Open Note CLI is, well, a CLI client for OpenNote. OpenNote is HTML5 progressive/Offline webapp that is: a minimal, text focused, note taking software that supports tree structures and tags. The datastore is CouchDB mostly because it take like 5 lines to have bi-directional sync.
This is designed to be installed in your path. This is for multiple notebook support. Much like Git, to have another notebook just create another folder somewhere. The .openNote
contains localDB and CouchDB replication url. Then install in your path
sudo cp opennote-cli-linux /usr/local/bin/opennote
sudo cp -r node_modules/ /usr/local/bin/
node index.js
index.js 18.03.0-Alpha - CLI client for OpenNote
index.js <command> [options]
sync [mode] Sync with CouchDB server
config <url> Creates .openNote folder and sets replication url required properties
help <command> Display help for a specific command
-h, --help Display help
-V, --version Display version
--no-color Disable colors
--quiet Quiet mode - only displays warn and error messages
-v, --verbose Verbose mode - will also output debug messages
# Setup
node index.js config http://admin:[email protected]:5984/opennote
# Pull down files
node index.js sync write
# Edit some files with your editor of choice.
nano reallyCoolFolder/
# Show me my changes
node index.js delta
# Save my changes into the local copy of the db
node index.js save
# Sync my local db to the remote server
node index.js sync
You could but I have no idea why you would want to. Its basically Git without the branches. IE cookies without sugar. Whole idea is its an eco system. Read and modify notes if you are offline and sync them around.
This code is Open Source Software (OSS). You are welcome to take the code and fork it.
- As a text editor, akin to notepad, in your browser!
- Use with Git to allow history. Just do a
git init
in the parent folder and marvel at the.git
support folders.