- Ses projects added to examples_segger folder.
- Project in "/examples_segger/ble_peripheral/ble_app_template/pca10028/s130/ses_official" directly created at SES (without import keil project).
- Inside "hardfault_handler_gcc.c" file,
// " ldr r1, =__StackTop \n"
// " ldr r2, =__StackLimit \n"
" ldr r1, =stack_end \n"
" ldr r2, =stack_start \n"
Following lines changed as above according to "https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/23232/hardfault_handler-for-segger-embedded-studio".
This project started as an attitude indicator for my bicycle because I had an IMU sensor lying around. It was meant to present my acceleration, orientation and other stats for me on a display. I gave up on this because the sensor was grossly inconvenient to use. So the project's scope change to become a BLE scanner. The project uses nRF5 SDK v12.3.0, but Nordic Semiconductor has since discontinued this SDK and has moved to using the Zephyr project.
I may consider porting to Zephyr later. The goal was to familiarise myself with the Bluetooth protocol stack.
Because v12.3.0 was the last stable release for the board (PCA20006) used in this project, it made sense to start from that release instead of attempting to make the Zephyr project support the discontinued PCA20006 board.
The system listen to advertising BLE devices and prints MAC address and RSSI of the top two devices with the highest RSSI.
**When this document refers to the 'source directory', assume the path below
- Assuming you have installed
v0.11.0, start the GDB server. You also need to have the stlink-v2 debugger. It plugs to the SWD interface.openocd -f /usr/share/openocd/scripts/interface/stlink-v2.cfg -f /usr/share/openocd/scripts/target/nrf51.cfg
Segger Embedded Studio (SES) runs a gdb client.
above. Open the project file nRF5_SDK_12.3.0_d7731ad_ses.support/examples_segger/ble_peripheral/ble_app_template/pca10028/s130/ses_official/segger_support.emProject
in SES to get started. When you press F5 to start debugging, SES will connect
to the gdb server started above and you can step through and set breakpoints
from the GUI. This is in face most convenient.
If you want to program the softdevice, then connect to the gdb server and run
the command below. Only use mass_erase to program the softdevice. To
program your application, use the same commands below but without the line with
. The Softdevice sits at base of flash, then your application
telnet localhost 4444
nrf51 mass_erase 0
program <path to hex file> verify
Never used this command because I didn't have a JLink debugger
nrfjprog --family NRF51 --eraseall --port 3333 --ip
Initially, I was compiling my application my going to the examples directory and calling 'make' in the 'armgcc' folder. This was because I couldn't get SES to work with this nRF5 SDK.
There is no SES project file released by Nordic for v12.3.0. Newer SDK versions have such an SES project file that you can open in SES to run the example programs. This video did come in handy at some point when I was still compiling within make.
There is a file /usr/bin/cmsis-conf
for configuring your sdk_config.h file.
This is a shell script that encapsulates the call to the CMSIS configuration
wizard. You can find this configuration wizard available on the internet.
Adafruit-related nuances follows
I first attempted to use the latest Adafruit library for the Nokia display, but
this proved to be too much of a haserl, so I decided to use the initial library
that Adafruit had before the split their graphics library into separate repos.
That initial library worked like a charm. These files are
<source directory>/{PCD8544.cpp,PCD8544.h,glcdfont.h}
undefined reference to vtable for Adafruit_GFX
I used the outdated library from a forum here. The latest library was causing thw above link error and other similar ones. -
To be sure the display was working, I connected it to an Arduino Nano, but my Ubuntu would not detect the Nano. This link had the solution.
You should define virtual functions. In the link, find the heading "When building C++, the linker says my constructors, destructors or virtual tables are undefined, but I defined them"
You might be looking for a function defined in a C++library
Helpful link when mixing C++ and C.
is apparently defined to be0
. This link may or may not be related. In the assembly snippet below, if__cxa_new_handler
is 0, we "abort". Ihis 0 comparison (NULL
) is because the handler is not defined. You need to enable exception support in SES; otherwise, some handlers would likely be defined as null. Read this. When I would eventually update all library options in the project configuration to use C++ exceptions, thenew
handler was defined and I could catch the exception. It was then clear to me that there was infact insufficient memory, which was much to my suprise. I guess I didn't realise how memory it takes to create a C++ object. Long story short, I was forced to move away from using classes.
F7FFFF89 bl 0x00026194 <malloc>
2800 cmp r0, #0
D109 bne 0x0002629A
F000F811 bl 0x000262AC <std::get_new_handler()>
2800 cmp r0, #0
D006 beq 0x0002629C
4780 blx r0
0020 movs r0, r4
F7FFFF7F bl 0x00026194 <malloc>
2800 cmp r0, #0
D0F5 beq 0x00026286
BD10 pop {r4, pc}
F7F8F942 bl 0x0001E524 <abort>
E7EC b 0x0002627C
46C0 nop
<operator new(unsigned int, std::nothrow_t const&)>
B510 push {r4, lr}
F7FFFFE5 bl 0x00026274 <operator new(unsigned int)>
BD10 pop {r4, pc}
4B01 ldr r3, =0x200027F4 <__cxa_new_handler>
6818 ldr r0, [r3]
4770 bx lr
46C0 nop
The first argument to the SVCALL is meant to be uint16_t, but it was defined as uint8_t. This caused build errors. See the links below for context. this link has more information about why it was a problem. It was a known bug
Define a global macro in SES here
You can develop withouth SES as this guy shows. Just call make in your project.
Some useful links on the Nordic forum
Dealing with data loss when interrupted for long by the softdevice
Something about why
For the initial module, I used a level converter between the nRF and the module and that worked as expected. With this new module, I didn't. I kept having frame errors and missing bits. So I powered the module with 3.3V (previously 5V and level converter) and plugged the module directly to the nRF bypassed the logic level converter. It worked! I actually got this idea to bypass after noticing that no matter what voltage you put on the module, the rx/tx line was 3.3V logic.
Some images are here
Transistors Q4 came with pads unexposed, so I fixed the board manually by scratching away the silkscreen. I used a PCB library of the internet, and turns out the fault was from that library. Never expected a fault from a reliable source. I used Diptrace, but I'm sure a more intelligent EDA software would have warned me right away.
From the last time I prototyped on a breadboard (several months back), I was able to use the LCD. After assembling on a PCB, the LCD printed garbage characters and sometimes nothing. Few times it printed something meaningful, but I was unable to reproduce this. Having no oscilloscope to check the SPI signals, I was left with speculations.
My first suspicion was insufficient power (perhaps wrong calculations without accounting enough loses), so I aimed to see how much power I could draw from the board. I put my multimiter to the 200mA range and short-circuited VCC and GND at some random place after the power IC. I forgot I had no overcurrent protection, so I damaged few ICs. Annoyingly, this 3V3 power IC became a short-circuit when it broke. I thought it was just the ICs, but whenever I changed it, it smoked. I wasn't able to find the short, so I came to the conclusion that the board didn't have enough protection anyway, so I parked this prototype and aimed to do it in Flux.ai.
Gotta say it's annoying to put all that time and effort into soldering and assembling only to blow everything up and start again.
Future Improvements
- Place SMDs and space them such that it's easy to change them if something went wrong.
- Use proper connectors and accommodate a test supply input rather than the hack with jumper cables. Make it easy to temporarily connect modules before you solder them.
- Add over-current protection. Make it hard to do something dumb. Add 10% to power supply requirements to account for loses.
- Test power supply circuitry before anything else.