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Install Apache Tomcat 6

Marten Hogeweg edited this page Dec 14, 2012 · 3 revisions

Apache Tomcat is a web servlet software that manages web applications. A web servlet is required to deploy and access Esri Geoportal Server. Fortunately, it has a fairly straightforward installation.

Switch back to the geoportal user, change to the /usr/local/etc directory, and download Apache Tomcat 6 by entering:

$ sudo wget
Extract and move the application to a new directory by entering the following:
$ sudo tar zxvf apache-tomcat-6.0.35.tar.gz
:$ sudo mv /usr/local/etc/apache-tomcat-6.0.35 /usr/local/tomcat6

Change to the new directory and verify installation.

$ cd /usr/local/tomcat6
:$ ls -l

Configure Apache Tomcat 6 to Autostart on Boot

Unlike PostgreSQL, Apache Tomcat 6 does not include a startup script for automatically starting Apache Tomcat 6 on boot. Below is a simple script that you'll set to run on boot that will start the Apache Tomcat service.

To create the script, change to the /usr/local/etc directory and open vi for creating a new file by entering the following:

$ sudo vi tomcat
In the empty file that open, enter the following 6 lines:
#! /bin/sh

# chkconfig: 2345 98 02
# description: Apache Tomcat


Save and exit vi.

Set the tomcat script to automatically run in the startup sequence by following the same steps that you followed for the postgresql script.

Next Step: Install Esri Geoportal Server

<<How to Set Up an Esri Geoportal Server on Linux | Perform Preinstallation Computer Setup | Set Up Systemwide Environment Variables | Install PostgreSQL 9.1.2 | Install Apache Tomcat 6 | Install Esri Geoportal Server | Configure geoportal User and Schema in the PostgreSQL Database | Deploy the Geoportal Web Application | Configure the gpt.xml File | Install the JDBC .jar Files | Log In to the Geoportal | Register ArcGIS for Server with the Geoportal>>
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