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Summary of Metavariables

In this document, we use the following metavariables to refer to different sorts of data.

Metavariable Description
a Permission type
e Permission expression
b, w Bitvector expression
x Permission expression variable
rw ReadWrite modality expression
sh Shape expression
l Lifetime expression
p Value permission

Value Types

The Heapster value types include the regular crucible types as well as heapster-specific types:

Permission Types a Description
unit Crucible unit type
bool Crucible boolean type
nat Crucible type of natural numbers
bv w Crucible bitvector type of width w
struct(a1,..,an) Crucible struct type [equivalent to a tuple, not to be used for C structs]
llvmptr w llvm-specific crucible type of pointers of width w
rwmodality type of modality for read or write permissions
permlist type of a list of permissions - outdated
llvmframe w type of ghost objects that represent the current stack frame with respect to bitvectors of width w
perm(a) type of permissions describing how to use an object of type a. That is, the proposition x:p for a permission p of type perm(a) means "a value x of type a has permission p".
llvmshape w type of shapes with respect to bitvectors of width w
llvmblock w type of blocks of memory with respect to bitvectors of width w

Permission expressions

Expressions that are considered "pure" for use in permissions.

A llvm-pointer (aka an llvm value) is either an llvmword or a variable+an offset

Any crucible type can have a variable of that type, and that thing is an expression

Permission Expressions e Type Description
x any Any expression variable
unit unit A unit literal
b bool A literal boolean value
n nat A literal natural number
n bv w A literal bitvector
b1 + b2 bv w Sum of two bitvectors
-b bv w 2's complement negation of a bitvector
b1 * b2 bv w Linear multiplication of two bitvectors, meaning that one of the operands must be a constant
struct(e1,..,en) struct(a1,..,an) A (crucible) struct is a tuple of expressions for each argument of the struct type. Crucible structs are different from C structs, and we only use crucible structs when we need to, otherwise C structs are described manually as pointers into chunks of memory
llvmword(e) llvmptr(w) An LLVM value that represents a word, i.e. whose region identifier is 0, given a bitvector expression e:bv w
x &+ o llvmptr(w) An LLVM pointer built by adding an offset o (a bitvector expression) to an LLVM pointer variable x
R rwmodality The read modality
W rwmodality The write modality
p perm(a) A permission as an expression

In addition to the above expressions, we also have shape expressions, which we separated out only for the sake of readability.

Shape Permission Expressions sh Type Description
emptysh llvmshape w The empty shape
name<e1,..,en> llvmshape w A named shape along with arguments for it, with optional read/write and lifetime modalities that are applied to the body of the shape. Named shapes can either be (1) defined shapes (alias) (2) recursive shapes, or (3) opaque shapes (axioms-all you know is their length).
eqsh(e) llvmshape w A shape equal to the llvmblock e, where e is an expression of type llvmblock w. Used to type memcpy.
sh1 orsh sh2 llvmshape w A disjunctive shape. sh1 and sh2 need not have the same size.
sh1 ; sh2 llvmshape w A sequence of two shapes
[l]ptrsh(rw,sh) llvmshape w A shape for a pointer to another memory block, i.e. a memblock permission, with a given shape. This memblock permission will have the same read/write and lifetime modalities as the memblock permission containing this pointer shape, unless they are specifically overridden by the pointer shape; i.e., we have that [l]memblock(rw,off,len,[l']ptrsh(rw',sh)) = [l]memblock(rw,off,len, fieldsh([l']memblock(rw',0,len(sh),sh))), where rw' and/or l' can be Nothing, in which case they default to rw and l, respectively.
fieldsh(sz,p) llvmshape w A shape for a single pointer field, given a permission p that acts on a pointer of size sz.
fieldsh(p) llvmshape w Equivalent to fieldsh(w,p).
arraysh(s,len,sh) llvmshape w A shape for an array with the given stride, length (in number of elements = total length / stride), and fields sh
exsh llvmshape w An existential shape
falsesh llvmshape w The unsatisfiable or contradictory shape

Value permissions

A value permission is a permission to do something with a value, such as use it as a pointer. This also includes a limited set of predicates on values (you can think about this as "permission to assume the value satisfies this predicate" if you like).

The type of permissions, perm(a), can be thought of as a function from values of type a to a pair of a proposition and a rely-guarantee permission.

[| perm(a) |] = a -> (prop * rely-guarantee permission)

For example, informally:

[| ptr((W,0) ⊢> true) |] = \x ->
   (x is allocated, you can read/write to *x in
   the current memory and no one else can)

[| ptr((R,0) ⊢> true) |] = \x ->
   (x is allocated, you can read from *x in the current memory
   and no one else can write to it)

For a variable x:a, the proposition x:p means "x has permission p": this takes [|p|]:a -> (prop * RG perm) and applies it to x:a to get a (prop * rg perm)

Permissions p Type Description
true perm(a) trivial permission that always holds
p1 or p2 perm(a) disjunction; both p1 and p2 must satisfy perm(a)
p1 * p2 perm(a) separating conjunction; p1 and p2 (both satisfying perm(a)) must be atomic permissions (not a disjunction, existential, or equality permission)
eq(e) perm(a) a value equal to the expression e:a
exists x:a. p perm(b) there exists some expression e:a such that p[e/x]:perm(b) holds
false perm(a) The unsatisfiable or contradictory permission
x<e1,..,e2>@o perm(a) A named permission with expression arguments, with optional offset expression o. Named permissions can either be (1) defined permissions (aliases) (2) recursive permissions, or (3) opaque permissions (axioms).
[l]array(rw, off,<len,*stride,sh) perm(llvmptr w) a permission for a pointer to an array, where:
  • l is the lifetime during which this permission is active;
  • off is a permission expression representing the offset of this array from the pointer in bytes;
  • len is a permission expression representing the number of cells in the array;
  • stride is a permission expression representing the number of bytes in a cell;
  • sh is a shape expression representing the shape of elements in the array
[l]memblock(rw,o,len,sh) perm(llvmptr w) gives read or write access to a memory block, whose contents also give some permissions, where:
  • rw indicates whether this is a read or write block permission
  • l is the lifetime during which this block permission is active
  • o is the offset of the block from the pointer in bytes
  • len is the length of the block in bytes
  • sh is the shape of the block
free(e) perm(llvmptr w) Says that we have permission to free the memory pointed at by this pointer if we have write permission to e words of size w, where e is a permission expression for a bitvector of width w. Superseded by opaque permissions.
[l]ptr((rw,o) |-> p) perm(llvmptr w) pointer permission where
  • l is a lifetime during which the permission can be used
  • rw is a read or write token
  • o is the offset from the variable the permission applies to where the read or write is being allowed
  • p is the permission held by the value being pointed to at the offset, of type perm(llvmptr w).
This is similar to exists y. [l]ptr((rw,o) ⊢> eq(y)) * y:p but we can't actually write this in Heapster because we can't write y:p on locally-bound variables.
[l]ptr((rw,o,sz) |-> p) perm(llvmptr w) Similar to [l]ptr((rw,o) ⊢> p) but where the value pointed to has sz bits, i.e., p:llvmptr sz. So, for x : llvmptr w (w = number of bits), the permission [l]ptr((rw,o) ⊢> p) is equivalent to [l]ptr((rw,o,w) ⊢> p)
shape(sh) perm(llvmblock w) Says that a memory block has shape expression sh
lowned [ls](x1:P1,... -o x1':P1',...) perm(l) Permission l:lowned (...) says that the current task/process/function/code owns lifetime l. A lifetime intuitively represents a period of time, during which it is "current" and after which it is "finished". Ownership of l is the permission to end l whenever you want, assuming certain conditions (described below) are met, along with the knowledge that l has not yet been ended, i.e., that l is current. This latter knowledge allows the owner of l to use permissions like [l]ptr(...) that depend on l being current.
Most of the structure of the lowned permission describes the conditions under which l can be ended. The list ls contains lifetimes that are contained in l, meaning they must end before l ends. Once all lifetimes in ls are finished, the act of ending l can be performed, and has permission type given by the implication ∏in -o ∏out, where each is a list of the form x1:P1, ..., xn:Pn. That is, ending l requires permissions ∏in to be "given back" to l, and in exchange the ender gets permissions ∏out, which are intuitively being held by l until it is finished.
[l']lcurrent perm(l) Assertion that a lifetime l is current during another lifetime expression l'
lfinished perm(l) Assertion that a lifetime has finished
llvmfunptr{n,w}((x0:p_g,...) arg0:p0,... -o arg0:p0',...,ret:p_ret) perm(llvmptr w) Says an LLVM value is a pointer to a function with n arguments, each of which have type llvmptr w (i.e., have bit width w), and with output type llvmptr w. This function takes in ghost arguments x0:p_g,..., as well as input permissions given by permission p0 on the first argument, p1 on the second, etc.. The function returns permissions p0' on the first argument, p1' on the second, etc., along with permission pret on the return value.
Note that arg0, arg1, etc, and ret, are not variables: they must have those names, though the argument variables may occur in any order.
llvmframe[e1:m1,..,en:mn] perm(llvmframe w) Permission to allocate (via alloca) on an LLVM stack frame, and permission to delete that stack frame if we have exclusive permissions to all the given LLVM pointer objects. The frame permission is a list of permission expressions (e_i) for pointers that have been allocated in the frame and their corresponding allocation sizes (m_i) in words of size n.
struct(p1,..,pn) perm (struct(a1,..,an)) A struct permission is a sequence of permissions for each argument of the crucible struct type