Go implementation of the AWS4 compatible Escher HTTP request signing and authentication library.
this will download the test cases for the escher implementation, and set in the env the required env key(s)
source .envrc
in 1.9:
go test ./...
in older go versions:
go test $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
More details are available at our Escher documentation site.
# install dep management tool
go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
# dep ensure the missing dependency packages
dep ensure
Everything except the Credential scope is optional.
JSON string that can include the all the configuration parameters:
- credentialScope
- vendorKey
- algoPrefix
- hashAlgo
- authHeaderName
- dateHeaderName
Set the used Algo prefix when config json not includes it
set the hashAlgo when config json not includes it
set the vendorKey when config json not includes it
set the AUTH_HEADER_name when config json not includes it
set the DATE_HEADER_name when config json not includes it
set the credentialScope when config json not includes it
JSON serialized array of map that contains credentials with the following keys definitions:
- keyId
- secret