Geouttag plugin for Origo using FME server Web Services.
(Is compatible with EK-extern and origo-map v2.3.1)
Geouttag is only used without any other plugins so the functionality can not be guaranteed if such use.
The plugin can be loaded like this in an html-file:
<link href="plugins/geouttag.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="js/origo.min.js"></script>
<script src="plugins/geouttag.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var origo = Origo('index.json');
origo.on('load', function(viewer) {
var geouttag = Geouttag({
url: "URL to FME",
filepath: "any path where user can get the export",
contactmail: "support mail",
infolink: "link to user instructions",
logo: "img/logo.png",
warninglimit: 500*500,
warningtooltip: "warning text hover",
warningtext: "warning text in modal",
errorlimit: 2000*2000,
errortooltip: "error text hover",
errortext: "error text in modal",
infotext: "Informative description for users",
layers: {
background_layer_1: {
title : "Layer One",
filetypes: {
DXF : "fmescript.fmw",
SHP : "fmescript.fmw"
background_layer_2: {
title : "Layer Two",
filetypes: {
DXF : "fmescript.fmw",
SHP : "fmescript.fmw",
GeoTIFF : "fmescript.fmw"
restricted: true