Click on a command to get its syntax, usage examples and more information about its working. Commands /pvparena
are the same.
🚩 Note:
You always have to precise your arena name in commands (like/pa myArena enable
) except for these cases:
- For global admin commands
- After you joined an arena
- When you're editing an arena (see
/pa edit
command)- When you have only one arena
ℹ Permission: pvparena.admin
Command | Shorthand | Definition |
/pa debug | /pa !d | Debug nodes |
/pa duty | /pa !du | Toggle your shortcuts override status |
/pa modules | /pa !mi | Manage modules |
/pa reload | /pa !r | Reload arena configs |
ℹ Permission: pvparena.admin OR both ownership of an arena and pvparena.create
Command | Shorthand | Definition |
/pa blacklist | /pa !bl | Manage arena blacklists |
/pa check | /pa !ch | Check an arena configuration |
/pa class | /pa !cl | Manage arena classes |
/pa classchest | /pa !cc | Manage arena class chests |
/pa create | /pa !c | Create an arena |
/pa disable | /pa !dis | Disable an arena. |
/pa edit | /pa !e | Toggle editing of an arena |
/pa enable | /pa !en | Enable an arena. |
/pa forcewin | /pa !fw | Force a player/team to win. |
/pa gamemode | /pa !gm | Change the general gamemode of an arena |
/pa goal | /pa !g | Manage arena goals |
/pa playerclass | /pa !pcl | Manage player classes |
/pa playerjoin | /pa !pj | Make a player join |
/pa protection | /pa !p | Manage arena protections |
/pa region | /pa !rg | Manage arena regions |
/pa regionclear | /pa !rc | Manage arena region clearing exceptions |
/pa regionflags | /pa !rf | Manage arena flags |
/pa regiontype | /pa !rt | Change a region type |
/pa regions | /pa !rs | Debug regions |
/pa reload | /pa !rl | Reload arena configs |
/pa remove | /pa !rm | Remove an arena. |
/pa round | /pa !rd | Manage arena rounds |
/pa set | /pa !s | Set an arena config setting |
/pa setowner | /pa !so | Sets the owner of an arena |
/pa spawn | /pa !sp | Manage arena spawns |
/pa start | /pa !go | Force starts an arena. |
/pa stop | /pa !st | Force stops an arena. |
/pa teams | /pa !ts | Manage arena teams |
/pa teleport | /pa !tp | Teleport you to an arena spawnpoint |
/pa togglemod | /pa !tm | Enable or disable a module for an arena |
/pa whitelist | /pa !wl | Manage arena whitelists |
ℹ Permission: pvparena.user (defaults to true)
Command | Shorthand | Definition |
/pa arenaclass | /pa -ac | Change your class, if allowed |
/pa chat | /pa -c | Set arena chat mode |
/pa info | /pa -i | Display the active modules of an arena and its settings |
/pa help | /pa -h | Basic help. Splits into subsections. |
/pa join | /pa -j | Join an arena (specifying a team or not) |
/pa leave | /pa -l | Leave an arena |
/pa list | none | List available arenas (red: disabled, yellow: edit, green: running) |
/pa ready | /pa -r | Ready you up or list who is ready |
/pa spectate | /pa -s | Spectate an arena |
/pa stats | /pa -s | Show [arena/global] statistics |
/pa version | /pa -v | Show detailed version information |