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Delevoped as WAMYTM: Where Are My Team Members?

This app allows every user to plan her/his office days and days off.

Build Status Coverage Status


New documentation is avalable at


Using docker-compose

  • Start required containers: docker-compose up -d
  • Database
    • Connect to database server: docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres
    • Setup database (see commands)
  • Keycloak identity server
  • Korporator setup
    • Connect to the app: docker-compose exec korporator /bin/bash
    • Run python migrate to initialize database
    • Run python createsuperuser to create backend admin
  • Access the backend at http://localhost:8000/admin/
  • Access the frondend at http://localhost:8000/
    • Example users: user1:3itsvxks, user2:Fq5vnMfj


Build Status Coverage Status

  • Checkout dev branch from repository

  • Start required containers: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d

  • Database

    • Connect to database server: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml exec db psql -U postgres
    • Setup database (see commands)
  • Keycloak identity server

  • Korporator setup

    • Install Python 3.10
    • Install pipenv: pip install pipenv
    • Enter pipenv environment: pipenv shell
    • Install dependencies: PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT="enabled" pipenv install --dev
    • falls Windows Shell: setzen der Enviromentvariablen: $env:DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='' (setzen der Variablen entfällt dann bei den folgenden Schritten)
    • Initialize database: cd src && python migrate
    • Create super user: cd src && python createsuperuser
    • (Optional) Remove existing data and create new example data: cd src && python example_data
  • Run korporator

    • Run application in development mode: cd src && python runserver
    • Access the backend at http://localhost:8000/admin/
    • Access the frondend at http://localhost:8000/
    • Example users: user1:3itsvxks, user2:Fq5vnMfj
  • Run tests:

    • Bash:

      # setup environment
      export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=wamytmsite.settings.test
      cd src
      ./ collectstatic
      # run tests
      ./ test
    • PowerShell:

      # setup environment
      cd src
      python collectstatic
      # run tests
      python test
  • Run tests with coverage:

    cd src
    DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=wamytmsite.settings.test coverage run --source='.' test wamytmapp
    coverage html
    python -m http.server --directory htmlcov/ 8008

Configure login with Keycloak

  1. Create a new client wamytm in the realm's Clients section
  2. Configure client settings:
    • Settings > Access Type > confidential
    • Settings > Fine Grain OpenID Connect Configuration > User Info Signed Response Algorithm > RS256
    • Settings > Fine Grain OpenID Connect Configuration > Request Object Signature Algorithm > RS256
  3. Use the Client ID (Settings tab) as value for WAMYTM_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID
  4. Use the Secret (Credentials tab) as value for WAMYTM_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET
  5. Get the public key from Realm Settings > Keys > Public key and put it into settings as WAMYTM_KEYCLOAK_PUBLIC_KEY
  6. Update urls in WAMYTM_KEYCLOAK_AUTH_URL and WAMYTM_KEYCLOAK_TOKEN_URL with the correct hostname, port and realm name
  7. Configure username mapper: Clients > Client ID > Mappers: Create User Property mapper, set Token Claim Name to username, Property to username (or something equal, e. g. email)
  8. Open Client Scopes and add new scope wamytm
  9. Open Mappers tab and add a new mapper: Name wamytm-audience, Mapper Type Audience, Included Client Audience: wamytm, Add to access token on
  10. Open Clients > wamytm > Client Scopes and add wamytm from Available client scopes to Assigned default client scopes

Database setup commands:

create user wamytm with encrypted password 'Stw9nUvm';
alter role wamytm set client_encoding to 'utf8';
alter role wamytm set default_transaction_isolation to 'read committed';
alter role wamytm set timezone to 'UTC';
create database wamytmdb;
revoke CONNECT on DATABASE wamytmdb from public;
grant all on DATABASE wamytmdb to wamytm;
alter database wamytmdb owner to wamytm;
\c wamytmdb
alter schema public owner to wamytm;

To run tests, execute this command:


Container settings

Environment variable Setting
WAMYTM_TRUST_X_FORWARDED_PROTO True trust the X-Forwarded_Proto header
False to ignore the header
USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST True use X-Forwarded-Host header to construct links
False to ignore the header

See docker-compose.yml for further settings.