An Apache Cordova plugin providing the ability to display a website over an AirPlay connection.
This plugin allows your Cordova app to listen for AirPlay devices, connect to them, and display a website on them when the connection has been established. This way, the AirPlay device acts as a second screen for your cordova application.
This plugin is currently in alpha. This means it worked during development but is untested. It will be used in the new Festify for displaying the larger screen on TV. This means it will be production-ready once Festify v2 publicly released. We will fix bugs as soon as we find them.
Pull requests are very welcome! Please use the gitmoji style for commit messages.
git clone
cd ./MyCordovaProject
cordova plugin add ../cordova-external-screen
An npm-based installation as well as API documentation will be provided at a later stage when the stability has improved.
Note: Make sure your installation path doesn't contain any spaces.
Right now only AirPlay is supported, so this plugin is iOS only. ChromeCast, LG ConnectSDK and other remote devices may be supported in the future.