifDecls (M.ifPublic (M.genIface refMod)))
+ let refPrims = Map.fromList
+ [ (prelPrim (identText (MN.nameIdent nm)), T.EWhere (T.EVar nm) refDecls)
+ | nm <- nms ]
+ let cryEnv0 = C.emptyEnv{ C.envRefPrims = refPrims }
+ -- Generate SAWCore translations for all values in scope
+ termEnv <- genTermEnv sc modEnv cryEnv0
+ return CryptolEnv
+ { eImports = [ (OnlyPublic, P.Import preludeName Nothing Nothing)
+ , (OnlyPublic, P.Import preludeReferenceName (Just preludeReferenceName) Nothing)
+ ]
+ , eModuleEnv = modEnv
+ , eExtraNames = mempty
+ , eExtraTypes = Map.empty
+ , eExtraTSyns = Map.empty
+ , eTermEnv = termEnv
+ }
+-- Parse -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ioParseExpr :: InputText -> IO (P.Expr P.PName)
+ioParseExpr = ioParseGeneric P.parseExprWith
+ioParseDecls :: InputText -> IO [P.Decl P.PName]
+ioParseDecls = ioParseGeneric P.parseDeclsWith
+ioParseSchema :: InputText -> IO (P.Schema P.PName)
+ioParseSchema = ioParseGeneric P.parseSchemaWith
+ioParseGeneric ::
+ (P.Config -> Text -> Either P.ParseError a) -> InputText -> IO a
+ioParseGeneric parse inp = ioParseResult (parse cfg (pack str))
+ where
+ cfg = P.defaultConfig { P.cfgSource = inpFile inp }
+ str = concat [ replicate (inpLine inp - 1) '\n'
+ , replicate (inpCol inp - 1) ' '
+ , inpText inp ]
+ioParseResult :: Either P.ParseError a -> IO a
+ioParseResult res = case res of
+ Right a -> return a
+ Left e -> fail $ "Cryptol parse error:\n" ++ show (P.ppError e) -- X.throwIO (ParseError e)
+-- Rename ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+getNamingEnv :: CryptolEnv -> MR.NamingEnv
+getNamingEnv env = eExtraNames env `MR.shadowing` nameEnv
+ where
+ nameEnv = mconcat $ fromMaybe [] $ traverse loadImport (eImports env)
+ loadImport (vis, i) = do
+ lm <- ME.lookupModule (T.iModule i) (eModuleEnv env)
+ let ifc = ME.lmInterface lm
+ syms = case vis of
+ OnlyPublic -> MI.ifPublic ifc
+ PublicAndPrivate -> MI.ifPublic ifc `mappend` M.ifPrivate ifc
+ return $ MN.interpImport i syms
+getAllIfaceDecls :: ME.ModuleEnv -> M.IfaceDecls
+getAllIfaceDecls me = mconcat (map (both . ME.lmInterface) (ME.getLoadedModules (ME.meLoadedModules me)))
+ where both ifc = M.ifPublic ifc `mappend` M.ifPrivate ifc
+-- Typecheck -------------------------------------------------------------------
+runInferOutput :: TM.InferOutput a -> MM.ModuleM a
+runInferOutput out =
+ case out of
+ TM.InferOK nm warns seeds supply o ->
+ do MM.setNameSeeds seeds
+ MM.setSupply supply
+ MM.typeCheckWarnings nm warns
+ return o
+ TM.InferFailed nm warns errs ->
+ do MM.typeCheckWarnings nm warns
+ MM.typeCheckingFailed nm errs
+-- Translate -------------------------------------------------------------------
+mkCryEnv ::
+ (?fileReader :: FilePath -> IO ByteString) =>
+ CryptolEnv -> IO C.Env
+mkCryEnv env =
+ do let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
+ let ifaceDecls = getAllIfaceDecls modEnv
+ (types, _) <-
+ liftModuleM modEnv $
+ do prims <- MB.getPrimMap
+ -- noIfaceParams because we don't support translating functors yet
+ TM.inpVars `fmap` MB.genInferInput P.emptyRange prims
+ MI.noIfaceParams ifaceDecls
+ let types' = Map.union (eExtraTypes env) types
+ let terms = eTermEnv env
+ let cryEnv = C.emptyEnv
+ { C.envE = fmap (\t -> (t, 0)) terms
+ , C.envC = types'
+ }
+ return cryEnv
+translateExpr ::
+ (?fileReader :: FilePath -> IO ByteString) =>
+ SharedContext -> CryptolEnv -> T.Expr -> IO Term
+translateExpr sc env expr =
+ do cryEnv <- mkCryEnv env
+ C.importExpr sc cryEnv expr
+translateDeclGroups ::
+ (?fileReader :: FilePath -> IO ByteString) =>
+ SharedContext -> CryptolEnv -> [T.DeclGroup] -> IO CryptolEnv
+translateDeclGroups sc env dgs =
+ do cryEnv <- mkCryEnv env
+ cryEnv' <- C.importTopLevelDeclGroups sc cryEnv dgs
+ termEnv' <- traverse (\(t, j) -> incVars sc 0 j t) (C.envE cryEnv')
+ let decls = concatMap T.groupDecls dgs
+ let names = map T.dName decls
+ let newTypes = Map.fromList [ (T.dName d, T.dSignature d) | d <- decls ]
+ let addName name = MR.shadowing (MN.singletonE (P.mkUnqual (MN.nameIdent name)) name)
+ return env
+ { eExtraNames = foldr addName (eExtraNames env) names
+ , eExtraTypes = Map.union (eExtraTypes env) newTypes
+ , eTermEnv = termEnv'
+ }
+-- | Translate all declarations in all loaded modules to SAWCore terms
+genTermEnv :: SharedContext -> ME.ModuleEnv -> C.Env -> IO (Map T.Name Term)
+genTermEnv sc modEnv cryEnv0 = do
+ let declGroups = concatMap T.mDecls
+ $ filter (not . T.isParametrizedModule)
+ $ ME.loadedModules modEnv
+ cryEnv <- C.importTopLevelDeclGroups sc cryEnv0 declGroups
+ traverse (\(t, j) -> incVars sc 0 j t) (C.envE cryEnv)
+checkNotParameterized :: T.Module -> IO ()
+checkNotParameterized m =
+ when (T.isParametrizedModule m) $
+ fail $ unlines [ "Cannot load parameterized modules directly."
+ , "Either use a ` import, or make a module instantiation."
+ ]
+loadCryptolModule ::
+ (?fileReader :: FilePath -> IO ByteString) =>
+ SharedContext -> CryptolEnv -> FilePath ->
+ IO (CryptolModule, CryptolEnv)
+loadCryptolModule sc env path = do
+ let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
+ (m, modEnv') <- liftModuleM modEnv (MB.loadModuleByPath path)
+ checkNotParameterized m
+ let ifaceDecls = getAllIfaceDecls modEnv'
+ (types, modEnv'') <- liftModuleM modEnv' $ do
+ prims <- MB.getPrimMap
+ TM.inpVars `fmap` MB.genInferInput P.emptyRange prims MI.noIfaceParams ifaceDecls
+ -- Regenerate SharedTerm environment.
+ oldCryEnv <- mkCryEnv env
+ let oldModNames = map ME.lmName $ ME.lmLoadedModules $ ME.meLoadedModules modEnv
+ let isNew m' = T.mName m' `notElem` oldModNames
+ let newModules = filter isNew $ map ME.lmModule $ ME.lmLoadedModules $ ME.meLoadedModules modEnv''
+ let newDeclGroups = concatMap T.mDecls newModules
+ newCryEnv <- C.importTopLevelDeclGroups sc oldCryEnv newDeclGroups
+ newTermEnv <- traverse (\(t, j) -> incVars sc 0 j t) (C.envE newCryEnv)
+ let names = MEx.eBinds (T.mExports m) -- :: Set T.Name
+ let tm' = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> Set.member k names) $
+ Map.intersectionWith TypedTerm types newTermEnv
+ let env' = env { eModuleEnv = modEnv''
+ , eTermEnv = newTermEnv
+ }
+ let sm' = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> Set.member k (MEx.eTypes (T.mExports m))) (T.mTySyns m)
+ return (CryptolModule sm' tm', env')
+bindCryptolModule :: (P.ModName, CryptolModule) -> CryptolEnv -> CryptolEnv
+bindCryptolModule (modName, CryptolModule sm tm) env =
+ env { eExtraNames = flip (foldr addName) (Map.keys tm) $
+ flip (foldr addTSyn) (Map.keys sm) $ eExtraNames env
+ , eExtraTSyns = Map.union sm (eExtraTSyns env)
+ , eExtraTypes = Map.union (fmap (\(TypedTerm s _) -> s) tm) (eExtraTypes env)
+ , eTermEnv = Map.union (fmap (\(TypedTerm _ t) -> t) tm) (eTermEnv env)
+ }
+ where
+ addName name = MN.shadowing (MN.singletonE (P.mkQual modName (MN.nameIdent name)) name)
+ addTSyn name = MN.shadowing (MN.singletonT (P.mkQual modName (MN.nameIdent name)) name)
+lookupCryptolModule :: CryptolModule -> String -> IO TypedTerm
+lookupCryptolModule (CryptolModule _ tm) name =
+ case Map.lookup (packIdent name) (Map.mapKeys MN.nameIdent tm) of
+ Nothing -> fail $ "Binding not found: " ++ name
+ Just t -> return t
+importModule ::
+ (?fileReader :: FilePath -> IO ByteString) =>
+ SharedContext {- ^ Shared context for creating terms -} ->
+ CryptolEnv {- ^ Extend this environment -} ->
+ Either FilePath P.ModName {- ^ Where to find the module -} ->
+ Maybe P.ModName {- ^ Name qualifier -} ->
+ ImportVisibility {- ^ What visibility to give symbols from this module -} ->
+ Maybe P.ImportSpec {- ^ What to import -} ->
+ IO CryptolEnv
+importModule sc env src as vis imps = do
+ let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
+ (m, modEnv') <-
+ liftModuleM modEnv $
+ case src of
+ Left path -> MB.loadModuleByPath path
+ Right mn -> snd <$> MB.loadModuleFrom True (MM.FromModule mn)
+ checkNotParameterized m
+ -- Regenerate SharedTerm environment.
+ oldCryEnv <- mkCryEnv env
+ let oldModNames = map ME.lmName $ ME.lmLoadedModules $ ME.meLoadedModules modEnv
+ let isNew m' = T.mName m' `notElem` oldModNames
+ let newModules = filter isNew $ map ME.lmModule $ ME.lmLoadedModules $ ME.meLoadedModules modEnv'
+ let newDeclGroups = concatMap T.mDecls newModules
+ newCryEnv <- C.importTopLevelDeclGroups sc oldCryEnv newDeclGroups
+ newTermEnv <- traverse (\(t, j) -> incVars sc 0 j t) (C.envE newCryEnv)
+ return env { eImports = (vis, P.Import (T.mName m) as imps) : eImports env
+ , eModuleEnv = modEnv'
+ , eTermEnv = newTermEnv }
+bindIdent :: Ident -> CryptolEnv -> (T.Name, CryptolEnv)
+bindIdent ident env = (name, env')
+ where
+ modEnv = eModuleEnv env
+ supply = ME.meSupply modEnv
+ fixity = Nothing
+ (name, supply') = MN.mkDeclared interactiveName MN.UserName ident fixity P.emptyRange supply
+ modEnv' = modEnv { ME.meSupply = supply' }
+ env' = env { eModuleEnv = modEnv' }
+bindTypedTerm :: (Ident, TypedTerm) -> CryptolEnv -> CryptolEnv
+bindTypedTerm (ident, TypedTerm schema trm) env =
+ env' { eExtraNames = MR.shadowing (MN.singletonE pname name) (eExtraNames env)
+ , eExtraTypes = Map.insert name schema (eExtraTypes env)
+ , eTermEnv = Map.insert name trm (eTermEnv env)
+ }
+ where
+ pname = P.mkUnqual ident
+ (name, env') = bindIdent ident env
+bindType :: (Ident, T.Schema) -> CryptolEnv -> CryptolEnv
+bindType (ident, T.Forall [] [] ty) env =
+ env' { eExtraNames = MR.shadowing (MN.singletonT pname name) (eExtraNames env)
+ , eExtraTSyns = Map.insert name tysyn (eExtraTSyns env)
+ }
+ where
+ pname = P.mkUnqual ident
+ (name, env') = bindIdent ident env
+ tysyn = T.TySyn name [] [] ty Nothing
+bindType _ env = env -- only monomorphic types may be bound
+bindInteger :: (Ident, Integer) -> CryptolEnv -> CryptolEnv
+bindInteger (ident, n) env =
+ env' { eExtraNames = MR.shadowing (MN.singletonT pname name) (eExtraNames env)
+ , eExtraTSyns = Map.insert name tysyn (eExtraTSyns env)
+ }
+ where
+ pname = P.mkUnqual ident
+ (name, env') = bindIdent ident env
+ tysyn = T.TySyn name [] [] (T.tNum n) Nothing
+resolveIdentifier ::
+ (?fileReader :: FilePath -> IO ByteString) =>
+ CryptolEnv -> Text -> IO (Maybe T.Name)
+resolveIdentifier env nm =
+ case splitOn (pack "::") nm of
+ [] -> pure Nothing
+ [i] -> doResolve (P.UnQual (C.mkIdent i))
+ xs -> let (qs,i) = (init xs, last xs)
+ in doResolve (P.Qual (C.packModName qs) (C.mkIdent i))
+ where
+ modEnv = eModuleEnv env
+ nameEnv = getNamingEnv env
+ doResolve pnm =
+ SMT.withSolver (ME.meSolverConfig modEnv) $ \s ->
+ do let minp = MM.ModuleInput True (pure defaultEvalOpts) ?fileReader modEnv
+ (res, _ws) <- MM.runModuleM (minp s) $
+ MM.interactive (MB.rename interactiveName nameEnv (MR.renameVar pnm))
+ case res of
+ Left _ -> pure Nothing
+ Right (x,_) -> pure (Just x)
+parseTypedTerm ::
+ (?fileReader :: FilePath -> IO ByteString) =>
+ SharedContext -> CryptolEnv -> InputText -> IO TypedTerm
+parseTypedTerm sc env input = do
+ let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
+ -- Parse
+ pexpr <- ioParseExpr input
+ ((expr, schema), modEnv') <- liftModuleM modEnv $ do
+ -- Eliminate patterns
+ npe <- MM.interactive (MB.noPat pexpr)
+ -- Resolve names
+ let nameEnv = getNamingEnv env
+ re <- MM.interactive (MB.rename interactiveName nameEnv (MR.rename npe))
+ -- Infer types
+ let ifDecls = getAllIfaceDecls modEnv
+ let range = fromMaybe P.emptyRange (P.getLoc re)
+ prims <- MB.getPrimMap
+ -- noIfaceParams because we don't support functors yet
+ tcEnv <- MB.genInferInput range prims MI.noIfaceParams ifDecls
+ let tcEnv' = tcEnv { TM.inpVars = Map.union (eExtraTypes env) (TM.inpVars tcEnv)
+ , TM.inpTSyns = Map.union (eExtraTSyns env) (TM.inpTSyns tcEnv)
+ }
+ out <- MM.io (T.tcExpr re tcEnv')
+ MM.interactive (runInferOutput out)
+ let env' = env { eModuleEnv = modEnv' }
+ -- Translate
+ trm <- translateExpr sc env' expr
+ return (TypedTerm schema trm)
+parseDecls ::
+ (?fileReader :: FilePath -> IO ByteString) =>
+ SharedContext -> CryptolEnv -> InputText -> IO CryptolEnv
+parseDecls sc env input = do
+ let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
+ let ifaceDecls = getAllIfaceDecls modEnv
+ -- Parse
+ (decls :: [P.Decl P.PName]) <- ioParseDecls input
+ (tmodule, modEnv') <- liftModuleM modEnv $ do
+ -- Eliminate patterns
+ (npdecls :: [P.Decl P.PName]) <- MM.interactive (MB.noPat decls)
+ -- Convert from 'Decl' to 'TopDecl' so that types will be generalized
+ let topdecls = [ P.Decl (P.TopLevel P.Public Nothing d) | d <- npdecls ]
+ -- Label each TopDecl with the "interactive" module for unique name generation
+ let (mdecls :: [MN.InModule (P.TopDecl P.PName)]) = map (MN.InModule interactiveName) topdecls
+ nameEnv1 <- MN.liftSupply (MN.namingEnv' mdecls)
+ -- Resolve names
+ let nameEnv = nameEnv1 `MR.shadowing` getNamingEnv env
+ (rdecls :: [P.TopDecl T.Name]) <- MM.interactive (MB.rename interactiveName nameEnv (traverse MR.rename topdecls))
+ -- Create a Module to contain the declarations
+ let rmodule = P.Module { P.mName = P.Located P.emptyRange interactiveName
+ , P.mInstance = Nothing
+ , P.mImports = []
+ , P.mDecls = rdecls
+ }
+ -- Infer types
+ let range = fromMaybe P.emptyRange (P.getLoc rdecls)
+ prims <- MB.getPrimMap
+ -- noIfaceParams because we don't support functors yet
+ tcEnv <- MB.genInferInput range prims MI.noIfaceParams ifaceDecls
+ let tcEnv' = tcEnv { TM.inpVars = Map.union (eExtraTypes env) (TM.inpVars tcEnv)
+ , TM.inpTSyns = Map.union (eExtraTSyns env) (TM.inpTSyns tcEnv)
+ }
+ out <- MM.io (TM.runInferM tcEnv' (TI.inferModule rmodule))
+ tmodule <- MM.interactive (runInferOutput out)
+ return tmodule
+ -- Add new type synonyms and their name bindings to the environment
+ let syns' = Map.union (eExtraTSyns env) (T.mTySyns tmodule)
+ let addName name = MR.shadowing (MN.singletonT (P.mkUnqual (MN.nameIdent name)) name)
+ let names' = foldr addName (eExtraNames env) (Map.keys (T.mTySyns tmodule))
+ let env' = env { eModuleEnv = modEnv', eExtraNames = names', eExtraTSyns = syns' }
+ -- Translate
+ let dgs = T.mDecls tmodule
+ translateDeclGroups sc env' dgs
+parseSchema ::
+ (?fileReader :: FilePath -> IO ByteString) =>
+ CryptolEnv -> InputText -> IO T.Schema
+parseSchema env input = do
+ let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
+ -- Parse
+ pschema <- ioParseSchema input
+ fmap fst $ liftModuleM modEnv $ do
+ -- Resolve names
+ let nameEnv = getNamingEnv env
+ rschema <- MM.interactive (MB.rename interactiveName nameEnv (MR.rename pschema))
+ let ifDecls = getAllIfaceDecls modEnv
+ let range = fromMaybe P.emptyRange (P.getLoc rschema)
+ prims <- MB.getPrimMap
+ -- noIfaceParams because we don't support functors yet
+ tcEnv <- MB.genInferInput range prims MI.noIfaceParams ifDecls
+ let tcEnv' = tcEnv { TM.inpTSyns = Map.union (eExtraTSyns env) (TM.inpTSyns tcEnv) }
+ let infer =
+ case rschema of
+ P.Forall [] [] t _ -> do
+ let k = Nothing -- allow either kind KNum or KType
+ (t', goals) <- TM.collectGoals $ TK.checkType t k
+ return (T.Forall [] [] t', goals)
+ _ -> TK.checkSchema TM.AllowWildCards rschema
+ out <- MM.io (TM.runInferM tcEnv' infer)
+ (schema, _goals) <- MM.interactive (runInferOutput out)
+ --mapM_ (MM.io . print . TP.ppWithNames TP.emptyNameMap) goals
+ return (schemaNoUser schema)
+declareName ::
+ (?fileReader :: FilePath -> IO ByteString) =>
+ CryptolEnv -> P.ModName -> String -> IO (T.Name, CryptolEnv)
+declareName env mname input = do
+ let pname = P.mkUnqual (packIdent input)
+ let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
+ (cname, modEnv') <-
+ liftModuleM modEnv $ MM.interactive $
+ MN.liftSupply (MN.mkDeclared mname MN.UserName (P.getIdent pname) Nothing P.emptyRange)
+ let env' = env { eModuleEnv = modEnv' }
+ return (cname, env')
+typeNoUser :: T.Type -> T.Type
+typeNoUser t =
+ case t of
+ T.TCon tc ts -> T.TCon tc (map typeNoUser ts)
+ T.TVar {} -> t
+ T.TUser _ _ ty -> typeNoUser ty
+ T.TRec fields -> T.TRec (fmap typeNoUser fields)
+ T.TNewtype nt ts -> T.TNewtype nt (fmap typeNoUser ts)
+schemaNoUser :: T.Schema -> T.Schema
+schemaNoUser (T.Forall params props ty) = T.Forall params props (typeNoUser ty)
+liftModuleM ::
+ (?fileReader :: FilePath -> IO ByteString) =>
+ ME.ModuleEnv -> MM.ModuleM a -> IO (a, ME.ModuleEnv)
+liftModuleM env m =
+ do let minp = MM.ModuleInput True (pure defaultEvalOpts) ?fileReader env
+ SMT.withSolver (ME.meSolverConfig env) $ \s ->
+ MM.runModuleM (minp s) m >>= moduleCmdResult
+defaultEvalOpts :: E.EvalOpts
+defaultEvalOpts = E.EvalOpts quietLogger E.defaultPPOpts
+moduleCmdResult :: M.ModuleRes a -> IO (a, ME.ModuleEnv)
+moduleCmdResult (res, ws) = do
+ mapM_ (print . pp) (map suppressDefaulting ws)
+ case res of
+ Right (a, me) -> return (a, me)
+ Left err -> fail $ "Cryptol error:\n" ++ show (pp err) -- X.throwIO (ModuleSystemError err)
+ where
+ suppressDefaulting :: MM.ModuleWarning -> MM.ModuleWarning
+ suppressDefaulting w =
+ case w of
+ MM.TypeCheckWarnings nm xs -> MM.TypeCheckWarnings nm (filter (notDefaulting . snd) xs)
+ MM.RenamerWarnings xs -> MM.RenamerWarnings xs
+ notDefaulting :: TE.Warning -> Bool
+ notDefaulting (TE.DefaultingTo {}) = False
+ notDefaulting _ = True
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/TypedTerm.hs b/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/TypedTerm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e166d024ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/TypedTerm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+{- |
+Module : SAWScript.TypedTerm
+Description : SAW-Core terms paired with Cryptol types.
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman
+Stability : provisional
+module Verifier.SAW.TypedTerm where
+import Control.Monad (foldM)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (nameIdent)
+import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as C
+import Cryptol.Utils.PP (pretty)
+import qualified Cryptol.Utils.Ident as C (mkIdent)
+import qualified Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap as C (recordFromFields)
+import Verifier.SAW.Cryptol (scCryptolType)
+import Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue
+import Verifier.SAW.Recognizer (asExtCns)
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+-- Typed terms -----------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Within SAWScript, we represent an object language term as a
+-- SAWCore shared term paired with a Cryptol type schema. The Cryptol
+-- type is used for type inference/checking of inline Cryptol
+-- expressions.
+data TypedTerm =
+ TypedTerm
+ { ttSchema :: C.Schema
+ , ttTerm :: Term
+ }
+ deriving Show
+ttTermLens :: Functor f => (Term -> f Term) -> TypedTerm -> f TypedTerm
+ttTermLens f tt = tt `seq` fmap (\x -> tt{ttTerm = x}) (f (ttTerm tt))
+-- | Deprecated.
+mkTypedTerm :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO TypedTerm
+mkTypedTerm sc trm = do
+ ty <- scTypeOf sc trm
+ ct <- scCryptolType sc ty
+ return $ TypedTerm (C.Forall [] [] ct) trm
+-- | Apply a function-typed 'TypedTerm' to an argument. This operation
+-- fails if the first 'TypedTerm' does not have a monomorphic function
+-- type.
+applyTypedTerm :: SharedContext -> TypedTerm -> TypedTerm -> IO TypedTerm
+applyTypedTerm sc (TypedTerm schema1 t1) (TypedTerm _schema2 t2) =
+ case C.tIsFun =<< C.isMono schema1 of
+ Nothing -> fail "applyTypedTerm: not a function type"
+ Just (_, cty') -> TypedTerm (C.tMono cty') <$> scApply sc t1 t2
+-- | Apply a 'TypedTerm' to a list of arguments. This operation fails
+-- if the first 'TypedTerm' does not have a function type of
+-- sufficient arity.
+applyTypedTerms :: SharedContext -> TypedTerm -> [TypedTerm] -> IO TypedTerm
+applyTypedTerms sc = foldM (applyTypedTerm sc)
+-- | Create an abstract defined constant with the specified name and body.
+defineTypedTerm :: SharedContext -> String -> TypedTerm -> IO TypedTerm
+defineTypedTerm sc name (TypedTerm schema t) =
+ do ty <- scTypeOf sc t
+ TypedTerm schema <$> scConstant sc name t ty
+-- | Make a tuple value from a list of 'TypedTerm's. This operation
+-- fails if any 'TypedTerm' in the list has a polymorphic type.
+tupleTypedTerm :: SharedContext -> [TypedTerm] -> IO TypedTerm
+tupleTypedTerm sc tts =
+ case traverse (C.isMono . ttSchema) tts of
+ Nothing -> fail "tupleTypedTerm: invalid polymorphic term"
+ Just ctys ->
+ TypedTerm (C.tMono (C.tTuple ctys)) <$> scTuple sc (map ttTerm tts)
+-- | Given a 'TypedTerm' with a tuple type, return a list of its
+-- projected components. This operation fails if the 'TypedTerm' does
+-- not have a tuple type.
+destTupleTypedTerm :: SharedContext -> TypedTerm -> IO [TypedTerm]
+destTupleTypedTerm sc (TypedTerm schema t) =
+ case C.tIsTuple =<< C.isMono schema of
+ Nothing -> fail "asTupleTypedTerm: not a tuple type"
+ Just ctys ->
+ do let len = length ctys
+ let idxs = take len [1 ..]
+ ts <- traverse (\i -> scTupleSelector sc t i len) idxs
+ pure $ zipWith TypedTerm (map C.tMono ctys) ts
+-- First order types and values ------------------------------------------------
+cryptolTypeOfFirstOrderType :: FirstOrderType -> C.Type
+cryptolTypeOfFirstOrderType fot =
+ case fot of
+ FOTBit -> C.tBit
+ FOTInt -> C.tInteger
+ FOTIntMod n -> C.tIntMod (C.tNum n)
+ FOTVec n t -> C.tSeq (C.tNum n) (cryptolTypeOfFirstOrderType t)
+ -- NB, special case, don't produce 1-tuples
+ FOTTuple [x] -> cryptolTypeOfFirstOrderType x
+ FOTTuple ts -> C.tTuple (map cryptolTypeOfFirstOrderType ts)
+ FOTArray a b ->
+ C.tArray
+ (cryptolTypeOfFirstOrderType a)
+ (cryptolTypeOfFirstOrderType b)
+ FOTRec m ->
+ C.tRec $
+ C.recordFromFields $
+ [ (C.mkIdent l, cryptolTypeOfFirstOrderType t)
+ | (l, t) <- Map.assocs m ]
+typedTermOfFirstOrderValue :: SharedContext -> FirstOrderValue -> IO TypedTerm
+typedTermOfFirstOrderValue sc fov =
+ do let fot = firstOrderTypeOf fov
+ let cty = cryptolTypeOfFirstOrderType fot
+ t <- scFirstOrderValue sc fov
+ pure $ TypedTerm (C.tMono cty) t
+-- Typed external constants ----------------------------------------------------
+data TypedExtCns =
+ TypedExtCns
+ { tecType :: C.Type
+ , tecExt :: ExtCns Term
+ }
+ deriving Show
+-- | Recognize 'TypedTerm's that are external constants.
+asTypedExtCns :: TypedTerm -> Maybe TypedExtCns
+asTypedExtCns (TypedTerm schema t) =
+ do cty <- C.isMono schema
+ ec <- asExtCns t
+ pure $ TypedExtCns cty ec
+-- | Make a 'TypedTerm' from a 'TypedExtCns'.
+typedTermOfExtCns :: SharedContext -> TypedExtCns -> IO TypedTerm
+typedTermOfExtCns sc (TypedExtCns cty ec) =
+ TypedTerm (C.tMono cty) <$> scExtCns sc ec
+abstractTypedExts :: SharedContext -> [TypedExtCns] -> TypedTerm -> IO TypedTerm
+abstractTypedExts sc tecs (TypedTerm (C.Forall params props ty) trm) =
+ do let tys = map tecType tecs
+ let exts = map tecExt tecs
+ let ty' = foldr C.tFun ty tys
+ trm' <- scAbstractExts sc exts trm
+ pure $ TypedTerm (C.Forall params props ty') trm'
+-- Typed modules ---------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | In SAWScript, we can refer to a Cryptol module as a first class
+-- value. These are represented simply as maps from names to typed
+-- terms.
+data CryptolModule =
+ CryptolModule (Map C.Name C.TySyn) (Map C.Name TypedTerm)
+showCryptolModule :: CryptolModule -> String
+showCryptolModule (CryptolModule sm tm) =
+ unlines $
+ (if Map.null sm then [] else
+ "Type Synonyms" : "=============" : map showTSyn (Map.elems sm) ++ [""]) ++
+ "Symbols" : "=======" : map showBinding (Map.assocs tm)
+ where
+ showTSyn (C.TySyn name params _props rhs _doc) =
+ " " ++ unwords (pretty (nameIdent name) : map pretty params) ++ " = " ++ pretty rhs
+ showBinding (name, TypedTerm schema _) =
+ " " ++ pretty (nameIdent name) ++ " : " ++ pretty schema
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/test/CryptolVerifierTC.hs b/cryptol-saw-core/test/CryptolVerifierTC.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5bffe455b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/test/CryptolVerifierTC.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+module Main where
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Text.Heredoc (there)
+import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name as N
+import qualified Cryptol.Utils.Ident as N
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Cryptol as C
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.SCTypeCheck as TC
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Cryptol.Prelude as C
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.CryptolEnv as CEnv
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do sc <- mkSharedContext
+ C.scLoadPreludeModule sc
+ C.scLoadCryptolModule sc
+ putStrLn "Loaded Cryptol.sawcore!"
+ let ?fileReader = BS.readFile
+ cenv0 <- CEnv.initCryptolEnv sc
+ putStrLn "Translated Cryptol.cry!"
+ cenv1 <- CEnv.importModule sc cenv0 (Right N.floatName) Nothing CEnv.OnlyPublic Nothing
+ putStrLn "Translated Float.cry!"
+ cenv2 <- CEnv.importModule sc cenv1 (Right N.arrayName) Nothing CEnv.OnlyPublic Nothing
+ putStrLn "Translated Array.cry!"
+ cenv3 <- CEnv.parseDecls sc cenv2 (CEnv.InputText superclassContents "superclass.cry" 1 1)
+ putStrLn "Translated superclass.cry!"
+ cenv4 <- CEnv.parseDecls sc cenv3 (CEnv.InputText instanceContents "instance.cry" 1 1)
+ putStrLn "Translated instance.cry!"
+ mapM_ (checkTranslation sc) $ Map.assocs (CEnv.eTermEnv cenv4)
+ putStrLn "Checked all terms!"
+checkTranslation :: SharedContext -> (N.Name, Term) -> IO ()
+checkTranslation sc (name, term) =
+ do result <- TC.scTypeCheck sc Nothing term
+ case result of
+ Right _ -> pure ()
+ Left err ->
+ do putStrLn $ "Type error when checking " ++ show (N.unpackIdent (N.nameIdent name))
+ putStrLn $ unlines $ TC.prettyTCError err
+ fail "internal type error"
+superclassContents :: String
+superclassContents = [there|test/superclass.cry|]
+instanceContents :: String
+instanceContents = [there|test/instance.cry|]
diff --git a/cryptol-saw-core/test/instance.cry b/cryptol-saw-core/test/instance.cry
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faadcda03a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cryptol-saw-core/test/instance.cry
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+// Zero
+/* instance Zero Bit */
+zeroBit : Bit
+zeroBit = zero
+/* instance Zero Integer */
+zeroInteger : Integer
+zeroInteger = zero
+/* instance Zero Rational */
+zeroRational : Rational
+zeroRational = zero
+/* instance (fin n, n >= 1) => Zero (Z n) */
+zeroZ : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => Z n
+zeroZ = zero
+/* instance Zero [n] */
+zeroWord : {n} [n]
+zeroWord = zero
+/* instance (Zero a) => Zero [n]a */
+zeroSeq : {n, a} (Zero a) => [n]a
+zeroSeq = zero
+/* instance (ValidFloat e p) => Zero (Float e p) */
+zeroFloat : {e, p} (ValidFloat e p) => Float e p
+zeroFloat = zero
+/* instance (Zero b) => Zero (a -> b) */
+zeroFun : {a, b} (Zero b) => a -> b
+zeroFun = zero
+/* instance Zero () */
+zeroUnit : ()
+zeroUnit = zero
+/* instance (Zero a, Zero b, ...) => Zero (a, b, ...) */
+zeroTuple : {a, b} (Zero a, Zero b) => (a, b)
+zeroTuple = zero
+/* instance Zero {} */
+zeroEmpty : {}
+zeroEmpty = zero
+/* instance (Zero a, Zero b, ...) => Zero { x : a, y : b, ... } */
+zeroRecord : {a, b} (Zero a, Zero b) => {x : a, y : b}
+zeroRecord = zero
+// Logic
+/* instance Logic Bit */
+logicBit : Bit -> Bit
+logicBit = complement
+/* instance Logic [n] */
+logicWord : {n} [n] -> [n]
+logicWord = complement
+/* instance (Logic a) => Logic [n]a */
+logicSeq : {n, a} (Logic a) => [n]a -> [n]a
+logicSeq = complement
+/* instance (Logic b) => Logic (a -> b) */
+logicFun : {a, b} (Logic b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
+logicFun = complement
+/* instance Logic () */
+logicUnit : () -> ()
+logicUnit = complement
+/* instance (Logic a, Logic b, ...) => Logic (a, b, ...) */
+logicTuple : {a, b} (Logic a, Logic b) => (a, b) -> (a, b)
+logicTuple = complement
+/* instance Logic {} */
+logicEmpty : {} -> {}
+logicEmpty = complement
+/* instance (Logic a, Logic b, ...) => Logic { x : a, y : b, ... } */
+logicRecord : {a, b} (Logic a, Logic b) => {x : a, y : b} -> {x : a, y : b}
+logicRecord = complement
+// Ring
+/* instance Ring Integer */
+ringInteger : Integer -> Integer
+ringInteger = negate
+/* instance Ring Rational */
+ringRational : Rational -> Rational
+ringRational = negate
+/* instance (fin n, n >= 1) => Ring (Z n) */
+ringZ : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => Z n -> Z n
+ringZ = negate
+/* instance (fin n) => Ring [n] */
+ringWord : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n]
+ringWord = negate
+// NOTE: 'instance Ring a => Ring [n]a' holds for any type 'a'
+// distinct from 'Bit'.
+/* instance Ring [n]Integer */
+ringSeqInteger : {n} [n]Integer -> [n]Integer
+ringSeqInteger = negate
+/* instance Ring [n]Rational */
+ringSeqRational : {n} [n]Rational -> [n]Rational
+ringSeqRational = negate
+/* instance (fin k, k >= 1) => Ring [n](Z k) */
+ringSeqZ : {n, k} (fin k, k >= 1) => [n](Z k) -> [n](Z k)
+ringSeqZ = negate
+/* instance (Ring [k]a) => Ring [n][k]a */
+ringSeqSeq : {n, k, a} (Ring ([k]a)) => [n][k]a -> [n][k]a
+ringSeqSeq = negate
+/* instance (Ring b) => Ring [n](a -> b) */
+ringSeqFun : {n, a, b} (Ring b) => [n](a -> b) -> [n](a -> b)
+ringSeqFun = negate
+/* instance Ring [n]() */
+ringSeqUnit : {n} [n]() -> [n]()
+ringSeqUnit = negate
+/* instance (Ring a, Ring b) => Ring [n](a, b) */
+ringSeqTuple : {n, a, b} (Ring a, Ring b) => [n](a, b) -> [n](a, b)
+ringSeqTuple = negate
+/* instance Ring [n]{} */
+ringSeqEmpty : {n} [n]{} -> [n]{}
+ringSeqEmpty = negate
+/* instance (Ring a, Ring b) => Ring [n]{x : a, y : b} */
+ringSeqRecord : {n, a, b} (Ring a, Ring b) => [n]{x : a, y : b} -> [n]{x : a, y : b}
+ringSeqRecord = negate
+/* instance (ValidFloat e p) => Ring (Float e p) */
+ringFloat : {e, p} (ValidFloat e p) => Float e p -> Float e p
+ringFloat = negate
+/* instance (Ring b) => Ring (a -> b) */
+ringFun : {a, b} (Ring b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
+ringFun = negate
+/* instance Ring () */
+ringUnit : () -> ()
+ringUnit = negate
+/* instance (Ring a, Ring b, ...) => Ring (a, b, ...) */
+ringTuple : {a, b} (Ring a, Ring b) => (a, b) -> (a, b)
+ringTuple = negate
+/* instance Ring {} */
+ringEmpty : {} -> {}
+ringEmpty = negate
+/* instance (Ring a, Ring b, ...) => Ring { x : a, y : b, ... } */
+ringRecord : {a, b} (Ring a, Ring b) => {x : a, y : b} -> {x : a, y : b}
+ringRecord = negate
+// Integral
+/* instance Integral Integer */
+integralInteger : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+integralInteger = (%)
+/* instance (fin n) => Integral [n] */
+integralWord : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n] -> [n]
+integralWord = (%)
+// Field
+/* instance Field Rational */
+fieldRational : Rational -> Rational
+fieldRational = recip
+/* instance (ValidFloat e p) => Field (Float e p) */
+fieldFloat : {e, p} (ValidFloat e p) => Float e p -> Float e p
+fieldFloat = recip
+/* instance (prime p) => Field (Z p) */
+fieldZ : {p} prime p => Z p -> Z p
+fieldZ = recip
+// Round
+/* instance Round Rational */
+roundRational : Rational -> Integer
+roundRational = floor
+/* instance (ValidFloat e p) => Round (Float e p) */
+roundFloat : {e, p} (ValidFloat e p) => Float e p -> Integer
+roundFloat = floor
+// Eq
+/* instance Eq Bit */
+eqBit : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
+eqBit = (==)
+/* instance Eq Integer */
+eqInteger : Integer -> Integer -> Bit
+eqInteger = (==)
+/* instance Eq Rational */
+eqRational : Rational -> Rational -> Bit
+eqRational = (==)
+/* instance (fin n, n >= 1) => Eq (Z n) */
+eqZ : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => Z n -> Z n -> Bit
+eqZ = (==)
+/* instance (fin n) => Eq [n] */
+eqWord : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
+eqWord = (==)
+/* instance (fin n, Eq a) => Eq [n]a */
+eqSeq : {n, a} (fin n, Eq a) => [n]a -> [n]a -> Bit
+eqSeq = (==)
+/* instance (ValidFloat e p) => Eq (Float e p) */
+eqFloat : {e, p} (ValidFloat e p) => Float e p -> Float e p -> Bit
+eqFloat = (==)
+/* instance Eq () */
+eqUnit : () -> () -> Bit
+eqUnit = (==)
+/* instance (Eq a, Eq b, ...) => Eq (a, b, ...) */
+eqTuple : {a, b} (Eq a, Eq b) => (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Bit
+eqTuple = (==)
+/* instance Eq {} */
+eqEmpty : {} -> {} -> Bit
+eqEmpty = (==)
+/* instance (Eq a, Eq b, ...) => Eq { x : a, y : b, ... } */
+eqRecord : {a, b} (Eq a, Eq b) => {x : a, y : b} -> {x : a, y : b} -> Bit
+eqRecord = (==)
+// Cmp
+/* instance Cmp Bit */
+cmpBit : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
+cmpBit = (<)
+/* instance Cmp Integer */
+cmpInteger : Integer -> Integer -> Bit
+cmpInteger = (<)
+/* instance Cmp Rational */
+cmpRational : Rational -> Rational -> Bit
+cmpRational = (<)
+/* instance (fin n) => Cmp [n] */
+cmpWord : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
+cmpWord = (<)
+/* instance (fin n, Cmp a) => Cmp [n]a */
+cmpSeq : {n, a} (fin n, Cmp a) => [n]a -> [n]a -> Bit
+cmpSeq = (<)
+/* instance (ValidFloat e p) => Cmp (Float e p) */
+cmpFloat : {e, p} (ValidFloat e p) => Float e p -> Float e p -> Bit
+cmpFloat = (<)
+/* instance Cmp () */
+cmpUnit : () -> () -> Bit
+cmpUnit = (<)
+/* instance (Cmp a, Cmp b, ...) => Cmp (a, b, ...) */
+cmpTuple : {a, b} (Cmp a, Cmp b) => (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Bit
+cmpTuple = (<)
+/* instance Cmp {} */
+cmpEmpty : {} -> {} -> Bit
+cmpEmpty = (<)
+/* instance (Cmp a, Cmp b, ...) => Cmp { x : a, y : b, ... } */
+cmpRecord : {a, b} (Cmp a, Cmp b) => {x : a, y : b} -> {x : a, y : b} -> Bit
+cmpRecord = (<)
+// Cmp
+/* instance (fin n, n >= 1) => SignedCmp [n] */
+signedCmpWord : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
+signedCmpWord = (<$)
+// NOTE: 'instance (fin n, SignedCmp a) => SignedCmp ([n]a)' holds for
+// any type 'a' distinct from 'Bit'.
+/* instance (fin n, SignedCmp [k]a) => SignedCmp [n][k]a */
+signedCmpSeqSeq : {n, k, a} (fin n, SignedCmp ([k]a)) => [n][k]a -> [n][k]a -> Bit
+signedCmpSeqSeq = (<$)
+/* instance (fin n) => SignedCmp [n]() */
+signedCmpSeqUnit : {n} (fin n) => [n]() -> [n]() -> Bit
+signedCmpSeqUnit = (<$)
+/* instance (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => SignedCmp [n](a, b) */
+signedCmpSeqTuple : {n, a, b} (fin n, SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => [n](a, b) -> [n](a, b) -> Bit
+signedCmpSeqTuple = (<$)
+/* instance SignedCmp [n]{} */
+signedCmpSeqEmpty : {n} (fin n) => [n]{} -> [n]{} -> Bit
+signedCmpSeqEmpty = (<$)
+/* instance (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => SignedCmp [n]{x : a, y : b} */
+signedCmpSeqRecord : {n, a, b} (fin n, SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => [n]{x : a, y : b} -> [n]{x : a, y : b} -> Bit
+signedCmpSeqRecord = (<$)
+/* instance SignedCmp () */
+signedCmpUnit : () -> () -> Bit
+signedCmpUnit = (<$)
+/* instance (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b, ...) => SignedCmp (a, b, ...) */
+signedCmpTuple : {a, b} (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Bit
+signedCmpTuple = (<$)
+/* instance SignedCmp {} */
+signedCmpEmpty : {} -> {} -> Bit
+signedCmpEmpty = (<$)
+/* instance (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b, ...) => SignedCmp { x : a, y : b, ... } */
+signedCmpRecord : {a, b} (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => {x : a, y : b} -> {x : a, y : b} -> Bit
+signedCmpRecord = (<$)
+// Literal
+/* instance (1 >= val) => Literal val Bit */
+literalBit : {val} (1 >= val) => Bit
+literalBit = `val
+/* instance (fin val) => Literal val Integer */
+literalInteger : {val} (fin val) => Integer
+literalInteger = `val
+/* instance (fin val) => Literal val Rational */
+literalRational : {val} (fin val) => Rational
+literalRational = `val
+/* instance (fin val, fin n, n >= 1, n > val) => Literal val (Z n) */
+literalZ : {val, n} (fin val, fin n, n >= 1, n > val) => Z n
+literalZ = `val
+/* instance (fin val, fin n, n >= width val) => Literal val [n] */
+literalWord : {val, n} (fin val, fin n, n >= width val) => [n]
+literalWord = `val
+// LiteralLessThan
+/* instance (2 >= val) => LiteralLessThan val Bit */
+literalLessThanBit : {val} (1 >= val) => [val]Bit
+literalLessThanBit = [0.. [val]Integer
+literalLessThanInteger = [0.. [val]Rational
+literalLessThanRational = [0..= 1, n >= val) => LiteralLessThan val (Z n) */
+literalLessThanZ : {val, n} (fin n, n >= 1, n >= val) => [val](Z n)
+literalLessThanZ = [0..= width val) => LiteralLessThan val [n] */
+literalLessThanWord : {val, n} (fin n, n >= lg2 val) => [val][n]
+literalLessThanWord = [0.. a
+zeroRing = zero
+zeroLogic : {a} (Logic a) => a
+zeroLogic = zero
+zeroIntegral : {a} (Integral a) => a
+zeroIntegral = zero
+zeroField : {a} (Field a) => a
+zeroField = zero
+zeroRound : {a} (Round a) => a
+zeroRound = zero
+fromIntIntegral : {a} (Integral a) => a
+fromIntIntegral = fromInteger 42
+fromIntField : {a} (Field a) => a
+fromIntField = fromInteger 42
+fromIntRound : {a} (Round a) => a
+fromIntRound = fromInteger 42
+recipRound : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
+recipRound x = trunc (recip x)
+compareRound : {a} (Round a) => a -> a -> Bit
+compareRound x y = x < y
+eqCmp : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
+eqCmp x y = x == y
diff --git a/deps/saw-core b/deps/saw-core
deleted file mode 160000
index 12a8f95cc6..0000000000
--- a/deps/saw-core
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 12a8f95cc6eeac9d472fe6cc74f87e288ca97887
diff --git a/rme/LICENSE b/rme/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06a2e7f483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rme/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Copyright (c) 2016, Galois, Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+ with the distribution.
+ * Neither the names of the authors nor the names of other
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/rme/README.md b/rme/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..efb342f113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rme/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This directory contains the Haskell `rme` library, which provides a
+Reed-Muller Expansion datatype for representing Boolean formulas.
diff --git a/rme/rme.cabal b/rme/rme.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f73c2fb4ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rme/rme.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Name: rme
+Version: 0.1
+License: BSD3
+License-file: LICENSE
+Author: Galois, Inc.
+Maintainer: huffman@galois.com
+Copyright: (c) 2016 Galois Inc.
+Category: Formal Methods
+Build-type: Simple
+cabal-version: >= 1.8
+Synopsis: Reed-Muller Expansion normal form for Boolean Formulas
+ A representation of the Algebraic Normal Form of boolean formulas
+ using the Reed-Muller Expansion.
+ build-depends:
+ base == 4.*,
+ containers,
+ vector
+ hs-source-dirs: src
+ exposed-modules:
+ Data.RME
+ Data.RME.Base
+ Data.RME.Vector
+ GHC-options: -Wall -Werror -Wcompat
diff --git a/rme/src/Data/RME.hs b/rme/src/Data/RME.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90bdb97b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rme/src/Data/RME.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{- |
+Module : Data.RME
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2016
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : portable
+Reed-Muller Expansion normal form for Boolean Formulas.
+module Data.RME
+ ( module Data.RME.Base
+ , module Data.RME.Vector
+ ) where
+import Data.RME.Base
+import Data.RME.Vector
diff --git a/rme/src/Data/RME/Base.hs b/rme/src/Data/RME/Base.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09b00e6b18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rme/src/Data/RME/Base.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+{- |
+Module : Data.RME.Base
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2016
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : portable
+Reed-Muller Expansion normal form for Boolean Formulas.
+module Data.RME.Base
+ ( RME
+ , true, false, lit
+ , constant, isBool
+ , compl, xor, conj, disj, iff, mux
+ , eval
+ , sat, allsat
+ , degree
+ , depth, size
+ , explode
+ ) where
+-- | Boolean formulas in Algebraic Normal Form, using a representation
+-- based on the Reed-Muller expansion.
+-- Invariants: The last argument to a `Node` constructor should never
+-- be `R0`. Also the `Int` arguments should strictly increase as you
+-- go deeper in the tree.
+data RME = Node !Int !RME !RME | R0 | R1
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Evaluate formula with given variable assignment.
+eval :: RME -> (Int -> Bool) -> Bool
+eval anf v =
+ case anf of
+ R0 -> False
+ R1 -> True
+ Node n a b -> (eval a v) /= (v n && eval b v)
+-- | Normalizing constructor.
+node :: Int -> RME -> RME -> RME
+node _ a R0 = a
+node n a b = Node n a b
+-- | Constant true formula.
+true :: RME
+true = R1
+-- | Constant false formula.
+false :: RME
+false = R0
+-- | Boolean constant formulas.
+constant :: Bool -> RME
+constant False = false
+constant True = true
+-- | Test whether an RME formula is a constant boolean.
+isBool :: RME -> Maybe Bool
+isBool R0 = Just False
+isBool R1 = Just True
+isBool _ = Nothing
+-- | Boolean literals.
+lit :: Int -> RME
+lit n = Node n R0 R1
+-- | Logical complement.
+compl :: RME -> RME
+compl R0 = R1
+compl R1 = R0
+compl (Node n a b) = Node n (compl a) b
+-- | Logical exclusive-or.
+xor :: RME -> RME -> RME
+xor R0 y = y
+xor R1 y = compl y
+xor x R0 = x
+xor x R1 = compl x
+xor x@(Node i a b) y@(Node j c d)
+ | i < j = Node i (xor a y) b
+ | j < i = Node j (xor x c) d
+ | otherwise = node i (xor a c) (xor b d)
+-- | Logical conjunction.
+conj :: RME -> RME -> RME
+conj R0 _ = R0
+conj R1 y = y
+conj _ R0 = R0
+conj x R1 = x
+conj x@(Node i a b) y@(Node j c d)
+ | i < j = node i (conj a y) (conj b y)
+ | j < i = node j (conj x c) (conj x d)
+ | otherwise = node i ac (xor ac (conj (xor a b) (xor c d)))
+ where ac = conj a c
+-- | Logical disjunction.
+disj :: RME -> RME -> RME
+disj R0 y = y
+disj R1 _ = R1
+disj x R0 = x
+disj _ R1 = R1
+disj x@(Node i a b) y@(Node j c d)
+ | i < j = node i (disj a y) (conj b (compl y))
+ | j < i = node j (disj x c) (conj (compl x) d)
+ | otherwise = node i ac (xor ac (disj (xor a b) (xor c d)))
+ where ac = disj a c
+-- | Logical equivalence.
+iff :: RME -> RME -> RME
+iff x y = xor (compl x) y
+iff R0 y = compl y
+iff R1 y = y
+iff x R0 = compl x
+iff x R1 = x
+iff x@(Node i a b) y@(Node j c d)
+ | i < j = Node i (iff a y) b
+ | j < i = Node j (iff x c) d
+ | otherwise = node i (iff a c) (xor b d)
+-- | Logical if-then-else.
+mux :: RME -> RME -> RME -> RME
+--mux w x y = xor (conj w x) (conj (compl w) y)
+mux R0 _ y = y
+mux R1 x _ = x
+mux b x y = xor (conj b (xor x y)) y
+mux R0 x y = y
+mux R1 x y = x
+mux w R0 y = conj (compl w) y
+mux w R1 y = disj w y
+mux w x R0 = conj w x
+mux w x R1 = disj (compl w) x
+mux w@(Node i a b) x@(Node j c d) y@(Node k e f)
+ | i < j && i < k = node i (mux a x y) (conj b (xor x y))
+ | j < i && j < k = node i (mux w c y) (conj w d)
+ | k < i && k < j = node i (mux w x e) (conj (compl w) f)
+ | i == j && i < k = node i (mux a c y) _
+-- | Satisfiability checker.
+sat :: RME -> Maybe [(Int, Bool)]
+sat R0 = Nothing
+sat R1 = Just []
+sat (Node n a b) =
+ case sat a of
+ Just xs -> Just ((n, False) : xs)
+ Nothing -> fmap ((n, True) :) (sat b)
+-- | List of all satisfying assignments.
+allsat :: RME -> [[(Int, Bool)]]
+allsat R0 = []
+allsat R1 = [[]]
+allsat (Node n a b) =
+ map ((n, False) :) (allsat a) ++ map ((n, True) :) (allsat (xor a b))
+-- | Maximum polynomial degree.
+degree :: RME -> Int
+degree R0 = 0
+degree R1 = 0
+degree (Node _ a b) = max (degree a) (1 + degree b)
+-- | Tree depth.
+depth :: RME -> Int
+depth R0 = 0
+depth R1 = 0
+depth (Node _ a b) = 1 + max (depth a) (depth b)
+-- | Tree size.
+size :: RME -> Int
+size R0 = 1
+size R1 = 1
+size (Node _ a b) = 1 + size a + size b
+-- | Convert to an explicit polynomial representation.
+explode :: RME -> [[Int]]
+explode R0 = []
+explode R1 = [[]]
+explode (Node i a b) = explode a ++ map (i:) (explode b)
diff --git a/rme/src/Data/RME/Vector.hs b/rme/src/Data/RME/Vector.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa7f96ca09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rme/src/Data/RME/Vector.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{- |
+Module : Data.RME.Vector
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2016
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : portable
+Operations on big-endian vectors of RME formulas.
+module Data.RME.Vector
+ ( RMEV
+ , eq, ule, ult, sle, slt
+ , neg, add, sub, mul
+ , udiv, urem, sdiv, srem
+ , pmul, pmod, pdiv
+ , integer
+ , popcount
+ , countLeadingZeros
+ , countTrailingZeros
+ ) where
+import Data.RME.Base (RME)
+import qualified Data.RME.Base as RME
+import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
+import Data.Vector (Vector)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+type RMEV = Vector RME
+-- | Constant integer literals.
+integer :: Int -> Integer -> RMEV
+integer width x = V.reverse (V.generate width (RME.constant . Bits.testBit x))
+-- | Bitvector equality.
+eq :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RME
+eq x y = V.foldr RME.conj RME.true (V.zipWith RME.iff x y)
+-- | Unsigned less-than-or-equal.
+ule :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RME
+ule xv yv = go (V.toList xv) (V.toList yv)
+ where
+ go (x : xs) (y : ys) =
+ let z = go xs ys
+ in RME.xor (RME.conj y z) (RME.conj (RME.compl x) (RME.xor y z))
+ go _ _ = RME.true
+-- | Unsigned less-than.
+ult :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RME
+ult x y = RME.compl (ule y x)
+swap_sign :: RMEV -> RMEV
+swap_sign x
+ | V.null x = x
+ | otherwise = V.singleton (RME.compl (V.head x)) V.++ V.tail x
+-- | Signed less-than-or-equal.
+sle :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RME
+sle x y = ule (swap_sign x) (swap_sign y)
+-- | Signed less-than.
+slt :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RME
+slt x y = ult (swap_sign x) (swap_sign y)
+-- | Big-endian bitvector increment with carry.
+increment :: [RME] -> (RME, [RME])
+increment [] = (RME.true, [])
+increment (x : xs) = (RME.conj x c, RME.xor x c : ys)
+ where (c, ys) = increment xs
+-- | Two's complement bitvector negation.
+neg :: RMEV -> RMEV
+neg x = V.fromList (snd (increment (map RME.compl (V.toList x))))
+-- | 1-bit full adder.
+full_adder :: RME -> RME -> RME -> (RME, RME)
+full_adder a b c = (carry, RME.xor (RME.xor a b) c)
+ where carry = RME.xor (RME.conj a b) (RME.conj (RME.xor a b) c)
+-- | Big-endian ripple-carry adder.
+ripple_carry_adder :: [RME] -> [RME] -> RME -> (RME, [RME])
+ripple_carry_adder [] _ c = (c, [])
+ripple_carry_adder _ [] c = (c, [])
+ripple_carry_adder (x : xs) (y : ys) c = (c'', z : zs)
+ where (c', zs) = ripple_carry_adder xs ys c
+ (c'', z) = full_adder x y c'
+-- | Two's complement bitvector addition.
+add :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RMEV
+add x y =
+ V.fromList (snd (ripple_carry_adder (V.toList x) (V.toList y) RME.false))
+-- | Two's complement bitvector subtraction.
+sub :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RMEV
+sub x y =
+ V.fromList (snd (ripple_carry_adder (V.toList x) (map RME.compl (V.toList y)) RME.true))
+-- | Two's complement bitvector multiplication.
+mul :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RMEV
+mul x y = V.foldl f zero y
+ where
+ zero = V.replicate (V.length x) RME.false
+ f acc c = V.zipWith (RME.mux c) (add acc2 x) acc2
+ where acc2 = V.drop 1 (acc V.++ V.singleton RME.false)
+-- | Unsigned bitvector division.
+udiv :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RMEV
+udiv x y = fst (udivrem x y)
+-- | Unsigned bitvector remainder.
+urem :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RMEV
+urem x y = snd (udivrem x y)
+-- | Signed bitvector division.
+sdiv :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RMEV
+sdiv x y = fst (sdivrem x y)
+-- | Signed bitvector remainder.
+srem :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RMEV
+srem x y = snd (sdivrem x y)
+udivrem :: RMEV -> RMEV -> (RMEV, RMEV)
+udivrem dividend divisor = divStep 0 RME.false initial
+ where
+ n :: Int
+ n = V.length dividend
+ -- Given an n-bit dividend and divisor, 'initial' is the starting value of
+ -- the 2n-bit "remainder register" that carries both the quotient and remainder;
+ initial :: RMEV
+ initial = integer n 0 V.++ dividend
+ divStep :: Int -> RME -> RMEV -> (RMEV, RMEV)
+ divStep i p rr | i == n = (q `shiftL1` p, r)
+ where (r, q) = V.splitAt n rr
+ divStep i p rr = divStep (i+1) b (V.zipWith (RME.mux b) (V.fromList s V.++ q) rs)
+ where rs = rr `shiftL1` p
+ (r, q) = V.splitAt n rs
+ -- Subtract the divisor from the left half of the "remainder register"
+ (b, s) = ripple_carry_adder (V.toList r) (map RME.compl (V.toList divisor)) RME.true
+ shiftL1 :: RMEV -> RME -> RMEV
+ shiftL1 v e = V.tail v `V.snoc` e
+-- Perform udivrem on the absolute value of the operands. Then, negate the
+-- quotient if the signs of the operands differ and make the sign of a nonzero
+-- remainder to match that of the dividend.
+sdivrem :: RMEV -> RMEV -> (RMEV, RMEV)
+sdivrem dividend divisor = (q',r')
+ where
+ sign1 = V.head dividend
+ sign2 = V.head divisor
+ signXor = RME.xor sign1 sign2
+ negWhen x c = V.zipWith (RME.mux c) (neg x) x
+ dividend' = negWhen dividend sign1
+ divisor' = negWhen divisor sign2
+ (q, r) = udivrem dividend' divisor'
+ q' = negWhen q signXor
+ r' = negWhen r sign1
+popcount :: RMEV -> RMEV
+popcount bits = if l == 0 then V.empty else (V.replicate (l-w-1) RME.false) <> pcnt
+ where
+ l = V.length bits
+ w = Bits.countTrailingZeros l -- log_2 rounded down, w+1 is enough bits to hold popcount
+ zs = V.replicate w RME.false
+ pcnt = foldr1 add xs -- length is w+1
+ xs = [ zs <> V.singleton b | b <- V.toList bits ]
+countTrailingZeros :: RMEV -> RMEV
+countTrailingZeros bits = countLeadingZeros (V.reverse bits)
+-- Big endian convention means its easier to count leading zeros
+countLeadingZeros :: RMEV -> RMEV
+countLeadingZeros bits = if l == 0 then V.empty else (V.replicate (l-w-1) RME.false) <> (go 0 (V.toList bits))
+ where
+ l = V.length bits
+ w = Bits.countTrailingZeros l -- log_2 rounded down, w+1 is enough bits to hold count
+ go :: Integer -> [RME] -> Vector RME
+ go !i [] = integer (w+1) i
+ go !i (b:bs) = V.zipWith (RME.mux b) (integer (w+1) i) (go (i+1) bs)
+-- | Polynomial multiplication. Note that the algorithm works the same
+-- no matter which endianness convention is used. Result length is
+-- @max 0 (m+n-1)@, where @m@ and @n@ are the lengths of the inputs.
+pmul :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RMEV
+pmul x y = V.generate (max 0 (m + n - 1)) coeff
+ where
+ m = V.length x
+ n = V.length y
+ coeff k = foldr RME.xor RME.false
+ [ RME.conj (x V.! i) (y V.! j) | i <- [0 .. k], let j = k - i, i < m, j < n ]
+-- | Polynomial mod with symbolic modulus. Return value has length one
+-- less than the length of the modulus.
+-- This implementation is optimized for the (common) case where the modulus
+-- is concrete.
+pmod :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RMEV
+pmod x y = findmsb (V.toList y)
+ where
+ findmsb :: [RME] -> RMEV
+ findmsb [] = V.replicate (V.length y - 1) RME.false -- division by zero
+ findmsb (c : cs)
+ | c == RME.true = usemask cs
+ | c == RME.false = findmsb cs
+ | otherwise = V.zipWith (RME.mux c) (usemask cs) (findmsb cs)
+ usemask :: [RME] -> RMEV
+ usemask m = zext (V.fromList (go (V.length x - 1) p0 z0)) (V.length y - 1)
+ where
+ zext v r = V.replicate (r - V.length v) RME.false V.++ v
+ msize = length m
+ p0 = replicate (msize - 1) RME.false ++ [RME.true]
+ z0 = replicate msize RME.false
+ next :: [RME] -> [RME]
+ next [] = []
+ next (b : bs) =
+ let m' = map (RME.conj b) m
+ bs' = bs ++ [RME.false]
+ in zipWith RME.xor m' bs'
+ go :: Int -> [RME] -> [RME] -> [RME]
+ go i p acc
+ | i < 0 = acc
+ | otherwise =
+ let px = map (RME.conj (x V.! i)) p
+ acc' = zipWith RME.xor px acc
+ p' = next p
+ in go (i-1) p' acc'
+-- | Polynomial division. Return value has length
+-- equal to the first argument.
+pdiv :: RMEV -> RMEV -> RMEV
+pdiv x y = fst (pdivmod x y)
+-- Polynomial div/mod: resulting lengths are as in Cryptol.
+-- TODO: probably this function should be disentangled to only compute
+-- division, given that we have a separate polynomial modulus algorithm.
+pdivmod :: RMEV -> RMEV -> (RMEV, RMEV)
+pdivmod x y = findmsb (V.toList y)
+ where
+ findmsb :: [RME] -> (RMEV, RMEV)
+ findmsb (c : cs) = muxPair c (usemask cs) (findmsb cs)
+ findmsb [] = (x, V.replicate (V.length y - 1) RME.false) -- division by zero
+ usemask :: [RME] -> (RMEV, RMEV)
+ usemask mask = (q, r)
+ where
+ (qs, rs) = pdivmod_helper (V.toList x) mask
+ z = RME.false
+ qs' = map (const z) rs ++ qs
+ rs' = replicate (V.length y - 1 - length rs) z ++ rs
+ q = V.fromList qs'
+ r = V.fromList rs'
+ muxPair :: RME -> (RMEV, RMEV) -> (RMEV, RMEV) -> (RMEV, RMEV)
+ muxPair c a b
+ | c == RME.true = a
+ | c == RME.false = b
+ | otherwise = (V.zipWith (RME.mux c) (fst a) (fst b), V.zipWith (RME.mux c) (snd a) (snd b))
+-- Divide ds by (1 : mask), giving quotient and remainder. All
+-- arguments and results are big-endian. Remainder has the same length
+-- as mask (but limited by length ds); total length of quotient ++
+-- remainder = length ds.
+pdivmod_helper :: [RME] -> [RME] -> ([RME], [RME])
+pdivmod_helper ds mask = go (length ds - length mask) ds
+ where
+ go :: Int -> [RME] -> ([RME], [RME])
+ go n cs | n <= 0 = ([], cs)
+ go _ [] = error "Data.AIG.Operations.pdiv: impossible"
+ go n (c : cs) = (c : qs, rs)
+ where cs' = mux_add c cs mask
+ (qs, rs) = go (n - 1) cs'
+ mux_add :: RME -> [RME] -> [RME] -> [RME]
+ mux_add c (x : xs) (y : ys) = RME.mux c (RME.xor x y) x : mux_add c xs ys
+ mux_add _ [] (_ : _ ) = error "pdiv: impossible"
+ mux_add _ xs [] = xs
diff --git a/saw-core-aig/.gitignore b/saw-core-aig/.gitignore
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+++ b/saw-core-aig/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/saw-core-aig/LICENSE b/saw-core-aig/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e2f031c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-aig/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Galois, Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+ with the distribution.
+ * Neither the names of the authors nor the names of other
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/saw-core-aig/README.md b/saw-core-aig/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a70f295730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-aig/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This repository contains a backend for the `saw-core` library that uses
+the `aig` library for construction of And-Inverter Graphs (AIGs).
diff --git a/saw-core-aig/Setup.hs b/saw-core-aig/Setup.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a994af677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-aig/Setup.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+import Distribution.Simple
+main = defaultMain
diff --git a/saw-core-aig/saw-core-aig.cabal b/saw-core-aig/saw-core-aig.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd5745e91a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-aig/saw-core-aig.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Name: saw-core-aig
+Version: 0.1
+License: BSD3
+License-file: LICENSE
+Author: Galois, Inc.
+Maintainer: huffman@galois.com
+Copyright: (c) 2012-2016 Galois Inc.
+Category: Formal Methods
+Build-type: Simple
+cabal-version: >= 1.8
+Synopsis: SAWCore backend for AIGs
+ A backend for symbolically evaluating terms in the SAWCore
+ intermediate language using the aig library to generate And-Inverter
+ Graphs (AIGs).
+ build-depends:
+ aig,
+ base == 4.*,
+ containers,
+ saw-core,
+ text,
+ vector
+ hs-source-dirs: src
+ exposed-modules:
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast
+ GHC-options: -Wall -Werror
+ if impl(ghc == 8.0.1)
+ ghc-options: -Wno-redundant-constraints
diff --git a/saw-core-aig/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/BitBlast.hs b/saw-core-aig/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/BitBlast.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..baf9bc76ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-aig/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/BitBlast.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast
+ ( BValue
+ , withBitBlastedTerm
+ , withBitBlastedSATQuery
+ ) where
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.Traversable
+import Control.Monad ((<=<),unless)
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
+import Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue (FiniteType(..),FirstOrderType(..),toFiniteType)
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator as Sim
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims as Prims
+import Verifier.SAW.SATQuery
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete as Concrete
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Prim as Prim
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Recognizer as R
+import qualified Data.AIG as AIG
+type LitVector l = AIG.BV l
+-- Vector operations
+lvFromV :: V.Vector l -> LitVector l
+lvFromV v = AIG.generate_msb0 (V.length v) ((V.!) v)
+vFromLV :: LitVector l -> V.Vector l
+vFromLV lv = V.generate (AIG.length lv) (AIG.at lv)
+lvRotateL :: LitVector l -> Integer -> LitVector l
+lvRotateL xs i
+ | AIG.length xs == 0 = xs
+ | otherwise = (AIG.++) (AIG.drop j xs) (AIG.take j xs)
+ where j = fromInteger (i `mod` toInteger (AIG.length xs))
+lvRotateR :: LitVector l -> Integer -> LitVector l
+lvRotateR xs i = lvRotateL xs (- i)
+lvShiftL :: l -> LitVector l -> Integer -> LitVector l
+lvShiftL x xs i = (AIG.++) (AIG.drop j xs) (AIG.replicate j x)
+ where j = fromInteger (min i (toInteger (AIG.length xs)))
+lvShl :: l -> LitVector l -> Natural -> LitVector l
+lvShl l v i = AIG.slice v j (n-j) AIG.++ AIG.replicate j l
+ where n = AIG.length v
+ j = fromIntegral i `min` n
+lvShiftR :: l -> LitVector l -> Integer -> LitVector l
+lvShiftR x xs i = (AIG.++) (AIG.replicate j x) (AIG.take (AIG.length xs - j) xs)
+ where j = fromInteger (min i (toInteger (AIG.length xs)))
+lvShr :: l -> LitVector l -> Natural -> LitVector l
+lvShr l v i = AIG.replicate j l AIG.++ AIG.slice v 0 (n-j)
+ where n = AIG.length v
+ j = fromIntegral i `min` n
+-- Values
+data BitBlast l
+type instance EvalM (BitBlast l) = IO
+type instance VBool (BitBlast l) = l
+type instance VWord (BitBlast l) = LitVector l
+type instance VInt (BitBlast l) = Integer
+type instance Extra (BitBlast l) = BExtra l
+type BValue l = Value (BitBlast l)
+type BThunk l = Thunk (BitBlast l)
+data BExtra l
+ = BStream (Natural -> IO (BValue l)) (IORef (Map Natural (BValue l)))
+instance Show (BExtra l) where
+ show (BStream _ _) = "BStream"
+vBool :: l -> BValue l
+vBool l = VBool l
+toBool :: BValue l -> l
+toBool (VBool l) = l
+toBool x = error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast.toBool", show x]
+vWord :: LitVector l -> BValue l
+vWord lv = VWord lv
+toWord :: BValue l -> IO (LitVector l)
+toWord (VWord lv) = return lv
+toWord (VVector vv) = lvFromV <$> traverse (fmap toBool . force) vv
+toWord x = fail $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast.toWord", show x]
+flattenBValue :: BValue l -> IO (LitVector l)
+flattenBValue (VBool l) = return (AIG.replicate 1 l)
+flattenBValue (VWord lv) = return lv
+flattenBValue (VExtra (BStream _ _)) = error "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast.flattenBValue: BStream"
+flattenBValue (VVector vv) =
+ AIG.concat <$> traverse (flattenBValue <=< force) (V.toList vv)
+flattenBValue VUnit = return $ AIG.concat []
+flattenBValue (VPair x y) = do
+ vx <- flattenBValue =<< force x
+ vy <- flattenBValue =<< force y
+ return $ AIG.concat [vx, vy]
+flattenBValue (VRecordValue elems) = do
+ AIG.concat <$> mapM (flattenBValue <=< force . snd) elems
+flattenBValue _ = error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast.flattenBValue: unsupported value"]
+wordFun :: (LitVector l -> IO (BValue l)) -> BValue l
+wordFun f = strictFun (\x -> toWord x >>= f)
+-- | op : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Nat -> Vec n Bool
+bvShiftOp :: (LitVector l -> LitVector l -> IO (LitVector l))
+ -> (LitVector l -> Natural -> LitVector l)
+ -> BValue l
+bvShiftOp bvOp natOp =
+ constFun $
+ wordFun $ \x -> return $
+ strictFun $ \y ->
+ case y of
+ VNat n -> return (vWord (natOp x n))
+ VToNat v -> fmap vWord (bvOp x =<< toWord v)
+ _ -> error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast.shiftOp", show y]
+lvSShr :: LitVector l -> Natural -> LitVector l
+lvSShr v i = lvShr (AIG.msb v) v i
+pure1 :: Applicative f => (a -> b) -> a -> f b
+pure1 f x = pure (f x)
+pure2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> f c
+pure2 f x y = pure (f x y)
+pure3 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> f d
+pure3 f x y z = pure (f x y z)
+prims :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> Prims.BasePrims (BitBlast (l s))
+prims be =
+ Prims.BasePrims
+ { Prims.bpAsBool = AIG.asConstant be
+ -- Bitvectors
+ , Prims.bpUnpack = pure1 vFromLV
+ , Prims.bpPack = pure1 lvFromV
+ , Prims.bpBvAt = pure2 AIG.at
+ , Prims.bpBvLit = pure2 (AIG.bvFromInteger be)
+ , Prims.bpBvSize = AIG.length
+ , Prims.bpBvJoin = pure2 (AIG.++)
+ , Prims.bpBvSlice = pure3 (\i n v -> AIG.slice v i n)
+ -- Conditionals
+ , Prims.bpMuxBool = \b x y -> AIG.lazyMux be b (pure x) (pure y)
+ , Prims.bpMuxWord = \b x y -> AIG.iteM be b (pure x) (pure y)
+ , Prims.bpMuxInt = muxInt
+ , Prims.bpMuxExtra = muxBExtra be
+ -- Booleans
+ , Prims.bpTrue = AIG.trueLit be
+ , Prims.bpFalse = AIG.falseLit be
+ , Prims.bpNot = pure1 AIG.not
+ , Prims.bpAnd = AIG.and be
+ , Prims.bpOr = AIG.or be
+ , Prims.bpXor = AIG.xor be
+ , Prims.bpBoolEq = AIG.eq be
+ -- Bitvector logical
+ , Prims.bpBvNot = pure1 (fmap AIG.not)
+ , Prims.bpBvAnd = AIG.zipWithM (AIG.and be)
+ , Prims.bpBvOr = AIG.zipWithM (AIG.or be)
+ , Prims.bpBvXor = AIG.zipWithM (AIG.xor be)
+ -- Bitvector arithmetic
+ , Prims.bpBvNeg = AIG.neg be
+ , Prims.bpBvAdd = AIG.add be
+ , Prims.bpBvSub = AIG.sub be
+ , Prims.bpBvMul = AIG.mul be
+ , Prims.bpBvUDiv = AIG.uquot be
+ , Prims.bpBvURem = AIG.urem be
+ , Prims.bpBvSDiv = AIG.squot be
+ , Prims.bpBvSRem = AIG.srem be
+ , Prims.bpBvLg2 = bitblastLogBase2 be
+ -- Bitvector comparisons
+ , Prims.bpBvEq = AIG.bvEq be
+ , Prims.bpBvsle = AIG.sle be
+ , Prims.bpBvslt = AIG.slt be
+ , Prims.bpBvule = AIG.ule be
+ , Prims.bpBvult = AIG.ult be
+ , Prims.bpBvsge = flip (AIG.sle be)
+ , Prims.bpBvsgt = flip (AIG.slt be)
+ , Prims.bpBvuge = flip (AIG.ule be)
+ , Prims.bpBvugt = flip (AIG.ult be)
+ -- Bitvector shift/rotate
+ , Prims.bpBvRolInt = pure2 lvRotateL
+ , Prims.bpBvRorInt = pure2 lvRotateR
+ , Prims.bpBvShlInt = pure3 lvShiftL
+ , Prims.bpBvShrInt = pure3 lvShiftR
+ , Prims.bpBvRol = genShift be lvRotateL
+ , Prims.bpBvRor = genShift be lvRotateR
+ , Prims.bpBvShl = genShift be . lvShiftL
+ , Prims.bpBvShr = genShift be . lvShiftR
+ -- Bitvector misc
+ , Prims.bpBvPopcount = AIG.popCount be
+ , Prims.bpBvCountLeadingZeros = AIG.countLeadingZeros be
+ , Prims.bpBvCountTrailingZeros = AIG.countTrailingZeros be
+ , Prims.bpBvForall = unsupportedAIGPrimitive "bvForall"
+ -- Integer operations
+ , Prims.bpIntAdd = pure2 (+)
+ , Prims.bpIntSub = pure2 (-)
+ , Prims.bpIntMul = pure2 (*)
+ , Prims.bpIntDiv = pure2 div
+ , Prims.bpIntMod = pure2 mod
+ , Prims.bpIntNeg = pure1 negate
+ , Prims.bpIntAbs = pure1 abs
+ , Prims.bpIntEq = pure2 (\x y -> AIG.constant be (x == y))
+ , Prims.bpIntLe = pure2 (\x y -> AIG.constant be (x <= y))
+ , Prims.bpIntLt = pure2 (\x y -> AIG.constant be (x < y))
+ , Prims.bpIntMin = pure2 min
+ , Prims.bpIntMax = pure2 max
+ -- Array operations
+ , Prims.bpArrayConstant = unsupportedAIGPrimitive "bpArrayConstant"
+ , Prims.bpArrayLookup = unsupportedAIGPrimitive "bpArrayLookup"
+ , Prims.bpArrayUpdate = unsupportedAIGPrimitive "bpArrayUpdate"
+ , Prims.bpArrayEq = unsupportedAIGPrimitive "bpArrayEq"
+ }
+unsupportedAIGPrimitive :: String -> a
+unsupportedAIGPrimitive = Prim.unsupportedPrimitive "AIG"
+beConstMap :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> Map Ident (BValue (l s))
+beConstMap be =
+ Map.union (Prims.constMap (prims be)) $
+ Map.fromList
+ -- Shifts
+ [ ("Prelude.bvShl" , bvShiftOp (AIG.shl be) (lvShl (AIG.falseLit be)))
+ , ("Prelude.bvShr" , bvShiftOp (AIG.ushr be) (lvShr (AIG.falseLit be)))
+ , ("Prelude.bvSShr", bvShiftOp (AIG.sshr be) lvSShr)
+ -- Integers
+ , ("Prelude.intToNat", Prims.intToNatOp)
+ , ("Prelude.natToInt", Prims.natToIntOp)
+ , ("Prelude.intToBv" , intToBvOp be)
+ , ("Prelude.bvToInt" , bvToIntOp be)
+ , ("Prelude.sbvToInt", sbvToIntOp be)
+ -- Integers mod n
+ , ("Prelude.toIntMod" , toIntModOp)
+ , ("Prelude.fromIntMod", fromIntModOp)
+ , ("Prelude.intModEq" , intModEqOp be)
+ , ("Prelude.intModAdd" , intModBinOp (+))
+ , ("Prelude.intModSub" , intModBinOp (-))
+ , ("Prelude.intModMul" , intModBinOp (*))
+ , ("Prelude.intModNeg" , intModUnOp negate)
+ -- Streams
+ , ("Prelude.MkStream", mkStreamOp)
+ , ("Prelude.streamGet", streamGetOp be)
+ -- Misc
+ , ("Prelude.expByNat", Prims.expByNatOp (prims be))
+ ]
+-- | Lifts a strict mux operation to a lazy mux
+lazyMux :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> (l s -> a -> a -> IO a) -> l s -> IO a -> IO a -> IO a
+lazyMux be muxFn c tm fm
+ | (AIG.===) c (AIG.trueLit be) = tm
+ | (AIG.===) c (AIG.falseLit be) = fm
+ | otherwise = do
+ t <- tm
+ f <- fm
+ muxFn c t f
+muxBVal :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> l s -> BValue (l s) -> BValue (l s) -> IO (BValue (l s))
+muxBVal be = Prims.muxValue (prims be)
+muxInt :: a -> Integer -> Integer -> IO Integer
+muxInt _ x y = if x == y then return x else fail $ "muxBVal: VInt " ++ show (x, y)
+muxBExtra :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> l s -> BExtra (l s) -> BExtra (l s) -> IO (BExtra (l s))
+muxBExtra be c x y =
+ do let f i = do xi <- lookupBStream (VExtra x) i
+ yi <- lookupBStream (VExtra y) i
+ muxBVal be c xi yi
+ r <- newIORef Map.empty
+ return (BStream f r)
+-- | Barrel-shifter algorithm. Takes a list of bits in big-endian order.
+genShift ::
+ AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> (LitVector (l s) -> Integer -> LitVector (l s)) ->
+ LitVector (l s) -> LitVector (l s) -> IO (LitVector (l s))
+genShift be op x y = Prims.shifter (AIG.ite be) (pure2 op) x (AIG.bvToList y)
+-- | rounded-up log base 2, where we complete the function by setting:
+-- lg2 0 = 0
+bitblastLogBase2 :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> LitVector (l s) -> IO (LitVector (l s))
+bitblastLogBase2 g x = do
+ z <- AIG.isZero g x
+ AIG.iteM g z (return x) (AIG.logBase2_up g x)
+-- Integer/bitvector conversions
+-- primitive bvToInt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+bvToIntOp :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> BValue (l s)
+bvToIntOp g = constFun $ wordFun $ \v ->
+ case AIG.asUnsigned g v of
+ Just i -> return $ VInt i
+ Nothing -> fail "Cannot convert symbolic bitvector to integer"
+-- primitive sbvToInt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+sbvToIntOp :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> BValue (l s)
+sbvToIntOp g = constFun $ wordFun $ \v ->
+ case AIG.asSigned g v of
+ Just i -> return $ VInt i
+ Nothing -> fail "Cannot convert symbolic bitvector to integer"
+-- primitive intToBv : (n : Nat) -> Integer -> Vec n Bool;
+intToBvOp :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> BValue (l s)
+intToBvOp g =
+ Prims.natFun' "intToBv n" $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intFun "intToBv x" $ \x ->
+ VWord <$>
+ if n >= 0 then return (AIG.bvFromInteger g (fromIntegral n) x)
+ else AIG.neg g (AIG.bvFromInteger g (fromIntegral n) (negate x))
+toIntModOp :: BValue l
+toIntModOp =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intFun "toIntModOp" $ \x -> return $
+ VIntMod n (x `mod` toInteger n)
+fromIntModOp :: BValue l
+fromIntModOp =
+ constFun $
+ Prims.intModFun "fromIntModOp" $ \x -> return $
+ VInt x
+intModEqOp :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> BValue (l s)
+intModEqOp be =
+ constFun $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModEqOp" $ \x -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModEqOp" $ \y -> return $
+ VBool (AIG.constant be (x == y))
+intModBinOp :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> BValue l
+intModBinOp f =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModBinOp x" $ \x -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModBinOp y" $ \y -> return $
+ VIntMod n (f x y `mod` toInteger n)
+intModUnOp :: (Integer -> Integer) -> BValue l
+intModUnOp f =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModUnOp" $ \x -> return $
+ VIntMod n (f x `mod` toInteger n)
+-- MkStream :: (a :: sort 0) -> (Nat -> a) -> Stream a;
+mkStreamOp :: BValue l
+mkStreamOp =
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \f -> do
+ r <- newIORef Map.empty
+ return $ VExtra (BStream (\n -> apply f (ready (VNat n))) r)
+-- streamGet :: (a :: sort 0) -> Stream a -> Nat -> a;
+streamGetOp :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> BValue (l s)
+streamGetOp be =
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \xs -> return $
+ strictFun $ \case
+ VNat n -> lookupBStream xs n
+ VToNat w ->
+ do bs <- toWord w
+ AIG.muxInteger (lazyMux be (muxBVal be)) ((2 ^ AIG.length bs) - 1) bs (lookupBStream xs)
+ v -> fail (unlines ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast.streamGetOp", "Expected Nat value", show v])
+lookupBStream :: BValue l -> Natural -> IO (BValue l)
+lookupBStream (VExtra (BStream f r)) n = do
+ m <- readIORef r
+ case Map.lookup n m of
+ Just v -> return v
+ Nothing -> do v <- f n
+ writeIORef r (Map.insert n v m)
+ return v
+lookupBStream _ _ = fail "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast.lookupBStream: expected Stream"
+-- Generating variables for arguments
+newVars :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> FiniteType -> IO (BValue (l s))
+newVars be FTBit = vBool <$> AIG.newInput be
+newVars be (FTVec n tp) = VVector <$> V.replicateM (fromIntegral n) (newVars' be tp)
+newVars be (FTTuple ts) = vTuple <$> traverse (newVars' be) ts
+newVars be (FTRec tm) = vRecord <$> traverse (newVars' be) tm
+newVars' :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s -> FiniteType -> IO (BThunk (l s))
+newVars' be shape = ready <$> newVars be shape
+-- Bit-blasting primitives.
+-- NB: It doesn't make sense to bit blast more than one term using the
+-- same bit engine, so the primitives 'withBitBlasted*' create their
+-- own bit engine internally, instead of receiving it from the caller,
+-- and pass it to the caller-provided continuation.
+type PrimMap l g = forall s. g s -> Map Ident (BValue (l s))
+bitBlastBasic :: AIG.IsAIG l g
+ => g s
+ -> ModuleMap
+ -> PrimMap l g
+ -> Map VarIndex (BValue (l s))
+ -> Term
+ -> IO (BValue (l s))
+bitBlastBasic be m addlPrims ecMap t = do
+ cfg <- Sim.evalGlobal m (Map.union (beConstMap be) (addlPrims be))
+ (bitBlastExtCns ecMap)
+ (const Nothing)
+ Sim.evalSharedTerm cfg t
+bitBlastExtCns ::
+ Map VarIndex (BValue (l s)) -> ExtCns (TValue (BitBlast (l s))) ->
+ IO (BValue (l s))
+bitBlastExtCns ecMap (EC idx name _v) =
+ case Map.lookup idx ecMap of
+ Just var -> return var
+ Nothing -> fail $
+ "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast: can't translate variable " ++
+ show name ++ "(index: " ++ show idx ++ ")"
+asAIGType :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO [(String, Term)]
+asAIGType sc t = do
+ t' <- scWhnf sc t
+ case t' of
+ (R.asPi -> Just (n, t1, t2)) -> ((Text.unpack n, t1) :) <$> asAIGType sc t2
+ (R.asBoolType -> Just ()) -> return []
+ (R.asVecType -> Just _) -> return []
+ (R.asTupleType -> Just _) -> return []
+ (R.asRecordType -> Just _) -> return []
+ _ -> fail $ "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast.adAIGType: invalid AIG type: "
+ ++ scPrettyTerm defaultPPOpts t'
+bitBlastTerm ::
+ AIG.IsAIG l g =>
+ g s ->
+ SharedContext ->
+ PrimMap l g ->
+ Term ->
+ IO (BValue (l s), [(String, FiniteType)])
+bitBlastTerm be sc addlPrims t = do
+ ty <- scTypeOf sc t
+ args <- asAIGType sc ty
+ let ecs = getAllExts t
+ argShapes <- traverse (asFiniteType sc) (map snd args)
+ ecShapes <- traverse (asFiniteType sc) (map ecType ecs)
+ argVars <- traverse (newVars' be) argShapes
+ ecVars <- traverse (newVars be) ecShapes
+ let ecMap = Map.fromList $ zip (map ecVarIndex ecs) ecVars
+ modmap <- scGetModuleMap sc
+ bval <- bitBlastBasic be modmap addlPrims ecMap t
+ bval' <- applyAll bval argVars
+ let names = map fst args ++ map (Text.unpack . toShortName . ecName) ecs
+ shapes = argShapes ++ ecShapes
+ return (bval', zip names shapes)
+-- | Bitblast a term and apply a function to the result.
+withBitBlastedTerm :: AIG.IsAIG l g => AIG.Proxy l g ->
+ SharedContext ->
+ PrimMap l g ->
+ Term ->
+ (forall s. g s -> LitVector (l s) -> IO a) -> IO a
+withBitBlastedTerm proxy sc addlPrims t c = AIG.withNewGraph proxy $ \be -> do
+ (bval, _) <- bitBlastTerm be sc addlPrims t
+ v <- flattenBValue bval
+ c be v
+asFiniteType :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO FiniteType
+asFiniteType sc t =
+ scGetModuleMap sc >>= \modmap ->
+ case asFiniteTypeValue (Concrete.evalSharedTerm modmap Map.empty Map.empty t) of
+ Just ft -> return ft
+ Nothing ->
+ fail $ "asFiniteType: unsupported type " ++ scPrettyTerm defaultPPOpts t
+processVar ::
+ (ExtCns Term, FirstOrderType) ->
+ IO (ExtCns Term, FiniteType)
+processVar (ec, fot) =
+ case toFiniteType fot of
+ Nothing -> fail ("ABC solver does not support variables of type " ++ show fot)
+ Just ft -> pure (ec, ft)
+withBitBlastedSATQuery ::
+ AIG.IsAIG l g =>
+ AIG.Proxy l g ->
+ SharedContext ->
+ PrimMap l g ->
+ SATQuery ->
+ (forall s. g s -> l s -> [(ExtCns Term, FiniteType)] -> IO a) ->
+ IO a
+withBitBlastedSATQuery proxy sc addlPrims satq cont =
+ do unless (Set.null (satUninterp satq)) $ fail
+ "RME prover does not support uninterpreted symbols"
+ t <- satQueryAsTerm sc satq
+ varShapes <- mapM processVar (Map.toList (satVariables satq))
+ modmap <- scGetModuleMap sc
+ AIG.withNewGraph proxy $ \be ->
+ do vars <- traverse (traverse (newVars be)) varShapes
+ let varMap = Map.fromList [ (ecVarIndex ec, v) | (ec,v) <- vars ]
+ x <- bitBlastBasic be modmap addlPrims varMap t
+ case x of
+ VBool l -> cont be l varShapes
+ _ -> fail "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast.withBitBlastedSATQuery: non-boolean result type."
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/.gitignore b/saw-core-coq/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Copyright (c) 2018, Galois, Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+ with the distribution.
+ * Neither the names of the authors nor the names of other
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/README.md b/saw-core-coq/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49338979c8
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+++ b/saw-core-coq/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Overview
+This repository contains a backend for the `saw-core` library that outputs terms
+in the syntax of Coq. The Coq files generated by this backend depend on the Coq
+support libraries described below, which must be compiled in Coq in order to be
+# The Coq Support Libraries
+The Coq files that are generated by the `saw-core-coq` backend rely on a number
+of support libraries, some of which are generated from the SAW core prelude
+files and some of which are hand-written extensions of those libraries. These
+support libraries must be compiled by Coq in order to use them.
+## Installing Dependencies
+To compile the Coq support libraries, Coq must be installed, as must the
+following Coq library:
+* [bits](https://github.com/coq-community/bits)
+The recommended way to install Coq and these dependencies is using opam. This
+can be done with the following steps, which will not only install opam, Coq, and
+the above mentioned Coq libraries, but will make sure to install the proper
+version of Coq needed for those libraries:
+sh <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ocaml/opam/master/shell/install.sh)
+opam init
+opam repo add coq-released https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released
+opam install coq-bits
+If you run into any issue that is probably due to the version mismatch between the `ocamlc`
+and the `ocaml` base system installed on your machine and it can be fixed as explained
+## Building the and Using the Coq Support Libraries
+The `coq/` directory contains the Coq support libraries for the `saw-core-coq`
+backend, as well as a number of example Coq files that have been generated from
+existing SAW proofs. In order to build just the Coq support libraries, the
+following commands can be used:
+cd coq
+make generated/CryptolToCoq/SAWCorePrelude.vo
+To use these libraries, the following lines can be added to a `_CoqProject`
+file, where PATH_TO_SAW is replaced by the path to the `saw-script` directory:
+-Q PATH_TO_SAW/saw-core-coq/coq/generated/CryptolToCoq CryptolToCoq
+-Q PATH_TO_SAW/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq CryptolToCoq
+## Generating the Coq Support Libraries
+The Coq support libraries can be re-generated from their SAWCore/Cryptol
+counterparts if these modules change. This can be done in the `saw/` directory,
+by running the scripts there with an appropriate version of the `saw`
+executable. The output of such files are currently being version-controlled, as
+a way of keeping track of their evolution.
+/path/to/saw generate_scaffolding.saw
+# Directory Structure
+* `coq/` contains handwritten Coq files in `handwritten/` and generated ones in
+ `generated/`, as well as some files needed to build the Coq files.
+* `cryptol/` contains some Cryptol files that we care about extracting.
+* `saw/` contains SAW scripts that generate the Coq files.
+## Coq Files Organization
+The Coq files have a somewhat complex organization. We demonstrate the current
+dependencies, ignoring transitive dependencies for clarity:
+ SAWCoreScaffolding (H)
+ / \
+SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors (H) SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqLists (H)
+ \ /
+ CoqVectorsExtra (H) SAWCorePrelude (G)
+ \ / \
+ CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore (G) SAWCorePreludeExtra (H)
+ \ /
+ CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCoreExtra (H)
+(G) stands for generated files, while (H) stands for handwritten files.
+* `SAWCoreScaffolding` defines some of SAW core primitive types and values.
+* `SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors` and `SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqLists` are two
+ realizations of the vector type, the latter ignoring the type index. In
+ practice, we have found that the latter is a no-go for proofs unless
+ values are packaged with a proof that their length is equal to the index.
+* `SAWCorePrelude` is generated from `Prelude.sawcore`, available in the
+ `saw-core` project.
+* `CoqVectorsExtra` contains facts about vectors that the Coq standard library
+ does not provide.
+* `CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore` is generated from `Cryptol.sawcore`, available
+ in the `cryptol-saw-core` project.
+* `SAWCorePreludeExtra` defines useful functions for
+ `CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCoreExtra` to use.
+* `CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCoreExtra` contains some additional useful
+ definitions.
+# Acknowledgements
+This material is based upon work supported by the Office of Naval
+Research under Contract No. N68335-17-C-0452. Any opinions, findings and
+conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of
+the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of
+Naval Research.
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/.gitignore b/saw-core-coq/coq/.gitignore
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index 0000000000..43212752cc
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+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/Makefile b/saw-core-coq/coq/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cc4a0f4d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+all: build
+Makefile.coq: _CoqProject
+ coq_makefile -f $< -o $@
+build: Makefile.coq
+ make -f Makefile.coq
+clean: Makefile.coq
+ make -f Makefile.coq clean
+%.vo: Makefile.coq
+ make -f Makefile.coq $@
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/_CoqProject b/saw-core-coq/coq/_CoqProject
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05fc311a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/_CoqProject
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+-Q generated/CryptolToCoq CryptolToCoq
+-Q handwritten/CryptolToCoq CryptolToCoq
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/generated/CryptolToCoq/CryptolPrelude.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/generated/CryptolToCoq/CryptolPrelude.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e8cbaf0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/generated/CryptolToCoq/CryptolPrelude.v
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
+Import ListNotations.
+From Coq Require Import String.
+From Coq Require Import Vectors.Vector.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreScaffolding.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.
+From Records Require Import Records.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCorePrelude.
+Import SAWCorePrelude.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.
+Import CryptolPrimitives.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCoreExtra.
+Definition demote (val : (@Num)) (rep : Type) (_P : (@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteral (rep))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber (val) (rep) (_P)).
+Definition === (a : Type) (b : Type) (_P : (@CryptolPrimitives.PCmp (b))) (f : (a) -> b) (g : (a) -> b) (x : a) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecEq (b) (_P) ((f (x))) ((g (x)))).
+Definition !== (a : Type) (b : Type) (_P : (@CryptolPrimitives.PCmp (b))) (f : (a) -> b) (g : (a) -> b) (x : a) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecNotEq (b) (_P) ((f (x))) ((g (x)))).
+Definition min (a : Type) (_P : (@CryptolPrimitives.PCmp (a))) (x : a) (y : a) :=
+ if (@CryptolPrimitives.ecLt (a) (_P) (x) (y)) then x else y.
+Definition max (a : Type) (_P : (@CryptolPrimitives.PCmp (a))) (x : a) (y : a) :=
+ if (@CryptolPrimitives.ecGt (a) (_P) (x) (y)) then x else y.
+Definition >$ (a : Type) (_P : (@CryptolPrimitives.PSignedCmp (a))) (x : a) (y : a) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecSLt (a) (_P) (y) (x)).
+Definition <=$ (a : Type) (_P : (@CryptolPrimitives.PSignedCmp (a))) (x : a) (y : a) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecCompl (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@CryptolPrimitives.PLogicBit) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecSLt (a) (_P) (y) (x)))).
+Definition >=$ (a : Type) (_P : (@CryptolPrimitives.PSignedCmp (a))) (x : a) (y : a) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecCompl (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@CryptolPrimitives.PLogicBit) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecSLt (a) (_P) (x) (y)))).
+Definition sborrow (n : (@Num)) (x : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (y : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecXor (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@CryptolPrimitives.PLogicBit) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecSLt ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PSignedCmpWord (n))) (x) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecMinus ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PArithSeqBool (n))) (x) (y))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecAt (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@TCNum (0))) (y) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (0))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (0)))))))))).
+Definition zext (m : (@Num)) (n : (@Num)) (x : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) :=
+ (@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))) (n))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (m) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))) (n))) (m) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))) (n))) (m))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))) (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecZero ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PZeroSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))))))) (x)))).
+Definition sext (m : (@Num)) (n : (@Num)) (x : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) :=
+ (@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))) (n))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (m) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))) (n))) (m) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))) (n))) (m))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))) (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (if (@CryptolPrimitives.ecAt (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@TCNum (0))) (x) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (0))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (0)))))))) then (@CryptolPrimitives.ecCompl ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLogicSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecZero ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PZeroSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n)))))))) else (@CryptolPrimitives.ecZero ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PZeroSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (m) (n))))))) (x)))).
+Definition and (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ if x then y else @SAWCoreScaffolding.False.
+Definition \/ (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ if x then @SAWCoreScaffolding.True else y.
+Definition ==> (a : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ if a then b else @SAWCoreScaffolding.True.
+Definition @@ (n : (@Num)) (k : (@Num)) (ix : (@Num)) (a : Type) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) (is : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (k) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (a) (k) ((fun (i : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecAt (n) (a) (ix) (xs) (i)))) (is)).
+Definition !! (n : (@Num)) (k : (@Num)) (ix : (@Num)) (a : Type) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) (is : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (k) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (a) (k) ((fun (i : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecAtBack (n) (a) (ix) (xs) (i)))) (is)).
+Definition updates (n : (@Num)) (k : (@Num)) (ix : (@Num)) (a : Type) (xs0 : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) (idxs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (k) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) (vals : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (k) (a))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecAtBack ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((@TCNum (0))) ((iter ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((fun (xss : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) (k) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((Vector.cons (_) (xs0) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (k) (k))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (k) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (k) (k))))) (k) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (k) (k))))) (k))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (a))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (k) (k))))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (a))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((fun (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) => (@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (a) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((fun (i : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (b : a) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecUpdate (n) (a) (ix) (xs) (i) (b))))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (a))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (k) (k))) (xss) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (a) (k) (k) (idxs) (vals)))))))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst (n) (a) ((error ("Could not generate default value of type !3"))))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (0))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (0)))))))).
+Definition updatesEnd (n : (@Num)) (k : (@Num)) (ix : (@Num)) (a : Type) (xs0 : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) (idxs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (k) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) (vals : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (k) (a))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecAtBack ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((@TCNum (0))) ((iter ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((fun (xss : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) (k) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((Vector.cons (_) (xs0) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (k) (k))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (k) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (k) (k))))) (k) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (k) (k))))) (k))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (a))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (k) (k))))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (a))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((fun (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) => (@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (a) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((fun (i : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (b : a) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecUpdateEnd (n) (a) (ix) (xs) (i) (b))))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (a))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (k) (k))) (xss) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (ix) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (a) (k) (k) (idxs) (vals)))))))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (k))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst (n) (a) ((error ("Could not generate default value of type !3"))))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (0))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (0)))))))).
+Definition last (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (a))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecAtBack ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (a) ((@TCNum (0))) (xs) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (0))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (0)))))))).
+Definition pmult (u : (@Num)) (v : (@Num)) (x : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (y : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) :=
+ (last ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))))) ((iter ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((fun (zs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) => (@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))))))) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((fun (yi : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (z : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecXor ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLogicSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecShiftL ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) ((@TCNum (1))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@CryptolPrimitives.PZeroBit) (z) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (1))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (1))))))))) (if yi then (@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool (v))))) (x)))) else (@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v)))))))))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) (y) (zs)))))))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (u) (v))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (SAWCoreScaffolding.False)))))))))).
+Definition drop (front : (@Num)) (back : (@Num)) (a : Type) (__p4 : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (front) (back))) (a))) :=
+ (snd ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecSplitAt (front) (back) (a) (__p4)))).
+Definition tail (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (a))) :=
+ (drop ((@TCNum (1))) (n) (a) (xs)).
+Definition pdiv (u : (@Num)) (v : (@Num)) (x : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (u) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (y : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (u) ((fun (z : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecAtBack (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (z) ((last (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((iter ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((fun (ds : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecDiv ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PArithSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))))))) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))) (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((fun (yi : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => (@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((fun (i : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (d : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) => if yi then i else d))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecReverse (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (y))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecFromTo ((@TCNum (0))) (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))))) (ds)))))))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (SAWCoreScaffolding.False)))))))))))) ((iter (u) ((fun (zs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) => (@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))) (u))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))) (u))) (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))) (u))) (u))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))) (u))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((fun (z : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (xi : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => (tail (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (v) ((@TCNum (1))))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (v) ((@TCNum (1))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (v) ((@TCNum (1))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat (v) ((@TCNum (1))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (((fun (u : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) => if (@CryptolPrimitives.ecAtBack (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (u) ((last (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((iter ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((fun (ds : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecDiv ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PArithSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))))))) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))) (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((fun (yi : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => (@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((fun (i : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (d : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) => if yi then i else d))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecReverse (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (y))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecFromTo ((@TCNum (0))) (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))))) (ds)))))))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (SAWCoreScaffolding.False)))))))))) then (@CryptolPrimitives.ecXor ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLogicSeqBool (v))) (u) (y)) else u) (z))) ((Vector.cons (_) (xi) (_) ((Vector.nil (_)))))))))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))) (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool (v))))) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) (zs))) (x)))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (SAWCoreScaffolding.False)))))))).
+Definition pmod (u : (@Num)) (v : (@Num)) (x : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (u) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (y : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) :=
+ if (@CryptolPrimitives.ecEq ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PCmpSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) (y) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v)))))))) then (@CryptolPrimitives.ecDiv ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PArithSeqBool (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool (v)))))) else (last (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((iter ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))) ((fun (zs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool (v))))) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@TCInf)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@TCInf)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))))))) (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@TCInf)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))))))) (u))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@TCInf)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))))))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((fun (xi : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => (@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((fun (p : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (z : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecXor ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLogicSeqBool (v))) (z) (if xi then (tail (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (p)) else (@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool (v))))))))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) (u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@TCInf)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecReverse (u) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (x))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@TCInf)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))) ((iter ((@TCInf)) ((fun (powers : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCInf)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) => (@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@TCInf)))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCInf)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@TCInf)))) ((@TCInf)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@TCInf)))) ((@TCInf)))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) ((@TCInf)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((Vector.cons (_) (((fun (u : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) => if (@CryptolPrimitives.ecAtBack ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (u) ((last ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))))) ((iter ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((fun (ds : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) => (@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecDiv ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PArithSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))))))) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((fun (yi : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => (@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((fun (i : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (d : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) => if yi then i else d))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecReverse ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (y))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecFromTo ((@TCNum (0))) (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))))) (ds)))))))))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (SAWCoreScaffolding.False)))))))))))) then (@CryptolPrimitives.ecXor ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLogicSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) (u) (y)) else u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))))) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@TCInf)) ((fun (p : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) => ((fun (u : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) => if (@CryptolPrimitives.ecAtBack ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (u) ((last ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))))) ((iter ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((fun (ds : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) => (@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecDiv ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PArithSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))))))) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((fun (yi : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => (@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((fun (i : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (d : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) => if yi then i else d))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) ((prod ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecReverse ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (y))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcSub (v) ((@TCNum (0))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecFromTo ((@TCNum (0))) (v) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))))))) (ds)))))))))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (2))) (v))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcWidth (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (SAWCoreScaffolding.False)))))))))))) then (@CryptolPrimitives.ecXor ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLogicSeqBool ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))))) (u) (y)) else u) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecShiftL ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) ((@TCNum (1))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@CryptolPrimitives.PZeroBit) (p) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (1))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (1))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (1)))))))))))) (powers)))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@TCInf)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (v))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (SAWCoreScaffolding.False))))))) (zs)))))))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (u))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst (v) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (SAWCoreScaffolding.False)))))))).
+Definition take (front : (@Num)) (back : (@Num)) (a : Type) (__p1 : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd (front) (back))) (a))) :=
+ (fst ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecSplitAt (front) (back) (a) (__p1)))).
+Definition head (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (a))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecAt ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (a) ((@TCNum (0))) (xs) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (0))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (0)))))))).
+Definition length (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (b : Type) (_P : (@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteral (b))) (__p6 : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber (n) (b) (_P)).
+Definition undefined (a : Type) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecError (a) ((@TCNum (9))) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (117))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (8))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (8))))))) (_) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (110))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (8))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (8))))))) (_) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (100))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (8))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (8))))))) (_) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (101))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (8))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (8))))))) (_) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (102))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (8))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (8))))))) (_) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (105))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (8))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (8))))))) (_) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (110))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (8))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (8))))))) (_) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (101))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (8))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (8))))))) (_) ((Vector.cons (_) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (100))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (8))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (8))))))) (_) ((Vector.nil (_)))))))))))))))))))))).
+Definition groupBy (each : (@Num)) (parts : (@Num)) (a : Type) :=
+ (@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce (((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMul (parts) (each))) (a))) -> (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (parts) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (each) (a))))) (((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMul (each) (parts))) (a))) -> (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (parts) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (each) (a))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.fun_cong ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMul (parts) (each))) (a))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMul (each) (parts))) (a))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (parts) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (each) (a))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (parts) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (each) (a))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMul (parts) (each))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMul (each) (parts))) (a) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMul (parts) (each))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMul (each) (parts))))))) ((@Refl (Type) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (parts) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (each) (a))))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecSplit (parts) (each) (a)))).
+Definition traceVal (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (msg : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (8))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))))) (x : a) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecTrace (n) (a) (a) (msg) (x) (x)).
+Definition or (n : (@Num)) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecNotEq ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PCmpSeqBool (n))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecZero ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PZeroSeqBool (n))))) (xs)).
+Definition map (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (b : Type) (f : (a) -> b) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap (a) (b) (n) ((fun (x : a) => (f (x)))) (xs)).
+Definition all (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (f : (a) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) :=
+ (and (n) ((map (n) (a) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (f) (xs)))).
+Definition any (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (f : (a) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) :=
+ (or (n) ((map (n) (a) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (f) (xs)))).
+Definition foldl (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (b : Type) (f : (a) -> (b) -> a) (acc : a) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (b))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecAtBack ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (a) ((@TCNum (0))) ((iter ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) ((fun (ys : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (a))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) (n) (a) ((Vector.cons (_) (acc) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) (a))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) (n) (a) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) (n))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod (a) (b))) (a) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry (a) (b) (a) ((fun (a : a) (x : b) => (f (a) (x)))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip (a) (b) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n) (ys) (xs)))))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (a) ((error ("Could not generate default value of type !4"))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (0))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (0)))))))).
+Definition foldr (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (b : Type) (f : (a) -> (b) -> b) (acc : b) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecAtBack ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (b) ((@TCNum (0))) ((iter ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) ((fun (ys : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (b))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) (n) (b) ((Vector.cons (_) (acc) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) (b))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (b))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) (n) (b) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) (n))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod (b) (a))) (b) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry (b) (a) (b) ((fun (a : b) (x : a) => (f (x) (a)))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip (b) (a) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n) (ys) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecReverse (n) (a) (xs)))))))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (b) ((error ("Could not generate default value of type !3"))))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@TCNum (0))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralSeqBool ((@TCNum (0)))))))).
+Definition sum (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (_P : (@CryptolPrimitives.PArith (a))) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) :=
+ (foldl (n) (a) (a) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecPlus (a) (_P))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecFromInteger (a) (_P) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecNumber ((@TCNum (0))) (@SAWCorePrelude.Integer) (@CryptolPrimitives.PLiteralInteger))))) (xs)).
+Definition scanl (n : (@Num)) (b : Type) (a : Type) (f : (b) -> (a) -> b) (acc : b) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) :=
+ (iter ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) ((fun (ys : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (b))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) (n) (b) ((Vector.cons (_) (acc) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) (b))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (b))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) (n) (b) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) (n))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod (b) (a))) (b) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry (b) (a) (b) ((fun (a : b) (x : a) => (f (a) (x)))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip (b) (a) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n) (ys) (xs)))))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (b) ((error ("Could not generate default value of type !4")))))).
+Definition scanr (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (b : Type) (f : (a) -> (b) -> b) (acc : b) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.ecReverse ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (b) ((iter ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) ((fun (ys : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (b))) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecCat ((@TCNum (1))) (n) (b) ((Vector.cons (_) (acc) (_) ((Vector.nil (_))))) ((@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) (b))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (b))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) (n) (b) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) (n))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod (b) (a))) (b) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry (b) (a) (b) ((fun (a : b) (x : a) => (f (x) (a)))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip (b) (a) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (n) (ys) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecReverse (n) (a) (xs)))))))))))) ((CryptolPrimitives.seqConst ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcAdd ((@TCNum (1))) (n))) (b) ((error ("Could not generate default value of type !3")))))))).
+Definition repeat (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (x : a) :=
+ (@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (a) (n) ((fun (__p7 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => x)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.ecZero ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.PZeroSeqBool (n)))))).
+Definition elem (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (_P : (@CryptolPrimitives.PCmp (a))) (a : a) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) :=
+ (any (n) (a) ((fun (x : a) => (@CryptolPrimitives.ecEq (a) (_P) (x) (a)))) (xs)).
+Definition zip (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (b : Type) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) (ys : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (b))) :=
+ (@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (n) (n))) ((prod (a) (b))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) ((prod (a) (b))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (n) (n))) (n) ((prod (a) (b))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (n) (n))) (n))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod (a) (b))) ((prod (a) (b))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (n) (n))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry (a) (b) ((prod (a) (b))) ((fun (x : a) (y : b) => (pair (x) (y)))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip (a) (b) (n) (n) (xs) (ys)))))).
+Definition zipWith (n : (@Num)) (a : Type) (b : Type) (c : Type) (f : (a) -> (b) -> c) (xs : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (a))) (ys : (@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (b))) :=
+ (@SAWCoreScaffolding.coerce ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (n) (n))) (c))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq (n) (c))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seq_cong1 ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (n) (n))) (n) (c) ((@SAWCorePrelude.sawUnsafeAssert ((@Num)) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (n) (n))) (n))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqMap ((prod (a) (b))) (c) ((@CryptolPrimitives.tcMin (n) (n))) ((@SAWCorePrelude.uncurry (a) (b) (c) ((fun (x : a) (y : b) => (f (x) (y)))))) ((@CryptolPrimitives.seqZip (a) (b) (n) (n) (xs) (ys)))))).
+Definition uncurry (a : Type) (b : Type) (c : Type) (f : (a) -> (b) -> c) (__p8 : (prod (a) (b))) :=
+ (f ((fst (__p8))) ((snd (__p8)))).
+Definition curry (a : Type) (b : Type) (c : Type) (f : ((prod (a) (b))) -> c) (a : a) (b : b) :=
+ (f ((pair (a) (b)))).
+Definition iterate :=
+ (error ("Not supported")).
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/generated/CryptolToCoq/CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/generated/CryptolToCoq/CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf2950a91f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/generated/CryptolToCoq/CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.v
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+(** Mandatory imports from saw-core-coq *)
+From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
+From Coq Require Import String.
+From Coq Require Import Vectors.Vector.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreScaffolding.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.
+Import ListNotations.
+(** Post-preamble section specified by you *)
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCorePrelude.
+Import SAWCorePrelude.
+(** Code generated by saw-core-coq *)
+Module CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.
+Definition const : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), a -> b -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (x : a) (y : b) => x.
+Definition compose : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (c : Type), (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c :=
+ fun (_1 : Type) (_2 : Type) (_3 : Type) (f : _2 -> _3) (g : _1 -> _2) (x : _1) => f (g x).
+Definition bvExp : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (y : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.foldr (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) n (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (a : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => if b then @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvMul n x (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvMul n a a) else @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvMul n a a) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNat n 1) (@SAWCorePrelude.reverse n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) y).
+Definition updFst : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), (a -> a) -> prod a b -> prod a b :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (f : a -> a) (x : prod a b) => pair (f (SAWCoreScaffolding.fst x)) (SAWCoreScaffolding.snd x).
+Definition updSnd : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), (b -> b) -> prod a b -> prod a b :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (f : b -> b) (x : prod a b) => pair (SAWCoreScaffolding.fst x) (f (SAWCoreScaffolding.snd x)).
+Inductive Num : Type :=
+| TCNum : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @Num
+| TCInf : @Num
+(* Cryptol.Num_rec was skipped *)
+Definition getFinNat : forall (n : @Num), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => n1) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) "Unexpected Fin constraint violation!"%string) n.
+Definition finNumRec : forall (p : @Num -> Type), (forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), p (@TCNum n)) -> forall (n : @Num), p n :=
+ fun (p : @Num -> Type) (f : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), p (@TCNum n)) (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect p f (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (p (@TCInf)) "Unexpected Fin constraint violation!"%string) n.
+Definition finNumRec2 : forall (p : @Num -> @Num -> Type), (forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), p (@TCNum m) (@TCNum n)) -> forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), p m n :=
+ fun (p : @Num -> @Num -> Type) (f : forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), p (@TCNum m) (@TCNum n)) => @finNumRec (fun (m : @Num) => forall (n : @Num), p m n) (fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @finNumRec (p (@TCNum m)) (f m)).
+Definition binaryNumFun : (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @Num) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @Num) -> @Num -> @Num -> @Num -> @Num :=
+ fun (f1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (f2 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @Num) (f3 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @Num) (f4 : @Num) (num1 : @Num) (num2 : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num1' : @Num) => @Num) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num2' : @Num) => @Num) (fun (n2 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCNum (f1 n1 n2)) (f2 n1) num2) (CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num2' : @Num) => @Num) f3 f4 num2) num1.
+Definition ternaryNumFun : (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) -> @Num -> @Num -> @Num -> @Num -> @Num :=
+ fun (f1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (f2 : @Num) (num1 : @Num) (num2 : @Num) (num3 : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num1' : @Num) => @Num) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num2' : @Num) => @Num) (fun (n2 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num3' : @Num) => @Num) (fun (n3 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCNum (f1 n1 n2 n3)) f2 num3) f2 num2) f2 num1.
+Definition tcWidth : @Num -> @Num :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @Num) (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCNum (@SAWCoreScaffolding.widthNat x)) (@TCInf) n.
+Definition tcAdd : @Num -> @Num -> @Num :=
+ @binaryNumFun addNat (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCInf) (fun (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCInf) (@TCInf).
+Definition tcSub : @Num -> @Num -> @Num :=
+ @binaryNumFun subNat (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCNum 0) (fun (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCInf) (@TCNum 0).
+Definition tcMul : @Num -> @Num -> @Num :=
+ @binaryNumFun mulNat (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.if0Nat (@Num) x (@TCNum 0) (@TCInf)) (fun (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.if0Nat (@Num) y (@TCNum 0) (@TCInf)) (@TCInf).
+Definition tcDiv : @Num -> @Num -> @Num :=
+ @binaryNumFun (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.divNat x y) (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCNum 0) (fun (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCInf) (@TCNum 1).
+Definition tcMod : @Num -> @Num -> @Num :=
+ @binaryNumFun (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.modNat x y) (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCNum 0) (fun (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCNum 0) (@TCNum 0).
+Definition tcExp : @Num -> @Num -> @Num :=
+ @binaryNumFun expNat (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.natCase (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Num) (@TCNum 0) (fun (x_minus_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.if0Nat (@Num) x_minus_1 (@TCNum 1) (@TCInf)) x) (fun (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.if0Nat (@Num) y (@TCNum 1) (@TCInf)) (@TCInf).
+Definition tcMin : @Num -> @Num -> @Num :=
+ @binaryNumFun minNat (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCNum x) (fun (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCNum y) (@TCInf).
+Definition tcMax : @Num -> @Num -> @Num :=
+ @binaryNumFun maxNat (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCInf) (fun (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCInf) (@TCInf).
+Definition ceilDivNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.divNat (@SAWCorePrelude.addNat x (@SAWCorePrelude.subNat y 1)) y.
+Definition ceilModNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.subNat (@SAWCorePrelude.mulNat (@ceilDivNat x y) y) x.
+Definition tcCeilDiv : @Num -> @Num -> @Num :=
+ @binaryNumFun ceilDivNat (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCNum 0) (fun (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCInf) (@TCInf).
+Definition tcCeilMod : @Num -> @Num -> @Num :=
+ @binaryNumFun ceilModNat (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCNum 0) (fun (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCInf) (@TCInf).
+Definition tcLenFromThenTo_Nat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => if @SAWCorePrelude.ltNat x y then if @SAWCorePrelude.ltNat z x then 0 else @SAWCorePrelude.addNat (@SAWCorePrelude.divNat (@SAWCorePrelude.subNat z x) (@SAWCorePrelude.subNat y x)) 1 else if @SAWCorePrelude.ltNat x z then 0 else @SAWCorePrelude.addNat (@SAWCorePrelude.divNat (@SAWCorePrelude.subNat x z) (@SAWCorePrelude.subNat x y)) 1.
+Definition tcLenFromThenTo : @Num -> @Num -> @Num -> @Num :=
+ @ternaryNumFun tcLenFromThenTo_Nat (@TCInf).
+Definition seq : @Num -> Type -> Type :=
+ fun (num : @Num) (a : Type) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num1 : @Num) => Type) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) num.
+Definition seq_TCNum : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (@seq (@TCNum n) a) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl Type (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a).
+Definition seq_TCInf : forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (@seq (@TCInf) a) (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) :=
+ fun (a : Type) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl Type (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a).
+Definition seqMap : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (n : @Num), (a -> b) -> @seq n a -> @seq n b :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (num : @Num) (f : a -> b) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n : @Num) => @seq n a -> @seq n b) (@SAWCorePrelude.map a b f) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamMap a b f) num.
+Definition seqConst : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), a -> @seq n a :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => forall (a : Type), a -> @seq n1 a) replicate streamConst n.
+Definition IntModNum : forall (num : @Num), Type :=
+ fun (num : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n : @Num) => Type) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.IntMod) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) num.
+Definition Rational : Type :=
+ unit.
+Definition ecRatio : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> Rational :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) => tt.
+Definition eqRational : Rational -> Rational -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (x : unit) (y : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) "Unimplemented: (==) Rational"%string.
+Definition ltRational : Rational -> Rational -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (x : unit) (y : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) "Unimplemented: (<) Rational"%string.
+Definition addRational : Rational -> Rational -> Rational :=
+ fun (x : unit) (y : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error Rational "Unimplemented: (+) Rational"%string.
+Definition subRational : Rational -> Rational -> Rational :=
+ fun (x : unit) (y : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error Rational "Unimplemented: (-) Rational"%string.
+Definition mulRational : Rational -> Rational -> Rational :=
+ fun (x : unit) (y : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error Rational "Unimplemented: (*) Rational"%string.
+Definition negRational : Rational -> Rational :=
+ fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error Rational "Unimplemented: negate Rational"%string.
+Definition integerToRational : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> Rational :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error Rational "Unimplemented: fromInteger Rational"%string.
+Definition seq_cong : forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@Num) m n -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type a b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (@seq m a) (@seq n b) :=
+ fun (m : @Num) (n : @Num) (a : Type) (b : Type) (eq_mn : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@Num) m n) (eq_ab : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type a b) => @SAWCorePrelude.trans Type (@seq m a) (@seq n a) (@seq n b) (@SAWCorePrelude.eq_cong (@Num) m n eq_mn Type (fun (x : @Num) => @seq x a)) (@SAWCorePrelude.eq_cong Type a b eq_ab Type (fun (x : Type) => @seq n x)).
+Definition seq_cong1 : forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@Num) m n -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (@seq m a) (@seq n a) :=
+ fun (m : @Num) (n : @Num) (a : Type) (eq_mn : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@Num) m n) => @SAWCorePrelude.eq_cong (@Num) m n eq_mn Type (fun (x : @Num) => @seq x a).
+Definition IntModNum_cong : forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@Num) m n -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (@IntModNum m) (@IntModNum n) :=
+ fun (m : @Num) (n : @Num) (eq_mn : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@Num) m n) => @SAWCorePrelude.eq_cong (@Num) m n eq_mn Type IntModNum.
+Definition fun_cong : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (c : Type), forall (d : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type a b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type c d -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (a -> c) (b -> d) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (c : Type) (d : Type) (eq_ab : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type a b) (eq_cd : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type c d) => @SAWCorePrelude.trans Type (a -> c) (b -> c) (b -> d) (@SAWCorePrelude.eq_cong Type a b eq_ab Type (fun (x : Type) => x -> c)) (@SAWCorePrelude.eq_cong Type c d eq_cd Type (fun (x : Type) => b -> x)).
+Definition pair_cong : forall (a : Type), forall (a' : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (b' : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type a a' -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type b b' -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (prod a b) (prod a' b') :=
+ fun (a : Type) (a' : Type) (b : Type) (b' : Type) (eq_a : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type a a') (eq_b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type b b') => @SAWCorePrelude.trans Type (prod a b) (prod a' b) (prod a' b') (@SAWCorePrelude.eq_cong Type a a' eq_a Type (fun (x : Type) => prod x b)) (@SAWCorePrelude.eq_cong Type b b' eq_b Type (fun (x : Type) => prod a' x)).
+Definition pair_cong1 : forall (a : Type), forall (a' : Type), forall (b : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type a a' -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (prod a b) (prod a' b) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (a' : Type) (b : Type) (eq_a : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type a a') => @SAWCorePrelude.eq_cong Type a a' eq_a Type (fun (x : Type) => prod x b).
+Definition pair_cong2 : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (b' : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type b b' -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (prod a b) (prod a b') :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (b' : Type) (eq_b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type b b') => @SAWCorePrelude.eq_cong Type b b' eq_b Type (fun (x : Type) => prod a x).
+(* Cryptol.unsafeAssert_same_Num was skipped *)
+Definition eListSel : forall (a : Type), forall (n : @Num), @seq n a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num : @Num) => @seq num a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n1 a) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamGet a) n.
+Definition from : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), @seq m a -> (a -> @seq n b) -> @seq (@tcMul m n) (prod a b) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (m : @Num) (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (m1 : @Num) => @seq m1 a -> (a -> @seq n b) -> @seq (@tcMul m1 n) (prod a b)) (fun (m1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 a -> (a -> @seq n1 b) -> @seq (@tcMul (@TCNum m1) n1) (prod a b)) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 a) (k : a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 b) => @SAWCorePrelude.join m1 n1 (prod a b) (@SAWCorePrelude.map a (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 (prod a b)) (fun (x : a) => @SAWCorePrelude.map b (prod a b) (fun (y : b) => pair x y) n1 (k x)) m1 xs)) (@SAWCorePrelude.natCase (fun (m' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m' a -> (a -> @SAWCorePrelude.Stream b) -> @seq (@SAWCorePrelude.if0Nat (@Num) m' (@TCNum 0) (@TCInf)) (prod a b)) (fun (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 0 a) (k : a -> @SAWCorePrelude.Stream b) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.EmptyVec (prod a b)) (fun (m' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ m') a) (k : a -> @SAWCorePrelude.Stream b) => (fun (x : a) => @SAWCorePrelude.streamMap b (prod a b) (fun (y : b) => pair x y) (k x)) (@SAWCorePrelude.sawAt (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ m') a xs 0)) m1) n) (CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a -> (a -> @seq n1 b) -> @seq (@tcMul (@TCInf) n1) (prod a b)) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.natCase (fun (n' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a -> (a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n' b) -> @seq (@SAWCorePrelude.if0Nat (@Num) n' (@TCNum 0) (@TCInf)) (prod a b)) (fun (xs : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) (k : a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 0 b) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.EmptyVec (prod a b)) (fun (n' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) (k : a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n') b) => @SAWCorePrelude.streamJoin (prod a b) n' (@SAWCorePrelude.streamMap a (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n') (prod a b)) (fun (x : a) => @SAWCorePrelude.map b (prod a b) (fun (y : b) => pair x y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n') (k x)) xs)) n1) (fun (xs : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) (k : a -> @SAWCorePrelude.Stream b) => (fun (x : a) => @SAWCorePrelude.streamMap b (prod a b) (fun (y : b) => pair x y) (k x)) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamGet a xs 0)) n) m.
+Definition mlet : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (n : @Num), a -> (a -> @seq n b) -> @seq n (prod a b) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => a -> (a -> @seq n1 b) -> @seq n1 (prod a b)) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : a) (f : a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 b) => @SAWCorePrelude.map b (prod a b) (fun (y : b) => pair x y) n1 (f x)) (fun (x : a) (f : a -> @SAWCorePrelude.Stream b) => @SAWCorePrelude.streamMap b (prod a b) (fun (y : b) => pair x y) (f x)) n.
+Definition seqZip : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), @seq m a -> @seq n b -> @seq (@tcMin m n) (prod a b) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (m : @Num) (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (m1 : @Num) => @seq m1 a -> @seq n b -> @seq (@tcMin m1 n) (prod a b)) (fun (m1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 a -> @seq n1 b -> @seq (@tcMin (@TCNum m1) n1) (prod a b)) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.zip a b m1 n1) (fun (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 a) (ys : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream b) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen m1 (prod a b) (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => pair (@SAWCorePrelude.sawAt m1 a xs i) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamGet b ys i))) n) (CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a -> @seq n1 b -> @seq (@tcMin (@TCInf) n1) (prod a b)) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) (ys : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 b) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen n1 (prod a b) (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => pair (@SAWCorePrelude.streamGet a xs i) (@SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n1 b ys i))) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamMap2 a b (prod a b) (fun (x : a) (y : b) => pair x y)) n) m.
+Definition seqBinary : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), (a -> a -> a) -> @seq n a -> @seq n a -> @seq n a :=
+ fun (num : @Num) (a : Type) (f : a -> a -> a) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n : @Num) => @seq n a -> @seq n a -> @seq n a) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.zipWith a a a f n) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamMap2 a a a f) num.
+Definition unitUnary : unit -> unit :=
+ fun (_1 : unit) => tt.
+Definition unitBinary : unit -> unit -> unit :=
+ fun (_1 : unit) (_2 : unit) => tt.
+Definition pairUnary : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), (a -> a) -> (b -> b) -> prod a b -> prod a b :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (f : a -> a) (g : b -> b) (xy : prod a b) => pair (f (@SAWCoreScaffolding.fst a b xy)) (g (@SAWCoreScaffolding.snd a b xy)).
+Definition pairBinary : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), (a -> a -> a) -> (b -> b -> b) -> prod a b -> prod a b -> prod a b :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (f : a -> a -> a) (g : b -> b -> b) (x12 : prod a b) (y12 : prod a b) => pair (f (@SAWCoreScaffolding.fst a b x12) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.fst a b y12)) (g (@SAWCoreScaffolding.snd a b x12) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.snd a b y12)).
+Definition funBinary : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), (b -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> a -> b :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (op : b -> b -> b) (f : a -> b) (g : a -> b) (x : a) => op (f x) (g x).
+Definition errorUnary : forall (s : @SAWCoreScaffolding.String), forall (a : Type), a -> a :=
+ fun (s : @SAWCoreScaffolding.String) (a : Type) (_1 : a) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error a s.
+Definition errorBinary : forall (s : @SAWCoreScaffolding.String), forall (a : Type), a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (s : @SAWCoreScaffolding.String) (a : Type) (_1 : a) (_2 : a) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error a s.
+Definition boolCmp : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (k : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => if x then @SAWCoreScaffolding.and y k else @SAWCoreScaffolding.or y k.
+Definition integerCmp : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (k : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intLt x y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intEq x y) k).
+Definition rationalCmp : Rational -> Rational -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (x : unit) (y : unit) (k : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@ltRational x y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@eqRational x y) k).
+Definition bvCmp : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (y : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (k : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvult n x y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCorePrelude.bvEq n x y) k).
+Definition bvSCmp : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (y : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (k : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvslt n x y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCorePrelude.bvEq n x y) k).
+Definition vecCmp : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (f : a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (ys : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (k : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.foldr (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) n (fun (f1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => f1) k (@SAWCorePrelude.zipWith a a (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) f n xs ys).
+Definition unitCmp : unit -> unit -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (_1 : unit) (_2 : unit) (_3 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.false.
+Definition pairCmp : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> (b -> b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> prod a b -> prod a b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (f : a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (g : b -> b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (x12 : prod a b) (y12 : prod a b) (k : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => f (@SAWCoreScaffolding.fst a b x12) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.fst a b y12) (g (@SAWCoreScaffolding.snd a b x12) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.snd a b y12) k).
+Definition PEq : Type -> Type :=
+ fun (a : Type) => RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil.
+Definition PEqBit : @PEq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ RecordCons "eq" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq) RecordNil.
+Definition PEqInteger : @PEq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) :=
+ RecordCons "eq" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intEq) RecordNil.
+Definition PEqRational : @PEq Rational :=
+ RecordCons "eq" eqRational RecordNil.
+Definition PEqIntMod : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @PEq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.IntMod n) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => RecordCons "eq" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intModEq n) RecordNil.
+Definition PEqIntModNum : forall (num : @Num), @PEq (@IntModNum num) :=
+ fun (num : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n : @Num) => @PEq (@IntModNum n)) PEqIntMod PEqInteger num.
+Definition PEqVec : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @PEq a -> @PEq (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) => RecordCons "eq" (@SAWCorePrelude.vecEq n a (RecordProj pa "eq")) RecordNil.
+Definition PEqSeq : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @PEq a -> @PEq (@seq n a) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => forall (a : Type), @PEq a -> @PEq (@seq n1 a)) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @PEqVec n1) (fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@PEq (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a)) "invalid Eq instance"%string) n.
+Definition PEqWord : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @PEq (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => RecordCons "eq" (@SAWCorePrelude.bvEq n) RecordNil.
+Definition PEqSeqBool : forall (n : @Num), @PEq (@seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @PEq (@seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @PEqWord n1) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@PEq (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) "invalid Eq instance"%string) n.
+Definition PEqUnit : @PEq unit :=
+ RecordCons "eq" (fun (x : unit) (y : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.true) RecordNil.
+Definition PEqPair : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @PEq a -> @PEq b -> @PEq (prod a b) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) (pb : RecordTypeCons "eq" (b -> b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) => RecordCons "eq" (@SAWCorePrelude.pairEq a b (RecordProj pa "eq") (RecordProj pb "eq")) RecordNil.
+Definition PCmp : Type -> Type :=
+ fun (a : Type) => RecordTypeCons "cmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (@PEq a) RecordTypeNil).
+Definition PCmpBit : @PCmp (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ RecordCons "cmp" boolCmp (RecordCons "cmpEq" PEqBit RecordNil).
+Definition PCmpInteger : @PCmp (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) :=
+ RecordCons "cmp" integerCmp (RecordCons "cmpEq" PEqInteger RecordNil).
+Definition PCmpRational : @PCmp Rational :=
+ RecordCons "cmp" rationalCmp (RecordCons "cmpEq" PEqRational RecordNil).
+Definition PCmpVec : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @PCmp a -> @PCmp (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "cmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) => RecordCons "cmp" (@vecCmp n a (RecordProj pa "cmp")) (RecordCons "cmpEq" (@PEqVec n a (RecordProj pa "cmpEq")) RecordNil).
+Definition PCmpSeq : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @PCmp a -> @PCmp (@seq n a) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => forall (a : Type), @PCmp a -> @PCmp (@seq n1 a)) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @PCmpVec n1) (fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "cmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@PCmp (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a)) "invalid Cmp instance"%string) n.
+Definition PCmpWord : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @PCmp (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => RecordCons "cmp" (@bvCmp n) (RecordCons "cmpEq" (@PEqWord n) RecordNil).
+Definition PCmpSeqBool : forall (n : @Num), @PCmp (@seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @PCmp (@seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @PCmpWord n1) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@PCmp (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) "invalid Cmp instance"%string) n.
+Definition PCmpUnit : @PCmp unit :=
+ RecordCons "cmp" unitCmp (RecordCons "cmpEq" PEqUnit RecordNil).
+Definition PCmpPair : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @PCmp a -> @PCmp b -> @PCmp (prod a b) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "cmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) (pb : RecordTypeCons "cmp" (b -> b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (b -> b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) => RecordCons "cmp" (@pairCmp a b (RecordProj pa "cmp") (RecordProj pb "cmp")) (RecordCons "cmpEq" (@PEqPair a b (RecordProj pa "cmpEq") (RecordProj pb "cmpEq")) RecordNil).
+Definition PSignedCmp : Type -> Type :=
+ fun (a : Type) => RecordTypeCons "scmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "signedCmpEq" (@PEq a) RecordTypeNil).
+Definition PSignedCmpVec : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @PSignedCmp a -> @PSignedCmp (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "scmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "signedCmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) => RecordCons "scmp" (@vecCmp n a (RecordProj pa "scmp")) (RecordCons "signedCmpEq" (@PEqVec n a (RecordProj pa "signedCmpEq")) RecordNil).
+Definition PSignedCmpSeq : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @PSignedCmp a -> @PSignedCmp (@seq n a) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => forall (a : Type), @PSignedCmp a -> @PSignedCmp (@seq n1 a)) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @PSignedCmpVec n1) (fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "scmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "signedCmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@PSignedCmp (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a)) "invalid SignedCmp instance"%string) n.
+Definition PSignedCmpWord : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @PSignedCmp (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => RecordCons "scmp" (@bvSCmp n) (RecordCons "signedCmpEq" (@PEqWord n) RecordNil).
+Definition PSignedCmpSeqBool : forall (n : @Num), @PSignedCmp (@seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @PSignedCmp (@seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @PSignedCmpWord n1) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@PSignedCmp (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) "invalid SignedCmp instance"%string) n.
+Definition PSignedCmpUnit : @PSignedCmp unit :=
+ RecordCons "scmp" unitCmp (RecordCons "signedCmpEq" PEqUnit RecordNil).
+Definition PSignedCmpPair : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @PSignedCmp a -> @PSignedCmp b -> @PSignedCmp (prod a b) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "scmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "signedCmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) (pb : RecordTypeCons "scmp" (b -> b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "signedCmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (b -> b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) => RecordCons "scmp" (@pairCmp a b (RecordProj pa "scmp") (RecordProj pb "scmp")) (RecordCons "signedCmpEq" (@PEqPair a b (RecordProj pa "signedCmpEq") (RecordProj pb "signedCmpEq")) RecordNil).
+Definition PZero : Type -> Type :=
+ fun (a : Type) => a.
+Definition PZeroBit : @PZero (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.false.
+Definition PZeroInteger : @PZero (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) :=
+ 0%Z.
+Definition PZeroIntMod : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @PZero (@SAWCoreScaffolding.IntMod n) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.toIntMod n 0%Z.
+Definition PZeroRational : @PZero Rational :=
+ @integerToRational 0%Z.
+Definition PZeroIntModNum : forall (num : @Num), @PZero (@IntModNum num) :=
+ fun (num : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n : @Num) => @PZero (@IntModNum n)) PZeroIntMod PZeroInteger num.
+Definition PZeroSeq : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @PZero a -> @PZero (@seq n a) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) (a : Type) (pa : a) => @seqConst n a pa.
+Definition PZeroSeqBool : forall (n : @Num), @PZero (@seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @PZero (@seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNat n1 0) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamConst (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) n.
+Definition PZeroFun : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @PZero b -> @PZero (a -> b) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (pb : b) (_1 : a) => pb.
+Definition PLogic : Type -> Type :=
+ fun (a : Type) => RecordTypeCons "and" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "logicZero" (@PZero a) (RecordTypeCons "not" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "or" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "xor" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))).
+Definition PLogicBit : @PLogic (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ RecordCons "and" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and) (RecordCons "logicZero" PZeroBit (RecordCons "not" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not) (RecordCons "or" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or) (RecordCons "xor" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor) RecordNil)))).
+Definition PLogicVec : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @PLogic a -> @PLogic (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "and" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "logicZero" a (RecordTypeCons "not" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "or" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "xor" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil))))) => RecordCons "and" (@SAWCorePrelude.zipWith a a a (RecordProj pa "and") n) (RecordCons "logicZero" (@SAWCorePrelude.replicate n a (RecordProj pa "logicZero")) (RecordCons "not" (@SAWCorePrelude.map a a (RecordProj pa "not") n) (RecordCons "or" (@SAWCorePrelude.zipWith a a a (RecordProj pa "or") n) (RecordCons "xor" (@SAWCorePrelude.zipWith a a a (RecordProj pa "xor") n) RecordNil)))).
+Definition PLogicStream : forall (a : Type), @PLogic a -> @PLogic (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "and" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "logicZero" a (RecordTypeCons "not" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "or" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "xor" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil))))) => RecordCons "and" (@SAWCorePrelude.streamMap2 a a a (RecordProj pa "and")) (RecordCons "logicZero" (@SAWCorePrelude.streamConst a (RecordProj pa "logicZero")) (RecordCons "not" (@SAWCorePrelude.streamMap a a (RecordProj pa "not")) (RecordCons "or" (@SAWCorePrelude.streamMap2 a a a (RecordProj pa "or")) (RecordCons "xor" (@SAWCorePrelude.streamMap2 a a a (RecordProj pa "xor")) RecordNil)))).
+Definition PLogicSeq : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @PLogic a -> @PLogic (@seq n a) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => forall (a : Type), @PLogic a -> @PLogic (@seq n1 a)) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @PLogicVec n1) PLogicStream n.
+Definition PLogicWord : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @PLogic (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => RecordCons "and" (@SAWCorePrelude.bvAnd n) (RecordCons "logicZero" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNat n 0) (RecordCons "not" (@SAWCorePrelude.bvNot n) (RecordCons "or" (@SAWCorePrelude.bvOr n) (RecordCons "xor" (@SAWCorePrelude.bvXor n) RecordNil)))).
+Definition PLogicSeqBool : forall (n : @Num), @PLogic (@seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @PLogic (@seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @PLogicWord n1) (@PLogicStream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) PLogicBit) n.
+Definition PLogicFun : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @PLogic b -> @PLogic (a -> b) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (pb : RecordTypeCons "and" (b -> b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "logicZero" b (RecordTypeCons "not" (b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "or" (b -> b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "xor" (b -> b -> b) RecordTypeNil))))) => RecordCons "and" (@funBinary a b (RecordProj pb "and")) (RecordCons "logicZero" (@PZeroFun a b (RecordProj pb "logicZero")) (RecordCons "not" (@compose a b b (RecordProj pb "not")) (RecordCons "or" (@funBinary a b (RecordProj pb "or")) (RecordCons "xor" (@funBinary a b (RecordProj pb "xor")) RecordNil)))).
+Definition PLogicUnit : @PLogic unit :=
+ RecordCons "and" unitBinary (RecordCons "logicZero" tt (RecordCons "not" unitUnary (RecordCons "or" unitBinary (RecordCons "xor" unitBinary RecordNil)))).
+Definition PLogicPair : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @PLogic a -> @PLogic b -> @PLogic (prod a b) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "and" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "logicZero" a (RecordTypeCons "not" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "or" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "xor" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil))))) (pb : RecordTypeCons "and" (b -> b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "logicZero" b (RecordTypeCons "not" (b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "or" (b -> b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "xor" (b -> b -> b) RecordTypeNil))))) => RecordCons "and" (@pairBinary a b (RecordProj pa "and") (RecordProj pb "and")) (RecordCons "logicZero" (pair (RecordProj pa "logicZero") (RecordProj pb "logicZero")) (RecordCons "not" (@pairUnary a b (RecordProj pa "not") (RecordProj pb "not")) (RecordCons "or" (@pairBinary a b (RecordProj pa "or") (RecordProj pb "or")) (RecordCons "xor" (@pairBinary a b (RecordProj pa "xor") (RecordProj pb "xor")) RecordNil)))).
+Definition PRing : Type -> Type :=
+ fun (a : Type) => RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" (@PZero a) (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil))))).
+Definition PRingInteger : @PRing (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) :=
+ RecordCons "add" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intAdd) (RecordCons "int" (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) => i) (RecordCons "mul" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intMul) (RecordCons "neg" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intNeg) (RecordCons "ringZero" PZeroInteger (RecordCons "sub" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intSub) RecordNil))))).
+Definition PRingIntMod : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @PRing (@SAWCoreScaffolding.IntMod n) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => RecordCons "add" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intModAdd n) (RecordCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.toIntMod n) (RecordCons "mul" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intModMul n) (RecordCons "neg" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intModNeg n) (RecordCons "ringZero" (@PZeroIntMod n) (RecordCons "sub" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intModSub n) RecordNil))))).
+Definition PRingIntModNum : forall (num : @Num), @PRing (@IntModNum num) :=
+ fun (num : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n : @Num) => @PRing (@IntModNum n)) PRingIntMod PRingInteger num.
+Definition PRingRational : @PRing Rational :=
+ RecordCons "add" addRational (RecordCons "int" integerToRational (RecordCons "mul" mulRational (RecordCons "neg" negRational (RecordCons "ringZero" PZeroRational (RecordCons "sub" subRational RecordNil))))).
+Definition PRingVec : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @PRing a -> @PRing (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) => RecordCons "add" (@SAWCorePrelude.zipWith a a a (RecordProj pa "add") n) (RecordCons "int" (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) => @SAWCorePrelude.replicate n a (RecordProj pa "int" i)) (RecordCons "mul" (@SAWCorePrelude.zipWith a a a (RecordProj pa "mul") n) (RecordCons "neg" (@SAWCorePrelude.map a a (RecordProj pa "neg") n) (RecordCons "ringZero" (@SAWCorePrelude.replicate n a (RecordProj pa "ringZero")) (RecordCons "sub" (@SAWCorePrelude.zipWith a a a (RecordProj pa "sub") n) RecordNil))))).
+Definition PRingStream : forall (a : Type), @PRing a -> @PRing (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) => RecordCons "add" (@SAWCorePrelude.streamMap2 a a a (RecordProj pa "add")) (RecordCons "int" (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) => @SAWCorePrelude.streamConst a (RecordProj pa "int" i)) (RecordCons "mul" (@SAWCorePrelude.streamMap2 a a a (RecordProj pa "mul")) (RecordCons "neg" (@SAWCorePrelude.streamMap a a (RecordProj pa "neg")) (RecordCons "ringZero" (@SAWCorePrelude.streamConst a (RecordProj pa "ringZero")) (RecordCons "sub" (@SAWCorePrelude.streamMap2 a a a (RecordProj pa "sub")) RecordNil))))).
+Definition PRingSeq : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @PRing a -> @PRing (@seq n a) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => forall (a : Type), @PRing a -> @PRing (@seq n1 a)) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @PRingVec n1) PRingStream n.
+Definition PRingWord : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @PRing (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => RecordCons "add" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvAdd n) (RecordCons "int" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.intToBv n) (RecordCons "mul" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvMul n) (RecordCons "neg" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNeg n) (RecordCons "ringZero" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNat n 0) (RecordCons "sub" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvSub n) RecordNil))))).
+Definition PRingSeqBool : forall (n : @Num), @PRing (@seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @PRing (@seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @PRingWord n1) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@PRing (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) "PRingSeqBool: no instance for streams"%string) n.
+Definition PRingFun : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @PRing b -> @PRing (a -> b) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (pb : RecordTypeCons "add" (b -> b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> b) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (b -> b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" b (RecordTypeCons "sub" (b -> b -> b) RecordTypeNil)))))) => RecordCons "add" (@funBinary a b (RecordProj pb "add")) (RecordCons "int" (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (_1 : a) => RecordProj pb "int" i) (RecordCons "mul" (@funBinary a b (RecordProj pb "mul")) (RecordCons "neg" (@compose a b b (RecordProj pb "neg")) (RecordCons "ringZero" (@PZeroFun a b (RecordProj pb "ringZero")) (RecordCons "sub" (@funBinary a b (RecordProj pb "sub")) RecordNil))))).
+Definition PRingUnit : @PRing unit :=
+ RecordCons "add" unitBinary (RecordCons "int" (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) => tt) (RecordCons "mul" unitBinary (RecordCons "neg" unitUnary (RecordCons "ringZero" tt (RecordCons "sub" unitBinary RecordNil))))).
+Definition PRingPair : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @PRing a -> @PRing b -> @PRing (prod a b) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (pb : RecordTypeCons "add" (b -> b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> b) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (b -> b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" b (RecordTypeCons "sub" (b -> b -> b) RecordTypeNil)))))) => RecordCons "add" (@pairBinary a b (RecordProj pa "add") (RecordProj pb "add")) (RecordCons "int" (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) => pair (RecordProj pa "int" i) (RecordProj pb "int" i)) (RecordCons "mul" (@pairBinary a b (RecordProj pa "mul") (RecordProj pb "mul")) (RecordCons "neg" (@pairUnary a b (RecordProj pa "neg") (RecordProj pb "neg")) (RecordCons "ringZero" (pair (RecordProj pa "ringZero") (RecordProj pb "ringZero")) (RecordCons "sub" (@pairBinary a b (RecordProj pa "sub") (RecordProj pb "sub")) RecordNil))))).
+Definition PIntegral : Type -> Type :=
+ fun (a : Type) => RecordTypeCons "div" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (@PRing a) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> a -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil)))).
+Definition PIntegralInteger : @PIntegral (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) :=
+ RecordCons "div" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intDiv) (RecordCons "integralRing" PRingInteger (RecordCons "mod" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intMod) (RecordCons "posNegCases" (fun (r : Type) (pos : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) (neg : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) => if @SAWCoreScaffolding.intLe 0%Z i then pos (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intToNat i) else neg (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intToNat (@SAWCoreScaffolding.intNeg i))) (RecordCons "toInt" (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) => i) RecordNil)))).
+Definition PIntegralWord : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @PIntegral (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => RecordCons "div" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvUDiv n) (RecordCons "integralRing" (@PRingWord n) (RecordCons "mod" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvURem n) (RecordCons "posNegCases" (fun (r : Type) (pos : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) (neg : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) (i : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => pos (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvToNat n i)) (RecordCons "toInt" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvToInt n) RecordNil)))).
+Definition PIntegralSeqBool : forall (n : @Num), @PIntegral (@seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @PIntegral (@seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @PIntegralWord n1) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@PIntegral (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) "PIntegralSeqBool: no instance for streams"%string) n.
+Definition PField : Type -> Type :=
+ fun (a : Type) => RecordTypeCons "fieldDiv" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "fieldRing" (@PRing a) (RecordTypeCons "recip" (a -> a) RecordTypeNil)).
+Definition PFieldRational : @PField Rational :=
+ RecordCons "fieldDiv" (fun (x : unit) (y : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error Rational "Unimplemented: (/.) Rational"%string) (RecordCons "fieldRing" PRingRational (RecordCons "recip" (fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error Rational "Unimplemented: recip Rational"%string) RecordNil)).
+Definition PFieldIntMod : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @PField (@SAWCoreScaffolding.IntMod n) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => RecordCons "fieldDiv" (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.IntMod n) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.IntMod n) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.IntMod n) "Unimplemented: (/.) IntMod"%string) (RecordCons "fieldRing" (@PRingIntMod n) (RecordCons "recip" (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.IntMod n) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.IntMod n) "Unimplemented: recip IntMod"%string) RecordNil)).
+Definition PFieldIntModNum : forall (n : @Num), @PField (@IntModNum n) :=
+ fun (num : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n : @Num) => @PField (@IntModNum n)) PFieldIntMod (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@PField (@IntModNum (@TCInf))) "PFieldIntModNum: no instance for inf"%string) num.
+Definition PRound : Type -> Type :=
+ fun (a : Type) => RecordTypeCons "ceiling" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "floor" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "roundAway" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "roundCmp" (@PCmp a) (RecordTypeCons "roundField" (@PField a) (RecordTypeCons "roundToEven" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "trunc" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil)))))).
+Definition PRoundRational : @PRound Rational :=
+ RecordCons "ceiling" (fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) "Unimplemented: ceiling Rational"%string) (RecordCons "floor" (fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) "Unimplemented: floor Rational"%string) (RecordCons "roundAway" (fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) "Unimplemented: roundAway Rational"%string) (RecordCons "roundCmp" PCmpRational (RecordCons "roundField" PFieldRational (RecordCons "roundToEven" (fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) "Unimplemented: roundToEven Rational"%string) (RecordCons "trunc" (fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) "Unimplemented: trunc Rational"%string) RecordNil)))))).
+Definition PLiteral : forall (a : Type), Type :=
+ fun (a : Type) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a.
+Definition PLiteralLessThan : forall (a : Type), Type :=
+ fun (a : Type) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a.
+Definition PLiteralSeqBool : forall (n : @Num), @PLiteral (@seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @PLiteral (@seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNat) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@PLiteral (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) "PLiteralSeqBool: no instance for streams"%string) n.
+Definition PLiteralBit : @PLiteral (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ @SAWCorePrelude.Nat_cases (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.true).
+Definition PLiteralInteger : @PLiteral (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) :=
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.natToInt.
+Definition PLiteralIntMod : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @PLiteral (@SAWCoreScaffolding.IntMod n) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.toIntMod n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.natToInt x).
+Definition PLiteralIntModNum : forall (num : @Num), @PLiteral (@IntModNum num) :=
+ fun (num : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n : @Num) => @PLiteral (@IntModNum n)) PLiteralIntMod PLiteralInteger num.
+Definition PLiteralRational : @PLiteral Rational :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error Rational "Unimplemented: Literal Rational"%string.
+Definition ecNumber : forall (val : @Num), forall (a : Type), @PLiteral a -> a :=
+ fun (val : @Num) (a : Type) (pa : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (_1 : @Num) => a) pa (pa 0) val.
+Definition ecFromZ : forall (n : @Num), @IntModNum n -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @IntModNum n1 -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.fromIntMod) (fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) => x) n.
+Definition ecFromInteger : forall (a : Type), @PRing a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) => RecordProj pa "int".
+Definition ecPlus : forall (a : Type), @PRing a -> a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) => RecordProj pa "add".
+Definition ecMinus : forall (a : Type), @PRing a -> a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) => RecordProj pa "sub".
+Definition ecMul : forall (a : Type), @PRing a -> a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) => RecordProj pa "mul".
+Definition ecNeg : forall (a : Type), @PRing a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) => RecordProj pa "neg".
+Definition ecToInteger : forall (a : Type), @PIntegral a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "div" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> a -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) => RecordProj pa "toInt".
+Definition ecDiv : forall (a : Type), @PIntegral a -> a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pi : RecordTypeCons "div" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> a -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) => RecordProj pi "div".
+Definition ecMod : forall (a : Type), @PIntegral a -> a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pi : RecordTypeCons "div" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> a -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) => RecordProj pi "mod".
+Definition ecExp : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @PRing a -> @PIntegral b -> a -> b -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (pi : RecordTypeCons "div" (b -> b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (b -> b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> b) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (b -> b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" b (RecordTypeCons "sub" (b -> b -> b) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (b -> b -> b) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> b -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (x : a) => RecordProj pi "posNegCases" a (@SAWCorePrelude.expByNat a (RecordProj pa "int" 1%Z) (RecordProj pa "mul") x) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => RecordProj pa "int" 1%Z).
+Definition ecRecip : forall (a : Type), @PField a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pf : RecordTypeCons "fieldDiv" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "fieldRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "recip" (a -> a) RecordTypeNil))) => RecordProj pf "recip".
+Definition ecFieldDiv : forall (a : Type), @PField a -> a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pf : RecordTypeCons "fieldDiv" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "fieldRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "recip" (a -> a) RecordTypeNil))) => RecordProj pf "fieldDiv".
+Definition ecCeiling : forall (a : Type), @PRound a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pr : RecordTypeCons "ceiling" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "floor" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "roundAway" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "roundCmp" (RecordTypeCons "cmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) (RecordTypeCons "roundField" (RecordTypeCons "fieldDiv" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "fieldRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "recip" (a -> a) RecordTypeNil))) (RecordTypeCons "roundToEven" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "trunc" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))))) => RecordProj pr "ceiling".
+Definition ecFloor : forall (a : Type), @PRound a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pr : RecordTypeCons "ceiling" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "floor" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "roundAway" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "roundCmp" (RecordTypeCons "cmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) (RecordTypeCons "roundField" (RecordTypeCons "fieldDiv" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "fieldRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "recip" (a -> a) RecordTypeNil))) (RecordTypeCons "roundToEven" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "trunc" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))))) => RecordProj pr "floor".
+Definition ecTruncate : forall (a : Type), @PRound a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pr : RecordTypeCons "ceiling" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "floor" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "roundAway" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "roundCmp" (RecordTypeCons "cmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) (RecordTypeCons "roundField" (RecordTypeCons "fieldDiv" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "fieldRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "recip" (a -> a) RecordTypeNil))) (RecordTypeCons "roundToEven" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "trunc" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))))) => RecordProj pr "trunc".
+Definition ecRoundAway : forall (a : Type), @PRound a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pr : RecordTypeCons "ceiling" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "floor" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "roundAway" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "roundCmp" (RecordTypeCons "cmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) (RecordTypeCons "roundField" (RecordTypeCons "fieldDiv" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "fieldRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "recip" (a -> a) RecordTypeNil))) (RecordTypeCons "roundToEven" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "trunc" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))))) => RecordProj pr "roundAway".
+Definition ecRoundToEven : forall (a : Type), @PRound a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pr : RecordTypeCons "ceiling" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "floor" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "roundAway" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "roundCmp" (RecordTypeCons "cmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) (RecordTypeCons "roundField" (RecordTypeCons "fieldDiv" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "fieldRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "recip" (a -> a) RecordTypeNil))) (RecordTypeCons "roundToEven" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) (RecordTypeCons "trunc" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))))) => RecordProj pr "roundToEven".
+Definition ecLg2 : forall (n : @Num), @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvLg2) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) "ecLg2: expected finite word"%string) n.
+Definition ecSDiv : forall (n : @Num), @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (@SAWCorePrelude.Nat__rec (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 0 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 0 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 0 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) "ecSDiv: illegal 0-width word"%string) (fun (n' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n' (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n' (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n' (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvSDiv n')) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) "ecSDiv: expected finite word"%string) n.
+Definition ecSMod : forall (n : @Num), @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (@SAWCorePrelude.Nat__rec (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 0 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 0 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 0 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) "ecSMod: illegal 0-width word"%string) (fun (n' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n' (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n' (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n' (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvSRem n')) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) "ecSMod: expected finite word"%string) n.
+Definition ecEq : forall (a : Type), @PEq a -> a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) => RecordProj pa "eq".
+Definition ecNotEq : forall (a : Type), @PEq a -> a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) (x : a) (y : a) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@ecEq a pa x y).
+Definition ecLt : forall (a : Type), @PCmp a -> a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "cmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) (x : a) (y : a) => RecordProj pa "cmp" x y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false).
+Definition ecGt : forall (a : Type), @PCmp a -> a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "cmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) (x : a) (y : a) => @ecLt a pa y x.
+Definition ecLtEq : forall (a : Type), @PCmp a -> a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "cmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) (x : a) (y : a) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@ecLt a pa y x).
+Definition ecGtEq : forall (a : Type), @PCmp a -> a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "cmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "cmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) (x : a) (y : a) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@ecLt a pa x y).
+Definition ecSLt : forall (a : Type), @PSignedCmp a -> a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "scmp" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (RecordTypeCons "signedCmpEq" (RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) RecordTypeNil)) (x : a) (y : a) => RecordProj pa "scmp" x y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false).
+Definition ecAnd : forall (a : Type), @PLogic a -> a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "and" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "logicZero" a (RecordTypeCons "not" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "or" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "xor" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil))))) => RecordProj pa "and".
+Definition ecOr : forall (a : Type), @PLogic a -> a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "and" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "logicZero" a (RecordTypeCons "not" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "or" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "xor" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil))))) => RecordProj pa "or".
+Definition ecXor : forall (a : Type), @PLogic a -> a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "and" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "logicZero" a (RecordTypeCons "not" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "or" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "xor" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil))))) => RecordProj pa "xor".
+Definition ecCompl : forall (a : Type), @PLogic a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "and" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "logicZero" a (RecordTypeCons "not" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "or" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "xor" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil))))) => RecordProj pa "not".
+Definition ecZero : forall (a : Type), @PZero a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : a) => pa.
+Definition ecFraction : forall (a : Type), a :=
+ fun (a : Type) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error a "Unimplemented: fraction"%string.
+Definition ecShiftL : forall (m : @Num), forall (ix : Type), forall (a : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @PZero a -> @seq m a -> ix -> @seq m a :=
+ fun (m : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (m1 : @Num) => forall (ix : Type), forall (a : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @PZero a -> @seq m1 a -> ix -> @seq m1 a) (fun (m1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (ix : Type) (a : Type) (pix : RecordTypeCons "div" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" ix (RecordTypeCons "sub" (ix -> ix -> ix) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> ix -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (ix -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (pz : a) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 a) => RecordProj pix "posNegCases" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 a) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.shiftL m1 a (@ecZero a pz) xs) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.shiftR m1 a (@ecZero a pz) xs)) (fun (ix : Type) (a : Type) (pix : RecordTypeCons "div" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" ix (RecordTypeCons "sub" (ix -> ix -> ix) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> ix -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (ix -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (pz : a) (xs : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) => RecordProj pix "posNegCases" (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamShiftL a xs) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamShiftR a pz xs)) m.
+Definition ecShiftR : forall (m : @Num), forall (ix : Type), forall (a : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @PZero a -> @seq m a -> ix -> @seq m a :=
+ fun (m : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (m1 : @Num) => forall (ix : Type), forall (a : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @PZero a -> @seq m1 a -> ix -> @seq m1 a) (fun (m1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (ix : Type) (a : Type) (pix : RecordTypeCons "div" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" ix (RecordTypeCons "sub" (ix -> ix -> ix) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> ix -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (ix -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (pz : a) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 a) => RecordProj pix "posNegCases" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 a) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.shiftR m1 a (@ecZero a pz) xs) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.shiftL m1 a (@ecZero a pz) xs)) (fun (ix : Type) (a : Type) (pix : RecordTypeCons "div" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" ix (RecordTypeCons "sub" (ix -> ix -> ix) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> ix -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (ix -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (pz : a) (xs : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) => RecordProj pix "posNegCases" (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamShiftR a pz xs) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamShiftL a xs)) m.
+Definition ecSShiftR : forall (n : @Num), forall (ix : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> ix -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ @finNumRec (fun (n : @Num) => forall (ix : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> ix -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (ix : Type) (pix : RecordTypeCons "div" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" ix (RecordTypeCons "sub" (ix -> ix -> ix) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> ix -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (ix -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) => @SAWCorePrelude.natCase (fun (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> ix -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (fun (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 0 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (_1 : ix) => xs) (fun (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ w) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => RecordProj pix "posNegCases" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ w) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvSShr w xs) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvShl (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ w) xs)) n).
+Definition ecRotL : forall (m : @Num), forall (ix : Type), forall (a : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @seq m a -> ix -> @seq m a :=
+ @finNumRec (fun (m : @Num) => forall (ix : Type), forall (a : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @seq m a -> ix -> @seq m a) (fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (ix : Type) (a : Type) (pix : RecordTypeCons "div" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" ix (RecordTypeCons "sub" (ix -> ix -> ix) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> ix -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (ix -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m a) => RecordProj pix "posNegCases" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m a) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.rotateL m a xs) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.rotateR m a xs)).
+Definition ecRotR : forall (m : @Num), forall (ix : Type), forall (a : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @seq m a -> ix -> @seq m a :=
+ @finNumRec (fun (m : @Num) => forall (ix : Type), forall (a : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @seq m a -> ix -> @seq m a) (fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (ix : Type) (a : Type) (pix : RecordTypeCons "div" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" ix (RecordTypeCons "sub" (ix -> ix -> ix) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> ix -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (ix -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m a) => RecordProj pix "posNegCases" (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m a) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.rotateR m a xs) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.rotateL m a xs)).
+Definition ecCat : forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @seq m a -> @seq n a -> @seq (@tcAdd m n) a :=
+ @finNumRec (fun (m : @Num) => forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @seq m a -> @seq n a -> @seq (@tcAdd m n) a) (fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n : @Num) => forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m a -> @seq n a -> @seq (@tcAdd (@TCNum m) n) a) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) => @SAWCorePrelude.append m n a) (fun (a : Type) => @SAWCorePrelude.streamAppend a m)).
+Definition ecSplitAt : forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @seq (@tcAdd m n) a -> prod (@seq m a) (@seq n a) :=
+ @finNumRec (fun (m : @Num) => forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @seq (@tcAdd m n) a -> prod (@seq m a) (@seq n a)) (fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n : @Num) => forall (a : Type), @seq (@tcAdd (@TCNum m) n) a -> prod (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m a) (@seq n a)) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCorePrelude.addNat m n) a) => pair (@SAWCorePrelude.take a m n xs) (@SAWCorePrelude.drop a m n xs)) (fun (a : Type) (xs : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) => pair (@SAWCorePrelude.streamTake a m xs) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamDrop a m xs))).
+Definition ecJoin : forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @seq m (@seq n a) -> @seq (@tcMul m n) a :=
+ fun (m : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (m1 : @Num) => forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @seq m1 (@seq n a) -> @seq (@tcMul m1 n) a) (fun (m1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @finNumRec (fun (n : @Num) => forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 (@seq n a) -> @seq (@tcMul (@TCNum m1) n) a) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) => @SAWCorePrelude.join m1 n a)) (@finNumRec (fun (n : @Num) => forall (a : Type), @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@seq n a) -> @seq (@tcMul (@TCInf) n) a) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) => @SAWCorePrelude.natCase (fun (n' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n' a) -> @seq (@SAWCorePrelude.if0Nat (@Num) n' (@TCNum 0) (@TCInf)) a) (fun (s : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 0 a)) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.EmptyVec a) (fun (n' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (s : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n') a)) => @SAWCorePrelude.streamJoin a n' s) n)) m.
+Definition ecSplit : forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @seq (@tcMul m n) a -> @seq m (@seq n a) :=
+ fun (m : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (m1 : @Num) => forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @seq (@tcMul m1 n) a -> @seq m1 (@seq n a)) (fun (m1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @finNumRec (fun (n : @Num) => forall (a : Type), @seq (@tcMul (@TCNum m1) n) a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 (@seq n a)) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) => @SAWCorePrelude.split m1 n a)) (@finNumRec (fun (n : @Num) => forall (a : Type), @seq (@tcMul (@TCInf) n) a -> @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@seq n a)) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) => @SAWCorePrelude.natCase (fun (n' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @seq (@SAWCorePrelude.if0Nat (@Num) n' (@TCNum 0) (@TCInf)) a -> @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n' a)) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamConst (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 0 a)) (fun (n' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.streamSplit a (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n')) n)) m.
+Definition ecReverse : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @seq n a -> @seq n a :=
+ @finNumRec (fun (n : @Num) => forall (a : Type), @seq n a -> @seq n a) reverse.
+Definition ecTranspose : forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), @seq m (@seq n a) -> @seq n (@seq m a) :=
+ fun (m : @Num) (n : @Num) (a : Type) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (m1 : @Num) => @seq m1 (@seq n a) -> @seq n (@seq m1 a)) (fun (m1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 (@seq n1 a) -> @seq n1 (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 a)) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.transpose m1 n1 a) (fun (xss : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a)) => @SAWCorePrelude.MkStream (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m1 a) (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen m1 a (fun (j : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.streamGet a (@SAWCorePrelude.sawAt m1 (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) xss j) i))) n) (CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@seq n1 a) -> @seq n1 (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a)) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xss : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 a)) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen n1 (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.MkStream a (fun (j : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n1 a (@SAWCorePrelude.streamGet (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 a) xss j) i))) (fun (xss : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a)) => @SAWCorePrelude.MkStream (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.MkStream a (fun (j : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.streamGet a (@SAWCorePrelude.streamGet (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) xss j) i))) n) m.
+Definition ecAt : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), forall (ix : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @seq n a -> ix -> a :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => forall (a : Type), forall (ix : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @seq n1 a -> ix -> a) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (ix : Type) (pix : RecordTypeCons "div" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" ix (RecordTypeCons "sub" (ix -> ix -> ix) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> ix -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (ix -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 a) => RecordProj pix "posNegCases" a (@SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n1 a xs) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n1 a xs 0)) (fun (a : Type) (ix : Type) (pix : RecordTypeCons "div" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" ix (RecordTypeCons "sub" (ix -> ix -> ix) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> ix -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (ix -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (xs : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) => RecordProj pix "posNegCases" a (@SAWCorePrelude.streamGet a xs) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.streamGet a xs 0)) n.
+Definition ecAtBack : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), forall (ix : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @seq n a -> ix -> a :=
+ fun (n : @Num) (a : Type) (ix : Type) (pix : RecordTypeCons "div" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" ix (RecordTypeCons "sub" (ix -> ix -> ix) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> ix -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (ix -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (xs : CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num : @Num) => Type) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 a) (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) n) => @ecAt n a ix pix (@ecReverse n a xs).
+Definition ecFromTo : forall (first : @Num), forall (last : @Num), forall (a : Type), @PLiteral a -> @PLiteral a -> @seq (@tcAdd (@TCNum 1) (@tcSub last first)) a :=
+ @finNumRec (fun (first : @Num) => forall (last : @Num), forall (a : Type), @PLiteral a -> @PLiteral a -> @seq (@tcAdd (@TCNum 1) (@tcSub last first)) a) (fun (first : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @finNumRec (fun (last : @Num) => forall (a : Type), @PLiteral a -> @PLiteral a -> @seq (@tcAdd (@TCNum 1) (@tcSub last (@TCNum first))) a) (fun (last : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (pa : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen (@SAWCorePrelude.addNat 1 (@SAWCorePrelude.subNat last first)) a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => pa (@SAWCorePrelude.addNat i first)))).
+Definition ecFromToLessThan : forall (first : @Num), forall (bound : @Num), forall (a : Type), @PLiteralLessThan a -> @seq (@tcSub bound first) a :=
+ fun (first : @Num) (bound : @Num) (a : Type) => @finNumRec (fun (first1 : @Num) => @PLiteralLessThan a -> @seq (@tcSub bound first1) a) (fun (first1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (bound1 : @Num) => @PLiteralLessThan a -> @seq (@tcSub bound1 (@TCNum first1)) a) (fun (bound1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (pa : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen (@SAWCorePrelude.subNat bound1 first1) a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => pa (@SAWCorePrelude.addNat i first1))) (fun (pa : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) => @SAWCorePrelude.MkStream a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => pa (@SAWCorePrelude.addNat i first1))) bound) first.
+Definition ecFromThenTo : forall (first : @Num), forall (next : @Num), forall (last : @Num), forall (a : Type), forall (len : @Num), @PLiteral a -> @PLiteral a -> @PLiteral a -> @seq len a :=
+ fun (first : @Num) (next : @Num) (_1 : @Num) (a : Type) => @finNumRec (fun (len : @Num) => @PLiteral a -> @PLiteral a -> @PLiteral a -> @seq len a) (fun (len : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (pa : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) (_2 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) (_3 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen len a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => pa (@SAWCorePrelude.subNat (@SAWCorePrelude.addNat (@getFinNat first) (@SAWCorePrelude.mulNat i (@getFinNat next))) (@SAWCorePrelude.mulNat i (@getFinNat first))))).
+Definition ecInfFrom : forall (a : Type), @PIntegral a -> a -> @seq (@TCInf) a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "div" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> a -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (x : a) => @SAWCorePrelude.MkStream a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => RecordProj (RecordProj pa "integralRing") "add" x (RecordProj (RecordProj pa "integralRing") "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.natToInt i))).
+Definition ecInfFromThen : forall (a : Type), @PIntegral a -> a -> a -> @seq (@TCInf) a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "div" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> a) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" a (RecordTypeCons "sub" (a -> a -> a) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (a -> a -> a) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> a -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (x : a) (y : a) => @SAWCorePrelude.MkStream a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => RecordProj (RecordProj pa "integralRing") "add" x (RecordProj (RecordProj pa "integralRing") "mul" (RecordProj (RecordProj pa "integralRing") "sub" y x) (RecordProj (RecordProj pa "integralRing") "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.natToInt i)))).
+Definition ecError : forall (a : Type), forall (len : @Num), @seq len (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 8 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (len : @Num) (msg : CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num : @Num) => Type) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 8 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 8 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) len) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error a "encountered call to the Cryptol 'error' function"%string.
+Definition ecRandom : forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 32 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 32 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error a "Cryptol.random"%string.
+Definition ecTrace : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @seq n (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 8 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) -> a -> b -> b :=
+ fun (_1 : @Num) (_2 : Type) (_3 : Type) (_4 : CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num : @Num) => Type) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 8 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 8 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool))) _1) (_5 : _2) (x : _3) => x.
+Definition ecDeepseq : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @PEq a -> a -> b -> b :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) (x : a) (y : b) => y.
+Definition ecParmap : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (n : @Num), @PEq b -> (a -> b) -> @seq n a -> @seq n b :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (n : @Num) (pb : RecordTypeCons "eq" (b -> b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => (a -> b) -> @seq n1 a -> @seq n1 b) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (f : a -> b) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 a) => @SAWCorePrelude.map a b f n1 xs) (fun (f : a -> b) (xs : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream b) "Unexpected infinite stream in parmap"%string) n.
+Definition ecFoldl : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), (a -> b -> a) -> a -> @seq n b -> a :=
+ fun (n : @Num) (a : Type) (b : Type) (f : a -> b -> a) (z : a) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => @seq n1 b -> a) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 b) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.foldr b a n1 (fun (y : b) (x : a) => f x y) z (@SAWCorePrelude.reverse n1 b xs)) (fun (xs : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream b) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error a "Unexpected infinite stream in foldl"%string) n.
+Definition ecFoldlPrime : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @PEq a -> (a -> b -> a) -> a -> @seq n b -> a :=
+ fun (n : @Num) (a : Type) (b : Type) (pa : RecordTypeCons "eq" (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) RecordTypeNil) => @ecFoldl n a b.
+Definition TCFloat : @Num -> @Num -> Type :=
+ fun (_1 : @Num) (_2 : @Num) => unit.
+Definition PEqFloat : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @PEq (@TCFloat e p) :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) => RecordCons "eq" (fun (x : unit) (y : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) "Unimplemented: (==) Float"%string) RecordNil.
+Definition PCmpFloat : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @PCmp (@TCFloat e p) :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) => RecordCons "cmp" (fun (x : unit) (y : unit) (k : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) "Unimplemented: Cmp Float"%string) (RecordCons "cmpEq" (@PEqFloat e p) RecordNil).
+Definition PZeroFloat : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @PZero (@TCFloat e p) :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: Zero Float"%string.
+Definition PRingFloat : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @PRing (@TCFloat e p) :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) => RecordCons "add" (fun (x : unit) (y : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: (+) Float"%string) (RecordCons "int" (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: toInteger Float"%string) (RecordCons "mul" (fun (x : unit) (y : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: (*) Float"%string) (RecordCons "neg" (fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: neg Float"%string) (RecordCons "ringZero" (@PZeroFloat e p) (RecordCons "sub" (fun (x : unit) (y : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: (-) Float"%string) RecordNil))))).
+Definition PFieldFloat : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @PField (@TCFloat e p) :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) => RecordCons "fieldDiv" (fun (x : unit) (y : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: (/.) Float"%string) (RecordCons "fieldRing" (@PRingFloat e p) (RecordCons "recip" (fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: recip Float"%string) RecordNil)).
+Definition PRoundFloat : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @PRound (@TCFloat e p) :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) => RecordCons "ceiling" (fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) "Unimplemented: ceiling Float"%string) (RecordCons "floor" (fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) "Unimplemented: floor Float"%string) (RecordCons "roundAway" (fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) "Unimplemented: roundAway Float"%string) (RecordCons "roundCmp" (@PCmpFloat e p) (RecordCons "roundField" (@PFieldFloat e p) (RecordCons "roundToEven" (fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) "Unimplemented: roundToEven Float"%string) (RecordCons "trunc" (fun (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) "Unimplemented: trunc Float"%string) RecordNil)))))).
+Definition PLiteralFloat : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @PLiteral (@TCFloat e p) :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: Literal Float"%string.
+Definition ecFpNaN : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @TCFloat e p :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpNaN"%string.
+Definition ecFpPosInf : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @TCFloat e p :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpPosInf"%string.
+Definition ecFpFromBits : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @seq (@tcAdd e p) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @TCFloat e p :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (_1 : CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num : @Num) => Type) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (@SAWCorePrelude.Stream (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num1' : @Num) => @Num) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num2' : @Num) => @Num) (fun (n2 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCNum (@SAWCorePrelude.addNat n1 n2)) ((fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCInf) n1) p) (CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (num2' : @Num) => @Num) (fun (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @TCInf) (@TCInf) p) e)) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpFromBits"%string.
+Definition ecFpToBits : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @TCFloat e p -> @seq (@tcAdd e p) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (_1 : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@seq (@tcAdd e p) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) "Unimplemented: fpToBits"%string.
+Definition ecFpEq : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (_1 : unit) (_2 : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) "Unimplemented: =.="%string.
+Definition ecFpAdd : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (_2 : unit) (_3 : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpAdd"%string.
+Definition ecFpSub : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (_2 : unit) (_3 : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpSub"%string.
+Definition ecFpMul : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (_2 : unit) (_3 : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpMul"%string.
+Definition ecFpDiv : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (_2 : unit) (_3 : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpDiv"%string.
+Definition ecFpToRational : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @TCFloat e p -> Rational :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (_1 : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error Rational "Unimplemented: fpToRational"%string.
+Definition ecFpFromRational : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> Rational -> @TCFloat e p :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (_2 : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpFromRational"%string.
+Definition fpIsNaN : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @TCFloat e p -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) "Unimplemented: fpIsNaN"%string.
+Definition fpIsInf : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @TCFloat e p -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) "Unimplemented: fpIsInf"%string.
+Definition fpIsZero : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @TCFloat e p -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) "Unimplemented: fpIsZero"%string.
+Definition fpIsNeg : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @TCFloat e p -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) "Unimplemented: fpIsNeg"%string.
+Definition fpIsNormal : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @TCFloat e p -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) "Unimplemented: fpIsNormal"%string.
+Definition fpIsSubnormal : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @TCFloat e p -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) "Unimplemented: fpIsSubnormal"%string.
+Definition fpFMA : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (r : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (x : unit) (y : unit) (z : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpFMA"%string.
+Definition fpAbs : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpAbs"%string.
+Definition fpSqrt : forall (e : @Num), forall (p : @Num), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @TCFloat e p -> @TCFloat e p :=
+ fun (e : @Num) (p : @Num) (r : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 3 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (x : unit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.error (@TCFloat e p) "Unimplemented: fpSqrt"%string.
+Definition ecUpdate : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), forall (ix : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @seq n a -> ix -> a -> @seq n a :=
+ fun (n : @Num) => CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.Num_rect (fun (n1 : @Num) => forall (a : Type), forall (ix : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @seq n1 a -> ix -> a -> @seq n1 a) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (ix : Type) (pix : RecordTypeCons "div" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" ix (RecordTypeCons "sub" (ix -> ix -> ix) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> ix -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (ix -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 a) => RecordProj pix "posNegCases" (a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 a) (@SAWCorePrelude.upd n1 a xs) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (_2 : a) => xs)) (fun (a : Type) (ix : Type) (pix : RecordTypeCons "div" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" ix (RecordTypeCons "sub" (ix -> ix -> ix) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> ix -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (ix -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (xs : @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) => RecordProj pix "posNegCases" (a -> @SAWCorePrelude.Stream a) (@SAWCorePrelude.streamUpd a xs) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (_2 : a) => xs)) n.
+Definition ecUpdateEnd : forall (n : @Num), forall (a : Type), forall (ix : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @seq n a -> ix -> a -> @seq n a :=
+ @finNumRec (fun (n : @Num) => forall (a : Type), forall (ix : Type), @PIntegral ix -> @seq n a -> ix -> a -> @seq n a) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (ix : Type) (pix : RecordTypeCons "div" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "integralRing" (RecordTypeCons "add" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "int" (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "mul" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "neg" (ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "ringZero" ix (RecordTypeCons "sub" (ix -> ix -> ix) RecordTypeNil)))))) (RecordTypeCons "mod" (ix -> ix -> ix) (RecordTypeCons "posNegCases" (forall (r : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> r) -> ix -> r) (RecordTypeCons "toInt" (ix -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Integer) RecordTypeNil))))) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) => RecordProj pix "posNegCases" (a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.upd n a xs (@SAWCorePrelude.subNat (@SAWCorePrelude.subNat n 1) i)) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (_2 : a) => xs)).
+Definition ecTrunc : forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), @seq (@tcAdd m n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ @finNumRec2 (fun (m : @Num) (n : @Num) => @seq (@tcAdd m n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) bvTrunc.
+Definition ecUExt : forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq (@tcAdd m n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ @finNumRec2 (fun (m : @Num) (n : @Num) => @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq (@tcAdd m n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) bvUExt.
+Definition ecSExt : forall (m : @Num), forall (n : @Num), @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq (@tcAdd m n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ @finNumRec2 (fun (m : @Num) (n : @Num) => @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq (@tcAdd m n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.natCase (fun (n' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n' (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCorePrelude.addNat m n') (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 0 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNat (@SAWCorePrelude.addNat m 0) 0) (@SAWCorePrelude.bvSExt m) n).
+Definition ecSgt : forall (n : @Num), @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ @finNumRec (fun (n : @Num) => @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvsgt).
+Definition ecSge : forall (n : @Num), @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ @finNumRec (fun (n : @Num) => @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvsge).
+Definition ecSlt : forall (n : @Num), @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ @finNumRec (fun (n : @Num) => @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvslt).
+Definition ecSle : forall (n : @Num), @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ @finNumRec (fun (n : @Num) => @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @seq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvsle).
+Definition ecArrayConstant : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), b -> @SAWCorePrelude.Array a b :=
+ @SAWCorePrelude.arrayConstant.
+Definition ecArrayLookup : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @SAWCorePrelude.Array a b -> a -> b :=
+ @SAWCorePrelude.arrayLookup.
+Definition ecArrayUpdate : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @SAWCorePrelude.Array a b -> a -> b -> @SAWCorePrelude.Array a b :=
+ @SAWCorePrelude.arrayUpdate.
+Axiom replicate_False : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (@SAWCorePrelude.replicate n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNat n 0) .
+Axiom subNat_0 : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (@SAWCorePrelude.subNat n 0) n .
+End CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/generated/CryptolToCoq/SAWCorePrelude.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/generated/CryptolToCoq/SAWCorePrelude.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e39533684c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/generated/CryptolToCoq/SAWCorePrelude.v
@@ -0,0 +1,933 @@
+(** Mandatory imports from saw-core-coq *)
+From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
+From Coq Require Import String.
+From Coq Require Import Vectors.Vector.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreScaffolding.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.
+Import ListNotations.
+(** Post-preamble section specified by you *)
+(** Code generated by saw-core-coq *)
+Module SAWCorePrelude.
+(* Prelude.id was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.fix was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.UnitType was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.UnitType__rec was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.PairType was skipped *)
+Definition pair_example : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), a -> b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.PairType a b :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (x : a) (y : b) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.PairValue a b x y.
+(* Prelude.Pair__rec was skipped *)
+Definition Pair_fst : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.PairType a b -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Pair__rec a b (fun (p : @SAWCoreScaffolding.PairType a b) => a) (fun (x : a) (y : b) => x).
+Definition Pair_snd : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.PairType a b -> b :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Pair__rec a b (fun (p : @SAWCoreScaffolding.PairType a b) => b) (fun (x : a) (y : b) => y).
+(* Prelude.fst was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.snd was skipped *)
+Definition uncurry : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (c : Type), forall (f : a -> b -> c), prod a b -> c :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (c : Type) (f : a -> b -> c) (x : prod a b) => f (SAWCoreScaffolding.fst x) (SAWCoreScaffolding.snd x).
+(* Prelude.String was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.error was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.EmptyType was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.EmptyType__rec was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.RecordType was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.RecordType__rec was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.Eq was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.Eq__rec was skipped *)
+Definition eq_cong : forall (t : Type), forall (x : t), forall (y : t), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq t x y -> forall (u : Type), forall (f : t -> u), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq u (f x) (f y) :=
+ fun (t : Type) (x : t) (y : t) (eq : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq t x y) (u : Type) (f : t -> u) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq__rec t x (fun (y' : t) (eq' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq t x y') => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq u (f x) (f y')) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl u (f x)) y eq.
+Definition sym : forall (a : Type), forall (x : a), forall (y : a), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a x y -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a y x :=
+ fun (a : Type) (x : a) (y : a) (eq : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a x y) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq__rec a x (fun (y' : a) (eq' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a x y') => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a y' x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl a x) y eq.
+Definition trans : forall (a : Type), forall (x : a), forall (y : a), forall (z : a), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a x y -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a y z -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a x z :=
+ fun (a : Type) (x : a) (y : a) (z : a) (eq1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a x y) (eq2 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a y z) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq__rec a y (fun (y' : a) (eq' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a y y') => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a x y') eq1 z eq2.
+Definition trans2 : forall (a : Type), forall (x : a), forall (y : a), forall (z : a), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a x z -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a y z -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a x y :=
+ fun (a : Type) (x : a) (y : a) (z : a) (eq1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a x z) (eq2 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a y z) => @trans a x z y eq1 (@sym a y z eq2).
+Definition trans4 : forall (a : Type), forall (w : a), forall (x : a), forall (y : a), forall (z : a), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a w x -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a x y -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a y z -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a w z :=
+ fun (a : Type) (w : a) (x : a) (y : a) (z : a) (eq1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a w x) (eq2 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a x y) (eq3 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a y z) => @trans a w x z eq1 (@trans a x y z eq2 eq3).
+Definition eq_inv_map : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (a1 : a), forall (a2 : a), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a a1 a2 -> forall (f1 : a -> b), forall (f2 : a -> b), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq b (f1 a2) (f2 a2) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq b (f1 a1) (f2 a1) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (a1 : a) (a2 : a) (eq_a : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a a1 a2) (f1 : a -> b) (f2 : a -> b) (eq_f : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq b (f1 a2) (f2 a2)) => @trans b (f1 a1) (f1 a2) (f2 a1) (@eq_cong a a1 a2 eq_a b f1) (@trans b (f1 a2) (f2 a2) (f2 a1) eq_f (@eq_cong a a2 a1 (@sym a a1 a2 eq_a) b f2)).
+(* Prelude.unsafeAssert was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.coerce was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.coerce__def was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.coerce__eq was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.rcoerce was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.unsafeCoerce was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.unsafeCoerce_same was skipped *)
+Definition piCong0 : forall (r : Type), forall (x : Type), forall (y : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type x y -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (x -> r) (y -> r) :=
+ fun (r : Type) (x : Type) (y : Type) (eq : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type x y) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq__rec Type x (fun (y' : Type) (eq' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type x y') => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (x -> r) (y' -> r)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl Type (x -> r)) y eq.
+Definition piCong1 : forall (r : Type), forall (x : Type), forall (y : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type x y -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (r -> x) (r -> y) :=
+ fun (r : Type) (x : Type) (y : Type) (eq : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type x y) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq__rec Type x (fun (y' : Type) (eq' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type x y') => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (r -> x) (r -> y')) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl Type (r -> x)) y eq.
+Inductive Bit : Type :=
+| Bit1 : @Bit
+| Bit0 : @Bit
+Definition Bit__rec : forall (p : @Bit -> Type), p (@Bit1) -> p (@Bit0) -> forall (b : @Bit), p b :=
+ fun (p : @Bit -> Type) (f1 : p (@Bit1)) (f2 : p (@Bit0)) (b : @Bit) => SAWCorePrelude.Bit_rect p f1 f2 b.
+(* Prelude.Bool was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.True was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.False was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.iteDep was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.iteDep_True was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.iteDep_False was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.ite was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.ite_eq_iteDep was skipped *)
+Definition ite_true : forall (a : Type), forall (x : a), forall (y : a), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else y) x :=
+ fun (a : Type) (x : a) (y : a) => @trans a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => a) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x y) x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.ite_eq_iteDep a (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep_True (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => a) x y).
+Definition ite_false : forall (a : Type), forall (x : a), forall (y : a), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then x else y) y :=
+ fun (a : Type) (x : a) (y : a) => @trans a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then x else y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => a) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x y) y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.ite_eq_iteDep a (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep_False (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => a) x y).
+Definition bool2bit : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @Bit :=
+ fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @Bit) b (@Bit1) (@Bit0).
+Definition bool2bit_True : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@Bit) (@bool2bit (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@Bit1) :=
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep_True (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @Bit) (@Bit1) (@Bit0).
+Definition bool2bit_False : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@Bit) (@bool2bit (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@Bit0) :=
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep_False (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @Bit) (@Bit1) (@Bit0).
+Definition bit2bool : @Bit -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ @Bit__rec (fun (_1 : @Bit) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false).
+Definition bit2bool_Bit1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@bit2bool (@Bit1)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) :=
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true).
+Definition bit2bool_Bit0 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@bit2bool (@Bit0)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) :=
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false).
+(* Prelude.not was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.not__eq was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.and was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.and__eq was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.or was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.or__eq was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.xor was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.xor__eq was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.boolEq was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.boolEq__eq was skipped *)
+Definition implies : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (a : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not a) b.
+Definition implies__eq : forall (a : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@implies a b) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not a) b) :=
+ fun (a : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@implies a b).
+Definition unitEq : @SAWCoreScaffolding.UnitType -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.UnitType -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.UnitType) (_2 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.UnitType) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.true.
+Definition pairEq : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> (b -> b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> prod a b -> prod a b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (f : a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (g : b -> b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (x : prod a b) (y : prod a b) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.and (f (SAWCoreScaffolding.fst x) (SAWCoreScaffolding.fst y)) (g (SAWCoreScaffolding.snd x) (SAWCoreScaffolding.snd y)).
+Definition not_True : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) :=
+ @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then @SAWCoreScaffolding.false else @SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not__eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@ite_true (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)).
+Definition not_False : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) :=
+ @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then @SAWCoreScaffolding.false else @SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not__eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@ite_false (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)).
+Definition not_not : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), let var__0 := @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool in
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x)) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not b)) b) x (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) not_True (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not)) not_False) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) not_False (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not)) not_True).
+Definition and_True1 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else @SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and__eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) (@ite_true (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)).
+Definition and_False1 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then x else @SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and__eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) (@ite_false (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)).
+Definition and_True2 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and b (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) b) x (@and_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@and_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)).
+Definition and_False2 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and b (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) x (@and_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@and_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)).
+Definition and_assoc : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), let var__0 := @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool in
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and y z)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x y) z) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and y b)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x y) b)) z (@trans2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x y) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) y (@and_True2 y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x)) (@and_True2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x y))) (@trans2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@and_False2 y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x)) (@and_False2 x)) (@and_False2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x y))).
+Definition and_idem : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x x) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and b b) b) x (@and_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@and_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)).
+Definition or_True1 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then @SAWCoreScaffolding.true else x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or__eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) (@ite_true (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x).
+Definition or_False1 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then @SAWCoreScaffolding.true else x) x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or__eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) (@ite_false (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x).
+Definition or_True2 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or b (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) x (@or_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@or_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)).
+Definition or_False2 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or b (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) b) x (@or_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@or_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)).
+Definition or_assoc : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), let var__0 := @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool in
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or y z)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x y) z) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or y b)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x y) b)) z (@trans2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@or_True2 y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x)) (@or_True2 x)) (@or_True2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x y))) (@trans2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x y) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) y (@or_False2 y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x)) (@or_False2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x y))).
+Definition or_idem : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x x) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or b b) b) x (@or_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@or_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)).
+Definition implies_True1 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@implies (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) x (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) not_True (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (fun (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.or y x)) (@or_False1 x).
+Definition implies_False1 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@implies (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) not_False (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (fun (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.or y x)) (@or_True1 x).
+Definition true_implies : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@implies (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @implies_True1 x.
+Definition xor_True1 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then @SAWCoreScaffolding.not x else x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor__eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) (@ite_true (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) x).
+Definition xor_False1 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then @SAWCoreScaffolding.not x else x) x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor__eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) (@ite_false (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) x).
+Definition xor_False2 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor b (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) b) x (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@xor_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) not_False) (@xor_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)).
+Definition xor_True2 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor b (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not b)) x (@xor_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@trans2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@xor_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) not_False).
+Definition xor_same : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor x x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor b b) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) x (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@xor_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) not_True) (@xor_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)).
+Definition boolEq_True1 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else @SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq__eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) x) (@ite_true (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x)).
+Definition boolEq_False1 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then x else @SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq__eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) x) (@ite_false (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x)).
+Definition boolEq_True2 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq b (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) b) x (@boolEq_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@boolEq_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) not_True).
+Definition boolEq_False2 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq b (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not b)) x (@trans2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@boolEq_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) not_True) (@boolEq_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)).
+Definition boolEq_same : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq x x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq b b) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) x (@boolEq_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@boolEq_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) not_False).
+Definition not_or : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), let var__0 := @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool in
+ let var__1 := @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool in
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or b y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not b) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y))) x (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@or_True1 y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not)) not_True) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@sym (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@and_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y))) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@sym (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) not_True) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (fun (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.and z (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y))))) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) y) y (@or_False1 y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not)) (@sym (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) not_False (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (fun (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.and z (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y))) (@and_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y))))).
+Definition not_and : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), let var__0 := @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool in
+ let var__1 := @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool in
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and b y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not b) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y))) x (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) y) y (@and_True1 y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not)) (@sym (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) not_True (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (fun (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.or z (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y))) (@or_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y))))) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@and_False1 y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not)) not_False) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@sym (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@or_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y))) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@sym (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) not_False) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (fun (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.or z (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not y))))).
+Definition ite_not : forall (a : Type), forall (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (x : a), forall (y : a), let var__0 := forall (a1 : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> a1 -> a1 -> a1 in
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.not b then x else y) (if b then y else x) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (x : a) (y : a) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.not b' then x else y) (if b' then y else x)) b (@trans a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) then x else y) y (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then y else x) (@trans a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) then x else y) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then x else y) y (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) not_True a (fun (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => if z then x else y)) (@ite_false a x y)) (@sym a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then y else x) y (@ite_true a y x))) (@trans a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) then x else y) x (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then y else x) (@trans a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) then x else y) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else y) x (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) not_False a (fun (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => if z then x else y)) (@ite_true a x y)) (@sym a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then y else x) x (@ite_false a y x))).
+Definition ite_nest1 : forall (a : Type), forall (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (x : a), forall (y : a), forall (z : a), let var__0 := forall (a1 : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> a1 -> a1 -> a1 in
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a (if b then if b then x else y else z) (if b then x else z) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (x : a) (y : a) (z : a) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a (if b' then if b' then x else y else z) (if b' then x else z)) b (@trans a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else y else z) x (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else z) (@trans a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else y else z) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else y) x (@ite_true a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else y) z) (@ite_true a x y)) (@sym a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else z) x (@ite_true a x z))) (@trans a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then x else y else z) z (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then x else z) (@ite_false a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then x else y) z) (@sym a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then x else z) z (@ite_false a x z))).
+Definition ite_nest2 : forall (a : Type), forall (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (x : a), forall (y : a), forall (z : a), let var__0 := forall (a1 : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> a1 -> a1 -> a1 in
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a (if b then x else if b then y else z) (if b then x else z) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (x : a) (y : a) (z : a) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a (if b' then x else if b' then y else z) (if b' then x else z)) b (@trans a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then y else z) x (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else z) (@ite_true a x (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then y else z)) (@sym a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then x else z) x (@ite_true a x z))) (@trans a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then x else if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then y else z) z (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then x else z) (@trans a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then x else if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then y else z) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then y else z) z (@ite_false a x (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then y else z)) (@ite_false a y z)) (@sym a (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then x else z) z (@ite_false a x z))).
+(* Prelude.ite_bit was skipped *)
+Definition ite_bit_false_1 : forall (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (c : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (if b then @SAWCoreScaffolding.false else c) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not b) c) :=
+ fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (c : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (if b' then @SAWCoreScaffolding.false else c) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not b') c)) b (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then @SAWCoreScaffolding.false else c) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) c) (@ite_true (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) c) (@sym (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) c) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) c) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) c) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) not_True (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (fun (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.and z c)) (@and_False1 c)))) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then @SAWCoreScaffolding.false else c) c (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) c) (@ite_false (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) c) (@sym (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) c) c (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) c) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) c) c (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) not_False (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (fun (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.and z c)) (@and_True1 c)))).
+Definition ite_bit_true_1 : forall (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (c : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (if b then @SAWCoreScaffolding.true else c) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or b c) :=
+ fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (c : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (if b' then @SAWCoreScaffolding.true else c) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or b' c)) b (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then @SAWCoreScaffolding.true else c) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) c) (@ite_true (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) c) (@sym (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) c) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@or_True1 c))) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then @SAWCoreScaffolding.true else c) c (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) c) (@ite_false (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) c) (@sym (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) c) c (@or_False1 c))).
+Definition ite_fold_not : forall (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (if b then @SAWCoreScaffolding.false else @SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not b) :=
+ fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (if b' then @SAWCoreScaffolding.false else @SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not b')) b (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.true then @SAWCoreScaffolding.false else @SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@ite_true (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@sym (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) not_True)) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (if @SAWCoreScaffolding.false then @SAWCoreScaffolding.false else @SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@ite_false (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@sym (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) not_False)).
+Definition ite_eq : forall (a : Type), forall (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (x : a), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a (if b then x else x) x :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (x : a) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq a (if b' then x else x) x) b (@ite_true a x x) (@ite_false a x x).
+Definition or_triv1 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or b (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not b)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) x (@or_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@or_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false))) not_False).
+Definition or_triv2 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not b) b) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) x (@or_True2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))) (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@or_False2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false))) not_False).
+Definition and_triv1 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and b (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not b)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) x (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@and_True1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))) not_True) (@and_False1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false))).
+Definition and_triv2 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not x) x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not b) b) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false)) x (@trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@and_True2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))) not_True) (@and_False2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false))).
+Definition EqTrue : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> Prop :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true).
+Definition TrueI : @EqTrue (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) :=
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true).
+Definition andI : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), @EqTrue x -> @EqTrue y -> @EqTrue (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x y) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (p : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (q : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) => @trans4 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x y) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) q (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and x)) (@and_True2 x) p.
+Definition impliesI : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), forall (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool), (@EqTrue x -> @EqTrue y) -> @EqTrue (@implies x y) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (x1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => (@EqTrue x1 -> @EqTrue y) -> @EqTrue (@implies x1 y)) x (fun (H : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) => @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@implies (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) y) y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@implies_True1 y) (H TrueI)) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) y (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) => @implies_False1 y).
+Inductive Either (s : Type) (t : Type) : Type :=
+| Left : s -> @Either s t
+| Right : t -> @Either s t
+Definition Either__rec : forall (s : Type), forall (t : Type), forall (p : @Either s t -> Type), (forall (l : s), p (@Left s t l)) -> (forall (r : t), p (@Right s t r)) -> forall (e : @Either s t), p e :=
+ fun (s : Type) (t : Type) (p : @Either s t -> Type) (f1 : forall (l : s), p (@Left s t l)) (f2 : forall (r : t), p (@Right s t r)) (e : @Either s t) => SAWCorePrelude.Either_rect s t p f1 f2 e.
+Definition either : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (c : Type), (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> @Either a b -> c :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (c : Type) (f : a -> c) (g : b -> c) (e : @Either a b) => @Either__rec a b (fun (p : @Either a b) => c) f g e.
+Definition eitherCong0 : forall (t : Type), forall (x : Type), forall (y : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type x y -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (@Either x t) (@Either y t) :=
+ fun (t : Type) (x : Type) (y : Type) (eq : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type x y) => @eq_cong Type x y eq Type (fun (y' : Type) => @Either y' t).
+Definition eitherCong1 : forall (t : Type), forall (x : Type), forall (y : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type x y -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (@Either t x) (@Either t y) :=
+ fun (t : Type) (x : Type) (y : Type) (eq : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type x y) => @eq_cong Type x y eq Type (fun (y' : Type) => @Either t y').
+Inductive Maybe (a : Type) : Type :=
+| Nothing : @Maybe a
+| Just : a -> @Maybe a
+Definition Maybe__rec : forall (a : Type), forall (p : @Maybe a -> Type), p (@Nothing a) -> (forall (x : a), p (@Just a x)) -> forall (m : @Maybe a), p m :=
+ fun (a : Type) (p : @Maybe a -> Type) (f1 : p (@Nothing a)) (f2 : forall (x : a), p (@Just a x)) (m : @Maybe a) => SAWCorePrelude.Maybe_rect a p f1 f2 m.
+Definition maybe : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), b -> (a -> b) -> @Maybe a -> b :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (f1 : b) (f2 : a -> b) (m : @Maybe a) => @Maybe__rec a (fun (m' : @Maybe a) => b) f1 f2 m.
+(* Prelude.Nat was skipped *)
+Definition Nat__rec : forall (p : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> Type), p (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Zero) -> (forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), p n -> p (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n)) -> forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), p n :=
+ fun (p : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> Type) (f1 : p 0) (f2 : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), p n -> p (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n)) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat_rect p f1 f2 n.
+Definition Nat_cases : forall (a : Type), a -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a -> a) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (f1 : a) (f2 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a -> a) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat__rec (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => a) f1 f2 n.
+Definition Nat_cases2 : forall (a : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) -> (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a -> a) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (f1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) (f2 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) (f3 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a -> a) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat__rec (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) f1 (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (f_rec : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) (m1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat__rec (fun (m' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => a) (f2 n1) (fun (m' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (frec' : a) => f3 n1 m' (f_rec m')) m1) n m.
+Definition eqNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> Type :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) x y.
+Definition eqNatSucc : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @eqNat x y -> @eqNat (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ y) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (eq : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) x y) => @eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) x y eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n).
+Definition pred : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat_cases (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Zero) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => n) x.
+Definition eqNatPrec : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @eqNat (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ y) -> @eqNat x y :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (eq' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ y)) => @eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ x) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ y) eq' (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) pred.
+Inductive IsLeNat (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) : forall (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), Prop :=
+| IsLeNat_base : @IsLeNat n n
+| IsLeNat_succ : forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @IsLeNat n m -> @IsLeNat n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ m)
+Definition IsLtNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> Prop :=
+ fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @IsLeNat (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ m) n.
+Axiom natCompareLe : forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @Either (@IsLtNat m n) (@IsLeNat n m) .
+Axiom proveEqNat : forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @Maybe (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) m n) .
+Axiom proveLeNat : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @Maybe (@IsLeNat x y) .
+Definition proveLtNat : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @Maybe (@IsLtNat x y) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @proveLeNat (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ x) y.
+Definition addNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat_cases (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) y (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (prev_sum : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ prev_sum) x.
+Definition eqNatAdd0 : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @eqNat (@addNat x 0) x :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat__rec (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @eqNat (@addNat n 0) n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) 0) (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @eqNatSucc (@addNat n 0) n) x.
+Definition eqNatAddS : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @eqNat (@addNat x (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ (@addNat x y)) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat__rec (fun (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => forall (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @eqNat (@addNat x' (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ y')) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ (@addNat x' y'))) (fun (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ y')) (fun (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (eqF : forall (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat_rect (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ y') (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (prev_sum : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ prev_sum) x') (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ (@addNat x' y'))) (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @eqNatSucc (@addNat x' (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ y')) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ (@addNat x' y')) (eqF y')) x y.
+Definition eqNatAddComm : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @eqNat (@addNat x y) (@addNat y x) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat__rec (fun (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => forall (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @eqNat (@addNat x' y') (@addNat y' x')) (fun (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @eqNatAdd0 x') (fun (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (eqF : forall (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), let var__0 := fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat in
+ let var__1 := fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (prev_sum : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ prev_sum in
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat_rect var__0 y' var__1 x') (SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat_rect var__0 x' var__1 y')) (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @trans (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (@addNat x' (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ y')) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ (@addNat x' y')) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ (@addNat y' x')) (@eqNatAddS x' y') (@eqNatSucc (@addNat x' y') (@addNat y' x') (eqF x'))) y x.
+Definition addNat_assoc : forall (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @eqNat (@addNat x (@addNat y z)) (@addNat (@addNat x y) z) :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (z : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat__rec (fun (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @eqNat (@addNat x' (@addNat y z)) (@addNat (@addNat x' y) z)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (@addNat y z)) (fun (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (eq : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat_rect (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (@addNat y z) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (prev_sum : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ prev_sum) x') (SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat_rect (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) z (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (prev_sum : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ prev_sum) (SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat_rect (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) y (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (prev_sum : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ prev_sum) x'))) => @eqNatSucc (@addNat x' (@addNat y z)) (@addNat (@addNat x' y) z) eq) x.
+Definition mulNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat__rec (fun (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) 0 (fun (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (prod : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @addNat y prod) x.
+Definition equal0Nat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat_cases (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (fun (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.false) n.
+Definition equalNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat_cases (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) equal0Nat (fun (n' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (eqN : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat_cases (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (fun (m' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => eqN m') m) x y.
+Definition ltNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat_cases2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (fun (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (fun (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (fun (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (lt_mn : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => lt_mn) y x.
+Definition subNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat_cases2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (fun (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => x') (fun (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Zero) (fun (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (sub_xy : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => sub_xy) y x.
+Definition minNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat_cases2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (fun (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Zero) (fun (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Zero) (fun (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (min_xy : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ min_xy) x y.
+Definition maxNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat_cases2 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (fun (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => x') (fun (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ y') (fun (y' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (sub_xy : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => sub_xy) y x.
+(* Prelude.widthNat was skipped *)
+Definition expNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat :=
+ fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (e : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Nat_cases (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) 1 (fun (e' : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (exp_b_e : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @mulNat b exp_b_e) e.
+(* Prelude.divModNat was skipped *)
+Definition divNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => SAWCoreScaffolding.fst (@SAWCoreScaffolding.divModNat x y).
+Definition modNat : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat :=
+ fun (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => SAWCoreScaffolding.snd (@SAWCoreScaffolding.divModNat x y).
+Definition natCase : forall (p : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> Type), p (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Zero) -> (forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), p (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n)) -> forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), p n :=
+ fun (p : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> Type) (z : p 0) (s : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), p (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n)) => @Nat__rec p z (fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (r : p n) => s n).
+Definition if0Nat : forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a -> a -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : a) (y : a) => @natCase (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => a) x (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => y) n.
+Axiom expByNat : forall (a : Type), a -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a .
+(* Prelude.Vec was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.gen was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.atWithDefault was skipped *)
+Definition sawAt : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (v : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.atWithDefault n a (@SAWCoreScaffolding.error a "at: index out of bounds"%string) v i.
+(* Prelude.EmptyVec was skipped *)
+Definition ConsVec : forall (a : Type), a -> forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (x : a) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (v : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) a (@Nat_cases a x (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a' : a) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n a v i)).
+Definition upd : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (v : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (j : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen n a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => if @equalNat i j then x else @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n a v i).
+Definition map : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), (a -> b) -> forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n b :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (f : a -> b) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (v : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen n b (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => f (@SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n a v i)).
+Definition zipWith : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (c : Type), (a -> b -> c) -> forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n b -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n c :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (c : Type) (f : a -> b -> c) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (y : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n b) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen n c (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => f (@SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n a x i) (@SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n b y i)).
+Definition replicate : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (x : a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen n a (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => x).
+Definition single : forall (a : Type), a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 1 a :=
+ @replicate 1.
+(* Prelude.at_single was skipped *)
+Fixpoint zip (a b : sort 0) (m n : Nat) (xs : Vec m a) (ys : Vec n b)
+ : Vec (minNat m n) (a * b) :=
+ match
+ xs in Vector.t _ m'
+ return Vector.t _ (minNat m' n)
+ with
+ | Vector.nil => Vector.nil _
+ | Vector.cons x pm xs =>
+ match
+ ys in Vector.t _ n'
+ return Vector.t _ (minNat (S pm) n')
+ with
+ | Vector.nil => Vector.nil _
+ | Vector.cons y pm' ys => Vector.cons _ (x, y) _ (zip _ _ _ _ xs ys)
+ end
+ end
+(* Prelude.foldr was skipped *)
+Definition reverse : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen n a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n a xs (@subNat (@subNat n 1) i)).
+Definition transpose : forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) -> let var__0 := @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> Type -> Type in
+ @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m a) :=
+ fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (xss : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a)) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen n (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m a) (fun (j : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen m a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n a (@SAWCorePrelude.sawAt m (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) xss i) j)).
+Definition vecEq : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), (a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (eqFn : a -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (y : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.foldr (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@zipWith a a (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) eqFn n x y).
+Definition take : forall (a : Type), forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@addNat m n) a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (v : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@addNat m n) a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen m a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt (@addNat m n) a v i).
+Definition vecCong : forall (a : Type), forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) m n -> let var__0 := @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> Type -> Type in
+ @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq Type (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m a) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (eq : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) m n) => @eq_cong (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) m n eq Type (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec i a).
+(* Prelude.coerceVec was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.take0 was skipped *)
+Definition drop : forall (a : Type), forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@addNat m n) a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (v : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@addNat m n) a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen n a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt (@addNat m n) a v (@addNat m i)).
+(* Prelude.drop0 was skipped *)
+Definition slice : forall (a : Type), forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (o : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@addNat (@addNat m n) o) a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (o : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (v : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@addNat (@addNat m n) o) a) => @drop a m n (@take a (@addNat m n) o v).
+Definition join : forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@mulNat m n) a :=
+ fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (v : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a)) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen (@mulNat m n) a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n a (@SAWCorePrelude.sawAt m (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) v (@divNat i n)) (@modNat i n)).
+Definition split : forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@mulNat m n) a -> let var__0 := @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> Type -> Type in
+ @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) :=
+ fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (v : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@mulNat m n) a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen m (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen n a (fun (j : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt (@mulNat m n) a v (@addNat (@mulNat i n) j))).
+Definition append : forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@addNat m n) a :=
+ fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m a) (y : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen (@addNat m n) a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => if @ltNat i m then @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt m a x i else @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n a y (@subNat i m)).
+(* Prelude.rotateL was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.rotateR was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.shiftL was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.shiftR was skipped *)
+Definition joinLittleEndian : forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@mulNat m n) a :=
+ fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (v : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a)) => @join m n a (@reverse m (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) v).
+Definition splitLittleEndian : forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@mulNat m n) a -> let var__0 := @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> Type -> Type in
+ @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec m (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) :=
+ fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (v : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@mulNat m n) a) => @reverse m (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (@split m n a v).
+Definition msb : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (v : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) v 0.
+Definition lsb : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (v : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) v n.
+(* Prelude.bvNat was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvToNat was skipped *)
+Definition bvAt : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), forall (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> a :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (i : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt n a xs (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvToNat w i).
+Definition bvUpd : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), forall (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (i : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (y : a) => @upd n a xs (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvToNat w i) y.
+Definition bvRotateL : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), forall (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (i : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.rotateL n a xs (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvToNat w i).
+Definition bvRotateR : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), forall (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (i : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.rotateR n a xs (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvToNat w i).
+Definition bvShiftL : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), forall (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (z : a) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (i : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.shiftL n a z xs (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvToNat w i).
+Definition bvShiftR : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), forall (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (z : a) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (i : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.shiftR n a z xs (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvToNat w i).
+(* Prelude.bvAdd was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvugt was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvuge was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvult was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvule was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvsgt was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvsge was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvslt was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvsle was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvPopcount was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvCountLeadingZeros was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvCountTrailingZeros was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvForall was skipped *)
+Definition bvCarry : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (y : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvult n (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvAdd n x y) x.
+Definition bvSCarry : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (y : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq (@msb n x) (@msb n y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor (@msb n x) (@msb n (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvAdd (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) x y))).
+Definition bvAddWithCarry : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> prod (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (y : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => pair (@bvCarry n x y) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvAdd n x y).
+(* Prelude.bvAddZeroL was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvAddZeroR was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvNeg was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvSub was skipped *)
+Definition bvSBorrow : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (y : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.and (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor (@msb n x) (@msb n y)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor (@msb n x) (@msb n (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvSub (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) x y))).
+(* Prelude.bvMul was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvLg2 was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvUDiv was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvURem was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvSDiv was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvSRem was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvShl was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvShr was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvSShr was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvShiftL_bvShl was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvShiftR_bvShr was skipped *)
+Definition bvZipWith : (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ @zipWith (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool).
+Definition bvNot : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ @map (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.not).
+Definition bvAnd : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ @bvZipWith (@SAWCoreScaffolding.and).
+Definition bvOr : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ @bvZipWith (@SAWCoreScaffolding.or).
+Definition bvXor : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ @bvZipWith (@SAWCoreScaffolding.xor).
+Definition bvEq : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (y : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @vecEq n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.boolEq) x y.
+(* Prelude.bvEq_refl was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.equalNat_bv was skipped *)
+Definition bvBool : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => if b then @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNat n 1 else @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNat n 0.
+Definition bvNe : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (y : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.not (@bvEq n x y).
+Definition bvNonzero : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @bvNe n x (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNat n 0).
+Definition bvTrunc : forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@addNat m n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ @drop (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool).
+Definition bvUExt : forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@addNat m n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @append m n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNat m 0) x.
+Definition replicateBool : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => if b then @bvNot n (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNat n 0) else @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvNat n 0.
+Definition bvSExt : forall (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@addNat m (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) :=
+ fun (m : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @append m (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@replicateBool m (@msb n x)) x.
+Inductive Stream (a : Type) : Type :=
+| MkStream : (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) -> @Stream a
+Definition Stream__rec : forall (a : Type), forall (p : @Stream a -> Type), (forall (f : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a), p (@MkStream a f)) -> forall (str : @Stream a), p str :=
+ fun (a : Type) (p : @Stream a -> Type) (f1 : forall (f : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a), p (@MkStream a f)) (str : @Stream a) => SAWCorePrelude.Stream_rect a p f1 str.
+Definition streamUpd : forall (a : Type), @Stream a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a -> @Stream a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (strm : @Stream a) (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (y : a) => @Stream__rec a (fun (strm' : @Stream a) => @Stream a) (fun (s : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) => @MkStream a (fun (j : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => if @equalNat i j then y else s j)) strm.
+Definition bvStreamUpd : forall (a : Type), forall (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @Stream a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> a -> @Stream a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (w : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @Stream a) (i : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec w (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (y : a) => @streamUpd a xs (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvToNat w i) y.
+Definition streamGet : forall (a : Type), @Stream a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (strm : @Stream a) (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @Stream__rec a (fun (strm' : @Stream a) => a) (fun (s : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) => s i) strm.
+Definition streamConst : forall (a : Type), a -> @Stream a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (x : a) => @MkStream a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => x).
+Definition streamMap : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), (a -> b) -> @Stream a -> @Stream b :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (f : a -> b) (xs : @Stream a) => @MkStream b (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => f (@streamGet a xs i)).
+Definition streamMap2 : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (c : Type), (a -> b -> c) -> @Stream a -> @Stream b -> @Stream c :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (c : Type) (f : a -> b -> c) (xs : @Stream a) (ys : @Stream b) => @MkStream c (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => f (@streamGet a xs i) (@streamGet b ys i)).
+Definition streamTake : forall (a : Type), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @Stream a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @Stream a) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen n a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @streamGet a xs i).
+Definition streamDrop : forall (a : Type), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @Stream a -> @Stream a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @Stream a) => @MkStream a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @streamGet a xs (@addNat n i)).
+Definition streamAppend : forall (a : Type), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @Stream a -> @Stream a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (ys : @Stream a) => @MkStream a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.atWithDefault n a (@streamGet a ys (@subNat i n)) xs i).
+Definition streamJoin : forall (a : Type), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @Stream (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) a) -> @Stream a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (s : @Stream (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) a)) => @MkStream a (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCorePrelude.sawAt (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) a (@streamGet (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n) a) s (@divNat i (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n))) (@modNat i (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Succ n))).
+Definition streamSplit : forall (a : Type), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @Stream a -> @Stream (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (xs : @Stream a) => @MkStream (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a) (fun (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.gen n a (fun (j : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @streamGet a xs (@addNat (@mulNat i n) j))).
+Definition streamShiftL : forall (a : Type), @Stream a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @Stream a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (xs : @Stream a) (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @streamDrop a i xs.
+Definition streamShiftR : forall (a : Type), a -> @Stream a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> @Stream a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (z : a) (xs : @Stream a) (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => @streamAppend a i (@replicate i a z) xs.
+(* Prelude.Integer was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intAdd was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intSub was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intMul was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intDiv was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intMod was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intMin was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intMax was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intNeg was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intAbs was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intEq was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intLe was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intLt was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intToNat was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.natToInt was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intToBv was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvToInt was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.sbvToInt was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.IntMod was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.toIntMod was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.fromIntMod was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intModEq was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intModAdd was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intModSub was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intModMul was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.intModNeg was skipped *)
+Definition updNatFun : forall (a : Type), (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a :=
+ fun (a : Type) (f : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat -> a) (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (v : a) (x : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) => if @equalNat i x then v else f x.
+Definition updBvFun : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> a) -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> a :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (a : Type) (f : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> a) (i : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (v : a) (x : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => if @bvEq n i x then v else f x.
+(* Prelude.Float was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.mkFloat was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.Double was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.mkDouble was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.Sigma was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.Sigma__rec was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.Sigma_proj1 was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.Sigma_proj2 was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.List was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.List__rec was skipped *)
+Definition unfoldList : forall (a : Type), @Datatypes.list a -> @Either unit (prod a (prod (@Datatypes.list a) unit)) :=
+ fun (a : Type) (l : @Datatypes.list a) => @Datatypes.list_rect a (fun (_1 : @Datatypes.list a) => @Either unit (prod a (prod (@Datatypes.list a) unit))) (@Left unit (prod a (prod (@Datatypes.list a) unit)) tt) (fun (x : a) (l1 : @Datatypes.list a) (_1 : @Either unit (prod a (prod (@Datatypes.list a) unit))) => @Right unit (prod a (prod (@Datatypes.list a) unit)) (pair x (pair l1 tt))) l.
+Definition foldList : forall (a : Type), @Either unit (prod a (prod (@Datatypes.list a) unit)) -> @Datatypes.list a :=
+ fun (a : Type) => @either unit (prod a (prod (@Datatypes.list a) unit)) (@Datatypes.list a) (fun (_1 : unit) => @Datatypes.nil a) (fun (tup : prod a (prod (@Datatypes.list a) unit)) => @Datatypes.cons a (SAWCoreScaffolding.fst tup) (SAWCoreScaffolding.fst (SAWCoreScaffolding.snd tup))).
+Inductive W64List : Type :=
+| W64Nil : @W64List
+| W64Cons : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @W64List -> @W64List
+Definition unfoldedW64List : Type :=
+ @Either unit (prod (@sigT (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => unit)) (prod (@W64List) unit)).
+Definition unfoldW64List : @W64List -> unfoldedW64List :=
+ fun (l : @W64List) => SAWCorePrelude.W64List_rect (fun (_1 : @W64List) => unfoldedW64List) (@Left unit (prod (@sigT (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => unit)) (prod (@W64List) unit)) tt) (fun (bv : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (l' : @W64List) (_1 : @Either unit (prod (@sigT (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => unit)) (prod (@W64List) unit))) => @Right unit (prod (@sigT (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (fun (_2 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => unit)) (prod (@W64List) unit)) (pair (@existT (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (fun (_2 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => unit) bv tt) (pair l' tt))) l.
+Definition foldW64List : unfoldedW64List -> @W64List :=
+ @either unit (prod (@sigT (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => unit)) (prod (@W64List) unit)) (@W64List) (fun (_1 : unit) => @W64Nil) (fun (bv_l : prod (@sigT (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => unit)) (prod (@W64List) unit)) => @W64Cons (@projT1 (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (fun (_1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec 64 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => unit) (SAWCoreScaffolding.fst bv_l)) (SAWCoreScaffolding.fst (SAWCoreScaffolding.snd bv_l))).
+Axiom bvEqWithProof : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (v1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)), forall (v2 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)), @Maybe (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) v1 v2) .
+Definition bvultWithProof : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (v1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)), forall (v2 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)), @Maybe (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvult n v1 v2) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (v1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (v2 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @Maybe (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) b (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvult n v1 v2) (@Just (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))) (@Nothing (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))).
+Definition bvuleWithProof : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (v1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)), forall (v2 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)), @Maybe (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvule n v1 v2) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) :=
+ fun (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat) (v1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) (v2 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) => @SAWCoreScaffolding.iteDep (fun (b : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) => @Maybe (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) b (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvule n v1 v2) (@Just (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true)) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Refl (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))) (@Nothing (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.false) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true))).
+Axiom bvEqToEqNat : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (v1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)), forall (v2 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)) v1 v2 -> let var__0 := forall (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat in
+ @eqNat (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvToNat n v1) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvToNat n v2) .
+Axiom bvultToIsLtNat : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (v1 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)), forall (v2 : @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool)), @SAWCoreScaffolding.Eq (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvult n v1 v2) (@SAWCoreScaffolding.true) -> let var__0 := forall (n1 : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n1 (@SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool) -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat in
+ @IsLtNat (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvToNat n v1) (@SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.bvToNat n v2) .
+Axiom atWithProof : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> forall (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @IsLtNat i n -> a .
+Axiom updWithProof : forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (a : Type), @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> forall (i : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), a -> @IsLtNat i n -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a .
+Axiom sliceWithProof : forall (a : Type), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (off : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (len : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @IsLeNat (@addNat off len) n -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec len a .
+Axiom updSliceWithProof : forall (a : Type), forall (n : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (off : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), forall (len : @SAWCoreScaffolding.Nat), @IsLeNat (@addNat off len) n -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec len a -> @SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.Vec n a .
+(* Prelude.CompM was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.returnM was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bindM was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.composeM was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.errorM was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.catchM was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.fixM was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.LetRecType was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.lrtToType was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.LetRecTypes was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.lrtPi was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.lrtTupleType was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.multiFixM was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.letRecM was skipped *)
+Definition letRecM1 : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), forall (c : Type), ((a -> CompM b) -> a -> CompM b) -> ((a -> CompM b) -> CompM c) -> CompM c :=
+ fun (a : Type) (b : Type) (c : Type) (fn : (a -> CompM b) -> a -> CompM b) (body : (a -> CompM b) -> CompM c) => @CompM.letRecM (@CompM.LRT_Cons (@CompM.LRT_Fun a (fun (_1 : a) => @CompM.LRT_Ret b)) (@CompM.LRT_Nil)) c (fun (f : a -> CompM b) => pair (fn f) tt) (fun (f : a -> CompM b) => body f).
+(* Prelude.test_fun0 was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.test_fun1 was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.test_fun2 was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.test_fun3 was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.test_fun4 was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.test_fun5 was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.test_fun6 was skipped *)
+Axiom Array : Type -> Type -> Type .
+Axiom arrayConstant : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), b -> @Array a b .
+Axiom arrayLookup : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @Array a b -> a -> b .
+Axiom arrayUpdate : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @Array a b -> a -> b -> @Array a b .
+Axiom arrayEq : forall (a : Type), forall (b : Type), @Array a b -> @Array a b -> @SAWCoreScaffolding.Bool .
+(* Prelude.bveq_sameL was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bveq_sameR was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bveq_same2 was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.bvNat_bvToNat was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.ite_split_cong was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.ite_join_cong was skipped *)
+(* Prelude.map_map was skipped *)
+End SAWCorePrelude.
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CompM.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CompM.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e7e47cee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CompM.v
@@ -0,0 +1,925 @@
+ *** A version of the computation monad using the option-set monad
+ ***)
+From Coq Require Import Program.Basics.
+From Coq Require Export Morphisms Setoid.
+From Coq Require Import Strings.String.
+ *** The Monad Typeclasses
+ ***)
+(* The monad equivalence relation *)
+Class MonadEqOp (M:Type -> Type) : Type :=
+ eqM : forall {A}, M A -> M A -> Prop.
+Infix "~=" := eqM (at level 70, no associativity).
+(* The class for the monadic return operation *)
+Class MonadReturnOp (M:Type -> Type) : Type :=
+ returnM : forall {A}, A -> M A.
+(* The class for the monadic bind operation *)
+Class MonadBindOp (M:Type -> Type) : Type :=
+ bindM : forall {A B}, M A -> (A -> M B) -> M B.
+Infix ">>=" := bindM (at level 58, left associativity).
+Notation "m1 >> m2" := (m1 >>= fun _ => m2) (at level 58, left associativity).
+(* A monad is a collection of monad operations that satisfy the monad laws *)
+Class Monad M `{MonadEqOp M} `{MonadReturnOp M} `{MonadBindOp M} : Prop :=
+ { Equivalence_eqM :> forall A, Equivalence (eqM (A:=A));
+ Proper_bindM :> forall A B,
+ Proper (eqM (A:=A) ==> (pointwise_relation A (eqM (A:=B))) ==> eqM) bindM;
+ returnM_bindM : forall A B a (f:A -> M B), returnM a >>= f ~= f a;
+ bindM_returnM : forall A (m:M A), m >>= (fun x => returnM x) ~= m;
+ bindM_bindM : forall A B C (m:M A) (f:A -> M B) (g:B -> M C),
+ (m >>= f) >>= g ~= m >>= (fun x => f x >>= g) }.
+(* This is not strictly necessary, but it speed up rewriting w.r.t. eq *)
+Instance Proper_eq_bindM A B `{Monad} :
+ Proper (eq ==> (pointwise_relation A (@eq (M B))) ==> eqM) bindM.
+ intros m1 m2 e_m; rewrite e_m.
+ intros f1 f2 ef; eapply Proper_bindM; [ reflexivity | ].
+ intros a; rewrite (ef _). reflexivity.
+(** Monads with Errors **)
+(* The error operation *)
+Class MonadErrorOp (M:Type -> Type) : Type :=
+ errorM : forall {A}, string -> M A.
+(* A monad with errors *)
+Class MonadError M `{Monad M} `{MonadErrorOp M} : Prop :=
+ { errorM_bindM : forall A B str (f:A -> M B), errorM str >>= f ~= errorM str }.
+(** Monads with Fixed-points **)
+(* The domain ordering for a fixed-point monad *)
+Class MonadLeqOp (M:Type -> Type) : Type :=
+ leqM : forall {A}, M A -> M A -> Prop.
+(* The class for the fixed-point operation *)
+Class MonadFixOp (M:Type -> Type) : Type :=
+ fixM : forall {A B}, ((forall (a:A), M (B a)) -> (forall (a:A), M (B a))) ->
+ (forall (a:A), M (B a)).
+(* Typeclass for dependent functions that respect the domain order *)
+(* FIXME: this doesn't need to be a typeclass *)
+Class ProperFixFun {A B M} `{MonadLeqOp M}
+ (F:(forall (a:A), M (B a)) -> (forall (a:A), M (B a))) : Prop :=
+ { properFixFun : forall f1 f2, (forall a, leqM (f1 a) (f2 a)) ->
+ (forall a, leqM (F f1 a) (F f2 a)) }.
+Class MonadFix M `{Monad M} `{MonadLeqOp M} `{MonadFixOp M} : Prop :=
+ { PreOrder_leqM :> forall A, PreOrder (leqM (A:=A));
+ (* FIXME: does this need Properness of F?
+ Proper_fixM :> forall A B,
+ Proper (((eq ==> eqM) ==> eq ==> eqM) ==> eq ==> eqM) (fixM (A:=A) (B:=B)); *)
+ eqM_leqM : forall A (m1 m2:M A), m1 ~= m2 <-> leqM m1 m2 /\ leqM m2 m1;
+ fixM_F_fixM : forall A (B:A -> Type) (F:(forall a, M (B a)) -> (forall a, M (B a)))
+ {prp:ProperFixFun F} a,
+ eqM (fixM F a) (F (fixM F) a)
+ }.
+ *** The Set Monad
+ ***)
+(* The set monad = the sets over a given type *)
+Definition SetM (A:Type) : Type := A -> Prop.
+(* Equivalence of two sets = they contain the same elements *)
+Instance MonadEqOp_SetM : MonadEqOp SetM :=
+ fun A m1 m2 => forall a, m1 a <-> m2 a.
+Instance Equivalence_SetM_eqM A : Equivalence (@eqM SetM _ A).
+ split.
+ { intros m a; reflexivity. }
+ { intros m1 m2 eq_m a. symmetry. apply eq_m. }
+ { intros m1 m2 m3 eq12 eq23 a. transitivity (m2 a); [ apply eq12 | apply eq23 ]. }
+(* Return for the set monad = the set with a single element *)
+Instance MonadReturnOp_SetM : MonadReturnOp SetM :=
+ fun A a a' => a = a'.
+(* Bind for the set monad = set map + union *)
+Instance MonadBindOp_SetM : MonadBindOp SetM :=
+ fun A B m f b => exists2 a, m a & f a b.
+Instance Monad_SetM : Monad SetM.
+ split; intros.
+ { typeclasses eauto. }
+ { intros m1 m2 Rm f1 f2 Rf b; split; unfold bindM; intros [ a in_m in_fa ];
+ exists a; try (apply Rm; assumption);
+ try apply (Rf a); assumption. }
+ { split; unfold bindM, returnM; intro.
+ { destruct H as [ x in_a in_fa ]. rewrite in_a. assumption. }
+ { exists a; [ reflexivity | assumption ]. } }
+ { split; unfold bindM, returnM; intro.
+ { destruct H as [ x in_a in_fa ]. rewrite <- in_fa. assumption. }
+ { exists a; [ assumption | reflexivity ]. } }
+ { split; unfold bindM; intro.
+ { destruct H as [ y [ x in_m in_fx ] in_gy ]. exists x; try assumption.
+ exists y; assumption. }
+ { destruct H as [ x in_m [ y in_fx in_gy ]]. exists y; try assumption.
+ exists x; assumption. } }
+Instance MonadLeqOp_SetM : MonadLeqOp SetM :=
+ fun A m1 m2 => forall a, m1 a -> m2 a.
+(* The class for the fixed-point operation *)
+Instance MonadFixOp_SetM : MonadFixOp SetM :=
+ fun A B F a b => forall f, (forall a', leqM (F f a') (f a')) -> f a b.
+(* Helper for splitting eqM on SetM into to leqM requirements *)
+Lemma split_SetM_eqM A (m1 m2:SetM A) : leqM m1 m2 -> leqM m2 m1 -> eqM m1 m2.
+ intros l12 l21 a; split; [ apply l12 | apply l21 ].
+(* Helper for proving that fixM is a fixed-point: that fixM F is F-closed *)
+Lemma SetM_fixM_F_closed {A B} F {prp:ProperFixFun (A:=A) (B:=B) F} a :
+ leqM (F (fixM F) a) (fixM F a).
+ intros b in_F_fixM f f_F_closed. apply f_F_closed.
+ refine (properFixFun (F:=F) (fixM F) f _ a _ in_F_fixM).
+ intros a' b' in_fixM_b'. apply (in_fixM_b' f f_F_closed).
+(* Helper for proving that fixM is a fixed-point: that fixM F is <= any F-closed f *)
+Lemma SetM_fixM_leq_F_closed A B (F:(forall (a:A), SetM (B a)) -> forall a, SetM (B a)) f :
+ (forall a, leqM (F f a) (f a)) -> forall a, leqM (fixM F a) (f a).
+ intros f_F_closed a b fixM_ab. apply (fixM_ab f f_F_closed).
+Instance MonadFix_SetM : MonadFix SetM.
+ split.
+ { intro A; split.
+ { intros m a m_a; assumption. }
+ { intros m1 m2 m3 l12 l23 a m1_a. apply l23. apply l12. assumption. } }
+ (* FIXME: finish proving that fixM is Proper
+ { intros A B F1 F2 RF a1 a2 Ra b. rewrite Ra.
+ split; intro Fab; apply Fab; intros a' b' F_fixM_a'b'.
+ { apply Fab. *)
+ { intros A m1 m2; split.
+ { intros eq12; split; intro a; destruct (eq12 a); assumption. }
+ { intros [leq12 leq21] a; split; [ apply leq12 | apply leq21 ]. } }
+ { intros A B F prp a. apply split_SetM_eqM.
+ { revert a. apply SetM_fixM_leq_F_closed. intro a.
+ apply properFixFun. intro a'. apply SetM_fixM_F_closed. assumption. }
+ { apply SetM_fixM_F_closed. assumption. } }
+ *** The Option Monad Transformer
+ ***)
+(* The option transformer just adds "option" around the type A *)
+Definition OptionT (M:Type -> Type) (A:Type) : Type := M (option A).
+(* Equivalence in OptionT is just the underlying equivlence *)
+Instance MonadEqOp_OptionT M `{MonadEqOp M} : MonadEqOp (OptionT M) :=
+ fun A m1 m2 => eqM (A:=option A) m1 m2.
+(* Return for the option monad = underlying return of Some *)
+Instance MonadReturnOp_OptionT M `{MonadReturnOp M} : MonadReturnOp (OptionT M) :=
+ fun A a => returnM (Some a).
+(* Bind for the option monad = pattern-match *)
+Instance MonadBindOp_OptionT M `{MonadReturnOp M} `{MonadBindOp M} : MonadBindOp (OptionT M) :=
+ fun A B m f =>
+ bindM (A:=option A) m
+ (fun opt_a =>
+ match opt_a with
+ | Some a => f a
+ | None => returnM None
+ end).
+Instance Monad_OptionT M `{Monad M} : Monad (OptionT M).
+ split.
+ { intro A; apply (Equivalence_eqM (option A)). }
+ { intros A B m1 m2 Rm f1 f2 Rf.
+ apply (Proper_bindM (M:=M)); [ assumption | ].
+ intros opt_a; destruct opt_a; [ apply Rf | ]; reflexivity. }
+ { intros.
+ unfold returnM, MonadReturnOp_OptionT, bindM, MonadBindOp_OptionT.
+ unfold eqM, MonadEqOp_OptionT.
+ rewrite (returnM_bindM (M:=M)). reflexivity. }
+ { intros.
+ unfold returnM, MonadReturnOp_OptionT, bindM, MonadBindOp_OptionT.
+ unfold eqM, MonadEqOp_OptionT.
+ etransitivity; [ | apply (bindM_returnM (M:=M)) ].
+ apply Proper_bindM; [ reflexivity | ].
+ intros opt; destruct opt; reflexivity. }
+ { intros.
+ unfold returnM, MonadReturnOp_OptionT, bindM, MonadBindOp_OptionT;
+ unfold eqM, MonadEqOp_OptionT.
+ rewrite (bindM_bindM (M:=M)).
+ apply Proper_bindM; [ reflexivity | ].
+ intros opt_a; destruct opt_a.
+ { apply Proper_bindM; [ reflexivity | ].
+ intros opt_b; destruct opt_b; reflexivity. }
+ { rewrite returnM_bindM. reflexivity. } }
+Instance MonadErrorOp_OptionT M `{MonadReturnOp M} : MonadErrorOp (OptionT M) :=
+ fun A _ => returnM None.
+Instance MonadError_OptionT M `{Monad M} : MonadError (OptionT M).
+ split.
+ { intros.
+ unfold errorM, MonadErrorOp_OptionT, bindM, MonadBindOp_OptionT.
+ rewrite returnM_bindM. reflexivity. }
+Instance MonadLeqOp_OptionT M `{MonadLeqOp M} : MonadLeqOp (OptionT M) :=
+ fun A m1 m2 => leqM (M:=M) m1 m2.
+Instance MonadFixOp_OptionT M `{MonadFixOp M} : MonadFixOp (OptionT M) :=
+ fun A B F a => fixM (M:=M) F a.
+Instance MonadFix_OptionT M `{MonadFix M} : MonadFix (OptionT M).
+ split.
+ { intros A; apply (PreOrder_leqM (M:=M)). }
+ { intros. apply (eqM_leqM (M:=M)). }
+ { intros. apply (fixM_F_fixM (M:=M) _ (fun a => option (B a))).
+ constructor. apply (properFixFun (ProperFixFun:=prp)). }
+ *** The Set of Sets Monad
+ ***)
+FIXME: can we get this to work as a predicate monad for SetM?
+- The hard part is defining bindM: the current version fails associativity
+ because it requires finding a choice function
+- I could imagine P >> Q is the union over all Q a for any a in mA in P, or the
+ union_(s in P) (intersection_(a in s) (Q a))
+- But all of these have issues!
+- e.g., if P contains the empty set, so should P >>= Q!
+(* A SetSetM computation is a set of subsets of a type *)
+Definition SetSetM (A:Type) := SetM A -> Prop.
+(* Close off a SetSetM under extensional equivalence *)
+Definition inSetSetM {A} (P:SetSetM A) : SetSetM A :=
+ fun m => exists2 m', m' ~= m & P m'.
+(* Equivalence of two sets = they contain the same elements *)
+Instance MonadEqOp_SetSetM : MonadEqOp SetSetM :=
+ fun A P1 P2 => forall m, inSetSetM P1 m <-> inSetSetM P2 m.
+Instance Proper_eqM_inSetSetM {A} :
+ Proper (eqM ==> eqM ==> iff) (inSetSetM (A:=A)).
+ intros P1 P2 eqP m1 m2 eqm.
+ split; intros [ m' eq_m' in_m' ]; apply eqP; exists m'; try assumption.
+ - transitivity m1; assumption.
+ - transitivity m2; [ | symmetry ]; assumption.
+Instance Equivalence_SetSetM_eqM A : Equivalence (eqM (M:=SetSetM) (A:=A)).
+ split.
+ { intros m a; reflexivity. }
+ { intros m1 m2 eq_m a. symmetry. apply eq_m. }
+ { intros m1 m2 m3 eq12 eq23 a. etransitivity; [ apply eq12 | apply eq23 ]. }
+Instance MonadReturnOp_SetSetM : MonadReturnOp SetSetM :=
+ fun A a m => m ~= returnM a.
+Lemma SetSetM_returnM A (m:SetM A) a :
+ inSetSetM (returnM a) m <-> m ~= returnM a.
+ split.
+ - intros [ m' eq_m' in_P ]. transitivity m'; [ symmetry; assumption | apply in_P ].
+ - intro e_m; exists (returnM a); [ symmetry; assumption | intro; reflexivity ].
+Instance MonadBindOp_SetSetM : MonadBindOp SetSetM :=
+ fun A B P Q m =>
+ exists2 mA, inSetSetM P mA &
+ exists2 f, (forall a, mA a -> inSetSetM (Q a) (f a)) &
+ m ~= mA >>= f.
+Lemma SetSetM_bindM_elim {A B P} {Q:A -> SetSetM B} {m} :
+ inSetSetM (P >>= Q) m ->
+ exists2 mA, inSetSetM P mA &
+ exists2 f, (forall a, mA a -> inSetSetM (Q a) (f a)) & m ~= mA >>= f.
+ intros [ m' eq_m [ mA in_P_mA [ f in_Q_f eq_m' ]]].
+ exists mA; [ assumption | ].
+ exists f; [ apply in_Q_f | ].
+ rewrite <- eq_m; assumption.
+Lemma SetSetM_bindM_intro {A B P} {Q:A -> SetSetM B} {m} mA f :
+ inSetSetM P mA -> (forall a, mA a -> inSetSetM (Q a) (f a)) -> m ~= mA >>= f ->
+ inSetSetM (P >>= Q) m.
+ intros [ mA' eq_mA in_mA' ] in_Q_f eq_m.
+ exists (mA >>= f); [ symmetry; assumption | ].
+ exists mA; [ exists mA'; assumption | ].
+ exists f; [ | reflexivity ]. apply in_Q_f.
+Instance Monad_SetSetM : Monad SetSetM.
+ split; intros.
+ { typeclasses eauto. }
+ { intros P1 P2 RP Q1 Q2 RQ m; split;
+ intros [ m' eq_m [ mA in_P_mA [ f in_Q_f eq_m' ] ] ];
+ exists m'; try assumption; exists mA; try (apply RP; assumption);
+ exists f; try assumption;
+ intros a in_mA; apply (RQ a a eq_refl); apply in_Q_f; assumption. }
+ { intro m; split.
+ { intro in_m.
+ destruct (SetSetM_bindM_elim in_m) as [ mA in_mA [ g in_g eq_m ]].
+ rewrite eq_m.
+ rewrite SetSetM_returnM in in_mA. rewrite in_mA. rewrite returnM_bindM.
+ apply in_g. rewrite (in_mA a). apply eq_refl. }
+ { intro in_m. apply (SetSetM_bindM_intro (returnM a) (fun _ => m)).
+ - apply SetSetM_returnM; reflexivity.
+ - intros a' eq_a_a'; compute in eq_a_a'. rewrite <- eq_a_a'. assumption.
+ - rewrite returnM_bindM. reflexivity. } }
+ { intro s; split.
+ { intro in_s.
+ destruct (SetSetM_bindM_elim in_s) as [ mA in_mA [ g in_g eq_s ]].
+ assert (eq_s_mA : s ~= mA); [ | rewrite eq_s_mA; assumption ].
+ transitivity (mA >>= g); [ assumption | ].
+ transitivity (mA >>= returnM); [ | apply bindM_returnM ].
+ intro a; split; intros [ a' in_a' in_f_a' ]; exists a'; try assumption.
+ - destruct (in_g a' in_a') as [ s' eq_s' in_s'].
+ rewrite <- (in_s' a). rewrite (eq_s' a). assumption.
+ - destruct (in_g a' in_a') as [ s' eq_s' in_s'].
+ rewrite <- (eq_s' a). apply in_s'. assumption. }
+ { intros [ s' eq_s' in_m_s' ]. exists s'; [ assumption | ].
+ exists s'; [ exists s'; [ reflexivity | assumption ] | ].
+ exists returnM; [ | symmetry; apply bindM_returnM ].
+ intros a in_s'. exists (returnM a); [ reflexivity | ].
+ intro a'; reflexivity. } }
+ { intro sC; split; intro in_sC.
+ { destruct (SetSetM_bindM_elim in_sC) as [ sB in_sB [ sg in_sg eq_sC ]].
+ destruct (SetSetM_bindM_elim in_sB) as [ sA in_sA [ sf in_sf eq_sB ]].
+ apply (SetSetM_bindM_intro sA (fun x => sf x >>= sg)); try assumption;
+ [ | rewrite eq_sC; rewrite eq_sB; rewrite bindM_bindM; reflexivity ].
+ intros a in_a.
+ apply (SetSetM_bindM_intro (sf a) sg); [ apply in_sf; assumption | | reflexivity ].
+ intros b in_b. apply in_sg. rewrite (eq_sB b).
+ exists a; assumption. }
+ { destruct (SetSetM_bindM_elim in_sC) as [ sA in_sA [ sfg in_sfg eq_sC ]].
+ apply (SetSetM_bindM_intro sA sfg).
+ admit. } }
+ apply (SetSetM_bindM_intro sA sfg); try assumption.
+ destruct (SetSetM_bindM_elim in_sB) as [ sA in_sA [ sf in_sf eq_sB ]].
+ intros [ sC' eq_sC' [ sB [ sB' eq_sB' [ sA eq_sA in_sA ] ] eq_sB ] ]. destruct in_sC'.
+ *)
+ *** The Computation Monad = the Option-Set Monad
+ ***)
+Definition CompM : Type -> Type := OptionT SetM.
+ *** Letrec and Mutual Fixed-points in CompM
+ ***)
+(* An inductive description of a type A1 -> A2 -> ... -> An -> CompM B *)
+Inductive LetRecType : Type :=
+| LRT_Ret (B:Type) : LetRecType
+| LRT_Fun (A:Type) (lrtF:A -> LetRecType) : LetRecType
+(* Convert a LetRecType to the type it represents *)
+Fixpoint lrtToType (lrt:LetRecType) : Type :=
+ match lrt with
+ | LRT_Ret B => CompM B
+ | LRT_Fun A lrtF => forall a, lrtToType (lrtF a)
+ end.
+(* Convert the argument types of a LetRecType to their "flat" version of the
+form { x1:A1 & { x2:A2 & ... { xn:An & unit } ... }} *)
+Fixpoint lrtToFlatArgs (lrt:LetRecType) : Type :=
+ match lrt with
+ | LRT_Ret _ => unit
+ | LRT_Fun A lrtF => sigT (fun (a:A) => lrtToFlatArgs (lrtF a))
+ end.
+(* Get the dependent return type fun (args:lrtToFlatArgs) => B x.1 ... of
+a LetRecType in terms of the flat arguments *)
+Fixpoint lrtToFlatRet (lrt:LetRecType) : lrtToFlatArgs lrt -> Type :=
+ match lrt return lrtToFlatArgs lrt -> Type with
+ | LRT_Ret B => fun _ => B
+ | LRT_Fun A lrtF =>
+ fun args => lrtToFlatRet (lrtF (projT1 args)) (projT2 args)
+ end.
+(* Extract out the "flat" version of a LetRecType *)
+Definition lrtToFlatType lrt :=
+ forall (args:lrtToFlatArgs lrt), CompM (lrtToFlatRet lrt args).
+(* "Flatten" a function described by a LetRecType *)
+Fixpoint flattenLRTFun lrt : lrtToType lrt -> lrtToFlatType lrt :=
+ match lrt return lrtToType lrt -> lrtToFlatType lrt with
+ | LRT_Ret _ => fun f _ => f
+ | LRT_Fun A lrtF =>
+ fun f args => flattenLRTFun (lrtF (projT1 args)) (f (projT1 args)) (projT2 args)
+ end.
+(* "Unflatten" a function described by a LetRecType *)
+Fixpoint unflattenLRTFun lrt : lrtToFlatType lrt -> lrtToType lrt :=
+ match lrt return lrtToFlatType lrt -> lrtToType lrt with
+ | LRT_Ret _ => fun f => f tt
+ | LRT_Fun A lrtF =>
+ fun f a => unflattenLRTFun (lrtF a) (fun args => f (existT _ a args))
+ end.
+(* A list of types (FIXME: use a Coq list?) *)
+Inductive LetRecTypes : Type :=
+| LRT_Nil : LetRecTypes
+| LRT_Cons : LetRecType -> LetRecTypes -> LetRecTypes
+(* Construct type type (F1, (F2, ... (Fn, unit) .. )) from a LetRecTypes list of
+descriptions of the types F1, ..., Fn *)
+Fixpoint lrtTupleType (lrts:LetRecTypes) : Type :=
+ match lrts with
+ | LRT_Nil => unit
+ | LRT_Cons lrt lrts' => prod (lrtToType lrt) (lrtTupleType lrts')
+ end.
+(* Construct type type F1 -> ... -> Fn -> B from a LetRecTypes list of
+descriptions of the types F1, ..., Fn *)
+Fixpoint lrtPi (lrts:LetRecTypes) (B:Type) : Type :=
+ match lrts with
+ | LRT_Nil => B
+ | LRT_Cons lrt lrts' => lrtToType lrt -> lrtPi lrts' B
+ end.
+(* Construct a multi-arity function of type lrtPi lrts B from one of type
+lrtTupleType lrts -> B *)
+Fixpoint lrtLambda {lrts B} : (lrtTupleType lrts -> B) -> lrtPi lrts B :=
+ match lrts return (lrtTupleType lrts -> B) -> lrtPi lrts B with
+ | LRT_Nil => fun F => F tt
+ | LRT_Cons _ lrts' => fun F f => lrtLambda (fun fs => F (f, fs))
+ end.
+(* Apply a multi-arity function of type lrtPi lrts B to an lrtTupleType lrts *)
+Fixpoint lrtApply {lrts B} : lrtPi lrts B -> lrtTupleType lrts -> B :=
+ match lrts return lrtPi lrts B -> lrtTupleType lrts -> B with
+ | LRT_Nil => fun F _ => F
+ | LRT_Cons _ lrts' => fun F fs => lrtApply (F (fst fs)) (snd fs)
+ end.
+(* Build a multi-argument fixed-point of type A1 -> ... -> An -> CompM B *)
+Definition multiArgFixM (lrt:LetRecType) (F:lrtToType lrt ->
+ lrtToType lrt) : lrtToType lrt :=
+ unflattenLRTFun
+ lrt
+ (fixM (fun f => flattenLRTFun lrt (F (unflattenLRTFun lrt f)))).
+(* Construct a mutual fixed-point over tuples of LRT functions *)
+Fixpoint multiTupleFixM (lrts:LetRecTypes) : (lrtTupleType lrts -> lrtTupleType lrts) ->
+ lrtTupleType lrts :=
+ match lrts return (lrtTupleType lrts -> lrtTupleType lrts) -> lrtTupleType lrts with
+ | LRT_Nil => fun _ => tt
+ | LRT_Cons lrt lrts' =>
+ fun F =>
+ let f1 := multiArgFixM lrt (fun f => fst (F (f, multiTupleFixM lrts' (fun fs => snd (F (f, fs)))))) in
+ (f1, multiTupleFixM lrts' (fun fs => snd (F (f1, fs))))
+ end.
+(* A nicer version of multiTupleFixM that abstracts the functions one at a time *)
+Definition multiFixM {lrts:LetRecTypes}
+ (F:lrtPi lrts (lrtTupleType lrts)) : lrtTupleType lrts :=
+ multiTupleFixM lrts (fun fs => lrtApply F fs).
+(* A letrec construct for binding 0 or more mutually recursive functions *)
+Definition letRecM {lrts : LetRecTypes} {B} (F: lrtPi lrts (lrtTupleType lrts))
+ (body:lrtPi lrts (CompM B)) : CompM B :=
+ lrtApply body (multiFixM F).
+ *** Refinement Proofs
+ ***)
+Definition refinesM {A} (m1 m2:CompM A) : Prop := forall a, m1 a -> m2 a.
+Infix "|=" := refinesM (at level 70, no associativity).
+Instance PreOrder_refinesM A : PreOrder (refinesM (A:=A)).
+ split.
+ { intros m a in_a; assumption. }
+ { intros m1 m2 m3 R12 R23 a in_m1. apply R23. apply R12. assumption. }
+Instance Proper_eqM_refinesM A : Proper (eqM ==> eqM ==> iff) (refinesM (A:=A)).
+ intros m1 m1' e1 m2 m2' e2.
+ split; intros R12 a in_a; apply e2; apply R12; apply e1; assumption.
+Instance Proper_refinesM_bindM A B :
+ Proper (refinesM ==> (pointwise_relation A refinesM) ==> refinesM) (bindM (A:=A) (B:=B)).
+ intros m1 m2 Rm f1 f2 Rf opt_b [ opt_a in_opt_a in_opt_b ].
+ exists opt_a; [ apply Rm; assumption | ].
+ destruct opt_a; [ | assumption ].
+ apply (Rf a); assumption.
+Lemma refinesM_returnM A (a1 a2:A) : a1 = a2 -> returnM a1 |= returnM a2.
+ intro e; rewrite e. reflexivity.
+Lemma refinesM_errorM_returnM A s (a:A) : ~ errorM s |= returnM a.
+ intro H; vm_compute in H.
+ apply (fun H => H None eq_refl) in H.
+ discriminate H.
+Lemma refinesM_returnM_errorM A (a:A) s : ~ returnM a |= errorM s.
+ intro H; vm_compute in H.
+ apply (fun H => H (Some a) eq_refl) in H.
+ discriminate H.
+(* If a monadic function f is F-closed w.r.t. the refinement relation, then the
+least fixed-point of F refines f *)
+Lemma refinesM_fixM_l A B (F : (forall (a:A), CompM (B a)) ->
+ (forall (a:A), CompM (B a))) f :
+ (forall a, F f a |= f a) -> forall a, fixM F a |= f a.
+ intros F_closed a opt_b in_fix.
+ apply in_fix. intros a' opt_b' in_F. apply F_closed. apply in_F.
+Lemma refinesM_fixM_lr A B (F G : (forall (a:A), CompM (B a)) ->
+ (forall (a:A), CompM (B a))) :
+ (forall f a, F f a |= G f a) -> forall a, fixM F a |= fixM G a.
+ intros leq_FG a opt_b in_fixF f G_closed.
+ apply (refinesM_fixM_l _ _ F); [ | assumption ].
+ intros a' opt_b' in_F. apply G_closed. apply leq_FG. assumption.
+(* Lift refinesM to monadic functions *)
+Fixpoint refinesFun {lrt} : relation (lrtToType lrt) :=
+ match lrt return relation (lrtToType lrt) with
+ | LRT_Ret B => refinesM
+ | LRT_Fun A lrtF => forall_relation (fun a => @refinesFun (lrtF a))
+ end.
+Instance PreOrder_refinesFun lrt : PreOrder (@refinesFun lrt).
+ induction lrt.
+ - apply PreOrder_refinesM.
+ - split.
+ { intros f a. reflexivity. }
+ { intros f1 f2 f3 H1 H2 a. transitivity (f2 a); [ apply H1 | apply H2 ]. }
+Instance subrelation_forall_const_pointwise A B (R : relation B)
+ : subrelation (forall_relation (fun _ => R)) (pointwise_relation A R).
+Proof. vm_compute; auto. Qed.
+(* A convenient specialization of refinesFun *)
+Definition refinesFun1 {A} {B:A -> Type} : (forall a, CompM (B a)) -> (forall a, CompM (B a)) -> Prop :=
+ refinesFun (lrt:=LRT_Fun _ (fun _ => LRT_Ret _)).
+(* Lift refinesM to tuples of monadic functions *)
+Fixpoint refinesFunTuple {lrts} : relation (lrtTupleType lrts) :=
+ match lrts return relation (lrtTupleType lrts) with
+ | LRT_Nil => fun _ _ => True
+ | LRT_Cons lrt lrts' =>
+ fun tup1 tup2 => refinesFun (fst tup1) (fst tup2) /\
+ refinesFunTuple (snd tup1) (snd tup2)
+ end.
+Fixpoint respectfulLRTPi {lrts} {B} : relation (lrtPi lrts (CompM B)) :=
+ match lrts with
+ | LRT_Nil => refinesM
+ | LRT_Cons _ _ => respectful refinesFun respectfulLRTPi
+ end.
+(* `ProperLRTFun F` is just `Proper (refinesFun ==> ... ==> refinesFun ==> refinesM) F` *)
+Class ProperLRTFun {lrts} {B} (F : lrtPi lrts (CompM B)) : Prop :=
+ { properLRTFun : Proper respectfulLRTPi F }.
+(* All constant functions are proper *)
+Instance ProperLRTFun_const lrts B b : @ProperLRTFun lrts B (lrtLambda (fun _ => b)).
+ split; induction lrts; vm_compute; intros; assumption.
+(* FIXME Get rid of this *)
+Instance ProperLRTFun_any lrts B F : @ProperLRTFun lrts B F.
+ admit. (* FIXME *)
+Instance Proper_lrtApply lrts B
+ : Proper (respectfulLRTPi ==> refinesFunTuple ==> refinesM) (@lrtApply lrts (CompM B)).
+ unfold Proper, respectful; intros F G H1 fs gs H2.
+ induction lrts; simpl in F,G,H1,fs,gs,H2; simpl.
+ - exact H1.
+ - destruct fs as [f fs]; destruct gs as [g gs]; destruct H2 as [H2 H3]; simpl in *.
+ apply IHlrts.
+ + unfold respectful in H1.
+ apply H1.
+ assumption.
+ + assumption.
+Lemma refinesFunTuple_multiFixM lrts (F:lrtPi lrts (lrtTupleType lrts)) tup :
+ refinesFunTuple (lrtApply F tup) tup -> refinesFunTuple (multiFixM F) tup.
+ admit. (* FIXME *)
+Lemma refinesFun_multiFixM_fst lrt (F:lrtPi (LRT_Cons lrt LRT_Nil)
+ (lrtTupleType (LRT_Cons lrt LRT_Nil))) f
+ (ref_f:refinesFun (fst (F f)) f) :
+ refinesFun (fst (multiFixM F)) f.
+ refine (proj1 (refinesFunTuple_multiFixM (LRT_Cons lrt LRT_Nil) _ (f, tt) _)).
+ split; [ | constructor ].
+ apply ref_f.
+Lemma letRecM_Nil B F P : @letRecM LRT_Nil B F P = P.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma refinesM_letRecM_Nil_l B F P Q : P |= Q -> @letRecM LRT_Nil B F P |= Q.
+ rewrite letRecM_Nil. trivial.
+Lemma multiFixM_const lrts fs
+ : multiFixM (lrts:=lrts) (lrtLambda (fun _ => fs)) = fs.
+ admit. (* FIXME *)
+Lemma refinesM_letRecM_const_r lrts B (F : lrtPi lrts (lrtTupleType lrts))
+ (G : lrtTupleType lrts) (P Q : lrtPi lrts (CompM B))
+ `{ProperLRTFun _ _ P} `{ProperLRTFun _ _ Q}
+ : refinesFunTuple (multiFixM F) G ->
+ lrtApply P G |= lrtApply Q G ->
+ @letRecM lrts B F P |= @letRecM lrts B (lrtLambda (fun _ => G)) Q.
+ destruct H as [ProperP]; destruct H0 as [ProperQ].
+ intros.
+ unfold letRecM.
+ rewrite H, H0, multiFixM_const.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma lrtApply_const lrts B (b : B) (F : lrtTupleType lrts)
+ : lrtApply (lrts:=lrts) (lrtLambda (fun _ => b)) F = b.
+ induction lrts.
+ - reflexivity.
+ - destruct F as [ F0 F1 ].
+ simpl; rewrite (IHlrts F1).
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma refinesM_letRecM_match_r lrts B F P Q `{ProperLRTFun _ _ P}
+ : forall (G : lrtTupleType lrts),
+ @letRecM lrts B F P |= @letRecM lrts B (lrtLambda (fun _ => G)) (lrtLambda (fun _ => Q)) ->
+ @letRecM lrts B F P |= Q.
+ intros.
+ rewrite H0.
+ unfold letRecM.
+ rewrite lrtApply_const.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma refinesM_if_l {A} (m1 m2:CompM A) b P :
+ (b = true -> m1 |= P) -> (b = false -> m2 |= P) ->
+ (if b then m1 else m2) |= P.
+ intros ref1 ref2; destruct b; [ apply ref1 | apply ref2 ]; reflexivity.
+Lemma refinesM_if_r {A} (m1 m2:CompM A) b P :
+ (b = true -> P |= m1) -> (b = false -> P |= m2) ->
+ P |= (if b then m1 else m2).
+ intros ref1 ref2; destruct b; [ apply ref1 | apply ref2 ]; reflexivity.
+Lemma simpl_letRecM0 B F body : @letRecM LRT_Nil B F body = body.
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma refinesM_sigT_rect_l {A1 A2 B} F P (s: {x:A1 & A2 x}) :
+ (forall a1 a2, s = existT _ a1 a2 -> F a1 a2 |= P) ->
+ sigT_rect (fun _ => CompM B) F s |= P.
+ destruct s; intros.
+ apply H. reflexivity.
+Lemma refinesM_sigT_rect_r {A1 A2 B} F P (s: {x:A1 & A2 x}) :
+ (forall a1 a2, s = existT _ a1 a2 -> P |= F a1 a2) ->
+ P |= sigT_rect (fun _ => CompM B) F s.
+ destruct s; intros.
+ apply H. reflexivity.
+(** Existential Specifications **)
+Definition existsM {A B} (P: A -> CompM B) : CompM B :=
+ fun b => exists a, P a b.
+Lemma refinesM_existsM_r {A B} (P: A -> CompM B) m a :
+ m |= (P a) -> m |= (existsM P).
+ intros r b in_b. exists a. apply r. assumption.
+Lemma refinesM_existsM_l A B (P: A -> CompM B) Q :
+ (forall a, P a |= Q) -> existsM P |= Q.
+ intros r b [ a in_b ]. apply (r a). assumption.
+Lemma refinesM_existsM_lr A B (P Q : A -> CompM B) :
+ (forall a, P a |= Q a) -> existsM P |= existsM Q.
+ intros r b [ a in_b ]. exists a. apply r. assumption.
+Lemma existsM_bindM A B C (P: A -> CompM B) (Q: B -> CompM C) :
+ (existsM P) >>= Q ~= existsM (fun x => P x >>= Q).
+ intros c; split.
+ - intros [ opt_b [ a in_b ] in_c ]. exists a. exists opt_b; assumption.
+ - intros [ a [ opt_b in_b in_c ] ]. exists opt_b; [ | assumption ].
+ exists a; assumption.
+Definition noErrorsSpec {A} : CompM A := existsM (fun a => returnM a).
+Arguments noErrorsSpec /.
+(** Universal Specifications **)
+Definition forallM {A B} (P: A -> CompM B) : CompM B :=
+ fun b => forall a, P a b.
+Lemma refinesM_forallM_r {A B} P (Q: A -> CompM B) :
+ (forall a, P |= (Q a)) -> P |= (forallM Q).
+ intros r b in_b a. apply r. assumption.
+Lemma refinesM_forallM_l {A B} (P: A -> CompM B) Q a :
+ P a |= Q -> forallM P |= Q.
+ intros r b in_b. apply r. apply in_b.
+(* NOTE: the other direction does not hold *)
+Lemma forallM_bindM A B C (P: A -> CompM B) (Q: B -> CompM C) :
+ refinesM ((forallM P) >>= Q) (forallM (fun x => P x >>= Q)).
+ intros c [ opt_b H ] a. exists opt_b; [ apply (H _) | assumption ].
+(** Conjuctive and disjunctive specifications **)
+Definition orM {A} (m1 m2 : CompM A) : CompM A :=
+ fun b => m1 b \/ m2 b.
+Lemma refinesM_orM_r {A} (m1 m2 : CompM A) P :
+ P |= m1 \/ P |= m2 -> P |= (orM m1 m2).
+ intros r b in_b; destruct r; [ left | right ]; apply H; assumption.
+Lemma refinesM_orM_l {A} (m1 m2 : CompM A) P :
+ m1 |= P -> m2 |= P -> orM m1 m2 |= P.
+ intros r1 r2 b in_b; destruct in_b; [ apply r1 | apply r2 ]; assumption.
+Lemma orM_bindM A B (m1 m2 : CompM A) (P : A -> CompM B) :
+ (orM m1 m2) >>= P ~= orM (m1 >>= P) (m2 >>= P).
+ intros c; split.
+ - intros [ opt_b [ r1 | r2 ] in_c ]; [ left | right ]; exists opt_b; assumption.
+ - intros [ [ opt_b in_b in_c ] | [ opt_b in_b in_c ] ]; (exists opt_b; [ | assumption ]);
+ [ left | right ]; assumption.
+Definition andM {A} (m1 m2:CompM A) : CompM A :=
+ fun b => m1 b /\ m2 b.
+Lemma refinesM_andM_r {A} (m1 m2 : CompM A) P :
+ P |= m1 -> P |= m2 -> P |= andM m1 m2.
+ intros r1 r2 b in_b. split; [ apply r1 | apply r2 ]; assumption.
+Lemma refinesM_andM_l {A} (m1 m2 : CompM A) P :
+ m1 |= P \/ m2 |= P -> andM m1 m2 |= P.
+ intros r b in_b; destruct r; destruct in_b; apply H; assumption.
+Lemma andM_bindM A B (m1 m2 : CompM A) (P : A -> CompM B) :
+ refinesM ((andM m1 m2) >>= P) (andM (m1 >>= P) (m2 >>= P)).
+ intros c [ opt_b [ r1 r2 ] in_c ]; split; exists opt_b; assumption.
+(** Assertions and Assumptions **)
+Definition assertM (P:Prop) : CompM unit :=
+ existsM (fun pf:P => returnM tt).
+Definition assertM_eq (P:Prop) (pf:P) : assertM P ~= returnM tt.
+ intro opt_a; split.
+ - intros [ _ H ]; assumption.
+ - intros H. exists pf. assumption.
+Lemma refinesM_bindM_assertM_r {A} (P:Prop) (m1 m2: CompM A) :
+ P -> m1 |= m2 -> m1 |= assertM P >> m2.
+ intro pf; rewrite (assertM_eq P pf). rewrite returnM_bindM. intro; assumption.
+Lemma refinesM_bindM_assertM_l {A} (P:Prop) (m1 m2: CompM A) :
+ (P -> m1 |= m2) -> assertM P >> m1 |= m2.
+ intro H. unfold assertM; rewrite existsM_bindM.
+ apply refinesM_existsM_l.
+ rewrite returnM_bindM; assumption.
+Definition assumingM {A} (P:Prop) (m:CompM A) : CompM A :=
+ forallM (fun pf:P => m).
+Lemma refinesM_assumingM_r {A} (P:Prop) (m1 m2: CompM A) :
+ (P -> m1 |= m2) -> m1 |= assumingM P m2.
+ apply refinesM_forallM_r.
+Lemma refinesM_assumingM_l {A} (P:Prop) (m1 m2 : CompM A) :
+ P -> m1 |= m2 -> assumingM P m1 |= m2.
+ apply refinesM_forallM_l.
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CompMExtra.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CompMExtra.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c7c64cef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CompMExtra.v
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+ *** Extra Proofs for CompM that Rely on SAWCorePrelude
+ ***)
+From Coq Require Import Logic.
+From Coq Require Import Strings.String.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCorePrelude.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreScaffolding.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreBitvectors.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Export CompM.
+ *** Some useful Ltac
+ ***)
+Ltac get_last_hyp tt :=
+ match goal with H: _ |- _ => constr:(H) end.
+Tactic Notation "unfold_projs" :=
+ unfold SAWCoreScaffolding.fst;
+ cbn [ Datatypes.fst Datatypes.snd projT1 ].
+Tactic Notation "unfold_projs" "in" constr(N) :=
+ unfold SAWCoreScaffolding.fst in N;
+ cbn [ Datatypes.fst Datatypes.snd projT1 ] in N.
+Tactic Notation "unfold_projs" "in" "*" :=
+ unfold SAWCoreScaffolding.fst in *;
+ cbn [ Datatypes.fst Datatypes.snd projT1 ] in *.
+Ltac split_prod_goal :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | |- _ /\ _ => split
+ | |- { _ : _ & _ } => split
+ | |- _ * _ => split
+ | |- unit => exact tt
+ | |- True => trivial
+ end.
+ *** Extra lemmas about refinement that rely on SAWCorePrelude
+ ***)
+Lemma refinesM_either_l {A B C} (f:A -> CompM C) (g:B -> CompM C) eith P :
+ (forall a, eith = SAWCorePrelude.Left _ _ a -> f a |= P) ->
+ (forall b, eith = SAWCorePrelude.Right _ _ b -> g b |= P) ->
+ SAWCorePrelude.either _ _ _ f g eith |= P.
+ destruct eith; intros; simpl.
+ - apply H; reflexivity.
+ - apply H0; reflexivity.
+Lemma refinesM_either_r {A B C} (f:A -> CompM C) (g:B -> CompM C) eith P :
+ (forall a, eith = SAWCorePrelude.Left _ _ a -> P |= f a) ->
+ (forall b, eith = SAWCorePrelude.Right _ _ b -> P |= g b) ->
+ P |= SAWCorePrelude.either _ _ _ f g eith.
+ destruct eith; intros; simpl.
+ - apply H; reflexivity.
+ - apply H0; reflexivity.
+Lemma refinesM_maybe_l {A B} (x : CompM B) (f : A -> CompM B) mb P :
+ (mb = SAWCorePrelude.Nothing _ -> x |= P) ->
+ (forall a, mb = SAWCorePrelude.Just _ a -> f a |= P) ->
+ SAWCorePrelude.maybe _ _ x f mb |= P.
+ destruct mb; intros; simpl.
+ - apply H; reflexivity.
+ - apply H0; reflexivity.
+Lemma refinesM_maybe_r {A B} (x : CompM B) (f : A -> CompM B) mb P :
+ (mb = SAWCorePrelude.Nothing _ -> P |= x) ->
+ (forall a, mb = SAWCorePrelude.Just _ a -> P |= f a) ->
+ P |= SAWCorePrelude.maybe _ _ x f mb.
+ destruct mb; intros; simpl.
+ - apply H; reflexivity.
+ - apply H0; reflexivity.
+Lemma returnM_if A (b : bool) (x y : A) :
+ @returnM CompM _ A (if b then x else y) ~= if b then returnM x else returnM y.
+Proof. destruct b. setoid_reflexivity. setoid_reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma refinesM_returnM_if_l A (b : bool) (x y : A) P :
+ ((if b then returnM x else returnM y) |= P) ->
+ (returnM (if b then x else y) |= P).
+Proof. rewrite returnM_if. trivial. Qed.
+Lemma refinesM_returnM_if_r A (b : bool) (x y : A) P :
+ (P |= (if b then returnM x else returnM y)) ->
+ (P |= returnM (if b then x else y)).
+Proof. rewrite returnM_if. trivial. Qed.
+Lemma returnM_injective : forall (A : Type) (x y : A),
+ returnM (M:=CompM) x ~= returnM y -> x = y.
+ intros. unfold returnM in H. unfold MonadReturnOp_OptionT in H.
+ unfold eqM in H. unfold MonadEqOp_OptionT in H. unfold eqM in H. unfold MonadEqOp_SetM in H.
+ assert (Some x = Some y) as Hxy.
+ { rewrite H. reflexivity. }
+ inversion Hxy; subst. reflexivity.
+ *** Automation for proving refinement
+ ***)
+Create HintDb refinesM.
+Create HintDb refinesFun.
+Hint Extern 999 (_ |= _) => shelve : refinesM.
+Hint Resolve refinesM_letRecM_Nil_l : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 (@letRecM ?lrts _ _ _ |= @letRecM ?lrts _ (lrtLambda (fun _ => _)) _) =>
+ apply refinesM_letRecM_const_r; try apply ProperLRTFun_any;
+ try (apply refinesFunTuple_multiFixM; unfold refinesFunTuple; split_prod_goal);
+ unfold lrtApply, lrtLambda; unfold_projs : refinesM.
+Inductive ArgName := Any | Either | Maybe | SigT | If | Assert | Assuming | Exists | Forall.
+Ltac argName n :=
+ match n with
+ | Any => fresh "a"
+ | Either => fresh "e_either"
+ | Maybe => fresh "e_maybe"
+ | SigT => fresh "e_either"
+ | If => fresh "e_if"
+ | Assert => fresh "e_assert"
+ | Assuming => fresh "e_assuming"
+ | Exists => fresh "e_exists"
+ | Forall => fresh "e_forall"
+ end.
+Definition IntroArg (_ : ArgName) A (goal : A -> Prop) := forall a, goal a.
+Lemma IntroArg_fold n A goal : forall a, IntroArg n A goal -> goal a.
+Proof. unfold IntroArg; intros a H; exact (H a). Qed.
+Lemma IntroArg_unfold n A (goal : A -> Prop) : (forall a, goal a) -> IntroArg n A goal.
+Proof. unfold IntroArg; intro H; exact H. Qed.
+Lemma IntroArg_and n P Q (goal : P /\ Q -> Prop)
+ : IntroArg n P (fun p => IntroArg n Q (fun q => goal (conj p q))) -> IntroArg n _ goal.
+Proof. unfold IntroArg; intros H [ p q ]; apply H. Qed.
+Lemma IntroArg_or n P Q (goal : P \/ Q -> Prop)
+ : IntroArg n P (fun p => goal (or_introl p)) ->
+ IntroArg n Q (fun q => goal (or_intror q)) -> IntroArg n _ goal.
+Proof. unfold IntroArg; intros Hl Hr [ p | q ]; [ apply Hl | apply Hr ]. Qed.
+Lemma IntroArg_sigT n A P (goal : {a : A & P a} -> Prop)
+ : IntroArg n A (fun a => IntroArg n (P a) (fun p => goal (existT _ a p))) -> IntroArg n _ goal.
+Proof. unfold IntroArg; intros H [ a p ]; apply H. Qed.
+Lemma IntroArg_prod n P Q (goal : P * Q -> Prop)
+ : IntroArg n P (fun p => IntroArg n Q (fun q => goal (pair p q))) -> IntroArg n _ goal.
+Proof. unfold IntroArg; intros H [ p q ]; apply H. Qed.
+Lemma IntroArg_sum n P Q (goal : P + Q -> Prop)
+ : IntroArg n P (fun p => goal (inl p)) ->
+ IntroArg n Q (fun q => goal (inr q)) -> IntroArg n _ goal.
+Proof. unfold IntroArg; intros Hl Hr [ p | q ]; [ apply Hl | apply Hr ]. Qed.
+Lemma IntroArg_unit n (goal : unit -> Prop) : goal tt -> IntroArg n _ goal.
+Proof. unfold IntroArg; intros H []. apply H. Qed.
+Lemma IntroArg_eq_sigT_const n A B (a a' : A) (b b' : B) (goal : Prop)
+ : IntroArg n (a = a') (fun _ => IntroArg n (b = b') (fun _ => goal)) ->
+ IntroArg n (existT _ a b = existT _ a' b') (fun _ => goal).
+ unfold IntroArg; intros H eq.
+ injection eq; intros.
+ apply H; assumption.
+Hint Resolve IntroArg_and IntroArg_or IntroArg_sigT IntroArg_prod IntroArg_sum
+ IntroArg_unit IntroArg_eq_sigT_const | 1 : refinesFun.
+Hint Extern 2 (IntroArg ?n (@eq bool _ _) _) =>
+ let e := fresh in
+ apply IntroArg_unfold; intro e; unfold_projs in e;
+ progress (compute_bv_funs in e; autorewrite with SAWCoreBitvectors in e);
+ apply (IntroArg_fold n _ _ e); clear e : refinesFun.
+Hint Extern 3 (IntroArg ?n (isBvsle _ _ _) _) =>
+ let e := argName n in
+ let e' := fresh in
+ apply IntroArg_unfold; intro e; assert (e' := e);
+ unfold isBvsle in e'; try rewrite e'; clear e' : refinesFun.
+Hint Extern 3 (IntroArg ?n (isBvslt _ _ _) _) =>
+ let e := argName n in
+ let e' := fresh in
+ apply IntroArg_unfold; intro e; assert (e' := e);
+ unfold isBvslt in e'; try rewrite e'; clear e' : refinesFun.
+Hint Extern 3 (IntroArg ?n (isBvule _ _ _) _) =>
+ let e := argName n in
+ let e' := fresh in
+ apply IntroArg_unfold; intro e; assert (e' := e);
+ unfold isBvule in e'; try rewrite e'; clear e' : refinesFun.
+Hint Extern 3 (IntroArg ?n (isBvult _ _ _) _) =>
+ let e := argName n in
+ let e' := fresh in
+ apply IntroArg_unfold; intro e; assert (e' := e);
+ unfold isBvult in e'; try rewrite e'; clear e' : refinesFun.
+Hint Extern 3 (IntroArg ?n (@eq ?T _ _) _) =>
+ let e := argName n in
+ apply IntroArg_unfold; intro e; unfold_projs in e;
+ (match T with
+ | bitvector _ => idtac
+ | _ => try discriminate e; unfold_projs; try rewrite e
+ end);
+ try (match T with
+ | Either _ _ => let e' := argName n in injection e; intro e'; try rewrite <- e'
+ | Maybe _ => let e' := argName n in injection e; intro e'; try rewrite <- e'
+ | {_ : _ & _ } => let e' := argName n in let e'' := argName n in
+ injection e; intros e' e''; clear e'; try rewrite <- e''
+ end) : refinesFun.
+Hint Extern 4 (IntroArg ?n _ _) =>
+ let e := argName n in
+ apply IntroArg_unfold; intro e; compute_bv_funs in e : refinesFun.
+Definition refinesM_either_l' {A B C} (f:A -> CompM C) (g:B -> CompM C) eith P :
+ (IntroArg Any _ (fun a => IntroArg Either (eith = SAWCorePrelude.Left _ _ a) (fun _ => f a |= P))) ->
+ (IntroArg Any _ (fun b => IntroArg Either (eith = SAWCorePrelude.Right _ _ b) (fun _ => g b |= P))) ->
+ SAWCorePrelude.either _ _ _ f g eith |= P := refinesM_either_l f g eith P.
+Definition refinesM_either_r' {A B C} (f:A -> CompM C) (g:B -> CompM C) eith P :
+ (IntroArg Any _ (fun a => IntroArg Either (eith = SAWCorePrelude.Left _ _ a) (fun _ => P |= f a))) ->
+ (IntroArg Any _ (fun b => IntroArg Either (eith = SAWCorePrelude.Right _ _ b) (fun _ => P |= g b))) ->
+ P |= SAWCorePrelude.either _ _ _ f g eith := refinesM_either_r f g eith P.
+Hint Resolve refinesM_either_l' refinesM_either_r' | 1 : refinesM.
+Definition refinesM_maybe_l' {A B} (x : CompM B) (f : A -> CompM B) mb P :
+ (IntroArg Maybe (mb = SAWCorePrelude.Nothing _) (fun _ => x |= P)) ->
+ (IntroArg Any _ (fun a => IntroArg Maybe (mb = SAWCorePrelude.Just _ a) (fun _ => f a |= P))) ->
+ SAWCorePrelude.maybe _ _ x f mb |= P := refinesM_maybe_l x f mb P.
+Definition refinesM_maybe_r' {A B} (x : CompM B) (f : A -> CompM B) mb P :
+ (IntroArg Maybe (mb = SAWCorePrelude.Nothing _) (fun _ => P |= x)) ->
+ (IntroArg Any _ (fun a => IntroArg Maybe (mb = SAWCorePrelude.Just _ a) (fun _ => P |= f a))) ->
+ P |= SAWCorePrelude.maybe _ _ x f mb := refinesM_maybe_r x f mb P.
+Hint Resolve refinesM_maybe_l' refinesM_maybe_r' | 1 : refinesM.
+Definition refinesM_sigT_rect_l' {A1 A2 B} F P (s: {x:A1 & A2 x}) :
+ (IntroArg Any _ (fun a1 => IntroArg Any _ (fun a2 =>
+ IntroArg SigT (s = existT _ a1 a2) (fun _ => F a1 a2 |= P)))) ->
+ sigT_rect (fun _ => CompM B) F s |= P := refinesM_sigT_rect_l F P s.
+Definition refinesM_sigT_rect_r' {A1 A2 B} F P (s: {x:A1 & A2 x}) :
+ (IntroArg Any _ (fun a1 => IntroArg Any _ (fun a2 =>
+ IntroArg SigT (s = existT _ a1 a2) (fun _ => P |= F a1 a2)))) ->
+ P |= sigT_rect (fun _ => CompM B) F s := refinesM_sigT_rect_r F P s.
+Hint Resolve refinesM_sigT_rect_l' refinesM_sigT_rect_r' | 1 : refinesM.
+Definition refinesM_if_l' {A} (m1 m2:CompM A) b P :
+ (IntroArg If (b = true) (fun _ => m1 |= P)) ->
+ (IntroArg If (b = false) (fun _ => m2 |= P)) ->
+ (if b then m1 else m2) |= P := refinesM_if_l m1 m2 b P.
+Definition refinesM_if_r' {A} (m1 m2:CompM A) b P :
+ (IntroArg If (b = true) (fun _ => P |= m1)) ->
+ (IntroArg If (b = false) (fun _ => P |= m2)) ->
+ P |= (if b then m1 else m2) := refinesM_if_r m1 m2 b P.
+Hint Resolve refinesM_if_l' refinesM_if_r' | 1 : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 (returnM (if _ then _ else _) |= _) =>
+ apply refinesM_returnM_if_l : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 (_ |= returnM (if _ then _ else _)) =>
+ apply refinesM_returnM_if_r : refinesM.
+Definition refinesM_bindM_assertM_l' {A} (P:Prop) (m1 m2: CompM A) :
+ (IntroArg Assert P (fun _ => m1 |= m2)) -> assertM P >> m1 |= m2 :=
+ refinesM_bindM_assertM_l P m1 m2.
+Definition refinesM_assumingM_r' {A} (P:Prop) (m1 m2: CompM A) :
+ (IntroArg Assuming P (fun _ => m1 |= m2)) -> m1 |= assumingM P m2 :=
+ refinesM_assumingM_r P m1 m2.
+Hint Resolve refinesM_bindM_assertM_l' refinesM_assumingM_r' | 1 : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 2 (_ |= assertM _ >> _) =>
+ eapply refinesM_bindM_assertM_r; shelve : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 2 (assumingM _ _ |= _) =>
+ eapply refinesM_assumingM_l; shelve : refinesM.
+Definition refinesM_existsM_l' A B (P: A -> CompM B) Q :
+ (IntroArg Exists _ (fun a => P a |= Q)) -> existsM P |= Q :=
+ refinesM_existsM_l A B P Q.
+Definition refinesM_forallM_r' {A B} P (Q: A -> CompM B) :
+ (IntroArg Forall _ (fun a => P |= (Q a))) -> P |= (forallM Q) :=
+ refinesM_forallM_r P Q.
+Hint Resolve refinesM_existsM_l' refinesM_forallM_r' | 2 : refinesM.
+(* Hint Extern 2 (existsM _ |= _) => apply refinesM_existsM_l; intro_destruct_prods_sums : refinesM. *)
+(* Hint Extern 2 (_ |= forallM _) => apply refinesM_forallM_r; intro_destruct_prods_sums : refinesM. *)
+Hint Extern 3 (_ |= existsM _) => eapply refinesM_existsM_r; shelve : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 3 (forallM _ |= _) => eapply refinesM_forallM_l; shelve : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 3 (returnM _ |= returnM _) =>
+ apply refinesM_returnM; (reflexivity || shelve) : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 (orM _ _ |= _) => apply refinesM_orM_l : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 (_ |= andM _ _) => apply refinesM_andM_r : refinesM.
+(* Hint Extern 99 (_ |= orM _ _) => apply refinesM_orM_r : refinesM. *)
+(* Hint Extern 99 (andM _ _ |= _) => apply refinesM_andM_l : refinesM. *)
+Hint Extern 1 ((returnM _ >>= _) |= _) => rewrite returnM_bindM : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 (_ |= (returnM _ >>= _)) => rewrite returnM_bindM : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 ((existsM _ >>= _) |= _) => rewrite existsM_bindM : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 (_ |= (existsM _ >>= _)) => rewrite existsM_bindM : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 ((orM _ _ >>= _) |= _) => rewrite orM_bindM : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 (_ |= (orM _ _ >>= _)) => rewrite orM_bindM : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 ((errorM _ >>= _) |= _) => rewrite errorM_bindM : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 (_ |= (errorM _ >>= _)) => rewrite errorM_bindM : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 (((_ >>= _) >>= _) |= _) => rewrite bindM_bindM : refinesM.
+Hint Extern 1 (_ |= ((_ >>= _) >>= _)) => rewrite bindM_bindM : refinesM.
+Create HintDb refinement_proofs.
+Hint Extern 1 (_ _ >>= _ |= _) =>
+ progress (try (rewrite_strat (outermost (hints refinement_proofs)))) : refinesM.
+ *** Rewriting rules
+ ***)
+Lemma existT_eta A (B:A -> Type) (s: {a:A & B a}) :
+ existT B (projT1 s) (projT2 s) = s.
+ destruct s; reflexivity.
+Lemma existT_eta_unit A (s: {_:A & unit}) : existT (fun _ => unit) (projT1 s) tt = s.
+ destruct s; destruct u; reflexivity.
+Hint Rewrite existT_eta existT_eta_unit : refinesM.
+Lemma function_eta A B (f:A -> B) : pointwise_relation A eq (fun x => f x) f.
+ intro; reflexivity.
+(* Specialized versions of monad laws for CompM to make rewriting faster,
+probably because Coq doesn't have to search for the instances...? *)
+Definition returnM_bindM_CompM A B (a:A) (f:A -> CompM B) : returnM a >>= f ~= f a :=
+ returnM_bindM (M:=CompM) A B a f.
+Definition bindM_returnM_CompM A (m:CompM A) : m >>= (fun x => returnM x) ~= m :=
+ bindM_returnM (M:=CompM) A m.
+Definition bindM_bindM_CompM A B C (m : CompM A) (f : A -> CompM B) (g : B -> CompM C) :
+ m >>= f >>= g ~= m >>= (fun x : A => f x >>= g) :=
+ bindM_bindM (M:=CompM) A B C m f g.
+Hint Rewrite returnM_bindM_CompM bindM_returnM_CompM bindM_bindM_CompM : refinesM.
+FIXME: do we need these rules?
+Lemma bvEq_sym n x y : bvEq n x y = bvEq n y x.
+ admit.
+From Coq Require Import Nat.
+Lemma bvEq_eqb n x y : bvEq n (bvNat n x) (bvNat n y) = eqb x y.
+ admit.
+ *** Automation for proving function refinement
+ ***)
+(* Create HintDb refinesFun. *)
+Hint Extern 999 (_ |= _) => shelve : refinesFun.
+Hint Extern 999 (refinesFun _ _) => shelve : refinesFun.
+Definition MaybeDestructArg A (a:A) (goal:Prop) : Prop := goal.
+Definition noDestructArg A a (goal:Prop) : goal -> MaybeDestructArg A a goal := fun g => g.
+Definition refinesFun_multiFixM_fst' lrt (F:lrtPi (LRT_Cons lrt LRT_Nil)
+ (lrtTupleType (LRT_Cons lrt LRT_Nil))) f
+ (ref_f:refinesFun (SAWCoreScaffolding.fst (F f)) f) :
+ refinesFun (fst (multiFixM F)) f := refinesFun_multiFixM_fst lrt F f ref_f.
+Definition refinesFun_fst lrt B f1 (fs:B) f2 (r:@refinesFun lrt f1 f2) :
+ refinesFun (SAWCoreScaffolding.fst (f1, fs)) f2 := r.
+Hint Resolve refinesFun_fst | 1 : refinesFun.
+Hint Resolve refinesFun_multiFixM_fst' | 1 : refinesFun.
+Hint Resolve noDestructArg | 5 : refinesFun.
+(* If a goal contains W64List_rect applied to l, then destruct l *)
+Ltac destructArg_W64List :=
+ (lazymatch goal with
+ | |- MaybeDestructArg ?W64list ?l ?g =>
+ match g with
+ | context [SAWCorePrelude.W64List_rect _ _ _ l] =>
+ induction l; let IH := get_last_hyp tt in
+ try simpl in IH; try unfold MaybeDestructArg in IH;
+ simpl; apply noDestructArg
+ end
+ end).
+Hint Extern 1 (MaybeDestructArg _ _ _) => destructArg_W64List :refinesFun.
+(* If a goal contains list_rect applied to l, then destruct l *)
+Ltac destructArg_list :=
+ (lazymatch goal with
+ | |- MaybeDestructArg (list _) ?l ?g =>
+ match g with
+ | context [Datatypes.list_rect _ _ _ l] =>
+ induction l; let IH := get_last_hyp tt in
+ try simpl in IH; try unfold MaybeDestructArg in IH;
+ simpl; apply noDestructArg
+ end
+ end).
+Hint Extern 1 (MaybeDestructArg _ _ _) => destructArg_list :refinesFun.
+Definition refinesFunBase B m1 m2 (r: m1 |= m2) : @refinesFun (LRT_Ret B) m1 m2 := r.
+Definition refinesFunStep A lrtF f1 f2
+ (r: IntroArg Any _ (fun a => MaybeDestructArg A a (@refinesFun (lrtF a) (f1 a) (f2 a)))) :
+ @refinesFun (LRT_Fun A lrtF) f1 f2 := r.
+Hint Extern 5 (@refinesFun (LRT_Ret _) _ _) =>
+ simple apply refinesFunBase; unfold_projs : refinesFun.
+Hint Extern 5 (@refinesFun (LRT_Fun _ _) _ _) =>
+ simple apply refinesFunStep : refinesFun.
+ *** Top-level tactics to put it all together
+ ***)
+Ltac prove_refinement_core :=
+ unshelve (typeclasses eauto with refinesM refinesFun);
+ try (unshelve (rewrite_strat (bottomup (hints refinesM))));
+ unfold_projs in *; split_prod_goal;
+ try reflexivity || contradiction.
+(* Automatically prove refinements of the form `refinesFun F G` or of the
+ form` P |= Q`, where P,Q may contain matching calls to `letRecM`. *)
+Ltac prove_refinement :=
+ unfold_projs; compute_bv_funs;
+ prove_refinement_core.
+(* After a call to `prove_refinement`, give user input as to whether to continue
+ proof automation in the left or right branch of an `orM`/`andM`. *)
+Ltac continue_prove_refinement_left :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- _ |= orM _ _ => apply refinesM_orM_r; left; prove_refinement_core
+ | |- andM _ _ |= _ => apply refinesM_andM_l; left; prove_refinement_core
+ end.
+Ltac continue_prove_refinement_right :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- _ |= orM _ _ => apply refinesM_orM_r; right; prove_refinement_core
+ | |- andM _ _ |= _ => apply refinesM_andM_l; right; prove_refinement_core
+ end.
+(* For refinements of the form `refinesFun F G` or `P |= Q` where a subexpression
+ on the left has a call to `letRecM` which does not match one on the right,
+ this tactic tries to prove the refinement by transitivity, where the new
+ middle expression has a `letRecM` which matches the one on the left as per
+ `refinesM_letRecM_match_r`. After giving values for each of the needed
+ functions, call `prove_refinement` to continue automation. *)
+Ltac prove_refinement_match_letRecM_l :=
+ unshelve (typeclasses eauto with refinesM refinesFun);
+ unshelve (eapply refinesM_letRecM_match_r);
+ [ unfold lrtTupleType, lrtToType; repeat split | apply ProperLRTFun_any | ].
+(* It's important for the tactic above that `letRecM` is opaque! Otherwise
+ `eauto` will unfold it too soon. *)
+Hint Opaque letRecM : refinesM refinesFun.
+(* Ltac prove_refinesFun := unshelve (typeclasses eauto with refinesFun). *)
+Ltac rewrite_refinesM :=
+ try ((rewrite returnM_bindM || rewrite bindM_returnM || rewrite bindM_bindM ||
+ rewrite errorM_bindM || rewrite existsM_bindM); rewrite_refinesM).
+(*** FIXME: old stuff below ***)
+Ltac old_prove_refinesM :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ (* Bind cases *)
+ | |- (returnM _ >>= _) |= _ => rewrite returnM_bindM; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- _ |= (returnM _ >>= _) => rewrite returnM_bindM; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- (existsM _ >>= _) |= _ => rewrite existsM_bindM; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- _ |= (existsM _ >>= _) => rewrite existsM_bindM; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- (errorM >>= _) |= _ => rewrite errorM_bindM; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- _ |= (errorM >>= _) => rewrite errorM_bindM; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- ((_ >>= _) >>= _) |= _ => rewrite bindM_bindM; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- _ |= ((_ >>= _) >>= _) => rewrite bindM_bindM; old_prove_refinesM
+ (* letRecM cases *)
+ | |- letRecM tt _ |= _ => apply refinesM_letRecM_Nil_l; old_prove_refinesM
+ (* either *)
+ | |- SAWCorePrelude.either _ _ _ _ _ _ |= _ =>
+ apply refinesM_either_l; intros; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- _ |= SAWCorePrelude.either _ _ _ _ _ _ =>
+ apply refinesM_either_r; intros; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- sigT_rect _ _ _ |= _ =>
+ (* sigT_rect *)
+ apply refinesM_sigT_rect_l; intros; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- _ |= sigT_rect _ _ _ =>
+ apply refinesM_sigT_rect_r; intros; old_prove_refinesM
+ (* if *)
+ | |- (if _ then _ else _) |= _ =>
+ apply refinesM_if_l; intros; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- _ |= (if _ then _ else _) =>
+ apply refinesM_if_r; intros; old_prove_refinesM
+ (* quantifiers *)
+ | |- existsM _ |= _ => apply refinesM_existsM_l; intros; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- _ |= forallM _ => apply refinesM_forallM_r; intros; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- _ |= existsM _ => eapply refinesM_existsM_r; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- forallM _ |= _ => eapply refinesM_forallM_l; old_prove_refinesM
+ | |- returnM _ |= returnM _ => apply refinesM_returnM; intros; try reflexivity
+ (* default: give up! *)
+ | _ => idtac (* try (progress (autorewrite with refinesM) ; old_prove_refinesM) *)
+ end.
+Ltac old_prove_refinesFun :=
+ apply refinesFun_multiFixM_fst; simpl; intros; old_prove_refinesM.
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CompM_ITrees.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CompM_ITrees.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e96df61806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CompM_ITrees.v
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+ *** A version of the computation monad using the option-set monad
+ ***)
+From Coq Require Export Morphisms Setoid Program.Equality.
+From ITree Require Export ITree ITreeFacts.
+From Paco Require Import paco.
+Infix ">>=" := ITree.bind (at level 58, left associativity).
+Notation "m1 >> m2" := (m1 >>= fun _ => m2) (at level 58, left associativity).
+Variant SpecEvent (E:Type -> Type) (A:Type) : Type :=
+| Spec_vis : E A -> SpecEvent E A
+| Spec_forall : SpecEvent E A
+| Spec_exists : SpecEvent E A
+Arguments Spec_vis {E A}.
+Arguments Spec_forall {E A}.
+Arguments Spec_exists {E A}.
+(* An ITree that defines a set of ITrees *)
+Definition itree_spec E A : Type := itree (SpecEvent E) A.
+(* The body of an itree_spec, inside the observe projection *)
+Definition itree_spec' E A : Type := itree' (SpecEvent E) A.
+Inductive satisfiesF {E A} (satisfies : itree_spec E A -> itree E A -> Prop)
+ : itree_spec' E A -> itree' E A -> Prop :=
+| Satisfies_Ret a : satisfiesF satisfies (RetF a) (RetF a)
+| Satisfies_Tau spec tree :
+ satisfies spec tree ->
+ satisfiesF satisfies (TauF spec) (TauF tree)
+| Satisfies_TauL spec tree :
+ satisfiesF satisfies (observe spec) tree ->
+ satisfiesF satisfies (TauF spec) tree
+| Satisfies_TauR spec tree :
+ satisfiesF satisfies spec (observe tree) ->
+ satisfiesF satisfies spec (TauF tree)
+| Satisfies_Vis X (e:E X) spec tree :
+ (forall x, satisfies (spec x) (tree x)) ->
+ satisfiesF satisfies (VisF (Spec_vis e) spec) (VisF e tree)
+| Satisfies_Forall X spec tree :
+ (forall x:X, satisfies (spec x) tree) ->
+ satisfiesF satisfies (VisF Spec_forall spec) (observe tree)
+| Satisfies_Exists X spec tree :
+ (exists x:X, satisfies (spec x) tree) ->
+ satisfiesF satisfies (VisF Spec_exists spec) (observe tree)
+Hint Constructors satisfiesF.
+Instance Proper_satisfies_satisfiesF {E A} :
+ Proper (pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ Basics.impl) ==>
+ eq ==> eq ==> Basics.impl) (@satisfiesF E A).
+ intros R1 R2 implR spec1 spec2 e_spec tree1 tree2 e_tree sats.
+ rewrite <- e_spec; rewrite <- e_tree.
+ clear e_spec spec2 e_tree tree2.
+ induction sats; constructor; intros; try (apply implR; apply H); try assumption.
+ destruct H as [ x H ]. exists x. apply implR; assumption.
+Lemma satisfiesF_mono {E A} (sats1 sats2:itree_spec E A -> itree E A -> Prop)
+ (sub_sats:forall spec tree, sats1 spec tree -> sats2 spec tree) :
+ forall spec tree,
+ satisfiesF sats1 spec tree -> satisfiesF sats2 spec tree.
+ intros.
+ apply (Proper_satisfies_satisfiesF sats1 sats2 sub_sats _ _ eq_refl _ _ eq_refl H).
+Definition satisfies_ {E A} satisfies spec tree :=
+ @satisfiesF E A satisfies (observe spec) (observe tree).
+Lemma satisfies__mono E A : monotone2 (@satisfies_ E A).
+ intros spec tree r1 r2 sats sub12. unfold satisfies_.
+ induction sats; constructor; try assumption.
+ { apply sub12; assumption. }
+ { intros; apply sub12. apply H. }
+ { intros; apply sub12. apply H. }
+ { destruct H as [ x H ]. exists x. apply sub12. apply H. }
+Hint Resolve satisfies__mono : paco.
+Definition satisfies {E A} spec tree := paco2 (@satisfies_ E A) bot2 spec tree.
+Instance Proper_observing_paco2_satisfies_impl E A r :
+ Proper (observing eq ==> observing eq ==> iff) (paco2 (@satisfies_ E A) r).
+ intros spec1 spec2 [ Rspec ] tree1 tree2 [ Rtree ].
+ split; intro; punfold H; pfold; unfold satisfies_;
+ [ rewrite <- Rtree; rewrite <- Rspec | rewrite Rtree; rewrite Rspec ];
+ apply H.
+Instance Proper_observing_satisfies E A :
+ Proper (observing eq ==> observing eq ==> iff) (@satisfies E A).
+ apply Proper_observing_paco2_satisfies_impl.
+Ltac simpobs x := apply simpobs in x.
+Ltac weaken_bis Hb := match type of Hb with ?x ≅ ?y => assert (x ≈ y); try (rewrite Hb; reflexivity) end.
+Lemma satisfies_eutt_spec_tau_vis_aux: forall (E : Type -> Type) (A u : Type) (e : SpecEvent E u)
+ (k1 k2 : u -> itree (SpecEvent E) A),
+ (forall v : u, paco2 (eqit_ eq true true id) bot2 (k1 v) (k2 v)) ->
+ forall (r : itree_spec E A -> itree E A -> Prop) (tree0 : itree E A),
+ (forall (P1 P2 : itree_spec E A) (tree : itree E A),
+ satisfies P1 tree -> P1 ≈ P2 -> r P2 tree) ->
+ satisfiesF (upaco2 satisfies_ bot2) (VisF e k1) (observe tree0) ->
+ satisfiesF (upaco2 satisfies_ r) (VisF e k2) (observe tree0).
+ intros E A u e k1 k2 REL r tree0 CIH H.
+ dependent induction H.
+ - rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHsatisfiesF; eauto.
+ - rewrite <- x. constructor. intros. right.
+ pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto. apply H.
+ - rewrite <- x. constructor. right. pclearbot; eapply CIH; eauto.
+ apply H.
+ - rewrite <- x. constructor. destruct H as [x' Hx' ]. pclearbot.
+ exists x'. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
+Lemma satisfiesF_TauL: forall (E : Type -> Type) (A : Type) (t1 : itree (SpecEvent E) A)
+ (tree0 : itree E A),
+ satisfiesF (upaco2 satisfies_ bot2) (TauF t1) (observe tree0) ->
+ satisfiesF (upaco2 satisfies_ bot2) (observe t1) (observe tree0).
+ intros E A t1 tree0 H.
+ dependent induction H; auto.
+ - pclearbot. rewrite <- x. constructor. punfold H.
+ - rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHsatisfiesF; eauto.
+(* Requires coinduction because the forall and exist states *)
+Lemma satisfies_TauR:
+ forall (E : Type -> Type) (A : Type) (P : itree_spec E A) (t : itree E A),
+ satisfies P (Tau t) ->
+ satisfies P t.
+ intros E A. pcofix CIH. intros P t HP.
+ pfold. red.
+ punfold HP. red in HP. dependent induction HP; pclearbot; auto.
+ - rewrite <- x. constructor. pstep_reverse. eapply paco2_mon; eauto.
+ intuition.
+ - rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHP; eauto.
+ - pstep_reverse. clear IHHP. eapply paco2_mon with (r := bot2); intuition.
+ - rewrite <- x0. cbn in x. constructor. right.
+ eapply CIH; eauto. pfold. red. cbn. rewrite <- x. pstep_reverse.
+ - rewrite <- x0. constructor. destruct H as [x' Hx']. pclearbot.
+ exists x'. right. eapply CIH. pfold. red. rewrite <- x. pstep_reverse.
+Lemma satisfies_eutt_spec_l E A (P1 P2:itree_spec E A) tree :
+ satisfies P1 tree -> eutt eq P1 P2 -> satisfies P2 tree.
+ revert P1 P2 tree. pcofix CIH. intros P1 P2 tree HP HP12.
+ punfold HP. red in HP. pfold. red. punfold HP12. red in HP12.
+ dependent induction HP.
+ - rewrite <- x. rewrite <- x0 in HP12. dependent induction HP12; auto.
+ + rewrite <- x. constructor.
+ + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHP12; eauto.
+ - pclearbot.
+ remember (observe P2) as oP2. clear HeqoP2 P2.
+ assert ((exists P2', oP2 = TauF P2') \/ (forall P2', oP2 <> TauF P2') ).
+ { destruct oP2; eauto; right; repeat intro; discriminate. }
+ rewrite <- x. rewrite <- x0 in HP12. clear x0 x.
+ destruct H0 as [ [P2' HP2'] | HP2' ].
+ + subst. constructor. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
+ rewrite <- tau_eutt. setoid_rewrite <- tau_eutt at 3.
+ pfold. auto.
+ + inversion HP12; try (exfalso; eapply HP2'; eauto; fail); subst.
+ clear HP12. punfold H. red in H.
+ dependent induction REL; intros; subst;
+ try (exfalso; eapply HP2'; eauto; fail).
+ * constructor. rewrite <- x in H.
+ clear CIH HP2' x. dependent induction H; try constructor.
+ ++ rewrite <- x. constructor.
+ ++ rewrite <- x. constructor. apply IHsatisfiesF; auto.
+ * rewrite <- x in H. constructor. pclearbot.
+ eapply satisfies_eutt_spec_tau_vis_aux; eauto.
+ * eapply IHREL; auto. rewrite <- x in H.
+ eapply satisfiesF_TauL; eauto.
+ - eapply IHHP; eauto. rewrite <- x in HP12.
+ assert (Tau spec ≈ P2); try (pfold; auto; fail).
+ rewrite tau_eutt in H. punfold H.
+ - rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHP; eauto.
+ - rewrite <- x. rewrite <- x0 in HP12. dependent induction HP12.
+ + rewrite <- x. constructor. pclearbot. intros. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
+ apply H.
+ + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHP12; eauto.
+ - rewrite <- x0 in HP12. dependent induction HP12.
+ + rewrite <- x. constructor. pclearbot. intros. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
+ pfold. red. rewrite <- x1.
+ specialize (H x2). punfold H.
+ + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHP12; eauto.
+ - rewrite <- x0 in HP12. rewrite <- x. clear x tree. dependent induction HP12.
+ + rewrite <- x. constructor. destruct H as [x' Hx']. pclearbot.
+ exists x'. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
+ + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHP12; eauto.
+Lemma satisfies_eutt_spec_r E A (P:itree_spec E A) (t1 t2 : itree E A) :
+ satisfies P t1 -> t1 ≈ t2 -> satisfies P t2.
+ revert P t1 t2. pcofix CIH. intros P t1 t2 HP Ht12.
+ pfold. red. punfold Ht12. red in Ht12. punfold HP. red in HP.
+ dependent induction Ht12.
+ - rewrite <- x. rewrite <- x0 in HP. clear x x0.
+ dependent induction HP; auto;
+ try (rewrite <- x; auto).
+ + rewrite <- x0. pclearbot. constructor.
+ intros. right. eapply CIH; try apply H. reflexivity.
+ + rewrite <- x0. constructor. destruct H as [x' Hx']. pclearbot.
+ exists x'. right. eapply CIH; eauto. reflexivity.
+ (* Tau Tau case *)
+ - pclearbot. remember (observe P) as oP. clear HeqoP P.
+ assert ( (exists P, oP = TauF P) \/ (forall P, oP <> TauF P) ).
+ { destruct oP; eauto; right; repeat intro; discriminate. }
+ destruct H as [ [P HoP] | HoP].
+ + subst. rewrite <- x. constructor. right. eapply CIH; eauto.
+ apply satisfies_TauR. pfold. red. apply satisfiesF_TauL. simpl.
+ rewrite x0. auto.
+ + rewrite <- x. rewrite <- x0 in HP.
+ inversion HP; try (exfalso; eapply HoP; eauto; fail).
+ * subst. clear HP. clear x x0. punfold REL. red in REL. constructor.
+ dependent induction H1; try (exfalso; eapply HoP; eauto; fail).
+ ++ rewrite <- x in REL. clear x. dependent induction REL;
+ try (rewrite <- x; auto).
+ ++ eapply IHsatisfiesF; auto. pstep_reverse.
+ assert (m1 ≈ m2); try (pfold; auto; fail). simpobs x. rewrite x in H.
+ rewrite tau_eutt in H. auto.
+ ++ rewrite <- x in REL. clear x. dependent induction REL.
+ ** rewrite <- x; auto. constructor. right.
+ pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto. apply H.
+ ** rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHREL; eauto.
+ ++ pclearbot. constructor. right. eapply CIH; eauto. pfold. red.
+ rewrite <- x. pstep_reverse.
+ ++ constructor. destruct H as [x' Hx']. pclearbot. exists x'. right.
+ eapply CIH; eauto. simpobs x. rewrite <- itree_eta in x. rewrite <- x.
+ pfold. auto.
+ * constructor. constructor. right. pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto.
+ apply satisfies_TauR. pfold. red. cbn. rewrite <- H. pstep_reverse.
+ * constructor. constructor. destruct H1 as [x' Hx' ]. pclearbot.
+ exists x'. right. eapply CIH; eauto. symmetry in H. simpobs H.
+ rewrite H. rewrite tau_eutt. auto.
+ - rewrite <- x. rewrite <- x0 in HP. clear x x0. dependent induction HP.
+ + rewrite <- x. constructor. eapply IHHP; eauto.
+ + rewrite <- x. constructor. intros. right.
+ pclearbot. eapply CIH; eauto. apply H.
+ + rewrite <- x0. pclearbot.
+ assert (VisF e k2 = observe (Vis e k2) ); auto. rewrite H0.
+ constructor. intros. right. eapply CIH; try apply H.
+ symmetry in x. simpobs x. rewrite x.
+ pfold. red. constructor. auto.
+ + rewrite <- x0. assert (VisF e k2 = observe (Vis e k2) ); auto.
+ rewrite H0. constructor. destruct H as [x' Hx']. pclearbot.
+ exists x'. right. eapply CIH; eauto. symmetry in x. simpobs x.
+ rewrite x. pfold. constructor. left. auto.
+ - eapply IHHt12; auto. rewrite <- x in HP. pstep_reverse.
+ apply satisfies_TauR. pfold. auto.
+ - rewrite <- x. constructor.
+ eapply IHHt12; eauto.
+Instance proper_eutt_satisfies E R : Proper (@eutt (SpecEvent E) R R eq ==> eutt eq ==> iff) satisfies.
+ intros P Q HPQ t1 t2 Ht12. split; intros.
+ - eapply satisfies_eutt_spec_r; eauto. eapply satisfies_eutt_spec_l; eauto.
+ - symmetry in HPQ. symmetry in Ht12. eapply satisfies_eutt_spec_r; eauto. eapply satisfies_eutt_spec_l; eauto.
+(* infinte forall exist chains *)
+CoFixpoint top_spec {E: Type -> Type} {A : Type} : itree_spec E A := Vis Spec_forall (fun _ : unit => top_spec).
+Lemma top_spec_is_top : forall E R (t : itree E R), satisfies top_spec t.
+ intros E R. pcofix CIH. intros. pfold. red. cbn. constructor. intros. right. auto.
+Definition bottom_spec {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} : itree_spec E A := Vis Spec_exists (fun v : void => match v with end).
+Lemma bottom_spec_is_bottom : forall E R (t : itree E R), ~ satisfies bottom_spec t.
+ intros E R t Hcontra. punfold Hcontra. red in Hcontra. cbn in *. dependent induction Hcontra; eauto.
+ destruct H as [ [] _ ].
+Definition and_spec {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} (P Q : itree_spec E A) :=
+ Vis Spec_forall (fun b : bool => if b then P else Q).
+Definition or_spec {E : Type -> Type} {A : Type} (P Q : itree_spec E A) :=
+ Vis Spec_exists (fun b : bool => if b then P else Q).
+Lemma and_spec_is_and : forall E R (t : itree E R) (P Q : itree_spec E R),
+ satisfies (and_spec P Q) t <-> (satisfies P t /\ satisfies Q t).
+ split; [split | idtac]; intros.
+ - punfold H. red in H. pfold. red. cbn in H. dependent induction H.
+ + rewrite <- x. constructor. eauto.
+ + simpobs x. rewrite <- itree_eta in x. pclearbot. pstep_reverse.
+ specialize (H true). cbn in *. rewrite x. auto.
+ - punfold H. red in H. pfold. red. cbn in H. dependent induction H.
+ + rewrite <- x. constructor. eauto.
+ + simpobs x. rewrite <- itree_eta in x. pclearbot. pstep_reverse.
+ specialize (H false). cbn in *. rewrite x. auto.
+ - destruct H. pfold. red. cbn. constructor. intros; destruct x; left; auto.
+Lemma or_spec_is_or : forall E R (t : itree E R) (P Q : itree_spec E R),
+ satisfies (or_spec P Q) t <-> (satisfies P t \/ satisfies Q t).
+ split; intros; [idtac | destruct H] .
+ - punfold H. red in H. cbn in *. dependent induction H; [ simpobs x | idtac ].
+ + setoid_rewrite x. setoid_rewrite tau_eutt. eapply IHsatisfiesF; eauto.
+ + simpobs x. rewrite <- itree_eta in x. setoid_rewrite x.
+ destruct H as [ [ | ] H ]; pclearbot; eauto.
+ - pfold. red. cbn. constructor. exists true. auto.
+ - pfold. red. cbn. constructor. exists false. auto.
+Lemma or_spec_bind : forall E R S (P Q : itree_spec E R) (k : R -> itree_spec E S),
+ (or_spec P Q) >>= k ≈ or_spec (P >>= k) (Q >>= k).
+ intros. unfold or_spec. rewrite bind_vis. pfold. constructor.
+ intros; left.
+ enough ( (if v then P else Q) >>= k ≈ if v then P >>= k else Q >>= k ); auto.
+ destruct v; reflexivity.
+Lemma and_spec_bind : forall E R S (P Q : itree_spec E R) (k : R -> itree_spec E S),
+ (and_spec P Q) >>= k ≈ and_spec (P >>= k) (Q >>= k).
+ intros. unfold and_spec.
+ pfold. red. cbn. constructor.
+ intros; left.
+ enough ( (if v then P else Q) >>= k ≈ if v then P >>= k else Q >>= k ); auto.
+ destruct v; reflexivity.
+Definition imp_spec {E R} (P Q : itree_spec E R) :=
+ Vis Spec_forall (fun _ : satisfies P t => Q)
+(* The proposition that a is returned by an itree along some path *)
+Inductive is_itree_retval' {E A} : itree' E A -> A -> Prop :=
+| iirv_ret a : is_itree_retval' (RetF a) a
+| iirv_tau tree a :
+ is_itree_retval' (observe tree) a -> is_itree_retval' (TauF tree) a
+| iirv_vis {X} (ev:E X) tree a x :
+ is_itree_retval' (observe (tree x)) a ->
+ is_itree_retval' (VisF ev tree) a
+Definition is_itree_retval {E A} tree a := @is_itree_retval' E A (observe tree) a.
+Instance Proper_observing_is_itree_retval E A :
+ Proper (observing eq ==> eq ==> iff) (@is_itree_retval E A).
+ intros m1 m2 [ em ] a1 a2 ea. rewrite <- ea. unfold is_itree_retval.
+ rewrite em. reflexivity.
+Lemma bind_satisfies_bind E A B (P:itree_spec E A) (Q:A -> itree_spec E B)
+ (m:itree E A) (f:A -> itree E B) :
+ satisfies P m ->
+ (forall a, is_itree_retval m a -> satisfies (Q a) (f a)) ->
+ satisfies (P >>= Q) (m >>= f).
+ intro sats; revert P m sats. pcofix CIH.
+ intros P m sats satsQ; punfold sats. unfold satisfies_ at 1 in sats.
+ remember (observe P) as obsP eqn: e_obsP.
+ remember (observe m) as obsm eqn: e_obsm.
+ revert P m e_obsP e_obsm satsQ. induction sats; intros.
+ { rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Ret a) _ e_obsP).
+ rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Ret a) _ e_obsm).
+ repeat rewrite bind_ret_.
+ eapply paco2_mon_bot; [ apply satsQ | intros; eassumption ].
+ rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Ret a) _ e_obsm). constructor. }
+ { rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Tau _) _ e_obsP).
+ rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Tau _) _ e_obsm).
+ repeat rewrite bind_tau_.
+ pfold. apply Satisfies_Tau. right. pclearbot. apply CIH; [ assumption | ].
+ intros a iirv. apply satsQ.
+ rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Tau _) _ e_obsm).
+ constructor. assumption. }
+ { rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Tau _) _ e_obsP). rewrite bind_tau_.
+ pfold. apply Satisfies_TauL.
+ set (IHapp := IHsats spec m eq_refl e_obsm satsQ). punfold IHapp. }
+ { rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Tau _) _ e_obsm). rewrite bind_tau_.
+ pfold. apply Satisfies_TauR.
+ assert (paco2 satisfies_ r (P >>= Q) (tree >>= f)) as IHapp;
+ [ | punfold IHapp ].
+ apply IHsats; [ assumption | reflexivity | ].
+ intros. apply satsQ. rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Tau _) _ e_obsm).
+ constructor. assumption. }
+ { rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Vis _ _) _ e_obsP).
+ rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Vis _ _) _ e_obsm).
+ repeat rewrite bind_vis_. pfold.
+ apply Satisfies_Vis. intro x. right. apply CIH.
+ - pclearbot. apply H.
+ - intros. apply satsQ. rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Vis _ _) _ e_obsm).
+ econstructor. eassumption. }
+ { rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Vis _ _) _ e_obsP).
+ rewrite <- (observing_intros _ _ _ e_obsm).
+ rewrite bind_vis_. pfold. apply Satisfies_Forall. intro x. right. apply CIH.
+ - pclearbot. apply H.
+ - intros. apply satsQ.
+ rewrite <- (observing_intros _ _ _ e_obsm). assumption. }
+ { rewrite <- (observing_intros _ (Vis _ _) _ e_obsP).
+ rewrite <- (observing_intros _ _ _ e_obsm).
+ rewrite bind_vis_. pfold.
+ destruct H as [ x H ]. apply Satisfies_Exists. exists x. right. apply CIH.
+ - pclearbot. apply H.
+ - intros. apply satsQ.
+ rewrite <- (observing_intros _ _ _ e_obsm). assumption. }
+Notation " x : T <- m1 ;; m2" := (ITree.bind m1 (fun x : T=> m2) ) (at level 40).
+Section l_bind_satisfies_bind_counter.
+ Variant NonDet : Type -> Type := Choose : NonDet bool.
+ Definition m_counter : itree NonDet unit :=
+ x : bool <- ITree.trigger Choose ;;
+ if x then Ret tt else y : bool <- ITree.trigger Choose;; Ret tt.
+ Definition P_counter : itree_spec NonDet unit :=
+ x : bool <- ITree.trigger (Spec_vis Choose);; Ret tt.
+ Definition Q_counter : unit -> itree_spec NonDet unit :=
+ fun _ => or_spec (Ret tt) ( x : bool <- ITree.trigger (Spec_vis Choose);; Ret tt ).
+ Lemma m_counter_sats_P_bind_Q_counter : satisfies (P_counter >>= Q_counter) m_counter.
+ Proof.
+ pfold. red. cbn. constructor. left. destruct x.
+ - pfold. red. cbn.
+ assert (RetF (E:= NonDet) tt = observe (Ret tt)); auto.
+ rewrite H. constructor. exists true. left. pfold; constructor.
+ - pfold. red. cbn. assert (VisF Choose (fun x : bool => _ : bool <- Ret x;; Ret tt) =
+ observe (Vis Choose (fun x : bool => _ : bool <- Ret x;; Ret tt) ) ); auto.
+ rewrite H. constructor. exists false. left. pfold. red. cbn.
+ rewrite H. constructor. intros [ | ]; left; pfold; red; cbn; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma satifies_P_counter : forall m, satisfies P_counter m ->
+ m ≈ (x : bool <- ITree.trigger Choose;; Ret tt).
+ Proof.
+ intros. unfold P_counter in *. punfold H. red in H. pfold. red. cbn in *.
+ dependent induction H.
+ - rewrite <- x. constructor; auto.
+ - rewrite <- x. constructor. left. pclearbot. specialize (H v).
+ assert (satisfies (_ : bool <- Ret v;; Ret tt) (tree v) ); auto.
+ enough (tree v ≈ ( _ : bool <- Ret v;; Ret tt) ); auto. rewrite bind_ret_l.
+ rewrite bind_ret_l in H0. symmetry. clear x H m.
+ pfold. red. punfold H0. red in H0. cbn in *.
+ remember (observe (tree v) ) as ot. clear Heqot tree v. dependent induction H0; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Definition m0_counter : itree NonDet unit := x : bool <- ITree.trigger Choose;; Ret tt.
+ Lemma m0_counter_no_continuation : forall k,
+ ~ m0_counter >>= k ≈ m_counter .
+ Proof.
+ unfold m0_counter, m_counter.
+ intros k Hcontra. repeat rewrite bind_trigger in Hcontra.
+ rewrite bind_vis in Hcontra. apply eqit_inv_vis in Hcontra as [_ Hcontra] .
+ specialize (Hcontra true) as Hktrue. specialize (Hcontra false) as Hkfalse.
+ cbn in *. rewrite bind_ret_l in Hktrue. rewrite bind_ret_l in Hkfalse.
+ rewrite Hktrue in Hkfalse. pinversion Hkfalse.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma not_l_bind_satisfies_bind_aux : exists E R S
+ (m : itree E R) (P : itree_spec E S) (Q : S -> itree_spec E R),
+ satisfies (P >>= Q) m /\ (forall m0 k, satisfies P m0 -> ~ (m0 >>= k ≈ m) ).
+ Proof.
+ exists NonDet, unit, unit, m_counter, P_counter, Q_counter.
+ split; try apply m_counter_sats_P_bind_Q_counter.
+ intros. apply satifies_P_counter in H. rewrite H. fold m0_counter.
+ apply m0_counter_no_continuation.
+ Qed.
+End l_bind_satisfies_bind_counter.
+Lemma not_l_bind_satisfies_bind : ~ forall E R S
+ (m : itree E R) (P : itree_spec E S) (Q : S -> itree_spec E R),
+ satisfies (P >>= Q) m -> exists m0 k, satisfies P m0 /\ (forall a, is_itree_retval m0 a -> satisfies (Q a) (k a) ) /\ (m0 >>= k ≈ m).
+ destruct not_l_bind_satisfies_bind_aux as [ E [R [S [m [P [Q [H0 H1] ] ] ] ] ] ].
+ intros Hcontra. specialize (Hcontra E R S m P Q H0).
+ destruct Hcontra as [m0 [k [Hsat [ _ Heutt] ] ] ]. eapply H1; eauto.
+(* Our event type = errors *)
+Inductive CompMEvent : Type -> Type :=
+| ErrorEvent : CompMEvent False
+(* Our computations are sets of ITrees. That is, they are really more like
+specifications of computations *)
+Definition CompM (A:Type) : Type := itree_spec CompMEvent A.
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CoqVectorsExtra.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CoqVectorsExtra.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab41a550ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CoqVectorsExtra.v
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+(* This file contains definitions that seemed missing from Coq.Vectors.Vector *)
+From Coq Require Import PeanoNat.
+From Coq.Vectors Require Vector.
+Fixpoint zip {a b : Type} {n : nat} (xs : Vector.t a n) (ys : Vector.t b n) : Vector.t (a * b) n.
+ refine (
+ match
+ xs in Vector.t _ n'
+ return Vector.t _ n' -> Vector.t _ n'
+ with
+ | Vector.nil _ => fun _ => Vector.nil _
+ | Vector.cons _ x pn xs =>
+ fun ys =>
+ match
+ ys in Vector.t _ n'
+ return S pn = n' -> Vector.t _ n'
+ with
+ | Vector.nil _ => fun absurd => False_rect _ (Nat.neq_succ_0 _ absurd)
+ | Vector.cons _ y pn' ys =>
+ fun eq =>
+ let xs' := eq_rect _ _ xs _ (eq_add_S _ _ eq) in
+ Vector.cons _ (x, y) pn' (zip _ _ _ xs' ys)
+ end eq_refl
+ end ys
+ ).
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCoreExtra.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCoreExtra.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46ed0cfa92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCoreExtra.v
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+(* This module contains additional definitions that can only be defined after *)
+(* the Cryptol prelude has been defined. *)
+From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
+From Coq Require Import String.
+From Coq Require Import Vectors.Vector.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreScaffolding.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCorePrelude.
+Import SAWCorePrelude.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCorePreludeExtra.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.
+Import CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.
+Import ListNotations.
+(** It is annoying to have to wrap natural numbers into [TCNum] to use them at
+type [Num], so these coercions will do it for us.
+ *)
+Coercion TCNum : Nat >-> Num.
+Definition natToNat (n : nat) : Nat := n.
+Coercion natToNat : nat >-> Nat.
+Theorem Eq_TCNum a b : a = b -> Eq _ (TCNum a) (TCNum b).
+ intros EQ.
+ rewrite EQ.
+ reflexivity.
+Theorem min_S n : min n (S n) = n.
+ rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.min_comm.
+ induction n.
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { simpl in *. intuition. }
+Ltac solveUnsafeAssertStep :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- context [ Succ ] ] => unfold Succ
+ | [ n : Num |- _ ] => destruct n
+ | [ |- Eq Num (TCNum _) (TCNum _) ] => apply Eq_TCNum
+ | [ |- Eq Num _ _ ] => reflexivity
+ | [ |- context [ minNat _ _ ] ] => rewrite minNat_min
+ | [ |- min ?n (S ?n) = ?n ] => apply min_S
+ end.
+Ltac solveUnsafeAssert := repeat (solveUnsafeAssertStep; simpl).
+Definition cbc_enc_helper n : Eq Num (tcMin n (tcAdd (TCNum 1) n)) n :=
+ ltac:(solveUnsafeAssert).
+Goal forall n p b, Eq Num (tcAdd n (tcAdd (TCNum 32) p)) (tcMul (tcAdd (TCNum 2) b) (TCNum 16)).
+ intros.
+ simpl.
+ solve_unsafeAssert_step. simpl.
+Goal forall n0, Eq Num TCInf
+ (TCNum
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S
+ (S (S (S (S (mulNat n0 16)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).
+ intros.
+ solve_unsafeAssert.
+Fixpoint iterNat {a : Type} (n : nat) (f : a -> a) : a -> a :=
+ match n with
+ | O => fun x => x
+ | S n' => fun x => iterNat n' f (f x) (* TODO: check that this is what iter is supposed to do *)
+ end
+Fixpoint iter {a : Type} (n : Num) (f : a -> a) : a -> a :=
+ match n with
+ | TCNum n => fun xs => iterNat n f xs
+ | TCInf => fun xs => xs
+ end
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreBitvectors.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreBitvectors.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf059331f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreBitvectors.v
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+ *** Lemmas about the bitvectors from SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors
+ ***)
+From Coq Require Import Program.Basics.
+From Coq Require Import Vectors.Vector.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCorePrelude.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreScaffolding.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.
+Import SAWCorePrelude.
+Create HintDb SAWCoreBitvectors.
+(* Computing opaque bitvector functions *)
+Ltac compute_bv_binrel_in_goal H f w1 w2 a b :=
+ let e := eval vm_compute in (f w1 (intToBv w2 a) (intToBv w2 b)) in
+ replace (f w1 (intToBv w2 a) (intToBv w2 b)) with e by reflexivity.
+Ltac compute_bv_binrel_in H f w1 w2 a b :=
+ let e := eval vm_compute in (f w1 (intToBv w2 a) (intToBv w2 b)) in
+ replace (f w1 (intToBv w2 a) (intToBv w2 b)) with e in H by reflexivity.
+Ltac compute_bv_binop_in_goal H f w1 w2 w3 a b :=
+ let e := eval vm_compute in (sbvToInt w2 (f w1 (intToBv w2 a) (intToBv w2 b))) in
+ try (replace (f w1 (intToBv w2 a) (intToBv w2 b)) with (intToBv w2 e) by reflexivity).
+Ltac compute_bv_binop_in H f w1 w2 a b :=
+ let e := eval vm_compute in (sbvToInt w2 (f w1 (intToBv w2 a) (intToBv w2 b))) in
+ try (replace (f w1 (intToBv w2 a) (intToBv w2 b)) with (intToBv w2 e) in H by reflexivity).
+Ltac compute_bv_unrel_in_goal H f w1 w2 a :=
+ let e := eval vm_compute in (f w1 (intToBv w2 a)) in
+ try (replace (f w1 (intToBv w2 a)) with e by reflexivity).
+Ltac compute_bv_unrel_in H f w1 w2 a :=
+ let e := eval vm_compute in (f w1 (intToBv w2 a)) in
+ try (replace (f w1 (intToBv w2 a)) with e in H by reflexivity).
+Ltac compute_bv_unop_in_goal H f w1 w2 a :=
+ let e := eval vm_compute in (sbvToInt w2 (f w1 (intToBv w2 a))) in
+ try (replace (f w1 (intToBv w2 a)) with (intToBv w2 e) by reflexivity).
+Ltac compute_bv_unop_in H f w1 w2 a :=
+ let e := eval vm_compute in (sbvToInt w2 (f w1 (intToBv w2 a))) in
+ try (replace (f w1 (intToBv w2 a)) with (intToBv w2 e) in H by reflexivity).
+Ltac compute_bv_funs_tac H t compute_bv_binrel compute_bv_binop
+ compute_bv_unrel compute_bv_unop :=
+ match t with
+ | context [?f ?w1 (intToBv ?w2 ?a) (intToBv ?w2 ?b)] =>
+ match f with
+ | bvsle => compute_bv_binrel H bvsle w1 w2 a b
+ | bvslt => compute_bv_binrel H bvslt w1 w2 a b
+ | bvule => compute_bv_binrel H bvule w1 w2 a b
+ | bvult => compute_bv_binrel H bvult w1 w2 a b
+ | bvEq => compute_bv_binrel H bvEq w1 w2 a b
+ | bvAdd => compute_bv_binop H bvAdd w1 w2 a b
+ | bvSub => compute_bv_binop H bvSub w1 w2 a b
+ | bvMul => compute_bv_binop H bvMul w1 w2 a b
+ end
+ | context [?f ?w1 (intToBv ?w2 ?a)] =>
+ match f with
+ | msb => compute_bv_unrel H msb w1 w2 a
+ | bvNeg => compute_bv_unop H bvNeg w1 w2 a
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac unfold_bv_funs := unfold bvultWithProof, bvuleWithProof,
+ bvsge, bvsgt, bvuge, bvugt, bvSCarry, bvSBorrow,
+ xor, xorb.
+Tactic Notation "compute_bv_funs" :=
+ unfold_bv_funs; repeat match goal with
+ | |- ?t => let H := fresh "H" in
+ try (compute_bv_funs_tac H t compute_bv_binrel_in_goal compute_bv_binop_in_goal compute_bv_unrel_in_goal compute_bv_unop_in_goal)
+ end.
+Tactic Notation "compute_bv_funs" "in" ident(H) :=
+ unfold_bv_funs; repeat match goal with
+ | H': ?t |- _ => match H' with
+ | H => try (compute_bv_funs_tac H t compute_bv_binrel_in compute_bv_binop_in compute_bv_unrel_in compute_bv_unop_in)
+ end
+ end.
+(** Bitvector maximum and minimum values **)
+Definition bvsmax w : bitvector w :=
+ match w with
+ | O => nil _
+ | S w => cons _ false _ (gen w _ (fun _ => true))
+ end.
+Definition bvsmin w : bitvector w :=
+ match w with
+ | O => nil _
+ | S w => cons _ true _ (gen w _ (fun _ => false))
+ end.
+Definition bvumax w : bitvector w := gen w _ (fun _ => true).
+Definition bvumin w : bitvector w := gen w _ (fun _ => false).
+(** Bitvector inquality propositions, and their preorders **)
+Definition isBvsle w a b : Prop := bvsle w a b = true.
+Definition isBvsle_def w a b : bvsle w a b = true <-> isBvsle w a b := reflexivity _.
+Definition isBvsle_def_opp w a b : bvslt w a b = false <-> isBvsle w b a. Admitted.
+Hint Rewrite isBvsle_def isBvsle_def_opp : SAWCoreBitvectors.
+Instance PreOrder_isBvsle w : PreOrder (isBvsle w). Admitted.
+Definition isBvslt w a b : Prop := bvslt w a b = true.
+Definition isBvslt_def w a b : bvslt w a b = true <-> isBvslt w a b := reflexivity _.
+Definition isBvslt_def_opp w a b : bvsle w a b = false <-> isBvslt w b a. Admitted.
+Hint Rewrite isBvslt_def isBvslt_def_opp : SAWCoreBitvectors.
+Instance PreOrder_isBvslt w : PreOrder (isBvslt w). Admitted.
+Definition isBvule w a b : Prop := bvule w a b = true.
+Definition isBvule_def w a b : bvule w a b = true <-> isBvule w a b := reflexivity _.
+Definition isBvule_def_opp w a b : bvult w a b = false <-> isBvule w b a. Admitted.
+Hint Rewrite isBvule_def isBvule_def_opp : SAWCoreBitvectors.
+Instance PreOrder_isBvule w : PreOrder (isBvule w). Admitted.
+Definition isBvult w a b : Prop := bvult w a b = true.
+Definition isBvult_def w a b : bvult w a b = true <-> isBvult w a b := reflexivity _.
+Definition isBvult_def_opp w a b : bvule w a b = false <-> isBvult w b a. Admitted.
+Hint Rewrite isBvult_def isBvult_def_opp : SAWCoreBitvectors.
+Instance PreOrder_isBvult w : PreOrder (isBvult w). Admitted.
+(** Converting between bitvector inqualities **)
+Definition isBvslt_to_isBvsle w a b : isBvslt w a b -> isBvsle w a b. Admitted.
+Instance Proper_isBvslt_isBvsle w : Proper (isBvsle w --> isBvsle w ==> impl) (isBvslt w). Admitted.
+Definition isBvult_to_isBvule w a b : isBvult w a b -> isBvule w a b. Admitted.
+Instance Proper_isBvult_isBvule w : Proper (isBvule w --> isBvule w ==> impl) (isBvult w). Admitted.
+Definition isBvslt_to_isBvsle_suc w a b : isBvslt w a b ->
+ isBvsle w (bvAdd w a (intToBv w 1)) b.
+Definition isBvult_to_isBvule_suc w a b : isBvult w a b ->
+ isBvule w (bvAdd w a (intToBv w 1)) b.
+Definition isBvult_to_isBvslt_pos w a b : isBvsle w (intToBv w 0) a ->
+ isBvsle w (intToBv w 0) b ->
+ isBvult w a b <-> isBvslt w a b.
+Definition isBvule_to_isBvsle_pos w a b : isBvsle w (intToBv w 0) a ->
+ isBvsle w (intToBv w 0) b ->
+ isBvule w a b <-> isBvsle w a b.
+(** Other lemmas about bitvector inequalities **)
+Definition isBvsle_suc_r w (a : bitvector w) : isBvsle w a (bvsmax w) ->
+ isBvsle w a (bvAdd w a (intToBv w 1)).
+Definition isBvslt_antirefl w a : ~ isBvslt w a a.
+Definition isBvule_n_zero w a : isBvule w a (intToBv w 0) <-> a = intToBv w 0.
+Definition isBvult_n_zero w a : ~ isBvult w a (intToBv w 0).
+Definition isBvsle_antisymm w a b : isBvsle w a b -> isBvsle w b a -> a = b.
+(** Lemmas about bitvector equality **)
+Lemma bvEq_eq w a b : bvEq w a b = true <-> a = b. Admitted.
+Lemma bvEq_neq w a b : bvEq w a b = false <-> a <> b. Admitted.
+Hint Rewrite bvEq_eq bvEq_neq : SAWCoreBitvectors.
+Lemma bv_eq_if_true (b : bool) : (if b then intToBv 1 1 else intToBv 1 0) = intToBv 1 1 <-> b = true.
+Proof. split; intro H; destruct b; reflexivity || inversion H. Qed.
+Lemma bv_eq_if_false (b : bool) : (if b then intToBv 1 1 else intToBv 1 0) = intToBv 1 0 <-> b = false.
+Proof. split; intro H; destruct b; reflexivity || inversion H. Qed.
+Hint Rewrite bv_eq_if_true bv_eq_if_false : SAWCoreBitvectors.
+Lemma bv_neq_if_true (b : bool) : (if b then intToBv 1 1 else intToBv 1 0) <> intToBv 1 1 <-> b = false.
+ split; intro H; destruct b; try reflexivity || inversion H.
+ - pose (H0 := H (reflexivity _)); inversion H0.
+ - intro H0; inversion H0.
+Lemma bv_neq_if_false (b : bool) : (if b then intToBv 1 1 else intToBv 1 0) <> intToBv 1 0 <-> b = true.
+ split; intro H; destruct b; try reflexivity || inversion H.
+ - pose (H0 := H (reflexivity _)); inversion H0.
+ - intro H0; inversion H0.
+Hint Rewrite bv_neq_if_true bv_neq_if_false : SAWCoreBitvectors.
+(** Lemmas about bitvector addition **)
+Lemma bvAdd_id_l w a : bvAdd w (intToBv w 0) a = a. Admitted.
+Lemma bvAdd_id_r w a : bvAdd w a (intToBv w 0) = a. Admitted.
+Lemma bvAdd_comm w a b : bvAdd w a b = bvAdd w b a. Admitted.
+Lemma bvAdd_assoc w a b c : bvAdd w (bvAdd w a b) c = bvAdd w a (bvAdd w b c). Admitted.
+(** Lemmas about subtraction, negation, and sign bits **)
+Lemma bvSub_zero_bvNeg w a : bvSub w (intToBv w 0) a = bvNeg w a.
+Hint Rewrite bvSub_zero_bvNeg : SAWCoreBitvectors.
+Lemma bvNeg_msb w a : msb w (bvNeg (Succ w) a) = not (msb w a).
+Hint Rewrite bvNeg_msb : SAWCoreBitvectors.
+Lemma bvslt_bvSub_r w a b : isBvslt w a b <-> isBvslt w (intToBv w 0) (bvSub w b a).
+Lemma bvslt_bvSub_l w a b : isBvslt w a b <-> isBvslt w (bvSub w a b) (intToBv w 0).
+Lemma bvEq_bvSub_r w a b : a = b <-> intToBv w 0 = bvSub w b a.
+Lemma bvEq_bvSub_l w a b : a = b <-> bvSub w a b = intToBv w 0.
+Lemma bvSub_eq_bvAdd_neg w a b : bvSub w a b = bvAdd w a (bvNeg w b).
+Lemma bvule_msb_l w a b : isBvule (Succ w) a b -> msb w a = true -> msb w b = true.
+Lemma bvule_msb_r w a b : isBvule (Succ w) a b -> msb w b = false -> msb w a = false.
+(** Other rewriting hints not directly involving bitvectors **)
+Lemma and_bool_eq_true_lemma (b c : bool) : and b c = true <-> (b = true) /\ (c = true).
+ split.
+ - destruct b, c; auto.
+ - intro; destruct H; destruct b, c; auto.
+Lemma and_bool_eq_false_lemma (b c : bool) : and b c = false <-> (b = false) \/ (c = false).
+ split.
+ - destruct b, c; auto.
+ - intro; destruct H; destruct b, c; auto.
+Hint Rewrite and_bool_eq_true_lemma and_bool_eq_false_lemma : SAWCoreBitvectors.
+Lemma or_bool_eq_true_lemma (b c : bool) : or b c = true <-> (b = true) \/ (c = true).
+ split.
+ - destruct b, c; auto.
+ - intro; destruct H; destruct b, c; auto.
+Lemma or_bool_eq_false_lemma (b c : bool) : or b c = false <-> (b = false) /\ (c = false).
+ split.
+ - destruct b, c; auto.
+ - intro; destruct H; destruct b, c; auto.
+Hint Rewrite or_bool_eq_true_lemma or_bool_eq_false_lemma : SAWCoreBitvectors.
+Lemma not_bool_eq_true_lemma (b : bool) : not b = true <-> b = false.
+Proof. split; destruct b; auto. Qed.
+Lemma not_bool_eq_false_lemma (b : bool) : not b = false <-> b = true.
+Proof. split; destruct b; auto. Qed.
+Hint Rewrite not_bool_eq_true_lemma not_bool_eq_false_lemma : SAWCoreBitvectors.
+(* Lemma sym_bool_true_eq_lemma (b : bool) : true = b <-> b = true. *)
+(* Proof. split; auto. Qed. *)
+(* Lemma sym_bool_false_eq_lemma (b : bool) : false = b <-> b = false. *)
+(* Proof. split; auto. Qed. *)
+(* Hint Rewrite sym_bool_true_eq_lemma sym_bool_false_eq_lemma : SAWCoreBitvectors. *)
+Lemma boolEq_eq a b : boolEq a b = true <-> a = b. Admitted.
+Lemma boolEq_neq a b : boolEq a b = false <-> a <> b. Admitted.
+Hint Rewrite boolEq_eq boolEq_neq : SAWCoreBitvectors.
+Lemma bool_eq_if_true (b : bool) : (if b then true else false) = true <-> b = true.
+Proof. split; intro H; destruct b; reflexivity || inversion H. Qed.
+Lemma bool_eq_if_false (b : bool) : (if b then true else false) = false <-> b = false.
+Proof. split; intro H; destruct b; reflexivity || inversion H. Qed.
+Lemma bool_eq_if_inv_true (b : bool) : (if b then false else true) = true <-> b = false.
+Proof. split; intro H; destruct b; reflexivity || inversion H. Qed.
+Lemma bool_eq_if_inv_false (b : bool) : (if b then false else true) = false <-> b = true.
+Proof. split; intro H; destruct b; reflexivity || inversion H. Qed.
+Hint Rewrite bool_eq_if_true bool_eq_if_false bool_eq_if_false bool_eq_if_true : SAWCoreBitvectors.
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCorePreludeExtra.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCorePreludeExtra.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e42ce6f819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCorePreludeExtra.v
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
+Import ListNotations.
+From Coq Require Import String.
+From Coq Require Import Vectors.Vector.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreScaffolding.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCorePrelude.
+Import SAWCorePrelude.
+Fixpoint Nat_cases2_match a f1 f2 f3 (x y : nat) : a :=
+ match (x, y) with
+ | (O, _) => f1 y
+ | (S x, O) => f2 x
+ | (S x, S y) => f3 x y (Nat_cases2_match a f1 f2 f3 x y)
+ end.
+Theorem Nat_cases2_match_spec a f1 f2 f3 x y :
+ Nat_cases2 a f1 f2 f3 x y = Nat_cases2_match a f1 f2 f3 x y.
+ revert y.
+ induction x; intros y.
+ {
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ {
+ destruct y.
+ {
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ {
+ simpl.
+ now rewrite IHx.
+ }
+ }
+Theorem minNat_min a b : minNat a b = min a b.
+ revert b.
+ induction a; intros b.
+ {
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ {
+ destruct b; simpl; intuition.
+ }
+Theorem minNat_Succ n : minNat n (Succ n) = n.
+ unfold minNat.
+ rewrite Nat_cases2_match_spec.
+ induction n.
+ {
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ {
+ unfold Succ in *.
+ simpl.
+ intuition.
+ }
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCorePrelude_proofs.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCorePrelude_proofs.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c8ba122b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCorePrelude_proofs.v
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+From Coq Require Import Init.Nat.
+From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
+From Coq Require Import Morphisms.
+From Coq Require Import String.
+From Coq Require Import Vectors.Vector.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCorePrelude.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreScaffolding.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.
+From mathcomp Require Import eqtype.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssrbool.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssrnat.
+Import ProperNotations.
+Import SAWCorePrelude.
+Global Instance Proper_gen n a :
+ Proper (@pointwise_relation _ _ eq ==> eq) (@gen n a).
+ induction n.
+ {
+ now simpl.
+ }
+ {
+ intros f g FG.
+ simpl.
+ f_equal.
+ {
+ now apply FG.
+ }
+ {
+ setoid_rewrite IHn.
+ {
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ {
+ intro.
+ apply FG.
+ }
+ {
+ constructor.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Global Instance Proper_genOrdinal n a :
+ Proper (@pointwise_relation _ _ eq ==> eq) (@genOrdinal n a).
+ induction n.
+ {
+ now simpl.
+ }
+ {
+ intros f g FG.
+ simpl.
+ f_equal.
+ {
+ now apply FG.
+ }
+ {
+ setoid_rewrite IHn.
+ {
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ {
+ intro.
+ apply FG.
+ }
+ {
+ constructor.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Global Instance Proper_Nat__rec p T :
+ Proper
+ (
+ (forall_relation (fun _ => eq ==> eq)%signature)
+ ==>
+ (forall_relation (fun _ => eq))
+ )
+ (@Nat__rec p T).
+ intros tSucc1 tSucc2 TSucc n.
+ induction n.
+ {
+ simpl.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ {
+ simpl.
+ now erewrite TSucc.
+ }
+Theorem rewrite_addNat m n : addNat m n = m + n.
+ induction m.
+ { reflexivity. }
+ {
+ simpl.
+ rewrite IHm.
+ intuition.
+ }
+Theorem sawAt_zero T size h t :
+ sawAt (S size) T (cons T h size t) 0 = h.
+ unfold sawAt. now simpl.
+Theorem sawAt_S T size h t index :
+ sawAt (S size) T (cons T h size t) (S index) = sawAt size T t index.
+ unfold sawAt. now simpl.
+Lemma gen_sawAt T
+ : forall (m : Nat) a, gen m T (fun i => sawAt m T a i) = a.
+ apply Vector.t_ind.
+ {
+ simpl.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ {
+ move => h n t IH.
+ simpl.
+ f_equal.
+ setoid_rewrite sawAt_S.
+ apply IH.
+ }
+Lemma append_cons m n T h t v
+ : append m.+1 n T (cons T h m t) v
+ =
+ cons T h _ (append m n T t v).
+ reflexivity.
+Theorem rewrite_append T n (w : Vec n T)
+ : forall m (v : Vec m T),
+ existT _ (addNat m n) (append m n T v w)
+ =
+ existT _ (m + n) (Vector.append v w).
+ apply Vector.t_ind.
+ {
+ simpl.
+ f_equal.
+ unfold append.
+ rewrite gen_sawAt.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ {
+ simpl => h m t IH.
+ setoid_rewrite append_cons.
+ dependent rewrite IH.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreScaffolding.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreScaffolding.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..558bd1b407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreScaffolding.v
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+From Coq Require Import Numbers.Cyclic.ZModulo.ZModulo.
+From Coq Require Import ZArith.BinInt.
+From Coq Require Import ZArith.Zdiv.
+From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
+From Coq Require Numbers.NatInt.NZLog.
+From Coq Require Import Strings.String.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Export CompM.
+Definition sort (n : nat) := Type.
+Axiom error : forall (a : Type), String.string -> a.
+Definition String := String.string.
+Definition equalString (s1 s2: String) : bool :=
+ match String.string_dec s1 s2 with
+ | left _ => true
+ | right _ => false
+ end.
+Definition appendString : String -> String -> String :=
+ String.append.
+Definition Unit := tt.
+Definition UnitType := unit.
+Definition UnitType__rec := unit_rect.
+Definition Bool := bool.
+Definition Eq := identity.
+Definition Eq__rec := identity_rect.
+Definition Refl := identity_refl.
+Definition EqP := @eq.
+Definition ReflP := @eq_refl.
+Definition true := true.
+Definition ite (a : Type) (b : Bool) (t e : a) : a := if b then t else e.
+Definition and := andb.
+Definition false := false.
+Definition not := negb.
+Definition or := orb.
+Definition xor := xorb.
+Definition boolEq := Coq.Bool.Bool.eqb.
+(* SAW uses an alternate form of eq_rect where the motive function P also
+depends on the equality proof itself *)
+Definition EqP__rec (A : Type) (x : A) (P: forall y, x=y -> Type) (p:P x eq_refl) y (e:x=y) :
+ P y e.
+ dependent inversion e; assumption.
+Theorem boolEq__eq (b1 b2:Bool) : Eq Bool (boolEq b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 b2 (not b2)).
+ destruct b1, b2; reflexivity.
+Definition coerce (a b : sort 0) (eq : Eq (sort 0) a b) (x : a) : b :=
+ match eq in identity _ a' return a' with
+ | identity_refl _ => x
+ end
+(** Typeclass for `eq` **)
+(* NOTE: SAW core prelude's eq is not being used much by the translation at the
+moment, so we skip it. The following type class declaration could be used if
+one wanted to translate `eq`. However, it would require more work in the
+translation, because calls to `eq T a b` in SAW must be translated to either `eq
+a b` or `@eq T _ a b`, where the underscore stands for the dictionary. As a
+result, this would not be an identifier-to-identifier translation, but rather a
+term-to-term translation, and would require knowing the number of arguments
+expected before the dicitonary. *)
+Class eqClass `(a : Type) :=
+ {
+ eq : a -> a -> bool;
+ eq_refl : forall (x : a), Eq Bool (eq x x) True;
+ }.
+Global Instance eqClassBool : eqClass Bool :=
+ {
+ eq := boolEq;
+ }.
++ destruct x; reflexivity.
+Theorem eq_Bool : Eq (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) eq boolEq.
+ reflexivity.
+Global Instance eqClass_sawVec (n : nat) (a : Type) `(A : eqClass a) : eqClass (sawVec n a) :=
+ {
+ eq := Vector.eqb _ eq;
+ }.
++ induction 0 as [|? ? ? IH].
+ - reflexivity.
+ - simpl.
+ rewrite eq_refl.
+ rewrite IH.
+ reflexivity.
+(* SAW's prelude defines iteDep as a Bool eliminator whose arguments are
+reordered to look more like if-then-else. *)
+Definition iteDep (P : Bool -> Type) (b : Bool) : P true -> P false -> P b :=
+ fun Ptrue Pfalse => bool_rect P Ptrue Pfalse b.
+Definition ite_eq_iteDep : forall (a : Type) (b : Bool) (x y : a),
+ @identity a (ite a b x y) (iteDep (fun _ => a) b x y).
+ reflexivity.
+Definition iteDep_True : forall (p : Bool -> Type), forall (f1 : p true), forall (f2 : p false), (@identity (p true) (iteDep p true f1 f2)) f1.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition iteDep_False : forall (p : Bool -> Type), forall (f1 : p true), forall (f2 : p false), (@identity (p false) (iteDep p false f1 f2)) f2.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition not__eq (b : Bool) : @identity Bool (not b) (ite Bool b false true).
+ reflexivity.
+Definition and__eq (b1 b2 : Bool) : @identity Bool (and b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 b2 false).
+ reflexivity.
+Definition or__eq (b1 b2 : Bool) : @identity Bool (or b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 true b2).
+ reflexivity.
+Definition xor__eq (b1 b2 : Bool) : @identity Bool (xor b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 (not b2) b2).
+ destruct b1; destruct b2; reflexivity.
+Definition eq__eq (b1 b2 : Bool) : @identity Bool (eq b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 b2 (not b2)).
+ destruct b1; destruct b2; reflexivity.
+Theorem ite_bit (b c d : Bool) : Eq Bool (ite Bool b c d) (and (or (not b) c) (or b d)).
+ destruct b, c, d; reflexivity.
+(* TODO: doesn't actually coerce *)
+Definition sawCoerce {T : Type} (a b : Type) (_ : T) (x : a) := x.
+(* TODO: doesn't actually coerce *)
+Definition sawUnsafeCoerce (a b : Type) (x : a) := x.
+Definition Nat := nat.
+Definition Nat_rect := nat_rect.
+(* Definition minNat := Nat.min. *)
+Definition uncurry (a b c : Type) (f : a -> b -> c) (p : a * (b * unit)) : c :=
+ f (fst p) (fst (snd p)).
+Definition widthNat (n : Nat) : Nat := 1 + Nat.log2 n.
+Definition divModNat (x y : Nat) : (Nat * Nat) :=
+ match y with
+ | 0 => (y, y)
+ | S y'=>
+ let (p, q) := Nat.divmod x y' 0 y' in
+ (p, y' - q)
+ end.
+Definition id := @id.
+Definition PairType := prod.
+Definition PairValue := @pair.
+Definition Pair__rec := prod_rect.
+Definition fst {A B} := @fst A B.
+Definition snd {A B} := @snd A B.
+Definition Zero := O.
+Definition Succ := S.
+Definition Integer := Z.
+Definition intAdd : Integer -> Integer -> Integer := Z.add.
+Definition intSub : Integer -> Integer -> Integer := Z.sub.
+Definition intMul : Integer -> Integer -> Integer := Z.mul.
+Definition intDiv : Integer -> Integer -> Integer := Z.div.
+Definition intMod : Integer -> Integer -> Integer := Z.modulo.
+Definition intMin : Integer -> Integer -> Integer := Z.min.
+Definition intMax : Integer -> Integer -> Integer := Z.max.
+Definition intNeg : Integer -> Integer := Z.opp.
+Definition intAbs : Integer -> Integer := Z.abs.
+Definition intEq : Integer -> Integer -> Bool := Z.eqb.
+Definition intLe : Integer -> Integer -> Bool := Z.leb.
+Definition intLt : Integer -> Integer -> Bool := Z.ltb.
+Definition intToNat : Integer -> Nat := Z.to_nat.
+Definition natToInt : Nat -> Integer := Z.of_nat.
+(* NOTE: the following will be nonsense for values of n <= 1 *)
+Definition IntMod (n : nat) := Z.
+Definition toIntMod (n : Nat) : Integer -> IntMod n := fun i => Z.modulo i (Z.of_nat n).
+Definition fromIntMod (n : Nat) : (IntMod n) -> Integer := ZModulo.to_Z (Pos.of_nat n).
+Local Notation "[| a |]_ n" := (to_Z (Pos.of_nat n) a) (at level 0, a at level 99).
+Definition intModEq (n : Nat) (a : IntMod n) (b : IntMod n) : Bool
+ := Z.eqb [| a |]_n [| b |]_n.
+Definition intModAdd : forall (n : Nat), (IntMod n) -> (IntMod n) -> IntMod n
+ := fun _ => ZModulo.add.
+Definition intModSub : forall (n : Nat), (IntMod n) -> (IntMod n) -> IntMod n
+ := fun _ => ZModulo.sub.
+Definition intModMul : forall (n : Nat), (IntMod n) -> (IntMod n) -> IntMod n
+ := fun _ => ZModulo.mul.
+Definition intModNeg : forall (n : Nat), (IntMod n) -> IntMod n
+ := fun _ => ZModulo.opp.
+ *** A simple typeclass-based implementation of SAW record types
+ ***
+ *** The idea is to support a projection term recordProj e "field" on an element
+ *** e of a record type without having to find "field" in the record type of e,
+ *** by using typeclass resolution to find it for us.
+ ***)
+(* The empty record type *)
+Variant RecordTypeNil : Type :=
+ RecordNil : RecordTypeNil.
+(* A non-empty record type *)
+Variant RecordTypeCons (str:String.string) (tp:Type) (rest_tp:Type) : Type :=
+ RecordCons (x:tp) (rest:rest_tp) : RecordTypeCons str tp rest_tp.
+Arguments RecordTypeCons str%string_scope tp rest_tp.
+Arguments RecordCons str%string_scope {tp rest_tp} x rest.
+(* Get the head element of a non-empty record type *)
+Definition recordHead {str tp rest_tp} (r:RecordTypeCons str tp rest_tp) : tp :=
+ match r with
+ | RecordCons _ x _ => x
+ end.
+(* Get the tail of a non-empty record type *)
+Definition recordTail {str tp rest_tp} (r:RecordTypeCons str tp rest_tp) : rest_tp :=
+ match r with
+ | RecordCons _ _ rest => rest
+ end.
+(* An inductive description of a string being a field in a record type *)
+Inductive IsRecordField (str:String) : Type -> Type :=
+| IsRecordField_Base tp rtp : IsRecordField str (RecordTypeCons str tp rtp)
+| IsRecordField_Step str' tp rtp : IsRecordField str rtp ->
+ IsRecordField str (RecordTypeCons str' tp rtp).
+(* We want to use this as a typeclass, with its constructors for instances *)
+Existing Class IsRecordField.
+Hint Constructors IsRecordField : typeclass_instances.
+(* If str is a field in record type rtp, get its associated type *)
+Fixpoint getRecordFieldType rtp str `{irf:IsRecordField str rtp} : Type :=
+ match irf with
+ | IsRecordField_Base _ tp rtp => tp
+ | IsRecordField_Step _ _ _ _ irf' => @getRecordFieldType _ _ irf'
+ end.
+(* If str is a field in record r of record type rtp, get its associated value *)
+Fixpoint getRecordField {rtp} str `{irf:IsRecordField str rtp} :
+ rtp -> getRecordFieldType rtp str :=
+ match irf in IsRecordField _ rtp
+ return rtp -> getRecordFieldType rtp str (irf:=irf) with
+ | IsRecordField_Base _ tp rtp' => fun r => recordHead r
+ | IsRecordField_Step _ _ _ _ irf' =>
+ fun r => @getRecordField _ _ irf' (recordTail r)
+ end.
+(* Reorder the arguments of getRecordField *)
+Definition RecordProj {rtp} (r:rtp) str `{irf:IsRecordField str rtp} :
+ getRecordFieldType rtp str :=
+ getRecordField str r.
+Arguments RecordProj {_} r str%string {_}.
+(* Some tests *)
+Definition recordTest1 := RecordCons "fld1" 0 (RecordCons "fld2" true RecordNil).
+(* Check recordTest1. *)
+Definition recordTest2 := RecordProj recordTest1 "fld1".
+(* Check recordTest2. *)
+(* Definition recordTestFail := RecordProj recordTest1 "fld3". *)
+Definition recordTest4 :=
+ RecordCons "id_fun" (fun (X:Type) (x:X) => x) RecordNil.
+Definition recordTest5 := RecordProj recordTest4 "id_fun" nat 0.
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreScaffoldingCopy.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreScaffoldingCopy.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad6bd855a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreScaffoldingCopy.v
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
+From Coq Require Import Numbers.NatInt.NZLog.
+From Coq Require Import Strings.String.
+From Ornamental Require Import Ornaments.
+Set DEVOID search prove equivalence. (* <-- Correctness proofs for search *)
+Set DEVOID lift type. (* <-- Prettier types than the ones Coq infers *)
+Module SCS.
+ Definition sort (n : nat) := Type.
+End SCS.
+Preprocess Module SCS as SCS'.
+ (* Axiom error : forall (a : Type), String.string -> a. *)
+ Definition String := String.string.
+ Definition Unit := tt.
+ Definition UnitType := unit.
+ Definition UnitType__rec := unit_rect.
+ Definition Bool := bool.
+ Definition Eq := identity.
+ Definition Eq__rec := identity_rect.
+ Definition Refl := identity_refl.
+ Definition True := true.
+ Definition ite (a : Type) (b : Bool) (t e : a) : a := if b then t else e.
+ Definition and := andb.
+ Definition False := false.
+ Definition not := negb.
+ Definition or := orb.
+ Definition xor := xorb.
+ Definition boolEq := Coq.Bool.Bool.eqb.
+ Theorem boolEq__eq (b1 b2:Bool) : Eq Bool (boolEq b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 b2 (not b2)).
+ Proof.
+ destruct b1, b2; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Definition coerce (a b : sort 0) (eq : Eq (sort 0) a b) (x : a) : b :=
+ match eq in identity _ a' return a' with
+ | identity_refl _ => x
+ end
+ .
+ (** Typeclass for `eq` **)
+(* NOTE: SAW core prelude's eq is not being used much by the translation at the *)
+ (* moment, so we skip it. The following type class declaration could be used if *)
+ (* one wanted to translate `eq`. However, it would require more work in the *)
+ (* translation, because calls to `eq T a b` in SAW must be translated to either `eq *)
+ (* a b` or `@eq T _ a b`, where the underscore stands for the dictionary. As a *)
+ (* result, this would not be an identifier-to-identifier translation, but rather a *)
+ (* term-to-term translation, and would require knowing the number of arguments *)
+ (* expected before the dicitonary. *)
+(* *)
+ (* Class eqClass `(a : Type) := *)
+ (* { *)
+ (* eq : a -> a -> bool; *)
+ (* eq_refl : forall (x : a), Eq Bool (eq x x) True; *)
+ (* }. *)
+ (* Global Instance eqClassBool : eqClass Bool := *)
+ (* { *)
+ (* eq := boolEq; *)
+ (* }. *)
+ (* + destruct x; reflexivity. *)
+ (* Defined. *)
+ (* Theorem eq_Bool : Eq (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) eq boolEq. *)
+ (* Proof. *)
+ (* reflexivity. *)
+ (* Qed. *)
+ (* Global Instance eqClass_sawVec (n : nat) (a : Type) `(A : eqClass a) : eqClass (sawVec n a) := *)
+ (* { *)
+ (* eq := Vector.eqb _ eq; *)
+ (* }. *)
+ (* + induction 0 as [|? ? ? IH]. *)
+ (* - reflexivity. *)
+ (* - simpl. *)
+ (* rewrite eq_refl. *)
+ (* rewrite IH. *)
+ (* reflexivity. *)
+ (* Defined. *)
+ (* *)
+(* SAW's prelude defines iteDep as a Bool eliminator whose arguments are *)
+ (* reordered to look more like if-then-else. *)
+ Definition iteDep (P : Bool -> Type) (b : Bool) : P True -> P False -> P b :=
+ fun PTrue PFalse => bool_rect P PTrue PFalse b.
+ Definition ite_eq_iteDep : forall (a : Type) (b : Bool) (x y : a),
+ @identity a (ite a b x y) (iteDep (fun _ => a) b x y).
+ Proof.
+ reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Definition iteDep_True : forall (p : Bool -> Type), forall (f1 : p True), forall (f2 : p False), (@identity (p True) (iteDep p True f1 f2)) f1.
+ Proof.
+ reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Definition iteDep_False : forall (p : Bool -> Type), forall (f1 : p True), forall (f2 : p False), (@identity (p False) (iteDep p False f1 f2)) f2.
+ Proof.
+ reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Definition not__eq (b : Bool) : @identity Bool (not b) (ite Bool b False True).
+ Proof.
+ reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Definition and__eq (b1 b2 : Bool) : @identity Bool (and b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 b2 False).
+ Proof.
+ reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Definition or__eq (b1 b2 : Bool) : @identity Bool (or b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 True b2).
+ Proof.
+ reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+ Definition xor__eq (b1 b2 : Bool) : @identity Bool (xor b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 (not b2) b2).
+ Proof.
+ destruct b1; destruct b2; reflexivity.
+ Defined.
+(* *)
+ (* Definition eq__eq (b1 b2 : Bool) : @identity Bool (eq b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 b2 (not b2)). *)
+ (* Proof. *)
+ (* destruct b1; destruct b2; reflexivity. *)
+ (* Defined. *)
+ (* *)
+ Theorem ite_bit (b c d : Bool) : Eq Bool (ite Bool b c d) (and (or (not b) c) (or b d)).
+ Proof.
+ destruct b, c, d; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (* TODO: doesn't actually coerce *)
+ Definition sawCoerce {T : Type} (a b : Type) (_ : T) (x : a) := x.
+ (* TODO: doesn't actually coerce *)
+ Definition sawUnsafeCoerce (a b : Type) (x : a) := x.
+ Definition Nat := nat.
+ Definition Nat_rect := nat_rect.
+ (* Definition minNat := Nat.min. *)
+ Definition uncurry (a b c : Type) (f : a -> b -> c) (p : a * (b * unit)) : c :=
+ f (fst p) (fst (snd p)).
+ Definition widthNat (n : Nat) : Nat := 1 + Nat.log2 n.
+ Definition divModNat (x y : Nat) : (Nat * Nat) :=
+ match y with
+ | 0 => (y, y)
+ | S y'=>
+ let (p, q) := Nat.divmod x y' 0 y' in
+ (p, y' - q)
+ end.
+ Definition id := @id.
+ Definition PairType := prod.
+ Definition PairValue := @pair.
+ Definition Pair__rec := prod_rect.
+ Definition fst {A B} := @fst A B.
+ Definition snd {A B} := @snd A B.
+ Definition Zero := O.
+ Definition Succ := S.
+End SCS.
+Preprocess Module SCS as SCS'.
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqLists.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqLists.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4655efe87f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqLists.v
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+From Coq.Lists Require Import List.
+From Coq.Numbers.NatInt Require NZLog.
+From Coq.Strings Require String.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreScaffolding.
+Import ListNotations.
+Definition Vec (n : nat) (a : Type) : Type := list a.
+Fixpoint gen (n : nat) (a : Type) (f : nat -> a) {struct n} : Vec n a.
+ refine (
+ match n with
+ | O => []
+ | S n' => f O :: gen n' _ (fun n => f (S n))
+ end
+ ).
+Fixpoint atWithDefault (n : nat) (a : Type) (default : a) (v : Vec n a) (index : nat) : a.
+ refine (
+ match n with
+ | O => default
+ | S n' =>
+ match v with
+ | [] => default
+ | h :: t =>
+ match index with
+ | O => h
+ | S index' => atWithDefault n' _ default t index'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ).
+Definition map (a b : Type) (f : a -> b) (n : Nat) (xs : Vec n a) :=
+ map f xs.
+Fixpoint foldr (a b : Type) (n : Nat) (f : a -> b -> b) (base : b) (v : Vec n a) : b :=
+ match n with
+ | O => base
+ | S n' =>
+ match v with
+ | [] => base
+ | hd :: tl => f hd (foldr _ _ n' f base tl)
+ end
+ end.
+(* Definition atWithDefault := VectorExtra.atWithDefault. *)
+Definition EmptyVec := @nil.
+(* Definition gen := VectorExtra.gen. *)
+Definition coerceVec (a : sort 0) (m n : Nat) (eq : Eq Nat m n) (v : Vec m a) : Vec n a :=
+ match
+ identity_sym eq in identity _ n'
+ return Vec n' a -> Vec n a
+ with
+ | identity_refl _ => fun x => x
+ end v.
+Theorem gen_add m n T : forall f, gen (m + n) T f = gen m T f ++ gen n T (fun x => f (m + x)).
+ induction m; intros.
+ {
+ simpl.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ {
+ simpl.
+ f_equal.
+ now rewrite IHm.
+ }
+Fixpoint zipFunctional (a b : sort 0) (m n : Nat) (xs : Vec m a) (ys : Vec n b)
+ : Vec (Nat.min m n) (a * b) :=
+ match (m, n) with
+ | (S m', S n') =>
+ match (xs, ys) with
+ | (x :: xs, y :: ys) => (x, y) :: zipFunctional _ _ m' n' xs ys
+ | _ => []
+ end
+ | _ => []
+ end.
+Definition zipWithFunctional (a b c : Type) (f : a -> b -> c) (n : Nat) (xs : Vec n a) (ys : Vec n b) :=
+ map _ _ (fun p => f (fst p) (snd p)) n (zipFunctional _ _ _ _ xs ys).
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.v b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df1ae70b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/coq/handwritten/CryptolToCoq/SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors.v
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+From Bits Require Import operations.
+From Bits Require Import spec.
+From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
+From Coq Require Numbers.NatInt.NZLog.
+From Coq Require Import PeanoNat.
+From Coq Require Import Strings.String.
+From Coq Require Import Vectors.Vector.
+From Coq Require Import Bool.Bool.
+From Coq Require Import BinNums.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreScaffolding.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssrnat.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssrbool.
+From mathcomp Require Import fintype.
+From mathcomp Require Import tuple.
+From Coq Require Export ZArith.BinIntDef.
+Import VectorNotations.
+Definition Vec (n : nat) (a : Type) : Type := VectorDef.t a n.
+Fixpoint gen (n : nat) (a : Type) (f : nat -> a) {struct n} : Vec n a.
+ refine (
+ match n with
+ | O => Vector.nil _
+ | S p => Vector.cons _ (f O) _ (gen _ _ (fun n => f (S n)))
+ end
+ ).
+Theorem gen_domain_eq n T : forall f g (domain_eq : forall i, f i = g i),
+ gen n T f = gen n T g.
+ move : n.
+ elim => [|n' IH] f g DEQ.
+ { reflexivity. }
+ {
+ simpl.
+ f_equal.
+ {
+ apply DEQ.
+ }
+ {
+ apply IH.
+ intuition.
+ }
+ }
+Fixpoint genOrdinal (n : nat) (a : Type) {struct n}
+ : forall (f : 'I_n -> a), Vec n a.
+ refine (
+ match n as n' with
+ | O => fun _ => Vector.nil _
+ | S p =>
+ fun f =>
+ Vector.cons
+ _
+ (f (Ordinal (ltn0Sn _)))
+ _
+ (genOrdinal _ _ (fun q => f (rshift 1 q)))
+ end
+ ).
+Theorem genOrdinal_domain_eq n T : forall f g (domain_eq : forall i, f i = g i),
+ genOrdinal n T f = genOrdinal n T g.
+ move : n.
+ elim => [|n' IH] f g DEQ.
+ { reflexivity. }
+ {
+ simpl.
+ f_equal.
+ {
+ apply DEQ.
+ }
+ {
+ apply IH.
+ intuition.
+ }
+ }
+Fixpoint atWithDefault (n : nat) (a : Type) (default : a) (v : Vec n a) (index : nat) : a.
+ refine (
+ match v with
+ | Vector.nil => default
+ | Vector.cons h n' t =>
+ match index with
+ | O => h
+ | S index' => atWithDefault n' _ default t index'
+ end
+ end
+ ).
+Definition map (a b : Type) (f : a -> b) (n : Nat) (xs : Vec n a) :=
+ VectorDef.map f xs.
+Fixpoint foldr (a b : Type) (n : Nat) (f : a -> b -> b) (base : b) (v : Vec n a) : b :=
+ match v with
+ | Vector.nil => base
+ | Vector.cons hd _ tl => f hd (foldr _ _ _ f base tl)
+ end.
+Fixpoint foldl_dep (a : Type) (b : Nat -> Type) (n : Nat)
+ (f : forall n, b n -> a -> b (S n)) (base : b O) (v : Vec n a) : b n :=
+ match v with
+ | Vector.nil => base
+ | Vector.cons hd _ tl => foldl_dep a (fun n => b (S n)) _ (fun n => f (S n)) (f _ base hd) tl
+ end.
+Fixpoint tuple_foldl_dep (a : Type) (b : Nat -> Type) (n : Nat)
+ (f : forall n, b n -> a -> b (S n)) (base : b O) (t : n .-tuple a) : b n :=
+ match n, t with
+ | O, _ => base
+ | S m, t => let (hd, tl) := (thead t, behead_tuple t)
+ in tuple_foldl_dep a (fun n => b (S n)) _ (fun n => f (S n)) (f _ base hd) tl
+ end.
+Definition EmptyVec := Vector.nil.
+Definition coerceVec (a : sort 0) (m n : Nat) (eq : Eq Nat m n) (v : Vec m a) : Vec n a :=
+ match
+ identity_sym eq in identity _ n'
+ return Vec n' a -> Vec n a
+ with
+ | identity_refl => fun x => x
+ end v.
+Theorem gen_add m n T : forall f, gen (m + n) T f = Vector.append (gen m T f) (gen n T (fun x => f (m + x))).
+ induction m; intros.
+ {
+ simpl.
+ reflexivity.
+ }
+ {
+ simpl.
+ f_equal.
+ now rewrite IHm.
+ }
+(* NOTE: This version of `zip` accepts two vectors of different size, unlike the
+ * one in `CoqVectorsExtra.v` *)
+Fixpoint zipFunctional (a b : sort 0) (m n : Nat) (xs : Vec m a) (ys : Vec n b)
+ : Vec (Nat.min m n) (a * b) :=
+ match
+ xs in Vector.t _ m'
+ return Vector.t _ (Nat.min m' n)
+ with
+ | Vector.nil => Vector.nil _
+ | Vector.cons x pm xs =>
+ match
+ ys in Vector.t _ n'
+ return Vector.t _ (Nat.min (S pm) n')
+ with
+ | Vector.nil => Vector.nil _
+ | Vector.cons y pm' ys => Vector.cons _ (x, y) _ (zipFunctional _ _ _ _ xs ys)
+ end
+ end
+Definition zipWithFunctional
+ (a b c : Type) (f : a -> b -> c) (n : Nat) (xs : Vec n a) (ys : Vec n b) :=
+ VectorDef.map (fun p => f (fst p) (snd p)) (zipFunctional _ _ _ _ xs ys).
+Definition bitvector (n : Nat) : Type := Vector.t bool n.
+(* NOTE BITS are stored in reverse order than bitvector *)
+Definition bvToBITS {size : nat} : bitvector size -> BITS size
+ := foldl_dep bool BITS size (fun _ bs b => joinlsb (bs, b)) nilB.
+Arguments bvToBITS : simpl never.
+(* NOTE BITS are stored in reverse order than bitvector *)
+Definition bitsToBv {size : nat} : BITS size -> bitvector size
+ := tuple_foldl_dep bool bitvector size (fun _ bv b => Vector.cons _ b _ bv) (Vector.nil _).
+Arguments bitsToBv : simpl never.
+Definition joinLSB {n} (v : bitvector n) (lsb : bool) : bitvector n.+1 :=
+ Vector.shiftin lsb v.
+(* NOTE This can cause Coq to stack overflow, avoid it as much as possible! *)
+Fixpoint bvNat (size : Nat) (number : Nat) : bitvector size :=
+ bitsToBv (fromNat number).
+(* if size is size'.+1 *)
+(* then joinLSB (bvNat size' (number./2)) (odd number) *)
+(* else Vector.nil _ *)
+(* . *)
+(* Arguments bvNat : simpl never. *)
+Definition bvToNatFolder (n : nat) (b : bool) := b + n.*2.
+Fixpoint bvToNat (size : Nat) (v : bitvector size) : Nat :=
+ Vector.fold_left bvToNatFolder 0 v.
+(* This is used to write literals of bitvector type, e.g. intToBv 64 3 *)
+Definition intToBv (n : Nat) (z : Z) : bitvector n := bitsToBv (fromZ z).
+Arguments intToBv : simpl never.
+Definition bvToInt (n : Nat) (b : bitvector n) : Z := toPosZ (bvToBITS b).
+Definition sbvToInt (n : Nat) (b : bitvector n) : Z
+ := match n, b with
+ | O, _ => 0
+ | S n, b => toZ (bvToBITS b)
+ end.
+(* Useful notation for bools *)
+Definition boolToInt (b : bool) : Z := if b then 1%Z else 0%Z.
+Numeral Notation bool Z.odd boolToInt : bool_scope.
+(* This is annoying to implement, so using BITS conversion *)
+Definition bvAdd (n : nat) (a : bitvector n) (b : bitvector n)
+ : bitvector n
+ := bitsToBv (addB (bvToBITS a) (bvToBITS b)).
+Global Opaque bvAdd.
+(* This is annoying to implement, so using BITS conversion *)
+Definition bvSub (n : nat) (a : bitvector n) (b : bitvector n)
+ : bitvector n
+ := bitsToBv (subB (bvToBITS a) (bvToBITS b)).
+Global Opaque bvSub.
+(* This is annoying to implement, so using BITS conversion *)
+Definition bvMul (n : nat) (a : bitvector n) (b : bitvector n)
+ : bitvector n
+ := bitsToBv (mulB (bvToBITS a) (bvToBITS b)).
+Global Opaque bvMul.
+(* This is annoying to implement, so using BITS conversion *)
+Definition bvNeg (n : nat) (a : bitvector n)
+ : bitvector n
+ := bitsToBv (invB (bvToBITS a)).
+Global Opaque bvNeg.
+(* FIXME this is not implemented *)
+Definition bvUDiv (n : nat) (a : bitvector n) (b : bitvector n)
+ : bitvector n
+ := a.
+Global Opaque bvUDiv.
+(* FIXME this is not implemented *)
+Definition bvURem (n : nat) (a : bitvector n) (b : bitvector n)
+ : bitvector n
+ := a.
+Global Opaque bvURem.
+(* FIXME this is not implemented *)
+Definition bvSDiv (n : nat) (a : bitvector n.+1) (b : bitvector n.+1)
+ : bitvector n.+1
+ := a.
+Global Opaque bvSDiv.
+(* FIXME this is not implemented *)
+Definition bvSRem (n : nat) (a : bitvector n.+1) (b : bitvector n.+1)
+ : bitvector n.+1
+ := a.
+Global Opaque bvSRem.
+(* FIXME this is not implemented (base 2 logarithm) *)
+Definition bvLg2 (n : nat) (a : bitvector n)
+ : bitvector n
+ := a.
+Global Opaque bvLg2.
+(* FIXME this is not implemented *)
+Definition bvSShr (w : nat) (a : bitvector w.+1) (n : nat)
+ : bitvector w.+1
+ := a.
+Global Opaque bvSShr.
+Definition bvShl (w : nat) (a : bitvector w) (n : nat)
+ : bitvector w
+ := a.
+Global Opaque bvShl.
+Definition bvShr (w : nat) (a : bitvector w) (n : nat)
+ : bitvector w
+ := a.
+Global Opaque bvShr.
+(* FIXME this is not implemented *)
+Definition rotateL (n : nat) (A : Type) (v : Vector.t A n) (i : nat)
+ : Vector.t A n
+ := v.
+Global Opaque rotateL.
+(* FIXME this is not implemented *)
+Definition rotateR (n : nat) (A : Type) (v : Vector.t A n) (i : nat)
+ : Vector.t A n
+ := v.
+Global Opaque rotateR.
+Fixpoint shiftL (n : nat) (A : Type) (x : A) (v : Vector.t A n) (i : nat)
+ : Vector.t A n
+ := match i with
+ | O => v
+ | S i' => Vector.tl (Vector.shiftin x (shiftL n A x v i'))
+ end.
+Fixpoint shiftR (n : nat) (A : Type) (x : A) (v : Vector.t A n) (i : nat)
+ : Vector.t A n
+ := match i with
+ | O => v
+ | S i' => Vector.shiftout (cons _ x _ (shiftL n A x v i'))
+ end.
+(* This is annoying to implement, so using BITS conversion *)
+Definition bvult (n : nat) (a : bitvector n) (b : bitvector n) : Bool :=
+ ltB (bvToBITS a) (bvToBITS b).
+Global Opaque bvult.
+Definition bvugt (n : nat) (a : bitvector n) (b : bitvector n) : Bool :=
+ bvult n b a.
+(* This is annoying to implement, so using BITS conversion *)
+Definition bvule (n : nat) (a : bitvector n) (b : bitvector n) : Bool :=
+ leB (bvToBITS a) (bvToBITS b).
+Global Opaque bvule.
+Definition bvuge (n : nat) (a : bitvector n) (b : bitvector n) : Bool :=
+ bvule n b a.
+Definition sign {n : nat} (a : bitvector n) : Bool :=
+ match a with
+ | Vector.nil => false
+ | Vector.cons b _ _ => b
+ end.
+Definition bvslt (n : nat) (a : bitvector n) (b : bitvector n) : Bool :=
+ let c := bvSub n a b
+ in (sign a && ~~ sign b) || (sign a && sign c) || (~~ sign b && sign c).
+ (* ^ equivalent to: boolEq (bvSBorrow s a b) (sign (bvSub n a b)) *)
+Global Opaque bvslt.
+Definition bvsgt (n : nat) (a : bitvector n) (b : bitvector n) : Bool :=
+ bvslt n b a.
+Definition bvsle (n : nat) (a : bitvector n) (b : bitvector n) : Bool :=
+ bvslt n a b || (Vector.eqb _ eqb a b).
+Global Opaque bvsle.
+Definition bvsge (n : nat) (a : bitvector n) (b : bitvector n) : Bool :=
+ bvsle n b a.
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/saw-core-coq.cabal b/saw-core-coq/saw-core-coq.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b157b8d45a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/saw-core-coq.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+name: saw-core-coq
+version: 0.1
+license: BSD3
+license-file: LICENSE
+author: Galois, Inc.
+maintainer: atomb@galois.com
+copyright: (c) 2018 Galois Inc.
+category: Formal Methods
+build-type: Simple
+cabal-version: >= 1.8
+synopsis: SAWCore backend for Coq
+ A backend for translating terms in the SAWCore intermediate language
+ into the syntax of Coq
+ build-depends:
+ base == 4.*,
+ cryptol,
+ cryptol-saw-core,
+ containers,
+ interpolate,
+ lens,
+ mtl,
+ prettyprinter,
+ saw-core,
+ text,
+ parameterized-utils,
+ bv-sized,
+ vector
+ hs-source-dirs: src
+ exposed-modules:
+ Language.Coq.AST
+ Language.Coq.Pretty
+ Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq
+ Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.CryptolModule
+ Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.SAWModule
+ Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Monad
+ Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Term
+ Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.SpecialTreatment
+ ghc-options: -Wall -Werror
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/saw/generate_scaffolding.saw b/saw-core-coq/saw/generate_scaffolding.saw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..645db4a8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/saw/generate_scaffolding.saw
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+write_coq_sawcore_prelude "../coq/generated/CryptolToCoq/SAWCorePrelude.v" [] [];
+write_coq_cryptol_primitives_for_sawcore "../coq/generated/CryptolToCoq/CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore.v" [] [];
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/src/Language/Coq/AST.hs b/saw-core-coq/src/Language/Coq/AST.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58807e518c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/src/Language/Coq/AST.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+{- |
+Module : Language.Coq.AST
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2018
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : atomb@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : portable
+module Language.Coq.AST where
+type Ident = String
+data Sort
+ = Prop
+ | Set
+ | Type
+ deriving (Show)
+data Term
+ = Lambda [Binder] Term
+ | Fix Ident [Binder] Term Term
+ | Pi [PiBinder] Term
+ | Let Ident [Binder] (Maybe Type) Term Term
+ | If Term Term Term
+ | App Term [Term]
+ | Sort Sort
+ | Var Ident
+ -- | A variable that needs to be printed with a leading at sign in order to
+ -- make all arguments explicit
+ | ExplVar Ident
+ | NatLit Integer
+ | ZLit Integer
+ | List [Term]
+ | StringLit String
+ | Scope Term String
+ | Ltac String
+ deriving (Show)
+-- | Type synonym useful for indicating when a term is used as a type.
+type Type = Term
+data Binder
+ = Binder Ident (Maybe Type)
+ deriving (Show)
+data PiBinder
+ = PiBinder (Maybe Ident) Type
+ deriving (Show)
+-- Because saw-core does not give very helpful access to the parameters and
+-- indices, we just follow their style and define the constructor by its fully
+-- applied return type.
+data Constructor = Constructor
+ { constructorName :: Ident
+ , constructorType :: Term
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+data Inductive = Inductive
+ { inductiveName :: Ident
+ , inductiveParameters :: [Binder]
+ , inductiveIndices :: [PiBinder]
+ , inductiveSort :: Sort
+ , inductiveConstructors :: [Constructor]
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+data Decl
+ = Axiom Ident Type
+ | Comment String
+ | Definition Ident [Binder] (Maybe Type) Term
+ | InductiveDecl Inductive
+ | Snippet String
+ deriving (Show)
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/src/Language/Coq/Pretty.hs b/saw-core-coq/src/Language/Coq/Pretty.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b144cc983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/src/Language/Coq/Pretty.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{- |
+Module : Language.Coq.Pretty
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2018
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : atomb@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : portable
+module Language.Coq.Pretty where
+import Prettyprinter
+import Language.Coq.AST
+import Data.Word
+import Numeric (showHex)
+import Prelude hiding ((<$>), (<>))
+-- | Replace all occurrences of the double quote character @"@ with the string
+-- @""@, i.e., two copies of it, as this is how Coq escapes double quote
+-- characters.
+escapeStringLit :: String -> String
+escapeStringLit = concat . map (\c -> if c == '"' then "\"\"" else [c])
+text :: String -> Doc ann
+text = pretty
+string :: String -> Doc ann
+string = pretty
+integer :: Integer -> Doc ann
+integer = pretty
+-- TODO: import SAWCore pretty-printer?
+tightSepList :: Doc ann -> [Doc ann] -> Doc ann
+tightSepList _ [] = mempty
+tightSepList _ [d] = d
+tightSepList s (d:l) = d <> s <+> tightSepList s l
+looseSepList :: Doc ann -> [Doc ann] -> Doc ann
+looseSepList _ [] = mempty
+looseSepList _ [d] = d
+looseSepList s (d:l) = d <+> s <+> looseSepList s l
+commaSepList, starSepList, semiSepList :: [Doc ann] -> Doc ann
+commaSepList = tightSepList comma
+starSepList = looseSepList (text "*")
+semiSepList = tightSepList semi
+period :: Doc ann
+period = text "."
+ppIdent :: Ident -> Doc ann
+ppIdent = text
+ppBinder :: Binder -> Doc ann
+ppBinder (Binder x Nothing) = ppIdent x
+ppBinder (Binder x (Just t)) = parens (ppIdent x <+> colon <+> ppTerm PrecNone t)
+ppPiBinder :: PiBinder -> Doc ann
+ppPiBinder (PiBinder Nothing t) = ppTerm PrecApp t <+> text "->"
+ppPiBinder (PiBinder (Just x) t) =
+ text "forall" <+> parens (ppIdent x <+> colon <+> ppTerm PrecNone t) <> comma
+ppBinders :: [Binder] -> Doc ann
+ppBinders = hsep . map ppBinder
+ppMaybeTy :: Maybe Type -> Doc ann
+ppMaybeTy Nothing = mempty
+ppMaybeTy (Just ty) = colon <+> ppTerm PrecNone ty
+ppSort :: Sort -> Doc ann
+ppSort Prop = text "Prop"
+ppSort Set = text "Set"
+ppSort Type = text "Type"
+ppPi :: [PiBinder] -> Doc ann
+ppPi bs = hsep (map ppPiBinder bs)
+data Prec
+ = PrecNone
+ | PrecLambda
+ | PrecApp
+ | PrecAtom
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+parensIf :: Bool -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
+parensIf p d = if p then parens d else d
+ppTerm :: Prec -> Term -> Doc ann
+ppTerm p e =
+ case e of
+ Lambda bs t ->
+ parensIf (p > PrecLambda) $
+ (text "fun" <+> ppBinders bs <+> text "=>" <+> ppTerm PrecLambda t)
+ Fix ident binders returnType body ->
+ parensIf (p > PrecLambda) $
+ (text "fix" <+> text ident <+> ppBinders binders <+> text ":"
+ <+> ppTerm PrecNone returnType <+> text ":=" <+> ppTerm PrecLambda body)
+ Pi bs t ->
+ parensIf (p > PrecLambda) $
+ ppPi bs <+> ppTerm PrecLambda t
+ Let x bs mty t body ->
+ parensIf (p > PrecLambda) $
+ fillSep
+ [ text "let" <+> ppIdent x <+> ppBinders bs <+> ppMaybeTy mty <+>
+ text ":=" <+> ppTerm PrecNone t <+> text "in"
+ , ppTerm PrecLambda body ]
+ If c t f ->
+ parensIf (p > PrecLambda) $
+ text "if" <+> ppTerm PrecNone c <+>
+ text "then" <+> ppTerm PrecNone t <+>
+ text "else" <+> ppTerm PrecLambda f
+ App f [] ->
+ ppTerm p f
+ App f args ->
+ parensIf (p > PrecApp) $
+ hsep (ppTerm PrecApp f : map (ppTerm PrecAtom) args)
+ Sort s ->
+ ppSort s
+ Var x -> ppIdent x
+ ExplVar x ->
+ parensIf (p > PrecApp) $
+ string "@" <> ppIdent x
+ NatLit i ->
+ integer i
+ ZLit i ->
+ -- we use hex unless our integer is a positive or negitive digit
+ if abs i > 9 then let ui = toInteger (fromInteger i :: Word64)
+ in text ("0x" ++ showHex ui [] ++ "%Z")
+ else if i < 0 then text ("(" ++ show i ++ ")%Z")
+ else text (show i ++ "%Z")
+ List ts ->
+ brackets (semiSepList (map (ppTerm PrecNone) ts))
+ StringLit s ->
+ dquotes (string $ escapeStringLit s)
+ Scope term scope ->
+ ppTerm PrecAtom term <> text "%" <> text scope
+ Ltac s ->
+ text "ltac:" <> parens (string s)
+ppDecl :: Decl -> Doc ann
+ppDecl decl = case decl of
+ Axiom nm ty ->
+ (nest 2 $
+ hsep ([text "Axiom", text nm, text ":", ppTerm PrecNone ty, period])) <> hardline
+ Comment s ->
+ text "(*" <+> text s <+> text "*)" <> hardline
+ Definition nm bs mty body ->
+ (nest 2 $
+ vsep
+ [ hsep ([text "Definition", text nm] ++
+ map ppBinder bs ++
+ [ppMaybeTy mty, text ":="])
+ , ppTerm PrecNone body <> period
+ ]) <> hardline
+ InductiveDecl ind -> ppInductive ind
+ Snippet s -> text s
+ppConstructor :: Constructor -> Doc ann
+ppConstructor (Constructor {..}) =
+ nest 2 $
+ hsep ([ text "|"
+ , text constructorName
+ , text ":"
+ , ppTerm PrecNone constructorType
+ ]
+ )
+ppInductive :: Inductive -> Doc ann
+ppInductive (Inductive {..}) =
+ (vsep
+ ([ nest 2 $
+ hsep ([ text "Inductive"
+ , text inductiveName
+ ]
+ ++ map ppBinder inductiveParameters
+ ++ [ text ":" ]
+ ++ map ppPiBinder inductiveIndices
+ ++ [ ppSort inductiveSort ]
+ ++ [ text ":="]
+ )
+ ]
+ <> map ppConstructor inductiveConstructors
+ <> [ period ]
+ )
+ ) <> hardline
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq.hs b/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e14bcefbe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2018
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : atomb@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : portable
+module Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq (
+ TranslationConfiguration(..),
+ moduleDeclName,
+ preamble,
+ TermTranslation.translateDefDoc,
+ translateTermAsDeclImports,
+ translateCryptolModule,
+ translateSAWModule,
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (fail)
+import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
+import Prelude hiding (fail)
+import Prettyprinter
+import qualified Language.Coq.AST as Coq
+import qualified Language.Coq.Pretty as Coq
+import Verifier.SAW.Module
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+-- import Verifier.SAW.Term.CtxTerm
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.CryptolModule as CryptolModuleTranslation
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.SAWModule as SAWModuleTranslation
+import Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Monad
+import Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.SpecialTreatment
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Term as TermTranslation
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedTerm
+--import Verifier.SAW.Term.Pretty
+-- import qualified Verifier.SAW.UntypedAST as Un
+--import Debug.Trace
+-- showFTermF :: FlatTermF Term -> String
+-- showFTermF = show . Unshared . FTermF
+-- mkCoqIdent :: String -> String -> Ident
+-- mkCoqIdent coqModule coqIdent = mkIdent (mkModuleName [coqModule]) coqIdent
+traceFTermF :: String -> FlatTermF Term -> a -> a
+traceFTermF ctx tf = traceTerm ctx (Unshared $ FTermF tf)
+traceTerm :: String -> Term -> a -> a
+traceTerm ctx t a = trace (ctx ++ ": " ++ showTerm t) a
+-- translateBinder ::
+-- TermTranslationMonad m =>
+-- (Ident, Term) -> m (Coq.Ident, Coq.Term)
+-- translateBinder (ident, term) =
+-- (,)
+-- <$> pure (translateIdent ident)
+-- <*> translateTerm term
+-- dropModuleName :: String -> String
+-- dropModuleName s =
+-- case elemIndices '.' s of
+-- [] -> s
+-- indices ->
+-- let lastIndex = last indices in
+-- drop (lastIndex + 1) s
+-- unqualifyTypeWithinConstructor :: Coq.Term -> Coq.Term
+-- unqualifyTypeWithinConstructor = go
+-- where
+-- go (Coq.Pi bs t) = Coq.Pi bs (go t)
+-- go (Coq.App t as) = Coq.App (go t) as
+-- go (Coq.Var v) = Coq.Var (dropModuleName v)
+-- go t = error $ "Unexpected term in constructor: " ++ show t
+-- | This is a convenient helper for when you want to add some bindings before
+-- translating a term.
+-- translateTermLocallyBinding :: ModuleTranslationMonad m => [String] -> Term -> m Coq.Term
+-- translateTermLocallyBinding bindings term =
+-- withLocalEnvironment $ do
+-- modify $ over environment (bindings ++)
+-- translateTerm term
+text :: String -> Doc ann
+text = pretty
+-- | Eventually, different modules may want different preambles. For now,
+-- we hardcode a sufficient set of imports for all our purposes.
+preamble :: TranslationConfiguration -> Doc ann
+preamble (TranslationConfiguration { vectorModule, postPreamble }) = text [i|
+(** Mandatory imports from saw-core-coq *)
+From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
+From Coq Require Import String.
+From Coq Require Import Vectors.Vector.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreScaffolding.
+From CryptolToCoq Require Import #{vectorModule}.
+Import ListNotations.
+(** Post-preamble section specified by you *)
+(** Code generated by saw-core-coq *)
+translateTermAsDeclImports ::
+ TranslationConfiguration -> Coq.Ident -> Term -> Either (TranslationError Term) (Doc ann)
+translateTermAsDeclImports configuration name t = do
+ doc <- TermTranslation.translateDefDoc configuration Nothing [] name t
+ return $ vcat [preamble configuration, hardline <> doc]
+translateSAWModule :: TranslationConfiguration -> Module -> Doc ann
+translateSAWModule configuration m =
+ let name = show $ translateModuleName (moduleName m)
+ in
+ vcat $ []
+ ++ [ text $ "Module " ++ name ++ "."
+ , ""
+ ]
+ ++ [ SAWModuleTranslation.translateDecl configuration (Just $ moduleName m) decl
+ | decl <- moduleDecls m ]
+ ++ [ text $ "End " ++ name ++ "."
+ , ""
+ ]
+translateCryptolModule ::
+ TranslationConfiguration -> [String] -> CryptolModule -> Either (TranslationError Term) (Doc ann)
+translateCryptolModule configuration globalDecls m =
+ let decls = CryptolModuleTranslation.translateCryptolModule
+ configuration
+ globalDecls
+ m
+ in
+ vcat . map Coq.ppDecl <$> decls
+moduleDeclName :: ModuleDecl -> String
+moduleDeclName (TypeDecl (DataType { dtName })) = identName dtName
+moduleDeclName (DefDecl (Def { defIdent })) = identName defIdent
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/CryptolModule.hs b/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/CryptolModule.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f47a8c931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/CryptolModule.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+-- |
+module Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.CryptolModule where
+import Control.Lens (over, set, view)
+import Control.Monad (forM)
+import Control.Monad.State (modify)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
+import Cryptol.Utils.Ident
+import qualified Language.Coq.AST as Coq
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+import Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Monad
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Term as TermTranslation
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedTerm
+translateTypedTermMap ::
+ TermTranslation.TermTranslationMonad m => Map.Map Name TypedTerm -> m [Coq.Decl]
+translateTypedTermMap tm = forM (Map.assocs tm) translateAndRegisterEntry
+ where
+ translateAndRegisterEntry (name, symbol) = do
+ let t = ttTerm symbol
+ let nameStr = unpackIdent (nameIdent name)
+ term <- TermTranslation.withLocalLocalEnvironment $ do
+ modify $ set TermTranslation.localEnvironment [nameStr]
+ TermTranslation.translateTerm t
+ let decl = TermTranslation.mkDefinition nameStr term
+ modify $ over TermTranslation.globalDeclarations (nameStr :)
+ return decl
+translateCryptolModule ::
+ TranslationConfiguration -> [String] -> CryptolModule -> Either (TranslationError Term) [Coq.Decl]
+translateCryptolModule configuration globalDecls (CryptolModule _ tm) =
+ case TermTranslation.runTermTranslationMonad
+ configuration
+ Nothing
+ globalDecls
+ []
+ (translateTypedTermMap tm) of
+ Left e -> Left e
+ Right (_, st) -> Right (reverse (view TermTranslation.localDeclarations st))
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/Monad.hs b/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/Monad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2a441a037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/Monad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2018
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : atomb@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : portable
+module Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Monad
+ ( TranslationConfiguration(..)
+ , TranslationConfigurationMonad
+ , TranslationMonad
+ , TranslationError(..)
+ , runTranslationMonad
+ ) where
+import qualified Control.Monad.Except as Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (fail)
+import Control.Monad.State hiding (fail, state)
+import Prelude hiding (fail)
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+-- import Verifier.SAW.Term.CtxTerm
+--import Verifier.SAW.Term.Pretty
+-- import qualified Verifier.SAW.UntypedAST as Un
+data TranslationError a
+ = NotSupported a
+ | NotExpr a
+ | NotType a
+ | LocalVarOutOfBounds a
+ | BadTerm a
+ | CannotCreateDefaultValue a
+instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show (TranslationError Term) where
+ show = showError showTerm
+instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Show a => Show (TranslationError a) where
+ show = showError show
+showError :: (a -> String) -> TranslationError a -> String
+showError printer err = case err of
+ NotSupported a -> "Not supported: " ++ printer a
+ NotExpr a -> "Expecting an expression term: " ++ printer a
+ NotType a -> "Expecting a type term: " ++ printer a
+ LocalVarOutOfBounds a -> "Local variable reference is out of bounds: " ++ printer a
+ BadTerm a -> "Malformed term: " ++ printer a
+ CannotCreateDefaultValue a -> "Unable to generate a default value of the given type: " ++ printer a
+data TranslationConfiguration = TranslationConfiguration
+ { notations :: [(String, String)]
+ -- ^ We currently don't have a nice way of mapping Cryptol notations to Coq
+ -- notations. Instead, we provide a mapping from the notation symbol to an
+ -- identifier to use instead.
+ , monadicTranslation :: Bool
+ -- ^ Whether to wrap everything in a free monad construction.
+ -- - Advantage: fixpoints can be readily represented
+ -- - Disadvantage: pure computations look more gnarly
+ , postPreamble :: String
+ -- ^ Text to be concatenated at the end of the Coq preamble, before the code
+ -- generated by the translation. Usually consists of extra file imports,
+ -- module imports, scopes openings.
+ , skipDefinitions :: [String]
+ , vectorModule :: String
+ -- ^ all vector operations will be prepended with this module name, i.e.
+ -- ".append", etc. So that it can be retargeted easily.
+ -- Current provided options are:
+ -- - SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqLists
+ -- - SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors
+ -- Currently considering adding:
+ -- - SAWCoreVectorsAsSSReflectSeqs
+ }
+type TranslationConfigurationMonad m =
+ ( MonadReader TranslationConfiguration m
+ )
+type TranslationMonad s m =
+ ( Except.MonadError (TranslationError Term) m
+ , TranslationConfigurationMonad m
+ , MonadState s m
+ )
+runTranslationMonad ::
+ TranslationConfiguration ->
+ s ->
+ (forall m. TranslationMonad s m => m a) ->
+ Either (TranslationError Term) (a, s)
+runTranslationMonad configuration state m = runStateT (runReaderT m configuration) state
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/SAWModule.hs b/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/SAWModule.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23dfb81774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/SAWModule.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2018
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : atomb@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : portable
+module Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.SAWModule where
+import Control.Lens (makeLenses, view)
+import qualified Control.Monad.Except as Except
+import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (fail)
+import Control.Monad.State hiding (fail)
+import Prelude hiding (fail)
+import Prettyprinter (Doc)
+import qualified Language.Coq.AST as Coq
+import qualified Language.Coq.Pretty as Coq
+import Verifier.SAW.Module
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+import Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Monad
+import Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.SpecialTreatment
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Term as TermTranslation
+-- import Debug.Trace
+data ModuleTranslationState = ModuleTranslationState
+ { _currentModule :: Maybe ModuleName
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+makeLenses ''ModuleTranslationState
+type ModuleTranslationMonad m = TranslationMonad ModuleTranslationState m
+runModuleTranslationMonad ::
+ TranslationConfiguration -> Maybe ModuleName ->
+ (forall m. ModuleTranslationMonad m => m a) ->
+ Either (TranslationError Term) (a, ModuleTranslationState)
+runModuleTranslationMonad configuration modname =
+ runTranslationMonad configuration (ModuleTranslationState modname)
+dropPi :: Coq.Term -> Coq.Term
+dropPi (Coq.Pi (_ : t) r) = Coq.Pi t r
+dropPi (Coq.Pi _ r) = dropPi r
+dropPi t = t
+translateCtor ::
+ ModuleTranslationMonad m =>
+ [Coq.Binder] -> -- list of parameters to drop from `ctorType`
+ Ctor -> m Coq.Constructor
+translateCtor inductiveParameters (Ctor {..}) = do
+ maybe_constructorName <-
+ liftTermTranslationMonad $ TermTranslation.translateIdentToIdent ctorName
+ let constructorName = case maybe_constructorName of
+ Just n -> identName n
+ Nothing -> error "translateCtor: unexpected translation for constructor"
+ constructorType <-
+ -- Unfortunately, `ctorType` qualifies the inductive type's name in the
+ -- return type.
+ -- dropModuleNameWithinCtor <$>
+ -- Unfortunately, `ctorType` comes with the inductive parameters universally
+ -- quantified.
+ (\ t -> iterate dropPi t !! length inductiveParameters) <$>
+ (liftTermTranslationMonad (TermTranslation.translateTerm ctorType))
+ return $ Coq.Constructor
+ { constructorName
+ , constructorType
+ }
+translateDataType :: ModuleTranslationMonad m => DataType -> m Coq.Decl
+-- translateDataType (DataType {..})
+-- | trace ("translateDataType: " ++ show dtName) False = undefined
+translateDataType (DataType {..}) =
+ atDefSite <$> findSpecialTreatment dtName >>= \case
+ DefPreserve -> translateNamed $ identName dtName
+ DefRename _ targetName -> translateNamed $ targetName
+ DefReplace str -> return $ Coq.Snippet str
+ DefSkip -> return $ skipped dtName
+ where
+ translateNamed :: ModuleTranslationMonad m => Coq.Ident -> m Coq.Decl
+ translateNamed name = do
+ let inductiveName = name
+ (inductiveParameters, inductiveIndices) <-
+ liftTermTranslationMonad $ do
+ ps <- TermTranslation.translateParams dtParams
+ ixs <- TermTranslation.translateParams dtIndices
+ return (ps, map (\(Coq.Binder s (Just t)) -> Coq.PiBinder (Just s) t) ixs)
+ let inductiveSort = TermTranslation.translateSort dtSort
+ inductiveConstructors <- mapM (translateCtor inductiveParameters) dtCtors
+ return $ Coq.InductiveDecl $ Coq.Inductive
+ { inductiveName
+ , inductiveParameters
+ , inductiveIndices
+ , inductiveSort
+ , inductiveConstructors
+ }
+-- translateModuleDecl :: ModuleTranslationMonad m => ModuleDecl -> m Coq.Decl
+-- translateModuleDecl = \case
+-- TypeDecl dataType -> translateDataType dataType
+-- DefDecl definition -> translateDef definition
+_mapped :: Ident -> Ident -> Coq.Decl
+_mapped sawIdent newIdent =
+ Coq.Comment $ show sawIdent ++ " is mapped to " ++ show newIdent
+skipped :: Ident -> Coq.Decl
+skipped sawIdent =
+ Coq.Comment $ show sawIdent ++ " was skipped"
+translateDef :: ModuleTranslationMonad m => Def -> m Coq.Decl
+translateDef (Def {..}) = {- trace ("translateDef " ++ show defIdent) $ -} do
+ specialTreatment <- findSpecialTreatment defIdent
+ translateAccordingly (atDefSite specialTreatment)
+ where
+ translateAccordingly :: ModuleTranslationMonad m => DefSiteTreatment -> m Coq.Decl
+ translateAccordingly DefPreserve = translateNamed $ identName defIdent
+ translateAccordingly (DefRename _ targetName) = translateNamed $ targetName
+ translateAccordingly (DefReplace str) = return $ Coq.Snippet str
+ translateAccordingly DefSkip = return $ skipped defIdent
+ translateNamed :: ModuleTranslationMonad m => Coq.Ident -> m Coq.Decl
+ translateNamed name = liftTermTranslationMonad (go defQualifier defBody)
+ where
+ go :: TermTranslation.TermTranslationMonad m => DefQualifier -> Maybe Term -> m Coq.Decl
+ go NoQualifier Nothing = error "Terms should have a body (unless axiom/primitive)"
+ go NoQualifier (Just body) = Coq.Definition
+ <$> pure name
+ <*> pure []
+ <*> (Just <$> TermTranslation.translateTerm defType)
+ <*> TermTranslation.translateTerm body
+ go AxiomQualifier _ = Coq.Axiom
+ <$> pure name
+ <*> TermTranslation.translateTerm defType
+ go PrimQualifier _ = Coq.Axiom
+ <$> pure name
+ <*> TermTranslation.translateTerm defType
+liftTermTranslationMonad ::
+ (forall n. TermTranslation.TermTranslationMonad n => n a) ->
+ (forall m. ModuleTranslationMonad m => m a)
+liftTermTranslationMonad n = do
+ configuration <- ask
+ cur_mod <- view currentModule <$> get
+ let r = TermTranslation.runTermTranslationMonad configuration cur_mod [] [] n
+ case r of
+ Left e -> Except.throwError e
+ Right (a, _) -> do
+ return a
+translateDecl :: TranslationConfiguration -> Maybe ModuleName -> ModuleDecl -> Doc ann
+translateDecl configuration modname decl =
+ case decl of
+ TypeDecl td -> do
+ case runModuleTranslationMonad configuration modname (translateDataType td) of
+ Left e -> error $ show e
+ Right (tdecl, _) -> Coq.ppDecl tdecl
+ DefDecl dd -> do
+ case runModuleTranslationMonad configuration modname (translateDef dd) of
+ Left e -> error $ show e
+ Right (tdecl, _) -> Coq.ppDecl tdecl
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/SpecialTreatment.hs b/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/SpecialTreatment.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd2a5b71cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/SpecialTreatment.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2018
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : atomb@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : portable
+module Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.SpecialTreatment where
+import Control.Lens (_1, _2, over)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Prelude hiding (fail)
+import qualified Language.Coq.AST as Coq
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Monad
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+data SpecialTreatment = SpecialTreatment
+ { moduleRenaming :: Map.Map ModuleName String
+ , identSpecialTreatment :: Map.Map ModuleName (Map.Map String IdentSpecialTreatment)
+ }
+data DefSiteTreatment
+ = DefPreserve
+ | DefRename (Maybe ModuleName) String -- optional module rename, then identifier itself
+ | DefReplace String
+ | DefSkip
+data UseSiteTreatment
+ = UsePreserve
+ | UseRename (Maybe ModuleName) String
+ | UseReplaceDropArgs Int Coq.Term
+data IdentSpecialTreatment = IdentSpecialTreatment
+ { atDefSite :: DefSiteTreatment
+ , atUseSite :: UseSiteTreatment
+ }
+moduleRenamingMap :: Map.Map ModuleName ModuleName
+moduleRenamingMap = Map.fromList $
+ over _1 (mkModuleName . (: [])) <$>
+ over _2 (mkModuleName . (: [])) <$>
+ [ ("Cryptol", "CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore")
+ , ("Prelude", "SAWCorePrelude")
+ ]
+translateModuleName :: ModuleName -> ModuleName
+translateModuleName mn =
+ Map.findWithDefault mn mn moduleRenamingMap
+findSpecialTreatment ::
+ TranslationConfigurationMonad m =>
+ Ident -> m IdentSpecialTreatment
+findSpecialTreatment ident = do
+ configuration <- ask
+ let moduleMap =
+ Map.findWithDefault Map.empty (identModule ident) (specialTreatmentMap configuration)
+ let defaultTreatment =
+ IdentSpecialTreatment
+ { atDefSite = DefPreserve
+ , atUseSite = UsePreserve
+ }
+ pure $ Map.findWithDefault defaultTreatment (identName ident) moduleMap
+-- Use `mapsTo` for identifiers whose definition has a matching definition
+-- already on the Coq side. As such, their definition can be skipped, and use
+-- sites can be replaced by the appropriate call.
+mapsTo :: ModuleName -> String -> IdentSpecialTreatment
+mapsTo targetModule targetName = IdentSpecialTreatment
+ { atDefSite = DefSkip
+ , atUseSite = UseRename (Just targetModule) targetName
+ }
+-- Use `realize` for axioms that can be realized, or for primitives that must be
+-- realized. While some primitives can be written directly in a standalone Coq
+-- module, some primitives depend on code from the extracted module, and are
+-- depended upon by following code in the same module. Such primitives can
+-- therefore *neither* be defined a priori, *nor* a posteriori, and must be
+-- realized where they were originally declared.
+realize :: String -> IdentSpecialTreatment
+realize code = IdentSpecialTreatment
+ { atDefSite = DefReplace code
+ , atUseSite = UsePreserve
+ }
+-- Use `rename` for identifiers whose definition can be translated, but has to
+-- be renamed. This is useful for certain definitions whose name on the
+-- SAWCore/Cryptol side clashes with names on the Coq side. For instance, `at`
+-- is a reserved Coq keyword, but is used as a function name in SAWCore Prelude.
+-- Also useful for translation notations, until they are better supported.
+rename :: String -> IdentSpecialTreatment
+rename ident = IdentSpecialTreatment
+ { atDefSite = DefRename Nothing ident
+ , atUseSite = UseRename Nothing ident
+ }
+-- Replace any occurrences of identifier applied to @n@ arguments with the
+-- supplied Coq term. If @n=0@ and the supplied Coq term is an identifier then
+-- this is the same as 'rename'.
+replaceDropArgs :: Int -> Coq.Term -> IdentSpecialTreatment
+replaceDropArgs n term = IdentSpecialTreatment
+ { atDefSite = DefSkip
+ , atUseSite = UseReplaceDropArgs n term
+ }
+-- A version of 'replaceDropArgs' that drops no arguments; i.e., just replaces
+-- an identifier with the supplied Coq term
+replace :: Coq.Term -> IdentSpecialTreatment
+replace = replaceDropArgs 0
+-- Use `skip` for identifiers that are already defined in the appropriate module
+-- on the Coq side.
+skip :: IdentSpecialTreatment
+skip = IdentSpecialTreatment
+ { atDefSite = DefSkip
+ , atUseSite = UsePreserve
+ }
+sawDefinitionsModule :: ModuleName
+sawDefinitionsModule = mkModuleName ["SAWCoreScaffolding"]
+compMModule :: ModuleName
+compMModule = mkModuleName ["CompM"]
+sawVectorDefinitionsModule :: TranslationConfiguration -> ModuleName
+sawVectorDefinitionsModule (TranslationConfiguration {..}) =
+ mkModuleName [vectorModule]
+cryptolPrimitivesModule :: ModuleName
+cryptolPrimitivesModule = mkModuleName ["CryptolPrimitivesForSAWCore"]
+sawCoreScaffoldingModule :: ModuleName
+sawCoreScaffoldingModule = mkModuleName ["SAWCoreScaffolding"]
+cryptolPreludeSpecialTreatmentMap :: Map.Map String IdentSpecialTreatment
+cryptolPreludeSpecialTreatmentMap = Map.fromList $ []
+ ++
+ [ ("Num_rec", mapsTo cryptolPrimitivesModule "Num_rect") -- automatically defined
+ , ("unsafeAssert_same_Num", skip) -- unsafe and unused
+ ]
+specialTreatmentMap :: TranslationConfiguration -> Map.Map ModuleName (Map.Map String IdentSpecialTreatment)
+specialTreatmentMap configuration = Map.fromList $
+ over _1 (mkModuleName . (: [])) <$>
+ [ ("Cryptol", cryptolPreludeSpecialTreatmentMap)
+ , ("Prelude", sawCorePreludeSpecialTreatmentMap configuration)
+ ]
+-- NOTE: while I initially did the mapping from SAW core names to the
+-- corresponding Coq construct here, it makes the job of translating SAW core
+-- axioms into Coq theorems much more annoying, because one needs to manually
+-- rename every constant mentioned in the statement to its Coq counterpart.
+-- Instead, I am now trying to keep the names the same as much as possible
+-- during this translation (it is sometimes impossible, for instance, `at` is a
+-- reserved keyword in Coq), so that primitives' and axioms' types can be
+-- copy-pasted as is on the Coq side.
+sawCorePreludeSpecialTreatmentMap :: TranslationConfiguration -> Map.Map String IdentSpecialTreatment
+sawCorePreludeSpecialTreatmentMap configuration =
+ let vectorsModule = sawVectorDefinitionsModule configuration in
+ Map.fromList $ []
+ -- Unsafe SAW features
+ ++
+ [ ("error", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "error")
+ , ("fix", skip)
+ , ("unsafeAssert", replaceDropArgs 3 $ Coq.Ltac "solveUnsafeAssert")
+ , ("unsafeCoerce", skip)
+ , ("unsafeCoerce_same", skip)
+ ]
+ -- coercions
+ ++
+ [ ("coerce", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "coerce")
+ , ("coerce__def", skip)
+ , ("coerce__eq", skip)
+ , ("rcoerce", skip)
+ ]
+ -- Unit
+ ++
+ [ ("Unit", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "Unit")
+ , ("UnitType", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "UnitType")
+ , ("UnitType__rec", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "UnitType__rec")
+ ]
+ -- Records
+ ++
+ [ ("EmptyType", skip)
+ , ("EmptyType__rec", skip)
+ , ("RecordType", skip)
+ , ("RecordType__rec", skip)
+ ]
+ -- Decidable equality, does not make sense in Coq unless turned into a type
+ -- class
+ -- Apparently, this is not used much for Cryptol, so we can skip it.
+ ++
+ [ ("eq", skip) -- MapsTo $ mkCoqIdent sawDefinitionsModule "eq")
+ , ("eq_bitvector", skip)
+ , ("eq_Bool", skip) -- MapsTo $ mkCoqIdent "CryptolToCoq.SAW" "eq_Bool")
+ , ("eq_Nat", skip)
+ , ("eq_refl", skip) -- MapsTo $ mkCoqIdent "CryptolToCoq.SAW" "eq_refl")
+ , ("eq_VecBool", skip)
+ , ("eq_VecVec", skip)
+ , ("ite_eq_cong_1", skip)
+ , ("ite_eq_cong_2", skip)
+ ]
+ -- Boolean
+ ++
+ [ ("and", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "and")
+ , ("and__eq", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "and__eq")
+ , ("Bool", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "Bool")
+ , ("boolEq", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "boolEq")
+ , ("boolEq__eq", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "boolEq__eq")
+ , ("False", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "false")
+ , ("ite", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "ite")
+ , ("iteDep", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "iteDep")
+ , ("iteDep_True", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "iteDep_True")
+ , ("iteDep_False", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "iteDep_False")
+ , ("ite_bit", skip) -- FIXME: change this
+ , ("ite_eq_iteDep", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "ite_eq_iteDep")
+ , ("not", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "not")
+ , ("not__eq", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "not__eq")
+ , ("or", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "or")
+ , ("or__eq", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "or__eq")
+ , ("True", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "true")
+ , ("xor", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "xor")
+ , ("xor__eq", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "xor__eq")
+ ]
+ -- Pairs
+ ++
+ [ ("PairType", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "PairType")
+ , ("PairValue", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "PairValue")
+ , ("Pair__rec", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "Pair__rec")
+ , ("fst", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "fst")
+ , ("snd", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "snd")
+ ]
+ -- Equality
+ ++
+ [ ("Eq", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "Eq")
+ , ("Eq__rec", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "Eq__rec")
+ , ("Refl", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "Refl")
+ , ("EqP", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "EqP")
+ , ("EqP__rec", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "EqP__rec")
+ , ("ReflP", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "ReflP")
+ ]
+ -- Strings
+ ++
+ [ ("String", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "String")
+ , ("equalString", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "equalString")
+ , ("appendString", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "appendString")
+ ]
+ -- Utility functions
+ ++
+ [ ("id", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "id")
+ ]
+ -- Natural numbers
+ ++
+ [ ("divModNat", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "divModNat")
+ , ("Nat", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "Nat")
+ , ("widthNat", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "widthNat")
+ , ("Zero", mapsTo sawCoreScaffoldingModule "Zero")
+ , ("Succ", mapsTo sawCoreScaffoldingModule "Succ")
+ ]
+ -- Vectors
+ ++
+ [ ("EmptyVec", mapsTo vectorsModule "EmptyVec")
+ , ("at", rename "sawAt") -- `at` is a reserved keyword in Coq
+ , ("atWithDefault", mapsTo vectorsModule "atWithDefault")
+ , ("at_single", skip) -- is boring, could be proved on the Coq side
+ , ("bvAdd", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvAdd")
+ , ("bvLg2", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvLg2")
+ , ("bvMul", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvMul")
+ , ("bvNat", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvNat")
+ , ("bvNeg", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvNeg")
+ , ("bvSDiv", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvSDiv")
+ , ("bvSRem", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvSRem")
+ , ("bvSShr", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvSShr")
+ , ("bvSub", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvSub")
+ , ("bvToNat", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvToNat")
+ , ("bvUDiv", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvUDiv")
+ , ("bvURem", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvURem")
+ , ("bvsge", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvsge")
+ , ("bvsgt", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvsgt")
+ , ("bvsle", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvsle")
+ , ("bvslt", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvslt")
+ , ("bvult", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvult")
+ , ("bvule", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvule")
+ , ("coerceVec", mapsTo vectorsModule "coerceVec")
+ , ("eq_Vec", skip)
+ , ("foldr", mapsTo vectorsModule "foldr")
+ , ("gen", mapsTo vectorsModule "gen")
+ , ("rotateL", mapsTo vectorsModule "rotateL")
+ , ("rotateR", mapsTo vectorsModule "rotateR")
+ , ("shiftL", mapsTo vectorsModule "shiftL")
+ , ("shiftR", mapsTo vectorsModule "shiftR")
+ , ("take0", skip)
+ -- zip must be realized in-place because it both depends on definitions and is
+ -- used by other definitions in the same file, so it can neither be pre- nor
+ -- post-defined.
+ , ("zip", realize zipSnippet)
+ -- cannot map directly to Vector.t because arguments are in a different order
+ , ("Vec", mapsTo vectorsModule "Vec")
+ ]
+ -- Integers
+ ++
+ [ ("Integer", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "Integer")
+ , ("intAdd", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intAdd")
+ , ("intSub", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intSub")
+ , ("intMul", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intMul")
+ , ("intDiv", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intDiv")
+ , ("intMod", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intMod")
+ , ("intMin", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intMin")
+ , ("intMax", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intMax")
+ , ("intNeg", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intNeg")
+ , ("intAbs", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intAbs")
+ , ("intEq", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intEq")
+ , ("intLe", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intLe")
+ , ("intLt", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intLt")
+ , ("intToNat", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intToNat")
+ , ("natToInt", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "natToInt")
+ , ("intToBv", mapsTo vectorsModule "intToBv")
+ , ("bvToInt", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvToInt")
+ , ("sbvToInt", mapsTo vectorsModule "sbvToInt")
+ ]
+ -- Modular integers
+ ++
+ [ ("IntMod", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "IntMod")
+ , ("toIntMod", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "toIntMod")
+ , ("fromIntMod", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "fromIntMod")
+ , ("intModEq", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intModEq")
+ , ("intModAdd", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intModAdd")
+ , ("intModSub", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intModSub")
+ , ("intModMul", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intModMul")
+ , ("intModNeg", mapsTo sawDefinitionsModule "intModNeg")
+ ]
+ -- Axioms currently skipped
+ ++
+ [ ("drop0", skip)
+ , ("bvugt", skip)
+ , ("bvuge", skip)
+ , ("bvPopcount", skip)
+ , ("bvCountLeadingZeros", skip)
+ , ("bvCountTrailingZeros", skip)
+ , ("bvForall", skip)
+ , ("bvAddZeroL", skip)
+ , ("bvAddZeroR", skip)
+ , ("bvShl", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvShl")
+ , ("bvShr", mapsTo vectorsModule "bvShr")
+ , ("bvShiftL_bvShl", skip)
+ , ("bvShiftR_bvShr", skip)
+ , ("bvEq_refl", skip)
+ , ("equalNat_bv", skip)
+ , ("Float", skip)
+ , ("mkFloat", skip)
+ , ("Double", skip)
+ , ("mkDouble", skip)
+ , ("bveq_sameL", skip)
+ , ("bveq_sameR", skip)
+ , ("bveq_same2", skip)
+ , ("bvNat_bvToNat", skip)
+ , ("ite_split_cong", skip)
+ , ("ite_join_cong", skip)
+ , ("map_map", skip)
+ , ("test_fun0", skip)
+ , ("test_fun1", skip)
+ , ("test_fun2", skip)
+ , ("test_fun3", skip)
+ , ("test_fun4", skip)
+ , ("test_fun5", skip)
+ , ("test_fun6", skip)
+ ]
+ -- The computation monad
+ ++
+ [ ("CompM", replace (Coq.Var "CompM"))
+ , ("returnM", replace (Coq.App (Coq.ExplVar "returnM")
+ [Coq.Var "CompM", Coq.Var "_"]))
+ , ("bindM", replace (Coq.App (Coq.ExplVar "bindM")
+ [Coq.Var "CompM", Coq.Var "_"]))
+ , ("errorM", replace (Coq.App (Coq.ExplVar "errorM")
+ [Coq.Var "CompM", Coq.Var "_"]))
+ , ("catchM", skip)
+ , ("fixM", replace (Coq.App (Coq.ExplVar "fixM")
+ [Coq.Var "CompM", Coq.Var "_"]))
+ , ("LetRecType", mapsTo compMModule "LetRecType")
+ , ("LRT_Ret", mapsTo compMModule "LRT_Ret")
+ , ("LRT_Fun", mapsTo compMModule "LRT_Fun")
+ , ("lrtToType", mapsTo compMModule "lrtToType")
+ , ("LetRecTypes", mapsTo compMModule "LetRecTypes")
+ , ("LRT_Cons", mapsTo compMModule "LRT_Cons")
+ , ("LRT_Nil", mapsTo compMModule "LRT_Nil")
+ , ("lrtPi", mapsTo compMModule "lrtPi")
+ , ("lrtTupleType", mapsTo compMModule "lrtTupleType")
+ , ("multiFixM", mapsTo compMModule "multiFixM")
+ , ("letRecM", mapsTo compMModule "letRecM")
+ ]
+ -- Dependent pairs
+ ++
+ [ ("Sigma", replace (Coq.ExplVar "sigT"))
+ , ("exists", replace (Coq.ExplVar "existT"))
+ , ("Sigma__rec", replace (Coq.ExplVar "sigT_rect"))
+ , ("Sigma_proj1", replace (Coq.ExplVar "projT1"))
+ , ("Sigma_proj2", replace (Coq.ExplVar "projT2"))
+ ]
+ -- Lists
+ ++
+ [ ("List", replace (Coq.ExplVar "Datatypes.list"))
+ , ("Nil", replace (Coq.ExplVar "Datatypes.nil"))
+ , ("Cons", replace (Coq.ExplVar "Datatypes.cons"))
+ , ("List__rec", replace (Coq.ExplVar "Datatypes.list_rect"))
+ ]
+ -- Definitions that depend on axioms currently skipped
+ ++
+ [ ("composeM", skip)
+ , ("letRecFuns", skip)
+ ]
+constantsRenamingMap :: [(String, String)] -> Map.Map String String
+constantsRenamingMap notations = Map.fromList notations
+-- TODO: Now that ExtCns contains a unique identifier, it might make sense
+-- to check those here to avoid some captures?
+translateConstant :: [(String, String)] -> ExtCns e -> String
+translateConstant notations (EC {..}) =
+ Map.findWithDefault
+ (Text.unpack (toShortName ecName))
+ (Text.unpack (toShortName ecName))
+ (constantsRenamingMap notations) -- TODO short name doesn't seem right
+zipSnippet :: String
+zipSnippet = [i|
+Fixpoint zip (a b : sort 0) (m n : Nat) (xs : Vec m a) (ys : Vec n b)
+ : Vec (minNat m n) (a * b) :=
+ match
+ xs in Vector.t _ m'
+ return Vector.t _ (minNat m' n)
+ with
+ | Vector.nil => Vector.nil _
+ | Vector.cons x pm xs =>
+ match
+ ys in Vector.t _ n'
+ return Vector.t _ (minNat (S pm) n')
+ with
+ | Vector.nil => Vector.nil _
+ | Vector.cons y pm' ys => Vector.cons _ (x, y) _ (zip _ _ _ _ xs ys)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/Term.hs b/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/Term.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4bbc3828d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/src/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/Term.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2018
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : atomb@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : portable
+module Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Term where
+import Control.Lens (makeLenses, over, set, to, view)
+import qualified Control.Monad.Except as Except
+import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
+import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (fail, fix)
+import Control.Monad.State hiding (fail, fix, state)
+import Data.Char (isDigit)
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
+import Data.List (intersperse, sortOn)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Prelude hiding (fail)
+import Prettyprinter
+import Data.Parameterized.Pair
+import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
+import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
+import qualified Data.Vector as Vector (reverse, toList)
+import qualified Language.Coq.AST as Coq
+import qualified Language.Coq.Pretty as Coq
+import Verifier.SAW.Recognizer
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Pretty
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+import Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Monad
+import Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.SpecialTreatment
+import Debug.Trace
+traceTerm :: String -> Term -> a -> a
+traceTerm ctx t a = trace (ctx ++ ": " ++ showTerm t) a
+data TranslationState = TranslationState
+ { _globalDeclarations :: [String]
+ -- ^ Some Cryptol terms seem to capture the name and body of some functions
+ -- they use (whether from the Cryptol prelude, or previously defined in the
+ -- same file). We want to translate those exactly once, so we need to keep
+ -- track of which ones have already been translated.
+ , _localDeclarations :: [Coq.Decl]
+ -- ^ Because some terms capture their dependencies, translating one term may
+ -- result in multiple declarations: one for the term itself, but also zero or
+ -- many for its dependencies. We store all of those in this, so that a caller
+ -- of the translation may retrieve all the declarations needed to translate
+ -- the term. The translation function itself will return only the declaration
+ -- for the term being translated.
+ , _localEnvironment :: [Coq.Ident]
+ -- ^ The list of Coq identifiers for de Bruijn-indexed local
+ -- variables, innermost (index 0) first.
+ , _unavailableIdents :: Set.Set Coq.Ident
+ -- ^ The set of Coq identifiers that are either reserved or already
+ -- in use. To avoid shadowing, fresh identifiers should be chosen to
+ -- be disjoint from this set.
+ , _sharedNames :: IntMap.IntMap Coq.Ident
+ -- ^ Index of identifiers for repeated subterms that have been
+ -- lifted out into a let expression.
+ , _nextSharedName :: Coq.Ident
+ -- ^ The next available name to be used for a let-bound shared
+ -- sub-expression.
+ , _currentModule :: Maybe ModuleName
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+makeLenses ''TranslationState
+-- | The set of reserved identifiers in Coq, obtained from section
+-- "Gallina Specification Language" of the Coq reference manual.
+reservedIdents :: Set.Set Coq.Ident
+reservedIdents =
+ Set.fromList $
+ concatMap words $
+ [ "_ Axiom CoFixpoint Definition Fixpoint Hypothesis IF Parameter Prop"
+ , "SProp Set Theorem Type Variable as at by cofix discriminated else"
+ , "end exists exists2 fix for forall fun if in lazymatch let match"
+ , "multimatch return then using where with"
+ ]
+-- | Extract the list of names from a list of Coq declarations. Not all
+-- declarations have names, e.g. comments and code snippets come without names.
+namedDecls :: [Coq.Decl] -> [String]
+namedDecls = concatMap filterNamed
+ where
+ filterNamed :: Coq.Decl -> [String]
+ filterNamed (Coq.Axiom n _) = [n]
+ filterNamed (Coq.Comment _) = []
+ filterNamed (Coq.Definition n _ _ _) = [n]
+ filterNamed (Coq.InductiveDecl (Coq.Inductive n _ _ _ _)) = [n]
+ filterNamed (Coq.Snippet _) = []
+-- | Retrieve the names of all local and global declarations from the
+-- translation state.
+getNamesOfAllDeclarations ::
+ TermTranslationMonad m =>
+ m [String]
+getNamesOfAllDeclarations = view allDeclarations <$> get
+ where
+ allDeclarations =
+ to (\ (TranslationState {..}) -> namedDecls _localDeclarations ++ _globalDeclarations)
+type TermTranslationMonad m = TranslationMonad TranslationState m
+runTermTranslationMonad ::
+ TranslationConfiguration ->
+ Maybe ModuleName ->
+ [String] ->
+ [Coq.Ident] ->
+ (forall m. TermTranslationMonad m => m a) ->
+ Either (TranslationError Term) (a, TranslationState)
+runTermTranslationMonad configuration modname globalDecls localEnv =
+ runTranslationMonad configuration
+ (TranslationState { _globalDeclarations = globalDecls
+ , _localDeclarations = []
+ , _localEnvironment = localEnv
+ , _unavailableIdents = Set.union reservedIdents (Set.fromList localEnv)
+ , _sharedNames = IntMap.empty
+ , _nextSharedName = "var__0"
+ , _currentModule = modname
+ })
+errorTermM :: TermTranslationMonad m => String -> m Coq.Term
+errorTermM str = return $ Coq.App (Coq.Var "error") [Coq.StringLit str]
+translateIdentWithArgs :: TermTranslationMonad m => Ident -> [Term] -> m Coq.Term
+translateIdentWithArgs i args =
+ (view currentModule <$> get) >>= \cur_modname ->
+ let identToCoq ident =
+ if Just (identModule ident) == cur_modname then identName ident else
+ show (translateModuleName (identModule ident))
+ ++ "." ++ identName ident in
+ (atUseSite <$> findSpecialTreatment i) >>= \case
+ UsePreserve -> Coq.App (Coq.ExplVar $ identToCoq i) <$> mapM translateTerm args
+ UseRename targetModule targetName ->
+ Coq.App (Coq.ExplVar $ identToCoq $
+ mkIdent (fromMaybe (translateModuleName $ identModule i) targetModule)
+ targetName) <$>
+ mapM translateTerm args
+ UseReplaceDropArgs n replacement
+ | length args >= n -> Coq.App replacement <$> mapM translateTerm (drop n args)
+ UseReplaceDropArgs n _ ->
+ errorTermM ("Identifier " ++ show i
+ ++ " not applied to required number of args,"
+ ++ " which is " ++ show n)
+translateIdent :: TermTranslationMonad m => Ident -> m Coq.Term
+translateIdent i = translateIdentWithArgs i []
+translateIdentToIdent :: TermTranslationMonad m => Ident -> m (Maybe Ident)
+translateIdentToIdent i =
+ (atUseSite <$> findSpecialTreatment i) >>= \case
+ UsePreserve -> return $ Just (mkIdent translatedModuleName (identName i))
+ UseRename targetModule targetName ->
+ return $ Just $ mkIdent (fromMaybe translatedModuleName targetModule) targetName
+ UseReplaceDropArgs _ _ -> return Nothing
+ where
+ translatedModuleName = translateModuleName (identModule i)
+translateSort :: Sort -> Coq.Sort
+translateSort s = if s == propSort then Coq.Prop else Coq.Type
+flatTermFToExpr ::
+ TermTranslationMonad m =>
+ FlatTermF Term ->
+ m Coq.Term
+flatTermFToExpr tf = -- traceFTermF "flatTermFToExpr" tf $
+ case tf of
+ Primitive (EC _ nmi _) ->
+ case nmi of
+ ModuleIdentifier i -> translateIdent i
+ ImportedName{} -> errorTermM "Invalid name for saw-core primitive"
+ UnitValue -> pure (Coq.Var "tt")
+ UnitType -> pure (Coq.Var "unit")
+ PairValue x y -> Coq.App (Coq.Var "pair") <$> traverse translateTerm [x, y]
+ PairType x y -> Coq.App (Coq.Var "prod") <$> traverse translateTerm [x, y]
+ PairLeft t ->
+ Coq.App <$> pure (Coq.Var "SAWCoreScaffolding.fst") <*> traverse translateTerm [t]
+ PairRight t ->
+ Coq.App <$> pure (Coq.Var "SAWCoreScaffolding.snd") <*> traverse translateTerm [t]
+ -- TODO: maybe have more customizable translation of data types
+ DataTypeApp n is as -> translateIdentWithArgs n (is ++ as)
+ CtorApp n is as -> translateIdentWithArgs n (is ++ as)
+ -- TODO: support this next!
+ RecursorApp d parameters motive eliminators indices termEliminated ->
+ do maybe_d_trans <- translateIdentToIdent d
+ rect_var <- case maybe_d_trans of
+ Just i -> return $ Coq.Var (show i ++ "_rect")
+ Nothing ->
+ errorTermM ("Recursor for " ++ show d ++
+ " cannot be translated because the datatype " ++
+ "is mapped to an arbitrary Coq term")
+ let args =
+ parameters ++ [motive] ++ map snd eliminators
+ ++ indices ++ [termEliminated]
+ Coq.App rect_var <$> mapM translateTerm args
+ Sort s -> pure (Coq.Sort (translateSort s))
+ NatLit i -> pure (Coq.NatLit (toInteger i))
+ ArrayValue (asBoolType -> Just ()) (traverse asBool -> Just bits)
+ | Pair w bv <- BV.bitsBE (Vector.toList bits)
+ , Left LeqProof <- decideLeq (knownNat @1) w -> do
+ return (Coq.App (Coq.Var "intToBv")
+ [Coq.NatLit (intValue w), Coq.ZLit (BV.asSigned w bv)])
+ ArrayValue _ vec -> do
+ let addElement accum element = do
+ elementTerm <- translateTerm element
+ return (Coq.App (Coq.Var "Vector.cons")
+ [Coq.Var "_", elementTerm, Coq.Var "_", accum]
+ )
+ in
+ foldM addElement (Coq.App (Coq.Var "Vector.nil") [Coq.Var "_"]) (Vector.reverse vec)
+ StringLit s -> pure (Coq.Scope (Coq.StringLit (Text.unpack s)) "string")
+ ExtCns (EC _ _ _) -> errorTermM "External constants not supported"
+ -- The translation of a record type {fld1:tp1, ..., fldn:tpn} is
+ -- RecordTypeCons fld1 tp1 (... (RecordTypeCons fldn tpn RecordTypeNil)...).
+ -- Note that SAW core equates record types up to reordering, so we sort our
+ -- record types by field name to canonicalize them.
+ RecordType fs ->
+ foldr (\(name, tp) rest_m ->
+ do rest <- rest_m
+ tp_trans <- translateTerm tp
+ return (Coq.App (Coq.Var "RecordTypeCons")
+ [Coq.StringLit (Text.unpack name), tp_trans, rest]))
+ (return (Coq.Var "RecordTypeNil"))
+ (sortOn fst fs)
+ -- The translation of a record value {fld1 = x1, ..., fldn = xn} is
+ -- RecordCons fld1 x1 (... (RecordCons fldn xn RecordNil) ...). Note that
+ -- SAW core equates record values up to reordering, so we sort our record
+ -- values by field name to canonicalize them.
+ RecordValue fs ->
+ foldr (\(name, trm) rest_m ->
+ do rest <- rest_m
+ trm_trans <- translateTerm trm
+ return (Coq.App (Coq.Var "RecordCons")
+ [Coq.StringLit (Text.unpack name), trm_trans, rest]))
+ (return (Coq.Var "RecordNil"))
+ (sortOn fst fs)
+ RecordProj r f -> do
+ r_trans <- translateTerm r
+ return (Coq.App (Coq.Var "RecordProj") [r_trans, Coq.StringLit (Text.unpack f)])
+-- | Recognizes an $App (App "Cryptol.seq" n) x$ and returns ($n$, $x$).
+asSeq :: Recognizer Term (Term, Term)
+asSeq t = do (f, args) <- asApplyAllRecognizer t
+ fid <- asGlobalDef f
+ case (fid, args) of
+ ("Cryptol.seq", [n, x]) -> return (n,x)
+ _ -> Fail.fail "not a seq"
+asApplyAllRecognizer :: Recognizer Term (Term, [Term])
+asApplyAllRecognizer t = do _ <- asApp t
+ return $ asApplyAll t
+-- | Run a translation, but keep changes to the environment local to it,
+-- restoring the current environment before returning.
+withLocalLocalEnvironment :: TermTranslationMonad m => m a -> m a
+withLocalLocalEnvironment action = do
+ s <- get
+ result <- action
+ put s
+ return result
+mkDefinition :: Coq.Ident -> Coq.Term -> Coq.Decl
+mkDefinition name (Coq.Lambda bs t) = Coq.Definition name bs Nothing t
+mkDefinition name t = Coq.Definition name [] Nothing t
+-- | Make sure a name is not used in the current environment, adding
+-- or incrementing a numeric suffix until we find an unused name. When
+-- we get one, add it to the current environment and return it.
+freshenAndBindName :: TermTranslationMonad m => LocalName -> m Coq.Ident
+freshenAndBindName n =
+ do n' <- translateLocalIdent n
+ modify $ over localEnvironment (n' :)
+ pure n'
+mkLet :: (Coq.Ident, Coq.Term) -> Coq.Term -> Coq.Term
+mkLet (name, rhs) body = Coq.Let name [] Nothing rhs body
+translateParams ::
+ TermTranslationMonad m =>
+ [(LocalName, Term)] -> m [Coq.Binder]
+translateParams [] = return []
+translateParams ((n, ty):ps) = do
+ ty' <- translateTerm ty
+ n' <- freshenAndBindName n
+ ps' <- translateParams ps
+ return (Coq.Binder n' (Just ty') : ps')
+translatePi :: TermTranslationMonad m => [(LocalName, Term)] -> Term -> m Coq.Term
+translatePi binders body = withLocalLocalEnvironment $ do
+ bindersT <- forM binders $ \ (b, bType) -> do
+ bTypeT <- translateTerm bType
+ b' <- freshenAndBindName b
+ let n = if b == "_" then Nothing else Just b'
+ return (Coq.PiBinder n bTypeT)
+ bodyT <- translateTermLet body
+ return $ Coq.Pi bindersT bodyT
+-- | Translate a local name from a saw-core binder into a fresh Coq identifier.
+translateLocalIdent :: TermTranslationMonad m => LocalName -> m Coq.Ident
+translateLocalIdent x = freshVariant ident0
+ where ident0 = Text.unpack x -- TODO: use some string encoding to ensure lexically valid Coq identifiers
+-- | Find an fresh, as-yet-unused variant of the given Coq identifier.
+freshVariant :: TermTranslationMonad m => Coq.Ident -> m Coq.Ident
+freshVariant x =
+ do used <- view unavailableIdents <$> get
+ let ident0 = x
+ let findVariant i = if Set.member i used then findVariant (nextVariant i) else i
+ let ident = findVariant ident0
+ modify $ over unavailableIdents (Set.insert ident)
+ return ident
+nextVariant :: Coq.Ident -> Coq.Ident
+nextVariant = reverse . go . reverse
+ where
+ go :: String -> String
+ go (c : cs)
+ | c == '9' = '0' : go cs
+ | isDigit c = succ c : cs
+ go cs = '1' : cs
+translateTermLet :: TermTranslationMonad m => Term -> m Coq.Term
+translateTermLet t =
+ withLocalLocalEnvironment $
+ do let counts = scTermCount False t
+ let locals = fmap fst $ IntMap.filter keep counts
+ names <- traverse (const nextName) locals
+ modify $ set sharedNames names
+ defs <- traverse translateTermUnshared locals
+ body <- translateTerm t
+ -- NOTE: Larger terms always have later IDs than their subterms,
+ -- so ordering by VarIndex is a valid dependency order.
+ let binds = IntMap.elems (IntMap.intersectionWith (,) names defs)
+ pure (foldr mkLet body binds)
+ where
+ keep (t', n) = n > 1 && shouldMemoizeTerm t'
+ nextName =
+ do x <- view nextSharedName <$> get
+ x' <- freshVariant x
+ modify $ set nextSharedName (nextVariant x')
+ pure x'
+translateTerm :: TermTranslationMonad m => Term -> m Coq.Term
+translateTerm t =
+ case t of
+ Unshared {} -> translateTermUnshared t
+ STApp { stAppIndex = i } ->
+ do shared <- view sharedNames <$> get
+ case IntMap.lookup i shared of
+ Nothing -> translateTermUnshared t
+ Just x -> pure (Coq.Var x)
+translateTermUnshared :: TermTranslationMonad m => Term -> m Coq.Term
+translateTermUnshared t = withLocalLocalEnvironment $ do
+ -- traceTerm "translateTerm" t $
+ -- NOTE: env is in innermost-first order
+ env <- view localEnvironment <$> get
+ -- let t' = trace ("translateTerm: " ++ "env = " ++ show env ++ ", t =" ++ showTerm t) t
+ -- case t' of
+ case unwrapTermF t of
+ FTermF ftf -> flatTermFToExpr ftf
+ Pi {} -> translatePi params e
+ where
+ (params, e) = asPiList t
+ Lambda {} -> do
+ paramTerms <- translateParams params
+ e' <- translateTerm e
+ pure (Coq.Lambda paramTerms e')
+ where
+ -- params are in normal, outermost first, order
+ (params, e) = asLambdaList t
+ App {} ->
+ -- asApplyAll: innermost argument first
+ let (f, args) = asApplyAll t
+ in
+ case f of
+ (asGlobalDef -> Just i) ->
+ case i of
+ "Prelude.natToInt" ->
+ case args of
+ [n] -> translateTerm n >>= \case
+ Coq.NatLit n' -> pure $ Coq.ZLit n'
+ _ -> translateIdentWithArgs "Prelude.natToInt" [n]
+ _ -> badTerm
+ "Prelude.intNeg" ->
+ case args of
+ [z] -> translateTerm z >>= \case
+ Coq.ZLit z' -> pure $ Coq.ZLit (-z')
+ _ -> translateIdentWithArgs "Prelude.intNeg" [z]
+ _ -> badTerm
+ "Prelude.ite" ->
+ case args of
+ -- `rest` can be non-empty in examples like:
+ -- (if b then f else g) arg1 arg2
+ _ty : c : tt : ft : rest -> do
+ ite <- Coq.If <$> translateTerm c <*> translateTerm tt <*> translateTerm ft
+ case rest of
+ [] -> return ite
+ _ -> Coq.App ite <$> mapM translateTerm rest
+ _ -> badTerm
+ -- NOTE: the following works for something like CBC, because computing
+ -- the n-th block only requires n steps of recursion
+ -- FIXME: (pun not intended) better conditions for when this is safe to do
+ "Prelude.fix" ->
+ case args of
+ [] -> errorTermM "call to Prelude.fix with no argument"
+ [_] -> errorTermM "call to Prelude.fix with 1 argument"
+ resultType : lambda : rest ->
+ case resultType of
+ -- TODO: check that 'n' is finite
+ (asSeq -> Just (n, _)) ->
+ case lambda of
+ (asLambda -> Just (x, seqType, body)) | seqType == resultType ->
+ do
+ len <- translateTerm n
+ (x', expr) <-
+ withLocalLocalEnvironment $
+ do x' <- freshenAndBindName x
+ expr <- translateTerm body
+ pure (x', expr)
+ seqTypeT <- translateTerm seqType
+ defaultValueT <- defaultTermForType resultType
+ let iter =
+ Coq.App (Coq.Var "iter")
+ [ len
+ , Coq.Lambda [Coq.Binder x' (Just seqTypeT)] expr
+ , defaultValueT
+ ]
+ case rest of
+ [] -> return iter
+ _ -> Coq.App iter <$> mapM translateTerm rest
+ _ -> badTerm
+ -- NOTE: there is currently one instance of `fix` that will trigger
+ -- `errorTermM`. It is used in `Cryptol.cry` when translating
+ -- `iterate`, which generates an infinite stream of nested
+ -- applications of a given function.
+ (asPiList -> (pis, afterPis)) ->
+ -- NOTE: this will output some code, but it is likely that Coq
+ -- will reject it for not being structurally recursive.
+ case lambda of
+ (asLambdaList -> ((recFn, _) : binders, body)) -> do
+ let (_binderPis, otherPis) = splitAt (length binders) pis
+ (recFn', bindersT, typeT, bodyT) <- withLocalLocalEnvironment $ do
+ -- this is very ugly...
+ recFn' <- freshenAndBindName recFn
+ bindersT <- mapM
+ (\ (b, bType) -> do
+ bTypeT <- translateTerm bType
+ b' <- freshenAndBindName b
+ return $ Coq.Binder b' (Just bTypeT)
+ )
+ binders
+ typeT <- translatePi otherPis afterPis
+ bodyT <- translateTerm body
+ return (recFn', bindersT, typeT, bodyT)
+ let fix = Coq.Fix recFn' bindersT typeT bodyT
+ case rest of
+ [] -> return fix
+ _ -> errorTermM "THAT" -- Coq.App fix <$> mapM (go env) rest
+ _ -> errorTermM "call to Prelude.fix without lambda"
+ _ ->
+ translateIdentWithArgs i args
+ _ -> Coq.App <$> translateTerm f <*> traverse translateTerm args
+ LocalVar n
+ | n < length env -> Coq.Var <$> pure (env !! n)
+ | otherwise -> Except.throwError $ LocalVarOutOfBounds t
+ -- Constants come with a body
+ Constant n body -> do
+ configuration <- ask
+ let renamed = translateConstant (notations configuration) n
+ alreadyTranslatedDecls <- getNamesOfAllDeclarations
+ let definitionsToSkip = skipDefinitions configuration
+ if elem renamed alreadyTranslatedDecls || elem renamed definitionsToSkip
+ then Coq.Var <$> pure renamed
+ else do
+ b <-
+ -- Translate body in a top-level name scope
+ withLocalLocalEnvironment $
+ do modify $ set localEnvironment []
+ modify $ set unavailableIdents reservedIdents
+ modify $ set sharedNames IntMap.empty
+ modify $ set nextSharedName "var__0"
+ translateTermLet body
+ modify $ over localDeclarations $ (mkDefinition renamed b :)
+ Coq.Var <$> pure renamed
+ where
+ badTerm = Except.throwError $ BadTerm t
+-- | In order to turn fixpoint computations into iterative computations, we need
+-- to be able to create "dummy" values at the type of the computation. For now,
+-- we will support arbitrary nesting of vectors of boolean values.
+defaultTermForType ::
+ TermTranslationMonad m =>
+ Term -> m Coq.Term
+defaultTermForType typ = do
+ case typ of
+ (asSeq -> Just (n, typ')) -> do
+ seqConst <- translateIdent (mkIdent (mkModuleName ["Cryptol"]) "seqConst")
+ nT <- translateTerm n
+ typ'T <- translateTerm typ'
+ defaultT <- defaultTermForType typ'
+ return $ Coq.App seqConst [ nT, typ'T, defaultT ]
+ (asBoolType -> Just ()) -> translateIdent (mkIdent preludeName "False")
+ _ ->
+ return $ Coq.App (Coq.Var "error")
+ [Coq.StringLit ("Could not generate default value of type " ++ showTerm typ)]
+ -- _ -> Except.throwError $ CannotCreateDefaultValue typ
+translateTermToDocWith ::
+ TranslationConfiguration ->
+ Maybe ModuleName ->
+ [String] ->
+ [String] ->
+ (Coq.Term -> Doc ann) ->
+ Term ->
+ Either (TranslationError Term) (Doc ann)
+translateTermToDocWith configuration mn globalDecls localEnv f t = do
+ (term, state) <-
+ runTermTranslationMonad configuration mn globalDecls localEnv (translateTermLet t)
+ let decls = view localDeclarations state
+ return $
+ vcat $
+ [ (vcat . intersperse hardline . map Coq.ppDecl . reverse) decls
+ , if null decls then mempty else hardline
+ , f term
+ ]
+translateDefDoc ::
+ TranslationConfiguration ->
+ Maybe ModuleName ->
+ [String] ->
+ Coq.Ident -> Term ->
+ Either (TranslationError Term) (Doc ann)
+translateDefDoc configuration mn globalDecls name =
+ translateTermToDocWith configuration mn globalDecls [name]
+ (\ term -> Coq.ppDecl (mkDefinition name term))
diff --git a/saw-core-coq/test/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/Test.hs b/saw-core-coq/test/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/Test.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5c439ea2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-coq/test/Verifier/SAW/Translation/Coq/Test.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Test
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2019
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : val@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : portable
+module Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq.Test where
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>))
+-- import qualified Language.Coq.Pretty as Coq
+-- import Verifier.SAW.CryptolEnv
+import Verifier.SAW.Module
+import Verifier.SAW.Prelude (preludeModule)
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Typechecker
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.UntypedAST as Un
+import Verifier.SAW.Translation.Coq
+configuration :: TranslationConfiguration
+configuration = TranslationConfiguration
+ { vectorModule = "SAWCoreVectorsAsCoqVectors"
+ }
+-- Creating a bunch of terms with no sharing, for testing purposes
+natOf :: Integer -> IO Term
+natOf i = do
+ sc <- mkSharedContext
+ scNat sc (fromInteger i)
+aVector :: IO Term
+aVector = do
+ sc <- mkSharedContext
+ typ <- scNatType sc
+ args <- mapM (natOf) [0, 1, 2]
+ scVector sc typ args
+aRecord :: IO Term
+aRecord = do
+ sc <- mkSharedContext
+ nat <- natOf 2
+ unit <- scUnitValue sc
+ scRecord sc $ Map.fromList [("natField", nat), ("unitField", unit)]
+aRecordType :: IO Term
+aRecordType = do
+ sc <- mkSharedContext
+ natType <- scNatType sc
+ unitType <- scUnitType sc
+ scRecordType sc [("natField", natType), ("unitField", unitType)]
+translate :: Monad m => m Term -> m Doc
+translate term = do
+ translateDeclImports configuration "MyDefinition" <$> term >>= \case
+ Left e -> error $ show e
+ Right r -> return r
+preludeName :: Un.ModuleName
+preludeName = Un.moduleName preludeModule
+checkTermVar :: Un.TermVar -> Ident
+checkTermVar tv = mkIdent preludeName (Un.termVarString tv) -- FIXME
+checkTermCtx :: SCIOMonad m => Un.TermCtx -> m [(Ident, Term)]
+checkTermCtx ctx = mapM checkUntypedBinder ctx
+checkUntypedBinder :: SCIOMonad m => (Un.TermVar, Un.Term) -> m (Ident, Term)
+checkUntypedBinder (ident, term) =
+ (,) <$> pure (checkTermVar ident) <*> checkUntypedTerm term
+type SCIOMonad m = ( MonadIO m, MonadReader SharedContext m )
+checkUntypedTerm :: SCIOMonad m => Un.Term -> m Term
+checkUntypedTerm term = do
+ sc <- ask
+ et <- liftIO $ do
+ inferCompleteTerm sc (Just preludeName) term
+ case et of
+ Left e -> error $ show e
+ Right t -> return t
+getPreludeModule :: SCIOMonad m => m Module
+getPreludeModule = do
+ sc <- ask
+ liftIO $ scFindModule sc preludeName
+getPreludeDataType :: SCIOMonad m => String -> m DataType
+getPreludeDataType name = do
+ prelude <- getPreludeModule
+ case findDataType prelude name of
+ Nothing -> error $ name ++ " not found"
+ Just dt -> return dt
+translateSAWCorePrelude :: IO ()
+translateSAWCorePrelude = do
+ sc <- mkSharedContext
+ -- In order to get test data types, we load the Prelude
+ tcInsertModule sc preludeModule
+ flip runReaderT sc $ do
+ prelude <- getPreludeModule
+ liftIO $ do
+ putStrLn "From Coq.Strings Require Import String."
+ putStrLn "From CryptolToCoq Require Import SAWCoreScaffolding."
+ putStrLn ""
+ doc <- translateModule configuration prelude
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ show doc
+-- translateCryptolPrelude :: IO ()
+-- translateCryptolPrelude = do
+-- sc <- mkSharedContext
+-- cryptolEnv <- initCryptolEnv sc
+-- forM_ (Map.assocs $ eTermEnv cryptolEnv) $ \ (a, b) -> do
+-- putStrLn $ show a
+-- return ()
+main :: IO ()
+main = translateSAWCorePrelude
diff --git a/saw-core-sbv/.gitignore b/saw-core-sbv/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ee1bf9489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-sbv/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/saw-core-sbv/LICENSE b/saw-core-sbv/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e2f031c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-sbv/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Galois, Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+ with the distribution.
+ * Neither the names of the authors nor the names of other
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/saw-core-sbv/README.md b/saw-core-sbv/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f024ce9c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-sbv/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This repository contains a backend for the `saw-core` library that uses
+the `sbv` library for communication with SMT solvers.
diff --git a/saw-core-sbv/Setup.hs b/saw-core-sbv/Setup.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a994af677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-sbv/Setup.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+import Distribution.Simple
+main = defaultMain
diff --git a/saw-core-sbv/saw-core-sbv.cabal b/saw-core-sbv/saw-core-sbv.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6c96e2e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-sbv/saw-core-sbv.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Name: saw-core-sbv
+Version: 0.1
+License: BSD3
+License-file: LICENSE
+Author: Galois, Inc.
+Maintainer: huffman@galois.com
+Copyright: (c) 2012-2016 Galois Inc.
+Category: Formal Methods
+Build-type: Simple
+cabal-version: >= 1.8
+Synopsis: SAWCore backend for SBV
+ A backend for symbolically evaluating terms in the SAWCore
+ intermediate language using the SBV library to generate SMT-Lib.
+ build-depends:
+ base == 4.*,
+ containers,
+ lens,
+ mtl,
+ saw-core,
+ sbv >= 8.0 && < 8.8,
+ text,
+ transformers,
+ vector
+ hs-source-dirs: src
+ exposed-modules:
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator.SBV
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator.SBV.SWord
+ GHC-options: -Wall -Werror -Wcompat
diff --git a/saw-core-sbv/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/SBV.hs b/saw-core-sbv/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/SBV.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d400089d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-sbv/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/SBV.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Simulator.SBV
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.SBV
+ ( sbvSATQuery
+ , SValue
+ , Labeler(..)
+ , sbvCodeGen_definition
+ , sbvCodeGen
+ , toWord
+ , toBool
+ , getLabels
+ , module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.SBV.SWord
+ ) where
+import Data.SBV.Dynamic
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.SBV.SWord
+import Control.Lens ((<&>))
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Data.Vector (Vector)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Data.Traversable as T
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Control.Monad.State as ST
+import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Prim as Prim
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Recognizer as R
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator as Sim
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims as Prims
+import Verifier.SAW.SATQuery
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST (FieldName, identName, toShortName)
+import Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue
+ (FirstOrderType(..), FirstOrderValue(..)
+ , fovVec, firstOrderTypeOf, asFirstOrderType
+ )
+data SBV
+type instance EvalM SBV = IO
+type instance VBool SBV = SBool
+type instance VWord SBV = SWord
+type instance VInt SBV = SInteger
+type instance Extra SBV = SbvExtra
+type SValue = Value SBV
+--type SThunk = Thunk SBV
+data SbvExtra =
+ SStream (Natural -> IO SValue) (IORef (Map Natural SValue))
+instance Show SbvExtra where
+ show (SStream _ _) = ""
+pure1 :: Applicative f => (a -> b) -> a -> f b
+pure1 f x = pure (f x)
+pure2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> f c
+pure2 f x y = pure (f x y)
+pure3 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> f d
+pure3 f x y z = pure (f x y z)
+prims :: Prims.BasePrims SBV
+prims =
+ Prims.BasePrims
+ { Prims.bpAsBool = svAsBool
+ , Prims.bpUnpack = svUnpack
+ , Prims.bpPack = pure1 symFromBits
+ , Prims.bpBvAt = pure2 svAt
+ , Prims.bpBvLit = pure2 literalSWord
+ , Prims.bpBvSize = intSizeOf
+ , Prims.bpBvJoin = pure2 svJoin
+ , Prims.bpBvSlice = pure3 svSlice
+ -- Conditionals
+ , Prims.bpMuxBool = pure3 svIte
+ , Prims.bpMuxWord = pure3 svIte
+ , Prims.bpMuxInt = pure3 svIte
+ , Prims.bpMuxExtra = muxSbvExtra
+ -- Booleans
+ , Prims.bpTrue = svTrue
+ , Prims.bpFalse = svFalse
+ , Prims.bpNot = pure1 svNot
+ , Prims.bpAnd = pure2 svAnd
+ , Prims.bpOr = pure2 svOr
+ , Prims.bpXor = pure2 svXOr
+ , Prims.bpBoolEq = pure2 svEqual
+ -- Bitvector logical
+ , Prims.bpBvNot = pure1 svNot
+ , Prims.bpBvAnd = pure2 svAnd
+ , Prims.bpBvOr = pure2 svOr
+ , Prims.bpBvXor = pure2 svXOr
+ -- Bitvector arithmetic
+ , Prims.bpBvNeg = pure1 svUNeg
+ , Prims.bpBvAdd = pure2 svPlus
+ , Prims.bpBvSub = pure2 svMinus
+ , Prims.bpBvMul = pure2 svTimes
+ , Prims.bpBvUDiv = pure2 svQuot
+ , Prims.bpBvURem = pure2 svRem
+ , Prims.bpBvSDiv = \x y -> pure (svUnsign (svQuot (svSign x) (svSign y)))
+ , Prims.bpBvSRem = \x y -> pure (svUnsign (svRem (svSign x) (svSign y)))
+ , Prims.bpBvLg2 = pure1 sLg2
+ -- Bitvector comparisons
+ , Prims.bpBvEq = pure2 svEqual
+ , Prims.bpBvsle = \x y -> pure (svLessEq (svSign x) (svSign y))
+ , Prims.bpBvslt = \x y -> pure (svLessThan (svSign x) (svSign y))
+ , Prims.bpBvule = pure2 svLessEq
+ , Prims.bpBvult = pure2 svLessThan
+ , Prims.bpBvsge = \x y -> pure (svGreaterEq (svSign x) (svSign y))
+ , Prims.bpBvsgt = \x y -> pure (svGreaterThan (svSign x) (svSign y))
+ , Prims.bpBvuge = pure2 svGreaterEq
+ , Prims.bpBvugt = pure2 svGreaterThan
+ -- Bitvector shift/rotate
+ , Prims.bpBvRolInt = pure2 svRol'
+ , Prims.bpBvRorInt = pure2 svRor'
+ , Prims.bpBvShlInt = pure3 svShl'
+ , Prims.bpBvShrInt = pure3 svShr'
+ , Prims.bpBvRol = pure2 svRotateLeft
+ , Prims.bpBvRor = pure2 svRotateRight
+ , Prims.bpBvShl = pure3 svShiftL
+ , Prims.bpBvShr = pure3 svShiftR
+ -- Bitvector misc
+ , Prims.bpBvPopcount = pure1 svPopcount
+ , Prims.bpBvCountLeadingZeros = pure1 svCountLeadingZeros
+ , Prims.bpBvCountTrailingZeros = pure1 svCountTrailingZeros
+ , Prims.bpBvForall = unsupportedSBVPrimitive "bvForall"
+ -- Integer operations
+ , Prims.bpIntAdd = pure2 svPlus
+ , Prims.bpIntSub = pure2 svMinus
+ , Prims.bpIntMul = pure2 svTimes
+ , Prims.bpIntDiv = pure2 svQuot
+ , Prims.bpIntMod = pure2 svRem
+ , Prims.bpIntNeg = pure1 svUNeg
+ , Prims.bpIntAbs = pure1 svAbs
+ , Prims.bpIntEq = pure2 svEqual
+ , Prims.bpIntLe = pure2 svLessEq
+ , Prims.bpIntLt = pure2 svLessThan
+ , Prims.bpIntMin = unsupportedSBVPrimitive "bpIntMin"
+ , Prims.bpIntMax = unsupportedSBVPrimitive "bpIntMax"
+ -- Array operations
+ , Prims.bpArrayConstant = unsupportedSBVPrimitive "bpArrayConstant"
+ , Prims.bpArrayLookup = unsupportedSBVPrimitive "bpArrayLookup"
+ , Prims.bpArrayUpdate = unsupportedSBVPrimitive "bpArrayUpdate"
+ , Prims.bpArrayEq = unsupportedSBVPrimitive "bpArrayEq"
+ }
+unsupportedSBVPrimitive :: String -> a
+unsupportedSBVPrimitive = Prim.unsupportedPrimitive "SBV"
+constMap :: Map Ident SValue
+constMap =
+ Map.union (Prims.constMap prims) $
+ Map.fromList
+ [
+ -- Shifts
+ ("Prelude.bvShl" , bvShLOp)
+ , ("Prelude.bvShr" , bvShROp)
+ , ("Prelude.bvSShr", bvSShROp)
+ -- Integers
+ , ("Prelude.intToNat", intToNatOp)
+ , ("Prelude.natToInt", natToIntOp)
+ , ("Prelude.intToBv" , intToBvOp)
+ , ("Prelude.bvToInt" , bvToIntOp)
+ , ("Prelude.sbvToInt", sbvToIntOp)
+ -- Integers mod n
+ , ("Prelude.toIntMod" , toIntModOp)
+ , ("Prelude.fromIntMod", fromIntModOp)
+ , ("Prelude.intModEq" , intModEqOp)
+ , ("Prelude.intModAdd" , intModBinOp svPlus)
+ , ("Prelude.intModSub" , intModBinOp svMinus)
+ , ("Prelude.intModMul" , intModBinOp svTimes)
+ , ("Prelude.intModNeg" , intModUnOp svUNeg)
+ -- Streams
+ , ("Prelude.MkStream", mkStreamOp)
+ , ("Prelude.streamGet", streamGetOp)
+ -- Misc
+ , ("Prelude.expByNat", Prims.expByNatOp prims)
+ ]
+-- Coercion functions
+bitVector :: Int -> Integer -> SWord
+bitVector w i = literalSWord w i
+symFromBits :: Vector SBool -> SWord
+symFromBits v = V.foldl svJoin (bitVector 0 0) (V.map svToWord1 v)
+toMaybeBool :: SValue -> Maybe SBool
+toMaybeBool (VBool b) = Just b
+toMaybeBool _ = Nothing
+toBool :: SValue -> SBool
+toBool (VBool b) = b
+toBool sv = error $ unwords ["toBool failed:", show sv]
+toWord :: SValue -> IO SWord
+toWord (VWord w) = return w
+toWord (VVector vv) = symFromBits <$> traverse (fmap toBool . force) vv
+toWord x = fail $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.SBV.toWord", show x]
+toMaybeWord :: SValue -> IO (Maybe SWord)
+toMaybeWord (VWord w) = return (Just w)
+toMaybeWord (VVector vv) = ((symFromBits <$>) . T.sequence) <$> traverse (fmap toMaybeBool . force) vv
+toMaybeWord _ = return Nothing
+-- | Flatten an SValue to a sequence of components, each of which is
+-- either a symbolic word or a symbolic boolean. If the SValue
+-- contains any values built from data constructors, then return them
+-- encoded as a String.
+flattenSValue :: String -> SValue -> IO ([SVal], String)
+flattenSValue nm v = do
+ mw <- toMaybeWord v
+ case mw of
+ Just w -> return ([w], "")
+ Nothing ->
+ case v of
+ VUnit -> return ([], "")
+ VPair x y -> do (xs, sx) <- flattenSValue nm =<< force x
+ (ys, sy) <- flattenSValue nm =<< force y
+ return (xs ++ ys, sx ++ sy)
+ VRecordValue elems -> do (xss, sxs) <-
+ unzip <$>
+ mapM (flattenSValue nm <=< force . snd) elems
+ return (concat xss, concat sxs)
+ VVector (V.toList -> ts) -> do (xss, ss) <- unzip <$> traverse (force >=> flattenSValue nm) ts
+ return (concat xss, concat ss)
+ VBool sb -> return ([sb], "")
+ VInt si -> return ([si], "")
+ VIntMod 0 si -> return ([si], "")
+ VIntMod n si -> return ([svRem si (svInteger KUnbounded (toInteger n))], "")
+ VWord sw -> return (if intSizeOf sw > 0 then [sw] else [], "")
+ VCtorApp i (V.toList->ts) -> do (xss, ss) <- unzip <$> traverse (force >=> flattenSValue nm) ts
+ return (concat xss, "_" ++ identName i ++ concat ss)
+ VNat n -> return ([], "_" ++ show n)
+ TValue (suffixTValue -> Just s)
+ -> return ([], s)
+ VFun _ -> fail $ "Cannot create uninterpreted higher-order function " ++ show nm
+ _ -> fail $ "Cannot create uninterpreted function " ++ show nm ++ " with argument " ++ show v
+vWord :: SWord -> SValue
+vWord lv = VWord lv
+vBool :: SBool -> SValue
+vBool l = VBool l
+vInteger :: SInteger -> SValue
+vInteger x = VInt x
+-- Function constructors
+wordFun :: (SWord -> IO SValue) -> SValue
+wordFun f = strictFun (\x -> toWord x >>= f)
+-- Indexing operations
+-- | Lifts a strict mux operation to a lazy mux
+lazyMux :: (SBool -> a -> a -> IO a) -> (SBool -> IO a -> IO a -> IO a)
+lazyMux muxFn c tm fm =
+ case svAsBool c of
+ Just True -> tm
+ Just False -> fm
+ Nothing -> do
+ t <- tm
+ f <- fm
+ muxFn c t f
+-- selectV merger maxValue valueFn index returns valueFn v when index has value v
+-- if index is greater than maxValue, it returns valueFn maxValue. Use the ite op from merger.
+selectV :: (SBool -> b -> b -> b) -> Natural -> (Natural -> b) -> SWord -> b
+selectV merger maxValue valueFn vx =
+ case svAsInteger vx of
+ Just i
+ | i >= 0 -> valueFn (fromInteger i)
+ | otherwise -> Prims.panic "selectV" ["expected nonnegative integer", show i]
+ Nothing -> impl (intSizeOf vx) 0
+ where
+ impl _ x | x > maxValue || x < 0 = valueFn maxValue
+ impl 0 y = valueFn y
+ impl i y = merger (svTestBit vx j) (impl j (y `setBit` j)) (impl j y) where j = i - 1
+-- Big-endian version of svTestBit
+svAt :: SWord -> Int -> SBool
+svAt x i = svTestBit x (intSizeOf x - 1 - i)
+svUnpack :: SWord -> IO (Vector SBool)
+svUnpack x = return (V.generate (intSizeOf x) (svAt x))
+asWordList :: [SValue] -> Maybe [SWord]
+asWordList = go id
+ where
+ go f [] = Just (f [])
+ go f (VWord x : xs) = go (f . (x:)) xs
+ go _ _ = Nothing
+svSlice :: Int -> Int -> SWord -> SWord
+svSlice i j x = svExtract (w - i - 1) (w - i - j) x
+ where w = intSizeOf x
+-- Shift operations
+-- | op : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Nat -> Vec n Bool
+bvShiftOp :: (SWord -> SWord -> SWord) -> (SWord -> Int -> SWord) -> SValue
+bvShiftOp bvOp natOp =
+ constFun $
+ wordFun $ \x -> return $
+ strictFun $ \y ->
+ case y of
+ VNat i | j < toInteger (maxBound :: Int) -> return (vWord (natOp x (fromInteger j)))
+ where j = toInteger i `min` toInteger (intSizeOf x)
+ VToNat v -> fmap (vWord . bvOp x) (toWord v)
+ _ -> error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.SBV.bvShiftOp", show y]
+-- bvShl : (w : Nat) -> Vec w Bool -> Nat -> Vec w Bool;
+bvShLOp :: SValue
+bvShLOp = bvShiftOp svShiftLeft svShl
+-- bvShR : (w : Nat) -> Vec w Bool -> Nat -> Vec w Bool;
+bvShROp :: SValue
+bvShROp = bvShiftOp svShiftRight svShr
+-- bvSShR : (w : Nat) -> Vec w Bool -> Nat -> Vec w Bool;
+bvSShROp :: SValue
+bvSShROp = bvShiftOp bvOp natOp
+ where
+ bvOp w x = svUnsign (svShiftRight (svSign w) x)
+ natOp w i = svUnsign (svShr (svSign w) i)
+-- Integer/bitvector conversions
+-- primitive intToNat : Integer -> Nat;
+-- intToNat x == max 0 x
+intToNatOp :: SValue
+intToNatOp =
+ Prims.intFun "intToNat" $ \i ->
+ case svAsInteger i of
+ Just i'
+ | 0 <= i' -> pure (VNat (fromInteger i'))
+ | otherwise -> pure (VNat 0)
+ Nothing ->
+ let z = svInteger KUnbounded 0
+ i' = svIte (svLessThan i z) z i
+ in pure (VToNat (VInt i'))
+-- primitive natToInt :: Nat -> Integer;
+natToIntOp :: SValue
+natToIntOp =
+ Prims.natFun' "natToInt" $ \n -> return $
+ VInt (literalSInteger (toInteger n))
+-- primitive bvToInt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+bvToIntOp :: SValue
+bvToIntOp = constFun $ wordFun $ \v ->
+ case svAsInteger v of
+ Just i -> return $ VInt (literalSInteger i)
+ Nothing -> return $ VInt (svFromIntegral KUnbounded v)
+-- primitive sbvToInt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+sbvToIntOp :: SValue
+sbvToIntOp = constFun $ wordFun $ \v ->
+ case svAsInteger (svSign v) of
+ Just i -> return $ VInt (literalSInteger i)
+ Nothing -> return $ VInt (svFromIntegral KUnbounded (svSign v))
+-- primitive intToBv : (n : Nat) -> Integer -> Vec n Bool;
+intToBvOp :: SValue
+intToBvOp =
+ Prims.natFun' "intToBv n" $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intFun "intToBv x" $ \x ->
+ case svAsInteger x of
+ Just i -> return $ VWord $ literalSWord (fromIntegral n) i
+ Nothing -> return $ VWord $ svFromIntegral (KBounded False (fromIntegral n)) x
+-- Rotations and shifts
+svRol' :: SWord -> Integer -> SWord
+svRol' x i = svRol x (fromInteger (i `mod` toInteger (intSizeOf x)))
+svRor' :: SWord -> Integer -> SWord
+svRor' x i = svRor x (fromInteger (i `mod` toInteger (intSizeOf x)))
+svShl' :: SBool -> SWord -> Integer -> SWord
+svShl' b x i = svIte b (svNot (svShl (svNot x) j)) (svShl x j)
+ where j = fromInteger (i `min` toInteger (intSizeOf x))
+svShr' :: SBool -> SWord -> Integer -> SWord
+svShr' b x i = svIte b (svNot (svShr (svNot x) j)) (svShr x j)
+ where j = fromInteger (i `min` toInteger (intSizeOf x))
+svShiftL :: SBool -> SWord -> SWord -> SWord
+svShiftL b x i = svIte b (svNot (svShiftLeft (svNot x) i)) (svShiftLeft x i)
+svShiftR :: SBool -> SWord -> SWord -> SWord
+svShiftR b x i = svIte b (svNot (svShiftRight (svNot x) i)) (svShiftRight x i)
+-- Integers mod n
+toIntModOp :: SValue
+toIntModOp =
+ Prims.natFun' "toIntMod" $ \n -> pure $
+ Prims.intFun "toIntMod" $ \x -> pure $
+ VIntMod n x
+fromIntModOp :: SValue
+fromIntModOp =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "fromIntModOp" $ \x -> return $
+ VInt (svRem x (literalSInteger (toInteger n)))
+intModEqOp :: SValue
+intModEqOp =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModEqOp" $ \x -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModEqOp" $ \y -> return $
+ let modulus = literalSInteger (toInteger n)
+ in VBool (svEqual (svRem (svMinus x y) modulus) (literalSInteger 0))
+intModBinOp :: (SInteger -> SInteger -> SInteger) -> SValue
+intModBinOp f =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModBinOp x" $ \x -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModBinOp y" $ \y -> return $
+ VIntMod n (normalizeIntMod n (f x y))
+intModUnOp :: (SInteger -> SInteger) -> SValue
+intModUnOp f =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModUnOp" $ \x -> return $
+ VIntMod n (normalizeIntMod n (f x))
+normalizeIntMod :: Natural -> SInteger -> SInteger
+normalizeIntMod n x =
+ case svAsInteger x of
+ Nothing -> x
+ Just i -> literalSInteger (i `mod` toInteger n)
+-- Stream operations
+-- MkStream :: (a :: sort 0) -> (Nat -> a) -> Stream a;
+mkStreamOp :: SValue
+mkStreamOp =
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \f -> do
+ r <- newIORef Map.empty
+ return $ VExtra (SStream (\n -> apply f (ready (VNat n))) r)
+-- streamGet :: (a :: sort 0) -> Stream a -> Nat -> a;
+streamGetOp :: SValue
+streamGetOp =
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \xs -> return $
+ strictFun $ \case
+ VNat n -> lookupSStream xs n
+ VToNat w ->
+ do ilv <- toWord w
+ selectV (lazyMux muxBVal) ((2 ^ intSizeOf ilv) - 1) (lookupSStream xs) ilv
+ v -> Prims.panic "SBV.streamGetOp" ["Expected Nat value", show v]
+lookupSStream :: SValue -> Natural -> IO SValue
+lookupSStream (VExtra s) n = lookupSbvExtra s n
+lookupSStream _ _ = fail "expected Stream"
+lookupSbvExtra :: SbvExtra -> Natural -> IO SValue
+lookupSbvExtra (SStream f r) n =
+ do m <- readIORef r
+ case Map.lookup n m of
+ Just v -> return v
+ Nothing -> do v <- f n
+ writeIORef r (Map.insert n v m)
+ return v
+-- Misc operations
+svPopcount :: SWord -> SWord
+svPopcount xs = if w == 0 then zero else foldr1 svPlus [ svIte b one zero | b <- bits ]
+ where
+ bits = svBlastLE xs
+ w = length bits
+ one = literalSWord w 1
+ zero = literalSWord w 0
+svCountLeadingZeros :: SWord -> SWord
+svCountLeadingZeros xs = go 0 bits
+ where
+ bits = svBlastBE xs
+ w = length bits
+ go !i [] = literalSWord w i
+ go !i (b:bs) = svIte b (literalSWord w i) (go (i+1) bs)
+svCountTrailingZeros :: SWord -> SWord
+svCountTrailingZeros xs = go 0 bits
+ where
+ bits = svBlastLE xs
+ w = length bits
+ go !i [] = literalSWord w i
+ go !i (b:bs) = svIte b (literalSWord w i) (go (i+1) bs)
+-- | Ceiling (log_2 x)
+sLg2 :: SWord -> SWord
+sLg2 x = go 0
+ where
+ lit n = literalSWord (intSizeOf x) n
+ go i | i < intSizeOf x = svIte (svLessEq x (lit (2^i))) (lit (toInteger i)) (go (i + 1))
+ | otherwise = lit (toInteger i)
+-- Ite ops
+muxBVal :: SBool -> SValue -> SValue -> IO SValue
+muxBVal = Prims.muxValue prims
+muxSbvExtra :: SBool -> SbvExtra -> SbvExtra -> IO SbvExtra
+muxSbvExtra c x y =
+ do let f i = do xi <- lookupSbvExtra x i
+ yi <- lookupSbvExtra y i
+ muxBVal c xi yi
+ r <- newIORef Map.empty
+ return (SStream f r)
+-- External interface
+-- | Abstract constants with names in the list 'unints' are kept as
+-- uninterpreted constants; all others are unfolded.
+sbvSolveBasic :: SharedContext -> Map Ident SValue -> Set VarIndex -> Term -> IO SValue
+sbvSolveBasic sc addlPrims unintSet t = do
+ m <- scGetModuleMap sc
+ let extcns (EC ix nm ty) = parseUninterpreted [] (Text.unpack (toShortName nm) ++ "#" ++ show ix) ty
+ let uninterpreted ec
+ | Set.member (ecVarIndex ec) unintSet = Just (extcns ec)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ cfg <- Sim.evalGlobal m (Map.union constMap addlPrims) extcns uninterpreted
+ Sim.evalSharedTerm cfg t
+parseUninterpreted :: [SVal] -> String -> TValue SBV -> IO SValue
+parseUninterpreted cws nm ty =
+ case ty of
+ (VPiType _ f)
+ -> return $
+ strictFun $ \x -> do
+ (cws', suffix) <- flattenSValue nm x
+ t2 <- f (ready x)
+ parseUninterpreted (cws ++ cws') (nm ++ suffix) t2
+ VBoolType
+ -> return $ vBool $ mkUninterpreted KBool cws nm
+ VIntType
+ -> return $ vInteger $ mkUninterpreted KUnbounded cws nm
+ VIntModType n
+ -> return $ VIntMod n $ mkUninterpreted KUnbounded cws nm
+ (VVecType n VBoolType)
+ -> return $ vWord $ mkUninterpreted (KBounded False (fromIntegral n)) cws nm
+ (VVecType n ety)
+ -> do xs <- sequence $
+ [ parseUninterpreted cws (nm ++ "@" ++ show i) ety
+ | i <- [0 .. n-1] ]
+ return (VVector (V.fromList (map ready xs)))
+ VUnitType
+ -> return VUnit
+ (VPairType ty1 ty2)
+ -> do x1 <- parseUninterpreted cws (nm ++ ".L") ty1
+ x2 <- parseUninterpreted cws (nm ++ ".R") ty2
+ return (VPair (ready x1) (ready x2))
+ (VRecordType elem_tps)
+ -> (VRecordValue <$>
+ mapM (\(f,tp) ->
+ (f,) <$> ready <$>
+ parseUninterpreted cws (nm ++ "." ++ Text.unpack f) tp) elem_tps)
+ _ -> fail $ "could not create uninterpreted type for " ++ show ty
+mkUninterpreted :: Kind -> [SVal] -> String -> SVal
+mkUninterpreted k args nm = svUninterpreted k nm' Nothing args
+ where nm' = "|" ++ nm ++ "|" -- enclose name to allow primes and other non-alphanum chars
+sbvSATQuery :: SharedContext -> Map Ident SValue -> SATQuery -> IO ([Labeler], [ExtCns Term], Symbolic SBool)
+sbvSATQuery sc addlPrims query =
+ do true <- liftIO (scBool sc True)
+ t <- liftIO (foldM (scAnd sc) true (satAsserts query))
+ let qvars = Map.toList (satVariables query)
+ let unintSet = satUninterp query
+ (labels, vars) <-
+ flip evalStateT 0 $ unzip <$>
+ mapM (newVars . snd) qvars
+ m <- liftIO (scGetModuleMap sc)
+ return (labels, map fst qvars,
+ do vars' <- sequence vars
+ let varMap = Map.fromList (zip (map (ecVarIndex . fst) qvars) vars')
+ let mkUninterp (EC ix nm ty) =
+ parseUninterpreted [] (Text.unpack (toShortName nm) ++ "#" ++ show ix) ty
+ let extcns ec
+ | Just v <- Map.lookup (ecVarIndex ec) varMap = pure v
+ | otherwise = mkUninterp ec
+ let uninterpreted ec
+ | Set.member (ecVarIndex ec) unintSet = Just (mkUninterp ec)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ cfg <- liftIO (Sim.evalGlobal m (Map.union constMap addlPrims) extcns uninterpreted)
+ bval <- liftIO (Sim.evalSharedTerm cfg t)
+ case bval of
+ VBool b -> return b
+ _ -> fail $ "sbvSATQuery: non-boolean result type. " ++ show bval
+ )
+data Labeler
+ = BoolLabel String
+ | IntegerLabel String
+ | WordLabel String
+ | VecLabel (Vector Labeler)
+ | TupleLabel (Vector Labeler)
+ | RecLabel (Map FieldName Labeler)
+ deriving (Show)
+nextId :: StateT Int IO String
+nextId = ST.get >>= (\s-> modify (+1) >> return ("x" ++ show s))
+unzipMap :: Map k (a, b) -> (Map k a, Map k b)
+unzipMap m = (fmap fst m, fmap snd m)
+newVars :: FirstOrderType -> StateT Int IO (Labeler, Symbolic SValue)
+newVars FOTBit = nextId <&> \s-> (BoolLabel s, vBool <$> existsSBool s)
+newVars FOTInt = nextId <&> \s-> (IntegerLabel s, vInteger <$> existsSInteger s)
+newVars (FOTIntMod n) = nextId <&> \s-> (IntegerLabel s, VIntMod n <$> existsSInteger s)
+newVars (FOTVec n FOTBit) =
+ if n == 0
+ then nextId <&> \s-> (WordLabel s, return (vWord (literalSWord 0 0)))
+ else nextId <&> \s-> (WordLabel s, vWord <$> existsSWord s (fromIntegral n))
+newVars (FOTVec n tp) = do
+ (labels, vals) <- V.unzip <$> V.replicateM (fromIntegral n) (newVars tp)
+ return (VecLabel labels, VVector <$> traverse (fmap ready) vals)
+newVars (FOTArray{}) = fail "FOTArray unimplemented for backend"
+newVars (FOTTuple ts) = do
+ (labels, vals) <- V.unzip <$> traverse newVars (V.fromList ts)
+ return (TupleLabel labels, vTuple <$> traverse (fmap ready) (V.toList vals))
+newVars (FOTRec tm) = do
+ (labels, vals) <- unzipMap <$> (traverse newVars tm :: StateT Int IO (Map FieldName (Labeler, Symbolic SValue)))
+ return (RecLabel labels, vRecord <$> traverse (fmap ready) (vals :: (Map FieldName (Symbolic SValue))))
+getLabels ::
+ [Labeler] ->
+ Map String CV ->
+ [ExtCns Term] -> Maybe [(ExtCns Term,FirstOrderValue)]
+getLabels ls d args
+ | length args == length xs = Just (zip args xs)
+ | otherwise = error $ unwords
+ [ "SBV SAT results do not match expected arguments "
+ , show (map (toShortName . ecName) args), show xs]
+ where
+ xs = fmap getLabel ls
+ getLabel (BoolLabel s) = FOVBit (cvToBool (d Map.! s))
+ getLabel (IntegerLabel s) = FOVInt (cvToInteger (d Map.! s))
+ getLabel (WordLabel s) = FOVWord (cvKind cv) (cvToInteger cv)
+ where cv = d Map.! s
+ getLabel (VecLabel ns)
+ | V.null ns = error "getLabel of empty vector"
+ | otherwise = fovVec t vs
+ where vs = map getLabel (V.toList ns)
+ t = firstOrderTypeOf (head vs)
+ getLabel (TupleLabel ns) = FOVTuple $ map getLabel (V.toList ns)
+ getLabel (RecLabel ns) = FOVRec $ fmap getLabel ns
+ cvKind cv =
+ case kindOf cv of
+ KBounded _ k -> fromIntegral k
+ _ -> error "cvKind"
+ cvToInteger cv =
+ case cvVal cv of
+ CInteger i -> i
+ _ -> error "cvToInteger"
+-- Code Generation
+newCodeGenVars :: (Natural -> Bool) -> FirstOrderType -> StateT Int IO (SBVCodeGen SValue)
+newCodeGenVars _checkSz FOTBit = nextId <&> \s -> (vBool <$> svCgInput KBool s)
+newCodeGenVars _checkSz FOTInt = nextId <&> \s -> (vInteger <$> svCgInput KUnbounded s)
+newCodeGenVars _checkSz (FOTIntMod _) = nextId <&> \s -> (vInteger <$> svCgInput KUnbounded s)
+newCodeGenVars checkSz (FOTVec n FOTBit)
+ | n == 0 = nextId <&> \_ -> return (vWord (literalSWord 0 0))
+ | checkSz n = nextId <&> \s -> vWord <$> cgInputSWord s (fromIntegral n)
+ | otherwise = nextId <&> \s -> fail $ "Invalid codegen bit width for input variable \'" ++ s ++ "\': " ++ show n
+newCodeGenVars checkSz (FOTVec n (FOTVec m FOTBit))
+ | m == 0 = nextId <&> \_ -> return (VVector $ V.fromList $ replicate (fromIntegral n) (ready $ vWord (literalSWord 0 0)))
+ | checkSz m = do
+ let k = KBounded False (fromIntegral m)
+ vals <- nextId <&> \s -> svCgInputArr k (fromIntegral n) s
+ return (VVector . V.fromList . fmap (ready . vWord) <$> vals)
+ | otherwise = nextId <&> \s -> fail $ "Invalid codegen bit width for input variable array \'" ++ s ++ "\': " ++ show n
+newCodeGenVars checkSz (FOTVec n tp) = do
+ vals <- V.replicateM (fromIntegral n) (newCodeGenVars checkSz tp)
+ return (VVector <$> traverse (fmap ready) vals)
+newCodeGenVars _ (FOTArray{}) = fail "FOTArray unimplemented for backend"
+newCodeGenVars checkSz (FOTTuple ts) = do
+ vals <- traverse (newCodeGenVars checkSz) ts
+ return (vTuple <$> traverse (fmap ready) vals)
+newCodeGenVars checkSz (FOTRec tm) = do
+ vals <- traverse (newCodeGenVars checkSz) tm
+ return (vRecord <$> traverse (fmap ready) vals)
+cgInputSWord :: String -> Int -> SBVCodeGen SWord
+cgInputSWord s n = svCgInput (KBounded False n) s
+argTypes :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO ([Term], Term)
+argTypes sc t = do
+ t' <- scWhnf sc t
+ case t' of
+ (R.asPi -> Just (_, t1, t2)) -> do
+ (ts,res) <- argTypes sc t2
+ return (t1:ts, res)
+ _ -> return ([], t')
+ :: SharedContext
+ -> Map Ident SValue
+ -> Set VarIndex
+ -> Term
+ -> (Natural -> Bool) -- ^ Allowed word sizes
+ -> IO (SBVCodeGen (), [FirstOrderType], FirstOrderType)
+sbvCodeGen_definition sc addlPrims unintSet t checkSz = do
+ ty <- scTypeOf sc t
+ (argTs,resTy) <- argTypes sc ty
+ shapes <- traverse (asFirstOrderType sc) argTs
+ resultShape <- asFirstOrderType sc resTy
+ bval <- sbvSolveBasic sc addlPrims unintSet t
+ vars <- evalStateT (traverse (newCodeGenVars checkSz) shapes) 0
+ let codegen = do
+ args <- traverse (fmap ready) vars
+ bval' <- liftIO (applyAll bval args)
+ sbvSetResult checkSz resultShape bval'
+ return (codegen, shapes, resultShape)
+sbvSetResult :: (Natural -> Bool)
+ -> FirstOrderType
+ -> SValue
+ -> SBVCodeGen ()
+sbvSetResult _checkSz FOTBit (VBool b) = do
+ svCgReturn b
+sbvSetResult checkSz (FOTVec n FOTBit) v
+ | n == 0 = return ()
+ | checkSz n = do
+ w <- liftIO $ toWord v
+ svCgReturn w
+ | otherwise =
+ fail $ "Invalid word size in result: " ++ show n
+sbvSetResult checkSz ft v = do
+ void $ sbvSetOutput checkSz ft v 0
+sbvSetOutput :: (Natural -> Bool)
+ -> FirstOrderType
+ -> SValue
+ -> Int
+ -> SBVCodeGen Int
+sbvSetOutput _checkSz FOTBit (VBool b) i = do
+ svCgOutput ("out_"++show i) b
+ return $! i+1
+sbvSetOutput checkSz (FOTVec n FOTBit) v i
+ | n == 0 = return i
+ | checkSz n = do
+ w <- liftIO $ toWord v
+ svCgOutput ("out_"++show i) w
+ return $! i+1
+ | otherwise =
+ fail $ "Invalid word size in output " ++ show i ++ ": " ++ show n
+sbvSetOutput checkSz (FOTVec n t) (VVector xv) i = do
+ xs <- liftIO $ traverse force $ V.toList xv
+ unless (toInteger n == toInteger (length xs)) $
+ fail "sbvCodeGen: vector length mismatch when setting output values"
+ case asWordList xs of
+ Just ws -> do svCgOutputArr ("out_"++show i) ws
+ return $! i+1
+ Nothing -> foldM (\i' x -> sbvSetOutput checkSz t x i') i xs
+sbvSetOutput _checkSz (FOTTuple []) VUnit i =
+ return i
+sbvSetOutput checkSz (FOTTuple [t]) v i = sbvSetOutput checkSz t v i
+sbvSetOutput checkSz (FOTTuple (t:ts)) (VPair l r) i = do
+ l' <- liftIO $ force l
+ r' <- liftIO $ force r
+ sbvSetOutput checkSz t l' i >>= sbvSetOutput checkSz (FOTTuple ts) r'
+sbvSetOutput _checkSz (FOTRec fs) VUnit i | Map.null fs = do
+ return i
+sbvSetOutput _checkSz (FOTRec fs) (VRecordValue []) i | Map.null fs = return i
+sbvSetOutput checkSz (FOTRec fs) (VRecordValue ((fn,x):rest)) i = do
+ x' <- liftIO $ force x
+ case Map.lookup fn fs of
+ Just t -> do
+ let fs' = Map.delete fn fs
+ sbvSetOutput checkSz t x' i >>=
+ sbvSetOutput checkSz (FOTRec fs') (VRecordValue rest)
+ Nothing -> fail "sbvCodeGen: type mismatch when setting record output value"
+sbvSetOutput _checkSz _ft _v _i = do
+ fail "sbvCode gen: type mismatch when setting output values"
+sbvCodeGen :: SharedContext
+ -> Map Ident SValue
+ -> Set VarIndex
+ -> Maybe FilePath
+ -> String
+ -> Term
+ -> IO ()
+sbvCodeGen sc addlPrims unintSet path fname t = do
+ -- The SBV C code generator expects only these word sizes
+ let checkSz n = n `elem` [8,16,32,64]
+ (codegen,_,_) <- sbvCodeGen_definition sc addlPrims unintSet t checkSz
+ compileToC path fname codegen
diff --git a/saw-core-sbv/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/SBV/SWord.hs b/saw-core-sbv/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/SBV/SWord.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff76d32bcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-sbv/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/SBV/SWord.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Simulator.SBV.SWord
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.SBV.SWord
+ ( SBool, SWord, SInteger
+ , literalSWord, literalSInteger
+ , fromBitsLE
+ , forallSWord, existsSWord, forallSWord_, existsSWord_
+ , forallSBool, existsSBool, forallSBool_, existsSBool_
+ , forallSInteger, existsSInteger, forallSInteger_, existsSInteger_
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.List (foldl')
+import Data.SBV ( symbolicEnv )
+import Data.SBV.Dynamic
+type SBool = SVal
+type SWord = SVal
+type SInteger = SVal
+fromBitsLE :: [SBool] -> SWord
+fromBitsLE bs = foldl' f (literalSWord 0 0) bs
+ where f w b = svJoin (svToWord1 b) w
+literalSWord :: Int -> Integer -> SWord
+literalSWord w i = svInteger (KBounded False w) i
+literalSInteger :: Integer -> SWord
+literalSInteger i = svInteger KUnbounded i
+forallSWord :: String -> Int -> Symbolic SWord
+forallSWord nm w = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (Just ALL) (KBounded False w) (Just nm)
+forallSWord_ :: Int -> Symbolic SWord
+forallSWord_ w = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (Just ALL) (KBounded False w) Nothing
+existsSWord :: String -> Int -> Symbolic SWord
+existsSWord nm w = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (Just EX) (KBounded False w) (Just nm)
+existsSWord_ :: Int -> Symbolic SWord
+existsSWord_ w = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (Just EX) (KBounded False w) Nothing
+forallSBool :: String -> Symbolic SBool
+forallSBool nm = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (Just ALL) KBool (Just nm)
+existsSBool :: String -> Symbolic SBool
+existsSBool nm = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (Just EX) KBool (Just nm)
+forallSBool_ :: Symbolic SBool
+forallSBool_ = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (Just ALL) KBool Nothing
+existsSBool_ :: Symbolic SBool
+existsSBool_ = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (Just EX) KBool Nothing
+forallSInteger :: String -> Symbolic SInteger
+forallSInteger nm = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (Just ALL) KUnbounded (Just nm)
+existsSInteger :: String -> Symbolic SInteger
+existsSInteger nm = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (Just EX) KUnbounded (Just nm)
+forallSInteger_ :: Symbolic SInteger
+forallSInteger_ = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (Just ALL) KUnbounded Nothing
+existsSInteger_ :: Symbolic SInteger
+existsSInteger_ = symbolicEnv >>= liftIO . svMkSymVar (Just EX) KUnbounded Nothing
diff --git a/saw-core-what4/.gitignore b/saw-core-what4/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f0f594227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-what4/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/saw-core-what4/Changelog.md b/saw-core-what4/Changelog.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..020ecadf40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-what4/Changelog.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Changelog for the `saw-core-what4` package
+## 0.2 -- *2019 Nov 06*
+ * Bumped upper version bound for parameterized-utils
+## 0.1 -- *2018 Jun 06*
+ * Initial version
diff --git a/saw-core-what4/LICENSE b/saw-core-what4/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e2f031c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-what4/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Galois, Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+ with the distribution.
+ * Neither the names of the authors nor the names of other
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/saw-core-what4/README.md b/saw-core-what4/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f49d96494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-what4/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This repository contains a backend for the `saw-core` library that uses
+the `what4` library for communication with SMT solvers.
diff --git a/saw-core-what4/Setup.hs b/saw-core-what4/Setup.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a994af677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-what4/Setup.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+import Distribution.Simple
+main = defaultMain
diff --git a/saw-core-what4/saw-core-what4.cabal b/saw-core-what4/saw-core-what4.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7504e73ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-what4/saw-core-what4.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Name: saw-core-what4
+Version: 0.2
+License: BSD3
+License-file: LICENSE
+Author: Galois, Inc.
+Maintainer: sweirich@galois.com
+Copyright: (c) 2018 Galois Inc.
+Category: Formal Methods
+Build-type: Simple
+cabal-version: >= 1.8
+Synopsis: SAWCore backend for What4
+ A backend for symbolically evaluating terms in the SAWCore
+ intermediate language using the What4 library to generate SMT-Lib.
+ build-depends:
+ base == 4.*,
+ bv-sized >= 1.0.0,
+ containers,
+ lens,
+ mtl,
+ saw-core,
+ what4,
+ panic,
+ text,
+ transformers,
+ vector,
+ parameterized-utils >= 1.0.8 && < 2.2,
+ reflection
+ hs-source-dirs: src
+ exposed-modules:
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.FirstOrder
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.PosNat
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.Panic
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.ReturnTrip
+ GHC-options: -Wall -Werror
diff --git a/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4.hs b/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05d1495748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1390 @@
+-- |
+-- Module : Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4
+-- Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+-- License : BSD3
+-- Maintainer : sweirich@galois.com
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+-- A symbolic simulator for saw-core terms using What4.
+-- (This module is derived from Verifier.SAW.Simulator.SBV)
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds#-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
+-- WithKnownNat
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-warnings-deprecations #-}
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4
+ ( w4Solve
+ , w4SolveBasic
+ , SymFnCache
+ , TypedExpr(..)
+ , SValue
+ , Labeler(..)
+ , w4Eval
+ , w4EvalAny
+ , w4EvalBasic
+ , getLabelValues
+ , w4SimulatorEval
+ , NeutralTermException(..)
+ , valueToSymExpr
+ , symExprToValue
+ ) where
+import qualified Control.Arrow as A
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.List (genericTake)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Data.Vector (Vector)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Data.Traversable as T
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative
+import qualified Control.Exception as X
+import Control.Monad.State as ST
+import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
+-- saw-core
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Recognizer as R
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator as Sim
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims as Prims
+import Verifier.SAW.SATQuery
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value
+import Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue (FirstOrderType(..), FirstOrderValue(..))
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST (FieldName, ModuleMap, identName, toShortName)
+-- what4
+import qualified What4.Expr.Builder as B
+import What4.Expr.GroundEval
+import What4.Interface(SymExpr,Pred,SymInteger, IsExpr,
+ IsExprBuilder,IsSymExprBuilder)
+import qualified What4.Interface as W
+import What4.BaseTypes
+import qualified What4.SWord as SW
+import What4.SWord (SWord(..))
+-- parameterized-utils
+import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
+import Data.Parameterized.Map (MapF)
+import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
+import Data.Parameterized.Context (Assignment)
+import Data.Parameterized.Some
+-- saw-core-what4
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.PosNat
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.FirstOrder
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.Panic
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.ReturnTrip
+-- empty datatype to index (open) type families
+-- for this backend
+data What4 (sym :: *)
+-- | A What4 symbolic array where the domain and co-domain types do not appear
+-- in the type
+data SArray sym where
+ SArray ::
+ W.IsExpr (W.SymExpr sym) =>
+ W.SymArray sym (Ctx.EmptyCtx Ctx.::> itp) etp ->
+ SArray sym
+-- type abbreviations for uniform naming
+type SBool sym = Pred sym
+type SInt sym = SymInteger sym
+type instance EvalM (What4 sym) = IO
+type instance VBool (What4 sym) = SBool sym
+type instance VWord (What4 sym) = SWord sym
+type instance VInt (What4 sym) = SInt sym
+type instance VArray (What4 sym) = SArray sym
+type instance Extra (What4 sym) = What4Extra sym
+type SValue sym = Value (What4 sym)
+-- Constraint
+type Sym sym = IsSymExprBuilder sym
+data What4Extra sym =
+ SStream (Natural -> IO (SValue sym)) (IORef (Map Natural (SValue sym)))
+instance Show (What4Extra sym) where
+ show (SStream _ _) = ""
+-- Basic primitive table for What4 data
+prims :: forall sym.
+ Sym sym => sym -> Prims.BasePrims (What4 sym)
+prims sym =
+ Prims.BasePrims
+ { Prims.bpAsBool = W.asConstantPred
+ -- Bitvectors
+ , Prims.bpUnpack = SW.bvUnpackBE sym
+ , Prims.bpPack = SW.bvPackBE sym
+ , Prims.bpBvAt = \w i -> SW.bvAtBE sym w (toInteger i)
+ , Prims.bpBvLit = \l x -> SW.bvLit sym (toInteger l) x
+ , Prims.bpBvSize = swBvWidth
+ , Prims.bpBvJoin = SW.bvJoin sym
+ , Prims.bpBvSlice = \ a b -> SW.bvSliceBE sym (toInteger a) (toInteger b)
+ -- Conditionals
+ , Prims.bpMuxBool = W.itePred sym
+ , Prims.bpMuxWord = SW.bvIte sym
+ , Prims.bpMuxInt = W.intIte sym
+ , Prims.bpMuxExtra = muxWhat4Extra sym
+ -- Booleans
+ , Prims.bpTrue = W.truePred sym
+ , Prims.bpFalse = W.falsePred sym
+ , Prims.bpNot = W.notPred sym
+ , Prims.bpAnd = W.andPred sym
+ , Prims.bpOr = W.orPred sym
+ , Prims.bpXor = W.xorPred sym
+ , Prims.bpBoolEq = W.isEq sym
+ -- Bitvector logical
+ , Prims.bpBvNot = SW.bvNot sym
+ , Prims.bpBvAnd = SW.bvAnd sym
+ , Prims.bpBvOr = SW.bvOr sym
+ , Prims.bpBvXor = SW.bvXor sym
+ -- Bitvector arithmetic
+ , Prims.bpBvNeg = SW.bvNeg sym
+ , Prims.bpBvAdd = SW.bvAdd sym
+ , Prims.bpBvSub = SW.bvSub sym
+ , Prims.bpBvMul = SW.bvMul sym
+ , Prims.bpBvUDiv = SW.bvUDiv sym
+ , Prims.bpBvURem = SW.bvURem sym
+ , Prims.bpBvSDiv = SW.bvSDiv sym
+ , Prims.bpBvSRem = SW.bvSRem sym
+ , Prims.bpBvLg2 = SW.bvLg2 sym
+ -- Bitvector comparisons
+ , Prims.bpBvEq = SW.bvEq sym
+ , Prims.bpBvsle = SW.bvsle sym
+ , Prims.bpBvslt = SW.bvslt sym
+ , Prims.bpBvule = SW.bvule sym
+ , Prims.bpBvult = SW.bvult sym
+ , Prims.bpBvsge = SW.bvsge sym
+ , Prims.bpBvsgt = SW.bvsgt sym
+ , Prims.bpBvuge = SW.bvuge sym
+ , Prims.bpBvugt = SW.bvugt sym
+ -- Bitvector shift/rotate
+ , Prims.bpBvRolInt = liftRotate sym (SW.bvRol sym)
+ , Prims.bpBvRorInt = liftRotate sym (SW.bvRor sym)
+ , Prims.bpBvShlInt = \z -> liftShift sym (bvShl sym z)
+ , Prims.bpBvShrInt = \z -> liftShift sym (bvShr sym z)
+ , Prims.bpBvRol = SW.bvRol sym
+ , Prims.bpBvRor = SW.bvRor sym
+ , Prims.bpBvShl = bvShl sym
+ , Prims.bpBvShr = bvShr sym
+ -- Bitvector misc
+ , Prims.bpBvPopcount = SW.bvPopcount sym
+ , Prims.bpBvCountLeadingZeros = SW.bvCountLeadingZeros sym
+ , Prims.bpBvCountTrailingZeros = SW.bvCountTrailingZeros sym
+ , Prims.bpBvForall = bvForall sym
+ -- Integer operations
+ , Prims.bpIntAbs = W.intAbs sym
+ , Prims.bpIntAdd = W.intAdd sym
+ , Prims.bpIntSub = W.intSub sym
+ , Prims.bpIntMul = W.intMul sym
+ , Prims.bpIntDiv = W.intDiv sym
+ , Prims.bpIntMod = W.intMod sym
+ , Prims.bpIntNeg = W.intNeg sym
+ , Prims.bpIntEq = W.intEq sym
+ , Prims.bpIntLe = W.intLe sym
+ , Prims.bpIntLt = W.intLt sym
+ , Prims.bpIntMin = intMin sym
+ , Prims.bpIntMax = intMax sym
+ -- Array operations
+ , Prims.bpArrayConstant = arrayConstant sym
+ , Prims.bpArrayLookup = arrayLookup sym
+ , Prims.bpArrayUpdate = arrayUpdate sym
+ , Prims.bpArrayEq = arrayEq sym
+ }
+constMap :: forall sym. Sym sym => sym -> Map Ident (SValue sym)
+constMap sym =
+ Map.union (Prims.constMap (prims sym)) $
+ Map.fromList
+ [
+ -- Shifts
+ ("Prelude.bvShl" , bvShLOp sym)
+ , ("Prelude.bvShr" , bvShROp sym)
+ , ("Prelude.bvSShr", bvSShROp sym)
+ -- Integers
+ , ("Prelude.intToNat", intToNatOp sym)
+ , ("Prelude.natToInt", natToIntOp sym)
+ , ("Prelude.intToBv" , intToBvOp sym)
+ , ("Prelude.bvToInt" , bvToIntOp sym)
+ , ("Prelude.sbvToInt", sbvToIntOp sym)
+ -- Integers mod n
+ , ("Prelude.toIntMod" , toIntModOp)
+ , ("Prelude.fromIntMod", fromIntModOp sym)
+ , ("Prelude.intModEq" , intModEqOp sym)
+ , ("Prelude.intModAdd" , intModBinOp sym W.intAdd)
+ , ("Prelude.intModSub" , intModBinOp sym W.intSub)
+ , ("Prelude.intModMul" , intModBinOp sym W.intMul)
+ , ("Prelude.intModNeg" , intModUnOp sym W.intNeg)
+ -- Streams
+ , ("Prelude.MkStream", mkStreamOp)
+ , ("Prelude.streamGet", streamGetOp sym)
+ -- Misc
+ , ("Prelude.expByNat", Prims.expByNatOp (prims sym))
+ ]
+-- Implementation of constMap primitives
+swBvWidth :: SWord sym -> Int
+swBvWidth x
+ | w <= toInteger (maxBound :: Int) = fromInteger w
+ | otherwise = panic "swBvWidth" ["bitvector too long", show w]
+ where w = SW.bvWidth x
+toBool :: SValue sym -> IO (SBool sym)
+toBool (VBool b) = return b
+toBool x = fail $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.toBool", show x]
+toWord :: forall sym.
+ Sym sym => sym -> SValue sym -> IO (SWord sym)
+toWord _ (VWord w) = return w
+toWord sym (VVector vv) = do
+ -- vec :: Vector (SBool sym))
+ vec1 <- T.traverse force vv
+ vec2 <- T.traverse toBool vec1
+ SW.bvPackBE sym vec2
+toWord _ x = fail $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.toWord", show x]
+wordFun ::
+ Sym sym => sym -> (SWord sym -> IO (SValue sym)) -> SValue sym
+wordFun sym f = strictFun (\x -> f =<< toWord sym x)
+valueToSymExpr :: SValue sym -> Maybe (Some (W.SymExpr sym))
+valueToSymExpr = \case
+ VBool b -> Just $ Some b
+ VInt i -> Just $ Some i
+ VWord (DBV w) -> Just $ Some w
+ VArray (SArray a) -> Just $ Some a
+ _ -> Nothing
+symExprToValue ::
+ IsExpr (SymExpr sym) =>
+ W.BaseTypeRepr tp ->
+ W.SymExpr sym tp ->
+ Maybe (SValue sym)
+symExprToValue tp expr = case tp of
+ BaseBoolRepr -> Just $ VBool expr
+ BaseIntegerRepr -> Just $ VInt expr
+ (BaseBVRepr w) -> Just $ withKnownNat w $ VWord $ DBV expr
+ (BaseArrayRepr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> _) _) -> Just $ VArray $ SArray expr
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- Integer bit/vector conversions
+-- primitive intToNat : Integer -> Nat;
+-- intToNat x == max 0 x
+intToNatOp :: forall sym. Sym sym => sym -> SValue sym
+intToNatOp sym =
+ Prims.intFun "intToNat" $ \i ->
+ case W.asInteger i of
+ Just i'
+ | 0 <= i' -> pure (VNat (fromInteger i'))
+ | otherwise -> pure (VNat 0)
+ Nothing ->
+ do z <- W.intLit sym 0
+ pneg <- W.intLt sym i z
+ i' <- W.intIte sym pneg z i
+ pure (VToNat (VInt i'))
+-- primitive natToInt :: Nat -> Integer;
+natToIntOp :: forall sym. Sym sym => sym -> SValue sym
+natToIntOp sym =
+ Prims.natFun' "natToInt" $ \n ->
+ VInt <$> W.intLit sym (toInteger n)
+-- interpret bitvector as unsigned integer
+-- primitive bvToInt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+bvToIntOp :: forall sym. Sym sym => sym -> SValue sym
+bvToIntOp sym = constFun $ wordFun sym $ \v ->
+ VInt <$> SW.bvToInteger sym v
+-- interpret bitvector as signed integer
+-- primitive sbvToInt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+sbvToIntOp :: forall sym. Sym sym => sym -> SValue sym
+sbvToIntOp sym = constFun $ wordFun sym $ \v ->
+ VInt <$> SW.sbvToInteger sym v
+-- primitive intToBv : (n : Nat) -> Integer -> Vec n Bool;
+intToBvOp :: forall sym. Sym sym => sym -> SValue sym
+intToBvOp sym =
+ Prims.natFun' "intToBv n" $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intFun "intToBv x" $ \(x :: SymInteger sym) ->
+ VWord <$> SW.integerToBV sym x n
+-- Shifts
+-- | Shift left, shifting in copies of the given bit
+bvShl :: IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> Pred sym -> SWord sym -> SWord sym -> IO (SWord sym)
+bvShl sym z w i =
+ W.iteM SW.bvIte sym z
+ (do w' <- SW.bvNot sym w
+ SW.bvNot sym =<< SW.bvShl sym w' i)
+ (SW.bvShl sym w i)
+-- | Shift right, shifting in copies of the given bit
+bvShr :: IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> Pred sym -> SWord sym -> SWord sym -> IO (SWord sym)
+bvShr sym z w i =
+ W.iteM SW.bvIte sym z
+ (do w' <- SW.bvNot sym w
+ SW.bvNot sym =<< SW.bvLshr sym w' i)
+ (SW.bvLshr sym w i)
+liftShift :: IsExprBuilder sym =>
+ sym ->
+ (SWord sym -> SWord sym -> IO (SWord sym)) ->
+ SWord sym -> Integer -> IO (SWord sym)
+liftShift sym f w i =
+ f w =<< SW.bvLit sym (SW.bvWidth w) (i `min` SW.bvWidth w)
+liftRotate :: IsExprBuilder sym =>
+ sym ->
+ (SWord sym -> SWord sym -> IO (SWord sym)) ->
+ SWord sym -> Integer -> IO (SWord sym)
+liftRotate sym f w i =
+ f w =<< SW.bvLit sym (SW.bvWidth w) (i `mod` SW.bvWidth w)
+-- | op : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Nat -> Vec n Bool
+bvShiftOp :: Sym sym => sym ->
+ (SWord sym -> SWord sym -> IO (SWord sym)) ->
+ (SWord sym -> Integer -> IO (SWord sym)) -> SValue sym
+bvShiftOp sym bvOp natOp =
+ constFun $ -- additional argument? the size?
+ wordFun sym $ \x -> -- word to shift
+ return $
+ strictFun $ \y -> -- amount to shift as a nat
+ case y of
+ VNat i -> VWord <$> natOp x j
+ where j = toInteger i `min` SW.bvWidth x
+ VToNat v -> VWord <$> (bvOp x =<< toWord sym v)
+ _ -> error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.bvShiftOp", show y]
+-- bvShl : (w : Nat) -> Vec w Bool -> Nat -> Vec w Bool;
+bvShLOp :: forall sym. Sym sym => sym -> SValue sym
+bvShLOp sym = bvShiftOp sym (SW.bvShl sym)
+ (liftShift sym (SW.bvShl sym))
+-- bvShR : (w : Nat) -> Vec w Bool -> Nat -> Vec w Bool;
+bvShROp :: forall sym. Sym sym => sym -> SValue sym
+bvShROp sym = bvShiftOp sym (SW.bvLshr sym)
+ (liftShift sym (SW.bvLshr sym))
+-- bvSShR : (w : Nat) -> Vec w Bool -> Nat -> Vec w Bool;
+bvSShROp :: forall sym. Sym sym => sym -> SValue sym
+bvSShROp sym = bvShiftOp sym (SW.bvAshr sym)
+ (liftShift sym (SW.bvAshr sym))
+bvForall :: W.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
+ sym -> Natural -> (SWord sym -> IO (Pred sym)) -> IO (Pred sym)
+bvForall sym n f =
+ do let indexSymbol = W.safeSymbol "i"
+ case mkNatRepr n of
+ Some w
+ | Just LeqProof <- testLeq (knownNat @1) w ->
+ withKnownNat w $ do
+ i <- W.freshBoundVar sym indexSymbol $ W.BaseBVRepr w
+ body <- f . DBV $ W.varExpr sym i
+ W.forallPred sym i body
+ | otherwise -> f ZBV
+-- missing integer operations
+intMin :: (IsExprBuilder sym) => sym -> SInt sym -> SInt sym -> IO (SInt sym)
+intMin sym i1 i2 = do
+ p <- W.intLt sym i1 i2
+ W.intIte sym p i1 i2
+intMax :: (IsExprBuilder sym) => sym -> SInt sym -> SInt sym -> IO (SInt sym)
+intMax sym i1 i2 = do
+ p <- W.intLt sym i1 i2
+ W.intIte sym p i2 i1
+-- Integers mod n
+toIntModOp :: SValue sym
+toIntModOp =
+ Prims.natFun' "toIntMod" $ \n -> pure $
+ Prims.intFun "toIntMod" $ \x -> pure $
+ VIntMod n x
+fromIntModOp :: IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> SValue sym
+fromIntModOp sym =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "fromIntModOp" $ \x ->
+ VInt <$> (W.intMod sym x =<< W.intLit sym (toInteger n))
+intModEqOp :: IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> SValue sym
+intModEqOp sym =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModEqOp" $ \x -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModEqOp" $ \y ->
+ do modulus <- W.intLit sym (toInteger n)
+ d <- W.intSub sym x y
+ r <- W.intMod sym d modulus
+ z <- W.intLit sym 0
+ VBool <$> W.intEq sym r z
+intModBinOp ::
+ IsExprBuilder sym => sym ->
+ (sym -> SInt sym -> SInt sym -> IO (SInt sym)) -> SValue sym
+intModBinOp sym f =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModBinOp x" $ \x -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModBinOp y" $ \y ->
+ VIntMod n <$> (normalizeIntMod sym n =<< f sym x y)
+intModUnOp ::
+ IsExprBuilder sym => sym ->
+ (sym -> SInt sym -> IO (SInt sym)) -> SValue sym
+intModUnOp sym f =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModUnOp" $ \x ->
+ VIntMod n <$> (normalizeIntMod sym n =<< f sym x)
+normalizeIntMod :: IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> Natural -> SInt sym -> IO (SInt sym)
+normalizeIntMod sym n x =
+ case W.asInteger x of
+ Nothing -> return x
+ Just i -> W.intLit sym (i `mod` toInteger n)
+-- Stream operations
+-- MkStream :: (a :: sort 0) -> (Nat -> a) -> Stream a;
+mkStreamOp :: SValue sym
+mkStreamOp =
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \f -> do
+ r <- newIORef Map.empty
+ return $ VExtra (SStream (\n -> apply f (ready (VNat n))) r)
+-- streamGet :: (a :: sort 0) -> Stream a -> Nat -> a;
+streamGetOp :: forall sym. Sym sym => sym -> SValue sym
+streamGetOp sym =
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \xs -> return $
+ strictFun $ \case
+ VNat n -> lookupSStream xs n
+ VToNat w ->
+ do ilv <- toWord sym w
+ selectV sym (lazyMux @sym (muxBVal sym)) ((2 ^ SW.bvWidth ilv) - 1) (lookupSStream xs) ilv
+ v -> Prims.panic "streamGetOp" ["Expected Nat value", show v]
+lookupSStream :: SValue sym -> Natural -> IO (SValue sym)
+lookupSStream (VExtra (SStream f r)) n = do
+ m <- readIORef r
+ case Map.lookup n m of
+ Just v -> return v
+ Nothing -> do v <- f n
+ writeIORef r (Map.insert n v m)
+ return v
+lookupSStream _ _ = fail "expected Stream"
+muxBVal :: forall sym. Sym sym =>
+ sym -> SBool sym -> SValue sym -> SValue sym -> IO (SValue sym)
+muxBVal sym = Prims.muxValue (prims sym)
+muxWhat4Extra :: forall sym. Sym sym =>
+ sym -> SBool sym -> What4Extra sym -> What4Extra sym -> IO (What4Extra sym)
+muxWhat4Extra sym c x y =
+ do let f i = do xi <- lookupSStream (VExtra x) i
+ yi <- lookupSStream (VExtra y) i
+ muxBVal sym c xi yi
+ r <- newIORef Map.empty
+ return (SStream f r)
+-- | Lifts a strict mux operation to a lazy mux
+lazyMux :: (IsExpr (SymExpr sym)) =>
+ (SBool sym -> a -> a -> IO a) -> (SBool sym -> IO a -> IO a -> IO a)
+lazyMux muxFn c tm fm =
+ case W.asConstantPred c of
+ Just True -> tm
+ Just False -> fm
+ Nothing -> do
+ t <- tm
+ f <- fm
+ muxFn c t f
+-- selectV merger maxValue valueFn index returns valueFn v when index has value v
+-- if index is greater than maxValue, it returns valueFn maxValue. Use the ite op from merger.
+selectV :: forall sym b.
+ Sym sym =>
+ sym ->
+ (SBool sym -> IO b -> IO b -> IO b) -> Natural -> (Natural -> IO b) -> SWord sym -> IO b
+selectV sym merger maxValue valueFn vx =
+ case SW.bvAsUnsignedInteger vx of
+ Just i -> valueFn (fromInteger i :: Natural)
+ Nothing -> impl (swBvWidth vx) 0
+ where
+ impl :: Int -> Natural -> IO b
+ impl _ x | x > maxValue || x < 0 = valueFn maxValue
+ impl 0 y = valueFn y
+ impl i y = do
+ p <- SW.bvAtBE sym vx (toInteger j)
+ merger p (impl j (y `setBit` j)) (impl j y) where j = i - 1
+instance Show (SArray sym) where
+ show (SArray arr) = show $ W.printSymExpr arr
+arrayConstant ::
+ W.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
+ sym ->
+ TValue (What4 sym) ->
+ SValue sym ->
+ IO (SArray sym)
+arrayConstant sym ity elm
+ | Just (Some idx_repr) <- valueAsBaseType ity
+ , Just (Some elm_expr) <- valueToSymExpr elm =
+ SArray <$> W.constantArray sym (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx_repr) elm_expr
+ | otherwise =
+ panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.Panic.arrayConstant" ["argument type mismatch"]
+arrayLookup ::
+ W.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
+ sym ->
+ SArray sym ->
+ SValue sym ->
+ IO (SValue sym)
+arrayLookup sym arr idx
+ | SArray arr_expr <- arr
+ , Just (Some idx_expr) <- valueToSymExpr idx
+ , W.BaseArrayRepr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx_repr) elm_repr <- W.exprType arr_expr
+ , Just Refl <- testEquality idx_repr (W.exprType idx_expr) = do
+ elm_expr <- W.arrayLookup sym arr_expr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx_expr)
+ maybe
+ (panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.Panic.arrayLookup" ["argument type mismatch"])
+ return
+ (symExprToValue elm_repr elm_expr)
+ | otherwise =
+ panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.Panic.arrayLookup" ["argument type mismatch"]
+arrayUpdate ::
+ W.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
+ sym ->
+ SArray sym ->
+ SValue sym ->
+ SValue sym ->
+ IO (SArray sym)
+arrayUpdate sym arr idx elm
+ | SArray arr_expr <- arr
+ , Just (Some idx_expr) <- valueToSymExpr idx
+ , Just (Some elm_expr) <- valueToSymExpr elm
+ , W.BaseArrayRepr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx_repr) elm_repr <- W.exprType arr_expr
+ , Just Refl <- testEquality idx_repr (W.exprType idx_expr)
+ , Just Refl <- testEquality elm_repr (W.exprType elm_expr) =
+ SArray <$> W.arrayUpdate sym arr_expr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx_expr) elm_expr
+ | otherwise =
+ panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.Panic.arrayUpdate" ["argument type mismatch"]
+arrayEq ::
+ W.IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
+ sym ->
+ SArray sym ->
+ SArray sym ->
+ IO (W.Pred sym)
+arrayEq sym lhs_arr rhs_arr
+ | SArray lhs_arr_expr <- lhs_arr
+ , SArray rhs_arr_expr <- rhs_arr
+ , W.BaseArrayRepr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> lhs_idx_repr) lhs_elm_repr <- W.exprType lhs_arr_expr
+ , W.BaseArrayRepr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> rhs_idx_repr) rhs_elm_repr <- W.exprType rhs_arr_expr
+ , Just Refl <- testEquality lhs_idx_repr rhs_idx_repr
+ , Just Refl <- testEquality lhs_elm_repr rhs_elm_repr =
+ W.arrayEq sym lhs_arr_expr rhs_arr_expr
+ | otherwise =
+ panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.Panic.arrayEq" ["argument type mismatch"]
+-- | A basic symbolic simulator/evaluator: interprets a saw-core Term as
+-- a symbolic value
+w4SolveBasic ::
+ forall sym. IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
+ sym ->
+ SharedContext ->
+ Map Ident (SValue sym) {- ^ additional primitives -} ->
+ Map VarIndex (SValue sym) {- ^ bindings for ExtCns values -} ->
+ IORef (SymFnCache sym) {- ^ cache for uninterpreted function symbols -} ->
+ Set VarIndex {- ^ 'unints' Constants in this list are kept uninterpreted -} ->
+ Term {- ^ term to simulate -} ->
+ IO (SValue sym)
+w4SolveBasic sym sc addlPrims ecMap ref unintSet t =
+ do m <- scGetModuleMap sc
+ let extcns (EC ix nm ty)
+ | Just v <- Map.lookup ix ecMap = return v
+ | otherwise = parseUninterpreted sym ref (mkUnintApp (Text.unpack (toShortName nm) ++ "_" ++ show ix)) ty
+ let uninterpreted ec
+ | Set.member (ecVarIndex ec) unintSet = Just (extcns ec)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ cfg <- Sim.evalGlobal m (constMap sym `Map.union` addlPrims) extcns uninterpreted
+ Sim.evalSharedTerm cfg t
+-- Uninterpreted function cache
+data SymFnWrapper sym :: Ctx.Ctx BaseType -> * where
+ SymFnWrapper :: !(W.SymFn sym args ret) -> SymFnWrapper sym (args Ctx.::> ret)
+type SymFnCache sym = Map W.SolverSymbol (MapF (Assignment BaseTypeRepr) (SymFnWrapper sym))
+lookupSymFn ::
+ W.SolverSymbol -> Assignment BaseTypeRepr args -> BaseTypeRepr ty ->
+ SymFnCache sym -> Maybe (W.SymFn sym args ty)
+lookupSymFn s args ty cache =
+ do m <- Map.lookup s cache
+ SymFnWrapper fn <- MapF.lookup (Ctx.extend args ty) m
+ return fn
+insertSymFn ::
+ W.SolverSymbol -> Assignment BaseTypeRepr args -> BaseTypeRepr ty ->
+ W.SymFn sym args ty -> SymFnCache sym -> SymFnCache sym
+insertSymFn s args ty fn = Map.alter upd s
+ where
+ upd Nothing = Just (MapF.singleton (Ctx.extend args ty) (SymFnWrapper fn))
+ upd (Just m) = Just (MapF.insert (Ctx.extend args ty) (SymFnWrapper fn) m)
+mkSymFn ::
+ forall sym args ret. (IsSymExprBuilder sym) =>
+ sym -> IORef (SymFnCache sym) ->
+ String -> Assignment BaseTypeRepr args -> BaseTypeRepr ret ->
+ IO (W.SymFn sym args ret)
+mkSymFn sym ref nm args ret =
+ do let s = W.safeSymbol nm
+ cache <- readIORef ref
+ case lookupSymFn s args ret cache of
+ Just fn -> return fn
+ Nothing ->
+ do fn <- W.freshTotalUninterpFn sym s args ret
+ writeIORef ref (insertSymFn s args ret fn cache)
+ return fn
+-- Given a constant nm of (saw-core) type ty, construct an uninterpreted
+-- constant with that type.
+-- Importantly: The types of these uninterpreted values are *not*
+-- limited to What4 BaseTypes or FirstOrderTypes.
+parseUninterpreted ::
+ forall sym.
+ (IsSymExprBuilder sym) =>
+ sym -> IORef (SymFnCache sym) ->
+ UnintApp (SymExpr sym) ->
+ TValue (What4 sym) -> IO (SValue sym)
+parseUninterpreted sym ref app ty =
+ case ty of
+ VPiType _ f
+ -> return $
+ strictFun $ \x -> do
+ app' <- applyUnintApp sym app x
+ t2 <- f (ready x)
+ parseUninterpreted sym ref app' t2
+ VBoolType
+ -> VBool <$> mkUninterpreted sym ref app BaseBoolRepr
+ VIntType
+ -> VInt <$> mkUninterpreted sym ref app BaseIntegerRepr
+ VIntModType n
+ -> VIntMod n <$> mkUninterpreted sym ref app BaseIntegerRepr
+ -- 0 width bitvector is a constant
+ VVecType 0 VBoolType
+ -> return $ VWord ZBV
+ VVecType n VBoolType
+ | Just (Some (PosNat w)) <- somePosNat n
+ -> (VWord . DBV) <$> mkUninterpreted sym ref app (BaseBVRepr w)
+ VVecType n ety
+ -> do xs <- sequence $
+ [ parseUninterpreted sym ref (suffixUnintApp ("_a" ++ show i) app) ety
+ | i <- [0 .. n-1] ]
+ return (VVector (V.fromList (map ready xs)))
+ VArrayType ity ety
+ | Just (Some idx_repr) <- valueAsBaseType ity
+ , Just (Some elm_repr) <- valueAsBaseType ety
+ -> (VArray . SArray) <$>
+ mkUninterpreted sym ref app (BaseArrayRepr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx_repr) elm_repr)
+ VUnitType
+ -> return VUnit
+ VPairType ty1 ty2
+ -> do x1 <- parseUninterpreted sym ref (suffixUnintApp "_L" app) ty1
+ x2 <- parseUninterpreted sym ref (suffixUnintApp "_R" app) ty2
+ return (VPair (ready x1) (ready x2))
+ VRecordType elem_tps
+ -> (VRecordValue <$>
+ mapM (\(f,tp) ->
+ (f,) <$> ready <$>
+ parseUninterpreted sym ref (suffixUnintApp ("_" ++ Text.unpack f) app) tp) elem_tps)
+ _ -> fail $ "could not create uninterpreted symbol of type " ++ show ty
+mkUninterpreted ::
+ forall sym t. (IsSymExprBuilder sym) =>
+ sym -> IORef (SymFnCache sym) ->
+ UnintApp (SymExpr sym) ->
+ BaseTypeRepr t ->
+ IO (SymExpr sym t)
+mkUninterpreted sym ref (UnintApp nm args tys) ret =
+ do fn <- mkSymFn sym ref nm tys ret
+ W.applySymFn sym fn args
+-- | A value of type @UnintApp f@ represents an uninterpreted function
+-- with the given 'String' name, applied to a list of argument values
+-- paired with a representation of their types. The context of
+-- argument types is existentially quantified.
+data UnintApp f =
+ forall args. UnintApp String (Assignment f args) (Assignment BaseTypeRepr args)
+-- | Extract the string from an 'UnintApp'.
+stringOfUnintApp :: UnintApp f -> String
+stringOfUnintApp (UnintApp s _ _) = s
+-- | Make an 'UnintApp' with the given name and no arguments.
+mkUnintApp :: String -> UnintApp f
+mkUnintApp nm = UnintApp nm Ctx.empty Ctx.empty
+-- | Add a suffix to the function name of an 'UnintApp'.
+suffixUnintApp :: String -> UnintApp f -> UnintApp f
+suffixUnintApp s (UnintApp nm args tys) = UnintApp (nm ++ s) args tys
+-- | Extend an 'UnintApp' with an additional argument.
+extendUnintApp :: UnintApp f -> f ty -> BaseTypeRepr ty -> UnintApp f
+extendUnintApp (UnintApp nm xs tys) x ty =
+ UnintApp nm (Ctx.extend xs x) (Ctx.extend tys ty)
+-- | Flatten an 'SValue' to a sequence of components, each of which is
+-- a symbolic value of a base type (e.g. word or boolean), and add
+-- them to the list of arguments of the given 'UnintApp'. If the
+-- 'SValue' contains any values built from data constructors, then
+-- encode them as suffixes on the function name of the 'UnintApp'.
+applyUnintApp ::
+ forall sym.
+ (W.IsExprBuilder sym) =>
+ sym ->
+ UnintApp (SymExpr sym) ->
+ SValue sym ->
+ IO (UnintApp (SymExpr sym))
+applyUnintApp sym app0 v =
+ case v of
+ VUnit -> return app0
+ VPair x y -> do app1 <- applyUnintApp sym app0 =<< force x
+ app2 <- applyUnintApp sym app1 =<< force y
+ return app2
+ VRecordValue elems -> foldM (applyUnintApp sym) app0 =<< traverse (force . snd) elems
+ VVector xv -> foldM (applyUnintApp sym) app0 =<< traverse force xv
+ VBool sb -> return (extendUnintApp app0 sb BaseBoolRepr)
+ VInt si -> return (extendUnintApp app0 si BaseIntegerRepr)
+ VIntMod 0 si -> return (extendUnintApp app0 si BaseIntegerRepr)
+ VIntMod n si -> do n' <- W.intLit sym (toInteger n)
+ si' <- W.intMod sym si n'
+ return (extendUnintApp app0 si' BaseIntegerRepr)
+ VWord (DBV sw) -> return (extendUnintApp app0 sw (W.exprType sw))
+ VArray (SArray sa) -> return (extendUnintApp app0 sa (W.exprType sa))
+ VWord ZBV -> return app0
+ VCtorApp i xv -> foldM (applyUnintApp sym) app' =<< traverse force xv
+ where app' = suffixUnintApp ("_" ++ identName i) app0
+ VNat n -> return (suffixUnintApp ("_" ++ show n) app0)
+ TValue (suffixTValue -> Just s)
+ -> return (suffixUnintApp s app0)
+ VFun _ ->
+ fail $
+ "Cannot create uninterpreted higher-order function " ++
+ show (stringOfUnintApp app0)
+ _ ->
+ fail $
+ "Cannot create uninterpreted function " ++
+ show (stringOfUnintApp app0) ++
+ " with argument " ++ show v
+w4Solve :: forall sym.
+ IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
+ sym ->
+ SharedContext ->
+ SATQuery ->
+ IO ([ExtCns Term], [FirstOrderType], [Labeler sym], SBool sym)
+w4Solve sym sc satq =
+ do t <- satQueryAsTerm sc satq
+ let varList = Map.toList (satVariables satq)
+ let argNames = map fst varList
+ let argTys = map snd varList
+ vars <- evalStateT (traverse (traverse (newVarFOT sym)) varList) 0
+ let lbls = map (fst . snd) vars
+ let varMap = Map.fromList [ (ecVarIndex ec, v) | (ec, (_,v)) <- vars ]
+ ref <- newIORef Map.empty
+ bval <- w4SolveBasic sym sc mempty varMap ref (satUninterp satq) t
+ case bval of
+ VBool v -> return (argNames, argTys, lbls, v)
+ _ -> fail $ "w4Solve: non-boolean result type. " ++ show bval
+-- Pull out argument types until bottoming out at a non-Pi type
+argTypes :: IsSymExprBuilder sym => TValue (What4 sym) -> IO [TValue (What4 sym)]
+argTypes v =
+ case v of
+ VPiType v1 f ->
+ do x <- delay (fail "argTypes: unsupported dependent SAW-Core type")
+ v2 <- f x
+ vs <- argTypes v2
+ return (v1 : vs)
+ _ -> return []
+-- Convert a saw-core type expression to a FirstOrder type expression
+vAsFirstOrderType :: forall sym. IsSymExprBuilder sym => TValue (What4 sym) -> Maybe FirstOrderType
+vAsFirstOrderType v =
+ case v of
+ VBoolType
+ -> return FOTBit
+ VIntType
+ -> return FOTInt
+ VIntModType n
+ -> return (FOTIntMod n)
+ VVecType n v2
+ -> FOTVec n <$> vAsFirstOrderType v2
+ VArrayType iv ev
+ -> FOTArray <$> vAsFirstOrderType iv <*> vAsFirstOrderType ev
+ VUnitType
+ -> return (FOTTuple [])
+ VPairType v1 v2
+ -> do t1 <- vAsFirstOrderType v1
+ t2 <- vAsFirstOrderType v2
+ case t2 of
+ FOTTuple ts -> return (FOTTuple (t1 : ts))
+ _ -> return (FOTTuple [t1, t2])
+ VRecordType tps
+ -> (FOTRec <$> Map.fromList <$>
+ mapM (\(f,tp) -> (f,) <$> vAsFirstOrderType tp) tps)
+ _ -> Nothing
+valueAsBaseType :: IsSymExprBuilder sym => TValue (What4 sym) -> Maybe (Some W.BaseTypeRepr)
+valueAsBaseType v = fotToBaseType =<< vAsFirstOrderType v
+-- | Generate a new symbolic value (a variable) from a given first-order-type
+data TypedExpr sym where
+ TypedExpr :: BaseTypeRepr ty -> SymExpr sym ty -> TypedExpr sym
+-- | Create a fresh constant with the given name and type.
+mkConstant ::
+ forall sym ty.
+ (IsSymExprBuilder sym) =>
+ sym -> String -> BaseTypeRepr ty -> IO (SymExpr sym ty)
+mkConstant sym name ty = W.freshConstant sym (W.safeSymbol name) ty
+-- | Generate a new variable from a given BaseType
+freshVar :: forall sym ty. IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
+ sym -> BaseTypeRepr ty -> String -> IO (TypedExpr sym)
+freshVar sym ty str =
+ do c <- mkConstant sym str ty
+ return (TypedExpr ty c)
+nextId :: StateT Int IO String
+nextId = ST.get >>= (\s-> modify (+1) >> return ("x" ++ show s))
+newVarsForType :: forall sym. IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
+ sym ->
+ IORef (SymFnCache sym) ->
+ TValue (What4 sym) -> String -> StateT Int IO (Maybe (Labeler sym), SValue sym)
+newVarsForType sym ref v nm =
+ case vAsFirstOrderType v of
+ Just fot -> do
+ do (te,sv) <- newVarFOT sym fot
+ return (Just te, sv)
+ Nothing ->
+ do sv <- lift $ parseUninterpreted sym ref (mkUnintApp nm) v
+ return (Nothing, sv)
+myfun ::(Map FieldName (Labeler sym, SValue sym)) -> (Map FieldName (Labeler sym), Map FieldName (SValue sym))
+myfun = fmap fst A.&&& fmap snd
+data Labeler sym
+ = BaseLabel (TypedExpr sym)
+ | ZeroWidthBVLabel
+ | IntModLabel Natural (SymInteger sym)
+ | VecLabel (Vector (Labeler sym))
+ | TupleLabel (Vector (Labeler sym))
+ | RecLabel (Map FieldName (Labeler sym))
+newVarFOT :: forall sym. IsSymExprBuilder sym =>
+ sym -> FirstOrderType -> StateT Int IO (Labeler sym, SValue sym)
+newVarFOT sym (FOTTuple ts) = do
+ (labels,vals) <- V.unzip <$> traverse (newVarFOT sym) (V.fromList ts)
+ args <- traverse (return . ready) (V.toList vals)
+ return (TupleLabel labels, vTuple args)
+newVarFOT _sym (FOTVec 0 FOTBit)
+ = return (ZeroWidthBVLabel, VWord ZBV)
+newVarFOT sym (FOTVec n tp)
+ | tp /= FOTBit
+ = do (labels,vals) <- V.unzip <$> V.replicateM (fromIntegral n) (newVarFOT sym tp)
+ args <- traverse @Vector @(StateT Int IO) (return . ready) vals
+ return (VecLabel labels, VVector args)
+newVarFOT sym (FOTRec tm)
+ = do (labels, vals) <- myfun <$> traverse (newVarFOT sym) tm
+ args <- traverse (return . ready) (vals :: (Map FieldName (SValue sym)))
+ return (RecLabel labels, vRecord args)
+newVarFOT sym (FOTIntMod n)
+ = do nm <- nextId
+ let r = BaseIntegerRepr
+ si <- lift $ mkConstant sym nm r
+ return (IntModLabel n si, VIntMod n si)
+newVarFOT sym fot
+ | Just (Some r) <- fotToBaseType fot
+ = do nm <- nextId
+ te <- lift $ freshVar sym r nm
+ sv <- lift $ typedToSValue te
+ return (BaseLabel te, sv)
+ | otherwise
+ = fail ("Cannot create What4 variable of type: " ++ show fot)
+typedToSValue :: (IsExpr (SymExpr sym)) => TypedExpr sym -> IO (SValue sym)
+typedToSValue (TypedExpr ty expr) =
+ maybe (fail ("Cannot handle " ++ show ty)) return $ symExprToValue ty expr
+getLabelValues ::
+ forall sym t.
+ (SymExpr sym ~ B.Expr t) =>
+ GroundEvalFn t -> Labeler sym -> IO FirstOrderValue
+getLabelValues f =
+ \case
+ TupleLabel labels ->
+ FOVTuple <$> traverse (getLabelValues f) (V.toList labels)
+ VecLabel labels ->
+ FOVVec vty <$> traverse (getLabelValues f) (V.toList labels)
+ where vty = error "TODO: compute vector type, or just store it"
+ RecLabel labels ->
+ FOVRec <$> traverse (getLabelValues f) labels
+ IntModLabel n x ->
+ FOVIntMod n <$> groundEval f x
+ ZeroWidthBVLabel -> pure $ FOVWord 0 0
+ BaseLabel (TypedExpr ty bv) ->
+ do gv <- groundEval f bv
+ case (groundToFOV ty gv) of
+ Left err -> fail err
+ Right fov -> pure fov
+-- Evaluation through crucible-saw backend
+-- | Simplify a saw-core term by evaluating it through the saw backend
+-- of what4.
+w4EvalAny ::
+ forall n st fs.
+ B.ExprBuilder n st fs ->
+ SAWCoreState n ->
+ SharedContext ->
+ Map Ident (SValue (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)) -> Set VarIndex -> Term ->
+ IO ([String], ([Maybe (Labeler (B.ExprBuilder n st fs))], SValue (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)))
+w4EvalAny sym st sc ps unintSet t =
+ do modmap <- scGetModuleMap sc
+ ref <- newIORef Map.empty
+ let eval = w4EvalBasic sym st sc modmap ps ref unintSet
+ ty <- eval =<< scTypeOf sc t
+ -- get the names of the arguments to the function
+ let lamNames = map (Text.unpack . fst) (fst (R.asLambdaList t))
+ let varNames = [ "var" ++ show (i :: Integer) | i <- [0 ..] ]
+ let argNames = zipWith (++) varNames (map ("_" ++) lamNames ++ repeat "")
+ -- and their types
+ argTs <- argTypes (toTValue ty)
+ -- construct symbolic expressions for the variables
+ vars' <-
+ flip evalStateT 0 $
+ sequence (zipWith (newVarsForType sym ref) argTs argNames)
+ -- symbolically evaluate
+ bval <- eval t
+ -- apply and existentially quantify
+ let (bvs, vars) = unzip vars'
+ let vars'' = fmap ready vars
+ bval' <- applyAll bval vars''
+ return (argNames, (bvs, bval'))
+w4Eval ::
+ forall n st fs.
+ B.ExprBuilder n st fs ->
+ SAWCoreState n ->
+ SharedContext ->
+ Map Ident (SValue (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)) -> Set VarIndex -> Term ->
+ IO ([String], ([Maybe (Labeler (B.ExprBuilder n st fs))], SBool (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)))
+w4Eval sym st sc ps uintSet t =
+ do (argNames, (bvs, bval)) <- w4EvalAny sym st sc ps uintSet t
+ case bval of
+ VBool b -> return (argNames, (bvs, b))
+ _ -> fail $ "w4Eval: non-boolean result type. " ++ show bval
+-- | Simplify a saw-core term by evaluating it through the saw backend
+-- of what4.
+w4EvalBasic ::
+ forall n st fs.
+ B.ExprBuilder n st fs ->
+ SAWCoreState n ->
+ SharedContext ->
+ ModuleMap ->
+ Map Ident (SValue (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)) {- ^ additional primitives -} ->
+ IORef (SymFnCache (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)) {- ^ cache for uninterpreted function symbols -} ->
+ Set VarIndex {- ^ 'unints' Constants in this list are kept uninterpreted -} ->
+ Term {- ^ term to simulate -} ->
+ IO (SValue (B.ExprBuilder n st fs))
+w4EvalBasic sym st sc m addlPrims ref unintSet t =
+ do let extcns tf (EC ix nm ty) =
+ do trm <- ArgTermConst <$> scTermF sc tf
+ parseUninterpretedSAW sym st sc ref trm
+ (mkUnintApp (Text.unpack (toShortName nm) ++ "_" ++ show ix)) ty
+ let uninterpreted tf ec
+ | Set.member (ecVarIndex ec) unintSet = Just (extcns tf ec)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ cfg <- Sim.evalGlobal' m (constMap sym `Map.union` addlPrims) extcns uninterpreted
+ Sim.evalSharedTerm cfg t
+-- | Evaluate a saw-core term to a What4 value for the purposes of
+-- using it as an input for symbolic simulation. This will evaluate
+-- primitives, but will cancel evaluation and return the associated
+-- 'NameInfo' if it encounters a constant value with an 'ExtCns'
+-- that is not accepted by the filter.
+w4SimulatorEval ::
+ forall n st fs.
+ B.ExprBuilder n st fs ->
+ SAWCoreState n ->
+ SharedContext ->
+ ModuleMap ->
+ Map Ident (SValue (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)) {- ^ additional primitives -} ->
+ IORef (SymFnCache (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)) {- ^ cache for uninterpreted function symbols -} ->
+ (ExtCns (TValue (What4 (B.ExprBuilder n st fs))) -> Bool)
+ {- ^ Filter for constant values. True means unfold, false means halt evaluation. -} ->
+ Term {- ^ term to simulate -} ->
+ IO (Either NameInfo (SValue (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)))
+w4SimulatorEval sym st sc m addlPrims ref constantFilter t =
+ do let extcns tf (EC ix nm ty) =
+ do trm <- ArgTermConst <$> scTermF sc tf
+ parseUninterpretedSAW sym st sc ref trm (mkUnintApp (Text.unpack (toShortName nm) ++ "_" ++ show ix)) ty
+ let uninterpreted _tf ec =
+ if constantFilter ec then Nothing else Just (X.throwIO (NeutralTermEx (ecName ec)))
+ res <- X.try $ do
+ cfg <- Sim.evalGlobal' m (constMap sym `Map.union` addlPrims) extcns uninterpreted
+ Sim.evalSharedTerm cfg t
+ case res of
+ Left (NeutralTermEx nmi) -> pure (Left nmi)
+ Right x -> pure (Right x)
+data NeutralTermException = NeutralTermEx NameInfo deriving Show
+instance X.Exception NeutralTermException
+-- | Given a constant nm of (saw-core) type ty, construct an
+-- uninterpreted constant with that type. The 'Term' argument should
+-- be an open term, which should have the designated return type when
+-- the local variables have the corresponding types from the
+-- 'Assignment'.
+parseUninterpretedSAW ::
+ forall n st fs.
+ B.ExprBuilder n st fs ->
+ SAWCoreState n ->
+ SharedContext ->
+ IORef (SymFnCache (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)) ->
+ ArgTerm {- ^ representation of function applied to arguments -} ->
+ UnintApp (SymExpr (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)) ->
+ TValue (What4 (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)) {- ^ return type -} ->
+ IO (SValue (B.ExprBuilder n st fs))
+parseUninterpretedSAW sym st sc ref trm app ty =
+ case ty of
+ VPiType t1 f
+ -> return $
+ strictFun $ \x -> do
+ app' <- applyUnintApp sym app x
+ arg <- mkArgTerm sc t1 x
+ let trm' = ArgTermApply trm arg
+ t2 <- f (ready x)
+ parseUninterpretedSAW sym st sc ref trm' app' t2
+ VBoolType
+ -> VBool <$> mkUninterpretedSAW sym st ref trm app BaseBoolRepr
+ VIntType
+ -> VInt <$> mkUninterpretedSAW sym st ref trm app BaseIntegerRepr
+ -- 0 width bitvector is a constant
+ VVecType 0 VBoolType
+ -> return $ VWord ZBV
+ VVecType n VBoolType
+ | Just (Some (PosNat w)) <- somePosNat n
+ -> (VWord . DBV) <$> mkUninterpretedSAW sym st ref trm app (BaseBVRepr w)
+ VVecType n ety | n >= 0
+ -> do ety' <- termOfTValue sc ety
+ let mkElem i =
+ do let trm' = ArgTermAt n ety' trm i
+ let app' = suffixUnintApp ("_a" ++ show i) app
+ parseUninterpretedSAW sym st sc ref trm' app' ety
+ xs <- traverse mkElem (genericTake n [0 ..])
+ return (VVector (V.fromList (map ready xs)))
+ VArrayType ity ety
+ | Just (Some idx_repr) <- valueAsBaseType ity
+ , Just (Some elm_repr) <- valueAsBaseType ety
+ -> (VArray . SArray) <$>
+ mkUninterpretedSAW sym st ref trm app (BaseArrayRepr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx_repr) elm_repr)
+ VUnitType
+ -> return VUnit
+ VPairType ty1 ty2
+ -> do let trm1 = ArgTermPairLeft trm
+ let trm2 = ArgTermPairRight trm
+ x1 <- parseUninterpretedSAW sym st sc ref trm1 (suffixUnintApp "_L" app) ty1
+ x2 <- parseUninterpretedSAW sym st sc ref trm2 (suffixUnintApp "_R" app) ty2
+ return (VPair (ready x1) (ready x2))
+ _ -> fail $ "could not create uninterpreted symbol of type " ++ show ty
+mkUninterpretedSAW ::
+ forall n st fs t.
+ B.ExprBuilder n st fs ->
+ SAWCoreState n ->
+ IORef (SymFnCache (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)) ->
+ ArgTerm ->
+ UnintApp (SymExpr (B.ExprBuilder n st fs)) ->
+ BaseTypeRepr t ->
+ IO (SymExpr (B.ExprBuilder n st fs) t)
+mkUninterpretedSAW sym st ref trm (UnintApp nm args tys) ret =
+ do fn <- mkSymFn sym ref nm tys ret
+ sawRegisterSymFunInterp st fn (reconstructArgTerm trm)
+ W.applySymFn sym fn args
+-- | An 'ArgTerm' is a description of how to reassemble a saw-core
+-- term from a list of the atomic components it is composed of.
+data ArgTerm
+ = ArgTermVar
+ | ArgTermBVZero -- ^ scBvNat 0 0
+ | ArgTermVector Term [ArgTerm] -- ^ element type, elements
+ | ArgTermUnit
+ | ArgTermPair ArgTerm ArgTerm
+ | ArgTermRecord [(FieldName, ArgTerm)]
+ | ArgTermConst Term
+ | ArgTermApply ArgTerm ArgTerm
+ | ArgTermAt Natural Term ArgTerm Natural
+ -- ^ length, element type, list, index
+ | ArgTermPairLeft ArgTerm
+ | ArgTermPairRight ArgTerm
+-- | Reassemble a saw-core term from an 'ArgTerm' and a list of parts.
+-- The length of the list should be equal to the number of
+-- 'ArgTermVar' constructors in the 'ArgTerm'.
+reconstructArgTerm :: ArgTerm -> SharedContext -> [Term] -> IO Term
+reconstructArgTerm atrm sc ts =
+ do (t, unused) <- parse atrm ts
+ unless (null unused) $ fail "reconstructArgTerm: too many function arguments"
+ return t
+ where
+ parse :: ArgTerm -> [Term] -> IO (Term, [Term])
+ parse at ts0 =
+ case at of
+ ArgTermVar ->
+ case ts0 of
+ x : ts1 -> return (x, ts1)
+ [] -> fail "reconstructArgTerm: too few function arguments"
+ ArgTermBVZero ->
+ do z <- scNat sc 0
+ x <- scBvNat sc z z
+ return (x, ts0)
+ ArgTermVector ty ats ->
+ do (xs, ts1) <- parseList ats ts0
+ x <- scVector sc ty xs
+ return (x, ts1)
+ ArgTermUnit ->
+ do x <- scUnitValue sc
+ return (x, ts0)
+ ArgTermPair at1 at2 ->
+ do (x1, ts1) <- parse at1 ts0
+ (x2, ts2) <- parse at2 ts1
+ x <- scPairValue sc x1 x2
+ return (x, ts2)
+ ArgTermRecord flds ->
+ do let (tags, ats) = unzip flds
+ (xs, ts1) <- parseList ats ts0
+ x <- scRecord sc (Map.fromList (zip tags xs))
+ return (x, ts1)
+ ArgTermConst x ->
+ do return (x, ts0)
+ ArgTermApply at1 at2 ->
+ do (x1, ts1) <- parse at1 ts0
+ (x2, ts2) <- parse at2 ts1
+ x <- scApply sc x1 x2
+ return (x, ts2)
+ ArgTermAt n ty at1 i ->
+ do n' <- scNat sc n
+ (x1, ts1) <- parse at1 ts0
+ i' <- scNat sc i
+ x <- scAt sc n' ty x1 i'
+ return (x, ts1)
+ ArgTermPairLeft at1 ->
+ do (x1, ts1) <- parse at1 ts0
+ x <- scPairLeft sc x1
+ return (x, ts1)
+ ArgTermPairRight at1 ->
+ do (x1, ts1) <- parse at1 ts0
+ x <- scPairRight sc x1
+ return (x, ts1)
+ parseList :: [ArgTerm] -> [Term] -> IO ([Term], [Term])
+ parseList [] ts0 = return ([], ts0)
+ parseList (at : ats) ts0 =
+ do (x, ts1) <- parse at ts0
+ (xs, ts2) <- parseList ats ts1
+ return (x : xs, ts2)
+-- | Given a type and value encoded as 'SValue's, construct an
+-- 'ArgTerm' that builds a term of that type from local variables with
+-- base types. The number of 'ArgTermVar' constructors should match
+-- the number of arguments appended by 'applyUnintApp'.
+mkArgTerm :: SharedContext -> TValue (What4 sym) -> SValue sym -> IO ArgTerm
+mkArgTerm sc ty val =
+ case (ty, val) of
+ (VBoolType, VBool _) -> return ArgTermVar
+ (VIntType, VInt _) -> return ArgTermVar
+ (_, VWord ZBV) -> return ArgTermBVZero -- 0-width bitvector is a constant
+ (_, VWord (DBV _)) -> return ArgTermVar
+ (VUnitType, VUnit) -> return ArgTermUnit
+ (VVecType _ ety, VVector vv) ->
+ do vs <- traverse force (V.toList vv)
+ xs <- traverse (mkArgTerm sc ety) vs
+ ety' <- termOfTValue sc ety
+ return (ArgTermVector ety' xs)
+ (VPairType ty1 ty2, VPair v1 v2) ->
+ do x1 <- mkArgTerm sc ty1 =<< force v1
+ x2 <- mkArgTerm sc ty2 =<< force v2
+ return (ArgTermPair x1 x2)
+ (VRecordType tys, VRecordValue flds) | map fst tys == map fst flds ->
+ do let tags = map fst tys
+ vs <- traverse (force . snd) flds
+ xs <- sequence [ mkArgTerm sc t v | (t, v) <- zip (map snd tys) vs ]
+ return (ArgTermRecord (zip tags xs))
+ (_, VCtorApp i vv) ->
+ do xs <- traverse (termOfSValue sc <=< force) (V.toList vv)
+ x <- scCtorApp sc i xs
+ return (ArgTermConst x)
+ _ -> fail $ "could not create uninterpreted function argument of type " ++ show ty
+termOfTValue :: SharedContext -> TValue (What4 sym) -> IO Term
+termOfTValue sc val =
+ case val of
+ VBoolType -> scBoolType sc
+ VIntType -> scIntegerType sc
+ VUnitType -> scUnitType sc
+ VVecType n a ->
+ do n' <- scNat sc n
+ a' <- termOfTValue sc a
+ scVecType sc n' a'
+ VPairType a b
+ -> do a' <- termOfTValue sc a
+ b' <- termOfTValue sc b
+ scPairType sc a' b'
+ VRecordType flds
+ -> do flds' <- traverse (traverse (termOfTValue sc)) flds
+ scRecordType sc flds'
+ _ -> fail $ "termOfTValue: " ++ show val
+termOfSValue :: SharedContext -> SValue sym -> IO Term
+termOfSValue sc val =
+ case val of
+ VUnit -> scUnitValue sc
+ VNat n
+ -> scNat sc n
+ TValue tv -> termOfTValue sc tv
+ _ -> fail $ "termOfSValue: " ++ show val
diff --git a/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/FirstOrder.hs b/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/FirstOrder.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd010bba89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/FirstOrder.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+-- |
+-- Module : Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.FirstOrder
+-- Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+-- License : BSD3
+-- Maintainer : sweirich@galois.com
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+-- Connect What4's 'BaseType' with saw-core's 'FirstOrderType'
+-- (both types and values of Base/FirstOrder type)
+-- TODO NOTE: support for tuples, arrays and records is not complete
+-- but is also unused in Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.FirstOrder
+ (
+ fotToBaseType,
+ typeReprToFOT,
+ groundToFOV
+ ) where
+import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
+import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC (FoldableFC(..))
+import Data.Parameterized.Some(Some(..))
+import Data.Parameterized.Context hiding (replicate)
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.PosNat
+import Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue (FirstOrderType(..),FirstOrderValue(..))
+import What4.BaseTypes
+import What4.Expr.GroundEval
+-- | Convert a type expression from SAW-core to What4
+fotToBaseType :: FirstOrderType -> Maybe (Some BaseTypeRepr)
+fotToBaseType FOTBit
+ = Just (Some BaseBoolRepr)
+fotToBaseType FOTInt
+ = Just (Some BaseIntegerRepr)
+fotToBaseType (FOTIntMod _n)
+ = Just (Some BaseIntegerRepr)
+fotToBaseType (FOTVec nat FOTBit)
+ | Just (Some (PosNat nr)) <- somePosNat nat
+ = Just (Some (BaseBVRepr nr))
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+fotToBaseType (FOTVec nat fot)
+ | Just (Some assn) <- listToAssn (replicate (fromIntegral nat) fot)
+ = Just (Some (BaseStructRepr assn))
+fotToBaseType (FOTArray fot1 fot2)
+ | Just (Some ty1) <- fotToBaseType fot1
+ , Just (Some ty2) <- fotToBaseType fot2
+ = Just (Some (BaseArrayRepr (Empty :> ty1) ty2))
+fotToBaseType (FOTTuple fots)
+ | Just (Some assn) <- listToAssn fots
+ = Just (Some (BaseStructRepr assn))
+-- TODO: convert to What4 records ?!
+fotToBaseType _ = Nothing
+listToAssn :: [FirstOrderType] -> Maybe (Some (Assignment BaseTypeRepr))
+listToAssn [] = Just (Some empty)
+listToAssn (fot:rest) =
+ case (fotToBaseType fot, listToAssn rest) of
+ (Just (Some bt), Just (Some assn)) -> Just (Some (extend assn bt))
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- | Convert a type expression from What4 to SAW-core
+typeReprToFOT :: BaseTypeRepr ty -> Either String FirstOrderType
+typeReprToFOT BaseBoolRepr = pure FOTBit
+typeReprToFOT BaseIntegerRepr = pure FOTInt
+typeReprToFOT (BaseBVRepr w) = pure $ FOTVec (natValue w) FOTBit
+typeReprToFOT BaseRealRepr = Left "No FO Real"
+typeReprToFOT BaseComplexRepr = Left "No FO Complex"
+typeReprToFOT (BaseStringRepr _) = Left "No FO String"
+typeReprToFOT (BaseArrayRepr (Empty :> ty) b)
+ | Right fot1 <- typeReprToFOT ty
+ , Right fot2 <- typeReprToFOT b
+ = pure $ FOTArray fot1 fot2
+typeReprToFOT ty@(BaseArrayRepr _ctx _b) = Left $ "Unsupported FO Array: " ++ show ty
+typeReprToFOT (BaseFloatRepr _) = Left "No FO Floating point"
+typeReprToFOT (BaseStructRepr ctx) = FOTTuple <$> assnToList ctx
+assnToList :: Assignment BaseTypeRepr ctx -> Either String [FirstOrderType]
+assnToList = foldrFC g (Right []) where
+ g :: BaseTypeRepr x -> Either String [FirstOrderType] -> Either String [FirstOrderType]
+ g ty l = (:) <$> typeReprToFOT ty <*> l
+-- | Convert between What4 GroundValues and saw-core FirstOrderValues
+groundToFOV :: BaseTypeRepr ty -> GroundValue ty -> Either String FirstOrderValue
+groundToFOV BaseBoolRepr b = pure $ FOVBit b
+groundToFOV BaseIntegerRepr i = pure $ FOVInt i
+groundToFOV (BaseBVRepr w) bv = pure $ FOVWord (natValue w) (BV.asUnsigned bv)
+groundToFOV BaseRealRepr _ = Left "Real is not FOV"
+groundToFOV BaseComplexRepr _ = Left "Complex is not FOV"
+groundToFOV (BaseStringRepr _) _ = Left "String is not FOV"
+groundToFOV (BaseFloatRepr _) _ = Left "Floating point is not FOV"
+groundToFOV (BaseArrayRepr (Empty :> ty) b) _
+ | Right fot1 <- typeReprToFOT ty
+ , Right fot2 <- typeReprToFOT b
+ = pure $ FOVArray fot1 fot2
+groundToFOV (BaseArrayRepr _idx _b) _ = Left "Unsupported FOV Array"
+groundToFOV (BaseStructRepr ctx) tup = FOVTuple <$> tupleToList ctx tup
+tupleToList :: Assignment BaseTypeRepr ctx ->
+ Assignment GroundValueWrapper ctx -> Either String [FirstOrderValue]
+tupleToList (viewAssign -> AssignEmpty) (viewAssign -> AssignEmpty) = Right []
+tupleToList (viewAssign -> AssignExtend rs r) (viewAssign -> AssignExtend gvs gv) =
+ (:) <$> groundToFOV r (unGVW gv) <*> tupleToList rs gvs
+tupleToList _ _ = error "GADTs should rule this out."
diff --git a/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/Panic.hs b/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/Panic.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..635f1f500c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/Panic.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.Panic
+ ( panic
+ ) where
+import Panic hiding (panic)
+import qualified Panic
+data SAWCoreWhat4 = SAWCoreWhat4
+panic :: HasCallStack => String -> [String] -> a
+panic = Panic.panic SAWCoreWhat4
+instance PanicComponent SAWCoreWhat4 where
+ panicComponentName _ = "SAWCoreWhat4"
+ panicComponentIssues _ = "https://github.com/GaloisInc/saw-core-what4/issues"
+ {-# Noinline panicComponentRevision #-}
+ panicComponentRevision = $useGitRevision
diff --git a/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/PosNat.hs b/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/PosNat.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8f842f5dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/PosNat.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+-- |
+-- Module : Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.PosNat
+-- Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2018
+-- License : BSD3
+-- Maintainer : sweirich@galois.com
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+-- A runtime representation of positive nats
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+-- This module makes use of 'KnownNat' constraints in its interface as
+-- opposed to arguments of type 'NatRepr' or 'PosNatRepr'
+-- (cf. 'addPosNat'). As a result, we need two
+-- to allow implicitly provided nats
+{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
+-- to allow 'WithKnownNat'
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-warnings-deprecations #-}
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.PosNat where
+-- TODO: find the right place for this code
+import GHC.TypeNats
+import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
+import Data.Parameterized.Some(Some(..))
+-- We include the KnownNat constraint here so that we can avoid using
+-- withKnownNat outside this module. The downside is that we have two
+-- different runtime representations of these positive nats --- the
+-- one stored in the KnownNat, and the one stored in the NatRepr.
+-- | Runtime representation of a non-zero natural number
+data PosNat (n :: Nat) where
+ PosNat :: (1 <= n, KnownNat n) => NatRepr n -> PosNat n
+-- | Check whether an integer is a positive nat
+somePosNat :: Integral a => a -> Maybe (Some PosNat)
+somePosNat n
+ | Just (Some nr) <- someNat n,
+ Just LeqProof <- testLeq (knownNat @1) nr
+ = withKnownNat nr $ Just (Some (PosNat nr))
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+-- The above definition should be added to
+-- 'Data.Parameterized.NatRepr' so that the redundant check for
+-- positivity can be removed. Annoyingly, we cannot do 'testLeq'
+-- without already knowing that w >= 0)
+-- | Add two numbers together and return a proof that their
+-- result is positive.
+addPosNat :: forall w1 w2.
+ (1 <= w1, 1 <= w2, KnownNat w1, KnownNat w2) => PosNat (w1 + w2)
+addPosNat =
+ let w1 = knownNat @w1
+ w2 = knownNat @w2
+ sm = addNat w1 w2 in
+ case leqAddPos w1 w2 of
+ LeqProof -> withKnownNat sm $ PosNat sm
+-- I would hope that the 'leqAddPos' call can be compiled away...
+--- Not needed but included for completeness
+-- | Compare for equality, returning witness if true
+instance TestEquality PosNat where
+ testEquality (PosNat n1) (PosNat n2) =
+ case testEquality n1 n2 of
+ Just Refl -> Just Refl
+ Nothing -> Nothing
diff --git a/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/ReturnTrip.hs b/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/ReturnTrip.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad739a9881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/ReturnTrip.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,929 @@
+-- |
+-- Module : Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.ReturnTrip
+-- Description : Translation from What4 back to SawCore
+-- Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc 2014-2021
+-- License : BSD3
+-- Maintainer : Rob Dockins
+-- Stability : provisional
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.What4.ReturnTrip
+ ( newSAWCoreState
+ , SAWCoreState(..)
+ , SAWExpr(..)
+ , baseSCType
+ , bindSAWTerm
+ , toSC
+ , sawCreateVar
+ , sawRegisterSymFunInterp
+ , getInputs
+ ) where
+import Control.Lens
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.List (elemIndex)
+import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
+import Data.Map ( Map )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
+import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
+import Data.Parameterized.Some
+import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
+import Data.Ratio
+import Data.Sequence (Seq)
+import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
+import Data.Word(Word64)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import What4.BaseTypes
+import What4.Interface
+import qualified What4.Expr.ArrayUpdateMap as AUM
+import qualified What4.Expr.Builder as B
+import qualified What4.Expr.BoolMap as BM
+import qualified What4.Expr.WeightedSum as WSum
+import qualified What4.SemiRing as B
+import What4.Symbol
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm as SC
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.TypedAST as SC
+import Verifier.SAW.Utils (panic)
+data SAWCoreState n
+ = SAWCoreState
+ { saw_ctx :: SC.SharedContext -- ^ the main SAWCore datastructure for building shared terms
+ , saw_inputs :: IORef (Seq (SC.ExtCns SC.Term ))
+ -- ^ a record of all the symbolic input variables created so far,
+ -- in the order they were created
+ , saw_symMap :: IORef (Map Word64 (SC.SharedContext -> [SC.Term] -> IO SC.Term))
+ -- ^ What to do with uninterpreted functions.
+ -- The key is the "indexValue" of the "symFunId" for the function
+ , saw_elt_cache :: B.IdxCache n SAWExpr
+ -- ^ cache mapping a What4 variable nonce to its corresponding SAWCore term.
+ , saw_elt_cache_r :: IORef (IntMap (Some (B.Expr n)))
+ -- ^ reverse cache mapping a SAWCore TermIndex to its corresponding What4 variable.
+ -- 'saw_elt_cache' and 'saw_elt_cache_r' implement a bidirectional map between
+ -- SAWCore terms and What4 variables.
+ }
+newSAWCoreState ::
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ IO (SAWCoreState n)
+newSAWCoreState sc =
+ do inpr <- newIORef Seq.empty
+ ch <- B.newIdxCache
+ ch_r <- newIORef IntMap.empty
+ mr <- newIORef Map.empty
+ return SAWCoreState
+ { saw_ctx = sc
+ , saw_inputs = inpr
+ , saw_symMap = mr
+ , saw_elt_cache = ch
+ , saw_elt_cache_r = ch_r
+ }
+data SAWExpr (bt :: BaseType) where
+ SAWExpr :: !SC.Term -> SAWExpr bt
+ -- This is a term that represents an integer, but has an
+ -- implicit integer-to-real conversion.
+ IntToRealSAWExpr :: !(SAWExpr BaseIntegerType) -> SAWExpr BaseRealType
+getInputs :: SAWCoreState n -> IO (Seq (SC.ExtCns SC.Term))
+getInputs st = readIORef (saw_inputs st)
+baseSCType ::
+ sym ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ BaseTypeRepr tp ->
+ IO SC.Term
+baseSCType sym sc bt =
+ case bt of
+ BaseBoolRepr -> SC.scBoolType sc
+ BaseBVRepr w -> SC.scBitvector sc $ fromIntegral (natValue w)
+ BaseIntegerRepr -> SC.scIntegerType sc
+ BaseArrayRepr indexTypes range
+ | Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx_type <- indexTypes ->
+ do sc_idx_type <- baseSCType sym sc idx_type
+ sc_elm_type <- baseSCType sym sc range
+ SC.scArrayType sc sc_idx_type sc_elm_type
+ | otherwise ->
+ unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support multidimensional Arrays: baseSCType"
+ BaseFloatRepr _ ->
+ unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support IEEE-754 floating point values: baseSCType"
+ BaseStringRepr _ ->
+ unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support string values: baseSCType"
+ BaseComplexRepr ->
+ unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support complex values: baseSCType"
+ BaseRealRepr ->
+ unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support real values: baseSCType"
+ BaseStructRepr ts ->
+ SC.scTupleType sc =<< baseSCTypes ts
+ where
+ baseSCTypes :: Ctx.Assignment BaseTypeRepr args -> IO [SC.Term]
+ baseSCTypes Ctx.Empty = return []
+ baseSCTypes (xs Ctx.:> x) =
+ do ts <- baseSCTypes xs
+ t <- baseSCType sym sc x
+ return (ts ++ [t])
+-- | Create a new symbolic variable.
+sawCreateVar :: SAWCoreState n
+ -> String -- ^ the name of the variable
+ -> SC.Term
+ -> IO SC.Term
+sawCreateVar st nm tp = do
+ let sc = saw_ctx st
+ ec <- SC.scFreshEC sc nm tp
+ t <- SC.scFlatTermF sc (SC.ExtCns ec)
+ modifyIORef (saw_inputs st) (\xs -> xs Seq.|> ec)
+ return t
+bindSAWTerm ::
+ B.ExprBuilder n st fs ->
+ SAWCoreState n ->
+ BaseTypeRepr bt ->
+ SC.Term ->
+ IO (B.Expr n bt)
+bindSAWTerm sym st bt t = do
+ ch_r <- readIORef $ saw_elt_cache_r st
+ let midx =
+ case t of
+ SC.STApp { SC.stAppIndex = idx } -> Just idx
+ SC.Unshared _ -> Nothing
+ case midx >>= flip IntMap.lookup ch_r of
+ Just (Some var) -> do
+ Just Refl <- return $ testEquality bt (B.exprType var)
+ return var
+ Nothing -> do
+ sbVar@(B.BoundVarExpr bv) <- freshConstant sym emptySymbol bt
+ B.insertIdxValue (saw_elt_cache st) (B.bvarId bv) (SAWExpr t)
+ case midx of
+ Just i -> modifyIORef' (saw_elt_cache_r st) $ IntMap.insert i (Some sbVar)
+ Nothing -> pure ()
+ return sbVar
+-- | Register an interpretation for a symbolic function. This is not
+-- used during simulation, but rather, when we translate Crucible
+-- values back into SAW. The interpretation function takes a list of
+-- arguments in regular (left-to-right) order.
+sawRegisterSymFunInterp ::
+ SAWCoreState n ->
+ B.ExprSymFn n args ret ->
+ (SC.SharedContext -> [SC.Term] -> IO SC.Term) ->
+ IO ()
+sawRegisterSymFunInterp st f i =
+ modifyIORef (saw_symMap st) (Map.insert (indexValue (B.symFnId f)) i)
+toSC :: B.ExprBuilder n st fs -> SAWCoreState n -> B.Expr n tp -> IO SC.Term
+toSC sym st elt = evaluateExpr sym st (saw_ctx st) (saw_elt_cache st) elt
+-- | Create a Real SAWELT value from a Rational.
+-- This fails on non-integer expressions.
+scRealLit ::
+ sym ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ Rational ->
+ IO (SAWExpr BaseRealType)
+scRealLit sym sc r
+ | denominator r /= 1 =
+ unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support real values"
+ | otherwise =
+ IntToRealSAWExpr <$> scIntLit sc (numerator r)
+-- | Create a SAWCore term with type 'Integer' from a Haskell Integer.
+scIntLit :: SC.SharedContext -> Integer -> IO (SAWExpr BaseIntegerType)
+scIntLit sc i
+ | i >= 0 =
+ SAWExpr <$> (SC.scNatToInt sc =<< SC.scNat sc (fromInteger i))
+ | otherwise =
+ SAWExpr <$> (SC.scIntNeg sc =<< SC.scNatToInt sc =<< SC.scNat sc (fromInteger (negate i)))
+scBvLit :: SC.SharedContext -> NatRepr w -> BV.BV w -> IO (SAWExpr (BaseBVType w))
+scBvLit sc w bv = SAWExpr <$> SC.scBvConst sc (natValue w) (BV.asUnsigned bv)
+scRealCmpop ::
+ (SC.SharedContext -> SAWExpr BaseIntegerType -> SAWExpr BaseIntegerType -> IO (SAWExpr BaseBoolType)) ->
+ sym ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ IO (SAWExpr BaseBoolType)
+scRealCmpop intOp _ sc (IntToRealSAWExpr x) (IntToRealSAWExpr y) =
+ intOp sc x y
+scRealCmpop _ sym _ _ _ =
+ unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support real values"
+scRealBinop ::
+ (SC.SharedContext -> SAWExpr BaseIntegerType -> SAWExpr BaseIntegerType -> IO (SAWExpr BaseIntegerType)) ->
+ sym ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ IO (SAWExpr BaseRealType)
+scRealBinop intOp _ sc (IntToRealSAWExpr x) (IntToRealSAWExpr y) =
+ IntToRealSAWExpr <$> intOp sc x y
+scRealBinop _ sym _ _ _ =
+ unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support real values"
+scIntBinop ::
+ (SC.SharedContext -> SC.Term -> SC.Term -> IO SC.Term) {- ^ operation on integers -} ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ SAWExpr BaseIntegerType ->
+ SAWExpr BaseIntegerType ->
+ IO (SAWExpr BaseIntegerType)
+scIntBinop intOp sc (SAWExpr x) (SAWExpr y) =
+ SAWExpr <$> intOp sc x y
+scIntCmpop ::
+ (SC.SharedContext -> SC.Term -> SC.Term -> IO SC.Term) {- ^ operation on integers -} ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ SAWExpr BaseIntegerType ->
+ SAWExpr BaseIntegerType ->
+ IO (SAWExpr BaseBoolType)
+scIntCmpop intOp sc (SAWExpr x) (SAWExpr y) =
+ SAWExpr <$> intOp sc x y
+scAddReal ::
+ sym ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ IO (SAWExpr BaseRealType)
+scAddReal = scRealBinop scAddInt
+scAddInt :: SC.SharedContext
+ -> SAWExpr BaseIntegerType
+ -> SAWExpr BaseIntegerType
+ -> IO (SAWExpr BaseIntegerType)
+scAddInt = scIntBinop SC.scIntAdd
+scMulReal ::
+ sym ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ IO (SAWExpr BaseRealType)
+scMulReal = scRealBinop scMulInt
+scMulInt :: SC.SharedContext
+ -> SAWExpr BaseIntegerType
+ -> SAWExpr BaseIntegerType
+ -> IO (SAWExpr BaseIntegerType)
+scMulInt = scIntBinop SC.scIntMul
+scIteReal ::
+ sym ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ SC.Term ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ IO (SAWExpr BaseRealType)
+scIteReal sym sc p = scRealBinop (\sc' -> scIteInt sc' p) sym sc
+scIteInt :: SC.SharedContext
+ -> SC.Term
+ -> SAWExpr BaseIntegerType
+ -> SAWExpr BaseIntegerType
+ -> IO (SAWExpr BaseIntegerType)
+scIteInt sc p = scIntBinop
+ (\sc' x y -> SC.scIntegerType sc >>= \tp -> SC.scIte sc' tp p x y)
+ sc
+scIte ::
+ sym ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ BaseTypeRepr tp ->
+ SAWExpr BaseBoolType ->
+ SAWExpr tp ->
+ SAWExpr tp ->
+ IO (SAWExpr tp)
+scIte sym sc tp (SAWExpr p) x y =
+ case tp of
+ BaseRealRepr -> scIteReal sym sc p x y
+ BaseIntegerRepr -> scIteInt sc p x y
+ _ ->
+ do tp' <- baseSCType sym sc tp
+ x' <- termOfSAWExpr sym sc x
+ y' <- termOfSAWExpr sym sc y
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scIte sc tp' p x' y'
+scRealEq ::
+ sym ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ IO (SAWExpr BaseBoolType)
+scRealEq = scRealCmpop scIntEq
+scIntEq :: SC.SharedContext
+ -> SAWExpr BaseIntegerType
+ -> SAWExpr BaseIntegerType
+ -> IO (SAWExpr BaseBoolType)
+scIntEq = scIntCmpop SC.scIntEq
+scBoolEq ::
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ SAWExpr BaseBoolType ->
+ SAWExpr BaseBoolType ->
+ IO (SAWExpr BaseBoolType)
+scBoolEq sc (SAWExpr x) (SAWExpr y) = SAWExpr <$> SC.scBoolEq sc x y
+scEq ::
+ sym ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ BaseTypeRepr tp ->
+ SAWExpr tp ->
+ SAWExpr tp ->
+ IO (SAWExpr BaseBoolType)
+scEq sym sc tp x y =
+ case tp of
+ BaseBoolRepr -> scBoolEq sc x y
+ BaseRealRepr -> scRealEq sym sc x y
+ BaseIntegerRepr -> scIntEq sc x y
+ BaseBVRepr w ->
+ do let SAWExpr x' = x
+ let SAWExpr y' = y
+ w' <- SC.scNat sc $ fromIntegral (natValue w)
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scBvEq sc w' x' y'
+ _ -> unsupported sym ("SAW backend: equality comparison on unsupported type:" ++ show tp)
+scRealLe, scRealLt ::
+ sym ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ SAWExpr BaseRealType ->
+ IO (SAWExpr BaseBoolType)
+scRealLe = scRealCmpop scIntLe
+scRealLt = scRealCmpop scIntLt
+scIntLe, scIntLt ::
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ SAWExpr BaseIntegerType ->
+ SAWExpr BaseIntegerType ->
+ IO (SAWExpr BaseBoolType)
+scIntLe = scIntCmpop SC.scIntLe
+scIntLt = scIntCmpop SC.scIntLt
+scBvAdd ::
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ NatRepr w ->
+ SAWExpr (BaseBVType w) ->
+ SAWExpr (BaseBVType w) ->
+ IO (SAWExpr (BaseBVType w))
+scBvAdd sc w (SAWExpr x) (SAWExpr y) =
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scBvAdd sc n x y
+scBvNot ::
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ NatRepr w ->
+ SAWExpr (BaseBVType w) ->
+ IO (SAWExpr (BaseBVType w))
+scBvNot sc w (SAWExpr x) =
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scBvNot sc n x
+scBvMul ::
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ NatRepr w ->
+ SAWExpr (BaseBVType w) ->
+ SAWExpr (BaseBVType w) ->
+ IO (SAWExpr (BaseBVType w))
+scBvMul sc w (SAWExpr x) (SAWExpr y) =
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scBvMul sc n x y
+scBvAnd ::
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ NatRepr w ->
+ SAWExpr (BaseBVType w) ->
+ SAWExpr (BaseBVType w) ->
+ IO (SAWExpr (BaseBVType w))
+scBvAnd sc w (SAWExpr x) (SAWExpr y) =
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scBvAnd sc n x y
+scBvXor ::
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ NatRepr w ->
+ SAWExpr (BaseBVType w) ->
+ SAWExpr (BaseBVType w) ->
+ IO (SAWExpr (BaseBVType w))
+scBvXor sc w (SAWExpr x) (SAWExpr y) =
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scBvXor sc n x y
+termOfSAWExpr ::
+ sym ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ SAWExpr tp -> IO SC.Term
+termOfSAWExpr sym _sc expr =
+ case expr of
+ SAWExpr t -> return t
+ IntToRealSAWExpr _
+ -> unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support real values"
+applyExprSymFn ::
+ forall n st fs args ret.
+ B.ExprBuilder n st fs ->
+ SAWCoreState n ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ B.ExprSymFn n args ret ->
+ Ctx.Assignment SAWExpr args ->
+ IO (SAWExpr ret)
+applyExprSymFn sym st sc fn args =
+ do mp <- readIORef (saw_symMap st)
+ mk <-
+ case Map.lookup (indexValue (B.symFnId fn)) mp of
+ Nothing -> panic "SAWCore.applyExprSymFn"
+ [ "Unknown symbolic function."
+ , "*** Name: " ++ show fn
+ ]
+ Just mk -> return mk
+ ts <- evaluateAsgn args
+ SAWExpr <$> mk sc (reverse ts)
+ where
+ evaluateAsgn :: Ctx.Assignment SAWExpr args' -> IO [SC.Term]
+ evaluateAsgn Ctx.Empty = return []
+ evaluateAsgn (xs Ctx.:> x) =
+ do vs <- evaluateAsgn xs
+ v <- termOfSAWExpr sym sc x
+ return (v : vs)
+{- | Declare that we don't support something or other.
+This aborts the current path of execution, and adds a proof
+obligation to ensure that we won't get there.
+These proof obligations are all tagged with "Unsupported", so that
+users of the library can choose if they will try to discharge them,
+fail in some other way, or just ignore them. -}
+unsupported :: {- OnlineSolver solver => -} sym -> String -> IO a
+unsupported _sym x = fail ("Unsupported " <> x) -- TODO, something better here....
+evaluateExpr :: forall n st tp fs.
+ B.ExprBuilder n st fs->
+ SAWCoreState n ->
+ SC.SharedContext ->
+ B.IdxCache n SAWExpr ->
+ B.Expr n tp ->
+ IO SC.Term
+evaluateExpr sym st sc cache = f []
+ where
+ -- Evaluate the element, and expect the result to have the same type.
+ f :: [Maybe SolverSymbol] -> B.Expr n tp' -> IO SC.Term
+ f env elt = termOfSAWExpr sym sc =<< eval env elt
+ eval :: [Maybe SolverSymbol] -> B.Expr n tp' -> IO (SAWExpr tp')
+ eval env elt = B.idxCacheEval cache elt (go env elt)
+ realFail :: IO a
+ realFail = unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support real values"
+ cplxFail :: IO a
+ cplxFail = unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support complex values"
+ floatFail :: IO a
+ floatFail = unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support floating-point values"
+ stringFail :: IO a
+ stringFail = unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support string values"
+ unimplemented :: String -> IO a
+ unimplemented x = unsupported sym $ "SAW backend: not implemented: " ++ x
+ go :: [Maybe SolverSymbol] -> B.Expr n tp' -> IO (SAWExpr tp')
+ go _ (B.BoolExpr b _) = SAWExpr <$> SC.scBool sc b
+ go _ (B.SemiRingLiteral sr x _) =
+ case sr of
+ B.SemiRingBVRepr _ w -> scBvLit sc w x
+ B.SemiRingIntegerRepr -> scIntLit sc x
+ B.SemiRingRealRepr -> scRealLit sym sc x
+ go _ (B.StringExpr{}) =
+ unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support string values"
+ go _ (B.FloatExpr{}) =
+ unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support floating-point values"
+ go env (B.BoundVarExpr bv) =
+ case B.bvarKind bv of
+ B.UninterpVarKind -> do
+ tp <- baseSCType sym sc (B.bvarType bv)
+ SAWExpr <$> sawCreateVar st nm tp
+ where nm = Text.unpack $ solverSymbolAsText $ B.bvarName bv
+ B.LatchVarKind ->
+ unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support latch variables"
+ B.QuantifierVarKind -> do
+ case elemIndex (Just $ B.bvarName bv) env of
+ Nothing -> unsupported sym $ "unbound quantifier variable " <> nm
+ Just idx -> SAWExpr <$> SC.scLocalVar sc idx
+ where nm = Text.unpack $ solverSymbolAsText $ B.bvarName bv
+ go env (B.NonceAppExpr p) =
+ case B.nonceExprApp p of
+ B.Annotation _tpr _n x ->
+ eval env x
+ B.Forall bvar body ->
+ case B.bvarType bvar of
+ BaseBVRepr wrepr -> do
+ w <- SC.scNat sc $ natValue wrepr
+ ty <- SC.scVecType sc w =<< SC.scBoolType sc
+ SAWExpr <$>
+ (SC.scBvForall sc w
+ =<< SC.scLambda sc nm ty =<< f (Just (B.bvarName bvar):env) body)
+ where nm = solverSymbolAsText $ B.bvarName bvar
+ _ -> unsupported sym "SAW backend only supports universal quantifiers over bitvectors"
+ B.Exists{} ->
+ unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support existential quantifiers"
+ B.ArrayFromFn{} -> unimplemented "ArrayFromFn"
+ B.MapOverArrays{} -> unimplemented "MapOverArrays"
+ B.ArrayTrueOnEntries{} -> unimplemented "ArrayTrueOnEntries"
+ B.FnApp fn asgn ->
+ do args <- traverseFC (eval env) asgn
+ applyExprSymFn sym st sc fn args
+ go env a0@(B.AppExpr a) =
+ let nyi = unsupported sym $
+ "Expression form not yet implemented in SAWCore backend:\n"
+ ++ show a0
+ in
+ case B.appExprApp a of
+ B.BaseIte bt _ c xe ye -> join (scIte sym sc bt <$> eval env c <*> eval env xe <*> eval env ye)
+ B.BaseEq bt xe ye -> join (scEq sym sc bt <$> eval env xe <*> eval env ye)
+ B.SemiRingLe sr xe ye ->
+ case sr of
+ B.OrderedSemiRingRealRepr -> join (scRealLe sym sc <$> eval env xe <*> eval env ye)
+ B.OrderedSemiRingIntegerRepr -> join (scIntLe sc <$> eval env xe <*> eval env ye)
+ B.NotPred x ->
+ goNeg env x
+ B.ConjPred xs ->
+ case BM.viewBoolMap xs of
+ BM.BoolMapUnit -> SAWExpr <$> SC.scBool sc True
+ BM.BoolMapDualUnit -> SAWExpr <$> SC.scBool sc False
+ BM.BoolMapTerms (t:|ts) ->
+ let pol (x,BM.Positive) = f env x
+ pol (x,BM.Negative) = termOfSAWExpr sym sc =<< goNeg env x
+ in SAWExpr <$> join (foldM (SC.scAnd sc) <$> pol t <*> mapM pol ts)
+ B.SemiRingProd pd ->
+ case WSum.prodRepr pd of
+ B.SemiRingRealRepr ->
+ do pd' <- WSum.prodEvalM (scMulReal sym sc) (eval env) pd
+ maybe (scRealLit sym sc 1) return pd'
+ B.SemiRingIntegerRepr ->
+ do pd' <- WSum.prodEvalM (scMulInt sc) (eval env) pd
+ maybe (scIntLit sc 1) return pd'
+ B.SemiRingBVRepr B.BVArithRepr w ->
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ pd' <- WSum.prodEvalM (SC.scBvMul sc n) (f env) pd
+ maybe (scBvLit sc w (BV.one w)) (return . SAWExpr) pd'
+ B.SemiRingBVRepr B.BVBitsRepr w ->
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ pd' <- WSum.prodEvalM (SC.scBvAnd sc n) (f env) pd
+ maybe (scBvLit sc w (BV.maxUnsigned w)) (return . SAWExpr) pd'
+ B.SemiRingSum ss ->
+ case WSum.sumRepr ss of
+ B.SemiRingRealRepr -> WSum.evalM add smul (scRealLit sym sc) ss
+ where add x y = scAddReal sym sc x y
+ smul 1 e = eval env e
+ smul sm e = join $ scMulReal sym sc <$> scRealLit sym sc sm <*> eval env e
+ B.SemiRingIntegerRepr -> WSum.evalM add smul (scIntLit sc) ss
+ where add x y = scAddInt sc x y
+ smul 1 e = eval env e
+ smul sm e = join $ scMulInt sc <$> scIntLit sc sm <*> eval env e
+ B.SemiRingBVRepr B.BVArithRepr w -> WSum.evalM add smul (scBvLit sc w) ss
+ where add x y = scBvAdd sc w x y
+ smul (BV.BV 1) e = eval env e
+ smul sm e = join (scBvMul sc w <$> scBvLit sc w sm <*> eval env e)
+ B.SemiRingBVRepr B.BVBitsRepr w
+ | ss^.WSum.sumOffset == one -> scBvNot sc w =<< bitwise_eval (ss & WSum.sumOffset .~ BV.zero w)
+ | otherwise -> bitwise_eval ss
+ where one = BV.maxUnsigned w
+ bitwise_eval = WSum.evalM add smul (scBvLit sc w)
+ add x y = scBvXor sc w x y
+ smul sm e
+ | sm == one = eval env e
+ | otherwise = join (scBvAnd sc w <$> scBvLit sc w sm <*> eval env e)
+ B.RealIsInteger{} -> unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support real values"
+ B.BVOrBits w bs ->
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ bs' <- traverse (f env) (B.bvOrToList bs)
+ case bs' of
+ [] -> scBvLit sc w (BV.zero w)
+ x:xs -> SAWExpr <$> foldM (SC.scBvOr sc n) x xs
+ B.BVFill w p ->
+ do bit <- SC.scBoolType sc
+ n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ x <- f env p
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scGlobalApply sc (SC.mkIdent SC.preludeName "replicate") [n, bit, x]
+ B.BVTestBit i bv -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ w <- SC.scNat sc (natValue (bvWidth bv))
+ bit <- SC.scBoolType sc
+ -- NB, SAWCore's `scAt` is big endian
+ let j = natValue (bvWidth bv) - i - 1
+ join (SC.scAt sc w bit <$> f env bv <*> SC.scNat sc j)
+ B.BVSlt x y -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ w <- SC.scNat sc (natValue (bvWidth x))
+ join (SC.scBvSLt sc w <$> f env x <*> f env y)
+ B.BVUlt x y -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ w <- SC.scNat sc (natValue (bvWidth x))
+ join (SC.scBvULt sc w <$> f env x <*> f env y)
+ B.BVUnaryTerm{} -> unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support the unary bitvector representation"
+ B.BVUdiv _ x y -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue (bvWidth x))
+ join (SC.scBvUDiv sc n <$> f env x <*> f env y)
+ B.BVUrem _ x y -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue (bvWidth x))
+ join (SC.scBvURem sc n <$> f env x <*> f env y)
+ B.BVSdiv _ x y -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ -- NB: bvSDiv applies 'Succ' to its width argument, so we
+ -- need to subtract 1 to make the types match.
+ n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue (bvWidth x) - 1)
+ join (SC.scBvSDiv sc n <$> f env x <*> f env y)
+ B.BVSrem _ x y -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ -- NB: bvSDiv applies 'Succ' to its width argument, so we
+ -- need to subtract 1 to make the types match.
+ n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue (bvWidth x) - 1)
+ join (SC.scBvSRem sc n <$> f env x <*> f env y)
+ B.BVShl _ x y -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ let w = natValue (bvWidth x)
+ n <- SC.scNat sc w
+ join (SC.scBvShl sc n <$> f env x <*> (SC.scBvToNat sc w =<< f env y))
+ B.BVLshr _ x y -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ let w = natValue (bvWidth x)
+ n <- SC.scNat sc w
+ join (SC.scBvShr sc n <$> f env x <*> (SC.scBvToNat sc w =<< f env y))
+ B.BVAshr _ x y -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ let w = natValue (bvWidth x)
+ -- NB: bvSShr applies a `Succ` to its width argument, so we subtract
+ -- 1 here to make things match up.
+ n <- SC.scNat sc (w - 1)
+ join (SC.scBvSShr sc n <$> f env x <*> (SC.scBvToNat sc w =<< f env y))
+ B.BVRol w x y -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ bit <- SC.scBoolType sc
+ x' <- f env x
+ y' <- SC.scBvToNat sc (natValue w) =<< f env y
+ SC.scGlobalApply sc (SC.mkIdent SC.preludeName "rotateL") [n,bit,x',y']
+ B.BVRor w x y -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ bit <- SC.scBoolType sc
+ x' <- f env x
+ y' <- SC.scBvToNat sc (natValue w) =<< f env y
+ SC.scGlobalApply sc (SC.mkIdent SC.preludeName "rotateR") [n,bit,x',y']
+ B.BVConcat _ x y -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue (bvWidth x))
+ m <- SC.scNat sc (natValue (bvWidth y))
+ t <- SC.scBoolType sc
+ join (SC.scAppend sc t n m <$> f env x <*> f env y)
+ B.BVSelect start num x -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ i <- SC.scNat sc (natValue (bvWidth x) - natValue num - natValue start)
+ n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue num)
+ o <- SC.scNat sc (natValue start)
+ t <- SC.scBoolType sc
+ x' <- f env x
+ SC.scSlice sc t i n o x'
+ B.BVZext w' x -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ let w = bvWidth x
+ n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ m <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w' - natValue w)
+ x' <- f env x
+ SC.scBvUExt sc m n x'
+ B.BVSext w' x -> fmap SAWExpr $ do
+ let w = bvWidth x
+ -- NB: width - 1 to make SAWCore types work out
+ n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w - 1)
+ m <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w' - natValue w)
+ x' <- f env x
+ SC.scBvSExt sc m n x'
+ B.BVPopcount w x ->
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ x' <- f env x
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scBvPopcount sc n x'
+ B.BVCountLeadingZeros w x ->
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ x' <- f env x
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scBvCountLeadingZeros sc n x'
+ B.BVCountTrailingZeros w x ->
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ x' <- f env x
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scBvCountTrailingZeros sc n x'
+ -- Note: SAWCore supports only unidimensional arrays. As a result, What4 multidimensional
+ -- arrays cannot be translated to SAWCore.
+ B.ArrayMap indexTypes range updates arr
+ | Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx_type <- indexTypes ->
+ do sc_idx_type <- baseSCType sym sc idx_type
+ sc_elm_type <- baseSCType sym sc range
+ sc_arr <- f env arr
+ SAWExpr <$> foldM
+ (\sc_acc_arr (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx_lit, elm) ->
+ do sc_idx <- f env =<< indexLit sym idx_lit
+ sc_elm <- f env elm
+ SC.scArrayUpdate sc sc_idx_type sc_elm_type sc_acc_arr sc_idx sc_elm)
+ sc_arr
+ (AUM.toList updates)
+ | otherwise -> unimplemented "multidimensional ArrayMap"
+ B.ConstantArray indexTypes range v
+ | Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx_type <- indexTypes ->
+ do sc_idx_type <- baseSCType sym sc idx_type
+ sc_elm_type <- baseSCType sym sc range
+ sc_elm <- f env v
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scArrayConstant sc sc_idx_type sc_elm_type sc_elm
+ | otherwise -> unimplemented "multidimensional ConstantArray"
+ B.SelectArray range arr indexTerms
+ | Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx <- indexTerms
+ , idx_type <- exprType idx ->
+ do sc_idx_type <- baseSCType sym sc idx_type
+ sc_elm_type <- baseSCType sym sc range
+ sc_arr <- f env arr
+ sc_idx <- f env idx
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scArrayLookup sc sc_idx_type sc_elm_type sc_arr sc_idx
+ | otherwise -> unimplemented "multidimensional SelectArray"
+ B.UpdateArray range indexTypes arr indexTerms v
+ | Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx_type <- indexTypes
+ , Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> idx <- indexTerms ->
+ do sc_idx_type <- baseSCType sym sc idx_type
+ sc_elm_type <- baseSCType sym sc range
+ sc_arr <- f env arr
+ sc_idx <- f env idx
+ sc_elm <- f env v
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scArrayUpdate sc sc_idx_type sc_elm_type sc_arr sc_idx sc_elm
+ | otherwise -> unimplemented "multidimensional UpdateArray"
+ B.IntDiv x y ->
+ do x' <- f env x
+ y' <- f env y
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scIntDiv sc x' y'
+ B.IntMod x y ->
+ do x' <- f env x
+ y' <- f env y
+ SAWExpr <$> SC.scIntMod sc x' y'
+ B.IntAbs x ->
+ eval env x >>= \case
+ SAWExpr z -> SAWExpr <$> (SC.scIntAbs sc z)
+ B.IntDivisible x 0 ->
+ do x' <- f env x
+ SAWExpr <$> (SC.scIntEq sc x' =<< SC.scIntegerConst sc 0)
+ B.IntDivisible x k ->
+ do x' <- f env x
+ k' <- SC.scIntegerConst sc (toInteger k)
+ z <- SC.scIntMod sc x' k'
+ SAWExpr <$> (SC.scIntEq sc z =<< SC.scIntegerConst sc 0)
+ B.IntegerToBV x w ->
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue w)
+ SAWExpr <$> (SC.scIntToBv sc n =<< f env x)
+ B.BVToInteger x ->
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue (bvWidth x))
+ SAWExpr <$> (SC.scBvToInt sc n =<< f env x)
+ B.SBVToInteger x ->
+ do n <- SC.scNat sc (natValue (bvWidth x))
+ SAWExpr <$> (SC.scSbvToInt sc n =<< f env x)
+ -- Proper support for real and complex numbers will require additional
+ -- work on the SAWCore side
+ B.IntegerToReal x -> IntToRealSAWExpr . SAWExpr <$> f env x
+ B.RealToInteger x ->
+ eval env x >>= \case
+ IntToRealSAWExpr x' -> return x'
+ _ -> realFail
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- Floating point operations
+ B.FloatNeg{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatAbs{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatSqrt{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatAdd{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatSub{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatMul{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatDiv{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatRem{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatFMA{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatFpEq{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatLe{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatLt{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatIsNaN{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatIsInf{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatIsZero{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatIsPos{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatIsNeg{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatIsSubnorm{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatIsNorm{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatCast{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatRound{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatFromBinary{} -> floatFail
+ B.BVToFloat{} -> floatFail
+ B.SBVToFloat{} -> floatFail
+ B.RealToFloat{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatToBV{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatToSBV{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatToReal{} -> floatFail
+ B.FloatToBinary{} -> floatFail
+ B.RoundReal{} -> realFail
+ B.RoundEvenReal{} -> realFail
+ B.FloorReal{} -> realFail
+ B.CeilReal{} -> realFail
+ B.RealDiv{} -> realFail
+ B.RealSqrt{} -> realFail
+ B.Pi{} -> realFail
+ B.RealSin{} -> realFail
+ B.RealCos{} -> realFail
+ B.RealSinh{} -> realFail
+ B.RealCosh{} -> realFail
+ B.RealExp{} -> realFail
+ B.RealLog{} -> realFail
+ B.RealATan2{} -> realFail
+ B.Cplx{} -> cplxFail
+ B.RealPart{} -> cplxFail
+ B.ImagPart{} -> cplxFail
+ B.StringLength{} -> stringFail
+ B.StringAppend{} -> stringFail
+ B.StringContains{} -> stringFail
+ B.StringIsPrefixOf{} -> stringFail
+ B.StringIsSuffixOf{} -> stringFail
+ B.StringIndexOf{} -> stringFail
+ B.StringSubstring{} -> stringFail
+ B.StructCtor{} -> nyi -- FIXME
+ B.StructField{} -> nyi -- FIXME
+ -- returns the logical negation of the result of 'go'
+ -- negations are pushed inside conjunctions and less-than-or-equal
+ goNeg :: [Maybe SolverSymbol] -> B.Expr n BaseBoolType -> IO (SAWExpr BaseBoolType)
+ goNeg env expr =
+ case expr of
+ -- negation of (x /\ y) becomes (~x \/ ~y)
+ B.AppExpr (B.appExprApp -> B.ConjPred xs) ->
+ case BM.viewBoolMap xs of
+ BM.BoolMapUnit -> SAWExpr <$> SC.scBool sc False
+ BM.BoolMapDualUnit -> SAWExpr <$> SC.scBool sc True
+ BM.BoolMapTerms (t:|ts) ->
+ let pol (x, BM.Positive) = termOfSAWExpr sym sc =<< goNegAtom env x
+ pol (x, BM.Negative) = f env x
+ in SAWExpr <$> join (foldM (SC.scOr sc) <$> pol t <*> mapM pol ts)
+ _ -> goNegAtom env expr
+ -- returns the logical negation of the result of 'go'
+ -- negations are pushed inside less-than-or-equal
+ goNegAtom :: [Maybe SolverSymbol] -> B.Expr n BaseBoolType -> IO (SAWExpr BaseBoolType)
+ goNegAtom env expr =
+ case expr of
+ -- negation of (x <= y) becomes (y < x)
+ B.AppExpr (B.appExprApp -> B.SemiRingLe sr xe ye) ->
+ case sr of
+ B.OrderedSemiRingRealRepr -> join (scRealLt sym sc <$> eval env ye <*> eval env xe)
+ B.OrderedSemiRingIntegerRepr -> join (scIntLt sc <$> eval env ye <*> eval env xe)
+ _ -> SAWExpr <$> (SC.scNot sc =<< f env expr)
diff --git a/saw-core/.gitignore b/saw-core/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf2e4eb007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/saw-core/LICENSE b/saw-core/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e2f031c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Galois, Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+ with the distribution.
+ * Neither the names of the authors nor the names of other
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/saw-core/README.md b/saw-core/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d72ded885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+This repository contains the code for SAWCore, an intermediate
+language for representing the semantics of software (and potentially
+hardware). It provides support for constructing models in a
+dependently-typed lambda-calculus, transforming those models using a
+rewriting engine, concretely or symbolically interpreting those
+models, and emitting them as input to various external theorem
+Currently, the library supports generating AIG, CNF, and SMT-Lib
diff --git a/saw-core/Setup.hs b/saw-core/Setup.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a994af677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/Setup.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+import Distribution.Simple
+main = defaultMain
diff --git a/saw-core/doc/Makefile b/saw-core/doc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04ce43ff7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/doc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+formal.pdf : formal.tex
+ xelatex formal
+ xelatex formal
+.PHONY : clean
+clean :
+ rm -f *.aux *.log formal.pdf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/saw-core/doc/formal.tex b/saw-core/doc/formal.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69720a992d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/doc/formal.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+\title{The Logic of SAW}
+\newcommand{\rctor}[3]{{#1} : {#2} \downarrow {#3}}
+\newcommand{\Piexpr}[3]{\Pi {#1}{:}{#2}.\ {#3}}
+%Tuple Values & Types
+%Record Values & Types
+%Record selectors
+We begin by defining \emph{pseudo-terms}, syntactically constructed objects that
+may or may not have a valid type according to the type inference rules which we
+will define later. In defining the terms, we assume that there are disjoint infinite
+sets $X$ and $C$. We call the elements $x \in X$ \emph{variables}, and the elements
+$c \in C$ \emph{constructors}.
+& T,U &:=\:& x & \text{var term}\\
+& & |\:& (\lambda x . T) &\text{lambda}\\
+& & |\:& T U &\text{app}\\
+& & |\:& \Piexpr{x}{T}{U} &\text{Pi expression}\\
+& & |\:& \set{i}\\
+& & |\:& (T_1, \dots, T_n)\\ % Tuples
+& & |\:& \#(T_1, \dots, T_n)\\ % Tuple types
+& & |\:& \{ f_1 = T_1; \dots; f_n = T_n \} \\ % records
+& & |\:& \#\{ f_1 : T_1; \dots; f_n : T_n \} \\ % record types
+& & |\:& c(T_1,\dots,T_n)\\ % Constructors
+& & |\:& \fn{let}\ [ D_1; \dots; D_n ]\ \fn{in}\ T\\ % let
+&D_i &:=\:&x :: T; E_{x,1}; \dots; E_{x,n}\\
+&E_{c,i} &:=\:&c\ P_1\ \dots\ P_n = T\\
+&P &:=\:&x & \text{Variable}\\
+& & |\:&(P_1, \dots, P_n) &\text{Tuple}\\ % Tuples
+& & |\:&\{ f_1 = P_1; \dots; f_n = P_n \} & \text{Record}\\ % Records
+& & |\:&c(P_1, \dots, P_n) & \text{Constructor}\\ % Constructors
+& & |\:&.T & \text{Inaccessible term}\\
+A term is logically defined
+\section{Typing Rules}
+% Variables
+\inference{}{\Gamma, x{:}A |- x : A}\\[1em]
+\inference{\Gamma |- x : A \quad y \not\in (\{x\} \cup \fn{fv}(A))}
+ {\Gamma,y{:}B |- x : A}\\[1em]
+% Lambda
+\inference{\Gamma |- A{:}\set{\alpha} \quad \Gamma,x{:}A |- b{:}B}
+ {\Gamma |- (\lambda x . b) : (\Piexpr{x}{A}{B})}\\[1em]
+\inference{\Gamma |- f : (\Piexpr{x}{A}{B}) \quad \Gamma |- t : A }
+ {\Gamma |- f t : B[x/t] }\\[1em]
+\inference{\Gamma |- A : \set{i} \quad \Gamma,x:A |- B : \set{i}}
+ {\Gamma |- (\Piexpr{x}{A}{B}) : \set{i}}\\[1em]
+\inference{}{\Gamma |- \set{i} : \set{i+1}}\\[1em]
+\inference{\Gamma |- t : \set{i}}{\Gamma |- t : \set{i+1}}\\[1em]
+% Tuples
+\inference{\Gamma |- x_1 : T_1 \quad \dots \quad \Gamma |- x_n : T_n}
+ {\Gamma |- (x_1, \dots, x_n) : \#(T_1, \dots, T_n)}\\[1em]
+\inference{\Gamma |- T_1 : \set{i} \quad \dots \quad \Gamma |- T_n : \set{i}}
+ {\Gamma |- \#(T_1, \dots, T_n) : \set{i}}\\[1em]
+% Records
+\inference{\Gamma |- t_1 : T_1\ \dots\ \Gamma |- t_n : T_n }
+ {\Gamma |- \recval{ x_1 = t_1;\ \dots\ ; x_n = t_n}
+ : \rectyp{ x_1 : T_1;\ \dots\ ; x_n : T_n}}\\[1em]
+\inference{\Gamma |- T_1 : \set{i} \quad \dots \quad \Gamma |- T_n : \set{i}}
+ {\Gamma |- \rectyp{ x_1 : T_1;\ \dots\ ; x_n : T_n} : \set{i}}\\[1em]
+\inference{\Gamma |- r : \rectyp{ x : t; \dots }}
+ {\Gamma |- r.x : t }\\[1em]
+% Constructors
+\inference{c : T \in \Sigma \quad \Gamma |- \rctor{t_1,\dots,t_n}{T}{C}}
+ {\Gamma |- c(t_1,\dots,t_n) : C}\\[1em]
+% Constructor inference.
+\inference{\Gamma|- t_1 : A \quad \Gamma |- \rctor{t_2,\dots,t_n}{B[x/t_1]}{C}}
+ {\Gamma |- \rctor{t_1,\dots,t_n}{\Piexpr{x}{A}{B}}{C}}\\[1em]
+\inference{}{\Gamma |- \rctor{\epsilon}{B}{B}}\\[1em]
diff --git a/saw-core/prelude/Prelude.sawcore b/saw-core/prelude/Prelude.sawcore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84086c1e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/prelude/Prelude.sawcore
@@ -0,0 +1,1866 @@
+-- Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2014
+-- License : BSD3
+-- Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+module Prelude where
+-- Grammar for the core prelude types.
+-- We use single colons ":" to represent the type constraint on the core symbols.
+-- e.g., "Bool : sort 0" indicates "Bool" has type "sort 0".
+-- Functions use "->" to separate arguments from result.
+-- e.g., "f : Bool -> Bool -> Bool" indicates "f" is a binary operation on Booleans.
+id : (a : sort 0) -> a -> a;
+id _ x = x;
+-- FIXME: We eventually need to remove this, as it violates soundness...
+primitive fix : (a : sort 0) -> (a -> a) -> a;
+-- FIXME: below are some defined data-types that could be used in place of
+-- the SAW primitive types
+-- The Unit type
+data UnitType : sort 0 where {
+ Unit : UnitType;
+ }
+-- The recursor for the Unit type at sort 0
+-- UnitType__rec : (p : UnitType -> sort 0) -> p Unit -> (u : UnitType) -> p u;
+-- UnitType__rec p f1 u = UnitType#rec p f1 u;
+UnitType__rec (p : UnitType -> sort 0) (f1 : p Unit) (u : UnitType) : p u
+ = UnitType#rec p f1 u;
+-- Pair types
+data PairType (a b : sort 0) : sort 0 where {
+ PairValue : a -> b -> PairType a b;
+pair_example : (a b : sort 0) -> a -> b -> PairType a b;
+pair_example a b x y = PairValue a b x y;
+-- The recursor for primitive pair types at sort 1
+ (a b : sort 0)
+ (p : PairType a b -> sort 0)
+ (f : (x:a) -> (y:b) -> p (PairValue a b x y))
+ (pair : PairType a b)
+ : p pair
+ = PairType#rec a b p f pair;
+Pair_fst : (a b : sort 0) -> PairType a b -> a;
+Pair_fst a b = Pair__rec a b (\ (p:PairType a b) -> a)
+ (\ (x:a) -> \ (y: b) -> x);
+Pair_snd : (a b : sort 0) -> PairType a b -> b;
+Pair_snd a b = Pair__rec a b (\ (p:PairType a b) -> b)
+ (\ (x:a) -> \ (y:b) -> y);
+fst : (a b : sort 0) -> a * b -> a;
+fst a b tup = tup.(1);
+snd : (a b : sort 0) -> a * b -> b;
+snd a b tup = tup.(2);
+uncurry (a b c : sort 0) (f : a -> b -> c) : a * b -> c
+ = (\ (x : a * b) -> f x.(1) x.(2));
+-- String values
+primitive String : sort 0;
+primitive error : (a : sort 1) -> String -> a;
+-- Record types
+-- The empty record
+data EmptyType : sort 0 where {
+ Empty : EmptyType;
+-- The recursor for the empty type at sort 0
+EmptyType__rec : (p : EmptyType -> sort 0) -> p Empty ->
+ (emp : EmptyType) -> p emp;
+EmptyType__rec p f1 emp = EmptyType#rec p f1 emp;
+-- Add a named field to a record type
+data RecordType (s:String) (a b :sort 0) : sort 0 where {
+ RecordValue : a -> b -> RecordType s a b;
+-- The recursor for record types at sort 0
+ (s : String)
+ (a b :sort 0)
+ (p : RecordType s a b -> sort 1)
+ (f1 : (x:a) -> (y:b) -> p (RecordValue s a b x y))
+ (r : RecordType s a b)
+ : p r
+ = RecordType#rec s a b p f1 r;
+-- Equality proofs.
+data Eq (t : sort 1) (x : t) : t -> Prop where {
+ Refl : Eq t x x;
+ }
+-- The eliminator for the Eq type at sort 1, assuming the usual parameter-index
+-- structure of the Eq type
+Eq__rec : (t : sort 1) -> (x : t) -> (p : (y : t) -> Eq t x y -> sort 1) ->
+ p x (Refl t x) -> (y : t) -> (pf : Eq t x y) -> p y pf;
+Eq__rec t x p f1 y pf = Eq#rec t x p f1 y pf;
+-- Congruence closure for equality
+eq_cong : (t : sort 1) -> (x : t) -> (y : t) -> Eq t x y ->
+ (u : sort 1) -> (f : t -> u) -> Eq u (f x) (f y);
+eq_cong t x y eq u f =
+ Eq__rec t x (\ (y':t) -> \ (eq':Eq t x y') -> Eq u (f x) (f y'))
+ (Refl u (f x)) y eq;
+sym : (a : sort 1) -> (x y : a) -> Eq a x y -> Eq a y x;
+sym a x y eq =
+ Eq__rec a x (\ (y':a) -> \ (eq':Eq a x y') -> Eq a y' x) (Refl a x) y eq;
+trans : (a : sort 1) -> (x y z : a) -> Eq a x y -> Eq a y z -> Eq a x z;
+trans a x y z eq1 eq2 =
+ Eq__rec a y (\ (y':a) -> \ (eq':Eq a y y') -> Eq a x y') eq1 z eq2;
+trans2 : (a : sort 1) -> (x y z : a) -> Eq a x z -> Eq a y z -> Eq a x y;
+trans2 a x y z eq1 eq2 = trans a x z y eq1 (sym a y z eq2);
+trans4 : (a : sort 1) -> (w x y z : a) ->
+ Eq a w x -> Eq a x y -> Eq a y z -> Eq a w z;
+trans4 a w x y z eq1 eq2 eq3 =
+ trans a w x z eq1 (trans a x y z eq2 eq3);
+eq_inv_map : (a b : sort 1) -> (a1 a2 : a) -> Eq a a1 a2 ->
+ (f1 f2 : a -> b) -> Eq b (f1 a2) (f2 a2) ->
+ Eq b (f1 a1) (f2 a1);
+eq_inv_map a b a1 a2 eq_a f1 f2 eq_f =
+ trans
+ b (f1 a1) (f1 a2) (f2 a1)
+ (eq_cong a a1 a2 eq_a b f1)
+ (trans b (f1 a2) (f2 a2) (f2 a1) eq_f
+ (eq_cong a a2 a1 (sym a a1 a2 eq_a) b f2));
+-- Unchecked assertion that two types are equal.
+axiom unsafeAssert : (a : sort 1) -> (x : a) -> (y : a) -> Eq a x y;
+primitive coerce : (a b : sort 0) -> Eq (sort 0) a b -> a -> b;
+coerce__def : (a b : sort 0) -> Eq (sort 0) a b -> a -> b;
+coerce__def a b eq x =
+ Eq__rec (sort 0) a (\ (b':sort 0) -> \ (eq':Eq (sort 0) a b') -> b') x b eq;
+axiom coerce__eq :
+ Eq ((a b : sort 0) -> Eq (sort 0) a b -> a -> b) coerce coerce__def;
+-- NOTE: this is equivalent to UIP / Axiom K
+coerce_same : (a : sort 0) -> (q : Eq (sort 0) a a) -> (x : a) -> Eq a (coerce a a q x) x;
+coerce_same a (Refl _ _) x = Refl a x;
+rcoerce : (a b : sort 0) -> Eq (sort 0) a b -> b -> a;
+rcoerce a b q = coerce b a (sym (sort 0) a b q);
+-- NOTE: this is equivalent to UIP / Axiom K
+rcoerce_same : (a : sort 0) -> (q : Eq (sort 0) a a) -> (x : a) -> Eq a (rcoerce a a q x) x;
+rcoerce_same a q x = coerce_same a (sym (sort 0) a a q) x;
+unsafeCoerce : (a b : sort 0) -> a -> b;
+unsafeCoerce a b = coerce a b (unsafeAssert (sort 0) a b);
+axiom unsafeCoerce_same : (a : sort 0) -> (x : a) ->
+ Eq a (unsafeCoerce a a x) x;
+-- NOTE: We could prove unsafeCoerce_same if we were willing to allow UIP...
+unsafeCoerce_same : (a : sort 0) -> (x : a) -> Eq a (unsafeCoerce a a x) x;
+unsafeCoerce_same a x = coerce_same a (unsafeAssert (sort 0) a a) x;
+piCong0 : (r x y : sort 0) -> Eq (sort 0) x y -> (Eq (sort 0) (x -> r) (y -> r));
+piCong0 r x y eq =
+ Eq__rec
+ (sort 0) x
+ (\ (y': sort 0) -> \ (eq': Eq (sort 0) x y') ->
+ Eq (sort 0) (x -> r) (y' -> r))
+ (Refl (sort 0) (x -> r)) y eq;
+piCong1 : (r x y : sort 0) -> Eq (sort 0) x y -> (Eq (sort 0) (r -> x) (r -> y));
+piCong1 r x y eq =
+ Eq__rec
+ (sort 0) x
+ (\ (y': sort 0) -> \ (eq': Eq (sort 0) x y') ->
+ Eq (sort 0) (r -> x) (r -> y'))
+ (Refl (sort 0) (r -> x)) y eq;
+-- Bits
+data Bit : sort 0 where {
+ Bit1 : Bit;
+ Bit0 : Bit;
+ }
+Bit__rec : (p : Bit -> sort 1) -> (p Bit1) -> (p Bit0) -> (b:Bit) -> p b;
+Bit__rec p f1 f2 b = Bit#rec p f1 f2 b;
+-- Booleans
+-- Boolean is a primitive type, because it is handled specially by some of the
+-- back-ends (e.g., the SAT/SMT solvers)
+primitive Bool : sort 0;
+primitive True : Bool;
+primitive False : Bool;
+-- Elimination form for Bool is dependent if-then-else. This is exactly the same
+-- as the recursor for Bit, but it is declared as a primitive because Bool is.
+-- It also rearranges the arguments to look more like normal if-then-else.
+primitive iteDep : (p : Bool -> sort 1) -> (b:Bool) ->
+ p True -> p False -> p b;
+-- Reduction rules for iteDep
+axiom iteDep_True : (p : Bool -> sort 1) -> (f1:p True) -> (f2:p False) ->
+ Eq (p True) (iteDep p True f1 f2) f1;
+axiom iteDep_False : (p : Bool -> sort 1) -> (f1:p True) -> (f2:p False) ->
+ Eq (p False) (iteDep p False f1 f2) f2;
+-- Non-dependent if-then-else; this is a primitive because it is handled
+-- specially by some of the back-ends (e.g., the SAT/SMT solvers)
+primitive ite : (a : sort 1) -> Bool -> a -> a -> a;
+-- ite should be the same as iteDep
+axiom ite_eq_iteDep : (a:sort 1) -> (b:Bool) -> (x y:a) ->
+ Eq a (ite a b x y) (iteDep (\ (_:Bool) -> a) b x y);
+ite_true (a : sort 1) (x y : a) : Eq a (ite a True x y) x =
+ trans a (ite a True x y) (iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> a) True x y) x
+ (ite_eq_iteDep a True x y) (iteDep_True (\ (_:Bool) -> a) x y);
+ite_false (a : sort 1) (x y : a) : Eq a (ite a False x y) y =
+ trans a (ite a False x y) (iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> a) False x y) y
+ (ite_eq_iteDep a False x y) (iteDep_False (\ (_:Bool) -> a) x y);
+-- Converting between Bools and Bits (cause why not?)
+bool2bit : Bool -> Bit;
+bool2bit b = iteDep (\ (_:Bool) -> Bit) b Bit1 Bit0;
+bool2bit_True : Eq Bit (bool2bit True) Bit1;
+bool2bit_True = iteDep_True (\ (_:Bool) -> Bit) Bit1 Bit0;
+bool2bit_False : Eq Bit (bool2bit False) Bit0;
+bool2bit_False = iteDep_False (\ (_:Bool) -> Bit) Bit1 Bit0;
+bit2bool : Bit -> Bool;
+bit2bool = Bit__rec (\ (_:Bit) -> Bool) True False;
+bit2bool_Bit1 : Eq Bool (bit2bool Bit1) True;
+bit2bool_Bit1 = Refl Bool True;
+bit2bool_Bit0 : Eq Bool (bit2bool Bit0) False;
+bit2bool_Bit0 = Refl Bool False;
+-- The Boolean operations
+primitive not : Bool -> Bool;
+axiom not__eq : (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (not b) (ite Bool b False True);
+primitive and : Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+axiom and__eq : (b1 b2:Bool) -> Eq Bool (and b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 b2 False);
+primitive or : Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+axiom or__eq : (b1 b2:Bool) -> Eq Bool (or b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 True b2);
+primitive xor : Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+axiom xor__eq : (b1 b2:Bool) ->
+ Eq Bool (xor b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 (not b2) b2);
+-- Decidable Boolean equality, also known as iff
+primitive boolEq : Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+axiom boolEq__eq : (b1 b2:Bool) ->
+ Eq Bool (boolEq b1 b2) (ite Bool b1 b2 (not b2));
+-- Implies is not a primitive, as it is not mapped by any of the simulator
+-- back-ends; instead, it is just defined in terms of or and not
+implies : Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+implies = \ (a:Bool) (b:Bool) -> or (not a) b;
+-- FIXME: this rule should be derived by scDefRewriteRules
+implies__eq : (a b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (implies a b) (or (not a) b);
+implies__eq a b = Refl Bool (implies a b);
+unitEq : UnitType -> UnitType -> Bool;
+unitEq _ _ = True;
+pairEq : (a b : sort 0) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> (b -> b -> Bool) -> a * b -> a * b -> Bool;
+pairEq a b f g x y = and ( f x.(1) y.(1) ) ( g x.(2) y.(2) );
+-- Rewrite rules for booleans
+not_True : Eq Bool (not True) False;
+not_True =
+ trans Bool (not True) (ite Bool True False True) False
+ (not__eq True) (ite_true Bool False True);
+not_False : Eq Bool (not False) True;
+not_False =
+ trans Bool (not False) (ite Bool False False True) True
+ (not__eq False) (ite_false Bool False True);
+not_not (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (not (not x)) x =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (not (not b)) b) x
+ (trans Bool (not (not True)) (not False) True
+ (eq_cong Bool (not True) False not_True Bool not)
+ not_False)
+ (trans Bool (not (not False)) (not True) False
+ (eq_cong Bool (not False) True not_False Bool not)
+ not_True);
+and_True1 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (and True x) x =
+ trans Bool (and True x) (ite Bool True x False) x
+ (and__eq True x) (ite_true Bool x False);
+and_False1 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (and False x) False =
+ trans Bool (and False x) (ite Bool False x False) False
+ (and__eq False x) (ite_false Bool x False);
+and_True2 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (and x True) x =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (and b True) b) x
+ (and_True1 True) (and_False1 True);
+and_False2 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (and x False) False =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (and b False) False) x
+ (and_True1 False) (and_False1 False);
+and_assoc (x y z : Bool) : Eq Bool (and x (and y z)) (and (and x y) z) =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (and x (and y b)) (and (and x y) b)) z
+ (trans2 Bool (and x (and y True)) (and (and x y) True) (and x y)
+ (eq_cong Bool (and y True) y (and_True2 y) Bool (and x))
+ (and_True2 (and x y)))
+ (trans2 Bool (and x (and y False)) (and (and x y) False) False
+ (trans Bool (and x (and y False)) (and x False) False
+ (eq_cong Bool (and y False) False (and_False2 y) Bool (and x))
+ (and_False2 x))
+ (and_False2 (and x y)));
+and_idem (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (and x x) x =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (and b b) b) x
+ (and_True1 True) (and_False1 False);
+or_True1 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (or True x) True =
+ trans Bool (or True x) (ite Bool True True x) True
+ (or__eq True x) (ite_true Bool True x);
+or_False1 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (or False x) x =
+ trans Bool (or False x) (ite Bool False True x) x
+ (or__eq False x) (ite_false Bool True x);
+or_True2 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (or x True) True =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (or b True) True) x
+ (or_True1 True) (or_False1 True);
+or_False2 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (or x False) x =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (or b False) b) x
+ (or_True1 False) (or_False1 False);
+or_assoc (x y z : Bool) : Eq Bool (or x (or y z)) (or (or x y) z) =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (or x (or y b)) (or (or x y) b)) z
+ (trans2 Bool (or x (or y True)) (or (or x y) True) True
+ (trans Bool (or x (or y True)) (or x True) True
+ (eq_cong Bool (or y True) True (or_True2 y) Bool (or x))
+ (or_True2 x))
+ (or_True2 (or x y)))
+ (trans2 Bool (or x (or y False)) (or (or x y) False) (or x y)
+ (eq_cong Bool (or y False) y (or_False2 y) Bool (or x))
+ (or_False2 (or x y)));
+or_idem (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (or x x) x =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (or b b) b) x
+ (or_True1 True) (or_False1 False);
+implies_True1 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (implies True x) x =
+ trans
+ Bool (or (not True) x) (or False x) x
+ (eq_cong Bool (not True) False not_True
+ Bool (\ (y:Bool) -> or y x))
+ (or_False1 x);
+implies_False1 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (implies False x) True =
+ trans
+ Bool (or (not False) x) (or True x) True
+ (eq_cong Bool (not False) True not_False
+ Bool (\ (y:Bool) -> or y x))
+ (or_True1 x);
+-- Legacy name
+true_implies (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (implies True x) x = implies_True1 x;
+xor_True1 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (xor True x) (not x) =
+ trans Bool (xor True x) (ite Bool True (not x) x) (not x)
+ (xor__eq True x) (ite_true Bool (not x) x);
+xor_False1 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (xor False x) x =
+ trans Bool (xor False x) (ite Bool False (not x) x) x
+ (xor__eq False x) (ite_false Bool (not x) x);
+xor_False2 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (xor x False) x =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (xor b False) b) x
+ (trans Bool (xor True False) (not False) True (xor_True1 False) not_False)
+ (xor_False1 False);
+xor_True2 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (xor x True) (not x) =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (xor b True) (not b)) x
+ (xor_True1 True)
+ (trans2 Bool (xor False True) (not False) True (xor_False1 True) not_False);
+xor_same (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (xor x x) False =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (xor b b) False) x
+ (trans Bool (xor True True) (not True) False (xor_True1 True) not_True)
+ (xor_False1 False);
+boolEq_True1 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (boolEq True x) x =
+ trans Bool (boolEq True x) (ite Bool True x (not x)) x
+ (boolEq__eq True x) (ite_true Bool x (not x));
+boolEq_False1 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (boolEq False x) (not x) =
+ trans Bool (boolEq False x) (ite Bool False x (not x)) (not x)
+ (boolEq__eq False x) (ite_false Bool x (not x));
+boolEq_True2 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (boolEq x True) x =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (boolEq b True) b) x
+ (boolEq_True1 True)
+ (trans Bool (boolEq False True) (not True) False (boolEq_False1 True) not_True);
+boolEq_False2 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (boolEq x False) (not x) =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (boolEq b False) (not b)) x
+ (trans2 Bool (boolEq True False) (not True) False (boolEq_True1 False) not_True)
+ (boolEq_False1 False);
+boolEq_same (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (boolEq x x) True =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (boolEq b b) True) x
+ (boolEq_True1 True)
+ (trans Bool (boolEq False False) (not False) True (boolEq_False1 False) not_False);
+not_or (x y : Bool) : Eq Bool (not (or x y)) (and (not x) (not y)) =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (not (or b y)) (and (not b) (not y)))
+ x
+ (trans Bool (not (or True y)) False (and (not True) (not y))
+ (trans Bool (not (or True y)) (not True) False
+ (eq_cong Bool (or True y) True (or_True1 y)
+ Bool not)
+ not_True)
+ (trans Bool False (and False (not y)) (and (not True) (not y))
+ (sym Bool (and False (not y)) False (and_False1 (not y)))
+ (eq_cong Bool False (not True)
+ (sym Bool (not True) False not_True)
+ Bool (\ (z:Bool) -> (and z (not y))))))
+ (trans Bool (not (or False y)) (not y) (and (not False) (not y))
+ (eq_cong Bool (or False y) y (or_False1 y) Bool not)
+ (sym Bool (and (not False) (not y)) (not y)
+ (trans Bool (and (not False) (not y)) (and True (not y))
+ (not y)
+ (eq_cong Bool (not False) True not_False Bool
+ (\ (z:Bool) -> (and z (not y))))
+ (and_True1 (not y)))));
+not_and (x y : Bool)
+ : Eq Bool (not (and x y)) (or (not x) (not y)) =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (not (and b y)) (or (not b) (not y)))
+ x
+ (trans Bool (not (and True y)) (not y) (or (not True) (not y))
+ (eq_cong Bool (and True y) y (and_True1 y) Bool not)
+ (sym Bool (or (not True) (not y)) (not y)
+ (trans Bool (or (not True) (not y)) (or False (not y))
+ (not y)
+ (eq_cong Bool (not True) False not_True Bool
+ (\ (z:Bool) -> (or z (not y))))
+ (or_False1 (not y)))))
+ (trans Bool (not (and False y)) True (or (not False) (not y))
+ (trans Bool (not (and False y)) (not False) True
+ (eq_cong Bool (and False y) False (and_False1 y)
+ Bool not)
+ not_False)
+ (trans Bool True (or True (not y)) (or (not False) (not y))
+ (sym Bool (or True (not y)) True (or_True1 (not y)))
+ (eq_cong Bool True (not False)
+ (sym Bool (not False) True not_False)
+ Bool (\ (z:Bool) -> (or z (not y))))));
+ite_not (a : sort 1) (b : Bool) (x y : a)
+ : Eq a (ite a (not b) x y) (ite a b y x) =
+ iteDep (\ (b':Bool) -> Eq a (ite a (not b') x y) (ite a b' y x))
+ b
+ (trans a (ite a (not True) x y) y (ite a True y x)
+ (trans a (ite a (not True) x y) (ite a False x y) y
+ (eq_cong Bool (not True) False not_True a
+ (\ (z:Bool) -> ite a z x y))
+ (ite_false a x y))
+ (sym a (ite a True y x) y (ite_true a y x)))
+ (trans a (ite a (not False) x y) x (ite a False y x)
+ (trans a (ite a (not False) x y) (ite a True x y) x
+ (eq_cong Bool (not False) True not_False a
+ (\ (z:Bool) -> ite a z x y))
+ (ite_true a x y))
+ (sym a (ite a False y x) x (ite_false a y x)));
+ite_nest1 (a : sort 1) (b : Bool) (x y z : a)
+ : Eq a (ite a b (ite a b x y) z) (ite a b x z) =
+ iteDep (\ (b':Bool) -> Eq a (ite a b' (ite a b' x y) z) (ite a b' x z))
+ b
+ (trans a (ite a True (ite a True x y) z) x (ite a True x z)
+ (trans a (ite a True (ite a True x y) z) (ite a True x y) x
+ (ite_true a (ite a True x y) z)
+ (ite_true a x y))
+ (sym a (ite a True x z) x (ite_true a x z)))
+ (trans a (ite a False (ite a False x y) z) z (ite a False x z)
+ (ite_false a (ite a False x y) z)
+ (sym a (ite a False x z) z (ite_false a x z)));
+ite_nest2 (a : sort 1) (b : Bool) (x y z : a)
+ : Eq a (ite a b x (ite a b y z)) (ite a b x z) =
+ iteDep (\ (b':Bool) -> Eq a (ite a b' x (ite a b' y z)) (ite a b' x z))
+ b
+ (trans a (ite a True x (ite a True y z)) x (ite a True x z)
+ (ite_true a x (ite a True y z))
+ (sym a (ite a True x z) x (ite_true a x z)))
+ (trans a (ite a False x (ite a False y z)) z (ite a False x z)
+ (trans a (ite a False x (ite a False y z)) (ite a False y z) z
+ (ite_false a x (ite a False y z))
+ (ite_false a y z))
+ (sym a (ite a False x z) z (ite_false a x z)));
+-- This is provable with iteDep on b, but yuck!
+axiom ite_bit : (b : Bool) -> (c : Bool) -> (d : Bool) ->
+ Eq Bool (ite Bool b c d) (and (or (not b) c) (or b d));
+ite_bit_false_1 (b c : Bool)
+ : Eq Bool (ite Bool b False c) (and (not b) c) =
+ iteDep (\ (b':Bool) -> Eq Bool (ite Bool b' False c) (and (not b') c)) b
+ (trans Bool (ite Bool True False c) False (and (not True) c)
+ (ite_true Bool False c)
+ (sym Bool (and (not True) c) False
+ (trans Bool (and (not True) c) (and False c) False
+ (eq_cong Bool (not True) False not_True
+ Bool (\ (z:Bool) -> (and z c)))
+ (and_False1 c))))
+ (trans Bool (ite Bool False False c) c (and (not False) c)
+ (ite_false Bool False c)
+ (sym Bool (and (not False) c) c
+ (trans Bool (and (not False) c) (and True c) c
+ (eq_cong Bool (not False) True not_False
+ Bool (\ (z:Bool) -> (and z c)))
+ (and_True1 c))));
+ite_bit_true_1 (b c : Bool) : Eq Bool (ite Bool b True c) (or b c) =
+ iteDep (\ (b':Bool) -> Eq Bool (ite Bool b' True c) (or b' c))
+ b
+ (trans Bool (ite Bool True True c) True (or True c)
+ (ite_true Bool True c)
+ (sym Bool (or True c) True (or_True1 c)))
+ (trans Bool (ite Bool False True c) c (or False c)
+ (ite_false Bool True c)
+ (sym Bool (or False c) c (or_False1 c)));
+ite_fold_not (b : Bool) : Eq Bool (ite Bool b False True) (not b) =
+ iteDep (\ (b':Bool) -> Eq Bool (ite Bool b' False True) (not b'))
+ b
+ (trans Bool (ite Bool True False True) False (not True)
+ (ite_true Bool False True)
+ (sym Bool (not True) False not_True))
+ (trans Bool (ite Bool False False True) True (not False)
+ (ite_false Bool False True)
+ (sym Bool (not False) True not_False));
+ite_eq (a : sort 1) (b : Bool) (x : a) : Eq a (ite a b x x) x =
+ iteDep (\ (b':Bool) -> Eq a (ite a b' x x) x)
+ b (ite_true a x x) (ite_false a x x);
+or_triv1 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (or x (not x)) True =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (or b (not b)) True)
+ x
+ (or_True1 (not True))
+ (trans Bool (or False (not False)) (not False) True
+ (or_False1 (not False)) not_False);
+or_triv2 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (or (not x) x) True =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (or (not b) b) True)
+ x
+ (or_True2 (not True))
+ (trans Bool (or (not False) False) (not False) True
+ (or_False2 (not False)) not_False);
+and_triv1 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (and x (not x)) False =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (and b (not b)) False)
+ x
+ (trans Bool (and True (not True)) (not True) False
+ (and_True1 (not True)) not_True)
+ (and_False1 (not False));
+and_triv2 (x : Bool) : Eq Bool (and (not x) x) False =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Eq Bool (and (not b) b) False)
+ x
+ (trans Bool (and (not True) True) (not True) False
+ (and_True2 (not True)) not_True)
+ (and_False2 (not False));
+-- Converting Booleans to Propositions
+EqTrue : Bool -> Prop;
+EqTrue x = Eq Bool x True;
+TrueI : EqTrue True;
+TrueI = Refl Bool True;
+andI : (x y : Bool) -> EqTrue x -> EqTrue y -> EqTrue (and x y);
+andI x y p q =
+ trans4 Bool (and x y) (and x True) x True
+ (eq_cong Bool y True q Bool (and x)) (and_True2 x) p;
+impliesI (x y : Bool) : (EqTrue x -> EqTrue y) -> EqTrue (implies x y) =
+ iteDep (\ (x : Bool) -> (EqTrue x -> EqTrue y) -> EqTrue (implies x y)) x
+ (\ (H : EqTrue True -> EqTrue y) ->
+ trans Bool (implies True y) y True (implies_True1 y) (H TrueI))
+ (\ (_ : EqTrue False -> EqTrue y) -> implies_False1 y);
+-- Either
+data Either (s t : sort 0) : sort 0 where {
+ Left : s -> Either s t;
+ Right : t -> Either s t;
+ }
+Either__rec : (s t : sort 0) -> (p : Either s t -> sort 0) ->
+ ((l : s) -> p (Left s t l)) ->
+ ((r : t) -> p (Right s t r)) ->
+ (e : Either s t) -> p e;
+Either__rec s t p f1 f2 e = Either#rec s t p f1 f2 e;
+either : (a b c : sort 0) -> (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c;
+either a b c f g e =
+ Either__rec a b (\ (p: Either a b) -> c) f g e;
+eitherCong0 : (t x y : sort 0) -> Eq (sort 0) x y ->
+ Eq (sort 0) (Either x t) (Either y t);
+eitherCong0 t x y eq =
+ eq_cong (sort 0) x y eq (sort 0) (\ (y':sort 0) -> Either y' t);
+eitherCong1 : (t x y : sort 0) -> Eq (sort 0) x y ->
+ Eq (sort 0) (Either t x) (Either t y);
+eitherCong1 t x y eq =
+ eq_cong (sort 0) x y eq (sort 0) (\ (y':sort 0) -> Either t y');
+-- Maybe
+data Maybe (a : sort 0) : sort 0 where {
+ Nothing : Maybe a;
+ Just : a -> Maybe a;
+ }
+Maybe__rec : (a : sort 0) -> (p : (Maybe a) -> sort 0) ->
+ p (Nothing a) -> ((x:a) -> p (Just a x)) -> (m : Maybe a) -> p m;
+Maybe__rec a p f1 f2 m = Maybe#rec a p f1 f2 m;
+maybe : (a b : sort 0) -> b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b;
+maybe a b f1 f2 m = Maybe__rec a (\ (m':Maybe a) -> b) f1 f2 m;
+-- Nat
+data Nat : sort 0 where {
+ Zero : Nat;
+ Succ : Nat -> Nat;
+ }
+Nat__rec : (p : Nat -> sort 1) -> p Zero -> ((n:Nat) -> p n -> p (Succ n)) ->
+ (n:Nat) -> p n;
+Nat__rec p f1 f2 n = Nat#rec p f1 f2 n;
+Nat_cases : (a:sort 1) -> a -> (Nat -> a -> a) -> Nat -> a;
+Nat_cases a f1 f2 n = Nat__rec (\ (n:Nat) -> a) f1 f2 n;
+-- Build a binary function for Nats that satisfies:
+-- Nat_cases2 a f1 f2 f3 Zero y = f1 y
+-- Nat_cases2 a f1 f2 f3 (Succ x) Zero = f2 x
+-- Nat_cases2 a f1 f2 f3 (Succ x) (Succ y) = f3 x y (Nat_cases2 ... x y)
+Nat_cases2 : (a:sort 1) -> (Nat -> a) -> (Nat -> a) ->
+ (Nat -> Nat -> a -> a) -> Nat -> Nat -> a;
+Nat_cases2 a f1 f2 f3 n m =
+ Nat__rec (\ (n:Nat) -> Nat -> a) f1
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (f_rec : Nat -> a) -> \ (m:Nat) ->
+ Nat__rec (\ (m':Nat) -> a) (f2 n)
+ (\ (m':Nat) -> \ (frec':a) -> f3 n m' (f_rec m')) m) n m;
+eqNat : Nat -> Nat -> sort 1;
+eqNat x y = Eq Nat x y;
+eqNatSucc : (x y : Nat) -> eqNat x y -> eqNat (Succ x) (Succ y);
+eqNatSucc x y eq = eq_cong Nat x y eq Nat (\ (n:Nat) -> Succ n);
+-- Predecessor
+pred : Nat -> Nat;
+pred x = Nat_cases Nat Zero (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (m:Nat) -> n) x;
+eqNatPrec : (x y : Nat) -> eqNat (Succ x) (Succ y) -> eqNat x y;
+eqNatPrec x y eq' =
+ eq_cong Nat (Succ x) (Succ y) eq' Nat pred;
+-- | Propositional less than or equal to; defined the same way as in Coq
+data IsLeNat (n:Nat) : Nat -> Prop where {
+ IsLeNat_base : IsLeNat n n;
+ IsLeNat_succ : (m:Nat) -> IsLeNat n m -> IsLeNat n (Succ m);
+-- | m < n is defined as m+1 <= n (as in Coq)
+IsLtNat : Nat -> Nat -> Prop;
+IsLtNat m n = IsLeNat (Succ m) n;
+-- | Test if m < n or n <= m
+-- FIXME: implement this!
+primitive natCompareLe : (m n : Nat) -> Either (IsLtNat m n) (IsLeNat n m);
+-- | Test if m = n
+-- FIXME: implement this!
+primitive proveEqNat : (m n : Nat) -> Maybe (Eq Nat m n);
+-- | Try to prove x <= y (FIXME: implement this from natCompareLe!)
+primitive proveLeNat : (x y : Nat) -> Maybe (IsLeNat x y);
+-- | Try to prove x < y
+proveLtNat : (x y : Nat) -> Maybe (IsLtNat x y);
+proveLtNat x y = proveLeNat (Succ x) y;
+-- | Addition
+addNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+addNat x y =
+ Nat_cases Nat y (\ (_:Nat) -> \ (prev_sum:Nat) -> Succ prev_sum) x;
+eqNatAdd0 (x : Nat) : eqNat (addNat x 0) x =
+ Nat__rec (\ (n:Nat) -> eqNat (addNat n 0) n)
+ (Refl Nat 0)
+ (\ (n:Nat) -> eqNatSucc (addNat n 0) n)
+ x;
+eqNatAddS (x y : Nat) : eqNat (addNat x (Succ y)) (Succ (addNat x y)) =
+ Nat__rec (\ (x':Nat) -> (y':Nat) ->
+ eqNat (addNat x' (Succ y')) (Succ (addNat x' y')))
+ (\ (y':Nat) -> Refl Nat (Succ y'))
+ (\ (x':Nat) ->
+ \ (eqF : (y':Nat) ->
+ eqNat (addNat x' (Succ y')) (Succ (addNat x' y'))) ->
+ \ (y':Nat) ->
+ eqNatSucc (addNat x' (Succ y')) (Succ (addNat x' y')) (eqF y'))
+ x y;
+eqNatAddComm (x y : Nat) : eqNat (addNat x y) (addNat y x) =
+ Nat__rec (\ (y':Nat) -> (x':Nat) -> eqNat (addNat x' y') (addNat y' x'))
+ (\ (x':Nat) -> eqNatAdd0 x')
+ (\ (y':Nat) ->
+ \ (eqF : (x':Nat) -> eqNat (addNat x' y') (addNat y' x')) ->
+ \ (x':Nat) ->
+ trans Nat
+ (addNat x' (Succ y'))
+ (Succ (addNat x' y'))
+ (Succ (addNat y' x'))
+ (eqNatAddS x' y')
+ (eqNatSucc (addNat x' y') (addNat y' x') (eqF x')))
+ y x;
+addNat_assoc (x y z : Nat) : eqNat (addNat x (addNat y z)) (addNat (addNat x y) z) =
+ Nat__rec (\ (x':Nat) -> eqNat (addNat x' (addNat y z)) (addNat (addNat x' y) z))
+ (Refl Nat (addNat y z))
+ (\ (x':Nat) ->
+ \ (eq : eqNat (addNat x' (addNat y z)) (addNat (addNat x' y) z)) ->
+ eqNatSucc (addNat x' (addNat y z)) (addNat (addNat x' y) z) eq)
+ x;
+-- | Multiplication
+mulNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+mulNat x y =
+ Nat__rec (\ (x':Nat) -> Nat) 0
+ (\ (x':Nat) -> \ (prod:Nat) -> addNat y prod) x;
+equal0Nat : Nat -> Bool;
+equal0Nat n =
+ Nat_cases Bool True (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (b:Bool) -> False) n;
+equalNat : Nat -> Nat -> Bool;
+equalNat x y =
+ Nat_cases (Nat -> Bool) equal0Nat
+ (\ (n':Nat) -> \ (eqN : Nat -> Bool) -> \ (m:Nat) ->
+ Nat_cases Bool False
+ (\ (m':Nat) -> \ (b:Bool) -> eqN m') m) x y;
+ltNat : Nat -> Nat -> Bool;
+ltNat x y =
+ Nat_cases2 Bool (\ (x':Nat) -> False)
+ (\ (y':Nat) -> True)
+ (\ (y':Nat) -> \ (x':Nat) -> \ (lt_mn:Bool) -> lt_mn) y x;
+-- | Subtraction
+subNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+subNat x y =
+ Nat_cases2 Nat (\ (x':Nat) -> x')
+ (\ (y':Nat) -> Zero)
+ (\ (y':Nat) -> \ (x':Nat) -> \ (sub_xy:Nat) -> sub_xy) y x;
+-- | Minimum
+minNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+minNat x y =
+ Nat_cases2 Nat (\ (y':Nat) -> Zero)
+ (\ (x':Nat) -> Zero)
+ (\ (x':Nat) -> \ (y':Nat) -> \ (min_xy:Nat) -> Succ min_xy) x y;
+-- | Maximum
+maxNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+maxNat x y =
+ Nat_cases2 Nat (\ (x':Nat) -> x')
+ (\ (y':Nat) -> Succ y')
+ (\ (y':Nat) -> \ (x':Nat) -> \ (sub_xy:Nat) -> sub_xy) y x;
+-- | Width(n) = 1 + floor(log_2(n))
+primitive widthNat : Nat -> Nat;
+-- | Natural exponentiation
+expNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+expNat b e =
+ Nat_cases Nat 1 (\ (e':Nat) -> \ (exp_b_e:Nat) -> mulNat b exp_b_e) e;
+-- | Natural division and modulus
+primitive divModNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat * Nat;
+divNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+divNat x y = (divModNat x y).(1);
+modNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+modNat x y = (divModNat x y).(2);
+-- There are implicit constructors from integer literals.
+-- Dependent, non-recursive pattern matching combinator for natural numbers
+natCase : (p : Nat -> sort 0) -> p Zero -> ((n : Nat) -> p (Succ n)) ->
+ (n : Nat) -> p n;
+natCase p z s = Nat__rec p z (\ (n:Nat) -> \ (r:p n) -> s n);
+-- An if-then-else for whether a Nat = 0
+if0Nat : (a : sort 0) -> Nat -> a -> a -> a;
+if0Nat a n x y = natCase (\ (_:Nat) -> a) x (\ (_:Nat) -> y) n;
+-- An exponentation operation on arbitrary types.
+-- The arguments are: the 1 value for a;
+-- the multiplication operation, the base of the exponent
+-- and the number of times to multiply.
+primitive expByNat : (a:sort 0) -> a -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Nat -> a;
+-- "Vec n a" is an array of n elements, each with type "a".
+primitive Vec : Nat -> sort 0 -> sort 0;
+-- Primitive function for generating an array.
+primitive gen : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> (Nat -> a) -> Vec n a;
+primitive atWithDefault : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> a -> Vec n a -> Nat -> a;
+at : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Nat -> a;
+at n a v i = atWithDefault n a (error a "at: index out of bounds") v i;
+-- `at n a v i` has the precondition `ltNat i n`
+primitive EmptyVec : (a : sort 0) -> Vec 0 a;
+ConsVec : (a : sort 0) -> a -> (n : Nat) -> Vec n a -> Vec (Succ n) a;
+ConsVec a x n v =
+ gen (Succ n) a (Nat_cases a x (\ (i:Nat) -> \ (a':a) -> at n a v i));
+upd : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Nat -> a -> Vec n a;
+upd n a v j x = gen n a (\ (i : Nat) -> ite a (equalNat i j) x (at n a v i));
+-- TODO: assertion that j < n
+-- | Defines a function that maps array elements from one range to another.
+map : (a b : sort 0) -> (a -> b) -> (n : Nat) -> Vec n a -> Vec n b;
+map a b f n v = gen n b (\ (i : Nat) -> f (at n a v i));
+-- | Defines a function that maps array elements from one range to another.
+zipWith : (a b c : sort 0)
+ -> (a -> b -> c)
+ -> (n : Nat) -> Vec n a -> Vec n b -> Vec n c;
+zipWith a b c f n x y = gen n c (\ (i : Nat) -> f (at n a x i) (at n b y i));
+-- replicate n x returns an array with n copies of x.
+replicate : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> a -> Vec n a;
+replicate n a x = gen n a (\ (_ : Nat) -> x);
+-- | Create a vector of length 1.
+single : (a : sort 0) -> a -> Vec 1 a;
+single = replicate 1;
+axiom at_single : (a : sort 0) -> (x : a) -> (i : Nat) -> Eq a (at 1 a (single a x) i) x;
+-- Zip together two lists (truncating the longer of the two).
+primitive zip : (a b : sort 0) -> (m n : Nat) -> Vec m a -> Vec n b -> Vec (minNat m n) (a * b);
+primitive foldr : (a b : sort 0) -> (n : Nat) -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vec n a -> b;
+reverse : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Vec n a;
+reverse n a xs = gen n a (\ (i : Nat) -> at n a xs (subNat (subNat n 1) i));
+transpose : (m n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> Vec m (Vec n a) -> Vec n (Vec m a);
+transpose m n a xss =
+ gen n (Vec m a) (\ (j : Nat) ->
+ gen m a (\ (i : Nat) -> at n a (at m (Vec n a) xss i) j));
+-- | Return true if two vectors are equal, given a comparison function
+-- for elements.
+vecEq : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> (a -> a -> Bool)
+ -> Vec n a -> Vec n a -> Bool;
+vecEq n a eqFn x y =
+ foldr Bool Bool n and True (zipWith a a Bool eqFn n x y);
+-- | Take a prefix of a vector.
+take : (a : sort 0) -> (m n : Nat) -> Vec (addNat m n) a -> Vec m a;
+take a m n v = gen m a (\ (i : Nat) -> at (addNat m n) a v i);
+vecCong : (a : sort 0) -> (m n : Nat) -> Eq Nat m n ->
+ Eq (sort 0) (Vec m a) (Vec n a);
+vecCong a m n eq = eq_cong Nat m n eq (sort 0) (\ (i:Nat) -> Vec i a);
+coerceVec : (a : sort 0) -> (m n : Nat) -> Eq Nat m n -> Vec m a -> Vec n a;
+coerceVec a m n q = coerce (Vec m a) (Vec n a) (vecCong a m n q);
+-- | Simplify take all elements from a vector.
+axiom take0 : (a : sort 0)
+ -> (m : Nat)
+ -> (v : Vec (addNat m 0) a)
+ -> Eq (Vec m a)
+ (take a m 0 v)
+ (coerceVec a (addNat m 0) m (eqNatAdd0 m) v);
+-- | Returns a suffix of a vector after a given number of elements.
+drop : (a : sort 0) -> (m n : Nat) -> Vec (addNat m n) a -> Vec n a;
+drop a m n v = gen n a (\ (i : Nat) -> at (addNat m n) a v (addNat m i));
+-- | Simplify drop 0-elements from a vector.
+axiom drop0 : (a : sort 0)
+ -> (n : Nat)
+ -> (v : Vec (addNat 0 n) a)
+ -> Eq (Vec n a) (drop a 0 n v) v;
+-- | Select a range [i,..,i+n] of values from the array.
+slice : (a : sort 0)
+ -> (m n o : Nat)
+ -> Vec (addNat (addNat m n) o) a -> Vec n a;
+slice a m n o v = drop a m n (take a (addNat m n) o v);
+-- Concatenate arrays together.
+join : (m n : Nat)
+ -> (a : sort 0)
+ -> Vec m (Vec n a)
+ -> Vec (mulNat m n) a;
+join m n a v =
+ gen (mulNat m n) a (\ (i : Nat) ->
+ at n a (at m (Vec n a) v (divNat i n)) (modNat i n));
+-- Split array into list
+split : (m n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> Vec (mulNat m n) a -> Vec m (Vec n a);
+split m n a v =
+ gen m (Vec n a) (\ (i : Nat) ->
+ gen n a (\ (j : Nat) ->
+ at (mulNat m n) a v (addNat (mulNat i n) j)));
+-- Append two arrays together.
+append : (m n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> Vec m a -> Vec n a -> Vec (addNat m n) a;
+append m n a x y =
+ gen (addNat m n) a
+ (\ (i : Nat) ->
+ ite a (ltNat i m) (at m a x i) (at n a y (subNat i m)));
+-- Rotate array to the left.
+primitive rotateL : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Nat -> Vec n a;
+-- rotateL n a v i = gen n a (\ (j:Nat) -> at n a v (modNat (addNat i j) n));
+-- Rotate array to the right.
+primitive rotateR : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Nat -> Vec n a;
+-- rotateR n a v i = gen n a (\ (j:Nat) -> at n a v (modNat (addNat (subNat n i) j) n));
+-- Shift array to the left.
+primitive shiftL : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> a -> Vec n a -> Nat -> Vec n a;
+-- Shift array to the right.
+primitive shiftR : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> a -> Vec n a -> Nat -> Vec n a;
+joinLittleEndian : (m n : Nat)
+ -> (a : sort 0)
+ -> Vec m (Vec n a)
+ -> Vec (mulNat m n) a;
+joinLittleEndian m n a v = join m n a (reverse m (Vec n a) v);
+splitLittleEndian : (m n : Nat)
+ -> (a : sort 0)
+ -> Vec (mulNat m n) a
+ -> Vec m (Vec n a);
+splitLittleEndian m n a v = reverse m (Vec n a) (split m n a v);
+-- Bitvectors
+-- Bitvector operations expect the most-significant bit first.
+-- | Returns most-significant bit in a signed bitvector.
+msb : (n : Nat) -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Bool;
+msb n v = at (Succ n) Bool v 0;
+-- | Returns least-significant bit in a bitvector.
+lsb : (n : Nat) -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Bool;
+lsb n v = at (Succ n) Bool v n;
+-- | (bvNat n x) yields (x mod 2^n) as an n-bit vector.
+primitive bvNat : (n : Nat) -> Nat -> Vec n Bool;
+-- | Satisfies @bvNat n (bvToNat n x) = x@.
+primitive bvToNat : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Nat;
+bvAt : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> (w : Nat) -> Vec n a -> Vec w Bool
+ -> a;
+bvAt n a w xs i = at n a xs (bvToNat w i);
+bvUpd : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> (w : Nat) -> Vec n a -> Vec w Bool
+ -> a -> Vec n a;
+bvUpd n a w xs i y = upd n a xs (bvToNat w i) y;
+bvRotateL : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> (w : Nat) -> Vec n a -> Vec w Bool -> Vec n a;
+bvRotateL n a w xs i = rotateL n a xs (bvToNat w i);
+bvRotateR : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> (w : Nat) -> Vec n a -> Vec w Bool -> Vec n a;
+bvRotateR n a w xs i = rotateR n a xs (bvToNat w i);
+bvShiftL : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> (w : Nat) -> a -> Vec n a -> Vec w Bool -> Vec n a;
+bvShiftL n a w z xs i = shiftL n a z xs (bvToNat w i);
+bvShiftR : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> (w : Nat) -> a -> Vec n a -> Vec w Bool -> Vec n a;
+bvShiftR n a w z xs i = shiftR n a z xs (bvToNat w i);
+primitive bvAdd : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+-- | Unsigned and signed comparison functions.
+primitive bvugt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+primitive bvuge : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+primitive bvult : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+primitive bvule : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+primitive bvsgt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+primitive bvsge : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+primitive bvslt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+primitive bvsle : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+primitive bvPopcount : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+primitive bvCountLeadingZeros : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+primitive bvCountTrailingZeros : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+-- Universal quantification over bitvectors
+primitive bvForall : (n : Nat) -> (Vec n Bool -> Bool) -> Bool;
+bvCarry : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+bvCarry n x y = bvult n (bvAdd n x y) x;
+bvSCarry : (n : Nat) -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Bool;
+bvSCarry n x y = and (boolEq (msb n x) (msb n y)) (xor (msb n x) (msb n (bvAdd (Succ n) x y)));
+bvAddWithCarry : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool * Vec n Bool;
+bvAddWithCarry n x y = (bvCarry n x y, bvAdd n x y);
+axiom bvAddZeroL : (n : Nat) -> (x : Vec n Bool) -> Eq (Vec n Bool) (bvAdd n (bvNat n 0) x) x;
+axiom bvAddZeroR : (n : Nat) -> (x : Vec n Bool) -> Eq (Vec n Bool) (bvAdd n x (bvNat n 0)) x;
+primitive bvNeg : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+primitive bvSub : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+bvSBorrow : (n : Nat) -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Bool;
+bvSBorrow n x y = and (xor (msb n x) (msb n y)) (xor (msb n x) (msb n (bvSub (Succ n) x y)));
+primitive bvMul : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+primitive bvLg2 : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+-- Unsigned division and remainder.
+-- When the divisor is 0, bvUDiv returns a vector with all bits set.
+-- (Equal to 2^x - 1), and bvURem returns the divident unchanged.
+-- These two functions satisfy the property that:
+-- bvAdd x (bvMul x (bvUDiv x u v) v) (bvURem x u v) == u
+primitive bvUDiv : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+primitive bvURem : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+-- Signed division.
+-- When the divisor is 0, bvSDiv returns 2^x - 1 when the dividend
+-- is non-negative, and -1 when the dividend is negative; bvSRem
+-- returns the dividend unchanged.
+-- Otherwise, the sign of the quotient is the exclusive xor of
+-- the sign bit of the dividend and divisor; the remainder is negative
+-- if the dividend is negative.
+-- bvSDiv and bvSRem satisfy the property that:
+-- bvAdd x (bvMul x (bvSDiv x u v) v) (bvSRem x u v) == u
+primitive bvSDiv : (n : Nat) -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Vec (Succ n) Bool;
+primitive bvSRem : (n : Nat) -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Vec (Succ n) Bool;
+-- | Shift left by the given number of bits.
+-- New bits are False.
+primitive bvShl : (w : Nat) -> Vec w Bool -> Nat -> Vec w Bool;
+-- Logical right shift. New bits are False.
+primitive bvShr : (w : Nat) -> Vec w Bool -> Nat -> Vec w Bool;
+-- | Signed right shift. New bits are equal to most-significant bit.
+primitive bvSShr : (w : Nat) -> Vec (Succ w) Bool -> Nat -> Vec (Succ w) Bool;
+axiom bvShiftL_bvShl :
+ (n : Nat) -> (w : Nat) -> (x : Vec n Bool) -> (i : Vec w Bool) ->
+ Eq (Vec n Bool) (bvShiftL n Bool w False x i) (bvShl n x (bvToNat w i));
+axiom bvShiftR_bvShr :
+ (n : Nat) -> (w : Nat) -> (x : Vec n Bool) -> (i : Vec w Bool) ->
+ Eq (Vec n Bool) (bvShiftR n Bool w False x i) (bvShr n x (bvToNat w i));
+-- | Zipwith specialized to bitvectors.
+bvZipWith : (Bool -> Bool -> Bool)
+ -> (n : Nat)
+ -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+bvZipWith = zipWith Bool Bool Bool;
+-- | Bitwise complement.
+bvNot : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+bvNot = map Bool Bool not;
+-- | Pairwise conjunction
+bvAnd : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+bvAnd = bvZipWith and;
+-- | Pairwise disjunction
+bvOr : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+bvOr = bvZipWith or;
+-- | Pairwise exclusive or
+bvXor : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+bvXor = bvZipWith xor;
+-- | Return true if two bitvectors are equal.
+bvEq : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+bvEq n x y = vecEq n Bool boolEq x y;
+axiom bvEq_refl : (n : Nat) -> (x : Vec n Bool) -> Eq Bool (bvEq n x x) True;
+axiom equalNat_bv : (n : Nat) -> (x : Vec n Bool) -> (i : Nat) ->
+ Eq Bool (equalNat i (bvToNat n x)) (bvEq n (bvNat n i) x);
+-- | Returns the bitvector 1 if the boolean is true,
+-- and returns 0 otherwise
+bvBool : (n : Nat) -> Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+bvBool n b = ite (Vec n Bool) b (bvNat n 1) (bvNat n 0);
+-- | Return true if two bitvectors are not equal.
+bvNe : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+bvNe n x y = not (bvEq n x y);
+-- | Return true if the bitvector is nonzero
+bvNonzero : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+bvNonzero n x = bvNe n x (bvNat n 0);
+-- | Truncates a vector a smaller size.
+-- msb implementation:
+bvTrunc : (m n : Nat) -> Vec (addNat m n) Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+bvTrunc = drop Bool;
+-- lsb implementation:
+-- bvTrunc : (m n : Nat) -> Vec (addNat n m) Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+-- bvTrunc m n = take Bool n m;
+-- | Perform a unsigned extension of the bitvector.
+-- @bvUExt m n x@ adds m bits of zeros to the most-significant bits of
+-- the n-bit vector x.
+-- msb implementation:
+bvUExt : (m n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec (addNat m n) Bool;
+bvUExt m n x = append m n Bool (bvNat m 0) x;
+-- lsb implementation:
+-- bvUExt : (m n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec (addNat n m) Bool;
+-- bvUExt m n a = append n m Bool x (bvNat m 0);
+-- | 'replicateBool' is an version of 'replicate' optimized for type Bool.
+replicateBool : (n : Nat) -> Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+replicateBool n b = ite (Vec n Bool) b (bvNot n (bvNat n 0)) (bvNat n 0);
+-- | Perform a signed extension of the bitvector.
+-- msb implementation:
+bvSExt : (m n : Nat) -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Vec (addNat m (Succ n)) Bool;
+bvSExt m n x = append m (Succ n) Bool (replicateBool m (msb n x)) x;
+-- lsb implementation:
+-- bvSExt : (m n : Nat) -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Vec (addNat (Succ n) m) Bool;
+-- bvSExt m n x = append (Succ n) m Bool x (replicateBool m (msb n x));
+-- Infinite streams
+data Stream (a : sort 0) : sort 0 where {
+ MkStream : (Nat -> a) -> Stream a;
+ }
+Stream__rec : (a:sort 0) -> (p:Stream a -> sort 0) ->
+ ((f:Nat -> a) -> p (MkStream a f)) -> (str:Stream a) -> p str;
+Stream__rec a p f1 str = Stream#rec a p f1 str;
+streamUpd : (a : sort 0) -> Stream a -> Nat -> a -> Stream a;
+streamUpd a strm i y =
+ Stream__rec a (\ (strm':Stream a) -> Stream a)
+ (\ (s:Nat -> a) ->
+ MkStream a (\ (j : Nat) -> ite a (equalNat i j) y (s j))) strm;
+bvStreamUpd : (a : sort 0) -> (w : Nat) ->
+ Stream a -> Vec w Bool -> a -> Stream a;
+bvStreamUpd a w xs i y = streamUpd a xs (bvToNat w i) y;
+streamGet : (a : sort 0) -> Stream a -> Nat -> a;
+streamGet a strm i =
+ Stream__rec a (\ (strm':Stream a) -> a) (\ (s:Nat -> a) -> s i) strm;
+streamConst : (a : sort 0) -> a -> Stream a;
+streamConst a x = MkStream a (\ (i : Nat) -> x);
+streamMap : (a b : sort 0) -> (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b;
+streamMap a b f xs = MkStream b (\ (i : Nat) -> f (streamGet a xs i));
+streamMap2 : (a b c : sort 0) -> (a -> b -> c) ->
+ Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c;
+streamMap2 a b c f xs ys =
+ MkStream c (\ (i : Nat) -> f (streamGet a xs i) (streamGet b ys i));
+streamTake : (a : sort 0) -> (n : Nat) -> Stream a -> Vec n a;
+streamTake a n xs = gen n a (\ (i : Nat) -> streamGet a xs i);
+streamDrop : (a : sort 0) -> (n : Nat) -> Stream a -> Stream a;
+streamDrop a n xs = MkStream a (\ (i : Nat) -> streamGet a xs (addNat n i));
+streamAppend : (a : sort 0) -> (n : Nat) -> Vec n a -> Stream a -> Stream a;
+streamAppend a n xs ys =
+ MkStream a (\ (i : Nat) ->
+ atWithDefault n a (streamGet a ys (subNat i n)) xs i);
+streamJoin : (a : sort 0) -> (n : Nat)
+ -> Stream (Vec (Succ n) a)
+ -> (Stream a);
+streamJoin a n s =
+ MkStream a (\ (i:Nat) ->
+ at (Succ n) a (streamGet (Vec (Succ n) a) s (divNat i (Succ n)))
+ (modNat i (Succ n)) );
+streamSplit : (a : sort 0) -> (n : Nat) -> Stream a -> Stream (Vec n a);
+streamSplit a n xs =
+ MkStream (Vec n a) (\ (i : Nat) ->
+ gen n a (\ (j : Nat) ->
+ streamGet a xs (addNat (mulNat i n) j)));
+streamShiftL : (a : sort 0) -> Stream a -> Nat -> Stream a;
+streamShiftL a xs i = streamDrop a i xs;
+streamShiftR : (a : sort 0) -> a -> Stream a -> Nat -> Stream a;
+streamShiftR a z xs i = streamAppend a i (replicate i a z) xs;
+-- Integer values
+-- integer values of unbounded precision
+primitive Integer : sort 0;
+primitive intAdd : Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+primitive intSub : Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+primitive intMul : Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+primitive intDiv : Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+primitive intMod : Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+primitive intMin : Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+primitive intMax : Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+primitive intNeg : Integer -> Integer;
+primitive intAbs : Integer -> Integer;
+primitive intEq : Integer -> Integer -> Bool;
+primitive intLe : Integer -> Integer -> Bool;
+primitive intLt : Integer -> Integer -> Bool;
+-- intToNat x == max 0 x
+primitive intToNat : Integer -> Nat;
+primitive natToInt : Nat -> Integer;
+-- for x >= 0, intToBv n x = x `mod` 2^n
+-- for x < 0, intToBv n x = bvNeg n (-x `mod` 2^n)
+primitive intToBv : (n:Nat) -> Integer -> Vec n Bool;
+-- return the unsigned value of the bitvector as an integer
+primitive bvToInt : (n:Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+-- return the 2's complement signed value of the bitvector as an integer
+primitive sbvToInt : (n:Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+-- Integers mod n
+primitive IntMod : Nat -> sort 0;
+primitive toIntMod : (n : Nat) -> Integer -> IntMod n;
+primitive fromIntMod : (n : Nat) -> IntMod n -> Integer;
+primitive intModEq : (n : Nat) -> IntMod n -> IntMod n -> Bool;
+primitive intModAdd : (n : Nat) -> IntMod n -> IntMod n -> IntMod n;
+primitive intModSub : (n : Nat) -> IntMod n -> IntMod n -> IntMod n;
+primitive intModMul : (n : Nat) -> IntMod n -> IntMod n -> IntMod n;
+primitive intModNeg : (n : Nat) -> IntMod n -> IntMod n;
+-- Point-update functions
+updNatFun : (a:sort 0)
+ -> (Nat -> a) -> Nat -> a -> (Nat -> a);
+updNatFun a f i v x = ite a (equalNat i x) v (f x);
+updBvFun : (n:Nat) -> (a:sort 0)
+ -> (Vec n Bool -> a) -> Vec n Bool -> a -> (Vec n Bool -> a);
+updBvFun n a f i v x = ite a (bvEq n i x) v (f x);
+-- Floating-point values
+-- Currently commented out because they are not implemented...
+primitive Float : sort 0;
+-- mkFloat m e = m * 2^^e
+primitive mkFloat : Integer -> Integer -> Float;
+-- primitive bvToFloat : Vec 32 Bool -> Float;
+-- primitive floatToBV : Float -> Vec 32 Bool;
+primitive Double : sort 0;
+-- mkDouble m e = m * 2^^e
+primitive mkDouble : Integer -> Integer -> Float;
+-- primitive bvToDouble : Vec 64 Bool -> Double;
+-- primitive doubleToBV : Double -> Vec 64 Bool;
+-- Dependent sums
+data Sigma (a : sort 0) (b : a -> sort 0) : sort 0
+ where {
+ exists : (pa : a) -> b pa -> Sigma a b;
+ }
+ (a : sort 0) (b : a -> sort 0) (p : Sigma a b -> sort 0)
+ (f1 : (pa : a) -> (pb : b pa) -> p (exists a b pa pb)) (u : Sigma a b) : p u
+ = Sigma#rec a b p f1 u;
+Sigma_proj1 (a : sort 0) (b : a -> sort 0) : Sigma a b -> a
+ = Sigma__rec a b (\ (_ : Sigma a b) -> a) (\ (pa : a) (_ : b pa) -> pa);
+Sigma_proj2 (a : sort 0) (b : a -> sort 0)
+ : (p : Sigma a b) -> b (Sigma_proj1 a b p)
+ = Sigma__rec a b
+ (\ (p : Sigma a b) -> b (Sigma_proj1 a b p))
+ (\ (pa : a) (pb : b pa) -> pb);
+-- Lists
+data List (a : sort 0) : sort 0
+ where {
+ Nil : List a;
+ Cons : a -> List a -> List a;
+ }
+List__rec :
+ (a : sort 0) -> (P : List a -> sort 0) -> P (Nil a) ->
+ ((x : a) -> (l : List a) -> P l -> P (Cons a x l)) ->
+ (l : List a) -> P l;
+List__rec a P f1 f2 l = List#rec a P f1 f2 l;
+unfoldList : (a:sort 0) -> List a -> Either #() (a * List a * #());
+unfoldList a l =
+ List__rec a (\ (_:List a) -> Either #() (a * List a * #()))
+ (Left #() (a * List a * #()) ())
+ (\ (x:a) (l:List a) (_:Either #() (a * List a * #())) ->
+ Right #() (a * List a * #()) (x, l, ()))
+ l;
+foldList : (a:sort 0) -> Either #() (a * List a * #()) -> List a;
+foldList a =
+ either #() (a * List a * #()) (List a)
+ (\ (_ : #()) -> Nil a)
+ (\ (tup : (a * List a * #())) ->
+ Cons a tup.(1) tup.(2).(1));
+-- Lists of 64-bit words (for testing Heapster)
+data W64List : sort 0 where {
+ W64Nil : W64List;
+ W64Cons : Vec 64 Bool -> W64List -> W64List;
+unfoldedW64List : sort 0;
+unfoldedW64List =
+ Either #()
+ (Sigma (Vec 64 Bool) (\ (_:Vec 64 Bool) -> #()) * W64List * #());
+unfoldW64List : W64List -> unfoldedW64List;
+unfoldW64List l =
+ W64List#rec (\ (_:W64List) -> unfoldedW64List)
+ (Left #() (Sigma (Vec 64 Bool) (\ (_:Vec 64 Bool) -> #()) * W64List * #()) ())
+ (\ (bv:Vec 64 Bool) (l':W64List) (_:unfoldedW64List) ->
+ Right #() (Sigma (Vec 64 Bool) (\ (_:Vec 64 Bool) -> #()) * W64List * #())
+ (exists (Vec 64 Bool) (\ (_:Vec 64 Bool) -> #()) bv (),
+ l', ()))
+ l;
+foldW64List : unfoldedW64List -> W64List;
+foldW64List =
+ either #() (Sigma (Vec 64 Bool) (\ (_:Vec 64 Bool) -> #()) * W64List * #())
+ W64List
+ (\ (_:#()) -> W64Nil)
+ (\ (bv_l:(Sigma (Vec 64 Bool) (\ (_:Vec 64 Bool) -> #())
+ * W64List * #())) ->
+ W64Cons (Sigma_proj1 (Vec 64 Bool)
+ (\ (_:Vec 64 Bool) -> #()) bv_l.(1))
+ bv_l.(2).(1));
+-- Vector operations with built-in casts of their resulting lengths
+-- Decide equality on two bitvectors, returning a proof if they are equal
+primitive bvEqWithProof : (n : Nat) -> (v1 v2 : Vec n Bool) ->
+ Maybe (Eq (Vec n Bool) v1 v2);
+-- Compare two bitvectors with bvult, returning a proof if bvult succeeds
+bvultWithProof : (n : Nat) -> (v1 v2 : Vec n Bool) ->
+ Maybe (Eq Bool (bvult n v1 v2) True);
+bvultWithProof n v1 v2 =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Maybe (Eq Bool b True)) (bvult n v1 v2)
+ (Just (Eq Bool True True) (Refl Bool True))
+ (Nothing (Eq Bool False True));
+-- Compare two bitvectors with bvule, returning a proof if bvule succeeds
+bvuleWithProof : (n : Nat) -> (v1 v2 : Vec n Bool) ->
+ Maybe (Eq Bool (bvule n v1 v2) True);
+bvuleWithProof n v1 v2 =
+ iteDep (\ (b:Bool) -> Maybe (Eq Bool b True)) (bvule n v1 v2)
+ (Just (Eq Bool True True) (Refl Bool True))
+ (Nothing (Eq Bool False True));
+-- Convert a proof of bitvector equality to one of Nat equality
+primitive bvEqToEqNat : (n : Nat) -> (v1 v2 : Vec n Bool) ->
+ Eq (Vec n Bool) v1 v2 ->
+ eqNat (bvToNat n v1) (bvToNat n v2);
+-- Convert a proof of bitvector less-than to one of Nat less-than
+primitive bvultToIsLtNat : (n : Nat) -> (v1 v2 : Vec n Bool) ->
+ Eq Bool (bvult n v1 v2) True ->
+ IsLtNat (bvToNat n v1) (bvToNat n v2);
+-- | Index a vector using a proof that the index is in the range of the vector
+-- FIXME: atWithDefault should maybe use this...?
+primitive atWithProof : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> a -> Vec n a ->
+ (i : Nat) -> IsLtNat i n -> a;
+-- Set the value at index i in a vector using a proof that i is in range
+primitive updWithProof : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> Vec n a ->
+ (i : Nat) -> a -> IsLtNat i n -> Vec n a;
+-- Take a slice of a vector using a proof that the slice is in range
+primitive sliceWithProof : (a : sort 0) -> (n off len : Nat) ->
+ IsLeNat (addNat off len) n -> Vec n a -> Vec len a;
+-- Update a slice of a vector using a proof that the slice is in range
+primitive updSliceWithProof : (a : sort 0) -> (n off len : Nat) ->
+ IsLeNat (addNat off len) n ->
+ Vec n a -> Vec len a -> Vec n a;
+-- Computation monad
+primitive CompM : sort 0 -> sort 0;
+primitive returnM : (a:sort 0) -> a -> CompM a;
+primitive bindM : (a b:sort 0) -> CompM a -> (a -> CompM b) -> CompM b;
+composeM : (a b c: sort 0) -> (a -> CompM b) -> (b -> CompM c) -> a -> CompM c;
+composeM a b c f g x = bindM b c (f x) g;
+-- Raise an error in the computation monad
+primitive errorM : (a:sort 0) -> CompM a;
+-- Run the first computation, and, if it raises an error, catch the error and
+-- run the second computation
+primitive catchM : (a:sort 0) -> CompM a -> CompM a -> CompM a;
+-- We can define fixM as let rec f x = ... in f
+primitive fixM : (a:sort 0) -> (b:a -> sort 0) ->
+ (((x:a) -> CompM (b x)) -> ((x:a) -> CompM (b x))) ->
+ (x:a) -> CompM (b x);
+-- fixM a b fn x = letRecM1 a b b fn (\ (f:a -> CompM b) -> f x);
+-- A representation of the type (x1:A1) -> ... -> (xn:An) -> CompM (B x1 ... xn)
+data LetRecType : sort 1 where {
+ LRT_Ret : sort 0 -> LetRecType;
+ LRT_Fun : (a:sort 0) -> (a -> LetRecType) -> LetRecType;
+-- Convert a LetRecType to the type it represents
+lrtToType : LetRecType -> sort 0;
+lrtToType lrt =
+ LetRecType#rec
+ (\ (lrt:LetRecType) -> sort 0)
+ (\ (b:sort 0) -> CompM b)
+ (\ (a:sort 0) (_: a -> LetRecType) (b: a -> sort 0) -> (x:a) -> b x)
+ lrt;
+-- NOTE: the following are needed to define multiFixM instead of making it a
+-- primitive, which we are keeping commented here in case that is needed
+-- Convert the argument types of a LetRecType to their "flat" version of the
+-- form { x1:A1 & { x2:A2 & ... { xn:An & unit } ... }}
+lrtToFlatArgs : LetRecType -> sort 0;
+lrtToFlatArgs lrt =
+ LetRecType#rec
+ (\ (lrt:LetRecType) -> sort 0)
+ (\ (_:sort 0) -> #())
+ (\ (a:sort 0) (_: a -> LetRecType) (b: a -> sort 0) -> Sigma a b)
+ lrt;
+-- Get the dependent return type fun (args:lrtToFlatArgs) => B x.1 ... of a
+-- LetRecType in terms of the flat arguments
+lrtToFlatRet : (lrt:LetRecType) -> lrtToFlatArgs lrt -> sort 0;
+lrtToFlatRet lrt =
+ LetRecType#rec
+ (\ (lrt:LetRecType) -> lrtToFlatArgs lrt -> sort 0)
+ (\ (a:sort 0) (_:#()) -> a)
+ (\ (a:sort 0) (lrtF: a -> LetRecType)
+ (retF: (x:a) -> lrtToFlatArgs (lrtF x) -> sort 0)
+ (args: Sigma a (\ (x:a) -> lrtToFlatArgs (lrtF x))) ->
+ retF (Sigma_proj1 a (\ (x:a) -> lrtToFlatArgs (lrtF x)) args)
+ (Sigma_proj2 a (\ (x:a) -> lrtToFlatArgs (lrtF x)) args))
+ lrt;
+-- Extract out the "flat" version of a LetRecType
+lrtToFlatType : LetRecType -> sort 0;
+lrtToFlatType lrt = (args:lrtToFlatArgs lrt) -> CompM (lrtToFlatRet lrt args);
+-- "Flatten" a function described by a LetRecType
+flattenLRTFun : (lrt:LetRecType) -> lrtToType lrt -> lrtToFlatType lrt;
+flattenLRTFun lrt =
+ LetRecType#rec
+ (\ (lrt:LetRecType) -> lrtToType lrt -> lrtToFlatType lrt)
+ (\ (b:sort 0) (f:CompM b) (_:#()) -> f)
+ (\ (a:sort 0) (lrtF: a -> LetRecType)
+ (restF: (x:a) -> lrtToType (lrtF x) -> lrtToFlatType (lrtF x))
+ (f: lrtToType (LRT_Fun a lrtF)) (args:lrtToFlatArgs (LRT_Fun a lrtF)) ->
+ restF (Sigma_proj1 a (\ (x:a) -> lrtToFlatArgs (lrtF x)) args)
+ (f (Sigma_proj1 a (\ (x:a) -> lrtToFlatArgs (lrtF x)) args))
+ (Sigma_proj2 a (\ (x:a) -> lrtToFlatArgs (lrtF x)) args))
+ lrt;
+-- "Unflatten" a function described by a LetRecType
+unflattenLRTFun : (lrt:LetRecType) -> lrtToFlatType lrt -> lrtToType lrt;
+unflattenLRTFun lrt =
+ LetRecType#rec
+ (\ (lrt:LetRecType) -> lrtToFlatType lrt -> lrtToType lrt)
+ (\ (b:sort 0) (f:#() -> CompM b) -> f ())
+ (\ (a:sort 0) (lrtF: a -> LetRecType)
+ (restF: (x:a) -> lrtToFlatType (lrtF x) -> lrtToType (lrtF x))
+ (f: lrtToFlatType (LRT_Fun a lrtF)) (x:a) ->
+ restF x (\ (args:lrtToFlatArgs (lrtF x)) ->
+ f (exists a (\ (y:a) -> lrtToFlatArgs (lrtF y)) x args)))
+ lrt;
+-- A list of 0 or more LetRecTypes
+data LetRecTypes : sort 1 where {
+ LRT_Nil : LetRecTypes;
+ LRT_Cons : LetRecType -> LetRecTypes -> LetRecTypes;
+-- Build the function type lrtToType lrt1 -> ... -> lrtToType lrtn -> b from the
+-- LetRecTypes list [lrt1, ..., lrtn]
+lrtPi : LetRecTypes -> sort 0 -> sort 0;
+lrtPi lrts b =
+ LetRecTypes#rec
+ (\ (lrts:LetRecTypes) -> sort 0)
+ b
+ (\ (lrt:LetRecType) (_:LetRecTypes) (rest:sort 0) -> lrtToType lrt -> rest)
+ lrts;
+-- Build the product type (lrtToType lrt1, ..., lrtToType lrtn) from the
+-- LetRecTypes list [lrt1, ..., lrtn]
+lrtTupleType : LetRecTypes -> sort 0;
+lrtTupleType lrts =
+ LetRecTypes#rec
+ (\ (lrts:LetRecTypes) -> sort 0)
+ #()
+ (\ (lrt:LetRecType) (_:LetRecTypes) (rest:sort 0) -> #(lrtToType lrt, rest))
+ lrts;
+-- NOTE: the following are needed to define multiFixM instead of making it a
+-- primitive, which we are keeping commented here in case that is needed
+-- Construct a multi-arity function of type lrtPi lrts B from one of type
+-- lrtTupleType lrts -> B
+lrtLambda : (lrts:LetRecTypes) -> (B:sort 0) -> (lrtTupleType lrts -> B) -> lrtPi lrts B;
+lrtLambda top_lrts B =
+ LetRecTypes#rec
+ (\ (lrts:LetRecTypes) -> (lrtTupleType lrts -> B) -> lrtPi lrts B)
+ (\ (F:#() -> B) -> F ())
+ (\ (lrt:LetRecType) (lrts:LetRecTypes)
+ (rest:(lrtTupleType lrts -> B) -> lrtPi lrts B)
+ (F:lrtTupleType (LRT_Cons lrt lrts) -> B) (f:lrtToType lrt) ->
+ rest (\ (fs:lrtTupleType lrts) -> F (f, fs)))
+ top_lrts;
+-- Apply a multi-arity function of type lrtPi lrts B to an lrtTupleType lrts
+lrtApply : (lrts:LetRecTypes) -> (B:sort 0) -> lrtPi lrts B -> lrtTupleType lrts -> B;
+lrtApply top_lrts B =
+ LetRecTypes#rec
+ (\ (lrts:LetRecTypes) -> lrtPi lrts B -> lrtTupleType lrts -> B)
+ (\ (F:B) (_:#()) -> F)
+ (\ (lrt:LetRecType) (lrts:LetRecTypes) (rest:lrtPi lrts B -> lrtTupleType lrts -> B)
+ (F:lrtPi (LRT_Cons lrt lrts) B) (fs:lrtTupleType (LRT_Cons lrt lrts)) ->
+ rest (F fs.(1)) fs.(2))
+ top_lrts;
+-- Build a multi-argument fixed-point of type A1 -> ... -> An -> CompM B
+multiArgFixM : (lrt:LetRecType) -> (lrtToType lrt -> lrtToType lrt) ->
+ lrtToType lrt;
+multiArgFixM lrt F =
+ unflattenLRTFun
+ lrt
+ (fixM (lrtToFlatArgs lrt) (lrtToFlatRet lrt)
+ (\ (f:lrtToFlatType lrt) ->
+ flattenLRTFun lrt (F (unflattenLRTFun lrt f))));
+-- Construct a mutual fixed-point over tuples of LRT functions
+multiTupleFixM : (lrts:LetRecTypes) -> (lrtTupleType lrts -> lrtTupleType lrts) ->
+ lrtTupleType lrts;
+multiTupleFixM top_lrts =
+ LetRecTypes#rec
+ (\ (lrts:LetRecTypes) -> (lrtTupleType lrts -> lrtTupleType lrts) -> lrtTupleType lrts)
+ (\ (_:#() -> #()) -> ())
+ (\ (lrt:LetRecType) (lrts:LetRecTypes)
+ (restF: (lrtTupleType lrts -> lrtTupleType lrts) -> lrtTupleType lrts)
+ (F:lrtTupleType (LRT_Cons lrt lrts) -> lrtTupleType (LRT_Cons lrt lrts)) ->
+ (multiArgFixM lrt (\ (f:lrtToType lrt) ->
+ (F (f, restF (\ (fs:lrtTupleType lrts) ->
+ (F (f, fs)).(2)))).(1)),
+ restF (\ (fs:lrtTupleType lrts) ->
+ (F (multiArgFixM lrt
+ (\ (f:lrtToType lrt) ->
+ (F (f, restF (\ (fs:lrtTupleType lrts) ->
+ (F (f, fs)).(2)))).(1)),
+ fs)).(2))))
+ top_lrts;
+-- A nicer version of multiTupleFixM that abstracts the functions one at a time
+multiFixM : (lrts:LetRecTypes) -> lrtPi lrts (lrtTupleType lrts) ->
+ lrtTupleType lrts;
+multiFixM lrts F =
+ multiTupleFixM lrts (\ (fs:lrtTupleType lrts) -> lrtApply lrts (lrtTupleType lrts) F fs);
+-- A letrec construct for binding 0 or more mutually recursive functions
+letRecM : (lrts : LetRecTypes) -> (B:sort 0) -> lrtPi lrts (lrtTupleType lrts) ->
+ lrtPi lrts (CompM B) -> CompM B;
+letRecM lrts B F body = lrtApply lrts (CompM B) body (multiFixM lrts F);
+-- Construct a fixed-point for a tuple of mutually-recursive functions
+primitive multiFixM : (lrts:LetRecTypes) -> lrtPi lrts (lrtTupleType lrts) ->
+ lrtTupleType lrts;
+-- This is like let rec in ML: letRecM defs body defines N recursive functions
+-- in terms of themselves using defs, and then passes them to body. We use this
+-- instead of the more standard fixM because it offers a more compact
+-- representation, and because fixM messes with functional extensionality by
+-- introducing an irreducible term at function type.
+primitive letRecM : (lrts : LetRecTypes) -> (b : sort 0) ->
+ (lrtPi lrts (lrtTupleType lrts)) ->
+ (lrtPi lrts (CompM b)) -> CompM b;
+-- This is let rec with exactly one binding
+letRecM1 : (a b c : sort 0) -> ((a -> CompM b) -> (a -> CompM b)) ->
+ ((a -> CompM b) -> CompM c) -> CompM c;
+letRecM1 a b c fn body =
+ letRecM
+ (LRT_Cons (LRT_Fun a (\ (_:a) -> LRT_Ret b)) LRT_Nil) c
+ (\ (f:a -> CompM b) -> (fn f, ()))
+ (\ (f:a -> CompM b) -> body f);
+-- Test computations
+test_fun0 : Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool);
+test_fun0 _ = returnM (Vec 64 Bool) (bvNat 64 0);
+test_fun1 : Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool);
+test_fun1 _ = returnM (Vec 64 Bool) (bvNat 64 1);
+test_fun2 : Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool);
+test_fun2 x = returnM (Vec 64 Bool) x;
+-- If x == 0 then x else 0; should be equal to 0
+test_fun3 : Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool);
+test_fun3 x =
+ ite (CompM (Vec 64 Bool)) (bvEq 64 x (bvNat 64 0))
+ (returnM (Vec 64 Bool) x)
+ (returnM (Vec 64 Bool) (bvNat 64 0));
+-- let rec f x = 0 in f x
+test_fun4 : Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool);
+test_fun4 x =
+ letRecM1
+ (Vec 64 Bool) (Vec 64 Bool) (Vec 64 Bool)
+ (\ (f: Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool)) (y:Vec 64 Bool) ->
+ returnM (Vec 64 Bool) (bvNat 64 0))
+ (\ (f: Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool)) ->
+ f x);
+{- Alternate version of test_fun4 that uses letRecM directly
+test_fun4 : Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool);
+test_fun4 x =
+ letRecM
+ (LRT_Cons (Vec 64 Bool) (\ (_:Vec 64 Bool) -> LRT_Ret (Vec 64 Bool))
+ LRT_Nil)
+ (Vec 64 Bool)
+ (\ (f:(Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool))) ->
+ ((\ (y:Vec 64 Bool) -> returnM (Vec 64 Bool) (bvNat 64 0)), ()))
+ (\ (f:(Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool))) -> f x);
+-- let rec f = f in f x
+test_fun5 : Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool);
+test_fun5 x =
+ letRecM1
+ (Vec 64 Bool) (Vec 64 Bool) (Vec 64 Bool)
+ (\ (f: Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool)) -> f)
+ (\ (f: Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool)) -> f x);
+-- let rec f = g and g = f in f x
+test_fun6 : Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool);
+test_fun6 x =
+ letRecM
+ (LRT_Cons
+ (LRT_Fun (Vec 64 Bool) (\ (_:Vec 64 Bool) -> LRT_Ret (Vec 64 Bool)))
+ (LRT_Cons
+ (LRT_Fun (Vec 64 Bool) (\ (_:Vec 64 Bool) -> LRT_Ret (Vec 64 Bool)))
+ LRT_Nil))
+ (Vec 64 Bool)
+ (\ (f1:(Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool)))
+ (f2:(Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool))) ->
+ (f2, (f1, ())))
+ (\ (f1:(Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool)))
+ (f2:(Vec 64 Bool -> CompM (Vec 64 Bool))) ->
+ f1 x);
+-- SMT Array
+primitive Array : sort 0 -> sort 0 -> sort 0;
+primitive arrayConstant : (a b : sort 0) -> b -> (Array a b);
+primitive arrayLookup : (a b : sort 0) -> (Array a b) -> a -> b;
+primitive arrayUpdate : (a b : sort 0) -> (Array a b) -> a -> b -> (Array a b);
+primitive arrayEq : (a b : sort 0) -> (Array a b) -> (Array a b) -> Bool;
+-- General axioms
+axiom bveq_sameL : (n : Nat)
+ -> (x z : Vec n Bool)
+ -> Eq Bool
+ (bvEq n x (bvAdd n x z))
+ (bvEq n (bvNat n 0) z);
+axiom bveq_sameR : (n : Nat)
+ -> (x y : Vec n Bool)
+ -> Eq Bool
+ (bvEq n (bvAdd n x y) x)
+ (bvEq n y (bvNat n 0));
+axiom bveq_same2 : (n : Nat)
+ -> (x y z : Vec n Bool)
+ -> Eq Bool
+ (bvEq n (bvAdd n x y) (bvAdd n x z))
+ (bvEq n y z);
+axiom bvNat_bvToNat : (n : Nat)
+ -> (x : Vec n Bool)
+ -> Eq (Vec n Bool)
+ (bvNat n (bvToNat n x))
+ x;
+axiom ite_split_cong : (b : Bool) -> (x : Vec 384 Bool) -> (y : Vec 384 Bool)
+ -> Eq (Vec 12 (Vec 32 Bool))
+ (split 12 32 Bool (ite (Vec 384 Bool) b x y))
+ (ite (Vec 12 (Vec 32 Bool)) b (split 12 32 Bool x) (split 12 32 Bool y));
+axiom ite_join_cong : (b : Bool)
+ -> (x : Vec 12 (Vec 32 Bool))
+ -> (y : Vec 12 (Vec 32 Bool))
+ -> Eq (Vec 384 Bool)
+ (join 12 32 Bool (ite (Vec 12 (Vec 32 Bool)) b x y))
+ (ite (Vec 384 Bool) b (join 12 32 Bool x) (join 12 32 Bool y));
+axiom map_map : (a b c : sort 0) -> (f : a -> b) -> (g : b -> c) ->
+ (n : Nat) -> (xs : Vec n a) ->
+ Eq (Vec n c) (map b c g n (map a b f n xs))
+ (map a c (\ (x:a) -> g (f x)) n xs);
diff --git a/saw-core/saw-core.cabal b/saw-core/saw-core.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c591c204bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/saw-core.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+Name: saw-core
+Version: 0.1
+License: BSD3
+License-file: LICENSE
+Author: Galois, Inc.
+Maintainer: huffman@galois.com
+Copyright: (c) 2012-2016 Galois Inc.
+Category: Formal Methods
+Build-type: Simple
+cabal-version: >= 1.8
+Synopsis: SAWCore intermediate language
+ The implementation of the SAWCore intermediate language,
+ used by LSS, JSS, and SAWScript
+ prelude/Prelude.sawcore
+ src/Verifier/SAW/Grammar.y
+ src/Verifier/SAW/Lexer.x
+ build-tools:
+ alex >= 3.1.3,
+ happy >= 1.9.6
+ build-depends:
+ base == 4.*,
+ array,
+ bytestring,
+ containers,
+ data-inttrie,
+ data-ref,
+ directory,
+ filepath,
+ hashable >= 1.2,
+ lens >= 3.8,
+ modern-uri >= 0.3.2 && < 0.4,
+ MonadRandom,
+ mtl,
+ panic,
+ parameterized-utils,
+ pretty,
+ prettyprinter >= 1.7.0,
+ prettyprinter-ansi-terminal >= 1.1.2,
+ random,
+ rme,
+ template-haskell,
+ text,
+ th-lift-instances,
+ tf-random,
+ transformers,
+ transformers-compat,
+ unordered-containers,
+ utf8-string,
+ vector
+ hs-source-dirs: src
+ exposed-modules:
+ Verifier.SAW
+ Verifier.SAW.Constant
+ Verifier.SAW.ExternalFormat
+ Verifier.SAW.Conversion
+ Verifier.SAW.Cache
+ Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue
+ Verifier.SAW.Grammar
+ Verifier.SAW.Lexer
+ Verifier.SAW.Module
+ Verifier.SAW.Name
+ Verifier.SAW.ParserUtils
+ Verifier.SAW.Position
+ Verifier.SAW.Prelude
+ Verifier.SAW.Prelude.Constants
+ Verifier.SAW.Prim
+ Verifier.SAW.Recognizer
+ Verifier.SAW.Rewriter
+ Verifier.SAW.SATQuery
+ Verifier.SAW.SCTypeCheck
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator.MonadLazy
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator.RME
+ Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value
+ Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+ Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+ Verifier.SAW.Term.CtxTerm
+ Verifier.SAW.OpenTerm
+ Verifier.SAW.Term.Pretty
+ Verifier.SAW.TermNet
+ Verifier.SAW.Testing.Random
+ Verifier.SAW.Typechecker
+ Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+ Verifier.SAW.Unique
+ Verifier.SAW.UntypedAST
+ Verifier.SAW.Change
+ Verifier.SAW.Utils
+ other-modules:
+ Verifier.SAW.UnionFind
+ GHC-options: -Wall -Werror -Wcompat
+ if impl(ghc == 8.0.1)
+ ghc-options: -Wno-redundant-constraints
+ GHC-prof-options: -fprof-auto -fprof-cafs
+ extensions:
+ DeriveFunctor
+ GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
+ ImplicitParams
+ ViewPatterns
+test-suite test-sawcore
+ type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+ GHC-options: -Wall -Werror -Wcompat
+ main-is: Tests.hs
+ hs-source-dirs: tests/src
+ build-depends:
+ base >= 4
+ , containers
+ , data-ref
+ , hashable
+ , lens
+ , mtl
+ , saw-core
+ , time
+ , unordered-containers
+ , vector
+ , QuickCheck >= 2.7
+ , tasty
+ , tasty-ant-xml >= 1.1.0
+ , tasty-hunit
+ , tasty-quickcheck
+ , tagged
+ other-modules:
+ Tests.CacheTests
+ Tests.Parser
+ Tests.Rewriter
+ Tests.SharedTerm
+executable extcore-info
+ main-is: extcore-info.hs
+ hs-source-dirs: tools
+ build-depends:
+ base >= 4
+ , saw-core
diff --git a/saw-core/saw-core.el b/saw-core/saw-core.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2eeeb1bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/saw-core.el
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;;; saw-core.el --- A major mode for editing saw-core -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2020 Galois, Inc
+;; Author: David Thrane Christiansen
+;; Keywords: languages
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see .
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is a major mode for editing saw-core's concrete syntax.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'compile)
+(require 'flycheck)
+;;; Config
+(defgroup saw-core '()
+ "saw-core"
+ :group 'languages
+ :tag "saw-core")
+(defcustom saw-core-saw-script-command "saw"
+ "The command to run to execute saw."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'saw-core)
+(defface saw-core-keyword-face
+ '((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
+ "How to highlight saw-core keywords."
+ :group 'saw-core)
+(defface saw-core-builtin-face
+ '((t (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face)))
+ "How to highlight saw-core built-in syntax."
+ :group 'saw-core)
+(defface saw-core-eliminator-face
+ '((t (:inherit font-lock-string-face)))
+ "How to highlight saw-core eliminators."
+ :group 'saw-core)
+(defface saw-core-punctuation-face
+ '((t (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)))
+ "How to highlight saw-core punctuation elements."
+ :group 'saw-core)
+;;; Syntax table
+(defvar saw-core-mode-syntax-table
+ (let ((syntax-table (make-syntax-table)))
+ ;; Set up -- line comments and {- ... -} block comments
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\- ". 123" syntax-table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "(} 1bn" syntax-table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\} "){ 4bn" syntax-table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" syntax-table)
+ syntax-table)
+ "Syntax table for `saw-core-mode'.")
+;;; font-lock
+(defconst saw-core-keywords
+ (list "axiom" "module" "import" "where" "data" "sort" "primitive")
+ "Keywords to highlight in saw-core buffers.")
+(defconst saw-core--keyword-regexp
+ (regexp-opt saw-core-keywords 'words)
+ "Regular expression that matches saw-core keywords for highlighting.")
+(defconst saw-core-punctuation
+ (list ":" "(" ")" "{" "}" ";" "=" ",")
+ "Punctuation to highlight in saw-core buffers.")
+(defconst saw-core--punctuation-regexp
+ (regexp-opt saw-core-punctuation)
+ "Regular expression that matches saw-core keywords for highlighting.")
+(defconst saw-core-font-lock-defaults
+ `(( (,saw-core--keyword-regexp . 'saw-core-keyword-face)
+ (,saw-core--punctuation-regexp . 'saw-core-punctuation-face)
+ ("\\<[a-zA-Z]+#rec\\>" . 'saw-core-eliminator-face)
+ ;; Language elements named by syntax rather than by an identifier
+ ("#" . 'saw-core-builtin-face)
+ ("\\(\\\\\\)[^\\]" . (0 'saw-core-builtin-face))
+ ("->" . 'saw-core-builtin-face)
+ ("*" . 'saw-core-builtin-face)
+ ("\\.([0-9]+)" . 'saw-core-builtin-face)
+ )
+ nil nil nil nil)
+ "Highlighting instructions for saw-core.")
+;;; imenu support for navigation
+(defconst saw-core-imenu-generic-expression
+ (list
+ `(nil "\\ +\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)" 1)
+ `(nil "\\ +\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)" 1)
+ `(nil "^\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\) *:" 1)))
+;;; The mode itself
+(define-derived-mode saw-core-mode prog-mode "saw-core"
+ "A major mode for editing saw-core files."
+ :syntax-table saw-core-mode-syntax-table
+ (setq font-lock-defaults saw-core-font-lock-defaults)
+ (setq font-lock-multiline t)
+ ;; Comment syntax
+ (setq-local comment-start "-- ")
+ (setq-local comment-end "")
+ ;; imenu
+ (setq-local imenu-generic-expression saw-core-imenu-generic-expression)
+ ;; Indentation
+ (setq-local indent-line-function 'indent-relative))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.sawcore\\'" . saw-core-mode))
+(provide 'saw-core)
+;;; saw-core.el ends here
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86f61bb115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+module Verifier.SAW
+ ( module Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+ , module Verifier.SAW.ExternalFormat
+ , Module
+ , preludeModule
+ , scLoadPreludeModule
+ ) where
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Prelude
+import Verifier.SAW.ExternalFormat
+-- The following type-checks the Prelude at compile time, as a sanity check
+import Language.Haskell.TH
+$(runIO (mkSharedContext >>= \sc -> scLoadPreludeModule sc >> return []))
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cache.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cache.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75864ace3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cache.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Cache
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Cache
+ ( Cache
+ , newCache
+ , newCacheMap
+ , newCacheMap'
+ , newCacheIntMap
+ , newCacheIntMap'
+ , useCache
+ )
+import Control.Monad (liftM)
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Ref
+import Prelude hiding (lookup)
+data Cache m k a = forall t. Cache (T m t) (k -> t -> Maybe a) (k -> a -> t -> t)
+useCache :: C m => Cache m k a -> k -> m a -> m a
+useCache (Cache ref lookup update) k action = do
+ result <- liftM (lookup k) (Data.Ref.read ref)
+ case result of
+ Just x -> return x
+ Nothing -> do
+ x <- action
+ modify ref (update k x)
+ return x
+newCache :: (C m, Ord k) => m (Cache m k a)
+newCache = newCacheMap
+newCacheMap :: (C m, Ord k) => m (Cache m k a)
+newCacheMap = newCacheMap' Map.empty
+newCacheMap' :: (C m, Ord k) => Map.Map k a -> m (Cache m k a)
+newCacheMap' initialMap = do
+ ref <- new initialMap
+ return (Cache ref Map.lookup Map.insert)
+newCacheIntMap :: (C m) => m (Cache m Int a)
+newCacheIntMap = newCacheIntMap' IntMap.empty
+newCacheIntMap' :: (C m) => IntMap.IntMap a -> m (Cache m Int a)
+newCacheIntMap' initialMap = do
+ ref <- new initialMap
+ return (Cache ref IntMap.lookup IntMap.insert)
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Change.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Change.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa7a4e51bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Change.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Change
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Change
+ ( ChangeMonad(..)
+ , Change(..)
+ , ChangeT(..)
+ , change
+ , changeList
+ , commitChange
+ , commitChangeT
+ , preserveChangeT
+ , flatten
+ ) where
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2)
+import Control.Monad.Trans
+-- Monads for tracking whether values have changed
+class (Monad m, Applicative m) => ChangeMonad m where
+ preserve :: a -> m a -> m a
+ taint :: m a -> m a
+ taint m = m >>= modified
+ modified :: a -> m a
+ modified x = taint (pure x)
+ -- Laws (not a minimal set):
+ -- taint (taint m) = taint m
+ -- taint (pure x) = modified x
+ -- fmap f (taint m) = taint (fmap f m)
+ -- taint m1 <*> m2 = taint (m1 <*> m2)
+ -- m1 <*> taint m2 = taint (m1 <*> m2)
+ -- fmap f (modified x) = modified (f x)
+ -- modified x >>= k = taint (k x)
+ -- m >>= modified = taint m
+ -- taint (modified x) = modified x
+ -- taint (return x) = modified x
+ -- taint (m >>= k) = taint m >>= k
+ -- taint (m >>= k) = m >>= (taint . k)
+ -- preserve x (pure _) = pure x
+ -- preserve _ (modified y) = modified y
+ -- preserve _ (taint m) = taint m
+change :: ChangeMonad m => (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> m a
+change f a =
+ case f a of
+ Nothing -> pure a
+ Just x -> modified x
+changeList :: ChangeMonad m => (a -> m a) -> [a] -> m [a]
+changeList f xs =
+ preserve xs $
+ case xs of
+ [] -> pure []
+ y : ys -> (:) <$> f y <*> changeList f ys
+-- Change monad
+data Change a = Original a | Modified a
+ deriving (Show, Functor)
+instance Applicative Change where
+ pure x = Original x
+ Original f <*> Original x = Original (f x)
+ Original f <*> Modified x = Modified (f x)
+ Modified f <*> Original x = Modified (f x)
+ Modified f <*> Modified x = Modified (f x)
+instance Monad Change where
+ return x = Original x
+ Original x >>= k = k x
+ Modified x >>= k = taint (k x)
+instance ChangeMonad Change where
+ preserve x (Original _) = Original x
+ preserve _ c@(Modified _) = c
+ taint (Original x) = Modified x
+ taint c@(Modified _) = c
+ modified x = Modified x
+commitChange :: Change a -> a
+commitChange (Original x) = x
+commitChange (Modified x) = x
+-- ^ Satisfies the following laws:
+-- @commitChange (fmap f m) = f (commitChange m)@
+-- @commitChange (taint m) = commitChange m@
+-- @commitChange (m >>= k) = commitChange (k (commitChange m))@
+-- Change monad transformer
+newtype ChangeT m a = ChangeT { runChangeT :: m (Change a) }
+instance Monad m => Functor (ChangeT m) where
+ fmap f (ChangeT m) = ChangeT (liftM (fmap f) m)
+instance Monad m => Applicative (ChangeT m) where
+ pure x = ChangeT (return (Original x))
+ ChangeT m1 <*> ChangeT m2 = ChangeT (liftM2 (<*>) m1 m2)
+instance Monad m => Monad (ChangeT m) where
+ return x = ChangeT (return (Original x))
+ ChangeT m >>= k = ChangeT (m >>= f)
+ where f (Original x) = runChangeT (k x)
+ f (Modified x) = runChangeT (k x) >>= (return . taint)
+instance MonadTrans ChangeT where
+ lift m = ChangeT (liftM Original m)
+instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ChangeT m) where
+ liftIO m = lift (liftIO m)
+instance Monad m => ChangeMonad (ChangeT m) where
+ preserve x (ChangeT m) = ChangeT (liftM (preserve x) m)
+ taint (ChangeT m) = ChangeT (liftM taint m)
+ modified x = ChangeT (return (modified x))
+commitChangeT :: Monad m => ChangeT m a -> m a
+commitChangeT (ChangeT m) = liftM commitChange m
+-- ^ Is a natural transformation from @ChangeT m@ to @m@:
+-- @commitChangeT (fmap f m) = fmap f (commitChangeT m)@
+-- @commitChangeT (lift m) = m@
+-- @commitChangeT (m >>= k) = commitChangeT m >>= (commitChangeT . k)@
+-- @commitChangeT (return x) = return x@
+-- @commitChangeT (taint m) = commitChangeT m@
+preserveChangeT :: Monad m => a -> ChangeT m (m a) -> ChangeT m a
+preserveChangeT x (ChangeT c) = ChangeT (c >>= k)
+ where k (Original _) = return (Original x)
+ k (Modified m) = liftM Modified m
+-- ^ Satisfies @preserveChangeT x (return _) = return x@ and
+-- @preserveChangeT _ (modified m) = taint (lift m)@.
+flatten :: Monad m => (a -> ChangeT m (m a)) -> a -> ChangeT m a
+flatten f x = ChangeT (runChangeT (f x) >>= k)
+ where k (Original _) = return (Original x)
+ k (Modified m) = liftM Modified m
+-- ^ @flatten f x = preserveChangeT x (f x)@
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Constant.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Constant.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b124445bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Constant.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Constant
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Constant (scConst) where
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Rewriter
+import Verifier.SAW.Conversion
+scConst :: SharedContext -> String -> Term -> IO Term
+scConst sc name t = do
+ ty <- scTypeOf sc t
+ ty' <- rewriteSharedTerm sc (addConvs natConversions emptySimpset) ty
+ scConstant sc name t ty'
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Conversion.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Conversion.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fbd8d74e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Conversion.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Conversion
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Conversion
+ ( (:*:)(..)
+ , Net.toPat
+ , termToPat
+ -- * Matcher
+ , Matcher
+ , matcherPat
+ , runMatcher
+ , thenMatcher
+ , asVar
+ , asAny
+ -- ** Matcher arguments
+ , ArgsMatcher(..)
+ , ArgsMatchable
+ , asEmpty
+ , (>:)
+ , runArgsMatcher
+ -- ** Term matchers
+ , asGlobalDef
+ , (<:>)
+ , (<:>>)
+ , asAnyTupleValue
+ , asTupleValue
+ , asAnyTupleType
+ , asTupleType
+ , asTupleSelector
+ , asAnyRecordValue
+ , asAnyRecordType
+ , asRecordSelector
+ , asCtor
+ , asDataType
+ , asAnySort
+ , asSort
+ , asAnyNatLit
+ , asAnyVecLit
+ , asExtCns
+ , asLocalVar
+ -- ** Prelude matchers
+ , asBoolType
+ , asSuccLit
+ , asBvNatLit
+ -- ** Matchable typeclass
+ , Matchable(..)
+ -- ** TermBuilder
+ , TermBuilder
+ , runTermBuilder
+ , mkGlobalDef
+ , mkApp
+ , pureApp
+ , mkTuple
+ , mkCtor
+ , mkDataType
+ , mkNatLit
+ , mkVecLit
+ -- ** Prelude builders
+ , mkBool
+ , mkBvNat
+ -- * Conversion
+ , Conversion(..)
+ , runConversion
+ -- ** Prelude conversions
+ , tupleConversion
+ , recordConversion
+ , eq_Tuple
+ , eq_Record
+ , natConversions
+ , vecConversions
+ , bvConversions
+ , zero_NatLit
+ , succ_NatLit
+ , addNat_NatLit
+ , append_VecLit
+ , append_bvNat
+ , bvAdd_bvNat
+ , bvSub_bvNat
+ , bvule_bvNat
+ , bvult_bvNat
+ , bvsle_bvNat
+ , bvslt_bvNat
+ , slice_bvNat
+ , remove_coerce
+ , remove_unsafeCoerce
+ , remove_ident_coerce
+ , remove_ident_unsafeCoerce
+ ) where
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>), (<*>))
+import Control.Lens (view, _1, _2)
+import Control.Monad (ap, guard, liftM, liftM2, (>=>), (<=<))
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Prim as Prim
+import Verifier.SAW.Recognizer ((:*:)(..))
+import Verifier.SAW.Prim
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Recognizer as R
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.TermNet as Net
+import Verifier.SAW.Utils (panic)
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+-- | A hack to allow storage of conversions in a term net.
+instance Eq Conversion where
+ x == y = Net.toPat x == Net.toPat y
+instance Show Conversion where
+ show x = show (Net.toPat x)
+-- Matchers for terms
+data Matcher a = Matcher { matcherPat :: Net.Pat, runMatcher :: Term -> Maybe a }
+instance Net.Pattern (Matcher a) where
+ toPat = matcherPat
+instance Functor Matcher where
+ fmap f (Matcher p m) = Matcher p (fmap f . m)
+-- | @thenMatcher
+thenMatcher :: Matcher a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Matcher b
+thenMatcher (Matcher pat match) f = Matcher pat (f <=< match)
+asVar :: (Term -> Maybe a) -> Matcher a
+asVar = Matcher Net.Var
+asAny :: Matcher Term
+asAny = asVar pure
+-- | Match a list of terms as arguments to a term.
+-- Note that the pats and arguments are in reverse order.
+data ArgsMatcher a = ArgsMatcher [Net.Pat] ([Term] -> Maybe (a, [Term]))
+class ArgsMatchable v a where
+ defaultArgsMatcher :: v a -> ArgsMatcher a
+instance ArgsMatchable Matcher a where
+ defaultArgsMatcher (Matcher p f) = ArgsMatcher [p] match
+ where match (h:r) = do v <- f h; return (v,r)
+ match [] = Nothing
+instance ArgsMatchable ArgsMatcher a where
+ defaultArgsMatcher = id
+consArgsMatcher :: ArgsMatcher a -> Matcher b -> ArgsMatcher (a :*: b)
+consArgsMatcher (ArgsMatcher pl f) (Matcher p g) = ArgsMatcher (pl ++ [p]) match
+ where match l = do
+ (a,l1) <- f l
+ case l1 of
+ (h:l2) -> do b <- g h; return (a :*: b, l2)
+ [] -> Nothing
+asEmpty :: ArgsMatcher ()
+asEmpty = ArgsMatcher [] (\l -> return ((),l))
+infixl 9 >:
+-- | @x >: y@ appends @y@ to the list of arguments to match.
+(>:) :: (ArgsMatchable v a) => v a -> Matcher b -> ArgsMatcher (a :*: b)
+(>:) = consArgsMatcher . defaultArgsMatcher
+runArgsMatcher :: ArgsMatcher a -> [Term] -> Maybe a
+runArgsMatcher (ArgsMatcher _ f) l = do
+ (v,[]) <- f l
+ return v
+-- | Produces a matcher from an ArgsMatcher and a matcher that yields
+-- subterms.
+resolveArgs :: (ArgsMatchable v a)
+ -- Given a term, matches arguments to term.
+ => Matcher [Term]
+ -> v a
+ -> Matcher a
+resolveArgs (Matcher p m) (defaultArgsMatcher -> args@(ArgsMatcher pl _)) =
+ Matcher (foldl Net.App p pl) (m >=> runArgsMatcher args)
+-- Term matchers
+-- | Match a global definition.
+asGlobalDef :: Ident -> Matcher ()
+asGlobalDef ident = Matcher (Net.Atom (identText ident)) f
+ where f (R.asGlobalDef -> Just o) | ident == o = return ()
+ f _ = Nothing
+infixl 8 <:>
+-- | Match an application
+(<:>) :: Matcher a -> Matcher b -> Matcher (a :*: b)
+(<:>) (Matcher p1 f1) (Matcher p2 f2) = Matcher (Net.App p1 p2) match
+ where
+ match (unwrapTermF -> App t1 t2) = liftM2 (:*:) (f1 t1) (f2 t2)
+ match _ = Nothing
+-- | Match an application and return second term.
+(<:>>) :: Matcher a -> Matcher b -> Matcher b
+x <:>> y = fmap (view _2) $ x <:> y
+-- | Matches any tuple.
+asAnyTupleValue :: Matcher [Term]
+asAnyTupleValue = asVar R.asTupleValue
+-- | Matches a tuple with arguments matching constraints.
+asTupleValue :: ArgsMatchable v a => v a -> Matcher a
+asTupleValue (defaultArgsMatcher -> m) = asVar $ \t -> do
+ l <- R.asTupleValue t
+ runArgsMatcher m l
+-- | Matches the type of any tuple.
+asAnyTupleType :: Matcher [Term]
+asAnyTupleType = asVar R.asTupleType
+-- | Matches a tuple type with arguments matching constraints.
+asTupleType :: ArgsMatchable v a => v a -> Matcher a
+asTupleType (defaultArgsMatcher -> m) = asVar $ \t -> do
+ l <- R.asTupleType t
+ runArgsMatcher m l
+asTupleSelector :: Matcher a -> Matcher (a, Int)
+asTupleSelector m = asVar $ \t -> _1 (runMatcher m) =<< R.asTupleSelector t
+-- | Matches record values, and returns fields.
+asAnyRecordValue :: Matcher (Map FieldName Term)
+asAnyRecordValue = asVar R.asRecordValue
+-- | Matches record types, and returns fields.
+asAnyRecordType :: Matcher (Map FieldName Term)
+asAnyRecordType = asVar R.asRecordType
+-- | Matches
+asRecordSelector :: Matcher a -> Matcher (a, FieldName)
+asRecordSelector m = asVar $ \t -> _1 (runMatcher m) =<< R.asRecordSelector t
+--TODO: RecordSelector
+-- | Match a constructor
+asCtor :: ArgsMatchable v a => Ident -> v a -> Matcher a
+asCtor o = resolveArgs $ Matcher (Net.Atom (identText o)) match
+ where match t = do
+ CtorApp c params l <- R.asFTermF t
+ guard (c == o)
+ return (params ++ l)
+-- | Match a datatype.
+asDataType :: ArgsMatchable v a => Ident -> v a -> Matcher a
+asDataType o = resolveArgs $ Matcher (Net.Atom (identText o)) match
+ where match t = do
+ DataTypeApp dt params l <- R.asFTermF t
+ guard (dt == o)
+ return (params ++ l)
+-- | Match any sort.
+asAnySort :: Matcher Sort
+asAnySort = asVar $ \t -> do Sort v <- R.asFTermF t; return v
+-- | Match a specific sort.
+asSort :: Sort -> Matcher ()
+asSort s = Matcher (termToPat (Unshared (FTermF (Sort s)))) fn
+ where fn t = do s' <- R.asSort t
+ guard (s == s')
+-- | Match a Nat literal
+asAnyNatLit :: Matcher Natural
+asAnyNatLit = asVar $ \t -> do NatLit i <- R.asFTermF t; return i
+-- | Match a Vec literal
+asAnyVecLit :: Matcher (Term, V.Vector Term)
+asAnyVecLit = asVar $ \t -> do ArrayValue u xs <- R.asFTermF t; return (u,xs)
+-- | Match any external constant.
+asExtCns :: Matcher (ExtCns Term)
+asExtCns = asVar $ \t -> do ExtCns ec <- R.asFTermF t; return ec
+-- | Returns index of local var if any.
+asLocalVar :: Matcher DeBruijnIndex
+asLocalVar = asVar $ \t -> do i <- R.asLocalVar t; return i
+-- Prelude matchers
+asBoolType :: Matcher ()
+asBoolType = asGlobalDef "Prelude.Bool"
+asSuccLit :: Matcher Natural
+asSuccLit = asCtor "Prelude.Succ" asAnyNatLit
+asBvNatLit :: Matcher Prim.BitVector
+asBvNatLit =
+ (\(_ :*: n :*: x) -> Prim.bv (fromIntegral n) (toInteger x)) <$>
+ (asGlobalDef "Prelude.bvNat" <:> asAnyNatLit <:> asAnyNatLit)
+checkedIntegerToNonNegInt :: Integer -> Maybe Int
+checkedIntegerToNonNegInt x
+ | 0 <= x && x <= toInteger (maxBound :: Int) = return (fromInteger x)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+-- Matchable
+class Matchable a where
+ defaultMatcher :: Matcher a
+instance Matchable () where
+ defaultMatcher = asVar (const (pure ()))
+instance Matchable Term where
+ defaultMatcher = asAny
+instance Matchable Natural where
+ defaultMatcher = asAnyNatLit
+instance Matchable Integer where
+ defaultMatcher = toInteger <$> asAnyNatLit
+instance Matchable Int where
+ defaultMatcher = thenMatcher asAnyNatLit (checkedIntegerToNonNegInt . toInteger)
+instance Matchable Prim.BitVector where
+ defaultMatcher = asBvNatLit
+instance Matchable (Prim.Vec Term Term) where
+ defaultMatcher = uncurry Prim.Vec <$> asAnyVecLit
+-- Term builders
+newtype TermBuilder v =
+ TermBuilder
+ { runTermBuilder ::
+ forall m. Monad m => (Ident -> m Term) -> (TermF Term -> m Term) -> m v
+ }
+instance Monad TermBuilder where
+ m >>= h = TermBuilder $ \mg mk -> do
+ r <- runTermBuilder m mg mk
+ runTermBuilder (h r) mg mk
+ return v = TermBuilder $ \_ _ -> return v
+instance Functor TermBuilder where
+ fmap = liftM
+instance Applicative TermBuilder where
+ pure = return
+ (<*>) = ap
+mkTermF :: TermF Term -> TermBuilder Term
+mkTermF tf = TermBuilder (\_ mk -> mk tf)
+mkGlobalDef :: Ident -> TermBuilder Term
+mkGlobalDef i = TermBuilder (\mg _ -> mg i)
+infixl 9 `mkApp`
+infixl 9 `pureApp`
+mkApp :: TermBuilder Term -> TermBuilder Term -> TermBuilder Term
+mkApp mx my = do
+ x <- mx
+ y <- my
+ mkTermF (App x y)
+pureApp :: TermBuilder Term -> Term -> TermBuilder Term
+pureApp mx y = do
+ x <- mx
+ mkTermF (App x y)
+mkTuple :: [TermBuilder Term] -> TermBuilder Term
+mkTuple [] = mkTermF (FTermF UnitValue)
+mkTuple (t : ts) = mkTermF . FTermF =<< (PairValue <$> t <*> mkTuple ts)
+mkTupleSelector :: Int -> Term -> TermBuilder Term
+mkTupleSelector i t
+ | i == 1 = mkTermF (FTermF (PairLeft t))
+ | i > 1 = mkTermF (FTermF (PairRight t)) >>= mkTupleSelector (i - 1)
+ | otherwise = panic "Verifier.SAW.Conversion.mkTupleSelector" ["non-positive index:", show i]
+mkCtor :: Ident -> [TermBuilder Term] -> [TermBuilder Term] -> TermBuilder Term
+mkCtor i paramsB argsB =
+ do params <- sequence paramsB
+ args <- sequence argsB
+ mkTermF $ FTermF $ CtorApp i params args
+mkDataType :: Ident -> [TermBuilder Term] -> [TermBuilder Term] ->
+ TermBuilder Term
+mkDataType i paramsB argsB =
+ do params <- sequence paramsB
+ args <- sequence argsB
+ mkTermF $ FTermF $ DataTypeApp i params args
+mkNatLit :: Natural -> TermBuilder Term
+mkNatLit n = mkTermF (FTermF (NatLit n))
+mkVecLit :: Term -> V.Vector Term -> TermBuilder Term
+mkVecLit t xs = mkTermF (FTermF (ArrayValue t xs))
+mkBool :: Bool -> TermBuilder Term
+mkBool True = mkGlobalDef "Prelude.True"
+mkBool False = mkGlobalDef "Prelude.False"
+mkBvNat :: Natural -> Integer -> TermBuilder Term
+mkBvNat n x = do
+ mkGlobalDef "Prelude.bvNat"
+ `mkApp` (mkNatLit n)
+ `mkApp` (mkNatLit $ fromInteger $ x .&. bitMask (fromIntegral n))
+class Buildable a where
+ defaultBuilder :: a -> TermBuilder Term
+instance Buildable Term where
+ defaultBuilder = return
+instance Buildable Bool where
+ defaultBuilder = mkBool
+instance Buildable Natural where
+ defaultBuilder = mkNatLit
+instance Buildable Integer where
+ defaultBuilder = mkNatLit . fromInteger
+instance Buildable Int where
+ defaultBuilder = mkNatLit . fromIntegral
+instance (Buildable a, Buildable b) => Buildable (a, b) where
+ defaultBuilder (x, y) = mkTuple [defaultBuilder x, defaultBuilder y]
+instance Buildable (Prim.Vec Term Term) where
+ defaultBuilder (Prim.Vec t v) = mkVecLit t v
+instance Buildable Prim.BitVector where
+ defaultBuilder (Prim.BV w x) = mkBvNat (fromIntegral w) x
+-- Conversions
+-- | These are conversions in the LCF-style term-rewriting sense: A
+-- conversion is a function that takes a term and returns (possibly) a
+-- rewritten term. We use conversions to model the behavior of
+-- primitive operations in SAWCore.
+newtype Conversion = Conversion (Matcher (TermBuilder Term))
+instance Net.Pattern Conversion where
+ toPat (Conversion m) = Net.toPat m
+runConversion :: Conversion -> Term -> Maybe (TermBuilder Term)
+runConversion (Conversion m) = runMatcher m
+-- | This class is meant to include n-ary function types whose
+-- arguments are all in class @Matchable@ and whose result type is
+-- in class @Buildable@. Given a matcher for the global constant
+-- itself, we can construct a conversion that applies the function to
+-- its arguments and builds the result.
+class Conversionable a where
+ convOfMatcher :: Matcher a -> Conversion
+instance (Matchable a, Conversionable b) => Conversionable (a -> b) where
+ convOfMatcher m = convOfMatcher
+ (thenMatcher (m <:> defaultMatcher) (\(f :*: x) -> Just (f x)))
+instance Buildable a => Conversionable (Maybe a) where
+ convOfMatcher m = Conversion (thenMatcher m (fmap defaultBuilder))
+defaultConvOfMatcher :: Buildable a => Matcher a -> Conversion
+defaultConvOfMatcher m = Conversion (thenMatcher m (Just . defaultBuilder))
+instance Conversionable Term where
+ convOfMatcher = defaultConvOfMatcher
+instance Conversionable Bool where
+ convOfMatcher = defaultConvOfMatcher
+instance Conversionable Natural where
+ convOfMatcher = defaultConvOfMatcher
+instance Conversionable Integer where
+ convOfMatcher = defaultConvOfMatcher
+instance Conversionable Prim.BitVector where
+ convOfMatcher = defaultConvOfMatcher
+instance Conversionable (Prim.Vec Term Term) where
+ convOfMatcher = defaultConvOfMatcher
+instance (Buildable a, Buildable b) => Conversionable (a, b) where
+ convOfMatcher = defaultConvOfMatcher
+globalConv :: (Conversionable a) => Ident -> a -> Conversion
+globalConv ident f = convOfMatcher (thenMatcher (asGlobalDef ident) (const (Just f)))
+-- Conversions for Prelude operations
+-- | Conversion for selector on a tuple
+tupleConversion :: Conversion
+tupleConversion = Conversion $ thenMatcher (asTupleSelector asAnyTupleValue) action
+ where
+ action (ts, i)
+ | i > length ts =
+ panic "Verifier.SAW.Conversion.tupleConversion"
+ ["index out of bounds:", show (i, length ts)]
+ | otherwise =
+ Just (return (ts !! (i - 1)))
+-- | Conversion for selector on a record
+recordConversion :: Conversion
+recordConversion = Conversion $ thenMatcher (asRecordSelector asAnyRecordValue) action
+ where action (m, i) = fmap return (Map.lookup i m)
+-- | Conversion for equality on tuple types
+eq_Tuple :: Conversion
+eq_Tuple = Conversion $ thenMatcher matcher action
+ where
+ matcher = asGlobalDef "Prelude.eq" <:> asAnyTupleType <:> asAny <:> asAny
+ action (_ :*: ts :*: x :*: y) =
+ Just (foldr mkAnd (mkBool True) (map mkEq (zip [1 ..] ts)))
+ where
+ mkAnd t1 t2 = mkGlobalDef "Prelude.and" `mkApp` t1 `mkApp` t2
+ mkEq (i, t) = mkGlobalDef "Prelude.eq"
+ `mkApp` return t
+ `mkApp` mkTupleSelector i x
+ `mkApp` mkTupleSelector i y
+-- | Conversion for equality on record types
+eq_Record :: Conversion
+eq_Record = Conversion $ thenMatcher matcher action
+ where
+ matcher = asGlobalDef "Prelude.eq" <:> asAnyRecordType <:> asAny <:> asAny
+ action (_ :*: tm :*: x :*: y) =
+ Just (foldr mkAnd (mkBool True) (map mkEq (Map.assocs tm)))
+ where
+ mkAnd t1 t2 = mkGlobalDef "Prelude.and" `mkApp` t1 `mkApp` t2
+ sel t i = mkTermF (FTermF (RecordProj t i))
+ mkEq (i, t) = mkGlobalDef "Prelude.eq"
+ `mkApp` return t
+ `mkApp` sel x i
+ `mkApp` sel y i
+-- | Conversions for operations on Nat literals
+natConversions :: [Conversion]
+natConversions = [ zero_NatLit, succ_NatLit, addNat_NatLit, subNat_NatLit
+ , mulNat_NatLit, expNat_NatLit, divNat_NatLit, remNat_NatLit
+ , equalNat_NatLit
+ ]
+zero_NatLit :: Conversion
+zero_NatLit =
+ Conversion $
+ thenMatcher (asCtor "Prelude.Zero" asEmpty) (\_ -> return $ mkNatLit 0)
+succ_NatLit :: Conversion
+succ_NatLit =
+ Conversion $ thenMatcher asSuccLit (\n -> return $ mkNatLit (n + 1))
+addNat_NatLit :: Conversion
+addNat_NatLit = globalConv "Prelude.addNat" ((+) :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural)
+subNat_NatLit :: Conversion
+subNat_NatLit = Conversion $
+ thenMatcher (asGlobalDef "Prelude.subNat" <:> asAnyNatLit <:> asAnyNatLit)
+ (\(_ :*: x :*: y) -> if x >= y then Just (mkNatLit (x - y)) else Nothing)
+mulNat_NatLit :: Conversion
+mulNat_NatLit = globalConv "Prelude.mulNat" ((*) :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural)
+expNat_NatLit :: Conversion
+expNat_NatLit = globalConv "Prelude.expNat" ((^) :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural)
+divNat_NatLit :: Conversion
+divNat_NatLit = Conversion $
+ thenMatcher (asGlobalDef "Prelude.divNat" <:> asAnyNatLit <:> asAnyNatLit)
+ (\(_ :*: x :*: y) ->
+ if y /= 0 then Just (mkNatLit (x `div` y)) else Nothing)
+remNat_NatLit :: Conversion
+remNat_NatLit = Conversion $
+ thenMatcher (asGlobalDef "Prelude.remNat" <:> asAnyNatLit <:> asAnyNatLit)
+ (\(_ :*: x :*: y) ->
+ if y /= 0 then Just (mkNatLit (x `rem` y)) else Nothing)
+equalNat_NatLit :: Conversion
+equalNat_NatLit = globalConv "Prelude.equalNat" ((==) :: Natural -> Natural -> Bool)
+-- | Conversions for operations on vector literals
+vecConversions :: [Conversion]
+vecConversions = [at_VecLit, atWithDefault_VecLit, append_VecLit]
+at_VecLit :: Conversion
+at_VecLit = globalConv "Prelude.at"
+ (Prim.at :: Int -> Term -> Prim.Vec Term Term -> Int -> Term)
+atWithDefault_VecLit :: Conversion
+atWithDefault_VecLit = globalConv "Prelude.atWithDefault"
+ (Prim.atWithDefault :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Prim.Vec Term Term -> Int -> Term)
+append_VecLit :: Conversion
+append_VecLit = globalConv "Prelude.append"
+ (Prim.append :: Int -> Int -> Term -> Prim.Vec Term Term -> Prim.Vec Term Term -> Prim.Vec Term Term)
+-- | Conversions for operations on bitvector literals
+bvConversions :: [Conversion]
+bvConversions =
+ [ globalConv "Prelude.bvToNat" Prim.bvToNat
+ , append_bvNat
+ , bvAdd_bvNat
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvAddWithCarry" Prim.bvAddWithCarry
+ , bvSub_bvNat
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvNeg" Prim.bvNeg
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvMul" Prim.bvMul
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvUDiv" Prim.bvUDiv
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvURem" Prim.bvURem
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvSDiv" Prim.bvSDiv
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvSRem" Prim.bvSRem
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvShl" Prim.bvShl
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvShr" Prim.bvShr
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvSShr" Prim.bvSShr
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvNot" Prim.bvNot
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvAnd" Prim.bvAnd
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvOr" Prim.bvOr
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvXor" Prim.bvXor
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvEq" Prim.bvEq
+ , bvugt_bvNat, bvuge_bvNat, bvult_bvNat, bvule_bvNat
+ , bvsgt_bvNat, bvsge_bvNat, bvsle_bvNat, bvslt_bvNat
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvTrunc" Prim.bvTrunc
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvUExt" Prim.bvUExt
+ , globalConv "Prelude.bvSExt" Prim.bvSExt
+ , at_bvNat, atWithDefault_bvNat, slice_bvNat
+ , take_bvNat, drop_bvNat
+ ]
+append_bvNat :: Conversion
+append_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.append" Prim.append_bv
+bvAdd_bvNat :: Conversion
+bvAdd_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.bvAdd" Prim.bvAdd
+bvSub_bvNat :: Conversion
+bvSub_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.bvSub" Prim.bvSub
+bvugt_bvNat, bvuge_bvNat, bvult_bvNat, bvule_bvNat :: Conversion
+bvugt_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.bvugt" Prim.bvugt
+bvuge_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.bvuge" Prim.bvuge
+bvult_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.bvult" Prim.bvult
+bvule_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.bvule" Prim.bvule
+bvsgt_bvNat, bvsge_bvNat, bvslt_bvNat, bvsle_bvNat :: Conversion
+bvsgt_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.bvsgt" Prim.bvsgt
+bvsge_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.bvsge" Prim.bvsge
+bvslt_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.bvslt" Prim.bvslt
+bvsle_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.bvsle" Prim.bvsle
+at_bvNat :: Conversion
+at_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.at" Prim.at_bv
+atWithDefault_bvNat :: Conversion
+atWithDefault_bvNat =
+ Conversion $
+ (\(_ :*: n :*: a :*: d :*: x :*: i) ->
+ if fromIntegral i < width x then mkBool (Prim.at_bv n a x i) else return d) <$>
+ (asGlobalDef "Prelude.atWithDefault" <:>
+ defaultMatcher <:> defaultMatcher <:> asAny <:> asBvNatLit <:> asAnyNatLit)
+take_bvNat :: Conversion
+take_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.take" Prim.take_bv
+drop_bvNat :: Conversion
+drop_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.drop" Prim.drop_bv
+slice_bvNat :: Conversion
+slice_bvNat = globalConv "Prelude.slice" Prim.slice_bv
+mixfix_snd :: (a :*: b) -> b
+mixfix_snd (_ :*: y) = y
+remove_coerce :: Conversion
+remove_coerce = Conversion $
+ return . mixfix_snd <$>
+ (asGlobalDef "Prelude.coerce" <:> asAny <:> asAny <:> asAny <:> asAny)
+remove_unsafeCoerce :: Conversion
+remove_unsafeCoerce = Conversion $
+ return . mixfix_snd <$>
+ (asGlobalDef "Prelude.unsafeCoerce" <:> asAny <:> asAny <:> asAny)
+remove_ident_coerce :: Conversion
+remove_ident_coerce = Conversion $ thenMatcher pat action
+ where pat = asGlobalDef "Prelude.coerce" <:> asAny <:> asAny <:> asAny <:> asAny
+ action (() :*: t :*: f :*: _prf :*: x)
+ | alphaEquiv t f = return (return x)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+remove_ident_unsafeCoerce :: Conversion
+remove_ident_unsafeCoerce = Conversion $ thenMatcher pat action
+ where pat = asGlobalDef "Prelude.unsafeCoerce" <:> asAny <:> asAny <:> asAny
+ action (() :*: t :*: f :*: x)
+ | alphaEquiv t f = return (return x)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/ExternalFormat.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/ExternalFormat.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f989dcfc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/ExternalFormat.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.ExternalFormat
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.ExternalFormat (
+ scWriteExternal, scReadExternal
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict as State
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Data.Traversable
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.List (elemIndex)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Text.Read (readMaybe)
+import Text.URI
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+-- External text format
+-- | A string to use to separate parameters from normal arguments of datatypes
+-- and constructors
+argsep :: String
+argsep = "|"
+-- | Separate a list of arguments into parameters and normal arguments by
+-- finding the occurrence of 'argSep' in the list
+separateArgs :: [String] -> Maybe ([String], [String])
+separateArgs args =
+ case elemIndex argsep args of
+ Just i -> Just (take i args, drop (i+1) args)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+-- | Split the last element from the rest of a list, for non-empty lists
+splitLast :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a)
+splitLast [] = Nothing
+splitLast xs = Just (take (length xs - 1) xs, last xs)
+type WriteM = State.State (Map TermIndex Int, Map VarIndex NameInfo, [String], Int)
+renderNames :: Map VarIndex NameInfo -> String
+renderNames nms = show
+ [ (idx, f nmi)
+ | (idx,nmi) <- Map.toList nms
+ ]
+ where
+ f (ModuleIdentifier i) = Left (show i)
+ f (ImportedName uri as) = Right (render uri, as)
+readNames :: String -> Maybe (Map VarIndex NameInfo)
+readNames xs = Map.fromList <$> (mapM readName =<< readMaybe xs)
+ where
+ readName :: (VarIndex, Either Text (Text,[Text])) -> Maybe (VarIndex, NameInfo)
+ readName (idx, Left i) = pure (idx, ModuleIdentifier (parseIdent (Text.unpack i)))
+ readName (idx, Right (uri,as)) =
+ do uri' <- mkURI uri
+ pure (idx, ImportedName uri' as)
+-- | Render to external text format
+scWriteExternal :: Term -> String
+scWriteExternal t0 =
+ let (x, (_, nms, lns, _)) = State.runState (go t0) (Map.empty, Map.empty, [], 1)
+ in unlines $
+ [ unwords ["SAWCoreTerm", show x]
+ , renderNames nms
+ ] ++ reverse lns
+ where
+ nextId :: WriteM Int
+ nextId =
+ do (m, nms, lns, x) <- State.get
+ State.put (m, nms, lns, x+1)
+ return x
+ output :: String -> WriteM ()
+ output l =
+ do (m, nms, lns, x) <- State.get
+ State.put (m, nms, l:lns, x)
+ memoize :: TermIndex -> WriteM Int
+ memoize i =
+ do (m, nms, lns, x) <- State.get
+ State.put (Map.insert i x m, nms, lns, x+1)
+ return x
+ stashName :: ExtCns Int -> WriteM ()
+ stashName ec =
+ do (m, nms, lns, x) <- State.get
+ State.put (m, Map.insert (ecVarIndex ec) (ecName ec) nms, lns, x)
+ go :: Term -> WriteM Int
+ go (Unshared tf) = do
+ tf' <- traverse go tf
+ body <- writeTermF tf'
+ x <- nextId
+ output (unwords [show x, body])
+ return x
+ go STApp{ stAppIndex = i, stAppTermF = tf } = do
+ (memo, _, _, _) <- State.get
+ case Map.lookup i memo of
+ Just x -> return x
+ Nothing -> do
+ tf' <- traverse go tf
+ body <- writeTermF tf'
+ x <- memoize i
+ output (unwords [show x, body])
+ return x
+ writeTermF :: TermF Int -> WriteM String
+ writeTermF tf =
+ case tf of
+ App e1 e2 -> pure $ unwords ["App", show e1, show e2]
+ Lambda s t e -> pure $ unwords ["Lam", Text.unpack s, show t, show e]
+ Pi s t e -> pure $ unwords ["Pi", Text.unpack s, show t, show e]
+ LocalVar i -> pure $ unwords ["Var", show i]
+ Constant ec e ->
+ do stashName ec
+ pure $ unwords ["Constant", show (ecVarIndex ec), show (ecType ec), show e]
+ FTermF ftf ->
+ case ftf of
+ Primitive ec ->
+ do stashName ec
+ pure $ unwords ["Primitive", show (ecVarIndex ec), show (ecType ec)]
+ UnitValue -> pure $ unwords ["Unit"]
+ UnitType -> pure $ unwords ["UnitT"]
+ PairValue x y -> pure $ unwords ["Pair", show x, show y]
+ PairType x y -> pure $ unwords ["PairT", show x, show y]
+ PairLeft e -> pure $ unwords ["ProjL", show e]
+ PairRight e -> pure $ unwords ["ProjR", show e]
+ CtorApp i ps es -> pure $
+ unwords ("Ctor" : show i : map show ps ++ argsep : map show es)
+ DataTypeApp i ps es -> pure $
+ unwords ("Data" : show i : map show ps ++ argsep : map show es)
+ RecursorApp i ps p_ret cs_fs ixs e -> pure $
+ unwords (["Recursor" , show i] ++ map show ps ++
+ [argsep, show p_ret, show cs_fs] ++
+ map show ixs ++ [show e])
+ RecordType elem_tps -> pure $ unwords ["RecordType", show elem_tps]
+ RecordValue elems -> pure $ unwords ["Record", show elems]
+ RecordProj e prj -> pure $ unwords ["RecordProj", show e, Text.unpack prj]
+ Sort s -> pure $
+ if s == propSort then unwords ["Prop"] else
+ unwords ["Sort", drop 5 (show s)] -- Ugly hack to drop "sort "
+ NatLit n -> pure $ unwords ["Nat", show n]
+ ArrayValue e v -> pure $ unwords ("Array" : show e :
+ map show (V.toList v))
+ StringLit s -> pure $ unwords ["String", show s]
+ ExtCns ec ->
+ do stashName ec
+ pure $ unwords ["ExtCns",show (ecVarIndex ec), show (ecType ec)]
+-- | During parsing, we maintain two maps used for renumbering: The
+-- first is for the 'Int' values that appear in the external core
+-- file, and the second is for the 'VarIndex' values that appear
+-- inside 'Constant' and 'ExtCns' constructors. We do not reuse any
+-- such numbers that appear in the external file, but generate fresh
+-- ones that are valid in the current 'SharedContext'.
+type ReadM = State.StateT (Map Int Term, Map VarIndex NameInfo, Map VarIndex VarIndex) IO
+scReadExternal :: SharedContext -> String -> IO Term
+scReadExternal sc input =
+ case lines input of
+ ( (words -> ["SAWCoreTerm", final]) : nmlist : rows ) ->
+ case readNames nmlist of
+ Nothing -> fail "scReadExternal: failed to parse name table"
+ Just nms ->
+ State.evalStateT (mapM_ (go . words) rows >> readIdx final) (Map.empty, nms, Map.empty)
+ _ -> fail "scReadExternal: failed to parse input file"
+ where
+ go :: [String] -> ReadM ()
+ go (tok : tokens) =
+ do i <- readM tok
+ tf <- parse tokens
+ t <- lift $ scTermF sc tf
+ (ts, nms, vs) <- State.get
+ put (Map.insert i t ts, nms, vs)
+ go [] = pure () -- empty lines are ignored
+ readM :: forall a. Read a => String -> ReadM a
+ readM tok =
+ case readMaybe tok of
+ Nothing -> fail $ "scReadExternal: parse error: " ++ show tok
+ Just x -> pure x
+ getTerm :: Int -> ReadM Term
+ getTerm i =
+ do (ts,_,_) <- State.get
+ case Map.lookup i ts of
+ Nothing -> fail $ "scReadExternal: invalid term index: " ++ show i
+ Just t -> pure t
+ readIdx :: String -> ReadM Term
+ readIdx tok = getTerm =<< readM tok
+ readEC :: String -> String -> ReadM (ExtCns Term)
+ readEC i t =
+ do vi <- readM i
+ t' <- readIdx t
+ (ts, nms, vs) <- State.get
+ nmi <- case Map.lookup vi nms of
+ Just nmi -> pure nmi
+ Nothing -> lift $ fail $ "scReadExternal: ExtCns missing name info: " ++ show vi
+ case Map.lookup vi vs of
+ Just vi' -> pure $ EC vi' nmi t'
+ Nothing ->
+ do vi' <- lift $ scFreshGlobalVar sc
+ State.put (ts, nms, Map.insert vi vi' vs)
+ pure $ EC vi' nmi t'
+ parse :: [String] -> ReadM (TermF Term)
+ parse tokens =
+ case tokens of
+ ["App", e1, e2] -> App <$> readIdx e1 <*> readIdx e2
+ ["Lam", x, t, e] -> Lambda (Text.pack x) <$> readIdx t <*> readIdx e
+ ["Pi", s, t, e] -> Pi (Text.pack s) <$> readIdx t <*> readIdx e
+ ["Var", i] -> pure $ LocalVar (read i)
+ ["Constant",i,t,e] -> Constant <$> readEC i t <*> readIdx e
+ ["Primitive", i, t] -> FTermF <$> (Primitive <$> readEC i t)
+ ["Unit"] -> pure $ FTermF UnitValue
+ ["UnitT"] -> pure $ FTermF UnitType
+ ["Pair", x, y] -> FTermF <$> (PairValue <$> readIdx x <*> readIdx y)
+ ["PairT", x, y] -> FTermF <$> (PairType <$> readIdx x <*> readIdx y)
+ ["ProjL", x] -> FTermF <$> (PairLeft <$> readIdx x)
+ ["ProjR", x] -> FTermF <$> (PairRight <$> readIdx x)
+ ("Ctor" : i : (separateArgs -> Just (ps, es))) ->
+ FTermF <$> (CtorApp (parseIdent i) <$> traverse readIdx ps <*> traverse readIdx es)
+ ("Data" : i : (separateArgs -> Just (ps, es))) ->
+ FTermF <$> (DataTypeApp (parseIdent i) <$> traverse readIdx ps <*> traverse readIdx es)
+ ("Recursor" : i :
+ (separateArgs ->
+ Just (ps, p_ret : cs_fs : (splitLast -> Just (ixs, arg))))) ->
+ FTermF <$>
+ (RecursorApp (parseIdent i) <$>
+ traverse readIdx ps <*>
+ readIdx p_ret <*>
+ (traverse (traverse getTerm) =<< readM cs_fs) <*>
+ traverse readIdx ixs <*>
+ readIdx arg)
+ ["RecordType", elem_tps] ->
+ FTermF <$> (RecordType <$> (traverse (traverse getTerm) =<< readM elem_tps))
+ ["Record", elems] ->
+ FTermF <$> (RecordValue <$> (traverse (traverse getTerm) =<< readM elems))
+ ["RecordProj", e, prj] -> FTermF <$> (RecordProj <$> readIdx e <*> pure (Text.pack prj))
+ ["Prop"] -> pure $ FTermF (Sort propSort)
+ ["Sort", s] -> FTermF <$> (Sort <$> (mkSort <$> readM s))
+ ["Nat", n] -> FTermF <$> (NatLit <$> readM n)
+ ("Array" : e : es) -> FTermF <$> (ArrayValue <$> readIdx e <*> (V.fromList <$> traverse readIdx es))
+ ("String" : ts) -> FTermF <$> (StringLit <$> (readM (unwords ts)))
+ ["ExtCns", i, t] -> FTermF <$> (ExtCns <$> readEC i t)
+ _ -> fail $ "Parse error: " ++ unwords tokens
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/FiniteValue.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/FiniteValue.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13addd7c54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/FiniteValue.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue where
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.Traversable
+import Control.Monad (mzero)
+import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
+import qualified Control.Monad.State as S
+import Data.List (intersperse)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
+import Prettyprinter hiding (Doc)
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Recognizer as R
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Pretty
+-- | Finite types that can be encoded as bits for a SAT/SMT solver.
+data FiniteType
+ = FTBit
+ | FTVec Natural FiniteType
+ | FTTuple [FiniteType]
+ | FTRec (Map FieldName FiniteType)
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Values inhabiting those finite types.
+data FiniteValue
+ = FVBit Bool
+ | FVWord Natural Integer -- ^ a more efficient special case for 'FVVec FTBit _'.
+ | FVVec FiniteType [FiniteValue]
+ | FVTuple [FiniteValue]
+ | FVRec (Map FieldName FiniteValue)
+ deriving Eq
+-- | First-order types that can be encoded in an SMT solver.
+data FirstOrderType
+ = FOTBit
+ | FOTInt
+ | FOTIntMod Natural
+ | FOTVec Natural FirstOrderType
+ | FOTArray FirstOrderType FirstOrderType
+ | FOTTuple [FirstOrderType]
+ | FOTRec (Map FieldName FirstOrderType)
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Values inhabiting those first-order types.
+data FirstOrderValue
+ = FOVBit Bool
+ | FOVInt Integer
+ | FOVIntMod Natural Integer
+ | FOVWord Natural Integer -- ^ a more efficient special case for 'FOVVec FOTBit _'.
+ | FOVVec FirstOrderType [FirstOrderValue]
+ | FOVArray FirstOrderType FirstOrderType
+ | FOVTuple [FirstOrderValue]
+ | FOVRec (Map FieldName FirstOrderValue)
+ deriving Eq
+toFirstOrderType :: FiniteType -> FirstOrderType
+toFirstOrderType ft =
+ case ft of
+ FTBit -> FOTBit
+ FTVec n t -> FOTVec n (toFirstOrderType t)
+ FTTuple ts -> FOTTuple (map toFirstOrderType ts)
+ FTRec tm -> FOTRec (fmap toFirstOrderType tm)
+toFirstOrderValue :: FiniteValue -> FirstOrderValue
+toFirstOrderValue fv =
+ case fv of
+ FVBit b -> FOVBit b
+ FVWord w i -> FOVWord w i
+ FVVec t vs -> FOVVec (toFirstOrderType t) (map toFirstOrderValue vs)
+ FVTuple vs -> FOVTuple (map toFirstOrderValue vs)
+ FVRec vm -> FOVRec (fmap toFirstOrderValue vm)
+toFiniteType :: FirstOrderType -> Maybe FiniteType
+toFiniteType FOTBit = pure FTBit
+toFiniteType (FOTVec n t) = FTVec n <$> toFiniteType t
+toFiniteType (FOTTuple ts) = FTTuple <$> traverse toFiniteType ts
+toFiniteType (FOTRec fs) = FTRec <$> traverse toFiniteType fs
+toFiniteType FOTInt{} = Nothing
+toFiniteType FOTIntMod{} = Nothing
+toFiniteType FOTArray{} = Nothing
+instance Show FiniteValue where
+ showsPrec p fv = showsPrec p (toFirstOrderValue fv)
+instance Show FirstOrderValue where
+ showsPrec _ fv =
+ case fv of
+ FOVBit b -> shows b
+ FOVInt i -> shows i
+ FOVIntMod _ i -> shows i
+ FOVWord _ x -> shows x
+ FOVVec _ vs -> showString "[" . commaSep (map shows vs) . showString "]"
+ FOVArray{} -> shows $ firstOrderTypeOf fv
+ FOVTuple vs -> showString "(" . commaSep (map shows vs) . showString ")"
+ FOVRec vm -> showString "{" . commaSep (map showField (Map.assocs vm)) . showString "}"
+ where
+ commaSep ss = foldr (.) id (intersperse (showString ",") ss)
+ showField (field, v) = showString (Text.unpack field) . showString " = " . shows v
+ppFiniteValue :: PPOpts -> FiniteValue -> SawDoc
+ppFiniteValue opts fv = ppFirstOrderValue opts (toFirstOrderValue fv)
+ppFirstOrderValue :: PPOpts -> FirstOrderValue -> SawDoc
+ppFirstOrderValue opts = loop
+ where
+ loop fv = case fv of
+ FOVBit b
+ | b -> pretty "True"
+ | otherwise -> pretty "False"
+ FOVInt i -> pretty i
+ FOVIntMod _ i -> pretty i
+ FOVWord _w i -> ppNat opts i
+ FOVVec _ xs -> brackets (sep (punctuate comma (map loop xs)))
+ FOVArray{} -> viaShow $ firstOrderTypeOf fv
+ FOVTuple xs -> parens (sep (punctuate comma (map loop xs)))
+ FOVRec xs -> braces (sep (punctuate comma (map ppField (Map.toList xs))))
+ where ppField (f,x) = pretty f <+> pretty '=' <+> loop x
+-- | Smart constructor
+fvVec :: FiniteType -> [FiniteValue] -> FiniteValue
+fvVec t vs =
+ case (t, traverse toBit vs) of
+ (FTBit, Just bs) -> FVWord (fromIntegral (length bs)) (fromBits bs)
+ _ -> FVVec t vs
+ where
+ toBit :: FiniteValue -> Maybe Bool
+ toBit (FVBit b) = Just b
+ toBit _ = Nothing
+ fromBits :: [Bool] -> Integer
+ fromBits = foldl (\n b -> 2*n + if b then 1 else 0) 0
+-- | Smart constructor
+fovVec :: FirstOrderType -> [FirstOrderValue] -> FirstOrderValue
+fovVec t vs =
+ case (t, traverse toBit vs) of
+ (FOTBit, Just bs) -> FOVWord (fromIntegral (length bs)) (fromBits bs)
+ _ -> FOVVec t vs
+ where
+ toBit :: FirstOrderValue -> Maybe Bool
+ toBit (FOVBit b) = Just b
+ toBit _ = Nothing
+ fromBits :: [Bool] -> Integer
+ fromBits = foldl (\n b -> 2*n + if b then 1 else 0) 0
+finiteTypeOf :: FiniteValue -> FiniteType
+finiteTypeOf fv =
+ case fv of
+ FVBit _ -> FTBit
+ FVWord n _ -> FTVec n FTBit
+ FVVec t vs -> FTVec (fromIntegral (length vs)) t
+ FVTuple vs -> FTTuple (map finiteTypeOf vs)
+ FVRec vm -> FTRec (fmap finiteTypeOf vm)
+firstOrderTypeOf :: FirstOrderValue -> FirstOrderType
+firstOrderTypeOf fv =
+ case fv of
+ FOVBit _ -> FOTBit
+ FOVInt _ -> FOTInt
+ FOVIntMod n _ -> FOTIntMod n
+ FOVWord n _ -> FOTVec n FOTBit
+ FOVVec t vs -> FOTVec (fromIntegral (length vs)) t
+ -- Note: FOVArray contains type information, but not an actual Array value,
+ -- because it is not possible to obtain Array values from SMT solvers. This
+ -- is needed to display a counterexample that includes variables of Array
+ -- type.
+ FOVArray t1 t2 -> FOTArray t1 t2
+ FOVTuple vs -> FOTTuple (map firstOrderTypeOf vs)
+ FOVRec vm -> FOTRec (fmap firstOrderTypeOf vm)
+-- | Compute the number of bits in the type
+sizeFiniteType :: FiniteType -> Int
+sizeFiniteType x =
+ case x of
+ FTBit -> 1
+ FTVec n xs -> fromIntegral n * sizeFiniteType xs
+ FTTuple xs -> sum (map sizeFiniteType xs)
+ FTRec xm -> sum (map sizeFiniteType (Map.elems xm))
+asFiniteType :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO FiniteType
+asFiniteType sc t = do
+ t' <- scWhnf sc t
+ case t' of
+ (R.asBoolType -> Just ())
+ -> return FTBit
+ (R.isVecType return -> Just (n R.:*: tp))
+ -> FTVec n <$> asFiniteType sc tp
+ (R.asTupleType -> Just ts)
+ -> FTTuple <$> traverse (asFiniteType sc) ts
+ (R.asRecordType -> Just tm)
+ -> FTRec <$> traverse (asFiniteType sc) tm
+ _ -> fail $ "asFiniteType: unsupported argument type: " ++ scPrettyTerm defaultPPOpts t'
+asFirstOrderType :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO FirstOrderType
+asFirstOrderType sc t = maybe err pure =<< runMaybeT (asFirstOrderTypeMaybe sc t)
+ where
+ err =
+ do t' <- scWhnf sc t
+ fail ("asFirstOrderType: unsupported argument type: " ++ scPrettyTerm defaultPPOpts t')
+asFirstOrderTypeMaybe :: SharedContext -> Term -> MaybeT IO FirstOrderType
+asFirstOrderTypeMaybe sc t =
+ do t' <- lift (scWhnf sc t)
+ case t' of
+ (R.asBoolType -> Just ())
+ -> return FOTBit
+ (R.asIntegerType -> Just ())
+ -> return FOTInt
+ (R.asIntModType -> Just n)
+ -> return (FOTIntMod n)
+ (R.isVecType return -> Just (n R.:*: tp))
+ -> FOTVec n <$> asFirstOrderTypeMaybe sc tp
+ (R.asArrayType -> Just (tp1 R.:*: tp2)) -> do
+ tp1' <- asFirstOrderTypeMaybe sc tp1
+ tp2' <- asFirstOrderTypeMaybe sc tp2
+ return $ FOTArray tp1' tp2'
+ (R.asTupleType -> Just ts)
+ -> FOTTuple <$> traverse (asFirstOrderTypeMaybe sc) ts
+ (R.asRecordType -> Just tm)
+ -> FOTRec <$> traverse (asFirstOrderTypeMaybe sc) tm
+ _ -> mzero
+asFiniteTypePure :: Term -> Maybe FiniteType
+asFiniteTypePure t =
+ case t of
+ (R.asBoolType -> Just ()) -> Just FTBit
+ (R.isVecType return -> Just (n R.:*: tp)) -> FTVec n <$> asFiniteTypePure tp
+ (R.asTupleType -> Just ts) -> FTTuple <$> traverse asFiniteTypePure ts
+ (R.asRecordType -> Just tm) -> FTRec <$> traverse asFiniteTypePure tm
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- The definitions of the next two functions depend on the encoding of
+-- tuples that we want to use. Maybe it is better not to include them
+-- in this library, and we should have them in the SAWScript project
+-- instead.
+-- | Convert a finite type to a Term.
+scFiniteType :: SharedContext -> FiniteType -> IO Term
+scFiniteType sc ft = scFirstOrderType sc (toFirstOrderType ft)
+-- | Convert a finite type to a Term.
+scFirstOrderType :: SharedContext -> FirstOrderType -> IO Term
+scFirstOrderType sc ft =
+ case ft of
+ FOTBit -> scBoolType sc
+ FOTInt -> scIntegerType sc
+ FOTIntMod n -> scIntModType sc =<< scNat sc n
+ FOTVec n t -> do n' <- scNat sc n
+ t' <- scFirstOrderType sc t
+ scVecType sc n' t'
+ FOTArray t1 t2 -> do t1' <- scFirstOrderType sc t1
+ t2' <- scFirstOrderType sc t2
+ scArrayType sc t1' t2'
+ FOTTuple ts -> scTupleType sc =<< traverse (scFirstOrderType sc) ts
+ FOTRec tm ->
+ scRecordType sc =<< (Map.assocs <$> traverse (scFirstOrderType sc) tm)
+-- | Convert a finite value to a SharedTerm.
+scFiniteValue :: SharedContext -> FiniteValue -> IO Term
+scFiniteValue sc fv = scFirstOrderValue sc (toFirstOrderValue fv)
+-- | Convert a finite value to a SharedTerm.
+scFirstOrderValue :: SharedContext -> FirstOrderValue -> IO Term
+scFirstOrderValue sc fv =
+ case fv of
+ FOVBit b -> scBool sc b
+ FOVInt i
+ | i >= 0 -> scNatToInt sc =<< scNat sc (fromInteger i)
+ | True -> scIntNeg sc =<< scNatToInt sc =<< scNat sc (fromInteger (- i))
+ FOVIntMod 0 i ->
+ do n' <- scNat sc 0
+ scToIntMod sc n' =<< scFirstOrderValue sc (FOVInt i)
+ FOVIntMod n i ->
+ do n' <- scNat sc n
+ i' <- scNatToInt sc =<< scNat sc (fromInteger (i `mod` toInteger n))
+ scToIntMod sc n' i'
+ FOVWord n x -> scBvConst sc n x
+ FOVVec t vs -> do t' <- scFirstOrderType sc t
+ vs' <- traverse (scFirstOrderValue sc) vs
+ scVector sc t' vs'
+ FOVArray t1 t2 -> do t1' <- scFirstOrderType sc t1
+ t2' <- scFirstOrderType sc t2
+ scArrayType sc t1' t2'
+ FOVTuple vs -> scTuple sc =<< traverse (scFirstOrderValue sc) vs
+ FOVRec vm -> scRecord sc =<< traverse (scFirstOrderValue sc) vm
+-- Parsing values from lists of booleans ---------------------------------------
+readFiniteValue' :: FiniteType -> S.StateT [Bool] Maybe FiniteValue
+readFiniteValue' ft =
+ case ft of
+ FTBit -> do bs <- S.get
+ case bs of
+ [] -> S.lift Nothing
+ b : bs' -> S.put bs' >> return (FVBit b)
+ FTVec n t -> fvVec t <$> S.replicateM (fromIntegral n) (readFiniteValue' t)
+ FTTuple ts -> FVTuple <$> traverse readFiniteValue' ts
+ FTRec tm -> FVRec <$> traverse readFiniteValue' tm
+readFiniteValues :: [FiniteType] -> [Bool] -> Maybe [FiniteValue]
+readFiniteValues ts bs = do
+ (vs, rest) <- S.runStateT (traverse readFiniteValue' ts) bs
+ case rest of
+ [] -> return vs
+ _ -> Nothing
+readFiniteValue :: FiniteType -> [Bool] -> Maybe FiniteValue
+readFiniteValue t bs = do
+ (v, rest) <- S.runStateT (readFiniteValue' t) bs
+ case rest of
+ [] -> return v
+ _ -> Nothing
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Grammar.y b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Grammar.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..498f2a1065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Grammar.y
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Grammar
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2014
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Grammar
+ ( Decl(..)
+ , Term(..)
+ , parseSAW
+ , parseSAWTerm
+ , lexer
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
+import Control.Monad ()
+import Control.Monad.State (State, get, gets, modify, put, runState, evalState)
+import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, throwError, runExceptT)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as B
+import Data.Maybe (isJust)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Data.Traversable
+import Data.Word
+import Numeric.Natural
+import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
+import Prelude hiding (mapM, sequence)
+import Verifier.SAW.UntypedAST
+import Verifier.SAW.Module (DefQualifier(..))
+import Verifier.SAW.Lexer
+%name parseSAW2 Module
+%name parseSAWTerm2 Term
+%tokentype { PosPair Token }
+%monad { Parser }
+%lexer { lexer } { PosPair _ TEnd }
+%error { parseError }
+%expect 0
+ '#' { PosPair _ (TKey "#") }
+ '->' { PosPair _ (TKey "->") }
+ '=' { PosPair _ (TKey "=") }
+ '\\' { PosPair _ (TKey "\\") }
+ ';' { PosPair _ (TKey ";") }
+ ':' { PosPair _ (TKey ":") }
+ ',' { PosPair _ (TKey ",") }
+ '.' { PosPair _ (TKey ".") }
+ '(' { PosPair _ (TKey "(") }
+ ')' { PosPair _ (TKey ")") }
+ '[' { PosPair _ (TKey "[") }
+ ']' { PosPair _ (TKey "]") }
+ '{' { PosPair _ (TKey "{") }
+ '}' { PosPair _ (TKey "}") }
+ '|' { PosPair _ (TKey "|") }
+ '*' { PosPair _ (TKey "*") }
+ 'data' { PosPair _ (TKey "data") }
+ 'hiding' { PosPair _ (TKey "hiding") }
+ 'import' { PosPair _ (TKey "import") }
+ 'module' { PosPair _ (TKey "module") }
+ 'sort' { PosPair _ (TKey "sort") }
+ 'Prop' { PosPair _ (TKey "Prop") }
+ 'where' { PosPair _ (TKey "where") }
+ 'axiom' { PosPair _ (TKey "axiom") }
+ 'primitive' { PosPair _ (TKey "primitive") }
+ nat { PosPair _ (TNat _) }
+ '_' { PosPair _ (TIdent "_") }
+ ident { PosPair _ (TIdent _) }
+ identrec { PosPair _ (TRecursor _) }
+ string { PosPair _ (TString _) }
+Module :: { Module }
+Module : 'module' ModuleName 'where' list(Import) list(SAWDecl) { Module $2 $4 $5 }
+ModuleName :: { PosPair ModuleName }
+ModuleName : sepBy (Ident, '.') { mkPosModuleName $1 }
+Import :: { Import }
+Import : 'import' ModuleName opt(ModuleImports) ';'
+ { Import $2 $3 }
+SAWDecl :: { Decl }
+SAWDecl : 'data' Ident VarCtx ':' LTerm 'where' '{' list(CtorDecl) '}'
+ { DataDecl $2 $3 $5 $8 }
+ | 'primitive' Ident ':' LTerm ';'
+ { TypeDecl PrimQualifier $2 $4 }
+ | 'axiom' Ident ':' LTerm ';'
+ { TypeDecl AxiomQualifier $2 $4 }
+ | Ident ':' LTerm opt(DefBody) ';' { maybe (TypeDecl NoQualifier $1 $3)
+ (TypedDef $1 [] $3) $4 }
+ | Ident list(TermVar) '=' LTerm ';' { TermDef $1 $2 $4 }
+ | Ident VarCtxItem VarCtx ':' LTerm '=' LTerm ';' { TypedDef $1 ($2 ++ $3) $5 $7 }
+DefBody :: { Term }
+DefBody : '=' LTerm { $2 }
+ModuleImports :: { ImportConstraint }
+ModuleImports : 'hiding' ImportNames { HidingImports $2 }
+ | ImportNames { SpecificImports $1 }
+ImportNames :: { [String] }
+ImportNames : '(' sepBy(ImportName, ',') ')' { $2 }
+ImportName :: { String }
+ImportName : ident { tokIdent $ val $1 }
+TermVar :: { TermVar }
+ : Ident { TermVar $1 }
+ | '_' { UnusedVar (pos $1) }
+-- A context of variables which may or may not be typed
+DefVarCtx :: { [(TermVar, Maybe Term)] }
+DefVarCtx : list(DefVarCtxItem) { concat $1 }
+DefVarCtxItem :: { [(TermVar, Maybe Term)] }
+DefVarCtxItem : TermVar { [($1, Nothing)] }
+ | '(' list(TermVar) ':' LTerm ')'
+ { map (\var -> (var, Just $4)) $2 }
+-- A context of variables, all of which must be typed; i.e., a list syntactic
+-- elements of the form (x y z :: tp) (x2 y3 :: tp2) ...
+VarCtx :: { [(TermVar, Term)] }
+VarCtx : list(VarCtxItem) { concat $1 }
+VarCtxItem :: { [(TermVar, Term)] }
+VarCtxItem : '(' list(TermVar) ':' LTerm ')' { map (\var -> (var,$4)) $2 }
+-- Constructor declaration of the form "c (x1 x2 :: tp1) ... (z1 :: tpn) :: tp"
+CtorDecl :: { CtorDecl }
+CtorDecl : Ident VarCtx ':' LTerm ';' { Ctor $1 $2 $4 }
+Term :: { Term }
+Term : LTerm { $1 }
+ | LTerm ':' LTerm { TypeConstraint $1 (pos $2) $3 }
+-- Term with uses of pi and lambda, but no type ascriptions
+LTerm :: { Term }
+LTerm : ProdTerm { $1 }
+ | PiArg '->' LTerm { Pi (pos $2) $1 $3 }
+ | '\\' VarCtx '->' LTerm { Lambda (pos $1) $2 $4 }
+PiArg :: { [(TermVar, Term)] }
+PiArg : ProdTerm { mkPiArg $1 }
+-- Term formed from infix product type operator (right-associative)
+ProdTerm :: { Term }
+ : AppTerm { $1 }
+ | AppTerm '*' ProdTerm { PairType (pos $1) $1 $3 }
+-- Term formed from applications of atomic expressions
+AppTerm :: { Term }
+AppTerm : AtomTerm { $1 }
+ | AppTerm AtomTerm { App $1 $2 }
+AtomTerm :: { Term }
+ : nat { NatLit (pos $1) (tokNat (val $1)) }
+ | string { StringLit (pos $1) (Text.pack (tokString (val $1))) }
+ | Ident { Name $1 }
+ | IdentRec { Recursor Nothing $1 }
+ | 'Prop' { Sort (pos $1) propSort }
+ | 'sort' nat { Sort (pos $1) (mkSort (tokNat (val $2))) }
+ | AtomTerm '.' Ident { RecordProj $1 (val $3) }
+ | AtomTerm '.' IdentRec {% parseRecursorProj $1 $3 }
+ | AtomTerm '.' nat {% parseTupleSelector $1 (fmap tokNat $3) }
+ | '(' sepBy(Term, ',') ')' { mkTupleValue (pos $1) $2 }
+ | '#' '(' sepBy(Term, ',') ')' { mkTupleType (pos $1) $3 }
+ | '[' sepBy(Term, ',') ']' { VecLit (pos $1) $2 }
+ | '{' sepBy(FieldValue, ',') '}' { RecordValue (pos $1) $2 }
+ | '#' '{' sepBy(FieldType, ',') '}' { RecordType (pos $1) $3 }
+ | AtomTerm '.' '(' nat ')' {% mkTupleProj $1 (tokNat (val $4)) }
+Ident :: { PosPair Text }
+Ident : ident { fmap (Text.pack . tokIdent) $1 }
+IdentRec :: { PosPair Text }
+IdentRec : identrec { fmap (Text.pack . tokRecursor) $1 }
+FieldValue :: { (PosPair FieldName, Term) }
+FieldValue : Ident '=' Term { ($1, $3) }
+FieldType :: { (PosPair FieldName, Term) }
+FieldType : Ident ':' LTerm { ($1, $3) }
+opt(q) :: { Maybe q }
+ : { Nothing }
+ | q { Just $1 }
+-- Two elements p and r separated by q and terminated by s
+sepPair(p,q,r,s) :: { (p,r) }
+ : p q r s { ($1,$3) }
+-- A possibly-empty list of p's separated by q.
+sepBy(p,q) :: { [p] }
+ : {- empty -} { [] }
+ | sepBy1(p,q) { $1 }
+-- A possibly-empty list of p's separated by q.
+sepBy1(p,q) :: { [p] }
+ : rsepBy1(p,q) { reverse $1 }
+rsepBy1(p,q) :: { [p] }
+ : p { [$1] }
+ | rsepBy1(p,q) q p { $3 : $1 }
+-- A list of 0 or more p's, terminated by q's
+list(p) :: { [p] }
+ : {- empty -} { [] }
+ | rlist1(p) { reverse $1 }
+-- A list of 0 or more p's, terminated by q's
+list1(p) :: { [p] }
+ : rlist1(p) { reverse $1 }
+-- A reversed list of at least 1 p's
+rlist1(p) :: { [p] }
+ : p { [$1] }
+ | rlist1(p) p { $2 : $1 }
+data ParseError
+ = UnexpectedLex [Word8]
+ | UnexpectedToken Token
+ | ParseError String
+ deriving (Show)
+newtype Parser a = Parser { _unParser :: ExceptT (PosPair ParseError) (State AlexInput) a }
+ deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad)
+addError :: Pos -> ParseError -> Parser a
+addError p err = Parser $ throwError (PosPair p err)
+setInput :: AlexInput -> Parser ()
+setInput inp = Parser $ put inp
+parsePos :: Parser Pos
+parsePos = Parser $ gets pos
+lexer :: (PosPair Token -> Parser a) -> Parser a
+lexer f = do
+ let go prevErr next = do
+ let addErrors =
+ case prevErr of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just (po,l) -> addError po (UnexpectedLex (reverse l))
+ s <- Parser get
+ let inp@(PosPair p (Buffer _ b)) = s
+ end = addErrors >> next (PosPair p TEnd)
+ case alexScan inp 0 of
+ AlexEOF -> end
+ AlexError _ ->
+ case alexGetByte inp of
+ Just (w,inp') -> do
+ setInput inp'
+ case prevErr of
+ Nothing -> go (Just (p,[w])) next
+ Just (po,l) -> go (Just (po,w:l)) next
+ Nothing -> end
+ AlexSkip inp' _ -> addErrors >> setInput inp' >> go Nothing next
+ AlexToken inp' l act -> do
+ addErrors
+ setInput inp'
+ let v = act (B.toString (B.take (fromIntegral l) b))
+ next (PosPair p v)
+ let read i tkn =
+ case val tkn of
+ TCmntS -> go Nothing (read (i+1))
+ TCmntE | i > 0 -> go Nothing (read (i-1))
+ | otherwise -> do
+ addError (pos tkn) (UnexpectedLex (fmap (fromIntegral . fromEnum) "-}"))
+ go Nothing (read 0)
+ _ | i > 0 -> go Nothing (read i)
+ | otherwise -> f tkn
+ go Nothing (read (0::Integer))
+-- | Run parser given a directory for the base (used for making pathname relative),
+-- bytestring to parse, and parser to run.
+runParser :: Parser a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> B.ByteString -> Either (PosPair ParseError) a
+runParser (Parser m) base path b = evalState (runExceptT m) initState
+ where initState = initialAlexInput base path b
+parseSAW :: FilePath -> FilePath -> B.ByteString -> Either (PosPair ParseError) Module
+parseSAW = runParser parseSAW2
+parseSAWTerm :: FilePath -> FilePath -> B.ByteString -> Either (PosPair ParseError) Term
+parseSAWTerm = runParser parseSAWTerm2
+parseError :: PosPair Token -> Parser a
+parseError pt = addError (pos pt) (UnexpectedToken (val pt))
+addParseError :: Pos -> String -> Parser ()
+addParseError p s = addError p (ParseError s)
+-- Try to parse an expression as a list of identifiers
+exprAsIdentList :: Term -> Maybe [TermVar]
+exprAsIdentList (Name x) = return [TermVar x]
+exprAsIdentList (App expr (Name x)) =
+ (++ [TermVar x]) <$> exprAsIdentList expr
+exprAsIdentList _ = Nothing
+-- | Pi expressions should have one of the forms:
+-- * '(' list(Ident) ':' LTerm ')' '->' LTerm
+-- * AppTerm '->' LTerm
+-- This function takes in a term for the LHS and tests if it is of the first
+-- form, or, if not, converts the second form into the first by making a single
+-- "unused" variable with the name "_"
+mkPiArg :: Term -> [(TermVar, Term)]
+mkPiArg (TypeConstraint (exprAsIdentList -> Just xs) _ t) =
+ map (\x -> (x, t)) xs
+mkPiArg lhs = [(UnusedVar (pos lhs), lhs)]
+-- | Parse a tuple projection of the form @t.(1)@ or @t.(2)@
+mkTupleProj :: Term -> Natural -> Parser Term
+mkTupleProj t 1 = return $ PairLeft t
+mkTupleProj t 2 = return $ PairRight t
+mkTupleProj t _ =
+ do addParseError (pos t) "Projections must be either .(1) or .(2)"
+ return (badTerm (pos t))
+-- | Parse a term as a dotted list of strings
+parseModuleName :: Term -> Maybe [String]
+parseModuleName (RecordProj t str) = (++ [Text.unpack str]) <$> parseModuleName t
+parseModuleName _ = Nothing
+-- | Parse a qualified recursor @M1.M2...Mn.d#rec@
+parseRecursorProj :: Term -> PosPair Text -> Parser Term
+parseRecursorProj (parseModuleName -> Just mnm) i =
+ return $ Recursor (Just $ mkModuleName mnm) i
+parseRecursorProj t _ =
+ do addParseError (pos t) "Malformed recursor projection"
+ return (badTerm (pos t))
+parseTupleSelector :: Term -> PosPair Natural -> Parser Term
+parseTupleSelector t i =
+ if val i >= 1 then return (mkTupleSelector t (val i)) else
+ do addParseError (pos t) "non-positive tuple projection index"
+ return (badTerm (pos t))
+-- | Create a module name given a list of strings with the top-most
+-- module name given first.
+mkPosModuleName :: [PosPair Text] -> PosPair ModuleName
+mkPosModuleName [] = error "internal: Unexpected empty module name"
+mkPosModuleName l = PosPair p (mkModuleName (fmap Text.unpack nms))
+ where nms = fmap val l
+ p = pos (last l)
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Lexer.x b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Lexer.x
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f20832b04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Lexer.x
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Lexer
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2014
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Lexer
+ ( module Verifier.SAW.Position
+ , Token(..)
+ , ppToken
+ , Buffer(..)
+ , AlexInput
+ , initialAlexInput
+ , alexScan
+ , alexGetByte
+ , AlexReturn(..)
+ ) where
+import Codec.Binary.UTF8.Generic ()
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (toString)
+import Data.Word (Word8)
+import Numeric.Natural
+import Verifier.SAW.Position
+$whitechar = [ \t\n\r\f\v]
+$special = [\(\)\,\;\[\]\`\{\}]
+$digit = 0-9
+$binit = 0-1
+$octit = 0-7
+$hexit = [0-9 A-F a-f]
+$large = [A-Z]
+$small = [a-z]
+$alpha = [$small $large]
+$symbol = [\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\.\/\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\|\-\~] # [$special \_\:\"\']
+$graphic = [$alpha $symbol $digit $special \:\"\'\_]
+$charesc = [abfnrtv\\\"\'\&]
+$cntrl = [$large \@\[\\\]\^\_]
+@ascii = \^ $cntrl | NUL | SOH | STX | ETX | EOT | ENQ | ACK
+ | BEL | BS | HT | LF | VT | FF | CR | SO | SI | DLE
+ | DC1 | DC2 | DC3 | DC4 | NAK | SYN | ETB | CAN | EM
+ | SUB | ESC | FS | GS | RS | US | SP | DEL
+@num = $digit+
+@decimal = $digit+
+@binary = $binit+
+@octal = $octit+
+@hex = $hexit+
+$idchar = [a-z A-Z 0-9 \' \_]
+@ident = [a-z A-Z \_] $idchar*
+@punct = "#" | "," | "->" | "." | ";" | ":" | "=" | "*"
+ | "\" | "(" | ")" | "[" | "]" | "{" | "}" | "|"
+@keywords = "data" | "hiding" | "import" | "module"
+ | "sort" | "Prop" | "where" | "primitive" | "axiom"
+@key = @punct | @keywords
+@escape = \\ ($charesc | @ascii | @decimal | o @octal | x @hex)
+@gap = \\ $whitechar+ \\
+@string = $graphic # [\"\\] | " " | @escape | @gap
+sawTokens :-
+"{-" { \_ -> TCmntS }
+"-}" { \_ -> TCmntE }
+\" @string* \" { TString . read }
+@num { TNat . read }
+@key { TKey }
+@ident { TIdent }
+@ident "#rec" { TRecursor . dropRecSuffix }
+. { TIllegal }
+data Token
+ = TIdent { tokIdent :: String } -- ^ Identifier
+ | TRecursor { tokRecursor :: String } -- ^ Recursor
+ | TNat { tokNat :: Natural } -- ^ Natural number literal
+ | TString { tokString :: String } -- ^ String literal
+ | TKey String -- ^ Keyword or predefined symbol
+ | TEnd -- ^ End of file.
+ | TCmntS -- ^ Start of a block comment
+ | TCmntE -- ^ End of a block comment.
+ | TIllegal String -- ^ Illegal character
+ deriving (Show)
+-- | Remove the "#rec" suffix of a recursor string
+dropRecSuffix :: String -> String
+dropRecSuffix str = take (length str - 4) str
+ppToken :: Token -> String
+ppToken tkn =
+ case tkn of
+ TIdent s -> s
+ TRecursor s -> s ++ "#rec"
+ TNat n -> show n
+ TString s -> show s
+ TKey s -> s
+ TEnd -> "END"
+ TCmntS -> "XXXS"
+ TCmntE -> "XXXE"
+ TIllegal s -> "illegal " ++ show s
+data Buffer = Buffer Char !B.ByteString
+type AlexInput = PosPair Buffer
+initialAlexInput :: FilePath -> FilePath -> B.ByteString -> AlexInput
+initialAlexInput base path b = PosPair pos input
+ where pos = Pos { posBase = base
+ , posPath = path
+ , posLine = 1
+ , posCol = 0
+ }
+ prevChar = error "internal: runLexer prev char undefined"
+ input = Buffer prevChar b
+alexInputPrevChar :: AlexInput -> Char
+alexInputPrevChar (val -> Buffer c _) = c
+alexGetByte :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Word8, AlexInput)
+alexGetByte (PosPair p (Buffer _ b)) = fmap fn (B.uncons b)
+ where fn (w,b') = (w, PosPair p' (Buffer c b'))
+ where c = toEnum (fromIntegral w)
+ isNew = c == '\n'
+ p' = if isNew then incLine p else incCol p
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Module.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Module.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8d476507e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Module.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Module
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2017
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Module
+ ( -- * Data types and definitions.
+ DefQualifier(..)
+ , Def(..)
+ , CtorArg(..)
+ , CtorArgStruct(..)
+ , Ctor(..)
+ , ctorNumParams
+ , ctorNumArgs
+ , DataType(..)
+ , dtNumParams
+ , dtNumIndices
+ -- * Modules
+ , Module
+ , ModuleDecl(..)
+ , ResolvedName(..)
+ , resolvedNameIdent
+ , moduleName
+ , moduleImports
+ , moduleImportNames
+ , emptyModule
+ , resolveName
+ , findDataType
+ , insImport
+ , insDataType
+ , beginDataType
+ , completeDataType
+ , moduleDataTypes
+ , moduleCtors
+ , findCtor
+ , moduleDefs
+ , findDef
+ , insDef
+ , moduleDecls
+ , modulePrimitives
+ , moduleAxioms
+ , moduleActualDefs
+ -- * Module Maps
+ , ModuleMap
+ , findCtorInMap
+ , findDataTypeInMap
+ , allModuleDefs
+ , allModuleDecls
+ , allModulePrimitives
+ , allModuleAxioms
+ , allModuleActualDefs
+ , allModuleDataTypes
+ , allModuleCtors
+ -- * Pretty-printing
+ , ppModule
+ ) where
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
+import Data.Foldable (foldl', foldr')
+import Data.Hashable
+import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
+import Prelude hiding (all, foldr, sum)
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Pretty
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.CtxTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Utils (internalError)
+-- Definitions -----------------------------------------------------------------
+data DefQualifier
+ = NoQualifier
+ | PrimQualifier
+ | AxiomQualifier
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, TH.Lift)
+instance Hashable DefQualifier -- automatically derived
+-- | A Definition contains an identifier, the type of the definition, and an
+-- optional body (axioms and primitives do not have a body)
+data Def =
+ Def
+ { defIdent :: Ident
+ , defQualifier :: DefQualifier
+ , defType :: Term
+ , defBody :: Maybe Term
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
+instance Hashable Def -- automatically derived
+-- Constructors ----------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | A specification of a constructor
+data Ctor =
+ forall d params ixs.
+ Ctor
+ { ctorName :: !Ident
+ -- ^ The name of this constructor
+ , ctorArgStruct :: CtorArgStruct d params ixs
+ -- ^ Arguments to the constructor
+ , ctorDataTypeName :: Ident
+ -- ^ The datatype this constructor belongs to
+ , ctorType :: Term
+ -- ^ Cached type of the constructor, which should always be equal to
+ --
+ -- > (p1::P1) -> .. -> (pn::Pn) -> (x1::arg1) -> .. -> (xm::argm) ->
+ -- > d p1 .. pn ix1 .. ixk
+ --
+ -- where the @pi@ are the 'ctorParams', the @argi@ are the types specified
+ -- by the 'ctorArgs', and the @ixi@ are the 'ctorDataTypeIndices'. Note that
+ -- this type should always be top-level, i.e., have no free variables.
+ , ctorElimTypeFun :: [Term] -> Term -> IO Term
+ -- ^ Cached function for generating the type of an eliminator for this
+ -- constructor by passing it a list of parameters and a @p_ret@ function,
+ -- also known as the "motive function", which itself must have type
+ --
+ -- > (x1::ix1) -> .. -> (xm::ixm) -> d p1 .. pn x1 .. xm -> Type i
+ --
+ -- where the @ps@ are the parameters and the @ix@s are the indices of
+ -- datatype @d@
+ , ctorIotaReduction :: Term
+ -- ^ Cached result of one step of iota reduction of the term
+ --
+ -- > RecursorApp d params p_ret elims ixs (c params args)
+ --
+ -- where @params@, @p_ret@, @elims@, and @args@ are distinct free variables,
+ -- in that order, so that the last @arg@ is the most recently-bound
+ -- variable, i.e., has deBruijn index 0. This means that an iota reduction
+ -- of the above recursor application can be performed by substituting the
+ -- concrete parameters, eliminators, and constructor arguments into the
+ -- 'Term' stored in 'ctorIotaReduction'. Note that we are assuming that the
+ -- @elims@ are in the same order as they are listed in the corresponding
+ -- 'DataType' for this constructor.
+ }
+-- | Return the number of parameters of a constructor
+ctorNumParams :: Ctor -> Int
+ctorNumParams (Ctor { ctorArgStruct = CtorArgStruct {..}}) =
+ bindingsLength ctorParams
+-- | Return the number of non-parameter arguments of a constructor
+ctorNumArgs :: Ctor -> Int
+ctorNumArgs (Ctor { ctorArgStruct = CtorArgStruct {..}}) =
+ bindingsLength ctorArgs
+lift2 :: (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> c) -> a -> a -> c
+lift2 f h x y = h (f x) (f y)
+instance Eq Ctor where
+ (==) = lift2 ctorName (==)
+instance Ord Ctor where
+ compare = lift2 ctorName compare
+instance Show Ctor where
+ show = show . ctorName
+-- Datatypes -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | An inductively-defined datatype
+data DataType =
+ DataType
+ { dtName :: Ident
+ -- ^ The name of this datatype
+ , dtParams :: [(LocalName, Term)]
+ -- ^ The context of parameters of this datatype
+ , dtIndices :: [(LocalName, Term)]
+ -- ^ The context of indices of this datatype
+ , dtSort :: Sort
+ -- ^ The universe of this datatype
+ , dtCtors :: [Ctor]
+ -- ^ The list of constructors of this datatype
+ , dtType :: Term
+ -- ^ The cached type of this datatype, which should always be equal to
+ --
+ -- > (p1::P1) -> .. -> (pn::Pn) -> (i1::I1) -> .. -> (im::Im) -> 'dtSort'
+ --
+ -- where the @pi@ are the 'dtParams' and the @ii@ are the 'dtIndices'. Note
+ -- that this type should always be top-level, i.e., have no free variables.
+ }
+-- | Return the number of parameters of a datatype
+dtNumParams :: DataType -> Int
+dtNumParams dt = length $ dtParams dt
+-- | Return the number of indices of a datatype
+dtNumIndices :: DataType -> Int
+dtNumIndices dt = length $ dtIndices dt
+instance Eq DataType where
+ (==) = lift2 dtName (==)
+instance Ord DataType where
+ compare = lift2 dtName compare
+instance Show DataType where
+ show = show . dtName
+-- Modules ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Declarations that can occur in a module
+data ModuleDecl = TypeDecl DataType
+ | DefDecl Def
+-- | The different sorts of things that a 'Text' name can be resolved to
+data ResolvedName
+ = ResolvedCtor Ctor
+ | ResolvedDataType DataType
+ | ResolvedDef Def
+-- | Get the 'Ident' for a 'ResolvedName'
+resolvedNameIdent :: ResolvedName -> Ident
+resolvedNameIdent (ResolvedCtor ctor) = ctorName ctor
+resolvedNameIdent (ResolvedDataType dt) = dtName dt
+resolvedNameIdent (ResolvedDef d) = defIdent d
+-- | Modules define namespaces of datatypes, constructors, and definitions,
+-- i.e., mappings from 'Text' names to these objects. A module is allowed to
+-- map a 'Text' name to an object defined in a different module. Modules also
+-- keep a record of the top-level declarations and the imports that were used to
+-- build them.
+data Module = Module {
+ moduleName :: !ModuleName
+ , moduleImports :: !(Map ModuleName Module)
+ , moduleResolveMap :: !(Map Text ResolvedName)
+ , moduleRDecls :: [ModuleDecl] -- ^ All declarations in reverse order they were added.
+ }
+-- | Get the names of all modules imported by the given one
+moduleImportNames :: Module -> [ModuleName]
+moduleImportNames m = Map.keys (moduleImports m)
+emptyModule :: ModuleName -> Module
+emptyModule nm =
+ Module { moduleName = nm
+ , moduleImports = Map.empty
+ , moduleResolveMap = Map.empty
+ , moduleRDecls = []
+ }
+-- | Resolve a 'Text' name in the namespace defined by a 'Module', to either a
+-- 'Ctor', 'DataType', or 'Def'
+resolveName :: Module -> Text -> Maybe ResolvedName
+resolveName m str = Map.lookup str (moduleResolveMap m)
+-- | Resolve a 'Text' name to a 'Ctor'
+findCtor :: Module -> Text -> Maybe Ctor
+findCtor m str =
+ resolveName m str >>= \case { ResolvedCtor ctor -> Just ctor; _ -> Nothing }
+-- | Resolve a 'Text' name to a 'DataType'
+findDataType :: Module -> Text -> Maybe DataType
+findDataType m str =
+ resolveName m str >>= \case { ResolvedDataType d -> Just d; _ -> Nothing }
+-- | Resolve a 'Text' name to a 'Def'
+findDef :: Module -> Text -> Maybe Def
+findDef m str =
+ resolveName m str >>= \case { ResolvedDef d -> Just d; _ -> Nothing }
+-- | Insert a 'ResolvedName' into a 'Module', adding a mapping from the 'Text'
+-- name of that resolved name to it. Signal an error in the case of a name
+-- clash, i.e., an existing binding for the same 'Text' name.
+insResolvedName :: Module -> ResolvedName -> Module
+insResolvedName m nm =
+ let str = identBaseName $ resolvedNameIdent nm in
+ if Map.member str (moduleResolveMap m) then
+ internalError ("Duplicate name " ++ show str ++ " being inserted into module "
+ ++ show (moduleName m))
+ else
+ m { moduleResolveMap = Map.insert str nm (moduleResolveMap m) }
+-- | @insImport i m@ returns the module obtained by importing @i@ into @m@,
+-- using a predicate to specify which names are imported from @i@ into @m@. In
+-- the case of name clashes, an error is signaled.
+insImport :: (ResolvedName -> Bool) -> Module -> Module -> Module
+insImport name_p i m =
+ (foldl' insResolvedName m $ Map.elems $
+ Map.filter name_p (moduleResolveMap i))
+ { moduleImports = Map.insert (moduleName i) i (moduleImports m) }
+-- | Insert a 'DataType' declaration, along with its 'Ctor's, into a module
+insDataType :: Module -> DataType -> Module
+insDataType m dt =
+ foldl' insResolvedName (m { moduleRDecls = TypeDecl dt : moduleRDecls m}) $
+ (ResolvedDataType dt : map ResolvedCtor (dtCtors dt))
+-- | Insert an "incomplete" datatype, used as part of building up a 'DataType'
+-- to typecheck its constructors. This incomplete datatype must have no
+-- constructors, and it will not be added to the 'moduleRDecls' list until it is
+-- completed by 'completeDataType'.
+beginDataType :: Module -> DataType -> Module
+beginDataType m dt =
+ if null (dtCtors dt) then insResolvedName m (ResolvedDataType dt) else
+ internalError
+ "insTempDataType: attempt to insert a non-empty temporary datatype"
+-- | Complete a datatype, by adding its constructors
+completeDataType :: Module -> Ident -> [Ctor] -> Module
+completeDataType m (identBaseName -> str) ctors =
+ case resolveName m str of
+ Just (ResolvedDataType dt)
+ | null (dtCtors dt) ->
+ let dt' = dt {dtCtors = ctors} in
+ flip (foldl' insResolvedName) (map ResolvedCtor ctors) $
+ m { moduleResolveMap =
+ Map.insert str (ResolvedDataType dt') (moduleResolveMap m),
+ moduleRDecls = TypeDecl dt' : moduleRDecls m }
+ Just (ResolvedDataType _) ->
+ internalError $ "completeDataType: datatype already completed: " ++ show str
+ Just _ ->
+ internalError $ "completeDataType: not a datatype: " ++ show str
+ Nothing ->
+ internalError $ "completeDataType: datatype not found: " ++ show str
+-- | Insert a definition into a module
+insDef :: Module -> Def -> Module
+insDef m d =
+ insResolvedName
+ (m { moduleRDecls = DefDecl d : moduleRDecls m })
+ (ResolvedDef d)
+-- | Get the resolved names that are local to a module
+localResolvedNames :: Module -> [ResolvedName]
+localResolvedNames m =
+ filter ((== moduleName m) . identModule . resolvedNameIdent)
+ (Map.elems $ moduleResolveMap m)
+-- | Get all data types defined in a module
+moduleDataTypes :: Module -> [DataType]
+moduleDataTypes =
+ foldr' (\case { ResolvedDataType dt -> (dt :); _ -> id } ) [] .
+ localResolvedNames
+-- | Get all constructors defined in a module
+moduleCtors :: Module -> [Ctor]
+moduleCtors =
+ foldr' (\case { ResolvedCtor ctor -> (ctor :); _ -> id } ) [] .
+ localResolvedNames
+-- | Get all definitions defined in a module
+moduleDefs :: Module -> [Def]
+moduleDefs =
+ foldr' (\case { ResolvedDef d -> (d :); _ -> id } ) [] .
+ localResolvedNames
+-- | Get all declarations that are local to a module, i.e., that defined names
+-- that were not imported from some other module
+moduleDecls :: Module -> [ModuleDecl]
+moduleDecls = reverse . moduleRDecls
+-- | Get all local declarations in a module that are marked as primitives
+modulePrimitives :: Module -> [Def]
+modulePrimitives m =
+ [ def
+ | DefDecl def <- moduleDecls m
+ , defQualifier def == PrimQualifier
+ ]
+-- | Get all local declarations in a module that are marked as axioms
+moduleAxioms :: Module -> [Def]
+moduleAxioms m =
+ [ def
+ | DefDecl def <- moduleDecls m
+ , defQualifier def == AxiomQualifier
+ ]
+-- | Get all local declarations in a module that are not marked as primitives or
+-- axioms
+moduleActualDefs :: Module -> [Def]
+moduleActualDefs m =
+ [ def
+ | DefDecl def <- moduleDecls m
+ , defQualifier def == NoQualifier
+ ]
+-- | The type of mappings from module names to modules
+type ModuleMap = HashMap ModuleName Module
+-- | Resolve an 'Ident' to a 'Ctor' in a 'ModuleMap'
+findCtorInMap :: ModuleMap -> Ident -> Maybe Ctor
+findCtorInMap m i =
+ HMap.lookup (identModule i) m >>= flip findCtor (identBaseName i)
+-- | Resolve an 'Ident' to a 'DataType' in a 'ModuleMap'
+findDataTypeInMap :: ModuleMap -> Ident -> Maybe DataType
+findDataTypeInMap m i =
+ HMap.lookup (identModule i) m >>= flip findDataType (identBaseName i)
+-- | Get all definitions defined in any module in an entire module map. Note
+-- that the returned list might have redundancies if a definition is visible /
+-- imported in multiple modules in the module map.
+allModuleDefs :: ModuleMap -> [Def]
+allModuleDefs modmap = concatMap moduleDefs (HMap.elems modmap)
+-- | Get all local declarations from all modules in an entire module map
+allModuleDecls :: ModuleMap -> [ModuleDecl]
+allModuleDecls modmap = concatMap moduleDecls (HMap.elems modmap)
+-- | Get all local declarations from all modules in an entire module map that
+-- are marked as primitives
+allModulePrimitives :: ModuleMap -> [Def]
+allModulePrimitives modmap =
+ [ def
+ | DefDecl def <- allModuleDecls modmap
+ , defQualifier def == PrimQualifier
+ ]
+-- | Get all local declarations from all modules in an entire module map that
+-- are marked as axioms
+allModuleAxioms :: ModuleMap -> [Def]
+allModuleAxioms modmap =
+ [ def
+ | DefDecl def <- allModuleDecls modmap
+ , defQualifier def == AxiomQualifier
+ ]
+-- | Get all local declarations from all modules in an entire module map that
+-- are marked as neither primitives nor axioms
+allModuleActualDefs :: ModuleMap -> [Def]
+allModuleActualDefs modmap =
+ [ def
+ | DefDecl def <- allModuleDecls modmap
+ , defQualifier def == NoQualifier
+ ]
+-- | Get all datatypes in all modules in a module map
+allModuleDataTypes :: ModuleMap -> [DataType]
+allModuleDataTypes modmap = concatMap moduleDataTypes (HMap.elems modmap)
+-- | Get all constructors in all modules in a module map
+allModuleCtors :: ModuleMap -> [Ctor]
+allModuleCtors modmap = concatMap moduleCtors (HMap.elems modmap)
+-- | Pretty-print a 'Module'
+ppModule :: PPOpts -> Module -> SawDoc
+ppModule opts m =
+ ppPPModule opts (PPModule (moduleImportNames m) (map toDecl $ moduleDecls m))
+ where
+ toDecl (TypeDecl (DataType {..})) =
+ PPTypeDecl dtName dtParams dtIndices dtSort
+ (map (\c -> (ctorName c, ctorType c)) dtCtors)
+ toDecl (DefDecl (Def {..})) =
+ PPDefDecl defIdent defType defBody
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Name.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Name.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2961e6e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Name.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Name
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+Various kinds of names.
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Verifier.SAW.Name
+ ( -- * Module names
+ ModuleName, mkModuleName
+ , preludeName
+ , moduleNameText
+ , moduleNamePieces
+ -- * Identifiers
+ , Ident(identModule, identBaseName), identName, mkIdent
+ , mkIdentText
+ , parseIdent
+ , isIdent
+ , identText
+ , identPieces
+ -- * NameInfo
+ , NameInfo(..)
+ , toShortName
+ , toAbsoluteName
+ , moduleIdentToURI
+ , nameURI
+ , nameAliases
+ -- * ExtCns
+ , VarIndex
+ , ExtCns(..)
+ , scFreshNameURI
+ -- * Naming Environments
+ , SAWNamingEnv(..)
+ , emptySAWNamingEnv
+ , registerName
+ , resolveURI
+ , resolveName
+ , bestAlias
+ ) where
+import Control.Exception (assert)
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Hashable
+import qualified Data.List as L
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.String (IsString(..))
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Data.Word
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+import Text.URI
+import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
+import Instances.TH.Lift () -- for instance TH.Lift Text
+import Verifier.SAW.Utils (panic, internalError)
+-- Module Names ----------------------------------------------------------------
+newtype ModuleName = ModuleName Text
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, TH.Lift)
+instance Hashable ModuleName -- automatically derived
+instance Show ModuleName where
+ show (ModuleName s) = Text.unpack s
+moduleNameText :: ModuleName -> Text
+moduleNameText (ModuleName x) = x
+moduleNamePieces :: ModuleName -> [Text]
+moduleNamePieces (ModuleName x) = Text.splitOn (Text.pack ".") x
+-- | Create a module name given a list of strings with the top-most
+-- module name given first.
+mkModuleName :: [String] -> ModuleName
+mkModuleName [] = error "internal: mkModuleName given empty module name"
+mkModuleName nms = assert (all isCtor nms) $ ModuleName (Text.pack s)
+ where s = L.intercalate "." (reverse nms)
+preludeName :: ModuleName
+preludeName = mkModuleName ["Prelude"]
+-- Identifiers -----------------------------------------------------------------
+data Ident =
+ Ident
+ { identModule :: ModuleName
+ , identBaseName :: Text
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
+instance Hashable Ident -- automatically derived
+instance Show Ident where
+ show (Ident m s) = shows m ('.' : Text.unpack s)
+identText :: Ident -> Text
+identText i = moduleNameText (identModule i) <> Text.pack "." <> identBaseName i
+identPieces :: Ident -> NonEmpty Text
+identPieces i =
+ case moduleNamePieces (identModule i) of
+ [] -> identBaseName i :| []
+ (x:xs) -> x :| (xs ++ [identBaseName i])
+identName :: Ident -> String
+identName = Text.unpack . identBaseName
+instance Read Ident where
+ readsPrec _ str =
+ let (str1, str2) = break (not . isIdChar) str in
+ [(parseIdent str1, str2)]
+mkIdent :: ModuleName -> String -> Ident
+mkIdent m s = Ident m (Text.pack s)
+mkIdentText :: ModuleName -> Text -> Ident
+mkIdentText m s = Ident m s
+-- | Parse a fully qualified identifier.
+parseIdent :: String -> Ident
+parseIdent s0 =
+ case reverse (breakEach s0) of
+ (_:[]) -> internalError $ "parseIdent given empty module name."
+ (nm:rMod) -> mkIdent (mkModuleName (reverse rMod)) nm
+ _ -> internalError $ "parseIdent given bad identifier " ++ show s0
+ where breakEach s =
+ case break (=='.') s of
+ (h,[]) -> [h]
+ (h,'.':r) -> h : breakEach r
+ _ -> internalError "parseIdent.breakEach failed"
+instance IsString Ident where
+ fromString = parseIdent
+isIdent :: String -> Bool
+isIdent (c:l) = isAlpha c && all isIdChar l
+isIdent [] = False
+isCtor :: String -> Bool
+isCtor (c:l) = isUpper c && all isIdChar l
+isCtor [] = False
+-- | Returns true if character can appear in identifier.
+isIdChar :: Char -> Bool
+isIdChar c = isAlphaNum c || (c == '_') || (c == '\'') || (c == '.')
+-- NameInfo
+-- | Descriptions of the origins of names that may be in scope
+data NameInfo
+ = -- | This name arises from an exported declaration from a module
+ ModuleIdentifier Ident
+ | -- | This name was imported from some other programming language/scope
+ ImportedName
+ URI -- ^ An absolutely-qualified name, which is required to be unique
+ [Text] -- ^ A collection of aliases for this name. Sorter or "less-qualified"
+ -- aliases should be nearer the front of the list
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+nameURI :: NameInfo -> URI
+nameURI =
+ \case
+ ModuleIdentifier i -> moduleIdentToURI i
+ ImportedName uri _ -> uri
+nameAliases :: NameInfo -> [Text]
+nameAliases =
+ \case
+ ModuleIdentifier i -> [identBaseName i, identText i]
+ ImportedName _ aliases -> aliases
+toShortName :: NameInfo -> Text
+toShortName (ModuleIdentifier i) = identBaseName i
+toShortName (ImportedName uri []) = render uri
+toShortName (ImportedName _ (x:_)) = x
+toAbsoluteName :: NameInfo -> Text
+toAbsoluteName (ModuleIdentifier i) = identText i
+toAbsoluteName (ImportedName uri _) = render uri
+moduleIdentToURI :: Ident -> URI
+moduleIdentToURI ident = fromMaybe (panic "moduleIdentToURI" ["Failed to constructed ident URI", show ident]) $
+ do sch <- mkScheme "sawcore"
+ path <- mapM mkPathPiece (identPieces ident)
+ pure URI
+ { uriScheme = Just sch
+ , uriAuthority = Left True -- absolute path
+ , uriPath = Just (False, path)
+ , uriQuery = []
+ , uriFragment = Nothing
+ }
+-- External Constants ----------------------------------------------------------
+type VarIndex = Word64
+-- | An external constant with a name.
+-- Names are not necessarily unique, but the var index should be.
+data ExtCns e =
+ EC
+ { ecVarIndex :: !VarIndex
+ , ecName :: !NameInfo
+ , ecType :: !e
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+instance Eq (ExtCns e) where
+ x == y = ecVarIndex x == ecVarIndex y
+instance Ord (ExtCns e) where
+ compare x y = compare (ecVarIndex x) (ecVarIndex y)
+instance Hashable (ExtCns e) where
+ hashWithSalt x ec = hashWithSalt x (ecVarIndex ec)
+scFreshNameURI :: Text -> VarIndex -> URI
+scFreshNameURI nm i = fromMaybe (panic "scFreshNameURI" ["Failed to constructed name URI", show nm, show i]) $
+ do sch <- mkScheme "fresh"
+ nm' <- mkPathPiece (if Text.null nm then "_" else nm)
+ i' <- mkFragment (Text.pack (show i))
+ pure URI
+ { uriScheme = Just sch
+ , uriAuthority = Left False -- relative path
+ , uriPath = Just (False, (nm' :| []))
+ , uriQuery = []
+ , uriFragment = Just i'
+ }
+-- Naming Environments ---------------------------------------------------------
+data SAWNamingEnv = SAWNamingEnv
+ { resolvedNames :: !(Map VarIndex NameInfo)
+ , absoluteNames :: !(Map URI VarIndex)
+ , aliasNames :: !(Map Text (Set VarIndex))
+ }
+-- Invariants: The 'resolvedNames' and 'absoluteNames' maps should be
+-- inverses of each other. That is, 'resolvedNames' maps @i@ to @n@ if
+-- and only if 'absoluteNames' maps @nameURI n@ to @i@. Also, every
+-- 'VarIndex' appearing in 'aliasNames' must be present as a key in
+-- 'resolvedNames'.
+emptySAWNamingEnv :: SAWNamingEnv
+emptySAWNamingEnv = SAWNamingEnv mempty mempty mempty
+-- | Add a new name entry in a 'SAWNamingEnv'. Returns 'Left' if
+-- there is already an entry under the same URI.
+registerName :: VarIndex -> NameInfo -> SAWNamingEnv -> Either URI SAWNamingEnv
+registerName i nmi env =
+ case Map.lookup uri (absoluteNames env) of
+ Just _ -> Left uri
+ Nothing ->
+ Right $
+ SAWNamingEnv
+ { resolvedNames = Map.insert i nmi (resolvedNames env)
+ , absoluteNames = Map.insert uri i (absoluteNames env)
+ , aliasNames = foldr insertAlias (aliasNames env) aliases
+ }
+ where
+ uri = nameURI nmi
+ aliases = render uri : nameAliases nmi
+ insertAlias :: Text -> Map Text (Set VarIndex) -> Map Text (Set VarIndex)
+ insertAlias x m = Map.insertWith Set.union x (Set.singleton i) m
+resolveURI :: SAWNamingEnv -> URI -> Maybe VarIndex
+resolveURI env uri = Map.lookup uri (absoluteNames env)
+resolveName :: SAWNamingEnv -> Text -> [(VarIndex, NameInfo)]
+resolveName env nm =
+ case Map.lookup nm (aliasNames env) of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just vs -> [ (v, findName v (resolvedNames env)) | v <- Set.toList vs ]
+ where
+ findName v m =
+ case Map.lookup v m of
+ Just nmi -> nmi
+ Nothing -> panic "resolveName" ["Unbound VarIndex when resolving name", show nm, show v]
+-- | Return the first alias (according to 'nameAliases') that is
+-- unambiguous in the naming environment. If there is no unambiguous
+-- alias, then return the URI.
+bestAlias :: SAWNamingEnv -> NameInfo -> Either URI Text
+bestAlias env nmi = go (nameAliases nmi)
+ where
+ go [] = Left (nameURI nmi)
+ go (x : xs) =
+ case Map.lookup x (aliasNames env) of
+ Nothing -> go xs
+ Just vs
+ | Set.size vs == 1 -> Right x
+ | otherwise -> go xs
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/OpenTerm.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/OpenTerm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2883f850d
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+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/OpenTerm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.OpenTerm
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2018
+License : BSD3
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+This module defines an interface to building SAW core terms in an incrementally
+type-checked way, meaning that type-checking is performed as the terms are
+module Verifier.SAW.OpenTerm (
+ -- * Open terms and converting to closed terms
+ OpenTerm(..), completeOpenTerm, completeOpenTermType,
+ -- * Basic operations for building open terms
+ closedOpenTerm, flatOpenTerm, sortOpenTerm, natOpenTerm,
+ unitOpenTerm, unitTypeOpenTerm,
+ stringLitOpenTerm, stringTypeOpenTerm,
+ pairOpenTerm, pairTypeOpenTerm, pairLeftOpenTerm, pairRightOpenTerm,
+ tupleOpenTerm, tupleTypeOpenTerm, projTupleOpenTerm,
+ ctorOpenTerm, dataTypeOpenTerm, globalOpenTerm,
+ applyOpenTerm, applyOpenTermMulti,
+ lambdaOpenTerm, lambdaOpenTermMulti, piOpenTerm, piOpenTermMulti,
+ arrowOpenTerm,
+ letOpenTerm,
+ -- * Monadic operations for building terms with binders
+ OpenTermM(..), completeOpenTermM,
+ dedupOpenTermM, lambdaOpenTermM, piOpenTermM,
+ lambdaOpenTermAuxM, piOpenTermAuxM
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Numeric.Natural
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.SCTypeCheck
+import Verifier.SAW.Module
+-- | An open term is represented as a type-checking computation that computes a
+-- SAW core term and its type
+newtype OpenTerm = OpenTerm { unOpenTerm :: TCM TypedTerm }
+-- | "Complete" an 'OpenTerm' to a closed term or 'fail' on type-checking error
+completeOpenTerm :: SharedContext -> OpenTerm -> IO Term
+completeOpenTerm sc (OpenTerm termM) =
+ either (fail . show) return =<<
+ runTCM (typedVal <$> termM) sc Nothing []
+-- | "Complete" an 'OpenTerm' to a closed term for its type
+completeOpenTermType :: SharedContext -> OpenTerm -> IO Term
+completeOpenTermType sc (OpenTerm termM) =
+ either (fail . show) return =<<
+ runTCM (typedType <$> termM) sc Nothing []
+-- | Embed a closed 'Term' into an 'OpenTerm'
+closedOpenTerm :: Term -> OpenTerm
+closedOpenTerm t = OpenTerm $ typeInferComplete t
+-- | Build an 'OpenTerm' from a 'FlatTermF'
+flatOpenTerm :: FlatTermF OpenTerm -> OpenTerm
+flatOpenTerm ftf = OpenTerm $
+ (sequence (fmap unOpenTerm ftf) >>= typeInferComplete)
+-- | Build an 'OpenTerm' for a sort
+sortOpenTerm :: Sort -> OpenTerm
+sortOpenTerm s = flatOpenTerm (Sort s)
+-- | Build an 'OpenTerm' for a natural number literal
+natOpenTerm :: Natural -> OpenTerm
+natOpenTerm = flatOpenTerm . NatLit
+-- | The 'OpenTerm' for the unit value
+unitOpenTerm :: OpenTerm
+unitOpenTerm = flatOpenTerm UnitValue
+-- | The 'OpenTerm' for the unit type
+unitTypeOpenTerm :: OpenTerm
+unitTypeOpenTerm = flatOpenTerm UnitType
+-- | Build a SAW core string literal.
+stringLitOpenTerm :: Text -> OpenTerm
+stringLitOpenTerm = flatOpenTerm . StringLit
+-- | Return the SAW core type @String@ of strings.
+stringTypeOpenTerm :: OpenTerm
+stringTypeOpenTerm = globalOpenTerm "Prelude.String"
+-- | Build an 'OpenTerm' for a pair
+pairOpenTerm :: OpenTerm -> OpenTerm -> OpenTerm
+pairOpenTerm t1 t2 = flatOpenTerm $ PairValue t1 t2
+-- | Build an 'OpenTerm' for a pair type
+pairTypeOpenTerm :: OpenTerm -> OpenTerm -> OpenTerm
+pairTypeOpenTerm t1 t2 = flatOpenTerm $ PairType t1 t2
+-- | Build an 'OpenTerm' for the left projection of a pair
+pairLeftOpenTerm :: OpenTerm -> OpenTerm
+pairLeftOpenTerm t = flatOpenTerm $ PairLeft t
+-- | Build an 'OpenTerm' for the right projection of a pair
+pairRightOpenTerm :: OpenTerm -> OpenTerm
+pairRightOpenTerm t = flatOpenTerm $ PairRight t
+-- | Build a right-nested tuple as an 'OpenTerm'
+tupleOpenTerm :: [OpenTerm] -> OpenTerm
+tupleOpenTerm = foldr pairOpenTerm unitOpenTerm
+-- | Build a right-nested tuple type as an 'OpenTerm'
+tupleTypeOpenTerm :: [OpenTerm] -> OpenTerm
+tupleTypeOpenTerm = foldr pairTypeOpenTerm unitTypeOpenTerm
+-- | Project the @n@th element of a right-nested tuple type
+projTupleOpenTerm :: Integer -> OpenTerm -> OpenTerm
+projTupleOpenTerm 0 t = pairLeftOpenTerm t
+projTupleOpenTerm i t = projTupleOpenTerm (i-1) (pairRightOpenTerm t)
+-- | Build an 'OpenTerm' for a constructor applied to its arguments
+ctorOpenTerm :: Ident -> [OpenTerm] -> OpenTerm
+ctorOpenTerm c all_args = OpenTerm $ do
+ maybe_ctor <- liftTCM scFindCtor c
+ (params, args) <-
+ case maybe_ctor of
+ Just ctor -> splitAt (ctorNumParams ctor) <$> mapM unOpenTerm all_args
+ Nothing -> throwTCError $ NoSuchCtor c
+ typeInferComplete $ CtorApp c params args
+-- | Build an 'OpenTerm' for a datatype applied to its arguments
+dataTypeOpenTerm :: Ident -> [OpenTerm] -> OpenTerm
+dataTypeOpenTerm d all_args = OpenTerm $ do
+ maybe_dt <- liftTCM scFindDataType d
+ (params, args) <-
+ case maybe_dt of
+ Just dt -> splitAt (dtNumParams dt) <$> mapM unOpenTerm all_args
+ Nothing -> throwTCError $ NoSuchDataType d
+ typeInferComplete $ DataTypeApp d params args
+-- | Build an 'OpenTerm' for a global name.
+globalOpenTerm :: Ident -> OpenTerm
+globalOpenTerm ident =
+ OpenTerm (liftTCM scGlobalDef ident >>= typeInferComplete)
+-- | Apply an 'OpenTerm' to another
+applyOpenTerm :: OpenTerm -> OpenTerm -> OpenTerm
+applyOpenTerm (OpenTerm f) (OpenTerm arg) =
+ OpenTerm ((App <$> f <*> arg) >>= typeInferComplete)
+-- | Apply an 'OpenTerm' to 0 or more arguments
+applyOpenTermMulti :: OpenTerm -> [OpenTerm] -> OpenTerm
+applyOpenTermMulti = foldl applyOpenTerm
+-- | Build an 'OpenTerm' for the top variable in the current context, by
+-- building the 'TCM' computation which checks how much longer the context has
+-- gotten since the variable was created and uses this to compute its deBruijn
+-- index
+openTermTopVar :: TCM OpenTerm
+openTermTopVar =
+ do outer_ctx <- askCtx
+ return $ OpenTerm $ do
+ inner_ctx <- askCtx
+ typeInferComplete (LocalVar (length inner_ctx
+ - length outer_ctx) :: TermF Term)
+-- | Build an open term inside a binder of a variable with the given name and
+-- type, where the binder is represented as a Haskell function on 'OpenTerm's
+bindOpenTerm :: LocalName -> TypedTerm -> (OpenTerm -> OpenTerm) -> TCM TypedTerm
+bindOpenTerm x tp body_f =
+ do tp_whnf <- typeCheckWHNF $ typedVal tp
+ withVar x tp_whnf (openTermTopVar >>= (unOpenTerm . body_f))
+-- | Build a lambda abstraction as an 'OpenTerm'
+lambdaOpenTerm :: LocalName -> OpenTerm -> (OpenTerm -> OpenTerm) -> OpenTerm
+lambdaOpenTerm x (OpenTerm tpM) body_f = OpenTerm $
+ do tp <- tpM
+ body <- bindOpenTerm x tp body_f
+ typeInferComplete $ Lambda x tp body
+-- | Build a nested sequence of lambda abstractions as an 'OpenTerm'
+lambdaOpenTermMulti :: [(LocalName, OpenTerm)] -> ([OpenTerm] -> OpenTerm) ->
+ OpenTerm
+lambdaOpenTermMulti xs_tps body_f =
+ foldr (\(x,tp) rest_f xs ->
+ lambdaOpenTerm x tp (rest_f . (:xs))) (body_f . reverse) xs_tps []
+-- | Build a Pi abstraction as an 'OpenTerm'
+piOpenTerm :: LocalName -> OpenTerm -> (OpenTerm -> OpenTerm) -> OpenTerm
+piOpenTerm x (OpenTerm tpM) body_f = OpenTerm $
+ do tp <- tpM
+ body <- bindOpenTerm x tp body_f
+ typeInferComplete $ Pi x tp body
+-- | Build a non-dependent function type.
+arrowOpenTerm :: LocalName -> OpenTerm -> OpenTerm -> OpenTerm
+arrowOpenTerm x tp body = piOpenTerm x tp (const body)
+-- | Build a nested sequence of Pi abstractions as an 'OpenTerm'
+piOpenTermMulti :: [(LocalName, OpenTerm)] -> ([OpenTerm] -> OpenTerm) ->
+ OpenTerm
+piOpenTermMulti xs_tps body_f =
+ foldr (\(x,tp) rest_f xs ->
+ piOpenTerm x tp (rest_f . (:xs))) (body_f . reverse) xs_tps []
+-- | Build a let expression as an 'OpenTerm'. This is equivalent to
+-- > 'applyOpenTerm' ('lambdaOpenTerm' x tp body) rhs
+letOpenTerm :: LocalName -> OpenTerm -> OpenTerm -> (OpenTerm -> OpenTerm) ->
+ OpenTerm
+letOpenTerm x tp rhs body_f = applyOpenTerm (lambdaOpenTerm x tp body_f) rhs
+-- | The monad for building 'OpenTerm's if you want to add in 'IO' actions. This
+-- is just the type-checking monad, but we give it a new name to keep this
+-- module self-contained.
+newtype OpenTermM a = OpenTermM { unOpenTermM :: TCM a }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+instance MonadIO OpenTermM where
+ liftIO = OpenTermM . liftIO
+-- | "Complete" an 'OpenTerm' build in 'OpenTermM' to a closed term, or 'fail'
+-- on a type-checking error
+completeOpenTermM :: SharedContext -> OpenTermM OpenTerm -> IO Term
+completeOpenTermM sc (OpenTermM termM) =
+ either (fail . show) return =<<
+ runTCM (typedVal <$> join (fmap unOpenTerm termM)) sc Nothing []
+-- | "De-duplicate" an open term, so that duplicating the returned 'OpenTerm'
+-- does not lead to duplicated WHNF work
+dedupOpenTermM :: OpenTerm -> OpenTermM OpenTerm
+dedupOpenTermM (OpenTerm trmM) =
+ OpenTermM $ do trm <- trmM
+ return $ OpenTerm $ return trm
+-- | Build an open term inside a binder of a variable with the given name and
+-- type, where the binder is represented as a monadic Haskell function on
+-- 'OpenTerm's that also returns an auxiliary value. Returns the normalized type
+-- and the body, along with the auxiliary result returned by the body-generating
+-- function.
+bindOpenTermAuxM ::
+ LocalName -> OpenTerm ->
+ (OpenTerm -> OpenTermM (OpenTerm, a)) ->
+ OpenTermM (TypedTerm, TypedTerm, a)
+bindOpenTermAuxM x (OpenTerm tpM) body_f =
+ OpenTermM $
+ do TypedTerm tp tp_tp <- tpM
+ tp_whnf <- typeCheckWHNF tp
+ (OpenTerm bodyM, a) <-
+ withVar x tp_whnf (openTermTopVar >>= (unOpenTermM . body_f))
+ body <- bodyM
+ return (TypedTerm tp_whnf tp_tp, body, a)
+-- | Build a lambda abstraction in the 'OpenTermM' monad
+lambdaOpenTermM ::
+ LocalName -> OpenTerm -> (OpenTerm -> OpenTermM OpenTerm) ->
+ OpenTermM OpenTerm
+lambdaOpenTermM x tp body_f =
+ fst <$> lambdaOpenTermAuxM x tp (body_f >=> (\t -> return (t, ())))
+-- | Build a pi abstraction in the 'OpenTermM' monad
+piOpenTermM ::
+ LocalName -> OpenTerm -> (OpenTerm -> OpenTermM OpenTerm) ->
+ OpenTermM OpenTerm
+piOpenTermM x tp body_f =
+ fst <$> piOpenTermAuxM x tp (body_f >=> (\t -> return (t, ())))
+-- | Build a lambda abstraction with an auxiliary return value in the
+-- 'OpenTermM' monad
+lambdaOpenTermAuxM ::
+ LocalName -> OpenTerm ->
+ (OpenTerm -> OpenTermM (OpenTerm, a)) ->
+ OpenTermM (OpenTerm, a)
+lambdaOpenTermAuxM x tp body_f =
+ do (tp', body, a) <- bindOpenTermAuxM x tp body_f
+ return (OpenTerm (typeInferComplete $ Lambda x tp' body), a)
+-- | Build a pi abstraction with an auxiliary return value in the 'OpenTermM'
+-- monad
+piOpenTermAuxM ::
+ LocalName -> OpenTerm -> (OpenTerm -> OpenTermM (OpenTerm, a)) ->
+ OpenTermM (OpenTerm, a)
+piOpenTermAuxM x tp body_f =
+ do (tp', body, a) <- bindOpenTermAuxM x tp body_f
+ return (OpenTerm (typeInferComplete $ Pi x tp' body), a)
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/ParserUtils.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/ParserUtils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f30eab06e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/ParserUtils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.ParserUtils
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.ParserUtils
+ ( module Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+ -- * Parser utilities.
+ , readModuleFromFile
+ -- * Template haskell utilities.
+ , DecWriter
+ , runDecWriter
+ , defineModuleFromFile
+ , declareSharedModuleFns
+ , defineModuleFromFileWithFns
+ , tcInsertModule -- re-exported for code using defineModuleFromFileWithFns
+ ) where
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad.State
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+#if !MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as UTF8
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Language.Haskell.TH
+#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
+import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (qAddDependentFile)
+import System.Directory
+import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH (lift)
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.UntypedAST as Un
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Grammar as Un
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+import Verifier.SAW.Typechecker (tcInsertModule)
+-- | Parse an untyped module declaration from a byte-string
+readModule :: FilePath -> FilePath -> BL.ByteString -> Un.Module
+readModule base path b =
+ case Un.parseSAW base path b of
+ Right m -> m
+ Left err -> error $ "Module parsing failed:\n" ++ show err
+-- | Parse an untyped module from file
+readModuleFromFile :: FilePath -> IO Un.Module
+readModuleFromFile path = do
+ base <- getCurrentDirectory
+ b <- BL.readFile path
+ return $ readModule base path b
+-- | Monad for defining TH declarations
+type DecWriter = StateT [Dec] Q
+-- | Run declaration writer returning list of TH declarations
+runDecWriter :: DecWriter () -> Q [Dec]
+runDecWriter m = execStateT m []
+-- | Emit a list of TH declarations, adding them to the current list
+addDecs :: [Dec] -> DecWriter ()
+addDecs decs = modify (++ decs)
+-- | Record @path@ as a dependency for this compilation
+addDep :: FilePath -> DecWriter ()
+#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
+addDep path = lift $ qAddDependentFile path
+addDep path = return ()
+-- | @defineModuleFromFile str file@ reads an untyped module from @file@, adds a
+-- TH declaration of the name @str@ that is bound to that module at runtime, and
+-- also returns the module at TH time
+defineModuleFromFile :: String -> FilePath -> DecWriter Un.Module
+defineModuleFromFile decNameStr path = do
+ addDep path
+ m <- lift $ runIO $ readModuleFromFile path
+ let decName = mkName decNameStr
+ moduleTp <- lift $ [t| Un.Module |]
+ body <- lift $ TH.lift m
+ addDecs [ SigD decName moduleTp
+ , FunD decName [ Clause [] (NormalB body) [] ]]
+ return m
+-- | Return the type
+-- > 'SharedContext' -> 'Term' -> .. -> 'Term' -> 'IO' 'Term'
+-- that takes in @n@ 'Term's
+termFunctionType :: Int -> Q Type
+termFunctionType n = [t| SharedContext -> $(go n) |]
+ where
+ go 0 = [t| IO Term |]
+ go i = [t| Term -> $(go (i-1)) |]
+-- | @declareTermApplyFun nm t n@ declares a Haskell function
+-- > nm :: SharedContext -> Term -> ... -> Term -> IO Term
+-- that takes in @n@ 'Term's and applies (the 'Term' generated at runtime by the
+-- expression) @t@ to them
+declareTermApplyFun :: String -> Int -> (Name -> Q Exp -> Q Exp) -> DecWriter ()
+declareTermApplyFun nm n tf =
+ do let decName = mkName nm
+ sc <- lift $ newName "sc"
+ tp <- lift $ termFunctionType n
+ vars <- lift $ mapM newName (map (("t"++) . show) [1 .. n])
+ body <- lift $ tf sc (listE $ map varE vars)
+ addDecs [ SigD decName tp
+ , FunD decName [ Clause (VarP sc : map VarP vars) (NormalB body) [] ]
+ ]
+-- | @declareTypedNameFun sc_fun mnm nm apply_p tp@ declares a Haskell function
+-- > scXXXmnm_nm :: SharedContext -> Term -> ... -> Term -> IO Term
+-- where @XXX@ is @"Apply"@ if @apply_p@ is 'True', and empty otherwise. This
+-- function will fully apply the constructor, datatype, or declared name
+-- specified by @nm@ in module @mnm@, using the shared term constructor function
+-- @sc_fun@, which should have type
+-- > SharedContext -> Ident -> [Term] -> IO Term
+-- The number of 'Term's to take as arguments is given by the arity of @tp@,
+-- i.e., the number of nested pi-abstractions it contains at top level.
+declareTypedNameFun :: Q Exp -> ModuleName -> Text -> Bool -> Un.Term ->
+ DecWriter ()
+declareTypedNameFun sc_fun mnm nm apply_p tp =
+ let th_nm = (if apply_p then "scApply" else "sc") ++ show mnm ++ "_" ++ Text.unpack nm in
+ declareTermApplyFun th_nm (length $ fst $ Un.asPiList tp) $ \sc ts ->
+ [| $(sc_fun) $(varE sc)
+ (mkIdent mnm $(stringE (Text.unpack nm)))
+ $(ts) |]
+-- | Declare a Haskell function
+-- > scApplyMMM_d :: SharedContext -> Term -> ... -> Term -> IO Term
+-- for declared name (primitive, axiom, or definition) @d@ with type @tp@ in
+-- module @MMM@
+declareDefFun :: ModuleName -> Text -> Un.Term -> DecWriter ()
+declareDefFun mnm d tp =
+ declareTypedNameFun [| scGlobalApply |] mnm d True tp
+-- | Declare a Haskell function
+-- > scMMM_d :: SharedContext -> Term -> ... -> Term -> IO Term
+-- for datatype @d@ with parameters @p_ctx@ and type @tp@ in module @MMM@
+declareDataTypeFun :: ModuleName -> Text -> Un.Term -> DecWriter ()
+declareDataTypeFun mnm d tp =
+ declareTypedNameFun [| scDataTypeApp |] mnm d False tp
+-- | Declare a Haskell function
+-- > scApplyMMM_c :: SharedContext -> Term -> ... -> Term -> IO Term
+-- for constructor @c@ with type (including parameters) @tp@ in module @MMM@
+declareCtorFun :: ModuleName -> Text -> Un.Term -> DecWriter ()
+declareCtorFun mnm c tp =
+ declareTypedNameFun [| scCtorApp |] mnm c True tp
+-- | Declare Haskell functions, via 'declareTermApplyFun', that build shared
+-- terms for each of the definitions, datatypes, and constructors in a
+-- module. Each datatype @d@ gets a function
+-- > scMMM_d :: SharedContext -> Term -> ... -> Term -> IO Term
+-- where @MMM@ is the name of the module. Similarly, each constructor or
+-- definition @d@ gets
+-- > scApplyMMM_d :: SharedContext -> Term -> ... -> Term -> IO Term
+declareSharedModuleFns :: Un.Module -> DecWriter ()
+declareSharedModuleFns m =
+ do forM_ (Un.moduleTypedDecls m) $ \(d,tp) ->
+ declareDefFun (Un.moduleName m) d tp
+ forM_ (Un.moduleTypedDataDecls m) $ \(d,tp) ->
+ declareDataTypeFun (Un.moduleName m) d tp
+ forM_ (Un.moduleTypedCtorDecls m) $ \(c,tp) ->
+ declareCtorFun (Un.moduleName m) c tp
+-- | @defineModuleFromFileWithFns str str2 file@ reads an untyped module from
+-- @file@, adds a TH declaration of the name @str@ that is bound to that module
+-- at runtime, and then calls 'declareSharedModuleFns' to add declarations of
+-- Haskell term-building functions for each definition, constructor, and
+-- datatype declared in the module that is loaded. It also defines the function
+-- > str2 :: SharedContext -> IO ()
+-- that will load the module @str@ into the current 'SharedContext'.
+defineModuleFromFileWithFns :: String -> String -> FilePath -> Q [Dec]
+defineModuleFromFileWithFns mod_name mod_loader path =
+ runDecWriter $
+ do m <- defineModuleFromFile mod_name path
+ declareSharedModuleFns m
+ let sc = mkName "sc"
+ load_tp <- lift $ [t| SharedContext -> IO () |]
+ load_body <-
+ lift $ [e| tcInsertModule $(varE sc) $(varE $ mkName mod_name) |]
+ addDecs [ SigD (mkName mod_loader) load_tp
+ , FunD (mkName mod_loader) [ Clause [VarP sc] (NormalB load_body) [] ]
+ ]
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Position.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Position.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c459de2f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Position.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Position
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Position
+ ( Pos(..)
+ , ppPos
+ , incLine
+ , incCol
+ , Positioned(..)
+ , PosPair(..)
+ ) where
+import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
+import System.FilePath (makeRelative)
+data Pos = Pos { -- | Base directory to use for pretty printing purposes
+ posBase :: !FilePath
+ , posPath :: !FilePath
+ , posLine :: !Int
+ , posCol :: !Int
+ }
+ deriving (Show, TH.Lift)
+posTuple :: Pos -> (Int,Int,FilePath)
+posTuple x = (posLine x, posCol x, posPath x)
+-- Eq instance overridden to compare positions in the same file more efficiently.
+instance Eq Pos where
+ x == y = posTuple x == posTuple y
+-- Ord instance overridden to compare positions in the same file more efficiently.
+instance Ord Pos where
+ compare x y = compare (posTuple x) (posTuple y)
+ppPos :: Pos -> String
+ppPos p = rp ++ ':' : show (posLine p) ++ ':' : show (posCol p) ++ ":"
+ where rp = makeRelative (posBase p) (posPath p)
+incLine :: Pos -> Pos
+incLine p = p { posLine = 1 + posLine p, posCol = 0 }
+incCol :: Pos -> Pos
+incCol p = p { posCol = 1 + posCol p }
+class Positioned v where
+ pos :: v -> Pos
+data PosPair v = PosPair { _pos :: !Pos, val :: !v }
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor, Show, TH.Lift)
+instance Positioned (PosPair v) where
+ pos (PosPair p _) = p
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Prelude.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Prelude.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad66544f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Prelude.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Prelude
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Prelude
+ ( Module
+ , module Verifier.SAW.Prelude
+ , module Verifier.SAW.Prelude.Constants
+ ) where
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Verifier.SAW.ParserUtils
+import Verifier.SAW.Prelude.Constants
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete (evalSharedTerm)
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value (asFirstOrderTypeValue)
+ "preludeModule" "scLoadPreludeModule" "prelude/Prelude.sawcore")
+-- | Given two terms, compute a term representing a decidable
+-- equality test between them. The terms are assumed to
+-- be of the same type, which must be a first-order type.
+-- The returned term will be of type @Bool@.
+scEq :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scEq sc x y = do
+ xty <- scTypeOf sc x
+ mmap <- scGetModuleMap sc
+ case asFirstOrderTypeValue (evalSharedTerm mmap mempty mempty xty) of
+ Just fot -> scDecEq sc fot (Just (x,y))
+ Nothing -> fail ("scEq: expected first order type, but got: " ++ showTerm xty)
+-- | Given a first-order type, return the decidable equality
+-- operation on that type. If arguments are provided, they
+-- will be applied, returning a value of type @Bool@. If no
+-- arguments are provided a function of type @tp -> tp -> Bool@
+-- will be returned.
+scDecEq ::
+ SharedContext ->
+ FirstOrderType {- ^ Type of elements to test for equality -} ->
+ Maybe (Term,Term) {- ^ optional arguments to apply -} ->
+ IO Term
+scDecEq sc fot args = case fot of
+ FOTBit ->
+ do fn <- scGlobalDef sc "Prelude.boolEq"
+ case args of
+ Nothing -> return fn
+ Just (x,y) -> scApplyAll sc fn [x,y]
+ FOTInt ->
+ do fn <- scGlobalDef sc "Prelude.intEq"
+ case args of
+ Nothing -> return fn
+ Just (x,y) -> scApplyAll sc fn [x,y]
+ FOTIntMod m ->
+ do fn <- scGlobalDef sc "Prelude.intModEq"
+ m' <- scNat sc m
+ case args of
+ Nothing -> scApply sc fn m'
+ Just (x,y) -> scApplyAll sc fn [m',x,y]
+ FOTVec w FOTBit ->
+ do fn <- scGlobalDef sc "Prelude.bvEq"
+ w' <- scNat sc w
+ case args of
+ Nothing -> scApply sc fn w'
+ Just (x,y) -> scApplyAll sc fn [w',x,y]
+ FOTVec w t ->
+ do fn <- scGlobalDef sc "Prelude.vecEq"
+ w' <- scNat sc w
+ t' <- scFirstOrderType sc t
+ subFn <- scDecEq sc t Nothing
+ case args of
+ Nothing -> scApplyAll sc fn [w',t',subFn]
+ Just (x,y) -> scApplyAll sc fn [w',t',subFn,x,y]
+ FOTArray a b ->
+ do a' <- scFirstOrderType sc a
+ b' <- scFirstOrderType sc b
+ fn <- scGlobalDef sc "Prelude.arrayEq"
+ case args of
+ Nothing -> scApplyAll sc fn [a',b']
+ Just (x,y) -> scApplyAll sc fn [a',b',x,y]
+ FOTTuple [] ->
+ case args of
+ Nothing -> scGlobalDef sc "Prelude.unitEq"
+ Just _ -> scBool sc True
+ FOTTuple [t] -> scDecEq sc t args
+ FOTTuple (t:ts) ->
+ do fnLeft <- scDecEq sc t Nothing
+ fnRight <- scDecEq sc (FOTTuple ts) Nothing
+ fn <- scGlobalDef sc "Prelude.pairEq"
+ t' <- scFirstOrderType sc t
+ ts' <- scFirstOrderType sc (FOTTuple ts)
+ case args of
+ Nothing -> scApplyAll sc fn [t',ts',fnLeft,fnRight]
+ Just (x,y) -> scApplyAll sc fn [t',ts',fnLeft,fnRight,x,y]
+ FOTRec fs ->
+ case args of
+ Just (x,y) ->
+ mkRecordEqBody (Map.toList fs) x y
+ Nothing ->
+ do x <- scLocalVar sc 1
+ y <- scLocalVar sc 0
+ tp <- scFirstOrderType sc fot
+ body <- mkRecordEqBody (Map.toList fs) x y
+ scLambdaList sc [("x",tp),("y",tp)] body
+ where
+ mkRecordEqBody [] _x _y = scBool sc True
+ mkRecordEqBody [(f,tp)] x y =
+ do xf <- scRecordSelect sc x f
+ yf <- scRecordSelect sc y f
+ scDecEq sc tp (Just (xf,yf))
+ mkRecordEqBody ((f,tp):fs) x y =
+ do xf <- scRecordSelect sc x f
+ yf <- scRecordSelect sc y f
+ fp <- scDecEq sc tp (Just (xf,yf))
+ fsp <- mkRecordEqBody fs x y
+ scAnd sc fp fsp
+-- | For backwards compatibility: @Bool@ used to be a datatype, and so its
+-- creation function was called @scPrelude_Bool@ instead of
+-- @scApplyPrelude_Bool@
+scPrelude_Bool :: SharedContext -> IO Term
+scPrelude_Bool = scApplyPrelude_Bool
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Prelude/Constants.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Prelude/Constants.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbc4163683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Prelude/Constants.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Prelude.Constants
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Prelude.Constants where
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+preludeModuleName :: ModuleName
+preludeModuleName = mkModuleName ["Prelude"]
+preludeNatIdent :: Ident
+preludeNatIdent = mkIdent preludeModuleName "Nat"
+preludeNatType :: FlatTermF e
+preludeNatType = DataTypeApp preludeNatIdent [] []
+preludeZeroIdent :: Ident
+preludeZeroIdent = mkIdent preludeModuleName "Zero"
+preludeSuccIdent :: Ident
+preludeSuccIdent = mkIdent preludeModuleName "Succ"
+preludeIntegerIdent :: Ident
+preludeIntegerIdent = mkIdent preludeModuleName "Integer"
+preludeVecIdent :: Ident
+preludeVecIdent = mkIdent preludeModuleName "Vec"
+preludeFloatIdent :: Ident
+preludeFloatIdent = mkIdent preludeModuleName "Float"
+preludeDoubleIdent :: Ident
+preludeDoubleIdent = mkIdent preludeModuleName "Double"
+preludeStringIdent :: Ident
+preludeStringIdent = mkIdent preludeModuleName "String"
+preludeArrayIdent :: Ident
+preludeArrayIdent = mkIdent preludeModuleName "Array"
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Prim.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Prim.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfb1572546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Prim.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Prim
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Prim where
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative
+import qualified Control.Exception as X
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import Data.Vector (Vector)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
+-- Natural numbers
+-- | width(n) = 1 + floor(log_2(n))
+widthNat :: Natural -> Natural
+widthNat 0 = 0
+widthNat n = 1 + widthNat (n `div` 2)
+-- data Vec :: (n :: Nat) -> sort 0 -> sort 0
+data Vec t a = Vec t !(Vector a)
+-- Unsigned, variable-width bit vectors
+data BitVector = BV { width :: !Int, unsigned :: !Integer }
+ deriving Show
+-- ^ Invariant: BV w x requires that 0 <= x < 2^w.
+bitMask :: Int -> Integer
+bitMask w = bit w - 1
+-- | Smart constructor for bitvectors.
+bv :: Int -> Integer -> BitVector
+bv w x = BV w (x .&. bitMask w)
+signed :: BitVector -> Integer
+signed (BV w x)
+ | w > 0 && testBit x (w - 1) = x - bit w
+ | otherwise = x
+bvAt :: BitVector -> Int -> Bool
+bvAt (BV w x) i = testBit x (w - 1 - i)
+-- Primitive operations
+-- coerce :: (y x :: sort 0) -> Eq (sort 0) x y -> x -> y;
+coerce :: () -> () -> () -> a -> a
+coerce _ _ _ x = x
+-- ite :: ?(a :: sort 1) -> Bool -> a -> a -> a;
+ite :: t -> Bool -> a -> a -> a
+ite _ b x y = if b then x else y
+-- Succ :: Nat -> Nat;
+succNat :: Integer -> Integer
+succNat = succ
+-- addNat :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+addNat :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+addNat = (+)
+-- get :: (n :: Nat) -> (e :: sort 0) -> Vec n e -> Fin n -> e;
+--get :: Int -> t -> Vec t e -> Fin -> e
+--get _ _ (Vec _ v) i = v ! fromEnum i
+-- append :: (m n :: Nat) -> (e :: sort 0) -> Vec m e -> Vec n e -> Vec (addNat m n) e;
+append :: Int -> Int -> t -> Vec t e -> Vec t e -> Vec t e
+append _ _ _ (Vec t xv) (Vec _ yv) = Vec t ((V.++) xv yv)
+-- at :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Nat -> a;
+at :: Int -> t -> Vec t e -> Int -> e
+at _ _ (Vec _ v) i = v ! i
+-- atWithDefault :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> a -> Vec n a -> Nat -> a;
+atWithDefault :: Int -> t -> e -> Vec t e -> Int -> e
+atWithDefault _ _ z (Vec _ v) i
+ | i < V.length v = v ! i
+ | otherwise = z
+-- upd :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Nat -> a -> Vec n a;
+upd :: Int -> t -> Vec t e -> Int -> e -> Vec t e
+upd _ _ (Vec t v) i e = Vec t (v V.// [(i, e)])
+(!) :: Vector a -> Int -> a
+(!) v i = case v V.!? i of
+ Just x -> x
+ Nothing -> invalidIndex (toInteger i)
+-- Bitvector operations
+-- bvNat : (n : Nat) -> Nat -> Vec n Bool;
+bvNat :: Int -> Integer -> BitVector
+bvNat w x = bv w x
+-- bvAdd : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+bvAdd, bvSub, bvMul :: Natural -> BitVector -> BitVector -> BitVector
+bvAdd _ (BV w x) (BV _ y) = bv w (x + y)
+bvSub _ (BV w x) (BV _ y) = bv w (x - y)
+bvMul _ (BV w x) (BV _ y) = bv w (x * y)
+bvNeg :: Natural -> BitVector -> BitVector
+bvNeg _ x@(BV w _) = bv w $ negate $ signed x
+bvAnd, bvOr, bvXor :: Int -> BitVector -> BitVector -> BitVector
+bvAnd _ (BV w x) (BV _ y) = BV w (x .&. y)
+bvOr _ (BV w x) (BV _ y) = BV w (x .|. y)
+bvXor _ (BV w x) (BV _ y) = BV w (x `xor` y)
+bvNot :: Int -> BitVector -> BitVector
+bvNot _ (BV w x) = BV w (x `xor` bitMask w)
+bvEq, bvult, bvule, bvugt, bvuge, bvsgt, bvsge, bvslt, bvsle
+ :: Int -> BitVector -> BitVector -> Bool
+bvEq _ x y = unsigned x == unsigned y
+bvugt _ x y = unsigned x > unsigned y
+bvuge _ x y = unsigned x >= unsigned y
+bvult _ x y = unsigned x < unsigned y
+bvule _ x y = unsigned x <= unsigned y
+bvsgt _ x y = signed x > signed y
+bvsge _ x y = signed x >= signed y
+bvslt _ x y = signed x < signed y
+bvsle _ x y = signed x <= signed y
+bvPopcount :: Int -> BitVector -> BitVector
+bvPopcount _ (BV w x) = BV w (toInteger (popCount x))
+bvCountLeadingZeros :: Int -> BitVector -> BitVector
+bvCountLeadingZeros _ (BV w x) = BV w (toInteger (go 0))
+ where
+ go !i
+ | i < w && testBit x (w - i - 1) == False = go (i+1)
+ | otherwise = i
+bvCountTrailingZeros :: Int -> BitVector -> BitVector
+bvCountTrailingZeros _ (BV w x) = BV w (toInteger (go 0))
+ where
+ go !i
+ | i < w && testBit x i == False = go (i+1)
+ | otherwise = i
+-- | @get@ specialized to BitVector (big-endian)
+-- get :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Fin n -> a;
+--get_bv :: Int -> () -> BitVector -> Fin -> Bool
+--get_bv _ _ x i = testBit (unsigned x) (width x - 1 - fromEnum i)
+-- little-endian version:
+-- get_bv _ _ x i = testBit (unsigned x) (fromEnum i)
+-- | @at@ specialized to BitVector (big-endian)
+-- at :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Nat -> a;
+at_bv :: Int -> () -> BitVector -> Natural -> Bool
+at_bv _ _ x i = testBit (unsigned x) (width x - 1 - fromIntegral i)
+-- | @set@ specialized to BitVector (big-endian)
+-- set :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Fin n -> a -> Vec n a;
+--set_bv :: Int -> () -> BitVector -> Fin -> Bool -> BitVector
+--set_bv _ _ x i b = BV (width x) $ f (unsigned x) (width x - 1 - fromEnum i)
+-- where f = if b then setBit else clearBit
+-- | @append@ specialized to BitVector (big-endian)
+-- append :: (m n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> Vec m a -> Vec n a -> Vec (addNat m n) a;
+append_bv :: Int -> Int -> () -> BitVector -> BitVector -> BitVector
+append_bv _ _ _ (BV m x) (BV n y) = BV (m + n) (shiftL x n .|. y)
+-- little-endian version:
+-- append_bv _ _ _ (BV m x) (BV n y) = BV (m + n) (x .|. shiftL y m)
+-- bvToNat : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Nat;
+bvToNat :: Int -> BitVector -> Integer
+bvToNat _ (BV _ x) = x
+-- bvAddWithCarry : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool * Vec n Bool;
+bvAddWithCarry :: Int -> BitVector -> BitVector -> (Bool, BitVector)
+bvAddWithCarry _ (BV w x) (BV _ y) = (testBit z w, bv w z)
+ where z = x + y
+bvUDiv :: Int -> BitVector -> BitVector -> Maybe BitVector
+bvUDiv _ (BV w x) (BV _ y)
+ | y == 0 = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just (bv w (x `quot` y))
+bvURem :: Int -> BitVector -> BitVector -> Maybe BitVector
+bvURem _ (BV w x) (BV _ y)
+ | y == 0 = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just (bv w (x `rem` y))
+bvSDiv :: Int -> BitVector -> BitVector -> Maybe BitVector
+bvSDiv _ x y
+ | unsigned y == 0 = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just (bv (width x) (signed x `quot` signed y))
+bvSRem :: Int -> BitVector -> BitVector -> Maybe BitVector
+bvSRem _ x y
+ | unsigned y == 0 = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just (bv (width x) (signed x `rem` signed y))
+bvShl :: Int -> BitVector -> Int -> BitVector
+bvShl _ (BV w x) i = bv w (x `shiftL` i)
+bvShr :: Int -> BitVector -> Int -> BitVector
+bvShr _ (BV w x) i = bv w (x `shiftR` i)
+bvSShr :: Int -> BitVector -> Int -> BitVector
+bvSShr _ x i = bv (width x) (signed x `shiftR` i)
+-- bvTrunc : (m n : Nat) -> Vec (addNat m n) Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+bvTrunc :: Int -> Int -> BitVector -> BitVector
+bvTrunc _ n (BV _ x) = bv n x
+-- bvUExt : (m n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec (addNat m n) Bool;
+bvUExt :: Int -> Int -> BitVector -> BitVector
+bvUExt m n x = BV (m + n) (unsigned x)
+-- bvSExt : (m n : Nat) -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Vec (addNat m (Succ n)) Bool;
+bvSExt :: Int -> Int -> BitVector -> BitVector
+bvSExt m n x = bv (m + n + 1) (signed x)
+-- | @take@ specialized to BitVector (big-endian)
+-- take :: (a :: sort 0) -> (m n :: Nat) -> Vec (addNat m n) a -> Vec m a;
+take_bv :: () -> Int -> Int -> BitVector -> BitVector
+take_bv _ m n (BV _ x) = bv m (x `shiftR` n)
+-- little-endian version:
+-- take_bv _ m _ (BV _ x) = bv m x
+-- | @vDrop@ specialized to BitVector (big-endian)
+-- drop :: (a :: sort 0) -> (m n :: Nat) -> Vec (addNat m n) a -> Vec n a;
+drop_bv :: () -> Int -> Int -> BitVector -> BitVector
+drop_bv _ _ n (BV _ x) = bv n x
+-- little-endian version:
+-- drop_bv _ m n (BV _ x) = BV n (x `shiftR` m)
+-- | @slice@ specialized to BitVector
+slice_bv :: () -> Int -> Int -> Int -> BitVector -> BitVector
+slice_bv _ _ n o (BV _ x) = bv n (shiftR x o)
+-- little-endian version:
+-- slice_bv _ i n _ (BV _ x) = bv n (shiftR x i)
+-- Base 2 logarithm
+bvLg2 :: BitVector -> BitVector
+bvLg2 (BV m x) = BV m (if d > 0 then k+1 else k)
+ where (k, d) = lg2rem x
+-- | lg2rem n = (k, d) <--> n = 2^k + d, with d < 2^k.
+lg2rem :: Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
+lg2rem 0 = (0, -1)
+lg2rem 1 = (0, 0)
+lg2rem n = (k+1, 2*d+r)
+ where (q, r) = n `divMod` 2
+ (k, d) = lg2rem q
+-- Errors
+data EvalError
+ = InvalidIndex Integer
+ | DivideByZero
+ | UnsupportedPrimitive String String
+ | UserError String
+ deriving (Eq, Typeable)
+instance X.Exception EvalError
+instance Show EvalError where
+ show e = case e of
+ InvalidIndex i -> "invalid sequence index: " ++ show i
+ DivideByZero -> "division by 0"
+ UnsupportedPrimitive b p -> "unsupported primitive " ++ p ++ " in " ++ b ++ " backend"
+ UserError msg -> "Run-time error: " ++ msg
+-- | A sequencing operation has gotten an invalid index.
+invalidIndex :: Integer -> a
+invalidIndex i = X.throw (InvalidIndex i)
+-- | For division by 0.
+divideByZero :: a
+divideByZero = X.throw DivideByZero
+-- | A backend with a unsupported primitive.
+unsupportedPrimitive :: String -> String -> a
+unsupportedPrimitive backend primitive =
+ X.throw $ UnsupportedPrimitive backend primitive
+-- | For `error`
+userError :: String -> a
+userError msg = X.throw (UserError msg)
+-- | Convert asynchronous EvalError exceptions into IO exceptions.
+rethrowEvalError :: IO a -> IO a
+rethrowEvalError m = run `X.catch` rethrow
+ where
+ run = do
+ a <- m
+ return $! a
+ rethrow :: EvalError -> IO a
+ rethrow exn = fail (show exn) -- X.throwIO (EvalError exn)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28e9e9d6aa
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+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Recognizer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Recognizer
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+Lightweight calculus for composing patterns as functions.
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module Verifier.SAW.Recognizer
+ ( Recognizer
+ , (<:>), (<:), emptyl, endl
+ , (:*:)(..)
+ , asFTermF
+ , asGlobalDef
+ , isGlobalDef
+ , asApp
+ , (<@>), (@>), (<@)
+ , asApplyAll
+ , asPairType
+ , asPairValue
+ , asPairSelector
+ , asTupleType
+ , asTupleValue
+ , asTupleSelector
+ , asRecordType
+ , asRecordValue
+ , asRecordSelector
+ , asCtorParams
+ , asCtor
+ , asCtorOrNat
+ , asDataType
+ , asDataTypeParams
+ , asRecursorApp
+ , isDataType
+ , asNat
+ , asBvNat
+ , asUnsignedConcreteBv
+ , asStringLit
+ , asLambda
+ , asLambdaList
+ , asPi
+ , asPiList
+ , asLocalVar
+ , asConstant
+ , asExtCns
+ , asSort
+ -- * Prelude recognizers.
+ , asBool
+ , asBoolType
+ , asIntegerType
+ , asIntModType
+ , asBitvectorType
+ , asVectorType
+ , asVecType
+ , isVecType
+ , asMux
+ , asEq
+ , asEqTrue
+ , asArrayType
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Lens
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+import Verifier.SAW.Prelude.Constants
+data a :*: b = (:*:) a b
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
+instance Field1 (a :*: b) (a' :*: b) a a' where
+ _1 k (a :*: b) = indexed k (0 :: Int) a <&> (:*: b)
+instance Field2 (a :*: b) (a :*: b') b b' where
+ _2 k (a :*: b) = (a :*:) <$> indexed k (1 :: Int) b
+type Recognizer t a = t -> Maybe a
+-- | Tries both recognizers.
+orElse :: Recognizer t a -> Recognizer t a -> Recognizer t a
+orElse f g t = f t <|> g t
+-- | Recognizes the head and tail of a list, and returns head.
+(<:) :: Recognizer t a -> Recognizer [t] () -> Recognizer [t] a
+(<:) f g (h:r) = do x <- f h; _ <- g r; return x
+(<:) _ _ [] = Nothing
+-- | Recognizes the head and tail of a list, and returns both.
+(<:>) :: Recognizer t a -> Recognizer [t] b -> Recognizer [t] (a :*: b)
+(<:>) f g (h:r) = do x <- f h; y <- g r; return (x :*: y)
+(<:>) _ _ [] = Nothing
+-- | Recognizes empty list
+emptyl :: Recognizer [t] ()
+emptyl [] = return ()
+emptyl _ = Nothing
+-- | Recognizes singleton list
+endl :: Recognizer t a -> Recognizer [t] a
+endl f = f <: emptyl
+asFTermF :: Recognizer Term (FlatTermF Term)
+asFTermF (unwrapTermF -> FTermF ftf) = return ftf
+asFTermF _ = Nothing
+asModuleIdentifier :: Recognizer (ExtCns e) Ident
+asModuleIdentifier (EC _ nmi _) =
+ case nmi of
+ ModuleIdentifier ident -> Just ident
+ _ -> Nothing
+asGlobalDef :: Recognizer Term Ident
+asGlobalDef t =
+ case unwrapTermF t of
+ FTermF (Primitive ec) -> asModuleIdentifier ec
+ Constant ec _ -> asModuleIdentifier ec
+ _ -> Nothing
+isGlobalDef :: Ident -> Recognizer Term ()
+isGlobalDef i t = do
+ o <- asGlobalDef t
+ if i == o then Just () else Nothing
+asApp :: Recognizer Term (Term, Term)
+asApp (unwrapTermF -> App x y) = return (x, y)
+asApp _ = Nothing
+(<@>) :: Recognizer Term a -> Recognizer Term b -> Recognizer Term (a :*: b)
+(<@>) f g t = do
+ (a,b) <- asApp t
+ liftM2 (:*:) (f a) (g b)
+-- | Recognizes a function application, and returns argument.
+(@>) :: Recognizer Term () -> Recognizer Term b -> Recognizer Term b
+(@>) f g t = do
+ (x, y) <- asApp t
+ liftM2 (const id) (f x) (g y)
+-- | Recognizes a function application, and returns the function
+(<@) :: Recognizer Term a -> Recognizer Term () -> Recognizer Term a
+(<@) f g t = do
+ (x, y) <- asApp t
+ liftM2 const (f x) (g y)
+asApplyAll :: Term -> (Term, [Term])
+asApplyAll = go []
+ where go xs t =
+ case asApp t of
+ Nothing -> (t, xs)
+ Just (t', x) -> go (x : xs) t'
+asPairType :: Recognizer Term (Term, Term)
+asPairType t = do
+ ftf <- asFTermF t
+ case ftf of
+ PairType x y -> return (x, y)
+ _ -> Nothing
+asPairValue :: Recognizer Term (Term, Term)
+asPairValue t = do
+ ftf <- asFTermF t
+ case ftf of
+ PairValue x y -> return (x, y)
+ _ -> Nothing
+asPairSelector :: Recognizer Term (Term, Bool)
+asPairSelector t = do
+ ftf <- asFTermF t
+ case ftf of
+ PairLeft x -> return (x, False)
+ PairRight x -> return (x, True)
+ _ -> Nothing
+destTupleType :: Term -> [Term]
+destTupleType t =
+ case unwrapTermF t of
+ FTermF (PairType x y) -> x : destTupleType y
+ _ -> [t]
+destTupleValue :: Term -> [Term]
+destTupleValue t =
+ case unwrapTermF t of
+ FTermF (PairValue x y) -> x : destTupleType y
+ _ -> [t]
+asTupleType :: Recognizer Term [Term]
+asTupleType t =
+ do ftf <- asFTermF t
+ case ftf of
+ UnitType -> Just []
+ PairType x y -> Just (x : destTupleType y)
+ _ -> Nothing
+asTupleValue :: Recognizer Term [Term]
+asTupleValue t =
+ do ftf <- asFTermF t
+ case ftf of
+ UnitValue -> Just []
+ PairValue x y -> Just (x : destTupleValue y)
+ _ -> Nothing
+asTupleSelector :: Recognizer Term (Term, Int)
+asTupleSelector t = do
+ ftf <- asFTermF t
+ case ftf of
+ PairLeft x -> return (x, 1)
+ PairRight y -> do (x, i) <- asTupleSelector y; return (x, i+1)
+ _ -> Nothing
+asRecordType :: Recognizer Term (Map FieldName Term)
+asRecordType t = do
+ ftf <- asFTermF t
+ case ftf of
+ RecordType elems -> return $ Map.fromList elems
+ _ -> Nothing
+asRecordValue :: Recognizer Term (Map FieldName Term)
+asRecordValue t = do
+ ftf <- asFTermF t
+ case ftf of
+ RecordValue elems -> return $ Map.fromList elems
+ _ -> Nothing
+asRecordSelector :: Recognizer Term (Term, FieldName)
+asRecordSelector t = do
+ RecordProj u s <- asFTermF t
+ return (u, s)
+-- | Test whether a term is an application of a constructor, and, if so, return
+-- the constructor, its parameters, and its arguments
+asCtorParams :: Recognizer Term (Ident, [Term], [Term])
+asCtorParams t = do CtorApp c ps args <- asFTermF t; return (c,ps,args)
+-- | Just like 'asCtorParams', but treat natural number literals as constructor
+-- applications, i.e., @0@ becomes the constructor @Zero@, and any non-zero
+-- literal @k@ becomes @Succ (k-1)@
+asCtorOrNat :: Recognizer Term (Ident, [Term], [Term])
+asCtorOrNat = asCtorParams `orElse` (asNatLit >=> helper) where
+ asNatLit (unwrapTermF -> FTermF (NatLit i)) = return i
+ asNatLit _ = Nothing
+ helper 0 = return (preludeZeroIdent, [], [])
+ helper k =
+ if k > 0 then
+ return (preludeSuccIdent, [], [Unshared (FTermF (NatLit $ k-1))])
+ else error "asCtorOrNat: negative natural number literal!"
+-- | A version of 'asCtorParams' that combines the parameters and normal args
+asCtor :: Recognizer Term (Ident, [Term])
+asCtor t = do CtorApp c ps args <- asFTermF t; return (c,ps ++ args)
+-- | A version of 'asDataType' that returns the parameters separately
+asDataTypeParams :: Recognizer Term (Ident, [Term], [Term])
+asDataTypeParams t = do DataTypeApp c ps args <- asFTermF t; return (c,ps,args)
+-- | A version of 'asDataTypeParams' that combines the params and normal args
+asDataType :: Recognizer Term (Ident, [Term])
+asDataType t = do DataTypeApp c ps args <- asFTermF t; return (c,ps ++ args)
+asRecursorApp :: Recognizer Term (Ident,[Term],Term,
+ [(Ident,Term)],[Term],Term)
+asRecursorApp t =
+ do RecursorApp d params p_ret cs_fs ixs arg <- asFTermF t;
+ return (d, params, p_ret, cs_fs, ixs, arg)
+isDataType :: Ident -> Recognizer [Term] a -> Recognizer Term a
+isDataType i p t = do
+ (o,l) <- asDataType t
+ if i == o then p l else Nothing
+asNat :: Recognizer Term Natural
+asNat (unwrapTermF -> FTermF (NatLit i)) = return i
+asNat (asCtor -> Just (c, [])) | c == "Prelude.Zero" = return 0
+asNat (asCtor -> Just (c, [asNat -> Just i])) | c == "Prelude.Succ" = return (i+1)
+asNat _ = Nothing
+asBvNat :: Recognizer Term (Natural :*: Natural)
+asBvNat = (isGlobalDef "Prelude.bvNat" @> asNat) <@> asNat
+asUnsignedConcreteBv :: Recognizer Term Natural
+asUnsignedConcreteBv term = do
+ (n :*: v) <- asBvNat term
+ return $ mod v (2 ^ n)
+asStringLit :: Recognizer Term Text
+asStringLit t = do StringLit i <- asFTermF t; return i
+asLambda :: Recognizer Term (LocalName, Term, Term)
+asLambda (unwrapTermF -> Lambda s ty body) = return (s, ty, body)
+asLambda _ = Nothing
+asLambdaList :: Term -> ([(LocalName, Term)], Term)
+asLambdaList = go []
+ where go r (asLambda -> Just (nm,tp,rhs)) = go ((nm,tp):r) rhs
+ go r rhs = (reverse r, rhs)
+asPi :: Recognizer Term (LocalName, Term, Term)
+asPi (unwrapTermF -> Pi nm tp body) = return (nm, tp, body)
+asPi _ = Nothing
+-- | Decomposes a term into a list of pi bindings, followed by a right
+-- term that is not a pi binding.
+asPiList :: Term -> ([(LocalName, Term)], Term)
+asPiList = go []
+ where go r (asPi -> Just (nm,tp,rhs)) = go ((nm,tp):r) rhs
+ go r rhs = (reverse r, rhs)
+asLocalVar :: Recognizer Term DeBruijnIndex
+asLocalVar (unwrapTermF -> LocalVar i) = return i
+asLocalVar _ = Nothing
+asConstant :: Recognizer Term (ExtCns Term, Term)
+asConstant (unwrapTermF -> Constant ec t) = return (ec, t)
+asConstant _ = Nothing
+asExtCns :: Recognizer Term (ExtCns Term)
+asExtCns t = do
+ ftf <- asFTermF t
+ case ftf of
+ ExtCns ec -> return ec
+ _ -> Nothing
+asSort :: Recognizer Term Sort
+asSort t = do
+ ftf <- asFTermF t
+ case ftf of
+ Sort s -> return s
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- | Returns term as a constant Boolean if it is one.
+asBool :: Recognizer Term Bool
+asBool (isGlobalDef "Prelude.True" -> Just ()) = return True
+asBool (isGlobalDef "Prelude.False" -> Just ()) = return False
+asBool _ = Nothing
+asBoolType :: Recognizer Term ()
+asBoolType = isGlobalDef "Prelude.Bool"
+asIntegerType :: Recognizer Term ()
+asIntegerType = isGlobalDef "Prelude.Integer"
+asIntModType :: Recognizer Term Natural
+asIntModType = isGlobalDef "Prelude.IntMod" @> asNat
+asVectorType :: Recognizer Term (Term, Term)
+asVectorType = helper ((isGlobalDef "Prelude.Vec" @> return) <@> return) where
+ helper r t =
+ do (n :*: a) <- r t
+ return (n, a)
+isVecType :: Recognizer Term a -> Recognizer Term (Natural :*: a)
+isVecType tp = (isGlobalDef "Prelude.Vec" @> asNat) <@> tp
+asVecType :: Recognizer Term (Natural :*: Term)
+asVecType = isVecType return
+asBitvectorType :: Recognizer Term Natural
+asBitvectorType = (isGlobalDef "Prelude.Vec" @> asNat) <@ asBoolType
+asMux :: Recognizer Term (Term :*: Term :*: Term :*: Term)
+asMux = isGlobalDef "Prelude.ite" @> return <@> return <@> return <@> return
+asEq :: Recognizer Term (Term, Term, Term)
+asEq t =
+ do (o, l) <- asDataType t
+ case l of
+ [a, x, y] | "Prelude.Eq" == o -> return (a, x, y)
+ _ -> Nothing
+asEqTrue :: Recognizer Term Term
+asEqTrue = isGlobalDef "Prelude.EqTrue" @> return
+asArrayType :: Recognizer Term (Term :*: Term)
+asArrayType = (isGlobalDef "Prelude.Array" @> return) <@> return
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Rewriter.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Rewriter.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18d18a4fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Rewriter.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Rewriter
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Rewriter
+ ( -- * Rewrite rules
+ RewriteRule
+ , ctxtRewriteRule
+ , lhsRewriteRule
+ , rhsRewriteRule
+ , ruleOfTerm
+ , ruleOfTerms
+ , ruleOfProp
+ , scDefRewriteRules
+ , scEqsRewriteRules
+ , scEqRewriteRule
+ -- * Simplification sets
+ , Simpset
+ , emptySimpset
+ , addRule
+ , delRule
+ , addRules
+ , addSimp
+ , delSimp
+ , addConv
+ , addConvs
+ , scSimpset
+ , listRules
+ -- * Term rewriting
+ , rewriteSharedTerm
+ , rewriteSharedTermTypeSafe
+ -- * Matching
+ , scMatch
+ -- * SharedContext
+ , rewritingSharedContext
+ , replaceTerm
+ , hoistIfs
+ ) where
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), pure, (<*>))
+import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
+import Control.Monad.Identity
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict
+import Numeric.Natural
+import Verifier.SAW.Cache
+import Verifier.SAW.Conversion
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Recognizer as R
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.TermNet as Net
+data RewriteRule
+ = RewriteRule { ctxt :: [Term], lhs :: Term, rhs :: Term, permutative :: Bool }
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- ^ Invariant: The set of loose variables in @lhs@ must be exactly
+-- @[0 .. length ctxt - 1]@. The @rhs@ may contain a subset of these.
+ctxtRewriteRule :: RewriteRule -> [Term]
+ctxtRewriteRule = ctxt
+lhsRewriteRule :: RewriteRule -> Term
+lhsRewriteRule = lhs
+rhsRewriteRule :: RewriteRule -> Term
+rhsRewriteRule = rhs
+instance Net.Pattern RewriteRule where
+ toPat (RewriteRule _ lhs _ _) = Net.toPat lhs
+-- Matching
+data MatchState =
+ MatchState
+ { substitution :: Map DeBruijnIndex Term
+ , constraints :: [(Term, Natural)]
+ }
+emptyMatchState :: MatchState
+emptyMatchState = MatchState { substitution = Map.empty, constraints = [] }
+-- First-order matching
+-- | Equivalent to @(lookup k t, insert k x t)@.
+insertLookup :: Ord k => k -> a -> Map k a -> (Maybe a, Map k a)
+insertLookup k x t = Map.insertLookupWithKey (\_ a _ -> a) k x t
+first_order_match :: Term -> Term -> Maybe (Map DeBruijnIndex Term)
+first_order_match pat term = match pat term Map.empty
+ where
+ match x y m =
+ case (unwrapTermF x, unwrapTermF y) of
+ (LocalVar i, _) ->
+ case my' of
+ Nothing -> Just m'
+ Just y' -> if alphaEquiv y y' then Just m' else Nothing
+ where (my', m') = insertLookup i y m
+ (App x1 x2, App y1 y2) ->
+ match x1 y1 m >>= match x2 y2
+ (FTermF xf, FTermF yf) ->
+ do zf <- zipWithFlatTermF match xf yf
+ Foldable.foldl (>=>) Just zf m
+ (_, _) ->
+ if alphaEquiv x y then Just m else Nothing
+-- ^ Precondition: Every loose variable in the pattern @pat@ must
+-- occur as the 2nd argument of an @App@ constructor. This ensures
+-- that instantiations are well-typed.
+asConstantNat :: Term -> Maybe Natural
+asConstantNat t =
+ case R.asCtor t of
+ Just (i, []) | i == "Prelude.Zero" -> Just 0
+ Just (i, [x]) | i == "Prelude.Succ" -> (+ 1) <$> asConstantNat x
+ _ ->
+ do let (f, xs) = R.asApplyAll t
+ i <- R.asGlobalDef f
+ case xs of
+ [x, y]
+ | i == "Prelude.addNat" -> (+) <$> asConstantNat x <*> asConstantNat y
+ | i == "Prelude.mulNat" -> (*) <$> asConstantNat x <*> asConstantNat y
+ | i == "Prelude.expNat" -> (^) <$> asConstantNat x <*> asConstantNat y
+ | i == "Prelude.subNat" ->
+ do x' <- asConstantNat x
+ y' <- asConstantNat y
+ guard (x' >= y')
+ return (x' - y')
+ | i == "Prelude.divNat" ->
+ do x' <- asConstantNat x
+ y' <- asConstantNat y
+ guard (y' > 0)
+ return (x' `div` y')
+ | i == "Prelude.remNat" ->
+ do x' <- asConstantNat x
+ y' <- asConstantNat y
+ guard (y' > 0)
+ return (x' `rem` y')
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- | An enhanced matcher that can handle higher-order patterns.
+scMatch ::
+ SharedContext ->
+ Term {- ^ pattern -} ->
+ Term {- ^ term -} ->
+ IO (Maybe (Map DeBruijnIndex Term))
+scMatch sc pat term =
+ runMaybeT $
+ do --lift $ putStrLn $ "********** scMatch **********"
+ MatchState inst cs <- match 0 [] pat term emptyMatchState
+ mapM_ (check inst) cs
+ return inst
+ where
+ check :: Map DeBruijnIndex Term -> (Term, Natural) -> MaybeT IO ()
+ check inst (t, n) = do
+ --lift $ putStrLn $ "checking: " ++ show (t, n)
+ -- apply substitution to the term
+ t' <- lift $ instantiateVarList sc 0 (Map.elems inst) t
+ --lift $ putStrLn $ "t': " ++ show t'
+ -- constant-fold nat operations
+ -- ensure that it evaluates to the same number
+ case asConstantNat t' of
+ Just i | i == n -> return ()
+ _ -> mzero
+ asVarPat :: Int -> Term -> Maybe (DeBruijnIndex, [DeBruijnIndex])
+ asVarPat depth = go []
+ where
+ go js x =
+ case unwrapTermF x of
+ LocalVar i
+ | i >= depth -> Just (i, js)
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+ App t (unwrapTermF -> LocalVar j)
+ | j < depth -> go (j : js) t
+ _ -> Nothing
+ match :: Int -> [(LocalName, Term)] -> Term -> Term -> MatchState -> MaybeT IO MatchState
+ match _ _ (STApp i fv _) (STApp j _ _) s
+ | fv == emptyBitSet && i == j = return s
+ match depth env x y s@(MatchState m cs) =
+ --do
+ --lift $ putStrLn $ "matching (lhs): " ++ scPrettyTerm defaultPPOpts x
+ --lift $ putStrLn $ "matching (rhs): " ++ scPrettyTerm defaultPPOpts y
+ case asVarPat depth x of
+ Just (i, js) ->
+ do -- ensure parameter variables are distinct
+ guard (Set.size (Set.fromList js) == length js)
+ -- ensure y mentions only variables that are in js
+ let fvj = foldl unionBitSets emptyBitSet (map singletonBitSet js)
+ let fvy = looseVars y `intersectBitSets` (completeBitSet depth)
+ guard (fvy `unionBitSets` fvj == fvj)
+ let fixVar t (nm, ty) =
+ do v <- scFreshGlobal sc (Text.unpack nm) ty
+ let Just ec = R.asExtCns v
+ t' <- instantiateVar sc 0 v t
+ return (t', ec)
+ let fixVars t [] = return (t, [])
+ fixVars t (ty : tys) =
+ do (t', ec) <- fixVar t ty
+ (t'', ecs) <- fixVars t' tys
+ return (t'', ec : ecs)
+ -- replace local bound variables with global ones
+ -- this also decrements loose variables in y by `depth`
+ (y1, ecs) <- lift $ fixVars y env
+ -- replace global variables with reindexed bound vars
+ -- y2 should have no more of the newly-created ExtCns vars
+ y2 <- lift $ scAbstractExts sc [ ecs !! j | j <- js ] y1
+ let (my3, m') = insertLookup (i - depth) y2 m
+ case my3 of
+ Nothing -> return (MatchState m' cs)
+ Just y3 -> if y2 == y3 then return (MatchState m' cs) else mzero
+ Nothing ->
+ case (unwrapTermF x, unwrapTermF y) of
+ -- check that neither x nor y contains bound variables less than `depth`
+ (FTermF xf, FTermF yf) ->
+ case zipWithFlatTermF (match depth env) xf yf of
+ Nothing -> mzero
+ Just zf -> Foldable.foldl (>=>) return zf s
+ (App x1 x2, App y1 y2) ->
+ match depth env x1 y1 s >>= match depth env x2 y2
+ (Lambda _ t1 x1, Lambda nm t2 x2) ->
+ match depth env t1 t2 s >>= match (depth + 1) ((nm, t2) : env) x1 x2
+ (Pi _ t1 x1, Pi nm t2 x2) ->
+ match depth env t1 t2 s >>= match (depth + 1) ((nm, t2) : env) x1 x2
+ (App _ _, FTermF (NatLit n)) ->
+ -- add deferred constraint
+ return (MatchState m ((x, n) : cs))
+ (_, _) ->
+ -- other possible matches are local vars and constants
+ if x == y then return s else mzero
+-- Building rewrite rules
+eqIdent :: Ident
+eqIdent = mkIdent (mkModuleName ["Prelude"]) "Eq"
+ecEqIdent :: Ident
+ecEqIdent = mkIdent (mkModuleName ["Cryptol"]) "ecEq"
+bvEqIdent :: Ident
+bvEqIdent = mkIdent (mkModuleName ["Prelude"]) "bvEq"
+boolEqIdent :: Ident
+boolEqIdent = mkIdent (mkModuleName ["Prelude"]) "boolEq"
+vecEqIdent :: Ident
+vecEqIdent = mkIdent (mkModuleName ["Prelude"]) "vecEq"
+equalNatIdent :: Ident
+equalNatIdent = mkIdent (mkModuleName ["Prelude"]) "equalNat"
+-- | Converts a universally quantified equality proposition from a
+-- Term representation to a RewriteRule.
+ruleOfTerm :: Term -> RewriteRule
+ruleOfTerm t =
+ case unwrapTermF t of
+ -- NOTE: this assumes the Coq-style equality type Eq X x y, where both X
+ -- (the type of x and y) and x are parameters, and y is an index
+ FTermF (DataTypeApp ident [_, x] [y])
+ | ident == eqIdent -> mkRewriteRule [] x y
+ Pi _ ty body -> rule { ctxt = ty : ctxt rule }
+ where rule = ruleOfTerm body
+ _ -> error "ruleOfSharedTerm: Illegal argument"
+-- Test whether a rewrite rule is permutative
+-- this is a rule that immediately loops whether used forwards or backwards.
+rulePermutes :: Term -> Term -> Bool
+rulePermutes lhs rhs =
+ case first_order_match lhs rhs of
+ Nothing -> False -- rhs is not an instance of lhs
+ Just _ ->
+ case first_order_match rhs lhs of
+ Nothing -> False -- but here we have a looping rule, not good!
+ Just _ -> True
+mkRewriteRule :: [Term] -> Term -> Term -> RewriteRule
+mkRewriteRule c l r =
+ RewriteRule {ctxt = c, lhs = l, rhs = r , permutative = rulePermutes l r}
+-- | Converts a universally quantified equality proposition between the
+-- two given terms to a RewriteRule.
+ruleOfTerms :: Term -> Term -> RewriteRule
+ruleOfTerms l r = mkRewriteRule [] l r
+-- | Converts a parameterized equality predicate to a RewriteRule,
+-- returning 'Nothing' if the predicate is not an equation.
+ruleOfProp :: Term -> Maybe RewriteRule
+ruleOfProp (R.asPi -> Just (_, ty, body)) =
+ do rule <- ruleOfProp body
+ Just rule { ctxt = ty : ctxt rule }
+ruleOfProp (R.asLambda -> Just (_, ty, body)) =
+ do rule <- ruleOfProp body
+ Just rule { ctxt = ty : ctxt rule }
+ruleOfProp (R.asApplyAll -> (R.isGlobalDef ecEqIdent -> Just (), [_, _, x, y])) =
+ Just $ mkRewriteRule [] x y
+ruleOfProp (R.asApplyAll -> (R.isGlobalDef bvEqIdent -> Just (), [_, x, y])) =
+ Just $ mkRewriteRule [] x y
+ruleOfProp (R.asApplyAll -> (R.isGlobalDef equalNatIdent -> Just (), [x, y])) =
+ Just $ mkRewriteRule [] x y
+ruleOfProp (R.asApplyAll -> (R.isGlobalDef boolEqIdent -> Just (), [x, y])) =
+ Just $ mkRewriteRule [] x y
+ruleOfProp (R.asApplyAll -> (R.isGlobalDef vecEqIdent -> Just (), [_, _, _, x, y])) =
+ Just $ mkRewriteRule [] x y
+ruleOfProp (unwrapTermF -> Constant _ body) = ruleOfProp body
+ruleOfProp (R.asEq -> Just (_, x, y)) =
+ Just $ mkRewriteRule [] x y
+ruleOfProp (R.asEqTrue -> Just body) = ruleOfProp body
+ruleOfProp _ = Nothing
+-- | Generate a rewrite rule from the type of an identifier, using 'ruleOfTerm'
+scEqRewriteRule :: SharedContext -> Ident -> IO RewriteRule
+scEqRewriteRule sc i = ruleOfTerm <$> scTypeOfGlobal sc i
+-- | Collects rewrite rules from named constants, whose types must be equations.
+scEqsRewriteRules :: SharedContext -> [Ident] -> IO [RewriteRule]
+scEqsRewriteRules sc = mapM (scEqRewriteRule sc)
+-- | Transform the given rewrite rule to a set of one or more
+-- equivalent rewrite rules, if possible.
+-- * If the rhs is a lambda, then add an argument to the lhs.
+-- * If the rhs is a recursor, then split into a separate rule for each constructor.
+-- * If the rhs is a record, then split into a separate rule for each accessor.
+scExpandRewriteRule :: SharedContext -> RewriteRule -> IO (Maybe [RewriteRule])
+scExpandRewriteRule sc (RewriteRule ctxt lhs rhs _) =
+ case rhs of
+ (R.asLambda -> Just (_, ty, body)) ->
+ do let ctxt' = ctxt ++ [ty]
+ lhs1 <- incVars sc 0 1 lhs
+ var0 <- scLocalVar sc 0
+ lhs' <- scApply sc lhs1 var0
+ return $ Just [mkRewriteRule ctxt' lhs' body]
+ (R.asRecordValue -> Just m) ->
+ do let mkRule (k, x) =
+ do l <- scRecordSelect sc lhs k
+ return (mkRewriteRule ctxt l x)
+ Just <$> traverse mkRule (Map.assocs m)
+ (R.asApplyAll ->
+ (R.asRecursorApp -> Just (d, params, p_ret, cs_fs, _ixs, R.asLocalVar -> Just i),
+ more)) ->
+ do let ctxt1 = reverse (drop (i+1) (reverse ctxt))
+ let ctxt2 = reverse (take i (reverse ctxt))
+ -- The type @ti@ is in the de Bruijn context @ctxt1@.
+ ti <- scWhnf sc (reverse ctxt !! i)
+ -- The datatype parameters are also in context @ctxt1@.
+ (_d, params1, _ixs) <- maybe (fail "expected DataTypeApp") return (R.asDataTypeParams ti)
+ let ctorRule ctor =
+ do -- Compute the argument types @argTs@ in context @ctxt1@.
+ ctorT <- piAppType (ctorType ctor) params1
+ let argTs = map snd (fst (R.asPiList ctorT))
+ let nargs = length argTs
+ -- Build a fully-applied constructor @c@ in context @ctxt1 ++ argTs@.
+ params2 <- traverse (incVars sc 0 nargs) params1
+ args <- traverse (scLocalVar sc) (reverse (take nargs [0..]))
+ c <- scCtorAppParams sc (ctorName ctor) params2 args
+ -- Build the list of types of the new context.
+ let ctxt' = ctxt1 ++ argTs ++ ctxt2
+ -- Define function to adjust indices on a term from
+ -- context @ctxt@ into context @ctxt'@. We also
+ -- substitute the constructor @c@ in for the old
+ -- local variable @i@.
+ let adjust t = instantiateVar sc i c =<< incVars sc (i+1) nargs t
+ -- Adjust the indices and substitute the new
+ -- constructor value to make the new params, lhs,
+ -- and rhs in context @ctxt'@.
+ params' <- traverse adjust params
+ lhs' <- adjust lhs
+ p_ret' <- adjust p_ret
+ cs_fs' <- traverse (traverse adjust) cs_fs
+ args' <- traverse (incVars sc 0 i) args
+ more' <- traverse adjust more
+ let cn = ctorName ctor
+ rhs1 <- scReduceRecursor sc d params' p_ret' cs_fs' cn args'
+ rhs2 <- scApplyAll sc rhs1 more'
+ rhs3 <- betaReduce rhs2
+ -- re-fold recursive occurrences of the original rhs
+ let ss = addRule (mkRewriteRule ctxt rhs lhs) emptySimpset
+ rhs' <- rewriteSharedTerm sc ss rhs3
+ return (mkRewriteRule ctxt' lhs' rhs')
+ dt <- scRequireDataType sc d
+ rules <- traverse ctorRule (dtCtors dt)
+ return (Just rules)
+ _ -> return Nothing
+ where
+ piAppType :: Term -> [Term] -> IO Term
+ piAppType funtype [] = return funtype
+ piAppType funtype (arg : args) =
+ do (_, _, body) <- maybe (fail "expected Pi type") return (R.asPi funtype)
+ funtype' <- instantiateVar sc 0 arg body
+ piAppType funtype' args
+ betaReduce :: Term -> IO Term
+ betaReduce t =
+ case R.asApp t of
+ Nothing -> return t
+ Just (f, arg) ->
+ do f' <- betaReduce f
+ case R.asLambda f' of
+ Nothing -> scApply sc f' arg
+ Just (_, _, body) -> instantiateVar sc 0 arg body
+-- | Repeatedly apply the rule transformations in 'scExpandRewriteRule'.
+scExpandRewriteRules :: SharedContext -> [RewriteRule] -> IO [RewriteRule]
+scExpandRewriteRules sc rs =
+ case rs of
+ [] -> return []
+ r : rs2 ->
+ do m <- scExpandRewriteRule sc r
+ case m of
+ Nothing -> (r :) <$> scExpandRewriteRules sc rs2
+ Just rs1 -> scExpandRewriteRules sc (rs1 ++ rs2)
+-- | Create a rewrite rule for a definition that expands the definition, if it
+-- has a body to expand to, otherwise return the empty list
+scDefRewriteRules :: SharedContext -> Def -> IO [RewriteRule]
+scDefRewriteRules _ (Def { defBody = Nothing }) = return []
+scDefRewriteRules sc (Def { defIdent = ident, defBody = Just body }) =
+ do lhs <- scGlobalDef sc ident
+ rhs <- scSharedTerm sc body
+ scExpandRewriteRules sc [mkRewriteRule [] lhs rhs]
+-- Simpsets
+-- | Invariant: 'Simpset's should not contain reflexive rules. We avoid
+-- adding them in 'addRule' below.
+type Simpset = Net.Net (Either RewriteRule Conversion)
+emptySimpset :: Simpset
+emptySimpset = Net.empty
+addRule :: RewriteRule -> Simpset -> Simpset
+addRule rule | lhs rule /= rhs rule = Net.insert_term (lhs rule, Left rule)
+ | otherwise = id
+delRule :: RewriteRule -> Simpset -> Simpset
+delRule rule = Net.delete_term (lhs rule, Left rule)
+addRules :: [RewriteRule] -> Simpset -> Simpset
+addRules rules ss = foldr addRule ss rules
+addSimp :: Term -> Simpset -> Simpset
+addSimp prop = addRule (ruleOfTerm prop)
+delSimp :: Term -> Simpset -> Simpset
+delSimp prop = delRule (ruleOfTerm prop)
+addConv :: Conversion -> Simpset -> Simpset
+addConv conv = Net.insert_term (conv, Right conv)
+addConvs :: [Conversion] -> Simpset -> Simpset
+addConvs convs ss = foldr addConv ss convs
+scSimpset :: SharedContext -> [Def] -> [Ident] -> [Conversion] -> IO Simpset
+scSimpset sc defs eqIdents convs = do
+ defRules <- concat <$> traverse (scDefRewriteRules sc) defs
+ eqRules <- mapM (scEqRewriteRule sc) eqIdents
+ return $ addRules defRules $ addRules eqRules $ addConvs convs $ emptySimpset
+listRules :: Simpset -> [RewriteRule]
+listRules ss = [ r | Left r <- Net.content ss ]
+-- Destructors for terms
+asBetaRedex :: R.Recognizer Term (LocalName, Term, Term, Term)
+asBetaRedex t =
+ do (f, arg) <- R.asApp t
+ (s, ty, body) <- R.asLambda f
+ return (s, ty, body, arg)
+asPairRedex :: R.Recognizer Term Term
+asPairRedex t =
+ do (u, b) <- R.asPairSelector t
+ (x, y) <- R.asPairValue u
+ return (if b then y else x)
+asRecordRedex :: R.Recognizer Term Term
+asRecordRedex t =
+ do (x, i) <- R.asRecordSelector t
+ ts <- R.asRecordValue x
+ case Map.lookup i ts of
+ Just t' -> return t'
+ Nothing -> fail "Record field not found"
+-- | An iota redex is a recursor application whose main argument is a
+-- constructor application; specifically, this function recognizes
+-- > RecursorApp d params p_ret cs_fs _ (CtorApp c _ args)
+asIotaRedex :: R.Recognizer Term (Ident, [Term], Term, [(Ident, Term)], Ident, [Term])
+asIotaRedex t =
+ do (d, params, p_ret, cs_fs, _, arg) <- R.asRecursorApp t
+ (c, _, args) <- asCtorOrNat arg
+ return (d, params, p_ret, cs_fs, c, args)
+-- Bottom-up rewriting
+-- | Term ordering
+-- The existing "<" on terms is not adequate for deciding how to handle permutative rules,
+-- as then associativity and commutativity can loop.
+-- The following rather unsophisticated functions *might* prevent looping.
+-- More analysis is needed!
+-- here we get the "fringe" of arguments in an application, looking at either curried or
+-- tupled arguments. That is
+-- for `f x y z`, return [x,y,z]
+-- for `f (x,y)` return [x,y]
+-- for `f (f x y) z`, return [x,y,z]
+-- for `f (x, f (y,z))`, return [x,y,z]
+appCollectedArgs :: Term -> [Term]
+appCollectedArgs t = step0 (unshared t) []
+ where
+ unshared (STApp{stAppIndex = _, stAppTermF = tf1}) = tf1
+ unshared (Unshared tf1) = tf1
+ -- step 0: accumulate curried args, find the function
+ step0 :: TermF Term -> [Term] -> [Term]
+ step0 (App f a) args = step0 (unshared f) (a:args)
+ step0 other args = step1 other args
+ -- step 1: analyse each arg, knowing the called function, append together
+ step1 :: TermF Term -> [Term] -> [Term]
+ step1 f args = foldl (++) [] (map (\ x -> step2 f $ unshared x) args)
+ -- step2: analyse an arg. look inside tuples, sequences (TBD), more calls to f
+ step2 :: TermF Term -> TermF Term -> [Term]
+ step2 f (FTermF (PairValue x y)) = (step2 f $ unshared x) ++ (step2 f $ unshared y)
+ step2 f (s@(App g a)) = possibly_curried_args s f (unshared g) (step2 f $ unshared a)
+ step2 _ a = [Unshared a]
+ --
+ possibly_curried_args :: TermF Term -> TermF Term -> TermF Term -> [Term] -> [Term]
+ possibly_curried_args s f (App g a) args = possibly_curried_args s f (unshared g) ((step2 f $ unshared a) ++ args)
+ possibly_curried_args s f h args = if f == h then args else [Unshared s]
+termWeightLt :: Term -> Term -> Bool
+termWeightLt t t' =
+ (appCollectedArgs t) < (appCollectedArgs t')
+-- | Do a single reduction step (beta, record or tuple selector) at top
+-- level, if possible.
+reduceSharedTerm :: SharedContext -> Term -> Maybe (IO Term)
+reduceSharedTerm sc (asBetaRedex -> Just (_, _, body, arg)) = Just (instantiateVar sc 0 arg body)
+reduceSharedTerm _ (asPairRedex -> Just t) = Just (return t)
+reduceSharedTerm _ (asRecordRedex -> Just t) = Just (return t)
+reduceSharedTerm sc (asIotaRedex -> Just (d, params, p_ret, cs_fs, c, args)) =
+ Just $ scReduceRecursor sc d params p_ret cs_fs c args
+reduceSharedTerm _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Rewriter for shared terms
+rewriteSharedTerm :: SharedContext -> Simpset -> Term -> IO Term
+rewriteSharedTerm sc ss t0 =
+ do cache <- newCache
+ let ?cache = cache in rewriteAll t0
+ where
+ rewriteAll :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) => Term -> IO Term
+ rewriteAll (Unshared tf) =
+ traverseTF rewriteAll tf >>= scTermF sc >>= rewriteTop
+ rewriteAll STApp{ stAppIndex = tidx, stAppTermF = tf } =
+ useCache ?cache tidx (traverseTF rewriteAll tf >>= scTermF sc >>= rewriteTop)
+ traverseTF :: (a -> IO a) -> TermF a -> IO (TermF a)
+ traverseTF _ tf@(Constant {}) = pure tf
+ traverseTF f tf = traverse f tf
+ rewriteTop :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) => Term -> IO Term
+ rewriteTop t =
+ case reduceSharedTerm sc t of
+ Nothing -> apply (Net.unify_term ss t) t
+ Just io -> rewriteAll =<< io
+ apply :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) =>
+ [Either RewriteRule Conversion] -> Term -> IO Term
+ apply [] t = return t
+ apply (Left (RewriteRule {ctxt, lhs, rhs, permutative}) : rules) t = do
+ result <- scMatch sc lhs t
+ case result of
+ Nothing -> apply rules t
+ Just inst
+ | lhs == rhs ->
+ -- This should never happen because we avoid inserting
+ -- reflexive rules into simp sets in the first place.
+ do putStrLn $ "rewriteSharedTerm: skipping reflexive rule " ++
+ "(THE IMPOSSIBLE HAPPENED!): " ++ scPrettyTerm defaultPPOpts lhs
+ apply rules t
+ | Map.keys inst /= take (length ctxt) [0 ..] ->
+ do putStrLn $ "rewriteSharedTerm: invalid lhs does not contain all variables: "
+ ++ scPrettyTerm defaultPPOpts lhs
+ apply rules t
+ | permutative ->
+ do
+ t' <- instantiateVarList sc 0 (Map.elems inst) rhs
+ case termWeightLt t' t of
+ True -> rewriteAll t' -- keep the result only if it is "smaller"
+ False -> apply rules t
+ | otherwise ->
+ do -- putStrLn "REWRITING:"
+ -- print lhs
+ rewriteAll =<< instantiateVarList sc 0 (Map.elems inst) rhs
+ apply (Right conv : rules) t =
+ do -- putStrLn "REWRITING:"
+ -- print (Net.toPat conv)
+ case runConversion conv t of
+ Nothing -> apply rules t
+ Just tb -> rewriteAll =<< runTermBuilder tb (scGlobalDef sc) (scTermF sc)
+-- | Type-safe rewriter for shared terms
+ :: SharedContext -> Simpset -> Term -> IO Term
+rewriteSharedTermTypeSafe sc ss t0 =
+ do cache <- newCache
+ let ?cache = cache in rewriteAll t0
+ where
+ rewriteAll :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) =>
+ Term -> IO Term
+ rewriteAll (Unshared tf) =
+ rewriteTermF tf >>= scTermF sc >>= rewriteTop
+ rewriteAll STApp{ stAppIndex = tidx, stAppTermF = tf } =
+ -- putStrLn "Rewriting term:" >> print t >>
+ useCache ?cache tidx (rewriteTermF tf >>= scTermF sc >>= rewriteTop)
+ rewriteTermF :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) =>
+ TermF Term -> IO (TermF Term)
+ rewriteTermF tf =
+ case tf of
+ FTermF ftf -> FTermF <$> rewriteFTermF ftf
+ App e1 e2 ->
+ do t1 <- scTypeOf sc e1
+ case unwrapTermF t1 of
+ -- We only rewrite e2 if type of e1 is not a dependent type.
+ -- This prevents rewriting e2 from changing type of @App e1 e2@.
+ Pi _ _ t | inBitSet 0 (looseVars t) -> App <$> rewriteAll e1 <*> rewriteAll e2
+ _ -> App <$> rewriteAll e1 <*> pure e2
+ Lambda pat t e -> Lambda pat t <$> rewriteAll e
+ Constant{} -> return tf
+ _ -> return tf -- traverse rewriteAll tf
+ rewriteFTermF :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) =>
+ FlatTermF Term -> IO (FlatTermF Term)
+ rewriteFTermF ftf =
+ case ftf of
+ UnitValue -> return ftf
+ UnitType -> return ftf
+ PairValue{} -> traverse rewriteAll ftf
+ PairType{} -> return ftf -- doesn't matter
+ PairLeft{} -> traverse rewriteAll ftf
+ PairRight{} -> traverse rewriteAll ftf
+ -- NOTE: we don't rewrite arguments of constructors, datatypes, or
+ -- recursors because of dependent types, as we could potentially cause
+ -- a term to become ill-typed
+ CtorApp{} -> return ftf
+ DataTypeApp{} -> return ftf -- could treat same as CtorApp
+ RecursorApp{} -> return ftf -- could treat same as CtorApp
+ RecordType{} -> traverse rewriteAll ftf
+ RecordValue{} -> traverse rewriteAll ftf
+ RecordProj{} -> traverse rewriteAll ftf
+ Sort{} -> return ftf -- doesn't matter
+ NatLit{} -> return ftf -- doesn't matter
+ ArrayValue t es -> ArrayValue t <$> traverse rewriteAll es
+ Primitive{} -> return ftf
+ StringLit{} -> return ftf
+ ExtCns{} -> return ftf
+ rewriteTop :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) =>
+ Term -> IO Term
+ rewriteTop t = apply (Net.match_term ss t) t
+ apply :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) =>
+ [Either RewriteRule Conversion] ->
+ Term -> IO Term
+ apply [] t = return t
+ apply (Left rule : rules) t =
+ case first_order_match (lhs rule) t of
+ Nothing -> apply rules t
+ Just inst -> rewriteAll =<< instantiateVarList sc 0 (Map.elems inst) (rhs rule)
+ apply (Right conv : rules) t =
+ case runConversion conv t of
+ Nothing -> apply rules t
+ Just tb -> rewriteAll =<< runTermBuilder tb (scGlobalDef sc) (scTermF sc)
+-- | Generate a new SharedContext that normalizes terms as it builds them.
+rewritingSharedContext :: SharedContext -> Simpset -> SharedContext
+rewritingSharedContext sc ss = sc'
+ where
+ sc' = sc { scTermF = rewriteTop }
+ rewriteTop :: TermF Term -> IO Term
+ rewriteTop tf =
+ case asPairRedex t of
+ Just t' -> return t'
+ Nothing ->
+ case asRecordRedex t of
+ Just t' -> return t'
+ Nothing -> apply (Net.match_term ss t) t
+ where t = Unshared tf
+ apply :: [Either RewriteRule Conversion] ->
+ Term -> IO Term
+ apply [] (Unshared tf) = scTermF sc tf
+ apply [] STApp{ stAppTermF = tf } = scTermF sc tf
+ apply (Left (RewriteRule _ l r _) : rules) t =
+ case first_order_match l t of
+ Nothing -> apply rules t
+ Just inst
+ | l == r ->
+ do putStrLn $ "rewritingSharedContext: skipping reflexive rule: " ++ scPrettyTerm defaultPPOpts l
+ apply rules t
+ | otherwise -> instantiateVarList sc' 0 (Map.elems inst) r
+ apply (Right conv : rules) t =
+ case runConversion conv t of
+ Nothing -> apply rules t
+ Just tb -> runTermBuilder tb (scGlobalDef sc) (scTermF sc')
+-- FIXME: is there some way to have sensable term replacement in the presence of loose variables
+-- and/or under binders?
+replaceTerm :: SharedContext
+ -> Simpset -- ^ A simpset of rewrite rules to apply along with the replacement
+ -> (Term, Term) -- ^ (pat,repl) is a tuple of a pattern term to replace and a replacement term
+ -> Term -- ^ the term in which to perform the replacement
+ -> IO Term
+replaceTerm sc ss (pat, repl) t = do
+ let fvs = looseVars pat
+ unless (fvs == emptyBitSet) $ fail $ unwords
+ [ "replaceTerm: term to replace has free variables!", scPrettyTerm defaultPPOpts t ]
+ let rule = ruleOfTerms pat repl
+ let ss' = addRule rule ss
+ rewriteSharedTerm sc ss' t
+-- If/then/else hoisting
+-- | Find all instances of Prelude.ite in the given term and hoist them
+-- higher. An if-then-else floats upward until it hits a binder that
+-- binds one of its free variables, or until it bubbles to the top of
+-- the term. When multiple if-then-else branches bubble to the same
+-- place, they will be nested via a canonical term ordering. This transformation
+-- also does rewrites by basic boolean identities.
+hoistIfs :: SharedContext
+ -> Term
+ -> IO Term
+hoistIfs sc t = do
+ cache <- newCache
+ let app x y = join (scTermF sc <$> (pure App <*> x <*> y))
+ itePat <-
+ (scGlobalDef sc "Prelude.ite")
+ `app`
+ (scLocalVar sc 0)
+ `app`
+ (scLocalVar sc 1)
+ `app`
+ (scLocalVar sc 2)
+ `app`
+ (scLocalVar sc 3)
+ rules <- map ruleOfTerm <$> mapM (scTypeOfGlobal sc)
+ [ "Prelude.ite_true"
+ , "Prelude.ite_false"
+ , "Prelude.ite_not"
+ , "Prelude.ite_nest1"
+ , "Prelude.ite_nest2"
+ , "Prelude.ite_eq"
+ , "Prelude.ite_bit_false_1"
+ , "Prelude.ite_bit_true_1"
+ , "Prelude.ite_bit"
+ , "Prelude.not_not"
+ , "Prelude.and_True1"
+ , "Prelude.and_False1"
+ , "Prelude.and_True2"
+ , "Prelude.and_False2"
+ , "Prelude.and_idem"
+ , "Prelude.or_True1"
+ , "Prelude.or_False1"
+ , "Prelude.or_True2"
+ , "Prelude.or_False2"
+ , "Prelude.or_idem"
+ , "Prelude.not_or"
+ , "Prelude.not_and"
+ ]
+ let ss = addRules rules emptySimpset
+ (t', conds) <- doHoistIfs sc ss cache itePat =<< rewriteSharedTerm sc ss t
+ splitConds sc ss (map fst conds) t'
+splitConds :: SharedContext -> Simpset -> [Term] -> Term -> IO Term
+splitConds _ _ [] = return
+splitConds sc ss (c:cs) = splitCond sc ss c >=> splitConds sc ss cs
+splitCond :: SharedContext -> Simpset -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+splitCond sc ss c t = do
+ ty <- scTypeOf sc t
+ trueTerm <- scBool sc True
+ falseTerm <- scBool sc False
+ then_branch <- replaceTerm sc ss (c, trueTerm) t
+ else_branch <- replaceTerm sc ss (c, falseTerm) t
+ scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.ite" [ty, c, then_branch, else_branch]
+type HoistIfs s = (Term, [(Term, Set (ExtCns Term))])
+orderTerms :: SharedContext -> [Term] -> IO [Term]
+orderTerms _sc xs = return $ List.sort xs
+doHoistIfs :: SharedContext
+ -> Simpset
+ -> Cache IO TermIndex (HoistIfs s)
+ -> Term
+ -> Term
+ -> IO (HoistIfs s)
+doHoistIfs sc ss hoistCache itePat = go
+ where go :: Term -> IO (HoistIfs s)
+ go t@(STApp{ stAppIndex = idx, stAppTermF = tf}) = useCache hoistCache idx $ top t tf
+ go t@(Unshared tf) = top t tf
+ top :: Term -> TermF Term -> IO (HoistIfs s)
+ top t tf
+ | Just inst <- first_order_match itePat t = do
+ let Just branch_tp = Map.lookup 0 inst
+ let Just cond = Map.lookup 1 inst
+ let Just then_branch = Map.lookup 2 inst
+ let Just else_branch = Map.lookup 3 inst
+ (then_branch',conds1) <- go then_branch
+ (else_branch',conds2) <- go else_branch
+ t' <- scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.ite" [branch_tp, cond, then_branch', else_branch']
+ let ecs = getAllExtSet cond
+ return (t', (cond, ecs) : conds1 ++ conds2)
+ | otherwise = goF t tf
+ goF :: Term -> TermF Term -> IO (HoistIfs s)
+ goF t (LocalVar _) = return (t, [])
+ goF t (Constant {}) = return (t, [])
+ goF _ (FTermF ftf) = do
+ (ftf', conds) <- runWriterT $ traverse WriterT $ (fmap go ftf)
+ t' <- scFlatTermF sc ftf'
+ return (t', conds)
+ goF _ (App f x) = do
+ (f', conds1) <- go f
+ (x', conds2) <- go x
+ t' <- scApply sc f' x'
+ return (t', conds1 ++ conds2)
+ goF _ (Lambda nm tp body) = goBinder scLambda nm tp body
+ goF _ (Pi nm tp body) = goBinder scPi nm tp body
+ goBinder close nm tp body = do
+ (ec, body') <- scOpenTerm sc (Text.unpack nm) tp 0 body
+ (body'', conds) <- go body'
+ let (stuck, float) = List.partition (\(_,ecs) -> Set.member ec ecs) conds
+ stuck' <- orderTerms sc (map fst stuck)
+ body''' <- splitConds sc ss stuck' body''
+ t' <- scCloseTerm close sc ec body'''
+ return (t', float)
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/SATQuery.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/SATQuery.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dea328a621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/SATQuery.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+module Verifier.SAW.SATQuery
+( SATQuery(..)
+, SATResult(..)
+, satQueryAsTerm
+) where
+import Control.Monad (foldM)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import Verifier.SAW.Name
+import Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+-- | This datatype represents a satisfiability query that might
+-- be dispatched to a solver. It carries a series of assertions
+-- to be made to a solver, together with a collection of
+-- variables we expect the solver to report models over,
+-- and a collection of @VarIndex@ values identifying
+-- subterms that should be considered uninterpreted.
+-- All the @ExtCns@ values in the query should
+-- appear either in @satVariables@ or @satUninterp@.
+-- Constant values for which definitions are provided
+-- may also appear in @satUninterp@, in which case
+-- they will be treated as uninterpreted. Otherwise,
+-- their definitions will be unfolded.
+-- Solve solvers do not support uninterpreted values
+-- and will fail if presented a query that requests them.
+data SATQuery =
+ SATQuery
+ { satVariables :: Map (ExtCns Term) FirstOrderType
+ -- ^ The variables in the query, for which we
+ -- expect the solver to find values in satisfiable
+ -- cases. INVARIANT: The type of the @ExtCns@ keys
+ -- should correspond to the @FirstOrderType@ values.
+ , satUninterp :: Set VarIndex
+ -- ^ A set indicating which variables and constant
+ -- values should be considered uninterpreted by
+ -- the solver. Models will not report values
+ -- for uninterpreted values.
+ , satAsserts :: [Term]
+ -- ^ A collection of assertions. These should
+ -- all be terms of type @Bool@. The overall
+ -- query should be understood as the conjunction
+ -- of these terms.
+ }
+-- TODO, allow first-order propositions in addition to Boolean terms.
+-- | The result of a sat query. In the event a model is found,
+-- return a mapping from the @ExtCns@ variables to values.
+data SATResult
+ = Unsatisfiable
+ | Satisfiable (ExtCns Term -> IO FirstOrderValue)
+ | Unknown
+-- | Compute the conjunction of all the assertions
+-- in this SAT query as a single term of type Bool.
+satQueryAsTerm :: SharedContext -> SATQuery -> IO Term
+satQueryAsTerm sc satq =
+ case satAsserts satq of
+ [] -> scBool sc True
+ (x:xs) -> foldM (scAnd sc) x xs
+-- TODO, we may have to rethink this function
+-- once we allow first-order statements.
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/SCTypeCheck.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/SCTypeCheck.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..029e5eca68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/SCTypeCheck.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.SCTypeCheck
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.SCTypeCheck
+ ( scTypeCheck
+ , scTypeCheckError
+ , scTypeCheckComplete
+ , scTypeCheckCompleteError
+ , scTypeCheckWHNF
+ , scConvertible
+ , scCheckSubtype
+ , TCError(..)
+ , prettyTCError
+ , throwTCError
+ , TCM
+ , runTCM
+ , askCtx
+ , askModName
+ , withVar
+ , withCtx
+ , atPos
+ , LiftTCM(..)
+ , TypedTerm(..)
+ , TypeInfer(..)
+ , typeCheckWHNF
+ , typeInferCompleteWHNF
+ , TypeInferCtx(..)
+ , typeInferCompleteInCtx
+ , checkSubtype
+ , ensureSort
+ , applyPiTyped
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad.Except
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.List ( (\\) )
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Text (Text)
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..))
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Prelude hiding (mapM, maximum)
+import Verifier.SAW.Conversion (natConversions)
+import Verifier.SAW.Recognizer
+import Verifier.SAW.Rewriter
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+import Verifier.SAW.Module
+import Verifier.SAW.Position
+-- | The state for a type-checking computation = a memoization table
+type TCState = Map TermIndex Term
+-- | The monad for type checking and inference, which:
+-- * Maintains a 'SharedContext', the name of the current module, and a variable
+-- context, where the latter assigns types to the deBruijn indices in scope;
+-- * Memoizes the most general type inferred for each expression; AND
+-- * Can throw 'TCError's
+type TCM a =
+ ReaderT (SharedContext, Maybe ModuleName, [(LocalName, Term)])
+ (StateT TCState (ExceptT TCError IO)) a
+-- | Run a type-checking computation in a given context, starting from the empty
+-- memoization table
+runTCM ::
+ TCM a -> SharedContext -> Maybe ModuleName -> [(LocalName, Term)] ->
+ IO (Either TCError a)
+runTCM m sc mnm ctx =
+ runExceptT $ evalStateT (runReaderT m (sc, mnm, ctx)) Map.empty
+-- | Read the current typing context
+askCtx :: TCM [(LocalName, Term)]
+askCtx = (\(_,_,ctx) -> ctx) <$> ask
+-- | Read the current module name
+askModName :: TCM (Maybe ModuleName)
+askModName = (\(_,mnm,_) -> mnm) <$> ask
+-- | Run a type-checking computation in a typing context extended with a new
+-- variable with the given type. This throws away the memoization table while
+-- running the sub-computation, as memoization tables are tied to specific sets
+-- of bindings.
+-- NOTE: the type given for the variable should be in WHNF, so that we do not
+-- have to normalize the types of variables each time we see them.
+withVar :: LocalName -> Term -> TCM a -> TCM a
+withVar x tp m =
+ flip catchError (throwError . ErrorCtx x tp) $
+ do saved_table <- get
+ put Map.empty
+ a <- local (\(sc,mnm,ctx) -> (sc, mnm, (x,tp):ctx)) m
+ put saved_table
+ return a
+-- | Run a type-checking computation in a typing context extended by a list of
+-- variables and their types. See 'withVar'.
+withCtx :: [(LocalName, Term)] -> TCM a -> TCM a
+withCtx = flip (foldr (\(x,tp) -> withVar x tp))
+-- | Run a type-checking computation @m@ and tag any error it throws with the
+-- given position, using the 'ErrorPos' constructor, unless that error is
+-- already tagged with a position
+atPos :: Pos -> TCM a -> TCM a
+atPos p m = catchError m (throwError . ErrorPos p)
+-- | Typeclass for lifting 'IO' computations that take a 'SharedContext' to
+-- 'TCM' computations
+class LiftTCM a where
+ type TCMLifted a
+ liftTCM :: (SharedContext -> a) -> TCMLifted a
+instance LiftTCM (IO a) where
+ type TCMLifted (IO a) = TCM a
+ liftTCM f =
+ do sc <- (\(sc,_,_) -> sc) <$> ask
+ liftIO (f sc)
+instance LiftTCM b => LiftTCM (a -> b) where
+ type TCMLifted (a -> b) = a -> TCMLifted b
+ liftTCM f a = liftTCM (\sc -> f sc a)
+-- | Errors that can occur during type-checking
+data TCError
+ = NotSort Term
+ | NotFuncType Term
+ | NotTupleType Term
+ | BadTupleIndex Int Term
+ | NotStringLit Term
+ | NotRecordType TypedTerm
+ | BadRecordField FieldName Term
+ | DanglingVar Int
+ | UnboundName Text
+ | SubtypeFailure TypedTerm Term
+ | EmptyVectorLit
+ | NoSuchDataType Ident
+ | NoSuchCtor Ident
+ | NotFullyAppliedRec Ident
+ | BadParamsOrArgsLength Bool Ident [Term] [Term]
+ | BadConstType NameInfo Term Term
+ | MalformedRecursor Term String
+ | DeclError Text String
+ | ErrorPos Pos TCError
+ | ErrorCtx LocalName Term TCError
+-- | Throw a type-checking error
+throwTCError :: TCError -> TCM a
+throwTCError = throwError
+type PPErrM = Reader ([LocalName], Maybe Pos)
+-- | Pretty-print a type-checking error
+prettyTCError :: TCError -> [String]
+prettyTCError e = runReader (helper e) ([], Nothing) where
+ ppWithPos :: [PPErrM String] -> PPErrM [String]
+ ppWithPos str_ms =
+ do strs <- mapM id str_ms
+ (_, maybe_p) <- ask
+ case maybe_p of
+ Just p -> return (ppPos p : strs)
+ Nothing -> return strs
+ helper :: TCError -> PPErrM [String]
+ helper (NotSort ty) = ppWithPos [ return "Not a sort" , ishow ty ]
+ helper (NotFuncType ty) =
+ ppWithPos [ return "Function application with non-function type" ,
+ ishow ty ]
+ helper (NotTupleType ty) =
+ ppWithPos [ return "Tuple field projection with non-tuple type" ,
+ ishow ty ]
+ helper (BadTupleIndex n ty) =
+ ppWithPos [ return ("Bad tuple index (" ++ show n ++ ") for type")
+ , ishow ty ]
+ helper (NotStringLit trm) =
+ ppWithPos [ return "Record selector is not a string literal", ishow trm ]
+ helper (NotRecordType (TypedTerm trm tp)) =
+ ppWithPos [ return "Record field projection with non-record type"
+ , ishow tp
+ , return "In term:"
+ , ishow trm ]
+ helper (BadRecordField n ty) =
+ ppWithPos [ return ("Bad record field (" ++ show n ++ ") for type")
+ , ishow ty ]
+ helper (DanglingVar n) =
+ ppWithPos [ return ("Dangling bound variable index: " ++ show n)]
+ helper (UnboundName str) = ppWithPos [ return ("Unbound name: " ++ show str)]
+ helper (SubtypeFailure trm tp2) =
+ ppWithPos [ return "Inferred type", ishow (typedType trm),
+ return "Not a subtype of expected type", ishow tp2,
+ return "For term", ishow (typedVal trm) ]
+ helper EmptyVectorLit = ppWithPos [ return "Empty vector literal"]
+ helper (NoSuchDataType d) =
+ ppWithPos [ return ("No such data type: " ++ show d)]
+ helper (NoSuchCtor c) =
+ ppWithPos [ return ("No such constructor: " ++ show c) ]
+ helper (NotFullyAppliedRec i) =
+ ppWithPos [ return ("Recursor not fully applied: " ++ show i) ]
+ helper (BadParamsOrArgsLength is_dt ident params args) =
+ ppWithPos
+ [ return ("Wrong number of parameters or arguments to "
+ ++ (if is_dt then "datatype" else "constructor") ++ ": "),
+ ishow (Unshared $ FTermF $
+ (if is_dt then DataTypeApp else CtorApp) ident params args)
+ ]
+ helper (BadConstType n rty ty) =
+ ppWithPos [ return ("Type of constant " ++ show n), ishow rty
+ , return "doesn't match declared type", ishow ty ]
+ helper (MalformedRecursor trm reason) =
+ ppWithPos [ return "Malformed recursor application",
+ ishow trm, return reason ]
+ helper (DeclError nm reason) =
+ ppWithPos [ return ("Malformed declaration for " ++ show nm), return reason ]
+ helper (ErrorPos p err) =
+ local (\(ctx,_) -> (ctx, Just p)) $ helper err
+ helper (ErrorCtx x _ err) =
+ local (\(ctx,p) -> (x:ctx, p)) $ helper err
+ ishow :: Term -> PPErrM String
+ ishow tm =
+ -- return $ show tm
+ (\(ctx,_) -> " " ++ scPrettyTermInCtx defaultPPOpts ctx tm) <$> ask
+instance Show TCError where
+ show = unlines . prettyTCError
+-- | Infer the type of a term using 'scTypeCheck', calling 'fail' on failure
+scTypeCheckError :: TypeInfer a => SharedContext -> a -> IO Term
+scTypeCheckError sc t0 =
+ either (fail . unlines . prettyTCError) return =<< scTypeCheck sc Nothing t0
+-- | Infer the type of a 'Term', ensuring in the process that the entire term is
+-- well-formed and that all internal type annotations are correct. Types are
+-- evaluated to WHNF as necessary, and the returned type is in WHNF.
+scTypeCheck :: TypeInfer a => SharedContext -> Maybe ModuleName -> a ->
+ IO (Either TCError Term)
+scTypeCheck sc mnm = scTypeCheckInCtx sc mnm []
+-- | Like 'scTypeCheck', but type-check the term relative to a typing context,
+-- which assigns types to free variables in the term
+scTypeCheckInCtx ::
+ TypeInfer a => SharedContext -> Maybe ModuleName ->
+ [(LocalName, Term)] -> a -> IO (Either TCError Term)
+scTypeCheckInCtx sc mnm ctx t0 = runTCM (typeInfer t0) sc mnm ctx
+-- | Infer the type of an @a@ and complete it to a term using
+-- 'scTypeCheckComplete', calling 'fail' on failure
+scTypeCheckCompleteError :: TypeInfer a => SharedContext ->
+ Maybe ModuleName -> a -> IO TypedTerm
+scTypeCheckCompleteError sc mnm t0 =
+ either (fail . unlines . prettyTCError) return =<<
+ scTypeCheckComplete sc mnm t0
+-- | Infer the type of an @a@ and complete it to a term, ensuring in the
+-- process that the entire term is well-formed and that all internal type
+-- annotations are correct. Types are evaluated to WHNF as necessary, and the
+-- returned type is in WHNF, though the returned term may not be.
+scTypeCheckComplete :: TypeInfer a => SharedContext -> Maybe ModuleName ->
+ a -> IO (Either TCError TypedTerm)
+scTypeCheckComplete sc mnm = scTypeCheckCompleteInCtx sc mnm []
+-- | Like 'scTypeCheckComplete', but type-check the term relative to a typing
+-- context, which assigns types to free variables in the term
+scTypeCheckCompleteInCtx :: TypeInfer a => SharedContext ->
+ Maybe ModuleName -> [(LocalName, Term)] -> a ->
+ IO (Either TCError TypedTerm)
+scTypeCheckCompleteInCtx sc mnm ctx t0 =
+ runTCM (typeInferComplete t0) sc mnm ctx
+-- | Check that one type is a subtype of another using 'checkSubtype', calling
+-- 'fail' on failure
+scCheckSubtype :: SharedContext -> Maybe ModuleName ->
+ TypedTerm -> Term -> IO ()
+scCheckSubtype sc mnm arg req_tp =
+ either (fail . unlines . prettyTCError) return =<<
+ runTCM (checkSubtype arg req_tp) sc mnm []
+-- | A pair of a 'Term' and its type
+data TypedTerm = TypedTerm { typedVal :: Term, typedType :: Term }
+-- | The class of things that we can infer types of. The 'typeInfer' method
+-- returns the most general (with respect to subtyping) type of its input.
+class TypeInfer a where
+ -- | Infer the type of an @a@
+ typeInfer :: a -> TCM Term
+ -- | Infer the type of an @a@ and complete it to a 'Term'
+ typeInferComplete :: a -> TCM TypedTerm
+-- | Infer the type of an @a@ and complete it to a 'Term', and then evaluate the
+-- resulting term to WHNF
+typeInferCompleteWHNF :: TypeInfer a => a -> TCM TypedTerm
+typeInferCompleteWHNF a =
+ do TypedTerm a_trm a_tp <- typeInferComplete a
+ a_whnf <- typeCheckWHNF a_trm
+ return $ TypedTerm a_whnf a_tp
+-- | Perform type inference on a context, i.e., a list of variable names and
+-- their associated types. The type @var@ gives the type of variable names,
+-- while @a@ is the type of types. This will give us 'Term's for each type, as
+-- well as their 'Sort's, since the type of any type is a 'Sort'.
+class TypeInferCtx var a where
+ typeInferCompleteCtx :: [(var,a)] -> TCM [(LocalName, Term, Sort)]
+instance TypeInfer a => TypeInferCtx LocalName a where
+ typeInferCompleteCtx [] = return []
+ typeInferCompleteCtx ((x,tp):ctx) =
+ do typed_tp <- typeInferComplete tp
+ s <- ensureSort (typedType typed_tp)
+ ((x,typedVal typed_tp,s):) <$>
+ withVar x (typedVal typed_tp) (typeInferCompleteCtx ctx)
+-- | Perform type inference on a context via 'typeInferCompleteCtx', and then
+-- run a computation in that context via 'withCtx', also passing in that context
+-- to the computation
+typeInferCompleteInCtx ::
+ TypeInferCtx var tp => [(var, tp)] ->
+ ([(LocalName, Term, Sort)] -> TCM a) -> TCM a
+typeInferCompleteInCtx ctx f =
+ do typed_ctx <- typeInferCompleteCtx ctx
+ withCtx (map (\(x,tp,_) -> (x,tp)) typed_ctx) (f typed_ctx)
+-- Type inference for Term dispatches to type inference on TermF Term, but uses
+-- memoization to avoid repeated work
+instance TypeInfer Term where
+ typeInfer (Unshared tf) = typeInfer tf
+ typeInfer (STApp{ stAppIndex = i, stAppTermF = tf}) =
+ do table <- get
+ case Map.lookup i table of
+ Just x -> return x
+ Nothing ->
+ do x <- typeInfer tf
+ x' <- typeCheckWHNF x
+ modify (Map.insert i x')
+ return x'
+ typeInferComplete trm = TypedTerm trm <$> typeInfer trm
+-- Type inference for TermF Term dispatches to that for TermF TypedTerm by
+-- calling inference on all the sub-components and extending the context inside
+-- of the binding forms
+instance TypeInfer (TermF Term) where
+ typeInfer (Lambda x a rhs) =
+ do a_tptrm <- typeInferCompleteWHNF a
+ -- NOTE: before adding a type to the context, we want to be sure it is in
+ -- WHNF, so we don't have to normalize each time we look up a var type
+ rhs_tptrm <- withVar x (typedVal a_tptrm) $ typeInferComplete rhs
+ typeInfer (Lambda x a_tptrm rhs_tptrm)
+ typeInfer (Pi x a rhs) =
+ do a_tptrm <- typeInferCompleteWHNF a
+ -- NOTE: before adding a type to the context, we want to be sure it is in
+ -- WHNF, so we don't have to normalize each time we look up a var type
+ rhs_tptrm <- withVar x (typedVal a_tptrm) $ typeInferComplete rhs
+ typeInfer (Pi x a_tptrm rhs_tptrm)
+ typeInfer t = typeInfer =<< mapM typeInferComplete t
+ typeInferComplete tf =
+ TypedTerm <$> liftTCM scTermF tf <*> typeInfer tf
+-- Type inference for FlatTermF Term dispatches to that for FlatTermF TypedTerm
+instance TypeInfer (FlatTermF Term) where
+ typeInfer t = typeInfer =<< mapM typeInferComplete t
+ typeInferComplete ftf =
+ TypedTerm <$> liftTCM scFlatTermF ftf <*> typeInfer ftf
+-- Type inference for TermF TypedTerm is the main workhorse. Intuitively, this
+-- represents the case where each immediate subterm of a term is labeled with
+-- its (most general) type.
+instance TypeInfer (TermF TypedTerm) where
+ typeInfer (FTermF ftf) = typeInfer ftf
+ typeInfer (App (TypedTerm _ x_tp) y) = applyPiTyped x_tp y
+ typeInfer (Lambda x (TypedTerm a a_tp) (TypedTerm _ b)) =
+ void (ensureSort a_tp) >> liftTCM scTermF (Pi x a b)
+ typeInfer (Pi _ (TypedTerm _ a_tp) (TypedTerm _ b_tp)) =
+ do s1 <- ensureSort a_tp
+ s2 <- ensureSort b_tp
+ -- NOTE: the rule for type-checking Pi types is that (Pi x a b) is a Prop
+ -- when b is a Prop (this is a forall proposition), otherwise it is a
+ -- (Type (max (sortOf a) (sortOf b)))
+ liftTCM scSort $ if s2 == propSort then propSort else max s1 s2
+ typeInfer (LocalVar i) =
+ do ctx <- askCtx
+ if i < length ctx then
+ -- The ith type in the current variable typing context is well-typed
+ -- relative to the suffix of the context after it, so we have to lift it
+ -- (i.e., call incVars) to make it well-typed relative to all of ctx
+ liftTCM incVars 0 (i+1) (snd (ctx !! i))
+ else
+ error ("Context = " ++ show ctx)
+ -- throwTCError (DanglingVar (i - length ctx))
+ typeInfer (Constant (EC _ n (TypedTerm req_tp req_tp_sort)) (TypedTerm _ tp)) =
+ do void (ensureSort req_tp_sort)
+ -- NOTE: we do the subtype check here, rather than call checkSubtype, so
+ -- that we can throw the custom BadConstType error on failure
+ ok <- isSubtype tp req_tp
+ if ok then return tp else
+ throwTCError $ BadConstType n tp req_tp
+ typeInferComplete tf =
+ TypedTerm <$> liftTCM scTermF (fmap typedVal tf) <*> typeInfer tf
+-- Type inference for FlatTermF TypedTerm is the main workhorse for flat
+-- terms. Intuitively, this represents the case where each immediate subterm of
+-- a term has already been labeled with its (most general) type.
+instance TypeInfer (FlatTermF TypedTerm) where
+ typeInfer (Primitive ec) =
+ typeCheckWHNF $ typedVal $ ecType ec
+ typeInfer UnitValue = liftTCM scUnitType
+ typeInfer UnitType = liftTCM scSort (mkSort 0)
+ typeInfer (PairValue (TypedTerm _ tx) (TypedTerm _ ty)) =
+ liftTCM scPairType tx ty
+ typeInfer (PairType (TypedTerm _ tx) (TypedTerm _ ty)) =
+ do sx <- ensureSort tx
+ sy <- ensureSort ty
+ liftTCM scSort (max sx sy)
+ typeInfer (PairLeft (TypedTerm _ tp)) =
+ case asPairType tp of
+ Just (t1, _) -> typeCheckWHNF t1
+ _ -> throwTCError (NotTupleType tp)
+ typeInfer (PairRight (TypedTerm _ tp)) =
+ case asPairType tp of
+ Just (_, t2) -> typeCheckWHNF t2
+ _ -> throwTCError (NotTupleType tp)
+ typeInfer (DataTypeApp d params args) =
+ -- Look up the DataType structure, check the length of the params and args,
+ -- and then apply the cached Pi type of dt to params and args
+ do maybe_dt <- liftTCM scFindDataType d
+ dt <- case maybe_dt of
+ Just dt -> return dt
+ Nothing -> throwTCError $ NoSuchDataType d
+ if length params == length (dtParams dt) &&
+ length args == length (dtIndices dt) then return () else
+ throwTCError $
+ BadParamsOrArgsLength True d (map typedVal params) (map typedVal args)
+ -- NOTE: we assume dtType is already well-typed and in WHNF
+ -- _ <- inferSort t
+ -- t' <- typeCheckWHNF t
+ foldM applyPiTyped (dtType dt) (params ++ args)
+ typeInfer (CtorApp c params args) =
+ -- Look up the Ctor structure, check the length of the params and args, and
+ -- then apply the cached Pi type of ctor to params and args
+ do maybe_ctor <- liftTCM scFindCtor c
+ ctor <- case maybe_ctor of
+ Just ctor -> return ctor
+ Nothing -> throwTCError $ NoSuchCtor c
+ if length params == ctorNumParams ctor &&
+ length args == ctorNumArgs ctor then return () else
+ throwTCError $
+ BadParamsOrArgsLength False c (map typedVal params) (map typedVal args)
+ -- NOTE: we assume ctorType is already well-typed and in WHNF
+ -- _ <- inferSort t
+ -- t' <- typeCheckWHNF t
+ foldM applyPiTyped (ctorType ctor) (params ++ args)
+ typeInfer (RecursorApp d params p_ret cs_fs ixs arg) =
+ inferRecursorApp d params p_ret cs_fs ixs arg
+ typeInfer (RecordType elems) =
+ -- NOTE: record types are always predicative, i.e., non-Propositional, so we
+ -- ensure below that we return at least sort 0
+ do sorts <- mapM (ensureSort . typedType . snd) elems
+ liftTCM scSort (maxSort $ mkSort 0 : sorts)
+ typeInfer (RecordValue elems) =
+ liftTCM scFlatTermF $ RecordType $
+ map (\(f,TypedTerm _ tp) -> (f,tp)) elems
+ typeInfer (RecordProj t@(TypedTerm _ t_tp) fld) =
+ case asRecordType t_tp of
+ Just (Map.lookup fld -> Just tp) -> return tp
+ Just _ -> throwTCError $ BadRecordField fld t_tp
+ Nothing -> throwTCError $ NotRecordType t
+ typeInfer (Sort s) = liftTCM scSort (sortOf s)
+ typeInfer (NatLit _) = liftTCM scNatType
+ typeInfer (ArrayValue (TypedTerm tp tp_tp) vs) =
+ do n <- liftTCM scNat (fromIntegral (V.length vs))
+ _ <- ensureSort tp_tp -- TODO: do we care about the level?
+ tp' <- typeCheckWHNF tp
+ forM_ vs $ \v_elem -> checkSubtype v_elem tp'
+ liftTCM scVecType n tp'
+ typeInfer (StringLit{}) = liftTCM scStringType
+ typeInfer (ExtCns ec) =
+ -- FIXME: should we check that the type of ecType is a sort?
+ typeCheckWHNF $ typedVal $ ecType ec
+ typeInferComplete ftf =
+ TypedTerm <$> liftTCM scFlatTermF (fmap typedVal ftf) <*> typeInfer ftf
+-- | Check that @fun_tp=Pi x a b@ and that @arg@ has type @a@, and return the
+-- result of substituting @arg@ for @x@ in the result type @b@, i.e.,
+-- @[arg/x]b@. This substitution could create redexes, so we call the evaluator.
+applyPiTyped :: Term -> TypedTerm -> TCM Term
+applyPiTyped fun_tp arg =
+ case asPi fun_tp of
+ Just (_, arg_tp, ret_tp) -> do
+ -- _ <- ensureSort aty -- NOTE: we assume tx is well-formed and WHNF
+ -- aty' <- scTypeCheckWHNF aty
+ checkSubtype arg arg_tp
+ liftTCM instantiateVar 0 (typedVal arg) ret_tp >>= typeCheckWHNF
+ _ -> throwTCError (NotFuncType fun_tp)
+-- | Ensure that a 'Term' is a sort, and return that sort
+ensureSort :: Term -> TCM Sort
+ensureSort (asSort -> Just s) = return s
+ensureSort tp = throwTCError $ NotSort tp
+-- | Reduce a type to WHNF (using 'scWhnf'), also adding in some conversions for
+-- operations on Nat literals that are useful in type-checking
+typeCheckWHNF :: Term -> TCM Term
+typeCheckWHNF = liftTCM scTypeCheckWHNF
+-- | The 'IO' version of 'typeCheckWHNF'
+scTypeCheckWHNF :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scTypeCheckWHNF sc t =
+ do t' <- rewriteSharedTerm sc (addConvs natConversions emptySimpset) t
+ scWhnf sc t'
+-- | Check that one type is a subtype of another, assuming both arguments are
+-- types, i.e., that both have type Sort s for some s, and that they are both
+-- already in WHNF
+checkSubtype :: TypedTerm -> Term -> TCM ()
+checkSubtype arg req_tp =
+ do ok <- isSubtype (typedType arg) req_tp
+ if ok then return () else throwTCError $ SubtypeFailure arg req_tp
+-- | Check if one type is a subtype of another, assuming both arguments are
+-- types, i.e., that both have type Sort s for some s, and that they are both
+-- already in WHNF
+isSubtype :: Term -> Term -> TCM Bool
+isSubtype (unwrapTermF -> Pi x1 a1 b1) (unwrapTermF -> Pi _ a2 b2) =
+ (&&) <$> areConvertible a1 a2 <*> withVar x1 a1 (isSubtype b1 b2)
+isSubtype (asSort -> Just s1) (asSort -> Just s2) | s1 <= s2 = return True
+isSubtype t1' t2' = areConvertible t1' t2'
+-- | Check if two terms are "convertible for type-checking", meaning that they
+-- are convertible up to 'natConversions'
+areConvertible :: Term -> Term -> TCM Bool
+areConvertible t1 t2 = liftTCM scConvertibleEval scTypeCheckWHNF True t1 t2
+-- | Infer the type of a recursor application
+inferRecursorApp :: Ident -> [TypedTerm] -> TypedTerm ->
+ [(Ident,TypedTerm)] -> [TypedTerm] -> TypedTerm ->
+ TCM Term
+inferRecursorApp d params p_ret cs_fs ixs arg =
+ do let mk_err str =
+ MalformedRecursor
+ (Unshared $ fmap typedVal $ FTermF $
+ RecursorApp d params p_ret cs_fs ixs arg) str
+ maybe_dt <- liftTCM scFindDataType d
+ dt <- case maybe_dt of
+ Just dt -> return dt
+ Nothing -> throwTCError $ NoSuchDataType d
+ -- Check that the params and ixs have the correct types by making sure
+ -- they correspond to the input types of dt
+ if length params == length (dtParams dt) &&
+ length ixs == length (dtIndices dt) then return () else
+ throwTCError $ mk_err "Incorrect number of params or indices"
+ _ <- foldM applyPiTyped (dtType dt) (params ++ ixs)
+ -- Get the type of p_ret and make sure that it is of the form
+ --
+ -- (ix1::Ix1) -> .. -> (ixn::Ixn) -> d params ixs -> s
+ --
+ -- for some allowed sort s, where the Ix are the indices of of dt
+ p_ret_s <-
+ case asPiList (typedType p_ret) of
+ (_, (asSort -> Just s)) -> return s
+ _ -> throwTCError $ mk_err "Motive function should return a sort"
+ p_ret_tp_req <-
+ liftTCM scRecursorRetTypeType dt (map typedVal params) p_ret_s
+ -- Technically this is an equality test, not a subtype test, but we
+ -- use the precise sort used in p_ret, so they are the same, and
+ -- checkSubtype is handy...
+ checkSubtype p_ret p_ret_tp_req
+ if allowedElimSort dt p_ret_s then return ()
+ else throwTCError $ mk_err "Disallowed propositional elimination"
+ -- Check that the elimination functions each have the right types, and
+ -- that we have exactly one for each constructor of dt
+ cs_fs_tps <-
+ liftTCM scRecursorElimTypes d (map typedVal params) (typedVal p_ret)
+ case map fst cs_fs \\ map fst cs_fs_tps of
+ [] -> return ()
+ cs -> throwTCError $ mk_err ("Extra constructors: " ++ show cs)
+ forM_ cs_fs_tps $ \(c,req_tp) ->
+ case lookup c cs_fs of
+ Nothing ->
+ throwTCError $ mk_err ("Missing constructor: " ++ show c)
+ Just f -> checkSubtype f req_tp
+ -- Finally, check that arg has type (d params ixs), and return the
+ -- type (p_ret ixs arg)
+ arg_req_tp <-
+ liftTCM scFlatTermF $ fmap typedVal $ DataTypeApp d params ixs
+ checkSubtype arg arg_req_tp
+ liftTCM scApplyAll (typedVal p_ret) (map typedVal (ixs ++ [arg])) >>=
+ liftTCM scTypeCheckWHNF
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/SharedTerm.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/SharedTerm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1680dc138e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/SharedTerm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2362 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+ ( TermF(..)
+ , Uninterp(..)
+ , Ident, mkIdent
+ , VarIndex
+ , ExtCns(..)
+ , NameInfo(..)
+ , ppName
+ -- * Shared terms
+ , Term(..)
+ , TermIndex
+ , looseVars
+ , smallestFreeVar
+ , scSharedTerm
+ , unshare
+ , scImport
+ , alphaEquiv
+ , alistAllFields
+ , scRegisterName
+ , scResolveName
+ , scResolveNameByURI
+ , scResolveUnambiguous
+ , scFindBestName
+ , scShowTerm
+ , DuplicateNameException(..)
+ -- * Re-exported pretty-printing functions
+ , PPOpts(..)
+ , defaultPPOpts
+ , ppTerm
+ , ppTermDepth
+ , showTerm
+ , scPrettyTerm
+ , scPrettyTermInCtx
+ -- * SharedContext interface for building shared terms
+ , SharedContext
+ , mkSharedContext
+ , scGetModuleMap
+ -- ** Low-level generic term constructors
+ , scTermF
+ , scFlatTermF
+ -- ** Implicit versions of functions.
+ , scDefTerm
+ , scFreshGlobalVar
+ , scFreshGlobal
+ , scFreshEC
+ , scExtCns
+ , scGlobalDef
+ , scRegisterGlobal
+ -- ** Recursors and datatypes
+ , scRecursorElimTypes
+ , scRecursorRetTypeType
+ , scReduceRecursor
+ , allowedElimSort
+ , scBuildCtor
+ -- ** Modules
+ , scLoadModule
+ , scUnloadModule
+ , scModifyModule
+ , scModuleIsLoaded
+ , scFindModule
+ , scFindDef
+ , scFindDataType
+ , scFindCtor
+ , scRequireDef
+ , scRequireDataType
+ , scRequireCtor
+ -- ** Term construction
+ -- *** Datatypes and constructors
+ , scDataTypeAppParams
+ , scDataTypeApp
+ , scCtorAppParams
+ , scCtorApp
+ , scApplyCtor
+ , scSort
+ -- *** Variables and constants
+ , scLocalVar
+ , scConstant
+ , scConstant'
+ , scLookupDef
+ -- *** Functions and function application
+ , scApply
+ , scApplyAll
+ , scGlobalApply
+ , scFun
+ , scFunAll
+ , scLambda
+ , scLambdaList
+ , scPi
+ , scPiList
+ -- *** Strings
+ , scString
+ , scStringType
+ -- *** Booleans
+ , scEqTrue
+ , scBool
+ , scBoolType
+ -- *** Unit, pairs, and tuples
+ , scUnitValue
+ , scUnitType
+ , scPairValue
+ , scPairType
+ , scPairLeft
+ , scPairRight
+ , scPairValueReduced
+ , scTuple
+ , scTupleType
+ , scTupleSelector
+ , scTupleReduced
+ -- *** Records
+ , scRecord
+ , scRecordSelect
+ , scRecordType
+ -- *** Vectors
+ , scVector
+ , scVecType
+ , scVectorReduced
+ -- ** Normalization
+ , asCtorOrNat
+ , scWhnf
+ , scConvertibleEval
+ , scConvertible
+ -- ** Type checking
+ , scTypeOf
+ , scTypeOf'
+ , asSort
+ , reducePi
+ , scTypeOfCtor
+ , scTypeOfDataType
+ , scTypeOfGlobal
+ -- ** Prelude operations
+ -- *** Booleans
+ , scNot
+ , scAnd
+ , scOr
+ , scImplies
+ , scXor
+ , scBoolEq
+ , scIte
+ -- *** Natural numbers
+ , scNat
+ , scNatType
+ , scAddNat
+ , scSubNat
+ , scMulNat
+ , scDivNat
+ , scModNat
+ , scDivModNat
+ , scEqualNat
+ , scLtNat
+ , scMinNat
+ , scMaxNat
+ , scUpdNatFun
+ -- *** Integers
+ , scIntegerType
+ , scIntegerConst
+ , scIntAdd, scIntSub, scIntMul
+ , scIntDiv, scIntMod, scIntNeg
+ , scIntAbs, scIntMin, scIntMax
+ , scIntEq, scIntLe, scIntLt
+ , scIntToNat, scNatToInt
+ , scIntToBv, scBvToInt, scSbvToInt
+ -- *** IntMod
+ , scIntModType
+ , scToIntMod
+ -- *** Vectors
+ , scAppend
+ , scJoin
+ , scSplit
+ , scGet
+ , scAtWithDefault
+ , scAt
+ , scSingle
+ , scSlice
+ -- *** Bitvectors
+ , scBitvector
+ , scBvNat
+ , scBvToNat
+ , scBvAt
+ , scBvConst
+ , scFinVal
+ , scBvForall
+ , scUpdBvFun
+ , scBvNonzero, scBvBool
+ , scBvAdd, scBvSub, scBvMul, scBvNeg
+ , scBvURem, scBvUDiv, scBvSRem, scBvSDiv
+ , scBvOr, scBvAnd, scBvXor
+ , scBvNot
+ , scBvEq, scBvUGe, scBvUGt, scBvULe, scBvULt
+ , scBvSGt, scBvSGe, scBvSLt, scBvSLe
+ , scBvShl, scBvShr, scBvSShr
+ , scBvUExt, scBvSExt
+ , scBvTrunc
+ , scBvPopcount
+ , scBvCountLeadingZeros
+ , scBvCountTrailingZeros
+ , scLsb, scMsb
+ -- *** Arrays
+ , scArrayType
+ , scArrayConstant
+ , scArrayLookup
+ , scArrayUpdate
+ -- ** Utilities
+-- , scTrue
+-- , scFalse
+ , scOpenTerm
+ , scCloseTerm
+ -- ** Variable substitution
+ , instantiateVar
+ , instantiateVarList
+ , betaNormalize
+ , getAllExts
+ , getAllExtSet
+ , getConstantSet
+ , scInstantiateExt
+ , scAbstractExts
+ , scGeneralizeExts
+ , incVars
+ , scUnfoldConstants
+ , scUnfoldConstants'
+ , scUnfoldConstantSet
+ , scUnfoldConstantSet'
+ , scSharedSize
+ , scTreeSize
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative
+-- ((<$>), pure, (<*>))
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Lens
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict as State
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
+import Data.Foldable (foldl', foldlM, foldrM, maximum)
+import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
+import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
+import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
+import Data.IORef (IORef,newIORef,readIORef,modifyIORef',atomicModifyIORef')
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Ref ( C )
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
+import Prelude hiding (mapM, maximum)
+import Text.URI
+import Verifier.SAW.Cache
+import Verifier.SAW.Change
+import Verifier.SAW.Name
+import Verifier.SAW.Prelude.Constants
+import Verifier.SAW.Recognizer
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.CtxTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Pretty
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+import Verifier.SAW.Unique
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+countTrailingZeros :: (FiniteBits b) => b -> Int
+countTrailingZeros x = go 0
+ where
+ go i | i >= w = i
+ | testBit x i = i
+ | otherwise = go (i+1)
+ w = finiteBitSize x
+newtype Uninterp = Uninterp { getUninterp :: (String, Term) } deriving Show
+-- TermFMaps
+-- | A TermFMap is a data structure used for hash-consing of terms.
+data TermFMap a
+ = TermFMap
+ { appMapTFM :: !(IntMap (IntMap a))
+ , hashMapTFM :: !(HashMap (TermF Term) a)
+ }
+emptyTFM :: TermFMap a
+emptyTFM = TermFMap IntMap.empty HMap.empty
+lookupTFM :: TermF Term -> TermFMap a -> Maybe a
+lookupTFM tf tfm =
+ case tf of
+ App (STApp{ stAppIndex = i }) (STApp{ stAppIndex = j}) ->
+ IntMap.lookup i (appMapTFM tfm) >>= IntMap.lookup j
+ _ -> HMap.lookup tf (hashMapTFM tfm)
+insertTFM :: TermF Term -> a -> TermFMap a -> TermFMap a
+insertTFM tf x tfm =
+ case tf of
+ App (STApp{ stAppIndex = i }) (STApp{ stAppIndex = j}) ->
+ let f Nothing = Just (IntMap.singleton j x)
+ f (Just m) = Just (IntMap.insert j x m)
+ in tfm { appMapTFM = IntMap.alter f i (appMapTFM tfm) }
+ _ -> tfm { hashMapTFM = HMap.insert tf x (hashMapTFM tfm) }
+-- SharedContext: a high-level interface for building Terms.
+data SharedContext = SharedContext
+ { scModuleMap :: IORef ModuleMap
+ , scTermF :: TermF Term -> IO Term
+ , scNamingEnv :: IORef SAWNamingEnv
+ , scGlobalEnv :: IORef (HashMap Ident Term)
+ , scFreshGlobalVar :: IO VarIndex
+ }
+-- | Create a new term from a lower-level 'FlatTermF' term.
+scFlatTermF :: SharedContext -> FlatTermF Term -> IO Term
+scFlatTermF sc ftf = scTermF sc (FTermF ftf)
+-- | Create a 'Term' from an 'ExtCns'.
+scExtCns :: SharedContext -> ExtCns Term -> IO Term
+scExtCns sc ec = scFlatTermF sc (ExtCns ec)
+data DuplicateNameException = DuplicateNameException URI
+instance Exception DuplicateNameException
+instance Show DuplicateNameException where
+ show (DuplicateNameException uri) =
+ "Attempted to register the following name twice: " ++ Text.unpack (render uri)
+scRegisterName :: SharedContext -> VarIndex -> NameInfo -> IO ()
+scRegisterName sc i nmi = atomicModifyIORef' (scNamingEnv sc) (\env -> (f env, ()))
+ where
+ f env =
+ case registerName i nmi env of
+ Left uri -> throw (DuplicateNameException uri)
+ Right env' -> env'
+scResolveUnambiguous :: SharedContext -> Text -> IO (VarIndex, NameInfo)
+scResolveUnambiguous sc nm =
+ scResolveName sc nm >>= \case
+ [] -> fail ("Could not resolve name: " ++ show nm)
+ [x] -> pure x
+ xs ->
+ do nms <- mapM (scFindBestName sc . snd) xs
+ fail $ unlines (("Ambiguous name " ++ show nm ++ " might refer to any of the following:") : map show nms)
+scFindBestName :: SharedContext -> NameInfo -> IO Text
+scFindBestName sc nmi =
+ do env <- readIORef (scNamingEnv sc)
+ case bestAlias env nmi of
+ Left uri -> pure (render uri)
+ Right nm -> pure nm
+scResolveNameByURI :: SharedContext -> URI -> IO (Maybe VarIndex)
+scResolveNameByURI sc uri =
+ do env <- readIORef (scNamingEnv sc)
+ pure $! resolveURI env uri
+scResolveName :: SharedContext -> Text -> IO [(VarIndex, NameInfo)]
+scResolveName sc nm =
+ do env <- readIORef (scNamingEnv sc)
+ pure (resolveName env nm)
+scShowTerm :: SharedContext -> PPOpts -> Term -> IO String
+scShowTerm sc opts t =
+ do env <- readIORef (scNamingEnv sc)
+ pure (showTermWithNames opts env t)
+-- | Create a global variable with the given identifier (which may be "_") and type.
+scFreshEC :: SharedContext -> String -> a -> IO (ExtCns a)
+scFreshEC sc x tp = do
+ i <- scFreshGlobalVar sc
+ let x' = Text.pack x
+ let uri = scFreshNameURI x' i
+ let nmi = ImportedName uri [x',Text.pack (x <> "#" <> show i)]
+ scRegisterName sc i nmi
+ pure (EC i nmi tp)
+-- | Create a global variable with the given identifier (which may be "_") and type.
+scFreshGlobal :: SharedContext -> String -> Term -> IO Term
+scFreshGlobal sc x tp = scExtCns sc =<< scFreshEC sc x tp
+-- | Returns shared term associated with ident.
+-- Does not check module namespace.
+scGlobalDef :: SharedContext -> Ident -> IO Term
+scGlobalDef sc ident =
+ do m <- readIORef (scGlobalEnv sc)
+ case HMap.lookup ident m of
+ Nothing -> fail ("Could not find global: " ++ show ident)
+ Just t -> pure t
+scRegisterGlobal :: SharedContext -> Ident -> Term -> IO ()
+scRegisterGlobal sc ident t =
+ do dup <- atomicModifyIORef' (scGlobalEnv sc) f
+ when dup $ fail ("Global identifier already registered: " ++ show ident)
+ where
+ f m =
+ case HMap.lookup ident m of
+ Just _ -> (m, True)
+ Nothing -> (HMap.insert ident t m, False)
+-- | Create a function application term.
+scApply :: SharedContext
+ -> Term -- ^ The function to apply
+ -> Term -- ^ The argument to apply to
+ -> IO Term
+scApply sc f = scTermF sc . App f
+-- | Applies the constructor with the given name to the list of parameters and
+-- arguments. This version does no checking against the module.
+scDataTypeAppParams :: SharedContext
+ -> Ident -- ^ The constructor name
+ -> [Term] -- ^ The parameters
+ -> [Term] -- ^ The arguments
+ -> IO Term
+scDataTypeAppParams sc ident params args =
+ scFlatTermF sc (DataTypeApp ident params args)
+-- | Applies the constructor with the given name to the list of
+-- arguments. This version does no checking against the module.
+scDataTypeApp :: SharedContext -> Ident -> [Term] -> IO Term
+scDataTypeApp sc d_id args =
+ do d <- scRequireDataType sc d_id
+ let (params,args') = splitAt (length (dtParams d)) args
+ scDataTypeAppParams sc d_id params args'
+-- | Applies the constructor with the given name to the list of parameters and
+-- arguments. This version does no checking against the module.
+scCtorAppParams :: SharedContext
+ -> Ident -- ^ The constructor name
+ -> [Term] -- ^ The parameters
+ -> [Term] -- ^ The arguments
+ -> IO Term
+scCtorAppParams sc ident params args =
+ scFlatTermF sc (CtorApp ident params args)
+-- | Applies the constructor with the given name to the list of
+-- arguments. This version does no checking against the module.
+scCtorApp :: SharedContext -> Ident -> [Term] -> IO Term
+scCtorApp sc c_id args =
+ do ctor <- scRequireCtor sc c_id
+ let (params,args') = splitAt (ctorNumParams ctor) args
+ scCtorAppParams sc c_id params args'
+-- | Get the current 'ModuleMap'
+scGetModuleMap :: SharedContext -> IO ModuleMap
+scGetModuleMap sc = readIORef (scModuleMap sc)
+-- | Test if a module is loaded in the current shared context
+scModuleIsLoaded :: SharedContext -> ModuleName -> IO Bool
+scModuleIsLoaded sc name =
+ HMap.member name <$> scGetModuleMap sc
+-- | Load a module into the current shared context, raising an error if a module
+-- of the same name is already loaded
+scLoadModule :: SharedContext -> Module -> IO ()
+scLoadModule sc m =
+ modifyIORef' (scModuleMap sc) $
+ HMap.insertWith (error $ "scLoadModule: module "
+ ++ show (moduleName m) ++ " already loaded!")
+ (moduleName m) m
+-- | Remove a module from the current shared context, or do nothing if it does
+-- not exist
+scUnloadModule :: SharedContext -> ModuleName -> IO ()
+scUnloadModule sc mnm =
+ modifyIORef' (scModuleMap sc) $ HMap.delete mnm
+-- | Modify an already loaded module, raising an error if it is not loaded
+scModifyModule :: SharedContext -> ModuleName -> (Module -> Module) -> IO ()
+scModifyModule sc mnm f =
+ let err_msg = "scModifyModule: module " ++ show mnm ++ " not found!" in
+ modifyIORef' (scModuleMap sc) $
+ HMap.alter (\case { Just m -> Just (f m); _ -> error err_msg }) mnm
+-- | Look up a module by name, raising an error if it is not loaded
+scFindModule :: SharedContext -> ModuleName -> IO Module
+scFindModule sc name =
+ do maybe_mod <- HMap.lookup name <$> scGetModuleMap sc
+ case maybe_mod of
+ Just m -> return m
+ Nothing ->
+ error ("scFindModule: module " ++ show name ++ " not found!")
+-- | Look up a definition by its identifier
+scFindDef :: SharedContext -> Ident -> IO (Maybe Def)
+scFindDef sc i =
+ findDef <$> scFindModule sc (identModule i) <*> pure (identBaseName i)
+-- | Look up a 'Def' by its identifier, throwing an error if it is not found
+scRequireDef :: SharedContext -> Ident -> IO Def
+scRequireDef sc i =
+ scFindDef sc i >>= \maybe_d ->
+ case maybe_d of
+ Just d -> return d
+ Nothing -> fail ("Could not find definition: " ++ show i)
+-- | Look up a datatype by its identifier
+scFindDataType :: SharedContext -> Ident -> IO (Maybe DataType)
+scFindDataType sc i =
+ findDataType <$> scFindModule sc (identModule i) <*> pure (identBaseName i)
+-- | Look up a datatype by its identifier, throwing an error if it is not found
+scRequireDataType :: SharedContext -> Ident -> IO DataType
+scRequireDataType sc i =
+ scFindDataType sc i >>= \maybe_d ->
+ case maybe_d of
+ Just d -> return d
+ Nothing -> fail ("Could not find datatype: " ++ show i)
+-- | Look up a constructor by its identifier
+scFindCtor :: SharedContext -> Ident -> IO (Maybe Ctor)
+scFindCtor sc i =
+ findCtor <$> scFindModule sc (identModule i) <*> pure (identBaseName i)
+-- | Look up a constructor by its identifier, throwing an error if not found
+scRequireCtor :: SharedContext -> Ident -> IO Ctor
+scRequireCtor sc i =
+ scFindCtor sc i >>= \maybe_ctor ->
+ case maybe_ctor of
+ Just ctor -> return ctor
+ Nothing -> fail ("Could not find constructor: " ++ show i)
+-- SharedContext implementation.
+type AppCache = TermFMap Term
+type AppCacheRef = MVar AppCache
+emptyAppCache :: AppCache
+emptyAppCache = emptyTFM
+-- | Return term for application using existing term in cache if it is available.
+getTerm :: AppCacheRef -> TermF Term -> IO Term
+getTerm r a =
+ modifyMVar r $ \s -> do
+ case lookupTFM a s of
+ Just t -> return (s, t)
+ Nothing -> do
+ i <- getUniqueInt
+ let t = STApp { stAppIndex = i
+ , stAppFreeVars = freesTermF (fmap looseVars a)
+ , stAppTermF = a
+ }
+ let s' = insertTFM a t s
+ seq s' $ return (s', t)
+-- Recursors
+-- | Helper monad for building terms relative to a 'SharedContext'
+newtype ShCtxM a = ShCtxM (ReaderT SharedContext IO a)
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+scShCtxM :: SharedContext -> ShCtxM a -> IO a
+scShCtxM sc (ShCtxM m) = runReaderT m sc
+instance MonadReader SharedContext ShCtxM where
+ ask = ShCtxM ask
+ local f (ShCtxM m) = ShCtxM $ local f m
+instance MonadIO ShCtxM where
+ liftIO m = ShCtxM $ liftIO m
+instance MonadTerm ShCtxM where
+ mkTermF tf = ask >>= \sc -> liftIO $ scTermF sc tf
+ liftTerm n i t = ask >>= \sc -> liftIO $ incVars sc n i t
+ substTerm n subst t = ask >>= \sc -> liftIO $ instantiateVarList sc n subst t
+-- | Test whether a 'DataType' can be eliminated to the given sort. The rules
+-- are that you can only eliminate propositional datatypes to the proposition
+-- sort, unless your propositional data type is the empty type. This differs
+-- slightly from the Coq rules, which allow elimination of propositional
+-- datatypes with a single constructor that has only propositional arguments,
+-- but this Coq behavior can be simulated with the behavior we are using here.
+allowedElimSort :: DataType -> Sort -> Bool
+allowedElimSort dt s =
+ if dtSort dt == propSort && s /= propSort then
+ length (dtCtors dt) == 1
+ else True
+-- | Build a 'Ctor' from a 'CtorArgStruct' and a list of the other constructor
+-- names of the 'DataType'. Note that we cannot look up the latter information,
+-- as 'scBuildCtor' is called during construction of the 'DataType'.
+scBuildCtor :: SharedContext -> Ident -> Ident -> [Ident] ->
+ CtorArgStruct d params ixs ->
+ IO Ctor
+scBuildCtor sc d c ctor_names arg_struct =
+ do
+ -- Step 1: build the types for the constructor and its eliminator
+ tp <- scShCtxM sc $ ctxCtorType d arg_struct
+ elim_tp_fun <- scShCtxM sc $ mkCtorElimTypeFun d c arg_struct
+ -- Step 2: build free variables for params, p_ret, the elims, and the ctor
+ -- arguments
+ let num_params = bindingsLength $ ctorParams arg_struct
+ let num_args =
+ case arg_struct of
+ CtorArgStruct {..} -> bindingsLength ctorArgs
+ let total_vars_minus_1 = num_params + length ctor_names + num_args
+ vars <- reverse <$> mapM (scLocalVar sc) [0 .. total_vars_minus_1]
+ -- Step 3: pass these variables to ctxReduceRecursor to build the
+ -- ctorIotaReduction field
+ iota_red <-
+ scShCtxM sc $
+ ctxReduceRecursor d (take num_params vars) (vars !! num_params)
+ (zip ctor_names (drop (num_params + 1) vars)) c
+ (drop (num_params + 1 + length ctor_names) vars) arg_struct
+ -- Finally, return the required Ctor record
+ return $ Ctor { ctorName = c, ctorArgStruct = arg_struct,
+ ctorDataTypeName = d, ctorType = tp,
+ ctorElimTypeFun =
+ (\ps p_ret -> scShCtxM sc $ elim_tp_fun ps p_ret),
+ ctorIotaReduction = iota_red }
+-- | Given a datatype @d@, parameters @p1,..,pn@ for @d@, and a "motive"
+-- function @p_ret@ of type
+-- > (x1::ix1) -> .. -> (xm::ixm) -> d p1 .. pn x1 .. xm -> Type i
+-- that computes a return type from type indices for @d@ and an element of @d@
+-- for those indices, return the requires types of elimination functions for
+-- each constructor of @d@. See the documentation of the 'Ctor' type and/or the
+-- 'ctxCtorElimType' function for more details.
+scRecursorElimTypes :: SharedContext -> Ident -> [Term] -> Term ->
+ IO [(Ident, Term)]
+scRecursorElimTypes sc d_id params p_ret =
+ do d <- scRequireDataType sc d_id
+ forM (dtCtors d) $ \ctor ->
+ do elim_type <- ctorElimTypeFun ctor params p_ret >>= scWhnf sc
+ return (ctorName ctor, elim_type)
+-- | Generate the type @(ix1::Ix1) -> .. -> (ixn::Ixn) -> d params ixs -> s@
+-- given @d@, @params@, and the sort @s@
+scRecursorRetTypeType :: SharedContext -> DataType -> [Term] -> Sort -> IO Term
+scRecursorRetTypeType sc dt params s =
+ scShCtxM sc $ mkPRetTp (dtName dt) (dtParams dt) (dtIndices dt) params s
+-- | Reduce an application of a recursor. This is known in the Coq literature as
+-- an iota reduction. More specifically, the call
+-- > scReduceRecursor sc d [p1, .., pn] P [(c1,f1), .., (cm,fm)] ci [x1, .., xk]
+-- reduces the term @(RecursorApp d ps P cs_fs ixs (CtorApp ci ps xs))@ to
+-- > fi x1 (maybe rec_tm_1) .. xk (maybe rec_tm_k)
+-- where @maybe rec_tm_i@ indicates an optional recursive call of the recursor
+-- on one of the @xi@. These recursive calls only exist for those arguments
+-- @xi@. See the documentation for 'ctxReduceRecursor' and the
+-- 'ctorIotaReduction' field for more details.
+scReduceRecursor :: SharedContext -> Ident -> [Term] -> Term ->
+ [(Ident,Term)] -> Ident -> [Term] -> IO Term
+scReduceRecursor sc d params p_ret cs_fs c args =
+ do dt <- scRequireDataType sc d
+ -- This is to sort the eliminators by DataType order
+ elims <-
+ mapM (\c' -> case lookup (ctorName c') cs_fs of
+ Just elim -> return elim
+ Nothing ->
+ fail ("scReduceRecursor: no eliminator for constructor: "
+ ++ show c')) $
+ dtCtors dt
+ ctor <- scRequireCtor sc c
+ -- The ctorIotaReduction field caches the result of iota reduction, which
+ -- we just substitute into to perform the reduction
+ instantiateVarList sc 0 (reverse $ params ++ [p_ret] ++ elims ++ args)
+ (ctorIotaReduction ctor)
+-- Reduction to head-normal form
+-- | An elimination for 'scWhnf'
+data WHNFElim
+ = ElimApp Term
+ | ElimProj FieldName
+ | ElimPair Bool
+ | ElimRecursor Ident [Term] Term [(Ident,Term)] [Term]
+-- | Test if a term is a constructor application that should be converted to a
+-- natural number literal. Specifically, test if a term is not already a natural
+-- number literal, but is 0 or more applications of the @Succ@ constructor to
+-- either the @Zero@ constructor or a natural number literal
+convertsToNat :: Term -> Maybe Natural
+convertsToNat (asFTermF -> Just (NatLit _)) = Nothing
+convertsToNat t = helper t where
+ helper (asFTermF -> Just (NatLit k)) = return k
+ helper (asCtor -> Just (z, [])) | z == preludeZeroIdent = return 0
+ helper (asCtor -> Just (s, [t'])) | s == preludeSuccIdent = (1+) <$> helper t'
+ helper _ = Nothing
+-- | Reduces beta-redexes, tuple/record selectors, recursor applications, and
+-- definitions at the top level of a term, and evaluates all arguments to type
+-- constructors (including function, record, and tuple types).
+-- NOTE: this notion of weak head normal form differs from the standard type
+-- theory definition, in that it normalizes the arguments of type-forming
+-- constructs like pi types, pair types, etc. The idea is that these constructs
+-- are being treated as strict constructors in the Haskell sense.
+scWhnf :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scWhnf sc t0 =
+ do cache <- newCacheIntMap
+ let ?cache = cache in memo t0
+ where
+ memo :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) => Term -> IO Term
+ memo t =
+ case t of
+ Unshared _ -> go [] t
+ STApp { stAppIndex = i } -> useCache ?cache i (go [] t)
+ go :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) => [WHNFElim] -> Term -> IO Term
+ go xs (convertsToNat -> Just k) = scFlatTermF sc (NatLit k) >>= go xs
+ go xs (asApp -> Just (t, x)) = go (ElimApp x : xs) t
+ go xs (asRecordSelector -> Just (t, n)) = go (ElimProj n : xs) t
+ go xs (asPairSelector -> Just (t, i)) = go (ElimPair i : xs) t
+ go (ElimApp x : xs) (asLambda -> Just (_, _, body)) = instantiateVar sc 0 x body >>= go xs
+ go (ElimPair i : xs) (asPairValue -> Just (a, b)) = go xs (if i then b else a)
+ go (ElimProj fld : xs) (asRecordValue -> Just elems) = case Map.lookup fld elems of
+ Just t -> go xs t
+ Nothing ->
+ error "scWhnf: field missing in record"
+ go (ElimRecursor d ps
+ p_ret cs_fs _ : xs) (asCtorOrNat ->
+ Just (c, _, args)) = (scReduceRecursor sc d ps
+ p_ret cs_fs c args) >>= go xs
+ go xs (asGlobalDef -> Just c) = scRequireDef sc c >>= tryDef c xs
+ go xs (asRecursorApp ->
+ Just (d, params, p_ret, cs_fs, ixs,
+ arg)) = go (ElimRecursor d params p_ret
+ cs_fs ixs : xs) arg
+ go xs (asPairValue -> Just (a, b)) = do b' <- memo b
+ t' <- scPairValue sc a b'
+ foldM reapply t' xs
+ go xs (asPairType -> Just (a, b)) = do a' <- memo a
+ b' <- memo b
+ t' <- scPairType sc a' b'
+ foldM reapply t' xs
+ go xs (asRecordType -> Just elems) = do elems' <-
+ mapM (\(i,t) -> (i,) <$> memo t) (Map.assocs elems)
+ t' <- scRecordType sc elems'
+ foldM reapply t' xs
+ go xs (asPi -> Just (x,aty,rty)) = do aty' <- memo aty
+ rty' <- memo rty
+ t' <- scPi sc x aty' rty'
+ foldM reapply t' xs
+ go xs (asDataType -> Just (c,args)) = do args' <- mapM memo args
+ t' <- scDataTypeApp sc c args'
+ foldM reapply t' xs
+ go xs (asConstant -> Just (_,body)) = do go xs body
+ go xs t = foldM reapply t xs
+ reapply :: Term -> WHNFElim -> IO Term
+ reapply t (ElimApp x) = scApply sc t x
+ reapply t (ElimProj i) = scRecordSelect sc t i
+ reapply t (ElimPair i) = scPairSelector sc t i
+ reapply t (ElimRecursor d ps p_ret cs_fs ixs) =
+ scFlatTermF sc (RecursorApp d ps p_ret cs_fs ixs t)
+ tryDef :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) =>
+ Ident -> [WHNFElim] -> Def -> IO Term
+ tryDef _ xs (Def {defBody = Just t}) = go xs t
+ tryDef ident xs _ = scGlobalDef sc ident >>= flip (foldM reapply) xs
+-- | Test if two terms are convertible up to a given evaluation procedure. In
+-- practice, this procedure is usually 'scWhnf', possibly combined with some
+-- rewriting.
+scConvertibleEval :: SharedContext
+ -> (SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term)
+ -> Bool -- ^ Should constants be unfolded during this check?
+ -> Term
+ -> Term
+ -> IO Bool
+scConvertibleEval sc eval unfoldConst tm1 tm2 = do
+ c <- newCache
+ go c tm1 tm2
+ where whnf :: Cache IO TermIndex Term -> Term -> IO (TermF Term)
+ whnf _c t@(Unshared _) = unwrapTermF <$> eval sc t
+ whnf c t@(STApp{ stAppIndex = idx}) =
+ unwrapTermF <$> useCache c idx (eval sc t)
+ go :: Cache IO TermIndex Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Bool
+ go _c (STApp{ stAppIndex = idx1}) (STApp{ stAppIndex = idx2})
+ | idx1 == idx2 = return True -- succeed early case
+ go c t1 t2 = join (goF c <$> whnf c t1 <*> whnf c t2)
+ goF :: Cache IO TermIndex Term -> TermF Term -> TermF Term -> IO Bool
+ goF c (Constant _ x) y | unfoldConst = join (goF c <$> whnf c x <*> return y)
+ goF c x (Constant _ y) | unfoldConst = join (goF c <$> return x <*> whnf c y)
+ goF c (FTermF ftf1) (FTermF ftf2) =
+ case zipWithFlatTermF (go c) ftf1 ftf2 of
+ Nothing -> return False
+ Just zipped -> Fold.and <$> traverse id zipped
+ goF _c (LocalVar i) (LocalVar j) = return (i == j)
+ goF c (App f1 x1) (App f2 x2) =
+ pure (&&) <*> go c f1 f2 <*> go c x1 x2
+ goF c (Lambda _ ty1 body1) (Lambda _ ty2 body2) =
+ pure (&&) <*> go c ty1 ty2 <*> go c body1 body2
+ goF c (Pi _ ty1 body1) (Pi _ ty2 body2) =
+ pure (&&) <*> go c ty1 ty2 <*> go c body1 body2
+ -- final catch-all case
+ goF _c x y = return $ alphaEquiv (Unshared x) (Unshared y)
+-- | Test if two terms are convertible using 'scWhnf' for evaluation
+scConvertible :: SharedContext
+ -> Bool -- ^ Should constants be unfolded during this check?
+ -> Term
+ -> Term
+ -> IO Bool
+scConvertible sc = scConvertibleEval sc scWhnf
+-- Type checking
+-- | @reducePi sc (Pi x tp body) t@ returns @[t/x]body@, and otherwise fails
+reducePi :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+reducePi sc t arg = do
+ t' <- scWhnf sc t
+ case asPi t' of
+ Just (_, _, body) -> instantiateVar sc 0 arg body
+ _ ->
+ fail $ unlines ["reducePi: not a Pi term", showTerm t']
+-- | Compute the type of a global variable.
+scTypeOfGlobal :: SharedContext -> Ident -> IO Term
+scTypeOfGlobal sc ident =
+ defType <$> scRequireDef sc ident
+-- | Compute the type of a datatype given its name as an 'Ident'.
+scTypeOfDataType :: SharedContext -> Ident -> IO Term
+scTypeOfDataType sc ident =
+ dtType <$> scRequireDataType sc ident
+-- | Compute the type of a data constructor given its name as an 'Ident'.
+scTypeOfCtor :: SharedContext -> Ident -> IO Term
+scTypeOfCtor sc ident =
+ ctorType <$> scRequireCtor sc ident
+-- | Computes the type of a term as quickly as possible, assuming that
+-- the term is well-typed.
+scTypeOf :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scTypeOf sc t0 = scTypeOf' sc [] t0
+-- | A version for open terms; the list argument encodes the type environment.
+scTypeOf' :: SharedContext -> [Term] -> Term -> IO Term
+scTypeOf' sc env t0 = State.evalStateT (memo t0) Map.empty
+ where
+ memo :: Term -> State.StateT (Map TermIndex Term) IO Term
+ memo (Unshared t) = termf t
+ memo STApp{ stAppIndex = i, stAppTermF = t} = do
+ table <- State.get
+ case Map.lookup i table of
+ Just x -> return x
+ Nothing -> do
+ x <- termf t
+ State.modify (Map.insert i x)
+ return x
+ toSort :: Term -> State.StateT (Map TermIndex Term) IO Sort
+ toSort t =
+ do t' <- liftIO (scWhnf sc t)
+ case asSort t' of
+ Just s -> return s
+ Nothing -> fail "scTypeOf: type error: expected sort"
+ sort :: Term -> State.StateT (Map TermIndex Term) IO Sort
+ sort t = toSort =<< memo t
+ termf :: TermF Term -> State.StateT (Map TermIndex Term) IO Term
+ termf tf =
+ case tf of
+ FTermF ftf -> ftermf ftf
+ App x y -> do
+ tx <- memo x
+ lift $ reducePi sc tx y
+ Lambda name tp rhs -> do
+ rtp <- lift $ scTypeOf' sc (tp : env) rhs
+ lift $ scTermF sc (Pi name tp rtp)
+ Pi _ tp rhs -> do
+ ltp <- sort tp
+ rtp <- toSort =<< lift (scTypeOf' sc (tp : env) rhs)
+ -- NOTE: the rule for type-checking Pi types is that (Pi x a b) is a Prop
+ -- when b is a Prop (this is a forall proposition), otherwise it is a
+ -- (Type (max (sortOf a) (sortOf b)))
+ let srt = if rtp == propSort then propSort else max ltp rtp
+ lift $ scSort sc srt
+ LocalVar i
+ | i < length env -> lift $ incVars sc 0 (i + 1) (env !! i)
+ | otherwise -> fail $ "Dangling bound variable: " ++ show (i - length env)
+ Constant ec _ -> return (ecType ec)
+ ftermf :: FlatTermF Term
+ -> State.StateT (Map TermIndex Term) IO Term
+ ftermf tf =
+ case tf of
+ Primitive ec -> return $ ecType ec
+ UnitValue -> lift $ scUnitType sc
+ UnitType -> lift $ scSort sc (mkSort 0)
+ PairValue x y -> do
+ tx <- memo x
+ ty <- memo y
+ lift $ scPairType sc tx ty
+ PairType x y -> do
+ sx <- sort x
+ sy <- sort y
+ lift $ scSort sc (max sx sy)
+ PairLeft t -> do
+ tp <- (liftIO . scWhnf sc) =<< memo t
+ case asPairType tp of
+ Just (t1, _) -> return t1
+ Nothing -> fail "scTypeOf: type error: expected pair type"
+ PairRight t -> do
+ tp <- (liftIO . scWhnf sc) =<< memo t
+ case asPairType tp of
+ Just (_, t2) -> return t2
+ Nothing -> fail "scTypeOf: type error: expected pair type"
+ CtorApp c params args -> do
+ t <- lift $ scTypeOfCtor sc c
+ lift $ foldM (reducePi sc) t (params ++ args)
+ DataTypeApp dt params args -> do
+ t <- lift $ scTypeOfDataType sc dt
+ lift $ foldM (reducePi sc) t (params ++ args)
+ RecursorApp _ _ p_ret _ ixs arg ->
+ lift $ scApplyAll sc p_ret (ixs ++ [arg])
+ RecordType elems ->
+ do max_s <- maximum <$> mapM (sort . snd) elems
+ lift $ scSort sc max_s
+ RecordValue elems ->
+ do elem_tps <- mapM (\(fld,t) -> (fld,) <$> memo t) elems
+ lift $ scRecordType sc elem_tps
+ RecordProj t fld ->
+ do tp <- (liftIO . scWhnf sc) =<< memo t
+ case asRecordType tp of
+ Just (Map.lookup fld -> Just f_tp) -> return f_tp
+ Just _ -> fail "Record field not in record type"
+ Nothing -> fail "Record project of non-record type"
+ Sort s -> lift $ scSort sc (sortOf s)
+ NatLit _ -> lift $ scNatType sc
+ ArrayValue tp vs -> lift $ do
+ n <- scNat sc (fromIntegral (V.length vs))
+ scVecType sc n tp
+ StringLit{} -> lift $ scStringType sc
+ ExtCns ec -> return $ ecType ec
+-- | The inverse function to @scSharedTerm@.
+unshare :: Term -> Term
+unshare t0 = State.evalState (go t0) Map.empty
+ where
+ go :: Term -> State.State (Map TermIndex Term) Term
+ go (Unshared t) = Unshared <$> traverse go t
+ go (STApp{ stAppIndex = i, stAppTermF = t}) = do
+ memo <- State.get
+ case Map.lookup i memo of
+ Just x -> return x
+ Nothing -> do
+ x <- Unshared <$> traverse go t
+ State.modify (Map.insert i x)
+ return x
+-- | Perform hash-consing at every AST node to obtain maximal sharing.
+-- FIXME: this should no longer be needed, since it was added to deal with the
+-- fact that SAWCore files used to build all their terms as 'Unshared' terms,
+-- but that is no longer how we are doing things...
+scSharedTerm :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scSharedTerm sc = go
+ where go t = scTermF sc =<< traverse go (unwrapTermF t)
+-- | Imports a term built in a different shared context into the given
+-- shared context. The caller must ensure that all the global constants
+-- appearing in the term are valid in the new context.
+scImport :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scImport sc t0 =
+ do cache <- newCache
+ go cache t0
+ where
+ go :: Cache IO TermIndex Term -> Term -> IO Term
+ go cache (Unshared tf) =
+ Unshared <$> traverse (go cache) tf
+ go cache (STApp{ stAppIndex = idx, stAppTermF = tf}) =
+ useCache cache idx (scTermF sc =<< traverse (go cache) tf)
+-- Instantiating variables
+-- | The second argument is a function that takes the number of
+-- enclosing lambdas and the de Bruijn index of the variable,
+-- returning the new term to replace it with.
+instantiateLocalVars ::
+ SharedContext ->
+ (DeBruijnIndex -> DeBruijnIndex -> IO Term) ->
+ DeBruijnIndex -> Term -> IO Term
+instantiateLocalVars sc f initialLevel t0 =
+ do cache <- newCache
+ let ?cache = cache in go initialLevel t0
+ where
+ go :: (?cache :: Cache IO (TermIndex, DeBruijnIndex) Term) =>
+ DeBruijnIndex -> Term -> IO Term
+ go l t =
+ case t of
+ Unshared tf -> go' l tf
+ STApp{ stAppIndex = tidx, stAppFreeVars = fv, stAppTermF = tf}
+ | fv == emptyBitSet -> return t -- closed terms map to themselves
+ | otherwise -> useCache ?cache (tidx, l) (go' l tf)
+ go' :: (?cache :: Cache IO (TermIndex, DeBruijnIndex) Term) =>
+ DeBruijnIndex -> TermF Term -> IO Term
+ go' _ (FTermF tf@(ExtCns _)) = scFlatTermF sc tf
+ go' l (FTermF tf) = scFlatTermF sc =<< (traverse (go l) tf)
+ go' l (App x y) = scTermF sc =<< (App <$> go l x <*> go l y)
+ go' l (Lambda i tp rhs) = scTermF sc =<< (Lambda i <$> go l tp <*> go (l+1) rhs)
+ go' l (Pi i lhs rhs) = scTermF sc =<< (Pi i <$> go l lhs <*> go (l+1) rhs)
+ go' l (LocalVar i)
+ | i < l = scTermF sc (LocalVar i)
+ | otherwise = f l i
+ go' _ tf@(Constant {}) = scTermF sc tf
+instantiateVars :: SharedContext
+ -> (DeBruijnIndex -> Either (ExtCns Term) DeBruijnIndex -> IO Term)
+ -> DeBruijnIndex -> Term -> IO Term
+instantiateVars sc f initialLevel t0 =
+ do cache <- newCache
+ let ?cache = cache in go initialLevel t0
+ where
+ go :: (?cache :: Cache IO (TermIndex, DeBruijnIndex) Term) =>
+ DeBruijnIndex -> Term -> IO Term
+ go l (Unshared tf) =
+ go' l tf
+ go l (STApp{ stAppIndex = tidx, stAppTermF = tf}) =
+ useCache ?cache (tidx, l) (go' l tf)
+ go' :: (?cache :: Cache IO (TermIndex, DeBruijnIndex) Term) =>
+ DeBruijnIndex -> TermF Term -> IO Term
+ go' l (FTermF (ExtCns ec)) = f l (Left ec)
+ go' l (FTermF tf) = scFlatTermF sc =<< (traverse (go l) tf)
+ go' l (App x y) = scTermF sc =<< (App <$> go l x <*> go l y)
+ go' l (Lambda i tp rhs) = scTermF sc =<< (Lambda i <$> go l tp <*> go (l+1) rhs)
+ go' l (Pi i lhs rhs) = scTermF sc =<< (Pi i <$> go l lhs <*> go (l+1) rhs)
+ go' l (LocalVar i)
+ | i < l = scTermF sc (LocalVar i)
+ | otherwise = f l (Right i)
+ go' _ tf@(Constant {}) = scTermF sc tf
+-- | @incVars k j t@ increments free variables at least @k@ by @j@.
+-- e.g., incVars 1 2 (C ?0 ?1) = C ?0 ?3
+incVars :: SharedContext
+ -> DeBruijnIndex -> DeBruijnIndex -> Term -> IO Term
+incVars sc initialLevel j
+ | j == 0 = return
+ | otherwise = instantiateLocalVars sc fn initialLevel
+ where
+ fn _ i = scTermF sc (LocalVar (i+j))
+-- | Substitute @t0@ for variable @k@ in @t@ and decrement all higher
+-- dangling variables.
+instantiateVar :: SharedContext
+ -> DeBruijnIndex -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+instantiateVar sc k t0 t =
+ do cache <- newCache
+ let ?cache = cache in instantiateLocalVars sc fn k t
+ where -- Use map reference to memoize instantiated versions of t.
+ term :: (?cache :: Cache IO DeBruijnIndex Term) =>
+ DeBruijnIndex -> IO Term
+ term i = useCache ?cache i (incVars sc 0 i t0)
+ -- Instantiate variable 0.
+ fn :: (?cache :: Cache IO DeBruijnIndex Term) =>
+ DeBruijnIndex -> DeBruijnIndex -> IO Term
+ fn i j | j > i = scTermF sc (LocalVar (j - 1))
+ | j == i = term i
+ | otherwise = scTermF sc (LocalVar j)
+-- | Substitute @ts@ for variables @[k .. k + length ts - 1]@ and decrement all
+-- higher deBruijn indices by @length ts@. Assume that deBruijn index 0 in @ts@
+-- refers to deBruijn index @k + length ts@ in the current term; i.e., this
+-- substitution lifts terms in @ts@ by @k@ (plus any additional binders).
+-- For example, @instantiateVarList 0 [x,y,z] t@ is the beta-reduced form of
+-- > Lam (Lam (Lam t)) `App` z `App` y `App` x
+-- Note that the first element of the @ts@ list corresponds to @x@, which is the
+-- outermost, or last, application. In terms of 'instantiateVar', we can write
+-- this as:
+-- > instantiateVarList 0 [x,y,z] t ==
+-- > instantiateVar 0 x (instantiateVar 1 (incVars 0 1 y)
+-- > (instantiateVar 2 (incVars 0 2 z) t))
+instantiateVarList :: SharedContext
+ -> DeBruijnIndex -> [Term] -> Term -> IO Term
+instantiateVarList _ _ [] t = return t
+instantiateVarList sc k ts t =
+ do caches <- mapM (const newCache) ts
+ instantiateLocalVars sc (fn (zip caches ts)) k t
+ where
+ l = length ts
+ -- Memoize instantiated versions of ts.
+ term :: (Cache IO DeBruijnIndex Term, Term)
+ -> DeBruijnIndex -> IO Term
+ term (cache, x) i = useCache cache i (incVars sc 0 (i-k) x)
+ -- Instantiate variables [k .. k+l-1].
+ fn :: [(Cache IO DeBruijnIndex Term, Term)]
+ -> DeBruijnIndex -> DeBruijnIndex -> IO Term
+ fn rs i j | j >= i + l = scTermF sc (LocalVar (j - l))
+ | j >= i = term (rs !! (j - i)) i
+ | otherwise = scTermF sc (LocalVar j)
+-- Beta Normalization
+-- | Beta-reduce a term to normal form.
+betaNormalize :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+betaNormalize sc t0 =
+ do cache <- newCache
+ let ?cache = cache in go t0
+ where
+ go :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) => Term -> IO Term
+ go t = case t of
+ Unshared _ -> go' t
+ STApp{ stAppIndex = i } -> useCache ?cache i (go' t)
+ go' :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) => Term -> IO Term
+ go' t = do
+ let (f, args) = asApplyAll t
+ let (params, body) = asLambdaList f
+ let n = length (zip args params)
+ if n == 0 then go3 t else do
+ body' <- go body
+ f' <- scLambdaList sc (drop n params) body'
+ args' <- mapM go args
+ f'' <- instantiateVarList sc 0 (reverse (take n args')) f'
+ scApplyAll sc f'' (drop n args')
+ go3 :: (?cache :: Cache IO TermIndex Term) => Term -> IO Term
+ go3 (Unshared tf) = Unshared <$> traverseTF go tf
+ go3 (STApp{ stAppTermF = tf }) = scTermF sc =<< traverseTF go tf
+ traverseTF :: (a -> IO a) -> TermF a -> IO (TermF a)
+ traverseTF _ tf@(Constant {}) = pure tf
+ traverseTF f tf = traverse f tf
+-- Building shared terms
+-- | Apply a function 'Term' to zero or more argument 'Term's.
+scApplyAll :: SharedContext -> Term -> [Term] -> IO Term
+scApplyAll sc = foldlM (scApply sc)
+-- | Returns the defined constant with the given 'Ident'. Fails if no
+-- such constant exists in the module.
+scLookupDef :: SharedContext -> Ident -> IO Term
+scLookupDef sc ident = scGlobalDef sc ident --FIXME: implement module check.
+-- | Deprecated. Use scGlobalDef or scLookupDef instead.
+scDefTerm :: SharedContext -> Def -> IO Term
+scDefTerm sc d = scGlobalDef sc (defIdent d)
+-- TODO: implement version of scCtorApp that looks up the arity of the
+-- constructor identifier in the module.
+-- | Deprecated. Use scCtorApp instead.
+scApplyCtor :: SharedContext -> Ctor -> [Term] -> IO Term
+scApplyCtor sc c args = scCtorApp sc (ctorName c) args
+-- | Create a term from a 'Sort'.
+scSort :: SharedContext -> Sort -> IO Term
+scSort sc s = scFlatTermF sc (Sort s)
+-- | Create a literal term from a 'Natural'.
+scNat :: SharedContext -> Natural -> IO Term
+scNat sc n = scFlatTermF sc (NatLit n)
+-- | Create a literal term (of saw-core type @String@) from a 'String'.
+scString :: SharedContext -> Text -> IO Term
+scString sc s = scFlatTermF sc (StringLit s)
+-- | Create a term representing the primitive saw-core type @String@.
+scStringType :: SharedContext -> IO Term
+scStringType sc = scGlobalDef sc preludeStringIdent
+-- | Create a vector term from a type (as a 'Term') and a list of 'Term's of
+-- that type.
+scVector :: SharedContext -> Term -> [Term] -> IO Term
+scVector sc e xs = scFlatTermF sc (ArrayValue e (V.fromList xs))
+-- | Create a record term from a 'Map' from 'FieldName's to 'Term's.
+scRecord :: SharedContext -> Map FieldName Term -> IO Term
+scRecord sc m = scFlatTermF sc (RecordValue $ Map.assocs m)
+-- | Create a record field access term from a 'Term' representing a record and
+-- a 'FieldName'.
+scRecordSelect :: SharedContext -> Term -> FieldName -> IO Term
+scRecordSelect sc t fname = scFlatTermF sc (RecordProj t fname)
+-- | Create a term representing the type of a record from a list associating
+-- field names (as 'FieldName's) and types (as 'Term's). Note that the order of
+-- the given list is irrelevant, as record fields are not ordered.
+scRecordType :: SharedContext -> [(FieldName, Term)] -> IO Term
+scRecordType sc elem_tps = scFlatTermF sc (RecordType elem_tps)
+-- | Create a unit-valued term.
+scUnitValue :: SharedContext -> IO Term
+scUnitValue sc = scFlatTermF sc UnitValue
+-- | Create a term representing the unit type.
+scUnitType :: SharedContext -> IO Term
+scUnitType sc = scFlatTermF sc UnitType
+-- | Create a pair term from two terms.
+scPairValue :: SharedContext
+ -> Term -- ^ The left projection
+ -> Term -- ^ The right projection
+ -> IO Term
+scPairValue sc x y = scFlatTermF sc (PairValue x y)
+-- | Create a term representing a pair type from two other terms, each
+-- representing a type.
+scPairType :: SharedContext
+ -> Term -- ^ Left projection type
+ -> Term -- ^ Right projection type
+ -> IO Term
+scPairType sc x y = scFlatTermF sc (PairType x y)
+-- | Create an n-place tuple from a list (of length n) of 'Term's.
+-- Note that tuples are nested pairs, associating to the right e.g.
+-- @(a, (b, (c, d)))@.
+scTuple :: SharedContext -> [Term] -> IO Term
+scTuple sc [] = scUnitValue sc
+scTuple _ [t] = return t
+scTuple sc (t : ts) = scPairValue sc t =<< scTuple sc ts
+-- | Create a term representing the type of an n-place tuple, from a list
+-- (of length n) of 'Term's, each representing a type.
+scTupleType :: SharedContext -> [Term] -> IO Term
+scTupleType sc [] = scUnitType sc
+scTupleType _ [t] = return t
+scTupleType sc (t : ts) = scPairType sc t =<< scTupleType sc ts
+-- | Create a term giving the left projection of a 'Term' representing a pair.
+scPairLeft :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scPairLeft sc t = scFlatTermF sc (PairLeft t)
+-- | Create a term giving the right projection of a 'Term' representing a pair.
+scPairRight :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scPairRight sc t = scFlatTermF sc (PairRight t)
+-- | Create a term representing either the left or right projection of the
+-- given 'Term', depending on the given 'Bool': left if @False@, right if @True@.
+scPairSelector :: SharedContext -> Term -> Bool -> IO Term
+scPairSelector sc t False = scPairLeft sc t
+scPairSelector sc t True = scPairRight sc t
+-- | @scTupleSelector sc t i n@ returns a term selecting the @i@th component of
+-- an @n@-place tuple 'Term', @t@.
+scTupleSelector ::
+ SharedContext -> Term ->
+ Int {- ^ 1-based index -} ->
+ Int {- ^ tuple size -} ->
+ IO Term
+scTupleSelector sc t i n
+ | n == 1 = return t
+ | i == 1 = scPairLeft sc t
+ | i > 1 = do t' <- scPairRight sc t
+ scTupleSelector sc t' (i - 1) (n - 1)
+ | otherwise = fail "scTupleSelector: non-positive index"
+-- | Create a term representing the type of a non-dependent function, given a
+-- parameter and result type (as 'Term's).
+scFun :: SharedContext
+ -> Term -- ^ The parameter type
+ -> Term -- ^ The result type
+ -> IO Term
+scFun sc a b = do b' <- incVars sc 0 1 b
+ scTermF sc (Pi "_" a b')
+-- | Create a term representing the type of a non-dependent n-ary function,
+-- given a list of parameter types and a result type (as terms).
+scFunAll :: SharedContext
+ -> [Term] -- ^ The parameter types
+ -> Term -- ^ The result type
+ -> IO Term
+scFunAll sc argTypes resultType = foldrM (scFun sc) resultType argTypes
+-- | Create a lambda term from a parameter name (as a 'String'), parameter type
+-- (as a 'Term'), and a body. Regarding deBruijn indices, in the body of the
+-- function, an index of 0 refers to the bound parameter.
+scLambda :: SharedContext
+ -> LocalName -- ^ The parameter name
+ -> Term -- ^ The parameter type
+ -> Term -- ^ The body
+ -> IO Term
+scLambda sc varname ty body = scTermF sc (Lambda varname ty body)
+-- | Create a lambda term of multiple arguments (curried) from a list
+-- associating parameter names to types (as 'Term's) and a body. As for
+-- 'scLambda', there is a convention for deBruijn indices: 0 refers to the last
+-- parameter in the list, and n-1 (where n is the list length) refers to the
+-- first.
+scLambdaList :: SharedContext
+ -> [(LocalName, Term)] -- ^ List of parameter / parameter type pairs
+ -> Term -- ^ The body
+ -> IO Term
+scLambdaList _ [] rhs = return rhs
+scLambdaList sc ((nm,tp):r) rhs =
+ scLambda sc nm tp =<< scLambdaList sc r rhs
+-- | Create a (possibly dependent) function given a parameter name, parameter
+-- type (as a 'Term'), and a body. This function follows the same deBruijn
+-- index convention as 'scLambda'.
+scPi :: SharedContext
+ -> LocalName -- ^ The parameter name
+ -> Term -- ^ The parameter type
+ -> Term -- ^ The body
+ -> IO Term
+scPi sc nm tp body = scTermF sc (Pi nm tp body)
+-- | Create a (possibly dependent) function of multiple arguments (curried)
+-- from a list associating parameter names to types (as 'Term's) and a body.
+-- This function follows the same deBruijn index convention as 'scLambdaList'.
+scPiList :: SharedContext
+ -> [(LocalName, Term)] -- ^ List of parameter / parameter type pairs
+ -> Term -- ^ The body
+ -> IO Term
+scPiList _ [] rhs = return rhs
+scPiList sc ((nm,tp):r) rhs = scPi sc nm tp =<< scPiList sc r rhs
+-- | Create a local variable term from a 'DeBruijnIndex'.
+scLocalVar :: SharedContext
+ -> DeBruijnIndex
+ -> IO Term
+scLocalVar sc i = scTermF sc (LocalVar i)
+-- | Create an abstract constant with the specified name, body, and
+-- type. The term for the body must not have any loose de Bruijn
+-- indices. If the body contains any ExtCns variables, they will be
+-- abstracted over and reapplied to the resulting constant.
+scConstant :: SharedContext
+ -> String -- ^ The name
+ -> Term -- ^ The body
+ -> Term -- ^ The type
+ -> IO Term
+scConstant sc name rhs ty =
+ do unless (looseVars rhs == emptyBitSet) $
+ fail "scConstant: term contains loose variables"
+ let ecs = getAllExts rhs
+ rhs' <- scAbstractExts sc ecs rhs
+ ty' <- scFunAll sc (map ecType ecs) ty
+ ec <- scFreshEC sc name ty'
+ t <- scTermF sc (Constant ec rhs')
+ args <- mapM (scFlatTermF sc . ExtCns) ecs
+ scApplyAll sc t args
+-- | Create an abstract constant with the specified name, body, and
+-- type. The term for the body must not have any loose de Bruijn
+-- indices. If the body contains any ExtCns variables, they will be
+-- abstracted over and reapplied to the resulting constant.
+scConstant' :: SharedContext
+ -> NameInfo -- ^ The name
+ -> Term -- ^ The body
+ -> Term -- ^ The type
+ -> IO Term
+scConstant' sc nmi rhs ty =
+ do unless (looseVars rhs == emptyBitSet) $
+ fail "scConstant: term contains loose variables"
+ let ecs = getAllExts rhs
+ rhs' <- scAbstractExts sc ecs rhs
+ ty' <- scFunAll sc (map ecType ecs) ty
+ i <- scFreshGlobalVar sc
+ scRegisterName sc i nmi
+ let ec = EC i nmi ty'
+ t <- scTermF sc (Constant ec rhs')
+ args <- mapM (scFlatTermF sc . ExtCns) ecs
+ scApplyAll sc t args
+-- | Create a function application term from a global identifier and a list of
+-- arguments (as 'Term's).
+scGlobalApply :: SharedContext -> Ident -> [Term] -> IO Term
+scGlobalApply sc i ts =
+ do c <- scGlobalDef sc i
+ scApplyAll sc c ts
+-- | An optimized variant of 'scPairValue' that will reduce pairs of
+-- the form @(x.L, x.R)@ to @x@.
+scPairValueReduced :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scPairValueReduced sc x y =
+ case (unwrapTermF x, unwrapTermF y) of
+ (FTermF (PairLeft a), FTermF (PairRight b)) | a == b -> return a
+ _ -> scPairValue sc x y
+-- | An optimized variant of 'scPairTuple' that will reduce tuples of
+-- the form @(x.1, x.2, x.3)@ to @x@.
+scTupleReduced :: SharedContext -> [Term] -> IO Term
+scTupleReduced sc [] = scUnitValue sc
+scTupleReduced _ [t] = return t
+scTupleReduced sc (t : ts) = scPairValueReduced sc t =<< scTupleReduced sc ts
+-- | An optimized variant of 'scVector' that will reduce vectors of
+-- the form @[at x 0, at x 1, at x 2, at x 3]@ to just @x@.
+scVectorReduced :: SharedContext -> Term {- ^ element type -} -> [Term] {- ^ elements -} -> IO Term
+scVectorReduced sc ety xs
+ | (hd : _) <- xs
+ , Just ((arr_sz :*: arr_tm) :*: 0) <- asAtOrBvAt hd
+ , fromIntegral (length xs) == arr_sz
+ , iall (\i x -> asAtOrBvAt x == Just ((arr_sz :*: arr_tm) :*: fromIntegral i)) xs =
+ return arr_tm
+ | otherwise = scVector sc ety xs
+ where
+ asAny :: Term -> Maybe ()
+ asAny _ = Just ()
+ asAt :: Term -> Maybe ((Natural :*: Term) :*: Natural)
+ asAt = (((isGlobalDef "Prelude.at" @> asNat) <@ asAny) <@> return) <@> asNat
+ asBvAt :: Term -> Maybe ((Natural :*: Term) :*: Natural)
+ asBvAt = ((((isGlobalDef "Prelude.bvAt" @> asNat) <@ asAny) <@ asAny) <@> return) <@> asUnsignedConcreteBv
+ asAtOrBvAt :: Term -> Maybe ((Natural :*: Term) :*: Natural)
+ asAtOrBvAt term
+ | res@Just{} <- asAt term = res
+ | res@Just{} <- asBvAt term = res
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+-- Building terms using prelude functions
+-- | Create a term applying @Prelude.EqTrue@ to the given term.
+-- > EqTrue : Bool -> sort 1;
+scEqTrue :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scEqTrue sc t = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.EqTrue" [t]
+-- | Create a @Prelude.Bool@-typed term from the given Boolean: @Prelude.True@
+-- for @True@, @Prelude.False@ for @False@.
+scBool :: SharedContext -> Bool -> IO Term
+scBool sc True = scGlobalDef sc "Prelude.True"
+scBool sc False = scGlobalDef sc "Prelude.False"
+-- | Create a term representing the prelude Boolean type, @Prelude.Bool@.
+scBoolType :: SharedContext -> IO Term
+scBoolType sc = scGlobalDef sc "Prelude.Bool"
+-- | Create a term representing the prelude Natural type.
+scNatType :: SharedContext -> IO Term
+scNatType sc = scFlatTermF sc preludeNatType
+-- | Create a term representing a vector type, from a term giving the length
+-- and a term giving the element type.
+scVecType :: SharedContext
+ -> Term -- ^ The length of the vector
+ -> Term -- ^ The element type
+ -> IO Term
+scVecType sc n e = scGlobalApply sc preludeVecIdent [n, e]
+-- | Create a term applying @Prelude.not@ to the given term.
+-- > not : Bool -> Bool;
+scNot :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scNot sc t = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.not" [t]
+-- | Create a term applying @Prelude.and@ to the two given terms.
+-- > and : Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+scAnd :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scAnd sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.and" [x,y]
+-- | Create a term applying @Prelude.or@ to the two given terms.
+-- > or : Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+scOr :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scOr sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.or" [x,y]
+-- | Create a term applying @Prelude.implies@ to the two given terms.
+-- > implies : Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+scImplies :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term
+ -> IO Term
+scImplies sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.implies" [x,y]
+-- | Create a term applying @Prelude.xor@ to the two given terms.
+-- > xor : Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+scXor :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scXor sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.xor" [x,y]
+-- | Create a term applying @Prelude.boolEq@ to the two given terms.
+-- > boolEq : Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+scBoolEq :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBoolEq sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.boolEq" [x,y]
+-- | Create a universally quantified bitvector term.
+-- > bvForall : (n : Nat) -> (Vec n Bool -> Bool) -> Bool;
+scBvForall :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvForall sc w f = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvForall" [w, f]
+-- | Create a non-dependent if-then-else term.
+-- > ite : (a : sort 1) -> Bool -> a -> a -> a;
+scIte :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term ->
+ Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scIte sc t b x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.ite" [t, b, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying @Prelude.append@ to two vectors.
+-- > append : (m n : Nat) -> (e : sort 0) -> Vec m e -> Vec n e -> Vec (addNat m n) e;
+scAppend :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term ->
+ Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scAppend sc t m n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.append" [m, n, t, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying @Prelude.join@ to a vector of vectors.
+-- > join : (m n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> Vec m (Vec n a) -> Vec (mulNat m n) a;
+scJoin :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scJoin sc m n a v = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.join" [m, n, a, v]
+-- | Create a term splitting a vector with @Prelude.split@.
+-- > split : (m n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> Vec (mulNat m n) a -> Vec m (Vec n a);
+scSplit :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scSplit sc m n a v = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.split" [m, n, a, v]
+-- | Create a term selecting a range of values from a vector with @Prelude.slice@.
+-- > slice : (e : sort 1) -> (i n o : Nat) -> Vec (addNat (addNat i n) o) e -> Vec n e;
+scSlice :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term ->
+ Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scSlice sc e i n o a = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.slice" [e, i, n, o, a]
+-- | Create a term accessing a particular element of a vector with @get@.
+-- > get : (n : Nat) -> (e : sort 0) -> Vec n e -> Fin n -> e;
+scGet :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term ->
+ Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scGet sc n e v i = scGlobalApply sc (mkIdent preludeName "get") [n, e, v, i]
+-- | Create a term accessing a particular element of a vector with @bvAt@,
+-- which uses a bitvector for indexing.
+-- > bvAt : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> (w : Nat) -> Vec n a -> Vec w Bool -> a;
+scBvAt :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term ->
+ Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvAt sc n a i xs idx = scGlobalApply sc (mkIdent preludeName "bvAt") [n, a, i, xs, idx]
+-- | Create a term accessing a particular element of a vector, with a default
+-- to return if the index is out of bounds.
+-- > atWithDefault : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> a -> Vec n a -> Nat -> a;
+scAtWithDefault :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scAtWithDefault sc n a v xs idx = scGlobalApply sc (mkIdent preludeName "atWithDefault") [n, a, v, xs, idx]
+-- | Create a term accessing a particular element of a vector, failing if the
+-- index is out of bounds.
+-- > at : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Nat -> a;
+scAt :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term ->
+ Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scAt sc n a xs idx = scGlobalApply sc (mkIdent preludeName "at") [n, a, xs, idx]
+-- | Create a term evaluating to a vector containing a single element.
+-- > single : (e : sort 1) -> e -> Vec 1 e;
+scSingle :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scSingle sc e x = scGlobalApply sc (mkIdent preludeName "single") [e, x]
+-- | Create a term computing the least significant bit of a bitvector, given a
+-- length and bitvector.
+-- > lsb : (n : Nat) -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Bool;
+scLsb :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scLsb sc n x = scGlobalApply sc (mkIdent preludeName "lsb") [n, x]
+-- | Create a term computing the most significant bit of a bitvector, given a
+-- length and bitvector.
+-- > msb : (n : Nat) -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Bool;
+scMsb :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scMsb sc n x = scGlobalApply sc (mkIdent preludeName "lsb") [n, x]
+-- Primitive operations on nats
+-- | Create a term computing the sum of the two given (natural number) terms.
+-- > addNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+scAddNat :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scAddNat sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.addNat" [x,y]
+-- | Create a term computing the difference between the two given
+-- (natural number) terms.
+-- > subNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
+scSubNat :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scSubNat sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.subNat" [x,y]
+-- | Create a term computing the product of the two given (natural number)
+-- terms.
+-- > mulNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+scMulNat :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scMulNat sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.mulNat" [x,y]
+-- | Create a term computing the quotient of the two given (natural number)
+-- terms.
+-- > divNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+scDivNat :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scDivNat sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.divNat" [x,y]
+-- | Create a term computing the remainder upon division of the two given
+-- (natural number) terms.
+-- > modNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+scModNat :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scModNat sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.modNat" [x,y]
+-- | Create a term computing the quotient and remainder upon division of the
+-- two given (natural number) terms, giving the result as a pair.
+-- > divModNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat * Nat;
+scDivModNat :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scDivModNat sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.divModNat" [x,y]
+-- | Create a term computing whether the two given (natural number) terms are
+-- equal.
+-- > equalNat : Nat -> Nat -> Bool;
+scEqualNat :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scEqualNat sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.equalNat" [x,y]
+-- | Create a term computing whether the first term (a natural number) is less
+-- than the second term (also a natural number).
+-- > ltNat : Nat -> Nat -> Bool;
+scLtNat :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scLtNat sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.ltNat" [x,y]
+-- | Create a term computing the minimum of the two given (natural number)
+-- terms.
+-- > minNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
+scMinNat :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scMinNat sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.minNat" [x,y]
+-- | Create a term computing the maximum of the two given (natural number)
+-- terms.
+-- > maxNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+scMaxNat :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scMaxNat sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.maxNat" [x,y]
+-- Primitive operations on Integer
+-- | Create a term representing the prelude Integer type.
+scIntegerType :: SharedContext -> IO Term
+scIntegerType sc = scGlobalDef sc preludeIntegerIdent
+-- | Create an integer constant term from an 'Integer'.
+scIntegerConst :: SharedContext -> Integer -> IO Term
+scIntegerConst sc i
+ | i >= 0 = scNatToInt sc =<< scNat sc (fromInteger i)
+ | otherwise = scIntNeg sc =<< scNatToInt sc =<< scNat sc (fromInteger (- i))
+-- | Create a term applying the integer addition primitive.
+-- > intAdd : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+scIntAdd :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntAdd sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intAdd" [x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the integer subtraction primitive.
+-- > intSub : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+scIntSub :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntSub sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intSub" [x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the integer multiplication primitive.
+-- > intMul : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+scIntMul :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntMul sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intMul" [x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the integer division primitive.
+-- > intDiv : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+scIntDiv :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntDiv sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intDiv" [x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the integer modulus primitive.
+-- > intMod : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+scIntMod :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntMod sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intMod" [x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the integer min primitive.
+-- > intMin : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+scIntMin :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntMin sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intMin" [x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the integer max primitive.
+-- > intMax : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+scIntMax :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntMax sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intMax" [x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the negation integer primitive.
+-- > intNeg : Integer -> Integer;
+scIntNeg :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntNeg sc x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intNeg" [x]
+-- | Create a term applying the absolute value integer primitive.
+-- > intAbs : Integer -> Integer;
+scIntAbs :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntAbs sc x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intAbs" [x]
+-- | Create a term applying the integer equality testing primitive.
+-- > intEq : Integer -> Integer -> Bool;
+scIntEq :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntEq sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intEq" [x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the integer less-than-or-equal primitive.
+-- > intLe : Integer -> Integer -> Bool;
+scIntLe :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntLe sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intLe" [x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the integer less-than primitive.
+-- > intLt : Integer -> Integer -> Bool;
+scIntLt :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntLt sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intLt" [x, y]
+-- | Create a term computing a @Nat@ from an @Integer@, if possible.
+-- > intToNat : Integer -> Nat;
+ :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntToNat sc x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intToNat" [x]
+-- | Create a term computing an @Integer@ from a @Nat@.
+-- > natToInt : Nat -> Integer;
+ :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scNatToInt sc x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.natToInt" [x]
+-- | Create a term computing a bitvector of length n from an @Integer@, if
+-- possible.
+-- > intToBv : (n::Nat) -> Integer -> Vec n Bool;
+ :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntToBv sc n x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.intToBv" [n,x]
+-- | Create a term computing an @Integer@ from a bitvector of length n.
+-- This produces the unsigned value of the bitvector.
+-- > bvToInt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+ :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvToInt sc n x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvToInt" [n,x]
+-- | Create a term computing an @Integer@ from a bitvector of length n.
+-- This produces the 2's complement signed value of the bitvector.
+-- > sbvToInt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+ :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scSbvToInt sc n x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.sbvToInt" [n,x]
+-- Primitive operations on IntMod
+-- | Create a term representing the prelude @IntMod@ type.
+-- > IntMod : Nat -> sort 0;
+scIntModType :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO Term
+scIntModType sc n = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.IntMod" [n]
+-- | Convert an integer to an integer mod n.
+-- > toIntMod : (n : Nat) -> Integer -> IntMod n;
+scToIntMod :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scToIntMod sc n x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.toIntMod" [n, x]
+-- Primitive operations on bitvectors
+-- | Create a term computing the type of a length-n bitvector.
+-- > bitvector : (n : Nat) -> sort 1
+scBitvector :: SharedContext -> Natural -> IO Term
+scBitvector sc size =
+ do s <- scNat sc size
+ t <- scBoolType sc
+ scVecType sc s t
+-- | Create a term computing a bitvector of length x from a @Nat@, if possible.
+-- > bvNat : (n : Nat) -> Nat -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvNat :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvNat sc x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvNat" [x, y]
+-- | Create a term computing a @Nat@ from a bitvector of length n.
+-- > bvToNat : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Nat;
+scBvToNat :: SharedContext -> Natural -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvToNat sc n x = do
+ n' <- scNat sc n
+ scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvToNat" [n',x]
+-- | Create a term computing a bitvector of the given length representing the
+-- given 'Integer' value (if possible).
+scBvConst :: SharedContext -> Natural -> Integer -> IO Term
+scBvConst sc w v = assert (w <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)) $ do
+ x <- scNat sc w
+ y <- scNat sc $ fromInteger $ v .&. (1 `shiftL` fromIntegral w - 1)
+ scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvNat" [x, y]
+-- TODO: This doesn't appear to be used anywhere, and "FinVal" doesn't appear
+-- in Prelude.sawcore... can this be deleted?
+-- | FinVal :: (x r :: Nat) -> Fin (Succ (addNat r x));
+scFinVal :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scFinVal sc a b = scCtorApp sc "Prelude.FinVal" [a, b]
+-- | Create a term computing the bitvector of given length representing 0 if
+-- the other given term evaluates to @False@ and representing 1 if the other
+-- given term evaluates to @True@.
+-- > bvBool : (n : Nat) -> Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvBool :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvBool sc n x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvBool" [n, x]
+-- | Create a term returning true if and only if the given bitvector represents
+-- a nonzero value.
+-- > bvNonzero : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+scBvNonzero :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvNonzero sc n x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvNonzero" [n, x]
+-- | Create a term computing the 2's complement negation of the given
+-- bitvector.
+-- > bvNeg : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvNeg :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvNeg sc n x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvNeg" [n, x]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector addition primitive.
+-- > bvAdd : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvAdd :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvAdd sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvAdd" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector subtraction primitive.
+-- > bvSub : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvSub :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvSub sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvSub" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector multiplication primitive.
+-- > bvMul : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvMul :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvMul sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvMul" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector (unsigned) modulus primitive.
+-- > bvURem : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvURem :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvURem sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvURem" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector (unsigned) division primitive.
+-- > bvUDiv : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvUDiv :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvUDiv sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvUDiv" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector (signed) modulus primitive.
+-- > bvSRem : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvSRem :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvSRem sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvSRem" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector (signed) division primitive.
+-- > bvSDiv : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvSDiv :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvSDiv sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvSDiv" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the population count bitvector primitive.
+-- > bvPopcount : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvPopcount :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvPopcount sc n x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvPopcount" [n, x]
+-- | Create a term applying the leading zero counting bitvector primitive.
+-- > bvCountLeadingZeros : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvCountLeadingZeros :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvCountLeadingZeros sc n x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvCountLeadingZeros" [n, x]
+-- | Create a term applying the trailing zero counting bitvector primitive.
+-- > bvCountTrailingZeros : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvCountTrailingZeros :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvCountTrailingZeros sc n x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvCountTrailingZeros" [n, x]
+-- | Create a term applying the bit-wise and primitive.
+-- > bvAnd : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvAnd :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvAnd sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvAnd" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bit-wise xor primitive.
+-- > bvXor : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvXor :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvXor sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvXor" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bit-wise or primitive.
+-- > bvOr : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvOr :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvOr sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvOr" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bit-wise negation primitive.
+-- > bvNot : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvNot :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvNot sc n x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvNot" [n, x]
+-- | Create a term computing whether the two given bitvectors (of equal length)
+-- are equal.
+-- > bvEq : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+scBvEq :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvEq sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvEq" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector (unsigned) greater-than-or-equal
+-- primitive.
+-- > bvuge : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+scBvUGe :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvUGe sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvuge" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector (unsigned) less-than-or-equal
+-- primitive.
+-- > bvule : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+scBvULe :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvULe sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvule" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector (unsigned) greater-than primitive.
+-- > bvugt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+scBvUGt :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvUGt sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvugt" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector (unsigned) less-than primitive.
+-- > bvult : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+scBvULt :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvULt sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvult" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector (signed) greater-than-or-equal
+-- primitive.
+-- > bvsge : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+scBvSGe :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvSGe sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvsge" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector (signed) less-than-or-equal
+-- primitive.
+-- > bvsle : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+scBvSLe :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvSLe sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvsle" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector (signed) greater-than primitive.
+-- > bvsgt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+scBvSGt :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvSGt sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvsgt" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector (signed) less-than primitive.
+-- > bvslt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+scBvSLt :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvSLt sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvslt" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the left-shift primitive.
+-- > bvShl : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Nat -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvShl :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvShl sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvShl" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the logical right-shift primitive.
+-- > bvShr : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Nat -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvShr :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvShr sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvShr" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the arithmetic/signed right-shift primitive.
+-- > bvSShr : (w : Nat) -> Vec (Succ w) Bool -> Nat -> Vec (Succ w) Bool;
+scBvSShr :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvSShr sc n x y = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvSShr" [n, x, y]
+-- | Create a term applying the unsigned bitvector extension primitive.
+-- > bvUExt : (m n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec (addNat m n) Bool;
+scBvUExt :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvUExt sc n m x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvUExt" [n,m,x]
+-- | Create a term applying the signed bitvector extension primitive.
+-- > bvSExt : (m n : Nat) -> Vec (Succ n) Bool -> Vec (addNat m (Succ n)) Bool;
+scBvSExt :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvSExt sc n m x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvSExt" [n,m,x]
+-- | Create a term applying the bitvector truncation primitive. Note that this
+-- truncates starting from the most significant bit.
+-- > bvTrunc : (m n : Nat) -> Vec (addNat m n) Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+scBvTrunc :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scBvTrunc sc n m x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.bvTrunc" [n,m,x]
+-- | Create a term applying the @updNatFun@ primitive, which satisfies the
+-- following laws:
+-- > updNatFun : (a : sort 0) -> (Nat -> a) -> Nat -> a -> (Nat -> a);
+-- > updNatFun a _ i v i == v
+-- > updNatFun a f i v x == f x, when i != x
+scUpdNatFun :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term
+ -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scUpdNatFun sc a f i v = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.updNatFun" [a, f, i, v]
+-- | Create a term applying the @updBvFun@ primitive, which has the same
+-- behavior as @updNatFun@ but acts on bitvectors.
+-- > updBvFun : (n : Nat) -> (a : sort 0) -> (Vec n Bool -> a) -> Vec n Bool -> a -> (Vec n Bool -> a);
+scUpdBvFun :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term
+ -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scUpdBvFun sc n a f i v = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.updBvFun" [n, a, f, i, v]
+-- | Create a term representing the type of arrays, given an index type and
+-- element type (as 'Term's).
+-- > Array : sort 0 -> sort 0 -> sort 0
+scArrayType :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scArrayType sc a b = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.Array" [a, b]
+-- Create a term computing a constant array, given an index type, element type,
+-- and element (all as 'Term's).
+-- > arrayConstant : (a b : sort 0) -> b -> (Array a b);
+scArrayConstant :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scArrayConstant sc a b e = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.arrayConstant" [a, b, e]
+-- Create a term computing the value at a particular index of an array.
+-- > arrayLookup : (a b : sort 0) -> (Array a b) -> a -> b;
+scArrayLookup :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scArrayLookup sc a b f i = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.arrayLookup" [a, b, f, i]
+-- Create a term computing an array updated at a particular index.
+-- > arrayUpdate : (a b : sort 0) -> (Array a b) -> a -> b -> (Array a b);
+scArrayUpdate :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
+scArrayUpdate sc a b f i e = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.arrayUpdate" [a, b, f, i, e]
+-- | The default instance of the SharedContext operations.
+mkSharedContext :: IO SharedContext
+mkSharedContext = do
+ vr <- newMVar 0 -- Reference for getting variables.
+ cr <- newMVar emptyAppCache
+ gr <- newIORef HMap.empty
+ let freshGlobalVar = modifyMVar vr (\i -> return (i+1, i))
+ mod_map_ref <- newIORef HMap.empty
+ envRef <- newIORef emptySAWNamingEnv
+ return SharedContext {
+ scModuleMap = mod_map_ref
+ , scTermF = getTerm cr
+ , scFreshGlobalVar = freshGlobalVar
+ , scNamingEnv = envRef
+ , scGlobalEnv = gr
+ }
+useChangeCache :: C m => Cache m k (Change v) -> k -> ChangeT m v -> ChangeT m v
+useChangeCache c k a = ChangeT $ useCache c k (runChangeT a)
+-- | Performs an action when a value has been modified, and otherwise
+-- returns a pure value.
+whenModified :: (Functor m, Monad m) => b -> (a -> m b) -> ChangeT m a -> ChangeT m b
+whenModified b f m = ChangeT $ do
+ ca <- runChangeT m
+ case ca of
+ Original{} -> return (Original b)
+ Modified a -> Modified <$> f a
+-- | Return a list of all ExtCns subterms in the given term, sorted by
+-- index. Does not traverse the unfoldings of @Constant@ terms.
+getAllExts :: Term -> [ExtCns Term]
+getAllExts t = Set.toList (getAllExtSet t)
+-- | Return a set of all ExtCns subterms in the given term.
+-- Does not traverse the unfoldings of @Constant@ terms.
+getAllExtSet :: Term -> Set.Set (ExtCns Term)
+getAllExtSet t = snd $ getExtCns (IntSet.empty, Set.empty) t
+ where getExtCns acc@(is, _) (STApp{ stAppIndex = idx }) | IntSet.member idx is = acc
+ getExtCns (is, a) (STApp{ stAppIndex = idx, stAppTermF = (FTermF (ExtCns ec)) }) =
+ (IntSet.insert idx is, Set.insert ec a)
+ getExtCns (is, a) (Unshared (FTermF (ExtCns ec))) =
+ (is, Set.insert ec a)
+ getExtCns acc (STApp{ stAppTermF = Constant {} }) = acc
+ getExtCns acc (Unshared (Constant {})) = acc
+ getExtCns (is, a) (STApp{ stAppIndex = idx, stAppTermF = tf'}) =
+ foldl' getExtCns (IntSet.insert idx is, a) tf'
+ getExtCns acc (Unshared tf') =
+ foldl' getExtCns acc tf'
+getConstantSet :: Term -> Map VarIndex (NameInfo, Term, Term)
+getConstantSet t = snd $ go (IntSet.empty, Map.empty) t
+ where
+ go acc@(idxs, names) (STApp{ stAppIndex = i, stAppTermF = tf})
+ | IntSet.member i idxs = acc
+ | otherwise = termf (IntSet.insert i idxs, names) tf
+ go acc (Unshared tf) = termf acc tf
+ termf acc@(idxs, names) tf =
+ case tf of
+ Constant (EC vidx n ty) body -> (idxs, Map.insert vidx (n, ty, body) names)
+ _ -> foldl' go acc tf
+-- | Instantiate some of the external constants
+scInstantiateExt :: SharedContext
+ -> Map VarIndex Term
+ -> Term
+ -> IO Term
+scInstantiateExt sc vmap = instantiateVars sc fn 0
+ where fn l (Left ec) =
+ case Map.lookup (ecVarIndex ec) vmap of
+ Just t -> incVars sc 0 l t
+ Nothing -> scFlatTermF sc $ ExtCns ec
+ fn _ (Right i) = scTermF sc $ LocalVar i
+-- RWD: I'm pretty sure the following implementation gets incorrect results when
+-- the terms being substituted have free deBruijn variables. The above is a
+-- reimplementation based on instantiateVars that does the necessary deBruijn
+-- shifting.
+scInstantiateExt sc vmap t0 = do
+ tcache <- newCacheMap' Map.empty
+ let go :: Term -> ChangeT IO Term
+ go t@(Unshared tf) =
+ case tf of
+ -- | Lookup variable in term if it is bound.
+ FTermF (ExtCns ec) ->
+ maybe (return t) modified $ Map.lookup (ecVarIndex ec) vmap
+ -- | Recurse on other terms.
+ _ -> whenModified t (scTermF sc) (traverse go tf)
+ go t@(STApp idx tf) =
+ case tf of
+ -- Lookup variable in term if it is bound.
+ FTermF (ExtCns ec) ->
+ maybe (return t) modified $ Map.lookup (ecVarIndex ec) vmap
+ -- Recurse on other terms.
+ _ -> useChangeCache tcache idx $
+ whenModified t (scTermF sc) (traverse go tf)
+ commitChangeT (go t0)
+-- | Convert the given list of external constants to local variables,
+-- with the right-most mapping to local variable 0. If the term is
+-- open (i.e. it contains loose de Bruijn indices) then increment them
+-- accordingly.
+scExtsToLocals :: SharedContext -> [ExtCns Term] -> Term -> IO Term
+scExtsToLocals _ [] x = return x
+scExtsToLocals sc exts x = instantiateVars sc fn 0 x
+ where
+ m = Map.fromList [ (ecVarIndex ec, k) | (ec, k) <- zip (reverse exts) [0 ..] ]
+ fn l e =
+ case e of
+ Left ec ->
+ case Map.lookup (ecVarIndex ec) m of
+ Just k -> scLocalVar sc (l + k)
+ Nothing -> scFlatTermF sc (ExtCns ec)
+ Right i ->
+ scLocalVar sc (i + length exts)
+-- | Abstract over the given list of external constants by wrapping
+-- the given term with lambdas and replacing the external constant
+-- occurrences with the appropriate local variables.
+scAbstractExts :: SharedContext -> [ExtCns Term] -> Term -> IO Term
+scAbstractExts _ [] x = return x
+scAbstractExts sc exts x =
+ do let lams = [ (toShortName (ecName ec), ecType ec) | ec <- exts ]
+ scLambdaList sc lams =<< scExtsToLocals sc exts x
+-- | Generalize over the given list of external constants by wrapping
+-- the given term with foralls and replacing the external constant
+-- occurrences with the appropriate local variables.
+scGeneralizeExts :: SharedContext -> [ExtCns Term] -> Term -> IO Term
+scGeneralizeExts _ [] x = return x
+scGeneralizeExts sc exts x =
+ do let pis = [ (toShortName (ecName ec), ecType ec) | ec <- exts ]
+ scPiList sc pis =<< scExtsToLocals sc exts x
+scUnfoldConstants :: SharedContext -> [VarIndex] -> Term -> IO Term
+scUnfoldConstants sc names t0 = scUnfoldConstantSet sc True (Set.fromList names) t0
+-- | TODO: test whether this version is slower or faster.
+scUnfoldConstants' :: SharedContext -> [VarIndex] -> Term -> IO Term
+scUnfoldConstants' sc names t0 = scUnfoldConstantSet' sc True (Set.fromList names) t0
+scUnfoldConstantSet :: SharedContext
+ -> Bool -- ^ True: unfold constants in set. False: unfold constants NOT in set
+ -> Set VarIndex -- ^ Set of constant names
+ -> Term
+ -> IO Term
+scUnfoldConstantSet sc b names t0 = do
+ cache <- newCache
+ let go :: Term -> IO Term
+ go t@(Unshared tf) =
+ case tf of
+ Constant (EC idx _ _) rhs
+ | Set.member idx names == b -> go rhs
+ | otherwise -> return t
+ _ -> Unshared <$> traverse go tf
+ go t@(STApp{ stAppIndex = idx, stAppTermF = tf }) = useCache cache idx $
+ case tf of
+ Constant (EC ecidx _ _) rhs
+ | Set.member ecidx names == b -> go rhs
+ | otherwise -> return t
+ _ -> scTermF sc =<< traverse go tf
+ go t0
+-- | TODO: test whether this version is slower or faster.
+scUnfoldConstantSet' :: SharedContext
+ -> Bool -- ^ True: unfold constants in set. False: unfold constants NOT in set
+ -> Set VarIndex -- ^ Set of constant names
+ -> Term
+ -> IO Term
+scUnfoldConstantSet' sc b names t0 = do
+ tcache <- newCacheMap' Map.empty
+ let go :: Term -> ChangeT IO Term
+ go t@(Unshared tf) =
+ case tf of
+ Constant (EC idx _ _) rhs
+ | Set.member idx names == b -> taint (go rhs)
+ | otherwise -> pure t
+ _ -> whenModified t (return . Unshared) (traverse go tf)
+ go t@(STApp{ stAppIndex = idx, stAppTermF = tf }) =
+ case tf of
+ Constant (EC ecidx _ _) rhs
+ | Set.member ecidx names == b -> taint (go rhs)
+ | otherwise -> pure t
+ _ -> useChangeCache tcache idx $
+ whenModified t (scTermF sc) (traverse go tf)
+ commitChangeT (go t0)
+-- | Return the number of DAG nodes used by the given @Term@.
+scSharedSize :: Term -> Integer
+scSharedSize = fst . go (0, Set.empty)
+ where
+ go (sz, seen) (Unshared tf) = foldl' go (strictPair (sz + 1) seen) tf
+ go (sz, seen) (STApp{ stAppIndex = idx, stAppTermF = tf })
+ | Set.member idx seen = (sz, seen)
+ | otherwise = foldl' go (strictPair (sz + 1) (Set.insert idx seen)) tf
+strictPair :: a -> b -> (a, b)
+strictPair x y = x `seq` y `seq` (x, y)
+-- | Return the number of nodes that would be used by the given
+-- @Term@ if it were represented as a tree instead of a DAG.
+scTreeSize :: Term -> Integer
+scTreeSize = fst . go (0, Map.empty)
+ where
+ go (sz, seen) (Unshared tf) = foldl' go (sz + 1, seen) tf
+ go (sz, seen) (STApp{ stAppIndex = idx, stAppTermF = tf }) =
+ case Map.lookup idx seen of
+ Just sz' -> (sz + sz', seen)
+ Nothing -> (sz + sz', Map.insert idx sz' seen')
+ where (sz', seen') = foldl' go (1, seen) tf
+-- | `openTerm sc nm ty i body` replaces the loose deBruijn variable `i`
+-- with a fresh external constant (with name `nm`, and type `ty`) in `body`.
+scOpenTerm :: SharedContext
+ -> String
+ -> Term
+ -> DeBruijnIndex
+ -> Term
+ -> IO (ExtCns Term, Term)
+scOpenTerm sc nm tp idx body = do
+ ec <- scFreshEC sc nm tp
+ ec_term <- scFlatTermF sc (ExtCns ec)
+ body' <- instantiateVar sc idx ec_term body
+ return (ec, body')
+-- | `closeTerm closer sc ec body` replaces the external constant `ec` in `body` by
+-- a new deBruijn variable and binds it using the binding form given by 'close'.
+-- The name and type of the new bound variable are given by the name and type of `ec`.
+scCloseTerm :: (SharedContext -> LocalName -> Term -> Term -> IO Term)
+ -> SharedContext
+ -> ExtCns Term
+ -> Term
+ -> IO Term
+scCloseTerm close sc ec body = do
+ lv <- scLocalVar sc 0
+ body' <- scInstantiateExt sc (Map.insert (ecVarIndex ec) lv Map.empty) =<< incVars sc 0 1 body
+ close sc (toShortName (ecName ec)) (ecType ec) body'
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d9a1266b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Simulator
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+Evaluator for SAWCore terms, with lazy evaluation order.
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator
+ ( SimulatorConfig(..)
+ , evalSharedTerm
+ , evalGlobal
+ , evalGlobal'
+ , checkPrimitives
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (mapM)
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
+import Control.Monad (foldM, liftM)
+import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix(mfix))
+import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity)
+import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
+import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IMap
+import Data.Traversable
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+--import qualified Debug.Trace as Debug
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Utils as Panic (panic)
+import Verifier.SAW.Module
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value
+type Id = Identity
+type ThunkIn m l = Thunk (WithM m l)
+type OpenValueIn m l = OpenValue (WithM m l)
+type ValueIn m l = Value (WithM m l)
+type TValueIn m l = TValue (WithM m l)
+type MValueIn m l = MValue (WithM m l)
+type SimulatorConfigIn m l = SimulatorConfig (WithM m l)
+panic :: String -> a
+panic msg = Panic.panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator" [msg]
+-- Simulator configuration
+data SimulatorConfig l =
+ SimulatorConfig
+ { simPrimitive :: Ident -> MValue l
+ -- ^ Interpretation of 'Primitive' terms.
+ , simExtCns :: TermF Term -> ExtCns (TValue l) -> MValue l
+ -- ^ Interpretation of 'ExtCns' terms.
+ , simConstant :: TermF Term -> ExtCns (TValue l) -> Maybe (MValue l)
+ -- ^ Interpretation of 'Constant' terms. 'Nothing' indicates that
+ -- the body of the constant should be evaluated. 'Just' indicates
+ -- that the constant's definition should be overridden.
+ , simCtorApp :: Ident -> Maybe (MValue l)
+ -- ^ Interpretation of 'Constant' terms. 'Nothing' indicates that
+ -- the constructor is treated as normal. 'Just' replaces the
+ -- constructor with a custom implementation.
+ , simModMap :: ModuleMap
+ }
+-- Evaluation of terms
+-- | Meaning of an open term, parameterized by environment of bound variables
+type OpenValue l = [Thunk l] -> MValue l
+ evalTermF :: Show (Extra l) =>
+ SimulatorConfigIn Id l ->
+ (Term -> OpenValueIn Id l) ->
+ (Term -> MValueIn Id l) ->
+ TermF Term ->
+ OpenValueIn Id l #-}
+ evalTermF :: Show (Extra l) =>
+ SimulatorConfigIn IO l ->
+ (Term -> OpenValueIn IO l) ->
+ (Term -> MValueIn IO l) ->
+ TermF Term ->
+ OpenValueIn IO l #-}
+-- | Generic evaluator for TermFs.
+evalTermF :: forall l. (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ SimulatorConfig l -- ^ Evaluator for global constants
+ -> (Term -> OpenValue l) -- ^ Evaluator for subterms under binders
+ -> (Term -> MValue l) -- ^ Evaluator for subterms in the same bound variable context
+ -> TermF Term -> OpenValue l
+evalTermF cfg lam recEval tf env =
+ case tf of
+ App t1 t2 -> do v <- recEval t1
+ x <- recEvalDelay t2
+ apply v x
+ Lambda _ _ t -> return $ VFun (\x -> lam t (x : env))
+ Pi _ t1 t2 -> do v <- toTValue <$> recEval t1
+ return $ TValue $ VPiType v (\x -> toTValue <$> lam t2 (x : env))
+ LocalVar i -> force (env !! i)
+ Constant ec t -> do ec' <- traverse (fmap toTValue . recEval) ec
+ maybe (recEval t) id (simConstant cfg tf ec')
+ FTermF ftf ->
+ case ftf of
+ Primitive ec ->
+ do ec' <- traverse (fmap toTValue . recEval) ec
+ case ecName ec' of
+ ModuleIdentifier ident -> simPrimitive cfg ident
+ _ -> simExtCns cfg tf ec'
+ UnitValue -> return VUnit
+ UnitType -> return $ TValue VUnitType
+ PairValue x y -> do tx <- recEvalDelay x
+ ty <- recEvalDelay y
+ return $ VPair tx ty
+ PairType x y -> do vx <- toTValue <$> recEval x
+ vy <- toTValue <$> recEval y
+ return $ TValue $ VPairType vx vy
+ PairLeft x -> valPairLeft =<< recEval x
+ PairRight x -> valPairRight =<< recEval x
+ CtorApp ident ps ts -> do ps' <- mapM recEvalDelay ps
+ ts' <- mapM recEvalDelay ts
+ case simCtorApp cfg ident of
+ Just mv ->
+ do v <- mv
+ foldM apply v (ps' ++ ts')
+ Nothing ->
+ pure $ VCtorApp ident (V.fromList (ps' ++ ts'))
+ DataTypeApp i ps ts -> TValue . VDataType i <$> mapM recEval (ps ++ ts)
+ RecursorApp _d ps p_ret cs_fs _ixs arg ->
+ do ps_th <- mapM recEvalDelay ps
+ p_ret_th <- recEvalDelay p_ret
+ cs_fs_th <- mapM (\(c,f) -> (c,) <$> recEvalDelay f) cs_fs
+ arg_v <- recEval arg
+ evalRecursorApp (simModMap cfg) lam ps_th p_ret_th cs_fs_th arg_v
+ RecordType elem_tps ->
+ TValue . VRecordType <$> traverse (traverse (fmap toTValue . recEval)) elem_tps
+ RecordValue elems ->
+ VRecordValue <$> mapM (\(fld,t) -> (fld,) <$> recEvalDelay t) elems
+ RecordProj t fld -> recEval t >>= flip valRecordProj fld
+ Sort s -> return $ TValue (VSort s)
+ NatLit n -> return $ VNat n
+ ArrayValue _ tv -> liftM VVector $ mapM recEvalDelay tv
+ StringLit s -> return $ VString s
+ ExtCns ec -> do ec' <- traverse (fmap toTValue . recEval) ec
+ simExtCns cfg tf ec'
+ where
+ recEvalDelay :: Term -> EvalM l (Thunk l)
+ recEvalDelay = delay . recEval
+{-# SPECIALIZE evalGlobal ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ ModuleMap ->
+ Map Ident (ValueIn Id l) ->
+ (ExtCns (TValueIn Id l) -> MValueIn Id l) ->
+ (ExtCns (TValueIn Id l) -> Maybe (MValueIn Id l)) ->
+ Id (SimulatorConfigIn Id l) #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE evalGlobal ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ ModuleMap ->
+ Map Ident (ValueIn IO l) ->
+ (ExtCns (TValueIn IO l) -> MValueIn IO l) ->
+ (ExtCns (TValueIn IO l) -> Maybe (MValueIn IO l)) ->
+ IO (SimulatorConfigIn IO l) #-}
+evalGlobal :: forall l. (VMonadLazy l, MonadFix (EvalM l), Show (Extra l)) =>
+ ModuleMap -> Map Ident (Value l) ->
+ (ExtCns (TValue l) -> MValue l) ->
+ (ExtCns (TValue l) -> Maybe (EvalM l (Value l))) ->
+ EvalM l (SimulatorConfig l)
+evalGlobal modmap prims extcns uninterpreted =
+ evalGlobal' modmap prims (const extcns) (const uninterpreted)
+{-# SPECIALIZE evalGlobal' ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ ModuleMap ->
+ Map Ident (ValueIn Id l) ->
+ (TermF Term -> ExtCns (TValueIn Id l) -> MValueIn Id l) ->
+ (TermF Term -> ExtCns (TValueIn Id l) -> Maybe (MValueIn Id l)) ->
+ Id (SimulatorConfigIn Id l) #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE evalGlobal' ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ ModuleMap ->
+ Map Ident (ValueIn IO l) ->
+ (TermF Term -> ExtCns (TValueIn IO l) -> MValueIn IO l) ->
+ (TermF Term -> ExtCns (TValueIn IO l) -> Maybe (MValueIn IO l)) ->
+ IO (SimulatorConfigIn IO l) #-}
+-- | A variant of 'evalGlobal' that lets the uninterpreted function
+-- symbol and external-constant callbacks have access to the 'TermF'.
+evalGlobal' ::
+ forall l. (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ ModuleMap ->
+ -- | Implementations of 'Primitive' terms, plus overrides for 'Constant' and 'CtorApp' terms
+ Map Ident (Value l) ->
+ -- | Implementations of ExtCns terms
+ (TermF Term -> ExtCns (TValue l) -> MValue l) ->
+ -- | Overrides for Constant terms (e.g. uninterpreted functions)
+ (TermF Term -> ExtCns (TValue l) -> Maybe (MValue l)) ->
+ EvalM l (SimulatorConfig l)
+evalGlobal' modmap prims extcns constant =
+ do checkPrimitives modmap prims
+ return (SimulatorConfig primitive extcns constant' ctors modmap)
+ where
+ constant' :: TermF Term -> ExtCns (TValue l) -> Maybe (MValue l)
+ constant' tf ec =
+ case constant tf ec of
+ Just v -> Just v
+ Nothing ->
+ case ecName ec of
+ ModuleIdentifier ident -> pure <$> Map.lookup ident prims
+ _ -> Nothing
+ ctors :: Ident -> Maybe (MValue l)
+ ctors ident = pure <$> Map.lookup ident prims
+ primitive :: Ident -> MValue l
+ primitive ident =
+ case Map.lookup ident prims of
+ Just v -> pure v
+ Nothing -> panic $ "Unimplemented global: " ++ show ident
+-- | Check that all the primitives declared in the given module
+-- are implemented, and that terms with implementations are not
+-- overridden.
+checkPrimitives :: forall l. (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l))
+ => ModuleMap
+ -> Map Ident (Value l)
+ -> EvalM l ()
+checkPrimitives modmap prims = do
+ -- FIXME this is downgraded to a warning temporarily while we work out a
+ -- solution to issue GaloisInc/saw-script#48
+ -- when (not $ null unimplementedPrims) (panic $ unimplementedMsg)
+ -- (if null unimplementedPrims then id else Debug.trace (unimplementedMsg++"\n")) $
+-- (if null overridePrims then id else Debug.trace (overrideMsg++"\n")) $
+ return ()
+ where _unimplementedMsg = unwords $
+ ("WARNING unimplemented primitives:" : (map show unimplementedPrims))
+ _overrideMsg = unwords $
+ ("WARNING overridden definitions:" : (map show overridePrims))
+ primSet = Set.fromList $ map defIdent $ allModulePrimitives modmap
+ defSet = Set.fromList $ map defIdent $ allModuleActualDefs modmap
+ implementedPrims = Map.keysSet prims
+ unimplementedPrims = Set.toList $ Set.difference primSet implementedPrims
+ overridePrims = Set.toList $ Set.intersection defSet implementedPrims
+-- | Evaluate a recursor application given a recursive way to evaluate terms,
+-- the current 'RecursorInfo' structure, and thunks for the @p_ret@, eliminators
+-- for the current inductive type, and the value being pattern-matched
+evalRecursorApp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ ModuleMap -> (Term -> OpenValue l) ->
+ [Thunk l] -> Thunk l -> [(Ident, Thunk l)] -> Value l ->
+ MValue l
+evalRecursorApp modmap lam ps p_ret cs_fs (VCtorApp c all_args)
+ | Just ctor <- findCtorInMap modmap c
+ , Just dt <- findDataTypeInMap modmap (ctorDataTypeName ctor)
+ = do elims <-
+ mapM (\c' -> case lookup (ctorName c') cs_fs of
+ Just elim -> return elim
+ Nothing ->
+ panic ("evalRecursorApp: internal error: "
+ ++ "constructor not found in its own datatype: "
+ ++ show c')) $
+ dtCtors dt
+ let args = drop (length ps) $ V.toList all_args
+ lam (ctorIotaReduction ctor) (reverse $ ps ++ [p_ret] ++ elims ++ args)
+evalRecursorApp _ _ _ _ _ (VCtorApp c _) =
+ panic $ ("evalRecursorApp: could not find info for constructor: " ++ show c)
+evalRecursorApp modmap lam ps p_ret cs_fs (VNat 0) =
+ evalRecursorApp modmap lam ps p_ret cs_fs (VCtorApp "Prelude.Zero" V.empty)
+evalRecursorApp modmap lam ps p_ret cs_fs (VNat i) =
+ evalRecursorApp modmap lam ps p_ret cs_fs
+ (VCtorApp "Prelude.Succ" (V.singleton $ ready $ VNat $ i-1))
+evalRecursorApp _modmap _lam _ps _p_ret _cs_fs (VToNat _bv) =
+ panic $ "evalRecursorApp: VToNat!"
+evalRecursorApp _ _ _ _ _ v =
+ panic $ "evalRecursorApp: non-constructor value: " ++ show v
+-- The evaluation strategy for SharedTerms involves two memo tables:
+-- The first, @memoClosed@, is precomputed and contains the result of
+-- evaluating all _closed_ subterms. The same @memoClosed@ table is
+-- used for evaluation under lambdas, since the meaning of a closed
+-- term does not depend on the local variable context. The second memo
+-- table is @memoLocal@, which additionally includes the result of
+-- evaluating _open_ terms in the current variable context. It is
+-- reinitialized to @memoClosed@ whenever we descend under a lambda
+-- binder.
+{-# SPECIALIZE evalSharedTerm ::
+ Show (Extra l) => SimulatorConfigIn Id l -> Term -> MValueIn Id l #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE evalSharedTerm ::
+ Show (Extra l) => SimulatorConfigIn IO l -> Term -> MValueIn IO l #-}
+-- | Evaluator for shared terms.
+evalSharedTerm :: (VMonadLazy l, MonadFix (EvalM l), Show (Extra l)) =>
+ SimulatorConfig l -> Term -> MValue l
+evalSharedTerm cfg t = do
+ memoClosed <- mkMemoClosed cfg t
+ evalOpen cfg memoClosed t []
+{-# SPECIALIZE mkMemoClosed ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ SimulatorConfigIn Id l -> Term -> Id (IntMap (ThunkIn Id l)) #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE mkMemoClosed ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ SimulatorConfigIn IO l -> Term -> IO (IntMap (ThunkIn IO l)) #-}
+-- | Precomputing the memo table for closed subterms.
+mkMemoClosed :: forall l. (VMonadLazy l, MonadFix (EvalM l), Show (Extra l)) =>
+ SimulatorConfig l -> Term -> EvalM l (IntMap (Thunk l))
+mkMemoClosed cfg t =
+ mfix $ \memoClosed -> mapM (delay . evalClosedTermF cfg memoClosed) subterms
+ where
+ -- | Map of all closed subterms of t.
+ subterms :: IntMap (TermF Term)
+ subterms = fmap fst $ IMap.filter ((== emptyBitSet) . snd) $ State.execState (go t) IMap.empty
+ go :: Term -> State.State (IntMap (TermF Term, BitSet)) BitSet
+ go (Unshared tf) = freesTermF <$> traverse go tf
+ go (STApp{ stAppIndex = i, stAppTermF = tf }) = do
+ memo <- State.get
+ case IMap.lookup i memo of
+ Just (_, b) -> return b
+ Nothing -> do
+ b <- freesTermF <$> traverse go tf
+ State.modify (IMap.insert i (tf, b))
+ return b
+{-# SPECIALIZE evalClosedTermF ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ SimulatorConfigIn Id l ->
+ IntMap (ThunkIn Id l) ->
+ TermF Term ->
+ MValueIn Id l #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE evalClosedTermF ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ SimulatorConfigIn IO l ->
+ IntMap (ThunkIn IO l) ->
+ TermF Term ->
+ MValueIn IO l #-}
+-- | Evaluator for closed terms, used to populate @memoClosed@.
+evalClosedTermF :: (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ SimulatorConfig l
+ -> IntMap (Thunk l)
+ -> TermF Term -> MValue l
+evalClosedTermF cfg memoClosed tf = evalTermF cfg lam recEval tf []
+ where
+ lam = evalOpen cfg memoClosed
+ recEval (Unshared tf') = evalTermF cfg lam recEval tf' []
+ recEval (STApp{ stAppIndex = i }) =
+ case IMap.lookup i memoClosed of
+ Just x -> force x
+ Nothing -> panic "evalClosedTermF: internal error"
+{-# SPECIALIZE mkMemoLocal ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ SimulatorConfigIn Id l ->
+ IntMap (ThunkIn Id l) ->
+ Term ->
+ [ThunkIn Id l] ->
+ Id (IntMap (ThunkIn Id l)) #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE mkMemoLocal ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ SimulatorConfigIn IO l ->
+ IntMap (ThunkIn IO l) ->
+ Term ->
+ [ThunkIn IO l] ->
+ IO (IntMap (ThunkIn IO l)) #-}
+-- | Precomputing the memo table for open subterms in the current context.
+mkMemoLocal :: forall l. (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ SimulatorConfig l -> IntMap (Thunk l) ->
+ Term -> [Thunk l] -> EvalM l (IntMap (Thunk l))
+mkMemoLocal cfg memoClosed t env = go memoClosed t
+ where
+ go :: IntMap (Thunk l) -> Term -> EvalM l (IntMap (Thunk l))
+ go memo (Unshared tf) = goTermF memo tf
+ go memo (STApp{ stAppIndex = i, stAppTermF = tf }) =
+ case IMap.lookup i memo of
+ Just _ -> return memo
+ Nothing -> do
+ memo' <- goTermF memo tf
+ thunk <- delay (evalLocalTermF cfg memoClosed memo' tf env)
+ return (IMap.insert i thunk memo')
+ goTermF :: IntMap (Thunk l) -> TermF Term -> EvalM l (IntMap (Thunk l))
+ goTermF memo tf =
+ case tf of
+ FTermF ftf -> foldlM go memo ftf
+ App t1 t2 -> do memo' <- go memo t1
+ go memo' t2
+ Lambda _ t1 _ -> go memo t1
+ Pi _ t1 _ -> go memo t1
+ LocalVar _ -> return memo
+ Constant _ t1 -> go memo t1
+{-# SPECIALIZE evalLocalTermF ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ SimulatorConfigIn Id l ->
+ IntMap (ThunkIn Id l) ->
+ IntMap (ThunkIn Id l) ->
+ TermF Term ->
+ OpenValueIn Id l #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE evalLocalTermF ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ SimulatorConfigIn IO l ->
+ IntMap (ThunkIn IO l) ->
+ IntMap (ThunkIn IO l) ->
+ TermF Term ->
+ OpenValueIn IO l #-}
+-- | Evaluator for open terms, used to populate @memoLocal@.
+evalLocalTermF :: (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ SimulatorConfig l
+ -> IntMap (Thunk l) -> IntMap (Thunk l)
+ -> TermF Term -> OpenValue l
+evalLocalTermF cfg memoClosed memoLocal tf0 env = evalTermF cfg lam recEval tf0 env
+ where
+ lam = evalOpen cfg memoClosed
+ recEval (Unshared tf) = evalTermF cfg lam recEval tf env
+ recEval (STApp{ stAppIndex = i }) =
+ case IMap.lookup i memoLocal of
+ Just x -> force x
+ Nothing -> panic "evalLocalTermF: internal error"
+{-# SPECIALIZE evalOpen ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ SimulatorConfigIn Id l ->
+ IntMap (ThunkIn Id l) ->
+ Term ->
+ OpenValueIn Id l #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE evalOpen ::
+ Show (Extra l) =>
+ SimulatorConfigIn IO l ->
+ IntMap (ThunkIn IO l) ->
+ Term ->
+ OpenValueIn IO l #-}
+-- | Evaluator for open terms; parameterized by a precomputed table @memoClosed@.
+evalOpen :: forall l. (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ SimulatorConfig l
+ -> IntMap (Thunk l)
+ -> Term -> OpenValue l
+evalOpen cfg memoClosed t env = do
+ memoLocal <- mkMemoLocal cfg memoClosed t env
+ let eval :: Term -> MValue l
+ eval (Unshared tf) = evalF tf
+ eval (STApp{ stAppIndex = i, stAppTermF = tf }) =
+ case IMap.lookup i memoLocal of
+ Just x -> force x
+ Nothing -> evalF tf
+ evalF :: TermF Term -> MValue l
+ evalF tf = evalTermF cfg (evalOpen cfg memoClosed) eval tf env
+ eval t
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/Concrete.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/Concrete.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22c271a391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/Concrete.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete
+ ( evalSharedTerm
+ , CValue, Concrete, Value(..), TValue(..)
+ , CExtra(..)
+ , toBool
+ , toWord
+ , runIdentity
+ ) where
+--import Control.Applicative
+--import Control.Monad (zipWithM, (<=<))
+import Control.Monad.Identity
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.IntTrie (IntTrie)
+import qualified Data.IntTrie as IntTrie
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+--import Data.Traversable
+import Data.Vector (Vector)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Verifier.SAW.Prim (BitVector(..), signed, bv, bvNeg)
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Prim as Prim
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator as Sim
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims as Prims
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST (ModuleMap)
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+-- type ExtCnsEnv = VarIndex -> String -> CValue
+-- | Evaluator for shared terms.
+evalSharedTerm :: ModuleMap -> Map Ident CValue -> Map VarIndex CValue -> Term -> CValue
+evalSharedTerm m addlPrims ecVals t =
+ runIdentity $ do
+ cfg <- Sim.evalGlobal m (Map.union constMap addlPrims) extcns (const Nothing)
+ Sim.evalSharedTerm cfg t
+ where
+ extcns ec =
+ case Map.lookup (ecVarIndex ec) ecVals of
+ Just v -> return v
+ Nothing -> return $ Prim.userError $ "Unimplemented: external constant " ++ show (ecName ec)
+-- Values
+data Concrete
+type instance EvalM Concrete = Identity
+type instance VBool Concrete = Bool
+type instance VWord Concrete = BitVector
+type instance VInt Concrete = Integer
+type instance VArray Concrete = ()
+type instance Extra Concrete = CExtra
+type CValue = Value Concrete -- (WithM Identity Concrete)
+data CExtra
+ = CStream (IntTrie CValue)
+instance Show CExtra where
+ show (CStream _) = ""
+toBool :: CValue -> Bool
+toBool (VBool b) = b
+toBool x = error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete.toBool", show x]
+vWord :: BitVector -> CValue
+vWord x = VWord x
+-- | Conversion from list of bits to integer (big-endian)
+bvToInteger :: Vector Bool -> Integer
+bvToInteger = V.foldl' (\x b -> if b then 2*x+1 else 2*x) 0
+unpackBitVector :: BitVector -> Vector Bool
+unpackBitVector x = V.generate (Prim.width x) (Prim.bvAt x)
+packBitVector :: Vector Bool -> BitVector
+packBitVector v = BV (V.length v) (bvToInteger v)
+toWord :: CValue -> BitVector
+toWord (VWord x) = x
+toWord (VVector vv) = packBitVector (fmap (toBool . runIdentity . force) vv)
+toWord x = error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete.toWord", show x]
+vStream :: IntTrie CValue -> CValue
+vStream x = VExtra (CStream x)
+toStream :: CValue -> IntTrie CValue
+toStream (VExtra (CStream x)) = x
+toStream x = error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete.toStream", show x]
+flattenBValue :: CValue -> BitVector
+flattenBValue (VExtra (BBool l)) = return (AIG.replicate 1 l)
+flattenBValue (VWord lv) = return lv
+flattenBValue (VExtra (CStream _ _)) = error "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete.flattenBValue: CStream"
+flattenBValue (VVector vv) =
+ AIG.concat <$> traverse (flattenBValue <=< force) (V.toList vv)
+flattenBValue (VTuple vv) =
+ AIG.concat <$> traverse (flattenBValue <=< force) (V.toList vv)
+flattenBValue (VRecord m) =
+ AIG.concat <$> traverse (flattenBValue <=< force) (Map.elems m)
+flattenBValue _ = error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete.flattenBValue: unsupported value"]
+wordFun :: (BitVector -> CValue) -> CValue
+wordFun f = pureFun (\x -> f (toWord x))
+-- | op : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Nat -> Vec n Bool
+bvShiftOp :: (BitVector -> Int -> BitVector) -> CValue
+bvShiftOp natOp =
+ constFun $
+ wordFun $ \x ->
+ pureFun $ \y ->
+ case y of
+ VNat n | toInteger n < toInteger (maxBound :: Int) -> vWord (natOp x (fromIntegral n))
+ _ -> error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete.shiftOp", show y]
+pure1 :: Applicative f => (a -> b) -> a -> f b
+pure1 f x = pure (f x)
+pure2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> f c
+pure2 f x y = pure (f x y)
+pure3 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> f d
+pure3 f x y z = pure (f x y z)
+divOp :: (a -> b -> Maybe c) -> a -> b -> Identity c
+divOp f x y = maybe Prim.divideByZero pure (f x y)
+ite :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
+ite b x y = if b then x else y
+prims :: Prims.BasePrims Concrete
+prims =
+ Prims.BasePrims
+ { Prims.bpAsBool = Just
+ , Prims.bpUnpack = pure1 unpackBitVector
+ , Prims.bpPack = pure1 packBitVector
+ , Prims.bpBvAt = pure2 Prim.bvAt
+ , Prims.bpBvLit = pure2 Prim.bv
+ , Prims.bpBvSize = Prim.width
+ , Prims.bpBvJoin = pure2 (Prim.append_bv undefined undefined undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvSlice = pure3 (\m n x -> Prim.slice_bv () m n (Prim.width x - m - n) x)
+ -- Conditionals
+ , Prims.bpMuxBool = pure3 ite
+ , Prims.bpMuxWord = pure3 ite
+ , Prims.bpMuxInt = pure3 ite
+ , Prims.bpMuxExtra = pure3 ite
+ -- Booleans
+ , Prims.bpTrue = True
+ , Prims.bpFalse = False
+ , Prims.bpNot = pure1 not
+ , Prims.bpAnd = pure2 (&&)
+ , Prims.bpOr = pure2 (||)
+ , Prims.bpXor = pure2 (/=)
+ , Prims.bpBoolEq = pure2 (==)
+ -- Bitvector logical
+ , Prims.bpBvNot = pure1 (Prim.bvNot undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvAnd = pure2 (Prim.bvAnd undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvOr = pure2 (Prim.bvOr undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvXor = pure2 (Prim.bvXor undefined)
+ -- Bitvector arithmetic
+ , Prims.bpBvNeg = pure1 (Prim.bvNeg undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvAdd = pure2 (Prim.bvAdd undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvSub = pure2 (Prim.bvSub undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvMul = pure2 (Prim.bvMul undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvUDiv = divOp (Prim.bvUDiv undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvURem = divOp (Prim.bvURem undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvSDiv = divOp (Prim.bvSDiv undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvSRem = divOp (Prim.bvSRem undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvLg2 = pure1 Prim.bvLg2
+ -- Bitvector comparisons
+ , Prims.bpBvEq = pure2 (Prim.bvEq undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvsle = pure2 (Prim.bvsle undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvslt = pure2 (Prim.bvslt undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvule = pure2 (Prim.bvule undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvult = pure2 (Prim.bvult undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvsge = pure2 (Prim.bvsge undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvsgt = pure2 (Prim.bvsgt undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvuge = pure2 (Prim.bvuge undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvugt = pure2 (Prim.bvugt undefined)
+ -- Bitvector shift/rotate
+ , Prims.bpBvRolInt = pure2 bvRotateL
+ , Prims.bpBvRorInt = pure2 bvRotateR
+ , Prims.bpBvShlInt = pure3 bvShiftL
+ , Prims.bpBvShrInt = pure3 bvShiftR
+ , Prims.bpBvRol = pure2 (\x y -> bvRotateL x (unsigned y))
+ , Prims.bpBvRor = pure2 (\x y -> bvRotateR x (unsigned y))
+ , Prims.bpBvShl = pure3 (\b x y -> bvShiftL b x (unsigned y))
+ , Prims.bpBvShr = pure3 (\b x y -> bvShiftR b x (unsigned y))
+ -- Bitvector misc
+ , Prims.bpBvPopcount = pure1 (Prim.bvPopcount undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvCountLeadingZeros = pure1 (Prim.bvCountLeadingZeros undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvCountTrailingZeros = pure1 (Prim.bvCountTrailingZeros undefined)
+ , Prims.bpBvForall = unsupportedConcretePrimitive "bvForall"
+ -- Integer operations
+ , Prims.bpIntAdd = pure2 (+)
+ , Prims.bpIntSub = pure2 (-)
+ , Prims.bpIntMul = pure2 (*)
+ , Prims.bpIntDiv = pure2 div
+ , Prims.bpIntMod = pure2 mod
+ , Prims.bpIntNeg = pure1 negate
+ , Prims.bpIntAbs = pure1 abs
+ , Prims.bpIntEq = pure2 (==)
+ , Prims.bpIntLe = pure2 (<=)
+ , Prims.bpIntLt = pure2 (<)
+ , Prims.bpIntMin = pure2 min
+ , Prims.bpIntMax = pure2 max
+ -- Array operations
+ , Prims.bpArrayConstant = unsupportedConcretePrimitive "bpArrayConstant"
+ , Prims.bpArrayLookup = unsupportedConcretePrimitive "bpArrayLookup"
+ , Prims.bpArrayUpdate = unsupportedConcretePrimitive "bpArrayUpdate"
+ , Prims.bpArrayEq = unsupportedConcretePrimitive "bpArrayEq"
+ }
+unsupportedConcretePrimitive :: String -> a
+unsupportedConcretePrimitive = Prim.unsupportedPrimitive "concrete"
+constMap :: Map Ident CValue
+constMap =
+ flip Map.union (Prims.constMap prims) $
+ Map.fromList
+ -- Shifts
+ [ ("Prelude.bvShl" , bvShiftOp (Prim.bvShl undefined))
+ , ("Prelude.bvShr" , bvShiftOp (Prim.bvShr undefined))
+ , ("Prelude.bvSShr", bvShiftOp (Prim.bvSShr undefined))
+ -- Integers
+ , ("Prelude.intToNat", Prims.intToNatOp)
+ , ("Prelude.natToInt", Prims.natToIntOp)
+ , ("Prelude.intToBv" , intToBvOp)
+ , ("Prelude.bvToInt" , bvToIntOp)
+ , ("Prelude.sbvToInt", sbvToIntOp)
+ -- Integers mod n
+ , ("Prelude.toIntMod" , toIntModOp)
+ , ("Prelude.fromIntMod", fromIntModOp)
+ , ("Prelude.intModEq" , intModEqOp)
+ , ("Prelude.intModAdd" , intModBinOp (+))
+ , ("Prelude.intModSub" , intModBinOp (-))
+ , ("Prelude.intModMul" , intModBinOp (*))
+ , ("Prelude.intModNeg" , intModUnOp negate)
+ -- Streams
+ , ("Prelude.MkStream", mkStreamOp)
+ , ("Prelude.streamGet", streamGetOp)
+ -- Miscellaneous
+ , ("Prelude.bvToNat", bvToNatOp) -- override Prims.constMap
+ , ("Prelude.expByNat", Prims.expByNatOp prims)
+ ]
+-- primitive bvToNat : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Nat;
+bvToNatOp :: CValue
+bvToNatOp = constFun $ wordFun $ VNat . fromInteger . unsigned
+-- primitive bvToInt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+bvToIntOp :: CValue
+bvToIntOp = constFun $ wordFun $ VInt . unsigned
+-- primitive sbvToInt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+sbvToIntOp :: CValue
+sbvToIntOp = constFun $ wordFun $ VInt . signed
+-- primitive intToBv : (n : Nat) -> Integer -> Vec n Bool;
+intToBvOp :: CValue
+intToBvOp =
+ Prims.natFun' "intToBv n" $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intFun "intToBv x" $ \x -> return $
+ VWord $
+ if n >= 0 then bv (fromIntegral n) x
+ else bvNeg n $ bv (fromIntegral n) $ negate x
+-- BitVector operations
+bvRotateL :: BitVector -> Integer -> BitVector
+bvRotateL (BV w x) i = Prim.bv w ((x `shiftL` j) .|. (x `shiftR` (w - j)))
+ where j = fromInteger (i `mod` toInteger w)
+bvRotateR :: BitVector -> Integer -> BitVector
+bvRotateR w i = bvRotateL w (- i)
+bvShiftL :: Bool -> BitVector -> Integer -> BitVector
+bvShiftL c (BV w x) i = Prim.bv w ((x `shiftL` j) .|. c')
+ where c' = if c then (1 `shiftL` j) - 1 else 0
+ j = fromInteger (i `min` toInteger w)
+bvShiftR :: Bool -> BitVector -> Integer -> BitVector
+bvShiftR c (BV w x) i = Prim.bv w (c' .|. (x `shiftR` j))
+ where c' = if c then (full `shiftL` (w - j)) .&. full else 0
+ full = (1 `shiftL` w) - 1
+ j = fromInteger (i `min` toInteger w)
+toIntModOp :: CValue
+toIntModOp =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intFun "toIntModOp" $ \x -> return $
+ VIntMod n (x `mod` toInteger n)
+fromIntModOp :: CValue
+fromIntModOp =
+ constFun $
+ Prims.intModFun "fromIntModOp" $ \x -> pure $
+ VInt x
+intModEqOp :: CValue
+intModEqOp =
+ constFun $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModEqOp" $ \x -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModEqOp" $ \y -> return $
+ VBool (x == y)
+intModBinOp :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> CValue
+intModBinOp f =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModBinOp x" $ \x -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModBinOp y" $ \y -> return $
+ VIntMod n (f x y `mod` toInteger n)
+intModUnOp :: (Integer -> Integer) -> CValue
+intModUnOp f =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModUnOp" $ \x -> return $
+ VIntMod n (f x `mod` toInteger n)
+-- MkStream :: (a :: sort 0) -> (Nat -> a) -> Stream a;
+mkStreamOp :: CValue
+mkStreamOp =
+ constFun $
+ pureFun $ \f ->
+ vStream (fmap (\n -> runIdentity (apply f (ready (VNat n)))) IntTrie.identity)
+-- streamGet :: (a :: sort 0) -> Stream a -> Nat -> a;
+streamGetOp :: CValue
+streamGetOp =
+ constFun $
+ pureFun $ \xs ->
+ strictFun $ \case
+ VNat n -> return $ IntTrie.apply (toStream xs) (toInteger n)
+ VToNat w -> return $ IntTrie.apply (toStream xs) (unsigned (toWord w))
+ n -> Prims.panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete.streamGetOp"
+ ["Expected Nat value", show n]
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/MonadLazy.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/MonadLazy.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..575a382e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/MonadLazy.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Simulator.MonadLazy
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.MonadLazy where
+import Control.Monad.Identity
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Data.IORef
+newtype Lazy m a = Lazy (m a)
+class Monad m => MonadLazy m where
+ delay :: m a -> m (Lazy m a)
+force :: Lazy m a -> m a
+force (Lazy m) = m
+ready :: Monad m => a -> Lazy m a
+ready x = Lazy (return x)
+instance MonadLazy Identity where
+ delay m = return (Lazy m)
+instance MonadLazy IO where
+ delay = delayIO
+delayIO :: MonadIO m => m a -> m (Lazy m a)
+delayIO m = liftM pull (liftIO (newIORef Nothing))
+ where
+ pull ref = Lazy $ do
+ r <- liftIO (readIORef ref)
+ case r of
+ Nothing -> do
+ x <- m
+ liftIO (writeIORef ref (Just x))
+ return x
+ Just x -> return x
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/Prims.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/Prims.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..896bdcaa06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/Prims.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1350 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims where
+import Prelude hiding (sequence, mapM)
+import GHC.Stack( HasCallStack )
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad (foldM, liftM, zipWithM, unless)
+import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix(mfix))
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Data.Traversable
+import Data.Vector (Vector)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor (Ident, alistAllFields)
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value
+import Verifier.SAW.Prim
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Prim as Prim
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Utils as Panic (panic)
+-- | A collection of implementations of primitives on base types.
+-- These can be used to derive other primitives on higher types.
+data BasePrims l =
+ BasePrims
+ { bpAsBool :: VBool l -> Maybe Bool
+ -- Bitvectors
+ , bpUnpack :: VWord l -> EvalM l (Vector (VBool l))
+ , bpPack :: Vector (VBool l) -> MWord l
+ , bpBvAt :: VWord l -> Int -> MBool l
+ , bpBvLit :: Int -> Integer -> MWord l
+ , bpBvSize :: VWord l -> Int
+ , bpBvJoin :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvSlice :: Int -> Int -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ -- Conditionals
+ , bpMuxBool :: VBool l -> VBool l -> VBool l -> MBool l
+ , bpMuxWord :: VBool l -> VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpMuxInt :: VBool l -> VInt l -> VInt l -> MInt l
+ , bpMuxExtra :: VBool l -> Extra l -> Extra l -> EvalM l (Extra l)
+ -- Booleans
+ , bpTrue :: VBool l
+ , bpFalse :: VBool l
+ , bpNot :: VBool l -> MBool l
+ , bpAnd :: VBool l -> VBool l -> MBool l
+ , bpOr :: VBool l -> VBool l -> MBool l
+ , bpXor :: VBool l -> VBool l -> MBool l
+ , bpBoolEq :: VBool l -> VBool l -> MBool l
+ -- Bitvector logical
+ , bpBvNot :: VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvAnd :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvOr :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvXor :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ -- Bitvector arithmetic
+ , bpBvNeg :: VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvAdd :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvSub :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvMul :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvUDiv :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvURem :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvSDiv :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvSRem :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvLg2 :: VWord l -> MWord l
+ -- Bitvector comparisons
+ , bpBvEq :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MBool l
+ , bpBvsle :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MBool l
+ , bpBvslt :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MBool l
+ , bpBvule :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MBool l
+ , bpBvult :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MBool l
+ , bpBvsge :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MBool l
+ , bpBvsgt :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MBool l
+ , bpBvuge :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MBool l
+ , bpBvugt :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MBool l
+ -- Bitvector shift/rotate
+ , bpBvRolInt :: VWord l -> Integer -> MWord l
+ , bpBvRorInt :: VWord l -> Integer -> MWord l
+ , bpBvShlInt :: VBool l -> VWord l -> Integer -> MWord l
+ , bpBvShrInt :: VBool l -> VWord l -> Integer -> MWord l
+ , bpBvRol :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvRor :: VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvShl :: VBool l -> VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvShr :: VBool l -> VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l
+ -- Bitvector misc
+ , bpBvPopcount :: VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvCountLeadingZeros :: VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvCountTrailingZeros :: VWord l -> MWord l
+ , bpBvForall :: Natural -> (VWord l -> MBool l) -> MBool l
+ -- Integer operations
+ , bpIntAdd :: VInt l -> VInt l -> MInt l
+ , bpIntSub :: VInt l -> VInt l -> MInt l
+ , bpIntMul :: VInt l -> VInt l -> MInt l
+ , bpIntDiv :: VInt l -> VInt l -> MInt l
+ , bpIntMod :: VInt l -> VInt l -> MInt l
+ , bpIntNeg :: VInt l -> MInt l
+ , bpIntAbs :: VInt l -> MInt l
+ , bpIntEq :: VInt l -> VInt l -> MBool l
+ , bpIntLe :: VInt l -> VInt l -> MBool l
+ , bpIntLt :: VInt l -> VInt l -> MBool l
+ , bpIntMin :: VInt l -> VInt l -> MInt l
+ , bpIntMax :: VInt l -> VInt l -> MInt l
+ -- Array operations
+ , bpArrayConstant :: TValue l -> Value l -> MArray l
+ , bpArrayLookup :: VArray l -> Value l -> MValue l
+ , bpArrayUpdate :: VArray l -> Value l -> Value l -> MArray l
+ , bpArrayEq :: VArray l -> VArray l -> MBool l
+ }
+bpBool :: VMonad l => BasePrims l -> Bool -> MBool l
+bpBool bp True = return (bpTrue bp)
+bpBool bp False = return (bpFalse bp)
+-- | Given implementations of the base primitives, construct a table
+-- containing implementations of all primitives.
+constMap ::
+ forall l.
+ (VMonadLazy l, MonadFix (EvalM l), Show (Extra l)) =>
+ BasePrims l -> Map Ident (Value l)
+constMap bp = Map.fromList
+ -- Boolean
+ [ ("Prelude.Bool" , TValue VBoolType)
+ , ("Prelude.True" , VBool (bpTrue bp))
+ , ("Prelude.False" , VBool (bpFalse bp))
+ , ("Prelude.not" , strictFun (liftM VBool . bpNot bp . toBool))
+ , ("Prelude.and" , boolBinOp (bpAnd bp))
+ , ("Prelude.or" , boolBinOp (bpOr bp))
+ , ("Prelude.xor" , boolBinOp (bpXor bp))
+ , ("Prelude.boolEq", boolBinOp (bpBoolEq bp))
+ -- Bitwise
+ , ("Prelude.bvAnd" , wordBinOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvAnd bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvOr" , wordBinOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvOr bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvXor" , wordBinOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvXor bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvNot" , wordUnOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvNot bp))
+ -- Arithmetic
+ , ("Prelude.bvNeg" , wordUnOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvNeg bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvAdd" , wordBinOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvAdd bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvSub" , wordBinOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvSub bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvMul" , wordBinOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvMul bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvUDiv", wordBinOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvUDiv bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvURem", wordBinOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvURem bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvSDiv", wordBinOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvSDiv bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvSRem", wordBinOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvSRem bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvLg2" , wordUnOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvLg2 bp))
+ -- Comparisons
+ , ("Prelude.bvEq" , wordBinRel (bpPack bp) (bpBvEq bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvsle" , wordBinRel (bpPack bp) (bpBvsle bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvslt" , wordBinRel (bpPack bp) (bpBvslt bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvule" , wordBinRel (bpPack bp) (bpBvule bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvult" , wordBinRel (bpPack bp) (bpBvult bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvsge" , wordBinRel (bpPack bp) (bpBvsge bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvsgt" , wordBinRel (bpPack bp) (bpBvsgt bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvuge" , wordBinRel (bpPack bp) (bpBvuge bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvugt" , wordBinRel (bpPack bp) (bpBvugt bp))
+ -- Bitvector misc
+ , ("Prelude.bvPopcount", wordUnOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvPopcount bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvCountLeadingZeros", wordUnOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvCountLeadingZeros bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvCountTrailingZeros", wordUnOp (bpPack bp) (bpBvCountTrailingZeros bp))
+ , ("Prelude.bvForall", natFun $ \n ->
+ pure . strictFun $ fmap VBool . bpBvForall bp n . toWordPred
+ )
+ -- Shifts
+ , ("Prelude.bvShl" , bvShLOp)
+ , ("Prelude.bvShr" , bvShROp)
+ , ("Prelude.bvSShr", bvSShROp)
+ -- Nat
+ , ("Prelude.Succ", succOp)
+ , ("Prelude.addNat", addNatOp)
+ , ("Prelude.subNat", subNatOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.mulNat", mulNatOp)
+ , ("Prelude.minNat", minNatOp)
+ , ("Prelude.maxNat", maxNatOp)
+ , ("Prelude.divModNat", divModNatOp)
+ , ("Prelude.expNat", expNatOp)
+ , ("Prelude.widthNat", widthNatOp)
+ , ("Prelude.natCase", natCaseOp)
+ , ("Prelude.equalNat", equalNatOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.ltNat", ltNatOp bp)
+ -- Integers
+ , ("Prelude.Integer", TValue VIntType)
+ , ("Prelude.intAdd", intBinOp "intAdd" (bpIntAdd bp))
+ , ("Prelude.intSub", intBinOp "intSub" (bpIntSub bp))
+ , ("Prelude.intMul", intBinOp "intMul" (bpIntMul bp))
+ , ("Prelude.intDiv", intBinOp "intDiv" (bpIntDiv bp))
+ , ("Prelude.intMod", intBinOp "intMod" (bpIntMod bp))
+ , ("Prelude.intNeg", intUnOp "intNeg" (bpIntNeg bp))
+ , ("Prelude.intAbs", intUnOp "intAbs" (bpIntAbs bp))
+ , ("Prelude.intEq" , intBinCmp "intEq" (bpIntEq bp))
+ , ("Prelude.intLe" , intBinCmp "intLe" (bpIntLe bp))
+ , ("Prelude.intLt" , intBinCmp "intLt" (bpIntLt bp))
+ --XXX , ("Prelude.intToNat", Prims.intToNatOp)
+ , ("Prelude.natToInt", natToIntOp)
+ , ("Prelude.intToBv" , intToBvOp)
+ , ("Prelude.bvToInt" , bvToIntOp)
+ , ("Prelude.sbvToInt", sbvToIntOp)
+ --XXX , ("Prelude.intMin" , Prims.intMinOp)
+ --XXX , ("Prelude.intMax" , Prims.intMaxOp)
+ , ("Prelude.intMin", intBinOp "intMin" (bpIntMin bp))
+ , ("Prelude.intMax", intBinOp "intMax" (bpIntMax bp))
+ -- Modular Integers
+ , ("Prelude.IntMod", natFun $ \n -> pure $ TValue (VIntModType n))
+ -- Vectors
+ , ("Prelude.Vec", vecTypeOp)
+ , ("Prelude.gen", genOp)
+ , ("Prelude.atWithDefault", atWithDefaultOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.upd", updOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.take", takeOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.drop", dropOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.append", appendOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.join", joinOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.split", splitOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.zip", vZipOp (bpUnpack bp))
+ , ("Prelude.foldr", foldrOp (bpUnpack bp))
+ , ("Prelude.rotateL", rotateLOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.rotateR", rotateROp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.shiftL", shiftLOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.shiftR", shiftROp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.EmptyVec", emptyVec)
+ -- Miscellaneous
+ , ("Prelude.coerce", coerceOp)
+ , ("Prelude.bvNat", bvNatOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.bvToNat", bvToNatOp)
+ , ("Prelude.error", errorOp)
+ , ("Prelude.fix", fixOp)
+ -- Overloaded
+ , ("Prelude.ite", iteOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.iteDep", iteOp bp)
+ -- SMT Arrays
+ , ("Prelude.Array", arrayTypeOp)
+ , ("Prelude.arrayConstant", arrayConstantOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.arrayLookup", arrayLookupOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.arrayUpdate", arrayUpdateOp bp)
+ , ("Prelude.arrayEq", arrayEqOp bp)
+ ]
+-- | Call this function to indicate that a programming error has
+-- occurred, e.g. a datatype invariant has been violated.
+panic :: HasCallStack => String -> a
+panic msg = Panic.panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims" [msg]
+-- Value accessors and constructors
+vNat :: Natural -> Value l
+vNat n = VNat n
+natFromValue :: Value l -> Natural
+natFromValue (VNat n) = n
+natFromValue _ = panic "natFromValue"
+natFun'' :: (HasCallStack, VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => String -> (Natural -> MValue l) -> Value l
+natFun'' s f = strictFun g
+ where g (VNat n) = f n
+ g v = panic $ "expected Nat (" ++ s ++ "): " ++ show v
+natFun' :: (HasCallStack, VMonad l) => String -> (Natural -> MValue l) -> Value l
+natFun' s f = strictFun g
+ where g (VNat n) = f n
+ g _ = panic $ "expected Nat: " ++ s
+natFun :: (HasCallStack, VMonad l) => (Natural -> MValue l) -> Value l
+natFun f = strictFun g
+ where g (VNat n) = f n
+ g _ = panic "expected Nat"
+intFun :: VMonad l => String -> (VInt l -> MValue l) -> Value l
+intFun msg f = strictFun g
+ where g (VInt i) = f i
+ g _ = panic $ "expected Integer "++ msg
+intModFun :: VMonad l => String -> (VInt l -> MValue l) -> Value l
+intModFun msg f = strictFun g
+ where g (VIntMod _ i) = f i
+ g _ = panic $ "expected IntMod "++ msg
+toBool :: Show (Extra l) => Value l -> VBool l
+toBool (VBool b) = b
+toBool x = panic $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.toBool", show x]
+type Pack l = Vector (VBool l) -> MWord l
+type Unpack l = VWord l -> EvalM l (Vector (VBool l))
+toWord :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => Pack l -> Value l -> MWord l
+toWord _ (VWord w) = return w
+toWord pack (VVector vv) = pack =<< V.mapM (liftM toBool . force) vv
+toWord _ x = panic $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.toWord", show x]
+toWordPred :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => Value l -> VWord l -> MBool l
+toWordPred (VFun f) = fmap toBool . f . ready . VWord
+toWordPred x = panic $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.toWordPred", show x]
+toBits :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => Unpack l -> Value l ->
+ EvalM l (Vector (VBool l))
+toBits unpack (VWord w) = unpack w
+toBits _ (VVector v) = V.mapM (liftM toBool . force) v
+toBits _ x = panic $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.toBits", show x]
+toVector :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => Unpack l
+ -> Value l -> EvalM l (Vector (Thunk l))
+toVector _ (VVector v) = return v
+toVector unpack (VWord w) = liftM (fmap (ready . VBool)) (unpack w)
+toVector _ x = panic $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.toVector", show x]
+wordFun :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => Pack l -> (VWord l -> MValue l) -> Value l
+wordFun pack f = strictFun (\x -> toWord pack x >>= f)
+bitsFun :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ Unpack l -> (Vector (VBool l) -> MValue l) -> Value l
+bitsFun unpack f = strictFun (\x -> toBits unpack x >>= f)
+vectorFun :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ Unpack l -> (Vector (Thunk l) -> MValue l) -> Value l
+vectorFun unpack f = strictFun (\x -> toVector unpack x >>= f)
+vecIdx :: a -> Vector a -> Int -> a
+vecIdx err v n =
+ case (V.!?) v n of
+ Just a -> a
+ Nothing -> err
+toArray :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => Value l -> MArray l
+toArray (VArray f) = return f
+toArray x = panic $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.toArray", show x]
+-- Standard operator types
+-- op :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool;
+boolBinOp ::
+ (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ (VBool l -> VBool l -> MBool l) -> Value l
+boolBinOp op =
+ strictFun $ \x -> return $
+ strictFun $ \y -> VBool <$> op (toBool x) (toBool y)
+-- op : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+wordUnOp ::
+ (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ Pack l -> (VWord l -> MWord l) -> Value l
+wordUnOp pack op =
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \x ->
+ do xw <- toWord pack x
+ VWord <$> op xw
+-- op : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+wordBinOp ::
+ (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ Pack l -> (VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l) -> Value l
+wordBinOp pack op =
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \x -> return $
+ strictFun $ \y ->
+ do xw <- toWord pack x
+ yw <- toWord pack y
+ VWord <$> op xw yw
+-- op : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool -> Bool;
+wordBinRel ::
+ (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ Pack l -> (VWord l -> VWord l -> MBool l) -> Value l
+wordBinRel pack op =
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \x -> return $
+ strictFun $ \y ->
+ do xw <- toWord pack x
+ yw <- toWord pack y
+ VBool <$> op xw yw
+-- Utility functions
+-- @selectV mux maxValue valueFn v@ treats the vector @v@ as an
+-- index, represented as a big-endian list of bits. It does a binary
+-- lookup, using @mux@ as an if-then-else operator. If the index is
+-- greater than @maxValue@, then it returns @valueFn maxValue@.
+selectV :: (b -> a -> a -> a) -> Int -> (Int -> a) -> Vector b -> a
+selectV mux maxValue valueFn v = impl len 0
+ where
+ len = V.length v
+ err = panic "selectV: impossible"
+ impl _ x | x > maxValue || x < 0 = valueFn maxValue
+ impl 0 x = valueFn x
+ impl i x = mux (vecIdx err v (len - i)) (impl j (x `setBit` j)) (impl j x) where j = i - 1
+-- Values for common primitives
+-- bvNat : (n : Nat) -> Nat -> Vec n Bool;
+bvNatOp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+bvNatOp bp =
+ natFun'' "bvNatOp1" $ \w -> return $
+ natFun'' "bvNatOp2" $ \x ->
+ VWord <$> bpBvLit bp (fromIntegral w) (toInteger x) -- FIXME check for overflow on w
+-- bvToNat : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Nat;
+bvToNatOp :: VMonad l => Value l
+bvToNatOp = constFun $ pureFun VToNat
+-- coerce :: (a b :: sort 0) -> Eq (sort 0) a b -> a -> b;
+coerceOp :: VMonad l => Value l
+coerceOp =
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ VFun force
+-- Nat primitives
+-- | Return the number of bits necessary to represent the given value,
+-- which should be a value of type Nat.
+natSize :: BasePrims l -> Value l -> Natural
+natSize bp val =
+ case val of
+ VNat n -> widthNat n
+ VToNat (VVector v) -> fromIntegral (V.length v)
+ VToNat (VWord w) -> fromIntegral (bpBvSize bp w)
+ _ -> panic "natSize: expected Nat"
+-- | Convert the given value (which should be of type Nat) to a word
+-- of the given bit-width. The bit-width must be at least as large as
+-- that returned by @natSize@.
+natToWord :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Int -> Value l -> MWord l
+natToWord bp w val =
+ case val of
+ VNat n -> bpBvLit bp w (toInteger n)
+ VToNat v ->
+ do x <- toWord (bpPack bp) v
+ let xsize = bpBvSize bp x
+ case compare xsize w of
+ GT -> panic "natToWord: not enough bits"
+ EQ -> return x
+ LT -> -- zero-extend x to width w
+ do pad <- bpBvLit bp (w - xsize) 0
+ bpBvJoin bp pad x
+ _ -> panic "natToWord: expected Nat"
+-- Succ :: Nat -> Nat;
+succOp :: VMonad l => Value l
+succOp =
+ natFun' "Succ" $ \n -> return $
+ vNat (succ n)
+-- addNat :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+addNatOp :: VMonad l => Value l
+addNatOp =
+ natFun' "addNat1" $ \m -> return $
+ natFun' "addNat2" $ \n -> return $
+ vNat (m + n)
+-- subNat :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+subNatOp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+subNatOp bp =
+ strictFun $ \x -> return $
+ strictFun $ \y -> g x y
+ where
+ g (VNat i) (VNat j) = return $ VNat (if i < j then 0 else i - j)
+ g v1 v2 =
+ do let w = toInteger (max (natSize bp v1) (natSize bp v2))
+ unless (w <= toInteger (maxBound :: Int))
+ (panic "subNatOp" ["width too large", show w])
+ x1 <- natToWord bp (fromInteger w) v1
+ x2 <- natToWord bp (fromInteger w) v2
+ lt <- bpBvult bp x1 x2
+ z <- bpBvLit bp (fromInteger w) 0
+ d <- bpBvSub bp x1 x2
+ VToNat . VWord <$> bpMuxWord bp lt z d
+-- mulNat :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+mulNatOp :: VMonad l => Value l
+mulNatOp =
+ natFun' "mulNat1" $ \m -> return $
+ natFun' "mulNat2" $ \n -> return $
+ vNat (m * n)
+-- minNat :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+minNatOp :: VMonad l => Value l
+minNatOp =
+ natFun' "minNat1" $ \m -> return $
+ natFun' "minNat2" $ \n -> return $
+ vNat (min m n)
+-- maxNat :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+maxNatOp :: VMonad l => Value l
+maxNatOp =
+ natFun' "maxNat1" $ \m -> return $
+ natFun' "maxNat2" $ \n -> return $
+ vNat (max m n)
+-- divModNat :: Nat -> Nat -> #(Nat, Nat);
+divModNatOp :: VMonad l => Value l
+divModNatOp =
+ natFun' "divModNat1" $ \m -> return $
+ natFun' "divModNat2" $ \n -> return $
+ let (q,r) = divMod m n in
+ vTuple [ready $ vNat q, ready $ vNat r]
+-- expNat :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat;
+expNatOp :: VMonad l => Value l
+expNatOp =
+ natFun' "expNat1" $ \m -> return $
+ natFun' "expNat2" $ \n -> return $
+ vNat (m ^ n)
+-- widthNat :: Nat -> Nat;
+widthNatOp :: VMonad l => Value l
+widthNatOp =
+ natFun' "widthNat1" $ \n -> return $
+ vNat (widthNat n)
+-- equalNat :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool;
+equalNatOp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+equalNatOp bp =
+ strictFun $ \x -> return $
+ strictFun $ \y -> g x y
+ where
+ g (VNat i) (VNat j) = VBool <$> bpBool bp (i == j)
+ g v1 v2 =
+ do let w = toInteger (max (natSize bp v1) (natSize bp v2))
+ unless (w <= toInteger (maxBound :: Int))
+ (panic "equalNatOp" ["width too large", show w])
+ x1 <- natToWord bp (fromInteger w) v1
+ x2 <- natToWord bp (fromInteger w) v2
+ VBool <$> bpBvEq bp x1 x2
+-- ltNat :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool;
+ltNatOp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+ltNatOp bp =
+ strictFun $ \x -> return $
+ strictFun $ \y -> g x y
+ where
+ g (VNat i) (VNat j) = VBool <$> bpBool bp (i < j)
+ g v1 v2 =
+ do let w = toInteger (max (natSize bp v1) (natSize bp v2))
+ unless (w <= toInteger (maxBound :: Int))
+ (panic "ltNatOp" ["width too large", show w])
+ x1 <- natToWord bp (fromInteger w) v1
+ x2 <- natToWord bp (fromInteger w) v2
+ VBool <$> bpBvult bp x1 x2
+-- natCase :: (p :: Nat -> sort 0) -> p Zero -> ((n :: Nat) -> p (Succ n)) -> (n :: Nat) -> p n;
+natCaseOp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => Value l
+natCaseOp =
+ constFun $
+ VFun $ \z -> return $
+ VFun $ \s -> return $
+ natFun' "natCase" $ \n ->
+ if n == 0
+ then force z
+ else do s' <- force s
+ apply s' (ready (VNat (n - 1)))
+-- Vec :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> sort 0;
+vecTypeOp :: VMonad l => Value l
+vecTypeOp =
+ natFun' "VecType" $ \n -> return $
+ pureFun $ \a -> TValue (VVecType n (toTValue a))
+-- gen :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> (Nat -> a) -> Vec n a;
+genOp :: (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) => Value l
+genOp =
+ natFun' "gen1" $ \n -> return $
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \f -> do
+ let g i = delay $ apply f (ready (VNat (fromIntegral i)))
+ if toInteger n > toInteger (maxBound :: Int) then
+ panic ("Verifier.SAW.Simulator.gen: vector size too large: " ++ show n)
+ else liftM VVector $ V.generateM (fromIntegral n) g
+-- eq :: (a :: sort 0) -> a -> a -> Bool
+eqOp :: forall l. (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+eqOp bp =
+ constFun $ pureFun $ \v1 -> strictFun $ \v2 -> VBool <$> go v1 v2
+ where
+ go :: Value l -> Value l -> MBool l
+ go VUnit VUnit = return (bpTrue bp)
+ go (VPair x1 x2) (VPair y1 y2) =
+ do b1 <- go' x1 y1
+ b2 <- go' x2 y2
+ bpAnd bp b1 b2
+ go (VWord w1) (VWord w2) = bpBvEq bp w1 w2
+ go (VVector v1) (VVector v2) =
+ do bs <- sequence $ zipWith go' (V.toList v1) (V.toList v2)
+ foldM (bpAnd bp) (bpTrue bp) bs
+ go x1 (VVector v2) =
+ do v1 <- toVector (bpUnpack bp) x1
+ go (VVector v1) (VVector v2)
+ go (VVector v1) x2 =
+ do v2 <- toVector (bpUnpack bp) x2
+ go (VVector v1) (VVector v2)
+ go (VRecordValue elems1) (VRecordValue
+ (alistAllFields (map fst elems1) -> Just elems2)) =
+ zipWithM go' (map snd elems1) elems2 >>= foldM (bpAnd bp) (bpTrue bp)
+ go (VBool b1) (VBool b2) = bpBoolEq bp b1 b2
+ go (VInt i1) (VInt i2) = bpIntEq bp i1 i2
+ go (VArray f1) (VArray f2) = bpArrayEq bp f1 f2
+ go x1 x2 = panic $ "eq: invalid arguments: " ++ show (x1, x2)
+ go' :: Thunk l -> Thunk l -> MBool l
+ go' thunk1 thunk2 =
+ do v1 <- force thunk1
+ v2 <- force thunk2
+ go v1 v2
+-- atWithDefault :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> a -> Vec n a -> Nat -> a;
+atWithDefaultOp :: (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+atWithDefaultOp bp =
+ natFun $ \n -> return $
+ constFun $
+ VFun $ \d -> return $
+ strictFun $ \x -> return $
+ strictFun $ \idx ->
+ case idx of
+ VNat i ->
+ case x of
+ VVector xv -> force (vecIdx d xv (fromIntegral i)) -- FIXME dangerous fromIntegral
+ VWord xw -> VBool <$> bpBvAt bp xw (fromIntegral i) -- FIXME dangerous fromIntegral
+ _ -> panic "atOp: expected vector"
+ VToNat i -> do
+ iv <- toBits (bpUnpack bp) i
+ case x of
+ VVector xv ->
+ selectV (lazyMuxValue bp) (fromIntegral n - 1) (force . vecIdx d xv) iv -- FIXME dangerous fromIntegral
+ VWord xw ->
+ selectV (lazyMuxValue bp) (fromIntegral n - 1) (liftM VBool . bpBvAt bp xw) iv -- FIXME dangerous fromIntegral
+ _ -> panic "atOp: expected vector"
+ _ -> panic $ "atOp: expected Nat, got " ++ show idx
+-- upd :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Nat -> a -> Vec n a;
+updOp :: (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+updOp bp =
+ natFun $ \n -> return $
+ constFun $
+ vectorFun (bpUnpack bp) $ \xv -> return $
+ strictFun $ \idx -> return $
+ VFun $ \y ->
+ case idx of
+ VNat i
+ | toInteger i < toInteger (V.length xv)
+ -> return (VVector (xv V.// [(fromIntegral i, y)]))
+ | otherwise -> return (VVector xv)
+ VToNat (VWord w) ->
+ do let wsize = bpBvSize bp w
+ f i = do b <- bpBvEq bp w =<< bpBvLit bp wsize (toInteger i)
+ if wsize < 64 && toInteger i >= 2 ^ wsize
+ then return (xv V.! i)
+ else delay (lazyMuxValue bp b (force y) (force (xv V.! i)))
+ yv <- V.generateM (V.length xv) f
+ return (VVector yv)
+ VToNat (VVector iv) ->
+ do let update i = return (VVector (xv V.// [(i, y)]))
+ iv' <- V.mapM (liftM toBool . force) iv
+ selectV (lazyMuxValue bp) (fromIntegral n - 1) update iv' -- FIXME dangerous fromIntegral
+ _ -> panic $ "updOp: expected Nat, got " ++ show idx
+-- primitive EmptyVec :: (a :: sort 0) -> Vec 0 a;
+emptyVec :: VMonad l => Value l
+emptyVec = constFun $ VVector V.empty
+-- take :: (a :: sort 0) -> (m n :: Nat) -> Vec (addNat m n) a -> Vec m a;
+takeOp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+takeOp bp =
+ constFun $
+ natFun $ \(fromIntegral -> m) -> return $ -- FIXME dangerous fromIntegral
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \v ->
+ case v of
+ VVector vv -> return (VVector (V.take m vv))
+ VWord vw -> VWord <$> bpBvSlice bp 0 m vw
+ _ -> panic $ "takeOp: " ++ show v
+-- drop :: (a :: sort 0) -> (m n :: Nat) -> Vec (addNat m n) a -> Vec n a;
+dropOp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+dropOp bp =
+ constFun $
+ natFun $ \(fromIntegral -> m) -> return $ -- FIXME dangerous fromIntegral
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \v ->
+ case v of
+ VVector vv -> return (VVector (V.drop m vv))
+ VWord vw -> VWord <$> bpBvSlice bp m (bpBvSize bp vw - m) vw
+ _ -> panic $ "dropOp: " ++ show v
+-- append :: (m n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> Vec m a -> Vec n a -> Vec (addNat m n) a;
+appendOp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+appendOp bp =
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \xs -> return $
+ strictFun $ \ys ->
+ appV bp xs ys
+appV :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l -> Value l -> MValue l
+appV bp xs ys =
+ case (xs, ys) of
+ (VVector xv, _) | V.null xv -> return ys
+ (_, VVector yv) | V.null yv -> return xs
+ (VWord xw, VWord yw) -> VWord <$> bpBvJoin bp xw yw
+ (VVector xv, VVector yv) -> return $ VVector ((V.++) xv yv)
+ (VVector xv, VWord yw) -> liftM (\yv -> VVector ((V.++) xv (fmap (ready . VBool) yv))) (bpUnpack bp yw)
+ (VWord xw, VVector yv) -> liftM (\xv -> VVector ((V.++) (fmap (ready . VBool) xv) yv)) (bpUnpack bp xw)
+ _ -> panic $ "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims.appendOp: " ++ show xs ++ ", " ++ show ys
+-- join :: (m n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> Vec m (Vec n a) -> Vec (mulNat m n) a;
+joinOp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+joinOp bp =
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \x ->
+ case x of
+ VVector xv -> do
+ vv <- V.mapM force xv
+ V.foldM (appV bp) (VVector V.empty) vv
+ _ -> panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims.joinOp"
+-- split :: (m n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> Vec (mulNat m n) a -> Vec m (Vec n a);
+splitOp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+splitOp bp =
+ natFun $ \(fromIntegral -> m) -> return $ -- FIXME dangerous fromIntegral
+ natFun $ \(fromIntegral -> n) -> return $ -- FIXME dangerous fromIntegral
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \x ->
+ case x of
+ VVector xv ->
+ let f i = ready (VVector (V.slice (i*n) n xv))
+ in return (VVector (V.generate m f))
+ VWord xw ->
+ let f i = (ready . VWord) <$> bpBvSlice bp (i*n) n xw
+ in VVector <$> V.generateM m f
+ _ -> panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.SBV.splitOp"
+-- vZip :: (a b :: sort 0) -> (m n :: Nat) -> Vec m a -> Vec n b -> Vec (minNat m n) #(a, b);
+vZipOp :: (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) => Unpack l -> Value l
+vZipOp unpack =
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \x -> return $
+ strictFun $ \y ->
+ do xv <- toVector unpack x
+ yv <- toVector unpack y
+ let pair a b = ready (vTuple [a, b])
+ return (VVector (V.zipWith pair xv yv))
+-- Generic square-and-multiply
+-- primitive expByNat : (a:sort 0) -> a -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Nat -> a;
+expByNatOp :: (MonadLazy (EvalM l), VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+expByNatOp bp =
+ constFun $
+ pureFun $ \one ->
+ pureFun $ \mul ->
+ pureFun $ \x ->
+ strictFun $ \case
+ VToNat w ->
+ do let loop acc [] = return acc
+ loop acc (b:bs)
+ | Just False <- bpAsBool bp b
+ = do sq <- applyAll mul [ ready acc, ready acc ]
+ loop sq bs
+ | Just True <- bpAsBool bp b
+ = do sq <- applyAll mul [ ready acc, ready acc ]
+ sq_x <- applyAll mul [ ready sq, ready x ]
+ loop sq_x bs
+ | otherwise
+ = do sq <- applyAll mul [ ready acc, ready acc ]
+ sq_x <- applyAll mul [ ready sq, ready x ]
+ acc' <- muxValue bp b sq_x sq
+ loop acc' bs
+ loop one . V.toList =<< toBits (bpUnpack bp) w
+ VNat n ->
+ do let loop acc [] = return acc
+ loop acc (False:bs) =
+ do sq <- applyAll mul [ ready acc, ready acc ]
+ loop sq bs
+ loop acc (True:bs) =
+ do sq <- applyAll mul [ ready acc, ready acc ]
+ sq_x <- applyAll mul [ ready sq, ready x ]
+ loop sq_x bs
+ w = toInteger (widthNat n)
+ if w > toInteger (maxBound :: Int) then
+ panic "expByNatOp" ["Exponent too large", show n]
+ else
+ loop one [ testBit n (fromInteger i) | i <- reverse [ 0 .. w-1 ]]
+ v -> panic "expByNatOp" [ "Expected Nat value", show v ]
+-- Shifts and Rotates
+-- | Barrel-shifter algorithm. Takes a list of bits in big-endian order.
+shifter :: Monad m => (b -> a -> a -> m a) -> (a -> Integer -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m a
+shifter mux op = go
+ where
+ go x [] = return x
+ go x (b : bs) = do
+ x' <- op x (2 ^ length bs)
+ y <- mux b x' x
+ go y bs
+-- shift{L,R} :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> a -> Vec n a -> Nat -> Vec n a;
+shiftOp :: forall l.
+ (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ BasePrims l ->
+ (Thunk l -> Vector (Thunk l) -> Integer -> Vector (Thunk l)) ->
+ (VBool l -> VWord l -> Integer -> MWord l) ->
+ (VBool l -> VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l) ->
+ Value l
+shiftOp bp vecOp wordIntOp wordOp =
+ natFun $ \n -> return $
+ constFun $
+ VFun $ \z -> return $
+ strictFun $ \xs -> return $
+ strictFun $ \y ->
+ case y of
+ VNat i ->
+ case xs of
+ VVector xv -> return $ VVector (vecOp z xv (toInteger i))
+ VWord xw -> do
+ zb <- toBool <$> force z
+ VWord <$> wordIntOp zb xw (toInteger (min i n))
+ _ -> panic $ "shiftOp: " ++ show xs
+ VToNat (VVector iv) -> do
+ bs <- V.toList <$> traverse (fmap toBool . force) iv
+ case xs of
+ VVector xv -> VVector <$> shifter muxVector (\v i -> return (vecOp z v i)) xv bs
+ VWord xw -> do
+ zb <- toBool <$> force z
+ VWord <$> shifter (bpMuxWord bp) (wordIntOp zb) xw bs
+ _ -> panic $ "shiftOp: " ++ show xs
+ VToNat (VWord iw) ->
+ case xs of
+ VVector xv -> do
+ bs <- V.toList <$> bpUnpack bp iw
+ VVector <$> shifter muxVector (\v i -> return (vecOp z v i)) xv bs
+ VWord xw -> do
+ zb <- toBool <$> force z
+ VWord <$> wordOp zb xw iw
+ _ -> panic $ "shiftOp: " ++ show xs
+ _ -> panic $ "shiftOp: " ++ show y
+ where
+ muxVector :: VBool l -> Vector (Thunk l) -> Vector (Thunk l) -> EvalM l (Vector (Thunk l))
+ muxVector b v1 v2 = toVector (bpUnpack bp) =<< muxVal b (VVector v1) (VVector v2)
+ muxVal :: VBool l -> Value l -> Value l -> MValue l
+ muxVal = muxValue bp
+-- rotate{L,R} :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Nat -> Vec n a;
+rotateOp :: forall l.
+ (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ BasePrims l ->
+ (Vector (Thunk l) -> Integer -> Vector (Thunk l)) ->
+ (VWord l -> Integer -> MWord l) ->
+ (VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l) ->
+ Value l
+rotateOp bp vecOp wordIntOp wordOp =
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \xs -> return $
+ strictFun $ \y ->
+ case y of
+ VNat i ->
+ case xs of
+ VVector xv -> return $ VVector (vecOp xv (toInteger i))
+ VWord xw -> VWord <$> wordIntOp xw (toInteger i)
+ _ -> panic $ "rotateOp: " ++ show xs
+ VToNat (VVector iv) -> do
+ bs <- V.toList <$> traverse (fmap toBool . force) iv
+ case xs of
+ VVector xv -> VVector <$> shifter muxVector (\v i -> return (vecOp v i)) xv bs
+ VWord xw -> VWord <$> shifter (bpMuxWord bp) wordIntOp xw bs
+ _ -> panic $ "rotateOp: " ++ show xs
+ VToNat (VWord iw) ->
+ case xs of
+ VVector xv -> do
+ bs <- V.toList <$> bpUnpack bp iw
+ VVector <$> shifter muxVector (\v i -> return (vecOp v i)) xv bs
+ VWord xw -> do
+ VWord <$> wordOp xw iw
+ _ -> panic $ "rotateOp: " ++ show xs
+ _ -> panic $ "rotateOp: " ++ show y
+ where
+ muxVector :: VBool l -> Vector (Thunk l) -> Vector (Thunk l) -> EvalM l (Vector (Thunk l))
+ muxVector b v1 v2 = toVector (bpUnpack bp) =<< muxVal b (VVector v1) (VVector v2)
+ muxVal :: VBool l -> Value l -> Value l -> MValue l
+ muxVal = muxValue bp
+vRotateL :: Vector a -> Integer -> Vector a
+vRotateL xs i
+ | V.null xs = xs
+ | otherwise = (V.++) (V.drop j xs) (V.take j xs)
+ where j = fromInteger (i `mod` toInteger (V.length xs))
+vRotateR :: Vector a -> Integer -> Vector a
+vRotateR xs i = vRotateL xs (- i)
+vShiftL :: a -> Vector a -> Integer -> Vector a
+vShiftL x xs i = (V.++) (V.drop j xs) (V.replicate j x)
+ where j = fromInteger (i `min` toInteger (V.length xs))
+vShiftR :: a -> Vector a -> Integer -> Vector a
+vShiftR x xs i = (V.++) (V.replicate j x) (V.take (V.length xs - j) xs)
+ where j = fromInteger (i `min` toInteger (V.length xs))
+rotateLOp :: (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+rotateLOp bp = rotateOp bp vRotateL (bpBvRolInt bp) (bpBvRol bp)
+rotateROp :: (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+rotateROp bp = rotateOp bp vRotateR (bpBvRorInt bp) (bpBvRor bp)
+shiftLOp :: (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+shiftLOp bp = shiftOp bp vShiftL (bpBvShlInt bp) (bpBvShl bp)
+shiftROp :: (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+shiftROp bp = shiftOp bp vShiftR (bpBvShrInt bp) (bpBvShr bp)
+-- rotate{L,R} :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Nat -> Vec n a;
+shiftValue :: forall l.
+ (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ BasePrims l ->
+ (Vector (Thunk l) -> Integer -> Vector (Thunk l)) ->
+ (VWord l -> Integer -> MWord l) ->
+ (VWord l -> VWord l -> MWord l) ->
+ Value l -> Value l -> MValue l
+shiftValue bp vecOp wordIntOp wordOp xs y =
+ case y of
+ VNat i ->
+ case xs of
+ VVector xv -> return $ VVector (vecOp xv i)
+ VWord xw -> VWord <$> wordIntOp xw i
+ _ -> panic $ "shift/rotate: " ++ show xs
+ VToNat (VVector iv) ->
+ do bs <- V.toList <$> traverse (fmap toBool . force) iv
+ case xs of
+ VVector xv -> VVector <$> shifter muxVector (\v i -> return (vecOp v i)) xv bs
+ VWord xw -> VWord <$> shifter (bpMuxWord bp) wordIntOp xw bs
+ _ -> panic $ "shift/rotate: " ++ show xs
+ VToNat (VWord iw) ->
+ case xs of
+ VVector xv ->
+ do bs <- V.toList <$> bpUnpack bp iw
+ VVector <$> shifter muxVector (\v i -> return (vecOp v i)) xv bs
+ VWord xw ->
+ do VWord <$> wordOp xw iw
+ _ -> panic $ "shift/rotate: " ++ show xs
+ _ -> panic $ "shift/rotate: " ++ show y
+ where
+ muxVector :: VBool l -> Vector (Thunk l) -> Vector (Thunk l) -> EvalM l (Vector (Thunk l))
+ muxVector b v1 v2 = toVector (bpUnpack bp) =<< muxVal b (VVector v1) (VVector v2)
+ muxVal :: VBool l -> Value l -> Value l -> MValue l
+ muxVal = muxValue bp
+-- Concrete --
+-- shiftR :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> a -> Vec n a -> Nat -> Vec n a;
+shiftROp :: CValue
+shiftROp =
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ VFun $ \x -> return $
+ pureFun $ \xs ->
+ Prims.natFun $ \i -> return $
+ case xs of
+ VVector xv -> VVector (vShiftR x xv (fromIntegral i))
+ VWord w -> vWord (bvShiftR c w (fromIntegral i))
+ where c = toBool (runIdentity (force x))
+ _ -> panic $ "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete.shiftROp: " ++ show xs
+-- SBV --
+-- shiftR :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> Vec n a -> Nat -> Vec n a;
+shiftROp :: SValue
+shiftROp = shiftOp vShiftR undefined shr
+ where shr b x i = svIte b (svNot (svShiftRight (svNot x) i)) (svShiftRight x i)
+-- shift{L,R} :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> a -> Vec n a -> Nat -> Vec n a;
+shiftOp :: (SThunk -> Vector SThunk -> Integer -> Vector SThunk)
+ -> (SBool -> SWord -> Integer -> SWord)
+ -> (SBool -> SWord -> SWord -> SWord)
+ -> SValue
+shiftOp vecOp wordOp svOp =
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ VFun $ \z -> return $
+ strictFun $ \xs -> return $
+ strictFun $ \y ->
+ case y of
+ VNat i ->
+ case xs of
+ VVector xv -> return $ VVector (vecOp z xv i)
+ VWord xw -> do
+ zv <- toBool <$> force z
+ let i' = fromInteger (i `min` toInteger (intSizeOf xw))
+ return $ vWord (wordOp zv xw i')
+ _ -> panic $ "shiftOp: " ++ show xs
+ VToNat (VVector iv) -> do
+ bs <- V.toList <$> traverse (fmap toBool . force) iv
+ case xs of
+ VVector xv -> VVector <$> shifter muxVector (vecOp z) xv bs
+ VWord xw -> do
+ zv <- toBool <$> force z
+ vWord <$> shifter muxWord (wordOp zv) xw bs
+ _ -> panic $ "shiftOp: " ++ show xs
+ VToNat (VWord iw) ->
+ case xs of
+ VVector xv -> do
+ bs <- V.toList <$> svUnpack iw
+ VVector <$> shifter muxVector (vecOp z) xv bs
+ VWord xw -> do
+ zv <- toBool <$> force z
+ return $ vWord (svOp zv xw iw)
+ _ -> panic $ "shiftOp: " ++ show xs
+ _ -> panic $ "shiftOp: " ++ show y
+-- RME --
+-- | op :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> a -> Vec n a -> Nat -> Vec n a;
+shiftOp :: (RValue -> Vector RValue -> Integer -> Vector RValue) -> RValue
+shiftOp op =
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ pureFun $ \z ->
+ pureFun $ \(toVector -> x) ->
+ pureFun $ \y ->
+ case y of
+ VNat n -> vVector (op z x n)
+ VToNat v -> vVector (genShift (V.zipWith . muxRValue) (op z) x (toWord v))
+ _ -> panic $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.RME.shiftOp", show y]
+-- BitBlast --
+-- shift{L,R} :: (n :: Nat) -> (a :: sort 0) -> a -> Vec n a -> Nat -> Vec n a;
+shiftOp :: AIG.IsAIG l g => g s
+ -> (BThunk (l s) -> Vector (BThunk (l s)) -> Int -> Vector (BThunk (l s)))
+ -> (l s -> AIG.BV (l s) -> Int -> LitVector (l s))
+ -> BValue (l s)
+shiftOp be vecOp wordOp =
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ VFun $ \x -> return $
+ strictFun $ \xs -> return $
+ strictFun $ \y -> do
+ (n, f) <- case xs of
+ VVector xv -> return (V.length xv, VVector . vecOp x xv)
+ VWord xlv -> do l <- toBool <$> force x
+ return (AIG.length xlv, VWord . wordOp l xlv)
+ _ -> panic $ "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast.shiftOp: " ++ show xs
+ case y of
+ VNat i -> return (f (fromInteger (i `min` toInteger n)))
+ VToNat v -> do
+ ilv <- toWord v
+ AIG.muxInteger (lazyMux be (muxBVal be)) n ilv (return . f)
+ _ -> panic $ "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.BitBlast.shiftOp: " ++ show y
+-- foldr :: (a b :: sort 0) -> (n :: Nat) -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vec n a -> b;
+foldrOp :: (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) => Unpack l -> Value l
+foldrOp unpack =
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \f -> return $
+ VFun $ \z -> return $
+ strictFun $ \xs -> do
+ let g x m = do fx <- apply f x
+ y <- delay m
+ apply fx y
+ xv <- toVector unpack xs
+ V.foldr g (force z) xv
+-- op :: Integer -> Integer;
+intUnOp :: VMonad l => String -> (VInt l -> MInt l) -> Value l
+intUnOp nm f =
+ intFun nm $ \x ->
+ VInt <$> f x
+-- op :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+intBinOp :: VMonad l => String -> (VInt l -> VInt l -> MInt l) -> Value l
+intBinOp nm f =
+ intFun (nm++" x") $ \x -> return $
+ intFun (nm++" y") $ \y ->
+ VInt <$> f x y
+-- op :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool;
+intBinCmp :: VMonad l =>
+ String -> (VInt l -> VInt l -> MBool l) -> Value l
+intBinCmp nm f =
+ intFun (nm++" x") $ \x -> return $
+ intFun (nm++" y") $ \y ->
+ VBool <$> f x y
+-- primitive intAdd :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+intAddOp :: (VMonad l, VInt l ~ Integer) => Value l
+intAddOp = intBinOp "intAdd" (+)
+-- primitive intSub :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+intSubOp :: (VMonad l, VInt l ~ Integer) => Value l
+intSubOp = intBinOp "intSub" (-)
+-- primitive intMul :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+intMulOp :: (VMonad l, VInt l ~ Integer) => Value l
+intMulOp = intBinOp "intMul" (*)
+-- primitive intDiv :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+intDivOp :: (VMonad l, VInt l ~ Integer) => Value l
+intDivOp = intBinOp "intDiv" div
+-- primitive intMod :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+intModOp :: (VMonad l, VInt l ~ Integer) => Value l
+intModOp = intBinOp "intMod" mod
+-- primitive intMin :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+intMinOp :: (VMonad l, VInt l ~ Integer) => Value l
+intMinOp = intBinOp "intMin" min
+-- primitive intMax :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer;
+intMaxOp :: (VMonad l, VInt l ~ Integer) => Value l
+intMaxOp = intBinOp "intMax" max
+-- primitive intNeg :: Integer -> Integer;
+intNegOp :: (VMonad l, VInt l ~ Integer) => Value l
+intNegOp = intUnOp "intNeg x" negate
+-- primitive intEq :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool;
+intEqOp :: (VMonad l, VInt l ~ Integer) => (Bool -> VBool l) -> Value l
+intEqOp = intBinCmp "intEq" (==)
+-- primitive intLe :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool;
+intLeOp :: (VMonad l, VInt l ~ Integer) => (Bool -> VBool l) -> Value l
+intLeOp = intBinCmp "intLe" (<=)
+-- primitive intLt :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool;
+intLtOp :: (VMonad l, VInt l ~ Integer) => (Bool -> VBool l) -> Value l
+intLtOp = intBinCmp "intLt" (<)
+-- primitive intToNat :: Integer -> Nat;
+intToNatOp :: (VMonad l, VInt l ~ Integer) => Value l
+intToNatOp =
+ intFun "intToNat" $ \x -> return $!
+ if x >= 0 then VNat (fromInteger x) else VNat 0
+-- primitive natToInt :: Nat -> Integer;
+natToIntOp :: (VMonad l, VInt l ~ Integer) => Value l
+natToIntOp = natFun' "natToInt" $ \x -> return $ VInt (toInteger x)
+-- primitive bvLg2 : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Vec n Bool;
+bvLg2Op :: VMonad l => (Value l -> MWord l) -> (VWord l -> MWord l) -> Value l
+bvLg2Op asWord wordLg2 =
+ natFun' "bvLg2 1" $ \_n -> return $
+ strictFun $ \w -> (return . VWord) =<< (wordLg2 =<< asWord w)
+-- primitive error :: (a :: sort 0) -> String -> a;
+errorOp :: VMonad l => Value l
+errorOp =
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \x ->
+ case x of
+ VString s -> Prim.userError (Text.unpack s)
+ _ -> Prim.userError "unknown error"
+-- Conditionals
+iteOp :: (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+iteOp bp =
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \b -> return $
+ VFun $ \x -> return $
+ VFun $ \y -> lazyMuxValue bp (toBool b) (force x) (force y)
+lazyMuxValue ::
+ (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ BasePrims l -> VBool l -> MValue l -> MValue l -> MValue l
+lazyMuxValue bp b x y =
+ case bpAsBool bp b of
+ Just True -> x
+ Just False -> y
+ Nothing ->
+ do x' <- x
+ y' <- y
+ muxValue bp b x' y'
+muxValue :: forall l.
+ (VMonadLazy l, Show (Extra l)) =>
+ BasePrims l -> VBool l -> Value l -> Value l -> MValue l
+muxValue bp b = value
+ where
+ value :: Value l -> Value l -> MValue l
+ value (VFun f) (VFun g) = return $ VFun $ \a -> do
+ x <- f a
+ y <- g a
+ value x y
+ value VUnit VUnit = return VUnit
+ value (VPair x1 x2) (VPair y1 y2) = VPair <$> thunk x1 y1 <*> thunk x2 y2
+ value (VRecordValue elems1) (VRecordValue
+ (alistAllFields (map fst elems1) ->
+ Just elems2)) =
+ VRecordValue <$>
+ zipWithM (\(f,th1) th2 -> (f,) <$> thunk th1 th2) elems1 elems2
+ value (VCtorApp i xv) (VCtorApp j yv) | i == j = VCtorApp i <$> thunks xv yv
+ value (VVector xv) (VVector yv) = VVector <$> thunks xv yv
+ value (VBool x) (VBool y) = VBool <$> bpMuxBool bp b x y
+ value (VWord x) (VWord y) = VWord <$> bpMuxWord bp b x y
+ value (VInt x) (VInt y) = VInt <$> bpMuxInt bp b x y
+ value (VIntMod n x) (VIntMod _ y) = VIntMod n <$> bpMuxInt bp b x y
+ value (VNat m) (VNat n) | m == n = return $ VNat m
+ value (VString x) (VString y) | x == y = return $ VString x
+ value (VFloat x) (VFloat y) | x == y = return $ VFloat x
+ value (VDouble x) (VDouble y) | x == y = return $ VDouble y
+ value (VExtra x) (VExtra y) = VExtra <$> bpMuxExtra bp b x y
+ value x@(VWord _) y = toVector (bpUnpack bp) x >>= \xv -> value (VVector xv) y
+ value x y@(VWord _) = toVector (bpUnpack bp) y >>= \yv -> value x (VVector yv)
+ value x@(VNat _) y = nat x y
+ value x@(VToNat _) y = nat x y
+ value (TValue x) (TValue y) = TValue <$> tvalue x y
+ value x y =
+ panic $ "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims.iteOp: malformed arguments: "
+ ++ show x ++ " " ++ show y
+ tvalue :: TValue l -> TValue l -> EvalM l (TValue l)
+ tvalue (VSort x) (VSort y) | x == y = return $ VSort y
+ tvalue x y =
+ panic $ "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims.iteOp: malformed arguments: "
+ ++ show x ++ " " ++ show y
+ thunks :: Vector (Thunk l) -> Vector (Thunk l) -> EvalM l (Vector (Thunk l))
+ thunks xv yv
+ | V.length xv == V.length yv = V.zipWithM thunk xv yv
+ | otherwise = panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims.iteOp: malformed arguments"
+ thunk :: Thunk l -> Thunk l -> EvalM l (Thunk l)
+ thunk x y = delay $ do x' <- force x; y' <- force y; value x' y'
+ nat :: Value l -> Value l -> MValue l
+ nat v1 v2 =
+ do let w = toInteger (max (natSize bp v1) (natSize bp v2))
+ unless (w <= toInteger (maxBound :: Int))
+ (panic "muxValue" ["width too large", show w])
+ x1 <- natToWord bp (fromInteger w) v1
+ x2 <- natToWord bp (fromInteger w) v2
+ VToNat . VWord <$> bpMuxWord bp b x1 x2
+-- fix :: (a :: sort 0) -> (a -> a) -> a;
+fixOp :: (VMonadLazy l, MonadFix (EvalM l), Show (Extra l)) => Value l
+fixOp =
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \f ->
+ force =<< mfix (\x -> delay (apply f x))
+-- SMT Array
+-- Array :: sort 0 -> sort 0 -> sort 0
+arrayTypeOp :: VMonad l => Value l
+arrayTypeOp = pureFun $ \a -> pureFun $ \b -> TValue (VArrayType (toTValue a) (toTValue b))
+-- arrayConstant :: (a b :: sort 0) -> b -> (Array a b);
+arrayConstantOp :: VMonad l => BasePrims l -> Value l
+arrayConstantOp bp =
+ pureFun $ \a ->
+ constFun $
+ strictFun $ \e ->
+ VArray <$> (bpArrayConstant bp) (toTValue a) e
+-- arrayLookup :: (a b :: sort 0) -> (Array a b) -> a -> b;
+arrayLookupOp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+arrayLookupOp bp =
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ pureFun $ \f ->
+ strictFun $ \i -> do
+ f' <- toArray f
+ (bpArrayLookup bp) f' i
+-- arrayUpdate :: (a b :: sort 0) -> (Array a b) -> a -> b -> (Array a b);
+arrayUpdateOp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+arrayUpdateOp bp =
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ pureFun $ \f ->
+ pureFun $ \i ->
+ strictFun $ \e -> do
+ f' <- toArray f
+ VArray <$> (bpArrayUpdate bp) f' i e
+-- arrayEq : (a b : sort 0) -> (Array a b) -> (Array a b) -> Bool;
+arrayEqOp :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => BasePrims l -> Value l
+arrayEqOp bp =
+ constFun $
+ constFun $
+ pureFun $ \x ->
+ strictFun $ \y -> do
+ x' <- toArray x
+ y' <- toArray y
+ VBool <$> bpArrayEq bp x' y'
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/RME.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/RME.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b86e5f6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/RME.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Simulator.RME
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.RME
+ ( evalSharedTerm
+ , RValue, Value(..)
+ , RExtra(..)
+ , toBool
+ , toWord
+ , runIdentity
+ , withBitBlastedSATQuery
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.Identity
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.IntTrie (IntTrie)
+import qualified Data.IntTrie as IntTrie
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Vector (Vector)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Data.RME (RME)
+import qualified Data.RME as RME
+import qualified Data.RME.Vector as RMEV
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Prim as Prim
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator as Sim
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Prims as Prims
+import Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue (FiniteType(..), FirstOrderType, toFiniteType)
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST (ModuleMap)
+import Verifier.SAW.Utils (panic)
+import Verifier.SAW.SATQuery
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.Traversable
+-- | Evaluator for shared terms.
+evalSharedTerm :: ModuleMap -> Map Ident RValue -> Term -> RValue
+evalSharedTerm m addlPrims t =
+ runIdentity $ do
+ cfg <- Sim.evalGlobal m (Map.union constMap addlPrims)
+ extcns (const Nothing)
+ Sim.evalSharedTerm cfg t
+ where
+ extcns ec = return $ Prim.userError $ "Unimplemented: external constant " ++ show (ecName ec)
+-- Values
+data ReedMuller
+type instance EvalM ReedMuller = Identity
+type instance VBool ReedMuller = RME
+type instance VWord ReedMuller = Vector RME
+type instance VInt ReedMuller = Integer
+type instance VArray ReedMuller = ()
+type instance Extra ReedMuller = RExtra
+type RValue = Value ReedMuller
+type RThunk = Thunk ReedMuller
+data RExtra = AStream (IntTrie RValue)
+instance Show RExtra where
+ show (AStream _) = ""
+vBool :: RME -> RValue
+vBool b = VBool b
+toBool :: RValue -> RME
+toBool (VBool b) = b
+toBool x = error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.RME.toBool", show x]
+vWord :: Vector RME -> RValue
+vWord x = VWord x
+toWord :: RValue -> Vector RME
+toWord (VWord x) = x
+toWord (VVector vv) = fmap (toBool . runIdentity . force) vv
+toWord x = error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.RME.toWord", show x]
+vStream :: IntTrie RValue -> RValue
+vStream x = VExtra (AStream x)
+toStream :: RValue -> IntTrie RValue
+toStream (VExtra (AStream x)) = x
+toStream x = error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.RME.toStream", show x]
+wordFun :: (Vector RME -> RValue) -> RValue
+wordFun f = pureFun (\x -> f (toWord x))
+genShift :: (a -> b -> b -> b) -> (b -> Integer -> b) -> b -> Vector a -> b
+genShift cond f x0 v = go x0 (V.toList v)
+ where
+ go x [] = x
+ go x (y : ys) = go (cond y (f x (2 ^ length ys)) x) ys
+-- | op : (w : Nat) -> Vec w Bool -> Nat -> Vec w Bool;
+bvShiftOp :: (Vector RME -> Integer -> Vector RME) -> RValue
+bvShiftOp op =
+ constFun $
+ wordFun $ \x ->
+ pureFun $ \y ->
+ case y of
+ VNat n -> vWord (op x (toInteger n))
+ VToNat v -> vWord (genShift muxRMEV op x (toWord v))
+ _ -> error $ unwords ["Verifier.SAW.Simulator.RME.shiftOp", show y]
+pure1 :: Applicative f => (a -> b) -> a -> f b
+pure1 f x = pure (f x)
+pure2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> f c
+pure2 f x y = pure (f x y)
+pure3 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> f d
+pure3 f x y z = pure (f x y z)
+prims :: Prims.BasePrims ReedMuller
+prims =
+ Prims.BasePrims
+ { Prims.bpAsBool = RME.isBool
+ , Prims.bpUnpack = Identity
+ , Prims.bpPack = Identity
+ , Prims.bpBvAt = pure2 (V.!)
+ , Prims.bpBvLit = pure2 RMEV.integer
+ , Prims.bpBvSize = V.length
+ , Prims.bpBvJoin = pure2 (V.++)
+ , Prims.bpBvSlice = pure3 V.slice
+ -- Conditionals
+ , Prims.bpMuxBool = pure3 RME.mux
+ , Prims.bpMuxWord = pure3 muxRMEV
+ , Prims.bpMuxInt = pure3 muxInt
+ , Prims.bpMuxExtra = pure3 muxExtra
+ -- Booleans
+ , Prims.bpTrue = RME.true
+ , Prims.bpFalse = RME.false
+ , Prims.bpNot = pure1 RME.compl
+ , Prims.bpAnd = pure2 RME.conj
+ , Prims.bpOr = pure2 RME.disj
+ , Prims.bpXor = pure2 RME.xor
+ , Prims.bpBoolEq = pure2 RME.iff
+ -- Bitvector logical
+ , Prims.bpBvNot = pure1 (V.map RME.compl)
+ , Prims.bpBvAnd = pure2 (V.zipWith RME.conj)
+ , Prims.bpBvOr = pure2 (V.zipWith RME.disj)
+ , Prims.bpBvXor = pure2 (V.zipWith RME.xor)
+ -- Bitvector arithmetic
+ , Prims.bpBvNeg = pure1 RMEV.neg
+ , Prims.bpBvAdd = pure2 RMEV.add
+ , Prims.bpBvSub = pure2 RMEV.sub
+ , Prims.bpBvMul = pure2 RMEV.mul
+ , Prims.bpBvUDiv = pure2 RMEV.udiv
+ , Prims.bpBvURem = pure2 RMEV.urem
+ , Prims.bpBvSDiv = pure2 RMEV.sdiv
+ , Prims.bpBvSRem = pure2 RMEV.srem
+ , Prims.bpBvLg2 = unsupportedRMEPrimitive "bpBvLg2"
+ -- Bitvector comparisons
+ , Prims.bpBvEq = pure2 RMEV.eq
+ , Prims.bpBvsle = pure2 RMEV.sle
+ , Prims.bpBvslt = pure2 RMEV.sle
+ , Prims.bpBvule = pure2 RMEV.ule
+ , Prims.bpBvult = pure2 RMEV.ult
+ , Prims.bpBvsge = pure2 (flip RMEV.sle)
+ , Prims.bpBvsgt = pure2 (flip RMEV.slt)
+ , Prims.bpBvuge = pure2 (flip RMEV.ule)
+ , Prims.bpBvugt = pure2 (flip RMEV.ult)
+ -- Bitvector shift/rotate
+ , Prims.bpBvRolInt = pure2 Prims.vRotateL
+ , Prims.bpBvRorInt = pure2 Prims.vRotateR
+ , Prims.bpBvShlInt = pure3 Prims.vShiftL
+ , Prims.bpBvShrInt = pure3 Prims.vShiftR
+ , Prims.bpBvRol = pure2 (genShift muxRMEV Prims.vRotateL)
+ , Prims.bpBvRor = pure2 (genShift muxRMEV Prims.vRotateR)
+ , Prims.bpBvShl = pure3 (genShift muxRMEV . Prims.vShiftL)
+ , Prims.bpBvShr = pure3 (genShift muxRMEV . Prims.vShiftR)
+ -- Bitvector misc
+ , Prims.bpBvPopcount = pure1 RMEV.popcount
+ , Prims.bpBvCountLeadingZeros = pure1 RMEV.countLeadingZeros
+ , Prims.bpBvCountTrailingZeros = pure1 RMEV.countTrailingZeros
+ , Prims.bpBvForall = unsupportedRMEPrimitive "bvForall"
+ -- Integer operations
+ , Prims.bpIntAdd = pure2 (+)
+ , Prims.bpIntSub = pure2 (-)
+ , Prims.bpIntMul = pure2 (*)
+ , Prims.bpIntDiv = pure2 div
+ , Prims.bpIntMod = pure2 mod
+ , Prims.bpIntNeg = pure1 negate
+ , Prims.bpIntAbs = pure1 abs
+ , Prims.bpIntEq = pure2 (\x y -> RME.constant (x == y))
+ , Prims.bpIntLe = pure2 (\x y -> RME.constant (x <= y))
+ , Prims.bpIntLt = pure2 (\x y -> RME.constant (x < y))
+ , Prims.bpIntMin = pure2 min
+ , Prims.bpIntMax = pure2 max
+ -- Array operations
+ , Prims.bpArrayConstant = unsupportedRMEPrimitive "bpArrayConstant"
+ , Prims.bpArrayLookup = unsupportedRMEPrimitive "bpArrayLookup"
+ , Prims.bpArrayUpdate = unsupportedRMEPrimitive "bpArrayUpdate"
+ , Prims.bpArrayEq = unsupportedRMEPrimitive "bpArrayEq"
+ }
+unsupportedRMEPrimitive :: String -> a
+unsupportedRMEPrimitive = Prim.unsupportedPrimitive "RME"
+constMap :: Map Ident RValue
+constMap =
+ Map.union (Prims.constMap prims) $
+ Map.fromList
+ [ ("Prelude.bvShl" , bvShiftOp (Prims.vShiftL RME.false))
+ , ("Prelude.bvShr" , bvShiftOp (Prims.vShiftR RME.false))
+ , ("Prelude.bvSShr", bvShiftOp vSignedShiftR)
+ -- Integers
+ , ("Prelude.intToNat", Prims.intToNatOp)
+ , ("Prelude.natToInt", Prims.natToIntOp)
+ , ("Prelude.intToBv" , intToBvOp)
+ , ("Prelude.bvToInt" , bvToIntOp)
+ , ("Prelude.sbvToInt", sbvToIntOp)
+ -- Integers mod n
+ , ("Prelude.toIntMod" , toIntModOp)
+ , ("Prelude.fromIntMod", fromIntModOp)
+ , ("Prelude.intModEq" , intModEqOp)
+ , ("Prelude.intModAdd" , intModBinOp (+))
+ , ("Prelude.intModSub" , intModBinOp (-))
+ , ("Prelude.intModMul" , intModBinOp (*))
+ , ("Prelude.intModNeg" , intModUnOp negate)
+ -- Streams
+ , ("Prelude.MkStream", mkStreamOp)
+ , ("Prelude.streamGet", streamGetOp)
+ -- Misc
+ , ("Prelude.expByNat", Prims.expByNatOp prims)
+ ]
+-- primitive bvToInt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+bvToIntOp :: RValue
+bvToIntOp = unsupportedRMEPrimitive "bvToIntOp"
+-- primitive sbvToInt : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Bool -> Integer;
+sbvToIntOp :: RValue
+sbvToIntOp = unsupportedRMEPrimitive "sbvToIntOp"
+-- primitive intToBv : (n : Nat) -> Integer -> Vec n Bool;
+intToBvOp :: RValue
+intToBvOp =
+ Prims.natFun' "intToBv n" $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intFun "intToBv x" $ \x -> return $
+ VWord (V.reverse (V.generate (fromIntegral n) (RME.constant . testBit x)))
+muxRMEV :: RME -> Vector RME -> Vector RME -> Vector RME
+muxRMEV b = V.zipWith (RME.mux b)
+muxInt :: RME -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+muxInt b x y =
+ case RME.isBool b of
+ Just c -> if c then x else y
+ Nothing -> if x == y then x else error $ "muxRValue: VInt " ++ show (x, y)
+muxExtra :: RME -> RExtra -> RExtra -> RExtra
+muxExtra b (AStream xs) (AStream ys) = AStream (muxRValue b <$> xs <*> ys)
+muxRValue :: RME -> RValue -> RValue -> RValue
+muxRValue b x y = runIdentity $ Prims.muxValue prims b x y
+-- | Signed shift right simply copies the high order bit
+-- into the shifted places. We special case the zero
+-- length vector to avoid a possible out-of-bounds error.
+vSignedShiftR :: V.Vector a -> Integer -> V.Vector a
+vSignedShiftR xs i
+ | V.length xs > 0 = Prims.vShiftR x xs i
+ | otherwise = xs
+ where x = xs V.! 0
+toIntModOp :: RValue
+toIntModOp =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intFun "toIntModOp" $ \x -> return $
+ VIntMod n (x `mod` toInteger n)
+fromIntModOp :: RValue
+fromIntModOp =
+ constFun $
+ Prims.intModFun "fromIntModOp" $ \x -> return $
+ VInt x
+intModEqOp :: RValue
+intModEqOp =
+ constFun $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModEqOp" $ \x -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModEqOp" $ \y -> return $
+ VBool (RME.constant (x == y))
+intModBinOp :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> RValue
+intModBinOp f =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModBinOp x" $ \x -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModBinOp y" $ \y -> return $
+ VIntMod n (f x y `mod` toInteger n)
+intModUnOp :: (Integer -> Integer) -> RValue
+intModUnOp f =
+ Prims.natFun $ \n -> return $
+ Prims.intModFun "intModUnOp" $ \x -> return $
+ VIntMod n (f x `mod` toInteger n)
+-- MkStream :: (a :: sort 0) -> (Nat -> a) -> Stream a;
+mkStreamOp :: RValue
+mkStreamOp =
+ constFun $
+ pureFun $ \f ->
+ vStream (fmap (\n -> runIdentity (apply f (ready (VNat n)))) IntTrie.identity)
+-- streamGet :: (a :: sort 0) -> Stream a -> Nat -> a;
+streamGetOp :: RValue
+streamGetOp =
+ constFun $
+ pureFun $ \xs ->
+ strictFun $ \case
+ VNat n -> pure $ IntTrie.apply (toStream xs) (toInteger n)
+ VToNat bv ->
+ do let trie = toStream xs
+ loop k [] = IntTrie.apply trie k
+ loop k (b:bs)
+ | Just True <- RME.isBool b
+ = loop k1 bs
+ | Just False <- RME.isBool b
+ = loop k0 bs
+ | otherwise
+ = muxRValue b (loop k1 bs) (loop k0 bs)
+ where
+ k0 = k `shiftL` 1
+ k1 = k0 + 1
+ pure $ loop (0::Integer) (V.toList (toWord bv))
+ v -> panic "Verifer.SAW.Simulator.RME.streamGetOp"
+ [ "Expected Nat value", show v ]
+-- Generating variables for arguments
+newVars :: FiniteType -> State Int RValue
+newVars FTBit = do
+ i <- get
+ put (i + 1)
+ return (vBool (RME.lit i))
+newVars (FTVec n t) = VVector <$> V.replicateM (fromIntegral n) (newVars' t)
+newVars (FTTuple ts) = vTuple <$> traverse newVars' ts
+newVars (FTRec tm) = vRecord <$> traverse newVars' tm
+newVars' :: FiniteType -> State Int RThunk
+newVars' shape = ready <$> newVars shape
+-- Bit-blasting primitives.
+bitBlastBasic :: ModuleMap
+ -> Map Ident RValue
+ -> Map VarIndex RValue
+ -> Term
+ -> RValue
+bitBlastBasic m addlPrims ecMap t = runIdentity $ do
+ cfg <- Sim.evalGlobal m (Map.union constMap addlPrims)
+ (\ec -> case Map.lookup (ecVarIndex ec) ecMap of
+ Just v -> pure v
+ Nothing -> error ("RME: unknown ExtCns: " ++ show (ecName ec)))
+ (const Nothing)
+ Sim.evalSharedTerm cfg t
+processVar ::
+ (ExtCns Term, FirstOrderType) ->
+ IO (ExtCns Term, FiniteType)
+processVar (ec, fot) =
+ case toFiniteType fot of
+ Nothing -> fail ("RME solver does not support variables of type " ++ show fot)
+ Just ft -> pure (ec, ft)
+withBitBlastedSATQuery ::
+ SharedContext ->
+ Map Ident RValue ->
+ SATQuery ->
+ (RME -> [(ExtCns Term, FiniteType)] -> IO a) ->
+ IO a
+withBitBlastedSATQuery sc addlPrims satq cont =
+ do unless (Set.null (satUninterp satq)) $ fail
+ "RME prover does not support uninterpreted symbols"
+ t <- satQueryAsTerm sc satq
+ varShapes <- mapM processVar (Map.toList (satVariables satq))
+ modmap <- scGetModuleMap sc
+ let vars = evalState (traverse (traverse newVars) varShapes) 0
+ let varMap = Map.fromList [ (ecVarIndex ec, v) | (ec,v) <- vars ]
+ let bval = bitBlastBasic modmap addlPrims varMap t
+ case bval of
+ VBool anf -> cont anf varShapes
+ _ -> panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.RME.bitBlast" ["non-boolean result type."]
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/Value.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/Value.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..377d180fa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/Value.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- For `Show` instance, it's OK.
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value
+ ( module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value
+ , module Verifier.SAW.Simulator.MonadLazy
+ ) where
+import Prelude hiding (mapM)
+import Control.Monad (foldM, liftM, mapM)
+import Data.Kind (Type)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Data.Vector (Vector)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Numeric.Natural
+import GHC.Stack
+import Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue (FiniteType(..), FirstOrderType(..))
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+import Verifier.SAW.Utils (panic)
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.MonadLazy
+-- Values and Thunks
+{- | The type of values.
+Values are parameterized by the /name/ of an instantiation.
+The concrete parameters to use are computed from the name using
+a collection of type families (e.g., 'EvalM', 'VBool', etc.). -}
+data Value l
+ = VFun !(Thunk l -> MValue l)
+ | VUnit
+ | VPair (Thunk l) (Thunk l) -- TODO: should second component be strict?
+ | VCtorApp !Ident !(Vector (Thunk l))
+ | VVector !(Vector (Thunk l))
+ | VBool (VBool l)
+ | VWord (VWord l)
+ | VToNat (Value l)
+ | VNat !Natural
+ | VInt (VInt l)
+ | VIntMod !Natural (VInt l)
+ | VArray (VArray l)
+ | VString !Text
+ | VFloat !Float
+ | VDouble !Double
+ | VRecordValue ![(FieldName, Thunk l)]
+ | VExtra (Extra l)
+ | TValue (TValue l)
+-- | The subset of values that represent types.
+data TValue l
+ = VVecType !Natural !(TValue l)
+ | VBoolType
+ | VIntType
+ | VIntModType !Natural
+ | VArrayType !(TValue l) !(TValue l)
+ | VPiType !(TValue l) !(Thunk l -> EvalM l (TValue l))
+ | VUnitType
+ | VPairType !(TValue l) !(TValue l)
+ | VDataType !Ident ![Value l]
+ | VRecordType ![(FieldName, TValue l)]
+ | VSort !Sort
+type Thunk l = Lazy (EvalM l) (Value l)
+-- | Evaluation monad for value instantiation 'l'
+type family EvalM l :: Type -> Type
+-- | Booleans for value instantiation 'l'
+type family VBool l :: Type
+-- | Words for value instantiation 'l'
+type family VWord l :: Type
+-- | Integers for value instantiation 'l'
+type family VInt l :: Type
+-- | SMT arrays for value instantiation 'l'
+type family VArray l :: Type
+-- | Additional constructors for instantiation 'l'
+type family Extra l :: Type
+-- | Short-hand for a monadic value.
+type MValue l = EvalM l (Value l)
+-- | Short-hand for a monadic boolean.
+type MBool l = EvalM l (VBool l)
+-- | Short-hand for a monadic word.
+type MWord l = EvalM l (VWord l)
+-- | Short-hand for a monadic integer.
+type MInt l = EvalM l (VInt l)
+-- | Short-hand for a monadic array.
+type MArray l = EvalM l (VArray l)
+-- | Short hand to specify that the evaluation monad is a monad (very common)
+type VMonad l = Monad (EvalM l)
+-- | Short hand to specify that the evaluation monad is a lazy monad.
+type VMonadLazy l = MonadLazy (EvalM l)
+-- | Language instantiations with a specific monad.
+data WithM (m :: Type -> Type) l
+type instance EvalM (WithM m l) = m
+type instance VBool (WithM m l) = VBool l
+type instance VWord (WithM m l) = VWord l
+type instance VInt (WithM m l) = VInt l
+type instance VArray (WithM m l) = VArray l
+type instance Extra (WithM m l) = Extra l
+strictFun :: VMonad l => (Value l -> MValue l) -> Value l
+strictFun f = VFun (\x -> force x >>= f)
+pureFun :: VMonad l => (Value l -> Value l) -> Value l
+pureFun f = VFun (\x -> liftM f (force x))
+constFun :: VMonad l => Value l -> Value l
+constFun x = VFun (\_ -> return x)
+toTValue :: HasCallStack => Value l -> TValue l
+toTValue (TValue x) = x
+toTValue _ = panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value.toTValue" ["Not a type value"]
+instance Show (Extra l) => Show (Value l) where
+ showsPrec p v =
+ case v of
+ VFun {} -> showString "<>"
+ VUnit -> showString "()"
+ VPair{} -> showString "<>"
+ VCtorApp s xv
+ | V.null xv -> shows s
+ | otherwise -> shows s . showList (toList xv)
+ VVector xv -> showList (toList xv)
+ VBool _ -> showString "<>"
+ VWord _ -> showString "<>"
+ VToNat x -> showString "bvToNat " . showParen True (shows x)
+ VNat n -> shows n
+ VInt _ -> showString "<>"
+ VIntMod n _ -> showString ("<>")
+ VArray{} -> showString "<>"
+ VFloat float -> shows float
+ VDouble double -> shows double
+ VString s -> shows s
+ VRecordValue [] -> showString "{}"
+ VRecordValue ((fld,_):_) ->
+ showString "{" . showString (Text.unpack fld) . showString " = _, ...}"
+ VExtra x -> showsPrec p x
+ TValue x -> showsPrec p x
+ where
+ toList = map (const Nil) . V.toList
+instance Show (Extra l) => Show (TValue l) where
+ showsPrec p v =
+ case v of
+ VBoolType -> showString "Bool"
+ VIntType -> showString "Integer"
+ VIntModType n -> showParen True (showString "IntMod " . shows n)
+ VArrayType{} -> showString "Array"
+ VPiType t _ -> showParen True
+ (shows t . showString " -> ...")
+ VUnitType -> showString "#()"
+ VPairType x y -> showParen True (shows x . showString " * " . shows y)
+ VDataType s vs
+ | null vs -> shows s
+ | otherwise -> shows s . showList vs
+ VRecordType [] -> showString "{}"
+ VRecordType ((fld,_):_) ->
+ showString "{" . showString (Text.unpack fld) . showString " :: _, ...}"
+ VVecType n a -> showString "Vec " . shows n
+ . showString " " . showParen True (showsPrec p a)
+ VSort s -> shows s
+data Nil = Nil
+instance Show Nil where
+ show Nil = "_"
+-- Basic operations on values
+vTuple :: VMonad l => [Thunk l] -> Value l
+vTuple [] = VUnit
+vTuple [_] = error "vTuple: unsupported 1-tuple"
+vTuple [x, y] = VPair x y
+vTuple (x : xs) = VPair x (ready (vTuple xs))
+vTupleType :: VMonad l => [TValue l] -> TValue l
+vTupleType [] = VUnitType
+vTupleType [t] = t
+vTupleType (t : ts) = VPairType t (vTupleType ts)
+valPairLeft :: (HasCallStack, VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => Value l -> MValue l
+valPairLeft (VPair t1 _) = force t1
+valPairLeft v = panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value.valPairLeft" ["Not a pair value:", show v]
+valPairRight :: (HasCallStack, VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => Value l -> MValue l
+valPairRight (VPair _ t2) = force t2
+valPairRight v = panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value.valPairRight" ["Not a pair value:", show v]
+vRecord :: Map FieldName (Thunk l) -> Value l
+vRecord m = VRecordValue (Map.assocs m)
+valRecordProj :: (HasCallStack, VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => Value l -> FieldName -> MValue l
+valRecordProj (VRecordValue fld_map) fld
+ | Just t <- lookup fld fld_map = force t
+valRecordProj v@(VRecordValue _) fld =
+ panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value.valRecordProj"
+ ["Record field not found:", show fld, "in value:", show v]
+valRecordProj v _ =
+ panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value.valRecordProj"
+ ["Not a record value:", show v]
+apply :: (HasCallStack, VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => Value l -> Thunk l -> MValue l
+apply (VFun f) x = f x
+apply (TValue (VPiType _ f)) x = TValue <$> f x
+apply v _x = panic "Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value.apply" ["Not a function value:", show v]
+applyAll :: (VMonad l, Show (Extra l)) => Value l -> [Thunk l] -> MValue l
+applyAll = foldM apply
+asFiniteTypeValue :: Value l -> Maybe FiniteType
+asFiniteTypeValue v =
+ case v of
+ TValue tv -> asFiniteTypeTValue tv
+ _ -> Nothing
+asFiniteTypeTValue :: TValue l -> Maybe FiniteType
+asFiniteTypeTValue v =
+ case v of
+ VBoolType -> return FTBit
+ VVecType n v1 -> do
+ t1 <- asFiniteTypeTValue v1
+ return (FTVec n t1)
+ VUnitType -> return (FTTuple [])
+ VPairType v1 v2 -> do
+ t1 <- asFiniteTypeTValue v1
+ t2 <- asFiniteTypeTValue v2
+ case t2 of
+ FTTuple ts -> return (FTTuple (t1 : ts))
+ _ -> return (FTTuple [t1, t2])
+ VRecordType elem_tps ->
+ FTRec <$> Map.fromList <$>
+ mapM (\(fld,tp) -> (fld,) <$> asFiniteTypeTValue tp) elem_tps
+ _ -> Nothing
+asFirstOrderTypeValue :: Value l -> Maybe FirstOrderType
+asFirstOrderTypeValue v =
+ case v of
+ TValue tv -> asFirstOrderTypeTValue tv
+ _ -> Nothing
+asFirstOrderTypeTValue :: TValue l -> Maybe FirstOrderType
+asFirstOrderTypeTValue v =
+ case v of
+ VBoolType -> return FOTBit
+ VVecType n v1 -> FOTVec n <$> asFirstOrderTypeTValue v1
+ VIntType -> return FOTInt
+ VIntModType m -> return (FOTIntMod m)
+ VArrayType a b ->
+ FOTArray <$> asFirstOrderTypeTValue a <*> asFirstOrderTypeTValue b
+ VUnitType -> return (FOTTuple [])
+ VPairType v1 v2 -> do
+ t1 <- asFirstOrderTypeTValue v1
+ t2 <- asFirstOrderTypeTValue v2
+ case t2 of
+ FOTTuple ts -> return (FOTTuple (t1 : ts))
+ _ -> return (FOTTuple [t1, t2])
+ VRecordType elem_tps ->
+ FOTRec . Map.fromList <$>
+ mapM (traverse asFirstOrderTypeTValue) elem_tps
+ VPiType{} -> Nothing
+ VDataType{} -> Nothing
+ VSort{} -> Nothing
+-- | A (partial) injective mapping from type values to strings. These
+-- are intended to be useful as suffixes for names of type instances
+-- of uninterpreted constants.
+suffixTValue :: TValue sym -> Maybe String
+suffixTValue tv =
+ case tv of
+ VVecType n a ->
+ do a' <- suffixTValue a
+ Just ("_Vec_" ++ show n ++ a')
+ VBoolType -> Just "_Bool"
+ VIntType -> Just "_Int"
+ VIntModType n -> Just ("_IntMod_" ++ show n)
+ VArrayType a b ->
+ do a' <- suffixTValue a
+ b' <- suffixTValue b
+ Just ("_Array" ++ a' ++ b')
+ VPiType _ _ -> Nothing
+ VUnitType -> Just "_Unit"
+ VPairType a b ->
+ do a' <- suffixTValue a
+ b' <- suffixTValue b
+ Just ("_Pair" ++ a' ++ b')
+ VDataType {} -> Nothing
+ VRecordType {} -> Nothing
+ VSort {} -> Nothing
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Term/CtxTerm.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Term/CtxTerm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52d5c4fdb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Term/CtxTerm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1150 @@
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Term.CtxTerm
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2018
+License : BSD3
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+The purpose of this module is to define a dependently-typed / GADT approach
+to representing SAW core terms, that reflects (to some degree) the typing
+and context information in the Haskell type of a term.
+Why are we doing this, when GADT programming can be so gross? The point of all
+this is to get all the deBruijn indices right. Doing deBruijn index math when
+manipulating open terms can be error prone and hard to read, and those bugs are
+really hard to track down. Although GADT programming can be a pain sometimes,
+this file is organized so at least you will always get the deBruijn indices
+right when you finally get GHC to accept your code. :)
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+module Verifier.SAW.Term.CtxTerm
+ (
+ -- * Re-exports from "Data.Parameterized.Context"
+ -- | We use DataKinds to represent contexts of free variables at the type level.
+ -- These contexts are "inside-out", meaning that the most recently-bound
+ -- variable is listed on the outside. We reflect this by having that most
+ -- recently-bound variable to the right in '::>'.
+ Ctx(..), EmptyCtx, (::>), type (<+>)
+ -- * Contexts and Bindings
+ , Typ
+ , CtxInvApp, CtxInv
+ , Bindings(..), bindingsLength, InvBindings(..), InBindings(..)
+ , invAppendBindings, invertBindings
+ -- * Terms in Context
+ , Arrows
+ , CtxTerm(..), CtxTerms(..), CtxTermsCtx(..)
+ , mkClosedTerm, mkClosedTyp, elimClosedTerm
+ , ExistsTp(..), ctxBindingsOfTerms
+ , ctxTermsForBindings
+ -- * Operations on Terms-in-Context
+ , MonadTerm(..)
+ , ctxLambda, ctxPi, ctxPi1
+ -- * Generalized Lifting and Substitution
+ , CtxLiftSubst(..), ctxLift1, ctxLiftInBindings
+ , mkLiftedClosedTerm
+ -- * Constructor Argument Types
+ , CtorArg(..), CtorArgStruct(..), ctxCtorArgType, ctxCtorType
+ -- * Computing with Eliminators
+ , mkPRetTp
+ , ctxCtorElimType, mkCtorElimTypeFun, ctxReduceRecursor
+ -- * Parsing and Building Constructor Types
+ , mkCtorArgStruct
+ ) where
+import Data.Kind(Type)
+import Data.Proxy
+import Data.Type.Equality
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Parameterized.Context
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+-- * Contexts and Bindings
+-- | A representation of the type of SAW types as a Haskell type. This is
+-- actually a singleton type, meaning that a 'CtxTerm' with type @'Typ' a@ is a
+-- SAW type that is represented by Haskell type @a@. Of course, the Haskell type
+-- system is not rich enough to capture SAW types in complete detail, but we do
+-- our best, and capture at least the types and functions.
+data Typ (a :: Type)
+-- | An identifier for a datatype that is statically associated with Haskell
+-- type @d@. Again, we cannot capture all of the SAW type system in Haskell, so
+-- we simplify datatypes to arbitrary Haskell types.
+newtype DataIdent d = DataIdent Ident
+-- | Append a list of types to a context, i.e., "invert" the list of types,
+-- putting the last type on the "outside", and append it. The way to think of
+-- this operation is that we are already "inside" @ctx@, and we are moving
+-- further "inside" of @as@, one type at a time, to yield a combined context
+-- where the last type of @as@ is bound last, i.e., most recently.
+type family CtxInvApp ctx as where
+ CtxInvApp ctx '[] = ctx
+ CtxInvApp ctx (a ': as) = CtxInvApp (ctx ::> a) as
+-- | Invert a type list to make a context
+type CtxInv as = CtxInvApp EmptyCtx as
+-- | A sequence of bindings of pairs of a variable name and a type of some form
+-- for that variable. These bindings are relative to ambient context @ctx@, use
+-- @tp@ for the variable types, and bind variables whose types are listed in
+-- @as@.
+-- Note that each type in a bindings list has type 'Typ', but is "represented"
+-- by a Haskell type @a@ in the 'Bind' constructor. There is no way to actually
+-- related the Haskell type @a@ to the type it "represents", so we do not try,
+-- and just write "represent" in quotes.
+data Bindings (tp :: Ctx Type -> Type -> Type) (ctx :: Ctx Type) (as :: [Type]) where
+ NoBind :: Bindings tp ctx '[]
+ Bind :: LocalName -> tp ctx (Typ a) -> Bindings tp (ctx ::> a) as ->
+ Bindings tp ctx (a ': as)
+-- | Compute the number of bindings in a bindings list
+bindingsLength :: Bindings tp ctx as -> Int
+bindingsLength NoBind = 0
+bindingsLength (Bind _ _ bs) = 1 + bindingsLength bs
+-- | An inverted list of bindings, seen from the "inside out"
+data InvBindings (tp :: Ctx Type -> Type -> Type) (ctx :: Ctx Type) (as :: Ctx Type) where
+ InvNoBind :: InvBindings tp ctx EmptyCtx
+ InvBind :: InvBindings tp ctx as -> LocalName -> tp (ctx <+> as) (Typ a) ->
+ InvBindings tp ctx (as ::> a)
+-- | Compute the number of bindings in an inverted bindings list
+invBindingsLength :: InvBindings tp ctx as -> Int
+invBindingsLength InvNoBind = 0
+invBindingsLength (InvBind bs _ _) = 1 + invBindingsLength bs
+-- | Map over all types in an inverted bindings list
+mapInvBindings :: (forall ctx a. f ctx a -> g ctx a) ->
+ InvBindings f c1 c2 -> InvBindings g c1 c2
+mapInvBindings _ InvNoBind = InvNoBind
+mapInvBindings f (InvBind ctx x tp) =
+ InvBind (mapInvBindings f ctx) x (f tp)
+-- | Typeclass for things from which we can build proofs that 'EmptyCtx' is the left
+-- unit of '(<+>)', i.e., that @'EmptyCtx' '<+>' ctx ~ ctx@
+class CtxAppNilEq f where
+ ctxAppNilEq :: f ctx -> EmptyCtx <+> ctx :~: ctx
+instance CtxAppNilEq (InvBindings tp ctx') where
+ ctxAppNilEq InvNoBind = Refl
+ ctxAppNilEq (InvBind ctx _ _) =
+ case ctxAppNilEq ctx of
+ Refl -> Refl
+instance CtxAppNilEq (CtxTermsCtx ctx') where
+ ctxAppNilEq CtxTermsCtxNil = Refl
+ ctxAppNilEq (CtxTermsCtxCons ts _) =
+ case ctxAppNilEq ts of
+ Refl -> Refl
+-- | Use 'ctxAppNilEq' to lift from @ctx@ to @'EmptyCtx' '<+>' ctx@
+ctxLiftNil :: InvBindings tp EmptyCtx ctx -> f ctx a -> f (EmptyCtx <+> ctx) a
+ctxLiftNil ctx f = case ctxAppNilEq ctx of Refl -> f
+-- | Append a 'Bindings' list to an inverted 'InvBindings' list, inverting the
+-- former as we go to yield an inverted 'InvBindings' list. Intuitively, this
+-- means we are already "inside" the inverted bindings lists, and we are moving
+-- further "inside" the regular bindings list; at the end we will be "inside"
+-- both, meaning that we will see the combination "from the inside".
+invAppendBindings :: InvBindings tp ctx as ->
+ Bindings tp (ctx <+> as) bs ->
+ InvBindings tp ctx (CtxInvApp as bs)
+invAppendBindings as NoBind = as
+invAppendBindings as (Bind y y_tp bs) =
+ (invAppendBindings (InvBind as y y_tp) bs)
+-- | Invert a 'Bindings' list; i.e., move "inside" those bindings
+invertBindings :: Bindings tp ctx as -> InvBindings tp ctx (CtxInv as)
+invertBindings = invAppendBindings InvNoBind
+-- | Append two inverted contexts, where the first one is top-level. This
+-- restriction allows us to avoid writing a proof of associativity of '(<+>)',
+-- and instead just using 'ctxAppNilEq'
+appendTopInvBindings :: InvBindings tp EmptyCtx ctx1 ->
+ InvBindings tp ctx1 ctx2 ->
+ InvBindings tp EmptyCtx (ctx1 <+> ctx2)
+appendTopInvBindings ctx1 InvNoBind = ctx1
+appendTopInvBindings ctx1 (InvBind ctx2 x tp) =
+ let ret = appendTopInvBindings ctx1 ctx2 in
+ InvBind ret x (ctxLiftNil ret tp)
+-- | A sequence of bindings bundled with something that is relative to those
+-- bindings
+data InBindings tp (f :: Ctx Type -> k -> Type) ctx (a::k) where
+ InBindings :: Bindings tp ctx as -> f (CtxInvApp ctx as) a ->
+ InBindings tp f ctx a
+-- * Terms In Context
+-- | Abstract a type list using Haskell arrows. This is done "outside-in", since
+-- type-level lists represent bindings from the outside in.
+type family Arrows as b where
+ Arrows '[] b = b
+ Arrows (a ': as) b = a -> Arrows as b
+-- | A 'Term' with a given "type" relative to a given context. Since we cannot
+-- hope to represent dependent type theory in Haskell types anyway, these
+-- "types" are usually instantiated with a dummy, such as '()', but the code
+-- that consumes them cannot know that and has to be agnostic to what type it
+-- is.
+newtype CtxTerm (ctx :: Ctx Type) (a :: Type) = CtxTerm Term
+-- | Convert a 'CtxTerm' to an untyped term. This is "unsafe" because it throws
+-- away our typing information.
+unCtxTermUnsafe :: CtxTerm ctx a -> Term
+unCtxTermUnsafe (CtxTerm t) = t
+-- | Because we cannot capture the SAW type system in Haskell, sometimes we have
+-- to cast our terms. We try not to use this very often, and we only allow
+-- casting the output type, not the context, since the latter could screw up our
+-- deBruijn indices.
+castCtxTerm :: Proxy a -> Proxy b -> CtxTerm ctx a -> CtxTerm ctx b
+castCtxTerm _ _ (CtxTerm t) = CtxTerm t
+-- | Build a term in the empty context
+mkClosedTerm :: Term -> CtxTerm EmptyCtx a
+mkClosedTerm = CtxTerm
+-- | Build a term to represent a type in the empty context
+mkClosedTyp :: Term -> CtxTerm EmptyCtx (Typ a)
+mkClosedTyp = mkClosedTerm
+-- | Take a term out of the empty context
+elimClosedTerm :: CtxTerm EmptyCtx a -> Term
+elimClosedTerm (CtxTerm t) = t
+-- | Existentially quantify over the "type" of an object
+data ExistsTp tp ctx = forall a. ExistsTp (tp ctx a)
+-- | Build a 'Bindings' list from a list of variable names and types, assuming
+-- that each variable is free in the remaining types and that @ctx@ describes
+-- the ambient context of the top-level type in the context. Note that nothing
+-- here ensures that the Haskell-level types used to "represent" the bindings
+-- created by this function have anything to do with the actual SAW types, but
+-- the Haskell type system is not powerful enough to represent all the SAW types
+-- anyway, and any code that consumes this 'Bindings' list cannot know that
+-- anyway. See also the comments for 'CtxTerm'.
+ctxBindingsOfTerms :: [(LocalName, Term)] -> ExistsTp (Bindings CtxTerm) ctx
+ctxBindingsOfTerms [] = ExistsTp NoBind
+ctxBindingsOfTerms ((x,tp):ctx) =
+ case ctxBindingsOfTerms ctx of
+ ExistsTp rest -> ExistsTp (Bind x (CtxTerm tp) rest)
+-- | A dummy unit type that takes in a context
+data CtxUnit ctx a = CtxUnit
+-- | An 'Either' type relative to a context and type
+newtype CtxEither f g ctx a = CtxEither (Either (f ctx a) (g ctx a))
+-- | A list of terms in a given context
+data CtxTerms ctx as where
+ CtxTermsNil :: CtxTerms ctx '[]
+ CtxTermsCons :: CtxTerm ctx a -> CtxTerms ctx as -> CtxTerms ctx (a ': as)
+-- | A list of terms in a given context, stored "inside-out"
+data CtxTermsCtx ctx term_ctx where
+ CtxTermsCtxNil :: CtxTermsCtx ctx EmptyCtx
+ CtxTermsCtxCons :: CtxTermsCtx ctx as -> CtxTerm ctx a ->
+ CtxTermsCtx ctx (as ::> a)
+-- | Get the head and tail of a non-empty 'CtxTerms' list
+ctxTermsHeadTail :: CtxTerms ctx (a ': as) -> (CtxTerm ctx a, CtxTerms ctx as)
+ctxTermsHeadTail (CtxTermsCons a as) = (a, as)
+-- | Get the head and tail of a non-empty 'CtxTermsCtx' list
+ctxTermsCtxHeadTail :: CtxTermsCtx ctx (as ::> a) ->
+ (CtxTermsCtx ctx as, CtxTerm ctx a)
+ctxTermsCtxHeadTail (CtxTermsCtxCons as a) = (as, a)
+-- | Convert a typed list of terms to a list of untyped terms; this is "unsafe"
+-- because it throws away our typing information
+ctxTermsToListUnsafe :: CtxTerms ctx as -> [Term]
+ctxTermsToListUnsafe CtxTermsNil = []
+ctxTermsToListUnsafe (CtxTermsCons (CtxTerm t) ts) =
+ t : ctxTermsToListUnsafe ts
+-- | Convert a typed list of terms to a list of untyped terms; this is "unsafe"
+-- because it throws away our typing information
+ctxTermsCtxToListUnsafe :: CtxTermsCtx ctx as -> [Term]
+ctxTermsCtxToListUnsafe CtxTermsCtxNil = []
+ctxTermsCtxToListUnsafe (CtxTermsCtxCons ts (CtxTerm t)) =
+ ctxTermsCtxToListUnsafe ts ++ [t]
+-- | Like 'ctxTermsForBindings' but can return a 'CtxTerms' in an arbitrary
+-- context. We consider this "unsafe" because it associates an arbitrary context
+-- with these terms, and so we do not export this function.
+ctxTermsForBindingsOpen :: Bindings tp ctx_in as -> [Term] ->
+ Maybe (CtxTerms ctx as)
+ctxTermsForBindingsOpen NoBind [] = Just CtxTermsNil
+ctxTermsForBindingsOpen (Bind _ _ bs) (t : ts) =
+ CtxTermsCons (CtxTerm t) <$> ctxTermsForBindingsOpen bs ts
+ctxTermsForBindingsOpen _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Take a list of terms and match them up with a sequence of bindings,
+-- returning a structured 'CtxTerms' list. Note that the bindings themselves can
+-- be in an arbitrary context, but the terms passed in are assumed to be closed,
+-- i.e., in the empty context.
+ctxTermsForBindings :: Bindings tp ctx as -> [Term] -> Maybe (CtxTerms EmptyCtx as)
+ctxTermsForBindings NoBind [] = Just CtxTermsNil
+ctxTermsForBindings (Bind _ _ bs) (t : ts) =
+ CtxTermsCons (mkClosedTerm t) <$> ctxTermsForBindings bs ts
+ctxTermsForBindings _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Invert a 'CtxTerms' list and append it to an already-inverted 'CtxTermsCtx'
+-- list
+invertAppendCtxTerms :: CtxTermsCtx ctx as -> CtxTerms ctx bs ->
+ CtxTermsCtx ctx (CtxInvApp as bs)
+invertAppendCtxTerms as CtxTermsNil = as
+invertAppendCtxTerms as (CtxTermsCons b bs) =
+ invertAppendCtxTerms (CtxTermsCtxCons as b) bs
+-- | Invert a 'CtxTerms' list
+invertCtxTerms :: CtxTerms ctx as -> CtxTermsCtx ctx (CtxInv as)
+invertCtxTerms = invertAppendCtxTerms CtxTermsCtxNil
+splitCtxTermsCtx :: InvBindings tp any_ctx ctx2 ->
+ CtxTermsCtx ctx (ctx1 <+> ctx2) ->
+ (CtxTermsCtx ctx ctx1, CtxTermsCtx ctx ctx2)
+splitCtxTermsCtx InvNoBind terms = (terms, CtxTermsCtxNil)
+splitCtxTermsCtx (InvBind ctx _ _) (CtxTermsCtxCons ts t) =
+ let (ts1, ts2) = splitCtxTermsCtx ctx ts in
+ (ts1, CtxTermsCtxCons ts2 t)
+-- * Operations on Terms-in-Context
+-- | The class of monads that can build terms and substitute into them
+class Monad m => MonadTerm m where
+ mkTermF :: TermF Term -> m Term
+ liftTerm :: DeBruijnIndex -> DeBruijnIndex -> Term -> m Term
+ substTerm :: DeBruijnIndex -> [Term] -> Term -> m Term
+ -- ^ NOTE: the first term in the list is substituted for the most
+ -- recently-bound variable, i.e., deBruijn index 0
+-- | Build a 'Term' from a 'FlatTermF' in a 'MonadTerm'
+mkFlatTermF :: MonadTerm m => FlatTermF Term -> m Term
+mkFlatTermF = mkTermF . FTermF
+-- | Build a free variable as a 'CtxTerm'
+ctxVar :: MonadTerm m => Bindings tp (ctx1 ::> a) ctx2 ->
+ m (CtxTerm (CtxInvApp (ctx1 ::> a) ctx2) a)
+ctxVar ctx = CtxTerm <$> mkTermF (LocalVar $ bindingsLength ctx)
+-- | Build a list of all the free variables as 'CtxTerm's
+-- FIXME: there should be a nicer way to do this that does not require
+-- ctxAppNilEq
+ctxVars :: MonadTerm m => InvBindings tp EmptyCtx ctx -> m (CtxTermsCtx ctx ctx)
+ctxVars ctx_top =
+ case ctxAppNilEq ctx_top of
+ Refl -> helper ctx_top NoBind
+ where
+ helper :: MonadTerm m => InvBindings tp EmptyCtx ctx ->
+ Bindings tp (EmptyCtx <+> ctx) as ->
+ m (CtxTermsCtx (CtxInvApp (EmptyCtx <+> ctx) as) ctx)
+ helper InvNoBind _ = return CtxTermsCtxNil
+ helper (InvBind vars_ctx x tp) ctx =
+ CtxTermsCtxCons <$> helper vars_ctx (Bind x tp ctx) <*> ctxVar ctx
+-- | Build two lists of the free variables, split at a specific point
+-- FIXME: there should be a nicer way to do this that does not require
+-- splitCtxTermsCtx and appendTopInvBindings (the latter of which requires
+-- ctxAppNilEq)
+ctxVars2 :: MonadTerm m => InvBindings tp EmptyCtx ctx1 ->
+ InvBindings tp ctx1 ctx2 ->
+ m (CtxTermsCtx (ctx1 <+> ctx2) ctx1,
+ CtxTermsCtx (ctx1 <+> ctx2) ctx2)
+ctxVars2 vars1 vars2 =
+ splitCtxTermsCtx vars2 <$> ctxVars (appendTopInvBindings vars1 vars2)
+-- | Build a 'CtxTerm' for a 'Sort'
+ctxSort :: MonadTerm m => Sort -> m (CtxTerm ctx (Typ a))
+ctxSort s = CtxTerm <$> mkFlatTermF (Sort s)
+-- | Apply two 'CtxTerm's
+ctxApply :: MonadTerm m => m (CtxTerm ctx (a -> b)) -> m (CtxTerm ctx a) ->
+ m (CtxTerm ctx b)
+ctxApply fm argm =
+ do CtxTerm f <- fm
+ CtxTerm arg <- argm
+ CtxTerm <$> mkTermF (App f arg)
+-- | Apply two 'CtxTerm's, using a 'Proxy' to tell GHC the types
+ctxApplyProxy :: MonadTerm m => Proxy a -> Proxy b ->
+ m (CtxTerm ctx (a -> b)) -> m (CtxTerm ctx a) ->
+ m (CtxTerm ctx b)
+ctxApplyProxy _ _ = ctxApply
+-- | Apply a 'CtxTerm' to a list of arguments
+ctxApplyMulti :: MonadTerm m =>
+ m (CtxTerm ctx (Arrows as b)) ->
+ m (CtxTerms ctx as) ->
+ m (CtxTerm ctx b)
+ctxApplyMulti fm argsm =
+ fm >>= \f -> argsm >>= \args -> helper f args
+ where
+ helper :: MonadTerm m => CtxTerm ctx (Arrows as b) ->
+ CtxTerms ctx as -> m (CtxTerm ctx b)
+ helper f CtxTermsNil = return f
+ helper f (CtxTermsCons arg args) =
+ do f' <- ctxApply (return f) (return arg)
+ helper f' args
+-- | Form a lambda-abstraction as a 'CtxTerm'
+ctxLambda1 :: MonadTerm m => LocalName -> CtxTerm ctx (Typ a) ->
+ (CtxTerm (ctx ::> a) a -> m (CtxTerm (ctx ::> a) b)) ->
+ m (CtxTerm ctx (a -> b))
+ctxLambda1 x (CtxTerm tp) body_f =
+ do var <- ctxVar NoBind
+ CtxTerm body <- body_f var
+ CtxTerm <$> mkTermF (Lambda x tp body)
+-- | Form a multi-arity lambda-abstraction as a 'CtxTerm'
+ctxLambda :: MonadTerm m => Bindings CtxTerm ctx as ->
+ (CtxTerms (CtxInvApp ctx as) as ->
+ m (CtxTerm (CtxInvApp ctx as) a)) ->
+ m (CtxTerm ctx (Arrows as a))
+ctxLambda NoBind body_f = body_f CtxTermsNil
+ctxLambda (Bind x tp xs) body_f =
+ ctxLambda1 x tp $ \_ ->
+ ctxLambda xs $ \vars ->
+ do var <- ctxVar xs
+ body_f (CtxTermsCons var vars)
+-- | Form a pi-abstraction as a 'CtxTerm'
+ctxPi1 :: MonadTerm m => LocalName -> CtxTerm ctx (Typ a) ->
+ (CtxTerm (ctx ::> a) a ->
+ m (CtxTerm (ctx ::> a) (Typ b))) ->
+ m (CtxTerm ctx (Typ (a -> b)))
+ctxPi1 x (CtxTerm tp) body_f =
+ do var <- ctxVar NoBind
+ CtxTerm body <- body_f var
+ CtxTerm <$> mkTermF (Pi x tp body)
+-- | Form a multi-arity pi-abstraction as a 'CtxTerm'
+ctxPi :: MonadTerm m => Bindings CtxTerm ctx as ->
+ (CtxTerms (CtxInvApp ctx as) as ->
+ m (CtxTerm (CtxInvApp ctx as) (Typ b))) ->
+ m (CtxTerm ctx (Typ (Arrows as b)))
+ctxPi NoBind body_f = body_f CtxTermsNil
+ctxPi (Bind x tp xs) body_f =
+ ctxPi1 x tp $ \_ ->
+ ctxPi xs $ \vars ->
+ do var <- ctxVar xs
+ body_f (CtxTermsCons var vars)
+-- | Form a multi-arity pi-abstraction as a 'CtxTerm', using a 'Proxy' to tell
+-- stupid GHC what the result type should be
+ctxPiProxy :: MonadTerm m => Proxy (Typ b) -> Bindings CtxTerm ctx as ->
+ (CtxTerms (CtxInvApp ctx as) as ->
+ m (CtxTerm (CtxInvApp ctx as) (Typ b))) ->
+ m (CtxTerm ctx (Typ (Arrows as b)))
+ctxPiProxy _ = ctxPi
+-- | Existential return type of 'ctxAsPi'
+data CtxPi ctx =
+ forall b c.
+ CtxPi LocalName (CtxTerm ctx (Typ b)) (CtxTerm (ctx ::> b) (Typ c))
+-- | Test if a 'CtxTerm' is a pi-abstraction, returning its components if so.
+-- Note that we are not returning any equality constraints on the input type,
+-- @a@; i.e., if a term is a pi-abstraction, one would expect @a@ to have the
+-- form @b -> c@, but this would require a /lot/ more work...
+ctxAsPi :: CtxTerm ctx (Typ a) -> Maybe (CtxPi ctx)
+ctxAsPi (CtxTerm (unwrapTermF -> Pi x tp body)) =
+ Just (CtxPi x (CtxTerm tp) (CtxTerm body))
+ctxAsPi _ = Nothing
+-- | Existential return type of 'ctxAsPiMulti'
+data CtxMultiPi ctx =
+ forall as b.
+ CtxMultiPi (Bindings CtxTerm ctx as) (CtxTerm (CtxInvApp ctx as) (Typ b))
+-- | Repeatedly apply 'ctxAsPi', returning the 'Bindings' list of 0 or more
+-- pi-abstraction bindings in the given term
+ctxAsPiMulti :: CtxTerm ctx (Typ a) -> CtxMultiPi ctx
+ctxAsPiMulti (ctxAsPi -> Just (CtxPi x tp body)) =
+ case ctxAsPiMulti body of
+ CtxMultiPi as body' -> CtxMultiPi (Bind x tp as) body'
+ctxAsPiMulti t = CtxMultiPi NoBind t
+-- | Build an application of a datatype as a 'CtxTerm'
+ctxDataTypeM :: MonadTerm m => DataIdent d -> m (CtxTermsCtx ctx params) ->
+ m (CtxTermsCtx ctx ixs) -> m (CtxTerm ctx (Typ d))
+ctxDataTypeM (DataIdent d) paramsM ixsM =
+ CtxTerm <$>
+ (mkFlatTermF =<<
+ (DataTypeApp d <$> (ctxTermsCtxToListUnsafe <$> paramsM) <*>
+ (ctxTermsCtxToListUnsafe <$> ixsM)))
+-- | Test if a 'CtxTerm' is an application of a specific datatype with the
+-- supplied context of parameters and indices
+ctxAsDataTypeApp :: DataIdent d -> Bindings tp1 EmptyCtx params ->
+ Bindings tp2 (CtxInv params) ixs ->
+ CtxTerm ctx (Typ a) ->
+ Maybe (CtxTerms ctx params, CtxTerms ctx ixs)
+ctxAsDataTypeApp (DataIdent d) params ixs (CtxTerm
+ (unwrapTermF ->
+ FTermF (DataTypeApp d' params' ixs')))
+ | d == d'
+ = do params_ret <- ctxTermsForBindingsOpen params params'
+ ixs_ret <- ctxTermsForBindingsOpen ixs ixs'
+ return (params_ret, ixs_ret)
+ctxAsDataTypeApp _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Build an application of a constructor as a 'CtxTerm'
+ctxCtorAppM :: MonadTerm m => DataIdent d -> Ident ->
+ m (CtxTermsCtx ctx params) ->
+ m (CtxTermsCtx ctx args) -> m (CtxTerm ctx d)
+ctxCtorAppM _d c paramsM argsM =
+ CtxTerm <$>
+ (mkFlatTermF =<<
+ (CtorApp c <$> (ctxTermsCtxToListUnsafe <$> paramsM) <*>
+ (ctxTermsCtxToListUnsafe <$> argsM)))
+-- | Build an application of a recursor as a 'CtxTerm'
+ctxRecursorAppM :: MonadTerm m => Ident -> m (CtxTermsCtx ctx params) ->
+ m (CtxTerm ctx p_ret) -> m [(Ident, CtxTerm ctx elim)] ->
+ m (CtxTermsCtx ctx ixs) -> m (CtxTerm ctx arg) ->
+ m (CtxTerm ctx a)
+ctxRecursorAppM d paramsM pretM cs_fsM ixsM argM =
+ CtxTerm <$>
+ (mkFlatTermF =<<
+ (RecursorApp d <$> (ctxTermsCtxToListUnsafe <$> paramsM) <*>
+ (unCtxTermUnsafe <$> pretM) <*>
+ (map (\(c,f) -> (c, unCtxTermUnsafe f)) <$> cs_fsM) <*>
+ (ctxTermsCtxToListUnsafe <$> ixsM) <*>
+ (unCtxTermUnsafe <$> argM)))
+-- * Generalized Lifting and Substitution
+-- | The class of "in-context" types that support lifting and substitution
+class Monad m => CtxLiftSubst f m where
+ -- | Lift an @f@ into an extended context
+ ctxLift :: InvBindings tp1 ctx ctx' -> Bindings tp2 ctx as ->
+ f (ctx <+> ctx') a ->
+ m (f (CtxInvApp ctx as <+> ctx') a)
+ -- | Substitute a list of terms into an @f@
+ ctxSubst :: CtxTermsCtx ctx1 subst ->
+ InvBindings tp (ctx1 <+> subst) ctx2 ->
+ f ((ctx1 <+> subst) <+> ctx2) a ->
+ m (f (ctx1 <+> ctx2) a)
+-- | Lift an @f@ into a context extended with one type
+ctxLift1 :: CtxLiftSubst f m => f ctx b -> m (f (ctx ::> a) b)
+ctxLift1 = ctxLift InvNoBind (Bind "_" CtxUnit NoBind)
+-- | Lift an @f@ that is in an extended list of 'Bindings'
+ctxLiftInBindings :: CtxLiftSubst f m => InvBindings tp1 ctx ctx1 ->
+ Bindings tp2 (ctx <+> ctx1) ctx2 ->
+ Bindings tp3 ctx as ->
+ f (CtxInvApp (ctx <+> ctx1) ctx2) a ->
+ m (f (CtxInvApp (CtxInvApp ctx as <+> ctx1) ctx2) a)
+ctxLiftInBindings = helper . mapInvBindings (CtxEither . Left)
+ where
+ helper :: CtxLiftSubst f m => InvBindings (CtxEither tp1 tp2) ctx ctx1 ->
+ Bindings tp2 (ctx <+> ctx1) ctx2 ->
+ Bindings tp3 ctx as ->
+ f (CtxInvApp (ctx <+> ctx1) ctx2) a ->
+ m (f (CtxInvApp (CtxInvApp ctx as <+> ctx1) ctx2) a)
+ helper ctx1 NoBind as = ctxLift ctx1 as
+ helper ctx1 (Bind str tp ctx2) as =
+ helper (InvBind ctx1 str (CtxEither $ Right tp)) ctx2 as
+-- | Substitute into an @f@ that is in an extended list of 'Bindings'
+ctxSubstInBindings :: CtxLiftSubst f m => CtxTermsCtx ctx1 subst ->
+ InvBindings tp1 (ctx1 <+> subst) ctx2 ->
+ Bindings tp2 ((ctx1 <+> subst) <+> ctx2) ctx3 ->
+ f (CtxInvApp ((ctx1 <+> subst) <+> ctx2) ctx3) a ->
+ m (f (CtxInvApp (ctx1 <+> ctx2) ctx3) a)
+ctxSubstInBindings subst =
+ helper subst . mapInvBindings (CtxEither . Left) where
+ helper :: CtxLiftSubst f m => CtxTermsCtx ctx1 s ->
+ InvBindings (CtxEither tp1 tp2) (ctx1 <+> s) ctx2 ->
+ Bindings tp2 ((ctx1 <+> s) <+> ctx2) ctx3 ->
+ f (CtxInvApp ((ctx1 <+> s) <+> ctx2) ctx3) a ->
+ m (f (CtxInvApp (ctx1 <+> ctx2) ctx3) a)
+ helper s ctx2 NoBind f = ctxSubst s ctx2 f
+ helper s ctx2 (Bind x tp ctx3) f =
+ helper s (InvBind ctx2 x (CtxEither $ Right tp)) ctx3 f
+instance MonadTerm m => CtxLiftSubst CtxTerm m where
+ ctxLift ctx1 ctx2 (CtxTerm t) =
+ CtxTerm <$> liftTerm (invBindingsLength ctx1) (bindingsLength ctx2) t
+ ctxSubst subst ctx (CtxTerm t) =
+ -- NOTE: our term lists put the least recently-bound variable first, so we
+ -- have to reverse here to call substTerm, which wants the term for the most
+ -- recently-bound variable first
+ CtxTerm <$>
+ substTerm (invBindingsLength ctx) (reverse (ctxTermsCtxToListUnsafe subst)) t
+instance MonadTerm m => CtxLiftSubst CtxTerms m where
+ ctxLift _ _ CtxTermsNil = return CtxTermsNil
+ ctxLift ctx1 ctx2 (CtxTermsCons t ts) =
+ CtxTermsCons <$> ctxLift ctx1 ctx2 t <*> ctxLift ctx1 ctx2 ts
+ ctxSubst _ _ CtxTermsNil = return CtxTermsNil
+ ctxSubst subst ctx (CtxTermsCons t ts) =
+ CtxTermsCons <$> ctxSubst subst ctx t <*>
+ ctxSubst subst ctx ts
+instance MonadTerm m => CtxLiftSubst CtxTermsCtx m where
+ ctxLift _ _ CtxTermsCtxNil = return CtxTermsCtxNil
+ ctxLift ctx1 ctx2 (CtxTermsCtxCons ts t) =
+ CtxTermsCtxCons <$> ctxLift ctx1 ctx2 ts <*> ctxLift ctx1 ctx2 t
+ ctxSubst _ _ CtxTermsCtxNil = return CtxTermsCtxNil
+ ctxSubst subst ctx (CtxTermsCtxCons ts t) =
+ CtxTermsCtxCons <$> ctxSubst subst ctx ts <*>
+ ctxSubst subst ctx t
+instance CtxLiftSubst tp m => CtxLiftSubst (Bindings tp) m where
+ ctxLift _ _ NoBind = return NoBind
+ ctxLift ctx1 ctx2 (Bind x x_tp bs) =
+ Bind x <$> ctxLift ctx1 ctx2 x_tp <*>
+ ctxLift (InvBind ctx1 x (error "Unused")) ctx2 bs
+ ctxSubst _ _ NoBind = return NoBind
+ ctxSubst subst ctx (Bind x x_tp bs) =
+ Bind x <$> ctxSubst subst ctx x_tp <*>
+ ctxSubst subst (InvBind ctx x (error "Unused")) bs
+instance MonadTerm m => CtxLiftSubst (CtorArg d ixs) m where
+ ctxLift ctx1 ctx2 (ConstArg tp) = ConstArg <$> ctxLift ctx1 ctx2 tp
+ ctxLift ctx1 ctx2 (RecursiveArg zs ixs) =
+ RecursiveArg <$> ctxLift ctx1 ctx2 zs <*>
+ ctxLiftInBindings ctx1 zs ctx2 ixs
+ ctxSubst subst ctx (ConstArg tp) = ConstArg <$> ctxSubst subst ctx tp
+ ctxSubst subst ctx (RecursiveArg zs ixs) =
+ RecursiveArg <$> ctxSubst subst ctx zs <*>
+ ctxSubstInBindings subst ctx zs ixs
+-- | Make a closed term and then lift it into a context
+mkLiftedClosedTerm :: MonadTerm m => Bindings tp EmptyCtx as -> Term ->
+ m (CtxTerm (CtxInv as) a)
+mkLiftedClosedTerm inners t = ctxLift InvNoBind inners $ mkClosedTerm t
+-- * Constructor Argument Types
+-- | A specification of the type of an argument for a constructor of datatype
+-- @d@, that has a specified list @ixs@ of indices, inside a context @ctx@ of
+-- parameters and earlier arguments
+data CtorArg d ixs ctx a where
+ -- | A fixed, constant type
+ ConstArg :: CtxTerm ctx (Typ a) -> CtorArg d ixs ctx (Typ a)
+ -- | The construct @'RecursiveArg [(z1,tp1),..,(zn,tpn)] [e1,..,ek]'@
+ -- specifies a recursive argument type of the form
+ --
+ -- > (z1::tp1) -> .. -> (zn::tpn) -> d p1 .. pm e1 .. ek
+ --
+ -- where @d@ is the datatype, the @zi::tpi@ are the elements of the Pi
+ -- context (the first argument to 'RecursiveArgType'), the @pi@ are the
+ -- parameters of @d@ (not given here), and the @ei@ are the type indices of
+ -- @d@.
+ RecursiveArg ::
+ Bindings CtxTerm ctx zs -> CtxTerms (CtxInvApp ctx zs) ixs ->
+ CtorArg d ixs ctx (Typ (Arrows zs d))
+-- | A structure that defines the parameters, arguments, and return type indices
+-- of a constructor, using 'CtxTerm' and friends to get the bindings right
+data CtorArgStruct d params ixs =
+ forall args.
+ CtorArgStruct
+ {
+ ctorParams :: Bindings CtxTerm EmptyCtx params,
+ ctorArgs :: Bindings (CtorArg d ixs) (CtxInv params) args,
+ ctorIndices :: CtxTerms (CtxInvApp (CtxInv params) args) ixs,
+ dataTypeIndices :: Bindings CtxTerm (CtxInv params) ixs
+ }
+-- | Convert a 'CtorArg' into the type that it represents, given a context of
+-- the parameters and of the previous arguments
+ctxCtorArgType :: MonadTerm m => DataIdent d ->
+ InvBindings CtxTerm EmptyCtx params ->
+ InvBindings CtxTerm params prevs ->
+ CtorArg d ixs (params <+> prevs) a ->
+ m (CtxTerm (params <+> prevs) a)
+ctxCtorArgType _ _ _ (ConstArg tp) = return tp
+ctxCtorArgType d params prevs (RecursiveArg zs_ctx ixs) =
+ ctxPi zs_ctx $ \_ ->
+ ctxDataTypeM d ((fst <$> ctxVars2 params prevs) >>= ctxLift InvNoBind zs_ctx)
+ (return $ invertCtxTerms ixs)
+-- | Convert a bindings list of 'CtorArg's to a binding list of types
+ctxCtorArgBindings :: MonadTerm m => DataIdent d ->
+ InvBindings CtxTerm EmptyCtx params ->
+ InvBindings CtxTerm params prevs ->
+ Bindings (CtorArg d ixs) (params <+> prevs) args ->
+ m (Bindings CtxTerm (params <+> prevs) args)
+ctxCtorArgBindings _ _ _ NoBind = return NoBind
+ctxCtorArgBindings d params prevs (Bind x arg args) =
+ do tp <- ctxCtorArgType d params prevs arg
+ rest <- ctxCtorArgBindings d params (InvBind prevs x tp) args
+ return (Bind x tp rest)
+-- | Compute the type of a constructor from the name of its datatype and its
+-- 'CtorArgStruct'
+ctxCtorType :: MonadTerm m => Ident -> CtorArgStruct d params ixs -> m Term
+ctxCtorType d (CtorArgStruct{..}) =
+ elimClosedTerm <$>
+ (ctxPi ctorParams $ \params ->
+ do bs <-
+ ctxCtorArgBindings (DataIdent d) (invertBindings ctorParams)
+ InvNoBind ctorArgs
+ ctxPi bs $ \_ ->
+ ctxDataTypeM (DataIdent d)
+ (ctxLift InvNoBind bs $ invertCtxTerms params)
+ (return $ invertCtxTerms ctorIndices))
+-- * Computing with Eliminators
+-- | Build the type of the @p_ret@ function, also known as the "motive"
+-- function, of a recursor on datatype @d@. This type has the form
+-- > (i1::ix1) -> .. -> (im::ixm) -> d p1 .. pn i1 .. im -> s
+-- where the @pi@ are free variables for the parameters of @d@, the @ixj@
+-- are the indices of @d@, and @s@ is any sort supplied as an argument.
+ctxPRetTp :: MonadTerm m => Proxy (Typ a) -> DataIdent d ->
+ InvBindings CtxTerm EmptyCtx ps ->
+ Bindings CtxTerm ps ixs -> Sort ->
+ m (CtxTerm ps (Typ (Arrows ixs (d -> Typ a))))
+ctxPRetTp (_ :: Proxy (Typ a)) (d :: DataIdent d) params ixs s =
+ ctxPiProxy (Proxy :: Proxy (Typ (d -> Typ a))) ixs $ \ix_vars ->
+ do param_vars <- ctxVars params
+ dt <- ctxDataTypeM d (ctxLift InvNoBind ixs param_vars)
+ (return $ invertCtxTerms ix_vars)
+ ctxPi1 "_" dt $ \_ -> ctxSort s
+-- | Like 'ctxPRetTp', but also take in a list of parameters and substitute them
+-- for the parameter variables returned by that function
+mkPRetTp ::
+ MonadTerm m => Ident -> [(LocalName, Term)] -> [(LocalName, Term)] ->
+ [Term] -> Sort -> m Term
+mkPRetTp d untyped_p_ctx untyped_ix_ctx untyped_params s =
+ case ctxBindingsOfTerms untyped_p_ctx of
+ ExistsTp p_ctx ->
+ case (ctxBindingsOfTerms untyped_ix_ctx,
+ ctxTermsForBindings p_ctx untyped_params) of
+ (ExistsTp ix_ctx, Just params) ->
+ do p_ret <- (ctxPRetTp Proxy (DataIdent d)
+ (invertBindings p_ctx) ix_ctx s)
+ elimClosedTerm <$>
+ ctxSubst (invertCtxTerms params) InvNoBind
+ (castPRet (invertBindings p_ctx) p_ret)
+ (_, Nothing) ->
+ error "mkPRetTp: incorrect number of parameters"
+ where
+ castPRet :: InvBindings tp ctx1 ctx -> CtxTerm ctx a ->
+ CtxTerm (EmptyCtx <+> ctx) a
+ castPRet ctx =
+ case ctxAppNilEq ctx of
+ Refl -> id
+-- | Compute the type of an eliminator function for a constructor from the name
+-- of its datatype, its name, and its 'CtorArgStruct'. This type has, as free
+-- variables, both the parameters of the datatype and a "motive" function from
+-- indices of the datatype to a return type. It is of the form
+-- > (x1::arg1) -> maybe (rec1::rec_tp1) -> .. ->
+-- > (xn::argn) -> maybe (recn::rec_tpn) ->
+-- > p_ret ix_1 .. ix_k (ctor params x1 .. xn)
+-- where the ixs are the type indices of the return type for the constructor,
+-- the (xi::argi) are the arguments of the constructor, and the @maybe@s
+-- indicate additional arguments that are present only for arguments of
+-- recursive type, that is, where @argi@ has the form
+-- > (z1::Z1) -> .. -> (zm::Zm) -> d params t1 .. tk
+-- In this case, @rec_tpi@ has the form
+-- > (z1::Z1) -> .. -> (zm::Zm) -> p_ret t1 .. tk (f z1 .. zm)
+-- Note that the output type cannot be expressed in the type of this function,
+-- since it depends on fields of the 'CtorArgStruct', so, instead, the result is
+-- just casted to whatever type the caller specifies.
+ctxCtorElimType :: MonadTerm m =>
+ Proxy (Typ ret) -> Proxy (Typ a) -> DataIdent d -> Ident ->
+ CtorArgStruct d params ixs ->
+ m (CtxTerm (CtxInv params ::>
+ (Arrows ixs (d -> Typ a))) (Typ ret))
+ctxCtorElimType ret (a_top :: Proxy (Typ a)) (d_top :: DataIdent d) c
+ (CtorArgStruct{..}) =
+ (do let params = invertBindings ctorParams
+ -- NOTE: we use propSort for the type of p_ret just as arbitrary sort, but
+ -- it doesn't matter because p_ret_tp is only actually used to form
+ -- contexts, and is never actually used directly in the output
+ p_ret_tp <- ctxPRetTp a_top d_top params dataTypeIndices propSort
+ -- Lift the argument and return indices into the context of p_ret
+ args <- ctxLift InvNoBind (Bind "_" p_ret_tp NoBind) ctorArgs
+ ixs <-
+ ctxLiftInBindings InvNoBind ctorArgs (Bind "_" p_ret_tp NoBind)
+ ctorIndices
+ -- Form the context (params ::> p_ret)
+ let params_pret = InvBind params "_" (ctxLiftNil params p_ret_tp)
+ -- Call the helper and cast the result to (Typ ret)
+ castCtxTerm Proxy ret <$>
+ helper a_top d_top params_pret InvNoBind args ixs
+ ) where
+ -- Iterate through the argument types of the constructor, building up a
+ -- function from those arguments to the result type of the p_ret function.
+ -- Note that, technically, this function also takes in recursive calls, so has
+ -- a slightly richer type, but we are not going to try to compute this richer
+ -- type in Haskell land.
+ helper :: MonadTerm m => Proxy (Typ a) -> DataIdent d ->
+ InvBindings CtxTerm EmptyCtx (ps ::> Arrows ixs (d -> Typ a)) ->
+ InvBindings CtxTerm (ps ::> Arrows ixs (d -> Typ a)) prevs ->
+ Bindings (CtorArg d ixs) ((ps ::>
+ Arrows ixs (d -> Typ a)) <+> prevs) args ->
+ CtxTerms (CtxInvApp ((ps ::> Arrows ixs (d -> Typ a)) <+>
+ prevs) args) ixs ->
+ m (CtxTerm ((ps ::> Arrows ixs (d -> Typ a)) <+> prevs)
+ (Typ (Arrows args a)))
+ helper _a d params_pret prevs NoBind ret_ixs =
+ -- If we are finished with our arguments, construct the final result type
+ -- (p_ret ret_ixs (c params prevs))
+ do (vars, prev_vars) <- ctxVars2 params_pret prevs
+ let (param_terms, p_ret) = ctxTermsCtxHeadTail vars
+ ctxApply (ctxApplyMulti (return p_ret) (return ret_ixs)) $
+ ctxCtorAppM d c (return param_terms) (return prev_vars)
+ helper a d params_pret prevs (Bind str (ConstArg tp) args) ixs =
+ -- For a constant argument type, just abstract it and continue
+ (ctxPi (Bind str tp NoBind) $ \_ ->
+ helper a d params_pret (InvBind prevs str tp) args ixs)
+ helper (a :: Proxy (Typ a)) (d::DataIdent d) params_pret
+ prevs (Bind str (RecursiveArg zs ts) args) ixs =
+ -- For a recursive argument type of the form
+ --
+ -- (z1::Z1) -> .. -> (zm::Zm) -> d params t1 .. tk
+ --
+ -- form the type abstraction
+ --
+ -- (arg:: (z1::Z1) -> .. -> (zm::Zm) -> d params t1 .. tk) ->
+ -- (ih :: (z1::Z1) -> .. -> (zm::Zm) -> p_ret t1 .. tk (arg z1 .. zm)) ->
+ -- rest
+ --
+ -- where rest is the result of a recursive call
+ do
+ -- Build terms for the params and p_ret variables
+ (param_vars, p_ret) <-
+ ctxTermsCtxHeadTail <$> fst <$> ctxVars2 params_pret prevs
+ -- Build the type of the argument arg
+ arg_tp <- ctxPi zs (\_ -> ctxDataTypeM d
+ (ctxLift InvNoBind zs param_vars)
+ (return $ invertCtxTerms ts))
+ -- Lift zs and ts into the context of arg
+ let arg_ctx = Bind "_" arg_tp NoBind
+ zs' <- ctxLift InvNoBind arg_ctx zs
+ ts' <- ctxLiftInBindings InvNoBind zs arg_ctx ts
+ -- Build the pi-abstraction for arg
+ ctxPi1 str arg_tp $ \arg ->
+ do rest <-
+ helper a d params_pret (InvBind prevs str arg_tp) args ixs
+ -- Build the type of ih, in the context of arg
+ ih_tp <- ctxPi zs' $ \z_vars ->
+ ctxApplyProxy (Proxy :: Proxy d) (Proxy :: Proxy (Typ a))
+ (ctxApplyMulti
+ (ctxLift InvNoBind (Bind "_" arg_tp zs') p_ret) (return ts'))
+ (ctxApplyMulti (ctxLift InvNoBind zs' arg) (return z_vars))
+ -- Finally, build the pi-abstraction for ih around the rest
+ --
+ -- NOTE: we cast away the IH argument, because that is a type that is
+ -- computed from the argument structure, and we cannot (well, we
+ -- could, but it would be much more work to) express that computation
+ -- in the Haskell type system
+ castCtxTerm Proxy Proxy <$>
+ (ctxPi1 "_" ih_tp $ \_ ->
+ ctxLift InvNoBind (Bind "_" ih_tp NoBind) rest)
+-- | Build a function that substitutes parameters and a @p_ret@ return type
+-- function into the type of an eliminator, as returned by 'ctxCtorElimType',
+-- for the given constructor. We return the substitution function in the monad
+-- so that we only call 'ctxCtorElimType' once but can call the function many
+-- times, in order to amortize the overhead of 'ctxCtorElimType'.
+-- NOTE: Because this function is defined *before* the @SharedTerm@ module, it
+-- cannot call the normalization function @scWHNF@ defined in that module, and
+-- so the terms return by the function it generates are not normalized.
+mkCtorElimTypeFun :: MonadTerm m => Ident -> Ident ->
+ CtorArgStruct d params ixs -> m ([Term] -> Term -> m Term)
+mkCtorElimTypeFun d c argStruct@(CtorArgStruct {..}) =
+ do ctxElimType <- ctxCtorElimType Proxy Proxy (DataIdent d) c argStruct
+ case ctxAppNilEq (invertBindings ctorParams) of
+ Refl ->
+ return $ \params p_ret ->
+ case ctxTermsForBindings ctorParams params of
+ Nothing -> error "ctorElimTypeFun: wrong number of parameters!"
+ Just paramsCtx ->
+ elimClosedTerm <$>
+ ctxSubstInBindings
+ (CtxTermsCtxCons (invertCtxTerms paramsCtx) (mkClosedTerm p_ret))
+ InvNoBind NoBind ctxElimType
+-- | Reduce an application of a recursor. This is known in the Coq literature as
+-- an iota reduction. More specifically, the call
+-- > ctxReduceRecursor d [p1, .., pn] P [(c1,f1), .., (cm,fm)] ci [x1, .., xk]
+-- reduces the term @(RecursorApp d ps P cs_fs ixs (CtorApp ci ps xs))@ to
+-- > fi x1 (maybe rec_tm_1) .. xk (maybe rec_tm_k)
+-- where @maybe rec_tm_i@ indicates an optional recursive call of the recursor
+-- on one of the @xi@. These recursive calls only exist for those arguments @xi@
+-- that are recursive arguments, i.e., that are specified with 'RecursiveArg',
+-- and are omitted for non-recursive arguments specified by 'ConstArg'.
+-- Specifically, for a @'RecursiveArg' zs ixs@ argument @xi@, which has type
+-- @\(z1::Z1) -> .. -> d p1 .. pn ix1 .. ixp@, we build the recursive call
+-- > \(z1::[ps/params,xs/args]Z1) -> .. ->
+-- > RecursorApp d ps P cs_fs [ps/params,xs/args]ixs (xi z1 ... zn)
+-- where @[ps/params,xs/args]@ substitutes the concrete parameters @pi@ for the
+-- parameter variables of the inductive type and the earlier constructor
+-- arguments @xs@ for the remaining free variables.
+ctxReduceRecursor :: MonadTerm m => Ident -> [Term] -> Term ->
+ [(Ident,Term)] -> Ident -> [Term] ->
+ CtorArgStruct d params ixs -> m Term
+ctxReduceRecursor d params p_ret cs_fs c c_args (CtorArgStruct{..}) =
+ (case (invertCtxTerms <$> ctxTermsForBindings ctorParams params,
+ ctxTermsForBindings ctorArgs c_args,
+ ctxAppNilEq (invertBindings ctorParams)) of
+ (Just paramsCtx, Just argsCtx, Refl) ->
+ do let fi =
+ case lookup c cs_fs of
+ Just f -> f
+ Nothing ->
+ error ("ctxReduceRecursor: eliminator missing for constructor "
+ ++ show c)
+ args <- mk_args paramsCtx paramsCtx argsCtx ctorArgs
+ foldM (\f arg -> mkTermF $ App f arg) fi args
+ (Nothing, _, _) ->
+ error "ctxReduceRecursor: wrong number of parameters!"
+ (_, Nothing, _) ->
+ error "ctxReduceRecursor: wrong number of constructor arguments!"
+ )
+ where
+ mk_args :: (MonadTerm m, EmptyCtx <+> ctx ~ ctx) =>
+ CtxTermsCtx EmptyCtx params -> CtxTermsCtx EmptyCtx ctx ->
+ CtxTerms EmptyCtx args -> Bindings (CtorArg d ixs) ctx args ->
+ m [Term]
+ mk_args _ _ _ NoBind = return []
+ mk_args ps pre_xs (CtxTermsCons x xs) (Bind _ (ConstArg _) args) =
+ (elimClosedTerm x :) <$>
+ mk_args ps (CtxTermsCtxCons pre_xs x) xs args
+ mk_args ps pre_xs (CtxTermsCons x xs) (Bind _ (RecursiveArg zs ixs) args) =
+ do zs' <- ctxSubstInBindings pre_xs InvNoBind NoBind zs
+ ixs' <- ctxSubstInBindings pre_xs InvNoBind zs ixs
+ (elimClosedTerm x :) <$>
+ ((:) <$> mk_rec_arg ps zs' ixs' x <*>
+ mk_args ps (CtxTermsCtxCons pre_xs x) xs args)
+ -- Build an individual recursive call, given the parameters, the bindings
+ -- for the RecursiveArg, and the argument we are going to recurse on
+ mk_rec_arg :: MonadTerm m => CtxTermsCtx EmptyCtx params ->
+ Bindings CtxTerm EmptyCtx zs -> CtxTerms (CtxInv zs) ixs ->
+ CtxTerm EmptyCtx a -> m Term
+ mk_rec_arg ps zs_ctx ixs x =
+ elimClosedTerm <$> ctxLambda zs_ctx
+ (\zs ->
+ ctxRecursorAppM d (ctxLift InvNoBind zs_ctx ps)
+ (mkLiftedClosedTerm zs_ctx p_ret)
+ (forM cs_fs (\(c',f) -> (c',) <$> mkLiftedClosedTerm zs_ctx f))
+ (return $ invertCtxTerms ixs)
+ (ctxApplyMulti
+ -- FIXME: can we do this without a cast? mk_rec_arg should specify that
+ -- the input type for x is (Arrows zs a)...
+ (fmap (castCtxTerm Proxy Proxy) (ctxLift InvNoBind zs_ctx x))
+ (return zs)))
+-- * Parsing and Building Constructor Types
+-- | Generic method for testing whether a datatype occurs in an object
+class UsesDataType a where
+ usesDataType :: DataIdent d -> a -> Bool
+instance UsesDataType (TermF Term) where
+ usesDataType (DataIdent d) (FTermF (DataTypeApp d' _ _)) | d' == d = True
+ usesDataType (DataIdent d) (FTermF (RecursorApp d' _ _ _ _ _)) | d' == d = True
+ usesDataType d tf = any (usesDataType d) tf
+instance UsesDataType Term where
+ usesDataType d = usesDataType d . unwrapTermF
+instance UsesDataType (CtxTerm ctx a) where
+ usesDataType d (CtxTerm t) = usesDataType d t
+instance UsesDataType (Bindings CtxTerm ctx as) where
+ usesDataType _ NoBind = False
+ usesDataType d (Bind _ tp tps) = usesDataType d tp || usesDataType d tps
+-- | Check that a type is a valid application of datatype @d@ for use in
+-- specific ways in the type of a constructor for @d@. This requires that this
+-- application of @d@ be of the form
+-- > d p1 .. pn x1 .. xm
+-- where the @pi@ are the distinct bound variables bound in the @params@
+-- context, given as argument, and that the @xj@ have no occurrences of @d@. If
+-- the given type is of this form, return the @xj@.
+asCtorDTApp :: DataIdent d -> Bindings CtxTerm EmptyCtx params ->
+ Bindings CtxTerm (CtxInv params) ixs ->
+ InvBindings tp1 (CtxInv params) ctx1 ->
+ Bindings tp2 (CtxInv params <+> ctx1) ctx2 ->
+ CtxTerm (CtxInvApp (CtxInv params <+> ctx1) ctx2) (Typ a) ->
+ Maybe (CtxTerms (CtxInvApp (CtxInv params <+> ctx1) ctx2) ixs)
+asCtorDTApp d params dt_ixs ctx1 ctx2 (ctxAsDataTypeApp d params dt_ixs ->
+ Just (param_vars, ixs))
+ | isVarList Proxy params ctx1 ctx2 param_vars &&
+ not (any (usesDataType d) $ ctxTermsToListUnsafe ixs)
+ = Just ixs
+ where
+ -- Check that the given list of terms is a list of bound variables, one for
+ -- each parameter, in the context extended by the given arguments
+ isVarList :: Proxy prev_params ->
+ Bindings tp1 prev_params params ->
+ InvBindings tp2 (CtxInvApp prev_params params) ctx1 ->
+ Bindings tp3 (CtxInvApp prev_params params <+> ctx1) ctx2 ->
+ CtxTerms (CtxInvApp
+ (CtxInvApp prev_params params <+> ctx1) ctx2) params ->
+ Bool
+ isVarList _ _ _ _ CtxTermsNil = True
+ isVarList _ (Bind _ _ ps) c1 c2 (CtxTermsCons
+ (CtxTerm (unwrapTermF -> LocalVar i)) ts) =
+ i == bindingsLength ps + invBindingsLength c1 + bindingsLength c2 &&
+ isVarList Proxy ps c1 c2 ts
+ isVarList _ _ _ _ _ = False
+asCtorDTApp _ _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Existential return type for 'asCtorArg'
+data ExCtorArg d ixs ctx =
+ forall a. ExCtorArg (CtorArg d ixs ctx (Typ a))
+-- | Check that an argument for a constructor has one of the allowed forms
+asCtorArg :: DataIdent d -> Bindings CtxTerm EmptyCtx params ->
+ Bindings CtxTerm (CtxInv params) ixs ->
+ InvBindings tp (CtxInv params) prevs ->
+ CtxTerm (CtxInv params <+> prevs) (Typ a) ->
+ Maybe (ExCtorArg d ixs (CtxInv params <+> prevs))
+asCtorArg d params dt_ixs prevs (ctxAsPiMulti ->
+ CtxMultiPi zs
+ (asCtorDTApp d params dt_ixs prevs zs ->
+ Just ixs))
+ | not (usesDataType d zs)
+ = Just (ExCtorArg $ RecursiveArg zs ixs)
+asCtorArg d _ _ _ tp
+ | not (usesDataType d tp)
+ = Just (ExCtorArg $ ConstArg tp)
+asCtorArg _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Existential return type of 'asPiCtorArg'
+data CtxPiCtorArg d ixs ctx =
+ forall a b .
+ CtxPiCtorArg LocalName (CtorArg d ixs ctx (Typ a))
+ (CtxTerm (ctx ::> a) (Typ b))
+-- | Check that a constructor type is a pi-abstraction that takes as input an
+-- argument of one of the allowed forms described by 'CtorArg'
+asPiCtorArg :: DataIdent d -> Bindings CtxTerm EmptyCtx params ->
+ Bindings CtxTerm (CtxInv params) ixs ->
+ InvBindings tp (CtxInv params) prevs ->
+ CtxTerm (CtxInv params <+> prevs) (Typ a) ->
+ Maybe (CtxPiCtorArg d ixs (CtxInv params <+> prevs))
+asPiCtorArg d params dt_ixs prevs (ctxAsPi ->
+ Just (CtxPi x
+ (asCtorArg d params dt_ixs prevs ->
+ Just (ExCtorArg arg)) rest)) =
+ Just $ CtxPiCtorArg x arg (castTopCtxElem rest)
+ where
+ castTopCtxElem :: CtxTerm (ctx ::> a1) b -> CtxTerm (ctx ::> a2) b
+ castTopCtxElem (CtxTerm t) = CtxTerm t
+asPiCtorArg _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Existential return type of 'mkCtorArgsIxs'
+data CtorArgsIxs d ixs prevs =
+ forall args.
+ CtorArgsIxs (Bindings (CtorArg d ixs) prevs args)
+ (CtxTerms (CtxInvApp prevs args) ixs)
+-- | Helper function for 'mkCtorArgStruct'
+mkCtorArgsIxs :: DataIdent d -> Bindings CtxTerm EmptyCtx params ->
+ Bindings CtxTerm (CtxInv params) ixs ->
+ InvBindings (CtorArg d ixs) (CtxInv params) prevs ->
+ CtxTerm (CtxInv params <+> prevs) (Typ a) ->
+ Maybe (CtorArgsIxs d ixs (CtxInv params <+> prevs))
+mkCtorArgsIxs d params dt_ixs prevs (asPiCtorArg d params dt_ixs prevs ->
+ Just (CtxPiCtorArg x arg rest)) =
+ case mkCtorArgsIxs d params dt_ixs (InvBind prevs x arg) rest of
+ Just (CtorArgsIxs args ixs) -> Just (CtorArgsIxs (Bind x arg args) ixs)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+mkCtorArgsIxs d params dt_ixs prevs (asCtorDTApp d params dt_ixs prevs NoBind ->
+ Just ixs) =
+ Just (CtorArgsIxs NoBind ixs)
+mkCtorArgsIxs _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Take in a datatype and 'Bindings' lists for its parameters and indices, and
+-- also a prospective type of a constructor for that datatype, where the
+-- constructor type is allowed to have the parameters but not the indices free.
+-- Test that the constructor type is an allowed type for a constructor of this
+-- datatype, and, if so, build a 'CtorArgStruct' for it.
+mkCtorArgStruct :: Ident -> Bindings CtxTerm EmptyCtx params ->
+ Bindings CtxTerm (CtxInv params) ixs -> Term ->
+ Maybe (CtorArgStruct d params ixs)
+mkCtorArgStruct d params dt_ixs ctor_tp =
+ case mkCtorArgsIxs (DataIdent d) params dt_ixs InvNoBind (CtxTerm ctor_tp) of
+ Just (CtorArgsIxs args ctor_ixs) ->
+ Just (CtorArgStruct params args ctor_ixs dt_ixs)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Term/Functor.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Term/Functor.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec18bac5b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Term/Functor.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+ ( -- * Module Names
+ ModuleName, mkModuleName
+ , preludeName
+ , moduleNameText
+ , moduleNamePieces
+ -- * Identifiers
+ , Ident(identModule, identBaseName), identName, mkIdent
+ , parseIdent
+ , isIdent
+ , identText
+ , identPieces
+ -- * Data types and definitions
+ , DeBruijnIndex
+ , FieldName
+ , LocalName
+ , ExtCns(..)
+ , VarIndex
+ , NameInfo(..)
+ , toShortName
+ , toAbsoluteName
+ -- * Terms and associated operations
+ , TermIndex
+ , Term(..)
+ , TermF(..)
+ , FlatTermF(..)
+ , zipWithFlatTermF
+ , freesTermF
+ , unwrapTermF
+ , termToPat
+ , alphaEquiv
+ , alistAllFields
+ -- * Sorts
+ , Sort, mkSort, propSort, sortOf, maxSort
+ -- * Sets of free variables
+ , BitSet, emptyBitSet, inBitSet, unionBitSets, intersectBitSets
+ , decrBitSet, completeBitSet, singletonBitSet
+ , looseVars, smallestFreeVar
+ ) where
+import Data.Bits
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
+import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable (and, foldl')
+import Data.Hashable
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import Data.Vector (Vector)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Data.Word
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+import Numeric.Natural
+import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
+import Instances.TH.Lift () -- for instance TH.Lift Text
+import Verifier.SAW.Name
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.TermNet as Net
+type DeBruijnIndex = Int
+type FieldName = Text
+type LocalName = Text
+instance (Hashable k, Hashable a) => Hashable (Map k a) where
+ hashWithSalt x m = hashWithSalt x (Map.assocs m)
+instance Hashable a => Hashable (Vector a) where
+ hashWithSalt x v = hashWithSalt x (V.toList v)
+-- Sorts -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | The sorts, also known as universes, which can either be a predicative
+-- universe with level i or the impredicative universe Prop.
+data Sort
+ = TypeSort Natural
+ | PropSort
+ deriving (Eq, Generic, TH.Lift)
+-- Prop is the lowest sort
+instance Ord Sort where
+ PropSort <= _ = True
+ (TypeSort _) <= PropSort = False
+ (TypeSort i) <= (TypeSort j) = i <= j
+instance Hashable Sort -- automatically derived
+instance Show Sort where
+ showsPrec p (TypeSort i) = showParen (p >= 10) (showString "sort " . shows i)
+ showsPrec _ PropSort = showString "Prop"
+-- | Create sort @Type i@ for the given natural number @i@.
+mkSort :: Natural -> Sort
+mkSort i = TypeSort i
+-- | Wrapper around 'PropSort', for export
+propSort :: Sort
+propSort = PropSort
+-- | Returns sort of the given sort.
+sortOf :: Sort -> Sort
+sortOf (TypeSort i) = TypeSort (i + 1)
+sortOf PropSort = TypeSort 0
+-- | Get the maximum sort in a list, returning Prop for the empty list
+maxSort :: [Sort] -> Sort
+maxSort [] = propSort
+maxSort ss = maximum ss
+-- Flat Terms ------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | The "flat terms", which are the built-in atomic constructs of SAW core.
+-- NB: If you add constructors to FlatTermF, make sure you update
+-- zipWithFlatTermF!
+data FlatTermF e
+ -- | A primitive or axiom without a definition.
+ = Primitive !(ExtCns e)
+ -- Tuples are represented as nested pairs, grouped to the right,
+ -- terminated with unit at the end.
+ | UnitValue
+ | UnitType
+ | PairValue e e
+ | PairType e e
+ | PairLeft e
+ | PairRight e
+ -- | An inductively-defined type, applied to parameters and type indices
+ | DataTypeApp !Ident ![e] ![e]
+ -- | An application of a constructor to its arguments, i.e., an element of
+ -- an inductively-defined type; the parameters (of the inductive type to
+ -- which this constructor belongs) and indices are kept separate
+ | CtorApp !Ident ![e] ![e]
+ -- | An eliminator / pattern-matching function for an inductively-defined
+ -- type, given by:
+ -- * The (identifier of the) inductive type it eliminates;
+ -- * The parameters of that inductive type;
+ -- * The return type, also called the "intent", given by a function from
+ -- type indices of the inductive type to a type;
+ -- * The elimination function for each constructor of that inductive type;
+ -- * The indices for that inductive type; AND
+ -- * The argument that is being eliminated / pattern-matched
+ | RecursorApp !Ident [e] e [(Ident,e)] [e] e
+ -- | Non-dependent record types, i.e., N-ary tuple types with named
+ -- fields. These are considered equal up to reordering of fields. Actual
+ -- tuple types are represented with field names @"1"@, @"2"@, etc.
+ | RecordType ![(FieldName, e)]
+ -- | Non-dependent records, i.e., N-ary tuples with named fields. These are
+ -- considered equal up to reordering of fields. Actual tuples are
+ -- represented with field names @"1"@, @"2"@, etc.
+ | RecordValue ![(FieldName, e)]
+ -- | Non-dependent record projection
+ | RecordProj e !FieldName
+ -- | Sorts, aka universes, are the types of types; i.e., an object is a
+ -- "type" iff it has type @Sort s@ for some s
+ | Sort !Sort
+ -- Primitive builtin values
+ -- | Natural number with given value.
+ | NatLit !Natural
+ -- | Array value includes type of elements followed by elements.
+ | ArrayValue e (Vector e)
+ -- | String literal
+ | StringLit !Text
+ -- | An external constant with a name.
+ | ExtCns !(ExtCns e)
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
+instance Hashable e => Hashable (FlatTermF e) -- automatically derived
+-- | Test if the association list used in a 'RecordType' or 'RecordValue' uses
+-- precisely the given field names and no more. If so, return the values
+-- associated with those field names, in the order given in the input, and
+-- otherwise return 'Nothing'
+alistAllFields :: Eq k => [k] -> [(k, a)] -> Maybe [a]
+alistAllFields [] [] = Just []
+alistAllFields (fld:flds) alist
+ | Just val <- lookup fld alist =
+ (val :) <$> alistAllFields flds (deleteField fld alist)
+ where
+ deleteField _ [] = error "deleteField"
+ deleteField f ((f',_):rest) | f == f' = rest
+ deleteField f (x:rest) = x : deleteField f rest
+alistAllFields _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Zip a binary function @f@ over a pair of 'FlatTermF's by applying @f@
+-- pointwise to immediate subterms, if the two 'FlatTermF's are the same
+-- constructor; otherwise, return 'Nothing' if they use different constructors
+zipWithFlatTermF :: (x -> y -> z) -> FlatTermF x -> FlatTermF y ->
+ Maybe (FlatTermF z)
+zipWithFlatTermF f = go
+ where
+ go (Primitive (EC xi xn xt)) (Primitive (EC yi _ yt))
+ | xi == yi = Just (Primitive (EC xi xn (f xt yt)))
+ go UnitValue UnitValue = Just UnitValue
+ go UnitType UnitType = Just UnitType
+ go (PairValue x1 x2) (PairValue y1 y2) = Just (PairValue (f x1 y1) (f x2 y2))
+ go (PairType x1 x2) (PairType y1 y2) = Just (PairType (f x1 y1) (f x2 y2))
+ go (PairLeft x) (PairLeft y) = Just (PairLeft (f x y))
+ go (PairRight x) (PairRight y) = Just (PairLeft (f x y))
+ go (CtorApp cx psx lx) (CtorApp cy psy ly)
+ | cx == cy = Just $ CtorApp cx (zipWith f psx psy) (zipWith f lx ly)
+ go (DataTypeApp dx psx lx) (DataTypeApp dy psy ly)
+ | dx == dy = Just $ DataTypeApp dx (zipWith f psx psy) (zipWith f lx ly)
+ go (RecursorApp d1 ps1 p1 cs_fs1 ixs1 x1) (RecursorApp d2 ps2 p2 cs_fs2 ixs2 x2)
+ | d1 == d2
+ , Just fs2 <- alistAllFields (map fst cs_fs1) cs_fs2
+ = Just $
+ RecursorApp d1 (zipWith f ps1 ps2) (f p1 p2)
+ (zipWith (\(c,f1) f2 -> (c, f f1 f2)) cs_fs1 fs2)
+ (zipWith f ixs1 ixs2) (f x1 x2)
+ go (RecordType elems1) (RecordType elems2)
+ | Just vals2 <- alistAllFields (map fst elems1) elems2 =
+ Just $ RecordType $ zipWith (\(fld,x) y -> (fld, f x y)) elems1 vals2
+ go (RecordValue elems1) (RecordValue elems2)
+ | Just vals2 <- alistAllFields (map fst elems1) elems2 =
+ Just $ RecordValue $ zipWith (\(fld,x) y -> (fld, f x y)) elems1 vals2
+ go (RecordProj e1 fld1) (RecordProj e2 fld2)
+ | fld1 == fld2 = Just $ RecordProj (f e1 e2) fld1
+ go (Sort sx) (Sort sy) | sx == sy = Just (Sort sx)
+ go (NatLit i) (NatLit j) | i == j = Just (NatLit i)
+ go (StringLit s) (StringLit t) | s == t = Just (StringLit s)
+ go (ArrayValue tx vx) (ArrayValue ty vy)
+ | V.length vx == V.length vy
+ = Just $ ArrayValue (f tx ty) (V.zipWith f vx vy)
+ go (ExtCns (EC xi xn xt)) (ExtCns (EC yi _ yt))
+ | xi == yi = Just (ExtCns (EC xi xn (f xt yt)))
+ go _ _ = Nothing
+-- Term Functor ----------------------------------------------------------------
+data TermF e
+ = FTermF !(FlatTermF e)
+ -- ^ The atomic, or builtin, term constructs
+ | App !e !e
+ -- ^ Applications of functions
+ | Lambda !LocalName !e !e
+ -- ^ Function abstractions
+ | Pi !LocalName !e !e
+ -- ^ The type of a (possibly) dependent function
+ | LocalVar !DeBruijnIndex
+ -- ^ Local variables are referenced by deBruijn index.
+ | Constant !(ExtCns e) !e
+ -- ^ An abstract constant packaged with its type and definition.
+ -- The body and type should be closed terms.
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
+instance Hashable e => Hashable (TermF e) -- automatically derived.
+-- Term Datatype ---------------------------------------------------------------
+type TermIndex = Int -- Word64
+data Term
+ = STApp
+ { stAppIndex :: {-# UNPACK #-} !TermIndex
+ , stAppFreeVars :: !BitSet -- Free variables
+ , stAppTermF :: !(TermF Term)
+ }
+ | Unshared !(TermF Term)
+ deriving (Show, Typeable)
+instance Hashable Term where
+ hashWithSalt salt STApp{ stAppIndex = i } = salt `combine` 0x00000000 `hashWithSalt` hash i
+ hashWithSalt salt (Unshared t) = salt `combine` 0x55555555 `hashWithSalt` hash t
+-- | Combine two given hash values. 'combine' has zero as a left
+-- identity. (FNV hash, copied from Data.Hashable
+combine :: Int -> Int -> Int
+combine h1 h2 = (h1 * 0x01000193) `xor` h2
+instance Eq Term where
+ (==) = alphaEquiv
+alphaEquiv :: Term -> Term -> Bool
+alphaEquiv = term
+ where
+ term :: Term -> Term -> Bool
+ term (Unshared tf1) (Unshared tf2) = termf tf1 tf2
+ term (Unshared tf1) (STApp{stAppTermF = tf2}) = termf tf1 tf2
+ term (STApp{stAppTermF = tf1}) (Unshared tf2) = termf tf1 tf2
+ term (STApp{stAppIndex = i1, stAppTermF = tf1})
+ (STApp{stAppIndex = i2, stAppTermF = tf2}) = i1 == i2 || termf tf1 tf2
+ termf :: TermF Term -> TermF Term -> Bool
+ termf (FTermF ftf1) (FTermF ftf2) = ftermf ftf1 ftf2
+ termf (App t1 u1) (App t2 u2) = term t1 t2 && term u1 u2
+ termf (Lambda _ t1 u1) (Lambda _ t2 u2) = term t1 t2 && term u1 u2
+ termf (Pi _ t1 u1) (Pi _ t2 u2) = term t1 t2 && term u1 u2
+ termf (LocalVar i1) (LocalVar i2) = i1 == i2
+ termf (Constant x1 _) (Constant x2 _) = ecVarIndex x1 == ecVarIndex x2
+ termf _ _ = False
+ ftermf :: FlatTermF Term -> FlatTermF Term -> Bool
+ ftermf ftf1 ftf2 = case zipWithFlatTermF term ftf1 ftf2 of
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just ftf3 -> Foldable.and ftf3
+instance Ord Term where
+ compare (STApp{stAppIndex = i}) (STApp{stAppIndex = j}) | i == j = EQ
+ compare x y = compare (unwrapTermF x) (unwrapTermF y)
+instance Net.Pattern Term where
+ toPat = termToPat
+termToPat :: Term -> Net.Pat
+termToPat t =
+ case unwrapTermF t of
+ Constant ec _ -> Net.Atom (toAbsoluteName (ecName ec))
+ App t1 t2 -> Net.App (termToPat t1) (termToPat t2)
+ FTermF (Primitive ec) -> Net.Atom (toAbsoluteName (ecName ec))
+ FTermF (Sort s) -> Net.Atom (Text.pack ('*' : show s))
+ FTermF (NatLit _) -> Net.Var
+ FTermF (DataTypeApp c ps ts) ->
+ foldl Net.App (Net.Atom (identText c)) (map termToPat (ps ++ ts))
+ FTermF (CtorApp c ps ts) ->
+ foldl Net.App (Net.Atom (identText c)) (map termToPat (ps ++ ts))
+ _ -> Net.Var
+unwrapTermF :: Term -> TermF Term
+unwrapTermF STApp{stAppTermF = tf} = tf
+unwrapTermF (Unshared tf) = tf
+-- Free de Bruijn Variables ----------------------------------------------------
+-- | A @BitSet@ represents a set of natural numbers.
+-- Bit n is a 1 iff n is in the set.
+newtype BitSet = BitSet Integer deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+-- | The empty 'BitSet'
+emptyBitSet :: BitSet
+emptyBitSet = BitSet 0
+-- | The singleton 'BitSet'
+singletonBitSet :: Int -> BitSet
+singletonBitSet = BitSet . bit
+-- | Test if a number is in a 'BitSet'
+inBitSet :: Int -> BitSet -> Bool
+inBitSet i (BitSet j) = testBit j i
+-- | Union two 'BitSet's
+unionBitSets :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+unionBitSets (BitSet i1) (BitSet i2) = BitSet (i1 .|. i2)
+-- | Intersect two 'BitSet's
+intersectBitSets :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
+intersectBitSets (BitSet i1) (BitSet i2) = BitSet (i1 .&. i2)
+-- | Decrement all elements of a 'BitSet' by 1, removing 0 if it is in the
+-- set. This is useful for moving a 'BitSet' out of the scope of a variable.
+decrBitSet :: BitSet -> BitSet
+decrBitSet (BitSet i) = BitSet (shiftR i 1)
+-- | The 'BitSet' containing all elements less than a given index @i@
+completeBitSet :: Int -> BitSet
+completeBitSet i = BitSet (bit i - 1)
+-- | Compute the smallest element of a 'BitSet', if any
+smallestBitSetElem :: BitSet -> Maybe Int
+smallestBitSetElem (BitSet 0) = Nothing
+smallestBitSetElem (BitSet i) | i < 0 = error "smallestBitSetElem"
+smallestBitSetElem (BitSet i) = Just $ go 0 i where
+ go :: Int -> Integer -> Int
+ go !shft !x
+ | xw == 0 = go (shft+64) (shiftR x 64)
+ | otherwise = shft + countTrailingZeros xw
+ where xw :: Word64
+ xw = fromInteger x
+-- | Compute the free variables of a term given free variables for its immediate
+-- subterms
+freesTermF :: TermF BitSet -> BitSet
+freesTermF tf =
+ case tf of
+ FTermF ftf -> Foldable.foldl' unionBitSets emptyBitSet ftf
+ App l r -> unionBitSets l r
+ Lambda _name tp rhs -> unionBitSets tp (decrBitSet rhs)
+ Pi _name lhs rhs -> unionBitSets lhs (decrBitSet rhs)
+ LocalVar i -> singletonBitSet i
+ Constant {} -> emptyBitSet -- assume rhs is a closed term
+-- | Return a bitset containing indices of all free local variables
+looseVars :: Term -> BitSet
+looseVars STApp{ stAppFreeVars = x } = x
+looseVars (Unshared f) = freesTermF (fmap looseVars f)
+-- | Compute the value of the smallest variable in the term, if any.
+smallestFreeVar :: Term -> Maybe Int
+smallestFreeVar = smallestBitSetElem . looseVars
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Term/Pretty.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Term/Pretty.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77b6416ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Term/Pretty.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Term.Pretty
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Term.Pretty
+ ( SawDoc
+ , SawStyle(..)
+ , PPOpts(..)
+ , defaultPPOpts
+ , depthPPOpts
+ , ppNat
+ , ppTerm
+ , ppTermInCtx
+ , showTerm
+ , scPrettyTerm
+ , scPrettyTermInCtx
+ , ppTermDepth
+ , ppTermWithNames
+ , showTermWithNames
+ , PPModule(..), PPDecl(..)
+ , ppPPModule
+ , scTermCount
+ , OccurrenceMap
+ , shouldMemoizeTerm
+ , ppName
+ ) where
+import Data.Maybe (isJust)
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict as State
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
+import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text.Lazy
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Numeric (showIntAtBase)
+import Prettyprinter
+import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
+import Text.URI
+import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap)
+import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
+import Verifier.SAW.Name
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+-- * Doc annotations
+data SawStyle
+ = PrimitiveStyle
+ | ConstantStyle
+ | ExtCnsStyle
+ | LocalVarStyle
+ | DataTypeStyle
+ | CtorAppStyle
+ | RecursorStyle
+ | FieldNameStyle
+-- TODO: assign colors for more styles
+colorStyle :: SawStyle -> AnsiStyle
+colorStyle =
+ \case
+ PrimitiveStyle -> mempty
+ ConstantStyle -> colorDull Blue
+ ExtCnsStyle -> colorDull Red
+ LocalVarStyle -> colorDull Green
+ DataTypeStyle -> mempty
+ CtorAppStyle -> mempty
+ RecursorStyle -> mempty
+ FieldNameStyle -> mempty
+type SawDoc = Doc SawStyle
+-- * Pretty-Printing Options and Precedences
+-- | Global options for pretty-printing
+data PPOpts = PPOpts { ppBase :: Int
+ , ppColor :: Bool
+ , ppShowLocalNames :: Bool
+ , ppMaxDepth :: Maybe Int }
+-- | Default options for pretty-printing
+defaultPPOpts :: PPOpts
+defaultPPOpts = PPOpts { ppBase = 10, ppColor = False,
+ ppShowLocalNames = True, ppMaxDepth = Nothing }
+-- | Options for printing with a maximum depth
+depthPPOpts :: Int -> PPOpts
+depthPPOpts max_d = defaultPPOpts { ppMaxDepth = Just max_d }
+-- | Test if a depth is "allowed", meaning not greater than the max depth
+depthAllowed :: PPOpts -> Int -> Bool
+depthAllowed (PPOpts { ppMaxDepth = Just max_d }) d = d < max_d
+depthAllowed _ _ = True
+-- | Precedence levels, each of which corresponds to a parsing nonterminal
+data Prec
+ = PrecNone -- ^ Nonterminal 'Term'
+ | PrecLambda -- ^ Nonterminal 'LTerm'
+ | PrecProd -- ^ Nonterminal 'ProductTerm'
+ | PrecApp -- ^ Nonterminal 'AppTerm'
+ | PrecArg -- ^ Nonterminal 'AtomTerm'
+-- | Test if the first precedence "contains" the second, meaning that terms at
+-- the latter precedence level can be printed in the context of the former
+-- without parentheses.
+-- NOTE: we write this explicitly here, instead of generating it from an 'Ord'
+-- instance, so that readers of this code understand it and know what it is.
+precContains :: Prec -> Prec -> Bool
+precContains _ PrecArg = True
+precContains PrecArg _ = False
+precContains _ PrecApp = True
+precContains PrecApp _ = False
+precContains _ PrecProd = True
+precContains PrecProd _ = False
+precContains _ PrecLambda = True
+precContains PrecLambda _ = False
+precContains PrecNone PrecNone = True
+-- | Optionally print parentheses around a document, iff the incoming, outer
+-- precedence (listed first) contains (as in 'precContains') the required
+-- precedence (listed second) for printing the given document.
+-- Stated differently: @ppParensPrec p1 p2 d@ means we are pretty-printing in a
+-- term context that requires precedence @p1@, but @d@ was pretty-printed at
+-- precedence level @p2@. If @p1@ does not contain @p2@ (e.g., if @p1@ is
+-- 'PrecArg', meaning we are pretty-printing the argument of an application, and
+-- @p2@ is 'PrecLambda', meaning the construct we are pretty-printing is a
+-- lambda or pi abstraction) then add parentheses.
+ppParensPrec :: Prec -> Prec -> SawDoc -> SawDoc
+ppParensPrec p1 p2 d
+ | precContains p1 p2 = d
+ | otherwise = parens $ align d
+-- * Local Variable Namings
+-- | Local variable namings, which map each deBruijn index in scope to a unique
+-- string to be used to print it. This mapping is given by position in a list.
+newtype VarNaming = VarNaming [LocalName]
+-- | The empty local variable context
+emptyVarNaming :: VarNaming
+emptyVarNaming = VarNaming []
+-- | Look up a string to use for a variable, if the first argument is 'True', or
+-- just print the variable number if the first argument is 'False'
+lookupVarName :: Bool -> VarNaming -> DeBruijnIndex -> LocalName
+lookupVarName True (VarNaming names) i
+ | i >= length names = Text.pack ('!' : show (i - length names))
+lookupVarName True (VarNaming names) i = names!!i
+lookupVarName False _ i = Text.pack ('!' : show i)
+-- | Generate a fresh name from a base name that does not clash with any names
+-- already in a given list, unless it is "_", in which case return it as is
+freshName :: [LocalName] -> LocalName -> LocalName
+freshName used name
+ | name == "_" = name
+ | elem name used = freshName used (name <> "'")
+ | otherwise = name
+-- | Add a new variable with the given base name to the local variable list,
+-- returning both the fresh name actually used and the new variable list. As a
+-- special case, if the base name is "_", it is not modified.
+consVarNaming :: VarNaming -> LocalName -> (LocalName, VarNaming)
+consVarNaming (VarNaming names) name =
+ let nm = freshName names name in (nm, VarNaming (nm : names))
+-- * Pretty-printing monad
+-- | Memoization variables, which are like deBruijn index variables but for
+-- terms that we are memoizing during printing
+type MemoVar = Int
+-- | The local state used by pretty-printing computations
+data PPState =
+ PPState
+ {
+ -- | The global pretty-printing options
+ ppOpts :: PPOpts,
+ -- | The current depth of printing
+ ppDepth :: Int,
+ -- | The current naming for the local variables
+ ppNaming :: VarNaming,
+ -- | The top-level naming environment
+ ppNamingEnv :: SAWNamingEnv,
+ -- | The next "memoization variable" to generate
+ ppNextMemoVar :: MemoVar,
+ -- | Memoization table for the global, closed terms, mapping term indices to
+ -- "memoization variables" that are in scope
+ ppGlobalMemoTable :: IntMap MemoVar,
+ -- | Memoization table for terms at the current binding level, mapping term
+ -- indices to "memoization variables" that are in scope
+ ppLocalMemoTable :: IntMap MemoVar
+ }
+emptyPPState :: PPOpts -> SAWNamingEnv -> PPState
+emptyPPState opts ne =
+ PPState { ppOpts = opts, ppDepth = 0, ppNaming = emptyVarNaming,
+ ppNamingEnv = ne,
+ ppNextMemoVar = 1, ppGlobalMemoTable = IntMap.empty,
+ ppLocalMemoTable = IntMap.empty }
+-- | The pretty-printing monad
+newtype PPM a = PPM (Reader PPState a)
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+-- | Run a pretty-printing computation in a top-level, empty context
+runPPM :: PPOpts -> SAWNamingEnv -> PPM a -> a
+runPPM opts ne (PPM m) = runReader m $ emptyPPState opts ne
+instance MonadReader PPState PPM where
+ ask = PPM ask
+ local f (PPM m) = PPM $ local f m
+-- | Look up the given local variable by deBruijn index to get its name
+varLookupM :: DeBruijnIndex -> PPM LocalName
+varLookupM idx =
+ lookupVarName <$> (ppShowLocalNames <$> ppOpts <$> ask)
+ <*> (ppNaming <$> ask) <*> return idx
+-- | Test if a given term index is memoized, returning its memoization variable
+-- if so and otherwise returning 'Nothing'
+memoLookupM :: TermIndex -> PPM (Maybe MemoVar)
+memoLookupM idx =
+ do s <- ask
+ return $ case (IntMap.lookup idx (ppGlobalMemoTable s),
+ IntMap.lookup idx (ppLocalMemoTable s)) of
+ (res@(Just _), _) -> res
+ (_, res@(Just _)) -> res
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- | Run a pretty-printing computation at the next greater depth, returning the
+-- default value if the max depth has been exceeded
+atNextDepthM :: a -> PPM a -> PPM a
+atNextDepthM dflt m =
+ do s <- ask
+ let new_depth = ppDepth s + 1
+ if depthAllowed (ppOpts s) new_depth
+ then local (\_ -> s { ppDepth = new_depth }) m
+ else return dflt
+-- | Run a pretty-printing computation in the context of a new bound variable,
+-- also erasing the local memoization table (which is no longer valid in an
+-- extended variable context) during that computation. Return the result of the
+-- computation and also the name that was actually used for the bound variable.
+withBoundVarM :: LocalName -> PPM a -> PPM (LocalName, a)
+withBoundVarM basename m =
+ do st <- ask
+ let (var, naming) = consVarNaming (ppNaming st) basename
+ ret <- local (\_ -> st { ppNaming = naming,
+ ppLocalMemoTable = IntMap.empty }) m
+ return (var, ret)
+-- | Run a computation in the context of a fresh "memoization variable" that is
+-- bound to the given term index, passing the new memoization variable to the
+-- computation. If the flag is true, use the global table, otherwise use the
+-- local table.
+withMemoVar :: Bool -> TermIndex -> (MemoVar -> PPM a) -> PPM a
+withMemoVar global_p idx f =
+ do memo_var <- ppNextMemoVar <$> ask
+ local (\s -> add_to_table global_p memo_var s) (f memo_var)
+ where
+ add_to_table True v st =
+ st { ppNextMemoVar = v + 1,
+ ppGlobalMemoTable = IntMap.insert idx v (ppGlobalMemoTable st) }
+ add_to_table False v st =
+ st { ppNextMemoVar = v + 1,
+ ppLocalMemoTable = IntMap.insert idx v (ppLocalMemoTable st) }
+-- * The Pretty-Printing of Specific Constructs
+-- | Pretty-print an identifier
+ppIdent :: Ident -> SawDoc
+ppIdent = viaShow
+-- | Pretty-print an integer in the correct base
+ppNat :: PPOpts -> Integer -> SawDoc
+ppNat (PPOpts{..}) i
+ | ppBase > 36 = pretty i
+ | otherwise = prefix <> pretty value
+ where
+ prefix = case ppBase of
+ 2 -> "0b"
+ 8 -> "0o"
+ 10 -> mempty
+ 16 -> "0x"
+ _ -> "0" <> pretty '<' <> pretty ppBase <> pretty '>'
+ value = showIntAtBase (toInteger ppBase) (digits !!) i ""
+ digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+-- | Pretty-print a memoization variable
+ppMemoVar :: MemoVar -> SawDoc
+ppMemoVar mv = "x@" <> pretty mv
+-- | Pretty-print a type constraint (also known as an ascription) @x : tp@
+ppTypeConstraint :: SawDoc -> SawDoc -> SawDoc
+ppTypeConstraint x tp =
+ hang 2 $ group $ vsep [annotate LocalVarStyle x, ":" <+> tp]
+-- | Pretty-print an application to 0 or more arguments at the given precedence
+ppAppList :: Prec -> SawDoc -> [SawDoc] -> SawDoc
+ppAppList _ f [] = f
+ppAppList p f args = ppParensPrec p PrecApp $ group $ hang 2 $ vsep (f : args)
+-- | Pretty-print "let x1 = t1 ... xn = tn in body"
+ppLetBlock :: [(MemoVar, SawDoc)] -> SawDoc -> SawDoc
+ppLetBlock defs body =
+ vcat
+ [ "let" <+> lbrace <+> align (vcat (map ppEqn defs))
+ , indent 4 rbrace
+ , " in" <+> body
+ ]
+ where
+ ppEqn (var,d) = ppMemoVar var <+> pretty '=' <+> d
+-- | Pretty-print pairs as "(x, y)"
+ppPair :: Prec -> SawDoc -> SawDoc -> SawDoc
+ppPair prec x y = ppParensPrec prec PrecNone (group (vcat [x <> pretty ',', y]))
+-- | Pretty-print pair types as "x * y"
+ppPairType :: Prec -> SawDoc -> SawDoc -> SawDoc
+ppPairType prec x y = ppParensPrec prec PrecProd (x <+> pretty '*' <+> y)
+-- | Pretty-print records (if the flag is 'False') or record types (if the flag
+-- is 'True'), where the latter are preceded by the string @#@, either as:
+-- * @(val1, val2, .., valn)@, if the record represents a tuple; OR
+-- * @{ fld1 op val1, ..., fldn op valn }@ otherwise, where @op@ is @::@ for
+-- types and @=@ for values.
+ppRecord :: Bool -> [(FieldName, SawDoc)] -> SawDoc
+ppRecord type_p alist =
+ (if type_p then (pretty '#' <>) else id) $
+ encloseSep lbrace rbrace comma $ map ppField alist
+ where
+ ppField (fld, rhs) = group (nest 2 (vsep [pretty fld <+> op_str, rhs]))
+ op_str = if type_p then ":" else "="
+-- | Pretty-print a projection / selector "x.f"
+ppProj :: FieldName -> SawDoc -> SawDoc
+ppProj sel doc = doc <> pretty '.' <> pretty sel
+-- | Pretty-print an array value @[v1, ..., vn]@
+ppArrayValue :: [SawDoc] -> SawDoc
+ppArrayValue = list
+-- | Pretty-print a lambda abstraction as @\(x :: tp) -> body@, where the
+-- variable name to use for @x@ is bundled with @body@
+ppLambda :: SawDoc -> (LocalName, SawDoc) -> SawDoc
+ppLambda tp (name, body) =
+ group $ hang 2 $
+ vsep ["\\" <> parens (ppTypeConstraint (pretty name) tp) <+> "->", body]
+-- | Pretty-print a pi abstraction as @(x :: tp) -> body@, or as @tp -> body@ if
+-- @x == "_"@
+ppPi :: SawDoc -> (LocalName, SawDoc) -> SawDoc
+ppPi tp (name, body) = vsep [lhs, "->" <+> body]
+ where
+ lhs = if name == "_" then tp else parens (ppTypeConstraint (pretty name) tp)
+-- | Pretty-print a definition @d :: tp = body@
+ppDef :: SawDoc -> SawDoc -> Maybe SawDoc -> SawDoc
+ppDef d tp Nothing = ppTypeConstraint d tp
+ppDef d tp (Just body) = ppTypeConstraint d tp <+> equals <+> body
+-- | Pretty-print a datatype declaration of the form
+-- > data d (p1:tp1) .. (pN:tpN) : tp where {
+-- > c1 (x1_1:tp1_1) .. (x1_N:tp1_N) : tp1
+-- > ...
+-- > }
+ppDataType :: Ident -> (SawDoc, ((SawDoc, SawDoc), [SawDoc])) -> SawDoc
+ppDataType d (params, ((d_ctx,d_tp), ctors)) =
+ group $
+ vcat
+ [ vsep
+ [ (group . vsep)
+ [ "data" <+> ppIdent d <+> params <+> ":" <+>
+ (d_ctx <+> "->" <+> d_tp)
+ , "where" <+> lbrace
+ ]
+ , vcat (map (<> semi) ctors)
+ ]
+ , rbrace
+ ]
+-- * Pretty-Printing Terms
+-- | Pretty-print a built-in atomic construct
+ppFlatTermF :: Prec -> FlatTermF Term -> PPM SawDoc
+ppFlatTermF prec tf =
+ case tf of
+ Primitive ec -> annotate PrimitiveStyle <$> ppBestName (ecName ec)
+ UnitValue -> return "(-empty-)"
+ UnitType -> return "#(-empty-)"
+ PairValue x y -> ppPair prec <$> ppTerm' PrecLambda x <*> ppTerm' PrecNone y
+ PairType x y -> ppPairType prec <$> ppTerm' PrecApp x <*> ppTerm' PrecProd y
+ PairLeft t -> ppProj "1" <$> ppTerm' PrecArg t
+ PairRight t -> ppProj "2" <$> ppTerm' PrecArg t
+ CtorApp c params args ->
+ ppAppList prec (annotate CtorAppStyle (ppIdent c)) <$> mapM (ppTerm' PrecArg) (params ++ args)
+ DataTypeApp dt params args ->
+ ppAppList prec (annotate DataTypeStyle (ppIdent dt)) <$> mapM (ppTerm' PrecArg) (params ++ args)
+ RecursorApp d params p_ret cs_fs ixs arg ->
+ do params_pp <- mapM (ppTerm' PrecArg) params
+ p_ret_pp <- ppTerm' PrecArg p_ret
+ fs_pp <- mapM (ppTerm' PrecNone . snd) cs_fs
+ ixs_pp <- mapM (ppTerm' PrecArg) ixs
+ arg_pp <- ppTerm' PrecArg arg
+ return $
+ ppAppList prec (annotate RecursorStyle (ppIdent d <> "#rec"))
+ (params_pp ++ [p_ret_pp] ++
+ [tupled $
+ zipWith (\(c,_) f_pp -> vsep [ppIdent c, "=>", f_pp])
+ cs_fs fs_pp]
+ ++ ixs_pp ++ [arg_pp])
+ RecordType alist ->
+ ppRecord True <$> mapM (\(fld,t) -> (fld,) <$> ppTerm' PrecNone t) alist
+ RecordValue alist ->
+ ppRecord False <$> mapM (\(fld,t) -> (fld,) <$> ppTerm' PrecNone t) alist
+ RecordProj e fld -> ppProj fld <$> ppTerm' PrecArg e
+ Sort s -> return $ viaShow s
+ NatLit i -> ppNat <$> (ppOpts <$> ask) <*> return (toInteger i)
+ ArrayValue _ args ->
+ ppArrayValue <$> mapM (ppTerm' PrecNone) (V.toList args)
+ StringLit s -> return $ viaShow s
+ ExtCns cns -> annotate ExtCnsStyle <$> ppBestName (ecName cns)
+-- | Pretty-print a name, using the best unambiguous alias from the
+-- naming environment.
+ppBestName :: NameInfo -> PPM SawDoc
+ppBestName ni =
+ do ne <- asks ppNamingEnv
+ case bestAlias ne ni of
+ Left _ -> pure $ ppName ni
+ Right alias -> pure $ pretty alias
+ppName :: NameInfo -> SawDoc
+ppName (ModuleIdentifier i) = ppIdent i
+ppName (ImportedName absName _) = pretty (render absName)
+-- | Pretty-print a non-shared term
+ppTermF :: Prec -> TermF Term -> PPM SawDoc
+ppTermF prec (FTermF ftf) = ppFlatTermF prec ftf
+ppTermF prec (App e1 e2) =
+ ppAppList prec <$> ppTerm' PrecApp e1 <*> mapM (ppTerm' PrecArg) [e2]
+ppTermF prec (Lambda x tp body) =
+ ppParensPrec prec PrecLambda <$>
+ (ppLambda <$> ppTerm' PrecApp tp <*> ppTermInBinder PrecLambda x body)
+ppTermF prec (Pi x tp body) =
+ ppParensPrec prec PrecLambda <$>
+ (ppPi <$> ppTerm' PrecApp tp <*>
+ ppTermInBinder PrecLambda x body)
+ppTermF _ (LocalVar x) = annotate LocalVarStyle <$> pretty <$> varLookupM x
+ppTermF _ (Constant ec _) = annotate ConstantStyle <$> ppBestName (ecName ec)
+-- | Internal function to recursively pretty-print a term
+ppTerm' :: Prec -> Term -> PPM SawDoc
+ppTerm' prec = atNextDepthM "..." . ppTerm'' where
+ ppTerm'' (Unshared tf) = ppTermF prec tf
+ ppTerm'' (STApp {stAppIndex = idx, stAppTermF = tf}) =
+ do maybe_memo_var <- memoLookupM idx
+ case maybe_memo_var of
+ Just memo_var -> return $ ppMemoVar memo_var
+ Nothing -> ppTermF prec tf
+-- * Memoization Tables and Dealing with Binders in Terms
+-- | An occurrence map maps each shared term index to its term and how many
+-- times that term occurred
+type OccurrenceMap = IntMap (Term, Int)
+-- | Returns map that associates each term index appearing in the term to the
+-- number of occurrences in the shared term. Subterms that are on the left-hand
+-- side of an application are excluded. (FIXME: why?) The boolean flag indicates
+-- whether to descend under lambdas and other binders.
+scTermCount :: Bool -> Term -> OccurrenceMap
+scTermCount doBinders t0 = execState (go [t0]) IntMap.empty
+ where go :: [Term] -> State OccurrenceMap ()
+ go [] = return ()
+ go (t:r) =
+ case t of
+ Unshared _ -> recurse
+ STApp{ stAppIndex = i } -> do
+ m <- get
+ case IntMap.lookup i m of
+ Just (_, n) -> do
+ put $ n `seq` IntMap.insert i (t, n+1) m
+ go r
+ Nothing -> do
+ put (IntMap.insert i (t, 1) m)
+ recurse
+ where
+ recurse = go (r ++ argsAndSubterms t)
+ argsAndSubterms (unwrapTermF -> App f arg) = arg : argsAndSubterms f
+ argsAndSubterms h =
+ case unwrapTermF h of
+ Lambda _ t1 _ | not doBinders -> [t1]
+ Pi _ t1 _ | not doBinders -> [t1]
+ Constant{} -> []
+ tf -> Fold.toList tf
+-- | Return true if the printing of the given term should be memoized; we do not
+-- want to memoize the printing of terms that are "too small"
+shouldMemoizeTerm :: Term -> Bool
+shouldMemoizeTerm t =
+ case unwrapTermF t of
+ FTermF Primitive{} -> False
+ FTermF UnitValue -> False
+ FTermF UnitType -> False
+ FTermF (CtorApp _ [] []) -> False
+ FTermF (DataTypeApp _ [] []) -> False
+ FTermF Sort{} -> False
+ FTermF NatLit{} -> False
+ FTermF (ArrayValue _ v) | V.length v == 0 -> False
+ FTermF StringLit{} -> False
+ FTermF ExtCns{} -> False
+ LocalVar{} -> False
+ _ -> True
+-- | Compute a memoization table for a term, and pretty-print the term using the
+-- table to memoize the printing. Also print the table itself as a sequence of
+-- let-bindings for the entries in the memoization table. If the flag is true,
+-- compute a global table, otherwise compute a local table.
+ppTermWithMemoTable :: Prec -> Bool -> Term -> PPM SawDoc
+ppTermWithMemoTable prec global_p trm = ppLets occ_map_elems [] where
+ -- Generate an occurrence map for trm, filtering out terms that only occur
+ -- once, that are "too small" to memoize, and, for the global table, terms
+ -- that are not closed
+ occ_map_elems =
+ IntMap.assocs $
+ IntMap.filter
+ (\(t,cnt) ->
+ cnt > 1 && shouldMemoizeTerm t &&
+ (if global_p then looseVars t == emptyBitSet else True)) $
+ scTermCount global_p trm
+ -- For each (TermIndex, Term) pair in the occurrence map, pretty-print the
+ -- Term and then add it to the memoization table of subsequent printing. The
+ -- pretty-printing of these terms is reverse-accumulated in the second
+ -- list. Finally, print trm with a let-binding for the bound terms.
+ ppLets :: [(TermIndex, (Term, Int))] -> [(MemoVar, SawDoc)] -> PPM SawDoc
+ -- Special case: don't print let-binding if there are no bound vars
+ ppLets [] [] = ppTerm' prec trm
+ -- When we have run out of (idx,term) pairs, pretty-print a let binding for
+ -- all the accumulated bindings around the term
+ ppLets [] bindings = ppLetBlock (reverse bindings) <$> ppTerm' prec trm
+ -- To add an (idx,term) pair, first check if idx is already bound, and, if
+ -- not, add a new MemoVar bind it to idx
+ ppLets ((idx, (t_rhs,_)):idxs) bindings =
+ do isBound <- isJust <$> memoLookupM idx
+ if isBound then ppLets idxs bindings else
+ do doc_rhs <- ppTerm' prec t_rhs
+ withMemoVar global_p idx $ \memo_var ->
+ ppLets idxs ((memo_var, doc_rhs):bindings)
+-- | Pretty-print a term inside a binder for a variable of the given name,
+-- returning both the result of pretty-printing and the fresh name actually used
+-- for the newly bound variable. If the variable occurs in the term, then do not
+-- use an underscore for it, and use "_x" instead.
+-- Also, pretty-print let-bindings around the term for all subterms that occur
+-- more than once at the same binding level.
+ppTermInBinder :: Prec -> LocalName -> Term -> PPM (LocalName, SawDoc)
+ppTermInBinder prec basename trm =
+ let nm = if basename == "_" && inBitSet 0 (looseVars trm) then "_x"
+ else basename in
+ withBoundVarM nm $ ppTermWithMemoTable prec False trm
+-- | Run a pretty-printing computation inside a context that binds zero or more
+-- variables, returning the result of the computation and also the
+-- pretty-printing of the context. Note: we do not use any local memoization
+-- tables for the inner computation; the justification is that this function is
+-- only used for printing datatypes, which we assume are not very big.
+ppWithBoundCtx :: [(LocalName, Term)] -> PPM a -> PPM (SawDoc, a)
+ppWithBoundCtx [] m = (mempty ,) <$> m
+ppWithBoundCtx ((x,tp):ctx) m =
+ (\tp_d (x', (ctx_d, ret)) ->
+ (parens (ppTypeConstraint (pretty x') tp_d) <+> ctx_d, ret))
+ <$> ppTerm' PrecNone tp <*> withBoundVarM x (ppWithBoundCtx ctx m)
+-- | Pretty-print a term, also adding let-bindings for all subterms that occur
+-- more than once at the same binding level
+ppTerm :: PPOpts -> Term -> SawDoc
+ppTerm opts = ppTermWithNames opts emptySAWNamingEnv
+-- | Pretty-print a term, but only to a maximum depth
+ppTermDepth :: Int -> Term -> SawDoc
+ppTermDepth depth t = ppTerm (depthPPOpts depth) t
+-- | Like 'ppTerm', but also supply a context of bound names, where the most
+-- recently-bound variable is listed first in the context
+ppTermInCtx :: PPOpts -> [LocalName] -> Term -> SawDoc
+ppTermInCtx opts ctx trm =
+ runPPM opts emptySAWNamingEnv $
+ flip (Fold.foldl' (\m x -> snd <$> withBoundVarM x m)) ctx $
+ ppTermWithMemoTable PrecNone True trm
+renderSawDoc :: PPOpts -> SawDoc -> String
+renderSawDoc ppOpts doc =
+ Text.Lazy.unpack (renderLazy (style (layoutPretty layoutOpts doc)))
+ where
+ layoutOpts = LayoutOptions (AvailablePerLine 80 0.8)
+ style = if ppColor ppOpts then reAnnotateS colorStyle else unAnnotateS
+-- | Pretty-print a term and render it to a string, using the given options
+scPrettyTerm :: PPOpts -> Term -> String
+scPrettyTerm opts t =
+ renderSawDoc opts $ ppTerm opts t
+-- | Like 'scPrettyTerm', but also supply a context of bound names, where the
+-- most recently-bound variable is listed first in the context
+scPrettyTermInCtx :: PPOpts -> [LocalName] -> Term -> String
+scPrettyTermInCtx opts ctx trm =
+ renderSawDoc opts $
+ runPPM opts emptySAWNamingEnv $
+ flip (Fold.foldl' (\m x -> snd <$> withBoundVarM x m)) ctx $
+ ppTermWithMemoTable PrecNone False trm
+-- | Pretty-print a term and render it to a string
+showTerm :: Term -> String
+showTerm t = scPrettyTerm defaultPPOpts t
+-- * Pretty-printers with naming environments
+-- | Pretty-print a term, also adding let-bindings for all subterms that occur
+-- more than once at the same binding level
+ppTermWithNames :: PPOpts -> SAWNamingEnv -> Term -> SawDoc
+ppTermWithNames opts ne trm =
+ runPPM opts ne $ ppTermWithMemoTable PrecNone True trm
+showTermWithNames :: PPOpts -> SAWNamingEnv -> Term -> String
+showTermWithNames opts ne trm =
+ renderSawDoc opts $ ppTermWithNames opts ne trm
+-- * Pretty-printers for Modules and Top-level Constructs
+-- | Datatype for representing modules in pretty-printer land. We do not want to
+-- make the pretty-printer dependent on @Verifier.SAW.Module@, so we instead
+-- have that module translate to this representation.
+data PPModule = PPModule [ModuleName] [PPDecl]
+data PPDecl
+ = PPTypeDecl Ident [(LocalName, Term)] [(LocalName, Term)] Sort [(Ident, Term)]
+ | PPDefDecl Ident Term (Maybe Term)
+-- | Pretty-print a 'PPModule'
+ppPPModule :: PPOpts -> PPModule -> SawDoc
+ppPPModule opts (PPModule importNames decls) =
+ vcat $ concat $ fmap (map (<> line)) $
+ [ map ppImport importNames
+ , map (runPPM opts emptySAWNamingEnv . ppDecl) decls
+ ]
+ where
+ ppImport nm = pretty $ "import " ++ show nm
+ ppDecl (PPTypeDecl dtName dtParams dtIndices dtSort dtCtors) =
+ ppDataType dtName <$> ppWithBoundCtx dtParams
+ ((,) <$>
+ ppWithBoundCtx dtIndices (return $ viaShow dtSort) <*>
+ mapM (\(ctorName,ctorType) ->
+ ppTypeConstraint (ppIdent ctorName) <$>
+ ppTerm' PrecNone ctorType)
+ dtCtors)
+ ppDecl (PPDefDecl defIdent defType defBody) =
+ ppDef (ppIdent defIdent) <$> ppTerm' PrecNone defType <*>
+ case defBody of
+ Just body -> Just <$> ppTerm' PrecNone body
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/TermNet.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/TermNet.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c7a6dd101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/TermNet.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.TermNet
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.TermNet
+ ( Pat(..)
+ , Pattern(..)
+ , Key
+ , key_of_term -- :: Pat -> [Key]
+ , Net -- :: * -> *
+ , empty -- :: Net a
+ , insert -- :: Eq a => ([Key], a) -> Net a -> Net a
+ , insert_term -- :: (Pattern t, Eq a) => (t, a) -> Net a -> Net a
+ , delete -- :: Eq a => ([Key], a) -> Net a -> Net a
+ , delete_term -- :: (Pattern t, Eq a) => (t, a) -> Net a -> Net a
+ , lookup -- :: Net a -> [Key] -> [a]
+ , match_term -- :: Pattern t => Net a -> t -> [a]
+ , unify_term -- :: Pattern t => Net a -> t -> [a]
+ , merge -- :: Eq a => Net a -> Net a -> Net a
+ , content -- :: Net a -> [a]
+ ) where
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Prelude hiding (lookup)
+Based on Pure/net.ML from Isabelle 2012.
+Ported from Standard ML to Haskell by Brian Huffman.
+ Title: Pure/net.ML
+ Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+Discrimination nets: a data structure for indexing items
+From the book
+ E. Charniak, C. K. Riesbeck, D. V. McDermott.
+ Artificial Intelligence Programming.
+ (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1980). [Chapter 14]
+match_term no longer treats abstractions as wildcards; instead they match
+only wildcards in patterns. Requires operands to be beta-eta-normal.
+-- Laziness is important here, as we will often create and partially
+-- traverse patterns for very large terms.
+data Pat = Atom Text | Var | App Pat Pat
+ deriving Eq
+class Pattern t where
+ toPat :: t -> Pat
+instance Show Pat where
+ showsPrec _ (Atom s) = shows s
+ showsPrec _ Var = showString "_"
+ showsPrec p (App x y) =
+ showParen (p > 5) (showsPrec 5 x . showString " " . showsPrec 6 y)
+isVarApp :: Pat -> Bool
+isVarApp t = case t of
+ Atom _ -> False
+ Var -> True
+ App t' _ -> isVarApp t'
+-- Start
+data Key = CombK | VarK | AtomK Text
+{-Keys are preorder lists of symbols -- Combinations, Vars, Atoms.
+ Any term whose head is a Var is regarded entirely as a Var.
+ Abstractions are also regarded as Vars; this covers eta-conversion
+ and "near" eta-conversions such as %x.?P(?f(x)).
+add_key_of_terms :: Pat -> [Key] -> [Key]
+add_key_of_terms t cs
+ | isVarApp t = VarK : cs
+ | otherwise = add_key_of_terms' t cs
+-- | Precondition: not (isVarApp t).
+add_key_of_terms' :: Pat -> [Key] -> [Key]
+add_key_of_terms' (App f t) cs = CombK : add_key_of_terms' f (add_key_of_terms t cs)
+add_key_of_terms' (Atom c) cs = AtomK c : cs
+add_key_of_terms' Var _ = error "impossible"
+{-convert a term to a list of keys-}
+key_of_term :: Pat -> [Key]
+key_of_term t = add_key_of_terms t []
+{- ^ Required property: @depth (key_of_term t) = 1@
+depth :: [Key] -> Int
+depth [] = 0
+depth (CombK : keys) = depth keys - 1
+depth (VarK : keys) = depth keys + 1
+depth (AtomK _ : keys) = depth keys + 1
+{-Trees indexed by key lists: each arc is labelled by a key.
+ Each node contains a list of items, and arcs to children.
+ The empty key addresses the entire net.
+ Lookup functions preserve order in items stored at same level.
+data Net a
+ = Leaf [a]
+ | Net { comb :: Net a, var :: Net a, atoms :: Map Text (Net a) }
+ deriving Show
+Invariant: A well-formed term net should satisfy @valid 1@.
+Every sub-net should satisfy @valid n@ for some non-negative @n@.
+valid :: Int -> Net a -> Bool
+valid n (Leaf xs) = null xs || n == 0
+valid n (Net {comb, var, atoms}) =
+ n > 0 && valid (n+1) comb && valid (n-1) var && all (valid (n-1)) (elems atoms)
+empty :: Net a
+empty = Leaf []
+is_empty :: Net a -> Bool
+is_empty (Leaf []) = True
+is_empty _ = False
+emptynet :: Net a
+emptynet = Net { comb = empty, var = empty, atoms = Map.empty }
+{-** Insertion into a discrimination net **-}
+{-Adds item x to the list at the node addressed by the keys.
+ Creates node if not already present.
+ The empty list of keys generates a Leaf node, others a Net node.
+insert :: forall a. (Eq a) => ([Key], a) -> Net a -> Net a
+insert (keys0, x) net = ins1 keys0 net
+ where
+ ins1 :: [Key] -> Net a -> Net a
+ ins1 [] (Leaf xs)
+ | x `elem` xs = Leaf xs
+ | otherwise = Leaf (x : xs)
+ ins1 keys (Leaf []) = ins1 keys emptynet
+ ins1 (CombK : keys) (Net {comb, var, atoms}) =
+ Net {comb = ins1 keys comb, var = var, atoms = atoms}
+ ins1 (VarK : keys) (Net {comb, var, atoms}) =
+ Net {comb = comb, var = ins1 keys var, atoms = atoms}
+ ins1 (AtomK a : keys) (Net {comb, var, atoms}) =
+ let atoms' = Map.alter (Just . ins1 keys . fromMaybe empty) a atoms
+ in Net {comb = comb, var = var, atoms = atoms'}
+ ins1 [] (Net {}) = error "impossible"
+ ins1 (_ : _) (Leaf (_ : _)) = error "impossible"
+insert_term :: (Pattern t, Eq a) => (t, a) -> Net a -> Net a
+insert_term (t, x) = insert (key_of_term (toPat t), x)
+{-** Deletion from a discrimination net **-}
+{-Create a new Net node if it would be nonempty-}
+newnet :: Net a -> Net a -> Map Text (Net a) -> Net a
+newnet comb var atoms =
+ if is_empty comb && is_empty var && Map.null atoms
+ then empty else Net { comb = comb, var = var, atoms = atoms }
+{-Deletes item x from the list at the node addressed by the keys.
+ Returns Nothing if absent. Collapses the net if possible. -}
+delete :: (Eq a) => ([Key], a) -> Net a -> Net a
+delete (keys0, x) net0 = del1 keys0 net0
+ where
+ -- | Invariant: @del1 keys net@ requires @valid (depth keys) net@.
+ del1 [] (Leaf xs) = Leaf (List.delete x xs)
+ del1 _ (Leaf []) = Leaf []
+ del1 (CombK : keys) (Net {comb, var, atoms}) =
+ newnet (del1 keys comb) var atoms
+ del1 (VarK : keys) (Net {comb, var, atoms}) =
+ newnet comb (del1 keys var) atoms
+ del1 (AtomK a : keys) (Net {comb, var, atoms}) =
+ let nonempty (Leaf []) = Nothing
+ nonempty net = Just net
+ atoms' = Map.update (nonempty . del1 keys) a atoms
+ in newnet comb var atoms'
+ del1 [] (Net {}) = error "impossible"
+ del1 (_ : _) (Leaf (_ : _)) = error "impossible"
+delete_term :: (Pattern t, Eq a) => (t, a) -> Net a -> Net a
+delete_term (t, x) = delete (key_of_term (toPat t), x)
+{-** Retrieval functions for discrimination nets **-}
+{-Return the list of items at the given node, [] if no such node-}
+-- | Invariant: @lookup net keys@ requires @valid (depth keys) net@.
+lookup :: Net a -> [Key] -> [a]
+lookup (Leaf xs) [] = xs
+lookup (Leaf _) (_ : _) = [] {-non-empty keys and empty net-}
+lookup (Net {comb}) (CombK : keys) = lookup comb keys
+lookup (Net {var}) (VarK : keys) = lookup var keys
+lookup (Net {atoms}) (AtomK a : keys) =
+ case Map.lookup a atoms of
+ Just net -> lookup net keys
+ Nothing -> []
+lookup (Net {}) [] = error "impossible"
+{-Skipping a term in a net. Recursively skip 2 levels if a combination-}
+net_skip :: Net a -> [Net a] -> [Net a]
+net_skip (Leaf _) nets = nets
+net_skip (Net {comb, var, atoms}) nets =
+ foldr net_skip (Map.foldr (:) (var : nets) atoms) (net_skip comb [])
+{-* Matching and Unification *-}
+{-conses the linked net, if present, to nets-}
+look1 :: (Map Text (Net a), Text) -> [Net a] -> [Net a]
+look1 (atoms, a) nets =
+ case Map.lookup a atoms of
+ Just net -> net : nets
+ Nothing -> nets
+{-Return the nodes accessible from the term (cons them before nets)
+ "unif" signifies retrieval for unification rather than matching.
+ Var in net matches any term.
+ Abs or Var in object: if "unif", regarded as wildcard,
+ else matches only a variable in net.
+matching :: Bool -> Pat -> Net a -> [Net a] -> [Net a]
+matching unif = match
+ where
+ match :: Pat -> Net a -> [Net a] -> [Net a]
+ match t net nets =
+ case net of
+ Leaf _ -> nets
+ Net {var} ->
+ case t of
+ Var -> if unif then net_skip net nets else var : nets {-only matches Var in net-}
+ _ -> rands t net (var : nets) {-var could match also-}
+ rands :: Pat -> Net a -> [Net a] -> [Net a]
+ rands _ (Leaf _) nets = nets
+ rands t (Net {comb, atoms}) nets =
+ case t of
+ Atom c -> look1 (atoms, c) nets
+ Var -> nets
+ App t1 t2 -> foldr (match t2) nets (rands t1 comb [])
+extract_leaves :: [Net a] -> [a]
+extract_leaves = concatMap (\(Leaf xs) -> xs)
+{-return items whose key could match t, WHICH MUST BE BETA-ETA NORMAL-}
+match_term :: Pattern t => Net a -> t -> [a]
+match_term net t = extract_leaves (matching False (toPat t) net [])
+{-return items whose key could unify with t-}
+unify_term :: Pattern t => Net a -> t -> [a]
+unify_term net t = extract_leaves (matching True (toPat t) net [])
+{-* operations on nets *-}
+{-subtraction: collect entries of second net that are NOT present in first net-}
+fun subtract eq net1 net2 =
+ let
+ fun subtr (Net _) (Leaf ys) = append ys
+ | subtr (Leaf xs) (Leaf ys) =
+ fold_rev (fn y => if member eq xs y then I else cons y) ys
+ | subtr (Leaf _) (net as Net _) = subtr emptynet net
+ | subtr (Net {comb = comb1, var = var1, atoms = atoms1})
+ (Net {comb = comb2, var = var2, atoms = atoms2}) =
+ subtr comb1 comb2
+ #> subtr var1 var2
+ #> Symtab.fold (fn (a, net) =>
+ subtr (the_default emptynet (Symtab.lookup atoms1 a)) net) atoms2
+ in subtr net1 net2 [] end;
+fun entries net = subtract (K false) empty net;
+{- merge -}
+cons_fst :: a -> ([a], b) -> ([a], b)
+cons_fst x (xs, y) = (x : xs, y)
+dest :: Net a -> [([Key], a)]
+dest (Leaf xs) = map ((,) []) xs
+dest (Net {comb, var, atoms}) =
+ map (cons_fst CombK) (dest comb) ++
+ map (cons_fst VarK) (dest var) ++
+ concatMap (\(a, net) -> map (cons_fst (AtomK a)) (dest net)) (Map.assocs atoms)
+merge :: Eq a => Net a -> Net a -> Net a
+merge net1 net2 = foldl (flip insert) net1 (dest net2)
+content :: Net a -> [a]
+content (Leaf xs) = xs
+content (Net {comb, var, atoms}) =
+ content comb ++
+ content var ++
+ concatMap content (Map.elems atoms)
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Testing/Random.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Testing/Random.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f32ed8401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Testing/Random.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : Verifier.SAW.Testing.Random
+-- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Galois, Inc.
+-- License : BSD3
+-- Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com, conathan@galois.com
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- Portability : portable
+-- This module generates random values for 'FiniteValue.FiniteType' types.
+-- Based on 'Cryptol.Testing.Random'.
+module Verifier.SAW.Testing.Random where
+import Verifier.SAW.FiniteValue
+ ( FirstOrderType(..), FirstOrderValue(..), scFirstOrderValue )
+import Verifier.SAW.Module (ModuleMap)
+import Verifier.SAW.SATQuery
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+ ( scGetModuleMap, SharedContext, Term
+ , ExtCns(..), scInstantiateExt
+ )
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Concrete (evalSharedTerm) -- , CValue)
+import Verifier.SAW.Simulator.Value (Value(..)) -- , TValue(..))
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), Applicative)
+import Data.Traversable (traverse)
+import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as F
+import Control.Monad.Random
+import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import System.Random.TF (newTFGen, TFGen)
+randomFirstOrderValue :: (Applicative m, Functor m, MonadRandom m) =>
+ FirstOrderType -> Compose Maybe m FirstOrderValue
+randomFirstOrderValue FOTBit =
+ Compose (Just (FOVBit <$> getRandom))
+randomFirstOrderValue FOTInt =
+ Compose (Just (FOVInt <$> randomInt))
+randomFirstOrderValue (FOTIntMod m) =
+ Compose (Just (FOVIntMod m <$> getRandomR (0, toInteger m - 1)))
+randomFirstOrderValue (FOTVec n FOTBit) =
+ Compose (Just (FOVWord n <$> getRandomR (0, 2^n - 1)))
+randomFirstOrderValue (FOTVec n t) =
+ FOVVec t <$> replicateM (fromIntegral n) (randomFirstOrderValue t)
+randomFirstOrderValue (FOTTuple ts) =
+ FOVTuple <$> traverse randomFirstOrderValue ts
+randomFirstOrderValue (FOTRec fs) =
+ FOVRec <$> traverse randomFirstOrderValue fs
+randomFirstOrderValue (FOTArray _ _) = Compose Nothing
+-- TODO this is really a hack
+randomInt :: MonadRandom m => m Integer
+randomInt = getRandomR (-10^(6::Int), 10^(6::Int))
+execTest ::
+ (F.MonadFail m, MonadRandom m, MonadIO m) =>
+ SharedContext ->
+ ModuleMap ->
+ Map.Map (ExtCns Term) (m FirstOrderValue) ->
+ Term ->
+ m (Maybe [(ExtCns Term, FirstOrderValue)])
+execTest sc mmap vars tm =
+ do testVec <- sequence vars
+ tm' <- liftIO $
+ do argMap0 <- traverse (scFirstOrderValue sc) testVec
+ let argMap = Map.fromList [ (ecVarIndex ec, v) | (ec,v) <- Map.toList argMap0 ]
+ scInstantiateExt sc argMap tm
+ case evalSharedTerm mmap Map.empty Map.empty tm' of
+ -- satisfaible, return counterexample
+ VBool True -> return (Just (Map.toList testVec))
+ -- not satisfied by this test vector
+ VBool False -> return Nothing
+ _ -> fail "execTest: expected boolean result from random testing"
+prepareSATQuery ::
+ (MonadRandom m, F.MonadFail m, MonadIO m) =>
+ SharedContext ->
+ SATQuery ->
+ IO (m (Maybe [(ExtCns Term, FirstOrderValue)]))
+prepareSATQuery sc satq
+ | Set.null (satUninterp satq) =
+ do varmap <- traverse prepareVar (satVariables satq)
+ t <- satQueryAsTerm sc satq
+ mmap <- scGetModuleMap sc
+ return (execTest sc mmap varmap t)
+ | otherwise = fail "Random testing cannot handle uninterpreted functions"
+ where
+ prepareVar fot =
+ case randomFirstOrderValue fot of
+ Compose (Just v) -> pure v
+ _ -> fail ("Cannot randomly test argument of type: " ++ show fot)
+runManyTests ::
+ RandT TFGen IO (Maybe [(ExtCns Term, FirstOrderValue)]) ->
+ Integer ->
+ IO (Maybe [(ExtCns Term, FirstOrderValue)])
+runManyTests m numtests = evalRandT (loop numtests) =<< newTFGen
+ where
+ loop n
+ | n > 0 =
+ m >>= \case
+ Nothing -> loop (n-1)
+ Just cex -> return (Just cex)
+ | otherwise = return Nothing
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Typechecker.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Typechecker.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7c241bf27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Typechecker.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+-- The above is needed because we want our orphan TypeInfer instance below
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Typechecker
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Typechecker
+ ( inferCompleteTerm
+ , tcInsertModule
+ ) where
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.List (findIndex)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Prettyprinter hiding (Doc)
+import Verifier.SAW.Utils (internalError)
+import Verifier.SAW.Module
+import Verifier.SAW.Name (mkIdentText)
+import Verifier.SAW.Position
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.CtxTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Pretty (SawDoc)
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Recognizer
+import Verifier.SAW.SCTypeCheck
+import qualified Verifier.SAW.UntypedAST as Un
+import Debug.Trace
+-- | Infer the type of an untyped term and complete it to a 'Term', all in the
+-- empty typing context
+inferCompleteTerm :: SharedContext -> Maybe ModuleName -> Un.Term ->
+ IO (Either SawDoc Term)
+inferCompleteTerm sc mnm t = inferCompleteTermCtx sc mnm [] t
+-- | Infer the type of an untyped term and complete it to a 'Term' in a given
+-- typing context
+inferCompleteTermCtx ::
+ SharedContext -> Maybe ModuleName -> [(LocalName, Term)] ->
+ Un.Term -> IO (Either SawDoc Term)
+inferCompleteTermCtx sc mnm ctx t =
+ do res <- runTCM (typeInferComplete t) sc mnm ctx
+ case res of
+ -- TODO: avoid intermediate 'String's from 'prettyTCError'
+ Left err -> return $ Left $ vsep $ map pretty $ prettyTCError err
+ Right t' -> return $ Right $ typedVal t'
+-- | Look up the current module name, raising an error if it is not set
+getModuleName :: TCM ModuleName
+getModuleName =
+ do maybe_modname <- askModName
+ case maybe_modname of
+ Just mnm -> return mnm
+ Nothing ->
+ internalError "Current module name not set during typechecking"
+-- | Look up the current module
+getModule :: TCM Module
+getModule = getModuleName >>= liftTCM scFindModule
+-- | Build a multi-arity application of 'TypedTerm's
+inferApplyAll :: TypedTerm -> [TypedTerm] -> TCM TypedTerm
+inferApplyAll t [] = return t
+inferApplyAll t (arg:args) =
+ do app1 <- typeInferComplete (App t arg)
+ inferApplyAll app1 args
+-- | Resolve a name in the current module and apply it to some arguments
+inferResolveNameApp :: Text -> [TypedTerm] -> TCM TypedTerm
+inferResolveNameApp n args =
+ do ctx <- askCtx
+ m <- getModule
+ case (findIndex ((== n) . fst) ctx, resolveName m n) of
+ (Just i, _) ->
+ do t <- typeInferComplete (LocalVar i :: TermF TypedTerm)
+ inferApplyAll t args
+ (_, Just (ResolvedCtor ctor)) ->
+ let (params, ctor_args) = splitAt (ctorNumParams ctor) args in
+ -- NOTE: typeInferComplete will check that we have the correct number
+ -- of arguments
+ typeInferComplete (CtorApp (ctorName ctor) params ctor_args)
+ (_, Just (ResolvedDataType dt)) ->
+ let (params, ixs) = splitAt (length $ dtParams dt) args in
+ -- NOTE: typeInferComplete will check that we have the correct number
+ -- of indices
+ typeInferComplete (DataTypeApp (dtName dt) params ixs)
+ (_, Just (ResolvedDef d)) ->
+ do t <- liftTCM scGlobalDef (defIdent d)
+ f <- TypedTerm t <$> liftTCM scTypeOf t
+ inferApplyAll f args
+ (Nothing, Nothing) ->
+ throwTCError $ UnboundName n
+-- | Match an untyped term as a name applied to 0 or more arguments
+matchAppliedName :: Un.Term -> Maybe (Text, [Un.Term])
+matchAppliedName (Un.Name (PosPair _ n)) = Just (n, [])
+matchAppliedName (Un.App f arg) =
+ do (n, args) <- matchAppliedName f
+ return (n, args++[arg])
+matchAppliedName _ = Nothing
+-- | Match an untyped term as a recursor applied to 0 or more arguments
+matchAppliedRecursor :: Un.Term -> Maybe (Maybe ModuleName, Text, [Un.Term])
+matchAppliedRecursor (Un.Recursor mnm (PosPair _ n)) = Just (mnm, n, [])
+matchAppliedRecursor (Un.App f arg) =
+ do (mnm, n, args) <- matchAppliedRecursor f
+ return (mnm, n, args++[arg])
+matchAppliedRecursor _ = Nothing
+-- | The debugging level
+debugLevel :: Int
+debugLevel = 0
+-- | Print debugging output if 'debugLevel' is greater than 0
+typeInferDebug :: String -> TCM ()
+typeInferDebug str | debugLevel > 0 = liftIO $ traceIO str
+typeInferDebug _ = return ()
+-- The type inference engine for untyped terms, which mostly just dispatches to
+-- the type inference engine for (FTermF TypedTerm) defined in SCTypeCheck.hs
+instance TypeInfer Un.Term where
+ typeInfer t = typedVal <$> typeInferComplete t
+ typeInferComplete t =
+ do typeInferDebug ("typechecking term: " ++ show t)
+ res <- atPos (pos t) $ typeInferCompleteTerm t
+ typeInferDebug ("completed typechecking term: " ++ show t ++ "\n"
+ ++ "type = " ++ show (typedType res))
+ return res
+-- | Main workhorse function for type inference on untyped terms
+typeInferCompleteTerm :: Un.Term -> TCM TypedTerm
+-- Names
+typeInferCompleteTerm (matchAppliedName -> Just (n, args)) =
+ mapM typeInferComplete args >>= inferResolveNameApp n
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.Name (PosPair _ n)) =
+ -- NOTE: this is actually covered by the previous case, but we put it here
+ -- so GHC doesn't complain about coverage
+ inferResolveNameApp n []
+-- Sorts
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.Sort _ srt) =
+ typeInferComplete (Sort srt :: FlatTermF TypedTerm)
+-- Recursors (must come before applications)
+typeInferCompleteTerm (matchAppliedRecursor -> Just (maybe_mnm, str, args)) =
+ do mnm <-
+ case maybe_mnm of
+ Just mnm -> return mnm
+ Nothing -> getModuleName
+ m <- liftTCM scFindModule mnm
+ let dt_ident = mkIdentText mnm str
+ dt <- case findDataType m str of
+ Just d -> return d
+ Nothing -> throwTCError $ NoSuchDataType dt_ident
+ typed_args <- mapM typeInferComplete args
+ case typed_args of
+ (splitAt (length $ dtParams dt) ->
+ (params,
+ p_ret :
+ (splitAt (length $ dtCtors dt) ->
+ (elims,
+ (splitAt (length $ dtIndices dt) ->
+ (ixs, arg : rem_args)))))) ->
+ do let cs_fs = zip (map ctorName $ dtCtors dt) elims
+ typed_r <- typeInferComplete (RecursorApp dt_ident params
+ p_ret cs_fs ixs arg)
+ inferApplyAll typed_r rem_args
+ _ -> throwTCError $ NotFullyAppliedRec dt_ident
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.Recursor _ _) =
+ error "typeInferComplete: found a bare Recursor, which should never happen!"
+-- Applications, lambdas, and pis
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.App f arg) =
+ (App <$> typeInferComplete f <*> typeInferComplete arg)
+ >>= typeInferComplete
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.Lambda _ [] t) = typeInferComplete t
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.Lambda p ((Un.termVarLocalName -> x, tp) : ctx) t) =
+ do tp_trm <- typeInferCompleteWHNF tp
+ -- Normalize (the Term value of) tp before putting it into the context. See
+ -- the documentation for withVar.
+ body <- withVar x (typedVal tp_trm) $
+ typeInferComplete $ Un.Lambda p ctx t
+ typeInferComplete (Lambda x tp_trm body)
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.Pi _ [] t) = typeInferComplete t
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.Pi p ((Un.termVarLocalName -> x, tp) : ctx) t) =
+ do tp_trm <- typeInferComplete tp
+ -- NOTE: we need the type of x to be normalized when we add it to the
+ -- context in withVar, but we do not want to normalize this type in the
+ -- output, as the contract for typeInferComplete only normalizes the type,
+ -- so we use the unnormalized tp_trm in the return
+ tp_whnf <- typeCheckWHNF $ typedVal tp_trm
+ body <- withVar x tp_whnf $
+ typeInferComplete $ Un.Pi p ctx t
+ typeInferComplete (Pi x tp_trm body)
+-- Non-dependent records
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.RecordValue _ elems) =
+ do typed_elems <-
+ mapM (\(PosPair _ fld, t) -> (fld,) <$> typeInferComplete t) elems
+ typeInferComplete (RecordValue typed_elems)
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.RecordType _ elems) =
+ do typed_elems <-
+ mapM (\(PosPair _ fld, t) -> (fld,) <$> typeInferComplete t) elems
+ typeInferComplete (RecordType typed_elems)
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.RecordProj t prj) =
+ (RecordProj <$> typeInferComplete t <*> return prj) >>= typeInferComplete
+-- Unit
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.UnitValue _) =
+ typeInferComplete (UnitValue :: FlatTermF TypedTerm)
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.UnitType _) =
+ typeInferComplete (UnitType :: FlatTermF TypedTerm)
+-- Simple pairs
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.PairValue _ t1 t2) =
+ (PairValue <$> typeInferComplete t1 <*> typeInferComplete t2)
+ >>= typeInferComplete
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.PairType _ t1 t2) =
+ (PairType <$> typeInferComplete t1 <*> typeInferComplete t2)
+ >>= typeInferComplete
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.PairLeft t) =
+ (PairLeft <$> typeInferComplete t) >>= typeInferComplete
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.PairRight t) =
+ (PairRight <$> typeInferComplete t) >>= typeInferComplete
+-- Type ascriptions
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.TypeConstraint t _ tp) =
+ do typed_t <- typeInferComplete t
+ typed_tp <- typeInferComplete tp
+ _ <- ensureSort (typedType typed_tp)
+ checkSubtype typed_t (typedVal typed_tp)
+ return typed_t
+-- Literals
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.NatLit _ i) =
+ typeInferComplete (NatLit i :: FlatTermF TypedTerm)
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.StringLit _ str) =
+ typeInferComplete (StringLit str :: FlatTermF TypedTerm)
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.VecLit _ []) = throwTCError EmptyVectorLit
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.VecLit _ ts) =
+ do typed_ts <- mapM typeInferComplete ts
+ tp <- case typed_ts of
+ (t1:_) -> return $ typedType t1
+ [] -> throwTCError $ EmptyVectorLit
+ type_of_tp <- typeInfer tp
+ typeInferComplete (ArrayValue (TypedTerm tp type_of_tp) $
+ V.fromList typed_ts)
+typeInferCompleteTerm (Un.BadTerm _) =
+ -- Should be unreachable, since BadTerms represent parse errors, that should
+ -- already have been signaled before type inference
+ internalError "Type inference encountered a BadTerm"
+instance TypeInferCtx Un.TermVar Un.Term where
+ typeInferCompleteCtx =
+ typeInferCompleteCtx . map (\(x,tp) -> (Un.termVarLocalName x, tp))
+-- Type-checking modules
+-- | Type-check a list of declarations and insert them into the current module
+processDecls :: [Un.Decl] -> TCM ()
+processDecls [] = return ()
+processDecls (Un.TypedDef nm params rty body : rest) =
+ processDecls (Un.TypeDecl NoQualifier nm (Un.Pi (pos nm) params rty) :
+ Un.TermDef nm (map fst params) body : rest)
+processDecls (Un.TypeDecl NoQualifier (PosPair p nm) tp :
+ Un.TermDef (PosPair _ ((== nm) -> True)) vars body : rest) =
+ -- Type-checking for definitions
+ (atPos p $
+ do
+ -- Step 1: type-check the type annotation, and make sure it is a type
+ typed_tp <- typeInferComplete tp
+ void $ ensureSort $ typedType typed_tp
+ let def_tp = typedVal typed_tp
+ def_tp_whnf <- liftTCM scTypeCheckWHNF def_tp
+ -- Step 2: assign types to the bound variables of the definition, by
+ -- peeling off the pi-abstraction variables in the type annotation. Any
+ -- remaining body of the pi-type is the required type for the def body.
+ (ctx, req_body_tp) <-
+ case matchPiWithNames (map Un.termVarLocalName vars) def_tp_whnf of
+ Just x -> return x
+ Nothing ->
+ throwTCError $
+ DeclError nm ("More variables " ++ show vars ++
+ " than length of function type:\n" ++
+ showTerm (typedVal typed_tp))
+ -- Step 3: type-check the body of the definition in the context of its
+ -- variables, and build a function that takes in those variables
+ def_tm <-
+ withCtx ctx $
+ do typed_body <- typeInferComplete body
+ checkSubtype typed_body req_body_tp
+ liftTCM scLambdaList ctx (typedVal typed_body)
+ -- Step 4: add the definition to the current module
+ mnm <- getModuleName
+ let ident = mkIdentText mnm nm
+ t <- liftTCM scConstant' (ModuleIdentifier ident) def_tm def_tp
+ liftTCM scRegisterGlobal ident t
+ liftTCM scModifyModule mnm $ \m ->
+ insDef m $ Def { defIdent = ident,
+ defQualifier = NoQualifier,
+ defType = def_tp,
+ defBody = Just def_tm }) >>
+ processDecls rest
+processDecls (Un.TypeDecl NoQualifier (PosPair p nm) _ : _) =
+ atPos p $ throwTCError $ DeclError nm "Definition without defining equation"
+processDecls (Un.TypeDecl _ (PosPair p nm) _ :
+ Un.TermDef (PosPair _ ((== nm) -> True)) _ _ : _) =
+ atPos p $ throwTCError $ DeclError nm "Primitive or axiom with definition"
+processDecls (Un.TypeDecl q (PosPair p nm) tp : rest) =
+ (atPos p $
+ do typed_tp <- typeInferComplete tp
+ void $ ensureSort $ typedType typed_tp
+ mnm <- getModuleName
+ let ident = mkIdentText mnm nm
+ let nmi = ModuleIdentifier ident
+ i <- liftTCM scFreshGlobalVar
+ liftTCM scRegisterName i nmi
+ let def_tp = typedVal typed_tp
+ let ec = EC i nmi def_tp
+ t <- liftTCM scFlatTermF (Primitive ec)
+ liftTCM scRegisterGlobal ident t
+ liftTCM scModifyModule mnm $ \m ->
+ insDef m $ Def { defIdent = ident,
+ defQualifier = q,
+ defType = typedVal typed_tp,
+ defBody = Nothing }) >>
+ processDecls rest
+processDecls (Un.TermDef (PosPair p nm) _ _ : _) =
+ atPos p $ throwTCError $ DeclError nm "Dangling definition without a type"
+processDecls (Un.DataDecl (PosPair p nm) param_ctx dt_tp c_decls : rest) =
+ -- This top line makes sure that we process the rest of the decls after the
+ -- main body of the code below, which processes just the current data decl
+ (>> processDecls rest) $ atPos p $
+ -- Step 1: type-check the parameters
+ typeInferCompleteInCtx param_ctx $ \params -> do
+ let dtParams = map (\(x,tp,_) -> (x,tp)) params
+ let param_sort = maxSort (map (\(_,_,s) -> s) params)
+ let err :: String -> TCM a
+ err msg = throwTCError $ DeclError nm msg
+ -- Step 2: type-check the type given for d, and make sure it is of the form
+ -- (i1:ix1) -> ... -> (in:ixn) -> Type s for some sort s. Then form the full
+ -- type of d as (p1:param1) -> ... -> (i1:ix1) -> ... -> Type s
+ (dt_ixs, dtSort) <-
+ case Un.asPiList dt_tp of
+ (ixs, Un.Sort _ s) -> return (ixs, s)
+ _ -> err "Wrong form for type of datatype"
+ dt_ixs_typed <- typeInferCompleteCtx dt_ixs
+ let dtIndices = map (\(x,tp,_) -> (x,tp)) dt_ixs_typed
+ ixs_max_sort = maxSort (map (\(_,_,s) -> s) dt_ixs_typed)
+ dtType <- (liftTCM scPiList (dtParams ++ dtIndices)
+ =<< liftTCM scSort dtSort)
+ -- Step 3: do the necessary universe inclusion checking for any predicative
+ -- (non-Prop) inductive type, which includes:
+ --
+ -- 1. All ix types must be of sort dtSort; AND
+ -- 2. All param types must be of sort dtSort+1
+ if dtSort /= propSort && param_sort > sortOf dtSort then
+ err ("Universe level of parameters should be no greater" ++
+ " than that of the datatype")
+ else return ()
+ if dtSort /= propSort && ixs_max_sort > dtSort then
+ err ("Universe level of indices should be strictly contained" ++
+ " in that of the datatype")
+ else return ()
+ -- Step 4: Add d as an empty datatype, so we can typecheck the constructors
+ mnm <- getModuleName
+ let dtName = mkIdentText mnm nm
+ let dt = DataType { dtCtors = [], .. }
+ liftTCM scModifyModule mnm (\m -> beginDataType m dt)
+ -- Step 5: typecheck the constructors, and build Ctors for them
+ typed_ctors <-
+ mapM (\(Un.Ctor (PosPair p' c) ctx body) ->
+ (c,) <$> typeInferComplete (Un.Pi p' ctx body)) c_decls
+ ctors <-
+ case ctxBindingsOfTerms dtParams of
+ ExistsTp p_ctx ->
+ case ctxBindingsOfTerms dtIndices of
+ ExistsTp ix_ctx ->
+ forM typed_ctors $ \(c, typed_tp) ->
+ -- Check that the universe level of the type of each constructor
+ (case asSort (typedType typed_tp) of
+ Just ctor_sort
+ | dtSort /= propSort && ctor_sort > dtSort ->
+ err ("Universe level of constructors should be strictly" ++
+ " contained in that of the datatype")
+ Just _ -> return ()
+ Nothing -> error ("Internal error: type of the type of" ++
+ " constructor is not a sort!")) >>
+ let tp = typedVal typed_tp in
+ case mkCtorArgStruct dtName p_ctx ix_ctx tp of
+ Just arg_struct ->
+ liftTCM scBuildCtor dtName (mkIdentText mnm c)
+ (map (mkIdentText mnm . fst) typed_ctors)
+ arg_struct
+ Nothing -> err ("Malformed type form constructor: " ++ show c)
+ -- Step 6: complete the datatype with the given ctors
+ liftTCM scModifyModule mnm (\m -> completeDataType m dtName ctors)
+-- | Typecheck a module and, on success, insert it into the current context
+tcInsertModule :: SharedContext -> Un.Module -> IO ()
+tcInsertModule sc (Un.Module (PosPair _ mnm) imports decls) = do
+ let myfail :: String -> IO a
+ myfail msg = scUnloadModule sc mnm >> fail msg
+ -- First, insert an empty module for mnm
+ scLoadModule sc $ emptyModule mnm
+ -- Next, process all the imports
+ forM_ imports $ \imp ->
+ do i_exists <- scModuleIsLoaded sc (val $ Un.importModName imp)
+ i <- if i_exists then scFindModule sc $ val $ Un.importModName imp else
+ myfail $ "Imported module not found: " ++ show mnm
+ scModifyModule sc mnm
+ (insImport (Un.nameSatsConstraint (Un.importConstraints imp)
+ . identName . resolvedNameIdent) i)
+ -- Finally, process all the decls
+ decls_res <- runTCM (processDecls decls) sc (Just mnm) []
+ case decls_res of
+ Left err -> myfail $ unlines $ prettyTCError err
+ Right _ -> return ()
+-- Helper functions for type-checking modules
+-- | Pattern match a nested pi-abstraction, like 'asPiList', but only match as
+-- far as the supplied list of variables, and use them as the new names
+matchPiWithNames :: [LocalName] -> Term -> Maybe ([(LocalName, Term)], Term)
+matchPiWithNames [] tp = return ([], tp)
+matchPiWithNames (var:vars) (asPi -> Just (_, arg_tp, body_tp)) =
+ do (ctx,body) <- matchPiWithNames vars body_tp
+ return ((var,arg_tp):ctx,body)
+matchPiWithNames _ _ = Nothing
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/TypedAST.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/TypedAST.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f629082438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/TypedAST.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+ ( -- * Module operations.
+ Module
+ , emptyModule
+ , ModuleName, mkModuleName
+ , moduleName
+ , preludeName
+ , ModuleMap
+ , ModuleDecl(..)
+ , moduleDecls
+ , allModuleDecls
+ , moduleDataTypes
+ , moduleImports
+ , findDataType
+ , findDataTypeInMap
+ , moduleCtors
+ , findCtor
+ , findCtorInMap
+ , moduleDefs
+ , allModuleDefs
+ , findDef
+ , insImport
+ , insDataType
+ , insDef
+ , moduleActualDefs
+ , allModuleActualDefs
+ , modulePrimitives
+ , allModulePrimitives
+ , moduleAxioms
+ , allModuleAxioms
+ -- * Data types and definitions.
+ , DataType(..)
+ , Ctor(..)
+ , ctorNumParams
+ , CtorArg(..)
+ , Def(..)
+ , DefQualifier(..)
+ -- * Terms and associated operations.
+ , incVarsSimpleTerm
+ , piArgCount
+ , TermF(..)
+ , FlatTermF(..)
+ , unwrapTermF
+ , zipWithFlatTermF
+ , freesTermF
+ , termToPat
+ , PPOpts(..)
+ , defaultPPOpts
+ , ppTerm
+ , ppTermDepth
+ , showTerm
+ , scPrettyTerm
+ , scPrettyTermInCtx
+ -- * Primitive types.
+ , Sort, mkSort, propSort, sortOf, maxSort
+ , Ident(..), identName, mkIdent
+ , NameInfo(..), toShortName, toAbsoluteName
+ , parseIdent
+ , isIdent
+ , DeBruijnIndex
+ , FieldName
+ , LocalName
+ , ExtCns(..)
+ , VarIndex
+ -- * Utility functions
+ , BitSet, emptyBitSet, inBitSet, unionBitSets, intersectBitSets
+ , decrBitSet, completeBitSet
+ ) where
+import Control.Exception (assert)
+import Prelude hiding (all, foldr)
+import Verifier.SAW.Module
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Pretty
+-- | Returns the number of nested pi expressions.
+piArgCount :: Term -> Int
+piArgCount = go 0
+ where go i t = case unwrapTermF t of
+ Pi _ _ rhs -> go (i+1) rhs
+ _ -> i
+-- | @instantiateVars f l t@ substitutes each dangling bound variable
+-- @LocalVar j t@ with the term @f i j t@, where @i@ is the number of
+-- binders surrounding @LocalVar j t@.
+instantiateVars :: (DeBruijnIndex -> DeBruijnIndex -> Term)
+ -> DeBruijnIndex -> Term -> Term
+instantiateVars f initialLevel = go initialLevel
+ where go :: DeBruijnIndex -> Term -> Term
+ go l (unwrapTermF -> tf) =
+ case tf of
+ FTermF ftf -> Unshared $ FTermF $ fmap (go l) ftf
+ App x y -> Unshared $ App (go l x) (go l y)
+ Constant{} -> Unshared tf -- assume rhs is a closed term, so leave it unchanged
+ Lambda i tp rhs -> Unshared $ Lambda i (go l tp) (go (l+1) rhs)
+ Pi i lhs rhs -> Unshared $ Pi i (go l lhs) (go (l+1) rhs)
+ LocalVar i
+ | i < l -> Unshared $ LocalVar i
+ | otherwise -> f l i
+-- | @incVars j k t@ increments free variables at least @j@ by @k@.
+-- e.g., incVars 1 2 (C ?0 ?1) = C ?0 ?3
+incVarsSimpleTerm :: DeBruijnIndex -> DeBruijnIndex -> Term -> Term
+incVarsSimpleTerm _ 0 = id
+incVarsSimpleTerm initialLevel j = assert (j > 0) $ instantiateVars fn initialLevel
+ where fn _ i = Unshared $ LocalVar (i+j)
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/UnionFind.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/UnionFind.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1615bf1da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/UnionFind.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.UnionFind
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.UnionFind (
+ AssertResult(..)
+ , assertSucceeded
+ -- * Class operations
+ , Class
+ , UnionFind
+ , empty
+ , Action
+ , runAction
+ , classRep
+ , freshClass
+ , areEqual
+ , setEqual
+ , setUnequal
+ -- * Class descriptions
+ , readClassDesc
+ , writeClassDesc
+ , modifyClassDesc
+ ) where
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative (Applicative)
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Data.List (foldl')
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+-- Types {{{1
+type ClassIndex = Int
+-- | Equivalence class in union find structure.
+newtype Class d = Class ClassIndex
+data ClassState d = NonRep !ClassIndex
+ | Rep {
+ _classNeqs :: [ClassIndex] -- ^ Classes not equal to this class
+ , _classSize :: !Int -- ^ Size of class
+ , _classDesc :: d -- ^ Class descriptor
+ }
+data UnionFind d = UFS {
+ ufsCount :: !Int
+ , ufsMap :: !(Map ClassIndex (ClassState d))
+ }
+-- | Returns union find struct with no classes.
+empty :: UnionFind d
+empty = UFS { ufsCount = 0, ufsMap = Map.empty }
+-- | Monad with scoped union find support.
+newtype Action d a = UF { _unUF :: State (UnionFind d) a }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+-- | Runs union find computation.
+runAction :: UnionFind d -> Action d a -> (a, UnionFind d)
+runAction s (UF m) = runState m s
+-- Class operations {{{1
+-- | Get class description
+classRep :: Class d -> Action d (Class d)
+classRep (Class r) = UF $ do
+ m <- gets ufsMap
+ let impl i prev = do
+ case Map.lookup i m of
+ Nothing -> error $ "classRep: Illegal index " ++ show i
+ Just (NonRep next) -> impl next (i:prev)
+ Just Rep{} -> do
+ let updateRep ma j = Map.insert j (NonRep i) ma
+ modify $ \s -> s { ufsMap = foldl' updateRep (ufsMap s) prev }
+ return (Class i)
+ impl r []
+-- | Creates a new class with the given descriptor.
+freshClass :: d -> Action d (Class d)
+freshClass d = UF $ do
+ UFS { ufsCount = c, ufsMap = m } <- get
+ put UFS { ufsCount = c + 1, ufsMap = Map.insert c (Rep [] 1 d) m }
+ return $ Class c
+-- | Return true if two classes are equal.
+areEqual :: Class d -> Class d -> Action d Bool
+areEqual cx cy = do
+ Class rx <- classRep cx
+ Class ry <- classRep cy
+ return (rx == ry)
+toClassIdx :: Class d -> ClassIndex
+toClassIdx (Class c) = c
+data AssertResult = AssertSuccess | AssertFailed | AssertRedundant
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+assertSucceeded :: AssertResult -> Bool
+assertSucceeded AssertSuccess = True
+assertSucceeded AssertFailed = False
+assertSucceeded AssertRedundant = True
+-- | Attempt to set two equivalence classes to be equal.
+-- Returns true if attempt succeeded, and false is classes are
+-- previously set inequal.
+setEqual :: Class d
+ -> Class d
+ -> d -- ^ Descriptor for union class.
+ -> Action d AssertResult
+setEqual x y d = do
+ Class xr <- classRep x
+ Class yr <- classRep y
+ if xr == yr
+ then return AssertRedundant
+ else do
+ m <- UF $ gets ufsMap
+ let Rep xne xsz _xd = m Map.! xr
+ let Rep yne ysz _yd = m Map.! yr
+ xElts <- fmap (map toClassIdx) $ mapM classRep (map Class xne)
+ yElts <- fmap (map toClassIdx) $ mapM classRep (map Class yne)
+ if xr `elem` yElts || yr `elem` xElts
+ then return AssertFailed
+ else do
+ let neqs = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ xElts ++ yElts
+ UF $ modify $ \s ->
+ if xsz < ysz
+ then do
+ s { ufsMap =
+ Map.insert xr (NonRep yr) $
+ Map.insert yr (Rep neqs (xsz + ysz) d) $
+ ufsMap s }
+ else do
+ s { ufsMap =
+ Map.insert xr (Rep neqs (xsz + ysz) d) $
+ Map.insert yr (NonRep xr) $
+ ufsMap s }
+ return AssertSuccess
+-- | Attempt to set two equivalence classes to be unequal.
+-- Returns true if attempt succeeded, and false is classes are
+-- previously set equal.
+setUnequal :: Class d -> Class d -> Action d AssertResult
+setUnequal x y = do
+ Class xr <- classRep x
+ Class yr <- classRep y
+ if xr == yr
+ then return AssertFailed
+ else do
+ m <- UF $ gets ufsMap
+ let Rep xne xsz xd = m Map.! xr
+ let Rep yne _ _ = m Map.! yr
+ xElts <- fmap (map toClassIdx) $ mapM classRep (map Class xne)
+ yElts <- fmap (map toClassIdx) $ mapM classRep (map Class yne)
+ if xr `elem` yElts || yr `elem` xElts
+ then return AssertRedundant
+ else do
+ UF $ modify $ \s -> s { ufsMap = Map.insert xr (Rep (yr:xne) xsz xd) (ufsMap s) }
+ return AssertSuccess
+-- Class descriptions {{{1
+-- | Get a class description
+readClassDesc :: Class d -> Action d d
+readClassDesc c = do
+ Class rC <- classRep c
+ m <- UF $ gets ufsMap
+ let Rep _ _ desc = m Map.! rC
+ return desc
+-- | Set a class description
+writeClassDesc :: Class d -> d -> Action d ()
+writeClassDesc c d = do
+ Class rC <- classRep c
+ UF $ modify $ \s ->
+ let Rep dis sz _ = (ufsMap s) Map.! rC
+ in s { ufsMap = Map.insert rC (Rep dis sz d) (ufsMap s) }
+-- | Modify a class description
+modifyClassDesc :: Class d -> (d -> d) -> Action d ()
+modifyClassDesc c fn = do
+ Class rC <- classRep c
+ UF $ modify $ \s ->
+ let Rep dis sz desc = (ufsMap s) Map.! rC
+ in s { ufsMap = Map.insert rC (Rep dis sz (fn desc)) (ufsMap s) }
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Unique.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Unique.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..317254e915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Unique.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Unique
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : huffman@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.Unique (getUniqueInt) where
+import Data.IORef
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
+globalRef :: IORef Int
+{-# NOINLINE globalRef #-}
+globalRef = unsafePerformIO (newIORef 0)
+-- | Get the next unique integer, and increment the global counter
+getUniqueInt :: IO Int
+getUniqueInt = atomicModifyIORef' globalRef (\x -> (x+1, x))
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/UntypedAST.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/UntypedAST.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47134b3afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/UntypedAST.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.UntypedAST
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Verifier.SAW.UntypedAST
+ ( Module(..)
+ , ModuleName, mkModuleName
+ , Decl(..)
+ , Import(..)
+ , ImportConstraint(..)
+ , nameSatsConstraint
+ , CtorDecl(..)
+ , Term(..)
+ , TermVar(..)
+ , termVarString
+ , termVarLocalName
+ , TermCtx
+ , asApp
+ , asPiList
+ , mkTupleValue
+ , mkTupleType
+ , mkTupleSelector
+ , FieldName
+ , Sort, mkSort, propSort, sortOf
+ , badTerm
+ , module Verifier.SAW.Position
+ , moduleName
+ , moduleTypedDecls
+ , moduleDataDecls
+ , moduleCtorDecls
+ , moduleTypedDataDecls
+ , moduleTypedCtorDecls
+ ) where
+#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
+import Numeric.Natural
+import Verifier.SAW.Position
+import Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
+ ( ModuleName, mkModuleName
+ , Sort, mkSort, propSort, sortOf
+ , FieldName, DefQualifier
+ , LocalName
+ )
+data Term
+ = Name (PosPair Text)
+ | Sort Pos Sort
+ | App Term Term
+ | Lambda Pos TermCtx Term
+ | Pi Pos TermCtx Term
+ | Recursor (Maybe ModuleName) (PosPair Text)
+ | UnitValue Pos
+ | UnitType Pos
+ -- | New-style records
+ | RecordValue Pos [(PosPair FieldName, Term)]
+ | RecordType Pos [(PosPair FieldName, Term)]
+ | RecordProj Term FieldName
+ -- | Simple pairs
+ | PairValue Pos Term Term
+ | PairType Pos Term Term
+ | PairLeft Term
+ | PairRight Term
+ -- | Identifies a type constraint on the term, i.e., a type ascription
+ | TypeConstraint Term Pos Term
+ | NatLit Pos Natural
+ | StringLit Pos Text
+ -- | Vector literal.
+ | VecLit Pos [Term]
+ | BadTerm Pos
+ deriving (Show, TH.Lift)
+-- | A pattern used for matching a variable.
+data TermVar
+ = TermVar (PosPair LocalName)
+ | UnusedVar Pos
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, TH.Lift)
+-- | Return the 'String' name associated with a 'TermVar'
+termVarString :: TermVar -> String
+termVarString (TermVar (PosPair _ str)) = Text.unpack str
+termVarString (UnusedVar _) = "_"
+-- | Return the 'LocalName' associated with a 'TermVar'
+termVarLocalName :: TermVar -> LocalName
+termVarLocalName (TermVar (PosPair _ str)) = str
+termVarLocalName (UnusedVar _) = "_"
+-- | A context of 0 or more variable bindings, with types
+type TermCtx = [(TermVar,Term)]
+instance Positioned Term where
+ pos t =
+ case t of
+ Name i -> pos i
+ Sort p _ -> p
+ Lambda p _ _ -> p
+ App x _ -> pos x
+ Pi p _ _ -> p
+ Recursor _ i -> pos i
+ UnitValue p -> p
+ UnitType p -> p
+ RecordValue p _ -> p
+ RecordType p _ -> p
+ RecordProj x _ -> pos x
+ PairValue p _ _ -> p
+ PairType p _ _ -> p
+ PairLeft x -> pos x
+ PairRight x -> pos x
+ TypeConstraint _ p _ -> p
+ NatLit p _ -> p
+ StringLit p _ -> p
+ VecLit p _ -> p
+ BadTerm p -> p
+instance Positioned TermVar where
+ pos (TermVar i) = pos i
+ pos (UnusedVar p) = p
+badTerm :: Pos -> Term
+badTerm = BadTerm
+-- | A constructor declaration of the form @c (x1 :: tp1) .. (xn :: tpn) :: tp@
+data CtorDecl = Ctor (PosPair Text) TermCtx Term
+ deriving (Show, TH.Lift)
+-- | A top-level declaration in a saw-core file
+data Decl
+ = TypeDecl DefQualifier (PosPair Text) Term
+ -- ^ A declaration of something having a type, where the declaration
+ -- qualifier states what flavor of thing it is
+ | DataDecl (PosPair Text) TermCtx Term [CtorDecl]
+ -- ^ A declaration of an inductive data types, with a name, a parameter
+ -- context, a return type, and a list of constructor declarations
+ | TermDef (PosPair Text) [TermVar] Term
+ -- ^ A declaration of a term having a definition, with variables
+ | TypedDef (PosPair Text) [(TermVar, Term)] Term Term
+ -- ^ A definition of something with a specific type, with parameters
+ deriving (Show, TH.Lift)
+-- | A set of constraints on what 'String' names to import from a module
+data ImportConstraint
+ = SpecificImports [String]
+ -- ^ Only import the given names
+ | HidingImports [String]
+ -- ^ Import all but the given names
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, TH.Lift)
+-- | An import declaration
+data Import = Import { importModName :: PosPair ModuleName
+ -- ^ The name of the module to import
+ , importConstraints :: Maybe ImportConstraint
+ -- ^ The constraints on what to import
+ }
+ deriving (Show, TH.Lift)
+-- | Test whether a 'String' name satisfies the constraints of an 'Import'
+nameSatsConstraint :: Maybe ImportConstraint -> String -> Bool
+nameSatsConstraint Nothing _ = True
+nameSatsConstraint (Just (SpecificImports ns)) n = elem n ns
+nameSatsConstraint (Just (HidingImports ns)) n = notElem n ns
+-- | A module declaration gives:
+-- * A name for the module;
+-- * A list of imports; AND
+-- * A list of top-level declarations
+data Module = Module (PosPair ModuleName) [Import] [Decl]
+ deriving (Show, TH.Lift)
+moduleName :: Module -> ModuleName
+moduleName (Module (PosPair _ mnm) _ _) = mnm
+-- | Get a list of all names (i.e., definitions, axioms, or primitives) declared
+-- in a module, along with their types and qualifiers
+moduleTypedDecls :: Module -> [(Text, Term)]
+moduleTypedDecls (Module _ _ decls) = concatMap helper decls where
+ helper :: Decl -> [(Text, Term)]
+ helper (TypeDecl _ (PosPair _ nm) tm) = [(nm,tm)]
+ helper _ = []
+-- | Get a list of all datatypes declared in a module
+moduleDataDecls :: Module -> [(Text, TermCtx, Term, [CtorDecl])]
+moduleDataDecls (Module _ _ decls) = concatMap helper decls where
+ helper :: Decl -> [(Text, TermCtx, Term, [CtorDecl])]
+ helper (DataDecl (PosPair _ nm) params tp ctors) = [(nm, params, tp, ctors)]
+ helper _ = []
+moduleTypedDataDecls :: Module -> [(Text, Term)]
+moduleTypedDataDecls =
+ map (\(nm,p_ctx,tp,_) ->
+ (nm, Pi (pos tp) p_ctx tp)) . moduleDataDecls
+-- | Get a list of all constructors declared in a module, along with the context
+-- of parameters for each one
+moduleCtorDecls :: Module -> [(TermCtx,CtorDecl)]
+moduleCtorDecls =
+ concatMap (\(_,p_ctx,_,ctors) -> map (p_ctx,) ctors) . moduleDataDecls
+-- | Get a list of the names and types of all the constructors in a module
+moduleTypedCtorDecls :: Module -> [(Text, Term)]
+moduleTypedCtorDecls =
+ concatMap (\(_,p_ctx,_,ctors) ->
+ map (\(Ctor (PosPair _ nm) ctx tp) ->
+ (nm, Pi (pos tp) (p_ctx ++ ctx) tp)) ctors)
+ . moduleDataDecls
+asPiList :: Term -> (TermCtx,Term)
+asPiList (Pi _ ctx1 body1) =
+ let (ctx2,body2) = asPiList body1 in
+ (ctx1 ++ ctx2, body2)
+asPiList t = ([], t)
+asApp :: Term -> (Term,[Term])
+asApp = go []
+ where go l (App t u) = go (u:l) t
+ go l t = (t,l)
+-- | Build a tuple value @(x1, .., xn)@.
+mkTupleValue :: Pos -> [Term] -> Term
+mkTupleValue p [] = UnitValue p
+mkTupleValue _ [x] = x
+mkTupleValue p (x:xs) = PairValue (pos x) x (mkTupleValue p xs)
+-- | Build a tuple type @#(x1, .., xn)@.
+mkTupleType :: Pos -> [Term] -> Term
+mkTupleType p [] = UnitType p
+mkTupleType _ [x] = x
+mkTupleType p (x:xs) = PairType (pos x) x (mkTupleType p xs)
+-- | Build a projection @t.i@ of a tuple. NOTE: This function does not
+-- work to access the last component in a tuple, since it always
+-- generates a @PairLeft@.
+mkTupleSelector :: Term -> Natural -> Term
+mkTupleSelector t i
+ | i == 1 = PairLeft t
+ | i > 1 = mkTupleSelector (PairRight t) (i - 1)
+ | otherwise = error "mkTupleSelector: non-positive index"
diff --git a/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Utils.hs b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Utils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a18ef6662c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Utils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+{- |
+Module : Verifier.SAW.Utils
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+Provides utility functions about general data structured used by SAW.
+Declarations here should refer primarily to terms defined in other packages.
+SAW-specific declarations should be stored in separate modules.
+{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy, TemplateHaskell #-}
+module Verifier.SAW.Utils
+ ( internalError
+ , panic
+ , sumBy
+ ) where
+import Data.Foldable
+import Panic hiding (panic)
+import qualified Panic as Panic
+sumBy :: (Foldable t, Num b) => (a -> b) -> t a -> b
+sumBy f = foldl' fn 0
+ where fn e v = e + f v
+internalError :: String -> a
+internalError msg = error $ "internal: " ++ msg
+data SawCore = SawCore
+panic :: HasCallStack => String -> [String] -> a
+panic = Panic.panic SawCore
+instance PanicComponent SawCore where
+ panicComponentName _ = "SawCore"
+ panicComponentIssues _ = "https://github.com/GaloisInc/saw-script/issues"
+ {-# Noinline panicComponentRevision #-}
+ panicComponentRevision = $useGitRevision
diff --git a/saw-core/tests/src/Tests.hs b/saw-core/tests/src/Tests.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..367abc1e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/tests/src/Tests.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
+{- |
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Main where
+import Test.Tasty
+import Test.Tasty.Options
+import Test.Tasty.Ingredients
+import Test.Tasty.Runners.AntXML
+import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
+import Data.Proxy
+import Tests.CacheTests
+import Tests.Parser
+import Tests.SharedTerm
+import Tests.Rewriter
+main :: IO ()
+main = defaultMainWithIngredients ingrs tests
+ingrs :: [Ingredient]
+ingrs =
+ [ antXMLRunner
+ -- explicitly including this option keeps the test suite from failing due
+ -- to passing the '--quickcheck-tests' option on the command line
+ , includingOptions [ Option (Proxy :: Proxy QuickCheckTests) ]
+ ]
+ ++
+ defaultIngredients
+tests :: TestTree
+tests =
+ testGroup "SAWCore"
+ [ testGroup "SharedTerm" sharedTermTests
+ , testGroup "Parser" parserTests
+ , testGroup "Rewriter" rewriter_tests
+ , testGroup "Cache" cacheTests
+ ]
diff --git a/saw-core/tests/src/Tests/CacheTests.hs b/saw-core/tests/src/Tests/CacheTests.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3539e63303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/tests/src/Tests/CacheTests.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2019
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : kquick@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : portable
+module Tests.CacheTests
+ ( cacheTests
+ )
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.ST
+import Data.Ref ( C )
+import Test.Tasty
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import Verifier.SAW.Cache
+cacheTests :: [TestTree]
+cacheTests =
+ [ cacheMapTestIO
+ , cacheMapTestST
+ , intMapTestIO
+ , intMapTestST
+ ]
+-- | Tests that a normal cache map can be used that will memoize
+-- values in the IO monad.
+cacheMapTestIO :: TestTree
+cacheMapTestIO =
+ testGroup "normal map IO tests"
+ [
+ testCase "String->Bool small test" $
+ cTestA newCacheMap [ ("hello", True), ("world", False) ]
+ , testCase "String->String test" $
+ cTestA newCacheMap [ ("hello", "world"), ("world", "fair"), ("Goodbye", "!") ]
+ , testCase "Int->Char test" $
+ cTestA newCacheMap [ (9 :: Int, 'n'), (3, 't'), (-427, 'f'), (0, 'z') ]
+ ]
+cacheMapTestST :: TestTree
+cacheMapTestST =
+ testGroup "normal map ST tests"
+ [
+ testCase "String->Bool small test" $
+ stToIO $ cTestA newCacheMap [ ("hello", True), ("world", False) ]
+ , testCase "String->String test" $
+ stToIO $ cTestA newCacheMap [ ("hello", "world"), ("world", "fair"), ("Goodbye", "!") ]
+ , testCase "Int->Char test" $
+ stToIO $ cTestA newCacheMap [ (9 :: Int, 'n'), (3, 't'), (-427, 'f'), (0, 'z') ]
+ ]
+-- | Tests that a normal cache map can be used that will memoize
+-- values in the IO monad.
+intMapTestIO :: TestTree
+intMapTestIO =
+ testGroup "int map IO tests"
+ [
+ testCase "intmap Bool small test" $
+ cTestA newCacheIntMap [ (11, True), (0, False) ]
+ , testCase "intmap Int test" $
+ cTestA newCacheIntMap [ (1, 0 :: Int), (0, -5), (-5, 39) ]
+ , testCase "intmap String test" $
+ cTestA newCacheIntMap [ (1, "True"), (0, "not yet"), (-5, "negative"), (3248902, "big") ]
+ ]
+-- | Tests that a normal cache map can be used that will memoize
+-- values in the IO monad.
+intMapTestST :: TestTree
+intMapTestST =
+ testGroup "int map IO tests"
+ [
+ testCase "intmap Bool small test" $
+ stToIO $ cTestA newCacheIntMap [ (11, True), (0, False) ]
+ , testCase "intmap Int test" $
+ stToIO $ cTestA newCacheIntMap [ (1, 0 :: Int), (0, -5), (-5, 39) ]
+ , testCase "intmap String test" $
+ stToIO $ cTestA newCacheIntMap [ (1, "True"), (0, "not yet"), (-5, "negative"), (3248902, "big") ]
+ ]
+-- Always pass at least 2 entries in the keyval array, keys and values should be independently unique
+cTestA :: (C m, Eq k, Eq v, Show k, Show v) =>
+ m (Cache m k v) -> [(k,v)] -> m ()
+cTestA mkCache keyvals = do
+ c1 <- mkCache -- will cache the keyvals
+ c2 <- mkCache -- will separately cache all keys equal to the same val (the first)
+ let (k0, v0) = head keyvals
+ let (kOmega, vOmega) = last keyvals
+ -- Verify a value can be added, and once it is added, it does not
+ -- need to be recomputed (i.e. it is memoized)
+ v0' <- useCache c1 k0 (return v0)
+ v0'' <- useCache c1 k0 (error "should not be called")
+ unless (v0 == v0') $ error "initial cache store failed"
+ unless (v0 == v0'') $ error "cached value retrieval failed"
+ vOmega' <- useCache c2 k0 (return vOmega)
+ vOmega'' <- useCache c2 k0 (return v0)
+ unless (vOmega == vOmega') $ error "second cache initial store failed"
+ unless (v0' /= vOmega') $ error "caches are not independent"
+ unless (vOmega == vOmega'') $ error "initial cache value is not persistent"
+ -- Verify all the other values can similarly be cached once, and
+ -- that they are distinct from the initial value.
+ forM_ (tail keyvals) $ \(k,v) -> do
+ vx <- useCache c1 k (return v)
+ unless (v == vx) $ error "incorrect value stored"
+ vy <- useCache c1 k (error "must not be called for vy")
+ unless (v == vy) $ error "incorrect value cached"
+ vo <- useCache c1 k0 (error "must not be called for vo")
+ when (vy == vo) $ error "value collision"
+ vz <- useCache c1 k (error "must not be called for vz")
+ unless (v == vz) $ error "correct value not still cached"
+ v2 <- useCache c2 k (return vOmega)
+ unless (vOmega == v2) $ error "incorrect stored in second cache"
+ if k == kOmega
+ then unless (v2 == vz) $ error "caches can share values"
+ else unless (v2 /= vz) $ error "caches are independent for all keys"
diff --git a/saw-core/tests/src/Tests/Parser.hs b/saw-core/tests/src/Tests/Parser.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29d9b5d439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/tests/src/Tests/Parser.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+{- |
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Tests.Parser where
+import Test.Tasty
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import Verifier.SAW.Module
+import Verifier.SAW.Prelude
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Verifier.SAW.Term.Functor
+checkGroundTerm :: Term -> Bool
+checkGroundTerm t = looseVars t == emptyBitSet
+namedMsg :: Ident -> String -> String
+namedMsg sym msg = "In " ++ show sym ++ ": " ++ msg
+checkDef :: Def -> Assertion
+checkDef d = do
+ let sym = defIdent d
+ let tp = defType d
+ assertBool (namedMsg sym "Type is not ground.") (checkGroundTerm tp)
+ case defBody d of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just body ->
+ assertBool (namedMsg sym "Body is not ground.") (checkGroundTerm body)
+checkPrelude :: Assertion
+checkPrelude =
+ do sc <- mkSharedContext
+ scLoadPreludeModule sc
+ modmap <- scGetModuleMap sc
+ mapM_ checkDef $ allModuleDefs modmap
+parserTests :: [TestTree]
+parserTests =
+ [ testCase "preludeModule" checkPrelude
+ ]
diff --git a/saw-core/tests/src/Tests/Rewriter.hs b/saw-core/tests/src/Tests/Rewriter.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66854f7539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/tests/src/Tests/Rewriter.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{- |
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Tests.Rewriter
+ ( rewriter_tests
+ ) where
+import Verifier.SAW.Conversion
+import Verifier.SAW.Prelude
+import Verifier.SAW.Rewriter
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+import Test.Tasty
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+scMkTerm :: SharedContext -> TermBuilder Term -> IO Term
+scMkTerm sc t = runTermBuilder t (scGlobalDef sc) (scTermF sc)
+rewriter_tests :: [TestTree]
+rewriter_tests =
+ [ prelude_bveq_sameL_test ]
+prelude_bveq_sameL_test :: TestTree
+prelude_bveq_sameL_test =
+ testCase "prelude_bveq_sameL_test" $ do
+ sc0 <- mkSharedContext
+ scLoadPreludeModule sc0
+ let eqs = [ "Prelude.bveq_sameL" ]
+ ss <- scSimpset sc0 [] eqs []
+ let sc = rewritingSharedContext sc0 ss
+ natType <- scMkTerm sc (mkDataType "Prelude.Nat" [] [])
+ n <- scFreshGlobal sc "n" natType
+ let boolType = mkDataType "Prelude.Bool" [] []
+ bvType <- scMkTerm sc (mkDataType "Prelude.Vec" [] [pure n, boolType])
+ x <- scFreshGlobal sc "x" bvType
+ z <- scFreshGlobal sc "z" bvType
+ let lhs =
+ mkGlobalDef "Prelude.bvEq"
+ `pureApp` n
+ `pureApp` x
+ `mkApp` (mkGlobalDef "Prelude.bvAdd" `pureApp` n `pureApp` x `pureApp` z)
+ let rhs =
+ mkGlobalDef "Prelude.bvEq"
+ `pureApp` n
+ `mkApp` (mkGlobalDef "Prelude.bvNat" `pureApp` n `mkApp` mkNatLit 0)
+ `pureApp` z
+ lhs_term <- scMkTerm sc lhs
+ rhs_term <- scMkTerm sc rhs
+ assertEqual "Incorrect conversion\n" lhs_term rhs_term
diff --git a/saw-core/tests/src/Tests/SharedTerm.hs b/saw-core/tests/src/Tests/SharedTerm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa028a7b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/tests/src/Tests/SharedTerm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2015
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Tests.SharedTerm
+ ( sharedTermTests
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad
+import Test.Tasty
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import Verifier.SAW.Prelude
+import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
+sharedTermTests :: [TestTree]
+sharedTermTests =
+ [ preludeSharedSmokeTest
+ ]
+-- | Tests that a shared context for the prelude can be created,
+-- along with a single term.
+preludeSharedSmokeTest :: TestTree
+preludeSharedSmokeTest =
+ testCase "preludeSharedSmokeTest" $ do
+ sc <- mkSharedContext
+ scLoadPreludeModule sc
+ void $ scApplyPrelude_Bool sc
+ return ()
diff --git a/saw-core/tools/extcore-info.hs b/saw-core/tools/extcore-info.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..220d046f36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saw-core/tools/extcore-info.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{- |
+Copyright : Galois, Inc. 2012-2014
+License : BSD3
+Maintainer : jhendrix@galois.com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : non-portable (language extensions)
+module Main where
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
+import Verifier.SAW
+processFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
+processFile file = do
+ sc <- mkSharedContext
+ scLoadPreludeModule sc
+ tm <- scReadExternal sc =<< readFile file
+ putStrLn $ "Shared size: " ++ show (scSharedSize tm)
+ putStrLn $ "Tree size: " ++ show (scTreeSize tm)
+main :: IO ()
+main = mapM_ processFile =<< getArgs