Commands | Description |
docker --version | Shows the version of docker |
docker version | Show the Docker version information |
docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}' | |
docker version --format '{{.Client.Version}}' | |
docker info | Display system-wide information |
docker image pull alpine | Pull an image or a repository from a registry |
docker pull asadhussain1998/first-docker-app:latest | |
docker image push asadhussain1998/first-docker-app:latest | Push an image to your Docker Hub account. In order to push an image you have to first login using " docker login " command |
docker image ls | List all the downloaded images |
docker images | |
docker image ls -a | List all the downloaded and hidden images |
docker images -a | |
docker image rm alpine:latest | Remove one or more images |
docker image rm aamirpinger/helloworld | |
docker container run -it aamirpinger/helloworld sh | Run a container in interactive mode |
docker run -it aamirpinger/helloworld:latest sh | |
docker container run -d aamirpinger/flag:latest | Run a container in detached mode |
docker run -d aamirpinger/flag | |
docker container run -d -p 5010:80 aamirpinger/helloworld:latest | Published the running container at 5010 port and 80 internal port |
docker container run -d --name docker_app -p 5010:80 aamirpinger/helloworld:latest | Customized container name |
docker container run -d --name=flag_app -p 5020:80 aamirpinger/flag:latest | |
docker exec -it wizardly_nobel sh | Go back to interactive mode |
docker container ls | List all the running containers |
docker ps | |
docker container ls -a | List all the running/stopped/puased containers |
docker ps -a | |
docker container stop wizardly_nobel | Stops a containers |
docker stop wizardly_nobel | |
docker container start d43502edbc6c | Starts a container |
docker start d43502edbc6c | |
docker container rm wizardly_nobel | Removes a container |
docker rm wizardly_nobel | |
docker rm --force wizardly_nobel | Removes the running container by force |
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) | Removes all the stopped containers |
docker build -t first-docker-app:latest . | Build the image |
docker history first-docker-app:latest | Shows the history (short description) of an image |
docker inspect first-docker-app:latest | Shows inspect (descriptive) of an image |
docker container run -it --name=test-app -v /home/asad/docker-save-file:/docker-container first-docker-application:latest sh | Bind Mount an image. We bind mount the local directory with container |
docker container run -d --name=test-app -p 5100:80 -v /home/asad/docker-save-file:/docker-container first-docker-application:latest | |
docker tag first-docker-app asadhussain1998/first-docker-app | Gives new tag to an image |
docker image tag first-docker-app asadhussain1998/first-docker-app | |
docker volume ls | List all the created volumes |
docker volume create my-volume | Creates a volume |
docker run -d -v my-volume:/usr/share/nginx/html -p 8000:80 nginx:latest | We bind mount the volume with the container |
docker run -d --name devtest --mount source=my-vol,target=/usr/share/nginx/html nginx:latest | |
docker run -d -it --name devtest --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/myfolder,target=/app nginx:latest | |
docker run -d -it --name devtest -v "$(pwd)"/myfolder:/app nginx:latest | |
docker volume inspect my-volume | Inspects a volume |
docker container inspect wizardly_nobel | Inspect a container |
For more information visit the official website docker commands