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Other OSS BGP implementations

Michel Belleau edited this page Mar 13, 2018 · 34 revisions

I am a java coder and I hate Python

   use freerouter

I am a C coder and I hate Python

use Bird
or Quagga

I am a Ruby coder and I hate Python

use BGPFeeder
from the very nice people at ByteMark
hg clone

or bgp4r

I am a Perl coder and I hate Python

use bgpsimple
svn checkout bgpsimple-read-only

I am an erlang coder and I hate Python

There is an implementation here

There is a start of an implementation here

I am an Go coder and I hate Python

Then this is for you !

I love Python but I prefer twisted

Then look here at pybgp
bzr branch lp:pybgp

I am not sure if this project existed when I started or not but I clearly missed it !	It does not support many RFC, but has IPv4 and VPNv4/MPLS. I really like twisted and use it a lot but did not want a dependency on it for a BGP daemon.

Better, but I want something for my website resilience

You should look at in ExaBGP but as you insist on not using it, The wikimedia foundation wrote something cool named pybal 

I want something which works with OpenStack

In 2014, multiple projects started experimenting with BGP for OpenStack

Orange released BAGPIPE which use ExaBGP's classes to write their own BGP route injector with a clear focus on OpenStack. Some of their code has been ported back in ExaBGP - Thank you for the help.

I want something which works with OpenStack but NOT ExaBGP based

Ok .. we got it ... no point in getting agitated :-)
NTT supports the development of Ruy, which you should have a look at too as it added BGP support in 2014.

Great, I want one from a router vendor, not a network operator

Then you can have a look at what Cisco did with yabgp

I have some PCAP files I need parsing

You could surely do something with ExaBGP but otherwise pbgp-parser will help you

You are sure you listed them all ?

No, and I just found (2012-03-19) another python program from 2005 called announcer