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nullobsi edited this page Aug 9, 2021 · 62 revisions

Clight offers a very nice and clean Bus API; this should make quite simple to build an applet for it.

It has three main object paths:

Moreover, Clight offers freedesktop Screensaver API too:


This interface exposes Clight internal state, as read-only properties that emit changes.

Bus Methods

Method IN IN values OUT OUT values
Capture bb
  • Whether to reset BACKLIGHT capture timer
  • Whether to only capture without changing BACKLIGHT
Inhibit b
  • Whether to inhibit dimmer module(true) or not(false)
Pause b
  • Whether to pause all clight features
IncBl d
  • Increase backlight of a certain pct
DecBl d
  • Decrease backlight of a certain pct
Load s
  • Absolute path to custom module to be loaded
Unload s
  • Absolute path to custom module to be unloaded
  • Inhibit [true] will inhibit DIMMER and DPMS modules. Useful where "org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver" API is not available.
    Note that it is internally redirected to org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.Inhibit method, thus behaviour is the same.
  • Inhibit [false] will forcefully drop any inhibition.

Read-only Bus Properties

Prop OUT OUT values Emits-Change Const
Version s Clight version
ClightdVersion s Clightd found version
Sunrise t Next sunrise time in seconds since epoch
Sunset t Next sunset time in seconds since epoch
NextEvent i Next daytime event:
  • 0 -> Sunrise
  • 1 -> Sunset
DayTime i Current daytime:
  • 0 -> Day
  • 1 -> Night
InEvent b Whether clight is inside an event
DisplayState i Current display state:
  • 0 -> ON
  • 1 -> DIMMED
  • 2 -> OFF (DPMS)
  • 3 -> DIMMED and OFF
AcState i Current AC state:
  • 0 -> ON_AC
  • 1 -> ON_BATTERY
LidState i Current lid state:
  • 0 -> OPEN
  • 1 -> CLOSED
  • 2 -> DOCKED
Inhibited b Whether clight is currently inhibited
PmInhibited b Whether clight is currently inhibiting PowerManagement
Suspended b Whether clight sees system as suspended (either because of systemd-logind PrepareForSleep signal or manual "Pause" calls
SensorAvail b Whether a Sensor is currently available
BlPct d Current backlight percentage
KbdPct d Current keyboard backlight percentage
AmbientBr d Latest ambient brightness
Temp i Current screen temperature
Location (dd) Current user location as seen by Clight
ScreenComp d Current screen-emitted brightness compensation value


This interface allows to check and update various configuration values; when a property is changed, its value will immediately be used by Clight.
There are sub-paths for each Clight module.

Bus Methods

Method IN IN values OUT OUT values
  • Store will dump current configuration to user conf.

Bus Properties

Prop OUT OUT values Emits-Change Const
Verbose b Whether verbose logging is enabled
ResumeDelay i Number of seconds clight awaits before restarting features after system resume


Bus Properties

Prop OUT OUT values Emits-Change Const
NoAutoCalib b Whether auto calibration is disabled
InhibitOnLidClosed b Whether to inhibit autocalibration when laptop lid is closed
BacklightSyspath s Backlight syspath of internal laptop's monitor
NoSmooth b Whether backlight transitions are smooth
TransStep d Backlight step of each transition, in pct
TransDuration i Backlight duration of each step's transition
ShutterThreshold d Shuttered capture threshold
AcDayTimeout i Timeout between captures during the day on AC
AcNightTimeout i Timeout between captures during the night on AC
AcEventTimeout i Timeout between captures during an event on AC
BattDayTimeout i Timeout between captures during the day on BATT
BattNightTimeout i Timeout between captures during the night on BATT
BattEventTimeout i Timeout between captures during an event on BATT


Bus Properties

Prop OUT OUT values Emits-Change Const
Device s Sensor to be used
Settings s Sensor settings to be used for camera captures
AcCaptures i Number of captures to be taken on AC
BattCaptures i Number of captures to be taken on BATT
AcPoints ad Ambient brightness to backlight level curve points on AC
BattPoints ad Ambient brightness to backlight level curve points on BATT


Bus Properties

Prop OUT OUT values Emits-Change Const
Dim b Whether keyboard should be dimmed on user inactivity (following DIMMER/DPMS modules)
AcPoints ad Ambient brightness to keyboard backlight level curve points on AC
BattPoints ad Ambient brightness to keyboard backlight level curve points on BATT


Bus Properties

Prop OUT OUT values Emits-Change Const
AmbientGamma b Whether ambient-brightness gamma is enabled
NoSmooth b Whether gamma transitions are smooth
TransStep i Gamma step of each transition
TransDuration i Gamma duration of each step's transition
DayTemp i Daily screen temperature
NightTemp i Night screen temperature
LongTransition b Whether redshift-like gamma transition is enabled


Bus Properties

Prop OUT OUT values Emits-Change Const
Sunrise s User-fixed sunrise time, as read by conf file
Sunset s User-fixed sunset time, as read by conf file
Location (dd) User-fixed location, as read by conf file
EventDuration i Duration of an event


Bus Properties

Prop OUT OUT values Emits-Change Const
NoSmoothEnter b Whether dimmer entering transitions are smooth
NoSmoothExit b Whether dimmer leaving transitions are smooth
DimmedPct d Dimmed state backlight level in pct
TransStepEnter d Dimmer step of each transition, in pct, while dimming
TransStepExit d Dimmer step of each transition, in pct, while undimming
TransDurationEnter i Dimmer duration of each step's transition, while dimming
TransDurationExit i Dimmer duration of each step's transition, while undimming
AcTimeout i Timeout for DIMMER tool on AC
BattTimeout i Timeout for DIMMER tool on BATT


Bus Properties

Prop OUT OUT values Emits-Change Const
AcTimeout i Timeout for DPMS tool on AC
BattTimeout i Timeout for DPMS tool on BATT


Read-only Bus Properties

Prop OUT OUT values Emits-Change Const
NumSamples i Bucket size for SCREEN snapshots

Bus Properties

Prop OUT OUT values Emits-Change Const
ScreenContrib d Screen-emitted brightness contribution to ambient brightness
AcTimeout i Timeout for SCREEN tool on AC
BattTimeout i Timeout for SCREEN tool on BATT


Bus Properties

Prop OUT OUT values Emits-Change Const
InhibitDocked b Whether "docked" state triggers an inhibit on laptops
InhibitPM b Whether PowerManagement gets inhibited too


Bus Methods

Method IN IN values OUT OUT values
Inhibit ss
  • Application name
  • Reason for inhibition
u A new inhibition cookie
UnInhibit u
  • Inhibition cookie
GetActive b Whether inhibition is active or not
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