Lzostream is a windows command line tool that uses Oberhumer LZO to compress and decompress files and streams.
It was written with Visual Studio in C++ for Windows and can easy be customized for other platforms.
Run lzostream.exe in a command line without any arguments for a short help
LZOStream v1.0
Usage: LZOStream <command> [<option>...] [> output] [< input]
c|compress Compress (-i -o -f -h -l)
d|decompress Decompress (-i -o -f -h -b)
i|info Info (-i -o)
-i|--input <file> Input file
-o|--output <file> Output file
-f|--format <method> Compression method (compress/ decompress headerless)
-h|--headerless Headerless output (compress)
-l|--limitless No limitation (compress: data maybe larger)
-b|--block <size> Block size (decompress: headerless)
Lzo1, Lzo1_99
Lzo1a, Lzo1a_99
Lzo1b, Lzo1b_1 ... Lzo1b_9, Lzo1b_99, Lzo1b_999
Lzo1c, Lzo1c_1 ... Lzo1c_9, Lzo1c_99, Lzo1c_999
Lzo1f, Lzo1f_1, Lzo1f_999
Lzo1x, Lzo1x_1, Lzo1x_1_11, Lzo1x_1_12, Lzo1x_1_15, Lzo1x_999
Lzo1y, Lzo1y_1, Lzo1y_999
Lzo1z, Lzo1z_999
Lzo2a, Lzo2a_999
Compresses files or streams ('input.txt' is compressed to 'output.lzo')
lzostream c -i input.txt -o output.lzo
You can also stream data ('dir' output is compressed to 'dir.lzo')
dir | lzostream c -o dir.lzo
Decompresses files or streams
lzostream d -i input.lzo -o output.txt
Streaming is also possible ('dir.lzo' is decompressed to 'dir.txt')
lzostream d > dir.txt < dir.lzo
Displays header information. An lzostream header is written before the compressed data.
[0x00] HeaderId : 0x1c4f5a4c (ok)
[0x04] FormatId : 0xf7a9daf2 Lzo1x_999
[0x08] SourceSize : 0x0000021b 539 (ok)
[0x0c] DestinationSize : 0x00000446 1094
[0x10] SourceHash : 0x77908678 (ok)
[0x14] DestinationHash : 0x26c3f2a9
[0x18] HeaderHash : 0x926eb563 (ok)
[0x1c] ... 0x00000237 567
- HeaderId is the magic number for the 'Lzostream header'
- FormatId is the magic number for the compression method
- SourceSize is the number of bytes for compressed data
- DestinationSize the number of bytes for uncompressed data
- SourceHash is the adler32 hash for the compressed data
- DestinationHash is the adler32 hash for the uncompressed data
- HeaderHash is the crc32 hash for this header (HeaderHash itself excluded)
Specifies the input file. File names with space should be enclosed in quotation marks.
Specifies the output file. File names with space should be enclosed in quotation marks.
Specifies the compression method. Default compression method is Lzo1x_999. As the used method is part of the lzostream header the correct method is used for decompression. In headerless mode you have to specify the used method.
In headerless mode, no lzostream header is written during compression. You must specify the compression method and the block size (target size) when decompressing.
In limitless mode, compression does not check whether the compressed data has become larger. Even ineffective compression method is then used.
In headerless decompression you have to specify the size of the decompressed data.
More information on the possible compression methods can be found at Oberhumer LZO.
The source code in this repository is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License v2. A copy of the GPL license text is part of the repository.
We would like to thank Markus Oberhumer Oberhumer LZO who made this work possible. Lzo was integrated with the Nuget package lzo-msvc-x86.