- The extension now works in Antlers file thanks to contribution done by @TeriyakiBomb ✅
New Syntax Support 🎉
- The extension now works in TWIG files/syntax highlighting ✅
- Bug Fix:
- removed the autocompletion in the value scope.
Annoying pesky bug 🐞 fix (the colon : bug) and new features addition:
Bug Fix:
- Issue resulting in removal of (:) from the directives
- Such as (:) in x-on:click (x-onclick ➡️ x-on:click) etc...
- More sound directive expansion/snippet depending on the directive
- e.g x-cloak x-ignore expand correctly
- In x-bind: & x-on: the cursor falls in the correct position
- better keyup and keydown insertion position/snippet
- removed the keypress directive (Deprecated Event)
New Directives:
- x-ignore
- :style
- x-modelable
- x-teleport
- x-id
New Directive: Support for Alpine Mask (x-mask & x-mask:dynamic)
Snippet Update: Alpine-CDN snippet has been updated to the lates
version (3.x.x)
New Syntax Support 🎉
- The extension now supports Ruby on Rails html.erb files as well as .liquid files ✅
Bug fix: outputting double "@" sign or ":" for directives that start with them such as @click or :class
Bug fix: The bracket autocompletion now only applies to the x-data attribute.
fixed the broken photo link for md file
Initial release