diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 52aa8741c..85a193ec9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -62,13 +62,6 @@ In addition, there are the following library/executable packages:
    simulator.  This is the backend for the `cargo crux-test` command provided
    by `mir-json`.  See the [`crux-mir` README](crux-mir/README.md) for details.
- * **`crucible-server`**, a standalone process that allows constructing
-   and symbolically executing Crucible programs via [Protocol Buffers][pb].
-   The crucible-server directory also contains a Java API for
-   connecting to and working with the `crucible-server`.
-[pb]: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ "Protocol Buffers"
  * **`uc-crux-llvm`**, another standalone frontend for executing C and C++
    programs in the Crucible symbolic simulator, using "under-constrained"
    symbolic execution. Essentially, this technique can start at any function in
@@ -115,19 +108,6 @@ cabal new-build all
 Alternately, you can target a more specific sub-package instead of `all`.
-If you wish to build `crucible-server` (which will be built if you
-build all packages, as above), then the build depends on having `hpb`
-in your path. After fetching the dependencies, this can be arranged by
-entering `dependencies/hpb/` and running the following commands:
-cabal sandbox init
-cabal install --dependencies-only
-cabal install
-cp ./cabal-sandbox/bin/hpb ⟨EXE_PATH⟩
-where `⟨EXE_PATH⟩` is a directory on your `$PATH`.
 Testing and Coverage
diff --git a/cabal.project b/cabal.project
index fa6d9ceef..f00f857a9 100644
--- a/cabal.project
+++ b/cabal.project
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ optional-packages:
-  dependencies/hpb/
diff --git a/crucible-server/.gitignore b/crucible-server/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index c1d9b4c9b..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crucible-server/LICENSE b/crucible-server/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b558b495..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Galois Inc.
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-are met:
-  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
-    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-    distribution.
-  * Neither the name of Galois, Inc. nor the names of its contributors
-    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
-    software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/crucible-server/README b/crucible-server/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 86a0e563c..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains the crucible-server binary and the Java API for working with
diff --git a/crucible-server/Setup.hs b/crucible-server/Setup.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d3b7be78..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/Setup.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-module Main (main) where
-import Control.Exception
-import Control.Monad (when)
-import Distribution.PackageDescription
-  ( BuildInfo
-  , GenericPackageDescription
-  , HookedBuildInfo
-  )
-import Distribution.Simple
-import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
-import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess
-import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
-import Distribution.Simple.Setup
-import System.Directory
-import System.FilePath
-import System.IO.Error
-import System.Process
-import Distribution.Simple.Utils
-import Distribution.PackageDescription hiding (Flag)
--- | Path to Protocol buffer file.
-pbPath :: FilePath
-pbPath = "proto" </> "crucible.proto"
--- | Module name for protocol buffer file.
-protoModule :: String
-protoModule = "Lang.Crucible.Proto"
--- | Path to protocol buffer file.
-protoOutPath :: FilePath
-protoOutPath = "Lang" </> "Crucible" </> "Proto.hs"
-needsRebuild :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool
-needsRebuild src_path tgt_path = do
-  let h e | isPermissionError e = return True
-          | isDoesNotExistError e = return True
-          | otherwise = throwIO e
-  handle h $ do
-    src_time <- getModificationTime src_path
-    tgt_time <- getModificationTime tgt_path
-    return (tgt_time < src_time)
-runHPB :: Args -> BuildFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo
-runHPB args flags = do
-  putStrLn "Running preBuild"
-  case buildDistPref flags of
-    NoFlag -> do
-      fail "Path not specified."
-    Flag distPath -> do
-      let out_dir = distPath </> "build"
-      mkProto out_dir
-      preBuild simpleUserHooks args flags
--- | Write out a file to the protocol buffe to given directory.
-mkProto :: FilePath -> IO ()
-mkProto out_dir = do
-  let hpb_path = "hpb"
-  let outPath = out_dir </> protoOutPath
-  b <- needsRebuild pbPath outPath
-  when b $ do
-    callProcess hpb_path [ pbPath
-                         , "--out=" ++ out_dir
-                         , "--module=" ++ protoModule
-                         ]
-dummyPreprocessor :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
-dummyPreprocessor build local _clbi = PreProcessor {
-  platformIndependent = True,
-  runPreProcessor =
-    mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity -> do
-      notice verbosity (inFile ++ " is being preprocessed to " ++ outFile)
-      return ()
-  }
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
-  defaultMainWithHooks simpleUserHooks
-    { hookedPrograms = [ simpleProgram "hpb" ]
-    , preBuild = runHPB
-    , hookedPreProcessors = [("hproto", dummyPreprocessor)]
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/crucible-server.cabal b/crucible-server/crucible-server.cabal
deleted file mode 100644
index ba6e2e0f7..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/crucible-server.cabal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-Name:          crucible-server
-Version:       0.1
-Author:        Galois Inc.
-Maintainer:    rdockins@galois.com
-Build-type:    Custom
-License:       BSD3
-License-file:  LICENSE
-Cabal-version: >= 1.9.2
-Category:      Language
-Synopsis:      IPC server designed for interlanguage Crucible support
-  The Crucible server provides a host-language-agnostic interface to a
-  subset of the Crucible library functionality.  This API is exposed via
-  protocol buffer messages.
-  proto/crucible.proto
-  setup-depends:
-    base >= 4.7 && < 5,
-    Cabal >= 1.24,
-    directory,
-    filepath,
-    process
-  build-depends:
-    abcBridge,
-    base >= 4.7,
-    bv-sized >= 1.0.0,
-    bytestring >= 0.10.2,
-    containers,
-    what4,
-    what4-abc,
-    crucible >= 0.1,
-    crucible-saw,
-    cryptol,
-    cryptol-saw-core,
-    directory,
-    exceptions,
-    executable-path,
-    filepath,
-    GraphSCC,
-    hashable,
-    hashtables,
-    hpb >= 0.1.1,
-    lens,
-    mtl,
-    parameterized-utils >= 0.1.7,
-    prettyprinter >= 1.7.0,
-    saw-core,
-    saw-core-sbv,
-    sbv,
-    text,
-    transformers,
-    vector
-  hs-source-dirs: src
-  build-tools:
-    hpb
-  exposed-modules:
-    Lang.Crucible.Proto
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.CallbackOutputHandle
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.CryptolEnv
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.Encoding
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.MultipartOperations
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.Requests
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.SAWOverrides
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.SimpleOverrides
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.Simulator
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.Translation
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.TypeConv
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.TypedTerm
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.ValueConv
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.Verification.Harness
-    Lang.Crucible.Server.Verification.Override
-  autogen-modules: Lang.Crucible.Proto
-  ghc-options: -Wall -Werror=incomplete-patterns -Werror=missing-methods -Werror=overlapping-patterns
-  ghc-prof-options: -O2 -fprof-auto-top
-executable crucible-server
-  build-depends:
-    base >= 4.7 && < 4.15,
-    abcBridge,
-    what4,
-    what4-abc,
-    crucible,
-    crucible-saw,
-    crucible-server,
-    cryptol-saw-core,
-    hpb >= 0.1.1,
-    lens,
-    parameterized-utils >= 0.1.7,
-    saw-core,
-    text
-  ghc-options: -Wall -Werror=incomplete-patterns -Werror=missing-methods -Werror=overlapping-patterns
-  main-is: Main_crucible.hs
-  hs-source-dirs:
-    crucible-server
diff --git a/crucible-server/crucible-server/Main_crucible.hs b/crucible-server/crucible-server/Main_crucible.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 93371243b..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/crucible-server/Main_crucible.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-module Main (main) where
-import           Control.Exception
-import           Control.Lens
-import           Control.Monad
-import qualified Data.Text as Text
-import           GHC.IO.Handle
-import           System.Exit
-import           System.IO
-import           Data.HPB
-import           Data.Parameterized.Nonce
-import           Lang.Crucible.Backend.Simple
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.Backend.SAWCore as SAW
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.PathSatisfiability
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.Proto as P
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Requests
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Simulator
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.SAWOverrides
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Verification.Override(SAWBack)
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.SimpleOverrides
-import qualified Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm as SAW
-import qualified Verifier.SAW.Prelude as SAW
-import qualified Verifier.SAW.Cryptol.Prelude as CryptolSAW
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
-  -- Check that standard input and output are not terminals.
-  stdInputIsTerm <- hIsTerminalDevice stdin
-  stdOutputIsTerm <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout
-  when (stdInputIsTerm || stdOutputIsTerm) $ do
-    logMsg $
-      "crucible-server is not intended to be run directly, but rather\n"
-      ++ "called by another process."
-    exitFailure
-  logMsg "Starting crucible-server"
-  hSetBinaryMode stdout True
-  hSetBuffering stdout (BlockBuffering Nothing)
-  runSimulator stdin stdout
-  hFlush stdout
--- | No interesting state needs to be threaded through
---   the crucible server...
-data CrucibleServerPersonality sym = CrucibleServerPersonality
-runSimulator :: Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
-runSimulator hin hout = do
-  handshake <- getDelimited hin
-  let backend = handshake^.P.handShakeRequest_backend
-  catch
-    (case backend of
-       P.SAWBackend -> do
-         logMsg $ "Starting SAW server..."
-         runSAWSimulator hin hout
-       P.SimpleBackend -> do
-         logMsg $ "Starting Simple server..."
-         runSimpleSimulator hin hout
-    )
-    (\(ex::SomeException) ->
-       do let msg = Text.pack $ displayException ex
-          let err_resp = mempty
-                & P.handShakeResponse_code .~ P.HandShakeError
-                & P.handShakeResponse_message .~ msg
-          putDelimited hout err_resp
-    )
-runSAWSimulator :: Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
-runSAWSimulator hin hout =
-  do let ok_resp = mempty
-                   & P.handShakeResponse_code .~ P.HandShakeOK
-     withIONonceGenerator $ \gen -> do
-       sc <- SAW.mkSharedContext
-       SAW.scLoadPreludeModule sc
-       CryptolSAW.scLoadCryptolModule sc
-       (sym :: SAWBack n) <- SAW.newSAWCoreBackend FloatRealRepr sc gen
-       sawState <- initSAWServerPersonality sym
-       pathSatFeat <- pathSatisfiabilityFeature sym (SAW.considerSatisfiability sym)
-       s <- newSimulator sym sawServerOptions sawState [pathSatFeat] sawServerOverrides hin hout
-       putDelimited hout ok_resp
-       -- Enter loop to start reading commands.
-       fulfillRequests s sawBackendRequests
-runSimpleSimulator :: Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
-runSimpleSimulator hin hout = do
-  withIONonceGenerator $ \gen -> do
-    let ok_resp = mempty
-                  & P.handShakeResponse_code .~ P.HandShakeOK
-    sym <- newSimpleBackend FloatRealRepr gen
-    s <- newSimulator sym simpleServerOptions CrucibleServerPersonality [] simpleServerOverrides hin hout
-    -- Enter loop to start reading commands.
-    putDelimited hout ok_resp
-    fulfillRequests s simpleBackendRequests
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/.gitignore b/crucible-server/java_api/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index eb5a316cb..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/Makefile b/crucible-server/java_api/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 88a098014..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-ifndef JAVA_HOME
-export JAVA_HOME=$(shell /usr/libexec/java_home)
-all :
-	mvn install javadoc:javadoc
-build :
-	mvn install
-doc :
-	mvn javadoc:javadoc
-clean :
-	mvn clean
-.PHONY : all clean build doc
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/pom.xml b/crucible-server/java_api/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c237ac56..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
-    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
-  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
-  <groupId>com.galois</groupId>
-  <artifactId>crucible-api</artifactId>
-  <packaging>jar</packaging>
-  <version>0.2</version>
-  <name>Crucible Java API</name>
-  <properties>
-    <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding>
-    <stagedir>${project.basedir}/../../build</stagedir>
-    <defaultCrucibleHome>${stagedir}</defaultCrucibleHome>
-    <crucibleHome>${defaultCrucibleHome}</crucibleHome>
-    <cruciblePath>${crucibleHome}/bin/crucible-server</cruciblePath>
-  </properties>
-  <dependencies>
-    <dependency>
-	    <groupId>com.google.protobuf</groupId>
-	    <artifactId>protobuf-java</artifactId>
-	    <version>3.4.0</version>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-	    <groupId>junit</groupId>
-	    <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
-	    <version>4.13.1</version>
-	    <scope>test</scope>
-    </dependency>
-  </dependencies>
-  <build>
-    <plugins>
-	    <!-- Basic compiler plugin -->
-	    <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-        <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
-	      <version>3.2</version>
-        <configuration>
-          <source>1.6</source>
-          <target>1.6</target>
-        </configuration>
-	    </plugin>
-	    <!-- Plugin for unit tests -->
-	    <plugin>
-	      <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-	      <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
-	      <version>2.18.1</version>
-	      <configuration>
-	        <systemPropertyVariables>
-	          <!-- Tell the test harness where to find the crucible-server executable -->
-	          <CRUCIBLE_SERVER>${cruciblePath}</CRUCIBLE_SERVER>
-	        </systemPropertyVariables>
-	      </configuration>
-	    </plugin>
-	    <!-- Plugin for building executable wrapper scripts -->
-	    <plugin>
-	      <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
-	      <artifactId>appassembler-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-	      <version>1.9</version>
-	      <executions>
-	        <execution>
-	          <phase>package</phase>
-	          <goals>
-		          <goal>assemble</goal>
-	          </goals>
-	        </execution>
-	      </executions>
-	      <configuration>
-	        <platforms>
-	          <platform>windows</platform>
-	          <platform>unix</platform>
-	        </platforms>
-	        <assembleDirectory>${stagedir}</assembleDirectory>
-	        <programs>
-	          <program>
-		          <mainClass>com.galois.crucible.examples.Test</mainClass>
-		          <id>test-crucible-server</id>
-		          <commandLineArguments>
-		            <commandLineArgument>"${cruciblePath}"</commandLineArgument>
-		          </commandLineArguments>
-	          </program>
-	        </programs>
-	      </configuration>
-	    </plugin>
-	    <!-- Plugin for building API docs -->
-	    <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-        <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
-        <version>2.10.1</version>
-        <configuration>
-	        <excludePackageNames>com.galois.crucible.examples</excludePackageNames>
-	        <reportOutputDirectory>${stagedir}</reportOutputDirectory>
-	        <destDir>javadocs</destDir>
-        </configuration>
-	    </plugin>
-	    <!-- Plugin for preprocessing protocol buffer definitions -->
-	    <plugin>
-	      <groupId>org.xolstice.maven.plugins</groupId>
-	      <artifactId>protobuf-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-	      <version>0.5.0</version>
-        <configuration>
-	        <!-- Tell the protocol buffer preprocessor where to find the protocol definitions -->
-	        <protoSourceRoot>${project.basedir}/../proto</protoSourceRoot>
-	        <includes>
-	          <include>**/*.proto</include>
-	        </includes>
-	        <!-- Tell the protocol buffer preprocessor where to find the protoc executable -->
-          <!-- <protocExecutable>/usr/local/bin/protoc</protocExecutable> -->
-	        <checkStaleness>true</checkStaleness>
-        </configuration>
-        <executions>
-          <execution>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>compile</goal>
-              <goal>test-compile</goal>
-            </goals>
-          </execution>
-        </executions>
-      </plugin>
-    </plugins>
-  </build>
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/BitvectorValue.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/BitvectorValue.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e72419f28..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/BitvectorValue.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Expr;
-/** This represents an integer literal. */
-public final class BitvectorValue implements Expr, SimulatorValue {
-    private final long width;
-    private final BigInteger v;
-    public BitvectorValue(long width, BigInteger v) {
-        if (v == null) throw new NullPointerException("v");
-        this.width = width;
-        this.v = v;
-    }
-    public Type type() {
-        return Type.bitvector(width);
-    }
-    public BigInteger getValue() {
-	return v;
-    }
-    public Protos.Expr getExprRep() {
-        return
-            Protos.Expr.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ExprCode.BitvectorExpr)
-            .setWidth(width)
-            .setData(ByteString.copyFrom(v.toByteArray()))
-            .build();
-    }
-    public Protos.Value getValueRep() {
-        return
-            Protos.Value.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ValueCode.BitvectorValue)
-            .setWidth(width)
-            .setData(ByteString.copyFrom(v.toByteArray()))
-            .build();
-    }
-    public String toString() {
-        return "0x" + v.toString(16) + ":[" + String.valueOf(width) + "]";
-    }
-    public boolean equals(Object o) {
-        if (!(o instanceof BitvectorValue)) return false;
-        BitvectorValue r = (BitvectorValue) o;
-        return (width == r.width) && v.equals(r.v);
-    }
-    public int hashCode() {
-        return ((int) width) ^ v.hashCode();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/BoolValue.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/BoolValue.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0da0a9e23..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/BoolValue.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Expr;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-/** A Boolean literal as a simulator value. */
-public final class BoolValue implements Expr, SimulatorValue {
-    boolean bool;
-    public static BoolValue TRUE = new BoolValue(true);
-    public static BoolValue FALSE = new BoolValue(false);
-    /** Create a new value. */
-    private BoolValue(boolean bool) {
-        this.bool = bool;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the type associated with this value.
-     * @return the type of the Boolean value.
-     */
-    public Type type() {
-        return Type.BOOL;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the representation of a crucible expression.
-     */
-    public Protos.Expr getExprRep() {
-        return
-            Protos.Expr.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(bool ? Protos.ExprCode.TrueExpr : Protos.ExprCode.FalseExpr)
-            .build();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the protocol buffer representation of this value.
-     *
-     * @return the protocol buffer representation.
-     */
-    public Protos.Value getValueRep() {
-        return
-            Protos.Value.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(bool ? Protos.ValueCode.TrueValue : Protos.ValueCode.FalseValue)
-            .build();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return Boolean value.
-     *
-     * @return the value
-     */
-    public boolean getValue() {
-        return bool;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return string "True" or "False" based on value.
-     *
-     * @return string representation.
-     */
-    public String toString() {
-        return bool ? "True" : "False";
-    }
-    public boolean equals(Object o) {
-        if (!(o instanceof BoolValue)) return false;
-        return bool == ((BoolValue) o).bool;
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/FunctionHandle.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/FunctionHandle.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fbfff801..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/FunctionHandle.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Expr;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
- * Represents handles to functions.
- */
-public final class FunctionHandle implements SimulatorValue, Expr {
-    private final long handleId;
-    private final String displayName;
-    private final Type[] argTypes;
-    private final Type returnType;
-    /**
-     * Internal method for creating a new handle, see @Simulator.newHandle@
-     * for the public interface.  This does the work of talking to the C code
-     * to get a new unique ID for the simulator.
-     */
-    FunctionHandle(long handleId,
-                   String displayName,
-                   Type[] argTypes,
-                   Type returnType) {
-        this.handleId = handleId;
-        this.displayName = displayName;
-        this.argTypes = argTypes.clone();
-        this.returnType = returnType;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Create a handle from a handle info.
-     */
-    FunctionHandle(long handleId, Protos.HandleInfo h) {
-        this(handleId,
-             h.getDisplayName(),
-             Type.typeArrayFromProtoList(h.getArgTypeList()),
-             new Type(h.getReturnType()));
-    }
-    public long getUniqueId() {
-        return handleId;
-    }
-    public String getDisplayName() {
-        return displayName;
-    }
-    public int getArgCount() {
-        return argTypes.length;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return type at given index.
-     */
-    public Type getArgType(int i) {
-        assert 0 <= i && i < argTypes.length;
-        return argTypes[i];
-    }
-    public Type getReturnType() {
-        return returnType;
-    }
-    public Type type() {
-        return Type.functionHandle(argTypes, returnType);
-    }
-    /** Generate protocol repersentation. */
-    public Protos.Expr getExprRep() {
-        return
-            Protos.Expr.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ExprCode.FnHandleExpr)
-            .setIndex(handleId)
-            .build();
-    }
-    /** Generate protocol repersentation. */
-    public Protos.Value getValueRep() {
-        return
-            Protos.Value.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ValueCode.FnHandleValue)
-            .setIndex(handleId)
-            .build();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/IntegerValue.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/IntegerValue.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c8b7328d..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/IntegerValue.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Expr;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
- * A specific integer simulator value.
- */
-public final class IntegerValue implements SimulatorValue, Expr {
-    private final BigInteger v;
-    public IntegerValue(long i) {
-        this.v = BigInteger.valueOf(i);
-    }
-    public IntegerValue(BigInteger i) {
-        if (i == null) throw new NullPointerException("i");
-        this.v = i;
-    }
-    public Type type() {
-        return Type.INTEGER;
-    }
-    private ByteString getDataRep() {
-        return ByteString.copyFrom(v.toByteArray());
-    }
-    public Protos.Expr getExprRep() {
-        return
-            Protos.Expr.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ExprCode.IntegerExpr)
-            .setData(getDataRep())
-            .build();
-    }
-    public Protos.Value getValueRep() {
-        return
-            Protos.Value.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ValueCode.IntegerValue)
-            .setData(getDataRep())
-            .build();
-    }
-    public boolean equals(Object o) {
-        if (!(o instanceof IntegerValue)) return false;
-        return v.equals(((IntegerValue) o).v);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns hash code of integer.
-     */
-    public int hashCode() {
-        return v.hashCode();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns decimal representation of string.
-     */
-    public String toString() {
-        return v.toString();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/MessageConsumer.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/MessageConsumer.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c5ba1577..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/MessageConsumer.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-public interface MessageConsumer {
-    public void acceptMessage(SimulatorMessage msg);
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/NatValue.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/NatValue.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b0308ce6d..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/NatValue.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Expr;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-/** A constant natural number in the simulator. */
-public final class NatValue implements SimulatorValue, Expr {
-    private final BigInteger v;
-    public NatValue(BigInteger i) {
-        if (i == null) throw new NullPointerException("i");
-        if (i.signum() == -1)
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Natural numbers cannot be negative.");
-        this.v = i;
-    }
-    public Type type() {
-        return Type.NAT;
-    }
-    private ByteString getDataRep() {
-        return ByteString.copyFrom(v.toByteArray());
-    }
-    public Protos.Expr getExprRep() {
-        return
-            Protos.Expr.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ExprCode.NatExpr)
-            .setData(getDataRep())
-            .build();
-    }
-    public Protos.Value getValueRep() {
-        return
-            Protos.Value.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ValueCode.NatValue)
-            .setData(getDataRep())
-            .build();
-    }
-    public boolean equals(Object o) {
-        if (!(o instanceof NatValue)) return false;
-        return v.equals(((NatValue) o).v);
-    }
-    public int hashCode() {
-        return v.hashCode();
-    }
-    public String toString() {
-        return v.toString();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/NonFunctionMessage.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/NonFunctionMessage.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d2b2f1e95..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/NonFunctionMessage.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.util.*;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Position;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-   This path aborted message is returned when a SimulatorValue that is not a function
-   handle is passed to the runCall() method.
-public class NonFunctionMessage extends SimulatorMessage {
-    public NonFunctionMessage( String message, List<Protos.Position> proto_backtrace ) {
-	super(message, proto_backtrace);
-    }
-    public NonFunctionMessage( String message ) {
-	super(message);
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/RationalValue.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/RationalValue.java
deleted file mode 100644
index cc7e1545d..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/RationalValue.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Expr;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-/** A simulator value containing a rational constant. */
-public final class RationalValue implements SimulatorValue, Expr {
-    private final BigInteger numerator;
-    private final BigInteger denominator;
-    /**
-     * Create a value from an integer.
-     * @param n the numerator
-     */
-    public RationalValue(BigInteger n) {
-        if (n == null) throw new NullPointerException("n");
-        this.numerator = n;
-        this.denominator = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Create a value from an rational.
-     * @param n the numerator
-     * @param d the denominator
-     */
-    public RationalValue(BigInteger n, BigInteger d) {
-        if (n == null) throw new NullPointerException("n");
-        if (d == null) throw new NullPointerException("d");
-        if (d.signum() == 0)
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("d must be non-zero.");
-        // Negate numerator and denominator if d is negative.
-        if (d.signum() == -1) {
-            n = n.negate();
-            d = d.negate();
-        }
-        // Compute gcd to normalize coefficients.
-        BigInteger g = n.gcd(d);
-        this.numerator = n.divide(g);
-        this.denominator = d.divide(g);
-    }
-    public RationalValue(byte[] bytes) {
-        // Create stream.
-        ByteArrayInputStream s = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
-        // Read unsigned varint for denominator.
-        BigInteger d = readUVarint(s);
-        // Get remaining bytes.
-        byte[] remaining = new byte[s.available()];
-        s.read(remaining, 0, s.available());
-        BigInteger n = new BigInteger(remaining);
-        // Compute gcd.
-        BigInteger g = n.gcd(d);
-        if (!g.equals(BigInteger.valueOf(1))) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-              "BigInteger(byte[]) expected values in reduced form.");
-        }
-        this.numerator = n;
-        this.denominator = d;
-    }
-    public Type type() {
-        return Type.REAL;
-    }
-    /** Return numerator of rational. */
-    public BigInteger numerator() {
-        return numerator;
-    }
-    /** Return denominator  of rational. */
-    public BigInteger denominator() {
-        return denominator;
-    }
-    private static BigInteger readUVarint(ByteArrayInputStream s) {
-        BigInteger r = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
-        int shift = 0;
-        // Read bytes until we reach end.
-        while (true) {
-            int next = s.read();
-            r = r.or(BigInteger.valueOf(next & 0x7f).shiftLeft(shift));
-            shift += 7;
-            if ((next & 0x80) == 0) break;
-        }
-        // Return result.
-        return r;
-    }
-    private static void writeUVarint(ByteArrayOutputStream s, BigInteger r) {
-        if (r.signum() == -1) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("writeUVarint given negative number.");
-        }
-        // Handle special case of zero to simplify rest of code.
-        if (r.signum() == 0) {
-            s.write(0);
-            return;
-        }
-        // Get number of bytes needed to store r.
-        int cnt = (r.bitLength() + 6) / 7;
-        // Write non-terminal bytes.
-        while (cnt > 1) {
-            --cnt;
-            // Get 7 bits at current offset.
-            int val = r.shiftRight(7*cnt).intValue() & 0x7f;
-            // Write 7 bits with extra bit to denote continuation.
-            s.write(val | 0x80);
-        }
-        // Get 7 bits at current offset.
-        s.write(r.intValue() & 0x7f);
-    }
-    private ByteString getDataRep() {
-        ByteArrayOutputStream s = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        // Write denominator first.
-        writeUVarint(s, denominator);
-        // Now write numerator.
-        byte[] bytes = numerator.toByteArray();
-        // We use this function to avoid spurious IOException
-        s.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
-        return ByteString.copyFrom(s.toByteArray());
-    }
-    public Protos.Expr getExprRep() {
-        return Protos.Expr.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ExprCode.RationalExpr)
-            .setData(getDataRep())
-            .build();
-    }
-    public Protos.Value getValueRep() {
-        return Protos.Value.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ValueCode.RationalValue)
-            .setData(getDataRep())
-            .build();
-    }
-    /** Check if two rationals are equal. */
-    public boolean equals(Object o) {
-        if (!(o instanceof RationalValue)) return false;
-        RationalValue r = (RationalValue) o;
-        // Rationals are stored in reduced form, so equality is quick.
-        return numerator.equals(r.numerator)
-            && denominator.equals(r.denominator);
-    }
-    /** Get hashcode for rational. */
-    public int hashCode() {
-        return numerator.hashCode() ^ denominator.hashCode();
-    }
-    /** Print rational as a numerator over divisor. */
-    public String toString() {
-        if (denominator.equals(BigInteger.valueOf(1))) {
-            return numerator.toString();
-        } else {
-            return numerator.toString() + "/" + denominator.toString();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/ReadBeforeWriteMessage.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/ReadBeforeWriteMessage.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 543f476cd..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/ReadBeforeWriteMessage.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.util.*;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Position;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-   This path aborted message is returned when a simulated branch of execution
-   reads from a word map at a location not initalized.
-public class ReadBeforeWriteMessage extends SimulatorMessage {
-    public ReadBeforeWriteMessage( String message, List<Protos.Position> proto_backtrace ) {
-	super(message, proto_backtrace);
-    }
-    public ReadBeforeWriteMessage( String message ) {
-	super(message);
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/ReferenceValue.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/ReferenceValue.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d0e85bf33..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/ReferenceValue.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
- * A simulator value that is stored in the server.
- */
-public final class ReferenceValue implements SimulatorValue {
-    private final Type type;
-    private final long idx;
-    ReferenceValue(Type type, long idx) {
-        if (type == null) throw new NullPointerException("type");
-        this.type = type;
-        this.idx  = idx;
-    }
-    public Type type() {
-        return type;
-    }
-    public Protos.Value getValueRep() {
-        return Protos.Value.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ValueCode.ReferenceValue)
-            .setIndex(idx)
-            .build();
-    }
-    public String toString() {
-        return "??";
-    }
-    public boolean equals(Object o) {
-        if (!(o instanceof ReferenceValue)) return false;
-        return idx == ((ReferenceValue) o).idx;
-    }
-    public int hashCode() {
-        return (int)(idx^(idx>>>32));
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SAWSimulator.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SAWSimulator.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 51bc3415e..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SAWSimulator.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.io.InputStreamReader;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import java.io.PrintStream;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.concurrent.BlockingDeque;
-import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Procedure;
-import com.google.protobuf.MessageLite;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-import com.galois.crucible.MessageConsumer;
- * Main interface to symbolic simulator, using the SAW backend.
- */
-public final class SAWSimulator extends Simulator {
-    private SAWSimulator() {}
-     /**
-     * Launch a local connection to the simulator.
-     *
-     * @param command The command to run.
-     * @throws SecurityException If a security manager exists and its
-     *   {@link java.lang.SecurityManager#checkExec checkExec} method doesn't allow
-     *    creation of the subprocess
-     * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs
-     * @throws NullPointerException If command is null
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If command is empty
-     * @return A freshly created symbolic simulator interface.
-     */
-    public static SAWSimulator launchLocal(String command) throws IOException {
-	Process p = Simulator.launchLocalProcess(command);
-	SAWSimulator sim = new SAWSimulator();
-	sim.setupSimulator(p.getOutputStream(), p.getInputStream(), Protos.Backend.SAWBackend);
-	return sim;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set whether path satisfiablity checking is enabled in the symbolic simulator.
-     *
-     * @param pathSat The new setting value
-     * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs while communicating with the crucible server.
-     */
-    public synchronized void setPathSatChecking( boolean pathSat ) throws IOException {
-        SimulatorValue pathSatVal = pathSat ? BoolValue.TRUE : BoolValue.FALSE;
-        issueRequest( Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                      .setCode( Protos.RequestCode.SetConfigValue )
-                      .setConfigSettingName( "checkPathSat" )
-                      .addArg( pathSatVal.getValueRep() ) );
-        getNextAckResponse();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get whether path satisfiablity checking is currently enabled in the symbolic simulator.
-     *
-     * @returns The current setting of the path satisfiability configuration value.
-     * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs while communicating with the crucible server.
-     * @throws SimulatorFailedException if an unexpected (non-boolean) value is returned by the server.
-     */
-    public synchronized boolean getPathSatChecking() throws IOException {
-        issueRequest( Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                      .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.GetConfigValue)
-                      .setConfigSettingName( "checkPathSat" ) );
-        Protos.SimulatorValueResponse r = getNextSimulatorValueResponse();
-        if (!r.getSuccessful()) {
-            String msg = "Could not create simulator value";
-            String err = r.getErrorMsg();
-            if( !(err == null) ) { msg = msg + ": " + err; }
-            throw new SimulatorFailedException(msg);
-        }
-        // Parse value back.
-        SimulatorValue v = fromProtosValue(r.getValue(), Type.BOOL);
-        if( v instanceof BoolValue ) {
-            BoolValue bv = (BoolValue) v;
-            return bv.getValue();
-        } else {
-            String msg = "Expected boolean value response from simulator when retrieving path sat checking configuration value";
-            throw new SimulatorFailedException(msg);
-        }
-    }
-    public synchronized
-    FunctionHandle compileHarness( VerificationHarness harness ) throws IOException {
-        issueRequest( Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                      .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.CompileVerificationOverride)
-                      .setVerificationHarness( harness.getRep() ));
-        return predefinedHandleInfoResponse();
-    }
-    public synchronized void produceVerificationGoals( VerificationHarness harness, VerificationOptions verifOpts )
-        throws IOException
-    {
-        issueRequest( Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                      .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.SimulateVerificationHarness)
-                      .setVerificationHarness(harness.getRep())
-                      .setVerificationSimOptions(verifOpts.getRep()) );
-        // Wait for the server to finish
-        getNextAckResponse();
-    }
-    /**
-     * This writes a SAWCore file representing the given sequence of
-     * symbolic values.
-     */
-    public synchronized void writeSAW( String path, SimulatorValue ... vals )
-        throws IOException {
-        Protos.Request.Builder b
-            = Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.ExportModel)
-            .setExportFormat(Protos.ExportFormat.ExportSAW)
-            .setExportPath(path);
-        for( SimulatorValue v : vals ) {
-            b.addArg(v.getValueRep());
-        }
-        issueRequest(b);
-        // Wait for the server to finish
-        getNextAckResponse();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimpleSimulator.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimpleSimulator.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 29dc1608c..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimpleSimulator.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.io.InputStreamReader;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import java.io.PrintStream;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.concurrent.BlockingDeque;
-import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Procedure;
-import com.google.protobuf.MessageLite;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-import com.galois.crucible.MessageConsumer;
- * Main interface to symbolic simulator, using the simple backend.
- */
-public final class SimpleSimulator extends Simulator {
-    private SimpleSimulator() {}
-     /**
-     * Launch a local connection to the simulator.
-     *
-     * @param command The command to run.
-     * @throws SecurityException If a security manager exists and its
-     *   {@link java.lang.SecurityManager#checkExec checkExec} method doesn't allow
-     *    creation of the subprocess
-     * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs
-     * @throws NullPointerException If command is null
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If command is empty
-     * @return A freshly created symbolic simulator interface.
-     */
-    public static SimpleSimulator launchLocal(String command) throws IOException {
-	Process p = Simulator.launchLocalProcess(command);
-	SimpleSimulator sim = new SimpleSimulator();
-	sim.setupSimulator(p.getOutputStream(), p.getInputStream(), Protos.Backend.SimpleBackend);
-	return sim;
-    }
-    /**
-     * This writes an SMTLib2 file to check if <code>x</code> is a satisfiable
-     * boolean expression.
-     */
-    public void writeSmtlib2(String path, SimulatorValue x) throws IOException {
-        // Get predefined handle for checkSat.
-        FunctionHandle h = getWriteSmtlib2Handle();
-        // call function.
-        try {
-            SimulatorValue res = runCall(h, new StringValue(path), x);
-            if (!(res instanceof UnitValue)) {
-                throw new Error("writeSmtlib2 did not return a unit variable.");
-            }
-        } catch (SimulatorFailedException e) {
-            throw new Error("Failed to run writeSmtlib2.", e);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * This writes a Yices file to check if <code>x</code> is a satisfiable
-     * boolean expression.
-     */
-    public void writeYices(String path, SimulatorValue x) throws IOException {
-        // Get predefined handle for checkSat.
-        FunctionHandle h = getWriteYicesHandle();
-        // call function.
-        try {
-            SimulatorValue res = runCall(h, new StringValue(path), x);
-            if (!(res instanceof UnitValue)) {
-                throw new Error("writeYices did not return a unit variable.");
-            }
-        } catch (SimulatorFailedException e) {
-            throw new Error("Failed to run writeYices.", e);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * This performs a satisfiability check to determine if <code>x</code> is satisfiable.
-     *
-     * @return True if value is satisfiable.
-     */
-    public boolean checkSatWithAbc(SimulatorValue x) throws IOException {
-        // Get predefined handle for checkSat.
-        FunctionHandle h = getCheckSatWithAbcHandle();
-        // call function.
-        try {
-            SimulatorValue res = runCall(h, x);
-            if (!(res instanceof BoolValue)) {
-                throw new Error("Check sat did not return a Boolean variable.");
-            }
-            // Get return value
-            return ((BoolValue) res).getValue();
-        } catch (SimulatorFailedException e) {
-            throw new Error("Failed to run checkSat.", e);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns handle associated with checking whether a predicate is
-     * true.
-     *
-     * @throws IOException When there was an error when interacting with
-     *         the server.
-     * @return the handle
-     */
-    public FunctionHandle getCheckSatWithAbcHandle() throws IOException {
-        return getHandleByName("checkSatWithAbc");
-    }
-    /**
-     * This performs a satisfiability check to determine if <code>x</code> is satisfiable.
-     *
-     * @return True if value is satisfiable.
-     */
-    public boolean checkSatWithYices(SimulatorValue x) throws IOException {
-        // Get predefined handle for checkSat.
-        FunctionHandle h = getCheckSatWithYicesHandle();
-        // call function.
-        try {
-            SimulatorValue res = runCall(h, x);
-            if (!(res instanceof BoolValue)) {
-                throw new Error("Check sat did not return a Boolean variable.");
-            }
-            // Get return value
-            return ((BoolValue) res).getValue();
-        } catch (SimulatorFailedException e) {
-            throw new Error("Failed to run checkSat.", e);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns handle associated with checking whether a predicate is
-     * true.
-     *
-     * @throws IOException When there was an error when interacting with
-     *         the server.
-     * @return the handle
-     */
-    public FunctionHandle getCheckSatWithYicesHandle() throws IOException {
-        return getHandleByName("checkSatWithYices");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns handle associated with writing an SMTLib2 file that asserts
-     * a given predicate is true.
-     *
-     * The function returned expects two arguments.  The first is a
-     * string containing the filename to write to.  The second is a
-     * Boolean predicate.
-     *
-     * @return the handle
-     */
-    public FunctionHandle getWriteSmtlib2Handle() throws IOException {
-        return getHandleByName("write_SMTLIB2");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns handle associated with writing a Yices file that asserts
-     * a given predicate is true.
-     *
-     * The function returned expects two arguments.  The first is a
-     * string containing the filename to write to.  The second is a
-     * Boolean predicate.
-     *
-     * @return the handle
-     */
-    public FunctionHandle getWriteYicesHandle() throws IOException {
-        return getHandleByName("write_yices");
-    }
-    /**
-     * This writes an AIGER file representing the given sequence of
-     * symbolic values, each of which should be either a boolean
-     * or a bitvector.  Bitvectors are encoded into the AIGER in
-     * most-significant-bit first order.
-     */
-    public synchronized void writeAIGER( String path, SimulatorValue ... vals )
-        throws IOException {
-        Protos.Request.Builder b
-            = Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.ExportModel)
-            .setExportFormat(Protos.ExportFormat.ExportAIGER)
-            .setExportPath(path);
-        for( SimulatorValue v : vals ) {
-            b.addArg(v.getValueRep());
-        }
-        issueRequest(b);
-        // Wait for the server to finish
-        getNextAckResponse();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/Simulator.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/Simulator.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c2e62b340..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/Simulator.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,991 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.io.InputStreamReader;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import java.io.PrintStream;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.concurrent.BlockingDeque;
-import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Position;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Procedure;
-import com.google.protobuf.MessageLite;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-import com.galois.crucible.MessageConsumer;
- * Main interface to symbolic simulator.
- *
- * <p>
- * Implementation note: Simulator values may be a reference to a value in the
- * server.  The number of values is not expected to be large, but enable
- * server resources to be garbage collected, simulator values containing
- * references use the finalizer to release their resources.  To avoid thread
- * contention, one should synchornize on the <code>Simulator</code> object when
- * sending and receiving messages to the server.
- */
-public abstract class Simulator extends ValueCreator<SimulatorValue> {
-    /** Event listeners for listening when print is called. */
-    private List<MessageConsumer> printMessageListeners = new LinkedList<MessageConsumer>();
-    /** Event listeners for listening when path is aborted. */
-    private List<MessageConsumer> pathAbortedListeners = new LinkedList<MessageConsumer>();
-    /** Responses that have been queued up by the dedicated call response thread */
-    private BlockingDeque<Protos.GenericResponse> queuedResponses =
-        new LinkedBlockingDeque<Protos.GenericResponse>();
-      // FIXME, should this be capacity limited?
-    /**
-     * The dedicated thread that reads responses from the server and queues them
-     * for subsequent proessing
-     */
-    private Thread responseListenerThread;
-    /** Are we in the process of shutting down the connection to the crucible server? */
-    private boolean closing = false;
-    /** Stream to write any status messages to.  Null indicates no logging */
-    private PrintStream statusStream = null;
-    /**
-     * Set the stream to write logging messages to.
-     * @param s The stream.
-     */
-    public void setStatusStream(PrintStream s) {
-        statusStream = s;
-    }
-    /** Get the next queued server response.  Will block until a response is avaliable. */
-    protected Protos.GenericResponse getNextResponse() throws IOException {
-        Protos.GenericResponse resp = null;
-        // Retry if we get interrupted
-        while (true) {
-            try {
-                resp = queuedResponses.takeFirst();
-                switch(resp.getCode()) {
-                case ExceptionGenResp:
-                    // If the response is an exception, raise a corresponging
-                    // exception.
-                    String msg = resp.getMessage();
-                    throw new IOException( msg );
-                default:
-                    // Otherwise, return the response
-                    return resp;
-                }
-            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    protected void getNextAckResponse() throws IOException {
-        Protos.GenericResponse r = getNextResponse();
-        switch(r.getCode()) {
-        case AcknowledgementResp:
-            return;
-        }
-        throw new IOException( "Expected simulator ACK response!\n" + r.toString() );
-    }
-    protected Protos.SimulatorValueResponse getNextSimulatorValueResponse() throws IOException {
-        Protos.GenericResponse r = getNextResponse();
-        Protos.SimulatorValueResponse svr = r.getSimValResponse();
-        switch(r.getCode()) {
-        case SimulatorValueGenResp:
-            if( svr != null ) {
-                return svr;
-            }
-        }
-        throw new IOException( "Expected simulator value response!" + r.toString() );
-    }
-    protected Protos.RegisterHandleResponse getNextRegisterHandleResponse() throws IOException {
-        Protos.GenericResponse r = getNextResponse();
-        Protos.RegisterHandleResponse hr = r.getRegHandleResponse();
-        switch(r.getCode()) {
-        case RegisterHandleGenResp:
-            if( hr != null ) {
-                return hr;
-            }
-        }
-        throw new IOException( "Expected register handle response!" + r.toString() );
-    }
-    protected Protos.PredefinedHandleInfo getNextPredefHandleResponse() throws IOException {
-        Protos.GenericResponse r = getNextResponse();
-        Protos.PredefinedHandleInfo hi = r.getPredefHandleResponse();
-        switch(r.getCode()) {
-        case PredefHandleGenResp:
-            if( hi != null ) {
-                return hi;
-            }
-        }
-        throw new IOException( "Expected predefined handle info!" + r.toString() );
-    }
-    protected Protos.CallResponse getNextCallResponse() throws IOException {
-        Protos.GenericResponse r = getNextResponse();
-        Protos.CallResponse cr = r.getCallResponse();
-        switch(r.getCode()) {
-        case CallGenResp:
-            if( cr != null ) {
-                return cr;
-            }
-        }
-        throw new IOException( "Expected call response!" + r.toString() );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Start a dedicated thread to read responses from the crucible server.
-     * Responses that print values are immediately handed off to the printMessageListeners,
-     * and other responses are queued into the queuedResponses list.
-     *
-     * This thread exits when the associated stream is closed.  If the <code>closing</code>
-     * flag is not set, this will cause a message to be printed and an immediate JVM exit.
-     */
-    private void startResponseListenerThread() {
-        final Simulator sim = this;
-        responseListenerThread = new Thread() {
-                public void run() {
-                    try {
-                        while(true) {
-                            Protos.GenericResponse r =
-                                Protos.GenericResponse.parseDelimitedFrom(response);
-                            // null return generally indicates the input stream was closed
-                            if( r == null ) { break; }
-                            switch (r.getCode()) {
-                            case PrintGenResp:
-                                SimulatorMessage msg = new SimulatorMessage( r.getMessage() );
-                                synchronized(printMessageListeners) {
-                                    for (MessageConsumer p : printMessageListeners) {
-                                        p.acceptMessage(msg);
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                break;
-                            default:
-                                queuedResponses.putLast(r);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
-                    } catch (Exception ex) {
-                        ex.printStackTrace();
-                    }
-                    System.err.println("response listener thread exiting");
-                    synchronized(sim) {
-                        if(!sim.closing) {
-                            System.err.println("response stream closed unexpectedly!");
-                            System.exit(1);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            };
-        responseListenerThread.start();
-    }
-    private static class OverrideEntry {
-        OverrideEntry(FunctionHandle h, SimulatorFunction fn) {
-            this.h = h;
-            this.fn = fn;
-        }
-        final FunctionHandle h;
-        final SimulatorFunction fn;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Maps handle indices that are overriden to the function
-     * implementing their behavior.
-     */
-    private HashMap<Long, OverrideEntry> overrideMap
-      = new HashMap<Long, OverrideEntry>();
-    /**
-     * Flag to indicates that requests are suspended.  This is only set to
-     * true when the simulator is running a potentially long-running computation
-     * that it expects a response from before sending a new request.
-     *
-     * When this is true, the thread should wait until it is ready.
-     * Invariants:
-     *   When <code>request</code> is <code>null</code>, this should be <code>true</code>.
-     */
-    private boolean requestSuspended;
-    /**
-     * This indicates the number of overrides that we are inside of
-     * when executing functions.
-     *
-     * It should be 0 when we are not currently executing a call.
-     */
-    private long callHeight;
-    /**
-     * Output stream for issuing requests to simulator.
-     */
-    private OutputStream request;
-    /**
-     * Input stream for receiving information to simulator.
-     */
-    private InputStream response;
-    /**
-     * The list of symbolic value references that need to be released once
-     * the current method is complete.
-     */
-    private List<Long> releasedReferences = new LinkedList<Long>();
-    /**
-     * This is an inputstream attached to a process that will throw an exception if
-     * an attempt is made to read from it and the process has terminated.
-     */
-    // FIXME, this class seems unneeded now...
-    private static class ProcessInputStream extends InputStream {
-        Process p;
-        ProcessInputStream(Process p ) {
-            this.p = p;
-        }
-        public int read() throws IOException {
-            int r = p.getInputStream().read();
-            if (r == -1) {
-                String msg = String.format("Server process terminated prematurely (exit code %d)",
-                                           p.exitValue());
-                throw new IOException(msg);
-            }
-            return r;
-        }
-    }
-    public static List<String> extraLocalCommandArguments = null;
-    /**
-     * Launch a local connection to the simulator.
-     *
-     * @param command The command to run.
-     * @throws SecurityException If a security manager exists and its
-     *   {@link java.lang.SecurityManager#checkExec checkExec} method doesn't allow
-     *    creation of the subprocess
-     * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs
-     * @throws NullPointerException If command is null
-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If command is empty
-     * @return A freshly created symbolic simulator interface.
-     */
-    protected static Process launchLocalProcess(String command) throws IOException {
-        if (command == null)
-            throw new NullPointerException("command");
-        if (command == "")
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("command");
-        List<String> commandList = new LinkedList<String>();
-        commandList.add(command);
-        if( extraLocalCommandArguments != null ) {
-            commandList.addAll( extraLocalCommandArguments );
-        }
-        final Process p = new ProcessBuilder(commandList).start();
-        Runnable err_task = new Runnable(){
-                public void run(){
-                    try {
-                      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream(), "UTF-8");
-                      BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(isr);
-                      while (true) {
-                        String s = r.readLine();
-                        if (s == null) {
-                            System.err.format("crucible-server terminated\n");
-                            return;
-                        }
-                        System.err.format("crucible-server: %s%n", s);
-                      }
-                    } catch (IOException e) {
-                        System.err.format("crucible-server error: %s%n", e.getMessage());
-                    }
-                }
-            };
-        new Thread(err_task).start();
-        return p;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Create a connection to the simulator that will transmit requests
-     * over the <code>request</code> stream, and receive responses to
-     * the <code>response</code> stream.
-     *
-     * The simulator requires exclusive access to the streams during
-     * execution, and the server must be in an idle state.
-     *
-     * @param request Stream to use sending requests to crucible-server.
-     * @param response Stream to use for receiving responses from crucible-server.
-     */
-    protected void setupSimulator(OutputStream request, InputStream response, Protos.Backend backend)
-        throws java.io.IOException
-    {
-        synchronized (this) {
-            this.requestSuspended = false;
-            this.callHeight = 0;
-            this.request = request;
-            this.response = response;
-            Protos.HandShakeRequest.newBuilder()
-                .setBackend(backend)
-                .build()
-                .writeDelimitedTo(request);
-            request.flush();
-            Protos.HandShakeResponse r =
-                Protos.HandShakeResponse.parseDelimitedFrom(response);
-            if( r != null && r.getCode() != null &&
-                r.getCode().equals( Protos.HandShakeCode.HandShakeOK ) ) {
-                // start the listener thread that will parses and queues server responses
-                startResponseListenerThread();
-            } else {
-                String msg = null;
-                if( r != null ) { msg = r.getMessage(); }
-                if( msg != null ) {
-                    msg = "Failed to start simulator: " + msg;
-                } else {
-                    msg = "Failed to start simulator";
-                }
-                throw new IOException( msg );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Forcibly terminate a connection.
-     */
-    private synchronized void forceTerminateConnection() {
-        request = null;
-        releasedReferences = null;
-    }
-    private void logStatus(String msg) {
-        if (statusStream != null) {
-            statusStream.printf("crucible-client: %s\n", msg);
-            statusStream.flush();
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Close the connection to crucible-server so that no more requests will be sent.
-     * @throws InterruptedException If thread is interrupted before closing.
-     */
-    public void close() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
-        synchronized(this) {
-            // Wait until we can send a request.
-            while (requestSuspended) {
-                this.wait();
-            }
-            closing = true;
-            if (request != null) {
-                try {
-                    logStatus("Sending KillSimulator message.");
-                    // Send notice to simulator to end.
-                    Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                        .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.KillSimulator)
-                        .build()
-                        .writeDelimitedTo(request);
-                    request.flush();
-                } finally {
-                    forceTerminateConnection();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // ask the response listener to shut down
-        responseListenerThread.interrupt();
-        // wait a short while for the response listener thread
-        responseListenerThread.join(100);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Build message and write it to crucible-server.
-     * The simulator should own a lock to this when issueRequest is called.
-     */
-    protected void issueRequest(Protos.Request.Builder msg) {
-        // Wait until we can send a request.
-        while (requestSuspended) {
-            try {
-                this.wait();
-            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                throw new SimulatorFailedException(e);
-            }
-        }
-        if (request == null)
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Simulator has been closed.");
-        try {
-            logStatus("Sending request: " + msg.getCode().toString());
-            msg.build().writeDelimitedTo(request);
-            request.flush();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            forceTerminateConnection();
-            throw new SimulatorFailedException(e);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Release a reference value, or schedule it to be released.
-     */
-    synchronized void releaseReferenceValue(long index)
-        throws IOException {
-        if (request == null) return;
-        if (requestSuspended) {
-            releasedReferences.add(new Long(index));
-        } else {
-            Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.ReleaseValue)
-                .setIndex(index)
-                .build()
-                .writeDelimitedTo(request);
-            request.flush();
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Start call.
-     */
-    private synchronized void startCall(SimulatorValue f, SimulatorValue[] args)
-    throws IOException {
-        if (request == null)
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Simulator has been finalized.");
-        // Disable requests until call is complete.
-        requestSuspended = true;
-        Protos.Request.Builder b
-            = Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.RunCall)
-            .addArg(f.getValueRep());
-        for (SimulatorValue v : args) {
-            b.addArg(v.getValueRep());
-        }
-        b.build()
-         .writeDelimitedTo(request);
-        request.flush();
-    }
-    /**
-     * End call
-     */
-    private synchronized void endCall() throws IOException {
-        if (request != null) {
-            requestSuspended = false;
-            // wake up the threads blocked waiting for requests to resume
-            this.notifyAll();
-            // Release any references that were queued up during call.
-            while (releasedReferences.size() > 0) {
-                Long ref = releasedReferences.remove(0);
-                Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                    .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.ReleaseValue)
-                    .setIndex(ref.longValue())
-                    .build()
-                    .writeDelimitedTo(request);
-            }
-            request.flush();
-        }
-    }
-    private
-    void respondToOverrideCalled(long handle_index, List<Protos.Value> args) {
-        OverrideEntry e = overrideMap.get(new Long(handle_index));
-        if (e == null)
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Simulator asked to respond to undefined override.");
-        FunctionHandle h = e.h;
-        if (h.getArgCount() != args.size()) {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("Override given incorrect number of arguments.");
-        }
-        SimulatorValue[] argArray = new SimulatorValue[args.size()];
-        for (int i = 0; i != args.size(); ++i) {
-            Type tp = h.getArgType(i);
-            argArray[i] = fromProtosValue(args.get(i), tp);
-        }
-        ++callHeight;
-        SimulatorValue r = e.fn.run(argArray);
-        --callHeight;
-        // Tell simulator to resume execution.
-        synchronized (this) {
-            issueRequest(Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                         .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.ResumeSimulation)
-                         .setReturnValue(r.getValueRep()));
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Runs a procedure call.
-     * @throws SimulatorFailedException When simulation fails on all execution paths.
-     */
-    public SimulatorValue runCall(SimulatorValue f, SimulatorValue ... args) {
-        Type f_type = f.type();
-        if (!f_type.isFunctionHandle()) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("runCall expects a function.");
-        }
-        if (f_type.getFunctionArgumentCount() != args.length) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("runCall given incorrect number of arguments.");
-        }
-        // Check function arguments.
-        for (int i = 0; i != args.length; ++i) {
-            Type arg_type = args[i].type();
-            Type expected_type = f_type.getFunctionArgumentType(i);
-            if (!arg_type.equals(expected_type)) {
-                String msg = String.format("runCall argument $1 has incorrect type.", i);
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
-            }
-        }
-        Type return_type = f_type.getFunctionReturnType();
-        List<SimulatorMessage> abortedMessages = new LinkedList<SimulatorMessage>();
-        try {
-            try {
-                startCall(f, args);
-                while (true) {
-                    Protos.CallResponse r = getNextCallResponse();
-                    switch (r.getCode()) {
-                    case CallOverrideCalled:
-                        respondToOverrideCalled(r.getHandleIndex(), r.getArgList());
-                        break;
-                    case CallPathAborted:
-                        SimulatorMessage msg =
-			    SimulatorMessage.parsePathAbortedMessage( r.getMessage() );
-                        abortedMessages.add( msg );
-                        for (MessageConsumer p : pathAbortedListeners) {
-                            p.acceptMessage(msg);
-                        }
-                        break;
-                    case CallReturnValue:
-                        return fromProtosValue(r.getReturnVal(), return_type);
-                    case CallAllAborted:
-                        throw new SimulatorAbortedException( abortedMessages );
-                    default:
-                        // Kill request since we can't expect to parse results again.
-                        forceTerminateConnection();
-                        throw new SimulatorFailedException("Could not parse simulator response: " + r.toString() );
-                    }
-                }
-            } finally {
-                endCall();
-            }
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            forceTerminateConnection();
-            throw new SimulatorFailedException(e);
-        }
-    }
-    public SimulatorValue boolLiteral( boolean val )
-    {
-        if( val ) {
-            return BoolValue.TRUE;
-        } else {
-            return BoolValue.FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-    public SimulatorValue bvLiteral( long width, BigInteger val )
-    {
-        return new BitvectorValue( width, val );
-    }
-    public SimulatorValue natLiteral( BigInteger val )
-    {
-        return new NatValue( val );
-    }
-    public SimulatorValue callHandle( FunctionHandle hdl, Object... args ) {
-        return runCall( hdl, Arrays.copyOf( args, args.length, SimulatorValue[].class ) );
-    }
-    protected
-    synchronized
-    SimulatorValue applyPrimitive(Type type,
-                                  Protos.PrimitiveOp op,
-                                  Object... args) {
-        Protos.Request.Builder b
-            = Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.ApplyPrimitive)
-            .setPrimOp(op)
-            .setResultType(type.getTypeRep());
-        for (Object v : args) {
-            b.addArg(((SimulatorValue) v) .getValueRep());
-        }
-        issueRequest(b);
-        try {
-            Protos.SimulatorValueResponse r = getNextSimulatorValueResponse();
-            if (!r.getSuccessful()) {
-                String msg = "Could not create simulator value";
-                String err = r.getErrorMsg();
-                if( !(err == null) ) { msg = msg + ": " + err; }
-                throw new SimulatorFailedException(msg);
-            }
-            // Parse value back.
-            return fromProtosValue(r.getValue(), type);
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            throw new SimulatorFailedException(e);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tell the simulator to use the given procedure when calling
-     * functions with the handle associated to the procedure.
-     *
-     * @param p procedure to use
-     */
-    public synchronized void useCfg(Procedure p) throws IOException {
-        issueRequest(Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                     .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.UseCFG)
-                     .setCfg(p.getCfgRep()));
-        getNextAckResponse();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tell the simulator to unpack and print the given CFG.
-     *
-     * @param p procedure to use
-     */
-    public synchronized void printCFG(Procedure p) throws IOException {
-        issueRequest(Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                     .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.PrintCFG)
-                     .setCfg(p.getCfgRep()));
-        getNextAckResponse();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tell the simulator to call Java code when the function
-     * <code>h</code> is called.
-     * This replaces any current binding to the handle.
-     *
-     * @param h The handle to attach the override to.
-     * @param f The Java function to run when the function is called.
-     */
-    public synchronized
-    void useOverride(FunctionHandle h, SimulatorFunction f ) {
-        issueRequest(Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                     .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.UseOverride)
-                     .setIndex(h.getUniqueId()));
-        // Add override to map for later lookup.
-        overrideMap.put(h.getUniqueId(), new OverrideEntry(h, f));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add listener that receives evens when message is printed during symbolic execution.
-     */
-    public void addPrintMessageListener(MessageConsumer listener) {
-        synchronized(printMessageListeners) {
-            printMessageListeners.add(listener);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add listener that receives evens when path is aborted during symbolic execution.
-     */
-    public synchronized void addPathAbortedListener(MessageConsumer listener) {
-        pathAbortedListeners.add(listener);
-    }
-    /** Read a simulator value from the protocol buffer format. */
-    protected static
-    SimulatorValue fromProtosValue(Protos.Value v, Type expectedType) {
-        // Declare local variables so intance variables are assigned once.
-        switch (v.getCode()) {
-        case ReferenceValue:
-            return new ReferenceValue(expectedType, v.getIndex());
-        case TrueValue:
-            if (!expectedType.equals(Type.BOOL))
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected bool value.");
-            return BoolValue.TRUE;
-        case FalseValue:
-            if (!expectedType.equals(Type.BOOL))
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected bool value.");
-            return BoolValue.FALSE;
-        case NatValue:
-            // Use big-endian encoding without sign-bit.
-            return new NatValue(new BigInteger(1, v.getData().toByteArray()));
-        case IntegerValue:
-            return new IntegerValue(new BigInteger(v.getData().toByteArray()));
-        case RationalValue:
-            return new RationalValue(v.getData().toByteArray());
-        case BitvectorValue:
-            // valueRef stores the width when this is a bitvector.
-            return new BitvectorValue(v.getWidth(), new BigInteger(1, v.getData().toByteArray()));
-        case StringValue:
-            return new StringValue(v.getStringLit());
-        case UnitValue:
-            if (!expectedType.equals(Type.UNIT))
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected unit value.");
-            return new UnitValue();
-        case FnHandleValue:
-            return new FunctionHandle(v.getIndex(), v.getHandleInfo());
-        default:
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse Value kind.");
-        }
-    }
-    /** method for registering a Handle with the simulator. */
-    public synchronized
-    FunctionHandle
-    newHandle(String displayName, Type[] argTypes, Type returnType) throws IOException {
-        Protos.HandleInfo.Builder b
-            = Protos.HandleInfo.newBuilder()
-            .setDisplayName(displayName)
-            .setReturnType(returnType.getTypeRep());
-        for (Type argType : argTypes) {
-            b.addArgType(argType.getTypeRep());
-        }
-        Protos.HandleInfo h = b.build();
-        // Issue request to register handle.
-        issueRequest(Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                     .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.RegisterHandle)
-                     .setHandle(h));
-        long handleId = getNextRegisterHandleResponse().getIndex();
-        return new FunctionHandle(handleId, displayName, argTypes, returnType);
-    }
-    protected FunctionHandle predefinedHandleInfoResponse() throws IOException {
-        Protos.PredefinedHandleInfo pinfo = getNextPredefHandleResponse();
-        long handleId = pinfo.getRef();
-        Protos.HandleInfo h = pinfo.getInfo();
-        // Return handle
-        return new FunctionHandle(handleId, h);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the verbosity level of the simulator.  Higher verbosity levels
-     * generate more informational and debugging messages.
-     *
-     * @param v The verbosity level.  Valid values are in the range 0..10
-     */
-    public synchronized void setVerbosity(int v) throws IOException {
-        issueRequest(Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                     .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.SetVerbosity)
-                     .addArg(this.natLiteral(v).getValueRep()));
-        getNextAckResponse();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns handle associated with getting a symbolic variable of the
-     * given type.  If a list of dimensions are provided, the returned handle
-     * will generate a fresh array of the given base type with the given dimensions.
-     *
-     * @throws IOException When there was an error when interacting with
-     *         the server.
-     * @return the handle
-     */
-    public synchronized FunctionHandle getSymbolicHandle(VarType type)
-	throws IOException {
-	Protos.Request.Builder b = Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-               .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.SymbolicHandle)
-               .setVarType(type.getProtosRep());
-        issueRequest(b);
-        return predefinedHandleInfoResponse();
-    }
-    /**
-     * This creates a new uninterpreted constant with the type
-     * <code>type</code>.
-     *
-     * @param type the type of fresh constants.
-     * @return the new constant.
-     */
-    public SimulatorValue freshConstant(VarType type) throws IOException {
-        try {
-            return runCall(getSymbolicHandle(type));
-        } catch (SimulatorFailedException e) {
-            throw new Error("Failed to create symbolic variable.", e);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a predefined function handle with the given name.
-     *
-     * @throws IOException When there was an error when interacting with
-     *         the server.  In particular, if a function with the given
-     *         name is not found, an exception will be thrown.
-     * @return the handle
-     */
-    public synchronized FunctionHandle getHandleByName( String name ) throws IOException {
-        Protos.HandleInfo h =
-          Protos.HandleInfo.newBuilder()
-          .setDisplayName(name)
-          .build();
-        issueRequest(Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                      .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.GetHandleByName)
-                      .setHandle(h) );
-        return predefinedHandleInfoResponse();
-    }
-    public synchronized FunctionHandle getMultipartStoreHandle( long addrWidth, long cellWidth, long parts )
-        throws IOException {
-        Type[] argTypes = {
-            Type.BOOL,
-            Type.bitvector( addrWidth ),
-            Type.bitvector( cellWidth * parts ),
-            Type.wordMap( addrWidth, Type.bitvector( cellWidth ) ),
-            };
-        Type returnType = Type.wordMap( addrWidth, Type.bitvector( cellWidth ) );
-        Protos.HandleInfo.Builder h
-            = Protos.HandleInfo.newBuilder()
-            .setReturnType(returnType.getTypeRep());
-        for (Type tp : argTypes) {
-            h.addArgType(tp.getTypeRep());
-        }
-        issueRequest(Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                     .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.MultipartStoreHandle)
-                     .setHandle(h.build()) );
-        return predefinedHandleInfoResponse();
-    }
-    public synchronized FunctionHandle getMultipartLoadHandle( long addrWidth, long cellWidth, long parts )
-        throws IOException {
-        Type[] argTypes = {
-            Type.BOOL,
-            Type.bitvector( addrWidth ),
-            Type.wordMap( addrWidth, Type.bitvector( cellWidth ) ),
-            Type.maybe( Type.bitvector( cellWidth ) )
-        };
-        Type returnType = Type.bitvector( cellWidth * parts );
-        Protos.HandleInfo.Builder h =
-            Protos.HandleInfo.newBuilder()
-            .setReturnType(returnType.getTypeRep());
-        for (Type tp : argTypes) {
-            h.addArgType(tp.getTypeRep());
-        }
-        issueRequest(Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                     .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.MultipartLoadHandle)
-                     .setHandle(h.build()) );
-        return predefinedHandleInfoResponse();
-    }
-    public SimulatorValue multipartStore( SimulatorValue isBigEndian,
-                                          SimulatorValue addr,
-                                          SimulatorValue val,
-                                          SimulatorValue map )
-        throws IOException {
-        long addrWidth = addr.type().width();
-        long cellWidth = map.type().wordMapRangeType().width();
-        long parts     = val.type().width() / cellWidth;
-        FunctionHandle storeHandle = getMultipartStoreHandle( addrWidth, cellWidth, parts );
-        return runCall( storeHandle, isBigEndian, addr, val, map );
-    }
-    public SimulatorValue multipartLoad( SimulatorValue isBigEndian,
-                                         SimulatorValue addr,
-                                         int parts,
-                                         SimulatorValue map )
-        throws IOException {
-        long addrWidth = addr.type().width();
-        long cellWidth = map.type().wordMapRangeType().width();
-        FunctionHandle loadHandle = getMultipartLoadHandle( addrWidth, cellWidth, parts );
-        return runCall( loadHandle, isBigEndian, addr, map, nothingValue(map.type().wordMapRangeType()) );
-    }
-    public SimulatorValue multipartLoadWithDefault( SimulatorValue isBigEndian,
-                                                    SimulatorValue addr,
-                                                    int parts,
-                                                    SimulatorValue map,
-                                                    SimulatorValue def )
-        throws IOException {
-        long addrWidth = addr.type().width();
-        long cellWidth = map.type().wordMapRangeType().width();
-        FunctionHandle loadHandle = getMultipartLoadHandle( addrWidth, cellWidth, parts );
-        return runCall( loadHandle, isBigEndian, addr, map, justValue(def) );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns a predefined function handle for printing terms of the given type.
-     * @throws IOException When there was an error when interacting with
-     *         the server.  In particular, if the given type cannot be printed,
-     *         an exception will be thrown.
-     * @return the handle
-     */
-    public synchronized FunctionHandle getPrintTermHandle( Type tp ) throws IOException {
-        issueRequest(Protos.Request.newBuilder()
-                     .setCode(Protos.RequestCode.PrintTermHandle)
-                     .setType( tp.getTypeRep() ));
-        return predefinedHandleInfoResponse();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Causes the crucible simulator to print the given value.
-     * @throws IOException If the value cannot be printed.
-     */
-    public void printTerm( SimulatorValue value ) throws IOException {
-        FunctionHandle printTerm = getPrintTermHandle( value.type() );
-        runCall( printTerm, value );
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorAbortedException.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorAbortedException.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f397df48..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorAbortedException.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.util.*;
- * SimulatorAbortedException is an exception thrown when calling a simulator
- * function failed along all simulator paths.
- */
-public class SimulatorAbortedException extends SimulatorFailedException {
-    final List<SimulatorMessage> simMessages;
-    SimulatorAbortedException(List<SimulatorMessage> simMessages ) {
-        super("Simulation failed along all paths");
-	this.simMessages = simMessages;
-    }
-    public List<SimulatorMessage> getMessages()
-    {
-        return simMessages;
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorFailedException.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorFailedException.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 35f501e53..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorFailedException.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.util.*;
- * SimulatorFailedException is an exception called when the simulator fails
- * to execute simulated something.
- */
-public class SimulatorFailedException extends RuntimeException {
-    SimulatorFailedException(String message) {
-        super(message);
-    }
-    SimulatorFailedException(Throwable cause) {
-        super(cause);
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorFunction.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorFunction.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8df652444..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorFunction.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-public interface SimulatorFunction {
-    public SimulatorValue run(SimulatorValue[] args);
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorMessage.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorMessage.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a439fe37c..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorMessage.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.util.*;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Position;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-public class SimulatorMessage {
-    String message;
-    List<Position> backtrace;
-    public SimulatorMessage( String message ) {
-        this.message = message;
-    }
-    protected SimulatorMessage( String message, List<Protos.Position> proto_backtrace ) {
-        this.message = message;
-        this.backtrace = new LinkedList<Position>();
-        for( Protos.Position pp : proto_backtrace ) {
-            backtrace.add( Position.fromProto( pp ) );
-        }
-    }
-    public static SimulatorMessage parsePathAbortedMessage( Protos.PathAbortedMessage msg ) {
-	String s = msg.getMessage();
-	List<Protos.Position> bt = msg.getBacktraceList();
-	switch( msg.getCode() ) {
-	case AbortedReadBeforeWrite:
-	    return new ReadBeforeWriteMessage( s, bt );
-	case AbortedNonFunction:
-	    return new NonFunctionMessage( s, bt );
-        case AbortedUserAssertFailure:
-	    return new UserAssertFailureMessage( s, bt );
-	default:
-	    return new SimulatorMessage( s, bt );
-	}
-    }
-    public String getMessage()
-    {
-        return message;
-    }
-    public List<Position> getBacktrace()
-    {
-        if( backtrace == null ) {
-            backtrace = new LinkedList<Position>();
-        }
-        return backtrace;
-    }
-    public String toString()
-    {
-        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
-	b.append( this.getClass().getName() );
-	b.append( ": ");
-        b.append( message );
-        if( backtrace != null ) {
-            for( Position p : backtrace ) {
-                b.append( "\n  at " );
-                b.append( p.toString() );
-            }
-        }
-        return b.toString();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorValue.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorValue.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8940d54fd..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/SimulatorValue.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
- * Interface that all values in simulator must implement.
- */
-public interface SimulatorValue extends Typed {
-    /**
-     * Return the Protocol Buffer representation of a simulator value.
-     * @return the representation
-     */
-    Protos.Value getValueRep();
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/StringValue.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/StringValue.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 511b14681..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/StringValue.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Expr;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-/** A constant string in the simulator. */
-public final class StringValue implements Expr, SimulatorValue {
-    private final String v;
-    public StringValue(String v) {
-        this.v = v;
-    }
-    /** Returns string type. */
-    public Type type() {
-        return Type.STRING;
-    }
-    public Protos.Expr getExprRep() {
-        return Protos.Expr.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ExprCode.StringExpr)
-            .setStringLit(v)
-            .build();
-    }
-    public Protos.Value getValueRep() {
-        return Protos.Value.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ValueCode.StringValue)
-            .setStringLit(v)
-            .build();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/Type.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/Type.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f65dd13..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/Type.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
- * Crucible expression types
- */
-public final class Type {
-    final Protos.CrucibleTypeId id;
-    final long width;
-    final Type[] params;
-    /**
-     * Returns whether simulator supports creating constants with this type.
-     */
-    boolean supportSymbolicConstants() {
-        return id == Protos.CrucibleTypeId.BoolType
-            || id == Protos.CrucibleTypeId.NatType
-            || id == Protos.CrucibleTypeId.BitvectorType;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Create an array of types from a list of protocol buffer types.
-     */
-    static
-    Type[] typeArrayFromProtoList(List<Protos.CrucibleType> l) {
-        Type[] r = new Type[l.size()];
-        int cnt=0;
-        for (Protos.CrucibleType tp : l) {
-            r[cnt++] = new Type(tp);
-        }
-        return r;
-    }
-    /** A package internal method for creating types from a stream. */
-    Type(Protos.CrucibleType type) {
-        this.id = type.getId();
-        this.width = type.getWidth();
-        this.params = typeArrayFromProtoList(type.getParamList());
-    }
-    /** A private method for creating a type with the given args. */
-    private Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId id, long width, Type[] params) {
-        this.id = id;
-        this.width = width;
-        this.params = params;
-    }
-    private Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId id, Type ... args) {
-        this.id = id;
-        this.width = 0;
-        this.params = args;
-    }
-    public String toString() {
-        return getTypeRep().toString();
-    }
-    /**
-     * The type of unit, which contains a single value.
-     */
-    public static final Type UNIT = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.UnitType);
-    /**
-     * Type for Boolean values (true or false)
-     */
-    public static final Type BOOL = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.BoolType);
-    /**
-     * Type for natural numbers.
-     */
-    public static final Type NAT = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.NatType);
-    /**
-     * Type for positive natural numbers.
-     */
-    public static final Type POS_NAT = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.PosNatType);
-    /**
-     * Type for integers
-     */
-    public static final Type INTEGER = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.IntegerType);
-    /**
-     * Type for real numbers
-     */
-    public static final Type REAL = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.RealType);
-    /**
-     * Type for complex real values.
-     */
-    public static final Type COMPLEX = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.ComplexType);
-    // Cache used for bitvector types.
-    private static Map<Long,Type> bitvectorTypes = new HashMap<Long,Type>();
-    /**
-     * Return a parameter for this type.
-     *
-     * @param i Index of parameter.
-     * @return the parameter
-     */
-    public Type typeParam(int i) {
-        if (!(0 <= i && i < params.length)) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type parameter.");
-        }
-        return params[i];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the type of a bitvector with <code>width</code> bits.
-     *
-     * @param width The number of bits in bitvector.
-     * @return The given type.
-     */
-    public static Type bitvector(long width) {
-        synchronized (bitvectorTypes) {
-            Type r = bitvectorTypes.get(width);
-            if (r == null) {
-                r = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.BitvectorType, width, new Type[0]);
-                bitvectorTypes.put(width, r);
-            }
-            return r;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the type of a word map, which maps <code>width</code> bit wide addresses and
-     * to values of type <code>range</code>.
-     */
-    public static Type wordMap(long width, Type range) {
-        return new Type( Protos.CrucibleTypeId.WordMapType, width, new Type[] { range } );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Check if this type is a WordMap.
-     * @return true if this type is WordMap
-     */
-    public boolean isWordMap() {
-	return id == Protos.CrucibleTypeId.WordMapType;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the range type of a wordmap type.
-     * @return The range type of this wordmap type.
-     */
-    public Type wordMapRangeType() {
-        if( id != Protos.CrucibleTypeId.WordMapType ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Expected wordmap type");
-        }
-        if( params.length < 1 || params[0] == null ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Ill-formed wordmap type; no parameter type");
-        }
-        return params[0];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Check if this type is a Struct type
-     * @return true if this is a Struct type
-     */
-    public boolean isStruct() {
-        return id == Protos.CrucibleTypeId.StructType;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Check if this type is Vector(t) for some t.
-     * @return true if this is a vector type
-     */
-    public boolean isVector() {
-        return id == Protos.CrucibleTypeId.VectorType;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the element type of a vector type.
-     * @return The element type of this vector type.
-     */
-    public Type vectorElementType() {
-        if( id != Protos.CrucibleTypeId.VectorType ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Expected vector type");
-        }
-        if( params.length < 1 || params[0] == null ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Ill-formed vector type; no parameter type");
-        }
-        return params[0];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Check if  this is a bitvector type.
-     * @return Whether this is a bitvector type.
-     */
-    public boolean isBitvector() {
-        return id == Protos.CrucibleTypeId.BitvectorType;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return width of this type if it is a bitvector, and <code>0</code> otherwise.
-     * @return The width
-     */
-    public long width() {
-        return width;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Type for 16-bit IEEE754 floats.
-     */
-    public static final Type HALF_FLOAT = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.HalfFloatType);
-    /**
-     * Type for 32-bit IEEE754 floats.
-     */
-    public static final Type SINGLE_FLOAT = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.SingleFloatType);
-    /**
-     * Type for 64-bit IEEE754 floats.
-     */
-    public static final Type DOUBLE_FLOAT = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.DoubleFloatType);
-    /**
-     * Type for 128-bit IEEE754 floats.
-     */
-    public static final Type QUAD_FLOAT = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.QuadFloatType);
-    /**
-     * Type for 80-bit x87 extended double floating pount.
-     */
-    public static final Type x86_80_FLOAT = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.X86_80FloatType);
-    /**
-     * Type for pair of 64-bit floats that are summed together.
-     */
-    public static final Type DOUBLE_DOUBLE_FLOAT =
-        new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.DoubleDoubleFloatType);
-    /**
-     * Type for single Unicode character.
-     */
-    public static final Type CHAR = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.CharType);
-    /**
-     * Type for strings of Unicode characters.
-     */
-    public static final Type STRING = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.StringType);
-    // Cache used for function handle types.
-    private static Map<List<Type>,Type> functionHandleTypes =
-        new HashMap<List<Type>,Type>();
-    /**
-     * Type for function handle with given type.
-     *
-     * @param args Types of function arguments.
-     * @param ret Return type of fucntion
-     * @return Return type
-     */
-    public static final Type functionHandle(Type[] args, Type ret) {
-        synchronized (functionHandleTypes) {
-            ArrayList<Type> params = new ArrayList<Type>();
-            params.addAll(Arrays.asList(args));
-            params.add(ret);
-            Type r = functionHandleTypes.get(params);
-            // If we haven't seen this function handle then replace it.
-            if (r == null) {
-                Type[] params_array = params.toArray(new Type[0]);
-                r = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.FunctionHandleType, 0, params_array);
-                functionHandleTypes.put(params, r);
-            }
-            return r;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return whether this is a function handle.
-     * @return whether this is a handle
-     */
-    public boolean isFunctionHandle() {
-        return id == Protos.CrucibleTypeId.FunctionHandleType;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the number of arguments expected by function if this
-     * is a function handle.
-     * @return the number of arguments.
-     */
-    public int getFunctionArgumentCount() {
-        assert isFunctionHandle();
-        return params.length - 1;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the type of a function at a given 0-based index.
-     * @param i index of argument
-     * @return the type
-     */
-    public Type getFunctionArgumentType(int i) {
-        assert isFunctionHandle();
-        if (i < 0 || i >= params.length - 1) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Function argument is out of bounds.");
-        }
-        return params[i];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return function return type.
-     * @return the return type
-     */
-    public Type getFunctionReturnType() {
-        assert isFunctionHandle();
-        return params[params.length - 1];
-    }
-    /** Cache for maybeType */
-    private static Map<Type, Type> maybeTypes = new HashMap<Type, Type>();
-    /**
-     * Returns type that may contain an element of type <code>e</code>.
-     *
-     * @param e The type of that may be contained.
-     * @return The maybe type.
-     */
-    public static Type maybe(Type e) {
-        synchronized (maybeTypes) {
-            Type r = maybeTypes.get(e);
-            if (r == null) {
-                r = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.MaybeType, e);
-                maybeTypes.put(e, r);
-            }
-            return r;
-        }
-    }
-    public boolean isMaybe() {
-        return id == Protos.CrucibleTypeId.MaybeType;
-    }
-    private static Map<Type, Type> vectorTypes = new HashMap<Type, Type>();
-    /**
-     * A vector whose elements are of type <code>e</code>.
-     *
-     * @param e The type of the elements of the vector.
-     * @return The vector type.
-     */
-    public static Type vector(Type e) {
-        synchronized (vectorTypes) {
-            Type r = vectorTypes.get(e);
-            if (r == null) {
-                r = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.VectorType, e);
-                vectorTypes.put(e, r);
-            }
-            return r;
-        }
-    }
-    private static Map<List<Type>, Type> structTypes =
-           new HashMap<List<Type>, Type>();
-    /**
-     * Type for a struct with elements of the given types.
-     *
-     * @param fields The types of fields in the struct.
-     * @return The resulting type.
-     */
-    public static Type struct(Type[] fields) {
-        synchronized (structTypes) {
-            List<Type> fieldsList = Arrays.asList(fields);
-            Type r = structTypes.get(fieldsList);
-            if (r == null) {
-                r = new Type(Protos.CrucibleTypeId.StructType, 0, fields);
-                structTypes.put(fieldsList, r);
-            }
-            return r;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return protocol buffer representation for type.
-     * @return the representation
-     */
-    public Protos.CrucibleType getTypeRep() {
-        Protos.CrucibleType.Builder b
-            = Protos.CrucibleType.newBuilder()
-            .setId(id)
-            .setWidth(width);
-        for (Type param : params) {
-            b.addParam(param.getTypeRep());
-        }
-        return b.build();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if <code>this</code> and <code>o</code> are the same type.
-     * @param o the other type.
-     * @return whether the types are the same.
-     */
-    public boolean equals(Object o) {
-        if (!(o instanceof Type)) return false;
-        Type other = (Type) o;
-        return this.id.equals(other.id)
-            && this.width == other.width
-            && Arrays.equals(this.params, other.params);
-    }
-    public int hashCode() {
-        return Arrays.hashCode(new Object[] { id, width, params });
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/Typed.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/Typed.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 579b202eb..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/Typed.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
- * An object with a Crucible type associated.
- */
-public interface Typed {
-    /**
-     * Return type of object.
-     * @return the type
-     */
-    Type type();
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/UnitValue.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/UnitValue.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 97e232b8b..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/UnitValue.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Expr;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-/** This represents the unit value. */
-public final class UnitValue implements Expr, SimulatorValue {
-    public UnitValue() {}
-    public Type type() {
-        return Type.UNIT;
-    }
-    public Protos.Expr getExprRep() {
-        return Protos.Expr.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ExprCode.UnitExpr)
-            .build();
-    }
-    public Protos.Value getValueRep() {
-        return Protos.Value.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ValueCode.UnitValue)
-            .build();
-    }
-    public String toString() {
-        return "()";
-    }
-    public boolean equals(Object o) {
-        return (o instanceof UnitValue);
-    }
-    public int hashCode() {
-        return 0;
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/UserAssertFailureMessage.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/UserAssertFailureMessage.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ad274b971..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/UserAssertFailureMessage.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.util.*;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Position;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-   This path aborted message is returned when an explicit assertion (i.e., an assert statement
-   in a CFG) fails.
-public class UserAssertFailureMessage extends SimulatorMessage {
-    public UserAssertFailureMessage( String message, List<Protos.Position> proto_backtrace ) {
-	super(message, proto_backtrace);
-    }
-    public UserAssertFailureMessage( String message ) {
-	super(message);
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/Utils.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/Utils.java
deleted file mode 100644
index dd78c68e1..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/Utils.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-class Utils {
-    private Utils() {}
-    /*
-    public static <T extends CrucibleSerializable>
-    void writeIterableWithSize(OutputStream s,
-                               int size,
-                               Iterable<T> l) throws IOException {
-        writeVaruint(s,size);
-        Iterator<T> i = l.iterator();
-        while (size > 0) {
-            assert i.hasNext();
-            T e = i.next();
-            e.serialize(s);
-            --size;
-        }
-    }
-    public static <T extends CrucibleSerializable>
-    void writeArray(OutputStream s, T[] l) throws IOException {
-        int size = l.length;
-        writeVaruint(s,size);
-        for (int i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
-            l[i].serialize(s);
-        }
-    }
-    */
-    static void writeString(OutputStream s, String v) throws IOException {
-        s.write(v.getBytes("UTF-8"));
-        s.write(0); // Add null terminator.
-    }
-    /**
-     * Write a varint to stream.
-     */
-    static void writeVaruint(OutputStream s, long i) throws IOException {
-        assert i >= 0;
-        boolean c;
-        do {
-            // Get 7 low order bits;
-            int next = (int) (i & 0x7f);
-            i = i >>> 7;
-            // Get whether we should continue
-            c = i > 0;
-            // Write byte
-            s.write((c ? 0x80 : 0) | next);
-        } while (c);
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/ValueCreator.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/ValueCreator.java
deleted file mode 100644
index dbe37b50a..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/ValueCreator.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,845 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
- * Provides methods for applying primitive operations to values with
- * type <code>T</code>.
- *
- * It requires subclasses to implement <code>applyPrimitive</code>,
- * and then they can automatically inherit a large set of operations.
- */
-public abstract class ValueCreator<T extends Typed> {
-    /**
-     * Apply the primitive operation to the given arguments.
-     * @param res Type of result
-     */
-    protected
-    abstract
-    T applyPrimitive(Type res, Protos.PrimitiveOp op, Object... args);
-    public abstract T bvLiteral( long width, BigInteger val );
-    public abstract T natLiteral( BigInteger val );
-    public abstract T boolLiteral( boolean val );
-    public abstract T callHandle( FunctionHandle hdl, Object... args );
-    public T natLiteral( long val )
-    {
-        return natLiteral( BigInteger.valueOf(val) );
-    }
-    public T bvLiteral( long width, long val )
-    {
-        return bvLiteral( width, BigInteger.valueOf(val) );
-    }
-    /** Complement Boolean value. */
-    public T not(T x) {
-        if (!x.type().equals(Type.BOOL))
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not expects a Boolean argument.");
-        return applyPrimitive(Type.BOOL, Protos.PrimitiveOp.BoolNot, x);
-    }
-    /** And two Boolean values. */
-    public T and(T x, T y) {
-        if (!x.type().equals(Type.BOOL))
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("and expects Boolean arguments.");
-        if (!y.type().equals(Type.BOOL))
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("and expects Boolean arguments.");
-        return applyPrimitive(Type.BOOL, Protos.PrimitiveOp.BoolAnd, x, y);
-    }
-    /** Inclusive-or of two Boolean values. */
-    public T or(T x, T y) {
-        if (!x.type().equals(Type.BOOL))
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("or expects Boolean arguments.");
-        if (!y.type().equals(Type.BOOL))
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("or expects Boolean arguments.");
-        return not(and(not(x), not(y)));
-    }
-    /** Exclusive-or of two Boolean values. */
-    public T xor(T x, T y) {
-        if (!x.type().equals(Type.BOOL))
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("xor expects Boolean arguments.");
-        if (!y.type().equals(Type.BOOL))
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("xor expects Boolean arguments.");
-        return applyPrimitive(Type.BOOL, Protos.PrimitiveOp.BoolXor, x, y);
-    }
-    /**
-     * if-then-else applied to values with the same type.
-     * We currently support Booleans, natural numbers, integers, real
-     * numbers, and bitvectors.
-     */
-    public T ite(T c, T x, T y) {
-        if (!c.type().equals(Type.BOOL))
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ite expects Boolean condition.");
-        Type type = x.type();
-        if (!type.equals(y.type()))
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ite expects cases to have same type.");
-        Protos.PrimitiveOp op;
-        if (type.equals(Type.BOOL)) {
-            op = Protos.PrimitiveOp.BoolIte;
-        } else if (type.equals(Type.REAL)) {
-            op = Protos.PrimitiveOp.RealIte;
-        } else if (type.isBitvector()) {
-            op = Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVIte;
-        } else {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type given to ite.");
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive(type, op, c, x, y);
-    }
-    /** Convert argument to a real. */
-    public T convertToReal(T x) {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        if (x_type.equals(Type.REAL)) {
-            return x;
-        } else if (x_type.equals(Type.INTEGER)) {
-            return applyPrimitive(Type.REAL, Protos.PrimitiveOp.IntegerToReal, x);
-        } else if (x_type.equals(Type.NAT)) {
-            x = applyPrimitive(Type.INTEGER, Protos.PrimitiveOp.NatToInteger, x);
-            return applyPrimitive(Type.REAL, Protos.PrimitiveOp.IntegerToReal, x);
-        } else {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("convertToReal given unsupported type.");
-        }
-    }
-    /** Convert argument to an integer. */
-    public T convertToInteger(T x) {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        if (x_type.equals(Type.INTEGER)) {
-            return x;
-        } else if (x_type.equals(Type.NAT)) {
-            return applyPrimitive(Type.INTEGER, Protos.PrimitiveOp.NatToInteger, x);
-        } else {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("convertToReal given unsupported type.");
-        }
-    }
-    /** Return true if type is Nat integer or Real */
-    private static boolean isNatIntegerOrReal(Type type) {
-        return type.equals(Type.NAT)
-            || type.equals(Type.INTEGER)
-            || type.equals(Type.REAL);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add two values.
-     *
-     * This procedure performs some implicit coercisions as follows:
-     * * If both arguments are natural numbers, integers, and real numbers, then the
-     *   results may be added subject to the following conversions:
-     *   1. If either argument is a real or integer, then the values are converted
-     *      to reals as needed, and the result is a real.
-     *   2. Otherwise, both arguments must be natural numbers, and the result is a
-     *      Nat.
-     * * If both arguments are bitvectors with the same size, then the numbers are
-     *   added.  Overflow bits are discarded.
-     * If neither of these conditions are satisfied, then add throws an
-     * <code>UnsupportedOperationException</code>.
-     */
-    public T add(T x, T y) {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        Type y_type = y.type();
-        if (isNatIntegerOrReal(x_type)) {
-            if (!isNatIntegerOrReal(y_type)) {
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("add given incompatible types.");
-            }
-            if (x_type.equals(Type.REAL) || y_type.equals(Type.REAL)) {
-                x = convertToReal(x);
-                y = convertToReal(y);
-                return applyPrimitive(Type.REAL, Protos.PrimitiveOp.RealAdd, x, y);
-            } else if (x_type.equals(Type.INTEGER) || y_type.equals(Type.INTEGER)) {
-                x = convertToInteger(x);
-                y = convertToInteger(y);
-                return applyPrimitive(Type.INTEGER, Protos.PrimitiveOp.IntegerAdd, x, y);
-            } else { // Both should be nats
-                assert (x_type.equals(Type.NAT));
-                assert (y_type.equals(Type.NAT));
-                return applyPrimitive(Type.NAT, Protos.PrimitiveOp.NatAdd, x, y);
-            }
-        } else if (x_type.isBitvector()) {
-            if (!y_type.equals(x_type)) {
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("add given incompatible types.");
-            }
-            return applyPrimitive(x_type, Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVAdd, x, y);
-        } else {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("add given unsupported type.");
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Subtract one value from another.
-     */
-    public T sub(T x, T y) {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        Type y_type = y.type();
-        if (isNatIntegerOrReal(x_type)) {
-            if (!isNatIntegerOrReal(y_type)) {
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("sub given incompatible types.");
-            }
-            if (x_type.equals(Type.REAL) || y_type.equals(Type.REAL)) {
-                x = convertToReal(x);
-                y = convertToReal(y);
-                return applyPrimitive(Type.REAL, Protos.PrimitiveOp.RealSub, x, y);
-            } else {
-                x = convertToInteger(x);
-                y = convertToInteger(y);
-                return applyPrimitive(Type.INTEGER, Protos.PrimitiveOp.IntegerSub, x, y);
-            }
-        } else if (x_type.isBitvector()) {
-            if (!y_type.equals(x_type)) {
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("sub given incompatible types.");
-            }
-            return applyPrimitive(x_type, Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVSub, x, y);
-        } else {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("sub given unsupported type.");
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Check if values are equal.
-     * @param x first value
-     * @param y second value
-     * @return boolean value
-     */
-    public T eq(T x, T y) {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        Type y_type = x.type();
-        if (!x_type.equals(y_type)) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Values to eq must have same type.");
-        }
-        if (x_type.equals(Type.BOOL)) {
-            return not(xor(x, y));
-        } else if (x_type.equals(Type.NAT)) {
-            return applyPrimitive(Type.BOOL, Protos.PrimitiveOp.NatEq, x, y);
-        } else if (x_type.equals(Type.INTEGER)) {
-            return applyPrimitive(Type.BOOL, Protos.PrimitiveOp.IntegerEq, x, y);
-        } else if (x_type.equals(Type.REAL)) {
-            return applyPrimitive(Type.BOOL, Protos.PrimitiveOp.RealEq, x, y);
-        } else if (x_type.isBitvector()) {
-            return applyPrimitive(Type.BOOL, Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVEq, x,  y);
-        } else {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("eq given unsupported type.");
-        }
-    }
-    // ************** Bitvector ops ***************
-    /**
-     * Apply a binary operation on bitvectors.  The two expressions
-     * must both be of the same bitvector type, and the result is of the same type.
-     */
-    private T bvbinop( Protos.PrimitiveOp op, T x, T y )
-    {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        Type y_type = y.type();
-        if( !(x_type.isBitvector() && x_type.equals(y_type) ) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("binary bitvetor operation given unsupported types" +
-                                                    x_type.toString() + " " + y_type.toString() );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( x_type, op, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     *  Apply a binary comparison operator to bitvectors.  The two expressions
-     *  must both be of the same bitvector type.
-     */
-    private T bvcmpop( Protos.PrimitiveOp op, T x, T y )
-    {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        Type y_type = y.type();
-        if( !(x_type.isBitvector() && x_type.equals(y_type) ) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("binary bitvector comparison operation given unsupported types" +
-                                                    x_type.toString() + " " + y_type.toString() );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.BOOL, op, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     *  Apply a _signed_ binary comparison operator to bitvectors.  The two expressions
-     *  must both be of the same bitvector type, and must be of nonzero width.
-     */
-    private T bvscmpop( Protos.PrimitiveOp op, T x, T y )
-    {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        Type y_type = y.type();
-        if( !(x_type.isBitvector() && x_type.width() > 0 && x_type.equals(y_type) ) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("signed binary bitvector comparison operation given unsupported types" +
-                                                    x_type.toString() + " " + y_type.toString() );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.BOOL, op, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Bitvector addition.
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     */
-    public T bvAdd( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvbinop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVAdd, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Bitvector subtraction.
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     */
-    public T bvSub( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvbinop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVSub, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Bitvector multiplication.
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     */
-    public T bvMul( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvbinop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVMul, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Bitvector unsigned division
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     */
-    public T bvUdiv( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvbinop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVUdiv, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Bitvector signed division
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     */
-    public T bvSdiv( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvbinop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVSdiv, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Bitvector unsigned remainder
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     */
-    public T bvUrem( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvbinop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVUrem, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Bitvector signed remainder
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     */
-    public T bvSrem( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvbinop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVSrem, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * If-then-else for bitvectors.
-     * @param c the boolean value to branch on
-     * @param x the "then" value
-     * @param y the "else" value
-     */
-    public T bvIte( T c, T x, T y ) {
-        Type c_type = c.type();
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        Type y_type = y.type();
-        if( !(c_type.equals(Type.BOOL)) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("First argument of bvIte is required to be a boolean, but was in fact " +
-                                                     c_type.toString() );
-        }
-        if( !(x_type.isBitvector() && x_type.equals(y_type)) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Invalid types passed to bvIte" +
-                                                     x_type.toString() + " " + x_type.toString() );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( x_type, Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVIte, c, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compare two bitvectors for equality.
-     * @param x First parameter
-     * @param y Second parameter
-     * @return true iff x is equal to y
-     */
-    public T bvEq( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvcmpop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVEq, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Unsigned less-than-or-equal test.
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     * @return true iff x &lt;= y when x and y are interpreted as unsigned values
-     */
-    public T bvUle( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvcmpop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVUle, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Unsigned less-than test.
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     * @return true iff x &lt; y when x and y are interpreted as unsigned values
-     */
-    public T bvUlt( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvcmpop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVUlt, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Signed less-than-or-equal test.
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     * @return true iff x &lt;= y when x and y are interpreted as 2's complement signed values
-     */
-    public T bvSle( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvscmpop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVSle, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Signed less-than test.
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     * @return true iff x &lt; y when x and y are interpreted as 2's complement signed values
-     */
-    public T bvSlt( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvscmpop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVSlt, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Shift left.
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     * @return The value x shifted left by y bits.  Zeros are shifted into the least significant bits.
-     */
-    public T bvShl( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvbinop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVShl, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Logical shift right.
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     * @return The value x shifted right by y bits.  Zeros are shifted into the most significant bits.
-     */
-    public T bvLshr( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvbinop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVLshr, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Arithmetic shift right.
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     * @return The value x shifted right by y bits.  The most significant bit of x is replicated as the value is shifted.
-     */
-    public T bvAshr( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvbinop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVAshr, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Bitwise logical negation.
-     * @param x
-     * @return bitvector value with every bit flipped from x
-     */
-    public T bvNot( T x ) {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        if( !(x_type.isBitvector()) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("bvNot operation given unsupported type" +
-                                                    x_type.toString() );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive(x_type, Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVNot, x );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Bitwise logical conjunction.
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     */
-    public T bvAnd( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvbinop(Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVAnd, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Bitwise logical disjunction.
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     */
-    public T bvOr( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvbinop(Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVOr, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Bitwise logical exclusive or.
-     * @param x
-     * @param y
-     */
-    public T bvXor( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvbinop(Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVXor, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Truncate a bitvector to the given width.  The target width must be
-     * no more than the width of x.
-     * @param x the value to truncate
-     * @param w the target width
-     * @return x truncated to w bits
-     */
-    public T bvTrunc( T x, long w ) {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        if( !(x_type.isBitvector()) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("bvTrunc given unsupported type " +
-                                                    x_type.toString() );
-        }
-        if( !(0 <= w && w <= x_type.width()) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("invalid trunctaction of type " +
-                                                    x_type.toString() + " to length " + w );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.bitvector(w), Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVTrunc, x );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Zero-extend a bitvector to the given width.  The target width must be
-     * no less than the width of x.
-     * @param x the value to truncate
-     * @param w the target width
-     * @return x zero-extended to w bits
-     */
-    public T bvZext( T x, long w ) {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        if( !(x_type.isBitvector()) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("bvZext given unsupported type " +
-                                                    x_type.toString() );
-        }
-        if( !(x_type.width() <= w) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("invalid zero extension of type " +
-                                                    x_type.toString() + " to length " + w );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.bitvector(w), Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVZext, x );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sign-extend a bitvector to the given width.  The target width must be
-     * no less than the width of x (which must be at least 1)
-     * @param x the value to truncate
-     * @param w the target width
-     * @return x zero-extended to w bits
-     */
-    public T bvSext( T x, long w ) {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        if( !(x_type.isBitvector() && x_type.width() >= 1) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("bvSext given unsupported type " +
-                                                    x_type.toString() );
-        }
-        if( !(x_type.width() <= w) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("invalid zero extension of type " +
-                                                    x_type.toString() + " to length " + w );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.bitvector(w), Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVZext, x );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Select a subsequence from a bitvector.  Take <code>n</code> bits starting at index <code>idx</code>
-     * (counting from the least-significant bit as 0) from the bitvector <code>x</code>.  <code>x</code> must
-     * be a bitvector with width at least <code>idx + n </code>.
-     * @param idx the index to begin selecting bits (least significant bit is 0)
-     * @param n the number of bits to take
-     * @param x the bitvector from which to select
-     * @return the n-bit subsequence of x starting at idx
-     */
-    public T bvSelect( int idx, int n, T x ) {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        if( !(x_type.isBitvector()) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("bvSelect given unsupported type " +
-                                                    x_type.toString() );
-        }
-        if( !(0 <= idx && 0 <= n && idx + n <= x_type.width() ) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("bvSelect subsequence out of bounds " +
-                                                    idx + " " + n + " " + x_type.toString() );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.bitvector( n ),
-                               Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVSelect,
-                               natLiteral(idx),
-                               natLiteral(n),
-                               x );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Concatenate two bitvectors
-     * @param x high-order bitvector of width m
-     * @param y low-order bitvector of width n
-     * @return concatenated bitvector of width (m+n)
-     */
-    public T bvConcat( T x, T y ) {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        Type y_type = y.type();
-        if( !(x_type.isBitvector() && y_type.isBitvector()) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("bvConcat given unsupported types " +
-                                                    x_type.toString() + " " + y_type.toString() );
-        }
-        Type ret_type = Type.bitvector( x_type.width() + y_type.width() );
-        return applyPrimitive( ret_type, Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVConcat, x, y );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Concatenate a sequence of bitvectors together in bigendian format.  That is,
-     * index 0 contains the high order bits and index (N-1) contains the low-order bits.
-     * If xs contains 0 elements, the 0-width bitvector is returned.  If xs contains
-     * 1 element, it is returned unchanged.
-     * @param xs An array of bitvectors to concatenate
-     * @return concateneated bitvector
-     */
-    public T bvConcat( T[] xs ) {
-        if( xs.length == 0 ) { return bvLiteral( 0, BigInteger.ZERO ); }
-        // Note: this loop structure is designed to produce a right-associated
-        // sequence of binary bvConcat operations.  It's not clear that this
-        // actually matters...
-        int i = xs.length - 1;
-        T acc = xs[i];
-        while( i > 0 ) {
-            i--;
-            acc = bvConcat( xs[i], acc );
-        }
-        return acc;
-    }
-    public T bvNonzero( T x ) {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        if( !(x_type.isBitvector()) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("bvNonzero given unsupported type " +
-                                                    x_type.toString() );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.BOOL, Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVNonzero, x );
-    }
-    public T bvCarry( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvcmpop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVCarry, x, y );
-    }
-    public T bvSCarry( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvscmpop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVSCarry, x, y );
-    }
-    public T bvSBorrow( T x, T y ) {
-        return bvscmpop( Protos.PrimitiveOp.BVSBorrow, x, y );
-    }
-    public T boolToBV( T x, long width ) {
-        Type x_type = x.type();
-        if( !x_type.equals( Type.BOOL ) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("boolToBV given unsupported type " +
-                                                    x_type.toString() );
-        }
-        if( !(width >= 0) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("boolToBV given negative width " + width);
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.bitvector(width), Protos.PrimitiveOp.BoolToBV, x );
-    }
-    // ************** Vector ops ***************
-    public T vectorLit( Type type, T... xs ) throws Exception {
-        for(int i=0; i<xs.length; i++ ) {
-            if( !(type.equals(xs[i].type())) ) {
-                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("type mismatch in vectorLit");
-            }
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.vector(type), Protos.PrimitiveOp.VectorLit, xs );
-    }
-    public T vectorReplicate( T n, T elem ) throws Exception {
-        Type n_type = n.type();
-        Type elem_type = elem.type();
-        if( !(n_type.equals( Type.NAT )) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("expected Nat in vectorReplicate");
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.vector(elem_type), Protos.PrimitiveOp.VectorReplicate, n, elem );
-    }
-    public T vectorSize( T v ) throws Exception {
-        Type v_type = v.type();
-        if( !(v_type.isVector()) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("expected Vector type in vectorSize");
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.NAT, Protos.PrimitiveOp.VectorSize, v );
-    }
-    public T vectorGetEntry( T v, T n ) throws Exception {
-        Type v_type = v.type();
-        Type n_type = n.type();
-        if( !(v_type.isVector()) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("expected Vector type in vectorGetEntry");
-        }
-        if( !(n_type.equals( Type.NAT )) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("expected Nat in vectorGetEntry");
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( v_type.vectorElementType(), Protos.PrimitiveOp.VectorGetEntry, v, n );
-    }
-    public T vectorSetEntry( T v, T n, T elem ) throws Exception {
-        Type v_type = v.type();
-        Type n_type = n.type();
-        Type elem_type = elem.type();
-        if( !(v_type.isVector()) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("expected Vector type in vectorSetEntry");
-        }
-        if( !(n_type.equals( Type.NAT )) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("expected Nat in vectorSetEntry");
-        }
-        if( !(elem_type.equals( v_type.vectorElementType() ))) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("type mismatch in vectorSetEntry");
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( v_type, Protos.PrimitiveOp.VectorSetEntry, v, n, elem );
-    }
-    // ******************* Struct Ops *****************************************
-    public T structLiteral( T... vals ) {
-        Type tys[] = new Type[ vals.length ];
-        for( int i=0; i<vals.length; i++ ) {
-            tys[i] = vals[i].type();
-        }
-        Type retType = Type.struct( tys );
-        return applyPrimitive( retType, Protos.PrimitiveOp.StructLiteral, vals );
-    }
-    public T structGet( int idx, T struct ) {
-        Type s_ty = struct.type();
-        if( !(s_ty.isStruct() ) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Expected struct value in structGet, but got" + s_ty.toString());
-        }
-        Type retType = s_ty.typeParam( idx );
-        return applyPrimitive( retType, Protos.PrimitiveOp.StructGet, natLiteral(idx), struct );
-    }
-    public T structSet( T struct, int idx, T x ) {
-        Type s_ty = struct.type();
-        Type x_ty = x.type();
-        if( !(s_ty.isStruct() ) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Expected struct value in structSet");
-        }
-        if( !(s_ty.typeParam(idx).equals( x_ty )) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Type mismatch in structSet");
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( s_ty, Protos.PrimitiveOp.StructSet, struct, natLiteral(idx), x );
-    }
-    // ******************* WordMap Ops ****************************************
-    public T emptyWordMap( long width, Type range ) {
-        if( width < 0 ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("illegal negative width in emptyWordMap: " + width );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.wordMap( width, range ), Protos.PrimitiveOp.WordMapEmpty );
-    }
-    public T insertWordMap( T idx, T elem, T map ) {
-        Type idx_type = idx.type();
-        Type elem_type = elem.type();
-        Type map_type = map.type();
-        if( !(map_type.isWordMap()
-              && idx_type.isBitvector()
-              && map_type.wordMapRangeType().equals( elem_type )
-              && map_type.width() == idx_type.width()) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("illegal types in insertWordMap : "+
-                                                    idx_type + " " + elem_type + " " + map_type );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( map_type, Protos.PrimitiveOp.WordMapInsert, idx, elem, map );
-    }
-    public T lookupWordMap( T idx, T map ) {
-        Type idx_type = idx.type();
-        Type map_type = map.type();
-        if( !(map_type.isWordMap()
-              && idx_type.isBitvector()
-              && map_type.width() == idx_type.width()) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("illegal types in lookupWordMap"+
-                                                    idx_type + " " + map_type );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( map_type.wordMapRangeType(), Protos.PrimitiveOp.WordMapLookup, idx, map );
-    }
-    public T lookupWordMapWithDefault( T idx, T map, T elem ) {
-        Type idx_type = idx.type();
-        Type map_type = map.type();
-        Type elem_type = elem.type();
-        if( !(map_type.isWordMap()
-              && idx_type.isBitvector()
-              && map_type.wordMapRangeType().equals( elem_type )
-              && map_type.width() == idx_type.width()) ) {
-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("illegal types in lookupWordMapWithDefault" +
-                                                    idx_type + " " + map_type + " " + elem_type );
-        }
-        return applyPrimitive( elem_type, Protos.PrimitiveOp.WordMapLookupWithDefault, idx, map, elem );
-    }
-    public T nothingValue( Type elemType ) {
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.maybe(elemType), Protos.PrimitiveOp.NothingValue );
-    }
-    public T justValue( T elem ) {
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.maybe(elem.type()), Protos.PrimitiveOp.JustValue, elem );
-    }
-    public T showValue( T x ) {
-        return applyPrimitive( Type.STRING, Protos.PrimitiveOp.ShowValue, x );
-    }
-    public T isConcrete( T x ) {
-	return applyPrimitive( Type.BOOL, Protos.PrimitiveOp.IsConcrete, x );
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/VarType.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/VarType.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 26779cd33..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/VarType.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
- * A type that the simulator allows variables to be created for.
- */
-public final class VarType {
-    final Protos.VarTypeId id;
-    final long width;
-    final List<Long> dimensions;
-    /** A package internal method for creating types from a stream. */
-    VarType(Protos.VarType type) {
-        this.id = type.getId();
-        this.width = type.getWidth();
-	this.dimensions = type.getDimensionList();
-    }
-    /** A private method for creating a type. */
-    private VarType(Protos.VarTypeId id) {
-        this.id = id;
-        this.width = 0;
-	this.dimensions = null;
-    }
-    /** A private method for creating a type with the given width. */
-    private VarType(Protos.VarTypeId id, long width) {
-        this.id = id;
-        this.width = width;
-	this.dimensions = null;
-    }
-    private VarType(Protos.VarTypeId id, long width, List<Long> dimensions) {
-        this.id = id;
-        this.width = width;
-	this.dimensions = dimensions;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Boolean values (true or false)
-     */
-    public static final VarType BOOL = new VarType(Protos.VarTypeId.BoolVarType);
-    /**
-     * Type for integers
-     */
-    public static final VarType INTEGER = new VarType(Protos.VarTypeId.IntegerVarType);
-    /**
-     * Type for real numbers
-     */
-    public static final VarType REAL = new VarType(Protos.VarTypeId.RealVarType);
-    /**
-     * Returns the type of a bitvector with <code>width</code> bits.
-     *
-     * @param width The number of bits in bitvector.
-     * @return The given type.
-     */
-    public static VarType bitvector(long width) {
-        return new VarType(Protos.VarTypeId.BitvectorVarType, width);
-    }
-    public static VarType vector( long n, VarType t ) {
-	LinkedList<Long> d = null;
-	if( t.dimensions == null ) {
-	    d = new LinkedList<Long>();
-	    d.addFirst( n );
-	} else {
-	    d = new LinkedList<Long>( t.dimensions );
-	    d.addFirst( n );
-	}
-	return new VarType( t.id, t.width, d );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get representation of VarType in protocol buffer format.
-     */
-    Protos.VarType getProtosRep() {
-	Protos.VarType.Builder b = Protos.VarType.newBuilder()
-            .setId(id)
-            .setWidth(width);
-	if( dimensions != null ) {
-	    b.addAllDimension( dimensions );
-	}
-	return b.build();
-    }
-    /** Compare if object equals this. */
-    public boolean equals(Object o) {
-        if (!(o instanceof VarType)) return false;
-        VarType other = (VarType) o;
-        return this.id.equals(other.id)
-            && this.width == other.width;
-    }
-    /** Hash fields together. */
-    public int hashCode() {
-        return Arrays.hashCode( new Object[] { id, width } );
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/VerificationHarness.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/VerificationHarness.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 64ee25683..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/VerificationHarness.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-public class VerificationHarness {
-    private Protos.VerificationHarness.Builder harness;
-    private StateSpecification innerPrestate;
-    private StateSpecification innerPoststate;
-    private static Protos.VariableSpecification newVar( String name, int width ) {
-        return Protos.VariableSpecification.newBuilder().
-            setName(name).
-            addDimension(width).
-            build();
-    }
-    private static Protos.VariableSpecification newVar( String name, int elems, int width ) {
-        return Protos.VariableSpecification.newBuilder().
-            setName(name).
-            addDimension(elems).
-            addDimension(width).
-            build();
-    }
-    private static Protos.VariableBinding newVariableBinding( Protos.VariableReference ref, String expr ) {
-        return Protos.VariableBinding.newBuilder().
-            setVar( ref ).
-            setExpr( expr ).
-            build();
-    }
-    private static Protos.RegisterAssignment newRegisterAssignment( long offset, Protos.VariableReference value ) {
-        return Protos.RegisterAssignment.newBuilder().
-            setRegOffset( offset ).
-            setValue( value ).
-            build();
-    }
-    private static Protos.MemoryAssignment newMemoryAssignment( Protos.VariableReference base,
-                                                                long offset,
-                                                                Protos.VariableReference value ) {
-        return Protos.MemoryAssignment.newBuilder().
-            setBase( base ).
-            setOffset( offset ).
-            setValue( value ).
-            build();
-    }
-    public static Protos.VariableReference userVar( String name ) {
-        return Protos.VariableReference.newBuilder().
-            setCode( Protos.VariableReferenceCode.UserVar ).
-            setVarName( name ).
-            build();
-    }
-    public static final Protos.VariableReference stackVar =
-        Protos.VariableReference.newBuilder().
-          setCode( Protos.VariableReferenceCode.StackPointerVar ).
-          build();
-    public static final Protos.VariableReference returnVar =
-        Protos.VariableReference.newBuilder().
-          setCode( Protos.VariableReferenceCode.ReturnAddressVar ).
-          build();
-    public class StateSpecification {
-        Protos.StateSpecification.Builder specBuilder;
-        StateSpecification( Protos.StateSpecification.Builder specBuilder ) {
-            this.specBuilder = specBuilder;
-        }
-        public Protos.VariableReference addVar( String name, int width ) {
-            specBuilder.addVariable( newVar( name, width ) );
-            return userVar( name );
-        }
-        public Protos.VariableReference addVar( String name, int elems, int width ) {
-            specBuilder.addVariable( newVar( name, elems, width ) );
-            return userVar( name );
-        }
-        public void assignRegister( long offset, Protos.VariableReference var ) {
-            specBuilder.addRegisterAssignment( newRegisterAssignment( offset, var ) );
-        }
-        public void assignMemory( Protos.VariableReference base,
-                                  long offset,
-                                  Protos.VariableReference value ) {
-            specBuilder.addMemoryAssignment( newMemoryAssignment( base, offset, value ) );
-        }
-        public void bindVariable( Protos.VariableReference var, String expr ) {
-            specBuilder.addVariableBinding( newVariableBinding( var, expr ) );
-        }
-        public void assertCondition( String expr ) {
-            specBuilder.addCondition( expr );
-        }
-    }
-    public VerificationHarness(String name, int regFileWidth, int addrWidth, Protos.Endianness endianness) {
-        this.harness = Protos.VerificationHarness.newBuilder();
-        harness.setName(name);
-        harness.setRegFileWidth(regFileWidth);
-        harness.setAddressWidth(addrWidth);
-        harness.setEndianness(endianness);
-        this.innerPrestate  = new StateSpecification( harness.getPrestateSpecificationBuilder() );
-        this.innerPoststate = new StateSpecification( harness.getPoststateSpecificationBuilder() );
-    }
-    public void addCryptolSource( String fname ) {
-        harness.addCryptolSource( fname );
-    }
-    public Protos.VerificationHarness getRep() {
-        return harness.build();
-    }
-    public StateSpecification prestate() {
-        return innerPrestate;
-    }
-    public StateSpecification poststate() {
-        return innerPoststate;
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/VerificationOptions.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/VerificationOptions.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 674e87cf9..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/VerificationOptions.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import com.galois.crucible.cfg.Procedure;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-public class VerificationOptions {
-    private Protos.VerificationSimulateOptions.Builder opts;
-    public VerificationOptions() {
-        opts = Protos.VerificationSimulateOptions.newBuilder();
-        opts.setSeparateObligations( false );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the starting value of the PC.  This indicates where to begin
-     * symbolic simulation, and is typically the entry point for a function.
-     */
-    public void setStartPC( SimulatorValue v ) {
-        opts.setStartPc( v.getValueRep() );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the value to be used as the return address.  This should not be
-     * the location of any valid instruction in the program.  Symoblic simulation
-     * will end when control passes to this value.
-     */
-    public void setReturnAddress( SimulatorValue v ) {
-        opts.setReturnAddress( v.getValueRep() );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the starting value of the stack pointer.  This should be in an area
-     * of memory that does not overlap with the program's expected data segment,
-     * heap, etc.  The stack will grow either up or down from here depending on
-     * the convention of the compiled program.
-     */
-    public void setStartStack( SimulatorValue v ) {
-        opts.setStartStack( v.getValueRep() );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the program to simulate.  This should be the function handle for
-     * the translated CFG to verify.
-     */
-    public void setProgram( Procedure proc ) {
-        opts.setProgram( proc.getHandle().getValueRep() );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the output directory.  The crucible server will produce it's output
-     * into the given directory path.  
-     */
-    public void setOutputDirectory( String path ) {
-        opts.setOutputDirectory( path );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Should the crucible server produce separate files for each generated proof obligation?
-     * If true, a separte SAWCore file will be generated for each safety condition and postcondition
-     * statement.  If false, all conditions will be combined together into a single file.
-     *
-     * This is a tradeoff.  Separate obligations may allow solvers to make better progress on individual goals.
-     * However, a single file allows better subterm sharing in the case that separate goals refer to the same
-     * subterms (which is fairly common).
-     */ 
-    public void setSeparateObligations( boolean b ) {
-        opts.setSeparateObligations( b );
-    }
-    public Protos.VerificationSimulateOptions getRep() {
-        return opts.build();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/BinaryPosition.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/BinaryPosition.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 79868efcd..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/BinaryPosition.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-public class BinaryPosition extends Position {
-    String path;
-    long addr;
-    public BinaryPosition( String functionName, String path, long addr )
-    {
-        this.functionName = functionName;
-        this.path = path;
-        this.addr = addr;
-    }
-    public Protos.Position getPosRep()
-    {
-        return Protos.Position.newBuilder()
-            .setCode( Protos.PositionCode.BinaryPos )
-            .setFunctionName( functionName )
-            .setPath( path )
-            .setAddr( addr )
-            .build();
-    }
-    public String toString()
-    {
-        return path + ": 0x" + Long.toHexString( addr ) + " " + functionName;
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Block.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Block.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 08845000d..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Block.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
- * A contiguous set of instructions in a control flow graph.
- */
-public final class Block extends SomeBlock {
-    /**
-     * Internal method for creating a block
-     */
-    Block(Procedure procedure, int block_index) {
-        super(procedure, block_index);
-    }
-    public Protos.Block getBlockRep() {
-        if (termStmt == null) {
-            String msg = "This block is unterminated.";
-            if( block_description != null ) {
-                msg = msg + " " + block_description;
-            }
-            throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
-        }
-        return Protos.Block.newBuilder()
-            .addAllStatement(statements)
-            .setTermStmt(termStmt)
-            .setPos( pos )
-            .build();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Expr.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Expr.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f2c73e6f8..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Expr.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-import com.galois.crucible.Typed;
- * Interface that all expressions referenced in control flow graph must implement.
- */
-public interface Expr extends Typed {
-    /**
-     * Return the Protocol Buffer representation of an expression.
-     * @return the representation
-     */
-    Protos.Expr getExprRep();
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/FunctionArg.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/FunctionArg.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 11fd83aba..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/FunctionArg.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-import com.galois.crucible.Type;
- * An argument to the function.
- */
-class FunctionArg implements Expr {
-    /** The index of the function argument. */
-    final long index;
-    /** The type of the function. */
-    final Type type;
-    FunctionArg(long index, Type type) {
-        if (type == null) throw new NullPointerException("type");
-        this.index = index;
-        this.type  = type;
-    }
-    public Type type() {
-        return this.type;
-    }
-    public Protos.Expr getExprRep() {
-        return Protos.Expr.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ExprCode.FunctionArgExpr)
-            .setIndex(index)
-            .build();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/InternalPosition.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/InternalPosition.java
deleted file mode 100644
index db9551368..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/InternalPosition.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-public class InternalPosition extends Position {
-    public InternalPosition( String functionName )
-    {
-        this.functionName = functionName;
-    }
-    public Protos.Position getPosRep()
-    {
-        Protos.Position.Builder b =
-            Protos.Position.newBuilder();
-        b.setCode( Protos.PositionCode.InternalPos );
-        b.setFunctionName( functionName );
-        return b.build();
-    }
-    public String toString()
-    {
-        return "internal position: " + functionName;
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/LambdaArg.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/LambdaArg.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d8b6718b8..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/LambdaArg.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-import com.galois.crucible.Type;
- * An argument passed to a Lambda block.
- */
-public final class LambdaArg implements Expr {
-    private final long block_index;
-    private final Type type;
-    LambdaArg(long block_index, Type type) {
-        this.block_index = block_index;
-        this.type = type;
-    }
-    public Type type() {
-        return type;
-    }
-    public Protos.Expr getExprRep() {
-        return Protos.Expr.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ExprCode.LambdaArgExpr)
-            .setBlockId(block_index)
-            .build();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/LambdaBlock.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/LambdaBlock.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 960abd25f..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/LambdaBlock.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-import com.galois.crucible.Type;
- * A block that accepts an argument from the previous block as an input.
- *
- * Used for pattern matching.
- */
-public final class LambdaBlock extends SomeBlock {
-    private final LambdaArg arg;
-    /** Internal method for creating a lambda block. */
-    LambdaBlock(Procedure p, int index, Type param_type) {
-        super(p, index);
-        this.arg = new LambdaArg(index, param_type);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get argument passed to this block.
-     * @return the argument.
-     */
-    public LambdaArg getArg() {
-        return arg;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return type of argument expected by block.
-     * @return the type
-     */
-    public Type getArgType() {
-        return arg.type();
-    }
-    public Protos.Block getBlockRep() {
-        if (termStmt == null) {
-            String msg = "This block is unterminated.";
-            if( block_description != null ) {
-                msg = msg + " " + block_description;
-            }
-            throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
-        }
-        return Protos.Block.newBuilder()
-            .setIsLambda(true)
-            .setLambdaType(arg.type().getTypeRep())
-            .addAllStatement(statements)
-            .setTermStmt(termStmt)
-            .setPos( pos )
-            .build();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Position.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Position.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b3301e3db..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Position.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-public abstract class Position {
-    String functionName;
-    String getFunctionName() { return functionName; }
-    public abstract Protos.Position getPosRep();
-    public static Position fromProto( Protos.Position p ) {
-        switch( p.getCode() ) {
-        case InternalPos:
-            return new InternalPosition( p.getFunctionName() );
-        case SourcePos:
-            return new SourcePosition( p.getFunctionName(),
-                                       p.getPath(),
-                                       p.getLine(),
-                                       p.getCol() );
-        case BinaryPos:
-            return new BinaryPosition( p.getFunctionName(),
-                                       p.getPath(),
-                                       p.getAddr() );
-        default:
-            throw new Error("Unknown Position code: "+p.getCode());
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Procedure.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Procedure.java
deleted file mode 100644
index cb93221d9..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Procedure.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import com.galois.crucible.Simulator;
-import com.galois.crucible.FunctionHandle;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-import com.galois.crucible.Type;
- * A control-flow-graph and handle associated to it.
- */
-public final class Procedure {
-    private final FunctionHandle handle;
-    /** List of expressions in function. */
-    private final List<FunctionArg> arguments;
-    /** List of all registers allocated in Cfg. */
-    private final List<Reg> registers;
-    /** Entry block for this procedure. */
-    private final Block entryBlock;
-    /** List of all blocks allocated in Cfg. */
-    private final List<SomeBlock> blocks;
-    /** Position of this procedure */
-    private Protos.Position pos;
-    /**
-     * Create a new control-flow graph with a freshly-allocated function handle.
-     * @param sim simulator object
-     * @param displayName name attached to the funtion handle
-     * @param argTypes types of the arguments to the function
-     * @param returnType type of the return value of the function
-     */
-    public Procedure( Simulator sim, String displayName, Type[] argTypes, Type returnType )
-        throws IOException
-    {
-        this( sim.newHandle( displayName, argTypes, returnType ) );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Create a new control-flow graph.
-     * @param h the handle associated to procedure
-     */
-    public Procedure(FunctionHandle h) {
-        this.handle = h;
-        this.pos = new InternalPosition( h.getDisplayName() ).getPosRep();
-        int argCount = h.getArgCount();
-        this.arguments = new ArrayList<FunctionArg>(argCount);
-        // Populate argument list.
-        for (int i = 0; i != argCount; ++i) {
-            arguments.add(new FunctionArg(i, h.getArgType(i)));
-        }
-        this.registers = new ArrayList<Reg>();
-        this.entryBlock = new Block(this, 0);
-        this.blocks = new ArrayList<SomeBlock>();
-        this.blocks.add(entryBlock);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the handle associated with this procedure.
-     * @return the handle
-     */
-    public FunctionHandle getHandle() {
-        return handle;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get first block.
-     * @return the block
-     */
-    public Block getEntryBlock() {
-        return entryBlock;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return number of arguments expected by procedure.
-     * @return the number of arguments
-     */
-    public int getArgCount() {
-        return handle.getArgCount();
-    }
-    /**
-     * The the position for this procedure.
-     */
-    public void setPosition( Position pos )
-    {
-        this.pos = pos.getPosRep();
-    }
-    public Protos.Position getPosition()
-    {
-        return this.pos;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns expression representing argument for function.
-     * @param i the index of the argument.
-     * @return the argument.
-     */
-    public FunctionArg getArg(int i) {
-        if (!(0 <= i && i < arguments.size())) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad argument index.");
-        }
-        return arguments.get(i);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Allocate a new register.
-     * @param tp the type of the register.
-     * @return the register
-     */
-    public Reg newReg(Type tp) {
-        Reg r = new Reg(registers.size(), tp);
-        registers.add(r);
-        return r;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Create a new basic block.
-     * @return the block
-     */
-    public Block newBlock() {
-        Block b = new Block(this, blocks.size());
-        blocks.add(b);
-        return b;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Create a new block that expects an argument when jumped to.
-     * @param param_type the type of the argument expected by block.
-     * @return the block
-     */
-    public LambdaBlock newLambdaBlock(Type param_type) {
-        LambdaBlock b = new LambdaBlock(this, blocks.size(), param_type);
-        blocks.add(b);
-        return b;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the Protocol buffer representation.
-     * @return the representation object.
-     */
-    public Protos.Cfg getCfgRep() {
-        Protos.Cfg.Builder b
-            = Protos.Cfg.newBuilder()
-            .setHandleId(handle.getUniqueId())
-            .setPos( pos );
-        for (Reg r : registers) {
-            b.addRegister(r.type().getTypeRep());
-        }
-        for (SomeBlock block : blocks) {
-            b.addBlock(block.getBlockRep());
-        }
-        return b.build();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Reg.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Reg.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b3c4b754c..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/Reg.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import com.galois.crucible.Type;
-import com.galois.crucible.Typed;
- * A mutable register that can be modified during execution.
- */
-public final class Reg implements Typed {
-    private final long index;
-    private final Type type;
-    /** Package level method for creating a register. */
-    Reg(long index, Type type) {
-        this.index = index;
-        this.type = type;
-    }
-    /** Get index of register. */
-    long index() {
-        return index;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get type of register.
-     * @return The type.
-     */
-    public Type type() {
-        return type;
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/SomeBlock.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/SomeBlock.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e1031f42..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/SomeBlock.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import com.galois.crucible.BitvectorValue;
-import com.galois.crucible.BoolValue;
-import com.galois.crucible.IntegerValue;
-import com.galois.crucible.NatValue;
-import com.galois.crucible.FunctionHandle;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-import com.galois.crucible.RationalValue;
-import com.galois.crucible.SimulatorValue;
-import com.galois.crucible.StringValue;
-import com.galois.crucible.Type;
-import com.galois.crucible.Typed;
-import com.galois.crucible.ValueCreator;
- * Common base class for blocks that expect an argument, and blocks that do not.
- */
-public abstract class SomeBlock extends ValueCreator<Expr> {
-    private final Procedure procedure;
-    /** The index of this block in the CFG. */
-    private final int block_index;
-    protected final ArrayList<Protos.Statement> statements;
-    public String block_description;
-    /** Position of this block */
-    protected Protos.Position pos;
-    /** Current position used when adding statements */
-    protected Protos.Position currentPos;
-    /**
-     * The terminal statement of this block or <code>null</code>
-     * if it has not been defined.
-     */
-    protected Protos.TermStmt termStmt;
-    /**
-     * Internal method for creating a block
-     */
-    SomeBlock(Procedure procedure, int block_index) {
-        this.procedure = procedure;
-        this.block_index = block_index;
-        this.statements = new ArrayList<Protos.Statement>();
-        this.termStmt = null;
-        this.pos = procedure.getPosition();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get control-flow graph that this block is part of.
-     */
-    public Procedure getProcedure() {
-        return procedure;
-    }
-    /** Set the position */
-    public void setPosition( Position pos )
-    {
-        if( pos == null ) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("pos cannot be null");
-        }
-        this.pos = pos.getPosRep();
-    }
-    public void setCurrentPosition( Position pos )
-    {
-        this.currentPos = pos.getPosRep();
-    }
-    // Check value is non-null and have type equal to tp.
-    private static void checkTypeEquals(String nm, Typed v, Type tp) {
-        if (v == null) {
-            String msg = String.format("%s must not be null.", nm);
-            throw new NullPointerException(msg);
-        }
-        if (!v.type().equals(tp)) {
-            String msg = String.format("%s has incorrect type. Expected %s, but got %s", nm, tp.toString(), v.type().toString());
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
-        }
-    }
-    // Check that f is a function that expects the given arguments.
-    // Returns type of result of f.
-    private static Type checkFunctionArgs(Expr f, Expr[] args) {
-        if (f == null) throw new NullPointerException("f");
-        Type f_type = f.type();
-        if (!f_type.isFunctionHandle()) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("function does not have correct type.");
-        }
-        int cnt = f_type.getFunctionArgumentCount();
-        if (cnt != args.length) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect number of arguments.");
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i != cnt; ++i) {
-            Expr arg = args[i];
-            Type type = f_type.getFunctionArgumentType(i);
-            checkTypeEquals("arg", arg, type);
-        }
-        return f_type.getFunctionReturnType();
-    }
-    private void addStatement(Protos.Statement.Builder stmt) {
-        if (this.termStmt != null) {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("This block has already been terminated.");
-        }
-        if( currentPos != null ) {
-            stmt = stmt.setPos( currentPos );
-        }
-        statements.add(stmt.build());
-    }
-    private
-    StatementResult addEvalStmt(Type result_type,
-                                Protos.Statement.Builder stmt) {
-        long stmt_index = statements.size();
-        // Add statement to list.
-        addStatement(stmt);
-        // Get return value.
-        return new StatementResult(block_index, stmt_index, result_type);
-    }
-    private void setTermStmt(Protos.TermStmt.Builder termStmt) {
-        if (this.termStmt != null) {
-            throw new IllegalStateException("This block has already been terminated.");
-        }
-        if( currentPos != null ) {
-            termStmt = termStmt.setPos( currentPos );
-        }
-        this.termStmt = termStmt.build();
-    }
-    public Expr boolLiteral( boolean val )
-    {
-        if( val ) {
-            return BoolValue.TRUE;
-        } else {
-            return BoolValue.FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-    public Expr bvLiteral( long width, BigInteger val )
-    {
-        return new BitvectorValue( width, val );
-    }
-    public Expr natLiteral( BigInteger val )
-    {
-        return new NatValue( val );
-    }
-    public Expr callHandle( FunctionHandle hdl, Object... args )
-    {
-        return call( hdl, Arrays.copyOf( args, args.length, Expr[].class ) );
-    }
-    protected
-    Expr applyPrimitive(Type result_type,
-                        Protos.PrimitiveOp op,
-                        Object... args) {
-        Protos.Statement.Builder b
-            = Protos.Statement.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.StatementCode.ExecPrimitive)
-            .setPrimOp(op)
-            .setResultType(result_type.getTypeRep());
-        for (Object e : args) {
-            b.addExpr(((Expr) e).getExprRep());
-        }
-        // Add statement to list.
-        return addEvalStmt(result_type, b);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Read the current value of the register.
-     */
-    public Expr read(Reg r) {
-        if (r == null) throw new NullPointerException("r");
-        return addEvalStmt(r.type(),
-                           Protos.Statement.newBuilder()
-                           .setCode(Protos.StatementCode.ReadReg)
-                           .setReg(r.index()));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Write the expression to the register.
-     */
-    public void write(Reg lhs, Expr rhs) {
-        if (lhs == null) throw new NullPointerException("lhs");
-        checkTypeEquals("rhs", rhs, lhs.type());
-        addStatement(Protos.Statement.newBuilder()
-                     .setCode(Protos.StatementCode.WriteReg)
-                     .setReg(lhs.index())
-                     .addExpr(rhs.getExprRep()));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Call a function with the given arguments.
-     */
-    public Expr call(Expr f, Expr... args) {
-        Type result_type = checkFunctionArgs(f, args);
-        Protos.Statement.Builder b
-            = Protos.Statement.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.StatementCode.Call)
-            .addExpr(f.getExprRep())
-            .setResultType(result_type.getTypeRep());
-        for (Expr e : args) {
-            b.addExpr(e.getExprRep());
-        }
-        return addEvalStmt(result_type, b);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Print a string.
-     * @param msg String to print
-     */
-    public void print(Expr msg) {
-        checkTypeEquals("msg", msg, Type.STRING);
-        addStatement(Protos.Statement.newBuilder()
-                     .setCode(Protos.StatementCode.Print)
-                     .addExpr(msg.getExprRep()));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Print a string.
-     * @param msg String literal to print
-     */
-    public void print(String msg) {
-        print( new StringValue(msg) );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Add assertion statement.
-     */
-    public void assertCond(Expr c, Expr m) {
-        checkTypeEquals("c", c, Type.BOOL);
-        checkTypeEquals("m", m, Type.STRING);
-        addStatement(Protos.Statement.newBuilder()
-                     .setCode(Protos.StatementCode.Assert)
-                     .addExpr(c.getExprRep())
-                     .addExpr(m.getExprRep()));
-    }
-    /**
-     * End block with jump.
-     */
-    public void jump(Block lbl) {
-        setTermStmt(Protos.TermStmt.newBuilder()
-                    .setCode(Protos.TermStmtCode.JumpTermStmt)
-                    .addBlock(((SomeBlock) lbl).block_index));
-    }
-    /**
-     * End block with branch.
-     */
-    public void branch(Expr c, Block t, Block f) {
-        if (c == null) throw new NullPointerException("c");
-        if (!c.type().equals(Type.BOOL))
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Branch condition must be Boolean.");
-        setTermStmt(Protos.TermStmt.newBuilder()
-                    .setCode(Protos.TermStmtCode.BranchTermStmt)
-                    .addExpr(c.getExprRep())
-                    .addBlock(((SomeBlock) t).block_index)
-                    .addBlock(((SomeBlock) f).block_index));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return from the procedure with the given value.
-     * @param v Return value
-     */
-    public void returnExpr(Expr v) {
-        Type return_type = procedure.getHandle().getReturnType();
-        checkTypeEquals("v", v, return_type);
-        setTermStmt(Protos.TermStmt.newBuilder()
-                    .setCode(Protos.TermStmtCode.ReturnTermStmt)
-                    .addExpr(v.getExprRep()));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Terminate block with an error message.
-     * @param msg String to print
-     */
-    public void reportError(Expr msg) {
-        checkTypeEquals("msg", msg, Type.STRING);
-        setTermStmt(Protos.TermStmt.newBuilder()
-                    .setCode(Protos.TermStmtCode.ErrorTermStmt)
-                    .addExpr(msg.getExprRep()));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Terminate block with a tail call.
-     * @param f Function to call
-     * @param args Arguments to function
-     */
-    public void tailCall(Expr f, Expr ... args) {
-        Type f_returnType = checkFunctionArgs(f, args);
-        Type returnType = procedure.getHandle().getReturnType();
-        if (!returnType.equals(f_returnType)) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-              "Tail called function must return same type of result as caller.");
-        }
-        Protos.TermStmt.Builder b
-            = Protos.TermStmt.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.TermStmtCode.TailCallTermStmt)
-            .addExpr(f.getExprRep());
-        for (Expr e : args) {
-            b.addExpr(e.getExprRep());
-        }
-        setTermStmt(b);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Pattern match on whether the expression, which should be a
-     * maybe value has an expression.
-     */
-    public void switchMaybe(Expr v, LambdaBlock j, Block n) {
-        if (v == null) throw new NullPointerException("m");
-        Type v_type = v.type();
-        if (!v_type.isMaybe()) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expression must be maybe type.");
-        }
-        if (!(v_type.equals(j.getArgType()))) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Block must match expected type.");
-        }
-        setTermStmt(Protos.TermStmt.newBuilder()
-                    .setCode(Protos.TermStmtCode.SwitchMaybeTermStmt)
-                    .addExpr(v.getExprRep())
-                    .addBlock(((SomeBlock) j).block_index)
-                    .addBlock(((SomeBlock) n).block_index));
-    }
-    public abstract Protos.Block getBlockRep();
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/SourcePosition.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/SourcePosition.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ab259795c..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/SourcePosition.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-public class SourcePosition extends Position {
-    String path;
-    long line;
-    long col;
-    public SourcePosition( String functionName, String path, long line, long col )
-    {
-        this.functionName = functionName;
-        this.path = path;
-        this.line = line;
-        this.col  = col;
-    }
-    public Protos.Position getPosRep()
-    {
-        return Protos.Position.newBuilder()
-            .setCode( Protos.PositionCode.SourcePos )
-            .setFunctionName( functionName )
-            .setPath( path )
-            .setLine( line )
-            .setCol( col )
-            .build();
-    }
-    public String toString()
-    {
-        return path + ":" + line + ":" + col + " " + functionName;
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/StatementResult.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/StatementResult.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d8f91ecb..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/StatementResult.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-import com.galois.crucible.Type;
- * An expression obtained by evaluating a statement.
- */
-public class StatementResult implements Expr {
-    final long blockIndex;
-    final long statementIndex;
-    final Type type;
-    StatementResult(long blockIndex, long statementIndex, Type type) {
-        if (type == null) {
-            throw new NullPointerException("type is null.");
-        }
-        this.blockIndex = blockIndex;
-        this.statementIndex = statementIndex;
-        this.type = type;
-    }
-    public Type type() {
-        return type;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Return the representation of a crucible expression.
-     */
-    public Protos.Expr getExprRep() {
-        return Protos.Expr.newBuilder()
-            .setCode(Protos.ExprCode.StatementResultExpr)
-            .setBlockId(blockIndex)
-            .setIndex(statementIndex)
-            .build();
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/package-info.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/package-info.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f7487193a..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/cfg/package-info.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- * This package contains classes specific to the static Control Flow
- * Graph representation used by the simulator.
- *
- * <p>
- * To define control-flow graphs for a specific procedure
- * see {@link com.galois.crucible.cfg.Procedure}.  This can
- * then be used during simulation by calling
- * {@link com.galois.crucible.Simulator#useCfg(Procedure)}.
- */
-package com.galois.crucible.cfg;
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/examples/Test.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/examples/Test.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ea7ced377..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/examples/Test.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible.examples;
-import com.galois.crucible.*;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-import java.io.IOException;
-public class Test {
-    public static void main(String[] args) {
-        if (args.length != 1) {
-            System.err.println("The test server expects a single argument with the path to the server.");
-            System.exit(-1);
-        }
-        try {
-            SimpleSimulator s = SimpleSimulator.launchLocal(args[0]);
-            System.out.println("client: Started server");
-            SimulatorValue x = new IntegerValue(4);
-            System.out.format("client: Generated constant: %s\n", x);
-            SimulatorValue v = s.freshConstant(VarType.INTEGER);
-            SimulatorValue r = s.add(x,x);
-            System.out.format("client: Compute x + x: %s\n", r);
-            /*
-            SatResult r = s.checkSat(s.eq(s.add(x,x), s.natConstant(1)));
-            if (r.isSat()) {
-                System.out.println("Satisfiable");
-                System.out.format("  x: $1%n", r.valueOf(x));
-            } else {
-                System.out.println("Unsatisfiable");
-            }
-            */
-            s.close();
-        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-            System.err.println("Error launching local server:");
-            System.err.println(e.getLocalizedMessage());
-            System.exit(-1);
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            System.err.println("Error launching local server:");
-            System.err.println(e.getLocalizedMessage());
-            System.exit(-1);
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- // Create a simulator object for storing the simulator state.
- simulator* s = csim_new_simulator();
- // Create a new handle
- handle* add_handle =
-   csim_new_handle(s, "write_add_comm", 1, csim_string_type(), csim_unit_type());
- // Create a control flow graph for the handle.
- cfg* g = csim_new_cfg(add_handle);
- // Get the entry block for g.
- block* b = csim_cfg_entry_block(g);
- // Get an expression representing the first argument.
- expr* path = csim_cfg_arg(g, 0);
- // Create two registers for storing 32-bit bitvector.s
- reg* x = csim_new_reg(g, csim_bv_type(32));
- reg* y = csim_new_reg(g, csim_bv_type(32));
- // Create two symbolic variables for.
- handle* mk_symbolic = csim_handleof_symbolic_uint(s);
- csim_append_call(b, x, mk_symbolic, csim_nat_lit(32));
- csim_append_call(b, y, mk_symbolic, csim_nat_lit(32));
-// Question: why don't we get something back from this?
-   // - or is reg * a flag that gets set
-// Goal: mere mortals should be able to figure this out.
- // Generate expression asserting x + y == y + x.
- expr* eq = csim_bv_eq(csim_bv_add(csim_reg_expr(x), csim_reg_expr(y)),
-                       csim_bv_add(csim_reg_expr(y), csim_reg_expr(x)));
-// this makes sense -- we get an expression back - but why can't we say:
-// expr *x = csim_new_ivar(32)
-// expr *y = csim_new_ivar(32)
-// expr *eq = csim_bv_eq(csim_bv_add(x,y), ... )
-// ??
- // Write expresison to SMT lib.
- csim_append_call(b, x, csim_handleof_write_smtlib2(s), path, eq);
-// why the X above? are we back to register variables?
-// it would be nice to not have to track both symbolic variables and regular ones...
-// "what is a regular variable" - why is a reg * different from an expr.
-JHX - regs can be modified, exprs can not - basic blocks coming soon
-// can we hide distinctions.
- // Return from procedure.
- csim_end_return(b, csim_unit_expr());
- // Tell simulator to use CFG during simulation of add_handle.
- csim_use_cfg(s, g);
- // Symbolically simulator the write_add_comm function.
- csim_run_call(s, add_handle, csim_string_lit("add_comm.smt"));
- // Free the symbolic simulator.
- csim_free_simulator(s);
- return 0;
-    */
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/package-info.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/package-info.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9aa804479..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/main/java/com/galois/crucible/package-info.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- * The main package for the Crucible
- * symbolic simulator, a framework for symbolically
- * simulating code in multiple languages.
- *
- * <p>
- * To perform symbolic simulation, one first
- * must construct a {@link com.galois.crucible.Simulator}
- * object.
- */
-package com.galois.crucible;
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/test/java/com/galois/crucible/TestSAWSimulator.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/test/java/com/galois/crucible/TestSAWSimulator.java
deleted file mode 100644
index bdae6a1bf..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/test/java/com/galois/crucible/TestSAWSimulator.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.rules.ExternalResource;
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
-import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-public class TestSAWSimulator {
-    String simPath = System.getProperty("CRUCIBLE_SERVER");
-    SAWSimulator sim;
-    @Rule
-    public ExternalResource simResource = new ExternalResource() {
-	    @Override
-	    protected void before() throws Throwable {
-		if( simPath == null ) {
-		    throw new Exception( "crucible server executable path not configured!" );
-		}
-		sim = SAWSimulator.launchLocal(simPath);
-		if( sim == null ) {
-		    throw new Exception( "unable to launch crucible server executable" );
-		}
-                sim.addPrintMessageListener(new MessageConsumer(){
-                        public void acceptMessage(SimulatorMessage msg) {
-                            System.out.println(msg.toString());
-                        }
-                    });
-	    }
-	    @Override
-	    protected void after() {
-		try {
-		    sim.close();
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-		    e.printStackTrace();
-		    System.exit(1);
-		}
-	    }
-    };
-    @Test
-    public void testSatPath() throws Exception {
-        boolean initSetting = sim.getPathSatChecking();
-        sim.setPathSatChecking( !initSetting );
-        boolean nextSetting = sim.getPathSatChecking();
-	Assert.assertTrue( initSetting != nextSetting );
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/test/java/com/galois/crucible/TestValueCreator.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/test/java/com/galois/crucible/TestValueCreator.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 37a85d880..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/test/java/com/galois/crucible/TestValueCreator.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.rules.ExternalResource;
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
-import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-public class TestValueCreator {
-    String simPath = System.getProperty("CRUCIBLE_SERVER");
-    SimpleSimulator sim;
-    @Rule
-    public ExternalResource simResource = new ExternalResource() {
-	    @Override
-	    protected void before() throws Throwable {
-		if( simPath == null ) {
-		    throw new Exception( "crucible server executable path not configured!" );
-		}
-		sim = SimpleSimulator.launchLocal(simPath);
-		if( sim == null ) {
-		    throw new Exception( "unable to launch crucible server executable" );
-		}
-	    }
-	    @Override
-	    protected void after() {
-		try {
-		    sim.close();
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-		    e.printStackTrace();
-		    System.exit(1);
-		}
-	    }
-    };
-    @Test
-    public void basicTest() throws Exception {
-	SimulatorValue x = new BitvectorValue(8, BigInteger.valueOf(4));
-	System.out.format("client: Generated constant: %s\n", x);
-	SimulatorValue v = sim.freshConstant(VarType.bitvector(8));
-	SimulatorValue r = sim.add(x,x);
-	System.out.format("client: Compute x + x: %s\n", r);
-	SimulatorValue query = sim.eq(sim.add(v,v), new BitvectorValue(8, BigInteger.valueOf(2)));
-	boolean isSat = sim.checkSatWithAbc(query);
-	if (isSat) {
-	    System.out.println("Satisfiable");
-	} else {
-	    System.out.println("Unsatisfiable");
-	}
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void concatTest() throws Exception {
-	SimulatorValue x = sim.bvLiteral( 16, 0xdeadL );
-	SimulatorValue y = sim.bvLiteral( 16, 0xbeefL );
-	SimulatorValue xy = sim.bvConcat( x, y );
-	SimulatorValue yx = sim.bvConcat( y, x );
-	Assert.assertTrue( xy.type().equals( Type.bitvector(32) ) );
-	Assert.assertTrue( yx.type().equals( Type.bitvector(32) ) );
-	BitvectorValue bv_xy = (BitvectorValue) xy;
-	BitvectorValue bv_yx = (BitvectorValue) yx;
-	Assert.assertTrue( bv_xy.getValue().equals( BigInteger.valueOf( 0xdeadbeefL ) ) );
-	Assert.assertTrue( bv_yx.getValue().equals( BigInteger.valueOf( 0xbeefdeadL ) ) );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void concatTest2() throws Exception {
-	SimulatorValue a = sim.bvLiteral( 8, 0xaaL );
-	SimulatorValue b = sim.bvLiteral( 8, 0xbbL );
-	SimulatorValue c = sim.bvLiteral( 8, 0xccL );
-	SimulatorValue d = sim.bvLiteral( 8, 0xddL );
-	SimulatorValue abcd = sim.bvConcat( new SimulatorValue[] { a, b, c, d } );
-	SimulatorValue dcba = sim.bvConcat( new SimulatorValue[] { d, c, b, a } );
-	Assert.assertTrue( abcd.type().equals( Type.bitvector(32) ) );
-	Assert.assertTrue( dcba.type().equals( Type.bitvector(32) ) );
-	BitvectorValue bv_abcd = (BitvectorValue) abcd;
-	BitvectorValue bv_dcba = (BitvectorValue) dcba;
-	Assert.assertTrue( bv_abcd.getValue().equals( BigInteger.valueOf( 0xaabbccddL ) ) );
-	Assert.assertTrue( bv_dcba.getValue().equals( BigInteger.valueOf( 0xddccbbaaL ) ) );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void selectTest() throws Exception {
-	SimulatorValue x = sim.bvLiteral( 32, 0x0123abcdL );
-	SimulatorValue hi  = sim.bvSelect( 16, 16, x );
-	SimulatorValue mid = sim.bvSelect( 8, 16, x );
-	SimulatorValue lo  = sim.bvSelect( 0, 16, x );
-	Assert.assertTrue( hi.type().equals( Type.bitvector(16) ) );
-	Assert.assertTrue( mid.type().equals( Type.bitvector(16) ) );
-	Assert.assertTrue( lo.type().equals( Type.bitvector(16) ) );
-	BitvectorValue bv_hi = (BitvectorValue) hi;
-	BitvectorValue bv_mid = (BitvectorValue) mid;
-	BitvectorValue bv_lo = (BitvectorValue) lo;
-	Assert.assertTrue( bv_hi.getValue().equals( BigInteger.valueOf( 0x0123L ) ) );
-	Assert.assertTrue( bv_mid.getValue().equals( BigInteger.valueOf( 0x23abL ) ) );
-	Assert.assertTrue( bv_lo.getValue().equals( BigInteger.valueOf( 0xabcdL ) ) );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void checkSatTest() throws Exception {
-	SimulatorValue x = sim.bvLiteral( 8, 12 );
-	SimulatorValue y = sim.freshConstant( VarType.bitvector(8) );
-	SimulatorValue z = sim.add( x, y );
-	SimulatorValue p = sim.eq( z, sim.bvLiteral( 8, 42 ) );
-	SimulatorValue q = sim.eq( y, sim.bvLiteral( 8, 30 ) );
-	Assert.assertTrue( sim.checkSatWithAbc( p ) );
-	Assert.assertTrue( sim.checkSatWithAbc( sim.and( p, q ) ) );
-	Assert.assertTrue( sim.checkSatWithAbc( sim.not( q ) ) );
-	Assert.assertFalse( sim.checkSatWithAbc( sim.and( p, sim.not( q ) ) ) );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void concatSelectSat() throws Exception {
-	SimulatorValue x = sim.freshConstant( VarType.bitvector(8) );
-	SimulatorValue y = sim.bvLiteral( 8, 0xaf );
-	SimulatorValue z = sim.bvConcat( y , x );
-	SimulatorValue x2 = sim.bvSelect( 0, 8, z );
-	SimulatorValue y2 = sim.bvSelect( 8, 8, z );
-	SimulatorValue p = sim.not(sim.eq( x, x2 ));
-	SimulatorValue q = sim.not(sim.eq( y, sim.bvLiteral( 8, 0xaf )));
-	Assert.assertFalse( sim.checkSatWithAbc( p ) );
-	Assert.assertFalse( sim.checkSatWithAbc( q ) );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMultipart1() throws Exception {
-        // 16-bit addresses and 9-bit words (just for kicks)
-        SimulatorValue wm = sim.emptyWordMap( 16, Type.bitvector(9) );
-        SimulatorValue val = sim.bvLiteral( 27, 1234567 );
-        SimulatorValue addr = sim.bvLiteral( 16, 0xabcd );
-        SimulatorValue wm2 = sim.multipartStore( BoolValue.TRUE, addr, val, wm );
-        SimulatorValue x   = sim.multipartLoad( BoolValue.TRUE, addr, 3, wm2 );
-        SimulatorValue p   = sim.eq( val, x );
-        Assert.assertTrue( ((BoolValue) p).equals( BoolValue.TRUE ) );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testMultipart2() throws Exception {
-        // 16-bit addresses and 9-bit words (just for kicks)
-        SimulatorValue wm = sim.emptyWordMap( 16, Type.bitvector(9) );
-        SimulatorValue val = sim.bvLiteral( 27, 1234567 );
-        SimulatorValue addr = sim.bvLiteral( 16, 0xabcd );
-        SimulatorValue wm2 = sim.multipartStore( BoolValue.FALSE, addr, val, wm );
-        SimulatorValue x   = sim.multipartLoad( BoolValue.FALSE, addr, 3, wm2 );
-        SimulatorValue p   = sim.eq( val, x );
-        Assert.assertTrue( ((BoolValue) p).equals( BoolValue.TRUE ) );
-    }
diff --git a/crucible-server/java_api/src/test/java/com/galois/crucible/TestVerificationHarness.java b/crucible-server/java_api/src/test/java/com/galois/crucible/TestVerificationHarness.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a4f9d91a4..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/java_api/src/test/java/com/galois/crucible/TestVerificationHarness.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-package com.galois.crucible;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.rules.ExternalResource;
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
-import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
-import com.galois.crucible.proto.Protos;
-public class TestVerificationHarness {
-    String simPath = System.getProperty("CRUCIBLE_SERVER");
-    SAWSimulator sim;
-    @Rule
-    public ExternalResource simResource = new ExternalResource() {
-	    @Override
-	    protected void before() throws Throwable {
-		if( simPath == null ) {
-		    throw new Exception( "crucible server executable path not configured!" );
-		}
-		sim = SAWSimulator.launchLocal(simPath);
-		if( sim == null ) {
-		    throw new Exception( "unable to launch crucible server executable" );
-		}
-                sim.addPrintMessageListener(new MessageConsumer(){
-                        public void acceptMessage(SimulatorMessage msg) {
-                            System.out.println(msg.toString());
-                        }
-                    });
-	    }
-	    @Override
-	    protected void after() {
-		try {
-		    sim.close();
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-		    e.printStackTrace();
-		    System.exit(1);
-		}
-	    }
-    };
-    @Test
-    public void testVerificationHarness() throws Exception {
-        VerificationHarness harness = new VerificationHarness("testHarness", 14, 64, Protos.Endianness.LittleEndian);
-        Protos.VariableReference constValue   = harness.prestate().addVar( "constValue", 64 );
-        Protos.VariableReference testVar      = harness.prestate().addVar( "testVar", 16 );
-        Protos.VariableReference testArray    = harness.prestate().addVar( "testArray", 100, 32 );
-        Protos.VariableReference poststateVar = harness.poststate().addVar( "poststateVar", 5, 24 );
-        harness.prestate().assignRegister( 0x0, constValue );
-        harness.prestate().assignRegister( 0x8, harness.returnVar );
-        harness.prestate().assignRegister( 0xf, harness.stackVar );
-        harness.prestate().bindVariable( constValue, "~zero" );
-        harness.prestate().assignMemory( VerificationHarness.stackVar, 0x00, testArray );
-        harness.prestate().bindVariable( testVar, "take (testArray @ constValue)");
-        harness.prestate().assertCondition( "testVar == 0xabcd" );
-        Protos.VariableReference poststateStack = harness.poststate().addVar( "poststateStack", 64 );
-        harness.poststate().assignMemory( VerificationHarness.stackVar, 0x10, poststateVar );
-        harness.poststate().bindVariable( poststateVar, "[0,1,2,3,4]" );
-        harness.poststate().bindVariable( poststateStack, "stack + 8");
-        harness.poststate().assignRegister( 0xf, poststateStack );
-        sim.compileHarness( harness );
-    }
-    // @Test
-    // public void bogusVerificationHarness() throws Exception {
-    //     VerificationHarness harness = new VerificationHarness("bogusHarness", 64, Protos.Endianness.LittleEndian);
-    //     Protos.VariableReference bogus1 = harness.prestate().addVar( "bogus1", 64 );
-    //     Protos.VariableReference bogus2 = harness.prestate().addVar( "bogus2", 64 );
-    //     harness.prestate().bindVariable( bogus1, "bogus2" );
-    //     //        harness.prestate().bindVariable( bogus2, "bogus1" );
-    //     sim.compileHarness( harness );
-    // }
diff --git a/crucible-server/proto/crucible.proto b/crucible-server/proto/crucible.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index bda39f4fd..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/proto/crucible.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1206 +0,0 @@
-// syntax = "proto2";
-package crucible;
-option java_package = "com.galois.crucible.proto";
-option java_outer_classname = "Protos";
-option optimize_for = SPEED;
-// Messages relating to the server startup handshake.  In this phase
-// the client requests to start the server using a specific backend.
-// The server responds to indicate all is well; or returns an error.
-message HandShakeRequest {
-  optional Backend backend = 1;
-message HandShakeResponse {
-  optional HandShakeCode code = 1;
-  optional string message = 2;
-enum Backend {
-  SimpleBackend = 0;
-  SAWBackend = 1;
-enum HandShakeCode {
-  HandShakeOK = 0;
-  HandShakeError = 1;
-// Declarations for issuing requests to simulator when nothing is
-// running.
-// A code to identify a request to the simulator.
-// This is used exclusively within Request messages, and specific codes will
-// require some of those fields to be populated.
-enum RequestCode {
-  // Placeholder used if request code could not be parsed from a message.
-  UnknownMessage = 0;
-  // Terminate the simulator (no additional information needed, and no response returned).
-  KillSimulator = 1;
-  // Create a new handle with the handle info added in the handle.
-  // This message expects that the Request.handle field is populated.
-  //
-  // The server should return a RegisterHandleResponse message back to
-  // the client after this occurs.
-  RegisterHandle = 2;
-  // Request code for associating a function handle with the given
-  // Crucible CFG for symbolic simulation.
-  // The first Request.cfg contains information about the cfg used.
-  // This Request has no return value.
-  UseCFG = 4;
-  // Have Crucible callback to Java to support this function.
-  // Request.index contains the index of the handle to use.
-  UseOverride = 5;
-  // Request code for running a function with a given list of arguments
-  // (in Request.argument), and getting the result.  The first argument is
-  // the function to call, and the remaining arguments are the arguments to pass
-  // to the function.  Since executing a function may take an arbitrary amount of
-  // time, this will transition the server into an Execution state, and the next message
-  // returned will be a CallResponse message.
-  RunCall = 6;
-  // Release the resources associated with a symbolic value.
-  // Request.index contains the index of the value to release.
-  // This does not expect a return value.
-  ReleaseValue = 7;
-  // Apply primitive operation to some arguments.
-  //
-  // The operation is in Request.prim_op.
-  // The arguments are in request.arg.
-  // The result width (if applicable) is in request.result_width.
-  // The server will respond to this with a SimulatorValueResponse message.
-  ApplyPrimitive = 8;
-  // This request tells the simulator to keep running.
-  //
-  // It is only legal to send this message when the simulator has been paused
-  // to execute an Override.
-  //
-  // Request.return_value should contain the value to return to the calling
-  // function.
-  ResumeSimulation = 9;
-  // This request tells the simulator to print the given CFG.  This request
-  // exists primarily for debugging purposes.
-  //
-  // Request.cfg should contain the CFG to be printed.
-  PrintCFG = 10;
-  // This request sets the verbosity level of the simulator.  Higher verbosity
-  // levels generate more status and debugging informational messages.
-  // Request.arg should contain exactly one natural number literal argument.
-  SetVerbosity = 11;
-  // This request takes a collection of symbolic values and exports them
-  // in the requested format.
-  ExportModel = 12;
-  // This request takes a verification harness and returns a function handle that
-  // can be used as an override for compositional verification.
-  CompileVerificationOverride = 13;
-  // Request the current setting of a configuration value.  Use the
-  // Request.config_setting_name field to identify the setting of interest.
-  GetConfigValue = 14;
-  // Set a configuration value.  Use the Request.config_setting_name field to
-  // identify the setting of interest, and use the Request.arg field for the
-  // value to set.
-  SetConfigValue = 15;
-  // Request that the simulator use a verification harness to simulate some code.
-  SimulateVerificationHarness = 16;
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Operations to get predefined handles.
-  // Request a predefined handle by its name.  Fill out the handle.display_name
-  // field of the request object to indicate the name of the desired function handle.
-  GetHandleByName = 255;
-  // Requests a handle to write SMTLIB2.  This handle takes a string
-  // representing the file name, and a Boolean value denoting the predicate
-  // to check the satisfiability of.  No arguments are expected in the message
-  // for obtaining this handle.
-  //
-  // OBSOLETE: use getHandleByName("write_SMTLIB2")
-  //WriteSmtlib2Handle = 256;
-  // Requests a handle to create a fresh symbolic value.  The message
-  // should specify Request.varType to indicate the type of the value
-  // to be returned by the handle.  The function itself takes no arguments.
-  SymbolicHandle = 257;
-  // Request a handle to call checkSat with ABC.
-  // OBSOLETE: use getHandleByName("checkSatWithAbc")
-  // CheckSatWithAbcHandle = 258;
-  // Request a handle to print terms of a given type.  Set the Request.type
-  // field to get a handle for printing terms of that type.
-  PrintTermHandle = 259;
-  // Request a handle to store a multipart word in a word map.  Such handles
-  // Take four arguments.  First a boolean: true is big-endian; false is little-endian.
-  // Second is an address.  Third is the value to store. Fourth is a word map.
-  // The address type must match the bitwidth of the given word map, and the value to
-  // store must be a multiple of the word map cell width.  The return value of this
-  // function is an updated word map.
-  //
-  // Fill out the argument and return type values of the request.handle structure
-  // to request a specific store function.  The name field will be ignored.
-  MultipartStoreHandle = 260;
-  // Request a handle to laod a multipart word in a word map.  Such handles
-  // Take three arguments.  First a boolean: true is big-endian; false is little-endian.
-  // Second is an address to load.  Third is a word map to load from.
-  // The address type must match the bitwidth of the given word map.  The return
-  // value of the function will be a bitvector value.  The bitwidth of the return value
-  // must be a multiple of the word map cell width.
-  //
-  // Fill out the argument and return type values of the request.handle structure
-  // to request a specific store function. The name field will be ignored.
-  MultipartLoadHandle = 261;
-// A request for when the simulator is currently waiting for more work.
-message Request {
-  // Code for a message.
-  optional RequestCode code = 1;
-  // Handle used for RegisterHandle and GetHandleByName
-  optional HandleInfo handle = 2;
-  // Control flow graph used by DefineCFG.
-  optional Cfg cfg = 4;
-  // Variable type argument (used by SymbolicHandle)
-  optional VarType varType = 5;
-  // The index of a symbolic value or handle (see RequestCode documentation).
-  optional uint64 index = 6;
-  // Operation used for ApplyPrimitive.
-  optional PrimitiveOp prim_op = 7;
-  // Arguments used for run_call (must be non-empty as first argument is function),
-  // or ApplyPrimitive.  Also used for ExportModel request.
-  repeated Value arg = 8;
-  // Result type argument for RequestCode.ApplyPrimitive. This is required
-  // in some cases where the result type of the operation is not completely
-  // fixed by the types of the input arguments.
-  optional CrucibleType result_type = 9;
-  // Value returned to simulator when code = ResumeSimulation.
-  optional Value return_value = 10;
-  // Type argument for PrintTermHandle
-  optional CrucibleType type = 11;
-  // The format to use for export
-  optional ExportFormat export_format = 12;
-  // The destination for an export operation
-  optional string export_path = 13;
-  // Verification harness to use for the CompileVerificationHarness
-  // request, or SimulateVerificationHarness request
-  optional VerificationHarness verification_harness = 14;
-  // Name of the configuration value being read or written by a
-  // get or set option request
-  optional string config_setting_name = 15;
-  // Additional options necessary to setup verification simulations and
-  // define what to do with the simulation products.
-  optional VerificationSimulateOptions verification_sim_options = 16;
-// Responses
-// All response types are gathered together into a GenericResponse
-// container.
-enum GenericResponseCode {
-  // Respond with a string to print
-  PrintGenResp = 0;
-  // Respond with a SimulatorValueResponse
-  SimulatorValueGenResp = 1;
-  // Respond with a RegisterHandleResponse
-  RegisterHandleGenResp = 2;
-  // Respond with a PredefinedHandleInfo
-  PredefHandleGenResp = 3;
-  // Respond with a CallResponse
-  CallGenResp = 4;
-  // Respond with an Exception.  The message field of the GenericResponse
-  // indicates the content of the exception.
-  ExceptionGenResp = 5;
-  // Respond with an acknowledgement.  This message indicates that the requested
-  // action was taken successfully.  No additional information is transmitted.
-  AcknowledgementResp = 6;
-message GenericResponse {
-  // Response code indicating what sort of response this is
-  optional GenericResponseCode code = 1;
-  // Message corresponding to the PrintGenResp code
-  optional string message = 2;
-  // Response value corresponding to the SimulatorValueGenResp code
-  optional SimulatorValueResponse simValResponse = 3;
-  // Response value corresponding to the RegisterHandleGenResp code
-  optional RegisterHandleResponse regHandleResponse = 4;
-  // Response value corresponding to the PredeHandleGenResp code
-  optional PredefinedHandleInfo predefHandleResponse = 5;
-  // Response value corresponding to the CallGenResp code
-  optional CallResponse callResponse = 6;
-// Encoding for creating variables.
-// Identifier for variable type.
-enum VarTypeId {
-  BoolVarType = 0;
-  IntegerVarType = 1;
-  RealVarType = 2;
-  BitvectorVarType = 3;
-// Type for symbolic value expressions.
-message VarType {
-  // Identifier for message.
-  required VarTypeId id = 1;
-  // Width for bitvector type.
-  optional uint64 width = 2;
-  // Optional dimensions for creating sequences of symbolic values.
-  // If provided, they define the dimensions of a multi-dimensional
-  // sequence of base types.  If not provided, a single base type
-  // variable will be created.
-  repeated uint64 dimension = 3;
-// ExportFormat codes
-enum ExportFormat {
-  // Export as an AIGER file
-  ExportAIGER = 1;
-  // Export as a SAWCore term
-  ExportSAW = 2;
-// PrimitiveOp codes
-// Code for operations of value to create.
-// This is used inside Request
-enum PrimitiveOp {
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Boolean operations
-  // Negate Boolean value.
-  BoolNot = 1;
-  // Add two Boolean values.
-  BoolAnd = 2;
-  // Take exclusive-or of values.
-  BoolXor = 3;
-  // If-then-else to three Boolean values.
-  BoolIte = 4;
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Operations on natural numbers
-  // Add two natural numbers.
-  NatAdd = 5;
-  // Multiply two natural numbers.
-  NatMul = 6;
-  // If-then-else on natural numbers.
-  // NatIte = 7;
-  // Return true if two natural numbers are equivalent.
-  NatEq  = 8;
-  // Return true if first natural is less than second.
-  NatLt  = 9;
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Operations on Integers
-  // Add two integers.
-  IntegerAdd = 10;
-  // Subtract second integer from another.
-  IntegerSub = 11;
-  // Multiply two integers.
-  IntegerMul = 12;
-  // If-then-else on integers.
-  // IntegerIte = 13;
-  // Return true if two integers are equivalent.
-  IntegerEq  = 14;
-  // Return true if first integer is less than second.
-  IntegerLt  = 15;
-  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Operations on Reals
-  // Add two reals.
-  RealAdd = 16;
-  // Subtract second real from another.
-  RealSub = 17;
-  // Multiply two reals.
-  RealMul = 18;
-  // If-then-else on reals.
-  RealIte = 19;
-  // Return true if two reals are equivalent.
-  RealEq  = 20;
-  // Return true if first real is less than second.
-  RealLt  = 21;
-  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Bitvector operations
-  // For the bitvector operations, I've added type signatures to the definitions
-  // to help document what arguments are expected.  These should be stored
-  // in the Request.arg field.  The result_width should be defined if the
-  // result has a width that is not bound by one of the arguments.
-  // Bitvector addition (expects two bitvectors arguments with same width)
-  //   BVAdd :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> BV(n)
-  BVAdd = 22;
-  // Bitvector subtraction (expects two bitvectors arguments with same width)
-  //   BVSub :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> BV(n)
-  BVSub = 23;
-  // Bitvector multiplication (expects two bitvectors arguments with same width)
-  //   BVMul :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> BV(n)
-  BVMul = 24;
-  // Bitvector unsigned division
-  //   BVUdiv :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> BV(n)
-  BVUdiv = 25;
-  // Bitvector unsigned remainder
-  //   BVUrem :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> BV(n)
-  BVUrem = 26;
-  // Bitvector signed division
-  //   BVSrem :: n >= 1 => BV(n) -> BV(n) -> BV(n)
-  BVSdiv = 27;
-  // Bitvector signed remainder
-  //   BVSrem :: n >= 1 => BV(n) -> BV(n) -> BV(n)
-  BVSrem = 28;
-  // If-then-else applied to bitvectors
-  //   BVIte :: Bool -> BV(n) -> BV(n) -> BV(n)
-  BVIte  = 30;
-  // Check if bitvectors are equal.
-  //   BVEq :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> Bool
-  BVEq   = 31;
-  // Bitvector unsigned less-than or equal
-  //   BVUle :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> Bool
-  BVUle  = 33;
-  // Bitvector unsigned less-than
-  //   BVUlt :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> Bool
-  BVUlt  = 32;
-  // Bitvector signed less-than or equal
-  //   BVSle :: n >= 1 => BV(n) -> BV(n) -> Bool
-  BVSle  = 35;
-  // Bitvector signed less-than
-  //   BVSlt :: n >= 1 => BV(n) -> BV(n) -> Bool
-  BVSlt  = 34;
-  // Bitvector shift lift
-  // The shift amount is an unsigned bitvector in the second argument.
-  BVShl  = 36;
-  // Logic shift right (zeros shifted in from right)
-  // The shift amount is an unsigned bitvector in the second argument.
-  BVLshr = 37;
-  // Arithmetic shift right (zeros shifted in from right).
-  // The shift amount is an unsigned bitvector in the second argument.
-  BVAshr = 38;
-  // Bitwise complement
-  //   BVNot :: BV(n) -> BV(n)
-  BVNot = 39;
-  // Bitwise and
-  //   BVAnd :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> BV(n)
-  BVAnd = 40;
-  // Bitwise or
-  //   BVOr :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> BV(n)
-  BVOr = 41;
-  // Bitwise exclusive or
-  //   BVXor :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> BV(n)
-  BVXor = 42;
-  // Bitvector truncation (single bitvector argument expected)
-  // The result_width field should contain the target width.
-  //   BVTrunc :: (r <= n) => BV(n) -> BV(r)
-  BVTrunc = 45;
-  // Bitvector unsigned extension (single bitvector argument expected)
-  // Request.result_width should contain the target width.
-  //   BVZExt :: n <= r => BV(n) -> BV(r)
-  BVZext = 43;
-  // Bitvector signed extension (single bitvector argument expected)
-  // The result_width field should contain the target width.
-  //   BVSExt :: (1 <= n, n <= r) => BV(n) -> BV(r)
-  BVSext = 44;
-  // Concateneate two bitvectors.  The first argument corresponds to the
-  // most significant bits, and the second to the least significant bits.
-  //   BVConcat :: BV(n) -> BV(m) -> BV(n+m)
-  BVConcat = 46;
-  // Select a subvector from a bitvector.  The first argument is the index
-  // to begin taking bits (counting from the most-significant bit as 0), and
-  // the second argument is the number of bits to take.
-  //   BVSelect :: (idx + n <= w) => (idx::Nat) -> (n::Nat) -> BV(w) -> BV(n)
-  BVSelect = 47;
-  // Return true if the given bitvector is nonzero; return false if it is zero
-  //   BVNonzero :: BV(n) -> Bool
-  BVNonzero = 48;
-  // Return true if the unsigned addition of two bitvector values overflows.
-  //   BVCarry :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> Bool
-  BVCarry = 49;
-  // Return true if the signed addition of two bitvector values overflows.
-  //   BVSCarry :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> Bool
-  BVSCarry = 50;
-  // Return true if the signed subtraction of two bitvector values overflows.
-  //   BVSBorrow :: BV(n) -> BV(n) -> Bool
-  BVSBorrow = 51;
-  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Conversions
-  // Convert a natural number to an integer.
-  NatToInteger = 60;
-  // Convert an integer to a real.
-  IntegerToReal = 61;
-  // Return the constant 1 bitvector if the given boolean is true, and
-  // return the constant 0 bitvector if the boolean is false.
-  //   BoolToBV :: Bool -> BV(w)
-  BoolToBV = 62;
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Vector Operations
-  // Build a vector directly from a sequence of values.  Every value
-  // in the sequence is required to have the same type.
-  //   VectorLit :: a -> ... -> a -> Vector(a)
-  VectorLit = 70;
-  // Build a vector of length n, each element of which contains
-  // the given value.
-  //   VectorReplicate :: Nat -> a -> Vector(a)
-  VectorReplicate = 71;
-  // Return true if the vector contains no elements.
-  //   VectorIsEmpty :: Vector(a) -> Bool
-  VectorIsEmpty = 72;
-  // Return the number of elements in a vector.
-  //   VectorSize :: Vector(a) -> Nat
-  VectorSize = 73;
-  // Returns the nth element of the given vector.  Results in a
-  // run-time error if the index is not in bounds.
-  //   VectorGetEntry :: Vector(a) -> Nat -> a
-  VectorGetEntry = 74;
-  // Returns an updated vector, where the nth element of the new vector
-  // contains the given elemtn.
-  //   VectorSetEntry :: Vector(a) -> Nat -> a -> Vector(a)
-  VectorSetEntry = 75;
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // WordMap operations
-  // Build a new, empty WordMap
-  //   WordMapEmpty :: WordMap(n, a)
-  WordMapEmpty = 80;
-  // Insert an element into a WordMap
-  //   WordMapInsert :: BV(n) -> a -> WordMap(n, a) -> WordMap(n, a)
-  WordMapInsert = 81;
-  // Lookup the value in a word map at the given index.  Results in
-  // an error if the WordMap has no value at the given index.
-  //   WordMapLookup :: BV(n) -> WordMap(n,a) -> a
-  WordMapLookup = 82;
-  // Lookup the value in a word map at the given index.  If the word map
-  // has no value at that index, a default value is returned instead.
-  //   WordMapLookupWithDefault :: BV(n) -> WordMap(n,a) -> a -> a
-  WordMapLookupWithDefault = 83;
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Struct operations
-  // Build a structure literal from a sequence of values
-  //   StructLiteral :: a_1 -> a_2 -> ... -> a_n -> Struct(a_1,a_2,...,a_n)
-  StructLiteral = 90;
-  // Get an element from a structure value.  The index must be a nat literal.
-  //   StructGet :: (i :: Nat) -> Struct(a_1,a_2,...,a_n) -> a_i
-  StructGet = 91;
-  // Update a structure value with a new element.  The index must be a nat literal.
-  //   StructSet :: Struct(a_1,a_2,...,a_n) -> (i :: Nat) -> a_i -> Struct(a_1,a_2,...,a_n)
-  StructSet = 92;
-  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Maybe operations
-  // Build the 'Nothing' maybe value
-  //    NothingValue :: Maybe a
-  NothingValue = 100;
-  // Build a 'Just' maybe value containing the given value
-  //    JustValue :: a -> Maybe a
-  JustValue = 101;
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Debugging operations
-  // Generate a string representation of the given value, which must be
-  // of a base type.
-  //     ShowValue :: a -> String
-  ShowValue = 102;
-  // Return true if the given value of base type is concrete, or false if
-  // it is symbolic.
-  //    IsConcrete :: a -> Bool
-  IsConcrete = 103;
-// This enum is used to identify how the simulator value is represented.
-// Constants are represented by passing the value directly while symbolic
-// values are represented by an opaque handle.
-enum ValueCode {
-  // The value is a reference to a previous value.  The value of the reference is
-  // stored in Value.index.  When the value represents
-  // a simulator value, the value is a unique identifier.  Within a CFG, this
-  // refers to an immutable result within the CFG.
-  ReferenceValue = 0;
-  // The value is the Boolean constant "true".
-  TrueValue = 1;
-  // The value is the Boolean constant "false".
-  FalseValue = 2;
-  // A constant natural number value.
-  // This is stored in Value.data as a byte array of a unsigned integer
-  // in big-endian form.
-  NatValue = 3;
-  // A constant integer value.
-  // This is stored in Value.data as a byte array of a signed integer
-  // big-endian form.
-  IntegerValue = 4;
-  // A constant rational value.
-  // This is stored in Value.data with the enominator first encoded as a
-  // varint unsigned integer followed by the numerator encoded in signed
-  // big-endian form.
-  RationalValue = 5;
-  // A constant bitvector value.
-  // Value.val stores the width and Value.data
-  // stores the value in big-endian form.
-  BitvectorValue = 6;
-  // A constant string.
-  // Value is stored in Value.string_lit.
-  StringValue = 7;
-  // The unit constant.
-  UnitValue   = 8;
-  // A handle literal.
-  // Value.index stores the index of the handle reference.
-  // Value.handle_info stores the information about the handle.
-  // handle_info is only populated when the server sends a value back to the
-  // client.  The client does not need to populate the field.
-  FnHandleValue = 9;
-// Message representing a simulator value.
-message Value {
-  // The kind of value encodeded.
-  required ValueCode code = 1;
-  // Used to store certain types of Value (see ValueCode constants).
-  optional uint64 index = 2;
-  // Used to store certain types of Value (see ValueCode constants).
-  optional uint64 width = 3;
-  // Payload containing binary date (used to store actual simulator value).
-  optional bytes data = 4;
-  // The actual value of a string literal.
-  optional string string_lit = 5;
-  // Information about handle if this is a handle.
-  optional HandleInfo handle_info = 6;
-// Message sent when simulator is requested to create a value.
-message SimulatorValueResponse {
-  // Indicates if request was successful.
-  required bool successful = 1;
-  // Value returned by the simulator.
-  optional Value value = 2;
-  // Error message when request failed.
-  optional string error_msg = 3;
-// CrucibleType
-// Code to identify crucible type.  This appears in the context of
-// a CrucibleType value.
-enum CrucibleTypeId {
-  UnitType      = 0;
-  BoolType      = 1;
-  NatType       = 2;
-  PosNatType    = 3;
-  IntegerType   = 4;
-  RealType      = 5;
-  // Complex real numbers (no parameters)
-  ComplexType   = 6;
-  // BitvectorType denotes bitvectors with a specific length.  The
-  // CrucibleType.width field stores the width.
-  BitvectorType  = 7;
-  // 16-bit IEEE754 float
-  HalfFloatType  = 8;
-  // 32-bit IEEE754 float
-  SingleFloatType = 9;
-  // 64-bit IEEE754 float
-  DoubleFloatType = 10;
-  // 128-bit IEEE754 float
-  QuadFloatType   = 11;
-  // 80-bit IEEE754 float
-  X86_80FloatType = 12;
-  // 2 64-bit floats used in double-double type.
-  DoubleDoubleFloatType = 13;
-  // A single unicode character (no parameters)
-  CharType      = 14;
-  StringType    = 15;
-  // A function handle
-  //   Has a list of parameters for arguments, followed by the type of
-  //   the return value.
-  FunctionHandleType = 16;
-  // A maybe value (has one parameter for the type that it may contain)
-  MaybeType = 17;
-  // A vector value (has one parameter for the type of the elements).
-  VectorType = 18;
-  // A tuple containing an fixed tuple of values.  There is a parameter
-  // for each value it may contain.
-  StructType = 19;
-  // NB: There is deliberately a gap here in the numbering from 20-31
-  // where other, now unused, types used to be.
-  // A parametric type mapping strings to partial values.
-  StringMapType = 32;
-  // A WordMap, which is a finite partial map from bitvectors to values
-  WordMapType = 34;
-// Information about a crucible type.
-message CrucibleType {
-  required CrucibleTypeId id = 1;
-  // Width for bitvector type.
-  optional uint64 width = 2;
-  // Type parameters, if any
-  repeated CrucibleType param = 3;
-// Messages used for register handle.
-// Information about the handle to be registerd.
-message HandleInfo {
-  optional string display_name = 1;
-  repeated CrucibleType arg_type = 2;
-  optional CrucibleType return_type = 3;
-// This message returns the identifier of a handle after the simulator
-// creates it.
-message RegisterHandleResponse {
-  // Index for new handle.
-  optional uint64 index = 1;
-// Messages for getting a predefined handle and information about it.
-// Return message sent when getting a predefined handle.  Contains the Id
-// and information about the handle.
-message PredefinedHandleInfo {
-  // A uint64 that uniquely identifies the Handle.  This can be used
-  // to uniquely identify the handle for creating values.
-  optional uint64 ref = 1;
-  // Information about the handle.
-  optional HandleInfo info = 2;
-// Messages when creating a control flow graph.
-enum PositionCode {
-  // An position with no additional information.
-  InternalPos = 0;
-  // A position in source code.
-  // Position.path contains the full path to the file.
-  // Position.line contains the line number in the file.
-  // Position.col contains the column number in the file.
-  SourcePos = 1;
-  // A position in a bianry.
-  // Position.path contains the full path to the binary.
-  // Position.addr contains the address when loaded into memory.
-  BinaryPos = 2;
-  // Unstructured string position.
-  // Position.pos_string contains an arbitrary string describing the
-  // program position.
-  OtherPos = 3;
-// A position in the code.
-message Position {
-  optional PositionCode code = 1;
-  optional string path = 2;
-  optional uint64 line = 3;
-  optional uint64 col  = 4;
-  optional uint64 addr = 5;
-  optional string functionName = 6;
-  optional string value = 7;
-message Cfg {
-  optional uint64 handle_id = 1;
-  // The position to use for the CFG.
-  optional Position pos = 2;
-  // Types of registers in CFG.
-  repeated CrucibleType register = 3;
-  // List of blocks in CFG.
-  repeated Block block = 4;
-// A basic block in the program.
-// The block identifier is implicit and determined by the position in the CFG.
-message Block {
-  // The position to use for the start of the block.
-  optional Position pos = 1;
-  // Indicates if this block is a lambda block (default false)
-  optional bool is_lambda = 2;
-  // The type of a lambda argument is this is a lambda block.
-  optional CrucibleType lambda_type = 3;
-  // The list of statements for the block.
-  repeated Statement statement = 4;
-  // The terminal statement for a block.
-  optional TermStmt termStmt = 5;
-enum StatementCode {
-  // Undefined is the default to catch cases where the statement id is out of range.
-  UndefinedStatment = 0;
-  // Execute a primitive operation in the block.
-  // The operation is specified in Statement.prim_op.
-  // The arguments are stored in Statement.expr.
-  // Statement.result_type should contain the expected result returned by the
-  // function call.
-  ExecPrimitive = 1;
-  // Call a function with the given arguments.
-  // Statement.expr contains the function to call as the first argument, and
-  //  then the actual arguments in the rest of the list.
-  // Statement.result_type should contain the expected result returned by the
-  // function call.
-  Call      = 2;
-  // Print a message.
-  // Statement.expr constains an expression to print.  It should be a string
-  // expression.
-  Print     = 3;
-  // Assert a condition holds.
-  // This takes two expression arguments:
-  // The first is the Boolean condition, the second is a string indicating what
-  // to do if it fails.
-  Assert    = 4;
-  // Read a register
-  // Statement.reg should contain the index of the register to read.
-  ReadReg   = 5;
-  // Write to a register.
-  // Statement.reg should contain the index of the register to write to.
-  // Statement.expr should contain the value to write.
-  WriteReg  = 6;
-  // Read a global variable.
-  ReadGlobal = 7;
-  // Write to a global variable.
-  WriteGlobal = 8;
-message Statement {
-  optional StatementCode code = 1;
-  // Position of statement.
-  optional Position pos = 2;
-  // Register used in read or write reg.
-  optional uint64 reg = 3;
-  // Operation used for ExecPrimitive.
-  optional PrimitiveOp prim_op = 4;
-  // Expressions referenced by statement.
-  repeated Expr expr = 5;
-  // Type of the result of the operation.
-  optional CrucibleType result_type = 7;
-enum TermStmtCode {
-  // Undefined is the default to catch cases where the statement id is out of range.
-  UndefinedTermStmt = 0;
-  // Jump to a basic block.
-  // TermStmt.block should contain the index of the block to jump to.
-  JumpTermStmt = 1;
-  // Branch on a condition.
-  // TermStmt.expr should contain a Boolean expression to branch on.
-  // TermStmt.block should two block indexes:
-  // * the first is the block to jump to when the condition is true.
-  // * the second is the block to jump to when the condition is true.
-  BranchTermStmt = 2;
-  // Return from this function.
-  // TermStmt.expr should contain the value to return.
-  ReturnTermStmt = 3;
-  // Fail with an error.
-  // TermStmt.expr should contain the message to print when failing.
-  ErrorTermStmt = 4;
-  // Jump to a new function with a tail call.
-  // TermStmt.expr should contain the function to call as the first
-  // argument, and the arguments to pass it as the remaining expressions.
-  TailCallTermStmt = 5;
-  // Case match on an expression with type <code>Maybe t</code>.
-  // TermStmt.expr should contain the expression to pattern match on.
-  // TermStmt.block should two block indexes:
-  // * the first is a lambda block to jump to when the expression contains a value.
-  // * the second is the block to jump to when the expression is nothing.
-  SwitchMaybeTermStmt = 6;
-message TermStmt {
-  // Code identifying the type of statement that this is.
-  optional TermStmtCode code = 1;
-  // Position of statement.
-  optional Position pos = 2;
-  // Expressions referenced by this statement.
-  repeated Expr expr = 3;
-  // Blocks referenced by this statement.
-  repeated uint64 block = 4;
-// Code used to identify the source of a Crucible expression.
-enum ExprCode {
-  UnknownExpr = 0;
-  // Expression denoting constant "true".
-  TrueExpr = 1;
-  // Expression denoting constant "false".
-  FalseExpr = 2;
-  // A constant natural number value.
-  // This is stored in Expr.data as a byte array of a unsigned integer
-  // in big-endian form.
-  NatExpr = 3;
-  // A constant integer value.
-  // This is stored in Expr.data as a byte array of a signed integer
-  // big-endian form.
-  IntegerExpr = 4;
-  // A constant rational value.
-  // This is stored in Expr.data with the denominator first encoded as a
-  // varint unsigned integer followed by the numerator encoded in signed
-  // big-endian form.
-  RationalExpr = 5;
-  // A constant bitvector value.
-  // Expr.width stores the width and Expr.data
-  // stores the value in big-endian form.
-  BitvectorExpr = 6;
-  // A constant string.
-  // Value is stored in Expr.string_lit.
-  StringExpr    = 7;
-  // The unit constant.
-  UnitExpr      = 8;
-  // A handle literal.
-  // Expr.index stores the index of the handle reference.
-  FnHandleExpr  = 9;
-  // Code for expressions from function argument.
-  // The index for this is stored in Expr.index.
-  FunctionArgExpr = 10;
-  // Code for expressions generated from a lambda block.
-  // The field Expr.block_id contains the block that generated it.
-  LambdaArgExpr   = 11;
-  // Code for expressions created by previous statements.
-  // Expr.block_id contains the index of the block that the statement
-  // was defined in.
-  // Expr.index contains the index within the block of the statement.
-  StatementResultExpr = 12;
-// Identifies a Crucible expression.
-message Expr {
-  optional ExprCode code = 1;
-  // Index of block a statement result was created in.
-  optional uint64 block_id = 2;
-  // Index if this is an argument expression.
-  optional uint64 index = 3;
-  // Used to store certain types of Value (see ValueCode constants).
-  optional uint64 width = 4;
-  // Payload containing binary date (used to store actual simulator value).
-  optional bytes data = 5;
-  // The actual value of a string literal.
-  optional string string_lit = 6;
-// Messages when running a function call.
-// Code used to indicate how the simulator responded to the call.
-enum CallResponseCode {
-  // Indicates that an override was called.
-  // CallResponse.handle_index must contain the index of the handle that was called.
-  // CallResponse.arg contains the arguments to the function.
-  // When this message is sent, the client should send back a Request object.
-  CallOverrideCalled = 1;
-  // Indicates execution along a particular path aborted,
-  // simulator will keep execution.
-  CallPathAborted = 2;
-  // Indicates that the function returned a value.
-  CallReturnValue = 3;
-  // Indicates all branches ended in a abort
-  // (this is after the @CallPathAborted message@).
-  CallAllAborted = 4;
-// Call response is the message sent from Crucible to the caller once
-// execution has paused for some reason.
-message CallResponse {
-  // Code identifying what response occured from the call.
-  optional CallResponseCode code = 1;
-  // Return value for CallReturnValue.
-  optional Value returnVal = 2;
-  // Message to print for CallPathAborted.
-  optional PathAbortedMessage message = 3;
-  // Index of handle when override is called.
-  optional uint64 handle_index = 4;
-  // Arguments when override is called.
-  repeated Value arg = 5;
-enum PathAbortedCode {
-  // No specific information avaliable
-  AbortedGeneric = 0;
-  // A path aborted because of a read-before-write error
-  AbortedReadBeforeWrite = 1;
-  // Attempted to call a value that does not represent a function
-  AbortedNonFunction = 2;
-  // An explicit assertion (i.e., one specificly inserted into the a CFG) failed
-  AbortedUserAssertFailure = 3;
-message PathAbortedMessage {
-  // Code identifying the specific failure
-  optional PathAbortedCode code = 1;
-  // String message describing the error
-  optional string message = 2;
-  // Position information when a path is aborted
-  repeated Position backtrace = 3;
-// Request for the simulator indicating what to do next after it sends a
-// call response that indicates simulation has not yet terminated.
-message CallRequest {
-   optional CallRequestCode code = 1;
-// Code for what to do next when the simulator returns a CallResponse.
-enum CallRequestCode {
-  // Default code when the request code could not be parsed.
-  UnknownCallRequest = 0;
-  // Resume execution of the call.
-  ResumeCall = 1;
-  // Stop executing the call and switch back to a paused state (no response needeD).
-  AbortCall = 2;
-// Messages related to compositional verification
-message VerificationHarness {
-  // Human-consumable name to give to the override function
-  optional string name = 1;
-  // Specification of prestate variables, register and memory state
-  optional StateSpecification prestate_specification = 2;
-  // Specification of poststate variables, register and memory state
-  optional StateSpecification poststate_specification = 3;
-  // Address word length, in bits;
-  optional uint64 address_width = 4;
-  // Machine endianess
-  optional Endianness endianness = 5;
-  // Register file width, in bits;
-  optional uint64 reg_file_width = 6;
-  // Optional function output term
-  optional string output_expr = 7;
-  // Cryptol specification files
-  repeated string cryptol_source = 8;
-// Code for indicating which byte-order to assume for verification harnesses
-enum Endianness {
-  // Little-endian byte order
-  LittleEndian = 0;
-  // Big-endian byte order
-  BigEndian = 1;
-message StateSpecification {
-  // specification variables
-  repeated VariableSpecification variable = 1;
-  // specification register assignments
-  repeated RegisterAssignment register_assignment = 2;
-  // specification memory assignments
-  repeated MemoryAssignment memory_assignment = 3;
-  // specification variable bindings
-  repeated VariableBinding variable_binding = 4;
-  // specification conditions
-  repeated string condition = 5;
-message VariableSpecification {
-  // The name of the varible, which must be a valid Cryptol identifier.
-  optional string name = 1;
-  // The dimensions of the variable.  There must be exactly one
-  // or two dimensions, indicating words or vectors of words.
-  // The word dimension must be a multiple of 8.
-  repeated uint64 dimension = 2;
-message RegisterAssignment {
-  // The offset of the register in the register file
-  optional uint64 reg_offset = 1;
-  // The index of the specification variable found in this register
-  optional VariableReference value = 2;
-message MemoryAssignment {
-  // The base pointer of the memory address
-  optional VariableReference base = 1;
-  // An offset from the base pointer
-  optional uint64 offset = 2;
-  // The value pointed to at that location
-  optional VariableReference value = 3;
-message VariableBinding {
-  // The variable to be bound
-  optional VariableReference var = 1;
-  // The cryptol expression to bind to this variable
-  optional string expr = 2;
-enum VariableReferenceCode {
-  // The value of the stack pointer
-  StackPointerVar = 1;
-  // The value of the return address
-  ReturnAddressVar = 2;
-  // The value of a user-defined variable
-  UserVar = 3;
-message VariableReference {
-  // The variable reference type
-  optional VariableReferenceCode code = 1;
-  // The name of the variable,
-  // for references to user-defined variables
-  optional string var_name = 2;
-// Additional data about setting up simulation and where to deposit
-// simulation results
-message VerificationSimulateOptions {
-  // Starting PC value for simulation
-  optional Value start_pc = 1;
-  // Starting stack pointer value for simulation
-  optional Value start_stack = 2;
-  // Return pointer value for simulation
-  optional Value return_address = 3;
-  // Function handle for the program to simulate
-  optional Value program = 4;
-  // Directory where to write output SAWCore terms
-  optional string output_directory = 5;
-  // Should we produce proof obligations for side-conditions and
-  // postconditions, etc?
-  // optional bool output_proof_obligations = 6;
-  // Shoule proof obligations be split into separate files?
-  optional bool separate_obligations = 7;
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Proto.hproto b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Proto.hproto
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/CallbackOutputHandle.hs b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/CallbackOutputHandle.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 01affa114..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/CallbackOutputHandle.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module           : Lang.Crucible.Server.CallbackOutputHandle
--- Copyright        : (c) Galois, Inc 2014-2016
--- Maintainer       : Rob Dockins <rdockins@galois.com>
--- Stability        : provisional
--- License          : BSD3
--- Utility for making an I/O handle from a collection of callback
--- functions.
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.CallbackOutputHandle
-  ( OutputCallbacks(..)
-  , mkCallbackOutputHandle
-  ) where
-import qualified Data.ByteString as B
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B
-import Data.Typeable
-import Foreign.ForeignPtr
-import Foreign.Marshal.Utils
-import Foreign.Ptr
-import GHC.IO.Buffer
-import GHC.IO.BufferedIO
-import GHC.IO.Device
-import GHC.IO.Handle
-import System.IO
--- | Callbacks for writing to file.
-data OutputCallbacks
-   = OutputCallbacks { devCallback :: !(B.ByteString -> IO ())
-                       -- ^ Function to call when buffer flushes.
-                     , devClose :: !(IO ())
-                       -- ^ Function to call when device closes.
-                     }
- deriving (Typeable)
-instance IODevice OutputCallbacks where
-  ready _ isWrite _ = return isWrite
-  close d = devClose d
-  devType _ = return Stream
-instance BufferedIO OutputCallbacks where
-  newBuffer _ = newByteBuffer 4096
-  fillReadBuffer = error "Output device does not support reading."
-  fillReadBuffer0 =  error "Output device does not support reading."
-  flushWriteBuffer md buf = do
-    -- Get offset of start of buffer.
-    let offset = bufL buf
-    -- Get length of offer
-    let l = bufferElems buf
-    -- Create bytestring with copy of data.
-    bs <- B.create l $ \p -> do
-      withForeignPtr (bufRaw buf) $ \src -> do
-        copyBytes p (src `plusPtr` offset) l
-    -- Send output to callback function.
-    devCallback md bs
-    -- Return empty buffer.
-    return buf { bufL = 0
-               , bufR = 0
-               }
-  flushWriteBuffer0 md buf = do
-    buf' <- flushWriteBuffer md buf
-    return (bufferElems buf, buf')
--- | A handle that can receive output and call a callback function.
-mkCallbackOutputHandle :: FilePath -- ^ "FilePath" used in debug messages.
-                       -> OutputCallbacks
-                          -- ^ Functions to call when using device.
-                       -> IO Handle
-mkCallbackOutputHandle path callback = do
-  let encoding = Nothing
-  mkFileHandle callback path AppendMode encoding noNewlineTranslation
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/CryptolEnv.hs b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/CryptolEnv.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 066739d8b..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/CryptolEnv.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{- |
-Module      : $Header$
-Description : Context for interpreting Cryptol within the cryptol server
-License     : BSD3
-Maintainer  : rdockins
-Stability   : provisional
-NOTE! This module is ripped from the corresponding functionality in SAWScript, and is
-basically a copy-paste of module "SAWScript.CryptolEnv".  It would probably be better
-to abstract this functionality into a single place, either within Crytpol proper,
-or in a separate package
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.CryptolEnv
-  ( CryptolEnv(..)
-  , Import(..)
-  , initCryptolEnv
-  , loadCryptolModule
-  , bindCryptolModule
-  , lookupCryptolModule
-  , importModule
-  , bindTypedTerm
-  , bindType
-  , bindInteger
-  , parseTypedTerm
-  , inferTerm
-  , checkTerm
-  , renameTerm
-  , translateExpr
-  , parseDecls
-  , parseSchema
-  , declareName
-  , declareIdent
-  , typeNoUser
-  , schemaNoUser
-  , getNamingEnv
-  , defaultEvalOpts
-  )
-  where
---import qualified Control.Exception as X
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-import Data.Text (Text, pack)
-import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
-import System.Environment.Executable (splitExecutablePath)
-import System.FilePath ((</>), normalise, joinPath, splitPath, splitSearchPath)
-import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm (SharedContext, Term, incVars)
-import qualified Verifier.SAW.Cryptol as C
-import qualified Cryptol.Eval as E
-import qualified Cryptol.Parser as P
-import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
-import qualified Cryptol.Parser.Position as P
-import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck as T
-import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
-import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Infer as TI
-import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Kind as TK
-import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad as TM
-import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solve as TS
---import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP as TP
-import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem as M
-import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Base as MB
-import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env as ME
-import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Exports as MEx
-import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface as MI
-import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Monad as MM
-import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv as MN
-import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name as MN
-import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer as MR
-import Cryptol.Utils.PP
-import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident, preludeName, packIdent, interactiveName)
-import Cryptol.Utils.Logger (quietLogger)
-import Lang.Crucible.Server.TypedTerm
-data Import = Import
-  { iModule    :: Either FilePath P.ModName
-  , iAs        :: Maybe P.ModName
-  , iSpec      :: Maybe P.ImportSpec
-  } deriving (Eq, Show)
-data CryptolEnv = CryptolEnv
-  { eImports    :: [P.Import]           -- ^ Declarations of imported Cryptol modules
-  , eModuleEnv  :: ME.ModuleEnv         -- ^ Imported modules, and state for the ModuleM monad
-  , eExtraNames :: MR.NamingEnv         -- ^ Context for the Cryptol renamer
-  , eExtraTypes :: Map T.Name T.Schema  -- ^ Cryptol types for extra names in scope
-  , eExtraTSyns :: Map T.Name T.TySyn   -- ^ Extra Cryptol type synonyms in scope
-  , eTermEnv    :: Map T.Name Term      -- ^ SAWCore terms for *all* names in scope
-  }
--- Initialize ------------------------------------------------------------------
-initCryptolEnv :: SharedContext -> IO CryptolEnv
-initCryptolEnv sc = do
-  modEnv0 <- M.initialModuleEnv
-  -- Set the Cryptol include path (TODO: we may want to do this differently)
-  (binDir, _) <- splitExecutablePath
-  let instDir = normalise . joinPath . init . splitPath $ binDir
-  mCryptolPath <- lookupEnv "CRYPTOLPATH"
-  let cryptolPaths =
-        case mCryptolPath of
-          Nothing -> []
-          Just path ->
-#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__)
-            -- Windows paths search from end to beginning
-            reverse (splitSearchPath path)
-            splitSearchPath path
-  let modEnv1 = modEnv0 { ME.meSearchPath = cryptolPaths ++
-                           (instDir </> "lib") : ME.meSearchPath modEnv0 }
-  -- Load Cryptol prelude
-  (_, modEnv) <-
-    liftModuleM modEnv1 $
-      MB.loadModuleFrom False (MM.FromModule preludeName)
-  -- Generate SAWCore translations for all values in scope
-  termEnv <- genTermEnv sc modEnv
-  return CryptolEnv
-    { eImports    = [P.Import preludeName Nothing Nothing]
-    , eModuleEnv  = modEnv
-    , eExtraNames = mempty
-    , eExtraTypes = Map.empty
-    , eExtraTSyns = Map.empty
-    , eTermEnv    = termEnv
-    }
--- Parse -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-ioParseExpr :: String -> IO (P.Expr P.PName)
-ioParseExpr = ioParseGeneric P.parseExprWith
-ioParseDecls :: String -> IO [P.Decl P.PName]
-ioParseDecls = ioParseGeneric P.parseDeclsWith
-ioParseSchema :: String -> IO (P.Schema P.PName)
-ioParseSchema = ioParseGeneric P.parseSchemaWith
-ioParseGeneric :: (P.Config -> Text -> Either P.ParseError a) -> String -> IO a
-ioParseGeneric parse str = ioParseResult (parse cfg (pack str))
-  where
-    cfg = P.defaultConfig
-ioParseResult :: Either P.ParseError a -> IO a
-ioParseResult res = case res of
-  Right a -> return a
-  Left e  -> fail $ "Cryptol parse error:\n" ++ show (P.ppError e) -- X.throwIO (ParseError e)
--- Rename ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-getNamingEnv :: CryptolEnv -> MR.NamingEnv
-getNamingEnv env = eExtraNames env `MR.shadowing` nameEnv
-  where
-    nameEnv = mconcat $ fromMaybe [] $ traverse loadImport (eImports env)
-    loadImport i = do
-      lm <- ME.lookupModule (T.iModule i) (eModuleEnv env)
-      return $ MN.interpImport i (MI.ifPublic (ME.lmInterface lm))
-getAllIfaceDecls :: ME.ModuleEnv -> M.IfaceDecls
-getAllIfaceDecls me = mconcat (map (both . ME.lmInterface) (ME.getLoadedModules (ME.meLoadedModules me)))
-  where both ifc = M.ifPublic ifc `mappend` M.ifPrivate ifc
--- Typecheck -------------------------------------------------------------------
-runInferOutput :: TM.InferOutput a -> MM.ModuleM a
-runInferOutput out =
-  case out of
-    TM.InferOK nm warns seeds supply o ->
-      do MM.setNameSeeds seeds
-         MM.setSupply supply
-         MM.typeCheckWarnings nm warns
-         return o
-    TM.InferFailed nm warns errs ->
-      do MM.typeCheckWarnings nm warns
-         MM.typeCheckingFailed nm errs
--- Translate -------------------------------------------------------------------
-translateExpr :: SharedContext -> CryptolEnv -> T.Expr -> IO Term
-translateExpr sc env expr = do
-  let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
-  let ifaceDecls = getAllIfaceDecls modEnv
-  (types, _) <- liftModuleM modEnv $ do
-    prims <- MB.getPrimMap
-    TM.inpVars `fmap` MB.genInferInput P.emptyRange prims MI.noIfaceParams ifaceDecls
-  let types' = Map.union (eExtraTypes env) types
-  let terms = eTermEnv env
-  let cryEnv = C.emptyEnv
-        { C.envE = fmap (\t -> (t, 0)) terms
-        , C.envC = types'
-        }
-  C.importExpr sc cryEnv expr
-translateDeclGroups :: SharedContext -> CryptolEnv -> [T.DeclGroup] -> IO CryptolEnv
-translateDeclGroups sc env dgs = do
-  let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
-  let ifaceDecls = getAllIfaceDecls modEnv
-  (types, _) <- liftModuleM modEnv $ do
-    prims <- MB.getPrimMap
-    TM.inpVars `fmap` MB.genInferInput P.emptyRange prims MI.noIfaceParams ifaceDecls
-  let types' = Map.union (eExtraTypes env) types
-  let terms = eTermEnv env
-  let cryEnv = C.emptyEnv
-        { C.envE = fmap (\t -> (t, 0)) terms
-        , C.envC = types'
-        }
-  cryEnv' <- C.importTopLevelDeclGroups sc cryEnv dgs
-  termEnv' <- traverse (\(t, j) -> incVars sc 0 j t) (C.envE cryEnv')
-  let decls = concatMap T.groupDecls dgs
-  let names = map T.dName decls
-  let newTypes = Map.fromList [ (T.dName d, T.dSignature d) | d <- decls ]
-  let addName name = MR.shadowing (MN.singletonE (P.mkUnqual (MN.nameIdent name)) name)
-  return env
-        { eExtraNames = foldr addName (eExtraNames env) names
-        , eExtraTypes = Map.union (eExtraTypes env) newTypes
-        , eTermEnv = termEnv'
-        }
--- | Translate all declarations in all loaded modules to SAWCore terms
-genTermEnv :: SharedContext -> ME.ModuleEnv -> IO (Map T.Name Term)
-genTermEnv sc modEnv = do
-  let declGroups = concatMap T.mDecls (ME.loadedModules modEnv)
-  cryEnv <- C.importTopLevelDeclGroups sc C.emptyEnv declGroups
-  traverse (\(t, j) -> incVars sc 0 j t) (C.envE cryEnv)
-loadCryptolModule :: SharedContext -> CryptolEnv -> FilePath
-                     -> IO (CryptolModule, CryptolEnv)
-loadCryptolModule sc env path = do
-  let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
-  (m, modEnv') <- liftModuleM modEnv (MB.loadModuleByPath path)
-  let ifaceDecls = getAllIfaceDecls modEnv'
-  (types, modEnv'') <- liftModuleM modEnv' $ do
-    prims <- MB.getPrimMap
-    TM.inpVars `fmap` MB.genInferInput P.emptyRange prims MI.noIfaceParams ifaceDecls
-  -- Regenerate SharedTerm environment.
-  let oldTermEnv = eTermEnv env
-  newTermEnv <- genTermEnv sc modEnv''
-  let names = MEx.eBinds (T.mExports m) -- :: Set T.Name
-  let tm' = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> Set.member k names) $
-            Map.intersectionWith TypedTerm types newTermEnv
-  let env' = env { eModuleEnv = modEnv''
-                 , eTermEnv = Map.union newTermEnv oldTermEnv
-                 }
-  let sm' = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> Set.member k (T.eTypes (T.mExports m))) (T.mTySyns m)
-  return (CryptolModule sm' tm', env')
-bindCryptolModule :: (P.ModName, CryptolModule) -> CryptolEnv -> CryptolEnv
-bindCryptolModule (modName, CryptolModule sm tm) env =
-  env { eExtraNames = flip (foldr addName) (Map.keys tm) $
-                      flip (foldr addTSyn) (Map.keys sm) $ eExtraNames env
-      , eExtraTSyns = Map.union sm (eExtraTSyns env)
-      , eExtraTypes = Map.union (fmap (\(TypedTerm s _) -> s) tm) (eExtraTypes env)
-      , eTermEnv    = Map.union (fmap (\(TypedTerm _ t) -> t) tm) (eTermEnv env)
-      }
-  where
-    addName name = MN.shadowing (MN.singletonE (P.mkQual modName (MN.nameIdent name)) name)
-    addTSyn name = MN.shadowing (MN.singletonT (P.mkQual modName (MN.nameIdent name)) name)
-lookupCryptolModule :: CryptolModule -> String -> IO TypedTerm
-lookupCryptolModule (CryptolModule _ tm) name =
-  case Map.lookup (packIdent name) (Map.mapKeys MN.nameIdent tm) of
-    Nothing -> fail $ "Binding not found: " ++ name
-    Just t -> return t
-importModule :: SharedContext -> CryptolEnv -> Import -> IO CryptolEnv
-importModule sc env imp = do
-  let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
-  (m, modEnv') <-
-    liftModuleM modEnv $
-    case iModule imp of
-      Left path -> MB.loadModuleByPath path
-      Right mn -> snd <$> MB.loadModuleFrom True (MM.FromModule mn)
-  -- Regenerate SharedTerm environment. TODO: preserve old
-  -- values, only translate decls from new module.
-  let oldTermEnv = eTermEnv env
-  newTermEnv <- genTermEnv sc modEnv'
-  return env { eImports = P.Import (T.mName m) (iAs imp) (iSpec imp) : eImports env
-             , eModuleEnv = modEnv'
-             , eTermEnv = Map.union newTermEnv oldTermEnv }
-bindIdent :: Ident -> CryptolEnv -> (T.Name, CryptolEnv)
-bindIdent ident env = (name, env')
-  where
-    modEnv = eModuleEnv env
-    supply = ME.meSupply modEnv
-    fixity = Nothing
-    (name, supply') = MN.mkDeclared interactiveName MN.UserName ident fixity P.emptyRange supply
-    modEnv' = modEnv { ME.meSupply = supply' }
-    env' = env { eModuleEnv = modEnv' }
--- | Produce a unique term-level @Name@ for the given @Ident@ and record its type,
---   without giving it a definition.
-declareIdent :: Ident -> T.Schema -> CryptolEnv -> (T.Name, CryptolEnv)
-declareIdent ident schema env =
-   ( name
-   , env' { eExtraNames = MR.shadowing (MN.singletonE pname name) (eExtraNames env')
-          , eExtraTypes = Map.insert name schema (eExtraTypes env')
-          }
-   )
-  where
-   pname = P.mkUnqual ident
-   (name, env') = bindIdent ident env
-bindTypedTerm :: (Ident, TypedTerm) -> CryptolEnv -> CryptolEnv
-bindTypedTerm (ident, TypedTerm schema trm) env =
-  env' { eExtraNames = MR.shadowing (MN.singletonE pname name) (eExtraNames env)
-       , eExtraTypes = Map.insert name schema (eExtraTypes env)
-       , eTermEnv    = Map.insert name trm (eTermEnv env)
-       }
-  where
-    pname = P.mkUnqual ident
-    (name, env') = bindIdent ident env
-bindType :: (Ident, T.Schema) -> CryptolEnv -> CryptolEnv
-bindType (ident, T.Forall [] [] ty) env =
-  env' { eExtraNames = MR.shadowing (MN.singletonT pname name) (eExtraNames env)
-       , eExtraTSyns = Map.insert name tysyn (eExtraTSyns env)
-       }
-  where
-    pname = P.mkUnqual ident
-    (name, env') = bindIdent ident env
-    tysyn = T.TySyn name [] [] ty Nothing
-bindType _ env = env -- only monomorphic types may be bound
-bindInteger :: (Ident, Integer) -> CryptolEnv -> CryptolEnv
-bindInteger (ident, n) env =
-  env' { eExtraNames = MR.shadowing (MN.singletonT pname name) (eExtraNames env)
-       , eExtraTSyns = Map.insert name tysyn (eExtraTSyns env)
-       }
-  where
-    pname = P.mkUnqual ident
-    (name, env') = bindIdent ident env
-    tysyn = T.TySyn name [] [] (T.tNum n) Nothing
-parseTypedTerm :: SharedContext -> CryptolEnv -> String -> IO TypedTerm
-parseTypedTerm sc env input = do
-  pexpr <- ioParseExpr input
-  (env', schema, expr) <- inferTerm env pexpr
-  -- Translate
-  trm <- translateExpr sc env' expr
-  return (TypedTerm schema trm)
-renameTerm :: CryptolEnv -> P.Expr P.PName -> IO (CryptolEnv, P.Expr MN.Name)
-renameTerm env pexpr = do
-  let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
-  (expr, modEnv') <- liftModuleM modEnv $ do
-    -- Eliminate patterns
-    npe <- MM.interactive (MB.noPat pexpr)
-    -- Resolve names
-    let nameEnv = getNamingEnv env
-    MM.interactive (MB.rename interactiveName nameEnv (MR.rename npe))
-  let env' = env{ eModuleEnv = modEnv' }
-  return (env', expr)
-checkTerm :: CryptolEnv -> P.Expr MN.Name -> T.Type -> IO (CryptolEnv, T.Expr)
-checkTerm env re expectedType = do
-  let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
-  (expr, modEnv') <- liftModuleM modEnv $ do
-    -- Infer types
-    let ifDecls = getAllIfaceDecls modEnv
-    let range = fromMaybe P.emptyRange (P.getLoc re)
-    prims <- MB.getPrimMap
-    tcEnv <- MB.genInferInput range prims MI.noIfaceParams ifDecls
-    let tcEnv' = tcEnv { TM.inpVars = Map.union (eExtraTypes env) (TM.inpVars tcEnv)
-                       , TM.inpTSyns = Map.union (eExtraTSyns env) (TM.inpTSyns tcEnv)
-                       }
-    --out <- MM.io (T.tcExpr re tcEnv')
-    out <- MM.io $ TM.runInferM tcEnv'
-                (do e <- TI.checkE re (T.WithSource expectedType T.TypeWildCard) -- type source is kinda bogus...
-                    TS.simplifyAllConstraints
-                    return e)
-    MM.interactive (runInferOutput out)
-  let env' = env { eModuleEnv = modEnv' }
-  return (env', expr)
-inferTerm :: CryptolEnv -> P.Expr P.PName -> IO (CryptolEnv, T.Schema, T.Expr)
-inferTerm env pexpr = do
-  let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
-  ((expr, schema), modEnv') <- liftModuleM modEnv $ do
-    -- Eliminate patterns
-    npe <- MM.interactive (MB.noPat pexpr)
-    -- Resolve names
-    let nameEnv = getNamingEnv env
-    re <- MM.interactive (MB.rename interactiveName nameEnv (MR.rename npe))
-    -- Infer types
-    let ifDecls = getAllIfaceDecls modEnv
-    let range = fromMaybe P.emptyRange (P.getLoc re)
-    prims <- MB.getPrimMap
-    tcEnv <- MB.genInferInput range prims MI.noIfaceParams ifDecls
-    let tcEnv' = tcEnv { TM.inpVars = Map.union (eExtraTypes env) (TM.inpVars tcEnv)
-                       , TM.inpTSyns = Map.union (eExtraTSyns env) (TM.inpTSyns tcEnv)
-                       }
-    out <- MM.io (T.tcExpr re tcEnv')
-    MM.interactive (runInferOutput out)
-  let env' = env { eModuleEnv = modEnv' }
-  return (env', schema, expr)
-parseDecls :: SharedContext -> CryptolEnv -> String -> IO CryptolEnv
-parseDecls sc env input = do
-  let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
-  let ifaceDecls = getAllIfaceDecls modEnv
-  -- Parse
-  (decls :: [P.Decl P.PName]) <- ioParseDecls input
-  (tmodule, modEnv') <- liftModuleM modEnv $ do
-    -- Eliminate patterns
-    (npdecls :: [P.Decl P.PName]) <- MM.interactive (MB.noPat decls)
-    -- Convert from 'Decl' to 'TopDecl' so that types will be generalized
-    let topdecls = [ P.Decl (P.TopLevel P.Public Nothing d) | d <- npdecls ]
-    -- Label each TopDecl with the "interactive" module for unique name generation
-    let (mdecls :: [MN.InModule (P.TopDecl P.PName)]) = map (MN.InModule interactiveName) topdecls
-    nameEnv1 <- MN.liftSupply (MN.namingEnv' mdecls)
-    -- Resolve names
-    let nameEnv = nameEnv1 `MR.shadowing` getNamingEnv env
-    (rdecls :: [P.TopDecl T.Name]) <- MM.interactive (MB.rename interactiveName nameEnv (traverse MR.rename topdecls))
-    -- Create a Module to contain the declarations
-    let rmodule = P.Module (P.Located P.emptyRange interactiveName) Nothing [] rdecls
-    -- Infer types
-    let range = fromMaybe P.emptyRange (P.getLoc rdecls)
-    prims <- MB.getPrimMap
-    tcEnv <- MB.genInferInput range prims MI.noIfaceParams ifaceDecls
-    let tcEnv' = tcEnv { TM.inpVars = Map.union (eExtraTypes env) (TM.inpVars tcEnv)
-                       , TM.inpTSyns = Map.union (eExtraTSyns env) (TM.inpTSyns tcEnv)
-                       }
-    out <- MM.io (TM.runInferM tcEnv' (TI.inferModule rmodule))
-    tmodule <- MM.interactive (runInferOutput out)
-    return tmodule
-  -- Add new type synonyms and their name bindings to the environment
-  let syns' = Map.union (eExtraTSyns env) (T.mTySyns tmodule)
-  let addName name = MR.shadowing (MN.singletonT (P.mkUnqual (MN.nameIdent name)) name)
-  let names' = foldr addName (eExtraNames env) (Map.keys (T.mTySyns tmodule))
-  let env' = env { eModuleEnv = modEnv', eExtraNames = names', eExtraTSyns = syns' }
-  -- Translate
-  let dgs = T.mDecls tmodule
-  translateDeclGroups sc env' dgs
-parseSchema :: CryptolEnv -> String -> IO T.Schema
-parseSchema env input = do
-  --putStrLn $ "parseSchema: " ++ show input
-  let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
-  -- Parse
-  pschema <- ioParseSchema input
-  --putStrLn $ "ioParseSchema: " ++ show pschema
-  fmap fst $ liftModuleM modEnv $ do
-    -- Resolve names
-    let nameEnv = getNamingEnv env
-    rschema <- MM.interactive (MB.rename interactiveName nameEnv (MR.rename pschema))
-    let ifDecls = getAllIfaceDecls modEnv
-    let range = fromMaybe P.emptyRange (P.getLoc rschema)
-    prims <- MB.getPrimMap
-    tcEnv <- MB.genInferInput range prims MI.noIfaceParams ifDecls
-    let tcEnv' = tcEnv { TM.inpTSyns = Map.union (eExtraTSyns env) (TM.inpTSyns tcEnv) }
-    let infer =
-          case rschema of
-            P.Forall [] [] t _ -> do
-              let k = Nothing -- allow either kind KNum or KType
-              (t', goals) <- TM.collectGoals $ TK.checkType t k
-              return (T.Forall [] [] t', goals)
-            _ -> TK.checkSchema TM.AllowWildCards rschema
-    out <- MM.io (TM.runInferM tcEnv' infer)
-    (schema, _goals) <- MM.interactive (runInferOutput out)
-    --mapM_ (MM.io . print . TP.ppWithNames TP.emptyNameMap) goals
-    return (schemaNoUser schema)
-declareName :: CryptolEnv -> P.ModName -> String -> IO (T.Name, CryptolEnv)
-declareName env mname input = do
-  let pname = P.mkUnqual (packIdent input)
-  let modEnv = eModuleEnv env
-  (cname, modEnv') <-
-    liftModuleM modEnv $ MM.interactive $
-    MN.liftSupply (MN.mkDeclared mname MN.UserName (P.getIdent pname) Nothing P.emptyRange)
-  let env' = env { eModuleEnv = modEnv' }
-  return (cname, env')
-typeNoUser :: T.Type -> T.Type
-typeNoUser t =
-  case t of
-    T.TCon tc ts   -> T.TCon tc (map typeNoUser ts)
-    T.TVar {}      -> t
-    T.TUser _ _ ty -> typeNoUser ty
-    T.TRec fields  -> T.TRec $ typeNoUser <$> fields
-schemaNoUser :: T.Schema -> T.Schema
-schemaNoUser (T.Forall params props ty) = T.Forall params props (typeNoUser ty)
-liftModuleM :: ME.ModuleEnv -> MM.ModuleM a -> IO (a, ME.ModuleEnv)
-liftModuleM env m = MM.runModuleM (defaultEvalOpts, BS.readFile, env) m >>= moduleCmdResult
-defaultEvalOpts :: E.EvalOpts
-defaultEvalOpts = E.EvalOpts quietLogger E.defaultPPOpts
-moduleCmdResult :: M.ModuleRes a -> IO (a, ME.ModuleEnv)
-moduleCmdResult (res, ws) = do
-  --mapM_ (print . pp) ws
-  case res of
-    Right (a, me) -> return (a, me)
-    Left err      ->
-      fail $ unlines (["Cryptol error:\n" ++ show (pp err)] ++ map (show . pp) ws)
--- X.throwIO (ModuleSystemError err)
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Encoding.hs b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Encoding.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9069ae720..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Encoding.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module           : Lang.Crucible.Server.Encoding
--- Copyright        : (c) Galois, Inc 2014-2016
--- Maintainer       : Rob Dockins <rdockins@galois.com>
--- Stability        : provisional
--- License          : BSD3
--- Encoding and decoding utilities for numeric data.
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.Encoding
-  ( decodeSigned
-  , encodeSigned
-  , decodeUnsigned
-  , encodeUnsigned
-  , encodeRational
-  , decodeRational
-  ) where
-#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
-import Control.Monad.Fail( MonadFail )
-import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import Data.Bits
-import Data.Ratio
-import Data.Word
--- | Encode a signed integer in two's complement with the most-significant bit first.
-encodeSigned :: Integer -> Builder
-encodeSigned n0 = go (s n0) (ls n0) mempty
-  where -- Get least-significant byte.
-        ls :: Integer -> Word8
-        ls n = fromIntegral (n .&. 0xFF)
-        -- Get most-significant bit.
-        msb w = w `testBit` 7
-        -- Shift by byte
-        s n = n `shiftR` 8
-        --  | Incrementally create the bytestring.
-        go :: Integer -- ^ The value above the current word.
-           -> Word8 -- ^ The current word.
-           -> Builder
-           -> Builder
-        -- When we have reached the end of a positive number, prepend
-        -- a zero byte if necessary to force the sign bit to be positive.
-        go 0 l b | msb l     = Builder.word8 0 <> Builder.word8 l <> b
-                 | otherwise = Builder.word8 l <> b
-        -- When we have reached the end of a negative number, prepend
-        -- an 0xFF byte if necessary to force the sign bit to be negative.
-        go (-1) l b | msb l     = Builder.word8 l <> b
-                    | otherwise = Builder.word8 0xFF <> Builder.word8 l <> b
-        -- Recurse when we haven't reached most-significant word.
-        go n l b = go (s n) (ls n) (Builder.word8 l <> b)
--- | Encode an unsigned integer with the most-significant bit first.
-encodeUnsigned :: Integer -> Builder
-encodeUnsigned n0
-    | n0 >= 0   = go (s n0) (w n0)
-    | otherwise = error "encodeUnsigned given negative value."
-  where -- Get least-significant byte.
-        w :: Integer -> Builder
-        w n = Builder.word8 (fromIntegral (n .&. 0xFF))
-        -- Shift by byte
-        s n = n `shiftR` 8
-        go :: Integer -> Builder -> Builder
-        go 0 b = b
-        go n b = go (s n) (w n <> b)
--- | Decode a signed integer in two's complement with the most-significant bit first.
-decodeSigned :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
-decodeSigned bs0 =
-    case BS.uncons bs0 of
-      Nothing -> 0
-      Just (w0, bs) -> decodeUnsigned' i bs
-        where
-         i | w0 > 127  = toInteger w0 - 256
-           | otherwise = toInteger w0
--- | Decode a signed integer in two's complement with the most-significant bit first.
-decodeUnsigned :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
-decodeUnsigned = decodeUnsigned' 0
--- | Utility function that decode a unsigned integer with most-significant bit first
-decodeUnsigned' :: Integer -- Initial value to shift (result negative if this is).
-                -> BS.ByteString
-                -> Integer
-decodeUnsigned' = BS.foldl f
-  where -- Append word to integer, shifting current integer by 8.
-        f :: Integer -> Word8 -> Integer
-        f v w = (v `shiftL` 8) .|. toInteger w
--- | Encode an unsigned integer using Google protocol buffers varint format.
-encodeUnsignedVarint :: Integer -> Builder
-encodeUnsignedVarint w
-       -- If the low 7-bits are set, msb is clear, then we are done.
-     | low7 == w = Builder.word8 (fromIntegral low7)
-     | otherwise = Builder.word8 (fromIntegral (0x80 .|. low7))
-                   <> encodeUnsignedVarint (w `shiftR` 7)
-  where low7 = w .&. 0x7F
--- | Decode a unsigned integer in Google protocol buffers varint format
--- from the head of a bytestring.
-decodeUnsignedVarint :: MonadFail m => BS.ByteString -> m (Integer, BS.ByteString)
-decodeUnsignedVarint = go 0
-  where go :: MonadFail m => Integer -> BS.ByteString -> m (Integer, BS.ByteString)
-        go v bs0 =
-          case BS.uncons bs0 of
-            Nothing -> fail "Unexpected premature end of unsigned varint."
-            Just (w,bs) | low7 == w -> return (r, bs)
-                        | otherwise -> go r bs
-              where low7 = w .&. 0x7F
-                    r = (v `shiftL` 7) .|. toInteger low7
--- | Encode a rational as a pair with a unsigned denominator followed by a
--- signed numerator.
-encodeRational :: Rational -> Builder
-encodeRational r = d <> n
-  where n = encodeSigned (numerator r)
-        d = encodeUnsignedVarint (denominator r)
--- | Encode a rational as a pair with a unsigned denominator followed by a
--- signed numerator.
-decodeRational :: MonadFail m => BS.ByteString -> m Rational
-decodeRational bs0 = do
-  (d, bs) <- decodeUnsignedVarint bs0
-  return $ decodeSigned bs % d
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/MultipartOperations.hs b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/MultipartOperations.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 400d8d67c..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/MultipartOperations.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module           : Lang.Crucible.Server.MultipartOperations
--- Copyright        : (c) Galois, Inc 2014-2016
--- Maintainer       : Rob Dockins <rdockins@galois.com>
--- Stability        : provisional
--- License          : BSD3
--- Support operations for performing loads and stores into byte-oriented
--- memory strucutures.
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.MultipartOperations where
-import           Control.Lens
-import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
-import           Data.Parameterized.Nonce
-import qualified Data.Text as Text
-import           What4.FunctionName
-import           What4.ProgramLoc
-import           Lang.Crucible.Analysis.Postdom
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Core as C
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Generator as Gen
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Reg as R
-import           Lang.Crucible.CFG.SSAConversion (toSSA)
-import           Lang.Crucible.FunctionHandle
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.ExecutionTree
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Simulator
-import           Lang.Crucible.Syntax
-import           Lang.Crucible.Types
--- | This function constructs a crucible function for storing multibyte
---   values into a word map.  It supports both big- and
---   little-endian encoding.  The first argument to the constructed function
---   is a boolean: true is for big-endian; false for little-endian.
---   The next argument is the base address, followed by a value to write,
---   followed by the word map to write into.  The bitwidth of the value to write
---   must be equal to the cellsize times the number of cells to write.
---   The function will return a modified word map with the data written according
---   to the selected endian encoding.  Despite calling this a multibyte operation,
---   bytes (i.e., 8-bit cells) are not assumed; the cell width may be any positive size.
-multipartStoreFn :: forall p sym addrWidth cellWidth valWidth
-                   . (1 <= addrWidth, 1 <= cellWidth, 1 <= valWidth)
-                  => Simulator p sym
-                  -> NatRepr addrWidth
-                  -> NatRepr cellWidth
-                  -> NatRepr valWidth
-                  -> Int -- ^ number of bytes to write
-                  -> IO (FnHandle (EmptyCtx
-                               ::> BoolType
-                               ::> BVType addrWidth
-                               ::> BVType valWidth
-                               ::> WordMapType addrWidth (BaseBVType cellWidth)
-                               )
-                               (WordMapType addrWidth (BaseBVType cellWidth)))
-multipartStoreFn sim addrWidth cellWidth valWidth num = do
-    let nameStr = ("multipartStore_"++(show addrWidth)++"_"++(show cellWidth)++"_"++(show num))
-    let name = functionNameFromText $ Text.pack nameStr
-    let argsRepr = Ctx.empty
-                   Ctx.:> BoolRepr
-                   Ctx.:> BVRepr addrWidth
-                   Ctx.:> BVRepr valWidth
-                   Ctx.:> WordMapRepr addrWidth (BaseBVRepr cellWidth)
-    let retRepr = WordMapRepr addrWidth (BaseBVRepr cellWidth)
-    h <- simMkHandle sim name argsRepr retRepr
-    sng <- newIONonceGenerator
-    (R.SomeCFG regCfg, _) <- Gen.defineFunction InternalPos sng h fndef
-    case toSSA regCfg of
-      C.SomeCFG cfg -> do
-        bindHandleToFunction sim h (UseCFG cfg (postdomInfo cfg))
-        return h
- where fndef :: Gen.FunctionDef ()
-                                Maybe
-                                (EmptyCtx
-                                 ::> BoolType
-                                 ::> BVType addrWidth
-                                 ::> BVType valWidth
-                                 ::> WordMapType addrWidth (BaseBVType cellWidth)
-                                )
-                               (WordMapType addrWidth (BaseBVType cellWidth))
-                               IO
-       fndef regs = ( Nothing,
-                       do let endianFlag = R.AtomExpr (regs^._1)
-                          let basePtr    = R.AtomExpr (regs^._2)
-                          let v          = R.AtomExpr (regs^._3)
-                          let wordMap    = R.AtomExpr (regs^._4)
-                          be <- Gen.defineBlockLabel $ Gen.returnFromFunction $
-                                  bigEndianStore addrWidth cellWidth valWidth num basePtr v wordMap
-                          le <- Gen.defineBlockLabel $ Gen.returnFromFunction $
-                                littleEndianStore addrWidth cellWidth valWidth num basePtr v wordMap
-                          Gen.branch endianFlag be le
-                    )
--- | This function constructs a crucible function for loading multibyte
---   values from a word map.  It supports both big- and
---   little-endian encoding.  The first argument to the constructed function
---   is a boolean: true is for big-endian; false for little-endian.
---   The next argument is the base address, followed by the word map to read from.
---   The result of this function is a value decoded from the based address
---   using the selected endianess; its bitwidth will be the cell size times the number
---   of cells to read.  The fourth argument to this function is an optional default value.
---   When the default is a Hothing value and any address required by this load is not defined,
---   an error will result.  However, if a `Just` value is given as the default, that
---   default value will be the result of reading from the word map at any undefined location.
---   Note: bytes (i.e., 8-bit cells) are not assumed; the cell width may be any positive size.
-multipartLoadFn :: forall p sym addrWidth cellWidth valWidth
-                   . (1 <= addrWidth, 1 <= cellWidth, 1 <= valWidth)
-                  => Simulator p sym
-                  -> NatRepr addrWidth
-                  -> NatRepr cellWidth
-                  -> NatRepr valWidth
-                  -> Int -- ^ numer of cells to read
-                  -> IO (FnHandle (EmptyCtx
-                               ::> BoolType
-                               ::> BVType addrWidth
-                               ::> WordMapType addrWidth (BaseBVType cellWidth)
-                               ::> MaybeType (BVType cellWidth)
-                               )
-                               (BVType valWidth))
-multipartLoadFn sim addrWidth cellWidth valWidth num = do
-    let nameStr = ("multipartLoad_"++(show addrWidth)++"_"++(show cellWidth)++"_"++(show num))
-    let name = functionNameFromText $ Text.pack nameStr
-    let argsRepr = Ctx.empty
-                   Ctx.:> BoolRepr
-                   Ctx.:> BVRepr addrWidth
-                   Ctx.:> WordMapRepr addrWidth (BaseBVRepr cellWidth)
-                   Ctx.:> MaybeRepr (BVRepr cellWidth)
-    let retRepr = BVRepr valWidth
-    h <- simMkHandle sim name argsRepr retRepr
-    sng <- newIONonceGenerator
-    (R.SomeCFG regCfg, _) <- Gen.defineFunction InternalPos sng h fndef
-    case toSSA regCfg of
-      C.SomeCFG cfg -> do
-        bindHandleToFunction sim h (UseCFG cfg (postdomInfo cfg))
-        return h
- where fndef :: Gen.FunctionDef ()
-                               Maybe
-                               (EmptyCtx
-                               ::> BoolType
-                               ::> BVType addrWidth
-                               ::> WordMapType addrWidth (BaseBVType cellWidth)
-                               ::> MaybeType (BVType cellWidth)
-                               )
-                               (BVType valWidth)
-                               IO
-       fndef args = ( Nothing,
-                       do let endianFlag = R.AtomExpr (args^._1)
-                          let basePtr    = R.AtomExpr (args^._2)
-                          let wordMap    = R.AtomExpr (args^._3)
-                          let maybeDefVal = R.AtomExpr (args^._4)
-                          be       <- Gen.newLabel
-                          le       <- Gen.newLabel
-                          be_nodef <- Gen.newLabel
-                          le_nodef <- Gen.newLabel
-                          be_def   <- Gen.newLambdaLabel' (BVRepr cellWidth)
-                          le_def   <- Gen.newLambdaLabel' (BVRepr cellWidth)
-                          Gen.defineBlock be $ Gen.branchMaybe maybeDefVal be_def be_nodef
-                          Gen.defineBlock le $ Gen.branchMaybe maybeDefVal le_def le_nodef
-                          Gen.defineBlock be_nodef $ Gen.returnFromFunction $
-                               bigEndianLoad addrWidth cellWidth valWidth num basePtr wordMap
-                          Gen.defineBlock le_nodef $ Gen.returnFromFunction $
-                               littleEndianLoad addrWidth cellWidth valWidth num basePtr wordMap
-                          Gen.defineLambdaBlock be_def $ \def -> Gen.returnFromFunction $
-                               bigEndianLoadDef addrWidth cellWidth valWidth num basePtr wordMap def
-                          Gen.defineLambdaBlock le_def $ \def -> Gen.returnFromFunction $
-                               littleEndianLoadDef addrWidth cellWidth valWidth num basePtr wordMap def
-                          Gen.branch endianFlag be le
-                    )
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Requests.hs b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Requests.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ec9f3cd7..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Requests.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,625 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module           : Lang.Crucible.Server.Requests
--- Copyright        : (c) Galois, Inc 2014-2016
--- Maintainer       : Rob Dockins <rdockins@galois.com>
--- Stability        : provisional
--- License          : BSD3
--- Code for handling requests from clients.
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.Requests
-  ( logMsg
-  , fulfillRequests
-  , BackendSpecificRequests(..)
-  ) where
-#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
-import Control.Monad.Fail( MonadFail )
-import           Control.Exception
-import           Control.Lens
-import           Control.Monad
-import           Control.Monad.State.Strict
-import           Data.IORef
-import           Data.Foldable (toList)
-import           Data.Typeable
-import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
-import qualified Data.Text as Text
-import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
-import           Prettyprinter (layoutPretty, LayoutOptions(..), PageWidth(..))
-import           Prettyprinter.Render.Text (renderIO)
-import           System.Exit
-import           System.IO
-import           Data.HPB
-import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
-import           Data.Parameterized.Some
-import           What4.Config
-import           What4.FunctionName
-import           What4.Concrete
-import           What4.Interface
-import           Lang.Crucible.Analysis.Postdom
-import           Lang.Crucible.CFG.Expr
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Core as C
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Reg as R
-import           Lang.Crucible.CFG.SSAConversion (toSSA)
-import           Lang.Crucible.Backend
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.Proto as P
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.CallFrame (SomeHandle(..))
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.Simulator.Evaluation as Sim
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.EvalStmt (executeCrucible, genericToExecutionFeature)
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.ExecutionTree
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.GlobalState
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.OverrideSim
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.RegMap
-import           Lang.Crucible.Types
-import           Lang.Crucible.Utils.MonadVerbosity
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.MultipartOperations
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Simulator
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Translation
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.TypeConv
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.ValueConv
--- Utilities
-data CrucibleNotImplementedException
-   = CrucibleNotImplemented String
- deriving (Show, Typeable)
-instance Exception CrucibleNotImplementedException where
-data FunctionNotFoundException
-   = FunctionNotFound Text
- deriving (Show, Typeable)
-instance Exception FunctionNotFoundException where
-nyi :: String -> a
-nyi nm = throw $ CrucibleNotImplemented (nm ++ " unimplemented.")
-getHead :: MonadFail m => Seq a -> m (a, Seq a)
-getHead s =
-  case Seq.viewl s of
-    Seq.EmptyL -> fail "Unexpected end of arguments."
-    h Seq.:< t -> return (h, t)
-logMsg :: String -> IO ()
-logMsg = hPutStrLn stderr
-fulfillUseCFGRequest :: IsSymInterface sym
-                     => Simulator p sym
-                     -> P.Cfg
-                     -> IO ()
-fulfillUseCFGRequest sim pg =
-  unpackCFG sim pg $ \g -> do
-  case toSSA g of
-    C.SomeCFG g' ->
-      do bindHandleToFunction sim (R.cfgHandle g) $! (UseCFG g' (postdomInfo g'))
-         sendAckResponse sim
-fulfillPrintCFGRequest :: IsSymInterface sym
-                     => Simulator p sym
-                     -> P.Cfg
-                     -> IO ()
-fulfillPrintCFGRequest sim pg =
-  unpackCFG sim pg $ \g -> do
-  h <- printHandle <$> readIORef (simContext sim)
-  -- FIXME, implement pretty printer for register-CFGs
-  case toSSA g of
-    C.SomeCFG g' -> do
-      let opts = LayoutOptions (AvailablePerLine maxBound 1.0)
-      renderIO h $ layoutPretty opts $ C.ppCFG False g'
-      hFlush h
-      sendAckResponse sim
--- RunCall request
-parseArgs :: IsSymInterface sym
-          => Simulator p sym
-          -> CtxRepr ctx
-          -> Seq P.Value
-          -> IO (Ctx.Assignment (RegEntry sym) ctx)
-parseArgs sim types s =
-  case Ctx.viewAssign types of
-    Ctx.AssignEmpty -> do
-      when (not (Seq.null s)) $ do
-        fail $ "More arguments than expected."
-      return Ctx.empty
-    Ctx.AssignExtend c tp -> do
-      case Seq.viewr s of
-        s' Seq.:> v -> do
-          Ctx.extend <$> parseArgs sim c s'
-                     <*> (checkedRegEntry tp =<< fromProtoValue sim v)
-        Seq.EmptyR -> fail "Expected more arguments"
-fulfillRunCallRequest :: IsSymInterface sym
-                      => Simulator p sym
-                      -> P.Value
-                      -> Seq P.Value
-                      -> IO ()
-fulfillRunCallRequest sim f_val encoded_args = do
-  Some (RegEntry f_tp f) <- fromProtoValue sim f_val
-  case f_tp of
-    FunctionHandleRepr arg_types res_tp -> do
-      args <- parseArgs sim arg_types encoded_args
-      -- TODO: Redirect standard IO so that we can print messages.
-      ctx <- readIORef (simContext sim)
-      let simSt = InitialState ctx emptyGlobals (serverErrorHandler sim) res_tp
-                    $ runOverrideSim res_tp (regValue <$> callFnVal f (RegMap args))
-      -- Send messages to server with bytestring.
-      exec_res <- executeCrucible (map genericToExecutionFeature (simExecFeatures sim)) simSt
-      case exec_res of
-        FinishedResult ctx' (TotalRes (GlobalPair r _globals)) -> do
-          writeIORef (simContext sim) $! ctx'
-          sendCallReturnValue sim =<< toProtoValue sim r
-        FinishedResult ctx' (PartialRes _ _ (GlobalPair r _globals) _) -> do
-          writeIORef (simContext sim) $! ctx'
-          sendCallReturnValue sim =<< toProtoValue sim r
-        AbortedResult ctx' _ -> do
-          writeIORef (simContext sim) $! ctx'
-          sendCallAllAborted sim
-        TimeoutResult exst -> do
-          writeIORef (simContext sim) $! execStateContext exst
-          sendCallAllAborted sim -- FIXME, this isn't really right...
-    _ -> do
-      sendCallPathAborted sim
-             P.AbortedNonFunction
-             "Could not interpret first argument as function."
-             []
-      sendCallAllAborted sim
--- GetConfigValue request
-    :: IsSymInterface sym
-    => Simulator p sym
-       -- ^ Simulator to run.
-    -> Text
-       -- ^ Name of the configuration setting
-    -> IO ()
-fulfillGetConfigValueRequest sim nm =
-  do ctx <- getSimContext sim
-     let sym = ctx^.ctxSymInterface
-         cfg = getConfiguration sym
-     Some optSetting <- getOptionSettingFromText nm cfg
-     getOption optSetting >>= \case
-       Just v ->
-         do e <- concreteToSym sym v
-            pv <- toProtoValue sim (RegEntry (baseToType (concreteType v)) e)
-            let resp =
-                 mempty & P.simulatorValueResponse_successful .~ True
-                        & P.simulatorValueResponse_value .~ pv
-            let gresp =
-                 mempty & P.genericResponse_code .~ P.SimulatorValueGenResp
-                        & P.genericResponse_simValResponse .~ resp
-            sendResponse sim gresp
-       Nothing ->
-         do let msg = "Config option " <> nm <> " is not set."
-                gresp =
-                  mempty & P.genericResponse_code .~ P.ExceptionGenResp
-                         & P.genericResponse_message .~ msg
-            sendResponse sim gresp
--- SetConfigValue request
-    :: IsSymInterface sym
-    => Simulator p sym
-       -- ^ Simulator to run.
-    -> Text
-       -- ^ Name of the configuration setting
-    -> Seq P.Value
-       -- ^ Value of the configuration setting
-    -> IO ()
-fulfillSetConfigValueRequest sim nm vals =
-  do ctx <- getSimContext sim
-     let sym = ctx^.ctxSymInterface
-         cfg = getConfiguration sym
-     case Seq.viewl vals of
-       val Seq.:< (Seq.null -> True) ->
-         do Some (RegEntry tpr v) <- fromProtoValue sim val
-            Some optSetting <- getOptionSettingFromText nm cfg
-            let tpr' = baseToType (configOptionType (optionSettingName optSetting))
-            case testEquality tpr tpr' of
-              Just Refl
-                | Just x <- asConcrete v ->
-                    do res <- setOption optSetting x
-                       case optionSetError res of
-                         Just msg -> fail (show msg)
-                         Nothing ->
-                           do let ws = toList (optionSetWarnings res)
-                              unless (null ws)
-                                     (sendTextResponse sim (Text.unlines (map (Text.pack . show) ws)))
-                              sendAckResponse sim
-                | otherwise ->
-                      fail $ unlines [ "Expected concrete value of type " ++ show tpr'
-                                     , "but was given a symbolic value."
-                                     ]
-              Nothing   -> fail $ unlines [ "Expected value of type " ++ show tpr'
-                                          , "when setting configuration value " ++ show nm
-                                          , "but was given a value of type " ++ show tpr
-                                          ]
-       _ -> fail "Expected a single argument for SetConfigValue"
--- SetVerbosity request
-    :: IsSymInterface sym
-    => Simulator p sym
-       -- ^ Simulator to run.
-    -> Seq P.Value
-       -- ^ Verbosity level to set
-    -> IO ()
-fulfillSetVerbosityRequest sim args = do
-  unless (Seq.length args == 1)
-         (fail "expected exactly one argument to SetVerbosity request")
-  v <- fromProtoValue sim (Seq.index args 0)
-  case v of
-    Some (RegEntry NatRepr nv) | Just n <- asNat nv -> do
-      ctx <- readIORef (simContext sim)
-      let cfg = getConfiguration (ctx^.ctxSymInterface)
-      let h   = printHandle ctx
-      verbSetting <- getOptionSetting verbosity cfg
-      oldv <- fromInteger <$> liftIO (getOpt verbSetting)
-      ws <- withVerbosity h oldv $ liftIO (setOpt verbSetting (toInteger n))
-      unless (null ws) (sendTextResponse sim (Text.unlines (map (Text.pack . show) ws)))
-      sendAckResponse sim
-    _ -> fail "expected a natural number argument to SetVerbosity request"
--- ApplyPrimitive request
-fulfillApplyPrimitiveRequest :: IsSymInterface sym
-                             => Simulator p sym
-                                -- ^ Simulator to run.
-                             -> P.PrimitiveOp
-                                -- ^ Primitive operation to apply.
-                             -> Seq P.Value
-                                -- ^ Arguments to primitive op.
-                             -> P.CrucibleType
-                             -- ^ Optional Bitwidth passed into message.
-                             -- Defaults to zero.
-                             -> IO ()
-fulfillApplyPrimitiveRequest sim p_op args res_type = do
-  -- Run apply primitive
-  mv <- try $ convertToCrucibleApp (fromProtoValue sim) parseNatRepr p_op args res_type
-  case mv of
-    Left e -> do
-      let msg = fromString (show (e :: SomeException))
-      let resp =
-           mempty & P.simulatorValueResponse_successful .~ False
-                  & P.simulatorValueResponse_error_msg .~ msg
-      let gresp =
-           mempty & P.genericResponse_code .~ P.SimulatorValueGenResp
-                  & P.genericResponse_simValResponse .~ resp
-      sendResponse sim gresp
-    Right (Some a) -> do
-      let logLn _ _ = return ()
-      sym <- getInterface sim
-      r <- Sim.evalApp sym MapF.empty logLn (\_ x -> case x of) (\(RegEntry _ v) -> return v) a
-      pv <- toProtoValue sim (RegEntry (appType a) r)
-      let resp =
-           mempty & P.simulatorValueResponse_successful .~ True
-                  & P.simulatorValueResponse_value .~ pv
-      let gresp =
-           mempty & P.genericResponse_code .~ P.SimulatorValueGenResp
-                  & P.genericResponse_simValResponse .~ resp
-      sendResponse sim gresp
--- GetHandleByName request
-fulfillGetHandleByNameRequest :: Simulator p sim -> Text -> IO ()
-fulfillGetHandleByNameRequest sim name = do
-  respondToPredefinedHandleRequest sim (NamedPredefHandle (functionNameFromText name)) $ do
-     -- if the function is not already in the cache, throw an exception
-     throw $ FunctionNotFound name
--- GetMultipartStoreHandle request
-fulfillGetMultipartStoreHandleRequest :: Simulator p sym -> P.HandleInfo -> IO ()
-fulfillGetMultipartStoreHandleRequest sim hinfo = do
-  let c_arg_types = hinfo^.P.handleInfo_arg_types
-      c_ret_type  = hinfo^.P.handleInfo_return_type
-  when (Seq.length c_arg_types /= 4)
-       (fail ("expected 4 types for multipart store handle"))
-  argty1 <- fromProtoType (Seq.index c_arg_types 0)
-  argty2 <- fromProtoType (Seq.index c_arg_types 1)
-  argty3 <- fromProtoType (Seq.index c_arg_types 2)
-  argty4 <- fromProtoType (Seq.index c_arg_types 3)
-  rettype <- fromProtoType c_ret_type
-  case (argty1, argty2, argty3, argty4, rettype) of
-   (  Some BoolRepr
-    , Some (BVRepr addrWidth)
-    , Some (BVRepr valWidth)
-    , Some (WordMapRepr addrWidth'  (BaseBVRepr cellWidth))
-    , Some (WordMapRepr addrWidth'' (BaseBVRepr cellWidth'))
-    )
-     | Just Refl <- testEquality addrWidth addrWidth'
-     , Just Refl <- testEquality addrWidth addrWidth''
-     , Just Refl <- testEquality cellWidth cellWidth'
-     , Just LeqProof <- isPosNat addrWidth
-     , Just LeqProof <- isPosNat cellWidth
-     , Just LeqProof <- isPosNat valWidth
-      -> do let addrInt = fromIntegral (natValue addrWidth)
-            let valInt  = fromIntegral (natValue valWidth)
-            let cellInt = fromIntegral (natValue cellWidth)
-            let num = valInt `div` cellInt
-            when (num * cellInt /= valInt)
-                 (fail $ unwords [ "value bitwidth must be a multiple of the wordmap cell width for multipart stores:"
-                                 , show valInt
-                                 , show cellInt
-                                 ])
-            respondToPredefinedHandleRequest sim (MultiPartStoreHandle addrInt cellInt num) $
-                SomeHandle <$> multipartStoreFn sim addrWidth cellWidth valWidth num
-   _ -> (fail $ unwords [ "illegal types to multipart store", show argty1, show argty2,
-                          show argty3, show argty4, show rettype])
--- GetMultipartLoadHandle request
-fulfillGetMultipartLoadHandleRequest :: Simulator p sym -> P.HandleInfo -> IO ()
-fulfillGetMultipartLoadHandleRequest sim hinfo = do
-  let c_arg_types = hinfo^.P.handleInfo_arg_types
-      c_ret_type  = hinfo^.P.handleInfo_return_type
-  when (Seq.length c_arg_types /= 4)
-       (fail ("expected 4 types for multipart load handle"))
-  argty1 <- fromProtoType (Seq.index c_arg_types 0)
-  argty2 <- fromProtoType (Seq.index c_arg_types 1)
-  argty3 <- fromProtoType (Seq.index c_arg_types 2)
-  argty4 <- fromProtoType (Seq.index c_arg_types 3)
-  rettype <- fromProtoType c_ret_type
-  case (argty1, argty2, argty3, argty4, rettype) of
-   (  Some BoolRepr
-    , Some (BVRepr addrWidth)
-    , Some (WordMapRepr addrWidth' (BaseBVRepr cellWidth))
-    , Some (MaybeRepr (BVRepr cellWidth'))
-    , Some (BVRepr valWidth)
-    )
-     | Just Refl <- testEquality addrWidth addrWidth'
-     , Just Refl <- testEquality cellWidth cellWidth'
-     , Just LeqProof <- isPosNat addrWidth
-     , Just LeqProof <- isPosNat cellWidth
-     , Just LeqProof <- isPosNat valWidth
-      -> do let addrInt = fromIntegral (natValue addrWidth)
-            let valInt  = fromIntegral (natValue valWidth)
-            let cellInt = fromIntegral (natValue cellWidth)
-            let num = valInt `div` cellInt
-            when (num * cellInt /= valInt)
-                 (fail $ unwords [ "value bitwidth must be a multiple of the wordmap cell width for multipart loads:"
-                                 , show valInt
-                                 , show cellInt
-                                 ])
-            respondToPredefinedHandleRequest sim (MultiPartLoadHandle addrInt cellInt num) $
-                SomeHandle <$> multipartLoadFn sim addrWidth cellWidth valWidth num
-   _ -> (fail $ unwords [ "illegal types to multipart load", show argty1, show argty2,
-                          show argty3, show argty4, show rettype])
--- PrintTermHandle Request
-printTermOverride :: (IsSymInterface sym)
-                  => BaseTypeRepr ty
-                  -> Override p sym () (EmptyCtx ::> BaseToType ty) UnitType
-printTermOverride tpr =
-  mkOverride (functionNameFromText (Text.pack ("printTerm_"++show tpr))) $ do
-    RegMap args <- getOverrideArgs
-    let p = regValue $ args^._1
-    let doc = printSymExpr p
-    h <- printHandle <$> getContext
-    let opts = LayoutOptions (AvailablePerLine maxBound 1.0)
-    liftIO $ renderIO h $ layoutPretty opts doc
-    liftIO $ hPutStrLn h ""
-    liftIO $ hFlush h
-    :: (IsSymInterface sym)
-    => Simulator p sym
-    -> BaseTypeRepr ty
-    -> IO SomeHandle
-buildPrintTermOverride sim tpr =
-  SomeHandle <$> simOverrideHandle sim (Ctx.empty Ctx.:> baseToType tpr) UnitRepr
-                                   (printTermOverride tpr)
-fulfillPrintTermHandleRequest :: IsSymInterface sym
-                              => Simulator p sym
-                              -> TypeRepr ty
-                              -> IO ()
-fulfillPrintTermHandleRequest sim tpr = do
-  respondToPredefinedHandleRequest sim (PrintTermHandle (Some tpr)) $
-     case tpr of
-       BoolRepr    -> buildPrintTermOverride sim BaseBoolRepr
-       NatRepr     -> buildPrintTermOverride sim BaseNatRepr
-       IntegerRepr -> buildPrintTermOverride sim BaseIntegerRepr
-       RealValRepr -> buildPrintTermOverride sim BaseRealRepr
-       BVRepr w | Just LeqProof <- isPosNat w ->
-           buildPrintTermOverride sim (BaseBVRepr w)
-       _ -> fail $ "Cannot print values of type: "++show tpr
--- RegisterHandle request
-fulfillRegisterHandleRequest :: IsSymInterface sym
-                             => Simulator p sym
-                             -> P.HandleInfo
-                             -> IO ()
-fulfillRegisterHandleRequest sim hinfo = do
-  let nm          = hinfo^.P.handleInfo_display_name
-      c_arg_types = hinfo^.P.handleInfo_arg_types
-      c_ret_type  = hinfo^.P.handleInfo_return_type
-  Some arg_types <- fromProtoTypeSeq c_arg_types
-  Some ret_type <- fromProtoType c_ret_type
-  h <- simMkHandle sim (functionNameFromText nm) arg_types ret_type
-  let resp = mempty & P.registerHandleResponse_index .~ handleRef h
-  let gresp = mempty
-            & P.genericResponse_code .~ P.RegisterHandleGenResp
-            & P.genericResponse_regHandleResponse .~ resp
-  sendResponse sim $ gresp
--- main
-handleOneRequest :: IsSymInterface sym
-                 => Simulator p sym
-                 -> BackendSpecificRequests p sym
-                 -> P.Request
-                 -> IO ()
-handleOneRequest sim addlRequests request =
-  case request^.P.request_code of
-    P.RegisterHandle -> do
-      let hinfo = request^.P.request_handle
-      fulfillRegisterHandleRequest sim hinfo
-    P.UseCFG -> do
-      fulfillUseCFGRequest sim (request^.P.request_cfg)
-    P.RunCall -> do
-      let all_args = request^.P.request_args
-      -- Get function aand arguments.
-      (fn, args) <- getHead all_args
-      -- Fulfill request
-      fulfillRunCallRequest sim fn args
-    P.ReleaseValue -> do
-      releaseRegEntryRef sim (request^.P.request_index)
-    P.SetVerbosity -> do
-      let args = request^.P.request_args
-      fulfillSetVerbosityRequest sim args
-    P.GetConfigValue -> do
-      let nm   = request^.P.request_config_setting_name
-      fulfillGetConfigValueRequest sim nm
-    P.SetConfigValue -> do
-      let nm   = request^.P.request_config_setting_name
-      let args = request^.P.request_args
-      fulfillSetConfigValueRequest sim nm args
-    P.ApplyPrimitive -> do
-      let p_op = request^.P.request_prim_op
-      let args = request^.P.request_args
-      let res_type = request^.P.request_result_type
-      fulfillApplyPrimitiveRequest sim p_op args res_type
-    P.PrintCFG -> do
-      fulfillPrintCFGRequest sim (request^.P.request_cfg)
-    P.GetHandleByName -> do
-      fulfillGetHandleByNameRequest sim (request^.P.request_handle^.P.handleInfo_display_name)
-    P.SymbolicHandle -> do
-      fulfillSymbolHandleRequest addlRequests sim (request^.P.request_varType)
-    P.PrintTermHandle -> do
-      Some tyr <- fromProtoType (request^.P.request_type)
-      fulfillPrintTermHandleRequest sim tyr
-    P.MultipartStoreHandle -> do
-      fulfillGetMultipartStoreHandleRequest sim (request^.P.request_handle)
-    P.MultipartLoadHandle -> do
-      fulfillGetMultipartLoadHandleRequest sim (request^.P.request_handle)
-    P.ExportModel -> do
-      let path     = request^.P.request_export_path
-      let all_args = request^.P.request_args
-      let format   = request^.P.request_export_format
-      fulfillExportModelRequest addlRequests sim format path all_args
-    P.CompileVerificationOverride -> do
-      let harness  = request^.P.request_verification_harness
-      fulfillCompileVerificationOverrideRequest addlRequests sim harness
-    P.SimulateVerificationHarness -> do
-      let harness  = request^.P.request_verification_harness
-      let opts     = request^.P.request_verification_sim_options
-      fullfillSimulateVerificationHarnessRequest addlRequests sim harness opts
-    P.ResumeSimulation -> do
-      nyi "resumeSimulation"
-    P.UseOverride -> do
-      nyi "useOverride"
-    P.KillSimulator  -> fail "kill simulator unexpected"
-    P.UnknownMessage -> fail "unknown message"
-data BackendSpecificRequests p sym
-    = BackendSpecificRequests
-      { fulfillExportModelRequest
-         :: Simulator p sym
-         -> P.ExportFormat
-         -> Text
-         -> Seq P.Value
-         -> IO ()
-      , fulfillSymbolHandleRequest
-         :: Simulator p sym
-         -> P.VarType
-         -> IO ()
-      , fulfillCompileVerificationOverrideRequest
-         :: Simulator p sym
-         -> P.VerificationHarness
-         -> IO ()
-      , fullfillSimulateVerificationHarnessRequest
-         :: Simulator p sym
-         -> P.VerificationHarness
-         -> P.VerificationSimulateOptions
-         -> IO ()
-      }
--- | Loop for fulfilling request
-fulfillRequests :: IsSymInterface sym
-                => Simulator p sym
-                -> BackendSpecificRequests p sym
-                -> IO ()
-fulfillRequests sim addlRequests = do
-  -- logMsg "Waiting for request"
-  request <- getDelimited (requestHandle sim)
-  -- logMsg "Received request"
-  case request^.P.request_code of
-    P.KillSimulator -> exitSuccess
-    P.UnknownMessage -> do
-      hPutStrLn stderr "Could not interpret message."
-      exitWith (ExitFailure (-1))
-    _ -> do
-      r <- try (handleOneRequest sim addlRequests request)
-      case r of
-        Left ex -> sendExceptionResponse sim ex
-        Right _ -> return ()
-      fulfillRequests sim addlRequests
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/SAWOverrides.hs b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/SAWOverrides.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 395d787d6..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/SAWOverrides.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module           : Lang.Crucible.Server.SAWOverrides
--- Copyright        : (c) Galois, Inc 2014-2016
--- Maintainer       : Rob Dockins <rdockins@galois.com>
--- Stability        : provisional
--- License          : BSD3
--- Function implementations that are specific to the SAW backend.
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.SAWOverrides where
-import           Control.Lens
-import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
-import           Data.Foldable (toList)
-import           Data.IORef
-import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
-import           Data.Parameterized.Some
---import           Data.Sequence (Seq)
-import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
-import qualified Data.Text as Text
-import qualified Data.Vector as V
-import           System.Directory
-import           System.FilePath
-import           What4.Config
-import           What4.Interface
-import qualified What4.Expr.Builder as SB
-import           Lang.Crucible.Backend
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.Backend.SAWCore as SAW
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.Proto as P
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.CryptolEnv
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Requests
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Simulator
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.TypeConv
---import           Lang.Crucible.Server.TypedTerm
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.ValueConv
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Verification.Harness
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Verification.Override
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.CallFrame (SomeHandle(..))
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.ExecutionTree
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.EvalStmt (executeCrucible,genericToExecutionFeature)
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.GlobalState
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.OverrideSim
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.RegMap
-import           Lang.Crucible.Types
-import qualified Verifier.SAW.ExternalFormat as SAW
-import qualified Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm as SAW
-import qualified Verifier.SAW.Recognizer as SAW
-sawServerOptions :: [ConfigDesc]
-sawServerOptions = []
-sawServerOverrides :: [Simulator p (SAWBack n) -> IO SomeHandle]
-sawServerOverrides = []
-data SAWCrucibleServerPersonality =
-   SAWCrucibleServerPersonality
-   { _sawServerCryptolEnv :: CryptolEnv
-   }
-sawServerCryptolEnv :: Lens' SAWCrucibleServerPersonality CryptolEnv
-sawServerCryptolEnv = lens _sawServerCryptolEnv (\s v -> s{ _sawServerCryptolEnv = v })
-initSAWServerPersonality ::
-  SAWBack n ->
-  IO SAWCrucibleServerPersonality
-initSAWServerPersonality sym =
-  do sc <- SAW.sawBackendSharedContext sym
-     cryEnv <- initCryptolEnv sc
-     return SAWCrucibleServerPersonality
-            { _sawServerCryptolEnv = cryEnv
-            }
-sawBackendRequests :: BackendSpecificRequests SAWCrucibleServerPersonality (SAWBack n)
-sawBackendRequests =
-  BackendSpecificRequests
-  { fulfillExportModelRequest = sawFulfillExportModelRequest
-  , fulfillSymbolHandleRequest = sawFulfillSymbolHandleRequest
-  , fulfillCompileVerificationOverrideRequest = sawFulfillCompileVerificationOverrideRequest
-  , fullfillSimulateVerificationHarnessRequest = sawFulfillSimulateVerificationHarnessRequest
-  }
-   :: forall n
-    . Simulator SAWCrucibleServerPersonality (SAWBack n)
-   -> P.VerificationHarness
-   -> IO ()
-sawFulfillCompileVerificationOverrideRequest sim harness =
-  do sc <- SAW.sawBackendSharedContext =<< getInterface sim
-     cryEnv <- view (cruciblePersonality . sawServerCryptolEnv) <$> readIORef (simContext sim)
-     let hout = sendTextResponse sim . Text.pack
-     (cryEnv',harness') <- processHarness hout sc cryEnv harness
-     -- NB: we explicitly do not store the modified cryEnv' back into the simContext;
-     -- the modifications to the environment produced by processing a harness are only
-     -- scoped over the harness itself.
-     let addrWidth = verificationAddressWidth harness'
-     let regFileWidth = verificationRegFileWidth harness'
-     case someNat (toInteger regFileWidth) of
-       Just (Some rw) | Just LeqProof <- isPosNat rw ->
-         case someNat (toInteger addrWidth) of
-           Just (Some w) | Just LeqProof <- isPosNat w ->
-              do fnhandle <- verificationHarnessOverrideHandle sim rw w cryEnv' harness'
-                 let response = displayHarness (fmap snd harness')
-                 sendTextResponse sim response
-                 sendPredefinedHandleResponse sim fnhandle
-           _ -> fail ("Improper address width given for verification harness: " ++ show addrWidth)
-       _ -> fail ("Improper register file width given for verification harness: " ++ show regFileWidth)
-sawFulfillSimulateVerificationHarnessRequest ::
-  Simulator SAWCrucibleServerPersonality (SAWBack n) ->
-  P.VerificationHarness ->
-  P.VerificationSimulateOptions ->
-  IO ()
-sawFulfillSimulateVerificationHarnessRequest sim harness opts =
-  do sym <- getInterface sim
-     ctx <- readIORef (simContext sim)
-     let hout = sendTextResponse sim . Text.pack
-     sc <- SAW.sawBackendSharedContext sym
-     let cryEnv = ctx^.cruciblePersonality.sawServerCryptolEnv
-     (cryEnv', harness') <- processHarness hout sc cryEnv harness
-     -- NB: we explicitly do not store the modified cryEnv' back into the simContext;
-     -- the modifications to the environment produced by processing a harness are only
-     -- scoped over the harness itself.
-     let addrWidth = verificationAddressWidth harness'
-     let regFileWidth = verificationRegFileWidth harness'
-     -- Clear all proof-management context and restore it afterwards
-     SAW.inFreshNamingContext sym $
-       case someNat (toInteger regFileWidth) of
-         Just (Some rw) | Just LeqProof <- isPosNat rw ->
-           case someNat (toInteger addrWidth) of
-             Just (Some w) | Just LeqProof <- isPosNat w ->
-               do pc  <- regValue <$> (checkedRegEntry (BVRepr w) =<< fromProtoValue sim (opts^.P.verificationSimulateOptions_start_pc))
-                  sp  <- regValue <$> (checkedRegEntry (BVRepr w) =<< fromProtoValue sim (opts^.P.verificationSimulateOptions_start_stack))
-                  ret <- regValue <$> (checkedRegEntry (BVRepr w) =<< fromProtoValue sim (opts^.P.verificationSimulateOptions_return_address))
-                  fn  <- regValue <$> (checkedRegEntry (verifFnRepr rw w) =<< fromProtoValue sim (opts^.P.verificationSimulateOptions_program))
-                  let simSt = InitialState ctx emptyGlobals (serverErrorHandler sim) UnitRepr
-                                $ runOverrideSim UnitRepr
-                                    (simulateHarness sim rw w sc cryEnv' harness' pc sp ret fn)
-                  exec_res <- executeCrucible (map genericToExecutionFeature (simExecFeatures sim)) simSt
-                  case exec_res of
-                    TimeoutResult exst -> do
-                      let ctx' = execStateContext exst
-                      sendTextResponse sim "Simulation timed out!"
-                      writeIORef (simContext sim) $! ctx'
-                    FinishedResult ctx' (TotalRes (GlobalPair _r _globals)) -> do
-                      sendTextResponse sim "Finished!"
-                      writeIORef (simContext sim) $! ctx'
-                    FinishedResult ctx' (PartialRes _ _ (GlobalPair _r _globals) _) -> do
-                      sendTextResponse sim "Finished, some paths aborted!"
-                      writeIORef (simContext sim) $! ctx'
-                    AbortedResult ctx' _ -> do
-                      sendTextResponse sim "All paths aborted!"
-                      writeIORef (simContext sim) $! ctx'
-                  handleProofObligations sim sym opts
-             _ -> fail ("Improper address width given for verification harness: " ++ show addrWidth)
-         _ -> fail ("Improper register file width given for verification harness: " ++ show regFileWidth)
-handleProofObligations ::
-  Simulator SAWCrucibleServerPersonality (SAWBack n) ->
-  SAWBack n ->
-  P.VerificationSimulateOptions ->
-  IO ()
-handleProofObligations sim sym opts =
-  do obls <- getProofObligations sym
-     clearProofObligations sym
-     dirPath <- makeAbsolute (Text.unpack (opts^.P.verificationSimulateOptions_output_directory))
-     createDirectoryIfMissing True dirPath
-     if opts^.P.verificationSimulateOptions_separate_obligations
-        then handleSeparateProofObligations sim sym dirPath obls
-        else handleSingleProofObligation sim sym dirPath obls
-     sendAckResponse sim
-handleSeparateProofObligations ::
-  Simulator SAWCrucibleServerPersonality (SAWBack n) ->
-  SAWBack n ->
-  FilePath ->
-  ProofObligations (SAWBack n) ->
-  IO ()
-handleSeparateProofObligations _sim _sym _dir _obls = fail "FIXME separate proof obligations!"
-handleSingleProofObligation ::
-  Simulator SAWCrucibleServerPersonality (SAWBack n) ->
-  SAWBack n ->
-  FilePath ->
-  ProofObligations (SAWBack n) ->
-  IO ()
-handleSingleProofObligation _sim sym dir obls =
-  do createDirectoryIfMissing True {- create parents -} dir
-     -- TODO: there is probably a much more efficient way to do this
-     -- that more directly follows the structure of the proof goal tree
-     preds <- mapM (sequentToSC sym) (proofGoalsToList obls)
-     totalPred <- andAllOf sym folded preds
-     sc <- SAW.sawBackendSharedContext sym
-     exts <- toList <$> SAW.getInputs sym
-     finalPred <- SAW.scAbstractExts sc exts =<< SAW.toSC sym totalPred
-     let fname = dir </> "obligations.saw"
-     writeFile fname (SAW.scWriteExternal finalPred)
-sequentToSC ::
-  SAWBack n ->
-  ProofObligation (SAWBack n) ->
-  IO (Pred (SAWBack n))
-sequentToSC sym (ProofGoal assumes goal) =
-  do assume <- andAllOf sym (folded.labeledPred) assumes
-     impliesPred sym assume (goal^.labeledPred)
-   :: forall p n
-    . Simulator p (SAWBack n)
-   -> P.ExportFormat
-   -> Text.Text
-   -> Seq.Seq P.Value
-   -> IO ()
-sawFulfillExportModelRequest sim P.ExportSAW path vals = do
-  sym <- getInterface sim
-  st <- readIORef $ SB.sbStateManager sym
-  let f :: Some (RegEntry (SAWBack n))
-        -> IO (Maybe (SAW.Term, SAW.Term))
-      f (Some (RegEntry (VectorRepr tp) v)) = do
-           (v' :: [Maybe (SAW.Term, SAW.Term)])
-               <- traverse (\x -> f (Some (RegEntry tp x))) $ V.toList v
-           case sequence v' of
-             Nothing -> return Nothing
-             Just [] -> return Nothing -- FIXME? fail on empty vectors...
-             Just vs@((_,vtp):_) -> do
-                x'  <- SAW.scVector (SAW.saw_ctx st) vtp (map fst vs)
-                tp' <- SAW.scTypeOf (SAW.saw_ctx st) x'
-                return (Just (x',tp'))
-      f (Some r) = asSymExpr r (\x -> do
-                                   x' <- SAW.toSC sym x
-                                   tp <- SAW.scTypeOf (SAW.saw_ctx st) x'
-                                   return $ Just (x',tp))
-                               (return Nothing)
-  vals' <- traverse f =<< mapM (fromProtoValue sim) (toList vals)
-  case map fst <$> sequence vals' of
-    Nothing -> fail "Could not translate values for SAW export"
-    Just scs -> do
-      tm  <- case scs of
-                [] -> fail "No terms passed to SAW export"
-                [x] -> return x
-                _ -> SAW.scTuple (SAW.saw_ctx st) scs
-      exts <- toList <$> readIORef (SAW.saw_inputs st)
-      tm' <- SAW.scAbstractExts (SAW.saw_ctx st) exts tm
-      writeFile (Text.unpack path) (SAW.scWriteExternal tm')
-      let v = mempty & P.value_code .~ P.UnitValue
-      sendCallReturnValue sim v
-sawFulfillExportModelRequest _sim P.ExportAIGER _path _vals = do
-  fail "SAW backend does not implement AIGER export"
-sawTypeFromTypeVar :: SAWBack n
-                   -> SAW.SharedContext
-                   -> [Int]
-                   -> BaseTypeRepr tp
-                   -> IO SAW.Term
-sawTypeFromTypeVar sym sc [] bt = SAW.baseSCType sym sc bt
-sawTypeFromTypeVar sym sc (x:xs) bt = do
-  txs <- sawTypeFromTypeVar sym sc xs bt
-  n <- SAW.scNat sc (fromIntegral x)
-  SAW.scVecType sc n txs
--- | Returns override for creating a given variable associated with the given type.
-symbolicOverride :: forall p n tp
-                  . SAW.SharedContext
-                 -> [Int]
-                 -> SAW.Term
-                 -> TypeRepr tp
-                 -> Override p (SAWBack n) () EmptyCtx tp
-symbolicOverride sc dims0 sawTp0 tpr0 = do
-  mkOverride' "symbolic" tpr0 $ do
-    sym <- getSymInterface
-    t <- liftIO $ SAW.sawCreateVar sym "x" sawTp0
-    liftIO $ buildVecs dims0 sym sawTp0 tpr0 t
- where buildVecs :: [Int]
-                 -> SAWBack n
-                 -> SAW.Term
-                 -> TypeRepr tp'
-                 -> SAW.Term
-                 -> IO (RegValue (SAWBack n) tp')
-       buildVecs [] sym _ tpr t =
-         case asBaseType tpr of
-           AsBaseType bt -> SAW.bindSAWTerm sym bt t
-           NotBaseType -> fail $ "Unsupported SAW base type" ++ show tpr
-       buildVecs (x:xs) sym sawTp (VectorRepr tpr) t = do
-          case SAW.asVecType sawTp of
-            Nothing -> fail $ "Expected vector type, but got " ++ show sawTp
-            Just (n SAW.:*: sawTp') ->
-               V.generateM x (\i -> do
-                         n' <- SAW.scNat sc n
-                         i' <- SAW.scNat sc (fromIntegral i)
-                         t' <- SAW.scAt sc n' sawTp' t i'
-                         buildVecs xs sym sawTp' tpr t'
-                      )
-       buildVecs _ _ _ tpr _ = do
-          fail $ "Unsupported SAW variable type: " ++ show tpr
-sawFulfillSymbolHandleRequest :: Simulator p (SAWBack n) -> P.VarType -> IO ()
-sawFulfillSymbolHandleRequest sim proto_tp = do
-  let dims = proto_tp^.P.varType_dimensions
-  let dims' = map fromIntegral $ toList dims
-  Some tpr <- crucibleTypeFromProtoVarType proto_tp
-  Some vtp <- varTypeFromProto proto_tp
-  sym <- getInterface sim
-  st <- readIORef $ SB.sbStateManager sym
-  sawTp <- sawTypeFromTypeVar sym (SAW.saw_ctx st) dims' vtp
-  respondToPredefinedHandleRequest sim (SymbolicHandle dims' (Some vtp)) $ do
-    let o = symbolicOverride (SAW.saw_ctx st) dims' sawTp tpr
-    SomeHandle <$> simOverrideHandle sim Ctx.empty tpr o
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/SimpleOverrides.hs b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/SimpleOverrides.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d08dfdcdd..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/SimpleOverrides.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- |
--- Module           : Lang.Crucible.Server.SimpleOverrides
--- Copyright        : (c) Galois, Inc 2014-2016
--- Maintainer       : Rob Dockins <rdockins@galois.com>
--- Stability        : provisional
--- License          : BSD3
--- Function implementations that are specific to the "simple" backend.
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.SimpleOverrides where
-import           Control.Lens
-import           Control.Monad.State.Strict
-import           Data.Foldable (toList)
-import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
-import qualified Data.Text as Text
-import           System.IO
-import           Data.Parameterized.Some
-import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
-import           What4.Config
-import           What4.Interface
-import qualified What4.Protocol.SMTLib2 as SMT2
-import           What4.SatResult
-import           What4.Solver
-import           What4.Solver.Adapter
-import qualified What4.Solver.ABC as ABC
-import qualified What4.Solver.Yices as Yices
-import           Lang.Crucible.Backend
-import           Lang.Crucible.Backend.Simple
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.CallFrame (SomeHandle(..))
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.ExecutionTree
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.OverrideSim
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.RegMap
-import           Lang.Crucible.Types
-import           Lang.Crucible.Utils.MonadVerbosity
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.Proto as P
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Simulator
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Requests
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.TypeConv
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.ValueConv
-crucibleServerAdapters :: [SolverAdapter st]
-crucibleServerAdapters =
-  [ ABC.abcAdapter
-  , ABC.genericSatAdapter
-  , boolectorAdapter
-  , Yices.yicesAdapter
-  , cvc4Adapter
-  , z3Adapter
-  ]
-simpleServerOptions :: [ConfigDesc]
-simpleServerOptions = concatMap solver_adapter_config_options crucibleServerAdapters
-simpleServerOverrides :: IsSymInterface (SimpleBackend n fs) => [Simulator p (SimpleBackend n fs) -> IO SomeHandle]
-simpleServerOverrides =
- [ mkPredef checkSatWithAbcOverride
- , mkPredef checkSatWithYicesOverride
- , mkPredef writeSMTLib2Override
- , mkPredef writeYicesOverride
- ]
-simpleBackendRequests :: IsSymInterface (SimpleBackend n fs) => BackendSpecificRequests p (SimpleBackend n fs)
-simpleBackendRequests =
-  BackendSpecificRequests
-  { fulfillExportModelRequest = sbFulfillExportModelRequest
-  , fulfillSymbolHandleRequest = sbFulfillSymbolHandleRequest
-  , fulfillCompileVerificationOverrideRequest = sbFulfillCompileVerificationOverrideRequest
-  , fullfillSimulateVerificationHarnessRequest = sbFulfillSimulateVerificationHarnessRequest
-  }
--- CheckSatWithAbcHandle Request
-type CheckSatArgs = EmptyCtx ::> BoolType
--- | Returns override for creating a given variable associated with the given type.
-checkSatWithAbcOverride :: Override p (SimpleBackend n fs) () CheckSatArgs BoolType
-checkSatWithAbcOverride = do
-  mkOverride "checkSatWithAbc" $ do
-    RegMap args <- getOverrideArgs
-    let p = regValue $ args^._1
-    sym <- getSymInterface
-    logLn <- getLogFunction
-    let logData = defaultLogData { logCallbackVerbose = logLn, logReason = "checkSatWithABC" }
-    r <- liftIO $ ABC.checkSat sym logData p
-    return $ backendPred sym (isSat r)
--- CheckSatWithYicesHandle Request
--- | Returns override for creating a given variable associated with the given type.
-checkSatWithYicesOverride :: Override p (SimpleBackend n fs) () CheckSatArgs BoolType
-checkSatWithYicesOverride = do
-  mkOverride "checkSatWithYices" $ do
-    RegMap args <- getOverrideArgs
-    let p = regValue $ args^._1
-    sym <- getSymInterface
-    logLn <- getLogFunction
-    let logData = defaultLogData { logCallbackVerbose = logLn, logReason = "checkSatWithYices" }
-    r <- liftIO $ Yices.runYicesInOverride sym logData [p] (return . isSat)
-    return $ backendPred sym r
--- WriteSMTLib2Handle request
-type WriteSMTLIB2Args
-   = EmptyCtx
-   ::> StringType Unicode
-   ::> BoolType
-writeSMTLib2Override :: Override p (SimpleBackend n fs) () WriteSMTLIB2Args UnitType
-writeSMTLib2Override = do
-  mkOverride "write_SMTLIB2" $ do
-    RegMap args <- getOverrideArgs
-    let file_nm = regValue $ args^._1
-        p       = regValue $ args^._2
-    sym <- getSymInterface
-    case asString file_nm of
-      Just (UnicodeLiteral path) -> do
-        liftIO $ withFile (Text.unpack path) WriteMode $ \h ->
-          SMT2.writeDefaultSMT2 () "SMTLIB2" defaultWriteSMTLIB2Features sym h [p]
-      Nothing -> do
-        fail "Expected concrete file name in write_SMTLIB2 override"
--- WriteYicesHandle request
-writeYicesOverride :: Override p (SimpleBackend n fs) () WriteSMTLIB2Args UnitType
-writeYicesOverride = do
-  mkOverride "write_yices" $ do
-    RegMap args <- getOverrideArgs
-    let file_nm = regValue $ args^._1
-        p       = regValue $ args^._2
-    ctx <- getContext
-    case asString file_nm of
-      Just (UnicodeLiteral path) -> do
-        let sym = ctx^.ctxSymInterface
-        liftIO $ Yices.writeYicesFile sym (Text.unpack path) p
-      Nothing -> do
-        fail "Expected concrete file name in write_yices override"
--- SimpleBackend ExportModel request
-   :: IsSymInterface (SimpleBackend n fs)
-   => Simulator p (SimpleBackend n fs)
-   -> P.ExportFormat
-   -> Text.Text
-   -> Seq.Seq P.Value
-   -> IO ()
-sbFulfillExportModelRequest sim P.ExportAIGER path vals = do
-  vals' <- mapM (fromProtoValue sim) (toList vals)
-  let f :: Some (RegEntry (SimpleBackend n fs)) -> Maybe (Some (SymExpr (SimpleBackend n fs)))
-      f (Some r) = asSymExpr r (\x -> Just (Some x)) Nothing
-  case traverse f vals' of
-    Nothing -> fail "Could not translate values for AIG export"
-    Just vals'' -> do
-      ABC.writeAig (Text.unpack path) vals'' []
-      let v = mempty & P.value_code .~ P.UnitValue
-      sendCallReturnValue sim v
-sbFulfillExportModelRequest _sim P.ExportSAW _path _vals = do
-  fail "The simple backend does not support exporting SAWCore terms"
--- SymbolHandle request
--- | Returns override for creating a given variable associated with the given type.
-symbolicOverride :: IsSymInterface sym => BaseTypeRepr tp -> Override p sym () EmptyCtx (BaseToType tp)
-symbolicOverride tp = do
-  mkOverride' "symbolic" (baseToType tp) $ do
-    sym <- getSymInterface
-    liftIO $ freshConstant sym emptySymbol tp
-sbFulfillSymbolHandleRequest :: IsSymInterface sym => Simulator p sym -> P.VarType -> IO ()
-sbFulfillSymbolHandleRequest sim proto_tp = do
-  Some vtp <- varTypeFromProto proto_tp
-  let dims = proto_tp^.P.varType_dimensions
-  when (not $ Seq.null dims)
-       (fail "Simple backend does not support creating symbolic sequences")
-  respondToPredefinedHandleRequest sim (SymbolicHandle [] (Some vtp)) $ do
-    let o = symbolicOverride vtp
-    let tp = baseToType vtp
-    SomeHandle <$> simOverrideHandle sim Ctx.empty tp o
--- Compile verification request
- :: IsSymInterface sym => Simulator p sym -> P.VerificationHarness -> IO ()
-sbFulfillCompileVerificationOverrideRequest _sim _harness =
-  fail "The 'simple' server backend does not support verification harnesses"
- :: IsSymInterface sym => Simulator p sym -> P.VerificationHarness -> P.VerificationSimulateOptions -> IO ()
-sbFulfillSimulateVerificationHarnessRequest _sim _harness _opts =
-  fail "The 'simple' server backend does not support verification harnesses"
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Simulator.hs b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Simulator.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d66ee8e6a..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Simulator.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module           : Lang.Crucible.Server.Simulator
--- Copyright        : (c) Galois, Inc 2014-2016
--- Maintainer       : Rob Dockins <rdockins@galois.com>
--- Stability        : provisional
--- License          : BSD3
--- State-management datastructures and functions for interfacing with
--- the main crucible simulator.
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.Simulator where
-import           Control.Exception
-import           Control.Lens
-import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
-import           Data.Hashable
-import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as HIO
-import           Data.IORef
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import           Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
-import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
-import qualified Data.Text as Text
-import           Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
-import           System.IO.Error
-import           GHC.Generics
-import           GHC.IO.Handle
-import           Data.HPB
-import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
-import           Data.Parameterized.Nonce (indexValue)
-import           Data.Parameterized.Some
-import           What4.Config
-import           What4.FunctionName
-import           What4.ProgramLoc
-import           What4.Interface
-import           Lang.Crucible.Backend
-import           Lang.Crucible.FunctionHandle
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.ExecutionTree (stateTree, activeFrames, filterCrucibleFrames)
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.Operations( abortExec )
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.CallbackOutputHandle
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.TypeConv
-import           Lang.Crucible.Types
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.Proto as P
--- PredefinedHandle
-data PredefinedHandle
-   = SymbolicHandle ![Int] !(Some BaseTypeRepr)
-   | NamedPredefHandle !FunctionName
-   | PrintTermHandle !(Some TypeRepr)
-   | MultiPartLoadHandle !Int !Int !Int
-   | MultiPartStoreHandle !Int !Int !Int
-  deriving (Eq, Generic)
-instance Hashable PredefinedHandle where
--- Simulator
--- | The simulator contains the state associated with the crucible-server
--- interface.
-data Simulator p sym
-   = Simulator { simContext      :: !(IORef (SimContext p sym ()))
-               , requestHandle   :: !Handle
-               , responseHandle  :: !Handle
-                 -- | Maps handle ids to the associated handle.
-               , handleCache     :: !(IORef (Map.Map Word64 SomeHandle))
-                 -- | Maps predefined handles to associated handle.
-               , predefinedHandles ::
-                   !(HIO.BasicHashTable PredefinedHandle SomeHandle)
-               , simValueCache :: !(HIO.BasicHashTable Word64 (Some (RegEntry sym)))
-               , simValueCounter :: !(IORef Word64)
-               , simExecFeatures :: [GenericExecutionFeature sym]
-               }
-getSimContext :: Simulator p sym -> IO (SimContext p sym ())
-getSimContext sim = readIORef (simContext sim)
-getHandleAllocator :: Simulator p sym -> IO HandleAllocator
-getHandleAllocator sim = simHandleAllocator <$> getSimContext sim
-getInterface :: Simulator p sym -> IO sym
-getInterface sim = (^.ctxSymInterface) <$> getSimContext sim
--- | Create a new Simulator interface
-newSimulator :: IsSymInterface sym
-             => sym
-             -> [ConfigDesc]
-             -> p
-             -> [GenericExecutionFeature sym]
-                  -- ^ Execution features to install in the simulator
-             -> [Simulator p sym -> IO SomeHandle] -- ^ Predefined function handles to install
-             -> Handle
-                -- ^ Handle for reading requests.
-             -> Handle
-                -- ^ Handle for writing responses.
-             -> IO (Simulator p sym)
-newSimulator sym opts p execFeats hdls request_handle response_handle = do
-  let cb = OutputCallbacks { devCallback = \s -> do
-                               sendPrintValue response_handle (decodeUtf8 s)
-                           , devClose = return ()
-                           }
-  h <- mkCallbackOutputHandle "crucible-server" cb
-  withHandleAllocator $ \halloc -> do
-  let bindings = emptyHandleMap
-  let extImpl :: ExtensionImpl p sym ()
-      extImpl = ExtensionImpl (\_sym _iTypes _logFn _f x -> case x of) (\x -> case x of)
-  -- add relevant configuration options
-  extendConfig opts (getConfiguration sym)
-  -- Create new context
-  ctxRef <- newIORef $
-    initSimContext sym MapF.empty halloc h bindings extImpl p
-  hc <- newIORef Map.empty
-  ph <- HIO.new
-  svc <- HIO.new
-  svCounter <- newIORef 0
-  let sim =
-         Simulator { simContext = ctxRef
-                   , requestHandle = request_handle
-                   , responseHandle = response_handle
-                   , handleCache = hc
-                   , predefinedHandles = ph
-                   , simValueCache = svc
-                   , simValueCounter = svCounter
-                   , simExecFeatures = execFeats
-                   }
-  populatePredefHandles sim hdls ph
-  return sim
-populatePredefHandles :: IsSymInterface sym
-                      => Simulator p sym
-                      -> [Simulator p sym -> IO SomeHandle]
-                      -> HIO.BasicHashTable PredefinedHandle SomeHandle
-                      -> IO ()
-populatePredefHandles _ [] _ = return ()
-populatePredefHandles s (mkh : hs) ph = do
-   SomeHandle h <- mkh s
-   HIO.insert ph (NamedPredefHandle (handleName h)) (SomeHandle h)
-   populatePredefHandles s hs ph
-mkPredef :: (KnownCtx TypeRepr  args, KnownRepr TypeRepr ret, IsSymInterface sym)
-         => Override p sym () args ret
-         -> Simulator p sym
-         -> IO SomeHandle
-mkPredef ovr s = SomeHandle <$> simOverrideHandle s knownRepr knownRepr ovr
-handleRef :: FnHandle args tp -> Word64
-handleRef h = indexValue (handleID h)
--- | Create a handle associated with given arguments, and ensure simulator
--- can find it when given index.
-simMkHandle :: Simulator p sim
-            -> FunctionName
-            -> CtxRepr args
-            -> TypeRepr tp
-            -> IO (FnHandle args tp)
-simMkHandle sim nm args tp = do
-  halloc <- getHandleAllocator sim
-  h <- mkHandle' halloc nm args tp
-  modifyIORef' (handleCache sim) $ Map.insert (handleRef h) (SomeHandle h)
-  return h
-getHandleBinding :: Simulator p sym -> Word64 -> IO SomeHandle
-getHandleBinding sim r = do
-  ms <- readIORef (handleCache sim)
-  case Map.lookup r ms of
-    Just s -> return s
-    Nothing -> fail $ "The index " ++ show r ++ " is not associated with a known handle."
--- | Get a predefined handle associated with the entry.
-getPredefinedHandle :: Simulator p sym
-                    -> PredefinedHandle
-                    -> IO SomeHandle -- Function to create handle (if needed).
-                    -> IO SomeHandle
-getPredefinedHandle sim predef fallback = do
-  let tbl = predefinedHandles sim
-  mh <- HIO.lookup tbl predef
-  case mh of
-    Just h -> return h
-    Nothing -> do
-      h <- fallback
-      -- Associate predef with handle for caching.
-      HIO.insert tbl predef h
-      return h
--- | Send response to crucible-server.
-sendResponse :: HasMessageRep a => Simulator p sym -> a -> IO ()
-sendResponse sim resp = putDelimited (responseHandle sim) resp
-toProtoHandleInfo :: FnHandle args rtp -> P.HandleInfo
-toProtoHandleInfo h
-  = mempty
-  & P.handleInfo_display_name .~ fromString (show (handleName h))
-  & P.handleInfo_arg_types    .~ mkProtoTypeSeq (handleArgTypes h)
-  & P.handleInfo_return_type  .~ mkProtoType (handleReturnType h)
--- | Send a response with a predefined handle.
-sendPredefinedHandleResponse :: Simulator p sym -> FnHandle args rtp -> IO ()
-sendPredefinedHandleResponse sim h = do
-  -- Sent response with value and info
-  let resp = mempty
-           & P.predefinedHandleInfo_ref  .~ handleRef h
-           & P.predefinedHandleInfo_info .~ toProtoHandleInfo h
-  let gresp = mempty
-            & P.genericResponse_code .~ P.PredefHandleGenResp
-            & P.genericResponse_predefHandleResponse .~ resp
-  sendResponse sim gresp
--- | Respond to a request for a predefined handle.
-respondToPredefinedHandleRequest :: Simulator p sym -> PredefinedHandle -> IO SomeHandle -> IO ()
-respondToPredefinedHandleRequest sim predef fallback = do
-  SomeHandle h <- getPredefinedHandle sim predef fallback
-  sendPredefinedHandleResponse sim h
--- Associate a function with the given handle.
-bindHandleToFunction :: Simulator p sym
-                     -> FnHandle args ret
-                     -> FnState p sym () args ret
-                     -> IO ()
-bindHandleToFunction sim h s =
-  modifyIORef' (simContext sim) $
-    functionBindings %~ insertHandleMap h s
-simOverrideHandle :: Simulator p sym
-                  -> CtxRepr args
-                  -> TypeRepr tp
-                  -> Override p sym () args tp
-                  -> IO (FnHandle args tp)
-simOverrideHandle sim args ret o = do
-  h <- simMkHandle sim (overrideName o) args ret
-  -- Add override to state.
-  bindHandleToFunction sim h (UseOverride o)
-  return h
-sendExceptionResponse :: Simulator p sym
-                      -> SomeException
-                      -> IO ()
-sendExceptionResponse sim ex = do
-  let msg = case fromException ex of
-              Just ioex | isUserError ioex -> Text.pack $ ioeGetErrorString ioex
-              _ -> Text.pack $ displayException ex
-  let gresp = mempty
-            & P.genericResponse_code .~ P.ExceptionGenResp
-            & P.genericResponse_message .~ msg
-  sendResponse sim gresp
-sendCallResponse :: Simulator p sym
-                 -> P.CallResponse
-                 -> IO ()
-sendCallResponse sim cresp = do
-  let gresp = mempty
-            & P.genericResponse_code .~ P.CallGenResp
-            & P.genericResponse_callResponse .~ cresp
-  sendResponse sim gresp
-sendAckResponse :: Simulator p sym
-                -> IO ()
-sendAckResponse sim =
-  sendResponse sim (mempty & P.genericResponse_code .~ P.AcknowledgementResp)
-sendCallReturnValue :: IsSymInterface sym
-                    => Simulator p sym
-                    -> P.Value --RegEntry sym tp
-                    -> IO ()
-sendCallReturnValue sim pv = do
-  --pv <- toProtoValue sim v
-  sendCallResponse sim $ mempty & P.callResponse_code .~ P.CallReturnValue
-                                & P.callResponse_returnVal .~ pv
-sendCallAllAborted :: Simulator p sym -> IO ()
-sendCallAllAborted sim = do
-  sendCallResponse sim $ mempty & P.callResponse_code    .~ P.CallAllAborted
-sendTextResponse :: Simulator p sym
-                 -> Text
-                 -> IO ()
-sendTextResponse sim msg = sendPrintValue (responseHandle sim) msg
--- | Send message to print value.
-sendPrintValue :: Handle -> Text -> IO ()
-sendPrintValue h msg = do
-  putDelimited h $ mempty & P.genericResponse_code .~ P.PrintGenResp
-                          & P.genericResponse_message .~ msg
-sendCallPathAborted :: Simulator p sym
-                    -> P.PathAbortedCode
-                    -> String
-                    -> [ProgramLoc]
-                    -> IO ()
-sendCallPathAborted sim code msg bt = do
-  let ps = Seq.fromList $ map toProtoPos bt
-  let abortMsg = mempty & P.pathAbortedMessage_code    .~ code
-                        & P.pathAbortedMessage_message .~ fromString msg
-                        & P.pathAbortedMessage_backtraces .~ ps
-  sendCallResponse sim $ mempty & P.callResponse_code       .~ P.CallPathAborted
-                                & P.callResponse_message    .~ abortMsg
-serverErrorHandler :: IsSymInterface sym
-                   => Simulator p sym
-                   -> AbortHandler p sym () rtp
-serverErrorHandler sim = AH $ \e ->
- do t <- view stateTree
-    let frames = activeFrames t
-    -- Get location of frame.
-    let loc = mapMaybe filterCrucibleFrames frames
-    -- let msg = ppExceptionContext frames e
-    -- If a branch aborted becasue of an error condition,
-    -- tell client that a part aborted with the given message.
-    liftIO $
-      case e of
-        AssumedFalse (AssumingNoError se) ->
-          case simErrorReason se of
-            ReadBeforeWriteSimError msg -> do
-              sendCallPathAborted sim P.AbortedReadBeforeWrite (show msg) loc
-            AssertFailureSimError msg _details -> do
-              sendCallPathAborted sim P.AbortedUserAssertFailure (show msg) loc
-            _ -> do
-              sendCallPathAborted sim P.AbortedGeneric (show (simErrorReason se)) loc
-        -- In other cases, do nothing
-        _ -> return ()
-    -- Abort execution.
-    abortExec e
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Translation.hs b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Translation.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index e1563c21e..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Translation.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,525 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module           : Lang.Crucible.Server.Translations
--- Copyright        : (c) Galois, Inc 2014-2016
--- Maintainer       : Rob Dockins <rdockins@galois.com>
--- Stability        : provisional
--- License          : BSD3
--- Operations for translating between the protocol-buffer representations
--- and the internal Crucible representations of control-flow graphs.
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.Translation
-  ( unpackCFG
-  ) where
-#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
-import Control.Monad.Fail( MonadFail )
-import           Control.Lens
-import           Control.Monad
-import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
-import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as X
-import           Control.Monad.Reader
-import           Control.Monad.State
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import           Data.IORef
-import           Data.Maybe
-import Data.Parameterized.Nonce ( Nonce, NonceGenerator
-                                , freshNonce, newIONonceGenerator )
-import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import qualified Data.Vector as V
-import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
-import           Data.HPB
-import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
-import           Data.Parameterized.Some
-import           Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
-import           What4.ProgramLoc
-import           What4.Utils.StringLiteral
-import           Lang.Crucible.Backend
-import           Lang.Crucible.CFG.Expr
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Reg as R
-import           Lang.Crucible.FunctionHandle
-import           Lang.Crucible.Types
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.Proto as P
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.ValueConv
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Encoding
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Simulator
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.TypeConv
--- UseCFG request
-newtype Gen s (ret :: CrucibleType) a =
-  Gen { unGen :: ReaderT (NonceGenerator IO s) IO a }
-  deriving ( Functor
-           , Applicative
-           , Monad
-           , MonadFail
-           )
-newAtomIdx :: Gen s ret (Nonce s (tp :: CrucibleType))
-newAtomIdx = do
-  ng <- Gen $ ask
-  Gen $ lift (freshNonce ng)
-genBlockID :: P.Block -- ^ Block to generate label for.
-           -> Gen s ret (R.BlockID s)
-genBlockID b
-  | b^.P.block_is_lambda = do
-     Some tp <- fromProtoType (b^.P.block_lambda_type)
-     idx <- newAtomIdx
-     r_idx <- newAtomIdx
-     let a = R.Atom { R.atomPosition = plSourceLoc $ fromProtoPos (b^.P.block_pos)
-                    , R.atomId = r_idx
-                    , R.atomSource = R.LambdaArg l
-                    , R.typeOfAtom = tp
---                    , R.regSource = R.LambdaArg l
---                    , R.typeOfReg = tp
-                    }
-         l = R.LambdaLabel idx a
-     return $ R.LambdaID l
-  | otherwise = R.LabelID . R.Label <$> newAtomIdx
-type RegVector s = V.Vector (Some (R.Reg s))
-type StmtResultMap s = Map.Map (Word64, Word64) (Some (R.Atom s))
--- | Get type of result returned by statement.
-genStmtResultType :: RegVector s -> P.Statement -> Gen s ret (Maybe (Some TypeRepr))
-genStmtResultType rv s =
-  case s^.P.statement_code of
-    P.ExecPrimitive -> do
-      Just <$> fromProtoType (s^.P.statement_result_type)
-    P.Call -> do
-      Just <$> fromProtoType (s^.P.statement_result_type)
-    P.Print  -> return Nothing
-    P.Assert -> return Nothing
-    P.ReadReg -> do
-      case rv V.!? fromIntegral (s^.P.statement_reg) of
-        Just (Some r) -> return $ Just $ Some (R.typeOfReg r)
-        Nothing -> fail $ "Read reg given illegal index."
-    P.WriteReg -> do
-      return Nothing
-    -- TODO: Support globals
-    _ -> fail $ "Could not interpret statement."
-mkStmtResultMap :: forall s ret . RegVector s -> [P.Block] -> Gen s ret (StmtResultMap s)
-mkStmtResultMap rv blocks = do
-  let mkStmtResult :: Word64
-                   -> Word64
-                   -> P.Statement
-                   -> Gen s ret (Maybe ((Word64, Word64),Some (R.Atom s)))
-      mkStmtResult block_idx stmt_idx s = do
-        mtp <- genStmtResultType rv s
-        case mtp of
-          Nothing -> return Nothing
-          Just (Some tp) -> do
-            r_idx <- newAtomIdx
-            let a = R.Atom { R.atomPosition = plSourceLoc $ fromProtoPos (s^.P.statement_pos)
-                           , R.atomId     = r_idx
-                           , R.atomSource = R.Assigned
-                           , R.typeOfAtom = tp
-                           }
-            return $ Just ((block_idx, stmt_idx), Some a)
-      f :: Word64 -> P.Block -> Gen s ret [((Word64, Word64),Some (R.Atom s))]
-      f block_idx b = do
-        let stmts = Fold.toList (b^.P.block_statements)
-        catMaybes <$> zipWithM (mkStmtResult block_idx) [0..] stmts
-  Map.fromList . concat <$> zipWithM f [0..] blocks
--- Translation
-data TransState s = TransState { blockLabelMap :: !(Map.Map Word64 (R.BlockID s))
-                               , handleMap :: !(Map.Map Word64 SomeHandle)
-                               , argVec :: !(V.Vector (Some (R.Atom s)))
-                               , regVec :: !(V.Vector (Some (R.Reg s)))
-                               , nonceGen :: NonceGenerator IO s
-                               , stmtResultMap :: !(StmtResultMap s)
-                               }
-newtype Trans s (ret :: CrucibleType) a = Trans { unTrans :: StateT (TransState s) IO a }
-  deriving ( Functor
-           , Applicative
-           , Monad
-           , MonadFail
-           , MonadState (TransState s)
-           , X.MonadThrow
-           , MonadIO
-           )
-getBlockID :: Word64 -> Trans s ret (R.BlockID s)
-getBlockID w = do
-   m <- gets blockLabelMap
-   case Map.lookup w m of
-     Nothing -> fail $ "Illegal block index: " ++ show w
-     Just b -> return b
-getBlockLabel :: Word64 -> Trans s ret (R.Label s)
-getBlockLabel w = do
-  b <- getBlockID w
-  case b of
-    R.LabelID l -> return l
-    R.LambdaID{} -> fail $ "Block label refers to lambda."
-getLambdaLabel :: Word64 -> TypeRepr tp -> Trans s ret (R.LambdaLabel s tp)
-getLambdaLabel w tp = do
-  b <- getBlockID w
-  case b of
-    R.LabelID{} -> fail $ "Lambda label refers to block."
-    R.LambdaID l -> do
-      case testEquality (R.typeOfAtom (R.lambdaAtom l)) tp of
-        Just Refl -> return l
-        Nothing -> fail $ "Lambda label has incorrect type."
-getFnArg :: Word64 -- ^ Index of argument
-         -> Trans s ret (Some (R.Atom s))
-getFnArg arg_idx = do
-  v <- gets argVec
-  case v V.!? fromIntegral arg_idx of
-    Nothing -> fail $ "Could not find argument at " ++ show arg_idx ++ "."
-    Just e -> return e
-getLambdaArg :: Word64 -- ^ Index of block
-             -> Trans s ret (Some (R.Atom s))
-getLambdaArg block_idx = do
-  b <- getBlockID block_idx
-  case b of
-    R.LabelID{} -> fail $ "Lambda arg refers to block."
-    R.LambdaID l -> return (Some (R.lambdaAtom l))
-getReg :: Word64 -> Trans s ret (Some (R.Reg s))
-getReg reg_idx = do
-  v <- gets regVec
-  case v V.!? fromIntegral reg_idx of
-    Nothing -> fail $ "Could not find register at " ++ show reg_idx ++ "."
-    Just r -> return r
-getStmtResult :: Word64 -> Word64 -> Trans s ret (Some (R.Atom s))
-getStmtResult block_idx stmt_idx = do
-  m <- gets stmtResultMap
-  case Map.lookup (block_idx, stmt_idx) m of
-    Nothing -> do
-      fail $ "Could not find statement at " ++ show (block_idx, stmt_idx) ++ "."
-    Just r -> return r
-getRegWithType :: Word64 -> TypeRepr tp -> Trans s ret (R.Reg s tp)
-getRegWithType w tp = do
-  Some r <- getReg w
-  case testEquality (R.typeOfReg r) tp of
-    Just Refl -> return r
-    Nothing -> fail $ "Register does not match type."
-getStmtResultWithType :: Word64 -> Word64 -> TypeRepr tp -> Trans s ret (R.Atom s tp)
-getStmtResultWithType block_idx stmt_idx tp = do
-  Some r <- getStmtResult block_idx stmt_idx
-  case testEquality (R.typeOfAtom r) tp of
-    Just Refl -> return r
-    Nothing -> fail $ "Statement result does not match type."
-transNatExpr :: MonadFail m => P.Expr -> m (Some NatRepr)
-transNatExpr pe = do
-  case pe^.P.expr_code of
-    P.NatExpr -> do
-      let i = decodeUnsigned (pe^.P.expr_data)
-      case someNat i of
-        Just rep -> return rep
-        Nothing -> fail "improper nat value in parseNatRepr"
-    _ -> fail "expected Nat value in parseNatRepr"
-data BlockState s = BlockState { blockPos :: !Position
-                               , blockStmts :: ![Posd (R.Stmt () s)]
-                               }
-type StmtTrans s r = StateT (BlockState s) (Trans s r)
-setPos :: Position -> StmtTrans s r ()
-setPos p = do
-  s <- get
-  put $! s { blockPos = p }
-addStmt :: R.Stmt () s -> StmtTrans s r ()
-addStmt stmt = seq stmt $ do
-  s <- get
-  let pstmt = Posd (blockPos s) stmt
-  seq pstmt $ do
-  let l = pstmt : blockStmts s
-  put $! s { blockStmts = l }
-addAppStmt :: App () (R.Atom s) tp -> StmtTrans s r (R.Atom s tp)
-addAppStmt app = do
-  ng <- lift $ gets nonceGen
-  i <- liftIO $ freshNonce ng
-  p <- gets blockPos
-  let a = R.Atom { R.atomPosition = p
-                 , R.atomId = i
-                 , R.atomSource = R.Assigned
-                 , R.typeOfAtom = appType app
-                 }
-  addStmt $ R.DefineAtom a (R.EvalApp app)
-  return $! a
--- | Translate a protocol buffer expression into either a constant or a known atom.
-transExpr :: P.Expr -> StmtTrans s ret (Some (R.Atom s))
-transExpr pe = do
-  case pe^.P.expr_code of
-    P.TrueExpr -> do
-      fmap Some $ addAppStmt $ BoolLit True
-    P.FalseExpr -> do
-      fmap Some $ addAppStmt $ BoolLit False
-    P.NatExpr -> do
-      let i = decodeUnsigned (pe^.P.expr_data)
-      fmap Some $ addAppStmt $ NatLit (fromInteger i)
-    P.IntegerExpr -> do
-      let i = decodeSigned (pe^.P.expr_data)
-      fmap Some $ addAppStmt $ IntLit i
-    P.RationalExpr -> do
-      r <- decodeRational (pe^.P.expr_data)
-      fmap Some $ addAppStmt $ RationalLit r
-    P.BitvectorExpr -> do
-      case someNat (toInteger (pe^.P.expr_width)) of
-        Just (Some w) -> do
-          case isPosNat w of
-            Nothing -> fail $ "Zero width bitvector."
-            Just LeqProof -> do
-              let i = decodeSigned (pe^.P.expr_data)
-              fmap Some $ addAppStmt $ BVLit w (BV.mkBV w i)
-        Nothing -> fail "Width is too large"
-    P.StringExpr -> do
-      let s = pe^.P.expr_string_lit
-      fmap Some $ addAppStmt $ StringLit $ UnicodeLiteral s
-    P.UnitExpr -> do
-      fmap Some $ addAppStmt $ EmptyApp
-    P.FnHandleExpr -> do
-      m <- lift $ gets handleMap
-      let idx = pe^.P.expr_index
-      case Map.lookup idx m of
-        Just (SomeHandle h) ->
-          fmap Some $ addAppStmt $ HandleLit h
-        Nothing -> fail $ "Could not find handle with index " ++ show idx ++ "."
-    P.FunctionArgExpr -> do
-      lift $ getFnArg (pe^.P.expr_index)
-    P.LambdaArgExpr -> do
-      lift $ getLambdaArg (pe^.P.expr_block_id)
-    P.StatementResultExpr -> do
-      lift $ getStmtResult (pe^.P.expr_block_id) (pe^.P.expr_index)
-    P.UnknownExpr -> fail $ "Could not parse expression."
-transExprWithType :: P.Expr
-                  -> TypeRepr tp
-                  -> StmtTrans s ret (R.Atom s tp)
-transExprWithType pe tp = do
-  Some a <- transExpr pe
-  case testEquality (R.typeOfAtom a) tp of
-    Just Refl -> return a
-    Nothing -> fail "Expression does not match expected type."
-transExprSeqWithTypes :: Seq P.Expr
-                      -> CtxRepr ctx
-                      -> StmtTrans s ret (Ctx.Assignment (R.Atom s) ctx)
-transExprSeqWithTypes s0 c0 =
-  case Ctx.viewAssign c0 of
-    Ctx.AssignEmpty -> do
-      when (not (Seq.null s0)) $ do
-        fail $ "More expressions than expected."
-      return $ Ctx.empty
-    Ctx.AssignExtend c tp -> do
-      case Seq.viewr s0 of
-        Seq.EmptyR -> fail $ "Fewer expressions than expected."
-        s Seq.:> pe -> do
-          (Ctx.:>) <$> transExprSeqWithTypes s c
-                   <*> transExprWithType pe tp
-transStmt :: Word64 -- ^ Index of block
-          -> Word64 -- ^ Index of statement
-          -> P.Statement
-          -> StmtTrans s ret ()
-transStmt block_idx stmt_idx s = do
-  setPos (plSourceLoc (fromProtoPos (s^.P.statement_pos)))
-  let exprs  = s^.P.statement_exprs
-  case (s^.P.statement_code, Fold.toList exprs) of
-    (P.ExecPrimitive, _) -> do
-      let prim_op = s^.P.statement_prim_op
-      let res_type = s^.P.statement_result_type
-      Some a <- convertToCrucibleApp transExpr transNatExpr prim_op exprs res_type
-      res <- lift $ getStmtResultWithType block_idx stmt_idx (appType a)
-      addStmt $ R.DefineAtom res (R.EvalApp a)
-    (P.Call,  pf:pargs) -> do
-      Some f <- transExpr pf
-      case R.typeOfAtom f of
-        FunctionHandleRepr argTypes ret -> do
-          args <- transExprSeqWithTypes (Seq.fromList pargs) argTypes
-          res <- lift $ getStmtResultWithType block_idx stmt_idx ret
-          addStmt $ R.DefineAtom res (R.Call f args ret)
-        _ -> fail $ "Call given non-function."
-    (P.Print, [pmsg]) -> do
-      msg <- transExprWithType pmsg (StringRepr UnicodeRepr)
-      addStmt $ R.Print msg
-    (P.Assert, [pc, pmsg]) -> do
-      c   <- transExprWithType pc   BoolRepr
-      msg <- transExprWithType pmsg (StringRepr UnicodeRepr)
-      addStmt $ R.Assert c msg
-    (P.ReadReg, []) -> do
-      Some r <- lift $ getReg (s^.P.statement_reg)
-      res <- lift $ getStmtResultWithType block_idx stmt_idx (R.typeOfReg r)
-      addStmt $ R.DefineAtom res (R.ReadReg r)
-    (P.WriteReg, [pv]) -> do
-      Some v <- transExpr pv
-      r <- lift $ getRegWithType (s^.P.statement_reg) (R.typeOfAtom v)
-      addStmt $ R.SetReg r v
-    -- TODO: Support globals
-    _ -> fail $ "Could not interpret statement."
-transTermStmt' :: TypeRepr ret -> P.TermStmt -> StmtTrans s ret (R.TermStmt s ret)
-transTermStmt' retType t = do
-  let exprs  = Fold.toList $ t^.P.termStmt_exprs
-  let blocks = Fold.toList $ t^.P.termStmt_blocks
-  case (t^.P.termStmt_code, exprs, blocks) of
-    (P.JumpTermStmt, [], [b_id]) -> do
-      lift $ do
-      b <- getBlockLabel b_id
-      return $ R.Jump b
-    (P.BranchTermStmt, [pc], [x_id, y_id]) -> do
-      c <- transExprWithType pc BoolRepr
-      lift $ do
-      x <- getBlockLabel x_id
-      y <- getBlockLabel y_id
-      return $ R.Br c x y
-    (P.ReturnTermStmt, [pe], []) -> do
-      e <- transExprWithType pe retType
-      return $ R.Return e
-    (P.ErrorTermStmt, [pe], []) -> do
-      e <- transExprWithType pe (StringRepr UnicodeRepr)
-      return $ R.ErrorStmt e
-    (P.TailCallTermStmt, (pf:pargs), []) -> do
-      Some f <- transExpr pf
-      case R.typeOfAtom f of
-        FunctionHandleRepr argTypes ret -> do
-          case testEquality ret retType of
-            Just Refl -> do
-              args <- transExprSeqWithTypes (Seq.fromList pargs) argTypes
-              return $ R.TailCall f argTypes args
-            Nothing -> fail "Tail call returns incorrect value."
-        _ -> fail $ "Tail call given non-function."
-    (P.SwitchMaybeTermStmt, [pe], [pj,pn]) -> do
-      Some e <- transExpr pe
-      case R.typeOfAtom e of
-        MaybeRepr tp -> lift $ do
-          j <- getLambdaLabel pj tp
-          n <- getBlockLabel  pn
-          return $ R.MaybeBranch tp e j n
-        _ -> fail "MaybeBranch given bad expression."
-    _ -> do
-      fail $ "Could not parse term stmt."
-transTermStmt :: TypeRepr ret -> P.TermStmt -> StmtTrans s ret (Posd (R.TermStmt s ret))
-transTermStmt retType t = do
-  let p = plSourceLoc $ fromProtoPos (t^.P.termStmt_pos)
-  setPos p
-  Posd p <$> transTermStmt' retType t
-transBlock :: TypeRepr ret
-           -> Word64  -- ^ Index of block (0 is first index).
-           -> P.Block -- ^ Block to write to.
-           -> Trans s ret (R.Block () s ret)
-transBlock retType idx b = do
-  block_id <- getBlockID idx
-  v <- gets argVec
-  let inputs | idx == 0 = Set.fromList $ V.toList (fmap (mapSome R.AtomValue) v)
-             | otherwise = Set.empty
-  let block_state = BlockState { blockPos = plSourceLoc $ fromProtoPos (b^.P.block_pos)
-                               , blockStmts = []
-                               }
-  flip evalStateT block_state $ do
-    zipWithM_ (transStmt idx) [0..] (Fold.toList (b^.P.block_statements))
-    term <- transTermStmt retType (b^.P.block_termStmt)
-    stmts <- gets blockStmts
-    return $ R.mkBlock block_id inputs (Seq.fromList (reverse stmts)) term
-mkRegs :: forall s ctx
-        . Position
-       -> NonceGenerator IO s
-       -> CtxRepr ctx
-       -> IO (V.Vector (Some (R.Reg s)))
-mkRegs p ng argTypes = V.mapM (mapSomeM f) v
-  where v = V.fromList (Fold.toList (ctxReprToSeq argTypes))
-        f :: TypeRepr tp -> IO (R.Reg s tp)
-        f tp = do
-          i <- freshNonce ng
-          return $ R.Reg { R.regPosition = p
-                         , R.regId = i
---                       , R.regSource = R.Assigned
-                         , R.typeOfReg = tp
-                         }
-        mapSomeM :: Functor m
-                 => (forall (x :: CrucibleType). a x -> m (b x))
-                 -> Some a -> m (Some b)
-        mapSomeM h (Some x) = Some <$> h x
-unpackCFG :: IsSymInterface sym
-          => Simulator p sym
-          -> P.Cfg
-          -> (forall s init ret. R.CFG () s init ret -> IO a)
-          -> IO a
-unpackCFG sim pg cont = do
-  let h_index   = pg^.P.cfg_handle_id
-  Some reg_types <- fromProtoTypeSeq (pg^.P.cfg_registers)
-  let pblocks   = Fold.toList $ pg^.P.cfg_blocks
-  SomeHandle h <- getHandleBinding sim h_index
-  handle_map <- readIORef (handleCache sim)
-  let argTypes = handleArgTypes h
-  let retType  = handleReturnType h
-  let p = plSourceLoc $ fromProtoPos $ pg^.P.cfg_pos
-  Some ng <- newIONonceGenerator
-  argRegs <- V.fromList . toListFC Some <$> R.mkInputAtoms ng p argTypes
-  regRegs <- mkRegs p ng reg_types
-  initState <- flip runReaderT ng $ unGen $ do
-    block_ids <- mapM genBlockID pblocks
-    let block_map = Map.fromList (zip [0..] block_ids)
-    stmt_result_map <- mkStmtResultMap regRegs pblocks
-    return TransState { blockLabelMap = block_map
-                      , handleMap = handle_map
-                      , argVec = argRegs
-                      , regVec = regRegs
-                      , nonceGen = ng
-                      , stmtResultMap = stmt_result_map
-                      }
-  (blocks,_finalSt) <- flip runStateT initState $ unTrans $
-                         zipWithM (transBlock retType) [0..] pblocks
-  let entryLabel = case R.blockID (head blocks) of
-        R.LabelID lbl -> lbl
-        R.LambdaID {} -> error "entry block has lambda label"
-  let g = R.CFG { R.cfgHandle = h
-                , R.cfgEntryLabel = entryLabel
-                , R.cfgBlocks = blocks
-                }
-  cont g
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deleted file mode 100644
index fe4c1d536..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/TypeConv.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module           : Lang.Crucible.Server.TypeConv
--- Copyright        : (c) Galois, Inc 2014-2016
--- Maintainer       : Rob Dockins <rdockins@galois.com>
--- Stability        : provisional
--- License          : BSD3
--- Operations to translate between the protocol-buffer represntation
--- of types and the internal Crucible representation.
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.TypeConv where
-#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
-import Control.Monad.Fail( MonadFail )
-import Control.Lens
-import Control.Monad
-import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
-import Data.Foldable( toList )
-import Data.HPB
-import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
-import Data.Parameterized.Some
-import What4.FunctionName
-import What4.ProgramLoc
-import What4.Interface
-import Lang.Crucible.Types
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.Proto as P
-getTail :: MonadFail m => String -> Seq a -> m (Seq a, a)
-getTail msg s =
-  case Seq.viewr s of
-    Seq.EmptyR -> fail msg
-    h Seq.:> t -> return (h, t)
--- Positions
-fromProtoPos :: P.Position -> ProgramLoc
-fromProtoPos p =
-  case p^.P.position_code of
-    P.InternalPos ->
-      let nm = p^.P.position_functionName
-       in mkProgramLoc (functionNameFromText nm) InternalPos
-    P.SourcePos ->
-      let path = p^.P.position_path
-          line = fromIntegral $ p^.P.position_line
-          col  = fromIntegral $ p^.P.position_col
-          nm   = p^.P.position_functionName
-       in mkProgramLoc (functionNameFromText nm) $ SourcePos path line col
-    P.BinaryPos ->
-      let path = p^.P.position_path
-          addr = p^.P.position_addr
-          nm   = p^.P.position_functionName
-       in mkProgramLoc (functionNameFromText nm) $ BinaryPos path addr
-    P.OtherPos ->
-      let str  = p^.P.position_value
-          nm   = p^.P.position_functionName
-       in mkProgramLoc (functionNameFromText nm) $ OtherPos str
-toProtoPos :: ProgramLoc -> P.Position
-toProtoPos pl =
-  case plSourceLoc pl of
-    InternalPos ->
-      mempty & P.position_code .~ P.InternalPos
-             & P.position_functionName .~ functionName (plFunction pl)
-    SourcePos path line col ->
-      mempty & P.position_code .~ P.SourcePos
-             & P.position_path .~ path
-             & P.position_line .~ fromIntegral line
-             & P.position_col  .~ fromIntegral col
-             & P.position_functionName .~ functionName (plFunction pl)
-    BinaryPos path addr ->
-      mempty & P.position_code .~ P.BinaryPos
-             & P.position_path .~ path
-             & P.position_addr .~ fromIntegral addr
-             & P.position_functionName .~ functionName (plFunction pl)
-    OtherPos str ->
-      mempty & P.position_code  .~ P.OtherPos
-             & P.position_value .~ str
--- Type conversion
--- | Convert protocol var type to Interface type.
-varTypeFromProto :: MonadFail m => P.VarType -> m (Some BaseTypeRepr)
-varTypeFromProto tp =
-  case tp^.P.varType_id of
-    P.BitvectorVarType -> do
-      let wv = tp^.P.varType_width
-      when (wv == 0) $ do
-        fail $ "Bitvector variables must have a positive width."
-      case someNat wv of
-        Just (Some w) | Just LeqProof <- isPosNat w -> do
-          return $ Some (BaseBVRepr w)
-        _ -> error "Illegal type width"
-    P.BoolVarType    -> return $ Some BaseBoolRepr
-    P.IntegerVarType -> return $ Some BaseIntegerRepr
-    P.RealVarType    -> return $ Some BaseRealRepr
--- Given a protocol vartype, wrap a "Vector" type operator
--- for each dimension on top of the base type
-crucibleTypeFromProtoVarType :: MonadFail m => P.VarType -> m (Some TypeRepr)
-crucibleTypeFromProtoVarType tp = do
-   let dims = tp^.P.varType_dimensions
-   Some vtp <- varTypeFromProto tp
-   let basetp = baseToType vtp
-   wrapVectors (toList dims) (Some basetp)
- where wrapVectors [] basetp = return basetp
-       wrapVectors (_:xs) basetp = do
-           Some t <- wrapVectors xs basetp
-           return (Some (VectorRepr t))
--- Converting from a protocol buffer type.
-fromProtoTypeSeq :: MonadFail m => Seq P.CrucibleType -> m (Some CtxRepr)
-fromProtoTypeSeq s0 = do
-  case Seq.viewr s0 of
-    Seq.EmptyR -> return (Some Ctx.empty)
-    s Seq.:> tp -> do
-      Some ctx <- fromProtoTypeSeq s
-      Some rep <- fromProtoType tp
-      return $ Some $ ctx Ctx.:> rep
-fromProtoType :: MonadFail m => P.CrucibleType -> m (Some TypeRepr)
-fromProtoType tp = do
-  let params = tp^.P.crucibleType_params
-  case tp^.P.crucibleType_id of
-    P.UnitType -> do
-      return $ Some UnitRepr
-    P.BoolType -> do
-      return $ Some BoolRepr
-    P.NatType  -> do
-      return $ Some NatRepr
-    -- TODO: Eliminate this type
-    P.PosNatType -> do
-      return $ Some NatRepr
-    P.IntegerType -> do
-      return $ Some IntegerRepr
-    P.RealType -> do
-      return $ Some RealValRepr
-    P.ComplexType -> do
-      return $ Some ComplexRealRepr
-    P.BitvectorType -> do
-      case someNat (tp^.P.crucibleType_width) of
-        Just (Some w) | Just LeqProof <- isPosNat w -> return $ Some $ BVRepr w
-        _ -> error "Could not parse bitwidth."
-    P.HalfFloatType -> do
-      return $ Some $ FloatRepr HalfFloatRepr
-    P.SingleFloatType -> do
-      return $ Some $ FloatRepr SingleFloatRepr
-    P.DoubleFloatType -> do
-      return $ Some $ FloatRepr DoubleFloatRepr
-    P.QuadFloatType -> do
-      return $ Some $ FloatRepr QuadFloatRepr
-    P.X86_80FloatType -> do
-      return $ Some $ FloatRepr X86_80FloatRepr
-    P.DoubleDoubleFloatType -> do
-      return $ Some $ FloatRepr DoubleDoubleFloatRepr
-    P.CharType -> do
-      return $ Some CharRepr
-    P.StringType -> do
-      return $ Some (StringRepr UnicodeRepr)
-    P.FunctionHandleType -> do
-      (args, ret) <- getTail "Missing return type." params
-      Some arg_ctx <- fromProtoTypeSeq args
-      Some ret_tp  <- fromProtoType ret
-      return $ Some $ FunctionHandleRepr arg_ctx ret_tp
-    P.MaybeType -> do
-      when (Seq.length params /= 1) $ do
-        fail $ "Expected single parameter to Maybe."
-      Some etp <- fromProtoType (params `Seq.index` 0)
-      return $ Some $ MaybeRepr etp
-    P.VectorType -> do
-      when (Seq.length params /= 1) $ do
-        fail $ "Expected single parameter to Vector"
-      Some etp <- fromProtoType (params `Seq.index` 0)
-      return $ Some $ VectorRepr etp
-    P.StructType -> do
-      Some ctx <- fromProtoTypeSeq params
-      return $ Some $ StructRepr ctx
-    P.WordMapType -> do
-      when (Seq.length params /= 1) $ do
-        fail $ "Expected single parameter to WordMap"
-      Some etp <- fromProtoType (params `Seq.index` 0)
-      case asBaseType etp of
-        AsBaseType bt ->
-          case someNat (tp^.P.crucibleType_width) of
-            Just (Some w) | Just LeqProof <- isPosNat w ->
-                return $ Some $ WordMapRepr w bt
-            _ -> error $ unwords ["Invalid word map type: ", show etp]
-        _ -> error "Could not parse bitwidth."
-    P.StringMapType -> do
-      when (Seq.length params /= 1) $ do
-        fail $ "Expected single parameter to StringMapType"
-      Some etp <- fromProtoType (params `Seq.index` 0)
-      return $ Some $ StringMapRepr etp
--- Generating a protocol buffer type.
-mkType :: P.CrucibleTypeId -> P.CrucibleType
-mkType tp = mempty & P.crucibleType_id .~ tp
-mkType1 :: P.CrucibleTypeId -> TypeRepr tp -> P.CrucibleType
-mkType1 tp param = mkType tp & setTypeParams (Seq.singleton (mkProtoType param))
-setTypeParams :: Seq P.CrucibleType -> P.CrucibleType -> P.CrucibleType
-setTypeParams params = P.crucibleType_params .~ params
-ctxReprToSeq :: CtxRepr ctx -> Seq (Some TypeRepr)
-ctxReprToSeq c =
-  case Ctx.viewAssign c of
-    Ctx.AssignEmpty -> Seq.empty
-    Ctx.AssignExtend ctx r -> ctxReprToSeq ctx Seq.|> Some r
-mkProtoTypeSeq :: CtxRepr ctx -> Seq P.CrucibleType
-mkProtoTypeSeq c = (\(Some tp) -> mkProtoType tp) <$> ctxReprToSeq c
-mkProtoType :: TypeRepr tp -> P.CrucibleType
-mkProtoType tpr =
-  case tpr of
-    UnitRepr ->
-      mkType P.UnitType
-    BoolRepr ->
-      mkType P.BoolType
-    NatRepr ->
-      mkType P.NatType
-    IntegerRepr ->
-      mkType P.IntegerType
-    RealValRepr ->
-      mkType P.RealType
-    ComplexRealRepr ->
-      mkType P.ComplexType
-    BVRepr w ->
-      mkType P.BitvectorType & P.crucibleType_width .~ fromIntegral (widthVal w)
-    FloatRepr repr -> mkType c_type
-      where c_type = case repr of
-                       HalfFloatRepr   -> P.HalfFloatType
-                       SingleFloatRepr -> P.SingleFloatType
-                       DoubleFloatRepr -> P.DoubleFloatType
-                       QuadFloatRepr   -> P.QuadFloatType
-                       X86_80FloatRepr -> P.X86_80FloatType
-                       DoubleDoubleFloatRepr -> P.DoubleDoubleFloatType
-    CharRepr ->
-      mkType P.CharType
-    StringRepr UnicodeRepr ->
-      mkType P.StringType
-    FunctionHandleRepr args ret -> do
-      let params = mkProtoTypeSeq args Seq.|> mkProtoType ret
-      mkType P.FunctionHandleType & setTypeParams params
-    MaybeRepr  tp -> mkType1 P.MaybeType tp
-    VectorRepr tp -> mkType1 P.VectorType tp
-    WordMapRepr w tp ->
-       -- FIXME, better handling of base types
-       mkType1 P.WordMapType (baseToType tp) & P.crucibleType_width .~ fromIntegral (widthVal w)
-    StructRepr ctx ->
-      mkType P.StructType & setTypeParams (mkProtoTypeSeq ctx)
-    StringMapRepr tp -> mkType1 P.StringMapType tp
-    _ -> error $ unwords ["crucible-server: type not yet supported", show tpr]
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/TypedTerm.hs b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/TypedTerm.hs
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index 8892d8967..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/TypedTerm.hs
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@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-{- |
-Module      : $Header$
-Description : SAW-Core terms paired with Cryptol types.
-License     : BSD3
-Maintainer  : huffman
-Stability   : provisional
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.TypedTerm where
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (nameIdent)
-import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as C
-import Cryptol.Utils.PP (pretty, text, PP(..))
-import Verifier.SAW.Cryptol (scCryptolType)
-import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
--- Typed terms -----------------------------------------------------------------
-{- Within SAWScript, we represent an object language term as a SAWCore
-shared term paired with a Cryptol type schema. The Cryptol type is
-used for type inference/checking of inline Cryptol expressions. -}
-data TypedTerm =
-  TypedTerm
-  { ttSchema :: C.Schema
-  , ttTerm :: Term
-  }
-  deriving Show
-ttTermLens :: Functor f => (Term -> f Term) -> TypedTerm -> f TypedTerm
-ttTermLens f tt = tt `seq` fmap (\x -> tt{ttTerm = x}) (f (ttTerm tt))
-mkTypedTerm :: SharedContext -> Term -> IO TypedTerm
-mkTypedTerm sc trm = do
-  ty <- scTypeOf sc trm
-  ct <- scCryptolType sc ty
-  return $ TypedTerm (C.Forall [] [] ct) trm
--- Ugh...
-instance PP TypedTerm where
-  ppPrec _i (TypedTerm _ x) = text (scPrettyTerm defaultPPOpts x)
--- Typed modules ---------------------------------------------------------------
-{- In SAWScript, we can refer to a Cryptol module as a first class
-value. These are represented simply as maps from names to typed
-terms. -}
-data CryptolModule =
-  CryptolModule (Map C.Name C.TySyn) (Map C.Name TypedTerm)
-showCryptolModule :: CryptolModule -> String
-showCryptolModule (CryptolModule sm tm) =
-  unlines $
-    (if Map.null sm then [] else
-       "Type Synonyms" : "=============" : map showTSyn (Map.elems sm) ++ [""]) ++
-    "Symbols" : "=======" : map showBinding (Map.assocs tm)
-  where
-    showTSyn (C.TySyn name params _props rhs _doc) =
-      "    " ++ unwords (pretty (nameIdent name) : map pretty params) ++ " = " ++ pretty rhs
-    showBinding (name, TypedTerm schema _) =
-      "    " ++ pretty (nameIdent name) ++ " : " ++ pretty schema
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/ValueConv.hs b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/ValueConv.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2863d15e2..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/ValueConv.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module           : Lang.Crucible.Server.ValueConv
--- Copyright        : (c) Galois, Inc 2014-2016
--- Maintainer       : Rob Dockins <rdockins@galois.com>
--- Stability        : provisional
--- License          : BSD3
--- Operations for translating between the protocol-buffer representations
--- and the internal Crucible representations of expressions and values.
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.ValueConv where
-#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
-import Control.Monad.Fail( MonadFail )
-import           Control.Lens
-import           Control.Monad
-import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
-import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as HIO
-import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as X
-import           Data.IORef
-import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
-import           Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyBS
-import qualified Data.Vector as V
-import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
-import           Data.HPB
-import           Data.Parameterized.Some
-import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
-import           What4.Interface
-import           Lang.Crucible.CFG.Expr
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.CFG.Reg as R
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.Proto as P
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.RegMap
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Encoding
-import           Lang.Crucible.FunctionHandle
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Simulator
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.TypeConv
-import           Lang.Crucible.Types
-toByteString :: Builder -> BS.ByteString
-toByteString b = LazyBS.toStrict (Builder.toLazyByteString b)
--- Exceptions that can be thrown by functions here
-data ValueException where
-  InvalidUnaryOpArgCount  :: String -> Int -> ValueException
-  InvalidBinaryOpArgCount :: String -> Int -> ValueException
-  InvalidArgumentType :: String -> TypeRepr ty -> ValueException
-  InvalidElementType :: String -> TypeRepr ty -> ValueException
-  InvalidStructureIndex :: String -> Int -> Int -> ValueException
-  InvalidStructureArgCount :: String -> Int -> Int -> ValueException
-  InvalidResultType :: String -> TypeRepr ty -> ValueException
-  BadResultWidth :: String -> NatRepr w -> ValueException
-  OutOfBounds :: String -> NatRepr w_actual -> NatRepr w_limit -> ValueException
-  TypeMismatch :: String -> TypeRepr ty1 -> TypeRepr ty2 -> ValueException
-deriving instance Show ValueException
-instance X.Exception ValueException
-withOneArg :: (Show w, X.MonadThrow m, Fold.Foldable t) =>
-              w -> t a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
-withOneArg what args op1 =
-  if Fold.length args == 1
-  then let [a1] = take 1 $ Fold.toList args in op1 a1
-  else X.throwM $ InvalidUnaryOpArgCount (show what) (Fold.length args)
-with2Args :: (Show w, X.MonadThrow m, Fold.Foldable t) =>
-             w -> t a -> (a -> a -> m b) -> m b
-with2Args what args op2 =
-  if Fold.length args == 2
-  then let [a1, a2] = take 2 $ Fold.toList args in op2 a1 a2
-  else X.throwM $ InvalidBinaryOpArgCount (show what) (Fold.length args)
-with3Args :: (Show w, X.MonadThrow m, Fold.Foldable t) =>
-             w -> t a -> (a -> a -> a -> m b) -> m b
-with3Args what args op3 =
-  if Fold.length args == 3
-  then let [a1, a2, a3] = take 3 $ Fold.toList args in op3 a1 a2 a3
-  else X.throwM $ InvalidBinaryOpArgCount (show what) (Fold.length args)
--- RegEntry reference
-newRegEntryRef :: Simulator p sym -> RegEntry sym tp -> IO Word64
-newRegEntryRef sim a = do
-  cnt <- readIORef (simValueCounter sim)
-  writeIORef (simValueCounter sim) $! cnt+1
-  HIO.insert (simValueCache sim) cnt (Some a)
-  return cnt
-parseRegEntryRef :: Simulator p sym -> Word64 -> IO (Some (RegEntry sym))
-parseRegEntryRef sim w = do
-  mv <- HIO.lookup (simValueCache sim) w
-  case mv of
-    Just v -> return v
-    Nothing -> error "Could not find reg entry"
-releaseRegEntryRef :: Simulator p sym -> Word64 -> IO ()
-releaseRegEntryRef sim w = do
-  HIO.delete (simValueCache sim) w
--- PValue encoding/decoding.
-class HasTypeRepr f where
-  getTypeRepr :: f tp -> TypeRepr tp
-instance HasTypeRepr (RegEntry sym) where
-  getTypeRepr (RegEntry tp _) = tp
-instance HasTypeRepr (R.Expr () s) where
-  getTypeRepr = R.exprType
-instance HasTypeRepr (R.Atom s) where
-  getTypeRepr = R.typeOfAtom
-checkedRegEntry :: (MonadFail m, HasTypeRepr f)
-                => TypeRepr tp -> Some f -> m (f tp)
-checkedRegEntry tp (Some r) =
-  case testEquality tp (getTypeRepr r) of
-    Just Refl -> return r
-    Nothing -> fail $ unwords ["Unexpected type for protocol value. Expected", show tp, "but got", show (getTypeRepr r)]
-fromProtoValue :: IsSymExprBuilder sym => Simulator p sym -> P.Value -> IO (Some (RegEntry sym))
-fromProtoValue sim v = do
-  sym <- getInterface sim
-  case v^.P.value_code of
-    P.ReferenceValue -> parseRegEntryRef sim (v^.P.value_index)
-    P.TrueValue  -> return $ Some $ RegEntry BoolRepr $ truePred sym
-    P.FalseValue -> return $ Some $ RegEntry BoolRepr $ falsePred sym
-    P.NatValue -> do
-      let i = decodeUnsigned (v^.P.value_data)
-      Some . RegEntry NatRepr <$> natLit sym (fromInteger i)
-    P.IntegerValue -> do
-      let i = decodeSigned (v^.P.value_data)
-      Some . RegEntry IntegerRepr <$> intLit sym i
-    P.RationalValue -> do
-      r <- decodeRational (v^.P.value_data)
-      Some . RegEntry RealValRepr <$> realLit sym r
-    P.BitvectorValue -> do
-      let width = v^.P.value_width
-      case someNat (toInteger width) of
-        Just (Some n) | Just LeqProof <- isPosNat n -> do
-          let i = decodeSigned (v^.P.value_data)
-          Some . RegEntry (BVRepr n) <$> bvLit sym n (BV.mkBV n i)
-        _ -> error "Width is too large"
-    P.StringValue -> do
-      let s = v^.P.value_string_lit
-      Some . RegEntry (StringRepr UnicodeRepr) <$> stringLit sym (UnicodeLiteral s)
-    P.UnitValue -> do
-      return $ Some $ RegEntry UnitRepr ()
-    P.FnHandleValue -> do
-      SomeHandle h <- getHandleBinding sim (v^.P.value_index)
-      return $ Some $ RegEntry (handleType h) (HandleFnVal h)
-toProtoValue :: IsSymExprBuilder sym => Simulator p sym -> RegEntry sym tp -> IO P.Value
-toProtoValue sim e@(RegEntry tp v) =
-  case tp of
-    BoolRepr
-      | Just True <- asConstantPred v -> do
-        return $ mempty & P.value_code .~ P.TrueValue
-      | Just False <- asConstantPred v -> do
-        return $ mempty & P.value_code .~ P.FalseValue
-    NatRepr | Just x <- asNat v -> do
-      return $ mempty & P.value_code .~ P.NatValue
-                      & P.value_data .~ toByteString (encodeUnsigned (toInteger x))
-    IntegerRepr | Just x <- asInteger v -> do
-      return $ mempty & P.value_code .~ P.IntegerValue
-                      & P.value_data .~ toByteString (encodeSigned (toInteger x))
-    RealValRepr | Just r <- asRational v -> do
-      return $ mempty & P.value_code .~ P.RationalValue
-                      & P.value_data .~ toByteString (encodeRational r)
-    BVRepr w | Just r <- BV.asSigned w <$> asBV v
-             , wv <- natValue w
-             , wv <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word64) -> do
-      return $ mempty & P.value_code  .~ P.BitvectorValue
-                      & P.value_width .~ fromIntegral wv
-                      & P.value_data  .~ toByteString (encodeSigned r)
-    StringRepr UnicodeRepr
-      | Just (UnicodeLiteral txt) <- asString v -> do
-          return $ mempty & P.value_code .~ P.StringValue
-                          & P.value_string_lit .~ txt
-    UnitRepr -> do
-      return $ mempty & P.value_code .~ P.UnitValue
-    FunctionHandleRepr _ _
-      | HandleFnVal h <- v -> do
-      return $ mempty & P.value_code .~ P.FnHandleValue
-                      & P.value_index  .~ handleRef h
-                      & P.value_handle_info .~ toProtoHandleInfo h
-    _ -> do
-      idx <- newRegEntryRef sim e
-      return $ mempty & P.value_code .~ P.ReferenceValue
-                      & P.value_index .~ idx
-data NatReprParseFailure where
-  NatParseNegative :: Integer -> NatReprParseFailure
-  NotNatValue :: P.ValueCode -> NatReprParseFailure
-deriving instance Show NatReprParseFailure
-instance X.Exception NatReprParseFailure
-parseNatRepr :: (Monad m, X.MonadThrow m) => P.Value -> m (Some NatRepr)
-parseNatRepr v =
-  case v^.P.value_code of
-    P.NatValue -> do
-      let i = decodeUnsigned (v^.P.value_data)
-      case someNat i of
-        Just rep -> return rep
-        Nothing -> X.throwM $ NatParseNegative i
-    _ -> X.throwM $ NotNatValue (v^.P.value_code)
--- | Convert a protocol buffer value to a specific RegValue.
-regValueFromProto :: IsSymInterface sym
-                  => Simulator sym -> P.Value -> TypeRepr tp -> IO (RegValue sym tp)
-regValueFromProto sim v tp = do
-  someReg <- fromProtoValue sim v
-  RegEntry _ r <- checkedRegEntry tp someReg
-  return r
--- convertToCrucibleApp
--- | A binary operation on bitvectores.
-type BVBinOp f n r = NatRepr n -> f (BVType n) -> f (BVType n) -> App () f r
--- | A symbolic bitvector expression with some bitwidth.
-data SomeBV f = forall n . (1 <= n) => SomeBV (NatRepr n) (f (BVType n))
-convertToCrucibleApp :: (Applicative m, MonadFail m, HasTypeRepr f, X.MonadThrow m)
-                     => (a -> m (Some f))
-                     -> (a -> m (Some NatRepr))
-                     -> P.PrimitiveOp
-                     -> Seq a
-                     -> P.CrucibleType
-                     -> m (Some (App () f))
-convertToCrucibleApp evalVal evalNatRepr prim_op args res_type = do
-  Some res_tp <- fromProtoType res_type
-  convertToCrucibleApp' evalVal evalNatRepr prim_op args res_tp
-convertToCrucibleApp' :: forall a f res_tp m
-                       . (Applicative m, MonadFail m, HasTypeRepr f, X.MonadThrow m)
-                      => (a -> m (Some f))
-                      -> (a -> m (Some NatRepr))
-                         -- ^ Parse argument as a concrete nat.
-                      -> P.PrimitiveOp
-                      -> Seq a
-                      -> TypeRepr res_tp
-                      -> m (Some (App () f))
-convertToCrucibleApp' evalVal evalNatRepr prim_op args result_type = do
-  let evalTypedValue :: TypeRepr tp -> a -> m (f tp)
-      evalTypedValue tp v = checkedRegEntry tp =<< evalVal v
-  -- Gets a bitvector value.
-  let evalBV :: a -> m (SomeBV f)
-      evalBV v = do
-        Some r <- evalVal v
-        case getTypeRepr r of
-          BVRepr n -> return (SomeBV n r)
-          _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidArgumentType (show prim_op ++ "evalBV") $
-               getTypeRepr r
-  let evalCtxIndex :: a -> CtxRepr ctx -> TypeRepr tp -> m (Ctx.Index ctx tp)
-      evalCtxIndex a ctx_repr ty_repr = do
-          Some i <- evalNatRepr a
-          case Ctx.intIndex (fromIntegral (natValue i)) (Ctx.size ctx_repr) of
-             Just (Some idx) ->
-                case testEquality (ctx_repr Ctx.! idx) ty_repr of
-                   Just Refl -> return idx
-                   Nothing -> X.throwM $ TypeMismatch
-                              (show prim_op <> " structure index " <> show i)
-                              (ctx_repr Ctx.! idx) ty_repr
-             Nothing -> X.throwM $ InvalidStructureIndex (show prim_op)
-                        (fromIntegral (natValue i))
-                        (Ctx.sizeInt $ Ctx.size ctx_repr)
-  let defCoerce :: KnownRepr TypeRepr tp => a -> m (f tp)
-      defCoerce v = evalTypedValue knownRepr v
-  let def :: m (App () f tp) -> m (Some (App () f))
-      def a = Some <$> a
-  let bvBinOp :: (forall n . (1 <= n) => BVBinOp f n (BVType n))
-              -> m (Some (App () f))
-      bvBinOp f = with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-        SomeBV n xr <- evalBV x
-        yr <- evalTypedValue (getTypeRepr xr) y
-        return $ Some $ f n xr yr
-  let bvRel :: (forall n . (1 <= n) => BVBinOp f n BoolType)
-            -> m (Some (App () f))
-      bvRel f = with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-        SomeBV n xr <- evalBV x
-        yr <- evalTypedValue (getTypeRepr xr) y
-        return $ Some $ f n xr yr
-  case prim_op of
-    P.BoolNot -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x ->
-      def $ Not <$> defCoerce x
-    P.BoolAnd -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ And <$> defCoerce x
-                  <*> defCoerce y
-    P.BoolXor -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ BoolXor <$> defCoerce x
-                      <*> defCoerce y
-    P.BoolIte -> with3Args prim_op args $ \c x y -> do
-      def $ BoolIte <$> defCoerce c
-                      <*> defCoerce x
-                      <*> defCoerce y
-    P.NatAdd -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ NatAdd <$> defCoerce x
-                     <*> defCoerce y
-    P.NatMul -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ NatMul <$> defCoerce x
-                     <*> defCoerce y
-    P.NatEq -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ NatEq <$> defCoerce x
-                    <*> defCoerce y
-    P.NatLt -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ NatLt <$> defCoerce x
-                    <*> defCoerce y
-    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    -- Operations on Integers
-    P.IntegerAdd -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ IntAdd <$> defCoerce x
-                     <*> defCoerce y
-    P.IntegerSub -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ IntSub <$> defCoerce x
-                     <*> defCoerce y
-    P.IntegerMul -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ IntMul <$> defCoerce x
-                     <*> defCoerce y
-    P.IntegerEq -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ IntEq <$> defCoerce x
-                    <*> defCoerce y
-    P.IntegerLt -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ IntLt <$> defCoerce x
-                    <*> defCoerce y
-    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    -- Operations on Reals
-    P.RealAdd -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ RealAdd <$> defCoerce x
-                      <*> defCoerce y
-    P.RealSub -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ RealSub <$> defCoerce x
-                      <*> defCoerce y
-    P.RealMul -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ RealMul <$> defCoerce x
-                      <*> defCoerce y
-    P.RealIte -> with3Args prim_op args $ \c x y -> do
-      def $ RealIte <$> defCoerce c
-                      <*> defCoerce x
-                      <*> defCoerce y
-    P.RealEq -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ RealEq <$> defCoerce x
-                     <*> defCoerce y
-    P.RealLt -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      def $ RealLt <$> defCoerce x
-                     <*> defCoerce y
-    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    -- Bitvector operations
-    P.BVAdd -> bvBinOp BVAdd
-    P.BVSub -> bvBinOp BVSub
-    P.BVMul -> bvBinOp BVMul
-    P.BVUdiv -> bvBinOp BVUdiv
-    P.BVUrem -> bvBinOp BVUrem
-    P.BVSdiv -> bvBinOp BVSdiv
-    P.BVSrem -> bvBinOp BVSrem
-    P.BVIte -> with3Args prim_op args $ \c x y -> do
-      cr <- defCoerce c :: m (f BoolType)
-      SomeBV n xr <- evalBV x
-      let tp = getTypeRepr xr
-      yr <- evalTypedValue tp y
-      return $ Some $ BVIte cr n xr yr
-    P.BVEq  -> bvRel  BVEq
-    P.BVUle -> bvRel  BVUle
-    P.BVUlt -> bvRel  BVUlt
-    P.BVSle -> bvRel BVSle
-    P.BVSlt -> bvRel BVSlt
-    P.BVCarry -> bvRel BVCarry
-    P.BVSCarry -> bvRel BVSCarry
-    P.BVSBorrow -> bvRel BVSBorrow
-    P.BVShl -> bvBinOp BVShl
-    P.BVLshr -> bvBinOp BVLshr
-    P.BVAshr -> bvBinOp BVAshr
-    P.BVNot -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x -> do
-      SomeBV n xr <- evalBV x
-      return $ Some $ BVNot n xr
-    P.BVAnd -> bvBinOp BVAnd
-    P.BVOr  -> bvBinOp BVOr
-    P.BVXor -> bvBinOp BVXor
-    P.BoolToBV -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x -> do
-      rx <- evalTypedValue BoolRepr x
-      case result_type of
-        BVRepr result_width | Just LeqProof <- isPosNat result_width -> do
-          return $ Some $ BoolToBV result_width rx
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "BoolToBV" result_type
-    P.BVNonzero -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x -> do
-      SomeBV w xr <- evalBV x
-      return $ Some $ BVNonzero w xr
-    P.BVConcat -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x y -> do
-      SomeBV w1 xr <- evalBV x
-      SomeBV w2 yr <- evalBV y
-      case isPosNat (addNat w1 w2) of
-        Just LeqProof -> return $ Some $ BVConcat w1 w2 xr yr
-        Nothing -> X.throwM $ BadResultWidth "BVConcat" (addNat w1 w2)
-    P.BVSelect -> with3Args prim_op args $ \idx n x -> do
-      Some idx_repr <- evalNatRepr idx
-      Some n_repr   <- evalNatRepr n
-      case isPosNat n_repr of
-        Nothing -> X.throwM $ BadResultWidth "BVSelect" n_repr
-        Just LeqProof -> do
-          SomeBV w xr   <- evalBV x
-          case (addNat idx_repr n_repr) `testLeq` w of
-            Just LeqProof -> return $ Some $ BVSelect idx_repr n_repr w xr
-            Nothing -> X.throwM $
-                       OutOfBounds "BVSelect" (addNat idx_repr n_repr) w
-    P.BVTrunc -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x -> do
-      SomeBV n xr <- evalBV x
-      case result_type of
-        BVRepr result_width ->
-          case isPosNat result_width of
-            Just LeqProof ->
-              case incNat result_width `testLeq` n of
-                Just LeqProof -> return $ Some $ BVTrunc result_width n xr
-                Nothing -> X.throwM $ OutOfBounds
-                           "BVTrunc (larger than input)"
-                           (incNat result_width) n
-            Nothing -> X.throwM $ BadResultWidth "BVTrunc" result_width
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "BVTrunc" result_type
-    P.BVZext -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x -> do
-      SomeBV n xr <- evalBV x
-      case result_type of
-        BVRepr result_width ->
-          case incNat n `testLeq` result_width of
-            Just LeqProof -> return $ Some $ BVZext result_width n xr
-            Nothing -> X.throwM $ OutOfBounds
-                       "BVZext (less than input)"
-                       (incNat n) result_width
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "BVZext" result_type
-    P.BVSext -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x -> do
-      SomeBV n xr <- evalBV x
-      case result_type of
-        BVRepr result_width ->
-          case testLeq (incNat n) result_width of
-            Just LeqProof -> return $ Some $ BVSext result_width n xr
-            Nothing -> X.throwM $ OutOfBounds
-                       "BVSext (less than input)"
-                       (incNat n) result_width
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "BVSext" result_type
-    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    -- Conversions
-    P.NatToInteger -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x -> do
-      def $ NatToInteger <$> defCoerce x
-    P.IntegerToReal -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x -> do
-      def $ IntegerToReal <$> defCoerce x
-    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    -- WordMap Operations
-    P.WordMapEmpty -> do
-      case result_type of
-        WordMapRepr w tp ->
-          return $ Some $ EmptyWordMap w tp
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "WordMapEmpty" result_type
-    P.WordMapInsert -> with3Args prim_op args $ \i v m -> do
-       SomeBV w i' <- evalBV i
-       Some v'     <- evalVal v
-       case asBaseType (getTypeRepr v') of
-         AsBaseType bt -> do
-           m' <- evalTypedValue (WordMapRepr w bt) m
-           case isPosNat w of
-             Just LeqProof ->
-               return $ Some $ InsertWordMap w bt i' v' m'
-             Nothing -> X.throwM $ BadResultWidth "WordMapInsert word width" w
-         _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidElementType "WordMapInsert" $ getTypeRepr v'
-    P.WordMapLookup -> with2Args prim_op args $ \i m -> do
-       SomeBV w i' <- evalBV i
-       case asBaseType result_type of
-         AsBaseType bt -> do
-           m' <- evalTypedValue (WordMapRepr w bt) m
-           case isPosNat w of
-             Just LeqProof -> return $ Some $ LookupWordMap bt i' m'
-             Nothing -> X.throwM $ BadResultWidth "WordMapLookup word width" w
-         _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidElementType "WordMapLookup" result_type
-    P.WordMapLookupWithDefault -> with3Args prim_op args $ \i m d -> do
-       case asBaseType result_type of
-         AsBaseType bt -> do
-           SomeBV w i' <- evalBV i
-           d'          <- evalTypedValue result_type d
-           m'          <- evalTypedValue (WordMapRepr w bt) m
-           case isPosNat w of
-             Just LeqProof ->
-               return $ Some $ LookupWordMapWithDefault bt i' m' d'
-             Nothing -> X.throwM $ BadResultWidth
-                        "WordMapLookupWithDefault word width" w
-         _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidElementType
-              "WordMapLookupWithDefault" result_type
-    -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    -- Struct Operations
-    P.StructLiteral -> do
-      case result_type of
-        StructRepr ctx_repr -> do
-           let sz = Ctx.size ctx_repr
-           when (Fold.length args /= Ctx.sizeInt sz) $
-             X.throwM $ InvalidStructureArgCount "StructLiteral"
-                        (Seq.length args) (Ctx.sizeInt sz)
-           ctx <- Ctx.generateM (Ctx.size ctx_repr) $ \i -> do
-                    let tp = ctx_repr Ctx.! i
-                    evalTypedValue tp (Seq.index args (Ctx.indexVal i))
-           return $ Some $ MkStruct ctx_repr ctx
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "StructLiteral" result_type
-    P.StructSet -> with3Args prim_op args $ \s i x -> do
-      case result_type of
-        StructRepr ctx_repr -> do
-           sv       <- evalTypedValue result_type s
-           Some xv  <- evalVal x
-           idx      <- evalCtxIndex i ctx_repr (getTypeRepr xv)
-           return $ Some $ SetStruct ctx_repr sv idx xv
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "StructSet" result_type
-    P.StructGet -> with2Args prim_op args $ \i s -> do
-      Some sv <- evalVal s
-      case getTypeRepr sv of
-         StructRepr ctx_repr -> do
-            idx <- evalCtxIndex i ctx_repr result_type
-            return $ Some $ GetStruct sv idx result_type
-         _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "StructGet" result_type
-    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    -- Maybe Operations
-    P.NothingValue -> do
-      case result_type of
-        MaybeRepr tp -> return $ Some $ NothingValue tp
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "NothingValue" result_type
-    P.JustValue -> do
-      case result_type of
-        MaybeRepr tp -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x -> do
-          xr <- evalTypedValue tp x
-          return $ Some $ JustValue tp xr
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "JustValue" result_type
-    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    -- Debugging operations
-    P.ShowValue -> do
-      case result_type of
-        StringRepr UnicodeRepr -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x -> do
-          Some v <- evalVal x
-          case asBaseType (getTypeRepr v) of
-            AsBaseType bt -> return $ Some $ ShowValue bt v
-            NotBaseType -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType
-                           "ShowValue (expected base type)" $ getTypeRepr v
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "ShowValue" result_type
-    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    -- Introspection operations
-    P.IsConcrete -> do
-      case result_type of
-        BoolRepr -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x -> do
-          Some v <- evalVal x
-          case asBaseType (getTypeRepr v) of
-            AsBaseType bt -> return $ Some $ IsConcrete bt v
-            NotBaseType -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType
-                           "IsConcrete (expected base type)" $ getTypeRepr v
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "IsConcrete" result_type
-    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    -- Vector Operations
-    P.VectorLit -> do
-      case result_type of
-        VectorRepr tp -> do
-            xs <- mapM (evalTypedValue tp) (Fold.toList args)
-            let v = V.fromList xs
-            return $ Some $ VectorLit tp v
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "VectorLit" result_type
-    P.VectorReplicate -> do
-      case result_type of
-        VectorRepr tp -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x n -> do
-            nr <- defCoerce n
-            xr <- evalTypedValue tp x
-            return $ Some $ VectorReplicate tp nr xr
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "VectorRepr" result_type
-    P.VectorSize -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x -> do
-      Some xr <- evalVal x
-      case getTypeRepr xr of
-        VectorRepr _tp -> return $ Some $ VectorSize xr
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "VectorSize" result_type
-    P.VectorIsEmpty -> withOneArg prim_op args $ \x -> do
-      Some xr <- evalVal x
-      case getTypeRepr xr of
-        VectorRepr _tp -> return $ Some $ VectorIsEmpty xr
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "VectorIsEmpty" result_type
-    P.VectorGetEntry -> with2Args prim_op args $ \x n -> do
-      Some xr <- evalVal x
-      nr <- evalTypedValue NatRepr n
-      case getTypeRepr xr of
-        VectorRepr tp -> return $ Some $ VectorGetEntry tp xr nr
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidResultType "VectorGetEntry" result_type
-    P.VectorSetEntry -> with3Args prim_op args $ \x n a -> do
-      Some xr <- evalVal x
-      nr <- evalTypedValue NatRepr n
-      Some ar <- evalVal a
-      case getTypeRepr xr of
-        VectorRepr tp ->
-           case testEquality tp (getTypeRepr ar) of
-              Just Refl -> return $ Some $ VectorSetEntry tp xr nr ar
-              _ -> X.throwM $ TypeMismatch "VectorSetEntry" tp $ getTypeRepr ar
-        _ -> X.throwM $ InvalidArgumentType "VectorSetEntry" $ getTypeRepr xr
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Verification/Harness.hs b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Verification/Harness.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 60b4ca67f..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Verification/Harness.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,760 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module           : Lang.Crucible.Server.Verification.Harness
--- Copyright        : (c) Galois, Inc 2017
--- Maintainer       : Rob Dockins <rdockins@galois.com>
--- Stability        : provisional
--- License          : BSD3
--- Support for manipulating compositional verification harnesses.
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.Verification.Harness
-  ( -- * Verification Harness data types
-    Offset
-  , HarnessVarType(..)
-  , harnessToCryptolType
-  , HarnessVarDecl(..)
-  , HarnessVar(..)
-  , Phase(..)
-  , VerificationSetupStep(..)
-  , VerificationPhase(..)
-  , Endianness(..)
-  , VerificationHarness(..)
-  , displayHarness
-    -- * Parsing and preparing verification harnesses
-  , ProcessedHarness
-  , TCExpr
-  , processHarness
-  ) where
-import           Control.Exception
-import           Control.Lens
-import           Control.Monad.State.Strict
-import           Control.Monad.Reader
-import           Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
---import           Control.Monad
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import           Data.Foldable
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import           Data.Set (Set)
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import           Data.Sequence (Seq)
-import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
-import           Data.String
-import           Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import           Data.Tuple
-import           Data.Word
-import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Base as MB
-import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer as MR
-import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Monad as MM
-import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as CP
-import qualified Cryptol.Parser as CP
-import qualified Cryptol.Parser.Names as CP
-import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as CT
---import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad as CT
-import qualified Cryptol.Utils.Ident as C
-import qualified Cryptol.Utils.PP as PP
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.Proto as P
-import           Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.CryptolEnv
-type Offset = Word64
--- | The types of values that can be involved in a verification harness
-data HarnessVarType
-  = HarnessVarWord Word64
-    -- ^ A bitvector variable, with the given width.
-    --   INVARIANT: the width is a multple of 8.
-  | HarnessVarArray Word64 Word64
-    -- ^ A variable representing an array of bitvectors,
-    --   with the given number of elements and word width.
-    --   INVARIANT: the width is a multple of 8.
--- | Compute the Cryptol type that corresponds to the given
---   harness type.
-harnessToCryptolType :: HarnessVarType -> CT.Type
-harnessToCryptolType (HarnessVarWord n) =
-    CT.tWord (CT.tNum n)
-harnessToCryptolType (HarnessVarArray elems n) =
-    CT.tSeq (CT.tNum elems) (CT.tWord (CT.tNum n))
-instance PP.PP HarnessVarType where
-  ppPrec i = PP.ppPrec i . harnessToCryptolType
--- | A harness variable declaration, consisting of an identifier
---   and a harness type.
-data HarnessVarDecl id
-  = HarnessVarDecl
-  { harnessVarIdent :: id
-  , harnessVarType  :: HarnessVarType
-  }
-instance PP.PP id => PP.PP (HarnessVarDecl id) where
-  ppPrec _i x = PP.pp (harnessVarIdent x) PP.<+> PP.text "::" PP.<+> PP.pp (harnessVarType x)
--- | A variable that can appear in harness setup steps.
-data HarnessVar id
-  = CryptolVar id
-    -- ^ A user-declared variable
-  | ReturnAddressVar
-    -- ^ The special built-in variable representing the
-    --   return address
-  | StackPointerVar
-    -- ^ The special built-in variable representing the
-    --   current stack pointer
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor)
-instance PP.PP id => PP.PP (HarnessVar id) where
-  ppPrec i x =
-     case x of
-       CryptolVar nm -> PP.ppPrec i nm
-       ReturnAddressVar -> PP.text "return"
-       StackPointerVar  -> PP.text "stack"
--- | Verification setup steps capture the steps that are necessary
---   to setup/check the state of registers and memory before/after
---   running a verification, or when using a specification as an override.
---   Each of the setup steps below cause a harness variable to be set to
---   a particular value.  The semantics of this are such that, if the variable
---   is already set to some value, an equality constraint is generated to state
---   that the old value is equal to the new value.
-data VerificationSetupStep id ex
-  = BindVariable (HarnessVar id) ex
-    -- ^ The given harness variable is assigned the given expression.
-  | DeclareFreshVariable id
-    -- ^ Create a fresh symbolic value and bind it to the named harness variable.
-  | RegisterVal Offset (HarnessVar id)
-    -- ^ Fetch the value of the given register offset into the given harness variable.
-    --   The number of bytes fetched from the register file is determined by the type
-    --   of the harness variable.
-  | MemPointsTo (HarnessVar id) Offset (HarnessVar id)
-    -- ^ The first harness var argument is interpreted as a base pointer value; the given
-    --   offset is added to this value, and the value in memory is fetched and bound to the
-    --   value of the second harness variable.
- deriving (Functor)
-instance (PP.PP id, PP.PP ex) => PP.PP (VerificationSetupStep id ex) where
-  ppPrec _i (BindVariable var ex) =
-     PP.pp var PP.<+> PP.text ":=" PP.<+> PP.pp ex
-  ppPrec _ (DeclareFreshVariable var) =
-     PP.pp var PP.<+> PP.text ":=" PP.<+> PP.text "<fresh>"
-  ppPrec _i (RegisterVal off var) =
-     PP.text "reg[" PP.<.> PP.integer (fromIntegral off) PP.<.> PP.text "] :=" PP.<+> PP.pp var
-  ppPrec _i (MemPointsTo base off var) =
-     PP.pp base PP.<+> PP.text "+" PP.<+> PP.integer (fromIntegral off) PP.<+> PP.text "|->" PP.<+> PP.pp var
--- | A verification phase represents either the pre or post condition of a verification.
---   In either case, some fresh variables may be introduced, and their values bound using
---   the verification setup steps.  Finally, some general logical conditions can be asserted
---   as pre/post conditions.  In preconditions, such conditions will be assumed, whereas they
---   will be asserted as proof obligations in postconditions.
-data VerificationPhase id ex
-  = VerificationPhase
-  { phaseVars  :: Seq (HarnessVarDecl id)
-  , phaseSetup :: Seq (VerificationSetupStep id ex)
-  , phaseConds :: Seq ex
-  }
- deriving (Functor)
-instance (PP.PP id, PP.PP ex) => PP.PP (VerificationPhase id ex) where
-  ppPrec _i phase =
-     PP.text "== Variables =="
-     PP.$$
-     PP.vcat (map PP.pp $ toList (phaseVars phase))
-     PP.$$
-     PP.text "== Setup =="
-     PP.$$
-     PP.vcat (map PP.pp $ toList (phaseSetup phase))
-     PP.$$
-     PP.text "== Conditions =="
-     PP.$$
-     PP.vcat (map PP.pp $ toList (phaseConds phase))
--- | Is the architecture big or little endian?
-data Endianness
-  = LittleEndian
-  | BigEndian
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
--- | A verification harness represents a function specification.
---   These harness may be used in two different modes
---   First, they can be used to perform a verification.  In this case,
---   the prestate phase is used to set up a fresh memory and register
---   state, before symbolically executing the program.  After the program
---   termiantes, the poststate phase is used to fetch values from the final
---   register and memory state and to collect proof obligations.
---   Secondly, verification harness can be used to construct "override" functions.
---   These functions render the function specification as callable subroutines
---   that simply implement the specification semantics.  In this mode, the prestate
---   is used to fetch values from the register file and memory and collect proof
---   obligiations (that the call site satisfies the preconditions).  Then, the
---   poststate phase is used to update the memory and register file.  Any generated
---   equalities or postconditions are asserted, and control is returned to the caller.
-data VerificationHarness id ex
-  = VerificationHarness
-  { verificationOverrideName :: Text   -- ^ Human-readable name
-  , verificationRegFileWidth :: Word64 -- ^ Number of bits required to address a register
-  , verificationAddressWidth :: Word64 -- ^ Number of bits in a pointer for the architecture (must be a multiple of 8)
-  , verificationEndianness   :: Endianness -- ^ Big or little endian?
-  , verificationPrestate     :: VerificationPhase id ex -- ^ Function prestate
-  , verificationPoststate    :: VerificationPhase id ex -- ^ Function poststate
-  , verificationOutput       :: Maybe ex                -- ^ Optional function output (for term extraction)
-  }
- deriving (Functor)
-instance (PP.PP id, PP.PP ex) => PP.PP (VerificationHarness id ex) where
-  ppPrec _i harness =
-    PP.text ("==== Harness: " ++ (T.unpack (verificationOverrideName harness)) ++ " ====")
-    PP.$$
-    PP.text ( "Address width: " ++ show (verificationAddressWidth harness) ++
-              "     " ++
-              "Register file width: " ++ show (verificationRegFileWidth harness) ++
-              "     " ++
-              "Endianness: " ++ show (verificationEndianness harness))
-    PP.$$
-    PP.text "=== Prestate ==="
-    PP.$$
-    PP.pp (verificationPrestate harness)
-    PP.$$
-    PP.text "=== Poststate ==="
-    PP.$$
-    PP.pp (verificationPoststate harness)
-    PP.<.>
-    case (verificationOutput harness) of
-      Nothing -> PP.empty
-      Just o  -> PP.empty PP.$$
-                 PP.text "=== Output ==="
-                 PP.$$ PP.pp o
-type ParseExpr = CP.Expr CP.PName
-type TCExpr    = (CT.Type, CT.Expr)
-type M         = ReaderT (String -> IO (), SharedContext) (StateT CryptolEnv IO)
-type ProcessedHarness = VerificationHarness CT.Name TCExpr
-io :: IO a -> M a
-io = lift . lift
-runM :: (String -> IO ()) -> SharedContext -> CryptolEnv -> M a -> IO (CryptolEnv, a)
-runM hout sc cryEnv m = swap <$> runStateT (runReaderT m (hout,sc)) cryEnv
--- | Take the wire format for harness and plug the various pieces into
---   the processed verification harness data structure.
---   Among other tasks, this involve parsing and typechecking any embedded
---   Cryptol expressions in the verification setup steps.  This may have
---   the effect of adding new Cryptol variables to the supplied CryptolEnv.
-processHarness ::
-  (String -> IO ()) ->
-  SharedContext ->
-  CryptolEnv ->
-  P.VerificationHarness ->
-  IO (CryptolEnv, ProcessedHarness)
-processHarness hout sc env h = runM hout sc env (doProcessHarness h)
-doProcessHarness ::
-   P.VerificationHarness ->
-   M ProcessedHarness
-doProcessHarness rawHarness =
-   do let addrWidth = rawHarness^.P.verificationHarness_address_width
-      let regFileWidth = rawHarness^.P.verificationHarness_reg_file_width
-      let endianness = case rawHarness^.P.verificationHarness_endianness of
-                           P.BigEndian -> BigEndian
-                           P.LittleEndian -> LittleEndian
-      mapM_ loadCryptolSource (rawHarness^.P.verificationHarness_cryptol_sources)
-      prestate  <- processPhase Prestate addrWidth endianness
-                      (rawHarness^.P.verificationHarness_prestate_specification)
-      poststate <- processPhase Poststate addrWidth endianness
-                      (rawHarness^.P.verificationHarness_poststate_specification)
-      output    <- processOutputExpr (rawHarness^.P.verificationHarness_output_expr)
-      unless (addrWidth `mod` 8 == 0 && addrWidth > 0)
-             (fail $ "Invalid address width: " ++ show addrWidth)
-      return VerificationHarness
-             { verificationOverrideName = rawHarness^.P.verificationHarness_name
-             , verificationPrestate     = prestate
-             , verificationPoststate    = poststate
-             , verificationAddressWidth = addrWidth
-             , verificationRegFileWidth = regFileWidth
-             , verificationEndianness   = endianness
-             , verificationOutput       = output
-             }
-loadCryptolSource :: Text -> M ()
-loadCryptolSource fname =
-  do (_,sc)   <- ask
-     cenv <- get
-     let im = Import
-              { iModule = Left $ T.unpack fname
-              , iAs = Nothing
-              , iSpec = Nothing
-              }
-     cenv' <- io $ importModule sc cenv im
-     put cenv'
-displayHarness ::
-   PP.PP id =>
-   PP.PP ex =>
-   VerificationHarness id ex ->
-   Text
-displayHarness harness =
-   T.pack . PP.render . PP.pp $ harness
-processOutputExpr ::
-   Text ->
-   M (Maybe TCExpr)
-processOutputExpr rawex
-  | T.null rawex = return Nothing
-  | otherwise    = Just <$>
-  do cryEnv <- get
-     pex <- parseCryptolExpr "extraction output term" rawex
-     (cryEnv', sch, ex) <- io $ inferTerm cryEnv pex
-     put cryEnv'
-     case CT.isMono sch of
-       Nothing -> fail "Expected monomorphic type in extraction output term"
-       Just ty -> return (ty, ex)
-processPhase ::
-   Phase ->
-   Word64 ->
-   Endianness ->
-   P.StateSpecification ->
-   M (VerificationPhase CT.Name TCExpr)
-processPhase phase addrWidth _endianness rawPhase =
-   tcPhase phase addrWidth =<< parsePhase phase addrWidth rawPhase
-parsePhase ::
-   Phase ->
-   Word64 ->
-   P.StateSpecification ->
-   M (VerificationPhase C.Ident ParseExpr)
-parsePhase phase addrWidth rawPhase =
-   do vars  <- mapM parseVar        (rawPhase^.P.stateSpecification_variables)
-      specialDecls <- specialPhaseDecls phase addrWidth
-      regs  <- mapM parseRegAssign  (rawPhase^.P.stateSpecification_register_assignments)
-      mems  <- mapM parseMemAssign  (rawPhase^.P.stateSpecification_memory_assignments)
-      binds <- mapM parseVarBinding (rawPhase^.P.stateSpecification_variable_bindings)
-      conds <- mapM (parseCondition phase) (rawPhase^.P.stateSpecification_conditions)
-      return VerificationPhase
-             { phaseVars  = vars <> specialDecls
-             , phaseSetup = regs <> mems <> binds
-             , phaseConds = conds
-             }
--- | Certain special variables are automatically brought into scopte in the prestate
---   of a function verification.  These are the stack pointer (which is usually located
---   in a register which is known according to the platform ABI) and the return address,
---   which is generally found either in a distinguished location on the stack or in
---   a distinguished register.
-specialPhaseDecls ::
-   Phase ->
-   Word64 ->
-   M (Seq (HarnessVarDecl C.Ident))
-specialPhaseDecls Prestate addrWidth =
-  do let htp = HarnessVarWord addrWidth
-     return $ Seq.fromList
-              [ HarnessVarDecl (fromString "stack")  htp
-              , HarnessVarDecl (fromString "return") htp
-              ]
-specialPhaseDecls Poststate _ =
-     return mempty
-parseVar ::
-   P.VariableSpecification ->
-   M (HarnessVarDecl C.Ident)
-parseVar vspec =
-   do let v = C.mkIdent (vspec^.P.variableSpecification_name)
-      tp <- case toList (vspec^.P.variableSpecification_dimensions) of
-               [elems,width] | width `mod` 8 == 0 ->
-                   return $ HarnessVarArray elems width
-               [width] | width `mod` 8 == 0 ->
-                   return $ HarnessVarWord width
-               dims ->
-                  io $ throwIO $ userError $
-                     "Variable " <> T.unpack (C.identText v) <>
-                     " declared with disallowed dimensions: " <>
-                     show dims
-      return HarnessVarDecl
-             { harnessVarIdent = v
-             , harnessVarType  = tp
-             }
-parseVariableReference ::
-   P.VariableReference ->
-   M (HarnessVar C.Ident)
-parseVariableReference vref =
-   case vref^.P.variableReference_code of
-     P.StackPointerVar  -> return StackPointerVar
-     P.ReturnAddressVar -> return ReturnAddressVar
-     P.UserVar          -> return . CryptolVar . C.mkIdent $ vref^.P.variableReference_var_name
-parseRegAssign ::
-   P.RegisterAssignment ->
-   M (VerificationSetupStep C.Ident ParseExpr)
-parseRegAssign asgn =
-   do let off = asgn^.P.registerAssignment_reg_offset
-      var <- parseVariableReference (asgn^.P.registerAssignment_value)
-      return $ RegisterVal off var
-parseMemAssign ::
-   P.MemoryAssignment ->
-   M (VerificationSetupStep C.Ident ParseExpr)
-parseMemAssign asgn =
-   do base <- parseVariableReference (asgn^.P.memoryAssignment_base)
-      let off = asgn^.P.memoryAssignment_offset
-      val <- parseVariableReference (asgn^.P.memoryAssignment_value)
-      return $ MemPointsTo base off val
-parseVarBinding ::
-   P.VariableBinding ->
-   M (VerificationSetupStep C.Ident ParseExpr)
-parseVarBinding bnd =
-   do var  <- parseVariableReference (bnd^.P.variableBinding_var)
-      let msg = "Variable binding of '" ++ show (PP.pp var) ++ "'"
-      expr <- parseCryptolExpr msg (bnd^.P.variableBinding_expr)
-      return $ BindVariable var expr
-parseCondition ::
-   Phase ->
-   Text ->
-   M ParseExpr
-parseCondition phase expr =
-  do let msg = "logical condition of " ++ phaseName phase ++ " phase"
-     parseCryptolExpr msg expr
-parseCryptolExpr ::
-   String ->
-   Text ->
-   M ParseExpr
-parseCryptolExpr nm expr =
-   case CP.parseExpr expr of
-     Left parseErr -> fail msg
-        where
-        msg = unlines [ ""
-                      , "Parse failure while parsing Cryptol expression in " ++ nm ++ ":"
-                      , "  " ++ show expr
-                      , show (CP.ppError parseErr)
-                      ]
-     Right ex -> return ex
-data Phase = Prestate | Poststate
-phaseName :: Phase -> String
-phaseName Prestate = "prestate"
-phaseName Poststate = "poststate"
--- | Given verification phase that has been parsed off the wire, we need to
---   typecheck the raw Cryptol AST.  We first declare all the phase variables
---   with their associated types.  Then we typecheck the setup steps, and reorder
---   them (see reorderSteps).  Finally, logical conditions are typechecked.
-tcPhase ::
-   Phase ->
-   Word64 ->
-   VerificationPhase C.Ident ParseExpr ->
-   M (VerificationPhase CT.Name TCExpr)
-tcPhase phase addrWidth parsedPhase =
-   do vars'   <- traverse declareVar (phaseVars parsedPhase)
-      tcSteps <- traverse (tcSetupStep addrWidth) (phaseSetup parsedPhase)
-      let varSetupSteps = fmap (DeclareFreshVariable . harnessVarIdent) vars'
-      steps'  <- reorderSteps (declaredVarSet phase vars') (varSetupSteps <> tcSteps)
-      conds'  <- traverse tcCond (phaseConds parsedPhase)
-      return VerificationPhase
-             { phaseVars  = vars'
-             , phaseSetup = steps'
-             , phaseConds = conds'
-             }
-declaredVarSet ::
-   Phase ->
-   Seq (HarnessVarDecl CT.Name) ->
-   Set CT.Name
-declaredVarSet _phase names = foldr insVar mempty names
- where
- insVar x s = Set.insert (harnessVarIdent x) s
-declareVar ::
-   HarnessVarDecl C.Ident ->
-   M (HarnessVarDecl CT.Name)
-declareVar (HarnessVarDecl ident harnessTp) =
-  do let tp = harnessTypeToCryptolType harnessTp
-     cryenv <- get
-     let (name, cryenv') = declareIdent ident tp cryenv
-     put cryenv'
-     return $ HarnessVarDecl name harnessTp
-tcSetupStep ::
-   Word64 ->
-   VerificationSetupStep C.Ident ParseExpr ->
-   M (VerificationSetupStep CT.Name (CP.Expr CT.Name, TCExpr))
-tcSetupStep _addrWidth (DeclareFreshVariable var) =
-  do (var', _tp) <- tcVar var
-     return $ DeclareFreshVariable var'
-tcSetupStep addrWidth (BindVariable hvar ex) =
-  do (hvar', tp) <- tcHarnessVar addrWidth hvar
-     ex'   <- tcExpr ex tp
-     return $ BindVariable hvar' ex'
-tcSetupStep addrWidth (RegisterVal offset hvar) =
-  do (hvar', _tp) <- tcHarnessVar addrWidth hvar
--- FIXME, check type, should have tp == [addrWidth]
-     return $ RegisterVal offset hvar'
-tcSetupStep addrWidth (MemPointsTo base offset val) =
-  do (base', _baseTp) <- tcHarnessVar addrWidth base
-     (val' , _valTp)  <- tcHarnessVar addrWidth val
--- FIXME, check types:
---     should have baseTp == [addrWidth]
---     valTp... does it need any checks?
-     return $ MemPointsTo base' offset val'
-addressType :: Word64 -> CT.Type
-addressType n = CT.tWord (CT.tNum n)
-tcHarnessVar ::
-  Word64 ->
-  HarnessVar C.Ident ->
-  M (HarnessVar CT.Name, CT.Type)
-tcHarnessVar addrWidth var =
-  case var of
-    ReturnAddressVar ->
-      do let tp = addressType addrWidth
-         return (ReturnAddressVar, tp)
-    StackPointerVar ->
-      do let tp = addressType addrWidth
-         return (StackPointerVar, tp)
-    CryptolVar ident ->
-      do (nm,tp) <- tcVar ident
-         return (CryptolVar nm, tp)
-tcVar ::
-  C.Ident ->
-  M (CT.Name, CT.Type)
-tcVar ident =
-      do (hout,_) <- ask
-         cryEnv <- get
-         let nameEnv = eExtraNames cryEnv
-         let modEnv  = eModuleEnv cryEnv
-         (res, ws) <- io $ MM.runModuleM (defaultEvalOpts, BS.readFile, modEnv)
-                        (MM.interactive (MB.rename C.interactiveName nameEnv (MR.renameVar (CP.mkUnqual ident))))
-         unless (null ws) $ io $
-           mapM_ (hout . show . PP.pp) ws
-         case res of
-           Left err -> fail $ "Cryptol error:\n" ++ show (PP.pp err)
-           Right (nm, modEnv') ->
-              case Map.lookup nm (eExtraTypes cryEnv) of
-                Just (CT.Forall [] [] ty) ->
-                  do put cryEnv{ eModuleEnv =  modEnv' }
-                     return (nm, ty)
-                _ ->
-                  fail ("User harness variable not in scope: " ++ show ident)
-tcExpr ::
-   ParseExpr ->
-   CT.Type ->
-   M (CP.Expr CT.Name, TCExpr)
-tcExpr pex tp =
-  do cryEnv <- get
-     (cryEnv1, reexpr) <- io $ renameTerm cryEnv pex
-     (cryEnv2, tcexpr) <- io $ checkTerm cryEnv1 reexpr tp
-     put cryEnv2
-     return (reexpr, (tp,tcexpr))
-tcCond ::
-   ParseExpr ->
-   M TCExpr
-tcCond pex = snd <$> tcExpr pex CT.tBit
-harnessTypeToCryptolType ::
-  HarnessVarType ->
-  CT.Schema
-harnessTypeToCryptolType tp = CT.Forall [] [] monotype
- where
- monotype = case tp of
-              HarnessVarWord sz ->
-                 CT.tSeq (CT.tNum sz) $
-                 CT.tBit
-              HarnessVarArray elems sz ->
-                 CT.tSeq (CT.tNum elems) $
-                 CT.tSeq (CT.tNum sz) $
-                 CT.tBit
-resolveSetupVar ::
-   HarnessVar CT.Name ->
-   M CT.Name
-resolveSetupVar var =
- case var of
-   CryptolVar nm -> return nm
-   StackPointerVar -> renameIdent (fromString "stack")
-   ReturnAddressVar -> renameIdent (fromString "return")
- where
-  renameIdent ident =
-      do (hout,_) <- ask
-         cryEnv <- get
-         let nameEnv = eExtraNames cryEnv
-         let modEnv  = eModuleEnv cryEnv
-         (res, ws) <- io $ MM.runModuleM (defaultEvalOpts, BS.readFile, modEnv)
-                        (MM.interactive (MB.rename C.interactiveName nameEnv (MR.renameVar (CP.mkUnqual ident))))
-         unless (null ws) $ io $
-           mapM_ (hout . show . PP.pp) ws
-         case res of
-           Left err -> fail $ "Cryptol error:\n" ++ show (PP.pp err)
-           Right (nm, modEnv') ->
-                  do put cryEnv{ eModuleEnv =  modEnv' }
-                     return nm
-setupStepDef ::
-   VerificationSetupStep CT.Name (CP.Expr CT.Name, TCExpr) ->
-   M CT.Name
-setupStepDef (RegisterVal _ var)   = resolveSetupVar var
-setupStepDef (MemPointsTo _ _ var) = resolveSetupVar var
-setupStepDef (BindVariable var _)  = resolveSetupVar var
-setupStepDef (DeclareFreshVariable var) = return var
-setupStepUses ::
-   Set CT.Name ->
-   VerificationSetupStep CT.Name (CP.Expr CT.Name, TCExpr) ->
-   M (Set CT.Name)
-setupStepUses _ (DeclareFreshVariable _) = return mempty
-setupStepUses _ (RegisterVal _ _) = return mempty
-setupStepUses declaredNames (MemPointsTo base _ _) =
-   do basenm <- resolveSetupVar base
-      return $ if Set.member basenm declaredNames then Set.singleton basenm else mempty
-setupStepUses declaredNames (BindVariable _ (ex,_)) =
-   return . Set.intersection declaredNames . CP.namesE $ ex
-type GraphEdge = (VerificationSetupStep CT.Name TCExpr, CT.Name, Set CT.Name)
-setupStepGraphEdge ::
-   Set CT.Name ->
-   VerificationSetupStep CT.Name (CP.Expr CT.Name, TCExpr) ->
-   M GraphEdge
-setupStepGraphEdge declaredNames step =
-   do def <- setupStepDef step
-      us <- setupStepUses declaredNames step
-      return (fmap snd step, def, us)
---  | This function reorders verification setps to ensure that,
---    whenever possible, variables are defined before they are used
---    (which minimizes the creation of fresh variables); and then to
---    prefer variable binding statements, then register lookup
---    statements, then memory points-to statements for defining the
---    values of variables.  This generally improves the results of
---    symbolic execution by making variable bindings more concrete.
---    This process works by scanning the verification setup steps in order,
---    and selecting the "best" step to perform next, and removing it from the
---    list.  A verification step can only be performed if all the variables
---    it depends on are already defined.  This process continues until no more
---    steps can be performed.  If there are any remaining steps still in the work
---    list, this means that some variables have no definition, or are part
---    of a cycle of definitions.
---    If a literal cycle of definitions is actually desired, the front-end should
---    introduce a "DeclareFreshVariable" step to break the cycle.
-reorderSteps ::
-   Set CT.Name {- ^ All delcared names in scope -} ->
-   Seq (VerificationSetupStep CT.Name (CP.Expr CT.Name, TCExpr)) {- ^ setup setups to reorder -} ->
-   M (Seq (VerificationSetupStep CT.Name TCExpr))
-reorderSteps declaredNames steps =
-   do grEdges <- mapM (setupStepGraphEdge declaredNames) steps
-      (definedNames, steps') <- runWriterT (processEdges mempty grEdges)
-      let undefinedNames = Set.difference declaredNames definedNames
-      unless (Set.null undefinedNames)
-             (fail (show (PP.text "The following harness variables were declared, but"
-                          PP.$$
-                          PP.text "either have no definition, or have cyclic definitions:"
-                          PP.$$
-                          PP.nest 4 (PP.vcat (map PP.pp (toList undefinedNames))))))
-      return steps'
-processEdges ::
-   Set CT.Name ->
-   Seq GraphEdge ->
-   WriterT (Seq (VerificationSetupStep CT.Name TCExpr)) M (Set CT.Name)
-processEdges definedNames edges = go Nothing mempty edges
- where
- betterCandidate _ Nothing = True
- -- selecting a value from memory or registers is to be preferred to declaring
- -- a fresh symbolic value
- betterCandidate (RegisterVal _ _) (Just (DeclareFreshVariable _,_,_)) = True
- betterCandidate (MemPointsTo{}) (Just (DeclareFreshVariable _,_,_)) = True
- -- selecting from a register is generally a better way to define a value than
- -- selecting from memory
- betterCandidate (RegisterVal _ _) (Just (MemPointsTo{},_,_)) = True
- betterCandidate _ _ = False
- processEdge (step,_,_) = tell (Seq.singleton step)
- maybeSeq Nothing  = mempty
- maybeSeq (Just x) = Seq.singleton x
- go candidate zs xs = case Seq.viewl xs of
-      edge@(step,def,us) Seq.:< xs'
-        -- Drop variable declarations if they declare names that have
-        -- already been given definitions
-        | DeclareFreshVariable v <- step
-        , v `Set.member` definedNames
-        -> go candidate zs xs'
-        -- Immediately select a variable definition step if all the variables
-        -- it refers to are already defined
-        | Set.isSubsetOf us definedNames
-        , BindVariable _ _ <- step
-        -> do processEdge edge
-              processEdges (Set.insert def definedNames) (zs <> maybeSeq candidate <> xs')
-        -- Tentatively select a non-variable-binding step if all the variables it
-        -- refers to are already defined
-        | Set.isSubsetOf us definedNames
-        , betterCandidate step candidate
-        -> go (Just edge) (zs <> maybeSeq candidate) xs'
-        -- In all other cases, continue searching down the worklist
-        | otherwise
-        -> go candidate (zs Seq.|> edge) xs'
-      -- We've reached the end of the worklist.  Process the candidate edge we tenatively
-      -- chose earlier, or finish if no candidate was chosen.
-      Seq.EmptyL -> case candidate of
-                      Just edge@(_,def,_) ->
-                        do processEdge edge
-                           processEdges (Set.insert def definedNames) zs
-                      Nothing ->
-                        do return definedNames
diff --git a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Verification/Override.hs b/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Verification/Override.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 53a14d030..000000000
--- a/crucible-server/src/Lang/Crucible/Server/Verification/Override.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,923 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
--- |
--- Module           : Lang.Crucible.Server.Verification.Override
--- Copyright        : (c) Galois, Inc 2017
--- Maintainer       : Rob Dockins <rdockins@galois.com>
--- Stability        : provisional
--- License          : BSD3
--- Support for using verification harnesses at call sites in "override"
--- mode.
-module Lang.Crucible.Server.Verification.Override
-  ( -- * High-level interface to harness overrides
-    VerifState
-  , verifStateRepr
-  , VerificationOverrideFnHandle
-  , verifFnRepr
-  , verificationHarnessOverrideHandle
-    -- * Low-level interface
-  , N
-  , SAWBack
-  , Subst
-  , SubstTerm(..)
-  , termToSubstTerm
-  , computeVarTypes
-  , assertEquiv
-  , assumeEquiv
-  , computeVariableSubstitution
-  , phaseUpdate
-  , assumeConditions
-  , assertConditions
-  , simulateHarness
-  ) where
-#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
-import Control.Monad.Fail( MonadFail )
-import           Control.Lens (folded)
-import           Control.Monad
-import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as X
-import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
-import           Data.Foldable
-import           Data.Map.Strict (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-import           Data.Sequence (Seq)
-import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import           Data.Word
-import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
-import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
-import           Data.Parameterized.Some
-import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as CT
-import qualified Cryptol.Utils.PP as PP
-import           What4.Interface
-import           What4.Expr.Builder (Flags, FloatReal)
-import           What4.FunctionName
-import           What4.Partial
-import qualified What4.Solver.Yices as Yices
-import           What4.WordMap
-import           Lang.Crucible.Backend
-import qualified Lang.Crucible.Backend.SAWCore as SAW
-import           Lang.Crucible.Types
-import           Lang.Crucible.FunctionHandle
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.CallFrame (SomeHandle(..))
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.RegMap
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.OverrideSim
-import           Lang.Crucible.Simulator.SimError
-import qualified Verifier.SAW.Simulator.SBV as SBV (sbvSolveBasic, toWord)
-import qualified Data.SBV.Dynamic as SBV (svAsInteger)
-import           Verifier.SAW.Conversion
-import           Verifier.SAW.Rewriter
-import           Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
-import           Verifier.SAW.TypedAST
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.CryptolEnv
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.MultipartOperations
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Simulator
---import           Lang.Crucible.Server.TypedTerm
-import           Lang.Crucible.Server.Verification.Harness
-type VerifState rw w =
-  EmptyCtx ::>
-  BVType w ::>                      -- PC
-  WordMapType rw (BaseBVType 8) ::> -- Register file
-  WordMapType w  (BaseBVType 8)     -- Memory
-type VerificationOverrideFnHandle rw w =
-   FnHandle (VerifState rw w) (StructType (VerifState rw w))
-verifStateRepr :: (1 <= w, 1 <= rw) => NatRepr rw -> NatRepr w -> CtxRepr (VerifState rw w)
-verifStateRepr rw w = Ctx.empty Ctx.:> BVRepr w Ctx.:> WordMapRepr rw knownRepr Ctx.:> WordMapRepr w knownRepr
-verifFnRepr :: (1 <= w, 1 <= rw) =>
-   NatRepr rw ->
-   NatRepr w ->
-   TypeRepr (FunctionHandleType (VerifState rw w) (StructType (VerifState rw w)))
-verifFnRepr rw w = FunctionHandleRepr (verifStateRepr rw w) (StructRepr (verifStateRepr rw w))
--- | Given a processed harness, compute a verification override, bind it to
---   a fresh function handle, and return that handle.  The address bus width
---   and register file width are fixed by the given NatReprs.
-verificationHarnessOverrideHandle ::
-  (1 <= w, 1 <= rw) =>
-  Simulator p (SAWBack n) ->
-  NatRepr rw ->
-  NatRepr w ->
-  CryptolEnv ->
-  ProcessedHarness ->
-  IO (VerificationOverrideFnHandle rw w)
-verificationHarnessOverrideHandle sim rw w cryEnv harness =
-  do sc <- SAW.sawBackendSharedContext =<< getInterface sim
-     let nm = functionNameFromText (verificationOverrideName harness)
-     simOverrideHandle sim (verifStateRepr rw w) (StructRepr (verifStateRepr rw w))
-           (mkOverride' nm (StructRepr (verifStateRepr rw w))
-              (verificationHarnessOverride sim rw w sc cryEnv harness))
-type SAWBack n = SAW.SAWCoreBackend n Yices.Connection (Flags FloatReal)
-type N p n r args ret a = OverrideSim p (SAWBack n) () r args ret a
-data OverrideFailure where
-  InvalidReturnType :: String -> TypeRepr want -> TypeRepr got -> OverrideFailure
-  InvalidArgumentTypes :: String -> CtxRepr args1 -> CtxRepr args2 -> OverrideFailure
-  BadWidth :: String -> Word64 -> OverrideFailure
-  NegativeWidth :: String -> Word64 -> OverrideFailure
-  WidthNotModulo8 :: String -> Word64 -> OverrideFailure
-deriving instance Show OverrideFailure
-instance X.Exception OverrideFailure
--- | Define the behavior of a verification override.  First, bind the values of all the
---   verification harness variables from the prestate.
-verificationHarnessOverride ::
-   (1 <= w, 1 <= rw) =>
-   Simulator p (SAWBack n) ->
-   NatRepr rw ->
-   NatRepr w ->
-   SharedContext ->
-   CryptolEnv ->
-   ProcessedHarness ->
-   N p n r (VerifState rw w) ret (RegValue (SAWBack n) (StructType (VerifState rw w)))
-verificationHarnessOverride sim rw w sc cryEnv harness =
-   do args <- getOverrideArgs
-      case args of
-        RegMap (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> (regValue -> _pc) Ctx.:> (regValue -> regs) Ctx.:> (regValue -> mem)) ->
-          do let prestateVarTypes = computeVarTypes Prestate harness
-             let poststateVarTypes = computeVarTypes Poststate harness `Map.union` prestateVarTypes
-             let endianness = verificationEndianness harness
-             let sub0 = Map.empty
-             sym <- getSymInterface
-             (sub,cryEnv') <- computeVariableSubstitution sim sym rw w sc endianness cryEnv
-                                       prestateVarTypes (verificationPrestate harness) regs mem sub0
-             assertConditions sc cryEnv' (verificationPrestate harness)
-             (_sub'',cryEnv'',regs',mem') <- phaseUpdate sim sym rw w sc poststateVarTypes endianness
-                                                (verificationPoststate harness) (sub,cryEnv',regs,mem)
-             assumeConditions sc cryEnv'' (verificationPoststate harness)
-             pc' <- lookupWord sym w ReturnAddressVar sub
-             return (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> RV pc' Ctx.:> RV regs' Ctx.:> RV mem')
-       -- _ -> fail "Impossible! failed to deconstruct verification override arguments"
-assertConditions ::
-   SharedContext ->
-   CryptolEnv ->
-   VerificationPhase CT.Name TCExpr ->
-   N p n r args ret ()
-assertConditions sc cryEnv phase =
-   do sym <- getSymInterface
-      forM_ (toList (phaseConds phase)) $ \(tp, ex) -> liftIO $
-        do unless (CT.tIsBit tp) $ fail "Verification harness precondition does not have type 'Bit'"
-           tm <- translateExpr sc cryEnv ex
-           x  <- SAW.bindSAWTerm sym BaseBoolRepr tm
-           assert sym x (AssertFailureSimError "Verification override precondition" "")
-assumeConditions ::
-   SharedContext ->
-   CryptolEnv ->
-   VerificationPhase CT.Name TCExpr ->
-   N p n r args ret ()
-assumeConditions sc cryEnv phase =
-   do sym <- getSymInterface
-      forM_ (toList (phaseConds phase)) $ \(tp, ex) -> liftIO $
-        do unless (CT.tIsBit tp) $ fail "Verification harness postcondition does not have type 'Bit'"
-           tm <- translateExpr sc cryEnv ex
-           x  <- SAW.bindSAWTerm sym BaseBoolRepr tm
-           loc <- getCurrentProgramLoc sym
-           addAssumption sym (LabeledPred x (AssumptionReason loc "Verification postcondition"))
-createFreshHarnessVar ::
-  SAWBack n ->
-  HarnessVar CT.Name ->
-  HarnessVarType ->
-  IO (SubstTerm (SAWBack n), Term)
-createFreshHarnessVar sym var (HarnessVarWord n) =
-  do Just (Some valSize) <- return (someNat (toInteger n))
-     Just LeqProof <- return (isPosNat valSize)
-     sc <- SAW.sawBackendSharedContext sym
-     sawtp <- scBitvector sc (fromIntegral n)
-     let nm = show (PP.pp var)
-     tm <- SAW.sawCreateVar sym nm sawtp
-     bv <- SAW.bindSAWTerm sym (BaseBVRepr valSize) tm
-     return (SubstWord bv, tm)
-createFreshHarnessVar sym var (HarnessVarArray elems n) =
-  do Just (Some valSize) <- return (someNat (toInteger n))
-     Just LeqProof <- return (isPosNat valSize)
-     sc <- SAW.sawBackendSharedContext sym
-     elemtp <- scBitvector sc (fromIntegral n)
-     elems' <- scNat sc (fromIntegral elems)
-     sawtp  <- scVecType sc elems' elemtp
-     let nm = show (PP.pp var)
-     tm <- SAW.sawCreateVar sym nm sawtp
-     tms <- forM [0..elems-1] $ \i ->
-               do i' <- scNat sc (fromIntegral i)
-                  scAt sc elems' elemtp tm i'
-     bvs <- mapM (SAW.bindSAWTerm sym (BaseBVRepr valSize)) tms
-     return (SubstArray valSize (Seq.fromList bvs), tm)
-withValidSize :: X.MonadThrow m =>
-                 String -> Word64
-              -> (forall x. 1 <= x => NatRepr x -> m a) -> m a
-withValidSize nm sz f =
-  case someNat (toInteger sz) of
-    Nothing -> X.throwM $ BadWidth nm sz
-    Just (Some w) ->
-      case isPosNat w of
-        Nothing -> X.throwM $ NegativeWidth nm sz
-        Just LeqProof ->
-          f w
-phaseUpdate :: forall p n r args ret w rw.
-   (1 <= w, 1 <= rw) =>
-   Simulator p (SAWBack n) ->
-   SAWBack n ->
-   NatRepr rw ->
-   NatRepr w ->
-   SharedContext ->
-   Map (HarnessVar CT.Name) HarnessVarType ->
-   Endianness ->
-   VerificationPhase CT.Name TCExpr ->
-   ( Subst (SAWBack n)
-   , CryptolEnv
-   , WordMap (SAWBack n) rw (BaseBVType 8)
-   , WordMap (SAWBack n) w (BaseBVType 8)
-   ) ->
-   N p n r args ret
-     ( Subst (SAWBack n)
-     , CryptolEnv
-     , WordMap (SAWBack n) rw (BaseBVType 8)
-     , WordMap (SAWBack n) w (BaseBVType 8)
-     )
-phaseUpdate sim sym rw w sc varTypes endianness phase = \x -> foldM go x (toList (phaseSetup phase))
- where
-  updateSub var tm x sub cryEnv regs mem =
-      do let cryEnv' = case var of
-                          CryptolVar nm ->
-                             cryEnv{ eTermEnv = Map.insert nm tm (eTermEnv cryEnv) }
-                          _ -> cryEnv
-         let sub' = Map.insert var x sub
-         return (sub', cryEnv', regs, mem)
-  go (sub,cryEnv,regs,mem) step = case step of
-    DeclareFreshVariable var ->
-      let hvar = CryptolVar var in
-      case Map.lookup hvar sub of
-        Just _ ->
-          -- If the variable already has a definition, just discard this directive
-          do return (sub,cryEnv,regs,mem)
-        Nothing ->
-          case Map.lookup hvar varTypes of
-            Just htp ->
-              do (subTm,tm) <- liftIO $ createFreshHarnessVar sym hvar htp
-                 updateSub hvar tm subTm sub cryEnv regs mem
-            Nothing ->
-              fail (show (PP.text "Impossible! Unknown type for variable: " PP.<+> PP.pp var))
-    BindVariable var (_tp,ex) ->
-      case Map.lookup var varTypes of
-        Just htp ->
-          do tm <- liftIO $ translateExpr sc cryEnv ex
-             x <- termToSubstTerm sym sc htp tm
-             case Map.lookup var sub of
-               Nothing ->
-                 do updateSub var tm x sub cryEnv regs mem
-               Just tm' ->
-                 do assumeEquiv sym htp tm tm'
-                    return (sub, cryEnv, regs, mem)
-        Nothing ->
-          fail (show (PP.text "Impossible! Unknown type for variable: " PP.<+> PP.pp var))
-    RegisterVal offset var ->
-      case Map.lookup var varTypes of
-        Just (HarnessVarWord n) ->
-          withValidSize (show $ PP.pp var) n $ \valSize -> do
-             case Map.lookup var sub of
-               Just substTm ->
-                 do bv <- substTermAsBV sym valSize substTm
-                    regs' <- writeReg sim rw offset n endianness (SomeBV bv) regs
-                    return (sub,cryEnv,regs',mem)
-               Nothing ->
-                 do (substTm, tm) <- liftIO $ createFreshHarnessVar sym var (HarnessVarWord n)
-                    bv <- substTermAsBV sym valSize substTm
-                    regs' <- writeReg sim rw offset n endianness (SomeBV bv) regs
-                    updateSub var tm substTm sub cryEnv regs' mem
-        Just (HarnessVarArray _ _ ) ->
-           fail (show (PP.text "Cannot write array types to registers for variable: " PP.<+> PP.pp var))
-        Nothing ->
-           fail (show (PP.text "Impossible! Unknown type for variable: " PP.<+> PP.pp var))
-    MemPointsTo base offset val ->
-      case Map.lookup base sub of
-        Just basetm ->
-          case Map.lookup val varTypes of
-            Just (HarnessVarWord n) ->
-              do baseAddr <- substTermAsBV sym w basetm
-                 off <- liftIO $ bvLit sym w (BV.trunc' w (BV.word64 offset))
-                 addr <- liftIO (bvAdd sym baseAddr off)
-                 withValidSize ("MemPointsTo word " <> (show $ PP.pp val)) n $ \x ->
-                  case Map.lookup val sub of
-                   Just valtm ->
-                     do bv <- substTermAsBV sym x valtm
-                        mem' <- writeMap sim w addr n endianness (SomeBV bv) mem
-                        return (sub,cryEnv,regs,mem')
-                   Nothing ->
-                     do (valtm, tm) <- liftIO $ createFreshHarnessVar sym val (HarnessVarWord n)
-                        bv <- substTermAsBV sym x valtm
-                        mem' <- writeMap sim w addr n endianness (SomeBV bv) mem
-                        updateSub val tm valtm sub cryEnv regs mem'
-            Just (HarnessVarArray elems n) ->
-              do baseAddr <- substTermAsBV sym w basetm
-                 off <- liftIO $ bvLit sym w (BV.trunc' w (BV.word64 offset))
-                 addr <- liftIO (bvAdd sym baseAddr off)
-                 withValidSize ("MemPointsTo array " <> (show $ PP.pp val)) n $ \x ->
-                  case Map.lookup val sub of
-                   Just valtm ->
-                     do mem' <- writeArray sim sym w addr endianness elems n x valtm mem
-                        return (sub,cryEnv,regs,mem')
-                   Nothing ->
-                     do (valtm, tm) <- liftIO $ createFreshHarnessVar sym val (HarnessVarArray elems n)
-                        mem' <- writeArray sim sym w addr endianness elems n x valtm mem
-                        updateSub val tm valtm sub cryEnv regs mem'
-            Nothing ->
-              fail (show (PP.text "Impossible! Unknown type for variable: " PP.<+> PP.pp val))
-        Nothing ->
-          fail (show (PP.text "Base pointer not defined" PP.<+> PP.pp base))
-substTermAsArray ::
-   (MonadIO m, MonadFail m, 1 <= x) =>
-   SAWBack n ->
-   Word64 ->
-   NatRepr x ->
-   SubstTerm (SAWBack n) ->
-   m (Seq (SymBV (SAWBack n) x))
-substTermAsArray _sym elems x (SubstArray x' vs)
-  | Just Refl <- testEquality x x'
-  , Seq.length vs == fromIntegral elems
-  = return vs
-substTermAsArray sym elems x (SubstTerm tm)
-  = liftIO $
-      do sc <- SAW.sawBackendSharedContext sym
-         elemtp <- scBitvector sc (fromIntegral (natValue x))
-         elems' <- scNat sc (fromIntegral elems)
-         tms <- forM [0..elems-1] $ \i ->
-                   do i' <- scNat sc (fromIntegral i)
-                      v <- scAt sc elems' elemtp tm i'
-                      SAW.bindSAWTerm sym (BaseBVRepr x) v
-         return (Seq.fromList tms)
-substTermAsArray _sym _elems _x _
-  = fail "Expected array value"
-readArray ::
-   (1 <= w, 1 <= x) =>
-   Simulator p (SAWBack n) ->
-   SAWBack n ->
-   NatRepr w ->
-   SymBV (SAWBack n) w ->
-   Endianness ->
-   Word64 ->
-   Word64 ->
-   NatRepr x ->
-   WordMap (SAWBack n) w (BaseBVType 8) ->
-   N p n r args ret (Seq (SymBV (SAWBack n) x))
-readArray sim sym w addr endianness elems n x mem =
-  Seq.fromList <$> (forM [ 0 .. elems-1 ] $ \i ->
-    do off   <- liftIO $ bvLit sym w (BV.trunc' w (BV.word64 (i * (n `div` 8))))
-       addr' <- liftIO $ bvAdd sym addr off
-       SomeBV v <- readMap sim w addr' n endianness mem
-       case testEquality (bvWidth v) x of
-         Just Refl -> return v
-         Nothing   -> fail "Size mismatch in readArray")
-writeArray ::
-   (1 <= w, 1 <= x) =>
-   Simulator p (SAWBack n) ->
-   SAWBack n ->
-   NatRepr w ->
-   SymBV (SAWBack n) w ->
-   Endianness ->
-   Word64 ->
-   Word64 ->
-   NatRepr x ->
-   SubstTerm (SAWBack n) ->
-   WordMap (SAWBack n) w (BaseBVType 8) ->
-   N p n r args ret (WordMap (SAWBack n) w (BaseBVType 8))
-writeArray sim sym w addr endianness elems n x val mem0 =
-   do vals <- substTermAsArray sym elems x val
-      foldM
-        (\mem (i,v) ->
-          do off <- liftIO $ bvLit sym w (BV.trunc' w (BV.word64 (i * (n `div` 8))))
-             addr' <- liftIO $ bvAdd sym addr off
-             liftIO (sendTextResponse sim (T.pack ("WriteArray: " ++ show (printSymExpr addr'))))
-             writeMap sim w addr' n endianness (SomeBV v) mem
-        )
-        mem0
-        (zip [ 0 .. (elems-1) ] (toList vals))
-lookupWord ::
-   (1 <= w) =>
-   SAWBack n ->
-   NatRepr w ->
-   HarnessVar CT.Name ->
-   Subst (SAWBack n) ->
-   N p n r args ret (SymBV (SAWBack n) w)
-lookupWord sym w var sub =
-  case Map.lookup var sub of
-    Just subtm -> substTermAsBV sym w subtm
-    Nothing -> fail (show (PP.text "Undefined variable" PP.<+> PP.pp var))
-computeVarTypes ::
-   Phase ->
-   ProcessedHarness ->
-   Map (HarnessVar CT.Name) HarnessVarType
-computeVarTypes ph harness = Map.fromList pairs
-  where
-  pairs = (ReturnAddressVar, addrType) : (StackPointerVar, addrType) : map f (toList decls)
-  addrType = HarnessVarWord (verificationAddressWidth harness)
-  f x = (CryptolVar (harnessVarIdent x), harnessVarType x)
-  decls = phaseVars phase
-  phase = case ph of
-            Prestate  -> verificationPrestate harness
-            Poststate -> verificationPoststate harness
-type Subst sym = Map (HarnessVar CT.Name) (SubstTerm sym)
-data SubstTerm sym where
-  SubstTerm  :: Term -> SubstTerm sym
-  SubstWord  :: (1 <= w) => SymExpr sym (BaseBVType w) -> SubstTerm sym
-  SubstArray :: (1 <= w) => NatRepr w -> Seq (SymExpr sym (BaseBVType w)) -> SubstTerm sym
-computeVariableSubstitution :: forall p n r args ret w rw.
-   (1 <= rw, 1 <= w) =>
-   Simulator p (SAWBack n) ->
-   SAWBack n ->
-   NatRepr rw ->
-   NatRepr w ->
-   SharedContext ->
-   Endianness ->
-   CryptolEnv ->
-   Map (HarnessVar CT.Name) HarnessVarType ->
-   VerificationPhase CT.Name TCExpr ->
-   WordMap (SAWBack n) rw (BaseBVType 8) ->
-   WordMap (SAWBack n) w (BaseBVType 8) ->
-   Subst (SAWBack n) ->
-   N p n r args ret (Subst (SAWBack n), CryptolEnv)
-computeVariableSubstitution sim sym rw w sc endianness cryEnv0 varTypes phase regs mem sub0 =
-    foldM go (sub0, cryEnv0) (toList (phaseSetup phase))
-  where
-  updateSub var tm x sub cryEnv =
-      do let cryEnv' = case var of
-                          CryptolVar nm ->
-                             cryEnv{ eTermEnv = Map.insert nm tm (eTermEnv cryEnv) }
-                          _ -> cryEnv
-         let sub' = Map.insert var x sub
-         return (sub', cryEnv')
-  go (sub, cryEnv) step = case step of
-    DeclareFreshVariable var ->
-      let hvar = CryptolVar var in
-      case Map.lookup hvar sub of
-         Just _ -> return (sub,cryEnv)
-         Nothing ->
-           case Map.lookup hvar varTypes of
-             Just htp ->
-               do (subTm, tm) <- liftIO $ createFreshHarnessVar sym hvar htp
-                  updateSub hvar tm subTm sub cryEnv
-             Nothing ->
-               fail (show (PP.text "Impossible! Unknown type for variable: " PP.<+> PP.pp var))
-    BindVariable var (_tp,ex) ->
-      case Map.lookup var varTypes of
-        Just htp ->
-          do tm <- liftIO $ translateExpr sc cryEnv ex
-             x <- termToSubstTerm sym sc htp tm
-             case Map.lookup var sub of
-               Nothing ->
-                 do updateSub var tm x sub cryEnv
-               Just tm' ->
-                 do assertEquiv sym htp tm tm'
-                    return (sub, cryEnv)
-        Nothing ->
-          fail (show (PP.text "Impossible! Unknown type for variable: " PP.<+> PP.pp var))
-    RegisterVal off var ->
-      case Map.lookup var varTypes of
-        Just (HarnessVarWord n) ->
-          do SomeBV x <- readReg sim rw off n endianness regs
-             tm <- liftIO $ SAW.toSC sym x
-             case Map.lookup var sub of
-               Nothing ->
-                 do updateSub var tm (SubstWord x) sub cryEnv
-               Just tm' ->
-                 do assertEquiv sym (HarnessVarWord n) tm tm'
-                    return (sub,cryEnv)
-        Just (HarnessVarArray _ _ ) ->
-           fail (show (PP.text "Cannot read array types from registers for variable: " PP.<+> PP.pp var))
-        Nothing ->
-           fail (show (PP.text "Impossible! Unknown type for variable: " PP.<+> PP.pp var))
-    MemPointsTo base offset var ->
-      case Map.lookup var varTypes of
-        Just (HarnessVarWord n) ->
-          do -- FIXME check that base is actually a address pointer
-             case Map.lookup base sub of
-               Just basetm ->
-                    do baseAddr <- substTermAsBV sym w basetm
-                       off <- liftIO $ bvLit sym w (BV.trunc' w (BV.word64 offset))
-                       addr <- liftIO (bvAdd sym baseAddr off)
-                       SomeBV x <- readMap sim w addr n endianness mem
-                       tm <- liftIO $ SAW.toSC sym x
-                       case Map.lookup var sub of
-                         Nothing ->
-                           do updateSub var tm (SubstWord x) sub cryEnv
-                         Just tm' ->
-                           do assertEquiv sym (HarnessVarWord n) tm tm'
-                              return (sub,cryEnv)
-               Nothing ->
-                 fail (show (PP.text "Base pointer not defined"
-                             PP.<+> PP.pp base))
-        Just (HarnessVarArray elems n) ->
-             case Map.lookup base sub of
-               Just basetm ->
-                    do baseAddr <- substTermAsBV sym w basetm
-                       off <- liftIO $ bvLit sym w (BV.trunc' w (BV.word64 offset))
-                       addr <- liftIO (bvAdd sym baseAddr off)
-                       withValidSize ("MemPointsTo array.2 " <> (show $ PP.pp base)) n $ \valSize -> do
-                         vals <- readArray sim sym w addr endianness elems n valSize mem
-                         tm   <- liftIO $ arrayAsTerm sym n vals
-                         case Map.lookup var sub of
-                           Nothing ->
-                             updateSub var tm (SubstArray valSize vals) sub cryEnv
-                           Just tm' ->
-                             do assertEquiv sym (HarnessVarArray elems n) tm tm'
-                                return (sub,cryEnv)
-               Nothing ->
-                 fail (show (PP.text "Base pointer not defined"
-                             PP.<+> PP.pp base))
-        Nothing ->
-           fail (show (PP.text "Impossible! Unknown type for variable: " PP.<+> PP.pp var))
-arrayAsTerm ::
-   SAWBack n ->
-   Word64 ->
-   Seq (SymBV (SAWBack n) x) ->
-   IO Term
-arrayAsTerm sym n vals =
-  do sc <- SAW.sawBackendSharedContext sym
-     elemtp <- scBitvector sc (fromIntegral n)
-     scVector sc elemtp =<< mapM (SAW.toSC sym) (toList vals)
-termToSubstTerm ::
-   SAWBack n ->
-   SharedContext ->
-   HarnessVarType ->
-   Term ->
-   N p n r args ret (SubstTerm (SAWBack n))
-termToSubstTerm sym sc (HarnessVarWord n) tm =
-  do x <- liftIO $ termAsConcrete sc tm
-     case x of
-       Just i  -> withValidSize "substTerm" n $ \w -> do
-                     bv <- liftIO $ bvLit sym w (BV.mkBV w i)
-                     return (SubstWord bv)
-       Nothing -> return (SubstTerm tm)
--- FIXME? try to extract concrete values?
-termToSubstTerm _ _ (HarnessVarArray _ _) tm = return (SubstTerm tm)
-substTermAsBV ::
-   (1 <= x, MonadIO m, MonadFail m) =>
-   SAWBack n ->
-   NatRepr x ->
-   SubstTerm (SAWBack n) ->
-   m (SymBV (SAWBack n) x)
-substTermAsBV sym w (SubstTerm tm) =
-   do liftIO $ SAW.bindSAWTerm sym (BaseBVRepr w) tm
-substTermAsBV _sym w (SubstWord x) =
-    case testEquality w (bvWidth x) of
-      Just Refl -> return x
-      Nothing -> fail ("BV width mismatch " ++ show (w,bvWidth x))
-substTermAsBV _sym _w (SubstArray _ _) =
-   fail "Expected a bitvector term, but got an array"
--- Try to render the given SAWCore term, assumed to represent
--- a bitvector, as a concrete value.
-termAsConcrete ::
-   SharedContext ->
-   Term ->
-   IO (Maybe Integer)
-termAsConcrete sc tm =
-   do ss <- basic_ss sc
-      tm' <- rewriteSharedTerm sc ss tm
-      case getAllExts tm' of
-               [] -> do sbv <- SBV.toWord =<< SBV.sbvSolveBasic sc Map.empty mempty tm'
-                        return (SBV.svAsInteger sbv)
-               _ -> return Nothing
-defRewrites :: SharedContext -> Ident -> IO [RewriteRule]
-defRewrites sc ident =
-   do mdef <- scFindDef sc ident
-      case mdef of
-        Nothing -> return []
-        Just def -> scDefRewriteRules sc def
-basic_ss :: SharedContext -> IO Simpset
-basic_ss sc = do
-  rs1 <- concat <$> traverse (defRewrites sc) (defs ++ defs')
-  rs2 <- scEqsRewriteRules sc eqs
-  return $ addConvs procs (addRules (rs1 ++ rs2) emptySimpset)
-  where
-    eqs = map (mkIdent preludeName)
-      [ "not_not", "bvAddZeroL", "bvAddZeroR", "ite_eq"
-      , "and_True1", "and_True2", "and_False1", "and_False2", "and_idem"
-      , "or_triv1", "and_triv1", "or_triv2", "and_triv2"
-      ]
-    defs = map (mkIdent preludeName)
-      [ "not", "and", "or", "xor", "boolEq", "ite", "addNat", "mulNat"
-      , "compareNat", "equalNat"
-      , "bitvector"
-      ]
-    defs' = map (mkIdent (mkModuleName ["Cryptol"]))
-            ["seq", "ecEq", "ecNotEq"]
-    procs = [tupleConversion, recordConversion] ++
-            bvConversions ++ natConversions ++ vecConversions
-readReg ::
-   (1 <= rw) =>
-   Simulator p (SAWBack n) ->
-   NatRepr rw ->
-   Offset ->
-   Word64 ->
-   Endianness ->
-   WordMap (SAWBack n) rw (BaseBVType 8) ->
-   N p n r args ret (SomeBV (SAWBack n))
-readReg sim rw offset size endianness regs =
-   do sym <- getSymInterface
-      addr <- liftIO $ bvLit sym rw (BV.trunc' rw (BV.word64 offset))
-      readMap sim rw addr size endianness regs
-writeReg ::
-   (1 <= rw) =>
-   Simulator p (SAWBack n) ->
-   NatRepr rw ->
-   Offset ->
-   Word64 ->
-   Endianness ->
-   SomeBV (SAWBack n) ->
-   WordMap (SAWBack n) rw (BaseBVType 8) ->
-   N p n r args ret (WordMap (SAWBack n) rw (BaseBVType 8))
-writeReg sim rw offset size endianness val regs =
-  do sym <- getSymInterface
-     addr <- liftIO $ bvLit sym rw (BV.trunc' rw (BV.word64 offset))
-     writeMap sim rw addr size endianness val regs
-writeMap ::
-   (1 <= x) =>
-   Simulator p (SAWBack n) ->
-   NatRepr x ->
-   SymBV (SAWBack n) x ->
-   Word64 ->
-   Endianness ->
-   SomeBV (SAWBack n) ->
-   WordMap (SAWBack n) x (BaseBVType 8) ->
-   N p n r args ret (WordMap (SAWBack n) x (BaseBVType 8))
-writeMap sim x addr size endianness (SomeBV val) wordmap
-   | r == 0
-   , Just (Some valWidth) <- (someNat (toInteger size))
-   , cond1 <- testEquality valWidth (bvWidth val)
-   , Just Refl <- cond1
-   , Just LeqProof <- (isPosNat valWidth)
-   =   do sym <- getSymInterface
-          SomeHandle h <- liftIO $
-             getPredefinedHandle sim (MultiPartStoreHandle (fromIntegral (natValue x)) 8 (fromIntegral bytes)) $
-                SomeHandle <$> multipartStoreFn sim x (knownRepr :: NatRepr 8) valWidth (fromIntegral bytes)
-          let argsTy = (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:>
-                        BoolRepr Ctx.:>
-                        BVRepr x Ctx.:>
-                        BVRepr valWidth Ctx.:> retTy)
-              retTy = WordMapRepr x (BaseBVRepr (knownRepr :: NatRepr 8))
-          case testEquality (handleArgTypes h) argsTy of
-            Just Refl ->
-              case testEquality (handleReturnType h) retTy of
-                Just Refl -> do
-                  let endianBool = case endianness of
-                                     BigEndian -> truePred sym
-                                     LittleEndian -> falsePred sym
-                  let args = Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> RegEntry knownRepr endianBool
-                             Ctx.:> RegEntry (BVRepr x) addr
-                             Ctx.:> RegEntry (BVRepr valWidth) val
-                             Ctx.:> RegEntry (WordMapRepr x (BaseBVRepr knownRepr)) wordmap
-                  regValue <$> callFnVal (HandleFnVal h) (RegMap args)
-                Nothing -> X.throwM $ InvalidReturnType opstr retTy (handleReturnType h)
-            Nothing -> X.throwM $ InvalidArgumentTypes opstr argsTy (handleArgTypes h)
-   | otherwise = fail ("Invalid arguments to writeMap")
-  where
-   (bytes,r) = divMod size 8
-   opstr = "writeMap " <> show size <> "@" <> show addr
-readMap ::
-   (1 <= x) =>
-   Simulator p (SAWBack n) ->
-   NatRepr x ->
-   SymBV (SAWBack n) x ->
-   Word64 ->
-   Endianness ->
-   WordMap (SAWBack n) x (BaseBVType 8) ->
-   N p n r args ret (SomeBV (SAWBack n))
-readMap sim x addr size endianness wordmap
-   | r == 0 =
-     case someNat (toInteger size) of
-       Nothing -> X.throwM $ BadWidth opstr size
-       Just (Some valWidth) -> do
-         case isPosNat valWidth of
-           Nothing -> X.throwM $ NegativeWidth opstr size
-           Just LeqProof -> do
-             SomeHandle h <-
-               liftIO $ getPredefinedHandle sim
-                        (MultiPartLoadHandle (fromIntegral (natValue x))
-                         8 (fromIntegral bytes)) $
-                        SomeHandle <$> (multipartLoadFn sim x
-                                        (knownRepr :: NatRepr 8)
-                                        valWidth (fromIntegral bytes))
-             let argsTy = Ctx.Empty Ctx.:>
-                          BoolRepr Ctx.:>
-                          BVRepr x Ctx.:>
-                          WordMapRepr x (BaseBVRepr (knownRepr :: NatRepr 8)) Ctx.:>
-                          MaybeRepr (BVRepr (knownRepr :: NatRepr 8))
-                 retTy = BVRepr valWidth
-             case testEquality (handleArgTypes h) argsTy of
-               Nothing -> X.throwM $ InvalidArgumentTypes opstr argsTy (handleArgTypes h)
-               Just Refl ->
-                 case testEquality (handleReturnType h) retTy of
-                   Nothing -> X.throwM $ InvalidReturnType opstr retTy (handleReturnType h)
-                   Just Refl -> do
-                     sym <- getSymInterface
-                     let endianBool = case endianness of
-                                        BigEndian -> truePred sym
-                                        LittleEndian -> falsePred sym
-                     let args = Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> RegEntry knownRepr endianBool
-                                Ctx.:> RegEntry (BVRepr x) addr
-                                Ctx.:> RegEntry (WordMapRepr x (BaseBVRepr knownRepr)) wordmap
-                                Ctx.:> RegEntry (MaybeRepr (BVRepr knownRepr)) Unassigned
-                     SomeBV . regValue <$> callFnVal (HandleFnVal h) (RegMap args)
-   | otherwise = X.throwM $ WidthNotModulo8 opstr size
-  where
-   (bytes,r) = divMod size 8
-   opstr = "readMap " <> show size <> "@" <> show addr
-data SomeBV sym where
-  SomeBV :: forall sym w. (1 <= w) => SymExpr sym (BaseBVType w) -> SomeBV sym
-assumeEquiv ::
-   (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) =>
-   SAWBack n ->
-   HarnessVarType ->
-   Term ->
-   SubstTerm (SAWBack n) ->
-   m ()
-assumeEquiv sym hvt tm subTm =
-     case hvt of
-       HarnessVarWord n
-         | Just (Some w) <- someNat (toInteger n)
-         , Just LeqProof <- isPosNat w
-         -> do tm' <- liftIO $ SAW.bindSAWTerm sym (BaseBVRepr w) tm
-               subTm' <- substTermAsBV sym w subTm
-               eq  <- liftIO $ bvEq sym tm' subTm'
-               loc <- liftIO $ getCurrentProgramLoc sym
-               liftIO $ addAssumption sym (LabeledPred eq (AssumptionReason loc "Equality condition"))
-         | otherwise -> fail ("Invalid word width in assumeEquiv" ++ show n)
-       HarnessVarArray elems n
-         | Just (Some w) <- someNat (toInteger n)
-         , Just LeqProof <- isPosNat w
-         -> do vals  <- substTermAsArray sym elems w (SubstTerm tm)
-               vals' <- substTermAsArray sym elems w subTm
-               eq <- liftIO (andAllOf sym folded =<<
-                       zipWithM (\v v' -> bvEq sym v v') (toList vals) (toList vals'))
-               loc <- liftIO $ getCurrentProgramLoc sym
-               liftIO $ addAssumption sym (LabeledPred eq (AssumptionReason loc "Equality condition"))
-         | otherwise -> fail ("Invalid word width in assumeEquiv" ++ show n)
-assertEquiv ::
-   (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) =>
-   SAWBack n ->
-   HarnessVarType ->
-   Term ->
-   SubstTerm (SAWBack n) ->
-   m ()
-assertEquiv sym hvt tm subTm =
-     case hvt of
-       HarnessVarWord n
-         | Just (Some w) <- someNat (toInteger n)
-         , Just LeqProof <- isPosNat w
-         -> do tm' <- liftIO $ SAW.bindSAWTerm sym (BaseBVRepr w) tm
-               subTm' <- substTermAsBV sym w subTm
-               eq  <- liftIO $ bvEq sym tm' subTm'
-               liftIO $ assert sym eq (AssertFailureSimError "Equality condition failed" "")
-         | otherwise -> fail ("Invalid word width in assertEquiv" ++ show n)
-       HarnessVarArray elems n
-         | Just (Some w) <- someNat (toInteger n)
-         , Just LeqProof <- isPosNat w
-         -> do vals  <- substTermAsArray sym elems w (SubstTerm tm)
-               vals' <- substTermAsArray sym elems w subTm
-               eq <- liftIO (andAllOf sym folded =<<
-                       zipWithM (\v v' -> bvEq sym v v') (toList vals) (toList vals'))
-               liftIO $ assert sym eq (AssertFailureSimError "Equality condition failed" "")
-         | otherwise -> fail ("Invalid word width in assertEquiv" ++ show n)
-simulateHarness ::
-  (1 <= w, 1 <= rw) =>
-  Simulator p (SAWBack n) ->
-  NatRepr rw ->
-  NatRepr w ->
-  SharedContext ->
-  CryptolEnv ->
-  ProcessedHarness ->
-  SymBV (SAWBack n) w {- ^ PC -} ->
-  SymBV (SAWBack n) w {- ^ Stack pointer -} ->
-  SymBV (SAWBack n) w {- ^ Return address -} ->
-  FnVal (SAWBack n) (VerifState rw w) (StructType (VerifState rw w)) ->
-  OverrideSim p (SAWBack n) () r args ret ()
-simulateHarness sim rw w sc cryEnv harness pc stack ret fn =
-  do sym <- liftIO $ getInterface sim
-     let prestateVarTypes = computeVarTypes Prestate harness
-     let poststateVarTypes = computeVarTypes Poststate harness `Map.union` prestateVarTypes
-     let endianness = verificationEndianness harness
-     let sub0 = Map.fromList
-                  [ (StackPointerVar,  SubstWord stack)
-                  , (ReturnAddressVar, SubstWord ret)
-                  ]
-     regs0 <- liftIO $ emptyWordMap sym rw knownRepr
-     mem0  <- liftIO $ emptyWordMap sym w knownRepr
-     (sub, cryEnv', regs, mem) <- phaseUpdate sim sym rw w sc prestateVarTypes endianness
-                                      (verificationPrestate harness) (sub0,cryEnv,regs0,mem0)
-     assumeConditions sc cryEnv' (verificationPrestate harness)
-     res <- callFnVal' fn (Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> RV pc Ctx.:> RV regs Ctx.:> RV mem)
-     case res of
-        Ctx.Empty Ctx.:> RV _pc' Ctx.:> RV regs' Ctx.:> RV mem' ->
-          do (_sub', cryEnv'') <- computeVariableSubstitution sim sym rw w sc endianness cryEnv'
-                                    poststateVarTypes (verificationPoststate harness) regs' mem' sub
-             assertConditions sc cryEnv'' (verificationPoststate harness)
-             -- FIXME, ugh, it's annoying to deal with this...
-             --traverse (\x -> liftIO $ translateExpr sc cryEnv'' (snd x)) (verificationOutput harness)
-        _ -> fail "Impossible! failed to deconstruct verification result!"
diff --git a/scripts/stack-test-coverage.sh b/scripts/stack-test-coverage.sh
index 8dc6b5efa..0dfdc993b 100755
--- a/scripts/stack-test-coverage.sh
+++ b/scripts/stack-test-coverage.sh
@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ stack test --coverage
 stack hpc report \
       crucible crucible-syntax crux-llvm \
       crucible-jvm crucible-llvm crucible-saw \
-      crucible-server crux what4 \
+      crux what4 \
       what4-abc what4-blt