The SEACAR Trend Analyses repository contains the analysis scripts used to generate habitat-specific reports. Updated forms of these scripts can be found in the MA Report Generation/scripts/ sub-folder where they are used to generate Managed Area Reports for each Managed Area which include analyses for each habitat (except Oyster - in development).
A Managed Area Reports Directory can be used to easily locate HTML and PDF versions for each Managed Area.
The Managed Area Reports are located in the MA Report Generation/output/Reports/ sub-folder, in both HTML and PDF formats.
Managed Area Reports contain the following information and visualizations if the habitats are included for a given Managed Area:
- Introduction
- Threshold filtering
- Value Qualifiers overview
- Discrete Water Quality / Water Clarity (by parameter)
- Seasonal Kendall-Tau trend analysis ("discrete trendplots")
- Map of discrete sample locations ("discrete maps")
- Programs contributing data ("program tables"):
- ProgramID
- N_Data
- Year Min & Max
- Overview of value qualifiers by year ("VQ tables")
- Year
- N_Total (total data for that parameter in that year)
- N_* (count of data entries with a given VQ in that year)
- Perc_* (percent of data entries flagged with a given VQ compared to total for that year)
- Continuous Water Quality / Water Clarity (by parameter)
- Station overview table ("continuous station table")
- ProgramLocationID
- Years of Data
- Use in Analysis (True or False)
- Parameters measured
- Map of continuous sites with visual indicators showing if they are used in analysis ("continuous maps")
- Seasonal Kendall-Tau trend analyses:
- For each station/ProgramLocationID ("continuous trendplots")
- All stations combined for each parameter ("combined continuous trendplots")
- For MAs with lots of continuous stations, the combined trendplots will be combined by ProgramID
- Station overview table ("continuous station table")
- Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)
- Spatio-temporal sample locations plot ("SAV temporal scope plot")
- Map of SAV sample locations ("SAV maps")
- Program Summary tables / program-level overview
- N_Data, Year Min and Max, Collection method, Number of sample locations
- Individual tables provided for each program
- Median Percent Cover species trend plots (Linear Mixed Effects)
- Plots for all available species with LME trendlines laid upon scatterplots of median percent cover ("SAV multiplots")
- Combined species trendlines with their significance indicated, simplified form of above plot ("SAV trendplots")
- LME Trend Results table provides statistical information behind SAV multiplots and SAV trendplots
- Frequency of Occurrence plots ("SAV barplots")
- GAM species plots - Median % Cover ("SAV GAM plots")
- Nekton
- Species richness plots (LME trend analysis)
- Coral
- Species richness plots (LME trend analysis)
- Percent cover plots (LME trend analysis)
- Coastal Wetlands
- Species richness plots (LME trend analysis)
- Oyster (currently unavailable, in development)