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172 lines (142 loc) · 3.17 KB

File metadata and controls

172 lines (142 loc) · 3.17 KB

Operations Used

shleq <<= size shreq >>= SIZE, SIGN pluseq += SIZE (returns new value) postinc += SIZE (returns old value) minuseq -= SIZE (returns new value) postdec -= SIZE (returns old value) cceq == SIZE ltlt << size gtgt >> SIZE, SIGN diveq %= SIZE, SIGN muleq *= SIZE xoreq ^= SIZE ccne != SIZE oreq |= SIZE andeq &= SIZE remeq %= SIZE band & size mul * size div / SIZE,SIGN rem % SIZE,SIGN plus + size minus - size xor ^ size cclt < SIZE,SIGN ccgt > SIZE,SIGN cclteq <= SIZE,SIGN ccgteq >= SIZE,SIGN or | size cpl ~ size not ! SIZE assign = SIZE [*accum = tos] deref * SIZE [accum = *accum] negate - SIZE?, unary funccall () call *accum label const string address cast (cast) SIZE IN, SIZE OUT, SIGN OUT constant SIZE, constant value to stack pop pop accum from stack, SIZE push push accum to stack, SIZE bool boolify accum, SIZE loadn address of a global loadl address of a local argument address of an argument

Code generators

argument becomes a loadl enter n stack adjust exit n stack adjust cleanup n stack adjust

jump addr jfalse addr jtrue addr switch SIZE [table]

(all these are SIZE) nref load a global lbref load a literal lbref load a local (arg or local) nstore store global lbstore literal lstore local

loadl get address of local or argument callname call function by name directly

Can eliminate

any blaheq (becomes lref op lstore - or n or lb..) postinc/postdec push lref op lstore pop

ccne not cceq cclteq not ccgt ccgteq not cclt cpl push constant FFFF xor argument loadl with bias

code gen nref/lbref etc can all use loadn loadl label

callnamme is an optimization 8 to 16bit on load (inc sign extend)

Minimal set becomes

0 ltlt 16 32 2 gtgt 16u 32u 16s 32s 6 cceq 16 32 8 band 16 32 10 mul 16 32 12 div 16u 32u 16s 32s 16 rem 16u 32u 16s 32s 20 plus 16 32 22 minus 16 32 24 xor 16 32 26 cclt 16s 32s 16u 32u 30 ccgt 16s 32s 16u 32u 34 or 16 32 36 not 16 32 (can be bool const 1 xor ?) 38 assign 8 16 32 41 deref 8s 8u 16 32 45 negate 16 32 47 funccall 48 cast8_16s 49 cast16_32s 50 constant 8s 8u 16 32 inc name/label 54 pop 16 32 56 push 16 32 58 bool 16 32 60 loadl ; address of a local/argument (const used for other) 61 spmod ; adjust stack by 16bit signed 62 exit 63 jump 64 jfalse 65 jtrue 66 switch 8 16 32

And we also nneed 69 native [op] go to native code (or in pure vm call explicit native functions)

for speed nice to have

load/store direct for const (name/lit) and sp rel (local/arg) 8/16/32 (and 8s 8u for char if we do explicitly) (or loadl8) push const call const offset load 8s 8u 16 32

68 ops

Set up via jump table 3 bytes/entry so 220 bytes

native ops memcpy memmset str funcs ?

for kernel interbank copy char in / noblock char out / noblock diskread disk lba bank mem diskwrite disk lba bank mem setbank getrtc

How to do virtualized interrupt ?

inttimer	- set interrupt timer to A
setsp		- set sp (can get sp with local 0)

Int handler just pushes old pc sets pc to one selected caller can then do

loadl 0
store somewhere
new sp into a
blah blah
load old sp into a