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Federico Di Pierro edited this page Nov 25, 2020 · 7 revisions

Starting clight

Please note that only 1 clight instance can be running for each user.

As clight strives to be a 0-conf software, it ships a xdg autostart desktop file.
This way, if your DE is xdg-compliant, clight will be automatically started for you.
If your DE is not xdg-compliant or you are running any WM, just add


to your startup scripts (eg: .xinitrc).

Moreover, a desktop file to take a fast screen backlight recalibration, useful to be binded to a keyboard shortcut, is installed too, and it will show up in your applications menu. It offers some more secondary actions: pause and resume screen dimmer, and pause and resume automatic backlight calibration.

Remember to enable Clightd systemd unit!
sudo systemctl enable clightd.service

Log file

Clight offers a clean log file, placed in $XDG_DATA_HOME/clight/.clight.log (defaults to $HOME/.local/share/clight/).
For any issue, please enable verbose logging and share your log file after a clight run!

Systemd-logind KillUserProcesses

Some distro ship a systemd-logind conf with flag KillUserProcesses=no.
This means clight will not get killed upon user leaving the session, and will not properly get killed on system shutdown.
I encourage to set the flag to yes.
For more info, read here:
You can check your system current KillUserProcesses value through dbus:
busctl get-property org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager KillUserProcesses

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